University of South Carolina Libraries
AJ. A. VOfl.4VV A^lVW4V?iWXWr ^ . WILL KEEP conatnuily on hand a ty.l xupTWriyof purn DRUGS, M?aicksw. p*tnu/oifa, ' JdaJnrUnchT' 4c" 4c- Alao, a splcn*u ( *5$wf^>t?eU f?f juvwing, vii : ll08o, VnnilVo, PlM A ppl<v Strawberry, Lemon) Nectarine, Ac., Ac. \5 Wfc a very *y*W?r arlic/e ?/ UJlt'KiV TEA, W? hnvo/qr ?of? all tbv popular Patent Medicines. . Physicians supplied en miskual tkkms. Our Jong connection with the Drag Ilusiooes, <ono wtm, the othor ton year*,) and bo if being graduates of the Medical College of tlio State of South Carolina, will, we think, bo a sufficient guarantee of trar ability to dispense Medicines properly uud accurately. Onr arrangements are such that one of the Flrtn will be at the store and toill attend to alt preterijotiont p*r*u>ia//j) at any hour of tbo day or night. -. F5RS A?E7 Amok THE Subscribers offer for agio their VAL5 81 IIABLE Tit ACT OF LAND in (Jroeavlllo - .SBBL. District, lying ft to and a half miles north of ClreearUle C. II., on the road loading from the latter place to Chick's Springs, containing Three Hundred and Forty A ore*, ninety acres ofwhicli are cleared and in pretty good farming order. The balance is well timbered, nnd lies levol. On the Place is a large Orchard, containing about 700 young .vjMpfc-Trecs. of the moat choice selection, all in a flourishing condition. A good UltlST MILL, and A4rsIrate Double Geared SAW MILL, eapnole of ?WQiiqg 1,000 feet of lumber per day, with the ut tan tie* of -eejy one baud. Only half of the Saw Mill will be sord. k " , V 1 _"** ] For further particulate, address either of tho proprietors. 1VM. WICKLIFFR, Jr., Diamond Hill P. 0., Abbeville Diet, or ISAAC WICKLIFFR, Pickens C. IL S. 0. May 12 - 1 2um:<m i - yf?. ; -?i *.. * . ,"*f?? South Cui'oliuor-Qi'eenbiJifl.SiMt'ict. "yKg^ BHTSWTWPfi SAT/EB BY rlrtwc of suftdry 'Wrilli of ^leri Facias, to mo directed, I will toll, Wore the Court House door, at the aiutJ hours of ?xl?, tn the fir it Monday In JUNK next, v . One Negro Woman, ntunod Jlerrtel, nnd her In* . fact girl Child, nud Iter airl Child, naiuad Anon, be*it #1* yean old, and her Boy child named * Charles, two years old ; as tiro properly of Jacob Panther, at the suit of Alexander Brjco. '? TERMS CASH. Purchaser to pay tor title. D. HOKE, 6, G. D. Sharirs Office, May 12, 185?. 1-lm I W> IRISH POTATOES. JUST RECEIVED, diroet from Now York, RHOy Barrels of tho above RcdffipototOes. Bur sale low by STERNA EVANS, Wholesale nnd Retail G ropers, . May 5> 52-tf < Under MqBcc'b IIall. f" ORAKGKS, DIRECT from Havana, by tho Box or qnontily. Also, Pineapples, Cocoa Nut.", Bananas. All of .which will be sold low for cash, ''flfiSTEEN A EVANS, Wholosalo and Retail Grocers, May b 52?tf Under McBcu'h Hall. BAKER'S CHOCOEATET^ h * flOCOA AND FRENCH CHOCOLATE. A large I \_J supply of the abovo articles, for sale at Charlatan prices, by STEEN A EVANS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 'M?fr 6 62-tf .* > Under McBeo's Mali. I SMOKED TONGUES AND SMOKED BEEF; also New York Pig llams, just received, and for sole low', by # *..' 8TOEN A EVANS, V : Wholesale and ReUil Grocers, Mays liMf-;.- Under MoBqe'a Hall. CUBAMOLASm . Is g 000 <)ALSalJf tll^above ,al* 41 45 cU" ' perg ??'T,gjjw k EVANS, 'J* i" Wholesale and Retail Grocers, I I May I 62-tf Under McBoo'a Hall. CIIBESEJCMEESE! GOSIIKN. English and Pineapple Cheese. A full apply J?t received and fur sale.low by STUKN A EVANS, Wholesale A Retail Grocers, I May 5 52-tf Under Meliec'e Hall. coukkd BEHF FROM Folton Market, N. Y.; 36J bbls. Mackerel; 25 Boxee Smoked Herring* ; Salmon, pickled and fresh ; Sardine*, in wholo, half and quarter Mxm. For solo, at Charleston prices, by >? ' ' I STERN A EVAN8, ii- , Wholo*a.* and ReUil Grocers, May 6 62-tf Under McBcc's Hull. P BORDEAUX ALMOND"" CfW\ LBS cf the above soft shell Almonds, at *XV/V/^20 ets. per lb. 600 IV,. Pecan, Butter and English Wainnto. For sale low by '. rbp STERN A EVANS, ' Wholesr)o and Retail Grocers, i May b 52-tf Under McBec.'s Hall. , HAMS! HAMSi 1 fytfBfcllCK of Hams, prime, sugar onred, at 124 X \J eta, per lb., for sale by > . T . Mi v,?k, STEBN A EVANS, r? -* Wholesale and Retail Grocers, May & 52-tf Under MeBoc's Hall.* CRACKERS! CRACKERS2 ~ A FULL and FllKSli supply of Soda. Better, J?\. Boston. Lemon, Ginger smd Wine Crackers, just received from Miliak's Cklocratmd Bakubt, ia Charleston, and foe sale lew, by 'V*'? STERN A EVANS, ?*.< AflmV Wholesale and Rstoil Grocer May * 52-tf qfry Under MoBce's Hall. 11 Straw Wanted. Br . f fi^!IBft*6*er1berl*de?irous of parchMing STRAW, I Will pay q fkir price. Perrons having'straw to sell will please apply at my Store, la Greenville, or at the rAPKU MILL. * *'? ' : -iv. ' vs??. 'i. IWago^r ^anlcO.' TTB alto detireo to procure the tore Ice# of a etca il"~I Ay aad tndusrrioiw in an u* a Wagoner. Apply m above. \r: *f .> $ ' Py.'' i I ;\'Sj?r yhrwhtm MnfhUie. TT ? woulEpilao Inform tho public ',ha?bi? Tbroab * J?jL I"* Maobioo la Sow in lino order. Tbwtbiojj Wiil he done either for tb? Utraw or Toll, at tin; hp?r MDL B. 0RKBNF1J2I.B. M%y S ,<'rt ft) tf " '* " ' "">!r "1?" *?"*** " ' ' *** *"m* *"*** * * ^SzTlte let Balu'i'. r.rdajr, the 14th, tho ft jgM2Ml*U>0. rdoy,tl.*2> H, I im IBP ComfltUtbincil ami Non-ooptajfeaioiH : ut T3 fk*r>,ito r 1 A.? GAWPSs 10,000yard. Callers, tfukjin*. Linana, Maredlte, Alptiwas, Fanner's Satin. AT CAWS, a.OOOTl.-oaacIoth, Afpiic^JSaUn, MamHlooj Lin-1 cnr Prop A'Ete and ?iuon C'asaimfreX-oats. Vk + ?.' kt. from 60 ocnls to J26. . %% 60 BAGS RIO COFFEE, CHEAP for CASH. FIVoTbousanJ pounds NEW ORLEANS SUGMt. v \SSft * ' '' .*.* '? ' ' - -r> .: * a rrv n i i\ t\ t m ' A 1 UA Kit'S, TEN BARRELS OF BUl'ElUQR VINEGAR. VAT CARR'S, 100 KEG3 OF NAILS, nil afces, Low for OASft, FIFTY BOXES AT) AM AN H.NE CANDLES, at C; ir. 80 cents por lb. AT CARR'S, 28 doten Linen, Marst-ilies, Fancy and Plnln s . , . B1UHTB. >/.-> IT CAM'S, 25 doxen Mum-ill';*. Batln, Velvet, Linen, Silk . nod Skeleton Vesta. ~ i . May 19 2 ???r t < . ? $ ? ^ ^ ? ?sw sprih? i NEW SPRING G( STAPLE AID FASEY DRY GOODS OF NOW O] tWyST'to TO WHICH tho attention of Parti ?^y5iil\',,PP1'ed with NEW and CIIOIOK QC Hi ll at vary low pric.c?. XOUR UNRIVALLED STOCK Of PLANTATION HOODS in now Mady for, to which thu attention of our Country friends and Factors is Invited. HOUSEWIFE LINENS And FAMILY DRY GOODS, for the present and approaching seasons, in largo varieties, of tho mo'.t approved makes. Particular ntte&t' -a U called to oar present stock of LONG CLOTHS. At 8J, 9, 10 and 12} cents, and the finer makes, alt cheap aud excellent Goods. Full stoeY of Frenoh and English Long Cloths Beat makes Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Shcctiogs?all widths?always on hand. I Heavy Brown Shirtings, at 0J> 8 and 10 ocnta. T. e? I..I J oli-.. - U a is uivnu wvoi jiMttuu ouirun^B, uio|, y, 10 and 12J conts. Extra 8 ox. Cotton Osnakurga, S ox. Striped 0. OlItllCTJj. ltUe Denims, Hickory Strlpcx, Apron Check, Marlboro' Stripes, Ac., Ac. CLOTHS, CAHSIMEKE^, TWF.EIM, AC., For Spring and Summer, in new styles, for Cents nnd Boys, now receiving. Superior French and English Drop D'EUs, in heavy makes, for Punt*. Extra heavy English do., Iq Black, Omen, Brown and Blue, for. Boys' and Servants' wear ; with J/v v A full assortment of Llncu and Cotton Pant Stuffs. Linen Coatings, Flannels for Gents' Sucks, Vesting* for the season, Ac., Ac. Material.' of various kinds for Children's wear, Servants' Coatings, Vesting* and Pant Stuffs. H?W WM&3D8 BY 9i March)7 44-tf 2i:< KINO, OPPOS EMPORIUM OF 9 TITE HAVE NOW IN -STORM n aortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 1 ">' V SUCH AH FRENCH CLOTHS AND CASS1MERB8, of *1) color* and qualities, (which wore wauufaotursd to order.) ?> 'TWEEDS, VK8TIN0S, SHIRTS, TIES, It08IERY, GLOVES. Aa Caaslmere, Moloskiu and Far HATS, lor Dross and Business wear, ALSO, PICOOLOMINI CAPS. A good assortment of ?unryinrhH? ???IDS, For Gentlemen's wear. Ready Made Clothing, sucn as , i Cloth, Caaslmere, Twoeds, Linen, Alpaca and Drah D'Kto COATS, PANTS and VK8T8, whioh wo wUl mil low for Cash or V> prompt paying customers. TAllORINiltPARTMENT. Wo are prepared, with the beet of Workmen, to CUT and MAKE UP CLOTHING in the latest French and Amerk-aa ntyloe, ami upon the most rea onablo terms. DYEK & PICKLE. Copartnership Notlc?. THE ttnderelgned have entered into Copartnership for the purpose of earvying on the MERCHANT TAILORING BUSINESS, under the name style awd #rs? ef DYER A PICKLE- They respectfully eek attention to their Stock now on band, and rafor to their former easterners for their ability to please, l'hoy hope to receive a liberal sharo of public patronago. O. B. DYftR. April 2?, 1849. O. A. PICKLE. CTUIE subscriber would roturu hie thanks to hi* JL friends and customers for tho very liberal *banof patroaags which they hevo bestowed op him, and would respectfully a?lieif far the new Firm of Dvau & Pjcbmg a cont'nuolion of the patronage wbkh hiw heretofore been extended to liita. f^ April 21 MMf G. B. DYKR. Efy/T ~~T?^?"Z Thunder and Lightning! THE Muucribor womli. ?&y UiM br la the authorised I,ooal and Traveling AhM, for the 8t?t? ol ftonrti Carolina, f?t the aalr <?f Wirrox A W"niTL.mtv'x lftto Improvfepatent Premium HGIlTNIKrt CeNeUC'T3TO, and wUl at 4H linM bold himself in readlne** to attend all call* in the above hsatnoas. V. ant W?o, at all time*, prepared to Impair. Relnsulato and furoMi no* point* for OM Hod* at rmaonablo prices ami ahurt notice. . V.t? , 'i 1 March 4A hn tV. K. POWSRfl. A LL petaotts ladebudto the Batata of I1 u A N (' Hd J.%. GERl^N?idoceaiMKl, ara nquoaUrd to make sayqafe uristor^grt ; 00^ Vntl?c?. tftqbrallas, Tort taonnsie's, Noedlci, ftno , AT CARR'S, Oriental Smokery, a I'ine,. jrat lately introduced into thib country-?tor ealo ut CAKU'S ONLY. %=$ Three Hundred Sucks LIYKUPOOL SALT. thi mm"$v 10,000 gala New Orleans and Cuba MOLAS8HS. AT CARR'S, ftObbls. Whiskey, Rum dt Gin, by the barrel Only. AT CARR'S, 100,000 Spanish, German and American Skgars. <k% 80 Cases BoVs\ Men's and Ladles' Boots, Shoes, t Gallele, Slippers aud Brogans. Jlfc Aiurs, 10 doacn Gauso, Linen and Knit Undershirt* and Drawer*. AT CAM'S, Iron rotwnro, Looking Glosses, Crockery-, Clock*, Watches, Fiddle Siring* and Jewelry. . tf . ? OVERLINGS. AND ALL IHS ADAPTED Til TIE SEASOS, PliNING, >ueri is InvlCod. Our PEPARTMKN'TS arc all now 0D8, which will bo sold for Cash or City Acccptauce NgW SPUING CALICOES. ' v, New Spring French Cambrics New Spring Fraaeh Brilliants Furniture Calicos, Furniture CI tint* . Super Undressed Furniture Cbiutx Furniture Dimity, do. Fringe, Bnllieo Fringe Snmnior Marseilles Quilts v" - b Allendale and Munehester Quilts, Ac., Ac. EMBROIDERIES, LACES v , ' And White Goods, in now style* and Urge variety, at low prices. Bordered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, all prices Hemstitched and Embroidered L. 0. llandkerclilofs, for Ladies nud Children. r SPUING DRESS GOODS, In new style .Silks, Plain and Printed Challicn, Rlimmnr Pnnllna An ?*?-* RICH SILK ROUES AND CHALIIE ROBES, In new style* for the reason. New style Silk oud Muslin ltobca. WHITE AND COLORED STELLA BHAWLft. At all prices. Superior WhiUt Stella Mantilla Shaw la Fall stock of Spring Mantilla*, to arrive by next steamer. SKIRTS! SKIRTS!! SKIRTS'!! For Children, Misses and Ladies. Wo are now prepared to aliuw the very licst article of Ladies' . Extension Skirts ever mode. Also a large assortment of medium and low price SkirN. Our stock of HOSIERY. SPRINO UNDERSHIRTS, AC., For Gents, Ladies and Children, is now well assorted. miry ^heaium, AT A. F. BROWNING'S, IITE BASEL!. STREET, CIIAULESTON.'S. & GREENVrl.LE f rdfiy IT THE subscriber# having bad the misfnrtime to lope, by the fire of the 29th Jannary, the Steam Mill and Machinery commoted with their Conch Factory, fn Greenville, tako this method of apprising their friends and patrobs that they still oumiiiuu puvuie.H* as noreioiore, without change in their Firm, or abatement of theii exertion* to please. They bavo NOW ON HAND, and ore CONSTANTLY FINISHING, all the variolic* of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons ever made bv thorn, to which they invito the attention of purchaser*. They take pi on sure in correcting an imprenion that their stock of SEASONED LUMBER was j lout with the Mill, and would say tbnt, in quantity and quality, their Lumber ha* nrccr berh betur. The generous patronage hitherto received, warrant! tho conclusion that thoir efforts are appreciated, i and stimulates them In making further exertions. Their experience will enable them to select and operato the most approved Machinery, with advantage* not snrnassed by any manufacturers either North or Houtlto I GOWRR, COX, MARKLBY A OO. . 1 Greenville, 8. C., April 7, 1SA9. 48 ly TO KINO OA MBRINUST OLORIONR NEWS!! Greenville Delieerrd at hut, Judging from the Happy Facta to &e met with, LAGER BEER IS AT THE BOTTOM OF IT! MORRIS SAMUEL keeps on hand a Dill supply i of that refreshing and Invigorating Beverage, from one of the most celebrated Breweries in Philadelphia. He keeps constantly Preserved Oysters, Lobsters, Salmon, Sardines, Pleklos, Sogers, TobaeAnd riandy, ar.,1 nutnv nflvw Ar"e!?s nmnerous to mention. Jgjr Nkxt Door to Dr. M. B. Karlc. 61-ly April t* FINE JEWEU& F0? ?Ali. AMONG which mnv b? found G0l,t> and SILVER WATCHHS, Ohnifi-s Koye, Hooks, Swivels, Lockote or Medallions, for double likenesses; a general assortment of Gold Fawoy Articles, assorted an?,. Tv;?s?-.. u ... .i . ...? v. .umhoiwi nun uiau; omnr article* In tha anrno lino nearile** to name, n* tiiorfn di?por.e<l to buy will call and *#? for thaimmlvoa. March 10 44-3in J. U. RARDOLPII. SMITH'S ? L J ? SMITH'S g CALL g <-, '-V tk '* c' ? ?' . ?>' Family ^ and * Fancy V |l|t 2 BUI 2 W? 6HDEERY! 5 S Store. UW NOTICE. THR noiWftifcHtnl will duv.-t. himttelf entirely to the practluo Of Tj*w iund Kqoity on ten Circuit. Mr. PMC'i; w hi* partner fbt tfraanjilk Dburfct, and amy'W'Amnd at hfe <>?< In fcawvfile. ^AMK8 I. &h*. March ?tf mV. 17 U ' " y; X V ' * > I ' -* y ; 1 . - : cotton ttlid Palm, Cotton nnU Stunk, Cotton and ) 8traw Muttresoes, of varioussiiia, Ordora for other I *u?a>nd qualities will b? piMpptfy atfcndotl to'.. V J. I). t-HJERMAN', Agent. c Or?n?,cu<aiFrrirou Work. \ T> ATI.lN'GS, tJ.oMp. Posts, S?:>ir?. Fountains, ? XV Viiacs, Statuary, tod ore ry other variety of V Oninmental Coating in Trpit. rx.' \ ' " J! Order* received lor Wobd & Pcrht, Philadelphia, the best house of tbo kitftl in the United States. J MBBIHHHwiiii and Catalogue of Prices, ? may be seen ua .- ^tr ' T* , J. 1!. SIIK11MAN, Agent. 1 ' -j ?w~~4~1 ;' ,7^ S ,?v' r Jn*t Kcceivt-d, A BEAUTIFUL assortment of Pots, Kettles, t J\_ Skillets, Eryin# IJ'jps, Smoothing Iron*, Andirons, Mortars, Cauldi Bootjacks, turd othor Castings. ''?V J. 11, 8J1EUMAN, Agent t ^0? i Call and fltaf 1 WOOD A PKUOT'S Superb Portfolio of Draw. | logs of Orrmtnonial Cast Irou Work. It it well worthy of inspection as a work of Art. ) J. 11. S11 Ell MAN, Agent i | *** * * * * * * >tV* **- *** < ^ CASH ! CASH ! i IN order to tthooarago * Cash business, a discount of life per cent from regular prices Will bo utado oh all cash nules from $6 to $20 ; and a dieniinnf nf t<?n aian wntrft Haa'silt Arfk 4a1na_/..raw ?Oll J. iV. SUiTr MANJ'Again t. * ?'0i *'* The ltoouoinitit, * 1 TIfE best Cooking Stove in the world. Soon to arrive. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. April XI JO tf t NEW GOODS ^m i I AM RECEIVING my SPRING nnd SUMMER" 1 y>upply of GOODS, consisting of u general Stock of . ' ' Fniicf and Staple; Dry Qooefa, And Men** and Boys' CLOTIIfNG, Hats and Bonnot*, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Drugs and Dye-bluffs, CnrpoiUig bud Matting, Waodvr and Willow Ware, Wall Papering, Powder, Shot, Blasting Fuse, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, Ac., nil of which will be sold ut low prices. Thankful for nasi favors, I solicit a continuance J ofthesamo. JOHN W. GRADY, Opposite the New Court House, ou Main Street. April 14 '49 tf Mrs. Paris & Miss Gordon, MA rX STREET, Jg.j*8Tx0B9!! WILL OPEN, ou Saturday, /^feVjJj^^nEjlGth inrt., & handsome assortment ' millinery, coasisTtxa gat Frvuoh, Chip, Fancy, Silk, Pamcla and English Straw llON///l NETS, Mi??es' Equestrians, Feathers for Ileud Drosses, Lhcp Setts, Illusion Capes, Berthas, Fancy lluir Pins, Hoop Skirls, Corsuts, nud a variety of Articles suitable to the season, selected by Miss Gordon from the largest and best French houses in Now York. BRASSES made at the shortest notice, and Dressmaking attended to as usuul. to which wo respectfully invite the attention of the Ladies of Grootivillc , iwiiuj *?-u /v[?ru 1* Sotilb CqlrelifM? Slrceobiile ijDisfrict. IX TUK COURT OF CpWMO.N I'Ll AS. Order for Extra Court. TIIK business of tho Term not being disposed or, it is ordered, That uu EXTRA TERM of Court of Common l'lcos ho held'at (Ireeuvillu Court Ifoago, for (Sreunville District, on TUESDAY, the 19: A 'I-iff of July uerf, to be eon tinned the remaining days of that week, and the entire week succeeding, if necessary. ft is ordered, That juries bo drawn at tbo present Term to servo at the Extra Terra, and that renin* issue to compel their attendance in manner and form proscribed by law : a panel of forty-eight persons to serve the first flva days, and a like panel to servo the succeeding woek. ft is further ordered, That the Clerk give propor notice in the newspapers of the District, of the sitting of tho raid Extra Court, by a publication of at least 0110 month preceding the. Term. J. N. WHITNER. April 2, 1859. A truo copy from tbo journal? of tho ConrtW. A. MuDANIEL, C. C. P. 0. D. May 8 52 td fSfr- Patriot and Mountaineer copy. South Cqi-olinu?(Slreenbille IN EQUITY. Nancy Hawkins, vs. Ishnin W. Hawkins, David T. Burton and wifo Cassunder E., Paschal Hawkins, Ot al.?/'artitirru of Ural K'tote. THE Complainants having filed their Bill in this suit with- the Commissioner iu Equity for 1 Mrocnvillo District, and it appearing that the Defendant, Isham W. Hawkins, resides without and beyond the limits of this State: It is Ordered, on motion of S. D. Uoodlutf, Complainant's Solicitor, That the said absent Defendant do plead, answer or demur to the Bill of Complainant withiu threo months from this publication, or the said Hill will be taken | pro con/ewo as to liim. JS. A. TOWXK8, c. E. a. D. Greenville, "8. C., April 14, 1&59. 49 3m 5ouib Cqlrolino?Girccnbille SigilricJ, IN EQUITY. J. C. H?yt, vs. M. D. Dickey. and tho Heirs of Currtn Lank ford.?Bill for Partition and Belief. IT appearing to my satisfaction that tho heir* of Dr. Curran Lank ford reside out of tho limit* of tbia Stato ; It i* Ordered, Tknt they do plead, answer or demur to tho Hill in thia coae within three month* from thia date, or tho tiuno will bo taken pro confe**o against them. ?. A. TOWNES, C. E. 0. D. Commissioner's Offleo, April 1 1, 1859. 40-3m Soull) fcJqroiiuQ?Grecobilie Strict. IN CHANCEEY. Nancy Itainea, vs. James Ward, Huaun Ward, et al. Jiill for Sale of Land*, rf c. THE Complainant having this day filed her will in the above slated cause, and it appearing to I tny satisfaction that William W. Turner, one of tho DsfendanU, is absent from and without the limit* of | this 8tute, to that the process of subpoena ad retpondeudrnu ran not Ito served nnnn him I'n?n ?"?"?? I of B P, Jonna. Complainant's Solicitor, it it, Ihert! fore, Ordered, That the said William w. Turner do appear and plead, answer or demur to tbo Complainant's Kill, within three months from dnto, or a Decree will he taken pro comftin> upon said Bill, as against tho said William W. Tumor. [ 8. A. T0WNK8, C. B. 0. D. ' Commissioner" s OlDce, Mgroh 15, 1869. 40-Sm Town Property Near the Female College FOR SALE. THE undersigned having deter mined to remove to LMhiu%sA fartflfeW hi* HOUW. and LOT for sale. flU SpsflKulL-premises are desirably located, ou Wu'i1 V'M. - Huncontbe street, near the Foinalo Col logo, and trill be Sold open reasonable terms. The irtvuso Is comparatively new. Possession given immediately, if desired, For further pin tit ulars, apply to Mr. T. It. Itoannra. D. P. SPARKS. Jen It 3d if fleorqe h kLdman. " harness manufacturer, ; and okawn i* BADPLnS, iHllDlKS, WHIM, AC. />.A HAS on .hand an nxlcn-dvn assortment (Jgflgb of the REST MATBRfAL used In tbo r Manufacture of Harness and Huddles. Thankful fur the patronage given him for the last tee years, be sullntte a tmntiiiNunco of the same. Jbfr Ordors iVow ? diftuwrc promptly gOrg-Jed to,-fte Perseus indebted to him are requested to call and pay np. il ly April 28 1 ^ i'.,^^. ;. v T\ ^eMrjyT^V r , .'," . Xrjt^ ;i m^xer h&* ~ ,t^: .,. ySftfl'HA i? Ki dlnnuiM 4W Uglier jS"S^??^inB^^ebcir^V/.V-"V.*" 10 00 4tin iiml URtokv,>,.?<(<.<.i^iiV^'>"*?*. 12 iO This School possesses advantage* in Its location una), it not. superior/.to Mr In the State. It in situated at ODwenftvilld, Grfecnvlllo District^ jo ibo ivitlst of an excellent neighborhood, wheat the ytmarf fQ not exposed to those temptations common tp vilsges, Besides beingota post oBU'e. H is within a ew hundred yards of Bowdcn's .Sulphur Spring, as no mineral water as any in the appcr district*. Mr. Kartc, the FriatipnJ, V) or. i-xperiouced teachr and good disciplinary*, and the Trustees flatter fK?t ?h?* njao expect fbr the School a iberal patronage. Unod Board uiay bo had in the families of the neighborhood at six nod sevendollars per mouth. Pur further particulars, apply, to the Principal, or o Dr. Wn. Moonoy, 0* t<|S, ' R. BOWDKN, Chairman B.T. N. D.?.Arrangement* have beou made to socure bo Services Of a young lady woll qualified to give ustruction? in Music, Nocdic-Work, Leather-Work, Jrowing, Grecian Painting, &e? Ao., at prices In troportiou to the ulioVo Rates of Tuition. Wo would invito {he .'p cini atfei.ffon of parent* aid guardian* to this addition to tbo hitorost of our School, Wo shall be ablt to give instruction in any >F tbo higher branches of Femolo Education, at rrices within the rcaeh of oil. < < "' (lowcnsvillo, 8. C., Nov. 2fl, 1858. Jan 20 37 tf SOMETHING NE Wl A'GIFT Enterprise rvndueted npnn a Liberal dad Impartial Finn I Bndoraed by the entire Press of the city of Baltimore. H. E. HOYT & CO.'S I V" C.UKaT poruwuM ?%f?| t&QQfe krt. 41 hai.'llmor.k btrf.kt, mm* headquarters for soithkun and wehtkkn okdkr*. Write for a Catalogue for 1959. It eontaini the Largest List of Useful, Ornamental and valuable GIFTS ever published. Greater inducements to Agents than ever before offered by any other establishment iu the United Stutor. a gilt woktii from FIFTY CENTS TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, aooojjpasiks evkbt fiook. Postmasters, Country Merchants, Booksellers, Librarians of Universities, Academics, Private and Circulating Libraries. Schools, and all others whose business will enable them, are respectfully solicited to become our Agents. Any person can, by collecting a few Clubs, obtain u valuable Collection of Books in a abort time, without nny actual cost, save a few moments' leisure time. We havo Agents In all parts of tbo country, who, besides supplying themselves with vnluablo Libraries, arc realizing bandstmo profits from the sale of Gifts, accompanying their books. *?* Catalogues, giving full particular*, mailed free to any address. WHAT THB?FRESS SAY. Tbey have a magnificent assortment of Books, and have prepared themselves with innumerable elegant Gifts to bo distributed among their " troupe uffriends aud customers at large."?Ualtimore Sttn. Not only moy a selection bo made of any choice work, but with it the purchaser is sure to receive some article of jowelry, which, iu many cases, prove quite valuable.? Baltimore Daily Exchange. They lunkc no promisee that arc not performed strictly to tho letter, and by tbus punctually canceling their obligations, havo gained the entire confidence of not only our citiioua, but the country abroad.? Baltimore Patriot. A young lady acquaintance of ours purchased, for $1, a book at this establishment, a fuw days since, and received a double-enscd gold watch, valued ut one hundred dollars.?Baltimore Clipper. The success which attends the Oift Book House of Messrs. 11. K. lloyt A Co., has no procedcnts in the annals of G ifl Enterprises.?Republican it- Argue. Call and see them, and our word for it, you will not regret your visit.?Di?patch, Baltimore. The inducements to tlio Southern and Western |>eopUi to make their purchases from Messrs. Iloyt A Co., are much greater than cau be offered by any bouso of the kind in tho country. Freight from Baltimore to any Southern point is loss, and the immense order business done by this firm is a guarantee of their fulfilment of all promises.-?Family Journal. It is, in n moral, getting books for nothing and being paid to take them away.?Elevator. Ail orders wiU bo promptly and impartially filled, and forwarded within one day after hciug received. Tho Gifts, in all coses, will nccompany the Books, with a written certificate to tho person sending the order. Remember, no Gifts distributed of less value than 50 cents, or more than $100. Address, II. E. HOYT A CO., No. 41 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. April 14 49 Sm? /DISSOLUTION THE Copartnership of F. F. BKATTIE A CO. has expired by limitation. All persons indebted to tliu Finn, by Noto or Book Account, are requested to call and pay tho same at an early day. F. F. BKATTIH. February 15, 1850. R. C. PULL!AM. Hew Firm. THE subscribers havo formed a Copartnership, and will continue the Business at tho Old Bland, under the Firm of BEATTIE A PULLIAM. They expect soon to rcoeivc a flue Stock of SPRfNO AND SUMMER OOODS, and will bo plcasod to see their old friends and customers. P. F. BEATTIE. Fob 17 41-6m R. C. PULLIAM. A. BE EC O Si tU a Candidate for Public Patronage, and teill WORK CHEAP FOB CASH. HE will make Fine Coat* for Sfl each ; Common Coats, at from $3 to $5; Pants at from #1.25 to *1.76, and Yeats at the sumo rates. Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing dono at short notice, lie is thankful for past favors, and asks for a continuation of the same. He warr&nU to fit. Call at the Old Court House, in the room formerly occupied by the Ordinary. 26~tf Jan 13 Abbeville and Washington stage; lines. S-2CM A222YILLE TO 'VASHIHSTO!?, fT^HB Proprictorof this well-established Line takes JL this method of informing the public that be bas changed his Schedule, for the convouionce of Passengers. The Stage will leave Abbeville Court House on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Mornings, at 8 o'clock, but in conse<{iicno? of the bod condition or too ron?l?, it will not hereafter await the arrival of the down train from UreoiiviUo, aft heretofore. Passengers by this route will roach Atlanta, Ga., the next day ovoniog, at 16 o'clock, after leaving Ahbovlllo C. 11. The Stago will loave Washington, Ga., cm TUESDAY, TH/TIlSDAY and SATURDAY Mornings. The Line ban Isiun refitted with a splendid FOUR HORSE COACH, GOOD TEAMS, and an oaperi* enced D1JIVKR. JSF" PnAxengsr* front all point* above ffowl?erry, going West, will find that thoy can roach any pGiitt west of Atlanta in exactly the flame time, and with 96 less cxpenso than by way of Rninchvilie. For further information, apply to JOHN MoBRYDB, Agent, At tho Poet OBlco, Abbeville, ?. H., 8, rf April_7 6 _ ly N4ITI0E PERSON'S indebted to mo lute Firm of \Y. If. IfOVKY A CO, caitMttlu the same at my of*co eery floon; or they will find ttudr Not?s an.l Aeftoanta in tho hand* of an Attorney fiir pollution. lr0?S-<'Tjn,,l,>K*?ee camHit he given. The business of the Firm must be settled. V, II. HOVKY. Feb 17 41 tf l - ' ^ 1 BHBHKjwgB < m Y .~tr" ai/C^WiiK. ** ' More then On* Priit to mm/jt lfe& TictcU. ***' Whoik Tickets, $10; Halves, ?5j Quarters, 2f. MAGNIFICK^SCITEME, EACII SATURDAY Iff MAY. 1859. Class 18 i>nTvf8?8ATUBi?Ar, IffAr 1, 1869. Class 10 PRA*^ SMI huay, May 14, 185V. Class 20 draws Saturday, >IaT * > 1850. L Clash 21 draws Saturday, May 28, 1859. ' 1 IVUv or 52,005 50,000 1 Prists?! ^09 is ',50? 1 " -f 10,000 is 10,000 50 PriseaoflOO arc20^000 1 " ? 5,900 is 5,000 tOO " " 300 " 30,000 ,1 " " 5,004 is 5,000 100 f ? 200 ? 20,000 1 ? - 1,000 is 4,000 100 " ** 1M M),6M 1 " ? 8,000 is 3,000 WO ? " 60 - 5,004 APPHOX1MATION PlllZKS. 4 Prixes of $ 100 Approx. to $#0,000 Prixo are $ 1,000 4 " " 300 " " 10,000 " " 1.200 4 ? < 200 " " 5,000 " " 1,000 4 ? 250 ?? " 5.000 ? ? 1,000 4 ? ? 200 " 4.000 ? " 80q 4 " " 150 ** " 8.000 " V 600 4 " " 100 " " 1.500 " " 405 5,000 Prise* of "JO aro. 150,000 5,485 Prltus, amounting to .. *$330,100 CkrtificjItks of Pack acks will bo Sold at the following rates, which ii the rick ? Certificate of Puckagos of 10 Wholo Tkkots, $70, " ? 10 Half " It. * ? ? 10 Quarter " 18. " ? '< 10 Eighth " 9. i?* o*r?KatNO tickkt* or ckr'tikicaxcr, Enclose the money to our address for the ticket* ordortd, on receipt of which they will be t'orwurdsd by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers and prises will be aeut to purchasers immediately after the drawing. All communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Express, to be directed to McKlNNEY A CO., April 21 60-lm fyvannnk, Oa. WOOD, EDDY & CQ/S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTEKIES. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA. CAPITAL PIUZE $50,000! TICKETS ONLY $10. Noticr to the Public.?As the members of our firm, by the way of purchase, become tbo owners of tho grants chartered by the States of Dolawarc, Kentucky, Missouri, and part of those in Georgia, under the management of Messrs. Gregory A Maury, of Wilmington, Delaware, wc have deemed it ex|>edient to change the name of our firm, on and after January 1st, 1859, to that of WOOD, EDDY A CO., who will hereafter have tho management of the Sparta Academy Lottery, ana tho otliors, as abovo named. In all transactions we have endeavored to conduct our business with integrity anil promptness, and wo can assure tho public that the patronage heretofore bestowed on us is well deserving of being transferred to our successors. Very respectfully, 8. SWAN A CO. Anguato, Go., December 15, 1S5S. Wood, Eddy A Co., Manager*, 6ucce&soks to 8. 8wan a co. The following Scheme will bo drawn by Wood, Eddy A Co., Mauagors of the Sparta Academy Lot iorie.?, 111 cacn 01 uioir single ?umber Lotteries Tor May, 1859, at AUQUSTA, (3a., in public, trader tbe superintendence of Commissioners: Clash 19 draws Saturday, Mat 7, 1859. Ci.akh 20 draws Saturday, May 14, 1859. Class 21 draws Saturday, May 21, 1859. Clash 22 draws Saturday, May 28, 1859. On the Plan of Single Numbers. 60,000 Tickets. Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Flro Prist*. Nearly One Prize to erery A'inr. Tick-tie / MAGNIFICENT SCHEME, to bp. mi awn EACH S AT URD A Y IN MA Y. 1 PrUoof. $50,000 1 Prize of,...... $1,509 1 Prize of. 20,000 50 Prizes of....... 500 1 Prize of. 10,000 100 Prizes of. 400 1 Prize of 5,000 100 Prizes of....... 300 lPrizoof 4.000; 100 Prizes of 150 1 Prize of 3,0001100 Prizes of 100 APPROXIMATION PR 17,EH 4 Prizes of $100 Approx. to$50,000 Prize are $1,000 4 " 44 300 " 44 20,000 44 44 1,200 4 44 " 250 44 " 10.000 " " 1,000 4 44 ? 225 44 44 6,000 44 44 000 4 44 44 200 " 44 4,000 44 44 800 4 44 44 150 44 44 3.000 44 44 COO 4 44 44 100 44 44 1,500 44 44 409 5,000 " 44 20 are inn nnn 5,48b Prizes, amounting to .?320,000 * Wholr Tickets, $10; Hai.vkh, $5; Quabtrrb, 2}. f&T~ A Circular, showing the plan of the Lotteries, will be sent to any ono desirous of receiving it. Certificates of Pack ages will be sold at the fallow* tag rates, which is the riak : Certiflcato of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80. " " " "10 Half " 40. ? " " " 10 Quarter - 70. " " " " 10 Eighth ? 10. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CKRTinCATEB. Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers onn have tickets ending in any fignrc they may designate. The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Offiee, County and State. JKltr- Kcmeuilier that every Prize is drawn and pnyablo in fall without deduction. Ail prizos of $1,000, and under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. NOTICE TO CORREftl'ONDKNTS. Those who prefer not sending money hy mail, can use the Arams Uxpursh CompAnT, whereby money for Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars, and upwards, can ho sent us n( oar rjtk <??rf erprnne, from any city or town where they havo an offico. The money and order must he enclosed in a " U<>v*mmttU ]\mt Offlnt $t<xn?ptd cuvelojn," or the Express Company cannot receive thcin. ' All communications strictly Confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates, to WOOl), EDDY A CO., Augusta, On. or, WOOl). KI)1)Y A CO.. Atlanta. O I or, WOOD, EDDY A CO., Wilmington, JteK 2j*r- A list of the humbora that aw drawn ftoin, wheel, with &* Bwan? of ?ho pm.) tw? ^V.. one is entitled to, will be published after cym* Jta*-. * ing in tbo following p?jx>r*: Augusta Constlr- 1 tutionalist, Mobile Register, Nashville ?a/.ttt*n..N^ Ynrh Weekly Day fc?ok, Richmond W^aU-h^ Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. 50?tf Ap 9* ^ B L A C K S Ml THI NO f * *rA"*" TL The concern of TOY? f ,A .* . w ^jgg* KISS, ta? J^ geC^aooi.sent the bnsir ^ d 0D at the same Shop by tfco . O. W. DROOKS. January, 1S5?.% j L HAWKINS. TlIP _ NOTICE ' un o'slgijcd b?v ,ng transferred h* Inter* s% ih? Dlsok'.uUh Shop neat Williams' Storo, IO ' -ossrs. Bar^jjh ? Hawiuas tnkoii pleasure in" tmcoimuon'^,ng thein to $ share of puldic patronage. They >iii bf, tiroparctf to nltond promptly and ratisr..otorily to all call* m their lino. Thoy have experienced and ikiliful Smiths in Horseshoeing, Repairing and Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, aud all onier ordinary work of a Blacksmith Hhop. J aim n ry, IM'??. ' >7-tf G. P. VOWNX'i |f OTIC Ke DURING ?ty necessary or occidental absen<a. ?UJ ftiond, Ool. iVAril) It OK R, who ii y lawful Deputy, Will attend to all person? ha* i y business transactions with the offlea of the C ud sionor. S. A. TOWN*S, C. E. - . March 3 43 tf f .. $' % 4,