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. * "* " i- 't The Two VapolpoMi .V Napoleon I. was'but twcaty-six yenr? W V *hfB khjNiinlol to the command 01 th? army w Italy. Before he, had entered upon hie twenty-' aaventh liclitd Woii lM iiattlea of Monte' Notte, Millessimn and Mondovi; forced the terrible pes ago of the bridge of Lodio, entered MHnn in triumph; seised u|hhi (ho great Iron crown of Loinbnrdy, though not yet crowned ; driven the Austrinns out ol Miintnn; beaten the Tyrol nrrov of WurtUM at Castrglione; torced Parma, Mod en a, Roine and Naples into submission; in fine, reduced all Italy, from the Alps to the Papal dominions, under his sway. And his army mimtxjred hut 36,000 men, nud those poorly clothed and badly provisioned. Napoleon 111 .liters the same grand battlefield in his 63d year, lie has no personal experience, but is supported by well tried veterans , of the Algerian and Crimean wars?Pelissier, MuMnlion. Rnndon. Neil). Onnrohert. Castednin Mnj^non, BarA^tiiiy d'Jlillers?and, tor active offensive war," the finest army In Europe, the largest, moat individual in chnmcter, most ambitious, best disciplined and best equipped, lie lias himself, however, a Inrgo and valuable theorclicnl knowledge of the art of war. There is 1 >10 man probably living who has rood more, thought more, or Written more on military subjects than Napoleon III. Several of hi* treatises are, wo believe, the standard works in Europe in the departments of the science of which thev treat. He has also born, from his youth, careful and sagacious observer of military affairs throughout the world*?of the two great Algc-' Han and Crimean wars in particular, the opera tions of the first of which, sinec his ascension, and of the Inst from- tho beginning, ho has the credit of conducting. Nnnoleon I was young, but a mere stripling; Napoleon 111 is in the .vigor of mature mauhood. This w(is studious, virtuous, temperate even to abstemiousness, unknown, without money and friends; the other is a riotous liver, lascivious, commands money and friends without number, ami fills the world with his name. This was open, frank, sincere, full of sympathy with his man, with whom he lired 011 the most familiar terms, sharing their joys and sorrows and dangars, imparting to them his pluns and designs, even his inmost thought; the other is cold, distant, reticent to n jwovorb, imparting hie c-tinseh* to none, hardly letting his left hand know what his right bsnd doeth, and familiar with none, nopuiuon i, in nn?\ was sun in liio nre of yonth, active, enterprising, n man of genius, indeed, fr<>ni tho promptings of which he always acted; .NaiMileon the III it past the middle age; inactive, but mature in judgment, upon wltich, and upon his thcoredeul knowledge, he lias ah>no to rely. It will be curious for the future historian to run the parallel of their respective career* Arrival of the Steamer New York. Kkw York, May 29.?Many continental failures ai e reported. Caswell & Co., of Birmingham, have also failed. Lonoon. May 10.?French red wheat, three to four shillings, over the quotations of the previous week. Queen Victoria reviewed the British troops at Aldershult, on the loth instant. Count l'crsitfdy, the new French Minister, nr rived in Loudon on the 14th instant, Prince v"omsoiinkoii niso arrived on Hie name usie. The I'm is correspondent of tlio London Times ays that the confidence in the success of the army, of Italy is en great, that preparations will soon he made at Notre linme for a Te Ileum and thanksgiving for an expected great victory, and that the programme will be announced in the coming week. All the officers of the regiment of suppers, to bo commanded by I'rincc Napoleon, left Paris on the 14th instant lor Toulon. A train of siego artillery had also been despatched to Italy. It is rumored that arms have been sent to Hungary, and that the Hungarians abroad ore actively employed in fomenting nu insurrection in their conutry. It is reported that Louis Napoleon, before leaving Paris, addressed a letter to Queen Victoria, repenting his promise to take no stop during the war calculated to compromise the interests of England, The ^pstrUn Government Loan of 75.000,000 is to be at five per oeut., payable in silver, and will be issued nt 70. Pikumoxt, May 14.?An official bulletin says that the Austrian* have withdrawn to-day from Kobbio, but a second still stronger recoiiiioitering force has pushed forward towards Vercelli, Louis Napoleon and Canrobert rode through the. streets of Alessendi ia on horseback, and were everywhere received willi great demonstrations vif iov. l'hc German Diet, was closed on tlie 14th by the l'rihce Regent, in person, who said that Prussia had determined on preserving the balance of power in So rope, and would stand up for tlie security, protection and nat ional interests of Germany. It was expected lliat the German confedcraMvti powers would stand in friendly position by her side. The mobilization of the eight federal corps d'armee had been completed. Prince William Frederick would be the Coiimmnder-iuChief. Tlie China mall, with Calcutta dates to April 8, and Hong Kong to March 28. had arrived.? Tim French troop* hnd captured a place of considerable strength in Cochin China. The trade of Cunton was suffering considerably from the exactions of the Mandarins. Loxoom, May 17.?The Duke .Do Grauinient left Koine on Uio 15th, in consequence of an order from the Kmperor. Ther English steauur, with the India mails, was boarded off* Sa.-s iru by the boats of a French manof-war. An oflicial bulletin from Turin announces a movement of the Austyiaus from Stiubella towards Vochera. Charles Villati A Co., of Birmingham have fail cd. - ^ ' ttr.vr.uK Tiiunokr Storm.?The Unionvilie Journal says: "Through an obliging communication from Mr. T. J. 15-, of Limestone Springs. we~lcarn that that plaee was visited on last Saturday afternoon by one of the most fearful thunderstorms experienced there for many y?.%rs. A bolt struck H tree near the home of iV- W illinm Curtis, and dividing, u portion passed into tlie house at the northwest corner. Tearing off the window-shut- ) tors, and passing through the building, it came ! out at the" passage door, within n foot of the head of J)r. Curtis, who, nt the Lime, wn* standing there with his two nous. George and William.? The shock wiik so great n? to paralyze them completely, nnd they remained for several hours inn state of insensibility. When Inst heard from, however, they were doing well, and we hope thnt the stroke will huvo no lasting ill-conseqtienoes. The holt, in its farther passage, after escaping from the home door, run along the piur.zn, tearing off several plunks from the ceiling, and a Considerabls portion of tlje weather-hoarding nt the front corner of the house, and finally spent itself along a wirs which communicated with the Beminnry building. PAixrm. AcpH'EXT.?Wc regret to learn that l)r. K. W-dBphlMx, Sr. and 'I. K. Brown, R*q., the emineMRiteor, met with a serious accident Saturday inorni'^J while ddcending in a boggy ^pe slope of Huirlte'^lill It appears thnt the iiowe auacneu to a ero?;ofi irmncuinteiy in their rear became. unnuwingt^bie, and duelled it witli great force ft^nfnst tlie buggy, ijy pule p issing through tlio vehicle, and sinking the side or back of Mr. Brown very violently. Mr. Brown wus severely nori. and the full exton! of his injury was not clearly ascertained Saturday afternoon. It was feared that some of his bonea wero broken. I)r. Oibbe* escaped with much less injury. It \yaa a narrow escape from A frightful doitli.~<7<i<Mb3i?9, Nkw Tone, May i&. Gtbmu FtllbuMer* cotne lack.?The remaining rdventftrers of the Cuban liberation body arrived hersi>eaterdny from Port Ml Prince, fn the H t<n^i>t y i > T 8 ! ft 'i1 & ii'|wi|." TT [j^rr-?11 wl L LIA M P. PR I ClSV EDITOR. Our Motto--** Squtl Bights to All." grekjfvili k 8 q. Thursday Horning, J one 2,1859. Calhoun Association. The neU proceeds of the recent fair of the Ladies Calhoun Association, in Charleston, araouuteil to $8,060. ' So My* the Courier. The Pendleton Messenger. This journal hits been removed from Pendleton lo llartwell, Hart county, On., where it will henceforth be published. We wish for the ifes rttffrr in it* new home, a more extended sphere of usefulness. mV? D?..i tiru a *. UV MVIOV &U ?V UVB?N We hare mn?le Inquiry concerning tho rust hin tlic wheat, during tl?o past week, of several of our farmers, and learn that there Is a great deal of rust on the blade of the wheat but in no instance is it on the ^stAlfc. A great deal of wheat is yet in the * milk," or " dough," but if the rust confines itself to the blade, no damage will be sustained by it, and a large yield is promised. Corn is small, but looks well. The oat crop, we learn, is not doing so welL * Oppressive Weather. Warm weather U exceedingly oppressive, sometimes, both mentally and physically, but it has its comforts, and uot least among these is the Soda Fountain. Prs. Loxo A Burnuam have one at their Drug Store, and if you would drink and he rcireehtd, give them a call. They trill give yon good soda, cold and sparkling. Messrs Fisher A Heinitsh. These gentlemen announce that they have pur chased the Drug Store of Dr. ICaurcii, in this place, and intend to enlarge the stock considerably, and to carry on the business at the same stand. They have the reputation of excellent druggists, and will, no doubt, use every effort to please their customers. Village Improvement*. It will be a source of pleasure to all the friends of our town to lenra that it is still improving.? The spirit of improvement is visible upon all sides, and if it be kept up at the present rate, wo verilv believe that fSreonville ivill in a weev few years, have to doff licr close fitting and modest habit and assume the more extended limits and privi1oge?of a city. And whilst these might not innko us better as a people, it would nevertheless, be a reflection upon our enterprise, zeal and progress as citizens. Mr. T. B. Roberts is preparing to erect a brick edifice or. Main Street on the spot recently occupied by liie residence. When completed, judging from the plan and its proportions, it will be one of the handsomest business houses in town, and will add beauty to the appearance of the street. Over the river, we find that Messrs. Brooks. 1 Scnt'ccs A Ginfov, hove in course of completion a house of considerable dimensions, which is to be occupied by tbom ns a warehouse and groce rv establishment The house is loeated at the junction of Pendleton Htrcetnnd Augusta road.? It is the intention of these gentlemen to occupy their present house of business solely for the purpose of manufacturing boots and shoes and as a clothing store. NVe are pleased to learn, that their business has proved profitable to tliem.-? i It is, we think, an indication, that the buei ncss prospects of West Greenville, are brightenimr No uortion of the town tins an mnUlu i? creased within the past twelve months?both in regard to the number of houses and inhabitants. Wc also observe, thut Mr. Peter Carrie is improving his let on the corner of Main and Coffee Streets. The house when completed, will be occupied by Mr. A. L. Lett, of " The People's Store." Mr. Johx Adams, wc observe, haft commenced to improve his lot handsomely. A large framed dwelling is in course of building, and will soon bo completed. It is located on a beautiful site, above the upper bridge, and commands a fine view of the stream and the rich meadows along the hanks of tho river. Tho above are otjly ft few of the improve- ' meuts now going on and in contemplation.? 1 Wc will hereafter take occasion to speuk of the water-works, which will soon be in operation, under the management of Alkx-amuer Mo Bee, Esq., our industrious and enterprising Inteudant. This undertaking is at the sole expense of Mr. McBek, and is one which, we think, will add a thousand blessings to the place. It will bo the means of beautifying rnsnv private 1 l.l.l i i 1 ? which iihvi- mrciuiuiu nc"n rt'(JIir<1MI as inaccessible to water. There, too, is the school building to be erected by the Presbyterinn denomination, near the depot. We believe that an amount, nearly sufficient to complete it, hue been subscribed, and we presume that the Bnilding Committee will soon go to work. Cakos and Bear. , Who does not reeolleet the time when a Ave cent piece was thought fit for no other purpose than to buy a ginger-cuke with. Why, we doubt not that many a boy has saved his five cent* three months, just to enjoy the luxury of a cake and beer " a eourt week"?speaking from experience. lfatiits and tastes, too, early formed, are hard to break sometimes, a ad after life often finds the man indulging in * the bey " again.? A kind lody sent "the boys" of o?r establishment a quantity of No. 1 Beor, the other mornings and a purer of ten emit was imraedfately made up, (he whole of which was invested in cakes. We needn't tell what followed, only, tha( during the animated disousaien which arose, consequent upon the subject" befor) the l.?u ? ?the Devil bring in the ehair?the fallow lug, toast was nnamhuon-'y adopted and drank by the party, all standing: (the Devil had got op:) Our Kind Donor?May her pease and liappi ne?? never he leas than her kitvdnem, and her , of Ircr, may it ne'er gin out. * 1 \ 91198 ftI i .-,101 L .. - > -. -gi jeal^ Tf "the Auni varaarjr Addrw* of thia il^ety war PH<Say rrroluc ha*, by J. *i,~WAV KKby of Edgefield, HO,? meinl?er of the Society, before t large aftd nftoutive auilienoe. tile Phi loeophian and Adelphian SocteUea formed la proeeaetou at the old Baptlat Oharob at 8 o'elook, and marched to the New Court Th>u*r, preceded by the baud. The. exereieea were aoaameoeed hy prayer by Frtfftaeet1 Royal*. The epeaker vaathea introduced, who attracted the atten tioo of bia auditory for about hajf an h'ofar.? "Tha Achievement* of Hibd,H was bia auhjcct and 'bough a,broad one, and na varied na the phenomena of miud itaolf, bia addrcca vraa eomprchenatve, and full of lotereob It waa clothed in beAlltiftll lnnmiaint with -? ?>l elegance, and wAs occasionally interspersed witli fino flights of imagination and nica comparisons. Going far back into the past for facto, lie showed that the achievements of mind were the only lasting accomplishments of man. The lordly structures of the ancient material world, with all tboir grandeur, beauty and magnificence, had long since crumbled, tottered and decayed, while the mental achievements of the same ages still existed. In deflation ol the hand of time. The importance of intellectual acquirements to the young men whom he addressed, constituted bis closing remarks, and was urged dpon them.? Again We say, it was a fine address, well eoncoived, and one that reflected credit, not oulv on the speaker, but. on the Society and tba University. Chang# ot Religious Views. The Souihfm Baptiat, with considerable mortification, slates that Rev. J, P. Tisnx, late editor of tbat paper, and now traveling in Europe has renounced his religious views, aivd applied to Right Rov. Bishop Cla ki for orders in the Epis copal Church- We do not think the HnpliM should worry itself about the matter. It is a concern in which Mr. Tustis is ?ohI-ly interested, and as thero is no reason to think that the Episoopal Church will mourn when lie leaves that to join some other denomination, he should he allowed to make the change as quietly ns possible. A Family Poisoned. One of the most shocking cases of poisoning which has linnnened for inanv vears??t lo??? in this Stnto?transpired at Newberry last week. The family poisoned was llutt of Mr. Hobmt Stkwabt, a gentleman well known to many of us, and who resides much of his time at hfs summer pliico near Greenville. Concerning the cose, tlic Newberry CoHmrvatUt says: "On Thursday morning, last, just after their usual Breakfast hour, the family of Mr. Robert Stewart found themselves iu the greatest peril. 1 Eight persons on the lot, Mr. Stewart, Mrs. Stewark Mrs. Wilkes, housekeeper, and five negroes, were taken suddenly ill, with all the symstonis of having taken poison. Our ohysieiuns* were on the spot- as promptly as possible, only to confirm (lie worst fears and render all the assistance in their power. " In the afternoon of that day the cook, a negro woman named Fanny, was lodged lit jail, where she confessed to having put it miuntily of Arsenic in the water-bucket* in the Kitehen.? Water was used from this bucket in preparing all the dishes for breakfast, except tin; biscuit, and it may he, the coffee. This accounts for Mrs. Kutc Stewart's escape, its she ate only of these two dishes. Miss Sue Wright and Mrs. Wilkes' son were fortunately absent front the breakfast table; the first was confined to a sick bed, and the other, after taking an early breakfast, was off to school. " Fa nay further confessed that she had been furnished with the poison by a white itirttl, with whom she hud, for some time itest, been on the most Ultimate terms. (We shall not, for his luindy's suke, publish his name.) After using it part of the Arsenic, she had buried the remainder iu the garden where it wait found in the place she designated. The package was identified' by the Druggist as the one lie sold (ne mgni oeiore to tlie while man alluded to.? lie, also, was lodged in jail on Thursday evening, so tlint it is n matter of congratulation that I lie criminals in this nefarious liminese arc secure from escape. No other reason can be assigned for the dastardly act, limn tlmt funny did it to revenge herself upon her master's family for the punishment lie hnd inflicted, and threatened still to inflict, lieeause of her shameful iutiinaey with this-man, whose co-operation in the hellish plan she, to his everlasting shuttle be it said, easily sceured. " We learn, just as wc are going to proas, that all of the poisoned persons are regarded out of duugcr, except Mrs, Wilkes, whose ease is still desperate, bhe may die at iiny moment." Later news than the above reports the death of Mrs. Wilkes. A Remarkable Book. Hint* To ward Physical Perfection: or, the Philosophy of Ilnniau Beauty; showing how to Acquire and Retain Bodily Sj-inmetry. Health and Vigor; secure Long Life; ind avoid the Infirmities nnd Deformities of Age. By 1). II. Jitcqttes. New York: Fowler ?t Wells, publishers, 808 Broadway. Price $1. This is a work whieh, if \re mistake not, is destined to cominuud universal attention, nnd awaken everywhere a deeper interest in the I>ny?icnj improvement 01 the rnoe than tins yet been manifested; as it shows how certain and easy thin improvement nay bo made by the uleaf the pet-feetly iegilmute mean* therein pointed out. It will be found deeply interesting to Ixsth sexes, (but especially to women.) and to ail ages; nud we earnestly commend it to all for whoin lionltli, strength, and beauty have nay attractions ; to |xircuts, as a guide to the right performance of their all-iin|>ortaut functions and duties; to taaohera, who may learn from it hoar to dovclope the minds and bodies of their pupils harmoniously together; to young women, who will not look in vain in its pages for the secrets of that womanly beauty and personal attractiveness which they very properly desire to possess ; and to young men, who will And it a manual of rules for the development ot those high qualities of physical vigor and manliness which will command the admiration of their own m 1 no kit thnu lli? lo*? of the oilier, Illustrated with twenty plates nnd a large number of auto, raeeuted it the highest alyla of art. Tiik Tiomo.?Tiit Constitutionalist aaya: * A name which ia in every one'* month, showltl he corr.etly pronounced. The kttoraof the Italian language do not. nil have the Mime aoitnda which they have in Kngland. The pronunciation ot this name is 'IWchmno It la a amntl river, connecting tho Lake of Mi'mhw wkb the P??, and has ita importance froiu ita being the bnundaey between I.otnbardy and Sardinm ; therefore, din Auplrians h?coui? invaders the moment thsy paw to ita weateni bank." r.rm.i a?o Rio.?A New Haven candidate for the New Jersey ltishopriek ha a put in hiaclaima, Ilia name la Littb-jobn. Another of the candidate* whose nnino we have sdnn id the Re*. John R*?J. ,1 I #,r? \f 1 The Ra*?w w?s *e fcrmef* o?eba ginning** harvest the* wheat emp. Kotwl*. i standing the rust. it *ni at lea* I* an average ^ yield. Own oro?i flattering. *fhe edit** of the Keowe* Oourier, is Utftrmtd by Mr. Joel M. UlaytoOt that all diftVonWee have been over ' oome, and that the Crow Anejtor frogrssetoalet, will be IsotUd without fail aboOt the first of An- ' giwt next, An embankment on the Spar ' taubnrg and Union Railroad, n*ar Alston. was ( washed away ae'vntly, leaving a gap some twenty fset wide. Hands are engaged In repairing J ?he dhhiago. >? A snore for .a ngmmneot to Dr. Kens, the illustrious Arctic Explorer, is being made in New York. ' ' A due) was report- J sd to have taken place between O. Jennings Wise , end B. B Bwtta, of Virginia, somewhere-Od the , North- Carolina line a few days sic?s, but It did on cuvdo on. a SlllgWSr sutciao ( tut week in WilJboro', Maine. Mr*. Junes ( Barns went to the orchard Deer her lioase, end . hanged herself upon * tree, having first pot on several additional skirts to assist strangulation , by their weight The probable reason was the ( hopeless sickness of her husband, whom site did not wish to survive. A pickerel was \ caught the othor day, with a squirrel in his i etomaeh. Query. Did the squirrel go into the ' water after the pickerel or the pickerel go up s tree after the squirrel f A problem for a debet- 1 ing soeity. * * * ' A bill has passed both bouses of the Ohio Legislature, and is oouaequeuiiy a law, ' making seduction a penitentiary offence. , There setnas to bs a universal law that more tnalea than females are born. Thle is sustained ' by tbe records of every nation where records ^ have been kept Tbe excess is greatest in the , United 8tatcs; especially is it so in this State and Russia, they being extreme climates. The canae or causes are not known. 1 Dr. Adam Clark, who had a strong aversion to pork, was called uj>on to say grace at a din- ' nor, where the principal dish was a roast pig.? , tie is reported to have said: " O Lord, if thou I canst bless under the Gospel what thou didst 1 curse under the Law, bless the pig.' ? The ' Kmprcss Eugenie was X* years old on the 4th of May. They have a superstition in I'aris that 33 or OR is the unlucky year of one's life. It af feet* the poor Empress. Man was made in the image of God, that he might understand 11 im " Ilfimofl Vfll'llftt. tKn FuonaK *v??o?Ah ? . f", IB I ifoing to be married at tlie age of 67. A correspondent of the Boston Transcript may* that j snow is still several feet deep on the White f Mountains, aud that the Connectieut River is I frozen solid in that vicinity. A Norwegi- } an shoemaker living in Minnesota, has obtained ! $17,000 for a piece of land near Chicago, which t he bought eleven years ago for the sum of $2n There was frost in Lowell, Mass., and In Hartford, Ct, on Moudsy week. * A Cincinnati paper snya tlint within a fortnight, thirty ^ young Germans, sympathising with Austria, have left that city for Europe. * The town of ti Key West has baen entirely consumed by tire. Adam," said a sagacious man, " showed " mneh wisdom in giving names to tlio animals when they were brought to hiin. But as for the hog, I think nny one would have known what it li was, if he had not named it so." _ Mr. Joseph " Irhy, a man of wealth and standing in j the up-country, while lal?oriiig under * fit of in u sanity, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor, in Marlboro' District, a few days. 0 since. - The Milwaukee New* wye that since Sickle* t! ahot Key. no leea than thirty four men hnve been shot, or shot at by injured husband*, that we have account of. ? Win. Pence, of Raleigh, North Carolina, has subscribed $10,000 towards * the establishment of a Presbyterian school in j that city. """ Italy is only twice the sUe of M New Englnnd, and contains a population as large n? the United State*. A politician at the West, claims the support of the Catholics, on the ground that he burnt Roman candles on the 4th of July evening. A German "ativant," has taken the trouble to count the nuinWr of hairs existing in four human heads lie found in a plonde, 140,000 distinct hairs ; in a brown, 109, r 440; in a black, 102,960; and in a red, 66,740. * The Grand Jury of Alachua county, Flor idn, hnve presented Gov. Perry of that Ststs, a* " a nuisance " Their indignation was rrouoed v... i.i. ? ?i '?J "j .i.- wui?c vii me runrana question. j The fourth game of choaa, between tbeXiharlcaton end Augusta club, hue terminated in favor of Augusta. Of three prceeding games Charles o ton won one, the other two was drawn. The 2 present game, nnlcss drawn, will be decisive of b the match. Arthur Napoleon is a great b chess player, And Is shortly to match hltnaelf with e Morphy. The wonderful boy pianist is also a linguist, speaking live languages with great iacil- f ity. He was sixteon last Mareb. It is stated, (says the Philadelphia Ledger,) in a letter j from P'ke'e Peak, that a crowd of disappointed t gold-seekers caught "two Pika'a Peak letter- j writers " at the Fort, and hanged them, for hsv f ing ao grossly humbugged them. The Charleston and Savannah Railroad runs to Green " Pond, about forty four miles from Charleston. Fifty Editors, in Maine, recently went on g an excursion; they made common purse and bought a box of sardinea for dinner. In eon sequence of that reckleaa extravagance, forty-nine of them have ainee taken the benefit of the bank rupt act.. Robert MoKnight, ftr., is now working at tlie pane at the age of seventy one years. He has never been nut of the Btate of South Carolina. He Is no doubt the oldcat'-printer in the United States. V ^ c A 9to?t tbat Nxxna Com>-?rmavion.?Tlie Buf ^ falo Advertiser tells of two chaps in that city, , who recontly resolved to give up smoking. They decided to tAper off, limiting the Aret day's consumption to three, the Second to two, and the third to one eigar. One gentleman, however, thodgkl that he had heen hasty, hut determined to keop hie Itond, as a^bran ne w tile was the penalty for over-stepping the preeerttxo limits, and also to get aa much tanks aa possible during the tapering off prusees. So ho proenOed a elgar mah?r to mass hita three olgars, each twelve inches Impg. fee the Aret dey's ( use, two of eighteen inches long, for the .second, , end one of the thirty six incheslong for the third ? day. That last one Is'a little extravagant. a 8aP.?We learn that Mr. Vlek, who wa? tilled * kn the duet hy Mr. Htith a few day wage, was-to leave been married this week to a lovely and r wealthy girl, living on l>sar (took, Mississippi. , We have born in fumed that tho yooag lady, ao- j soon poo led by ker mother, vlsttad our cTty a abort M lime since, aorfpnrcbaeod front's store on Costal a street a magnificent brhtal tree as son. Alas I ?t C aoeh la the case, liow suddenly have the bright- est expectations and most joy fal anticipations bsca 1 dadiod to the ground!?V. 0. Paper. ) \ ? - ' . o X. Ill 1 .HI 111 LLigga? a i rg. mXtmj 4eademy fer the purpoee of payingMf ttrt tribute of ftapeet to thai* oOoor owl mum ktoNMd PNMptnr, Lieut II. B. D'Oylf^ tho following preamble and resolutions were idopted : * Whereas, It bath pleased God, la hto AH-vtet ftopeaantioa. to oar band, and remove from Mir midet oar bigfcty iuppepted Officer and Pretepter, Lieut TL ? D^GYLEY. lie to no more ! Da Monday, the 11th April, at M o'cloek, heex pi red?the morning of hie Ufa' going cut with that of the day. Ia the rol.tot of asefnlceve hU early death lian'deprived ua of lila Instruction and aesoerfcUon, and thne "solemnly convened us together. In the prime and vigor of early man Iiood-?upon the threshold of * promising life, bath he been called away Fur from the home of hie nativity, in the lnnd of Strang*!*, y?t"In the midst of .ninny warm end devote*! friende, the Great Architect hoe surompnoJ hid) from all the toll end contention of life, to that ddep sloop whioh knows no wakening here on onrth.-? Therefore, in memory of his uinny virtues and excellencies, Jtetolved, Hint is Ids death our Institution bath been deprived of one of llc^hle Principals, and the society snd en?ninuiil*y of his adopted hotuo of one of Its brightest ornaments. H?oived, That we deeply deplore his Kum, and in'tnken of our respect for bin tnemorv, will wear the usual Itadgo of itouiirnbig for tlilrty_da.ys. Rfnolved. That we extend to-the rUltim of the urt-iisiu uuf Sympathy. anu soar a copy of-these preamble and resolutions be sunt to t hem. It??l ved. That the proceed In cs of this meeting he published in tho UutherforJ Telegraph, nn?l Vfnrfrcesboro* News, and that copies be scut t? die Charleston Courier, and to the papers of Sreeuvills, S C. WILLIAM F. LEIPKR, Chsirmou. Bcn. M. Ilonu, Secretary. A?r Unequal Contest?An amusing incident >eenrred yesterday morning while van Anburgh's menagerie-was Crossing the Appotmattox, a short distance above the Pocahontns bridge strikingly illustrntive of the fact that the hull-dog is tho most courageous of all animals, ?nd will attack any creature, rcgardl -es of else. As the elcpliabt entered the water with hiansunl flow and cautious step, some individual in (he jrowd, prompted by a spirit of mischief, hied on i large (villi aog to attack the huge animal. The log instantly olteyed, and, plunging Info the voter, seised hold of one of the hind lens of the k) iMlllHTlf d\ 11 wliidli fkn lotfrso ? J *-* v,. ..r .MVM VMT inmvi WH If VvriVVIICU 1ITIII with hit tail ha ho would brush off a fly. but not 'idding himself of Ills nesnilnnt bjr such gentle loans, and feeling sharp teeth at work upon hts eg. lie suddenly throw his snout around, and icizing the dog, held hlin under ths water until 10 .was nearly drowned, thou mining him high n the air, threw him at least a hundred feet out uto the stream. Fully satisfied with the pun aliment he hail received, the dog made liis way J o shore and beat a hasty retreat. [PtUrtbttrg ( V?l) Ejcpreu. , Danosb of I loo ph.?-Wo find Ait hoops are langerous in more ways than ono. It seems that >n the Ikith ult., in Oanidon county, in thieMtate, I n accident o' a serious nature occurred, ami all , rom a hoop skirt A fashionable neighlmr presented a poor wo- ( nan with one of the " utensils,"' ?od she hung it ] >v?r the post of a bed upon which her two young hildrcn wera sleeping?for safe keeping. A thuo- 1 l?*r storm coming up, the lightning struck the j iDiise?ran around the corner and lumped into ' n open window and upon the stire skirt?burn- J d it split the post into fragment*, and nearly ! ;iilrd the little innocent ones who.were sleeping pon the bed perfectly unconscious of danger. Hie children were saved, but it was a narrow scape. * , Look out for hoop skirts in a thunder storm, IV we?a man mnv h? il>n<,,?l> ?"? ~r Leui before be knows It. [ Wilmington (AT. C.) Herald. ? '' Tnn editor of the Washington States intimntee < bat the Brigadier General of tlie Government. rgan is guilty of a " sly sarcasm" iu calling the 'resident's organ the Constitution. , mmmmmmmmmrn?m-mmaammmmmmnnm-mmmmmmmmmm* I Maiihiku, on the evening of the lTth ult., at the 1 evidence of the bride's mother, by the Hov. Dr. J icely, B. M. WOOLLEY, Esq., of Marion, Ala., and diss 11ATTIE M. LEAK, of Marietta, On. MASONIC CELEBItATION ! or ? St. John's Day, 24th June, 1860. 1 RECOVERY LODOE, NO. 31, A,*. F.'. M.\, will elehrate the Anniversary of St. John the Baptist, '4th day of June, 1840, at Greenville C. 1I? fl. C.t >y a PaorKHSioa, Aiipkes* and Dikxkr. Neighoring lodges, and mouthers, of the Fraternity genralty, are cordially invited to attend and participate. ( The members are requested to meet at the Lodgo | loom at 10 o'elock, A. M., where the Procession will orun. An ADDRESS will be delivered hy P.'.M.'. W. K. . 2ASLEY, of Greenville, ia the New Court House, 1 it lit o'elock, A. M. The paMie generally, and the j adics particularly, ore rospecUUlly invited to be ] resent. After tbs Address, a Dinner will ho served at the 1 Goodlctt Moose," to the members of the Order. , Masons, attending tbo celebration will be passed i iver the Railroad for one /are. JAMES M. ALLEN,"1 ? ^ Al.K* M. ftW V I ? a O. A. PIOKLK, l|?S & , n. a- 0(hh)I.ktt, I 5 -? C. M. HuJUM?IN. j? 5 i DreeuvUfc, May 26, 185U. 3 6 MASONICPARTY. A MASONIC COJ#PLmSNTARY PARTY win w riven at Mr-Bra's Ham. tod the Loner Room >n tl>? Kvttiog of the 24 tk of Jtxi, IM9. Oentiegsen not members of the Order nay procure ' rickets of Mr. 0. A. Fickle, at XaeerK. Dyer k tteklo'e Store. ? Committee of Arrangement*. O. A. I'K'KLK, | wm. p. PRICK. ALU. M BKI, DR. I. OA NTT, OOL. B. P. JONKft, 0 M. M'dURHl!*, T)K>MA* HALL, DR. A. D UOCJt, DM. VF. B. iOHU, R. O. MAT. Or?avilto, Mat H> ltoff. . * & Kothino to so lieeominjf to a Atn or wumtir u a oft luxuriant Head of linir. It is U*e crowning adornaunt of humanity. Hut alas tbom to?it to lest, ' nd with it aU beauty, nnies* noarishod and Invigorted by aoaso rbeinleal preparation, for which nofh- ' ?X bar yat bean discovered rqua> to hoftMor | Vood's PrvpariUioa. Cabtih*.?Ik ware of worthless imitations, a*sea- 1 ral ara already ia the market, exited by different inmaa. Ilea none unless tbe word* (Profoeser Wood's . lair JUstoraUra^ 0e|*C Hi. Louis, Mo., and New M fork) are blown in the bottle. Sold by all Drag* J lata and Patent Medicine dealers, also by all Fan< y . ad. Toilet Goods deatore in the United Htatas and a !?aad* May 12 1 Im < ptf See advertises).mt at Dr. .Itn/onft Ifvrr W rtfrifvr, la another c'unt. ? f *" It moderate- fUl vxmmmmm! nnovN all obntnictfon^Jroia whatever ?mw, -aud a epeedy cure nay *0 ItASIM litnt? It ta y caltarly Ml ted. It WllL la a dor! time, bring Ml do monthly period With regularity. ACTIOS, Three PUln should not be. taken bjr ftanlw that are |tt|BM|, during (be H*a* **** WtfTtts, at tkay ore txyn, to bring oa Miscarriage j but A a vary W . olbar time, and In every other mm, they are perfectly ...lie. Jbi all Case* of N&rvoua and Bpiaal ^ffcetion^, Pal a lu the Hack ead Li in ha, HnWnea, Fatigue ou alight exeriiobs, l'ulpitatlou pf the Heart, W. neas of rpirita, Hysterica, Sick Header, TFkitsi, and all tbu painful diseases occasioned by a dlsordcred ayatom. Three l'Hta will effect a cure when all other mafun hare fatlod. ^' Full directions in the pmnphlct around oac? package, which should Wcarefully preserved. A bottle containing, fifty pUls,arul oOdlrdled with the Cfovprnment Slump of 'fliwt Britain, can be sept Boat free for *1 andft Bold by K. Krutoh, Orecnvlllc, Liarilaml A Chieboater, Wholesale l>rujn|ist, Charleston. , May 5 _ 62 hraow SURltf/'A?tVc lira MthoriaedtoBoooiinno. M. D. DIOKKY a CamlidaW far Sheriff of Utecuvilla Distriot, at the ensuing Election. - " ; SUEKrrF-?Vh? fVieudn of JOHK T. McDANIBL moat respectfully announce bimaa a Candidate for 8hci3ff Of Owsnrille District, at the ensuing Klection. __ * TA X COLLECTOR.?.JAMKS f. rjtAKOOK announces himself a Candidate for Tax Collector, at the earning Election.. %' t Attention! . BUTLER GUARDS. J/ TUB RKOULAR Monthly Meet- jgK i?K of.yrfut Corps will ho hold id VflT Mt-lWs Had o? Tuesday night, the TYl 0tli June, at 8 o'clock. W. T. SHUMATE, s*e. ?j/? iiirk iii I-.M. MMa T1IK next REGULAR COMMUNTO,VqjcKr^^TlON of dih Lodge win be held on Monday evening next, June 6, a* 8 o'clock. The members will take notice. . June 2 4-1 W. R. JONB8, Aee. ICE CREAM, . * rno BK HAD EVERY DAT AT THE X CRh'ES Ytl IR COXFKCT/OSKR r, Opposite the Man a ion House. June 2-t-tg , AOIIN KRAUSE. LOST ABOUT the 23d of May, a POOKET BOOK, containing sonio Notes and papers. anionic wuich (u k noh- on John Fowler for $$0.00, a not* dtWRrk. Pbvby Hudson fur $40, and on account on J. Pike. The iniMiv are cautioned against trading for the ub >ve Notre. The Ander will confer a favor by leaving it at the AtfebWie Ojflet, or with tha subscriber. W. II0WELL. June 2 4 4 . 1 EostT^?? ON SATURDAY, the Wlh alt., on the Road lending from Brushy Creek Church, by haster's Mid llal?i'? Kwterica, in this District, a POCKET BOOK, containing twexjr-two Dollars and fn-rr Ckmts?two Ten Dollar Mills on a Sooth Carolina Bank, one Two Dollar Dill on a Tennessee Bank, ind a Fifty rout piece and two Notes, one given by iVm, Stoker, with \V. McCarrotl security, for Twenty-Arc, and another given by J. Llgou, fer fun Dollars nnd a few cents, together with two or broe receipts from Messrs. Roberta Jt Duncan. A iboral reward will be girvn for tha recovery of said *t| Pocket Book with its contents. MOSES n. JF0WLKR, Euoree, P. 0., Apart. District, 8. C. June 2 4 1 : GENERAL T BOOT & SHOE STORE. TUB subscribers have received, and will ^flBVkcep constantly on hand, a large and well elected stock of Mon's Boys' and Children's BOOTS & 8H0ES, >f every variety. Also, Ladies' Misses' and Infants', rum common to stinerflue. Likewise, a gtwd lot of Ken's, Boys' and Children's Cloth luff aud Unit. We call particular attention to owr MANUFACrURINO Department, We wish to supply one and ill with Jlome Manufacture, from tho common Broenn up to anything you may wish in the Boot and ihoe |ine. . We woald respectfully Ittform tha public bat we have nuule arrangement* to furnish from 15 to 20.0WO naif of the host Rrntrisi uul Pt?ni?it?H shoe*, which we will veil at aoaaually lew price*. W? have a!m>, ? good 1"* GROCERIES, * iuch (I M<4aevc?s Cuba, Mnncavado, Orlean* and Florida Hyrnp, Coffee, Pugnr*, Baoon, Lard, Hire, md a variety of other Article*, which we will cell ow for Ca*h or Barter. Brooks, Semggt 6 Gibson. June t 4 * tf > 4 J&T- Patriot and Mountaineer copy. ' THEAf NOU N C EMKNT? TriP. putworiher* respectfully call attention to the following CARD, Conveying the information >i the ?Ui/.ons of OrecorUle and the Dtetrict that ibey bare purvhaeod the eat ire etoefc of DRUGS se MEDICINES OK 1 wel, ia!kin% ug>&wsrcna? and intend to continue the he*ine*a at the old etsnd. It in their.intention to enlarge thi* branch of Triad* in (iroonrille, and in view of thi*, have ordered a larare *t<?ek ai.d a v?r romnlnm ?-->?<? ?* -k ? Article usually kept la I>rug Storee in lagge eitiea. , | Mr. V. A. W^ltko, Jr.. (to whom the rMpoQiibk charge of preparing ana diipeneing Moriieiuee U entrusted,) i? a young man hi whom they hnvo every junftcteuoe. Educated to the baalaeaa, familiar with the Uortaan Language, and with considerable experience in all the Pharmaceutical brancbca, they trait, iKhowh ? ft ran per in this community, he may aODurc the confidence of the people, and a afcera of the patronage of the citiicna ef UrocbviUe. The former patroaa of thi* eatabliaiiment may rvtl assured that every regard will eoytiuue to be manifceted for their intoreet Lit the' purity aad eheapoeaa ef every aatieie K?lll. ,i They incite very rejpr-tf^Hy, a vWt ftnat aS. r J rmiiKX A Hjgxrau, '1 Pharmaceutist* end JtroggifU. ' June 3 4 tf ii?mi'Vviiitm** - OREEWTTLUJ, ?. O \ N?wfirm in 6nmviil?M A New Store, Dfrngs & MeriieimatF A New Wliolw?)e Pru# Kfero It A New Retail I'rng Store !t A New Stock of EeerrriMftjt H A New Vftrjefy of FmnHy Article* f A Choice Selection of Toilet Articles If A Oan??t iMtk ?r Duval, fnr*{0* mud ill *!??/? b? b?pi on band. AJ*o, " CkmrnitmU" Prrfnmmr}, Point*, W)ht Mttd, QSU, Vttrniiku, ftrim Briifkf, VmrnUit JVrwaJbv, (N?m, m4 r??ry bin* uiaailjr lufrt |p A Wb?teMfc> h4 Retail in* Itore. S'ftie**, Win** ?ud for, wtMtu IM. AU?? Dregi ait Wh?liN?te< 'j?^9&^?MSSg& * giggggajgas 3 4-tf ffrttmrln*, 9. Ci #