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w'r'?T r*| gMcsa^^^l^^^^^jaMBaaBBSSBwijwiN^ ' > jjffi *" ^^ijfflwBBr jfiti'T?#fi SraSffiSfrV yW- &c - .-Ja *ZL* Too late?toe lute! hoWhenrily'ibat phrnSc J Comes, lika a knell, upon tho shadowing csr, Talking of slighted duties, wanted days ) Of privileges lost, or hopes once dear, No. ? ?>*?> * ? < *??? Uk? tiu?0 ; Tile worldling's callous heart ?n^t penetrate? All that he might have hoen in^hought he sees, And sorrows o'er his wrock t<*> lata. Too lato?too lat?! th?dprodigal Who strays Th rough the dim groves and w i?d ing bowers of sin ; The Cold, and false docclrgr who betrays The trusting heart ho fondly hoped to win | The spendthrift, m attering bis golden store,.. ' . S And loft iu age despised a,ud desolate? All ipay their faults confess, forsake, deplore, Yet struggle to retrieve the past too late. Too Ifttc?too lute ! oh dark and fatal ban, * Is there a spell thy terrors to assuage * a Ttlflrft in?(hi>rtt is I Knt umnlr O not <V.?m ****** ^ ficck for (h* hcalhtg i?)ui in God's own page ; IU-imI of thy Huviour's love, to him repair? Ho.looks with pity on tliy gnilty state; r-3 Knee) nt his throne in deep but fervent prayer? Kneel and repent, ere yet it ie too late. <- * Too lata?loo Into ! that direfill sound portends Sorrow on enrth, hut not immortul pain ; Thou may'at bar's lost the confidence of friends, The love of Kindred thou may'st ne'er regain t Hut there is Ono above who marks thy tears; And opes for thee salvation's golden gato; Come, thon, poor mouruer, enst away thy fears; Believe and enter?it is not too late'i Umnorist'3 <?)Iio. " A Little More Leg, Charley." The other evening, we chanced to meet an old policeman, whoso fun is as exhnustless as his taste for S. O. 1'. brnndy and Indubitable "old rye." We kindly took the old stager by the arm, and, after a few preparatory remarks, asked him if be had anything new to telL The sturdy old boy surveyed us for some moments through a lens of cut-glass, and then milled blandly. " Did I over tell you about Charley B 'a fire-ropef he asked, confidentially. "Never," enid we. " Then, let's take something," said he, "and yon shall hear nil about it." The ex-policeman did take something, and then he said; "Charley B , you know, was a capital fellow, that boarded in Amity place; but sich a s/setxT I never did see. WIiy. that clinn would go to sleep with a lints* band in each ear, and an old woman hinting n tin pan on his stomach. Well, Charley joined a hose company, and hnd great ideas of running to flrca; hut his rIs- p troubled him, and he sat up for two whole nights, for fear that a firo should break out, and he not know it. At last he came to nie, for my bent toy right past his boarding house, and, suys he: "Tom, 1 want you to do me a favor." "Ppit it out," says I. "Well," soys he, "I'll be darned if I'll lay awake any longer, l>ut I'm going to tie a rope to one of my feet, and let it hang out of the win dow at night. When there's a tire, you just give the rope a good pull, nnd 1 shan't ndnd standing something hot." "It's a go, my boy," snys I. "Just hang ont your rope, mid you shan't sleep uftcr the first tap of the hell." " Now, yon see, the first night alarm In that district after that, wns on a bitter cold night, nnd I matte up my mind to warm myself at Charley'* expense; so I went to his boardinghouse, and commenced peering about for thut rojH*. 1 inoiigm lie nnti lorgot it, nt nrst; nut when 1 got unto the stoop, 1 see it n hanging from a second-story window, about half-way between the end of the house and the stoop-raili|?g. * How does tlie natural fool expect me to pull thatV say* I to myself. * But I got over the railing, and with ray lieel* on the edge of the stoop, commenced reaching fur the ro|>c. I managed to git bold of it, mid was just giving it one savage pull to relieve my feelings, when my heels slipped, and away I swung, like a kite hanging from a roof. The first thing 1 heard was like several claps of email thunder, and then the rope give with n vengeance! I fell myself going down, until the tips of my l>oots just touched the ah*y pavement; and when I looked up, hang it if there wasn't Charley, with th? longest leg ever I did *e<>, a hanging out of the window, and he straddling the sill lopsided like, and screaming like a California monkey w ith his tall In the fire. " Oh, murder!?fire!?I'm dead?quick I Let go. you fool," roared the sleepy feller. Now, you see, tlmt made me nmd, because I'd done it all out of kindness, and i held on like n sticking-plaster." 44 Murder!" yelled Charley. "A little more leg, Charley," says I; and then I let go, for the house was raised, and a crowd was collecting. They hauled Charley in, with one leg ahout a yard longer than the other, and a Won ring till he was blue around the mouth. I tell yoti, ho didn't lehve home for one week, and I should not wonder if ltis toiior had to make him some new pantaloons. He always thought that I didn't moan it," concluded our nt officio fri -nd, with an innocent wink. 44 Ob, of course you didn't."?^. Y. Timet. NnrniinoR WitaoN cnnght a cooper stealing eome hoop-polea, which he had just got ready fur nmrkot. The eouper wot astounded, and offered fanner W. ten dollar* not to mention t4?o fact, which propoaiMou, duly backed by the money, wa* accepted. But that wirae evening, 19 when Mr. Wilaon, the eooper, and a lot of tlrO mutual nelgl?l>or* were talking politic* at lit* village grocery, the' former turned to a friend, and ark oil: bid I eter tell yoti, neighbor JenVe, that ~I CAUght the eouper hcN stealing my hoop-polo*?" The cooper betrayed hi* guilt by blushing crimson, and the party nddrtMcd declared ia rei??y: . ^ ' V?n ueven did." 'Well, then," added Mr. Wilaon, "I never will, f'-r i promised Mm I wouldn't," On the next day a first-rnto cooper settled in A neighboring village ** v * 3f.' cliT^y^ *F I hvn. wf ?? ?nge& ?& eoiweaU, twstep out daring thep^rforflv anoeof those {wrm where Ms oervtoes are qot '; IHtrUoulai'ly required, and indulge hU drinking DroD^diiiiei^iu thf n^A!*66t ulooit . v ^ V " It M^hcd.ooe oigfiCat. <*uceri, that a ragIpg^iwtWyed hiw as usual. A*UJ l?afc would hawe it, >ho was needed to appear in tho next piece, which. 1nao short n tide as not to allow of hie leaving tha building. Ha stepped into one of the side, or drawing rooms, where he found Mr. S , the owner of the ball. He Inquired of Mr. 3 if he had anything to drink. Mr &-?r informed him that he aould accommodate Mm with a glass of waUir. Mr. T hesi( wa a munirui, ?uii ???, ? ? ?? to icoper^ j atlon, he exclaimed: Well, l.t'a hftv. it." M. U k..J J U^. ll_ - ?nr> kt: uniiucu 11?ui wit? wniwr; which pc i drank, thin returning the empty glass, he re- ' marked with a ?igh : " Mr. S?? , that puUma in mind of tnv young- ' cr day*." Ma*. Pawriworos, Patriotic.?" Hurra t" said ; lice, aa he read the fact in the paper#, "here's ' O'Regan admitted to the Union." " A furrioer, I should judge," remarked Mrs. J Partington, looking very wisely at the steam that rose from the teaeups nud formed in one | cloud near the ceiling,'" but I'm glnd they've let ' him come In to ouioy our |>ollticaI rlghta and | lolls, and oth6? perogativco. There's room ? enough, and the rear of our institutions should be extended. I don't believe a man should be | cut off because ht wasn't born in . this country I for twenty-one years, which, of course, wasn't 1 any fault of his, for everybody would be born here if they couid have their own auction consulted." ' " It means," said Ike, " a new State." "Woll, child," replied she, "odds is only the difference?States or men, 'tis all the same. Let 'em come into our grand consternation, whore the eagle shall spread his broad opinion over 'cm, nud make 'em happy in an unlimited bondage of brotherhood, like the Biamcse twina." 8he had not taken her eye from tho steam that rose from the eupe and joined in one cloud, t-hnt seemed to represent the Union she was depicting. Ike hod n better illustrntlon, for hetook the five preserved pcaohes on the plate, aud ] put them nil into one. You Kissed Me. Yon kisstd me. My head had dropped low on . your breast I With a feeling of shelter and infinite rest; While the holy emotion my tongue dared not speftk. I Flushed up like a flume from my heart to my 1 cheek, Your arms held me fast?oh 1 your nnns were so ( hold, Heart bent against heart in your passionate hold; , Your glances seemed drawing my soul through my oyes, As the sun draws the mist from the sea to the skies, And your lips clung to mine till I prayed ia my bliss, They might never unclasp from that poosionate ] kiss. 1 ? ? Would you care if thy breast were tny shelter as 1 then, ' And if you were here would you kiss uie again ? To tho last line we beg leave to reply, in the Inngunge of a certain Hibernian, who was asked if he would take a drink of whiskey?" Wud a j duek swim?"?Aurpttfa Chronicle d- Sentinel. A Tiiouonmn. Fcoitivk.?Wm. W. Tyler, one of the prisoners who recently escaped from the jail of Ocnin, Fin., left the following note, as reported verbatim in the Ocala Comjmnion : KOTICK. Ocala, fla, April lStb, 1860. The Editor of this place will please Advcrtia that I, Wm. M. Tyler, who has left Jsll, will be And appear at the usual t*rm i\t rV.n^? 1 - I.?1 * J ww?? WM. w M/ uvniiu IIIj H^lll. A uu lltn ( leave the place with nncy notion of getting Slmt of tryal. I only leave for the Escapement of the Confinement and danger of Sickness which Im afraid may attend this place. W*. W. Ttuol 4 A Dittoiimax turned to a negro boy, and naked him, " Bov, do you think a nigger has got a soul f I " Oh, yea," aaid the boy; " I reckon thoy got souls." " Well, hoy, do you think you would be allowed to go to Ilenren Y " Yes, air, I 'apeo I will; I 'Iowa to git In." " Now, boy, wherenbouta do you think they'd put a fellow like yon in Heaven t" "I dunno. air," said the boy; "but I reckon ' 111 git in somewbnr 'tween de white people and < do Dutch." o 1 ' I*bom?iowal Wrr.?Two well known physicians met on the street a few days since, one In his carriage with a patient, and the otiier on horseback. The usual snlutations were exchanged, when one said to the other; " Vi imi, uOOiur, uu jfwii jua Out j uuT patient* r m Yes," was the ready reply, " I suppose Hoist rides yours f* l Llolst is a popular undertaker, tAfetnpHa A vol tine lis. i A Fomtioai Police.?A Columbus (Ohio) pa- ' per gives an account of the drilling of the politl- ( cnl police of that city in this fashion i " Attention, police! Eyes right?mouths open- M -?draw lnirer?elevatn 1??t?<mnt? !???> ? 1 mouths shut?forward to r.ext saloon?advance ] to voters?electioneer voters?treat voters? i drink loger?some more lager " ( ' ? " ? * T?u> I hurt jrod f raid a lady the o4her day, when she trod upon a manV toes. " No, nindnrti, I thank you, seeing that it's you ; but if it were anybody else, I would have hollered out mnr- ] dvr." " I a* enre 1 cannot llvo long," snMI a very . dirty looking patient to Ida physician. ' Is that any reason, air, why you should ear- j ry dirt enough to bury yon T l ^ *- V '7 , . /, ' "WjL 4-J _ .i*vV ' .VKv- r? -' tx,^BWKB^^i^8Mfe6ft"^cSw /< ^??r ' *' ^^5jh^hftflmkj^hnf^e?^kf*^b^^hp^hmsp' *a w cwy off that matter, thus aceomphJbiog two f purposes effectually, without aryof tho painful feelings experienced io-the operation* of m<>?t (h(kar(!r?. c kSSW* %?LTnt$?^^ ' will strengthen ami tyM it up with unusual rapidity. Tho Livor is one of tho irnting the stomach, couprinoipal regulators of , |?lrtg food ta digest w?U, the human body t ?u?d Ufjuirifytng the blood, giv- f when U performs it* ^uigtouo and health to the functions well, *hc pow- ? whole machinery, rotno- , ?rs i.f the system aroful- ? ring the causa of tho (lis- I y developed. The stoui- U< was??effecting a radical 1 sob is almost entirely do- ..cure. ' .v, pendent on the healthy Bilious attaeks arc * action of the Livor . for g(J cut-c.l, and what is bet- , lbo proper perform nice j^ajter, prevented, by the 1 T lu f^a^tioai'j" whcuj^Ioccrwicnal uss of the LI Fn :he stomach is at fault. 0|'r?r Invigorator. : J the bowels are at fault, nwj Ona doeo after eating 11 Mid the whole system sufj^lit sufficient to relieve the fors lu ?unscqncnco on^jstwaacfj and prsvsWtthe i>no organ?tho Liver?'^51 food from rising and lavinw rwiooei -? > i ? ? ?< H?I IH0 w?ro>u < W a*V . w ?" 'Ieuuruijj* duty. For the diseases i Only ouo dose taken of that organ, one of tin- fi^'before retiring prevent* r proprietors has inntlo -ft MlNlxhtrowr. '1 iii? study, in a practice J"* Only one dose taken jf more than twenty ^ at night, loosens the years, to flud stune reine- tm howels gently, sud cures ' iy wbercwltb to evuntor J Costiveuoss. set the many derange One doso oRcr oach stents to which it is lis- >* meal will care Dyspepsia i>lo. ?. One doso off two toaTo prove that this rent- ^ spoonsfh] will always rcjdy is at last found, auv _ liovo Sick-Headache, person troubled with HI- aw One bottlo taken for foror Complaint, in any of ^ iniUenhstnirtl'n removes I forms, ha* bat to try u the cause of the disoase, n bottle, and eonvietlon is ^lunilinakcsaporfootcure. 1 9ertaln. Only one doso innnedi Thcso flitms remove ^i ntcly relieves Cbollc, and til taorkid or bad matter 'I One doso often rcpuatfroin the system, supply- |od Is a sure cure for Cboling in tbeiruiucca heal- icra Morbus, and a pretliy Bow of bilo, Invigo- 'yentive of Cholera. Only one bottle Is needed to throw out of the system the effects of ntedicino nftcr a long sickness. One bottlo taken for Jaundice removes all sallowQoss or nnuatural color from the skin. Ono dose taken a short tlmo I*-fore eating gives rigor to the appetite, and makes food digest well. One doso often repeated cures Chronic Di?rrba>a in its worst forms, while Summer and Uowcl Complaints yield almost to the first doso. < J Ono or two doses cures attacks caused by Worms in cbildreu i there is no surer, safer, or spoedior remedy in the world, as D never fails. A few bottlus cures Dropsy, by exciting the ubmrbents. ;Js 1 Wo take pleasure in recommending this medicine 1 m a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, and J til Fevers of a billions type. It operates with cer lainly, aud thousands arc willing to testify to its sroudcrf^I virtues. All who uso it arc giving their unanimous testimony in its fuvor. f - Mix water In the mouth with the InvigoraUir, aud swallow both together. Tltc IJrcr Invluorutor I* a sclent iff e medical discovery, and is daily work- J ng cures almost too great to beHcve. It euros us if * by magic, err* ilk* firm! i/iaf yirittff (*, and set- C ><>>c until niic notue is rei|Uircu In euro liny t ind of Livor Complaint, from the won't Junm/ice or Dtf*jiSp*in to n common WWri/nrlt, all of which are :he result of n Diseased Li VIT. vJBtT* /'l ire tillr tiiil- I 'nrper bottle* DR. SAN l*OR I), iShtriclor, .115 1! rood way, >0* York. * Retailed l?y nil Druggist#.' Sold also by K. Krctch, ircvnvilte. I'J-ly Ap 1 t ' GENERAL' , BOOT & SHOiS 8T0HB. " i THE Subscriber# r?#j>eelfuHy call the attention of tho public generally to the arge and well selected Stock i f ' Boots, Shoos and Brogns, I vhich they hare just opened at their establishment in tha west aide of the Kiver. between Messrs. Wiliauis' and David's Stores, near the Depot. Their Stock having lwen laid in for cash, at the rest Shoe markets, hy a compctunt judge, they ore 1 inahled to noil cheup, as a comparison of their Stock ' will plainly show. 3LA3DH1SS' ' The attention of tho Ladies is respectfully called J o the assorlmrnt to lie found iu the Department of Udic.i' ami Misses* <1A ITERS, SHOES, Ac. _ CHILDREN' S SHOES of every variety always >n hand. Tho Stock now on hand embraces an assortment >f ROOTS. UROOANS and SHOES, of all descriptions* which ure ottered at unusually low prices. * Boot nii<l Shoe Manufactory. We arc now making preparations to commence ;h? Manufacture of Roots and Shoes, and will rereive and faithfully ftilfll all orders in that Hue. t rnAnLmiTass wnvfvjbn.1 riO> ' A General A??irlnienl of UKOCKIUKH will also " Mj IouikI at this establishment, and will bo disposed 1 >f on accommodating terms. 1 Brooks, Scruggs ft Gibson. ] SHOE MAX?Ri~WANTEO. J A few competent Hands emu flud employment on ] mrly applioation to us. B., S. A G. ( Oct 21 24 tf for sal|6r"rent^ ! Ma A HOUSE AND LOT oo Buncombe Htroct, Kjjjj in front of the Female College. Tbe Ilonse Lv-Jveontains Eight eomlortaldo Rooms, with seven Fire-places, with coinforUldo Out-buildings, and a Well of excellent water, all new und complete. f Terms accommodating. Meh 3 43?If W. R. JONKS, M. D. t Houses and Lots lor Sale. mTHE subscriber oflcm for sale TWO LOTS in tbe town of Greenville, situated on Pendleton Struct, nod within Ave minutes' walk of the Kuilrond l>?|Mit. Each Lot has a Cottage on it. 1 Fine Wells of water and convenient Out houses are an tbe promises. These lots will be aold together [>r separately, on very reasonable terms. For fur- , liter particulars, as to the sire of the Lot, terms, Ao., ?pnly to L. W. WATSON. . Feb 10 40 tf } Valuable Lands for Sale, t ON TERMS ACCOMMODATING Tu PURCHASERS. A TRACT containing 030 Acres. 400 of which arc good, heavily Timbered, and Arid-rate Ctivk Uphill'?- TL* ??* ' ?? bvaSKSaA I" ' I'ickcr.a District, on tbe road from Greenville to ] | reiHiieioii, n nine* irnui IliO Inriner place. Also, a TRACT in lk? same neighborhood, mn- f taining 37? Aero*. JOtt Acres nro heavily Timbered. On the Trncl there nro 50 Aero* hmt BOTTOM. . For particular*, apply to W. K- EABLBV, k Oct 28 25-?f OrvenvdW, 8. 0. Do You wish to Buy Ileal Estate I IX UREESVILLKI t TlllE Snbecrihcr ii Agent for the eale of tho folX lowing Town Property ; HOUSE AMI LOT on Rmiminhc Street, opposite /I ho Frinalu College, owned hy Mr. It. J. .land on. HOUSE AND LOT of Mr. J. N. Vvnater, near the Railroad Depot. One of tho most desirable places n Orecnvillo. 1I01J8E AND LOT of Mr. II. R. Williams, on ' he Augwstii road, and uear tho Depot. AUo, aeeornt other places. ii Tho afore Property wiU he sold upon the most p eiHonahlo terms. s- W. P. PRICK. o Jan 20 37 . tf M. OA VI DAI# RPSTIXe Cffi _ AXf. ftKALKK* IM 1 fFfaQli WATCHES. J.V JR JEW RLEY AND CLOCKS, " Hf \mP No. i*3S KINO 8TRBJJT, 3 c^yimmr^iKeiF^ss'p a. f Vitchee h Cloaks Bepatrsd warranted for om fear. Fsh 14 in ly lillr attended to, anddellrored a fewdsrreaftqrootice. Being asaociatad With mr father enable* mo to proYork 0l,f u JKHL. BMBIMTC'r/.** f ^Z^S^r^AT LEVY'S NEW ETOltE. V Meruit 84 fy.^'^V.' 4? ' iy Saddle & Harness Manufactory. cvo, This Subscriber would respectfully Inform jy?HflBk the publicgenerally tlmt be continues the " ** abo"?^}utriors*, Ttr<> )i->oro Above <Ae UrtmHU /folet, and b prepared to furuiab customers with ny description of HOME MANUFACTURED (ADDLES. Onrriegc, Bdggy end Warns HAttiEHS made to order, anil in tho best styles. Bftl)I,KS; WHIPS, Ao., on bnnd, nn.d for sale CHEAP. 1f&J- [saddles and Harness itErAIivED at idivri, iotice. . ' A. M. OILKKATH. Mch 3 43 ly v. H; hovey; rtwratrroR or mB umw STORE, , f -I dkaler IN . rAXCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, RICH DRESS GOODS, U ONSETS, RI It RONS, . HOUSEKEEPING DOORS, READY MADE CLOTHING. AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, GREENVILLE, S. C. N. B.?Order* accompanied )?y the cash, for Modcol, Law or Library Book*, Musical Instruments, tnd Sundries, promptly filled In New York and deircrvd at hi* counter on short eat notice. Jan 13 30 ly JOHNW.GRADY, iikai.kk in FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RE A DY MADE CLOTHING. ROOTS AND SHOES, ROOKS AND ST A TIONRRY, D YESTHERS, HARDWARE A- CUTLERY, WOODEN \VA RE, GROCERIES, GRAIN, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Arc., proems the new court house, on main rthaet, Jm GREENVILLE, S. C. jy E KRUTCH'8 iai mi m apotbec&ry sir. UNDER McBEE'S HALL, GREENVILLE, S. C. f Where will bo kopt the fullest Block of DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHE MICA LB, Patent Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Paint*, Oils, Toilet Articles, and all other article* generally kept by Druggists.? pnPe Drug* are warranted. C-ompound ifedidine* prepared in tho inoal careful way. Rocipt* put up with accuracy itud dispatch. Jan 13 36 ]y MAIN STREET, NEXT TO THE MANSION HOUSE, A RE prepared to famish Ocntlcineu with ovory A. Article of FASHIONABLE CLOTHING nlnthlo to the season and necessary io the comfort aid decent appearance of the outer man. Also, an excellent assortment of ROOTS, R1IOES VND HATH, with a variety of FANCY ARTICLES in<l a choice lot of 6EUARS AND TODACCO. Oct 21 24 tf JRV GOO D S," GROCERIES j AND TIM WAKE. FINDING It InpoaQilt to MnlltM a CREDIT . Business, I take ibis method of informing my 1 tends (And patrons that on nnd after the first day of ununrv, 18511, I will sell only for CASH OR BARTER, nd will not keep any Open Accounts. I will keep n hand a good Stock of JH Y GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GROCERIES, TIN WAKE, Ac., rliicb I will sell at the limit REASONABLE price*. PAPE R. The Subscriber is also Manufacturing PRINTING ind WRAPPING PAPER, of nil (fixe*. HAGS wanted, and taken in an "plan tit v. Deck 31?tf , K. GREENFIELD. rllF. Subscriber continues to ORNAMENT with FINK GOLD every variety of HAIR WORK ? order, such as Hnir Broachc*, do. Ft oyer Riwjt, lo. Yft, Fob and Guard Chain*, do. Necklace*, 'Iroerlri*, and, in fact, EVERY ARTICLE IN THE 1RAIDKD IIAIR LINE. Makes, of flno Gold, L*agnyement Hi*;/*, (with inscription thrown in,) Haiti Gold, Sletrc, Collar, Rnnom and Chimiee BhMoh* ; ingraves .1ferial*, Sent*, de? Ilate of every kind, nid makes all articles in Brass, Silver or Gold ; R?tairs neatly all Jewelry brought in } takes all old }oM or Silver, at fair vulntlivn. fSf- Office sixty yards ?wt of the Old Conrt | louse, Groouville, 6. C., and near the F.olrrpritm Iffirc. J. 11. RANDOLPH. July 18 ly Boot, Shoe and Leather Store. rUE Subscriber hu on bund an excellent assortinent of BOOTS AND SHOES, of bis own manifscture. Alio, just received, a flue assortment of LADIES' SHO&t. SLlPPERSt Halters, Ac.; Misses and Children's s, all sixes; Gentlemen's Slippers. Also, a large stock of RROOAX8, Shoemakers' Tools, Leather Findings, Thread, Lace, Ao. Ho has also on hand a large stock of LEATHER, rhieh ho will sell at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Having in his employ excellent workmen, ho is >reparod to MAKE the finest artiolo of BOOTS and UIOES, at the shortest notice. All of the above Goods, together with articles of sis own manufacture, will Ire sold ut the ranxt reaouabio prices for cash. I)U RTY, In Mas. Lvviuss's Brick BvasAo. April Id 4U tf aR6hH?litl HftRBti fAKUl 'IMIK Subscriber having pnrcbased the interest of 1 Mr. JAMES D. CHALMERS, ho will continue he MARBLE BUSINESS as heretofore, at the Old Itsnd in the rear of Mr. Ketchnm's Store. Ho fools thankful for the patronage which has >een oxtended Ut the Firm of Cw.m.xkr* A Ai.i.rx, iii'l hones, hv attention liil.tikliu .i u...t , -v , .-n, o merit ? conltnmim-e of the name. Oct? It II J AH. AI. ALLEN. 18ENCY FOR N. C. INSURANCE COMPANY. TIIR ASHKVILLE Mutual Insurance Company HAVING complied with tho logftl n>qiii?Hir>n of this Slntc, in relation to Anepirfe#, mm! hnr m i?K appointed the untier.iicned M thoir Agent for t)ii? Irt'-c. >10 i* now propnved to Lnke KIHKS on 1,1 FK r I'ROPKHTY. ' JOHN W. (tlVAUY. UreCnrUU, 8. PeK 10, 18iA. 40 If U8.BOWE n. ffanniactnrer of and Dealer in XFUllN'tTURK ?f every deieription. V'?J CllAlllS of every ?tyl?, . . . .AX|>. . . . iSk?a CELEBRATED ME TALIC BURIAL CA8E8, OppoaiU the Contptree How*, P?b4 COLUMBIA, H. C. 5'Jly Til HSSE MAC/JUNE? seer from two spools, M purji ' tbased. from the shore, requiring no re-winding tffthread. They Horn, Ketl, Ontlicr and Btijch in a superior style, finishing each settm by their oari op- " ration, witfioat recourse to thah nod -needle, as is required by other machines. They will do bettor and obeaper. sbwiug than a seamstress 'oan, even if *bo works for ok* crst a* hour, and ate, -upqusettcmab!y, tfio brut- .Machines in tho market lor family sewing, on account of their elmpliolty, durability, case of management, and adaptation to ail varieties Of family sowing, executing either heavy or flue work with equal facility, and without special adjustment. , At evidence ol? the unquestioned superiority of their Machine*, the (frvoer 6r linker Srwimy Machine Company beg leare to respectfully refer to the following TESTIMONIALS. " Having had one of Oruvor A Baker** Machines in my family for dearly a year and a half, I lake pleasure in commeudiug it aa every way reliable for the purpose for which it U designed?family Miring."?Jlr*. Joehnn htaeilf tcift of Iter. Dr. Lentil, Editor of S. Y. Independent. " I confess myself delighted with your Sowing Msoh iue, which bos been in my family far many months. It has always been ready for duty, requiring no adjustment, and is easily adapted to every variety of family sewing, by simply changing tbe spools of thread."?Mr*. Elizabeth Strickland, reife if Rev. Dr. Strickland, Editor of N. }'. Chrietian Advocate. " After trying several different good machines, I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity, and the perfect ease with which it is managed, ns well as the strength durability of the seum. After Ion* ex pcionoe, I Tool competent to apeak In this manner, nnii to eonfideutly recommend it for ovary variety of family using."?J/r?. E. B. Spooner, vifo of the Editor of Brooklyn Star. " I have used a Orovcr * Bakor Sewing Mncliine for two years, and havo found it adapted to all kinds of family sowing, from combrio to broadcloth. Our mcnU havo boon worn out without the giving way of n stitch. The Machine is easily kept in order, aud easily used."?Mr*. A. U. Whipple, wife of Her. Geo. Whipple, Bete . York. " Your Bowing Machine boa been in use iu my family the past two years, nnd the ladies request lotto give you their testimonials to its perfect aduptedness, as well, as labor-saving qualities in the performance of family and household sewing."?Robert Doorman, tfeie York. , " For several months we havo used Orovcr A Baker's Sewing Machine, and have como to the conclusion that every lady who desires her sowing beautifully and qvlcklydone, would be most fortnnate in |x>ssessing one of these reliable and indefatigable ' iron needle-women,' whose combined qualities of beauty, strength, and simplicity, are invaluable."? ?/. If. Morris, dnngktrr of Gen. Geo. I'. Morris, Editor of the Home Joumul. Extract of a letter from Thos. R. Lcavitt, Esq., an American gentlemen now resident in Sydney, New South Wales, dated January 12,1858 : " I had n tint made in Melbourne, in 1853, in which there wore over three thousand yards of sewing done with one of tlrorer A Raker's Mac-bines, and a single scam of thst has nutstood all the double scatns sewed by sailor* With a needle nud twine." *' * If Homer could 1>c called up tVom bis murky hades, ho would sing the ndve-ut of flrover A Baker its a more beuignnnt miracle of art than was ever Vulcan's smithy. He wontd denounce midnight sbjrt-mnking as ' the direful spring of woes unnumbered."'? l'r< if. y<irth. "I tnko pleasure In saying that the Qrover A Baker Sewing Machines have m?ro than sustained my expectation. After trying nud rctnrnliig others, I havo throe of tbcm in opcraiiou in tny different places, and, after four years' trial, have no fault to find." J. H. Hammond, Senator of South Carolina, " My wife has had ong nf tlrovcr A Baker's Futnity Sewing Machines for some time, and I ant satisflod it hi one of tho best labor-saving machines that itiiu K??or* Invntibul T tuL-o ? - ? -vv.. .m , * KiMv iwdvu imuru in rei'iim* mending it to tho public."?J. 0. Hurrit, Uuvcruvr of Tcnncaacr. "Jt is a bonutilbl tiring, nnd puis everybody into an excitement of good biinior. Were I it Catholic, I should insist upon Saints (trover A Baker having an etcrnui holiday, in commemoration of their good deeds for humanity."?(Mtoinn 31. Clay. "I think it by far the best patent in usa. The Machine con be adapted from the finest cambric to tho heaviest cassiuicre. It sews stronger, faster, anil tnoro beautifully, than on? van imagine. If mine could not bo replaced, money could not buy it."? ilri. J. It. It ft urn r Xarhritl., Tcitn. "It Is speedy, very noat, and durable in its work) is easily understood and kopt in repair. I earnestly recommend tin's Mnehinb to all my aeouaintames ud others."?Mr?. M. ,1. Furrrtt, Mtmfjhia, Trim. "Wr find this Machine to work to our satisfaction, and with pleasure recommend It to the public, as we heliovo tho (Irover A linker to be tho best Sowing Machine in use."? "Deary ftrnthera, Atlifmia, Tuna. " If need exclusively for family purposes, with ordinary care, I will wager thoy will lost ono 'threescore years and ten,' anil never got out of fix."?John Krakine, Xnakvillr, JViNH. "I bare had your Machine for several weeks, and mn perfectly satisfied that the work it does is the best and most beautiful tbut over was made."? Moj<jia Ann iron. XaakviUr, Tenn. "I use my mac bine upon coats, dress-making, and fine linen stitebiog, and tho work is admirable?far bettor than the hand-sewing, or any other machine I have ever soon,"?Lucy D. Tkompotm, XaakviUr, Trim. "I find the work the strongest and most beautiful T I.I.v.. nvnr -i?i? -? > ? ? -- ? .... ...... ....... viiuvi i.j muni ur lnocuine, and regard the Grover A linker Machine as one of the greatest blessings to our KX."?Mr*. Taylor, XathvilU, T*nn. " I have one of Grover A Baker's Machine* In a do in my family, end find it invaluable. I oas confidently recommend it to all person* in want of a Machine."?U. T. TTiuiupton, S'aikrillc, Tenn. 441 take pleasure in certifying to the utility of the Grover A linker Rowing Machines. I have need one on almost every description of work for mouths, and' find it much stronger and lustier in every respect than work done by baud."?Mr*. U. W. Wkteler, A'lfkvitle, Tmn. '*1 would he unwilling to dispose of my Grover A llaker Machine for a large amount, could 1 not replace it again at pleasure."?Mr*. //. O. Scotil, Natheille, Venn. " Onr two Moohines, purchased from yon, do the work of twenty young ladies. Wo with pleasure rocomiuend the Grover A linker Hewing Machine to be the best in use."?-jV. Slid man it Co., Mrmpki*, Tmn. "I find tho Machine easily managed, very durable, and take pleasure in recommending it to all who wish convenience, economy and pleasure."?Mr*. F. Till*, Mrmjiki*, Ttnn. March 10 44 dm aOTICG. ALL persons indebted to mo for the year* 185(1, '57 and '58, by BOOK ACCOUNT orNOTK, are requested to eonio forward and ]*ty up, as /*/tk*r intlnhjenc* can not be aloe*. Fab A ??-tf F. BURTY. REED &. GOODLETT. ATTOKHli* AT LAW, 80LICIT0RSIN EttUITY. |3T OJtee runt door Co F. F. lieatlir <fr Co. JK\ GREENVILLE, 8. C. I. P. KKFTP P. D. HOuM.KTT. Juno 4 4 tf ORR & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT IAW?> GREENVILLE, 8. C. jamw u <" ** w, r, pmri. M?y 18 1 Ilulr Drcmliig and Khnvlng. TIUKRIDK continue* tho TONgORJAJ, hnninew | > At hi* OK *Un<i in BoattiiTa Wrick HalMing, niwrw b? i* ready, during the day Mill evening, to Rlmve tho Beanl and Cnt llair and Wham poo the Head. Ho reapvetfaity <t*hr a continuation of patronage. 21 -tff ' Oct 1 I ' ? v y i'-v.". frit^*** >'., .., ? - .. *i^" ,'j^ w#. jNw^l^e^UWy. Vyi^PWj "f practice erer iltw themuMdcannot h*a(t*fet? fry they era the nil hithfrtk we m*|m. Their re*?Utlng action on the h'eer la qnldt and decided, rvnaeqitrnttjr they are an adtnlraMa remedy Mr derangement* of that organ. Indeed, I hare aeMom fonnd a care of M??r </ > auea to ohatlaate that It (Ud net readily yield to them: Imoraally yours, ..ALONZO BAAL, M. '. . V. J*yn?on ?/ tt? ifartnt EotpiUl. .: Drieaiery. S?!si, aad Wcrss. . Rwt Or no*. II Aan.tsD, Lit. Co., Mica., No*. IS. IMA Da. Ayx*; Tour l'llle are the perfection of ineillclao. *Wf bar# done my wife mure good than 1 can tbll ytm. Bh? hnd been alck and pining away for muniht. Wane otf to he doctored at snmt expense, but got ho better. She MMIO'B rjno, "M?M" wwta ??rni ?twrf by UpiMtg Iwp qmatttiM of worm* (dead) from W bod*. They nflerwartla cured bar and our two children . ot Moody dyaru tery. On* of oar neighbor* bad it bad, and BIT wife cored him wfch two dooea of your Pill*. while I otiier* around a* paid from Bre to twain J dollar* doctor*' bllla, and loot ntnehr time, wilboat being enrvd entirely eran than, bo' h a medicine a* your*, which la actually good ?ad boaaot, will b* prixed her*. a-' ;? 0K0. #. ORimif. /WaieWer. . Indigestion and Imparity of the Blood# From Rev. J. V. Uimet, Fkttor of Advtnl Church, Huhm, Da. Area: I bare aaad yew* Pilla wllb extraordtoere nccaaa In my family and among tboaa I am railed In dbtraaa. To twgaMIe tlx- organ* of digestion and purify tba blood thay ara tba tor j baat remedy 1 bat# era# rtoowa, and 1 can connui-uny iriouiiuetul them to my friend*. Yonra, J. t. IMMM. Wot**, Wyotowo Co., 1*. T? (hi. 11,18S6. " Datn 8m: I am u*lng your Cathartic Mil* In my praettee, and And them an agcollent purgative to clean** tba eyituiu and purify the fou-italoe of (he blood. 1 JOHN O. M BACH AM, M. D. Erysipelas, Scroftiln, Klaifi Erll, Tetter, Tumors, and Bait Ithenm. from a fmaaruinp Mmhaut #/ EL Limit, Kb. i, ISM. Dm. Arm t Tour Pill* ara the paragon of all (bat. la great in medicine. Tliey hare cured my little daughter of ulceren* wire* upon htr hemic and fret thai hail proved Incurable tor yean. Her mothir bad been long grlermjaI) afflicted with blotcbea and pimple* on bar *kln and ll* bee hair. After our child war cured, *he al*o tried jtar Mia, and they bare cured bar. ASA MOK0H1DQK. Rheumatism^ Neuralgia, and Gont* from (Ac Jfcr. Dr. Itowkm, t\f Me Mrlhcditi-Kfrti Church. Pvuui House, Hrtantn, 0*., Jan. 8, 1*66. Hosoun SlB: I abould he ungratefhl for the relief > our afcfll haa brought me if 1 did not report my caae -to yon. A cold nettled In my limb* and brought on excruciating neuralgic palna, which ended In chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I had the beat of pliyairiano, the ilHeaan new worae and wor?e, until, by Ike advhe of jroar ruction! agent la Baltimore, Dr. Mackencle, 1 tried your l'llls. Their effect* were slow; but sure. By persevering In the naa ef them, 1 em new entirely wall. Sbkatb Ciiambeb, Baton Roto*, La., & Dee, 18B5. Da. Art*: t bare beeu entirely cured by your Pill* of Bbeutnatlc Gout ? a painful tliera** that had afflicted ma tor year*. VIKCKMT 81.1 DKLU For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Com? plaints, requiring u active purge, they are u excellent remedy. For CottlTenen or Constipation, and as a Dinner Pill, tljey nre agreeable end <flrrluxl. Fits, Suppression, Parol ysis, Inflnmmatlon, sud even Desfhces, ami Partial tlllndnees, bare been cured by (he ului<ui\c action of these FUI* Noel of the Wile In market contain Mercury, which, dthongb a valuable remedy to skilful hands, la dangeiowa In a public pill, from dreadful cou sequences that tewquently follow lie Incautious nae. Those contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL FOR T1IK RAPID CUR* OR COVCSI1S, COLDS, llOAIISBNKM, IRFLV* ENZA, llltONCHlTIff, WHOOPING CO I'D II, Clio VP, ASTII1IA, INCIPIENT COKIPIIPTION, and Tor the relief of consumptive pattente in advanced tinge* of the dleenas. We need not speak to the public of lie virtues. Throughout every town, and alaust every hamlet of the American Slates, its wonderful cores of pulmonnry complaints bare made It already knovrn. Hay, few are the btulllee iu any civilised country on this continent without some personal experience of Its effects ; and fewer yet Die communities any whera whleh have not among them some living Itypliy of Ita victory over the subtle and dangeious tllacasee of the throat and lungs. While it Is Die must powerful antidote yet known to man S>r the ferniL dable and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary organ*. rt la also the pleasnntaet and safest remedy Dial can he employed fur Infants and young persons. Patents should have It In store against the Insidious enemy that steals upon them unprepared. We bare abundant grenade ( believe the Cherry lYatnral eaves more Uvea by the consumptions It prevents than those It eutcs. Keep it by you. and cure your colds whlla they are curable, nor neglect them until no hnman skill can master (be Inexorable canker that, fastened on the vltala. eats your life away. All know the dreadful tatality of long disorders, and aa they know loo the virtues of this remedy, we need not do more than to aaeure them It Is still made the beat it can be. We spare ne coat, no care, no toll to prodnoe it the most perfect possible and thus affbrd those who rely on k the neat agent which our skill can tarnish lor their euro. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYEB, Frseticsl and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Xua AVDBOLD BT Dr. M. B. EaRI.E ami Dr. J. H. DEAN, Orons vine, ti. v., and by nil Druggists throughout the country. 5-cowly Juno 10 Chinnge of Business. THE undersigned, intending to effect change la hie business, would inform all those Indebted to him, cither by Note or Book Aeeouut, that tho samo mast he settled at an early day, as farther indulgence cannot he given. He will hereafter ho found at the Tiu Shop, at B. Dunham's Old Stand. Jau 27 38-if A. URKENFIFLD. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, A Renerolcnt /nttitutinn, e?tahli*heri by Special Endate men t fur the Relitf of the. tick and ditirttttd, njflicteel trilh Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. r|11IE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the JL awful destruction of lismn life, caused by Svxual Diseases, and tho deceptions practised apoo the unfortunate victims of sacb diseases by Quack*, several years ago directed their Consulting PuTgoon, ns a charitable act worthy of their name, to oik-h a Dispensary for the treatment of this doss ef diseases, in all their forms, and to give medical ndrict gratim to all srbo apply by letter, with a description or their condition, (ago, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and In case of cxtn ate poverty, tafarnith mtdieinct/rem of charge. It is nee<ReiW to add that the Association commends the highert medical skill of the age, and will famish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, in their Aannal Report upon the trvistmunt of Sexual Diseases, express the highest satisfaction with the success which ^ has attended the labors of their Surgeons in the ear* of Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or Self-Ahnse, diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Ac., and order a continuance of the same plan for tho ensuing year. The i)iiDciur>, uu m na.-s <n iiw ,m?, i wi assured that their labor* la this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great bene It to the afflicted, eajK-eially to tho young, and they have resolved todsvote themselves, with renewed seal, to this very important and mueh doepisod cause. A ? - LI- f? ? ?= * " <111 nuuiirKijic /vopnri on npcrniaiorriKfa, op Weminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism or Hilf-Ahnse, nod other dlsAuer of the He mini organ ?, by I ho Conlulling Surgeon, will bo scut hj mail (in ? honied unveh !* ,) /m uf thtrg*, ?n receiptor ?reo tlnmp* I for postage. Other Roimrte nod Tract* on the nature nod treatment of Sexual diseases, dlut, Ac., are constantly bring published for gratuitous diatrihution, und will ho aunt to llio afflicted. Rome of tho now remedies and method* of treatment discovered luring the last Jear, An* of great value. pir- Addruas, for Report or Treatment, PR. J. MXTT.MN HOUOHTON. Acting Surge.,?, Howard Association, No. 9 Mouth Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fly order of the fHrector*. ' '>"> EZRA l?. HEART WELT. President. Heo. Fuif mho, .Sooratnry. M-ty FS SHAVIN o", ^ ' Hnir Trinimiuy. Drtitiitg, Dying VXD RAZOR STETTING AND SHAMPOOING, AT TUB Second Boor Above Mr. McPtyuont, mm WILSON COOQ| May 20 tf '-'4' 4