University of South Carolina Libraries
. . "v ^ l r vi^ft \u]*\ tin the wuui.l Wpftak tax rtioMcw Firm oflW I^W<4 A Nl'RNIlAX tile mine lilmfnt patron*** heretofore bmtownd vptm the oM Firm, Tb<>*<; wtaMnjr my ?ervIcon will Bn.l nio at UH'ir F'-?? Store. Km 15 1- lf . 8. A. SI JM8, M. l>.i I ?~ZI7 .'. Vm, h>?V J L R. I>. 1.0*0, *. ft ...wchaiuubi W11AM, %. I>. "DRfL LQitil & BUStNHAH, . | APOTHEOALUES & DRUGGISTS, I AT TUB out STAltD or ?QM8 Ik LOMOf * I WILT. KEEP oorwjtovtly on UanU ? lull nop I Wfly i>? P68 K DttUOS, Meilicuiet, PhiiU^ Oib-. I JS Vutnuthe*. l>ye-dtufi?, Ac., 4c. Al?o, a ?pVcni "'toilet articles, I vhi: Ilnir, 't'ooth ami Vatl Umahea; Hair Ponnvter, taaaxf rttriHl** ; fooTti Soflya n?<l Waaliw: Wnshtn* Soap*, rvrry ann/ity and ?r?cf / Fipo Sha vin*Spaj?. Errah Extract.-* fi?rflavorhtj;, vh: Ron*. VhSHIa, Pine Apple, StratfrMyrr. Not tori no, Ac- Ae. We hare a rerg <m/j*(iar article a/ (JUKES TEA. the boat In Urecuville. Wo h?t?/W artlr all the popular Patent Medicine*. Physician* supplied on riUKttAt. Tti?xs. m " Our long connection with tbo Drug liusines*. {ono seven, tlx) othor ten y?a>*,) and both being graduate* of lite ModUal Collage uf the tf tale of .^outli Carolina, will, we think, t*j a snflldont guarantee of owr ability to diapeiirt Modicine* property ami nerurairly. Oar arrangements are auah that ?tie of Uie Firm wilt bo at tho nlvie and trill ntfrtrf b nil juntirri^tion* pereonaUy at any hour of the day or nijflit. *$" AThAXSMAX, ~~ THANKFUL for ph?t favorr, earnestly solicit* your future potronafto in . , 6ign, Fanoy Fainting and Paperhanglng. A1.S0, r MATTRESSES V OF all style* made to order. Old Mattresses made o*?r on reasonable term'. _May . . ? . . . ?: MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE! King Qtu.tlrii'ut to t/tc. Mountain Quern in .* ** - , fltabtl CttroHun I ? i, FIHUJ consummation of the above happy cvtnt j| can bo eoWhrated crerv day by calling at A. UANHMAVF and driakiug of his (. It EES YULE LAME 11 LEER, continuing no Alcohol or apxolus drag*, to the futnro welfare of the abovo high aontrartlug parties, aud thereby, at tho Mine time, en " ournjfuig .Southern enterprise. Ai.l this rOR 0*b I'imr - r v -- ?* * JUt" ItwidmM on Duaooiulw Street. May 19 3 v - s 4 I < n. i '< >i ' I i ?o . ... i. . ?. Soutti C^iroUoo?Sisftiet. 8HBRIFF S SALES. BT Virtue of ?tthilrr Writs of Klerl Facta*, tonic directed, 1 'trill sell. heforc the Cmirt HuU*c door, at the a.?unl hours Of rale, mi the first Monday in .T1INK noxt. One Ifcgro Woman, named Harriet, anil her infant girl Child, and bt?r girl Child, named Anna, alnint i(1x ycarir old, and her B?y "child named Charles, tiro years old : as the property of J*col> Panther, at the suit of Alexander Bryeo._ TKIlJtS (,'AStf. Purchaser t<\ nay for tttTe. ' <s P. HOKK, 8. tl. D. h jfetftr* Office, May V, 1"M>. ____J-lm ^ . IRISH POTATOES. I vm nc.vx.1 v nn, mrvct from N'-w York, Sixty J Barrel* of thy ubovc lied Potatoo*. For aivlu low by STERN k F.VANS, Wholesale nnil ltutait Grocer*, May 0 52--tf I'ndcr Mcllic's llill. ORANGES, TYIRBCT lVoDi Havana, by the Uox or quantity. .1/ AIho, l'iii(?|iplri, Cocoa Nut*, Hmmmi. All of which will bu *<>IJ l6w for rnali. KTEKN A EVANS, ' 'a TVIio1<<m1o iml RcUil 0(wcr!>, 5 S2-tf Under McBoo'x Hall. BAKER'S CHOCOLATE, OOCOA AND FRENCH CHOCOLATE. A Inrgc amtplv of tlio above article*, for nato at Charleston price*, by PTEEN A EVANS, AVholcaalc nnd Retail flrocer*, MayS 55-tf "" Under Mo 1W* Hall, SMOKED TONGUES AND SMOKED ftJ?E?; alfo New York Pi# JIarii*, Jnat received, and for kaU low, by - 8TEKN A KVAftS, Wholesale and Ketail tlroccf. May S 02- tf Under McBee'i Halb_ T7r CUBA MOLASSES. 2AA/\ UAL6. of the above for talc at 40 eta. ,UUU per gallon, by 1 STERN A EVANS, . , Wholesale and Retail (Jrocort, May 3 M-tf Under McBac'* Hall. 1 CHEESE I CHEESE! GOSHKN, English ond Finaapple'Cheeap. A fVill upply jr?*t receive! and tbr "ale low by BTKK.V A WANS, \Vliolc*n1e k ttetall Oroccri, , May'5 *2-tf Under McBc.'aJlall. CORNED BEEF > ]^KOM Fulton Market, N. Y.,--13} bbl*. Mackerel; 20 Boxen Sntoked Hcrrius* ; Salmon? pickled mid fresh; Sordine*, in whole, half and quarter Boxes. For *ale, at Charleston price*, by 8TEEN k EVANS, W bole mile and Retail Grocer*. May 5 51-tf Undor MeBcc's IIall. BORDEAUX ALMONDS. 1,118 of the above *<?ft shell .Almond*, at * *V/V* 20 eta, par 1U. 000 lb*. Pecan, flutter and Knaluih Walnut*. For rule low by 8TBRX 4 EVANS, . Wholesale und Retail Grocers, May 5 52-tf Under M. Bee * Hall. ~T HAMS! Hifiit 1 A TIERCE of Hmu*. prime, xugar cured, at 12} A V* ot*. per lb., for aalo by w . ST KEN 4 KVAX8, ,?*. j Whvloaalo and Retail <1 rover#, Juj * ,r>2 if I fider M. Hue's Hall. m irvMnfllf Af> tcrpnat ^ TVlili ?"! P1LB8H mnijilv of 8wl?> UttMr, j lJoslon, 1<ciuou. oinjpr au?l Vvomj VdpdK^ jiim received from Mii uh'k> B.ikkry, k- in Charleston, aad for solo low, by f FTL'EN I KVAIff, Wholesale and II e I ill (I race m, T May > ' I'n.Wr MeiW*IUU. " Thunder and Lightning' TiUi hilucrlW would any that he U (be author* Jaed Laaal aud Traveling A rent, far th? Utate ot, rtouth enroling, for tbo aalo of tfiu ox. Jk Whit* mr't late improved Patent Preutlnm MOliTM.NU CONJ>l>CTOitt?, and will at all timaa hold hioiaalf in rrajlfoiaa t<> attend all ealta lu tlwabova buainraa. X. *.? I nut also. at all tinea, prepare*! u> Repair. Ttolusulnto aod furnish now Points for Old RoJa at r?**(ja?hl? prise' aud abort not iaa. . March It* 44-Aat W. K. POWBRft. nru,',aarnm sDALLia ft* Family ? and * Fancy s nri: . tlllllT! 5 I Store. I ^fytf TUKKTS,^} HtUM^I qu?twsM, 2J. "tffiOtel'A sfSfE BUTTERY, '*WT?T V* r?? TMr. wmw at'tim .?;.; MthTfCEUO U.NIO-N ACADEMY, ttthorlBcd ty Specl.l Aci of Legislator. MoKtNN PV A CO., Maxag?? CAPITAL &fC& &ATUJIJ?AY'JN JtfNB, I860, ?< ' l? 4** CH?y of nr.****/" ' 1 Cr.***'23 to mk nnaoT Jim- 4, 1*59. <-..a?h 2? ro or f?hA.w*'Jf^x It. 1*59. ?laso 24 to nr. hit aw* J< tk is. is*?. olamu Id to on fiftiwt Jv*n 25. I860. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. 1 Prtoo ??f 60,000 4? Oo.nuo 5 Pri*. Of l>000*w> 5.000 1 " " 20,1*00 to 2<UH?0 Iff " ?' *00 ? 5.0*0 ^ ? ? 1*,MMI to 10,#*? 3 " " 400 890 1 <? ? u 4>00t , 2 V ? 300 ? 600 I " V '1,880 i? * 4,?0f 2' * ? " 200 " 400 I "i 4,1 3.880 to "3.O00 50 - u 150 * "WOO **" *?A 2,om toO^w " .100 -iCooo r *>M l.'.O" ?i 1,50c' 180 ? " 05 ' ?fM> r " " . 1,18^1* 1,1"' too " " 85 " 8,500 ArPlloMMATlOX PRIZtfc. 4 I*rU?9or$200 A|>|>ro\. to ^00,00(1 PriacntoS 600 .4 " " L50 < 211,000 " " 800 4 " " 125 " " 10,000 " " 580 4 ? ?? loo " 5,0?0 " -480 i " " 80 " " 4,000 ? *40 8 " " 60 " " 3,000 ? ? 480 8 " "50 11 " 2,000 " " 480 g u i< 40 <i ? i non ? il """ 1 .u? 400 M " *0 ? ? 100 " ? t,?00 *5,000-' " o..: 200,000 ? > 25,-638 Prixes, nnmuuting to ?360,640 CKRtlKH-ATKs OP PacitAtJics will bo sold Ht the following rite*, which lc the rink : Certificate of Package* of 10 lVholo Ttckctp, " " ? 10 lUir ' 30. H ?? ?< lt? IJuartcr - 15. v ?? 10 Kiglith ? 7.50. IX ORDERING TICKKTA OH IXttTmc ATI*, Knrkmc the money t? onr sd?lj*M for >be tickets toiOerci), on receipt of which they will l?o forwarded hy first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in nuy figure they may designate. Tbn list of drawn nutuWrs ond prison will be sent to imrcbuiri immediately after the drawiug. All couimnnluutfcma strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Kx? piusn, to l>e dircctod to McKIKNKY A CO., May 20 3?1m Straxnnk, Un. WOOD, EDDY Sc CQ/S~ SlEfiLE IUMEER LOTTERIES, OHAHTEKEU BY TBS STAiE OF O..ORQ1ACAPITAL PKIZK $50,000! TICKETS ONLY $10. . u ?? Wood, rddy dfc Co., IQaiingcrti, fcUCi'KnSeikS TO a. SWAX A CO. The following Scheme will be drawn by Wood, Kddy A Co., Managers of Ui? 8parl* Academy Lottery, in each of their Single Number Lotteries for June, J85JI, at AUtlUSTA, Oa.. in public, under the sujierinleudouce of Commissioner?: Class 23 nnAWS Katirpat, Jr.vr. 4, 1869. Class 24 draws Saturday, JrxK 11, 183#. Class 26-pilaws Saturday, Junk 18, Hk, Class 20 draws Saturday, Jrs* 26, 1869. On the Plan of Single Numbers. 60,000 TICKCTS. Fl*? Thousand Foer Hundred sad High tf-T Its Prises Jfeiirfjfm On* Prir* to etrrtj .Vimr Tickrt* I MAGNIFICENT SCHEME, Trt BK DRAWN EA CH SATURDAYIN JUNE 1 Prizo of. $60,000 1 Prize of. $1,600 1 Prizsof..; 20,000 60 Prizes of 600 1 Prizeof 10,000 100 Prizes of 400 1 Prize of 6,000 100 Prize* of 300 1 Prizeof 4,000 Jl 00 Prizes of 150' 1 Prizeof 3,000?100 Prizes of. 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZE*. 4 Prizes of $400 Appro*, to$60,000 Prize ars $1,600 4 " *' 300 " " 20,000 - " 1,200 4 " " 260 ? " 10,000 " - l.nno 4 ? ? 226 " ? 5,000 " " 900 4 M u 200 " " 4,000 M " 800 4 " '? 160 " " 3,000 " " 600 (> 4 ? ? 100 "" " 1,600 " " 400 5,000 ?? ? 20 ....100,000 5,486 Prizes, amounting to $.320,000 IVnoi.r Tickbth, $10; HAI.VHS, $5; QIIARTLRS, 2J. Remember that every Prize in the above Scheme it drawn, find payable In full witKact dkDIICTIO*. Certificate* of Pock Ages wilt be told at the follow tug rate*. which is the risk : Certificate of Package of It) Whole Ticket*, $80. * " 10 Half " 40. " ? ? 44 10 Quarter " 20. " " " " 10 Eighth " Id. * SPA III A ACADCHY LOTTUBY. <9)I-iA?S8 ?S3>? Draw. WKOSESOA Y, Jl-SK 29f>, 1849. Ox xns Tsiffil Nvmdkr Pr.A*. Seventy.flvp Number*?Twelve Drawn Ballot*. NEARLY ONE PRIZE to KVjiar TWO TICKETS. 1 VntHd Prtae of |30,MO. 1 Prise of $!V.t79 4 Prize* of $2,000 2 " " 10.000 20 ' 44 1,000 2 44 44 8,00t)| 140 44 44 2SO Ac., tie., tie., Ac. 27,814 Prises Amounting to $613,190 ! WIIOLK Txckktb, $10; Halves, 6; QCAHTR;;, $2.50. IN ORUKKINU TICXCTt OK iKUTlirir ATKA, KucIomj Lb* money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on roceipt of which tbey will be forwarded hy first mail. The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent U> nnrthascrs imm?(lUaJ? f'urchiu?ci> will pleaae wfHo fhoir aignaturca plain, and give tbeir Punt Office, Connty aud Slate. pfr All prices of Si,000, anil under, paid itniuo<1 lately after tbe drawing?other prizes at the usual titee of thirty 4a?? -i " WOTH'B 1X> CORRESPONDENTS. Thoae who prefer not sending money by mail, ean uae the Awamh Kxraaaa Company, whereby monc v for Tirketa, in aama of Ten Dollars, and uywar.U, can be aent ae ?t tar rUL ami rrpttvt*, from any city or town where tbey have an ofllee. The money and i order must b? uue limed itl a " Uorrrmutrnt PttH Ojglrr I tow***/ or tbe Uxpreea Company cannot receive them. *.ii fsjKjao.oieatbTlf atrlrtly confidential. Order* for Tieheta or Certiflcatoa, by mail o> Hz press, to he directed to Wood, eddv a co., Au|u?u, Ga. or, WOOD, EDDY a 0., Atlanta, Oa. J or, WOOD, EDD V a CO., Wilmington, Del. Jt4t" A list of the numbers that ?r? drawn from I (ho whool, with th? amount of the prix? that eat h uMh entitled to. will be published after every drawing In the following pa pore: AukikU (Oa.) Constitutionalist. Mobile Register, Nubrille Musette, Now York Weekly Day Book, Richmond Dispatch, Paulding (Miss.) Clarion, and New York llorald. May M 8 Ira DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership of v. v. BKATT1K a CO. . has expired by limttaUon. All persona indebted pi the Firm, by Note or Book Account, are requested to e*U and pay the some at an^earljr daar. February 15, 1?5?. R. C,' PULLIAm! Ifew Firm* Til U subscribers have formed a Copartnership, and will eontinne the Business at the Old Htaod, no dor tho Finn of BKATTlli a PITIJ.IAM. Thw aspect soon to rooeive a Ana titock of hrhwo akd (flwtmf.r ooopft, a*d will he pleaded to us their old Meads and customers. F. F. BKATTIEI Feb IT 11-Cta R. C. PCCtlAlC. ;S .V \ ?? 1600 SM?s FI-K Satin, Silk Mid l^egliurn I Bu n acta. AT Gftftft't, lo.OOO javda<Ualleo?n, Mttaflna. Linen*, Marseille*,. 1 Atpacea*, Karmnr's Satin. AT CARII'S, 8,000 NrwuiclntIt, Alparcn, ^ntln, M*ri>ciUea, Lin- < <m. Drap A'Kte and Linen Cnsairtu-fe CoMta, ? 11VIII OV I'lHIO XM f'?. 60 BAGS RIO 0?KIT.E, ClIi'.AP for CASIL l&t mam Five Thousand poiw^>? NEW OULBaKSP-UU AR. I at carr's, fEN BARRELS V>F ^Ui'ERtOR VINEGAR. < at carr's, 100 KEGS OF NAILS, all sites. Low for CASil, 1 FIFTY BOXES ADAMANTINE CANDLES, at. fi SO cent* |>cr lb. at carr s, *25 dozen Linen, Marseiilw*, Fancy sad Pl.nin ! 8111 UTS. 77 at gariv8, 25 doren Marseilles. Satin, Velvet, !.in?n, 8Hk ! I ni.d nkeletou Vesta May 19 2 ^ ^ ^ ( mm spsib? s NliW SPRINC* CO n m fancy m suns o? m NOW OP Efl S V) TO WHICH the attention itf Parch** supplied with NEW and CHOICE 0001 1) III at very I<at pries*. OUIt UNRIVALLED STOCK Of PLANTATION OOODB I* now ready for Inspection, to which tho attention of onr Couutry frlcuds and Factor* is invited. HOUSE N IKE LINENS And FAMILY DRY GOODS, for the present and approaching ?euS'iiu>. in large varieties, of the most approved make*. Particular attention i* called to our proxuut stock of LONG CLOTHE. At OL A, 10 and 1 21 cent*, and the liner tnalto*, nil 1 cheap nud excellent Good*. Full *tock of French nnd English Long Clotha Heat makes Bleached nud Uublcnrhed Cotton 1 Sheetiiijic?all width*?always on band. Heavy Brown Shirtings, at flj, A and 10 cent*. Superfine Drown Sen Inland Shirting*, at (i},V, 10 i and 12J cent*. | Extra 8 ox. Cotton Osnaluirgx, 8 ox. Striped C. Otnahtirg*. Blue Deniui*. Hickory Stripes, Apron Cliock, Marlboro' Stripe*, Ac., Ac. CLOTHS, t ASHIMEKE*, TWEEDS, AC, For Spring aud Summer, iu new styles, fur (lent* and Boy*, how roeoivlng. Su]w:rior French and Kuglixh Drop D'Etc, in hen- ' vy make*, for Pant*. Extra heavy English do., Sn Black, Grocn. Tlrown and lilac, for Boy*' and Servant*' wcur ; with I A fhll assortment of Linen nnd Cotton Faiit Stuff*. ' Linan Coating*. Flaunel* for (tout*' Sack*, Veat- 1 inga for the season, Ac., Ac. Material* of various kind* for Children'* wear, Servant*' Coaling*, Vesting* and Punt Stutfs. a Haw (btotc unr bito March 17 44-tf 213 KING, OP POSH EMPORIUM OF WE HAVE NOW IX STORE ad Elegant A?- J surttnent of Gentlemon's Furnishing Goods, ? arm ah * Jj FRENCH CLOTIIB AND 0ASSIMKRE8, of all , colors and ?|Ualitius, (which were manufactured to order.) ' TWEEDS. TESTINGS, 8IIIRT8, TIES, H08IE- c RV, ULOVES, Ac. , Cwiiiuicrc, Moleskin and For HATS, for Dress and liusiues* wear. t ALSO, 1 PICCOLOMINI CAPS, ? A good assortment of ? mis# ?D??S,; For Gentlemen's wear. " Ready Made Clothing, t arcti Art i Cloth, Corsimero, Tweeds, Linen, Alpaca and Drnh D'Eto COATS, PA NTS and VESTS, whloh wo will sell low for Gash or to proiupt paying customers. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Wp aro prepared, with the best of Workmen, to CUT and MAKE UP CLOTHING in the latest ( French and American stylos, and upon the most reasonable tetms. DYER A PICKLE. Copartnership Notice. r|",HE undersigned have entered iuto Copartner- j1. ship for the M?nnM of currying on the M Kit A ClIANT TAILORING RUSlXKSg, under theuame , stylo and firm of DYER A PICKLE. They respectfully ask attention to their Slock now on hand, and r refer to their foriuor customers for their ability to j. please. They hope to receive a liberal share of publie patronage. G. B. DYER. April 20, 1859. O. A. PICKLE. A CARD. THE subscriber would return bin thank* to hi* ? friends and customers for tho very liberal share of patronage which they havo bostowwt on him, and ? would respectfully solicit for tho new Eirtn of Dykr * A a continuation of tho patronage which ^ ha* heretofore been extended to him. April 21 ftO-tf (1. B. DYER. Straw Wanted. THE Subscriber isdoslrous of purchasing STRAW, ' either In the bulk or by the load, for Whieb be , will pay a fair write. Person* having straw to sell ' will please apply at my Store, in Oi**nville? or a* * tho PAPER MILL. Wagoner Wnnlfil. HE also desires to procure the s. r vices of a stea- dy and industrious man as a Wagoner. Apply as above. ^ ThmhiuR naehluc. \ T"f" E would also Inform the public that hi* Thresh- fi A J. iBg Machine is new in in# drder. Threshing t will be done cither for the At raw or Toll, at the h Paper Mill. R. URSBXF1KLD. 0 May ft 52 if ,lJSk UVKS ALT ACQ A 4nd DRAP D'ETK ^ i 'MOU td ?fMX>. at ?aaa's, \ KM) Hoop Skirt*, MatitHlns, Robe*, iioac and * [ \ IlalMioae. J AT CAM% FalUe*, Umbrella*, Port Monnnles. Needle*, fine Fiddle* and Aceordeona. I . at a fi rs, k )rient?1 Smoker*, a Mlnlriniin Amtio Pi|?o, but n lately introduced into this country?tor vMk nt CARR'SONLY. %% Three Hundred Saok? .LIVERPOOL SALT. ? : 10,000 gala. Near Orlcnn* nijd Cuba MOLAS*>fc?. at carr's, M) bble. Whiskey, Ilnm A Gin, by the barrel only, -i at carr's, " 1??0,000 Spanish, Qarinan and American Steam r, iO Cases Boys', Men's and Lwiin' Hoots, Shoes. -* Gaiters, Slippers mid Brognns. _ AT CARR'S, i o dozen Game, Linen ni.?l Knit UudtrahirU-nnd jj Drnwera. AT CAHR'g, ron Pot wore, Looking Glasses, Crockery. Clock", A Wutclies, Piddle Strings and Jewelry. If " ~ 01 tins mm% VEHLING^, ANI) LL UIIS ADAPTED Til TIE SUSHI, EN ANG, cr? is invited. Our DEPARTMENTS *fo all now OS, which will lie sold tor Cash or City Acceptance KgW SPRING CALICOES. New Spring French Oanjhrics New Spring Ktonch Brilliant* C Furniture Calicos, Furniture Chint* " Super Undressed Furniture t'liintx h Furniture Dimity, do. Fringe, Bulliou Fringe " Hummer Marseilles Quilts Allendale iuuI Mauchestcr Quilts, Ac., Ac. ><i F.MBKOIDKIMKS, LACKS fl And White Goods, in uew styled uud large variety, it low prices. j Bordered Linen Cainhric Qandkerchicfs. nil prices ?. Hemstitched and Embroidered L. C. lluudkcr'hiofs, for Ladies and Children. SPUING DRESS GOODS, r In new style Silks, Plain and Printed Challics, Summer Poplins, Ac., just arriving. 0 HICll ROBES AND CHALLIE ROBES, 11 In new styles fur the season. New stylo Bilk and ;, Muslin Hohes. WHITE AND COLORED STELLA SIIAWLS. At .11 o ?" " ... ... uujjcnvr none etclln Mantilla T Shawls. if Full stock of Spring Mantillas, to arrive by next f( iteaiuer. a. SKIRTS! SKIRTS!! SKIRTS!!! .. For Children, Misses und Ladies. Wo are now iruparcd to show the very beat article of Ladies' n Kxtension Skirt* ever made. Alao a large assort- t! ncnt of medium and low price Skirts. Our stock of U HOSIERY, SPRING UKUKU>UIUTH AC., For Gout*. Ladies und Children, is now wall :vs lorted. mr WP&AW&VL, at A. T. BROWNING'S, T, IIASELL STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. j GREENVILLE s Tllli subseriliers baring had the misfortnna to lose, by the fire of the 20th Jan- r lury, the Steam Mill and Machinery connected with heir Coach Factory, in Greenville, take thi* method if apprising their friend* and patrons tiiat they still f, ontinne business as hen toforo, without change in heir Finn, or abatement of their exertion* to please. ni They have NOW ON HAND, and are CONSTANT- T Y FINISHING, oil thu varieties of di Carriages, Buggies and Wagons r' vcr made by them, to which they invite the attcnion of purchasers. They take pleasure in correcting an impression hat their stock of NEANUXKJJ Lt'MHKH was g ost with the Mill, and would say that, in quantity u ind quality, their Lntnher A?? never been bitter. The generous patronage hitherto received, war- j auts thu conclusion that their efforts are appreciated, ind stimulates them in making further excrtlou*. Their experience will enable thuin to nelect and opeate the most approvod Machiuery, with adran- J ages not gtir?as*ed by any manufacturers either Ul forth or Soutli. MOWER. COX. MARKLF.Y A CO. ,n Greonville, 8. C., April 7, 1S5V. 48 ly C<J TO KINO OAMBRiNUS! ?? s OLORIOB9 NEWS !! V Jreenrilte Delivered at laet, Jnd'jinij from the Jfnjipy Face* to be met with. jg LAGER IWEER IS AT THE BOTTOM OF ITl n Rf ORRlR SAMUEL keeps on hand a full supply I [\ I uf tkit r?fruliin? n r* ucioi*||r, 1 m roiu line of the innat celebrated Hrowcrie* in Ph.ia- ' |) ulpliia. Ho keep* constantly Preserved Ovular*, I tl .obxler*, Salmon, Sardine*. Pickle*, Sog*r*, Tobac- j r/< o and Cnudy, and many otlior Articles t-.o nutne- u| f>u* to mention. JKT-Nkxt 1>oor to Dn. M. II. f0 ahlb. 51-ly April 28 H{ 1'M.i jeweirVFOR SALET i MONO which may no found KOIiil Aad SIL fV. VRR WATCH KS. Chain*, Key*, Hooka, Swlvis, 1,'K'keta or Medallion*, lor double likouexxu*; a cncral a**ortn?cnt of Gold Fancy Article*, a>sorted * i/o* of Silver Thimble*, Spectacle*. aud many other rtivlcs in the nine Hue needle** to iiaate, aa thoeo i*po*ed to buy will call aud *eo for tlieinHolvo*. March 10 U-3ni J. II. KANLHILPII. I BLACK9MITHING. The conoem of TOWNKS A HAW- j KINS having beon dissolved by mutual HflBBBESconsent, the bu?inc** will be carried on i the same Bbop by the undersigned. K ?. w. u rooks. January, ltftfc J. L. IIAWKIXS. - NOTICE. I rHK mnlerrisriieil having trnnnferrcd hi* Intercut in the Blacksmith Shop near William*' Siorc, j 0 Mcwr*. Buoolt* d HaWKI**, take* pleasure in / eeonttnandtng lb em to a aharo of iniMio patrnnagej | r 'hey will bo prepared to attend promptly ami ami* 1 acturily to all call* in their lino. Thoy have expe lenced and skillful Pinith* in tiureeahnabftt, Repair- tt ng and Ironing Wagon*, Plough Work, and all other rdinary work of a Blacksmith Rhop. tr January, 1859. 37-if O. F. TOWNBR. n ik VT ala? for IV. Mmtibiuery, alwoys on ItlH((r?-w<ll| [JIAVK received an Invoice Of i?f A'tf'rttES&Ef*. iuudo in n superior laonnrr'nml Of tbc bcsfcttiA- fi jrlisl.', whwh are offered at iimderata-.prtcer.' The I uvrbunt comprise* IIAir Ann Palm, mora and Palm, I ottou and Pulm, Cotton Mini rdiinik, Cotton ami I trow Mattresses, of various site*. Or<Jw* for other 1 i*oa and finalities will be prvinptlv ?iHewlett to. J. M. 8URRMAN,'. Agent. c OrntttneiKal tu?t lion Work. PAAILINOS. Gates, Posts. fttn'.rs, Fountains, !' tX> Vase*. Statuary, and every other variety of J Vnamentol Casting* in Iron. " . Orders received lor Wood A Perot. Pbila4el|d>U, re host house of the kind in live United Stater. Ihgravings of Patterns. ntid Catalogue of Prices, . lay >>e seen on applicali to J. h. SliKRMAN, Agent. " Just Uccolved, n A TiEAUTIFi'L aaaorlinent of Pot*. Kettles, p r\ Hkillute, Frying Pans, Smoothing Irous^And'oux, Mortars, Cauldrons, bootjacks, end other 'listings. J. It. SHERMAN, Agent. t! Call and Sfo 1 IITOOI) A PRHOT ? So.?l. -e >Y inga of- Ornamental Cast Iron Work. It i* { oh worthy of iii.?i?eclion nil u work of Art. ? J. n. 6HKHMAV, Agent. S cashTcasii z p [X order to encourage A Cash business, a discount of live per cent, from regular prices wifl he lade on n!I cash ante* from ?j to : and n dis. >unt of ton )?cr cent on nil cash sales over S2?>. J. 13. SHERMAN, Agent. A TIic KcoiKiinUCr E 11! IE best Cooking Stove in the world. Soon to . arrive. J. It. SHERMAN, Agont. April 21 50 tf NKW GOODS. [" AM RECEIVING my SPUING and Rt'MMER L Htipply of GOODS, consisting of tt general " lock of Fmtcy anri Sittpk Dry Gs??!? ud Men's and Hoys' CLOTHING, Huts and Bousts, Hoots mid Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Drugs ud Dye-stuff's. Carpeting and Matting, Wooden and rillow Ware, Wall Pnjiering. Powder, Shot, Ulnstig Fuse, Sugar. Colfoc, Molasses, Salt, Ac., all of hieh will be sold at low prices. Thankful for past favors, 1 solicit a continuance r the same. JOHN W. GRADY. Opposite the New Court House, on Main Struct. h April 14 4? tf C JKlrs. Paris & Miss Gordon, {< MAIS STREET, ^ WIliL OPEN, 011 Saturday, ft //feX-JifcfV, S HMh Inst., a handsome assortment millinery, i 'Wr CUNMSTIXU OK c y French. Chip, Fnncv, Silk. PniBBO. mold and English Straw HON- t< //71 NETS. Misses' Equestrians. Fearers for Hciul Presses, Lace Setts, Illusion Capes, left baa, Fancy Hair Pin.*, flonp Skirts, Corsets, and variety of Articles suitable to tho season, selected |i y Miaa Gordon from the largest nod beat French (j ouses in Now York. a DRESSES made nt the aliortoat notice, and I?rcr?laking attended to us usual, to which wo respectilly invite the atteutiou of the Ladies of OrecnvUle ml its vicinity. 49-tf April 14 SoqiW Carolina?Gircenbhle J)ij*?iricl. s IX TIIK n.lKT or COMMON rUM. il Order for Extra Court. ?l rHK business of the Term not being disposed of, n it i>i ordered, That an EXTRA TERM of ourt of Common Plea* he held at tiroenville Court S louse, for Grceuvillo District, on TUESDAY, th* a 1th </<?>/ of loll/ next, to be continued the remain- o !" days of tliut week, and the entire week succeed lg, if ncccsaary. 0 It is ordered, That juries be drawn ail the present ,| 'urm to serve at the Extra Term, and that rtsirw urn; to compel their attendance in manner and ^ inn prescribed by law : a panel of forty-eight per.rns to servo the first five days, and a like pauel to srvo the succeeding week. P It i* further ordered. Thnt the Clerk give proper ' often in Iho nnVmiin,.-. i-* * *l ... r..t.v.n ui me t/.riri( i, ui UIC HI!* " ing of the said Extra Court, hr a publication of at ' :ast one month preceding tiie Terui. " J. N. W11ITXER. ? April 2, 186V. A true copy from the journals of the Court. \V. A. McDANIEL, C. C. P. U. I>. Mar 3 62 td a jar- Patriot and Mountaineer copy. I 1 Sotlit) Cqroiinq-GrceobMa jjisirici. ? IN EQUITY. ti Taney Hawkins, vs. I sham >V. Ifaxrkins, David T. Burton and wife Cnssundcr K., Paschal Hawkins, et ?l.? I'urtiti'iH of' Itml K-lutr. 11 HE Coniplaiiiant having fildl her Bill in tltia suit with tho Commissioner in Equity for reenvillo Diatrlet, and it appearing that tho Do- & mdant, lahaut IV. Hawkins, reside* without and oyond the liinitM of this State: (t is Ordered, on i lotion of 8. 1). Ooodh-tt, Complainant'* Solicitor, J hat the aaiil ahaout Defendant do plead, answer or ,t uiuur to tho Bill of Complainant within three months g ?m this publication, or the said Bill will bo taken t| ro on/snu as to hint. ui 8. A. TOWNES, C. E. O. D. c Orocnvillc, 8. C., April 14, lSJtf, 4'J 3m q ionih Cqlrolinq?Gmqbillc &i?iridt IN EQUITY. 4 . C. Hoyt, vs. M. D. Divkev. and the Heirs of Curran Laukfortl.? Hilt fur Partition oiirl Hr.lirf. FT appearing to iny satisfaction that the heirs of [ Dr. Curran T.unkford reside out of the limit* of its State : It is Onlered, That they do ^dead, anrer or demur to the Bill iu this case within three ouths from this date, or the same will be taken pro Q ufiino against them. S. A. TOWNKS, C. K. 0. D. r Commissioner's Oflieo, April 11,186V. 4V-3iu loqli) doroiinq? Sireeqbllle p Ij* CHANCERY. ancy Kahiri--, to. J nines Ward, Susan Wiird, ct at. '. Hill for Hale of Lands, dv. FMlE Complainant having this day filed her will t| [ in the above stated cause, and it appearing to iy satisfaction flint William W. Turner, one of the fj efunrtants, is absent from and without, the limit* of lis State, so that the process of subpa-un ml rmpon ntlitm cannot bo Served upon him : t'pou motion u T R. P. J<mc5, Complainant's Solicitor, It is, there* ire, Ordered, That the said William W. Turner do n pear and plead, answer or demur to the Complaiu. tM it's Bill, within three months from date, or u Dc ee will be taken pro coufesso upon ."aid Bill, as jj, piinst ths said William W. TuniCY. w S. A. TOWN US, C. E. 0. D. & Commissioner's Office, March 10, 16 Sin own Property Near the Female College FOB SALE. THR undersigned having dctsrmined to remove to I,ouislanrt, rflftr* V-jt|L | I,is llol>K an. 1 I,<>T for side. The effWttW, promises are desirably located, on **'?= * =* ltiinroirilie street, near the Female ^ allege, and will bo sold upon n-asonablu terms, he House is comparatively new. Possession given immediately, If desired. _ For further particulars, apply to Mr. T. B. Bda- I D. P. 8PAKKS. | ia,n tZ M tf J GBiOUGE HELDMAN, * LARN?SS MANUFACTURER,, t. A*n uNAi.r.R is 0 FADTUKM, HHIIH.K8, <{ p, ?n HAS on hand an assortment JrfV f,r th? BKPT M 1T8RIAI* us?l in the 1! ?.i 84fMHWi ffaMto. "1 Thankful *or the piitrouago glron litre far the laat J t? Jrourfl, llvj ?<illvlU a eonHnuft"'- of the .Orders from a distance promptly attended i, >. V*.\ Persons to Mil. are requested lo I ,j ill nail pay wj 51 ly April 28 opon W? tP^Vti:?T 1>av liMflKnr V?ijrti A?v, under the dirtrtioa of Uex.YJ- Knfto, i? Principal. 4flB^ The Rulvi of Tuitlea, per Beaaton of v? uivnthi, tn li 'rlmnrjr ltrMirkcis * 5 l"k iigbcr Kugii.h Hrouvipm,........., 7 (igher Mathematical Ranm-hc*..... 10 OU .it(in aim Crack,....,.,.*...... - , 12 1? Thin School pottcaaea advantage* In lla location qua), if not superior, lo any' in tin- SMatt*. It it ait-' atcd ni Codcnrvllto, OrcrtufJIo I?;rtriet, hi tho nidat of u execHeat ni-tgliboriuvRl, where?be yming re not e.\poeod,U> Ujoao templAftuu?#*JWnw*< ' vilitgea. lk-sidoa i>oiiij? lit a post oflice. it i* within it evr hundred yard* of Jlowdcn's Sulphur spring, us ue mineral water oa a?ijr In the upper ithdrfrt*. Mr. Karlc, the Principal, loan cxpavfeaead teach r and good disciplinarian. and the Trw?te<* flatter heniactvai that they may expert fer the School a ilmral patroitago. I'lWood Roars! may Ikj had in the famttVeo of tho cighbnrhood ut aix and tcVen dollars pwr month. For farther pftrth u>ars, appiy to the Principal, or ? Itr. Nrtn. Moonev, or to H. HOMfltk'M M?s ?n *> X. B.?Arritngviu-jitt* Iwvu Ikmtii ma da U? aae?iro be serrice* of ? young tadYt well <}uulllUd t>> gtvo instructions hi Music, >erfle-WrtiV. IWflicf.Work, irawlng, Urvyinu l'uUiting. Ac., Ac., at pnws in roportion to toe above Rates of Tuition. >Vo would inVltc the spefhil attention of parent* ml guardians to thin n<lilition to the intrKH of our obooi. We sbull be utile to giva instruction in uny f the higher hjuuebes of Fciualo Education, ut rices within the rcncli of ull. tjoweneviile, 8. C\, Nov. 2fl, 18SA. ' Jun 20 37 tf SOMETIIlJiG JfEwT GIFT Fttlerprite eotn/nrlrrl upon <1 Libit rat tin<l 7'Aim I ndorsed by the entire Frees of the elty of Belllwiore. H. E. ITOYT & CO.'S CJHKAT fUM'TtfttKX rn. -11 RAr.liMARK *tmckt, ' jbai msDa i avqpaetkr* KO? wcwttN Attn w emtkiui Write for a Catalogue for 1959. It con tains the iiiir^wi List of "ncTul, CrssstS' il and vuluablc CIIFT8 ever published. Greater inducement* to Agent* than over before of-" lre<l by uny other cstuldishuicut in the li uitcd States, A til I T WOKTII ? UOM FlflT CENTS TO ONk HUINOREO DOLLARS, ACW>Mr.\.<ftfc? nofiK. Postmasters, Country Merchant*. Bimksellar*, Lirarinns of Unlrerwifie)', Academies, Private and irculating Libraries, School*. mot ail others whoso usiucs* will ennhto them. arc rt spectfully solicited ? become our Agents. Any person can, by collectig a few <Ihil>*. obtain a valnafAc collection of looks in a ehort time, without any actual cost, save few moments* leisure time. We have Agents in all part* of the Country, who, esides supplying themselves with valuable Libra-' ies, arc realising handsome profits from the rule of lifts, accirutpanning their books. Catalogues, giving full particulars, mailed frc? ? uuv address. WHAT THEVBESS SAY. They have n mngnifirent assortment of BOoVs, and are prepared themselves with innumerable elegant lifts to be distributed among their " troupe ot friends lid customers at large."?/jaltiutorr Suu. r*oi only tuny * selection T>o imwlc of any ch?ie<? ork, but with-it the purchaser in ?wre to rocoivu imi- article of jewelry, which, in many cases, (iruvtf uitc valuable.? /Ju/limurc J)aitj/ Tlicy make no promises that arc uot performed Iriotly to tbe let tc*. frrfrt by tint* piftidusllr cancellg their obligations, have gained the entire couticuco of uot only our citUens, but tlio country bronil.?Haiti man f'atriat. A young lady nc?\Uah)tatlcc of Mtrs pnrtitiwl, for' I, a book at this establishment, a tew days since, nd received a iloublc-casod gold watch, valued at nu hundred dollars.?Unit (mare &ijiyrr. The success which attends the Gift Book Ilnuso f Messrs. II. K. Floyt A Co., has no preecdcnta tit lie auuuls of <3 If Enterprises.?Hr/mblirttH rf- Argun, Call and sec tlu-in, nud our worvl for it. you wilt ot rep ret your visit.?]h'*j>utchr HaUimnrr. The inducements to tho Southern and WestcrA eoplc to mnko their purchases from Messrs. Hoyt k to., arc much grv jtcr than can ho offered t>y nny ouscof the kind is the sountry. Freight from Bai* imoru to any Southern point is less, and the itnicnsc order business done by this Ann is a guarantee f their fulfilment of all promises.?Family Juarmal, It is, in n moral, petting books for nothioir urn I cing pu.H to tukc thcui away.?EUrttfor. All orders will ho promptly and impartially filled', nil forvrurde.l within one day lifter builtjf received, 'he (lifts. in nil case?, Kill nccompnuy t'uo Honks, ri'.h a written certificate to tlic person sending the rder. Vs HeT\inuliofj?i\o districted of leas vnluo liuu 50 cents, or more than $10(1. Addresa, n. E. flOYT A CO.. Xc. 41 Baltimore W., Rn'timnre, Mil. April 14 - 4V Jiui* A. BEECO ill/ a Cawiiilttt* fir PuUt'v Ai/roMiiy', nntf trill WOHK CHEAP VOtt CASH. f"TE will make Fine Coats for Mich : Coonmow I 1 Coats, at from W to $5; Pauts at from #1.25 > $1.75, and Vests at the same rates. Itopairiug, leaning and Pressing done at short notice lie fr mnktnl for part fttvor*. and asks for X enntintrotloir T the same. Ho warrants to fit. Call at the Wd our' House, it: the room formerly occupied Iiy the rdinnry. 20-tf .Tan fS Abbeville and Washington 3TAOE T^IISTJEL FROM ABBEVXULE TO WASHINGTON. 'it and after (hi* ihitc the Stage will leave Albert He C. II. at V o'clock, A. M. 1"MIE Proprietor of thin well-cat Ahltylierl I,iue take* thin method of informing the f*hHf flrtlf Im m changed hie .Schedule, for the eturunwiiN of The Stage wtll leave Al>be\ file Court Hopae on iONDA^ . Wlil>NKSl>AY ami PK1IMY Mondial*'. . if o'clock, but ill coniiequcH''* of the btui condition the roada, it will not heron Iter awuit the arrival of e down train from OrOctiTillC, Its heretofore. JS&" Passenger* by thin routo will retieh Atlanta j., the next day eveuing, at 10 o'clock, niter leuvig Ahlievillc t". II. The Stag? will lenve Wasliiiijftmi, fin., Nn TFEflAY, THURSDAY an.l NATtiR 1?AY Morning. The I.ioe ban bocu refitted with iv splendid FOl'R OftSK COACH, 00(H) TEAMS, and an exporiiced Dlt IVKit. fr&- Passenger* from all points above NcwWrry, i>ing Went, will And that they can reach any point out of Atlanta in exactly the mine tium, Mud with V leer exjieime than l?y way of KriMichville. Fur further lufciuuilina. mKiIt t?? JOHN McffUYDK, Agent. At the Pert Office, Abhcvltlc, C. 1!., S. C, April 7 5 ly LAW JTOTICKt rHK niidrraigttcd will devote hinutef? kfc'Httly t<> the practice of Ia?W and hey* it* on the Wertii Circuit. Mr. PRICK i* h?a partner for llrvvi He District, anil may te fuuml nf hi* office in rcenville. JAM K8 L. OKR. March H, I*.')?, A y tf NOi'ICE. PERSONS,W .cbtcil to the late Firm of W H HON A ("0?f Pan nettle the same at n>< v'*jf ?Hi,, or they will tinil their Votes ?>, . nht* l',i the hafida of un Attorney for collor .. Itger indulgence cannot l.e given. The lot f the Firtn mmt be settled. U. HoVK Fob 17 ?1 ~ IfOTICK. DURTNO fry neveaaarv or accidental ab? my ftiend. Col. DAVID JIOK K, v. l.-, iwinl Deputy, will attend to ull per*. n, u : usincss transaction* with tin office i>: ti-e (' ionor. ft. A. TOWN KH, t!. t, j. i-. March 3 13