University of South Carolina Libraries
. ?;* < , 0 ? 1 H "I 1 ' ? ' -J , ,? A,r6> t=s=--'- lag.,;. .> '. t " -i -vr* frUrhb ^trttrtj. * - ' .'. ?=sss?r*?f , From tke National Km. The Mother. BY MISS ALIO! CASST. A king, whose wisdom muck renowned of eld, Brightened his pelaee Uke s star of gold, Hat in his ball of judgmoot, Arm, yet mild, When thithor came two women with a child. 'Tia mine, oh, kingt 'tis mine, the mother cries j > I Nay, said the other, thou but epeskest Bee! ; The child is mine, Mid in my bosom lay, When tigs false woman stole it thence away. Then, said the king, Let eaeh be reconciled; Bring In the sword; divide the living ehQd 1 And she whose ehild it was not, spake again, Bayiitg, Righteous judgment! straightway be it slain 1 Nay, said the other, all I have 111 give, To the last.farthing, so the child may live! And the king said, its accent sweetly mild, Tki? woman is the mother of the child ! - So shall it scatheless from the ordeal part, Rook'd by tlie beating of her faithful heart. A Voice from the other end of the Boom. Well I remember, dear Maria, well, As J. my suit so earnestly was pressing, How wo wore tittered at by beau and bulla; Truly your situation w^distre^ing I? Just finished Miss Belinda's flouting song, Just hushed the Molody of the guitar; Oh! how you blushed to see the Hst'ning throng . v Smile as they caught?" Dear William, ask mnma." Unmoriat's (Clinroa the toirriiF.nN enteri-kips. John Owens' Courtship. pr " Frnnk, did I ever tell you about John Ow* ens' courting spree ? If I never did, yon must benr with me while I tell it to yo?. John, j*ow will recollect, wns born and partly raised In old Buncombe, when be removed ont lierc in Texas, and ia now considered to be of tlie " bachelor ordpr," nnd is, withal, well to do In the world, lint John is of the bashfulest of men? nnd osfor aWVq ardnese, you eanjnst eonnthim in. u" "1 * n,lK,,,">r In who fl"o l.,okl?c o ^ to look ol ood for . ...,,,,|it h? mtu|i J hardly be found in those fv.. , , . , o i ? t. ? . , 1 .* John takes {1 into )iis head to go nod see lier?. goes, sure enough. Tlie aforesaid ncigil* not na yet put ud hut ono room, nnd covertu. over, nnd they sll cooled n..t ... . , 'v , , J at the (imp Just before supper cnme on, Jolin . * with the frying pen, and gets his finger fiutciftff. in the ring on the end of the handle. There he sat, and when supper was ready, t^ilin said be didn't want nny?couldn't eat a bite, (trying all the time to get his fingertiut, and concealing it from the company.) About the time supper wai over, he made the trip; in other words,lie extri cated liia finger, which was a considerable relic to him. Then they all chatted till bed-time when the old *uan lighted John into the lious with a candle, and left him to go to bed. H sees a pail of milk on the table, and conclude that he will take a soaker before going to bet particularly as he is a little hungry. So up h turns it, when the ball of the bucket slips ov< his head. A peck of trouble here seizes him if he turned up the bucket so as to slip over li head, the milk would spill all over him. At tin he worked, screwed, twisted, pulled and wrunj but the bail staid on until the old man came I after the candle nnd jplensed him. in ho eniil'ht no more that nigl lie pulls off his breeches, rolls them up 01 sticks them in one ot the chinks of the hou> During the night some strolling cows pulled th< out of the crack end chewed them up. As so as John discovered this gutter nilshnp, he dot mined to slope, hut the girl and all the Cam' were up, and there was no way of escaping \ seen. Breakfast came on, and John wa^id| bed. When Invited to come out unwell?eewlda't rat anythiMfl^H^^^ 11 hmms worse ver liandl*^U^^^^^H^^THere was a ^ Uie finger in the pan .^P^Wlun'i know what to da Atlengtl ^^^vcred a pair of breeches which bclonge ^ * mon* seized them and jumped in Vt they were a foot too short for hin \ he ventared out, and soon struck aa MM ?, /!>? kept on until far out of sigh Bj / /old song says, ;j y-^M went back there no more." I man's breeches have ]||pg since bee >W, but John is still single. W. F. T. i itadomino aNote.?TlioOkoloma(Mis'.)Kea W jflIs the following story: / "Old P, is well known in some parts as or k / n???r P*y? ? debt If it can l>e avoided.J / Has plenty of money; and is a jolly, rolliekin i1 old chap. Qata pretty drank occasional); .?w when, of course, sonic friend takes care of hin A few days since he fell into the hands of friend who held his note tor a sum of mone and a* it was the lnstfelianec, the friond div< Into nl,l i? v wallet, took out the amount. of tl ifyte, and pot the note where the money hi been. Whence awoke to consciousness, as was h wont, ho took out hU wallet to eount how mu< money h%waa ont. Finding hi* purse alma depleted, he thundered, ' How in the deuce did I spend so much moi ey r * Ton paid off that note 1 held,"answered-U friend. * * " Well," mattered old P., quiet!/ etowii away his wallet, ** I must have been rer/drunk A Rh*ct.-" n?* do you do, Mrs. BijnL hoard the story about Mrs. * Why.*?, ?ae?Uy, Mr* Odd, what Is H, do tell i " Oh, t prqmMM Hfct to tell 'or all the world !i No, I mu?t never tell am afraid it wlU g L out." No, I'll never open my WO"'h abont I f pever. Hope to die this roinit" " Well, if yen1 believe it, Mr*. Fuddy told me last night, tb Trot told her thet her sister's hnsi>and wi BfiHgKga|^^^^>erAon who dreamed It, thet Mr* Tr NH|Hfi3HfiMM^ffhter told Mr* N^plien that h BBj^HjH89|^Lby a letter, whleh ehl gi BK^^^BH^MH^BS^^fcuband'e oldest brother by the ^HHHj^HH^HHBhP'ssiee I w " . , :-T\ ^ * - ia <*' ? * v T. *? I = Blown ?*I h*re aeen a rope wau.<| Jopee-aays, * I -harp wo better than that^I hare aeea a rail rawer" " All this is nothing," says Smith, " I hare seen a hat box." And we hare seen ^gat ran. Wonderful age.?QfanJ Rapid* UrraltL ' And we hare seen a horse tly.?Dproit A4reriUer. " ' The ahore may be Ma bat we hare seen a whip saw, and heard a mill dam (* )?<Sa*dx*Ay J&xprrw. v a ** ' f The "enssin " ain't nothing to the fcwfa! bask 'we heard of a tree, nor tho alacrity of its JJt vrirn in the Spring.?Buffalo Eapre?*, The ahore may be true, but we hare seen a chain it*r.?PeopMi Prtm, Tlie above ain't nothing. We hare seen all of them, and more too. We've seen a house vlt, and a itone im.?aSehfui Sentinel. tne aoove am i so coarse; out we nave seen them all, and more besides. We've seen an eye la mi, a tooth rica, and a cow nr.?Pet Dee l\mek We have scon a female bust, and n toe kail.? Enterprise Peril. A Nkcjro Diwki'lyt.?In Charleston n gentleman, who entertained a good deal of company at dinner^had a black man as an attendant, who was a native of Africa, and never could be tanght to hand thing* invariably to tho loft hand of the guests at table. At Tengtfe-^lic mgster thought of an infalliable expedient to direct him; and as tho coats were then worn in Charleston single-breasted, In the present Quaker fasjiion, he told him always to hard the plate to the button-hole side. Unfortunately, however, for the poor fellow, on the day after ho had receiv ed this ingenious lessoo, there was among the guests at dinner a foreign gentleman with a double breasted coat; for a while ho was completely at a stand. He looked first at one side Sf the gentleman's coat, then at the other, and, finally, quite confounded at the outlandish mate of the stranger's garments, he east a despairing look'at his master, and sgbclniming in a loud voice K" Buttonholes on uoth sides, Massa!" handed \}io plate right oyer the gentleinnn's head.?Ash, York Home Journal. Stamoivo ny yia Frickdo.?In (ho flush times of Vloksburg, when tlie phrase " hard case' meant something m?re than it does now, Harvey Jenkina was admittedly one of the Harriett By some strange aceldei^ Harvey found himself at chureh*one evening. The sermon hek)^ over, the preacher requested* 11 who were friendly to religion, to rise and hold up their right hands. The whole audience, apparently, were on their |*'0t. After they were seated again, the mister l???N?d: siirt^<>?, if there is a single o?? here who 4? will rise *~Hatan and his kingdom prosper, h* | Harvey, with , ),i8 hand." ; position, and said: "*-o?lt v, go! to an erect i " Had the veto been less "?*. have retained my seat; but I make h-5. Wj, 11 never to abandon a friend nnder , circumstances. e Mm. PAanxtiTox, after listening to the rcadin a of an advertisement for a young,ladies' boar I, log school, said : "For my part, I cnn't dwh e what on alrtli edieotion is coining to. When >r waa young, if a glr^ only understood tiie rul i; of distraetion, provision, multiplying, rcplenis is ing, and the common dcmitiator, the conver it and the umpires they had education cnoup g. But now they have to sttuly liottoiny, olgorbi in and have to demonstrate suppositions of syi pliant* of circusses, tangents and Diogenes n it, parallelograiny, to say uothing about the oxid ud coroctics and abates# triangles." ^ Cou^Kino, of Oonzale^^Mg^tf ' on an enemy Br- having a wlio ily Hvee^MriH^^^^M^d money and gramma eon tempt for both, and wl M says "down to the foot of navigi P ^on," near Gonzales, a little creek which rui n dry in summer, recently delivered himself of tl f following emphatic remark : - Ef I owe a mi |. an onjost debt, and I make him a lawless tend , of a blank bill, and be infuses to incept it, b li persoos oat a writ for to level on my propert d I don't maks a sacrament of Ana I'll be d?d i, h*LU* PosTOfficn.?Tbc way they mannj the post office at Rome, Italy, is queer, rntllfe<. 1, A oomedian recently ap[>liod for a letter at tl |>ost office, and was told there was forty cents pay for It "I can't |>ny that" snid he, Vfor n Know wimis in it. ~ wen, now niuc?,.-jssii y> give tn asked the poet muster. "Fourtons ini it ia worth to me," Mid the comedian. " We ra take if, then," replied Die poet master, "for 1' rend it, and it's only a love letter." ^ A mimistkr was walking out one day, and pai ^ ed two hoys, one of whom made a ho P As he tifflWI Ids hack, he hoard the follow i |(M amusing conversnlion: a " Why, John, didn't yon know tlmt van I*i y son M. r ' Yes, of eonrsc I did !" 10 "Why did you not make a bow to him?" ltj " Why, motlier don't belong to his church." A little three year old girl was riding in t e#s with her mother, n few days since, wliet lady remarked. " That's a pretty baby P T little girl's eyes flashed Are as she drew hers n up to her fullest height, and replied: " I ain' baby?I wear boots and hoops I" ie A 8ckxk.??"Tell mo, adored cousin Adolph dost thou lore hie ? As sters to twinkle or<flo ers to smell f As birds to warble, or oats quarrel on our amoke-honae, when night'* da mantle hang* above nat Answer me I apeak I Aooltui a.?" If I don't, Miranda, yer ean ta r my bgotsl" ~ " MoTnea, it strike* mo that you are very la I* J "*"ovr.? ,jj " How dare you any ao; why, don't yon i I'm making breadf indignantly returned I M "True, but that'* neither more or loaa th * loaflinp" ok, Tiik editress of the Ashland Kenteekian. wl by the by, is represented to be dHifcadaoi p- yonug widow, in raepMMo to*a anggeetion tl a* ahe did not wear boopa, aqya \ "Hoops, lade? " why, we don't m*m mtffikbift afc?r H^Mornnedyg^eltouslWwhen ha was ^BHnnnhMNvkei * ~. I fJHE um RpBFAJtSO ?I Da SAXrOBD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, T8 on* of thfi bcit PURGATIVE and LIVER 1 Medicine* now before tbe public, that acta as a CWAartis&asler, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cnthai-tie hat a Lirer remedy, Acting first on tbo Liver, to ^Jeet its morbid matter, then on the Stomach aud Dowels, to cany off that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of th?BWW feelings experienced in the operations of most Ojtthortir*. It strengthens the system at the saute time that it porgH it; and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and buildjtnp with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one of thlj . jrating the stmuach, eauprincipal regulators oT| Islng food to digest well, the human body; aiulf^Jpnrifying tbe blood, glvwben it performs ttsl^jing tone and health totbe functions well, the pow- ? whole machinery, reamers of the system are ful-IOl ring the cause of the disly developed. The stom-lK^jeaae?effecting a radical ach Is almost entirely de- |Vjjcuro. )>endent on the healthy Billons attacks are action of the Liver for tf cured, aud what is bet?lw, ?1^1,? .-1 *? *? .... r, V|^. rv?.?'.u.uiiw Iflk vvI, I?iw?tuiru, uy Viic of its functious; wbcni^ occasional neo of the Lithe stomach is at fault, ^ vor Invigorntor. the bowels nre at fault,Ono dose after outing iunl the wholo system snf K. is sufllvioiit to relieve the fors in eonsc<|ucnce of^ stomach and jirovont the oho organ?tbo Liver?w< food from rising and having ocascd to do it*!** souring, duty. For the diseases! Only one dose taken of that organ, one of tbc'QSs, before retiring prevent* proprietors lias mado it ^ Nightmare, his study, in a practice J** (jply ono dose taken of more than twenty ^ at bight, loosens the years, to find some reinc- wa bowels gently, and cures ?ty wherewith to counter J Costivcnoss. act the man/ ?_Ono dose after each monts to which it is lia- moot wlHvwro t?j?|ns?u bio. * - Ono dose of two teaTo prove that this rem- Q spoonsful will always reedy is at last found, any . licvo Sick-Ilvadache. |?crs >u troubled with Li-S One bottle taken for fever Complaint, in auy of!0 male obstructi'n removes forms, but to try a'. the cause of the disease, bottle, and couviction Is l"i and makesn |ierfect cure, certain. Only one dose immodiTbesc Oums remove ately relieves Cholic, and all morbid or bail matter Ono dose often repeatfro in the system, supply- ? ed is a sura cure for Cboling in their iilace a licut- era Morbus, and a pre thy flow of bite, invigo- ventive of Cholera. Only one bottle is needed to throw out of thesyatcm the effects of amdirino after a long sickness. One bottle IskeAir Jaundice removes all sallowness or unnatural color from tbc skiu. One dose taken a short time ltcforc .eating gives vigor to tbc appetite, and makes fix*I digest well. One dose often re|?eated cures Chronic Diarrhoea in its worst forms, while Bummer and Bowel Complaints yield almost to (be first dose. One or two doees cures attacks caused by Worms in children; there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it never fails. A few bottles cares Dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for Fever aud Ague, Chill Fever, audall Fevers of a Billions ty|?c. It operates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderfbl virtues. All whobe it are giving their unanimous testimony in iflVnivor. / #f" Mix water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. Tbe Liver lnri|?rafor Is a scientific motion! discovery, aud is daily working cures almost too great to believe. It cures as if "J magic, ereu (A* flrui </<>*< hrnrjil, and sclj'oni more than one bottle is rcouired to cure uiv atnd of Hv?r Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or to a common ffendaekr, all of which are the result or a Diseased Liver. /Vfcc ??< d?tper bat tie. 1>K. SAN FORD, Proprietor, V t 345 Broadway, Now York. *" Druggist*. Sold also by JE. K ri;tcii, I ^ ,, BUUVCEKERAL ,1 ^.StOBSTOHB. . Inrirr an?l well eelecteoVy. i h' ? a. fihAA. iM^Whr call the I its Boots, Shoes to ti,e ,h which they have just opened ar*. ' on the west side of the Elver, l?c*hs. 'J*' Hams' and David's Stores, near theUqjS, co- Their Stock having bcoiMahU^^^^jrat nA best Shoe cual>U?lt<^ e*? til or .'1 V>A.i HP^fficapTas a coui|nrtison of their Stoc ^PRRly show. iiAiDinns' wmAvmrn'mw. > The attention of the Ladies is respectfully ealle r to the assortment to he found in the Department t * Ladies' and Misses' OA ITERS, SHOES, Ac. 10 CHILDREN'S SHOES of every variety alway a on baud. ,18 The Stock now on hand embraces an assort met of BOOTS, IIROOAN8 and SHOES, of all descrii ie thins, which are offered at uuusually low prices. ill . er Bool and Shoe Manufactory. ut Wo are now making preparation* to coimnenc the Manufacture of Boots aud Shoes, aud will n ceivc aud faithfully fulfil all orders iu that lino. GROCERIES. jo a (letters I Assortment or UKUI KKI KB will all be found at this establishment, and will be dispose of on accommodating terms. Brooks, Scrttggs & Gibson. I SHOE MAKERS WANTED. mi A few competent llauds con And employment <j II oarly application to us. It., 8. A (1. |j Octal 24 tf re FOR SALE OR RENT, ?a A IIOUSK AN1> LOT on lluncotnbe Btroc fij in front of Iho Female College. Tho lloui contains Kiglit comfortable Rooms, with sevi is Fire-places, with comfortable Out-buildings, auil w Well of excellent water, all new mid complete. Terms accommodating. nt? Mch 3 4.'??If W. R. JOXKB, M. D. ,r. Houses and Lots for Sale. aa TilK subscriber offers for sale TWO LO'I jij] in the town of Ureenrille, situated on Pcudl JUuMon Street, and within flvo minutes' walk " the Rnilrosd Depot. Kach l<ot lias a Cottage ou Fine Wells of water and convenient Out-hooses a on the premises. Tbcso Lots will lie so'd togctli or separately, ou very reasonable terms. For fu he ther particulars, as to tbe sixeof the Lot, terms, Jbi . m apply to L. W. WATtoN. Feb 10 4* tf eif Valuable Lands for Sale, t;? ON TERMS ACCOMMODATING TO PURCHASER 4 TRACT contaiuiug 430 Acres, 400 of whii l m. Krc K'hk?? limuermi, nmi nni-m <. org*'* ("nek Upland. The Tract is located ?*? Pickens fiiidiiet, on the road from Mreeuv illc W Pcndlploit, ? mill * from the former pltPe. . Am, a TRACT in the aaate neighborhood, eo tabling 370 Acre*. 300 Acre*are heavily Timber* On Ihe Tract there arc bO AcitjBbest BOTTOM. !" For |i?rtk'Mlar?, apply to W. K. KAHLKY, Oct J* I4-tf Orvenville, 8. C 2k> You wiah to Buy Real Estat * IS 0HUBS VILLK / ixj m||K Mebeeribcr la Agent Her the aale of the ft I lowing Town Property : 1IOU8E AND LOT on Haneombe Strut, nppoal the Female College, owned by Mr. B. J. Jau lon. be IIOUBR AND LOT Of Mr. J. N. Peaater, near ? Railroad Depot. One of the umet desirable pUc in Oroenrille. n HOD8K AND LOT of Mr. II. R. William*, < Ihe Angaria mad, and near ibe Depot, Alan, several -other place*. i,ft The above Property will ho aold npon the mi reasonable term*. W. V. PRICK. ? Jan 30 >7 tf St M^ DiTviD & ft* BPSTIK eg* _ nroitiM awn mauki ? WATC H 9&* ia JSrm ?WKL?Y AKD CLOG* lITTlk I irtT He. 388 KINO STHBIIT. r* (^jfWURJtm*S,!r5)SSrf ft. (&a p * Wetahaa ft OUaka Bnpaired Warranted foe oaa ye Febl# J 40 * iy . '' 7F1335* 2 .*. -.v * _ **?- - ir, r v'?*s* ,U . -iJ-i nMBamBMBSK 1 RfEftf nn 6ilB AN SUflB VATCBS. Jewelry A Silver Ware, From SAMUEL W. BENEDICTS, Rew York. EVERYTHING OF 1HE BE8T QUALITY, PURE AND WARRANTED. OMm fcr anything hi thia line will bo very carehUr attended to, and deli re red a few day a afternottea. Being associated with nr father enable* me to procure the above art dee in Hew York City of the beet styles, and at low prieee. DeL. BENEDICT, AT LEVY'S NEW STOKE. Man !i 24 4(1 ly Saddle A Harness Manufactory. />?n The Subscriber would rorpcetflilly inform public generally thai be oobtinnee iho above Brtsincse, Tiro Doom Abov'iM* OrtenriUc ffotrl, and ir prepared to furnish onatomcrs with any description of IIOME MANUFACTURED SADDLES. Carriage, Buggy and Wagon HARNESS made to order, aud in the beat styles. BRIDLES, WHIPS, Ac., on band, and for sale CHtSAP. Jitr- Saddles and Harness REPAIRED at short notice. A. M. 4HLRKATH. Mch a - 48 ly W. ?. HOVjiY, PROPRIETOR OK TUB IAMBS' 8T0RB, DEALER IN FA STY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. RICH DRESS GOODS, UOS'NETS, RID IIOSS, IfOUSEEEEPfA'G GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, AN It INDIA ?' ?M li'lER GOODS, GREENVILLE, S. C. N. B.?Orders accompanied by tbo cash, for Medical, Law or Library Books. Musical Instruments, and Sundries, promptly filled in New York and delivered at his counter on shortest notice. Jan Li 8fi * ly JOHNW.GRADY, DEALER IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RE A It Y MA DE CLOTHING, ROOTS A ND SHOES. ROOD'S AND STA TIONER Y, I) RIGS d It TEST USES, HARD\YA RE 4t CUTLER Y, WOODEN WA RE, GROCER IKS, GRAIN, COUNTRY PRODUCE, de? . orrosWK TIIK NEW OOITRT nOVAK, ON MAIN STRICT, Un GREENVILLE, S. C. E KRUTCH'8 IIK M AID APOTHECARY SHOP. UWDEH McBEE'S HALL, GREENVILLE, S. C. tWhoro will bo kc|>t the fiiileat Stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Potent Medicine*, Surgical Instrument*. 1'ilntt, Oil*, Toilet Article*. an<l all other article* generally kept l>y Druggi*t*.? pure Drug* arc warranted. Compound Medicine* prepared in tho moat careful way. Receipt* put up with accuracy and di*patcb. Jan 19 30 ]y MAIM STREET, NEXT TO THE MAN8I0N HOUSE, ARK prepared to furnish tieutlcineu with every Article of FASHIONABLE CLOTHING luitablo to the seaaon and necc*?ary to the comfort ind decent appearance of the outer inau. AUo. an excellent aaaortnicnt of HOOTS, SHOES \ND 1IAT8, with a variety of FANCY ARTICLES md a choice lot of SKUAKS AND TOBACCO. Oct 21 21 tf T7* IN DING it inipoaaiblo to cont^^R^^^J^.DI e _F liusinc**, I take this method ?. ^^aifigm e frirnda and patron* that on and after the tlrnt day k January. 1859, I will acll only for CASH OR BARTER, and will not keep any Open Account*. I will kct on liAud a good Slock of d DRY GOODS, FAXCY GOODS, GROCER IF >f TlX V?ARK, Jc? ^ which I will acll at the moat REASONABLE price |t PAPER. >. The Snbacrila-r la alao Manufacturing PK1XTIN and WRAPPING PAPER, of till niac*. RAGS wanted, and taken in an quantity. BecU 31?tf R. GREENFIELD. * Anuanftauwai, >- t ?e 5 fTIIIK Hnbsoriher continue* to ORNAMENT wl X FINK OOLD every variety of HAIR WOK to order, lurk Ol Hair llroarkrt, da. Einyrr Hi mi IO dn. Celt, F?h and Guard Chaitf, da. Xrrklan d Jlrnrrlrtt, and. in fart, KVKRY ARTICLE IN Til BRAIDED HAIR LINK. Mnkes, of flue G?l Emjaqrmtnt Hint/*, (with inscription thrown in,) Si id (/old, Shrrr, Collar, /lotion and Ckimitr Hntton Engraves Mr da!*, Seal*, d-r., /'lute of every kin and makes all articles in Brass, Silver or Oold ; H pairs neatly all Jewelry brought in ; takes all c Gold or Silver, at fair valuation. JKO" Office sixty yards cast of tho Old Con House, Uroonvillc, S. C., and near tho Entrrpr, Office. J. II. RANDOLPH, it, Jaly 1 ft ly ? Boot, Shoo and Loathor Store THE Subscriltcr has on hand an excellent asso inent of BOOTH AND SHOES, of hie own niu ufaoture. Also, just received, a fine assortment o LADIES' SHOES, SLIPPER ,o Oaitera, Ac.; Misses and diildrei e ^r-^^^Sboes, nil sizes; Oentlemen'aSHppe of Also, a lnrgo stock of BROOANH, Hhocinake it. Tools, Leather Findings, Thread, Isice, Ac. re He has also otfband a large stock of LEATHGK, which lie will sell at WHOLESALE or ltETAl Having in his employ excellent workmen, he prepared to MAKE tno finest article of BOOTH a SHOES, at the shortest notice. All of the ahoTe Goods, together with articles his owu inanafactnni, will be sold at the most r< 8. satiable prices for cash. F. RCJIiTY, . iu Mae. I.ov eland's biiu k blilimxo, * April 1? 49 tf ? 6RIEKVILLE MARBLE YAR rfMIK SnherrUH-r lilfiuK pnrrlnisod the interest d* I Mr. JAMKH D. CHALMERS, he will eontis fee MARBLE BU81XKS8 as heretofore, at the ( .Stand In the rear of Mr. Ketebnra'a 8tore. lie feeln thankful for the (mIpiuhko which t Seen extended to the Ksrtn <4 CnArauaa A Ai.i.i 16 anil hope*, Vj attention to business, ami prompt ue to merit a eoathmanee of the aanie. >|. Oct T l?-tf JA8. M. ALLEN' lie A8EWCY^QWTN.~ C. IN8URANGE COMPM * THE AHHEV1LLE *' Mutual Insurance Company M T fA VINO eooMilietl with the legal rcquisit ion 1 A thle Htate, in relation U> Agendo*. ami hi iugtypoluted tho umlorslgmil as tboir Agent for t ,?t iilaoc, he Is now prepared to take RISKS on LI] or PROPERTY. JOHN W. ORADY Oroenvllln, 8, C., Feb. 10, ItlM. ' 40 r o.kBbwiiS Manufacturer of sad Dealer FUUNITURK of ovary dmriptior a C If AIRS of erary sty la, jBflHi . .Attn.... FISK'8 CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CA8i er. . Onnau'lr <A# Congan* //otu*. Feb 4 COLUMBIA, ft. C. 89 1) "^w # ' ? i.i?. ^ GROVER & BAKER'S FAMILY sfflfrMUIIIES. NEW STYLES-MICES FROM fw? TO tljjLij EXTBA.OH ABQ ? OF FOR HJCKKJDRS. 495 BROADWAY NEW YORK. 223 KIN? STREET CHARLESTON. J AS. B. SUEUMAN, Aoext, GREEN 'LLE. THESE MACHINES ?cw frorutwo spools, a* purchased from the store, requiting no re winding of thread. They Hem, Foil. Gather and Klltoh In a superior style, finishing each seam by their own op. eration, without recourse to the hand-ueodlc, as is required by other Machine*. They will do better and cheaper sewing than a seamstress can, oven if *be works for ONit ckkt am hour, and arc, unquestionably, the dkht Machines in tho market for family sc w ing, on account of their simplicity, durability, ease of management, and adaptation to all varieties of family sewing, executing cither heavy or fluo work with equal facility, and without special adjustment. As evidence of the unquestioned superiority of tho'r M..aktHA. *1 /I ? -l C* M ' ft. niovuiuvi>) IUU xjrx/trrt ?t wniixr orjriw^ .Tiirr/iinr j trn pmiy bog Icato to respoctfullv refer to the following TESTIMONIALS. " Having had one of Urovcr A llakj'r's Machines in my family for uoarly a year and a half, I lake pleasure in commending it us every way rciinblo for tho purposo for whmli It is designed?family sewing."?if it. Joekua Lcaril, wife of Her. Dr. Lcavit, Editor af ,V. Y. Independent. u I confess myself delighted with yonr Sowing Machine, which hns been in my family for many months. It has always been ready for duty, requiring no tulJnstmcnt, and is easily adapted to every variety of fiunily sewing, by simply changing tho spools of thread."? Mr*. Elizabeth Strickland, irifr of Rtr. Dr. Strickland, Editor of A*. (,'hrittian Adeocate. " After trying several different good machines, I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity, and the Mkfbel cmo witl^wjhich it la managed, as well as the OTcugth and dnflBIKty of the seuiu. After long experience, I feel crtlfipetvut to speak in this manner, and to confidently recommend it for every variety of family sewiug."?Mr?. E. 11. Spoontr, teife of the Editor of 11 rook lift* Star. "I havo used n Qrovor A Baker Sewing Machine for two years, nod have fouud it adapted to all kinds of family sewiug, from canihric to broadcloth. Uarmonts havo been worn out without tho giving way of a stitch. The Machine is easily kept in order, and easily usod."?Aire. A. 11. Whipple, teifc of ID v. (Jea. IPhippie, AVte York. u Your Sewing Machine has been in uso ill my family tbc past two years, aud the ladies request mo to give yon their testimonials to its perfect adapted noss, as well, as labor-saving qualities in the [>erformauco of family and huusehcll sewing."?Robert Doorman, Jf<? York. " For several months we havo used Grovor A Baker's Sewing Machine, and havo come to the coneli*siou that every lady who desires her sowing beautifully and quickly done, would l>c most fortunate in possessing one of these reliable and indefatigah'o ' iron needlo-womcn,' whoso combined qualitios of Iteauty, strength, and simplicity, uro invaluable."? J. 11'. Aforn'a, danohter of (Jen. Geo. 1\ Storrim, Editor of the Home Journal. Extract of a letter from Thos. R. Lcnvitt, Esq., nn Atnericau gentleman now resident in Hydnoy, N'cw South Wales, dated Jahnary 12, 1858 : " I had a tent made in Melbourne, in 1858, in which there were over three thoiTsaud yards of sowing done with one of Urover A Baker's Machines, nnd a single seam of that has outstood all the donldo scam, sewed hy sailors with a needle and twine." " If Homer could ,ho called up from his murky hades, he would, sing the advout of Grover A Baker as a more benigpant miracle of art than was ever Vulcan's smithy. Ho would donounco midnight shirt-making as 4 tho direful sprlug of woes unuumbered.'"?I'raf. A'orth. ' I tnkr lilniLMlirn ill navintr kill IKa llrnvos Ir Ilo Iter Sewing Machine* hare inoro than sustained my expectation. After trying and returning other*, I have three of them in operation in my different place*. and, after four year*' trial, have bo fault to And." J. H. Hammond, Senator of South Carolina. " My wife ho* bad one of Qrover A Daker'e Family Sewing Machine* for some time, and I um *utisiled it ia one of the l<o*t labor-saving machine* that ha* been invented. I take much plen*nre in recommouding it to the public."?J. O. Jfarrii, Gorernor of Truuenee. ' It i*j? beautiful thing, and put* everybody into un exedemenr f h should iusist upon Saint* (trover u UaWor having T eternal holiday, in comtnoniorndon of their gi ty deeds for humanity."?Cumin* M. f7oy. ^ "I think it by far the best patent in use. 1 Machinu can be adapted front the finest cambric the heaviest caesimcro. It *ew* stronger, faster, a moro beautifully, than no can imagine. If in could not be replaced, rtoney could not buy it." Mr*. J. O. Hroten, Nathalie, Trim. " ' " It is spocdy, very nc4, and durable iu its wm i* easily understood and kept in repair. I curne* '"* rcromiucnd thi* MaehhiS to all ray ac?|tiaintani and other*."?Mr*. If. A.J'orreet, Memphie, Tern " We And this Machino k> work to onr sat isfact i< 1' and with pleasure rceomnknd it to the pub'tir. a* believe the Qrover A Dsor to be the be*t Sewi Machine in use."?Deary Brother*, Allitouia, Tei _ "If used exclusively forjfnmlly purposes, with i dinury care, I will wiw: 'key will last one 'thri score years and ten,' aud niKw get out of fix."?Jo Erikine, NathciUe, Ten)>. K "I have had your Mnclii 10 for several weeks, a jm, am perfectly satisfied that the work it dooa is < ??, best and moat beantiful th? ever wm made."?Mi [K <ji* Aimitou, XamhriUe, Tri i. d, "I use my machine upoa loats, dress-making, a 'I- Ano linen stitching, and tlx work is admirable?1 * I better than the hand-*ewis , or any other inaehl 1 have ever seen."?Lticg i I Thorn peon, Mathril - Teun. " I find tlic work the stro: gent and most boauti I have over seen, mud* oitKwr by hand or maebii '. and regard the 0rover A Rkkor Maehiuo a* one "" the greatest blessings to oir sex."?Mr*. Toy! Atuhrille, Tenn. "I have one of llrovar I Inker'* Machine* io i in my family, and find it u|alunMe. I can con ' dontfy rccoiniuend it to ullwison* iu want of a \! chine."?(J. T. Thorn p*an, Ipbfff?, Teun. lH. "I tako pleasure in certify!** to the utility of t f drover A linker Sewing Muhiue*. I have used t on almost every <lescri|>tk>i <1 work for months, a And it much stronger and 4tfer in every reap* than work done by hand.'-Mfrs. J). W. Wheel Xn.hrltlr, Tenn. rs' "I would be unwilling to dispose of iny drovei Baker Machine for a large ((fount, could I not place it again at plcamtr%">?.!/?*. If. U. ,1cot Xaehrilfc, Torn. ^ j !L. " Our two Machines, puribasod from you, do t ia work of twenty young ladio. Wo with pleasure nd commend the drover A Baler ftewing Machine to the best lu uae."?X. Co., Te, ' I And the Machine easiy managed, very dn " *- hie, and take pleasure in reoimmnUiug it brail w wish convenience, economy nd pleasure."?Mr*. fVtas, Memfthit, Tenn. March id 4 fin Di NOTici ALL persons indebted to eetfor the yean 18 '51 and '68, by BOOK ACCOUNT or NO'l are requested^? ooine forwarAwd j?ay up, as / h,| thee intlnC/ence cannot ha jt'rr# I Fob 8 ?9-tf | If. BURTY IOS "" ? .. ? ...,o REED 8c GOOf LETT, " ATiaHNE? IT LAW ANb 1 .w SOLICITORS 1* BTTITY. IT Office next dot* lo J* V. Uitie <t Co. Jg GKEBNVILLB,!. C. I. P. BKKTl.. .. 4. ....... . IJl. D. OOODLI June 4 4 1 t "oiui '* ATTORIIETS At LAW tf GKEENVJLLK, C. iAUKS L. ASUU P. MM ^ May 13 1 t llHir Drastiaif ia??<l Ikavlag. MURRIDK aonHauf* tKo TON )RMl lm*l? ?t liia Old KUnd lii float tin RiinU Htiildi ro h? la lrady, dtiling the da iud erctiing, :?? Hbavo tho Batpl and Cot Htlr gtl Mianpvo Head, lit rcjncctftilljr ink* a (ilMIIInn ?f r x lnmp^e. 21-tff I Oct ^ * \-m - T-v - CHERRY (|C PECTORAL, roi* xiiK BAPi? cuta? djr K^R 7f 0?i*miD, Main., 30th Dec., IMS. >Bk Dfo J.C. Ataa? 1 dom.t liesltnte to*ay . JQF; I the best remedy I bare orrr found for ; OtiKhe, lluinemu, Influaiua. nu,l the onromltnnt ayaaptomtof aOdd, la your JfM0 ,->.' Ciiuuir ricmuk Ita constant uaa la utjr practice and my fonill; the last -laW* tan jtmn baa shown It to possess anpo- t>fl| rtor virtue* for the treainient of tlieaa ounplAinta. ttDRN KNIOIIT, ML D. A I> ?(OIl TI VY Iter, Af llemi. a " ' Mil your JVcforw/ myself and In ray fomlly oror tine* yon Invented II) and tetter* M 111* Iwl n?HdM fa* II* fmr|Mee *t*r put nut. Willi a bad eotct I sbonW Man*r pay twsnty-fivo dollar* for a bottle than do *IUmuI U, or taka aoy otter remedy." jlj w"Mnrs^i!K?t4-RrTiBs: j ltRornsa Am: I will cheerfully certify your /befonvl I* Nie licet remedy we uoasexa for the cure of Whooping cough. eruup. ami the cheat disease# of children. We of your fraternity In th* South appreciate your eklll, umI commend your medicine to our people. UIKAM OONKLIN, M. 0. AMOS LRU, Esq., Motrrasv. IA, writ**, 3d Jan., 18M: - I bml a tedious liifidensn. wlilch confined me In doore aim week*; took many medlcinea without relief; finally tried ronr lYcbmil by th* advice of our clsrgvmon. Tbw first lino retlerod tho aoranea* In my throat and laugs ; leva (hail one half the bottlo mada ino completely well. - ? Vonr incdicinoa are the cheapest aa Well ae the teat wo eau buy, and w* esteem you, vector, and your remodioe, aa llie |ioor mnn'a friend." Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. Wt*T Mauoiishtvk, Pa, Feb. 4, 1861. Sin Your Chtrry ftctoral Is performing marreltoue curea In thla aecllon. It baa relieved several from alarming symptoms of consumption, and I* now curing a man who hat labored under an affection of the InngA for tbe laat forty years. IIKNIUT U PARKS, Merchant. A. A. RAMSEY, M. I>, Almos, Monoi Co, Iowa, writes, Sept. #, 1866: ' During my practice of many years I have found nothing p|Ml to yiair Cherry I>dm al for giving ease and relief to consumptive put leu to, or curing . such aa are cnrabla." We mlglit add volume* of evidence, but the most convincing proof of tlie virtues of this rauiedy la found lu Its affects upon trial. Consumption. Probably no one remedy bna over teen known wMch cured ao many and such dangerous cases a* tills. Sotne no human aid can reach; bnt even to tboee the Chtrry TYeioral affords relief and comfort. 0 Atrroa Noras, N*w Yoag Crrr, March 6,1848. Doctor Area, Lowau.: I fori It a duty and a pleasure to Inform you what your Chtrry 1+rtoral has done for my wife. She had Wn five nonius laboring isJrt the dangerous symptoms of Consumption, from which no aU ws could procure gave terhmeb relief. She we* steadily foillag. until Dr. Strong, of this etty, whero we have nana for advice, recommended a trial of your medietas. We bleee Ills kindness, aa ws do your skill; for she has recovered from that day. Shu Is not yet aa strong as she used to bo, but Is foe* front Mr cough, sad calls herself wslL Yours with gratitude and regard, ORLANDO SHELBY, or gsnarviui. OmtumpTirrt, do not despair till yon have tried Arm's CntMT PiCTOSAl. It Is made by one of the best medical chemists In the world, and Ua cures all around Os bespeak the high morits of It* virtue*. ? I'hiladtlphia Ledger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills* THE sciences or Chemistry and Medkdno have been taxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect mtigelive which Is known to man. Innumerable proofo t .ate shown that these Put* have virtues which furjmsa in sxeellencnhe ordinary medicines, and that they win anprecedeutofly upon tbe esteem Of all men. They areeafo nu^ pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their pen*- , .?B i- - in* fimwruTHicaoi in* oony, remote the obstruction* of its organs, purify the blooil, and expel disease. Xh<*y purge out the foul humors which breed-and giWw d^trmper, atlmnlalo sluggtaU or disordered organs iuto their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strrngth to the whole ayatefU. Mot only do they euro the e? try-day complaint* of aeery body, hot alao formidable and dangerous dlaeaaee that bare baffled the beat of human xkUI. While they produce jowerftit effect*, they are at the aunt time, In dimlniahrd doaea, (lie safest and beat phyaic that can be employed for children. Ileing sugar-ronted, thry are plenwint to take; and being purely regetalde, are free from any riek of harm. Oarea bat a been mada which aurpaaa belief were they not substantiated by men of audi exalted poaitkm am^diaraeter na to Ibrbld tha suspicion of untrnth. UaMMaeat clergymen and physiciam bare lent their nlmiJmUff to the public the reltabiUty of my remedlee, a liffff others hare eent uie the aeeurance of their conviction that my Pre|>arations contt ibate iuiuientcly to the relief of my afflicted, saffri lug *>**?w-ti,e'''^ 1,-f ",,^wWlAiBaW^PC??nSal7tlie^followhtg complaint*: ? an ?wllreuesn, Hi lion* Complaint*, Ilbennixtlem, Drossy, >ol| Heartburn, Headache arising from a font stomach, Nausea, lndtgsartim. Morbid Inaction of tha Bowete and Patn arising therefrom, Hatnlency, lew of Apnettts, ail Ulcer'he oua nnd Cnraneona IMaeaaaa which require an eraruant (u medicine. Prrofula or King's Kril. They alao, by purify Ing tha blood and stitmua'ing the ayetem, cure many complaints which It would not he snppoeed they c?mMI mo reach, Mirh ax Deafneea, Partial Ulinduem, Neuralgia and ? Kerrona Irrttaldllty, Derangement* of the Urerand Kidney*. Oout, and other kindred romplalate arising from a low aUte of the .body or obstruction of lta fanctione. ' Do not be pat off hy unprincipled dealer* with aoma - other pill they make more profit on. Aek Cm Arm's co" Pnxa, and take nothing ataa. No oilier they eaa gire * you compares with tble In It* iatrinalc ralue or curat I re mi, powers. Tha atek want the beat aid there is ftir them, we and they should bare it. ;* Prepared by Dr. J. O. AYER, ?r_ Practical gad Analytical Chemist, Lcwsll, Maaa. I'aics its Cts. na Box. Firs JBoxas roa $1. Ah SOU) BY I)r. M. B. EARLE and Dr. J. II. DEAN, (Jreen?(t ville, 8. C., anil by all Druggist* throughout tho ;hc country. &-?owly JuuelO Change of Business, ml rriliE undersigned, intending to effect a change in * far JL hi* bnsine**, would inform all those indebted ine to lilin, either by Noto or Book Account, that tho He, en me be nettled at an early day, hh farther indulgence cannot be given. He will hereafter be f?l found at tho Tin Shop, at B. Ddiihnin'a Old Stand, nc> .Ian 27 # 38-tf A. URKENFIFLD. of, HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA, lae A Ilcucrolcnt fnrtitotion, crlahHtktd Ay Special Enid - dnirmcnt for <Ae Uelicf of thr rick and d i it r cured, [a- afttictrd icith Virulent and Epidemic Diicutrt, rriHK HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of tbo iho X. awftil deftrnetion of huinau lifer eiit??ed by me Sexual Diseases, and the deceptions prarti*ed upon ud the uiifortuiintu victims of Mich-iliecasea by Quaekt^ L-ct aevcrul year* ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, er, a* a charitable act worthy of thoir name, to open Dispensary for the treatment of thisclnss of diuMcs, . ^ in all their forum, and to give medical ad riot f^aii* r# to all who applydjy letter, with doamriptinn of their ,j( condition, (age, occupation, habit* orlifc, Ac.,) and * in case of extreme poverty, to furniih medicine* free of ciAart/c. It i* needle** to add that (he Association oomnianda the highest medical skill of ike ago, and **" will furnish tho most approved modern treatment. Tho Director* of tho Association, in their Annual Report upon the treat in. m t of Eegual Diseases, exra press the bigiieat satisfaction with tho success which 'bo Las attended the labor* of their Snrgeons in the cure y. of Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weaknese, (lonorrboms. (Jluot, Syphilis, tho vioe of Onanism or Self-Abuse,, i diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Ac., anil ondSr, a . contUraance Of tho same plan for the atiMiitag year, i The Director*, ??n a review of the past,, feel gars sured that their Abort in this aphesa of bane vol en t K' effort hare Been of great hswaftt to tfm- afflicted. ss~ -r' preiaRy to the young, imd they haara resolved ft# <te vote theianelvoit, with rewewetf Ml), tn thta very iinportnat and much de#piM?l> lam. " An ndmirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Woaknea#, the vice of Onanlana or Sclf-Abnmv and other dlaeaeee of the Scxna) organ*, l>y the Con) milting Surgeon, a ill be eeot by mail (in a Metal 9 envelope,) frr* of chary, on receipt of too tiiany for |kwUk?. Other Report# ami Tract* ?n the aatwrv. wad of Sexual (linen*?#, diet, <t?, are jj eonatontly being publUhcd for gratwitou# dhitrtbntlon, and will bo gent to the aflti*Wd. Soane of the now rcmedloa and mrlhod^f treatment dlatovcred ft. dorln- the I net year. are e^fceat value, f Wlp- Addrra*, fbr Repb#?r Treatment, !>R. J. ? 8KII.LIX HOU? 11 TON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Amochtthm, 5a 1 Booth ytM Street, Philadelphia, t Pa. %*By order of lha l^w-tora. r? KKRA I>. OTAkTWEIL, PrwlAfent. Uro. Faiik hii.i>. Secretary. 3#-ljr V A tffc SHAVINO^ * _ Hair Trim wiling. Hr?Mlnf? Dying . - 'rtf^ RAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, AT Tit* u> Second Door Abyre Mr. McPh?r?onK?, ? WIL80N CCfOK. Miy :? - tf , *