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* Fr-un ^Philadelphia ~ To ft Coquette. * T h. t. WIT. Ay I thou art false !?m false and fair . As yonder changing AprO sky.; Alua ! that oae with charms so Tart, Should N?k alone to plaaaa tbo eye J Lik? tb? il?c?WW hfllta that grow Around the Dead Boa's arid waste: Which to the night are lair as thou. Hut dust and ashes to Um tnsto! I doomed thee a?ct all lore and truth-? I thought thee good beyond compare; 'twas bat a dream ot youth, A* flouting lu 'twas bright and fair. Tool that I was!?I might have known That truth is no* in woman kind t Nor had I looked for It alone From tk?e, had love not mode we blind! i Iowa tbe?) m but row bavo loved? Thy truth bow fondly I believed; Tby guile bow bitterly bar* proved? 1 trusted, loved, and am devolved. But go I I seek not to u pbraid, I would not karo theo love me now; For surely never ye* was maid So fair?so loved?so false as thou 1 Then go ! and spread out all thy wiles, And other captives sock to snare; ' tto, lavish thoso deceitful smiles, Fair as thyself, aud false as fair 1 Ay, go ! and to anothor breathe The vowo once fondly breathed to me ; And bid him o'er thy forcheud wroatho The chaplet I had twined for theo 1 1 1 Uumarisf'0 Oli> Blizzard.?F very body about Montgomery knows "Old Blizzard," of 1'ike County. He is none of your one ox or one bag men; Old Blizzard is stiff in the world. Ho works his fifteen band* and makes Ids seven bags to the hand, lie made it nil by his own exertions, too. When the railroad (the Mobile A Glrard Road) was first talked of in hie settlement. Old Blizzard was high np for it. The line of the Road would come near it is piiinMiion, ana dispense with the wear and tear of his wagons through the prairies to Montgomery. One day an agent of the U. 11. Co. colled upon him, took dinner with him, and tnlkcd enthusiastically about the prospect* of the road to htm. As the agent was about leaving, he drew his subscription book nr.d said, " Well, Mr. Blbucard, wbat amount shall 1 put down as your subscription to outgreat enterprise " Wnl," said olJ R., - I're jist got thirteen hundred mils split out, and by the time you folks IT won't 'em. I'll lnr? about aa nanny more. u may put me down fur three thousand rails, anyhow." " Wo do not waut the rails, Mr. Bliz>?ar t," *sid (he agent, smiling, " we wish our ffrieu&ile re base, or rather help m? furnish, ri ran rajl*. \W>t amount of money will you give us to li<t]i>jwjt?Hlr0? rails f '"'IraMifWtils.>he.dunie<l f F.f vop cruin to iro ill ttersieh unnntnrgj itirks extrnvn gnnees a* that, I altmitgin y?r 4 tiuMer. Iron ."ails! Well, for sure, w ho e?ar Wut d .? * the like!"** And so Old Hlluard left |Jm tli. 'H. agent In disgust, mamMing t> himself ns ho vent awnyr "Iron rails, .bo darned."?iluitttjomcsy Mail. You Wocim't Uiu a Hlind Bot!"?On one s?f the Michigan Central Railroad trn'nstlie oth? r morning, mi incidrut setsrrrd which created considerable merriment, A blind boy who hns the ran of the ears fce tbe purpose of selling kniek knacks, entered the sleeping car, nppos ing all the inmates were up and dressed. Walking through the ear, he pnased his hand along the berths to see If they were occupied, when it fell upon the face of a elecper whose hirsute coloring at once arrested the boy^ attention.? , Stroking down the hairy coat, the boy com-' inciiccd with, "Here, pappy?here, poppy !" and other expressions of fondness which a lower of the canine species would be likely to indulge in. Ilif disturb) d sleeper partially awoke under these manipulations, and, shaking hit head, gave a loud snort. The boy jumped back in affright, yelling. " Get ont f get out! yon wouldn't bite a Mind boy! take luui off!" without even yet com prahanoing tne irui.ll. me Pn??cugers roureu with laughter, which did not nil :?ubside when the boy exclaimed, ' Lu ! I thought it wm a puppy in the berth, and not a big bull dog." Tmk IlemuT or Fat-iornr.?A friend who h*j been engaged on the United States Surrey, relate* to us the following incidents: " It has been well said that all ideas of human happiness aro ermtparative. Some years ago a countryman visited our encampment, and made many inquiries as to the purpose and execution of the work ; and, among other questions, inquired how wo employed our time in the winter, when out-of-door surveying was Impossible?? Wo told him that during the winter we Were engaged in office-work, in WaeliingtoaCity, in conslrneting maps of our summer's aUrveya. " 4 Do you ever see the President P asked our inOmxriilnr ** Oh, yes,' replied wo, * frequently; ho rides out on horseback nei?rly every Jny,'(it ?M during Mr. Van Huron's administration.) " At this announcement the countryman termed lost In thought, and lapsed into profound *ilanee, which ho broke, after an interval of some minutes, with the exclamation? " iVn'al mow, I s'pvse that chop has chickenpie for dinner every day of his lifel" A Goon Oml?When O. B. Fowler?no the tory runs?first commenced the examination of bum}?s, some of the students in the Maw York University were disposed to quis him. A peettliar-diuped squindi wa? fbond in the college yard, and a piaster east token of one end of It it quite etosety resembled tits oast of a human skull. Tliis wns taken to Fowler's rooms, and he was given to understand that tlie original was closely connected with a literary institution. The phrenologist took the east In his hand and exnmined it?- with some ears, when a bright thought struck him. "You used not think, young men, to catch met" said he to the stu dents; ' do you think I don't know the head of Tlorace Gree leyl" I'm pnrticulsrly nnea?y on this point," aa the fly plMfWlieu the boy stuclhliim on the end of n needle a virfElcj|feg the jprtvate character of a friend, wftL b4?"fS||tt bf the crime of ?be?j> steab * Mr. Thomas for 19 year*. 0or acquaintance commenced with tile grant equinoctial Itorih, which blew down oar grandfather's Urn. At that time he wm n yonng man,in the prime of life, and, we think, raised tht beat mnfrowfet pee# that we ever ate. He was n good mathematician, kind to the poor, nod troubled with fits. In all the relatione of huebaad,father, anele, and trnatee of common lands, he baa fallowed the direct standard of duty.? Mr. Thomas ie at this time 48 years of age, altokllif marlro/4 wUk tliA email Kav an aaiilllU hln citizen, a churcli nicmher, and a man of known integrity for ten year*. And a* to aheep steo'. ing, that ho~ would have done it if ho could get an opportunity ia without foundation in point of fact. Mr. Thomas could have stolen our load pencil several times, but he didn't do it.1* A Pni!.o* ms-rta* olo.?Among my little friends there ie a five year old boy who is very philosophically inclined. lie is rarely satisfied with tlie fact that he is, but he wants to know all the whys and wherefores of his existence. The other day Joe was watching with eager interest the dismemberment of the body corporate of a defunct pig. Ho interrupted the operator with many questions as to the precise object and bearing of the different members, as be saw them separated one from another. Finally, tho corpse was iu the condition of many of our live politician*?it hnd lost its baok bone. little Joe regarded this disjected member with close attention for a few minutes, and theu exclaimed with the air of triumph, " I know what that'* for." " What!" nsked the dissector of the hog. * Why," sold the boy, " that is to hitch the tail <0 l" Pie as ant Lore. Ik no wal it tier ose, A ndtnyl ov ingto ul we reb lest Co bid Ibut bet lied ropofd e\v. Tha tit eaup onli erb reastl But Id arcn otlo oka oh igh, Nord ieail oat liaoaw evt; I tiao no ugli form etob ? Thedu stab outh erf eet! Bunxm View o?- Mathivoxt.?A book-keeper was " engaged " but could not get married at the specified time, owing to the wait of funds. "The lime was fixed for yesterday," said a friend. " I know it," rejoined lie. " Then why wore you not married V "Well." said he, very serious, and approaching him confidently, "the fact is, 1 hare gut an extension." " I sat, Sambo, does you know the key to the prosperity of the Souff " Key to the prosperity ob de Souf T big words, Jubn; guess you must hub been eating mussn's dickshunnty. Golly, I ain't lamed enough to answer dat." " Welt, chile, 'tis the dar-Jteu." A " lovkr " received the following note, accompanied by a boquct of floweret " Deer?I send n bi llio boy a bucket t of flonra They i? like mi lux fur u. Tlic nltc shaida mcnea io-po dark. Tbo dog fenil uienca I am arc alavo "Rosia red and posia pail, Mi luv fur u alial never fayle." Mi?s Long, a girl of quick and fcarleea wit, naked Moat* if ho knew a certain young man. " Know him ? Oil, yea; I ought to know bins. I raised him from n pup." " Ah 1" eaid Miss Long. 441 didn't know you were m> old a rwr." Moses wilted. An Irishman, (nays tlic Pittsburg Toet,) working on the cnnul, lately Walked into the water, and coming across a large turtle, with head and legs extended, retreated, under great excitement, and linllooiug to his com]>?nion that he had found a box full of annkea. Noam Carolina Ball.?" MIm, can I have the pleasure of dancing with you the naxt cotillion T" " Well, t don't know?" ' Engaged, perhapsT" " Well, ef you intut know: I ain't quite done chawing my rawzwn A Rt'ttal poet has gotten up the following, and retired to private life: " I wood-nut die in spring tiem, wen frawg* begin to crawlwen kabbagc plants arc shutin up, noC! 1 wood not die at all." " An* you worth two hundred and fifty dollars Y" was asked of a New York negro barber, a* he walked up to the ballot box to deposit his vote on election day. "Yes, sir," replied the barber, " and if 1 was in St. Louis I should be worth seven hundred. A short time ago a schoolmaster was wanted for a western village. A pompous little fellow, one of tlic applicants* being asked to give a philosophical reneon why cream was put with tes, replied : " Because the globular particles of the cream rouder the scute angles of the tea more obtuse !" lie was elected. " Br..\W Us Oxa or Thru Till*as."?A prominent hardware house in Cincinnati, received, e day or two since, the following order: Samoamon Co., Ilu, Marsh 19/ " A Co.?Sirs: Send us one of tbem d?d tilings that inahe such a h?1 of a noise about a hotel. We've opened a hotel here last week, a-:sd want to ?f woe* w? anybody Sand bill. J. it P. A Bso. "' " P. S ?A feller hers says they calls tbem gongs in Torra llaute." " Tom, are you broke 1" " Yes," said Tom, with s sigh, " and so dead , broke if steamboats were selling at a eeul a piece, 1 couldn't buy a gangway plank." Owe of the illiterate who"' had a aaU to preach," recently set his congregation! on the broad grin, at tha close of a hammer aud-tongs sermon by requesting them to " Sing the Soekdolloger." A csrTAin of a privateer, who had been in an engagement, wrote to his owners that be had received bat little dnnnvge?having only one of his hand* wounded in the mom A rwtir?*ii, at a dinner tabls, being aahed Vf he would take some pudding, replied > " Owing to .a crowd e4 other matter, 1 am unable to make room for It. His ' Inside' was already folk" A* exchange m;i (luit old aheap gave Wrth ? widotr led,r wilh dx log* end fine dlrt'ell over Her hond. 4 COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUM8, 18 one 9f the best PUKGATIVB and LlVKR McdMnes uow before the public, that art* as a f WAnft'o, euitr, milder, alld wore effectual wan any other medicluo known. It la not only a Catkarite c but a Lirrr remedy. acting first on the Liver, to eject Ite morbid matter, then on the Ntoraaeh and Bowele, to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two f purpose* effectually, without any of the painful feeling* experienced in the operations or moot Vntkartiv. ? It strengthen* the system at the same tlmo that it purges it; and when taken dally In moderate doees. will strength an and batld it up with unusual rapidity, The Liter k|ons of tboi i rating the stomach, eauprihoipal regulators of jshig food to digest well, . tho human body; ndl^.lpurlfying^ the blood, gir- c when it performs Its ^ in L,-tone and health to the functions well, tho pow- *** whole machinery, rtoucr? of the system ?rofuI-'0|r'3ff the cause ofthe die- I ly dovolopod. Tho stoni - c^ oaso?effecting a radical ach is almost entirely de-i^<cure. * pendent on the healthy |^*l Bilious attacks aro action of the Livvr for g({ eared, and what is bet- I the proper ptrforueowU ter, prevented, hy the 1 of its functions ; whon]^ occasional use of the Li- 1 the stomach is at fault, vor Invigorator. the bowel* art at fault, M One dose after eating ' and the whole system snT ^ is sufficient to relieve the fers in consoqnence of ^ stomach and prevent the one organ?the Liver? food from rising and having ceased to do !ts W souring, duty. For the diseases Only one dose taken of that organ, one of the fiQ before retiring prevents f proprietors has mado it u Nightmare, his study, in a practice J * Only one dose taken of more than twenty ^ at night, loosens the years, to find some re mo- m bowels gently, and cures i dy wherewith to counter J Costlvones*. act tho many derange- Ono doso after each meats to whioh it is Ua- meal will cure Dyspepsia ble. ?. One <lose of two teaTo proro that this rem- O spoonsful will always reedy is at Inst found, auy Hcvo Sick-Headache, person troubled with Li- PS One bottle taken for fbvor Comp'aiut, in any of1^ male obstrncti'n removes | forms, has but to try a ? the cause of the disease, , bottle, and oonvietiou is ^ and makes a perfect eure. | certain. it Only one dose immediThcso Gums remove ^ ately relievesCholic, and til morbid or bad matter Ono dose often repeatfrom the system, supply- sd is a sure euro for Choiing in thoir place a heal- era Morbus, and a prcthy flow of bile, iuvigo- vontlve of Cholera. , Only one bottle is necdod to throw out of the system the effects of medicine after a long sickness. One bottle takon fur Janndico removes all sallowness or unnatural color flroin the skin. One doss takon a short time before eating gives vigor to the ap|>ctitc, and makes food digest wolL One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diarrhoea in its worst forms, while Hummer and Bowel Complaints yield almost to tho first dose. < One or two doses cures attacks caused by Worms In children; there is no surer, safer, or sptwdler reI mrdy in tho world, as it never (kilo. A few bottles cures Dronsr. bv exoltlnir the ab I sorbent*. We tnhe pleasure in recommending this medicine 1 an a preventive for Furor and Ague, Chill Foror, and I all Fevers of a Uiliious typo. It opuratcs with car* taintv, uud thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. /d'MIJt water in the tnoalh with tho Inrigorat?rt and swallow hoth together. The Liver Jnvlgorntor Is a scientific medical discovery, and is daily work- ' ing cures almost too great to hoiieve. It cures as if ' by magic, ersn (Ac Jiret doir giving benefit, and sol- < dom more than ono bottle is required to care any kiud of Liver Complaint, from tlio worst Jaawdie* or Dyjit/min to a commou Headache. all of which are tho result of a Diseased Liver. Prict <m* dollar prr bottle. DB. BAN FORI), Proprietor, Mi Broadway, New York. Retailed by all Druggists. Bold also by E. K mctcii, 1 (ireenvllle. il-lj Ap II ' GENiERAL , BOOT & 8M0JB 8T0RB. " i u. tun L' d..L JL.w. -??s A.H.. ?B it hid DUimoriuuiB luspcruuiit vmi | * .mention of tho public generally to ttw Urge nod well selected Slock of Boots, Shoos and Brogans, I which they Imvc jimt opened at their establishment on tho weft utile of the River, between Messrs. Wil: llama' and David's Stores, near the Mpob Their Stock baring been laid in for cosh, at the best Shoo markets, by a competent judge, they are i enabled to (oil cheap, as a comparison of their Stock . will plainly show. &AMS3' BHMl!BTJOITO. I Tho attention of the Ladies is rcspoctfiilly called | to tho assortment to be fountl in the Department of Ladies' and Misses' OA ITERS, SHOES. Ac. CHILDRKN'8 SIH'KS of every variety always 1 on hand. The Stock now on hand embraces an assortment of D00T8, IlHOti ANS and SHOES, of all descriptions, wbiih ore offered at unusually low prices. i Hoot and Skue manufactory. We are now making preparations to eominonca ino jn?iiii;arun i>i uoou ana ouuc*, ana will nceive and faithfully fulfil all ordeni In that line. I GROCERIES. < A General Assortment of GROCERIES will also < be fouud al this establishment, and will bo disposed of on accommodating torus. Brook*, Scruggs & Gibson. SHOE MAKERS WANTEO. A few ooinpetent Ilands can And employment on , early application to as. B-, ft.AO. , Oct 31 34 if FOR SALE OR RE NT? ! MA HOUSE AND LOT on Buneoraba Street, in front of the Female College. The House, contains Bight comfortable Rooms, with seven Fire-places, with coufortablo Out-bniidings, and a Well of exeollcut water, nil new and complete. Terms accommodating. Mcb 3 43-tf W. K. JON'KS, M. D. House* and Lots for Male. ?k THK subscriber offers for sale TWO LOTS j] in the town of Greenville, situated on PendleLtou Street, and within fire minutes' walk of the Katlroad Depot. Bach Lot has a Cot lago on U. Fine Wells of walet and convenient Out-houses are on the premises. These Lots will bo sold together or separately, on very reasonable terms. For further particulars, as to tho sixe of the Lot, terms, Ac., apply to L. W. WATSON. Feb 10 40 tf Valuable Lands for Sale, ON TERMS ACCOMMODATING TO PURCHASERS. A TRACT containing 030 Acre#, 400 of which arc good, heavily Timbered, and first-rate Ooorgn's Creek Uplnrtd/ The. Tract la located in Pirlrews WjWsI. on the road" from Greenville to I Pendleton. K miles from the former plane. Also, a TRACT in the same neighborhood, eon- j 1 >11 inline .'HO Acftll. 200 Acrck an Kuawllu I On the Tract there are 60 Acre* boat BOTTOM. . For particular*, apply to W. K. KA8LEY, Oct 28 26-tf Greenville, 8. C. Do You wish to Buy Real Estate /.V UHKESVILLK1 rK fluhacriber la Agent for the aale of the Mlowing Town Property i IIOC8B AND LOT on Buncombe Street, opposite tbe Female Collate?, own oil by Mr. B. J. Jnotion. ItOIIHR AND LOT of Mr. J. N. Feaator, near the Railroad Depot. One of the moat deaivaMa ptaatl 1I0UHK AND LOT of Mr. H. R. Wllliama, on the Augusta read, and near the Depot. Alao, aevetal other planee. The abore Property will be aold upon the moat reaaoeeble terms. VT, r. PRIOR. Jan 20 >7 tf M. DAVID A I. EPSTIN, eg _ luronriH* and miiih in WATCHES. JST JSWELRY AMD CLOCKS, No. M8 KINO STRRIT, OflJlHURTMIW 0, (0. Watchsa A OWcfee Repaired warranted tor one pear Feb 18 40 lj ftta nadftTrwi iff triis UMR? T dh Qu M III lo IHUKS & < idi UOBB iupB v)ivbb no*iw(? fe w*lry ft SUtw War*, [VEftrTHll^e OF 1HE BIST QUALITY, PURE AND WAERANTDD. ' Oiden for anything la thie line will be eery careoUt attended to. and"cli?u ,fc<1 * few day# after notice. Being aeeociated with <ar fother enables ime to bronre the aboee art dee la Hew York Olty mt foe Mat tylea, and at low prices. Dt'L. BEfBbRT, " AT LEVY'S NEW STORK, March M 4? ly Saddle ft Harness Manufactory. /v.^a The Subscriber would respectfully inforiu Ufeft the public generally tbat be ooutiauos the, above Business, Tkv Dvore A bore the Green ille Motel, Mid la prepared W fnmiith cnstoincra with my description of HOME MAN HBACTUKED iADDLKS. Carriage, Boggy and Wagon HAH *KS8 made to order, and In the heat styles. BRI>LES, WHIPS, 4c., on hand, ami for sale OH BAP. MMr Saddles and Harness REPAIRED at short lotioe. A. M. UILRBATH. Mch 3 43 ly ChThoveyT ra-iranrroa or TUB LAMM' STORE, DKALSa IX FANCY AMD STAPLE PRY GOODS, RICH DRESS GOODS, RQNNEtS, RIRRONS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, AND INDIA RUDDER GOODS, GREENVILLE, S. C. N. B.?Orders accompanied by the cash, for Modcal, Law or Library Bookaj Musical Instruments, ind Sundries, promptly filled in "New York and deterred at bia counter on shortest notice, dan IS 3? 1y JOHN W. GRADY7 DEALER IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOKS AND ST A TI ONER Y, DRUGS A- DYESTUFFS, HARDWARE A CUTLER Y, WOODEN WARE, OROCERIES, GRAIN, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ac., )i*roarra ni* new Court noren, ox main stb*i.t, jnn GREENVILLE, S. C. E KRUTOH'S 191 fltti 919 APOTHECARY SIP UN DEB McBRB'8 HALL, GHEICNVILLE. S. G. t Where will bo kept the Oiliest Stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHRMICALS, Potent Medicine*, Surgical Instalments, Paints, Oil*. Toilet Article*, and all other article* generally kept by Druggists.? pure Drug* are warranted. Compound Medicine* prepared in the careful way. llo:cipU put up with accuracy and dispatch. Jnn 13 36 ly MAIN STREET, NEXT TO THE MANSION HOUSE, ARK prepared to furnish Gentlemen with every Article of FASHIONABLE CLOTHING luitable to the season iu>d necessary to the comfort tod decent nppcaranco of the outer man. Also, an excellent assortment of BOOTS, SHOES iND HATS, with a rarity of FANCY ARTICLES u.* a cLoico lot of T,SOARS AND TOBACCO. Oct 21 24 tf SRI AND TIN WARE. FINDTNO it impossible to contiimo a CREDIT Businoas, I take this inithod of informing my Vicudx and patrons that on and after the Arst day of luuuary, 1859, 1 wilt sell only for CA8I-I OH BARTER, tnd will not keep any Opou Accounts. I will keep >n hand a good Stock of UU Y a GOVS, FANCY GOODS, GROCERIES, TIN WARE, Ac., -t, ;..t, r ?m ...ti .* it,. ?n.i svtsnvtnir PA PUB. Tbe Subscriber is also Manufacturing PRINTING and WRAPEINO PAPER, of nil sites. B, A CMS wanted, and taken in an quantity. Dee 9 31?tf K. GREKNP1BLD. THE Subscriber continues to ORNAMENT with FINK GOLD every rarioty of HAIR WORE U> order, such as Hair Hruaehr*, do. fir.ger Ring*, do. V**t, Fob and Ovarii Chain*, do. Heclelaee*, Bracelet,.'end, in fact. EVERT ARTICLE IN THE BRAIDED HAIR LINE. Makes, of flue tiold, Engagement King*, (with inscription thrown in,) Sofid Gold, Stem, Collar. Ho*am and Chimit Hut ton* ; Engraves Medal*, Seal*, dr., Plate of everv kind, and makes all articles fn Brass, Silver or Quid ; Repairs neatly all Jewelry Wrought in; takes all old Qold or Silver, at fair valuation. itt" OAce sixty yards east of the Old Court House, Greenville, 8. 0., and near the Enterpriee Utnce. J. U. KAflDOLPJH. Jnlj 18 1; Boot, Shoe and Leathor Store. THE Subacriber hfu ou hand an excellent aaanrt_ ?,r BOOTS AND SHOES, of bU own m?nufacture, Alio, juat received, * fine aaaortincut of LADIES' SHOES. SLUM ERS, X. Onilera, Ac.; MUaeft and Children's nil aires; Oentlcnten'aSlippen. Alao, a large etock of BR0GAN8, Shoemakers' Toole, Leather Finding*, Thread, Lace, Ac. He kaa alao on hand! ?i la/go fftoek of lbAther, which be will ecll at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Having in hi* employ excellent workmen, be la prepared to MAKE the flooat article of BOOTS and SHOES, at the ehorteat notioe. All of tbo above Good*, together with article* of hla oWn manefactofe, Will 1.6 fold at the moot ream>Mi price a for eaab. |\ jburtv* In Maau LovxLaxn'a BrickBuilihSo. April 15 4# tf MEENmLEJARILl f ARB t ftllK Snhacrlbcr having purehaaed tbo Interoet of JL Mr. JAMKtt D. CUALMEKS, he will continue tne MARltLE BUSINESS aa heretofore, at the Old 8tand in the rear of Mr. Ketchdtn'a Since. He feela thankful for the patronage which has been extended to the Firm of Cnalmxrc a Allrx, and hope*, by attention to bualneaa, add promptneax, to merit a continuance of tbo aame. Oet 7 22-tf JAS. M. ALLEN. aafnPV tnn n. P iMciiaaaipr phuoinv r>w?ewe ?>? ?? vi m'Wivuvwnu nm i THE A8HRVILLE Mutual Insurance Company HAVING complied with tbe legal requisition of thit flute, in fetation to Agencies, ftud baring appointed tbe undersigned u their Agent for this plane, ne ij now prepared to take KlflKti on I.IFK of FROPBlfcTY. JOHN W. ORADY. Ureenrille, a 0., Feb. 10. 10M. 40 tf Or'. 8. BOWEhT Manufacturer of and Dealer in /^3HV ItfllPuvIlK of every description. ; , CHAIUS of every style, FISK'S CELEBRATED MEfALIC BURIAL CASES, OvpoatU th? Cougar** JIout, Fob 4 COLUMBIA, 9. C. 8b-Jy NtW 8TYU8-.PRICES FROM *0 TO f 12* BXTBAOKABOIO* #6 POR HfnfMpBft, 4j?0 BROADWAY NBW YjORK. Thbskmaouinkh sow fam two spools, aepnrohaeed from the atore, requiring no re-winding ot thread. Tfcsy llem. pell, Unthor ood tfti?<h ia nMpotior style, lliiisbing each team by thoir Own operation, without recounts to tbc bsad-noodle, as In repaired by other machine#. They wilt do bettor and cheaper sowing than a seamstress mm, area if she works for vss cairr an hour, and are, anqaefttion*bly, tho bkst Machines in the market for family scwing, on account of their simplicity, durability, ease of management, and adaptation Co all varieties of family sewing, executing either heavy or fiao work with equal faclllfV, au4 without special adJasttomt. As evideooe of the nnqaeetiooed superiority of their Machines, the Orovtrdb Daktr 8?mittff Jfwcii?c Com- I jsaay bog leave to respoctfally refer to tbc following TISSTIMOHIALiS. " Having bad oae of Qrover A Baker's Machines In My fkinily for nearly a yiar and a bait; I take tllssairt iu sommciKlins it as srsra wav reliable) for the purpose for which M U designod?family sewing."?ifri. Joehua Lenril, teife of Boc, Dr. LtuviL, Editor of if. Y. ImUpemlent. " I confeM myself delighted with your Sewing Machine, which hn boon in my family for many months. It baa always boon ready for duty, requiring no adjustment, and Is easily adapted U> every variety of family sewing, by simply changing the spools of thread."?Jfre. Elizubsth Strieklnml, wife of Her. Dr. Strickland, Editor of N. Y. Chrietian Advocate. " After trying several different good nincblncs, I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity, aud tbe perfect case with which it is maunged, as well as the strength and durability of the seam. After long cxporioucS, I feel competent to speak in this wanner, an t to confidently recommend it for every variety of family sewing."?Jfr*. E. 0. Spoonrr, fife of Ike Editor of Brooklyn Star. " I have used a (Irovor A Baiter Sewing Machine for two years, aud have found it adapted to all kinds of family sowing, from cambric to broadcloth. Oarmonts bare boon worn out without the giving way of a stitch. Tho Machine is easily kept in orders, and easily used."?Mr*. A. 11. Whipple, wife of Her. Geo. Whipple, Xeic York. " r our Rowing machine bin boon in use in my family the put two year*, and the ladies request me to give you their testimonials to its perfect adapudness, aa well, oa labor'earing qualities in tho performance of family and household sowing."?Itobtrt Moorman, Aem York. " For eoreral B~-athi we hare o?ed Qrorer A linker's Bowing Machine, and have come to the conclusion that every lady who desires her rowing beautifully and quickly dono, would bo most fortunate I* possessing ono of these reliable and indefatigable * iron needle-women,' whose combined qualities of beauty, strength, and simplicity, are inralnohlo."? J. W. itorri?, <laughter of (Jen. Geo. P. Morri*, Editor of tkr /loois Journal. Extract of a letter from Thos. R. T?eavit?, Esq., an American gentleman now resident in Sydney, New South Wales, dated January 12,18511: " I hod a tout made in Molhowrtic, In 1H53, in which there were over throe thousaud yards of sewing dono with one of Urovcr A Baker's Machines, and a single soam of that has outstood all the double senilis sewed by sailors with a needle and twine." " If llomor eonld ho called np from his murky hades, ho would sing the advent of tlrover A Raker as a mora benignant intraolu of art than was over Vulcan's smithy. Ho wonld denounce midnight shirt-making as 'the direful spring of woes unnumbered."*?Prof. North. " I tidio pleasure in saying that the flrover A kor Sewing Maehlnos have more than sustained my cAimwiivu. /"-.or trying ana returning outer*, i h_vo tlirco of them in operation in my different placet, and, after four year*' trial, bavo no fault to And." J. 11. Hammvnrl, Senator of S-mth Carolina. ' My wife has bad one of Qrovor Jt Baker'a Family Sewing Machines for some timo. And I am satisfied it is one of tho best labor-saving inuchinos that bss boon Invented. I take much pkasure in rccouimonding it to tho public."?J. U. llarrie, UovernOi of Trntiemee. ' ''It is a beautiful thing, and puts everybody into an eaeiteinout of good humor. Were I a Catholio, I should insist upon Saints Urorcr A linker having an eternal holiday, in oominenioration of their good deed* for humanity."?Caetiut M. Clay. " I think it by far tho best patent in use. The Machine can bo adapted from the tiucst cainhric to tho heaviest cassimcre. It sews stronger, faster, and raoro beautifully, than one can ltuaginj. If mine could not bo replaced, money could not buy it."? lMr?. J. (1. Jlroicu, Xaihcillr, Teun. " It is *|>oc<iy, very neat, and durable in its work : la easily understood and kept in repair. I earnestly recommend this Machine to all my acquaints es and others."?ilrt. M. A. Forrest, Memphis, Ttnn. " We find this Machine to work to our satisfaction, and with pleasure rccounnond it to tike public, as wo believe the Orovor A Maker to be tho best Sowiog Machiuo in use."?' Deary Brothers, Allisouia, Ttnn. " If uacd exclusively for family purposes, #i?h oxdinary care, I will wager they will last one 'throescore years and tew/ ami never get out of fix."?/oka Krrhirxr, Nashville, "I have had your Machino for several wrecks, and am perfectly satisfied that the work it doe* Is the host and most beautiful that ever was uiudo."?J fagyia Aitnison, Nashrills, T?tin. "I use my machine upon coats, dress making, and lino linon stitching, and the work is admirable?far hotter than the band-aewing, or any other machine I havo ever socn."?Lucy ft. Thompson, .VndtiUe, Tent*. "J tad the work the strongest and most beautiful I have ever seen, made either by baud or machine, and regard the Qrover A Baker Machine as oue of the greatest blessings to our sex."?Jfrs. Taylor, A'askoiUr, True. " I have one of flnirtr k Baker's Machines In nso in my fnmily, and Sod It invaluable. I can eontdently recommend It to all persons In wsnt of a Machine."?0. T, Thorny on, XashviUr, Tsmn. 441 take pleasure in certifying to the utdity of the Orover k linker Sewing Machines. I have used ono on almost every description of work for months, aud find it much stronger and better in every respect than work done by bond."?Mrs. J). IK, Wkttlsr, Nashville, Ttttn, " I would bo unwilling to disposo of my Orover k Baker Machine for a Urge amount, could I not replace it again at pleasure."?i/rs. H. 0. Scovil, Xashvillt, Ttnn. 44 Our two Machines, purchased from you, do the work of twenty young ladles. We with pleasure recommend the (trover k Baker Sewing Machine to be the beet in use."?JIT. Stillman A- Co., Memphis, Ten*. 441 And the Machine easily managed, very durable, and take pleasure in recommending it to all who wish convenience, economy and pleasure."?i/rs. F. Titus, J/em phis, 7Vmh. March 16 4t 0ns NOTICE. I 4 LI. perrons Indebted to me for the roars 1*30, J\_ *iid *63, Uj BCCS ACCOUNT Oi NQTI!, are requested tu corao forward aud pay <rp, as far. tkrr inrtuljcncc cannot be mrcn. Pob 3 8V-tf K. BURTY. REED A GOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, UD SOLICITORS IN EftUITY. py Office next door to F. F. Beattie dt Co. MM GREENVILLE, 8. C. I, r. asKD.. .'.'...v...... e. .. ? dOAntSTT. June 4 4 tf OAR A. PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, 8. C. /ASM L. AM W. r. PRK'B. May IS 1 tf fair Dr?Mlng Rnd ftb?y|B|. BVHKIDK continue, the TONSO&IAL business at >1. Old Htand In Seattle's Brick Building, wusrs be is ready, daring the day nud oroulng, to Hhare the Beard and Cut flair and 8katupoo the Head. Ho rcspeetfliUy asks a continuation of pa; tronaf*. Tl-tfJ Or* 1 i l ^0* Tim ?""*> COM <J? ^*111 i^BPir 1" JOBSSa^BL jb ^nftr llrnmi!,,!"In^^hd ? II ^IlitilBW MBKN UNlUirr, M. I>. *. -fW ^ r , A. a. MQRTLBT, ?w.,?rf Unc*, I*. T? Write*!- "I *cru ^,ss^irsrcii,rs .t^As& IHiriMxte ?r?r t>ut out IV Uh * bad eotd r tfanuM uoonor P?T tw?ti?y-fl*? Allium for a botUe Uuta *<> without It, or Ukt any nthar uuil?." Croup, Whooping Cough. In flu earn. . UMmmiD, dIm, r?b. 7, iH6fl. 4 Burma Arm: I wUI clreorfully eurtlfy your /femoral la the beat rewudy Wo- ixUMM **r Um euro of whooping oongh. eronp, ami Mm ()wt >?l?u Of children. *vof roar fraternity In the South appreciate yoar *11411, *ntf 'Willi yoar wo did as to our pcopu. . . m UIIUM CONKUN.M. Di A was Ut*. Ma, Mowtunur. 1* , writ**, 8.1 j?, HUH " 1 law a fottoa* lftSacvaa, which confined aw In doortr 1? weeke; look away nulldiw without relief: 8 nallf Irlatl roar /bcforwl by tin advise of our ilbwaw. fW rat Jaw relieved the loiaacso la my throat sad Inage i Iron than ooe kaif llio bottle made m cempMely troll. Your medicine* ar* the cheejoeet a* wall aa the heat w raw hay, and wo esteem you, Doctor, and your rtawdlo, a* tlw poor want friend.* Atthau or Phthisic, Mi Bronchitis. Wist Mmcrfwrxa, Pa, feb. 11858. Stat Tour Cherry lYcinrml la porronwlng "rareelloue out co In this ocetlon. It ha* relieved oeroral from atarm? Ing *rinptom* of consumption. and la now curioft a ia*n who baa Uborod a odor an affoottou of tho lung# Sr the laot forty yraro. I1KNKY L. PARKS, Merchant. A. a. RAM9BT, U. d, Albion, Monaoa Co., Iowa, writ*#, 8opt. S. 1886: " Durl iir my praotlco of many y*aro I havo found nothing o^ual to yrtur Chaty lYdoral for glome om and rdhlto cououmptiv# patient*, or caring oaoli a* ?r# amUa' We might add volumes of evidence, bat tho moat eon, vlnclng proof of Mm otrtoaaof tld* nm i *y I* fouud la It* oOoct* upon trial. Csmamstioa. Probably no one remedy haa oror boon known which cured oo many and *och dangorooo cnoea ae tlilo. Soot# as human aid can caaahi hot ma to thorn the Cherry Aetoral affords relief and ogilbil. Aaron 11 oca*, Kaw Ton CrTT. March 6, 18M Docroa Aran, Lowell: I fool It a duty and a pleasure to Inform you wiiat your Charry /VHorui ban ton* for my wife. She had been Ave month* laboring under tho dangerous symptom* of Oooramprino, from which ao aid we oniild procure (tare bortnnrb relief. Sha waaeteadlly falling. until Dr. Strong, of tble city, where wo hare come for , adrire, recommended a trial of ynnr awdtefaa. Wa Meaa B hi* kludaeea, ae we do yoor ikitt: far ebe he* recovered fc? that day. Sh* Is not yet ae strong a* she used to be, but I* free from her cough, and call* herself welL Yours with grwtitude and regard, ORLANDO 8UKLBY, or Biasmui. Omiumptim, do not despair till yaw have tried Atta'a Cmihkv Prctouai. ft b mmfa by one of tlie beet medical cli ' nixt# in the world, and lie cures all ai-ouud ua luspeak ? ? " fc" mui vi no tiiiuot. ? m Niiuan/viia i*rugrr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Till sciences of Chsmlstry and Medietas have been Used their utmost to prodncs this boat, moat perfect purgHtivv whirl. I* known to man. Innumerable prootk arc thornn that theao Pills hart virtues which surpass hi aevllence tha ordinary medicines, and that thejr win awpro. vdentcdly upon tba eataom of all man. They araaafe ami pluaxaut to taka, but powarfnl to C4TO. Thalr ponetrating proper ilea lUlnvwiute tha vital activitJeaof tba body, removo Ilia obstroctiesw of IU organs, purify tlio Mood, and expel dircaaa. Thoy purge out the fcul humors which breed ami grow dittempar, atimnlnta alaggbh ar dlsor<U-rrd organs Into llirtr natural asttoo, wad Impart haaltby tone with strength to tba whole system. Not only do thoy euro lha everyday complalnta of arary body, bat also formidable and daugamwa diaaaaao that have baffled the best of liuinnn skUI. While thoy prohee powerh.l effects, they are at the tame time, In diminished doaes, lha surest sod beat physic that can be employed for children. Deiiu sugar-coated, they are pleasant to tako; and bring purely vegetable, are free front any risk of barm. Cure* bare been mmle which surpass belief were they wet sabtlnntiatrd by men of ancli esattrd podliion and character as to forbhl the silsplcloa of untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians have tent their names to certify to the public the reliability of my remedies, while others J liava sent me the neeuratico of their conviction that my Preparations couli llxite iitiasaneely to the relief of sty afflicted, suffering fellow-meir. The Agent below named is plsased to ftrrslsk gratis my American Almanac, containing directions for their use and certificates of Itu-ir cores, of the following complaints: ? Coslireness. lillifMis Complalnta, Rhauniatiam, Dropsy, llenrtbnrn, Headache srtdNg from a Usui stomach, Nausea, Itulfgcalkin, MorMd luaeUonof fbs Bowels and Pain a rising I herefrom, Flatulency, laws of Appetite, all Uleerons ami, Cutaneous Diseases which require an evamant medicine, Pcrofuta or King's Kvli. They also, by purifying tha blood and stimulating tha system, euro many rou.idailita which It would uot lie supposed tboy eoahi reach, srn-h as Deaftwe*, Partial Blindness, Nraraigik ?i:d Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys. that, and other kindred rompialnte arising from a low state of tha body or obstruction of Its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with same other pill tliey make mora profit on. Ask for Area's Pills, and take nothing alas. No other they can give yon compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want the bast aid thers is fbr them, aud thoy should havs It. Prepared by Dr. J. O. AT Kit, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Maae. rates IS On. n> Boa. Ptra Bozos roa $1. BOLD BY T>r. M. P. KARLE una l>r. J. 11. DEAN, Uroenville, 8. C., and by all Diujgista throughout the country. 5-cow I y June 10 Cimiiffc of Bnninem. undersigned, intending to etTeei a change in .1. his business, would inform nil thorns indebted to him, either by Nnto or Hook Account, that (ho unto timet bo aettled nt an early day, aa farther indulgence cannot ho given, lie will l.croafter ho found at the Tin Shop, at B. Dunham'* Old Stand. Jan 27 8H-tf A. (IMtlWlPI.D. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, FHltiDBLFKU, A Brnerolcnt Institution, e?tahH*kod iy Sjmnml t'ud<ru?mrnt ft tke He lit/ of the sick and distressed, afflicted *itt Viru/cnt aid Epidemic Diseases. THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in riew of tho awful deatrnetion of human life, caused by Sexual Diseases, aud the deception* practired upon the unfortnnato victim* of such disum^^vyQuack*, several* ago directed their a* a eks%ritakle net worthy of a Dispcnsaty for the treatment of in all their forms, and to give to all who apply by letter, with a <ImWBB^^Reir condition, (age, occupation, habit* of life, Ac.,J and in case of extreme poverty, to fmrnisk medieissss frte of ckareje. It Is needless to add that tho Association commands the highoet medical skill of 'ho age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors ef tho Association, in their Annual < \ Report wpon the trvatmont of Sexual Diseases, exCsa the highest satisfaction with tho auoocee which I | attended the labore of their Surgeon* iu the cure I of Bpermat mbtea, Mcuiinal Weakners, (ioiiorrh?e?^ [ Oi?et, ByphiHn, the vloc of Onaniem or Self-Abnae, j dlaaaeae ot fh? Kidney ?, Bladder, Ai\, and ?a**f a oontlnunnec Of the mme plan for the enduing year. The Birectore, on a review of I he paetr feel m<nred that their labor* in thia epliere of benevolent I effort h**e hrw*i of benefit /> the UmM. especially to the young, and they havo roeolved'!? *?vote thetnxelrcM, with rone wed real, to tbie rery important and lunch de#pi*ed oanOe. An adinirttble Report on SjHnumtorrhepa, or Sent mHi WMkuwft, tiio ytee of OuanUm or Bulf-Ahaae, and oilier dbwaeer of the SoxiihI o?*an?. by Ite CbnoultinK Hurreon, will Be oftnt by m?4l (In a ?e*)e<l envelope,) ft** ?/ fknty*, on receipt of heo ttnmp* fur po*t?K<'- Other Il? porta end Trartu on the e?Ware and treatment of Kexual iJlretmee, diet, Ac., Me ooantautly boin^ pnlilirhol for srratnitotin lion. Mad will be aunt to tbo afflicted. Hotae of tho new Mnedlei trad methods of jaikimt discovered during the left year, are of JftT A<l<lrvee, for Heimrt^H dr. J. 8K1LLIN Holfti IfTOX, Ha ward Amoeiation, No. 2 Houth XinflMH^w lMiiladuiphfa, Pa. By enter of the DirodrnrlT BZRA D. Ifji ART WELL, fieefcfeat 0b6. PAiacnn-n, Koerwtary. 30-1y f St SHAVING, B?tr Trlnnliii^Mlui, RAZOR SKTSUfO ^^^MAMPOOINGT, Second Door Above Kr. MoPhereon'^ w WILSON COOK. 1 May W 2 tf