University of South Carolina Libraries
of lift} Ne'er foot tofwwhB vi. Idmjt, tWto? do?r n?id?t Uh> rnitc 1 r '? #hwhlmiil Tot**A\ io the ftre of youth? At* *1 ?trc?dorAr? thee ia ihV hjail of truth. >-? Ttft*j|fertht waye btrttro** -wHh danger*, guanoer roin drops lay the duet; * JPatth eiUt hope %re two-edged weapons j u<*? hclfc their frust. ?->*??, Shrink not, tboegba host surround the*, . : Onward: Duty's path pursue ; All. who fildt tbs l>ags of story, Knew the lirave wards?-Pare end do ! Miller was a rough stone uvmod ; Shaksyoaw, UoMsmith, Keats and Ilood, " *y~ 'f^ntnkliu, Jorold, Burns .and OUTord, . lied to toll as we for food. Yes > these men, With aiin^s majestic, Sprang fro to the ranks the rich call poor, Cast a halo round brown labor: Had to whistle?fab t?oodurc. Forward, then, bright eyes are beaming, Fight, nor loss tby Conqueror's Ctowu, Stretch thy right hand?scUe thy birthright, Take it?wcas it, 'tis thine own. Slay the giants which besot thoo, "* Kiss to manhood-?glory?fame, Take thy pen, and in the volume ,L Of the gifted, write thy numo. IMtmnrbfs dMia. . Scaring a **Green Horn." 'flie Mobile Advertiser rotate* the adventure* of n countryman who recently visited thai city, sn<l one of the incidents is as follow*: "He was in the middle of Dauphin street, and _ near a Jnrge music stoi c, in which there was a bevy of Indies, one of uthnro t*?^ testing the merits of a new and beautiful piano, which the nr. I prictor hod that morning open d. Hoosicr hastened to the sidewalk and planted himself tii ti.e niidole of the door, "where, with mouth wide open, he stood, enjoying mnsic which he hadnsver before heard, with the moot intense aattafaotion. IS was in coming but of the door that lie was met by-an old friend Dick?"straight back Dick," of yellow fevr memoiy?who bud been watching Win tor some time, "waiting for on opportuni ty to exercise his vocation. . Trick's indention ?M to see how far he might nlav unon thelioosiorV -fears through hie aintn rent greeniicss-^-td put op a hullytng7sw*gger{:ig I - fronts?mi.I, if lie succeeded in frightening him I s dRdmiij, get up ii muck court among Ills friends ??nil put greeny through a triai'for wine imaginary offence, convict and punish him, and a?kl another to the list of victims soul-occasion ally immolated upon the shrine of his pot passion. Dick had it all arranged. As Groom steppipl out of the store, lie received a tap on his shoulder which would have allayed a pain had one existed there, and turning nround quickly he discovered Dick standing in a commanding position,>t foot advanced, left hand itpoti his hip. nnd right hand extended?palm up ?a* though waiting for something to be deposited therein. Greeny looked into the extended hand, and then interrogatively into Dick's eyes. " Your license V" demanded Dick, sharply. "What license'" asked Greeny, not u whit alarmed. " Why, ynnr license for walking on my pavement," retui-ned Dick, waxing wroth. " Darn your pa vciocnt," replied Greeny, warmly, nud looking around its though sonrchi ig for the paivenlent, " 1 hiiint walked over it, I haint aeod it, and 1 haint got no license." "Then get out into the street, you scamp. 1 don't allow persons to stand on the sidewalk who have no license!"' " Well now, look n here, stranger, I aint nwi r of having done notliiii' wrong, as 1 knows on, ami v ?a.. .. i...... ;r i J? ? ?,r ?i.:. ,;.i.......n. omehodv'll put me off. mire's I'm from Hke!" *' and I uin the somebody thnt will Jo it!" <-aM I>ick, who hud worked himself up into a speciul rage. Suiting his movements to his words, Divli turned up his sleeves, and executed a series of manipulation# that would have attracted the attention of Anron Jones himself, all preparatory to a grand " pitching into" the unprotected front of the innocent Greeny. With the utmost concern, he allowed Dick to circle around hint once or twice, when he straightened out a hrnwny arm, to which was attached n sledge-hammer list, and as quick as thought Ifick occupied a horizontal position upon the mooted sidewalk. Hoosler calmly regarded tli^" chap-fallen joker as ho slowly regained his feet and started off. Sticking his fists deep into the capacious pockets of his pantaloons, ho watched the retreating form of Disk, who did not get away without hearing the parting admonition of the green 'on: ' 1 say, yew?next time you fish for suckers, ' try tome outer bail, will ye." Owkns Attn ins Apprentice ?John Owens was playing an engagement at the Howard Atheiur* nm, Just summer, mul was dixparched by t ie innniigerto perform for a wcrk in one of the III* terior towns of western Massachusetts. On. du > , while sojourning flu-re, * plain, good-nature 1 sou of he soil nine up to him, as he was enjoying his afle b>->-nkftst eignr, and h>1 r w l him thus: ' I say, .Squire, ain't you the idayer chap that I seen in the theayter, Inst night, actio out the fuil.lj H ?l ?o OUl. t" TW part alluded to was Solon Shingle, in "The lawyer." " Well," replied John, with Lhat bland smile of llH " guess I tun." " | thought so," said the furmor. Kow, I've been a good many times to the theayter, when ire been down to Boston, and seen a hull lot of folks playin' all sorts of funny ports, bnt I never seen ouy of 'em who eouid come any whares near j yeou, HquireJ Yon yton deu take the rag off o' the bush, actio* out a fumy feller, aud no miatakel" The comedian evinced Ids deep sense of the compliment paid him by a graceful touch of his ' hat; and his new friend proceeded : '' Z never <1lU Inrt no inueii in mi my oorn aaye nnd so o3 my wifr, and as to n?y darter. Matil- , da J And. I thought > lio woiil'i ha' hurt. 1 wonder, Squire. if jou could larn onr Sam ? Ile'a a c"*~ ?a>rt of n elm j,, ami ia up to all aorta of qu-er. gnins on. Ain't nobody as don't snicker right ?<?nt every thuo they see him in hi* tantrum*.? I gueM he'd make a fnnny aoior, j'let 1 ke .jeon, ttquire if h? ?>nl had a chance. > j> i..* ymii Cmluu'v give him a chance, couldn't y?ou? If yeou ouly lot hint try hia linud Awhile, shouldn't ] mind Wudin' htm ?out a* a 'prentice to tlie piny j uctin' bnstnt-ss?not eharge veou much, iinthcr; only tnkc c.irc on him, nod don't Ivt him git Into 4 mischief. Faot ia, Squire, I think that boy'd jest 4 auit. yoou, for M* a kind of untyral fool, enny- '7 ittfow." Pa. Poxrusdrof Sew York, was speaking of ' the incompaiibilify of a Union of Church and 1 iSUtte in tliia country. He raid : " Patrick and BiJdy lmd teen 0 long time married, but <Hd not get sjong well toother,, for they were nlinoat constantly quarreling. it happen- ( mI, however, that one day they wera sitting quietly togetlier oppoaite the Are, when in 0*111* t,lu> oat and dog, and laid <h>wn between them and the Are, MToi nlao oppoaite aaeh other. Presently , BMrtv speaks up and ray*?' Keith, P.trick, Un t it ahnma we should he always quarreling* ace , th# cat no' the dog, how peaoeably they get , along.* ' Oeh. Biddy, sure an' It Isn't a fair , comparison nt all} jiat tie thrm together . 1 nft ace how tnrylVsd," '-^^ fc VM ' ?'.'v |9 **tSar Lkvt."?iA genuine tmieVdf wotpanVna%jn#y^iy??"*? ** ** *** ?<* *" A comfortably old ?ouplaMtta Mat oftwoui A-oYit of ns on the railroad during opo of the hottest day* of last summer. The journey was evidently oho df the ovcnts of their Jive*, and their curiosity malted the attention pf the passengers. At a way. station the old gentleman stepped WfflBv g?t a drink, er to huy a doughnut. n;| heard the hod enly Ih tlmo to rush to the do ?r of the eating house and see the train m??ve off .vithout him. Hie oJd" tody in her seat bad been fidgeting, looking out of the window in her anxiety for his return, and when she saw hie plight,' his frantic gestures for the train to stop, ns Tt swept farther and farther a way, she exelaitned; . . . %-y . "There, my old men has got lsfl! he has! there 1 see, lie has!" "Ws'U, she continued, sitting back In her sent again, "I'tnalnd on't : Itfs always been. Mummy, you'll get, left 1" ell my life long; and now he's gone and got left; ntid I'm gladon't." Jlcr candid reflection on the accident, and the efldent satisfaction she frit in the fnot-*batIt w*? the ?dd man, and not heraydf, that w as 1 ft, was Sreeted with n round of applause. Not a few of ic ladies in tho car were, delighted that it was the old mail and out the old women who made the blunder and had " gene ?u?d got left." Arwt Aj?eci>ote.?Gen. Wool was a strict and rigid dboipiinarinn, as welt a? a gallant on.l oecempliehea officer. The following good 'un," wnteh I'apt. Tobin tells as happening in' camp, must lmve excited tho fiery little General to a degree. While sitting in his ftmrqu'e a Mexican was ushered into his presence, whose demeanor denoted the importance of some weighty ooinmunicntion which he wished to deliver. Tho General couhl not spcuk Spanish, and his Interpreter was sought in vain. A longspeciim n of a sucker, who, from the outer style of his dress, the General took perhaps, for a ranger, happenod at that moment to struggle past. ' i'omc here, my man," called out the General. With an air of perfect nonchalance, the eucker doffed his Imttered castor and entered the tent. ' Do you speak Mexican?" enquired the Geuera). " Why, General, I rather guess not." " Well, can youtell ine of someone who does?" wYes, sir-ee?I jist can," answered the man. "Quick, then, let rtlO know whero ho is?" de mnnded the irascible commander. " Why, here,"drawled the imperturbable suck1I.I. I..M.1 .... H.? M..~: ... u u i> ?v?? tiosirod to communicate?" fu can't *peak nothing eltr." Copt. Tobili left just then. Laying it on Two*.?An exchange says: "Otic John Lehman was recently sentenced At tJrlmnn. Missouri, to Imprisonment for life for n heinous crime, and n day of two after, Imvinp been convict ed of horse stealing. was sentenced thercfo by the stern judgo to imprisonment for an addilioual term of eight year*.' The only way that wo can rescue this desperate judge from a charge of making a fool of himself i*. t>y supposing that he intended, when the man was dead, that his body-should be buried iu the jail for eight years?the term of the second sentence. . This sentence puts ns in mind of a verdiot rendered by a jury in a "?w Territory' ; a man was indicted' for killing another mnn's^eow, the jury brought in a vcidictot titantlauphtcr. The judge ridiculed the sentence, sent the jury back to their box, and, when tlicv cams out again' they brought In a verdict of tcll/ul murder. " I shall not discuss politics with Mr. Smith before the court, but I am perfectly willing- to argue questions of low, to chop logic, or even to split hairs \\itli him." " Split that, then," said Smith, At the same time pulling out a short, rough-looking hair from his own hi-mi, handing it over towards Sherman. " May it please the honorable ecurt," retorted Sherman, ' 1 didn't say bristles!" Tririi Wit.?" Please vnnr lionnr is n tl.imr lout when you know win re it isY" raid un Irish footman to his master. "To be dure not, yon booby." "Oeli! thank your honor for that.? The do'il of harm then ; for the new eoppei* la kettlo 'sat the bottom of the well,'* As Irishman was asked if he pot his share of the family property: 4 Av shore," said he, " my iaiher ordered my elder "brother to divide the house with mo; by St. Patrick, he did it?for he tuck the inside himself and pave me the outside." At inquisitive fctnnle visited the Boston jail, t.he other day, and asked one of the prisoners: ' What are you in fort" 44 For stealing a horse." " Are you not sorry ?" 44 Yes." " Won'tvou try and do better next time ?" " Yes, I'll steal twoi "M-sar, mv love," said a not very attentive liushaud to (lis wife, nt the dtnner-tuhle, "shall I help you to a pieee of tlie heart If" " I believe," said >he, ' thai u piece of a heart was all that I ever got." " I Vtrtn filuif n liinl in ntv lif*s " aaM SA?na Alia to ^ friend, who replied, " i never Mint anything in the Miupe of a bird lint n squirrel, which I killed with n ?!;.nc, when it fell into the river nud was drowned," Ir cheese cornea after meat, what cornea after cheese ? A mouse. Abbeville and Washington STAOE LINE. FBOM ABBEVILLE TO WASHINOTOW. On and after I/it* dale the Stage will leave Abievi'.le C. II. at 9 o clock, A. At. ' IMIE Proprietor of this weH-csbUdislied Line takes X thw method of. informing the public that he has changed his Schedule, for the eouvouienoe of Passengers. The Stage will leave Abbeville Court House on MONDAY, WEDNF.SDAYand FRIDAY Mornin-s, at 0 o'clock, hut in consequence of the had condition of the roads, it will not heroafter await the arrival of tlio down train from Urcotrvillo, at heretofore. Passengers by this route will reach Atlanta, (la., tho next day evening, at 10 o'olock, after tearing Abbeville C. If. The Stage will leave Washington, Oa., on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY Mornings. Tlio Line has Leon refitted with a splendid FOUR HOUSE COACH, UOOD TEAMS, and ah exportsncod DRIVER. .Aft" PsirfAnir.'M fn\m all tiAi'nl. AIIAI-., V.whai-r* going West, will find that they chu reach any point west of Atlanta in exactly the same time, and with ?5 less expense thivp by wny of Branchville. For further information, apply to JOHN MeBKYDB, Agent, At the Pout Office, Abbeville, C. If., S. C. April 7 ly FO R SA LE OR REBfT, A HOtTSK AND HOT on Bnnoombe Htreot, in front of the Female College. The House QuLcontaiiia Eight comfortable Room*, with seven Pire-p'*'KH' w,'h comfortable Out-bnildingf, and a IVell of ?eei?J">t water, all new and complete. t.r". _ J7. B. J ON Eg, M. D. fHsoii for l>er offers for sale TWO LOTS Ureenvillo, situated on PonJIewitbin Ihre minutes' walk oi Each Lob boa a Cottage on H. iud ronnrnkrat Out-booses are on uie premises. Th**e Lota will be sold t rgofher or separetuly, on eery reasonable terms. For further particular, as to the site of the Lot, terms, Ac., apply te W. WATSON. Feb 10 4A tf Ihanffc of Bnolneu. TUB undersigned, intending to offset a change hi his Inisluesr, would inform alt thobo Mfffefctbd' In ulna, Itbsf by Note or Boob Aeeswnt, that the lauie mnet be settled at an early day, m farther Indulgence cannot be girea. lie wfll hereafter be found at the Tin Bbop, at B. Itunham's Old Stand. Jan 27 HB-tT A. OR EKNFIFLJb ^P . Vv ^ r. 3^F-* ^7. Impartial /'Ian ! Bndor??d by the entire Pressors* city of Baltimore. H. E. HOYT & OO.'S ORKAT MM TIIHt.N If % ?!%%*? IIEAIHJVAKTKKs KUR HOLTtlWfeHTRRN ORDKR*. v. . "Writn for*. Catalog? for 1050. It eonwo* tho Lorgnst life* ?f Usefnl, Orttiunon-*' tul iukI vhluablo UIFT8 orur published. Greater inducements to A govt* than over bofore offered by *ujr. other cbLAuliaii man tin ihe Uu itod IsiatvA. A OlLT WOUTtl XUOU FIFTY CENTS 10 ONE fflJiDAED 00J.LA1S, AUXrtlPAMt, EVERT ROOK. Postmasters, Country Merchants, Booksellers, Librarians of Universities, A<'.ad?mieg, Private and Circulating Libraries, Schools, pad alt other* whoso business will onalrie thorn, are respeolfully solicited .to become our Agent*. Any per?ou can, by coilooting a fpyr Clubs, obtain a vnluablo collection of lleeks in a short ttmo, without any actual cost, savo a few moments' leisure time. W? have Agents iu all nurta of the country, who, besides supplying themselves with valuable Libraries, nro realising handsome profits from the sale of, I Gifts, accompanying their boohs. %?Catslcgtioc, giving full particulars, mailed too to any address. 7 a ? WHAT THUVHUSS SAY. Tbey bavo a magnificent assortment of Book*, iuid hnve prejmrod themselves wiuj ini)uuu-rub;o clogunt (ItfW to be distributed amongtheir " troupe of friends and customer* at large."?-tinItiiyy.f Hum. Not only may a selection bo made cif-nny choice work, but with it the purchaser Is sure to rccifvc miue article of Jewelry, wtich, in many cases, prove qnito valuable.?Baltimore Dally Erehangr. * 1 Tlicv make no promises that are not performed strictly to the letter, and by thus punctually canceling their obligations, have gained the entire confidence of not only our cltixans, but the couutry abroad.?Baltimore Patriot. A young lady acquaintance of ours purchased, for $1, a book at this cstublishmout, a few days sinec, aud received a double-eased gold watch, valued at one hundred dollars.?Baltimure Clipper. The succors which attends tlio (lift Book House of Messrs. H. K. Hoyt A Co., baa no precedent* in the annals of Uift-Kntorpriaee.?Republican ?i- A rgu*. Call aud see them, and our word for it, you will not regret your visit.?Dispatch, Baltimore. The iiidnccmont* to the f*ontbern and Western people to make thoir purchases from Messrs. Hoy t A Co., are ranch greater than can be offered by any bouse of tbo kimi in the couutry.. Freight fi?iu Bkltimuro to any Southern point is leas, aud the tmniense order business done by this Arm is 11 guarantee of their thtfilmcnt of all pftmiiscs.? family journal. It is, in a moral, p> t'.rug boo! a or nothing and being'paid to tako them awny.?El rator. All orders will lie promptly and impartially filled, and forwarded within one day alter being received. The tJirts, in all coses, will accompany the Books, wltu u nfiUv'o ^riiScats to tho person sending tbo order. x lV Itcmcrabor, no Gifts distributed of less value thnu 60 cents, or more than $100. Address. If. K. HOYT A fO., No. 41 Bultlmorc St., Baltimoro. Md. April 14 49 3m? THE iTl VEH rauPARcID BY DR. SAN FORD, COMPOUNDED EVllRlvLY i ROM GUMS, IS MM of the InM Pl'llWATIVK anil LIVER Medicines dow bolero the'public, that acts aw a t'lillii/lir, easier, milder, und mora effectual than anj other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartiv hut a Liter reiumlv, actinjjt.firet on the Liver, to eject its morbid matter, then on the Stomach und Rowels, to carry off that mutter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings e xperienced in th? operations of most Vutkartirt. It strengthens the system nt tho saino time that it purges it | and when taken daily in uiodoratO dosos. will strengthen and build it tip with uuusuul rapidity, The Livor is oneof thej (rating the stomach, cuuprincipal regulators oft - jsing food to digest well, the human body; nnd'^..i purifying tho blood, gi%'whon it performs itx's^'ingtonoand hoalttf to the (unctions woll, the pot*-,*- whole machinerT, remocrs of tho system ore I'ul- ving the cause of the dlsly dcvelojM-d. The stum- uJeaeo?effecting a radical ach is almost eutiraly de-1 cure. pendent on tbo healthy Itiltows attacks arc action of the Liver for cared, and what le bettho proper performance* a*. ter, presented, by tho of Its functions; whenoccasional nse of the Lithe stomach is at fault, U ver Iuvig<yatA the bowels are at fault, aw One doso after eating and thu whole system auf ^ is sufficient to relieve tho fers iu consequence ol stomach and prevent tho one organ?the Liver? food from rising and having coaxed to do its m* souring, duty. For the diseases Only one dose taken of that organ, ono of the before retiring prevents proprietors has mode it*^ Nightmare. ills limit in uruftliprtl^1' (ltllv nnn <1aia tiLi.n of more than twenty p* lit night, loosens tlie years, to find some nunc- ?s bowel* gently, and cures dy sherewith to counter J Costivcncss. act the many derange- One dose after each moots to which it is lia- meal will cure Dyspepsia hie. One dose of two taaTo prove that this real- Q .poonsfHl will always ruedy is at last found, any liuve Sick-lloaducbe. person troubled with Li-PC One bottle taken for fever Complaint, in any of Q maleobstructi'n removes forms, has but to try a ? the cause of the disease, bottle, and conviction is "! undmakoeaporfoctcute. certain. fa Only one dose immcdiThcso Gums remove Uely relieves Oholic, and all morbid or bad matter ^ One dose often repeat from the system, supply- ml is a sure cure for Oholing in their place? heal- era Morbus, and a prothy flow of Lilo, iuvigo- voutive of Cholera. Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the syitem the effects of medicine after a long sickness. One bottle taken for Jaundico removes all sallowness or unnatnial color from the skiu. One doea taken a shert time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and inukes food digest well. One dose often repeated curce Chronic Diarrhoea in its worst forms, while Summer and Bowel Complaints yield almost to the first doee. Olio or two doses cures attacks caused by Worms in children; there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in th'e world, as it never fails. ' A few bottles euros Dropsy, by oxeiting the ab orlmnts. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine u ft preventive for rorer and Agva, Clnll rev or, and all Farert of a Hillinus type. It operates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to ita wonderful virluoa. ^All who nno It are. giving their unanimous testimony in ita favor. ?JtfMix water in the month with the Invigorator, anil aw allow both together. Vl?e Liver InviKorator is a scientific niouiral discovery, and la daily working cure* almost too great to believe. It cure* aa 1/ by inngifl/ ere* the firvt dt? giving benvjit, and aoldoni jjsjxs lltac or.a boitlo ia required to ??ff say kind of hirer Complaint, from I lie Worst Janndieooi Ifypv.)*in to a luiinmoo fjvadarhr, alt of wbiult are the result of a Diseased Liver. . JfAf Pritm tne dollar per bottle. DH. 8AXF0RJD, Proprietor, iUo Droadwity, Now Vork. RoUilnd by all Drug.,.sta. B<dd alao by K. Kurt-cn, Oreenville. 40-ly Ap 14 Valuable Lands for Sale, ON TERMS ACCOMMODATES Tu PURCHASERS. A TRACT containing 080 Acres, 400 of which 2\. C* gtfod. heavily Timbered, and first-rata <J* Creek Upland. The Tract Is located in Pkkeni Dwirlct, on the rood from OroeoviH* to Peml'.iion, ft mi!;* from the former place. ANo, a TKACT in Ui? Mtme neighborhood, eonUijung >70 A?ro?. 200 Acre* arc hvavily Timbered. On the Tract there arc 50 Aero* beet JIOTTOM. * Por particular*. apply to W. K. KAHhSY, Oct 2ft iilf Oreen Villa, B. C. i?T D A V I D & T. K P 8 T I If < f/PL Wfojmiui Aim MCALCHK IIT Watches, ft-7 IS jbwblky A WD CLOCKS, No. 396 KINO 8TBBKT, iSl SL (&. flapatMd fa* ana ||M1 I _ SV * ,[ Je^j^y^*' a^ver^Wtt , aurora, w mmmrr% York v vtFmMMEjm**' ">? | (M t* tm M|i%lin in til? Um ?il| i? *a*y n?p Mir ?ti*nd?4to, B>'dB?Uv?M4 a fewaaT?afta*?o?io?. j?ss^3?s^MSRnS ex "rUfc fcnd *< o ption* . 1><VL. BRIEDH'T, AT LEVY'S NEW 8TOHE. March 24 trt if Saddle & Haraefes ifcftnufactory# F above Uueineea, T\ro Huor* Aborelhe TJrren~Ut Haiti, nod l? prepared to Airniab cnatomcr* with any description of HOME M ANUPAOTURUB 8ADDLK8. Carriage. Buggy and. Wagon uak] NEAP made to order, und in the beat atylca. IIRI | 1'hhH, niiiro, ttc., on uwn, oon uprwn vwonr. Saddles And Herucse KKBAIIiKl) -at sBbrt notice.- - A. M. UlLMJATH. M.I. 3 43 It ^ W. H7 n o VE Yr: 5 PH-'MJIKTO* wf THB IAMBS' STORB, UULID ra ^ FANCY AND ST A PI. E DUY GOODS, DIG ft D ft ESS GOODS, BONNETS, It ID BOSS, MOLSFF EFFING GOODS, JiEA D V A MADE OZOrtffMV, AND INDIA EI BDEIt HOODS, GREENVILLE, S. C. N. B.?-Orders ncrojnpunied by tho cneh, for ModIcol, Law or Library Books, Musical Instruments, nod Sundries, promptly filled in Now York and delivered at bU counter on shortest notice. Jnn 13 ^.36 1y JOHN W. GRAPY7~ FANCY k STAPLF DRY GOODS, UFA D Y MA DE CIO THING, D OO TS A ND snots, BOOKS AND STA TIONEN Y, DRGGS A D Yt'NTCFFS. If Alt DWMtE * CFTLEHY, UtlObEN \VA It E, O It OCh'ft l ES, Git A IN, COVNTUY - PIIODVCE, ?fe., ; - * orroeiTE xirr kkw court norsr., on mm* strut, ftRRRBTVILfiE. S- a .as iy E* KRU TCH' 8 Oil M AND APOTfiECARY SHOP. U:;DER moBECS haix, GREKNVILLE. S. C. _J7 Wllflw will l>e kept the fullest Stuck <-f dflMlfc DRUGS; AlKDigfNEB. CHEMICALS, PiU-ut Medicines, Surgical Instruments. Ivrf fl Paints, Oil*, Toilet Article*. and all other A articles (frucrally kept 1>y Orudis Is.? Frcsn and pure Drugs are warranted. Compound Medicines prepared iu tho inoet carotid way. Hceeipta put up with hetnracy and dispatch. Jan 13 " 36 ly MAIN BTBEET, ? ' NEXT TO THE WAN8 0N HOUSE, A UK prc]>arcd to furuisli Gentlemen with every Articio ?f CIXITIIING suitable to the suasod and pecrnaary to the comfort and uecont appoorauce of the outur man. Also, an excellent assortment of HOOTS. SIIOK8 AND II.ATS. with a Arlety of FANCY ARTICLES aiul a choice li>( of SEUARS AND TOBACCO. Oct 21 2t tr 0 R Y GO 0 D S > GR 0 C ERiiS, AND TIN WAKE. IMNP1XW it impossible to continue a CREDIT . Itminons, I take this nnlbod of informing my trionds and patrons that on and after the CfSt Jay of January, ISJ9, I will -oil only for CASH Oil BARTER, and will not keep imv Open Accounts. I will keep on hand a good Stock of DR y GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GROCERIES, T'N WARE, it-r., which I will tell at the moat REASONABLE prices. PAPER. The Subscriber in al*? Manufacturing PRINTING and WRAPPING PAPER, of all aiiea. . HAGS wanted, and taken hi nu (quantity. L.c" 31-tf R. GREENFIELD. rpiIE Subscriber continues to ORNAMENT with .1 FINE GOLD every variety of 1IAIU WORK to oriler, such lit l/rtir Ii.oacket, do. Finger fiintjt, do. Feet, Fob aud Guard ('Saint, do. ilVrReivi, firmer let*. and, in fact. EVERT ARTICLE IN THK BRAIDED HAIR LINE. Makes. of line Gold, Kngnqtmrni Hinge, (with nsCription thrown in,) Sotid GoM, SUrre, Collar, Hotom and ('Simite UwtUoxt; Bngravea MnUitt. Sinft, dt., flute of every kind,' and makea all art icier in Itt-sas. Silver or Gold | Repair* neatly all. Jesfelry brought inj takes all old Gold or Silver, iU fair valuation. Ji9>- Offico eixty yard* east of the Old Court 1 IIonM, Greenville, S. C., and near the Enterprise Office. J. II. RANDOLPH. July 1 8 ly Boot, Shoo and Loathor Store. THE Subscriber baa oij hniul an excellent assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, of bis own manufacture. Also, Just received, a fino assortment of AflgS. ' LAWKS* SHOtot. SLIPPERS, Ml x. Gaiters, Ae.; Mirsca and Children's ^A-^Q^^KItovs,nil sues; GentleiiiGu'a.Hlippera. Alan, a large atoek of RR0GAN8, Shoemakers.' Tool*, Loathor Piiidiiigf, Thread? Lacc, Ao. He has also on hand a large atoek of LEATHER, which ho wHl Mil ?t WHOLESALE or BBTAIL. Having .in hi* employ excellent workmen, ho i* pre pun--1 to MAKE the (Inert article of BOOTS and SHOES, at the ikortMl notice. All of the aborw flood*. together with articloa ef hi* own manufacture. will be roll I at the njoet reasonable price* fbr ca*b. V, BURTY* In mar. Lovki.axdV Bhuk April 15 49 tt BBEEWlltE MARBLE We I fpiin eulrmftpBi bwViiig piiir'niMud ilit ittiaiekl of 1 Mr. J AM KS D. CM will continue the 5LARULK ?lT8I5KSS M heretofore, at the Old Stand iu the raar of Mr. Ketehum'e 8 tore. lie fcoU thankful for the patronage which haa iteen extended to the Firm of ClAtNiRH A A i.i.r.s, and In/per, by attention t<> htndnuaa, and promptueau. to merit a eontinwanee of the rumo. Oct T 22-tf J AS. M. A I. LEX. A??N~CV~KIR N. "cT INSURANCE COMPANY'. , TH E A8IIE VILLE " % Mutual Insurance Company HAV-IN.fl complied with the logal requisition of tki# State, in relation ta Agenotcr, and bar. ing .ippointrd*tho iindcratgncd an their Agent for thia plane, he ht now prepared to take RISKS en T./P7I or PROPERTY. JOHN W. UKADY. Oreeurllle, t. ft, Feb. 10. 18*8, 4* ?f * S^7bowjVi? Manuiaotur er of a*d Daalar in ytrtytJURIS of we.ry description, j. ' CHATS? of trtry ttyloi * AMD..., FISKU CELEBRATED MEfALIC DURIAl CASES! ' * Opponit* tht Co*rjnr?* iDoner, Fob 4 euLVXMM, ft e. aa-lf n i w^amts pgrce s frum tso to ' EXT HA OH BOSS OV #6 JPOB BSMKBBS; ' THESE MACln^Kfe *?wJM? tw<T.,pooU, m pu> cbMod W >m" tiro ctoro, requiring n > ro wiudlnj ot thread. They 11. m. Bell, itathcr and Rtitoh hi a superior rtyie, finishing caott noiyn JJy their own ?peratlptt, Without recourse to Nfa haixt ?cx dltj' as da roq uiro.l by other machines. Tfcejfwll! do better and thcujHT sewing than a scniustrce* tad, even if aha work* for'OXK opt* a* noon, and tire, unquestionably. tba nrrr Machine* In tbe market for family Kewing, ou account nf their simplicity, durability, - easo of management. and adaptation to all vnrirtio*of family rowing, executing cither Iroavf or flue work With equal ftiolllty, ami without special adjn*tmwltrf iA* ei Mvnpvuf iua,un^uc?Hvsiiu eniiti i?tiij -ri-vl. , Machine#, tiro Grocer<( iiakcrXntittg JtfctcSj'nr (?om- J jmvmj iwvf ivej/^iunj rvivi w>?v " Having bad one of drovef & Baker's Machine* id my fhnilly for "nearly a yci* add n half, I take plensuK lu comincoding Unsavory way roilsblo for the prtrp.igfi for which It is designed?faintly ?wing."?Jfit. JotAna Lentil. wife <V" Kri". Z*r. Len\ii, Mi*,, of A. 1*. i;T? < - confess myself delIghtcd with yodf Sewing Ma-. ' rhino, whiclrliu* been in my family for many months. It has alwayabcen ready for iluty, requiring no ad Justment, ni>d i? easily adapted to every YOjlety of ftmaHy.sewlhg, by slmplv eh?ft*1*g the HbOol. <* dneSfP?.Ww,. Wnntrtt ,WrWHnli(t| irtjtfo/" jloi'. Or. Si. i. i l,,,,,V, F?lit?, ?f A. V. Ckri*H*% AitrocakL - "After frying saremi different ioo<t machiucr, I preferred yours, on account af Its simplicity, and the perfect case witli whi'-h it Is nunmged, as woU %* the strength and Jural h'Jr of tbesoam. JttUrr Igng experience, I fool competent to speak in tkis manner, and to oonfidonlly recommend it for every variety Of family Sowing."?ifrt. ?\ B. Sjioorxcr, wife of.t\t El it or of Dn>oktyM Star. "J have used a 0rover A Baker Sewing, Mnchinc fur two yearn niH' have found it adapted to alt kinds of family sewing, freid cambric to broiidilolh. OnrmeuU havo bean worn oat without (lie giving way of a stitch, 'flic Machine U easily kept in order, , and easily t?*cd."?.Vr?. 4i B. \\hilrph, wife*/Bee. Qeo. WJcijtpfe, 2ttw York. - t-y " Ymtf Swwldg Machine has boon !t? tree in my family -th? past two yean, aifd flic ladles request mo to giro you their tostimouiels to its perfect udaptcdttcss, as well, as labor-saving qualities in the pcty fo(uiance of family and household Sowing."? Robert Doorman, Keir' York. ' " For several month* wo bays used Orovor A Baker's Sewing Machine, and bare cproe to tbc ronolu sinn that every lady who desires bcr sewing beautifully and quickly done, would bo inost fortunate iu possessing one of those reliable aud indefatigable iron ncsdio-woinen,' wbosh combined qusHUet'o beauty, strength, and simplicity, are'.invalutible."? J. If. .tforrte, <foh,/hter <ij (Jen, ffeo. J\ iforrit, Ed ilor of the J fume dour nut. Extract of a letter from Thus. It. T,oa*itt,-Esq.,ah Ainuricnu gentleman now <psid?nt in fydney. New Bonlh Wales, dated January H. IBM: "I bad a tent made in Melbourne, iu -U&3,' in which there were over three thousand yards of sewing done with one of Urover A Baker'* AlachJncs, and a single Ream el that has nutStood'Hll the double suqnss re wed by sudors with a needle and twine." "If Homer could be called up from bts-murky hadoa, be would- stug the advont of Ihroyer A Baker as a more benignant miracle uf art than whs ever Vulcan's noil by. lie" would dooouuoe midnight ahirt-inakuiv as 'the direful snrilitr of woes unnuiu. berod.' A'/rtk. " 1 take picture in uyln| (bat the (Iroror A Baker Sewing Machine* Lave mure than sustained my expectation. After trying and returning: others, I have tbrce of Ilium in operation in my different places. and, after four year* trial, hare no Cat ill to find." J. H. fhtiumond, Senator of South CarOh'na. " My wife baa bad one of Qrorcr k Baker'* Para-' fly Sowing Machine* for some time, and I am satisfied it i* one of the held labor-raving machines thai baa been invented. 1 take inneb plcnsnro In rceojpir. ending; It to the public.-J.' G. Jfarrit, Goremo nf TVgwtnr*. t -v- . "If is a beautiful thing, and puts everybody into an excitement of good humor. Were I n Catholic, I should insist upon Raints Crover ,k Baker having ae eternal holiday, in commemoration of tixcir good deed* for humanity."-?Cosefas if. {'lay. " I think it^l.y far the l>e?l patent in use. The Machine can bi aijnpted from the finest cambric U< the heaviest rassimefc. It sows stronger, faster, and more beautifully, tlian ono can imagine. If mluc could not ho rcidarod, iwonvy could not buy It."? Mr*. J. O. tiro ten, XathcUU, lorn, "It is speedy, vary neat, rand durable in its work: is easily ttnrfci .Hood and kept in repair. I earnestly recommend this Machine tb al! my acquaintnn? is sud Ol'ii'ir."?Mr*, it. A. forrotl, Sfctophi*, Trnn. " We lied this Machine to work to onr satisfaction and with pleasnre recommend it to the public, aa w< believe the Urover k Baker to he tlio heat Rewi ig Machine in use."? Dmry Brother*, AlUoonia, Trnn. " If used exclusively for family purpose*, with ordinary earo, I will wogor they Will last one 'three, score years and ten,' ami never get out'of fix/'-^oka Krakinr, Xtuhviite, 1Van. " I bare hiul yonr Machine for several weeks, and am perfectly satisfied that tho work it does i? the best and iuof I beaut.fill that evor was mode."?Moyyio Aim toon, XuthrUir, Tenn. 111 use ui? machine ujioo coats, dress-making, and iinc unnu siucuuig, nua 10c worn is aumtraoie-?t*r licttvr thnu tl?? heed sewing, or any other machine I bars tr* seenU. TAomp?<m, A'atArilir, < Trnn. " . "Tflnd tb* work the strongest end most beautiful I have ever Mto, nfade either by hand or mscbioc. and regard the G rover A Baker Machine a* one < f the greatest blessings to oar sex."?Jlr*. Taylor, .Yarkvillt, Trim. "I have one of (iroror A Baker's Machines iotise in my family, and And it invaluable. I can oonfldcutly recommend it to all persons in want of a Machine."-? (J. T. Thompnim, S'urhrille, Tem ?. ' I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of too Grover A tinker Hawing Machines. I bare nied en? on almost ovary description of work for tuiethi, at find it much stronger and hotter i? every rapt et than work done by baud."?Mr*. tt. W. WAf \r, Atuhfillr, Trnn. ~ a " t wonld bo unvr'iTog to dispose of my Grover k linker Machine for a large amount, could I not replace it again at pleaaurw*?Mrs. II. O. if car U, SnrkrilU, Tenn. < * ? . " Our two Machines, purchased from yon, do the work of twenty young ladles. We with pleasur* re. commend the urovcr A Baker Sowing Machine to be th? best fo use."-? X. 8tillma*6 Co., MtmpAi*, Tenn. "I find the Mnchl&e easily managed, very durable, and take pleasure in recommending it to all who wish convenience, economy and pleasuro."?Mr*. Tiln?, Mrmpkir, Ttntu M_rch 10 , 44 8m r ^ KOTki A 1.1. persous indebted to ate for the years lkftfi, '&7 and 08, by BOOB AC^nrsiT orh'OW, | are reqnestod to eoiue forward and pay iru. as fur. I Iher tri'f?/grMce finiiot ( giitn. Feb 3 M-tf F. BL'UTT. . " REED A QOODLETT, ATiaRHE*# AT LAW, A*l? SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. f-ar* Ojfic* nrxt door to F. F. Beattio dt Co. gl OUKKNVFLLE, 8. C. t. T. MVP. ?. P. COOOl.WT. i -Tune 4 ; * 4 'w' f ' ?f ORR & PRICE, ' ATTQ 6 AT LAW, OlllCKNViLLK, S. C. iWir.% i. Aam. .or. r. rticr Miiy 13 I it Bfnlr ipmntet ?h?iln|. 8Li 11 HI 1?K roiuinno, the TOKflORIALJrmmmM At liin til I f?Uiu? Ut Beailte'a Urlck B.tit<Ung, M ke U M? Ir, flarmg (he day aim* evening, t? iff tU Rrtrd and Cat Hair and Shampoo tfca If><*4- IW-wafrtfnTty aika a ronUmMHSJt'ir Mtrnnago. fl-dff ? 0441 RUOE|or cwy v^rWljf,*lwoj. _ Tl- g"-?- K--?-* njKrirff- ?" ???nirtm.nt , .. r m> ut?TI I"K(K:A NrfSKHfifcruf aU~di??sjpr tiofx^ whwh ?Vu oftcrtitPjii "vuqsenUy lo w j.ripp, Boot atall SSiu?: jnnnn(?cl6rr. Wekro tiorr t?njclng prcrprat'ons 'Jty fifoincrce (li- Mauii"iwtare "of I! ^hobs, M>d wlH receive *ni? Mlthat lU*e. OROciitlES. A General A?*orttpc?t of QlKX'ERIKii will aleo ; be found at tUU. oat nb! whmenl,. upd will bV^ftpoaoil of vu aeeeenniHtatihg .tvnns.. v, A Brooke, jkrart?}CPyn> 8?0E'MAX RS WANTED.^ A fine competent lliwdfttn And ?iap}ny7hent on early triplication tO-lM.- -' IS., S- A 'J. '' Do You wish to Buy Real Eatato Kf'g.- i x anekx rr r r. 1: t TI1IC Aubecriber.b' Atrmj frr the s&lo of the folio wity; Tvim Property : SfcotRKK. Al*T>_LOT on thmrombo Street, oppoaito the Female Ollrge, nitued by Me, R .T., .Ttu?<f"n. Hf 11 si: AM) I.OT <.| .Ml. J. N. r<Wjfc?eAr the Railroad Depoti Olio of Ho u.oet ttceirnbH jdacca 4?X?pefttuh> ? ~ 53^ "JT H(HI8K AND I,OT' of. Mr. H. II. WU&PBV ? he Angneta road, mid near the P?j|Wj;" Alert, -llior place*. '? Tbo above-property if ill he ao'd upoo the meet reesoneblu tortus. ?. " \ tV.I'. Fit ICE. j.?.. -0 ?r . ~n AYER'S "fr . CatHnrtie Pills, (Siu.k/i coa Ti:b,) f - AU? MAl)K T?p * CLEANS* THE BLOOD AND CUIUS THifllCK. Inrnlltla, Knlhrr., Molhrri, Ph>'efcl?|i>, 'TCtteanifeplltlv read ttielr K(frtla, and Judge of (hrlr VlrtHlf VOll Tit* dtlUi 0? I Ilcndacbe, Sick Ilend ache* Foul Si'oanch. Pneer'Jee. IU., Jltv J, T)a. J. C Atm. ftr: J have yfmniicUy otrtA of the nr<n?t lieadarlie any body ena hare By a Aom tr two of yon I 1'IUl. ] C avrina In urine fltHIV* toal Wlaitll, ?fctrh Uley tleanao at iin-e If ?).?> will cOra other* at llity do I ** il. r_.i 1. ?.? !> r r *.. ,-w | ?<mr* kith great iwoiwcCjV Riitous Disorders and Uver Complaints. IHr/ariiiirr vr th* IsTtaina. I l?'**nlxnTo?r, I). 0? I Kwht JSSfc. ) Sm: Y Jiara uatd your ruin tu my prm-rul midliprfUal prm tiro s*er alnco ynu maife tfcmi. and rmniot iioollaiotto say thry or* tha boat caltiartV * rmf#ny. TVlr Ventolin* action on thI* quick ouA ilwbb-d. ronsri|n?Mly Ihaj are au admfruM. retard. for itrfa a f- rwr r of 11 to t organ. lu U-oJ, ] haro?cK)ujbi f ,ntu| m raoruf Mirmor dutaie ao ulmtluate that It did Ml roulllj yield to tbrtii J'latcreally youru, . ytLON/.O I1AI.U M. HtgtiSuin if Pi* Van hi Unquiet!. Dysentery, Rein*', and Worms. Porr Orrtca, tJantUND, l,i?. Co. Mice., fcor. IB, >Mk tV- Arm: YoUr 11IU arc the prrf.cttbn of ni?tlyli>o. They tiaro done my wife ntoro ywS tltnn I < ?n toll you. Slip hail boon alck nnd pining ntrtgr'fl*" mouth*. W'rnt off to ladnftaral b( rrvnf uiwim. knt pot no txttrr. Nw then commriicod taking your rill*, which ibon torrd hrr, by 0X|xllU)( targe qtutntitioo of worm* pleady from her Uvlv. Tlicy ufb iv. nidr cured ber Bod oar two ChH.lrrn Of bland) dytriitory. Ouodf our uidrb bona bo4 tl lio?l. as A mv wife enrod Mm trfth two doooa of yoar I'illt while oilier* around ti> paid from flr# to twenty dollar* ilof ion* fclllB. and loot touch lime, without b<dn* cored ouitrrfy errnthen. Such a Ainlkuir a* jiowHL which It actually gou?l aud huuout, will ho nrnioil lirrc. ? - - . afco. J. mums, Indigestion and Imparity of lite Blood* /yam Per. J. V. Himrt, Atatar if Ailmtt thuixM. H ttcm. Dr. Arm: t haro Mtd your I'illo with exti.*'>r<lto*ry niicwt In my family and onto up tin we 1 nm nihil to ? felt In ilUtrem. To regutof* the orjran* afdtgeotlon ami pnrh ?r the blood llioy aro llio verr beat remedy I haro rum nown, aud 1 can muSilontly recommend lliriti to my irtvow. n?ura, ?p. m*W< Wamiw, M rowitifl Co- N. Y.. Oct. 84. 1846. Out Rnt: 1 am tiring your Ombartlc 1111* fn my prarv llrfl.onil And them all aicellent purgative to claanao tin avatrut aud purify (be fountain* of the Mood. . > JOHN 0. MRACflAX, M. D. Erysipeloid Scrofula, King'* Evil, Tetter, Tumor*, unci Suit llbi'MRi. From a fhtwcan/fnp Mmhwl of <4 l^u t, it6 4, I860. ft*. iini: Yonr Vlltn are (be paragon of all la great In fnedtrlno. Thcv bar* rurrd tut little daughter of iilermn* " re* upon her band* and fret that had proved InrnntM* fat year*, liar mother hod been lone grlavanm ly afflicted with blotch** and pimple* on bar ?ltl? and hi bar balr. After onr child traa cured, abv aleo Irh-d yonr mil*, aud they Itave cured her. ABA MOROUI DOiS. , Kheuinntiun, Nctirnigin, nud Gout* Jft.em Uu Are. I* . fbaAu, of (Aa ArtAadd J>ta fhnl. PvL*?gt Jlotax. Itruitn Oa- Jaa. ft. Ittft. Tlovamto 8ia : 1 abould lie ungrateful lor Ibaralief )oo* ah 111 haa lavnght m* if 1 did ant report my raw to yau. A cohi nettled in my llmha aud I fought on excruciating neuralgic pat us, which auded In chrnwtc rheronnt hon. Not a it h?tnndnif 1 bad the baat of ph) "irUna. the dtna*** griww woraw and worse, until, by Uia advice of yonr excellent agent (n 11* It tutor*. l?r. Mar hen lie. I triad yonr Pills, Their effect* were alow, fat *nr*. By peter?triugia lb* ?M of them, I am now entirely wall. 8***1* Citatum, Barn* Kovua. I.a., ft Dae., 18BS. Dir. Av*?: I barb hu* entirely meed by your PHI* if Kbenmattc Oont ? a paiurul dloaa* that bad ftfl!tried mm for ycara. V1NCKNT ftblDKLL. For Dropay, Pfefborn, or kindred Corn* glntMla^wqntriwf an afflli purge, Dm; aiaan axceiFor rofttivmeta or roBfttipntlon, oatl mm ' * Dinner Pill, they are andeaMa awrt effr. tual. F!l*? RoppreMioB, Pnrftlysi*, Iiflnmao* ftftOga, ni?d evan OeAfUeaa, putt Partial Illlmd* . **?, bar a bean cured by Iba altwatlr* action of ibaaa PHI*. 4 Moat of Iba Pllla In marital contain >I*rmry. which. altlumgli a valuet'la remedy in ahilful Itanda, a dangerona in a public pill, fttw (be fmdftil'ttniiainnitw that frequently 6mm its InOtullou* naa. TWas contain no woof warp or mine. al tubauuc* whaaar**. AYER'S CD ERR Y PECTORAL * won ntraianimti" ee COUGHS, COLDS, HOAKfrKKIWfcV* ENZA, BH(mcmn?, WHOoruo , COUGH, CROrr, AMH1MA, UU OIPlUTCOlklVSPIIOR, I md frr^tlwe r?U?<^o|- NMwptlri patlanta fk idfMMt Wb naad not aptak la tl<* puMI* af lib rlrtwav Thrtuixhotit M?r/ loan, and ala??1 ,mj ha?M af tha Ann'i i> ?n Platan. iw wnndoifnl rarH of pulutn&ary cafe "1 plainta hare mada U iliwd) kan?. Nap, ( ? am tb fanillim lu any rt*llli?d fiamrj ?H> Ifila rvmllnawt ?Mfeon I aonia perannal ax|*-rianca nf Sh u ; a <1 t*??t>y?* Ilia raimiunklaa any atwra nlilrb Vr a ml Qtiananna Mtr? living trophy ?t ttnvlrlarynaar Hloaftitt, <n<l A?nmn itlaawi of lha tbrvnt and luuga. * Ml, ti HR*a I ,f^~! \ f r !! - fCSR Aa bit'and daiiyMviKailiaanaea of Ilia putamnary niyaaa. it k alto tha |>laaaaut?at and aaM miirdy that ran ba inCijhI a* in laiita and ) ? > paiauna. I'arrnta HiOaHl m It In Mora ayainat lha lalSnl iiuntf flat atnala nr*n llx-ni ntiprrparail. *? b?\e abundant nn mvrfa ta baliovn tba ffcirri AdaSMIW Mia Itvaa l-y lha runaiiaiplknia tl pravaoU lU* Ihoaa It rarra. K? ?p tl by Ton, and cara yoar rot lit whlf* Ikay aia rural-la. nan n?aflart ll.ani until no human nhflj ran nmntrr tit a*-*?>r*Wa cantor that. fcntvncd on tba altaln. am *MW ttfaanajr All hnon tba dtmdful fatality of lung dlHvrdrta. and aa I bay know Ian tha airtnao nt ttrii rrmndy. ? ??nA ntodn * MMte tbnn ta aantNttani II It aiin Mb U* wm * .* > ba. vr a rpara no mat, aa tain, no tah ta pccdut* S tka KIMUt BT t*. J- C. ITU, w FrsoUml tad Avdlytidal Cfcestlst, Lovnll, Kms AJfD BOLD MT A. Dr. M B. KA. <ir*?T - - at mr1 " t ' is i ' *'i ' l" ri i nt^iyi a*wBifcSts?^ SHAVING, If*Br Trlmmliia.U vcmtiug, Oy(jpK R*W>* 8STTIK0 AMX NMMFOOISO.. Am* iltaaa Wf U(iV1u.?.u WILSON* COOK. Mtfjr 20 3 ^