University of South Carolina Libraries
*' * . SSjh^ t~^jrjfe11 x,*"if A. mke, M. D. K. I>. LONG, M. D. ms? s^Snvi&Mti . would beepeak for the bow Finn of Dfo. LONG A BURN MAM tha mm liberal patronage bmtofo* bestowed won tho old Finn. Tltooo wtrhlng ray ereices will tod me at tbetr Brag Plow. May It 1-tf 8. A. MIM8, M. 0. ?. D 10RO, If. Q RICHARD BURRHAM, K. D. DBS. LONG &BTJRNH AM, APOTHECARIES A DRUGGISTS, AT THE OLD STAVE Or MXMS A LOWO, ?G WILL KBBP constantly on hand a foil *npTTrlr ofPURK DRUGS, Medicines. Paint*, Gils, S VeraWhes, Dye-staffs, A?n do. Aleo, a splendid assortment of toilet articles, tltl Hair, Tooth and Nkilfinuhn; Hair Pomades, MMvy Mtieiir.t / Tooth Soaps and Washes; Washing ----J ^wnin ?? y>rimnuc nnaving .->o?p?. Frnh Extract* for favoring, vis: Bonn, Vanilla, Pino Apple, Strawberry, Lemon, Nectarine. Ac., Ac. We nave a M/y toperior artitla of ON EES TEA, the boat in Orccnvill*. >. We hare /or ml* all tlio popular Patent Medicine*. Physician* supplied on i.ibkral trhm*. Ou long connection with the Drug Business, (one seven, the other ten year*,) and both being graduate* of the Mcdieal College of the State of South Carolina, will, we think, be a sufficient guarantee of our ability to dispense Medicine* property and accurately. Our arrangement* arc ouch that one of the Firm will be at the store and will nttmd to alt preocri^Hont penoMatly at any hour of the day or night. FOR SALE. MTTIK Ru'ireriber* offer for sale their VALUABLE THACT OF LAND in Greenville Diatriot, lying five and a half mile* north of Ureenville C. H., on the road leading from the tatter place te Chick's Spring*, containing Thrrr //?*drrd and Forty Acrro, ninety acre* of which are cleared and in pretty rood farming < rdor. The balance i* well timbered, and lie* level. On the Place ia a large Orchard, containing about 704 young Peaeh Tree*, of the moat choice selection, all In a Bouriahing condition. A good OH 1ST MILL, and a Iratante Double Geared SAW MILL, capable of cutting 1,004 feet of lumber per day, with the attention of only one hnnd. Only half of the Saw Mill will be eold. For further particular*, add re** either of tho proprietor*. WM. WICKLIFFK. Jr., Diamond llill P. O., Abbeville Dtat., or ISAAC WICKLIFFK, Pick en* C. II.. 8. C. May 11 1 Sam 3m Soqih Cslrolioa?fireeribilie Sistricl. SHERIFFS SALES. BY virtue ef sundry Writ* of Fieri Facia*, to mo directed, I will aell, before tho Court Houho door, at tho uaual hours of aaie, on the ftr t Monday in JUNK neat. One Negro Woman, named Harriot, and Infant girt Child, and her girt Child, nantaff Anna, boat *ix year* eld, and her Boy child named Charles, two years old: aa the property of Jacob Panther, at the suit of Alexander Bryee. TERMS CASH. Purchaser to pay for title. j D. HOKE, S. G. D.~ Sheriff* Office, May 12, 1854. t l-lm IRISH POTATOES. JUST BKCEIVED, direct from New York, Sixty Barrel* of the above Ked Potatoes. For sale low by STEKN A EVANS, Wholesale and Retail Grocer*, nmj a sj-u Umler Mclht'l Hall. | . ORANGES, DIRECT from II?v.n?, by tliu Box or quantity. A Up. Pineapple*, Cocoa Note, Banana*. All I of wbi?Hu bo aold low for caah. STEEN A EVANS, i Wboleaale and Retail (Iroccra, May i 62- U Under McBoo'a Hall. ?CHOCOLATE. pa/xr.AT-7T>yr-am?:^CH CHOCOLATE. A large Vy aupply of the abor?arflM^AtMttlfti^?ta|tiSSM ton pricey by STEEN A EVANS, Wholesale and Retail (Iroccra, May 5 M-tf Under McBee'a Hull. SMOKED TONGUES AND SMOKED pEBPt aU? New York Pi* llama, juat received, and for aale low, by STERN A EVANS, Wboleaale and Retail Grocer#, May 5 lil-tf Uudcr McBee'a Hall. CUBA MOLASSES. 2AA/"\ OAL8. of tbe above for aale at 43 eta. ' ,V/UU per gallon, by 7 STEEN A EVANS, Wboleaale and Retail Orocera, May & ?>~tf _ Under Melloc'a Hall. CH EESE! CHEESE! 08HEN, English and Pineannle Ckaaa* a c..n V* supply just received and for sal A low hy STERN A EVANS, * Wholesale A Retail Grocers, May & 62-tf Under McBec* Hall. CORNED BEEF ~~ < FROM Palton Market, N. Y.; 15J bhls. Mackerel: 26 Boxes Smoked Herrings ; Salmon, pickled and fresh ; Sordine*, in whole, half aud quarter Boxes. For eale, at Charleston prices, Ity 8TKKN A EVANS, ' Wholesale and Retail Grocers, May 6 62-tf Under McHce's Hall. BORDEAUXALMONDS. KAA LBS of the above soft shell Almonds, at '-?UU 20 eta. per lb. 600 lb*. Pecan, Batter aud ( English Walnuts. Por sale low by ] STEEN A EVANS, a Wholesale and Retail Grocers, May 6 62-tf Under McBcc's Ilall. HAMS! HAMS! r 1 A TIERCE of Hams, prime, *u/nr cured, at 12} A U cU. per IK, for sale by STERN * EVANS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, M<^6 62-tf Under McDec's Ilall. " CRACKER8! CRACKERS! R Ji PULL an<PPRKSH supply of Soda, Butter, } Boston, Lemon, Ginger and Wine Crackers, tst received from's Cu.ccuatko Bakkry, Charleston, aud for sale low, by r 8TKKN A EVANS, J Wholesale and Retail Grocers. ?f May 6 62-tf Under MeBee'e Hall. w ' *. TWO MILCH COWS with YOlTVn MUMI AIAKS. Apply at tbia OBcr. -1 ? I" H April 28 ft I 2 aKOKpE HEI-PMAN. 1 KARNES8 MANUFACTURER, -| AND DRAMSII II MA DOLES, HH IDLES, WHIPS, *0. tl" BAR on band an estoneire aarorfaaent UM BEST MATERIAL Bead iu Mi? _ of f|*nMM uri Raddle*. T Thankful for th* pniroeep* given Mm for lb* ln*t A |M year*, be eolirite a eontiaueuee of Mi* * **. 1**3 ptr Order* from a dlefouoe promptly attended to. "tt PerroM indebted to bin are roquMtad to pall and pay op. ?l~1y - Apr'1 M T t?t-v?- ? )r Ifeadon^rtorB. wii PLAIN Pi 0-. MAbovilli BINT., P. C. Paj mil K Id Battalion pf M ftexitneat of P. C. M. will * jBT m<i at tbeir ueupl nlftea of re*dacyoua ok Haiurday, llet of May uat, for B?rUw. Commie pioned and Nob *<>ratni4HM OEeere, Regimental * puff and Bead, wlU aaeembl* on the day provlou* 1 for IJrill and Jaetrwetlon. v By order of J Ammo MrCtfxii <ih. < '<>1. 3d Rota 8. ffl C. M. T- L. BOAZKMAN, Lieut. Col. fl| May 5 ftj 3 W I ' NOTICE, TJ A LLmwom Indebted tntb* Relate of Vlt A NOEfl ML J\ GREEN, deeeaend, Mft feqaaaud u, make w Jaymaat forthwith j pad *fl Mom having claimt B; r "" Ni) ft *3 3 Administrator, < % # yP wl ^S^i. a .i??.tpt***1 ' "' * ^*:<'? ?--- '?t %mmm mm EH^BSta^5?Hr r - ' :S * " OH, FBLLOW-CITIZENS?-How my heart did I long abeenoc on a PURCHASE Knowing that when I am away you are apt MOST EXTENSIVE Kr?r exhibited in this country, ell I wish is * cell t. vineod, end can say it without tho four of contredicl m ABLE end WILLING to aell Good* Ai IAIWJSK fJUUJES AND N: than 1 can and do now. I will in hnste clto tlie ]tri< all cannot be enumerated: Superior LINEN COATS, $2?worth $4 " Marseilles Vests, $2?worth $1 Pauls, from 60 cents to )8 per pair lloop Skirts, 75 oenta Molasses, by tbo barrel, 10 cents A IA TREMENDOUS LARGE WILL BE SOLD AT CIIARL] JCr0~ I am fully prepared to sell WHOLESALE a call at P. 8.?A lot SALT to arrive, at $1.75. P. 8., again.?If you have Produce, wo will take i And you all well, I am your friend*. May 12 fh t 8 Iff SP#1B8 I NEW SPRING CC STiFLI AID FAICY D8Y GDIS OF NOW O 1 HHEVB) TO WHICH the attention of Pui-ch ^RSjCrrjitl supplied with NEW and CHOICE GO < >' 'i IT Pat very low prices. OUR UNRIVALLED STOCK Of PLANTATION GOODS ia now ready for inspection. to which tlio attention of our Country friends and Factors is invited. HOUSEWIFE LINENS And FAMILY DP.Y GOODS, for the present and approaching seasons, in largo varieties, of the most approved makes. Particular attention is called to oar present stock of LONG CLOTHS. , At OJ, 8, 10 and 12) cents, aud the finer makes, all cheap and excellent Goods. Full stock of French and English Long Cloths Best makes Bleached and Unbleached Cotton at . i -? * - uuovuukb?aii wioins?always on liarid. Heavy Brown Shirting*, at 6}, 8 and 10 cents. Superfine Brown Sea Island Shirtings, at 61, 9, 10 and 12) cents. Extra 9 o*. Cotton Osnaburgs, 8 o*. Striped C. Osnaburgs. | Blue Denims. Hickory 8tripcs, ^pron Check, I Marlboro' Stripes, Ac., Ac. CLOTHS, CASS1MEHFS, TW F.EDS, AO.. For Spring and Summer, In new styles, for dents and Boys, now receiving. Superior Frenrh and English Drop D'Ktc, in hoavy makes, for Pants. Extra heavy English do., in Black, Green. Brown and Blue, for Boys and Servants' wear ; with A full assortment of I.inen and Cotton Pant Stuff's. Linen Coatings, Flannels for Gente' Sacks, \ estings for the season, Ao., Ac. Materials of various kinds for Children's wear, Servants' Coatings, Vesting# and Pant Stuffs. miew ??dids anr m EMPORIUM OF FASaiOM. WE HAVE NOW IN BTORK an Elegant As- I sort men t of i Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, SUCH is FRENCH CLOTHS AND CASSIMKUKS. of all colors and t|ualitiet, (wbkti were manufactured to order.) i TWEEDS. VESTINGS, SHIRTS, TIES, II08IK RV, GLOVES. Ac. Caasimcre, Moleskin and Fir HATS, for Dress and Business wear. ' piccoix>mVni caps, A good assortment of ; DTT^p^niPiiHte ????$,; Fur Qentiamn'a wear. Ready Mado Clothing, ! nd Cloth, Caaaimere, Tweeds, hinen, Alpaca ami I)rah II'Kte COATS. l'ANT8i<d VKSTS, which wo will oil low for Cash or to prftnpt paying customers. tailorinFoJartment, We are prepared, with the beat of Workmen, to JUT an.l MARK UP (CUQTMNO lu tho laloat ( French and American a#lea, ruid upon the moat reaouablo tenna. . DYKR A PICK LK. Coportncflllp Ifotlce. rllK undersigned hare entered into Copartnor- -i aliip for the puripeetf carrying on the MKRH.VNTTAILORINOJtlfelNEHS, under the naino ?' lylo and firm of DYKltA f ICR LK. Thoy reaped- '* illy ask attention to tiicirfttock now on hand, aud 04 for to thoir former rt?t<*iera for their ability to J? lease. They hope to ftsofc'e a lihoral share of pab- *" e patronage. W. B. 1>YKR. April 20, I860. O. A. PICKLE. A~cSu>. JrllE auhacribcr woaldfeturn bis ihanka to bia oll frienda and rnatemrr for the very liberal akaro Re ' patronage which thty fcve beatowed on him, and g}i uuld reapcetfhlly solWii ir the new Finn of Dvkr ar Pirm.R a eontinaatioijof the patronage which dii is heretofore been exteiad to him. A?,ti e? -- 1 1 JU U ? O. 0. DYER. Straw wanted. V piIK Subscriber in drr rfts of purchasing STRAW, L either la tho hulk m by the load, Tor which be 11 pay a fair price. h*?im having dtrnw to sell II please amity at lirVfirt, in Greenville, or at ? PAPER MILL. j } Wagovt Wanted. IE also desires toirocure tho services of a fleady and indusl on* mail as a Wagoner. Ap- A II ' as above. g| ThreabMR Amchlue. T E won hi also h?fr? the pnblie that his Thresh- m JL ing Machine in#w in tne order. Threshing I I bo done either "fc the Straw or Toll, at the ^ per MM. R. GREENFIELD. Uy 9 in tf co) BATTAJjOBT ORDERS. '"n a The Iiauden* of the 3d Regiment will Heir k Parade atm*#e*peettfe rendeseons, to w|t: ream a The 1st DalW'n on Satarday, the 14th, the M 3d llalteliod Saturday, the 31st May. ? Mr t'omiui*ai<*d and Xun-cointuissioneil OfA tears, Kegbmtal Staff and Band, (should riTl ' B there ho any will assemble the days ptevi- J i| owa fur Drill nd Instruction. em < I* The Lien a ant-Colonel and Major are vHie I charged Vlt he extension of thi? order. Qroe y order of AMES McOULLOUOIl. Mi Col. Sd Regiment 8. 0. M. ?H., . Ju'nnt. T>] ?l 38 i J> ! % HpHP jt'W"" f; 4 i '.II 1 ' ' Ill - 1 1 ! '. I-SB i r8 til11 O *..' ' K-nt with deep emu t ion* for your wtlftn during toy EXPEDITION, to miss me. Having now returned with lite STOCK OF GOODS o oxamino and price my Goods, n* I nm fully conliou, that uu other cstaoluhuieut. North or South, is CABER THE RIGHT NOTCH, >c* of bat a few of the Articles among my stock, its Coffee, by the sack, IS cents N. O. Sugar, by the barrel, 10 cents Aiinmuntinc Candles, by the box, SO cents White Wine Vinegar, per gallon, 30 cents Ladies' Mantillas, $1.25 SO, LOT OF BOOTS & SHOES, ESTON WHOLESALE PRICES. ml RETAIL, anil Country Merchants will <lo well to CARITS. it, if not, wo will take your money. Hoping this may Is. CARR, Aokxt. tf )VEHLINGS, ANI) iLLillBSMmDTJTiM, PENMNG, lasers is invited. Our DEPARTMENTS arc nil now OD8, which will be sold for Cash or City Acceptance NEW SPRING CALtCOES. New Spring French Cambrics New Spring French Brilliant* Furniture Co'ieor, Furniture CI ints Ho per llndressed Furniture Chintx Furniture Dimity, do. Fringe, Bullion Fringo Summer Marseilles Quilts Alleudala and Manchester Quilts, Ac., Ae. EMBROIDERIES, LACKS And White (locals, in new styles and largo variety, at low priees. Bordered Linen Camhric Hundkcrchicfs. nil priees Hemstitched and Embroidered L. C. Handkerchiefs, for Ladies and Children. SPRING DRESS GOODS. In new style Silks, Plain and Printed Challies, Summer Poplins, Ac., just arriving. RICH HILK ROBES AND CIIALLIE ROBES, In now styles for the season. Now style Silk and Mll.ttn It.,I-. WHITE ANI> COLORED STELLA SHAWIA At all price*. Superior White Stella Mantilla Shawl*. . Full *tock of Spring Mantilla*, to arrivo by next steamer. SKIRTS! SKIRTS!! SKIRTS!!! For Children, Missc* nuil Ladies. We arc now prepared to show the very best article of Ladies Extension Skirt* ever inado. Also a large assortment of medium and low price Skirt*. Our stock of HOSIERY. SPRING UNDERSHIRTS. AC.. For (louts, Ladles and Children, ia now well assorted. m'&H SVXAfiTCER, AT A. FJWOWNING'S, GlllcKNVILLE ca%X' THE suhseribcr* having hnd the misj fortune to lo?o, by the fire of the 20th Janj uary, the Steam Mill and Machinery oonuceted with their Coach Factory, in (irecnville, take this method of apprising their friend* and patron* that they still contiuue business as heretofore, without change in their Firm, or nhntcmcnt of their exertion* to please. They hove NOW ON HAND, ami are CONSTANTLY FINISHING, all the varieties of Carriages, Buggios and Wagona ever made by them, to which they invite the attention of purchaser*. They tako pleasure in correcting on impression that their stock of SKA.SOXEti l.l7Uitn> mt wiiu me Mill, and won!.I any that, in quantity and quality, their Lumlicr 1m uerrr Lieu hitter. The generous patronage hitherto received, warrant* the conelindon that their effort* arc appreciated, and stimulate* them in making further exertion*, rhoir experience will eiiahlo them to select unil op#- | mte the moat approved Machinery, with advmi- | age* not surpassed by any manufacturer* either S'orth or South. C10W fill, COX, M AUK LEY & CO. ( flreenvillo, S. C., April 7, 18511. 4H ly TO KIN a GAMBRiNUS I OLOUIOUS NEWS !! freem ilie Delivered nt taxi, Judy tug /'ram the //uyipy * flicet to he nu t irit h. I.AOF.R BEER IS AT T11E B( >TTOM OF IT t Y FORKIS RAMI'EL keep* on hand a full supply 1 of that refreshing and invigorating Beverage, J out one of the moat celebrated llrcwcrios in Phila- ti L-lphia. lie keep* constantly Preserved Oysters, m obstcrs, Salmon, Sardine*, Pickle*, Segars, To hoc- i? > and Candy, uud many other Articleii too nutncin* to moutiou. /SO~ Nk.xt Door to Dr. M. II. Aiti.K. 51-ly April 28 FINE JEWELRY FOR SALE, ? i MoN'tl which may be found HOLD and SIL\ VEIL WATCHES, Chain*, Key#, Hook*, Swiv- ~ i. Lockets or Medallion*, for doulde likeue**e?; a 1 ncral assortment of tlold Faucv Articles, assorted les of Silver Thimbles, Spectacle*, and many other ^1 tides in the same line needless to uamo, us those , J .posed to buy will call and see for themselves. I ni. March 10 ?*_? ? * ** ?? ??? u. IK. KA.N Dv'LTa. I Pl ?CALL i su s family > and 3 Fancy sim: ?BKM ? Store. Thunder and Lightning I m 11K vnheeriber wonlil *av that h? in the author- M lied Loral ami Traveling Ayent, for (ho State louth Carolina, for the vale of Wilcox A Wiiit- foil * late Improved patent I'rominw LKHITNIUfl Th? 1PUCTOI18, and will at all tiinaa bold himself '' nadlnrv* to attend ail rail* in the above busiueea. v . B.?I am also, at all time*, pro pore'I to Repwfh *-*TI isolate and farnish new Points n>r Old Rod* at *' onable prices and short notice. arch 10 41--3m W. K.*. LAW NOTICE. ' " (r 11K nnder.igncd will devote hiinself entirely to la ( the praollce of Law and Kqilt; on the Weet'ironit. Mr. PlllL'H Is bin parlour for (irwnOiatrict, and nifty be found at his office In whet nvllle. JAM KB L. ORK. I?rie. ireli 31, IMi'J. 47 tf LARKS. A large lot of SUM. PROS., L ?e iiv ttly printed and for rate at this Ofli-e. f vlRc, ? ** m? * * > % he ' i ii. ijgi ii , ?m I I B T 'l i 9 KEROSENE OIL. KEB08KNE OILS, fur Burning, and also fcr Machinery, always on hand. J. B. SHKKMAN^Agcnt. ]tlat(m?ci! Ill AVK received an invoice or MATTRESSES, made in a suporior manner and of tlfli best materials, which are olfured at moderate prices. The assortment comprise* Hair and Palm, Moss and Palm, Cotton and Palm, Cotton ami Sbttck, Cotton and 8traw Mattresses, or various Orders Tor other fixes an&ftMalitics will bo promptly attended tv' J. U. SHKRMAN, Agtot. Ornamental Cu?l Iron Work. RAILINGS, (laics, Posts. Stairs, Fountains, Vases, 8tatuary, and ever/ other variety ol Ornamcnlal Castings In Trail. Orders received for ' Vnod A Perot, Philadelphia, the best house or the kind in the United States. Engravings or Patterns, and Catalogue or Prices, may be seen ou application to J. U. SHERMAN, Agent. Jn?t Ktt'civcd, A BEAUTIFUL aMortmant of Pot*, Kettle.', Skillet*, Frying Puns, Smoothing I num. Amllronn, Mortar*, Cauldron*. Bootjack*, and other Castings. J. 11. 811 Kit MAN, Agent. Call and Sec WOOD A PEROT'8 8i?i>erb Portfolio of Drawings of Ornamental Cast Iron Work. It is well worthy of inspection as n work of Art. J. II. SHERMAN, Agent. CASHTCASH ! IX order to encourage a Cash business, n discount of five per cent, from regular prices will Iw luaile on nil easli sules from $6 to $120 ; anil a Aitcount of ten per cent on all cnab sales over $20. J. 11. 811ERMAN, Agent. The Economist, TIIE best Cooking Stove in the world. Soon tc arrive. J. B. SHERMAN, Agont. April 21 30 tf NEW (i00l)S. I AM RKCEIV1NU my SI'RINtl and SUMMER supply of GOODS, couaistiug of a genera stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Good*, And Men's and Boys' CLOTHING, Hats and Bounot*, Boot* *nd Shoe*, Hardware and Cutlery. Drug? anil Dye-stuffs. Carpeting and Minting. Wooden anil Willow Ware, Wall Pn(ioriug, PoWUcr, Shot, Blmsting Fu?e, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, Ac., all ol which will be-sold-at LOW PRICES. Thankful for post favor*. 1 solicit a continuance of the surao. JOHN W. GRADY, Oppoidtr the New Court lloii?o, on Main Street. April 14 411 tf Mrs. Paris & Miss Gordon, MAIN STREET; WILL OPEN, on Sattirdnyi wyHByBi 1 Gtli Inat., a handsome assortment AK' MILLINERY, COXHISTIXU yl' iR, | French, Chip, FunrjjfjlSilk. Pa TMH inela anil Kngli*lt Straw BONA/Jr\ NETS, Misaea' Equestrian*. Fes tilers for Hcud Dresses, Luce Setts, Illusion Capes Kurt I) no. Fancy Hair l'iom lloop Skirts. Corsets, am ,v variety ?f Article* *nitnl.lo to the season. selectee hy Mies Gordon from the largest and best Ironcl houses in New York. PRESSES made at tlic *hortc*t notice, and l>ressmaking attended to a* usual, to which we fully invite the attention of the Ladle# of (1 rein\i p and its vicinity. ??"?' ; Scull) 1 IN TIIK COI-KT OK Order for Exttff?.;i|lvilki C(IU", $ riYUE buainws of thuTj^Tn TUESDAY, the a | it i* ordered, JJH^outinucd the remain- o Court of Common JIW the entire week s u cooedllotise, for tJroa^^ ?l lUtA </?? o/^mi juries he drawn at the present |J, in# days^r*'"' Extra Term, and that rrHt're* I ing. ifJp"'1 ,h,,'r attendance in manner und luplued hy law : a panel of forty-eight perTcrE/d^kSL?r'" fivo ''ny1'. and a like panel to ^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^ieClerk pro|>er the *lttin son* serve the sneeee^^^^B i- ordered^^HHI^^jj < , EH 1 notice in tho newspapers of thoPis^WH H ting of the said Kxtra Court, hy a puhlieotioi^H^I least ono mouth preceding the Term. J. N. WIIITNER. April 2, 1859. A true copy from the journals of tho Court. W. A. Mr PAN I EL, C. C. 1\ U. P. Mny 3 52 td Patriot and Mountaineer copy. Scull) Carolina-Grcenlrillc &i$iricl., IN EQUITY. Nnney Hawkins, vs. Ishum W. Hawkins, David T. | liurton and wift.? " " * r.? i-asclinl iluwkius, ct ul.?Ptirtition of /{ml l.'ntatc. rilHK Complainant* having filed their 11111 in thin I suit with the Commissioner in Ki|iiity for Ureonvillo District, and it appearing that the I?erendaut, Ishnui W. llawkin*, reside* without and beyond tho limit* of this State: It i* Ordered, on motion of S. 1). Goodlctt, Complainant's Solieitor, That the said absent Defendant do plead, answer or lemur to the llill of Complainant within three mouth* rroni this publication, or tho said Bill will be taken ?ro cox J man OS to him. 8. A. TOWXES, C. K. G. D. Greenville, 8. C., April 11, 1HMI. 4It dm Sot|lt) Cqi*olir)Q?tirccHliillo ?ig1fict, IN EQUITY. . C. Hoyt, v*. M. D. Diekey. and tho Heir* of Curran Lankford.? Hilt for Partition tiuii llrlitf. |"T appearing to my satisfaction that tho heirs of I. I>r. Currnn Latikford reside out of the limits of its State : It is Ordered. That they do plead, an vcr or demur to tho llill in this ease within thrco ninths from this date, or the same will bo taken pro ntft?o against them. S. A. T0WNE8, C. E. G. 1). J Commissioner's Office, April 11, If5!l. t'.t-.'tui t ioull) fcijjrolino? Grccobillc &ldrict. ? IN CHANCEEY. { ancy llninos, vs. James Ward, Susan Ward, et al. it llill for Snlr of l.onili, ?f r. [AHE Complainant having this day filed her will g L in the ahovo stated cause, and it appearing to " y satisfaction that William W. Turner, one of the Tcndants, is absent from and without the limits of is State, so that the process of subpoena nrl rr*ponmldm cannot be served upon him : Upon motion E. P. Jones, Complainant's Solicitor, it is, thereis, Ordered, That tho said William W. Tomw J? [?.-nr iinn pti'Ul, nnswer or demur Jo the Cotnplaiei*? Kill, willnft lliruo months from date, or a lie I ? will Im taken ftrn com/Vmo upon sukl Kill', U kllnl the raid William IV. Turner. 1*' H. M TOWNES, f. E. rt. T>. 'outmissioncr'ii Office, March 1 j, I Hit). -itV-.'Sin ^ . at wn Property Near the Female College : ? ?' ' FOB SALE. 4| THE undersigned bavins deter- (J, mined tw remove to Iioninnna, offer* hia IIOUHK And LOT for sale. TLe | ire mi new are desirably located, on 'WMMMS- Buncombe street, near the Female 'ere, anil will he "old ii|>oft rewmialilo terms. |(( Hnnsc it comparatively new. eM os>e**1on jflvcn immediately, if desired, or further particular*, apply to Mr. T. B. Boa- K?i k, t>. r. HPARKH. w,., 12 3<l ti yi King's Mountain Iron. w T11K undi rsiancd has ontnbiisbcd an Afrcu flcrat the UKEKNVII.LK COACH FACTO- * J lit, for OS sale ef the Kt^e'S mountain iron, i *j ? a All and complete assortment wiN be kept. I ft) cants, Cosh. tie, M. M. MONTOOMKftV, c?u A Rent Kind's Mountain Iron Company. I Lou >wrtt, Cox, Mauki.hv A Co., Aj;i?nU, Green- | ? S. ('. ii'L'.dm Oe ,-> Lt | V -^x .Ill' 1 II. II I.. I SmmSB?SSSSSSSB R I S E o GOWEK8VILLE V < MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. * TIIB first Beeslou of this 8CIIOOL, -if* (^Bl*rfur ' WN' open on the First Dat or t iMVART, under the direction of Rev. T.'J. Karle. am Principal. * <QS^ The Rate* or Tuition, per Session of Are months, ?r - n* follown : Primary Ugnncbcs, 1 $ Jt 00 Higher English Branches, ... 7 60 Higher Mathematical B aocbcH,....... 10 00 Latin and Greek 12 50 Thin School possesses advantages ilk Its loeation equal, if not superior, to any iu tho State. It is situated at Gowcnsville, Greenville District, in tho midlt of an oxccUcnt neighborhood, whore the young, are not exposed to these temptations common to vllluges. Besides being at a po?t office, it is within a few hundred yards of Bowdcn's Sulphur Spring, as fine mineral water as any in tho upper districts. I U. O 1- at-- ? ? - " * " mi. nam, iud irmcipai, ix *>n experienced tesoli cr und good disciplinarian, and tho Trustees flatter t Ih-iii pelves that they in ay expect Tor the Bchoot ft liberal patronage. Good Hoard may he had Id the families of the neighborhood at six and seven dollars per month. For further particulars, apply to the Prine'pal, or to Dr. Win. Mnuney, or to R. BOWDEN, Chaiimnn B. T. X. B.-?Arrangements have l>een made to securo the services of n young lady well qualified to give instructions in Music, Needle-Work, Leather-Work. Drawing, Grecian Painting, Ac., Ac., at priecs in proportion to the above Hates of Tuition. Wo wonld invite the special attention of parents and guardians to this luldition to the interest of our School. We shall be able to give instruction in any of the higher branches of Foinalo Education, at prices within the reach of all. Gowonsville, 8. C., Nov. 2(1, 1868. Jan 20 37 tf NO M ETUI NGN EW! I A GIFT Fnlrrpri** eomlnrtrtl upon a Libtral anil Impartial Plan ! Endorsed by the entire Press ofthc city of Baltimore. H. E. ITOYT & CO.'S GRKAT AOITIIVKN k?. 41 nai.tuiorr rtrkkt, i iiEAiH)d.\KTKr.a rou holtiikrs ami wkhtkkn onuKita. Write for a Catalogue for 1959. It contains the Largest List of Useful, Oritainci, tal and vkluable UIFT8 over published. Greater indue* men talo Agents than ever befrc of- ' fcred by any other establishment iu tho Unitoddtates. ' a hilt wortii frou FlFlY CENTS TO ONk HUNDRED OJLLARS, , ACCOMPAVIKS KVERV ROOK. Postmasters, Country Merchants, pmkscllcrs, Li- , hrurinns of Universities, Academe*. Private and Circulating Lilmirics, Schools, nrJ all others whose business will enable them, arr rspeetfnlly solicited to become our Agents. Any p?rson can, by collect- ' _ ICW v,...?s, ouva.n a vilaal.le collection of J lltooka in a short liinc, without any actual cost, save f to an/ adtll*M. ^)k, WHAT *HE PBEBS to j f Irv bavo a ina*C"'ficcnt MccortiMff^j^, of friend* I \avft prepared ty^^^^JuHfuiore A'xti. i i (liftsK> l>c niado of any choice i 1 and custns,, r*3'TfIc purchaser is ??re to rccoive I NaVj?^rt^JCW0'ry> which, in many enscs, prove I m^HOUIlklt.?fiiiltiworc Dai'/y Ks< hamje. , ' Tlicy niukc no promises that arc not |>crformcd p;(| drietly to tho letter, and by thus punctually cancel- )orj iik their obligations, have gained tho cutire confl- yja lencc of not only our citizens, hut the country ^Up ibroad.?Dallimorc I'atriot. A young lady acquaintance of ours purchased, for ( I. a hook at this establishment, n few days since, ( nd received n double-cased gold watch, valued at ( no hundred dollars.?l/aitimore C/ijiprr. The success which attends the Gift Hook House On f Messrs. II. K. Ifovt A Co., has no precedents in to annuls of (lift Enterprises.?/,'?(i?Wims <t- Anjn*. Call and see them, and our word for it, you will >t regret your visit.?Di*pntrh, Halliniart. The inducements to tho Southern and Western ^ pie to make their purchases from Messrs. lioyt A " >., are much greater than can be offered by any jr> , use of the kind in the country. Freight from Halnorc to any Southern point is loss, and tho im 1 '>rl psc order business done by this linn is a guarantee 1 l>r' ^fehwJj^dinent of all promises.?/YimiTy .fimrtuit. ' ''r' H fck^^-tting books for nothiua aud ( EUrator. 0 j H H^^artially filled, living to take All orders aill ho promptly and Si and forwarded withiu one day after liem^^B The (lifts, in all cases, will accompany the liod^HI with a written certificate to the person sending the p order. 1 *0* Remember, no (lift" ds???n??--* oi less value 1 (hun .Ml cents, or more than $100. Aililress, II. K. 1IOYT A CO.. No. 41 lialtimorc (St., llultimorc. Mil. ' April 14 49 3m* DISSOLUTION. rpiIF. Copartnership of F. F. HKATTIE A CO. v I has expired by limitation. All persons iudchtt)<t to lim Firm, hv Nolo or llook Account, arc rc<(iu's(en to tall and pay the same at an early day. d F. P. HKATTIE. February 15, 1859. 11. C. PULLIAM. "? ( New Firm. tlHIK mtWeribcrs have formed a Copartnership, I and will continue the ltnsiiiess at the Old Stand, under the Finn of HKATTIE A I'd.1,1AM. They exj cot soon to receive a flue Stock of SPR/SG A SO SI'MMKR GOODS, and will ho pleased to reo their old friends and customers. .'-v * F. F. BEATTIK. 1,1 Feb 17 41 -din H. C. PULLIAM. to A. BEECO SUtll a Cntiiliilatr far Public l'rttr<>it<i<fCrrin<J will WORK ill KM' FOR CASH. ng UK will make Fino Coats for ill each ; Common $' Coats, ut from $3 to )?5} Pants at from $1.25 '"S o <>1.75, anil Vests at the same rates. Repairing, .'!e inino and Pressing done at short notice. Ho is hanklul for past favors, and asks for a continuation nitc f the same. He warrants to fit. Call at tho Old for 'oiirt House, in tho room formerly occupied by the Cau trdiiiary. 2fi~tf Jan 13 ?r ( Abbeville and Washington 3TAOE LIKTE " FROM ABBEVILLE TO WASHINGTON. t,lo/ 1"MIK Proprietor of this well-established Line (liken ,,?c thin method of informing the |iul>lio (hat ho ing n changed hia Schedule, for tho convenience of tilth wmcu^orn. Yorl The StagO will leave Abbcvillo Court House on p,ml ON DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Mornings, N o'clock, hut in consequence of the had condition the roads, it will not hereafter await the arrival of , ^ 0 down train from Orueuvlile, an heretofore. j*?r Passengers hy tbia route will reaoh AthHta, ggm ?., the next day evening,-at 10 o'clock, after leav1 Abbeville C. If. at The Stage will leave Washington, ttn., on TUK8- . VY', THURSDAY and SATM; It DAY Morning*. Ja The Line has been refitted with a splendid KOFH >R8K COACH, GOOD TEAMS, and an oxperi cd DRIVER. r?l! jJKJ" Paaavnrcrs from all point* above Newherry, J. ng West, will find that they ran reach any point to M it of Atlanta in exaetly tho same time, and with rooor less expense than hy way of Itranehville. They 'or further information, apply to facto JOHN McHRYDK, Agent, rlon.v \t the Post 0?cc, Abbeville, C. H., 8. C. ing ?i ipnl 7 5 ly_ ordin HOTICK. |KUSON'S indebted i-.? lite l?t?- Firm of W. II. 110 V BY A CO., can aotllo the aamo at my ofr or iboy will find their Nolo an nta in the Firm i 7 m > ' v . . ' I I ... 1. I i * vyjjbv** * k? s# * **' ' w. ' ? ' -V?V ]?T* ~.'\, Vt* ? N ITeorgia state lottekyT v rOK tap ?kn bfit or tbb MttNT ICEltO UNION ACADEMY. Aaikori><4 67 Special Act of LofUlatara. McKINNEY A CO.. Mana?ana. CAPITAL PRIZE, SGOdPO. More than One Prite to rrery Jw Ticket?. WnoLB Ttfurra, $10; Hai.vf.*, $5: Qtartrrr, *?. MAfiNIPICRWT _ ?? m. to uk draw* EACH SATURDAY IH MAY. I860. Class 18 draws Saturday, May 7, 1829. Cj.ahs IV draws Saturday, Mat W, 1829. Class 20 draws Saturday, Mat 21, *1869. Clams 21 draws Saturday, May 28, 1829. 1 Prixo of 60,000 is C0,?00 1 Prise of 1,290 U 1.209 I " " 10,000 is 10,000 20 Prises of400 ere 20,900 I " " 6,000 Is 2,000 100 " * S00 ? 30,000 1 " ? 2,000 is 2.000 100 " ? 200 ?* 20,000 1 " " 4.000 is 4.000 100 " " 100 " 10,000 1 " " 3,000 is 3,000 100 " '? 60 ? 2,009 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prixes of $400 Approx. to$8R,000 Priso aro$ 1,000 4 ? " 300 " " 10.000 ? ?* 1.200 4 " " 220 " " 2,000 " ? 1.000 4 ? ?' 250 <? " 2.000 '? <* 1,000 4 " " 200 ? ? 4.000 " <* 890 4 " " 120 ? " 3.000 " ? 800 4 " " 100 " ? 1,200 ? ? 400 2,000 Prixes ol 30 arc 120,000 2,483 Prixes, amounting to ....$330,100 crrtiricatrs or Paukaqkh will )>e sold Bt til* following rates, which is Mir risk : Certificate of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets, $70. " " 10 Half M ?2. " ? ? 10 Quarter " 18. 10 Eighth ? 9. IN ORDKRtNG TICKETS OR CCRTIFtCATCS, Enclose tho money to our address for the tickets ordered, uii loceipt of whioh they will bo forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending ill any figure they may degignato. The list of drawn number* and prixes will he sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. All communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Express, to be director! to McKINNEY A CO., April 21 60-lm iVuransai, Off. WOOt), EDDY & CO/S ^ SIIGLE SDMBER LOTTERIES. CHARTERED BT THE STATE or GEORGIACAPITAL PRTZL $50,000! riCKE TS ON L< Y $10. Koticr to thk Public.?As the ?>sml?ers of our irm, by tho way of purchase, be-0"1? the owners of he grants chartered l>y tho 8t-,M ^ Delaware, Kenucky, Missouri, anil part ' ^ Ooorgia, unrler he management of M 0r?K??".V A Maury, of Vilmington. Dcla-^*' *? have deemed it expedient o change the ,,nJ? "rni' on after Janti , , ..... I*, mu OI WOOD. EDDY A CO.. who *y l.ptiaac?r have tlio management of the 8part% Yill V* t 4* , ,,..1 4* - oiVCIH, JW U1XM O UMlucd. k /T ' ' W We have endeavored to conduct I" "'LASWwith integrity and promptness, and we If uviirc the pill.lie that the patronage heretofore stowed oil us Is well deserving of heing transferred our mi pressors. Very respectfully. ^ 8. SWAN A CO. Augusta, Ua., Dcccmher 15, 1858. W ood. Eddy A Co., lWnmigcr*, 8UOCKSOOHS TO R. SWAN' 4 OO. The following Scheme will he drawn by Wood, dy A Co.. Managers of the Sparta Academy laities, In each of their Single Numlier Lotteries for y, 1859, at AUGUSTA, Ga., in public, under the erintcudcnce of Commissioners: Slabs 19 DRAWS SATrnDAT, MAY 7, 1850. 3I.ahs 20 DRAWS SATTRPAY, MAY It, I860. ?I.AR8 21 DRAWS SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1850. /I.ass 22 draws SATrnnAV, May 28, 1859. the Flan of 8lngle Numbers. 60,tK)0 Tickktr. i Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Five Frizes. Nearly One J'rite to rrcry jViiir Ticket*! IAGNIFICENT SCHEME, TO RK OH AWN I CII SATURDAY 7jV M A J". izoof. $50,0001 1 Prito of $1,500 zeof 20,000 50 Prizes of. 500 zc of 10,000 100 Prizes of. 400 zoof 5.00"] 100 Prizes of. .800 zo of 4.000] 100 Prises of 150 zc of 3,000i 100 Prizes of. 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 'rizes of $100 Appro*, to$50,000 Prize arc $1,<>00 " " .800 ? " 20.000 " " 1.200 M ? 250 " " 10,000 " " 1,000 it a 225 " " 5.000 " " "On 44 OAft ?.? " 4.000 " " 800 " ?m. ,000 " " 20 arc..Tj^H^^ ,485 Prices, Amounting to .7T7?^^J Bj 'iioi.k Tickets, $10; IIai.vkh, $;>; Qi artkii^H V.J'riM p*r \ Circular, showing the plan of the Lot^H , ba, will be sent to any one desirous of reccivtrur CerUflcatcs of Packages will be gold at the f lnw^B BH which is flic risk : ^HMl Certificate of Package of lw Whole Tickets, $S0. io H' Quarter 20. " 10 Eighth 10. IX OttDKRHTO TICKETS n| CKHT'FIO <TIB*. Enclose the money h> our address for the Tickets w tiered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded ' first mail. Purchasers can have tickets cudiug uny figure they may designate. The list of Drawn Numbers and Prises will bo sent purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, d give their Post Office, County and t^tate. Hcruemhor that every Prise is drawn and yaldo in full without deduction. All pr'ucs of 000, and under, paid immediately after the draw- ^ [?other prises at the usual time of thirty days. NOTICE TO COJlltESfONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can ! the Auams Express Company, whereby money Tickets, in snins of Ten Dollars, ami upwards, i he sent us at <>nr ri*k mul < .r/?-?i?r, from any city-" (own where they have an office. The money and or must bo enclosed in a " (Jortmmrnt I'ant (IJftee npeil envelope " or tho Express Compan^cannot <ive them. >11 communications *iri.,?i? ?? vouuncnimi. iddror* order* for Ticket* or Certiflratcsp to WOOD, KDDY A CO., Augu?ta, On. r?r, WoOI), KDDY A CO., Atlanta, On. >r. WOOD. KDDY A CO.. Wilmington, Del. SB* A Hat of the number* thnt aro drawn from wheel, with the mnount of the prixe that each i* entitled to, will be published after every drawin the following paper* i Augusta (Ua.) Const!>iiali*t, Mobile Kcglater, Nashville (ImhAIo, New It Weekly Dny Book, Richmond Dispatch, and Idlng (Mi**.) Clarion. 50-tf Ap 21 BL A C K S MTf HTN QT The concern of TOWNK8 A HAWtejj>r KIN8 having been di.-*olved by mot ml E^Sa2|eoiiwnt, the husiuc.s* will be carried ou ? Hume Khop by the undersigned. . O. W BROOK g. * nuary, 1859. J. L. HAWKINS. NOTICE. IK undersigned having transferred hi* interest in the Blacksmith Whop near Williams' rear*. Brooks A Hawkins, take* pi. >Mogg|? amending them to a share of puhlicii^H JH will he prepared to attend illy to all calls their jH and skillful Smith* in ary