University of South Carolina Libraries
?+* - " ???*? i-,-ii>-'1*' -" * ' '"'** ? UKAiT?es A?u LKM058. X)lt0KVfPYi>18 DAY; aeptatxlM MoorUMdi ) ' J\ ?Ttb* above Article*, importtM'dirciii, tod tor' .WtovM*? RTKKK * RVAN8. J.T Wliole?rtlo uml Retoll Orocoiw, May SI 4-1 f V.iJ.-r MoPgoe Hall. " ^WABiUCICi A RS! &tt~ r&\d\ <-l<IAKS, of viwrlom. braud*. (nil XO,UUU ; * f. ? v rriiolcsalc and'Retail Urocere, ' ' Mn* 1 4-tf . ~ tinder. MeBerf a llail. 4 1,00o''ts!l^l.r^'^ w w"' 1 r*' ?TSKN A EVAN'S, "* 1 . 'Vb..:. Retail tlfneorr, Jww 9 4-tf I'ufcr MeReet Hall. ' '"1: ,-BACOXi BACON! ? Q Aftfl r'rtH- hofto Mrtoi?, SlioeMcra and a,uuu I Wholesale ami Retail Oracer.% frrtta ? , A-tf ? Vtalcr McBcro>H?ll.. SrPERIOR TKAS! TEAS! A , VERY nuperior lot Yowajr. Ilyaou Tea, at 00c I J\^ par lb. A retry dole* (iunpowder Tea, al $1 per lb. A* cxtr.i Uupcriul TcA, at $1.40 per Ibl /'4'. Aa Invoice of virv aaptfrior Lmulon And Dtiblin Porter; Jeffrey'*K<hul>tirgh Alo ; Cam pWl's Scotch AW, In jug* : Imported Luxor Doer, direct i PliilaIdelphia I?getficcr ; together with nu Aesortod itock only to be ft, uml In a flrrt .Mass Uruocry arfd l'rovt- J ; urn MionaWf ST IS HN A JK V A N 8, ' ? WLvIcmIc A Retail .Grocer*. * J quo ! . jr>it Uiulur -Mc Bee's Halt. J CIlACKERsVcttACKERS i , A FULL nnd TltESII supply otjipdih Mutter, j3L Beaton, Lemon, Oirtjyer and Wine Crack^w, eat received from Mii.i.ah'h Crucratep IIakkry, Charleston, nnd for sale low, by ' - j <i RTBKN A KVAK8, trirakMh) urul Retail Grocers, May 5 52-tr Under Mcjlco'* llall. * ^BAKER'S CHOCOLATE. /~WCOA.A?fl) PltKMCncUOCOLATR. A favfp- . " iHtppW of the above articles, for nalc at Qtirltaton price, by 6T1JEN A KVAWB, Wholesale and llctnll Grocer*, May A 62-tf Under MoBco'* Hall. ] CUBA MOLASSEST 2/UVl GALS. of the abyveVor sale at 40 cts. per gallon, by ' BTfiKV A EVANS, I . "' Wholesale and Retail Grocers, My 5 iZ-Xt Under Uc Bee's Hall. CORNED BEEF TTIAAM O-L *' ? * * iuum arnci, n. v.; Id) hbtf, Mackerel? Jj Si Boxes fitpokni Herring* : ^nhtrou, pick led ( mud fresh j Sardine*, in whole, half mid quarter " Iloxos. Fur into, at Charleston price*. l>y . BTJEKN' Jt EVANS, Wholesale and Retail Grocer*,Mix i ' 52-tf Under Mclloe'* Hull. | BOH DB A U X AMI ON DS. ~ tT/lA LBS of the *.Wvc *of? *l?ell Almond*, at */V/U. 20 rl?, per lb. 500 lb*. 1'ecoJi, Butter and Baalish Walnuts. For fkhs low by 8TEKN A EVANS, Kbtkult and Retail Grocer*. < May ? 52-tf "". Under MelW* Hall. 1 A NICE f80T AIOSACHARM TO THE PERSON. Jn?t Received and Opened ' AT HARRISON & LONG'S J BOOT AND SHOE STORE, .? JPirst Door above Dra. Long ft Burnhmn, ' v . * One of the beet, latest and most faahiouablc St' cka of Gent's und Youths',,Ladles'and Mi**.!*' and Children's Gaiters and ' Khocs now to bo ' ' found hi Green- ? vlllo. The pro- t prtotors have no J ' hesitancy in say- 1 lag that tboirv stock cnouot bo i vurpassaa; ror elyle, J finish and durability, in any town Jo (he tipcountry. . Aimingthe very many, Ibey would call special at tun tlon to tone of the style* tltoy ' hava OR band. 1 dctir* Department. j Lasting*, Cloth and Calf Congress Qaltera, heat < JualUy, ? { I Patent heather Oafopt Tics, j 1 .anting Pansy Tip 0*r?*da, *? Ulovc ICId and Calf Low Cut Shoes, with a variety of other ttyloa. ladles' Department. Cnngrsss, French nud Kid (1AITKR8 ' Kid aad (Joat CHKOLK?new stylo Kid and Hoclcd SLII'PlvllS?flncat quality { Mioses'? ? ? " hi< Arory snpcrlcr Wt of HATTERS aud Calf Heeled HOOTEES, of our qwu uiauufacturo U ? and imported ' , * ^ < ....ALSO, o Black aad Colored CLOTH OA (TEES, cheap, WJTU OTHER STYIJiS. . !? -*?t- I-1 - - v ..... ...mi* o.wa iiki uera iiiamuaruired to order, and every article ? diepoae oi in W AKRANTKl). j We thank the public Cur poll favor*, and reaped. I fully aek a ooutinuod patronage, fooling able aud de- ( termined topieW our cudflBtr*. WJ! (AVI Oil HAXO A Ho. t Stock of Loftlber, c and arc prepared to make, on abort notice, Hte. beat b qualities of ^OOTWand 8HOKS. RBPAimrNQ I alio douu, \kidL. UtVK 18 A CilL. I HAttKlSOtf A LONO/ ? N^B.~Por .ale, a few TRUNKS York Coat. Jt-3 ' May 2# c ~~ NEW GOODS ? AT WIMAAMSTON, p WK ARB .Nt?W KTCCKlVfNU and OPKNINO a Break and Ootoritl Steak of UOOII8, oon Utiog, in part, uf I ' DRV GOODS, Calieoea, from t{ to 20 ote.) Via Munlioa, flj to tic. ' djUpdr-Made Clothing % ^Tv 0 ii?i ilanlware Mid Crockery BoOt* ?nn Hhoc?, | Bad<tlo?, Hrtdlc* A Martingale*, 4 ....AND.... f, Drwga ?ad > HiU ud f'apt, > Honuot* v?l RftbAL . / OROCrRUIt?S.Ae.,A?. ? To which We Mk attention aud examination from j> Wo Would My to those indebted to we fer tbo yaam dot tfcev want tMxitivoly oall nwd pmt *> wM, Mt NKUI.V A HONfi. r. ie-e.AH hh>d# of Cddntry Pr?*d?l~? taken in t exchange for Ooode. \ gW??vN. 4 8. r ? . . . ? . I Executor's Notice. J 1 LLnereon* Indehtnri to the Hatale of THOMAS U jA- WALK KK, deeeneed, are ro<|a?MI t* make fimcd into (Mymeui, e*d thoee having deuwada May M S-? Qualified K* ecu tor. J lAW*jf6TfCE. " riUH twdereigond Wt8 iyeale Iffrneolf entirely to JL tWjMS?& of La# a?4Bf|#hy ow tin W.*t- 1 T\* n" TTtf"m i ^Ule MM utty Vw i^wUw1 Me Iti0 ? Cwjwrttto. JAJW8 I,. OB B. f "tin n.i x-?r. ' u Piyr,i '. ,i j= i. *. w?. m. d. ?. c?HncAv, w. n. ?kOHr Profwwrioual Swri^i to U?? CitiV.J M Otoc?tnU? mlT nnrruuixUnn eooutop. WMctf toC-ttfolr mxijr Rtoro, on Mnin Stmt, jr occhpicil by.Dn>. Sj?*9 A Um. *6*10,' S Ty ? tf DlS86i,UTloir THK Connrtncrxhtp boron, fore piUhmh, niMtartbe I name btM ctyle o t T>r>. Ml MS A LOW?. baa b*e? Oiwolv-od liy mutant conwmL H. A. Ml MS, M. P. It. Dv LON?, M. P. **" " i ? , \ ; a ??r#t'.r,.: HAVIXO 'tlMpomd ot m?.l?tei?M In Uio Onu Hloro to Dr. RICHARD IRUNIIAM, I ruul4 bclpoak for U?o now Firm of pro. LOKt) A II URN HAM the nam* liberal patrofcag* h?retufw? mutoirv'l >|ion the old Fitnw Them* wlrbiup my lorvitD!* will find mo W fchoir Drug Store. May 12 1-tf 8. A. MIMS. M. D. (i. d. i.oxo, m. mi'jianr> in hnii.vv, x. d. DES. LONG A feURJJHAK, APOTHEGA ItfES <fc DRUGGISTS, AT THE OLD STAND OF SitXMS A LONO, Willi, KEEP constantly ou band a lull rupTW ply of PURE DRrae^McUkinei.. P-lut#. Olla, (? Vnrniitbcx. Dve-atulfo. Sr.. Ao- Ala> > ? ?>? > Hd tnortjusnt of TOILET ARTICLES, rixc Halt, Tooth ?nd Mail Btvthuj llair Pomade*, itniiy rqrtettVa/ Tooth Seifl au<l WwImh; Washing Wrtapa, every t/nality nntlpricey Fiuc Shaving Soupy. Frtrab'Extract* fof flavoring, vl* : Ro?e, Vanilla, Piiic Apple, Strawberry, Lemon, Neetnrine, Ac., Ac. \V? hovo a t"J eniterior article <{/* OJiEli? TEA, tho beat in Greenville. We hare .Air ?nlt all thfc popnlur Patent Medicines. Physician! 'iwpplird 011 ijnrhAL t?R??. Oar Ion5: connection with the Drug Businca*. (one wren, the other out year*,) nuil both being grudn\tes of the Matlicnl College of the Stnto of South 2# ml in a, will, wc-thiuk, he a sufficient guarantee of Mtr ability to diftpena* Medicine! properly mot accurately. 60r.arrangement! are fuch that one of the Firm will be at tho tlnrcHMid trM attend to nil prrtrriptioH* personally at anj- hoar of the 'lay or ni^lit. EMPORIUM OF I ASHIOWV WE IIAVE. NOW IN STORE an Elegaut Aysorttuout of . Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, BUCK AH FRENCH CLOT US AND CASglMERKS, of all colon and <|uulitiuA, (which were manufactured to order.) TWEEDS, VK8TING8, SHIRTS, TIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES. Ac. . e" oBiximerc, Moleskin arid Far IIATS, for Drosa anil ButiiueS* wear. Lao, PJCCOLOMINI CAPS. A good aaaortment of D Toririniiniit' ????$, For Gcutlomen'r wear. Ready Made Clothing, at-cn AH Intb f?1 1 ?1 ?* * - * nuxun, iiHIiii, Aiparjl ftDU i'TUD P'Eto COATS. PANTS and VBSTfl, which wo will c?HJ ? for C&ah or. to prompt paying customers. , TAILORInfdietart ment. W? nro prepared, with the beat of Workmen, to :UT and JiAKK UP CLOTHING in the Utoet French and American styles, auji upon tho most realonable terms. DYBll ? PICKLE. Copartnership Notice. rILK undersigned have entered Into Copartnerchip for tho purpoae of carrying on the MERCHANT TAILORING B0PINK88, under tho name >tyic und firm of L?VKK A PICKLE. They respectuliy oak attention to their Stock now on hand, and efor to their former enstomors for their ability to >loasc. They hope to receive a liheral shore of pubic patronkge. 1O. It. LYE it. April 20, 1639. .0. A. PICKLE. a"card. THE subscriber would return his thanka to hi* friends and customers for the very liberal share if patronage which they have bestowed on him, and rouhi respectfully solicit for the now Firm of Draft k PicKi.e a continuation of tho patrouago which ins heretofore been extended to Liiu. April 21 50-tf Q. B. OYER. MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE ! Kiny Gatnbrinu* 'to the ihmntain Qneca Svnlh Carolina 1 > /. . . F1IP, cmumuunatlnn of the above happy event can bo cole bra'cd every dav hv calling Mi A. HANSM AN'H >uh\ drinking of bin GfiKES VIf.J. lAGKlt HMill, containing no Alcohol or uoxottia I rug*. U> the future'Welfare of the abovo high conrceiing pnrtie*, end thereby, at the eaine tltnc, en011 raging Southern cntorprioe. All this rou >nnt om v. X-tf~ Reridenco on DuneOmbe Street. May 10 2 4 A. KANSMAN, rUANRFVIi for poet favore, earuvetly aolioit* your fUtare patron nge in iign, Fancy Fainting and Paptrhanging. ALSO, MATTRESSES )F all style* ina<le to order. ' Ofd MottrOraea made ver on reasouablo terra*. May 10 2 4 FORSALEL r" mm. THR Subscriber# offer for mle their VALHHC I'AMI.K TRACT OK LAND in OreenviUe HI DUtriet. lying Ave and a half mile* north of Ireeaville C. H., <>0 the road leading ton* the Inter place to Chiclc'e Springe, containing Three Hnn\rrd and Forty Arrem, ninety aeree of which ara leorod and in pretty good fanning order. The olauce is well tittberud, and lien level. On the Maeo in* large Orchard,containing about 790 young 'oach Trees, of the moat choice aetecti?n, all in u louriahiug condition. A good GRIST MILI., and 1 ftratrato Double Cleared SAW MILL, capable of Uttin* 1.00b feet of lumber n?r -* w ? |'?? uv/t niNi i-uu ?lRation of only ono hand. Only half of the Saw fill will Ho fold. Por further particular*, &4drc?tx cither of tho prorioter*. WM. AVICKLIFKH, Jr., Diamond Hill 1'. O., Abbeville Dint., or IBA AC VICKLIVPH, Piekena C. H., 8. C. May IS > 1 2an>3m 5oti1b Cairoling?6rc?nbliie District. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY vlrttio of rurvfTy Write of Pier! Vaoiaa, to me directed, I will toll, hefbre the Court Uouae our, wt tho utual hoar* of gale, on the flrat Monday i JUNB neat, One Nog to Woman, named liarriet. and her in- I ml girl Child, and her girl Child, named Anna, Hout tlx year* old, and her Bey ohUd named i ?-- a ? - 1 1 - - - Mtuvit vwu your* out ; an iue property ot Jeovl, anther, at ibo of Alexander llryce. TKHMS (J AX ft . Purchaser to pay for title. !>. HOKE, 0. Q. D. Sheriff** Office, May 12, IS.V.i. 1-lm ilr?w Wffnleff, lllESuheefiher iedeiiromofparehaiilngCiTRAW, I, either in the belli or by the load, for whieh he ill pay a fkir price. Pereons baring etraw to eel I in pinnae apply at my Store, in OreenvUlo, or at ie PAPER MILL. Wnaonor Who tod. ' * nr E ulao de?irv? to pmcnro the aerviooe of a atoaCf rty and iudutlripne man a? a Wagoner. Ap fy ae abort. fkmfcltti ffacblnc. [T? aire Inform the public that hi* Threah- 1 tJL h?KH*Awei? B?erlu lac order. TlirorUiog illhe Aope cither hi tho Am or Toll, at the * TSTilTi AT POWBfig' THE WfpUC ARE JBE^l'fcCTFULi,Y INFORM 3TOC1 SE1ASONAB - ? ? VI AMVBT STMT DVM DRY GOODS, C'LOTI SHOFB, HARDWARE. CHINA, G WITH A LARGE ASS0R1 WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT TH ALL KINDS OF PI EITHER FOR C ASH OR E All I ask Is to call ami examine my stock before po June 3 . 4-tf MX I! 1000 PAIR CANSIMERE, DOESKIN, MA RMS PANTS, at from ' ?T ?ABR-S, 1500 C"1?S Hats, Finis, Hatln, Silk Mid Leghorn Bonnets. AT CARR'f, 10,000 yards Calicoes,"Mnslins. Linens, Marseilles, Alpaccus, "Farmer's Satin. J? " f ' . w 1 I rr n a n ri t n A 1 UAKltS, 8,000Broadcloth, Alpncen, Sntln, Marseilles, Linen, Drop A'Kte and Linen Cns&iuierc Coat*, ^ Bt from 60 cents to $25. ^ $ ! sor BAGS RIO COFFEE. CHEAP for 0ASII. m mmm,'. Five Thousand pounds NEW ORLEANSFUG AR. AT CARlt'S, | TEN BARRELS OF SUPERIOR VINEGAR. AT CARITS, 100 Kfioe OF NAILS, nil siica. Low for CASH, FIFTY BOXES ADAMANTINE.CANDLES, at. 80 cent* per lb. AT CARR'S, 26 dozen Linen, Marseilles, Funoy and Plnin 8111 U'l?. AT GARU'8, 26 dozen Murec'tlle*. Satin, Velvet, Linen, Silk and Skeleton VwtA May lit 2 NOTICE. ALL mmm indebted to the Estate of LAURENCE nitUCK, dcri-Mwl, are requested to inultc payment^ und those having detnuuds against the Estate to lnuid them to R. 11. DUNCAN, Executor, Lnuronco Brock, deceased. May 3 1 tf^ TO KINO ftAMBlliNUS! OLORIOtTS NEWS!! tireenriU* ZMise td <il /net. Jvihjiifj from the Faces to be met u>ilh. LAGER BEER IS AT THE BOTTOM OF IT! ~\XORRIS SAMUEL keeps on hand a full supply 1YI of that refreshing and invigorating Beverage, | frum one of the most celebrated Hrcwories in Phila- , delphta. He keeps constantly Preserved Oysters, Lobsters, Salmon, Sardines. Pickles. Swiri. T,,h??-1 eo and Candy, and many other Articled too ntnncrotid to mentiou. JUT" Xkxt Doou to Dn. M. It. Kari.r. 61-ly April 28 "NOTICEr DURING my ueceaear.v "r accidental abscnco, my friend, Col. DAVTl) IIOKE, who is my lawful D.puty, will attend to nil persons having any hnsinoss transaction* with the ofKoe of the Commissioner. 8. A. T0WNK8, C. K. G. D. 11 arch 3 43 , tf BLACKSMITHING. The concern of TOWNES A IIA W^TwJjjiB^KINS having been dissolved l?y mutual 59SBE25LMConsent, the business will bo carried on at the same Shop by the undersigned. G. W. BROOKS. January, 1850. J. L. HAWKINS. NOTICE. f11 iIK undersigned haying transferred hi* interest I in the Blacksmith Shop near Williuius' Store, to Messrs. Brooks A Hawkish, takes pleasure in recommending them to a share of puhlio patronage. } They will he prepared to attend promptly and satisfactorily to all rails In their line. They have experienced and skillful Smiths in Horseslioetag, Repairing and Ironing Wagons, Plough Wofk,aud all other ordinary work of-a Blacksmith Shop. Junuory, 1850. 37-tf G. r. TOWNES. Thunder and Lightning! THE kubdcrH>er would say that he la the authorised Local aud Traveling Agent, for Lho State oi South-Carolina, for the .ale of Wiu-ox A WhitNtv's IaLo iniUrcVMl PuH.nt l>smml.?.? I CONDUCTORS, sud will at all time* hold himself iu readiness to attend all rails In ibe above business. N. B.? I am also, at all times, prepared to Repair, Relnsulsto and furnish new Points lux- Old Rods ut reasonable prices and sixort notice. March 1ft 41 Km W. K. P0WER8. FIRE JlWSMmft SAU. A MONO which mKv bo found fl01,D and 8ILVKR WATCH KS. Chains, Keys, Hooka, Swivels, Lorketa or Medallions, fof double liken oases a general assortment of (Job! Fancy Articles, assorted sixes of Hilver Thimbles, Spectacles, and many other articles In the same line needless to name, as tboee disposed to buy will cat! and see for themselves. March 10 44-lm J. H. RANDOLPH. UMiTirm. PKMftyt to th? lata Pirm of W. H. HOV tS\ A <?0? can eot ?K- we name it tit ofR#% V^iB^n,'oy ** * *?? fl"?> tMr N..t*? enifAorouou tp Mw bend* of an Attorney for collection. rfMnot be glrcn. The V.n.lHM - r D"" B,rwrt ??Ulod. W. H. JIOV KY. Fob 17 41 Kin*'? Mountain IronT" aTHK uodefaiirnwl Iim utaMUIwH an Aran w* GTlXlSHVlLlr* COACH FACTOHV, #V>r Hie nal? of the 1* ' ^n*1*.8'8 mounTMN iron, ehete * fhll and < "tnpleto aaaortwent will be kept. Prior, &4 eonta, Coeh. :k waJMLareasEL *CTSR "-Si*I , I B T S 1 9 OI.D STAND. I ED THAT 1 HAVE JJJ sT.O TEN KI> A I.AltGE C OF T .m GOODS, HiPtioW, COkSjstixci or . LING, HATS, BOOTS, LASS AND CROCK Ell Y WARE, mm OF GROCERIES, E LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! ROUUCE BOUGHT XCIIANOED FOR OOOD8. ircha.tiitK elaowhbro. Plr^sk onsenvk tiie Siu.x : __ A. I,. LEVY,. LEMIs, TLLFS, IJNKN, fcLPACCA and DRAP D'ETK i& cents to fr8.00. .ot mm tjoo lloop Skirts, Mantillas, Robes, Huso and Half-Hose. AT CABR'Ss j Valises, Umbrellas, Port Monnnles, Needles, fine Piddles aud Accordeon*. AT CARR'S, Oriental Smokers, a salubrious Asiatic Pipe, but lately introduced into this country?lor sale at CARU'S ONLY. Tbreo Hundred Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT. mm, 10,000 gals. New Orleans nsd Cuba MOLASSES. AT CARR'S, 50 bids. Whiskey, Rum ?fc Gin, by the bnrrol only. AT CARR'S, j loO.OOO Spanish, German and American Scgars. 50 Caaea Bov?\ Men's and Ladies' Boots, Shoes. Gaiters, and Brognns. AT CAllirS, 10 dozen Clause, Linen and Knit Undershirts nml J>rawcra. IT CARR'S, Iron Potxvnre, Looking Glasses, Crockery, Clocks, Watches, Fiddle Strings and Jewelry. If GREENVILLE -JM a.W T11E suhscriltnrs having bad the misft?*=^lforlune to lone, liy the fire of the 20th January, the Steam Mill und Machinery connected will) their Coach Factory, in Gruonville, take this method of apprising their friends and patron* that they still continue business as heretofore, without change in thoir Firm, or abatement of thoir exertions to please. Thoy have NOW ON HAND, and ore CONSTANTLY FINISHING, all the varieties of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons ever made by them, to which they invito tho attention of purchasers. They take pleasure in correcting an impression that their stock of ABAHOAfED. LUitllKR wn* lost with tho Mill, and would say that, iu quantity and quality, their Lumber ha* never hern better. The generous patronage hitherto received, warrants the couelnsion that their efforts are upprccintod, and stimulates them in making further exertions. Their oxperionce will enable them to select and operuto tho most approved Machinery, with advantages not surpassed by any manufacturers either North or South. OOWKR, COX, MARKLEY A CO. Greenville, S. C., April 7, 1850. 48 ly GOWENSVILLE VITV A Iff TV Y?P1? ITtl auv CAJuaiiA or.JUJ.ruAtLX. THE first Session of thia SCHOOL, tyFft'*" *"r '*** *> ?rcn on tho I'ihst Day >' Ekbri?Aur, under tho direction of ^Rfir lU v. T. J. Enrlci m Principal. Tbc Elites of Tuition, per Session of five months, arc as follows : Primary Brandies 9 5 00 Higher English Branches, 7 50 Higher Mathematical Branches, 10 00 Latiu and tlrtck, 12 50 This School possesses advantages in its location equal, if nut superior, to any in the State. It is sit- . uutcd at Uowansville, Greenville District, in tko midst of an excellent neighborhood, where tho young are not exposed to those tcmptatiousoeniinon to villages. Decides being at a post ufiloo, it is within a few hundred yards of Bowdeu's Sulphur Spring, as lino iq^ral water as any in tho upper districts. Mr. Baric, the Prinoipttl, is an experienced teacher aipl good disciplinarian, and tho Trustees Hotter themselves that tncy tnay txpect for tho School a liberal patronage. Good Board nia;, he lneI in tho families of the neighborhood at six and aovon dollars per month. For farther particular*, apply to the Principal, or to Dr. Wm. Moonoy, or to R. BOWDEN, Chairman ft. T. N. ft.?Arrangements have been made to aeoiirc the ecrvicoa of a young lady well qualified to give instructions in Music, N?edie-\Vork, IemtliBr-Wnrk, Drawing, Orccian Painting, Ac., Ac,, at prices in proportion to the above Rates of Tuition. We would invito tho special attention of parents and guardians to tliis addition to thu interest of our School. Wo shall ho able to give instruct ion in any of the higher branches of Female (education, at priees within the rvach of ail. Oowensvillo, H. C., Nov. 28, 1838, Jan 20 37 tf A. BEEOO SUH a PfisdiWiitt /or Pahlir l'nt> >nn<jr, unit mill WORK CHEAP EON CASH. JT B will mdku Pine Oeats for ft) each ; Common 1 Coats, at from ') to $5; Pants at from $1.25 $1.75, and Vests at the same rates. Repairing, Cleaning mod Pressing done at short notice. lie is thankful for past favors, and asks for a continuation of tho same. IIo warrants to tit. Call at the Old Court House, to the room formerly occupied by tha Ordinary. 2<Mf Jan 13 uimL.jttim ? l/ALL 3 Family ^ and * Fancy J JJJJI ft SB9C1RT! 51 -1 Store. 96 9 * 91^ "25828 l? iizjESI ~ nm THOUSAND TICKETS! - Afore Mom One fritc to cetsjf Two Ticket*. Wuot* TiCicrr^flO; 1Ial5c*,$I>; Qi'\ntkbx, 2J. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, *OH Tit* ?*H*?TT OK TIIH ^ MONT ICELLO UNION ACADEMY. H'MrlMi 6jr Spsetal Act af Legislature Mt-KINXSY A CO., Maxaofhu. CAPITAL PRTZE, $00,000. TO BK. PRAWN BACH SATUlll) A Y Iff jUNE, 18f>9, la tbc City of Bavauimli, Georgia. Cl.ASH 22 to dk puawn J car. 4, 18.IP. Class 22 to tip on.tUN J car. 11, 1859. Clash 21 to bp. prawn j rag 18, 1862. "Clash 26 to lit prawn Ji*S* 2f?, 1869. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. I Prix? of 60.0U0 is 60,000 6 l?rlx. of 1,000 ate 5.000 1 " " ^0.000 in 20,000 10 " ' 600 6,000 1 " " 10,000 is 10,000 2 " " 400 " 800 1 ?' ? 6,000 is 5,000 2 * " 300 - 000 I" " " 4,000 is 4,001 2 " " 200 u 400 1 ? " .1,000 is 3,000 50 " " 150 " 7,600 1 >{ " 2,000 is 2,00(1 100 " " 100 "10,000 1 " " 1,5001s 1.600 100 " " 95 " 0,500 1 " ' 1,100 is 1,400 !00 " " 85 " 8,500 APPROXIMATION PWZRj*. 4 Prir.esof $200 A|>i?rox. tu860.(i()0 I'rixe arc8 800 4 " " 150 " " 20.000 " u 600 4 - 125 " " 10.000 " ' 600 4 " " 100 " " 6.000 ? " 400 ou *.V)W * " " Otl) 8 " " CI) " " tt.OOO " ?< 4X1) 8 " ? 50 " " 2,01H)~ " " 401) 8 '' " 40 " " 1,01)0 ' " 321) 400 ?' 20 " " 11)0 " " 8,0i:? 25,000" " 8.... 200,000 25.828 Prizes, amounting to $306,040 OKUTIKICAtKH op Packaok* will be sold ut the following rates, which Is the rick : Certificate of Packages of ll) lVhult Tickets, $>10. " ? " 10 Half " 30. " " " ' 10 Quarter " 15. " " " 10 Eighth " 7.50. rs OHDKUtSG TICKKT8 Olt CKRTIPICATES, Euclusc the money to unr address for the tickets ordered, o? receipt of which they will bo forv.'urdod by first mail., Purchaser's ran have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. " The list of drawn number* and prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. All com m un leaf ion s strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail Or Express, to bo directed to McKINX'KY A CO.. May 26 3-1 m .VninimnA, O'n. WOOD. EDDY & OO/S SilliLl BIMBER LOTTERIES. CHARTERED BY THE STAlE OF GEORGIA. CAPITAL PRTZL $50.000! TICKETS* ON L Y $10. Wood, Eddy & Co., JtluungerN, SUCCKASOhS TO 6. 8WAN A CO. The following Scheme will lie drawn by Wood, Eddy A Co;, Managers of the Sparta Academy Lot- | lory, in each of their Single Number Lotteries for June, 1X59. at AUGUSTA, (la., in public, under the superintendence of Commissioners: Cl.ASS 23 DRAWS SaTIRDAY, .Tcnh 4, 1859. Ci.ass 24 miaavs Saturday, .Insr. 11, 1859. Cl.ASS 25 DlllWS K.t.u....- 1..-- ,4!" CLAHS 2(5 DRAW* SATL'RDAV, Jl'XR 26, 18615. , On the Plan of 8 ingle Numbers. ! 60,000 TICKITTH. | Tiro Thouiand Four Hundred and Eighty-Five Prize* If our It/ One /Vi'zc to aery Xitic TivJket* / MAGNIFICENT SCHEME, TO BK I'KAIVN EACH S ATURDAYIN JUNE 1 Priwof. $50,0001 1 Prize of $1,600 1 Prize of 20,0001 50 Prizes of, 600 1 Prize of 10,000 100 Prizes of 400 1 I Prizoof 5.000| 100 Prizes of 300 1 Prize of 4,000 100 Prizes of 150 1 Prize of. 3,000^ 100 Prizes of....... 100 APPROXIMATION PHIZES. 4 Prizes of $100 A|i)>rux. to$50,000 Prize tire $1,000 4 ' " 300 ?? " 20.000 ' " 1,200 4 44 ? 250 " ? 10,000 " 44 1,000 4 44 " 225 " ? 5,000 " 44 000 4 " 44 200 " " 4.000 44 44 800 4 44 44 150 " 44 3,000 " 44 000 4 44 44 100 44 44 1,500 44 " 400 5,000 44 44 20 arc lfltt^OO .-?,'>na rrixcs, amounting to .....$.'{20,000 Whole Tickets, $10; Hilvu,$3; quam-hhp, 2j. JSf Remember that every Prize in the above ?cneinc is drawn, and payable iu lull with OCT l)i:imttios. Certificates of Packages will bo sold at the follow lag rates, which is tho risk : Certificate of Pnckagu of 10 Whole Tickets, $80. ? . ? .. ?. io H,df " 41). " ? "*? " 10 Quarter " 20. ?> 10 Eighth " 10. SPARTA ACADEMY I.OT7ERY. (fe)l IiiSfv?)j ?iiOS)g l)m,c? WEDXES/iA Y, JUNE 20/*, 1859. On TI1K TumtE Nt XBKtt Pi.AN. Soventy-five Numbers?Twelve Drawn Ballots. NEARLY ONE PRIZE to TWO TICKETS. 1 Grand Prize of 9'i6,000. 1 Prise of $10,179 4 Prises of $2,000 2 " '? 10,000 20 " " 1,000 2 44 " 8,000 ISO '" 230 rtr., <? < ., (be., ibe. 27,811 Prises Amounting to $513,190 ! WnoLr. Tickets, $11); II alv k?, 5 j Qf art Kits, $2.50. IS or.n(1*1X0 TICKETS or rkhtikioatba, Euclose tbo money to our address for the Tickets ordorcd, on receipt of which they will l>c forwarded by first tuuil. The list of Drawu Numbers and Prises will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. \ j:9f- All prizes of #1,0(10, and under, paid immediately after tho drawing?other prises at the usual tiiuo of thirty days. ? NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not fending money by mail, can use the Ai>ams Express Company, whereby ntonoy i for Tiekots, iu sutns of Tuu Dollar*, and upwards, can Ik: sent us > < oar riik and <.rj>r>)?r, from any city or town where they have an office. Tho money and order must Ikj enclosed jn a " (/wivrsmrnt /W Oj)icf utauptd enrrttqtr," or tho Express Company caiinot cwivu vunu. AH communications strictly oonflilcDtial. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Express, to be directed to WOOD, EDDY &, CO., Augusta, Oa. ftr, WOOD, EDDY A CO., Atlanta? On. or, WOOD, KDDY A CO., Wilmington. Del. Mr- A list of the numbers thai are drawn ! inu wliMl, with the amount of tbo prize that oaoh one is entitled to, will tie published sirtr every drawing in the following paper*: Angmda (''jfrdtflMtV" tutinnalUt, Mobile Renter. Naahvillc York Weekly I)uy Book, Kicbiuoi.d ing (Mi??.) Clurion, aud New 4t|^i May 2ft 3 DISSOLUTlJj^Jp TIIK Copartnership K. baa expired by limitation. M^*HVB9uobteil to Oic Firm. by Not* or Hook Aoeount, ?rc i?i(tic*ted to uall and pay tbo wiinont an Vilv dav. F. Ft BRATTIE. February IS, 1??- VL C. PULL!AM. New Firm. rj^IIR iubtetihera hare formed a Copartgrrabin, X a"d will eoutiuuo the Busijtoas at the Old Htand, under fba Firm of UKATT1R A lHJLl.TAM. Tbcy expect *o?? to raeelva a flu? Sroek of Stj'HINO AND MrUMKR r.uOJKS, and will ha pfoaaed to rte their old frtowda and ouslonierrF. V. HF.ATTIK. Fab 17 -41 fut R. C ri'M.lAM, KEROUR.VITOIL8, ftnr Burning, and .l?o for Ma-.-tiinery, htt?<1. J. B. 811 BUM AN, Agent. T ITArVE lOpeircd on" invoice of MATTRESSES. ! X made in a superior uiuiuier of l)*? beat material*, wliSeti arc otArert at mnft-ratc price*. Tin) n*:?>rtin?iit ntmprlaaa flair awd Pairtl. Mai^niiil Pnlrn, Cotton wad I'atm. Cotton and Sbttek, Cotton and Straw MuIUvku, uf vnriitu* oi&c*. Order* tor oilier IrUce uud iiiiuliitvM will be utxiuipHi' attended to. . J. ? priEKMAN. Agent. uriiautABlml ( >< |r?n Work. RMLJNGS, Gates. Posts, St*jr?, Fountain*, Yuse?, Statuary, siud ovary other variety of Orountunta] fastings in Iron. Order* roceivrd for Wonrt k Perot. Philadelphia, !hs be?t boun of tbu Kind in the I'siwi bUilt<. Engravings of Put tern*, and Catalogue ol Prices, ninv bo suen ow application to. J. B. SHBRMAX, Agent. J ant Hervivod, A BEAUTIFUL assortment of Pot*. Kettle*, KkilleU, Frying Pans, Smoothing Irons, Andirons, Mortars, CiuiWr?n:s, Bootjacks," nltd other Casting*. J. B. MIBrMAN, Ak"#'Call anil See TtfOOD A PKUOT'8 Buperb Portfolio of Drawy f nigs of Ornamental Cittt Iron Work. It is w?U worthy of insjicttlan as a work of Art. J. li. S11KKMAN, AgouU CAsill CASH I IX ordot to cneovnvge a Cash business, a discount of five per ci-nt. fVotta regujitr prices will be made an till cash sale* from 96 to $20 ; and a discount of ton pur cent on all cash sales over $20. J. II. R1IEUMAX, Agvirt. Tlic Ct on<imi*t, THE best Cooking Rtove in tlie WorW. Foon to arrive. J. B. HHERMAN, Agent. Anr* 21 60 tr Stir (iooDs! I AM RECEIVING my SPRING omlRDMMKll supply, of GOODS, consisting of a general CMoek of ' * Fancy and Staple Dry Goodtt, Anil .Men's in<l Roys' CLOTHING, liats and BonueU, Boots and Allocs, Hardware and Cutlery, Drugs and Dye-stnfffc,, Carpeting and Mattiug, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wall Papering, Powder, Shot, Blasting Fuse, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. Suit. Ac. all of which will be sold at low prices. Thankful for |>UKt favor?. I solicit a contlnunnco of the kiiiuc. JOHN W. OKADY, Opposite the New Court House, ou Maiu Street. April 14 49 tf Mrs. Paris & Miss Gordon, MA IS STUKfCT, WILL OWEN, on Saturday, /wK-^yiB$8l' 'ns,o ft handsome assortment wwvwmillinery, flAjHnTr -S7 VOSS1HT1NO *2?s? Froncb, Chip, Fancy, Silk, PaJkl mcla and English Straw HON//Tn NETS. Misses' Equestrians, Feathers for Head Dresses. Lnco Setts, Illusion Capes, Berthas, Fancy Hair Pins, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, and a variety of Articles suitable to tho season, selected hjr Miss tlordon from tho largest and boat French houses in New York. DHE8BKS made at the shortest notice, and Dressmaking attended to as usual, to which wo respectfully invite tliu attention of the Ladies of Greeurillo In.) W? vieinitv. 41Mf April 14 6oqi? t^roiipq?tireeobiile IN TIIK COCttT OV COMMON PLEAS. Order for Extra Court. rlTIIE business of the Term not being disposed of, JL it is ordered, That an KXTKA TKU.M of Court of Common Pleas bo held nt Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on TUESDAY, the 19fA ilny of July met, to he continued the remaln| ing days of that week, and the entire week succeeding, if necessary. It is ordered. That juries lie drawn at tbo present Term to serve at tho Extra Term, and that eeniret issue to compel thoir altcnduucc in manner and form prescribed by law : a panel of forty-eight persons to servo the first live days, and a like panel to serve the succeeding week. It is further ordered. Thnt tho Clerk give proper notice in the newspapers of the District, of the sitting of the .-aid Extra Court, by n publication of at least one mouth preceding tho Tcnu. J. N. WIIITKEIl. April 2, 1859. A true copy frojn Iho journals of tho Court W. A. McDAXIKL, C. C. P. G. D. MoT ' M 1*1 Ji-ii" Patriot and Mountaineer copy. South tVoiina ? ?? refills 15 EQUITY. Nancy Hawkins, vs. Islintn W. Hawkins, David T. Burton VikI wife Cassander K., Paschal lluwkiwe, et at.?Partition of Jitnl Entitle. fpHK Complainant having filed her Bill in this | suit with tlio Commissioner in Equity lor Greenville District, ami it appearing that lite Defendant. Ikhniu \V. llmvkius. resides without and hey mid tho limits of this .Statu: It is Ordered, on ntotiou of S. D. Goodie It, Complainant's Solicitor^ That the said ahscnt Defendant do plead, answer or demur to the Bill of Compluiunut within thiWo months from this publication, or the said Bill will he taken pro co?/f!?u as to him. A. TOWNBS, C. E. O. I). Greenville, S. O.., April 11, U?59. 4l? 3nt Soitfh folroiioo?SreenbHle Strict, IN EaUITY. ' J. C. Hoyt, vs. M. D, Dickey, and tbc HoifsOf Cillrran LanktVird.?J till for Partition and Rrltrf. TT appearing to niv satisfaction tlmt the heirs of T?V I1nw?. f i _ .... ?,...n*ui<r uui 01 mc nmiifl or ii)ia State: It Its Ordaml, That tltcy <lc> }>luwt, answer or itctakv to the BiTl ih this case within three month* from this date, or the fcunic will be tokenpro co?/?*?<> against Htem. S. A. TOWNRS. C. R. 0. D. Commissioner's OtHcc, April ll, IS6F. 49-3in Sotflh 631*0 liw? 6recobilie IK CHABCERY. Nancy Raines, v*. Junius Ward, f uxun Ward, ot n). Hill /or Suit 0/ icw?r/?, <t"c. fTMIE Complainant having this day tiled her will I f in the above .stated unw, aud if appearing to. I iuv satisfaction that William W. Turner, oue of the Defendants, is absent front and withowt tlio limits of this State, so that the proeess of suhpuenn ml r?*pon\ dtmlum cannot he SerVcd itpon hint : Upon motion of K. 1'. Jones, Complainant's Solicitor, it i>>, thorcC. - ?..! ? ... - - - i ..7.r, .viucrcii, i nar tno wiui rvimaw W. Turner d<v i nppear an<l plead, answer or ileum* to the Complain[.ant's Bill, within throe months from date, or ft I?e[ creo will bo t Ah oil pro r>?? ,',.?*? upon said iiill, as against tho Moid William "W. Tumor. I 6. A. TOWN KB, C. K. i?. Jy CoiuinissioncV's Ollloc, Maicb 13, lfij?, 44 3ro< "OKOKOE HKJ.DMAN. HARNESS MAfVJFACTURER, Tl:,AIKH Itf KADDbRX, rt/.Jj/LJts, WHtPS, *0. r>?a KAsJ f'j bond au extrusive assortment of tho BUST -VATKlilAI. used in tbo Mh jiifactun: of Harness and huddles. T'laukfal tor the puUuUAge given hira for the lust teu yours, ho aoHcils t continuance of (he same. Orders IV"m a ilftiuire promptly attended ' to. 'CS Persons indohted to hiin aro nmeatcd to, ; call and pay up. M-1/ April 2tt Town Property Near the Femalt College FOR *SA|,E. i t IK undersigned having deterniiued to remove to Louisiana,oRiyi rfl > tip, ha hi* IIOl'tiK and LOT for sale. Til JffJwiRL premises are desirably looatod, <>n BiiuooiuIki street, uear the Female College, and will bo sold npon reasonable terms. The House is i mitfiarn lively new. romessioB plvcn inamediately, if desired. For farther pArticularr, apply to Air. T. 1J. Boihttra. 1>. P. BfAKKft, Jan 12 2d - t|