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..y, nii.g. i.,, LiL-J--, ? li? "Bgg ^ ' - < *- i = t >f.y ,i ^ .1 ?^ sjifttott cjymlqEi/ a The Song of I^ove. _v ? T Dl. BOW KINO. P Wpi for the sun d*?ti bn*(hri above, H brightens on the national JL dmmita Mm fc* Bh??? M l?oe, Then Joj and gratulatlooo. < Vt.'vVY . > , ?* -i* ,. ,?. ' For man?for man la moving 09, ,. And Heaven and earth are moving; The tiaeo the time Cm Ul* n mm Sow Is the time for loving. j Yes! bate, yeel bate baa done tta wont. And man by lev* attended Hath trampled on ita erest accurst. And now iU reign la ended. 1 The tyrant's power la overthrown. All'wakening, all improving I The time?the time for hate it goue, * Now It the time fair loving. love I toe tier round thy glories wide, > '? On near landa and on far lande! - j . . Love's flower* spring up on every tide. Oh, wreathe then* into garland*. . iV, From home to house-?from none to sone. All weedt of bete removing; The time?the time for hate it gono, i Now it the time for loving. O'er roofs of pcatnnts?domes of kings, lie love the guardian angel t The holiest of all holy things, Is love and love's Evangel t Firm as a steadfast roelt their throne. While chitting year* are moving; The time?the time tor hate is gono. Now is the time for loving. ?Lli 1 Jl? . . ... I i jMttnorurt'B <?>lio. Going the Entire Porker. Old Levi Allen used In go tin peddling in hit younger days, at which bndnesA h? nocumulated quite n fortune before be was seven and twenty. The neighbor* of the bor ongh whero lie finally settled, as the proprietor of a pretty large farm, would often insinuate that Allen Lad not b?-en any too brmest in gathering together hw riches, and such whs (lie fact. A fellow sinner hut* since revealed tome of the ohl man's youihful short-comings and over-going*. and there was one " dodge " of his so original that il in worth a mention. It wns this : Wherever our denier in tin-wnre chanced to put up for the night, he was pietty sure to innke his way to tlie l>e>t bed m tiie house. From this bed he would take a lw?g from the cart for that purpose, and contrive to smuggle out the same and get it ilowed awav m his " kit n W-f >re nnv <>u? was stirring. This proceeding, giving him several pounds of good geese feathers every day, did r.oi a lit tie towards swelling the profits of his bu.-i : Mess, ami we are a*, it rod that it was oak one of many similar practices iu which he indulged. . \ > . t Ou oucoccasion Allen slept in abed which was very scanty?a rlimiiui'ive bed, a bed of few feathers, but all it contained were " live geese," and unusually good at that. The speculative tin-war? merchant thought it would be rather small business to take awav feathers front a case containing so few?in short; tha'hi* only sensible tm?de <>f proceed* nre was to tako the entire bed. lie uffcoidingly rose |>efore the suit, and commenced shoving it out the roar window, with the in i tenti<>n to go down on account of" that Vrioolie." and stow it away b-.-fore any one wasj " up." lint, n<* ill-luck would have it. the lio4l had arisen, and was out under tho win , hsw galheihig some light ships and fuel far the morning fire, mix I whew be saw the be. I "looming up" in such an unnatural position. and just ready to fall to the ground, lie cried out to the peddler : " Halloa there, stranger ! what are you doing ?" The mdoWKltft} '' operator n saw that he wai caught in the net, but bin ready wit helped lii in out. * iVmig!" lie rej >ined, with % look Cull 1/ wrath, /u ha thrust his lieaJ out ami to<>h n survey of the field, 411 guess some of those infernal bed bugs will sooa find out what I uin about?Iinveii't slept a wink all night 1? With this, lie " lei" the l?ed out of the wmd?nv, and wen* down to the woo<l pile, froin wliencu he took a club, and gave the bed such a beating therewith as would haw been, fatal to any sort of ** creeping thing " ensconced theiein. lie then look it baek to k? room, and looked so w darned Inmost" at breakfast 'hat the host dhJn't charge him but half prica for lodging*, and took it all in 41 tin." r>vMar. Wkbstkk on one occasion observed a little urchin with, hat off on the steps <f the State !loose. ffb?tiw*. bestir t attaching his head and examining hie nni mated locks and occasionally throwing sornetliing down. The groat statesman smiled at tine little fellow, and good naturedlv said : - <\h, wiy lilih) chap, I see yon are bu-y ; pa-king tUvui out, eh !?puking them out V " Oh, ho," said the little fellow, looking up arehlv in' hie faro. * N<>, sir-oe ! I pike urn just as tin/ coftte- !*' th?a would >-e aston lilted in the Henry Ward lleecher?but we itmei stop ; it was not ?4r intention to fallow the fortune* oi this little boy.? Printer. As old lady taking a letter to 4 fiiend and' e^ues:ii?g Iter to raud u, said, " I cauT read, a fining liand.' 11... I I.u ?1 !? i lit- rrmi, n W*W~, iflfU * IP"H h mciooot,'im life writing w?w *li*i illegible. " All J*' ftniilt lh? h<K, " k be fri.m in)1 !H?n Jerry?lio ftlweva luitcieU.** * * 4? - * . *7 *JP 1 ?rr . - . - . 0*. . ~4r?* Come here, ,* wMii n young gentle ?n:i?r to a Hltle girt t<* who** akler lie >Mving h? mMrewM?* ; " you are ikenweeteni thing op earth." * Nu I aio'l," hK? rej.lieil, ' ?wt<'i e?ys you, at A I lie nweeieet." The gentleman l*?ppe<lj <l?o qoftrttoi* the bV\f'll?T. # Thr kwritHoferDU PiHao&teT" 9^ *br Excitkj> ^Ikidic.?w'Twns twilight, 'The tugrhad sunk I'OiicnUiJite western hills, auJ j the bright ray* which streaked the eastern J lioiizon had. disappeared. A lovely female, w ho had be??n hut oiti'ebovi week a bride, and had been led to the hymeneal altar vrith lively anticipation* of future felicity, aal in a ec)ede4v?mvUn?.qu wgh -Iter husband.? , Sl?e slowly moved her sylph-like form toward* the partner of be* bosom?raited her deltiat^timd?and ?oh. Ood I shipped hi* face with the dithclolh. " C.cs *n" said a planter to hit negro,! ** elitub up that tree and thin out the branch ea.H The negro showed no disposition to comply, and tjpon being pressed for a renton, anHWered? " WeM. hn?k henh, tnassa.if J I go up?darJti$$4lt (Ujkrn and broke my neck, dat'll be a tousand dollar* out ?' von |>ocket. Now, why don't you hire aa IiUhman to go up. and den if he falls and kill* neseir, unr won i do no low to notHKly.' *^"V* ' A wit^Wlti)^ told that an old acquaint- | aace was man led. exclaimed, "lam glad to bear it." But reflecting a moment, he added. in a tone of companion and torget fulness. M and vet I don't know Why I should be, be never did roe nuy hnitn." " Who i* that lovely girl I" exclaimed the witty Lord Norbury, in company with bis friend Counsellor Grant. " Miss Ulna*," feplied \he Counsellor. " I should dften be intoxicated could I place such a glass to my lijrs." Joux, said a father to bis son, one day when lie caught, bim shaving the down oft' , hie upper'Hp,3W?it'l throvt your shaving wa ter out where thet-e are anv l?m-f<?oted boys, for they might get their feet pricked. v m. E i'koi'ui ktok of THB L1DII58' 8T0RB,i DKALKR IN f ' ;,M . FAC1SY A1SB STAPLE DRY UBS. HI OH DitliSSGOODS, BOWNETS, nrBBoifS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Beady Made Clothing, ako hijdua MO m GREENVILLE, S. C. N. B.?Orders ncoonmanicj by Urc cash for Medical, Law or Library IvxiL'.^lcmrnl Instrument* and Hundries, promptly filled in New York, and delivered at his counter oa shortest notice. Jan ttf 36 ly DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AVU TIN WARE. IjMNDING it im|>??ajt.lo to continue a CREDIT A BUSINESS, I U?k-- tlii# method of informing my friends end patron* lliut on and after llio firrt. day of Jaaiwry, 1889. I will sell only for or Barter, find wilt not keep anv Open Account*. 1 will keep on hand a fjorf l StoA of (k> kXDis)a a> ra ? <g ra n ^ @ WlliCtf WAIfUti, which I will sell at most reasonable prices. Paper. rIMl?Sal?rcrilMr i?|le<SMnufadMjmr 1'RIKT1 INU and WRMM'TNG rorKV of eh *i*e?. ty it AGS wanted, aii?1 taken in any quantity. R. GREENFIELD. i>cc 9 81 4f , DO YOU WISH TO 28*0 If StiVAYOI K!t URKKNVItLK t r|'*IIF. Suln-vrihcr in Agent for I lie aale of tliA Jl following Town Pruiii'rty : IIOUSK AN ll LOT on'Knucoittbe Btrret, c?p posit.. the. Female College, utvuwl by Mr. i). ). Auiiiim. HOUKF. AND-LOT?>f Mr. J. 1*. Feasor, near tlur U<iilron<l lii'pnt. One of the moat desirable pi nee* in Greenville. IIOUSK AND LOT of >lr. If. R. Wtllianw, op the Augusta road, and near the 1>epoi. Also several olbcr pbeM. The above property will b? ?oU upon tbo moat reaewnahie terrn*. , , Mr. P. 1'BICK Jan to , ' 87 tf M DAvn) & i7EPSTINr 1MPOHTKKM AMD IIKALKRS IN WATCHES, NO. 39N KINO HTKEET, cuaulbstun, 8. 0. X3T Wi|tcl?e? 4 Clock* repaired warranted for oaa.yar.J0 Feb 10 . r vjlff. ly* HOXTSES AWD iOTS FOR SATE. MTIIE suli&criber offers for Sftle two UJTjji, In tlio town of Graanville, altii-1 ?(< n i'vn-1 !i-t??n Street, nn.I within tire min-1 uW walk ol the Railroad Depot, l.n.-ii l.ot i line a CoUago on it. fc'iaa tVoIW of water and j coiivunient Out houaea ?re on the premises. , Titcev Lou ?ill tt sqkT jcgrfVar *r on very ren*onal>le term*. For further partleiilai%, ?* IoIIm tiu of lt>? Lota, lehw, AD , apply to L? W. WATfcoS. "TXjjffT I Jfl'T A * I A. BE3HOO STILL A CA.ND.0Att KR PUBLtC PATRUKAGE, And will Work Cheap for Cash. HK will tnnke Fin.* <V?at? for $0 each; k'nm nioAt'nnt*. from (13 U*ft; I'nut* from ai.W arat-tft. ?w> T?-*f m the ww?a<?. Ha. pairing, (ieaniutf and Pr**ftinjt Am.a at short notice. lie U thnukluj for on "t favor A an.1 n*k* . for a eoiirimifttfon ?f flte aame. lie warrant* to fit. Call at t bo Old Court I louse, iu tire room formerly occupied by the Ordinary. Jan 13 3fi. ^ tf Blanks. ALAROE lot of HUM. PROf* , neatly printed and f"r ??*# at tV* eAirs. (Au^ijlL imms. HEW 8TYU8-PIWCE8 too It $138. EXTRA OHA RGB OF $6 FOR HBMLMEBS. 495 Broadway, JTig^T-^L BBS Xing Street, ^ - C*rlestoiq JAMBS B. SHERMAN, Agent, Greenville, S. C. * * r.?w vj"* "ft rpHBSR MACUINBS nw From tiro spools, as ?L purchased from the store, requiring no rewinding of thread; they Hetsr. Mr, GkKherand Btiteh in ? superior style, liUiing eech Mnm l?y 1beir own operation, without recourse to the haud^needle, ss id required by other mncliinee. Thiy will do better end eheepor stwieg than e seamstress oen; <v4h If she works for oj?k oeirr an noeu, end ere, uiiqucstiooabiy, the pvxi Me i chines in the market Tor,Tunily sewing,*on account of their simplicity. durability, eeso of I management, nruJ adaptation to all varieties of family sewing?executing either heavj or floe work with equal facility, and without special adjustment. As evidence of the nnqctlioned .superiority of their Machines, the flrovcr A Baker sewing Machine Company l>eg leave to respectfully refer lo the following TDSTIMOHIALB. 1} "Having had me of O rover A Bauer's Machines in my family /or nearly p year and a half, I take pleasure in commending it as every^ way reliable for the purpose for which it is designed ?family sewing."?Mra Jorhua wpf'Jff Rev. Dr. Learit,' Kditor of K. V. Tndejtendcnt. " I tonfcM mj-self delighted with yoor Sewing Machine, which lias been Id my family for many mouths. It hoa always been ready for duty, requiring no ndjnstmeni, and is easily adapted to every variety of family sewing, by simplv changing the spools of thread."?Afr*. Elhabeth Strickland, wife of Ret. Dr. Strickland, Kditor of N. I*". Christian Advocate. ' . " Alter trying several different good machines, I preferred yours, on aeeount of its simplicity, and the perfect ease with which it is mnuagen, as well as the strength and durability of the seam. After long experience, 1 feel competent to speak in this manner, and to confidently recommend it for every variety of familyJewing." ?Mr*. E. B. Spoorter, teife y the Edit yr of Brooklyn Star. "I hare used a Grorer ?fe Baker Sewing Machine for two years, and have found it adapted to all kinds of familj sewing, from cambric to broadcloth. Garments have been Worn out without the glvhig way of a atltoh. The Machine is easily kept in 'order, and easily tieed."? Afr*. A. B. Whipple, wife^f Re*, fiea. Whipple, AT*te York. " Your flawing Maehine hns been in^use in iajr. family the past two ymrs, and thefXtltris request iu? to give you their testimonials to its perfect adaptedno**, as well n* labor-saving qualities in tlie performance of fairly and household sewing.'?Robert Boorman, Jft? York. " Yor sereml months "we have wed Gmfer A Baker's Sewing Muehine. and have come to the conclusion that every hidv who de-urcs her sewing beautifully and quickly done, would be most fortunate in |>oeseaeiug ouo of theso reliable and Inderal liable '.iron needlewomen/ whose combined qualities hf beantv; strength, mid simplio Ity, Ar? invaluable."?-J IV. Morris, daughter of 6V?. (tea. P. Morris, Kditor of the. Hotne journal. Extract of a lotter from Tho?. 1L Utiitt, K*n? an American gentleman, now resident in 8ydnvv. Now South Wales, dated January 12. 1R68: "Iliad a tent made in Melbourne, in 1858, in which there were ovty three thousand j-ards of eewing done with one of G rover A Baker'a Machines, and a tingle seam of that line outstood all tho double nesrai sowed by snilurs witUo* needle and twine." " If lioiuer couhl be called up from his murky ha lea, he would sing the advent of Grover A Baker as a more bcuigunnt miracle of art than was ever Vulcan's smithy. lie would denounce midnight ahiremaking as ' the direful spring of woes unnumbered.'"?Prof. North. " I take pleasure in saving that the Grover A Baker hewing Machine* linvc imjrc limn su.?tnincd mv expectation. After trying and returning other*, 1 have three of thain in operation in my different place*, and, utter four years* trial, have no fmrlt to find."?J. 11. hiiimnond, Senator of South Carolina. " My wife has had one of Grover A Bnker'a Family Sewing Machine* fov ?oino time, and 1 am satisfied it is one of tiie heat labor-saving machine* that line been invented. I take much pleasure in recommending it to the public."? J. O. Harris, OoUemor of 2'ennttste. "It is a honutiflil thing, and pate everybody i into an excitement of good humor. 'Woro I a"* Catholic, I should insist upon Saints Grover ami 1 Baker having an ctergal holiday In eonum niof. i~. ? I tivi ii. cififr.'b " *' I think it by fur the best patent in nse. The Machine can be *<laptr<l from the finest cambric to the heaviest caeeimerc. It sews stronger, ftuto?, and mora beautifully than one can imagine. (T mine could not be replaced, money could not buy it."?J/n. J. G- Drottn, Na*f<rt2le, Tenn. "Itisspeedj, very neat, and durable in its work; la easily understood and Wept in repair. 1 earnestly recommend this Machine to all my acohaintnnoes and others."?Air*, if. A. For r tat, Afanphit, Tbuk. v A A "V 44 We find this Machine to work to our satiefaction, and with pleasure recommend it to the pnnfie. as we believe the Orover A Raker to be the beat Sewing Machine in uae.'-^/Zcary Broth era, AUimnia, 7'eun. "It used exclusively for family purposes, with ordinary care, I Will wager they will last one 'threescore years and ten, and never get out of fix."??Joktt Fr*ki**r, Jfua/itiUr, Tenn. hud j'oyr Abu'liinc for severe] and am perfectly sntTsfictl that the .work itjoji is the best ana most beautiful that, over wa? made."?Sfaygie Aimirott, NaahviTtr, Trnn. " t use my Mnchioo"tij>on ena.'s, dfoa#-nisking, and fine linen stitching, and the work is admfr-'. able?far hotter than the haad sswinir, or anv other machine I Wave ever scea."?Lucy 11. Thorn pro*, A'aa/teiUt, Ttnn. f v - I find the work the strongest and most beantihil C have ever seen, made either by hand or machine, and regard the C?rover A baker Machine as one of the greatest blessing* to our sex." ?Afro. Ttglor, KaahvlHr, 7'rwn. " 1 Iisve one at t:r?r^> a n.t-?.'. i. ' um in my family, and And it invaluable. I can cr.rtfldontle rroemmrtd) it to a>l pcrvm* fn want of a maelnae."? G. ? Tht>mp*on, viH* Tmn. "J take pleasure fn chttlfjrlng to the ntility of the Grover A Maker Hewing Machine*. I Save ihe-d one on elmnet every dwrriptlon of work for months, and And it maeltatrongar awd better In every resect than wefh-done by hand."? Mr*. D. WJkVo, Ifthrilh, Ten*. "I Would he unwilling to dlepoec of my Grover A Maker Machine for a large amount, eonld I not replace it again at pIeaMire,"-^fra. U. <L tiaoa 'd,. ifa*hvilU, limn. " Onr two Machines, parehaeed from you, do the work of terentv yonng lattice, We with fdeaanre recommend" the Grover A Baker Hewng Machine to lie the beei in uae_"?JV. Si ill man 4 6V. Mmtpki*, Tmin, "1 And the Machine ea?ily managed. very dm rahle, and take pleasure in recommend in? it to all who wish convenience, economy, and plcaenrr.VJIfm K tfrmphiit. Tenn. March 10 it If - itfi' 'm 4, i * / . . * - - MHp ^ Wlfllffiwlw! , J? ^ % Jk' Hi? mlxnttitn rifpcc t/olly callt]ia -^^^^utteution of the public generally to tlie % It4?go Mi "Well Selected Stock iMfsTiwiis AND , ^ BROOAJTS, J which they havejuat opmed <yt their eMabllah- ' m?i on the \Ve?t aide of tit? Hirer, between Mr?n. W iliUina' and David's Stole*,'near tbc 'fheir Stock having boon laid if* fur Cash, at ^ the best ShoeMarket*, by acompetent judge, thay . n re enabled to Bell aheap, aa a conijmrison of their Stock will plainly show. ? Ladles' Department. Tli? attention of Uio Ladioa is rc*i>eetfully call ed to the aasortment to be found in the depart- 1 ment of L4D1J%S' AM) MltaSKS' (jAlTKKS, v SHOES, Ac. < Children1* Shoot ?>f every variety o1- I Waya on hand. f or Thf Stock u?w on l?o?d embrace* an aaaortment of BOOtS, BKOGANS nndSllOES, of all deaeriptlona, which arc offered at unusually low prices. BOOT k SHOE MANUFACTORY. Wc Are now male! npfprop* ration* toromtneneh the JIAKUf AtflTiRK of Boot* and Shoe*, and will reoeHc and faithfully fulfil nil orders iu that line. v OnOOBIRrElB. A general assortment of tJBOCERIFS will al- J an I hi found at thi* establishment, and will be dirt- ' jtoecd of ?m aeeommndattng tetioi. BROOKS, SCRUGGS ft GIBSON. I w? ? ? ? . Shec-ITInlfers Wanted. | A few competent Hnnde eon find employnient on early application to Ok B.,-b: A Oct 21 % I tf KKitOMMOIir | IK order to obtain a regular supply of KEHO- 1 HE ICE OIL for oor customers, wo haro Aoen compelled to pay a reeont advance of 26 per cent, and to cash' bills on delivery of the Oil. An Oil la nAu/ oaIi! Kt? *Ka V.% fill nv exempt upon these terms. and none is sold", I except to old customers, on any terms, We lire, therefore, obliged to raise the price to $2 a gallon, ensh, and $2.60, on orcdit. Even at these ratee the Oil is not half the cost of Candles, Sperm or Lard Oil, or ni?y other illuminating subetance. A supply will ho received in n fesr days. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent Ornamental Cast Iron Work. RAILINGS, Gates, Posts, Stairs, Fountains, Vases, Statuary, and every other variety , of Ornamental Castings in Iron. Orders received for Wood and Perot, Philadelphia, the best lions') of the kind in the I'tii- 1 ted States. Engravings uf Patterns and Cuta- loguc of Pricca may be seen on application to JAMES B. SlIKllMAN, Agent ? Jnsl Uct'fivrtl, 4 BEAUTIFUL nsodrtincrtt of l\its, Kettles, t\. Skillets, Frying Pans, Smootluug Irons, Andirons, Mortars, Cauldrons, Bootjneks, and otlicr eastings. c J. n. SHERMAN, Agent.' ' < Call and See *\ WOOD A PKUOT.S superb portfolio of drawings of Ornamental Cast Iron ] Work. It is well worthy of inspection as a, work of art. J. B. S11EKMAN, Agent. Cask ! Ca?li! IN order to encourage a cash bnsihase, n discount of tire per cent, from regular prices will be nindc on ail cash sales from fS to fhiOr ' and a discount of Trv per cent, on all eash sales over $20, J. B. SHERMAN, Agent i The Economist, - . r?MltE best Cooking Stove in the world. Soon ' X to arrive J Tl <4It t.MJ Af A V I I Keep Out lite Cold. FORRRVS Adjustable Weather Strip, for doora; Irecpe out rain, snow, and cold air; < eaves fuclj and promote* good health. For sale by J II. SlfKUMAN, Ageht. Nor. 18. 28 tf raoMpsoN&sfm, MAIN STREET, j Next to the Rluiiaioii llou?o, A Ri- prepared to furnish Gentlemen with eye- i ?V" ry Article of 1 FASHIONABLE CWTKrWG 1 suitable to the season, and necessary to the comfort and decent appearance of the outer ntan. A MO, An excellent Assortment of BOOTS, SHOES & HATS, WITH A VA1UK1V OK ' WA'mit dVWM'L'Mr AND A CHOICE EOT or I SEGABS AND TOBACCO. Oct 91 24 tf j House:Building. j \ WILLIAM ROSAMOND ' yflff JrT,Vrv iet'oiro the < iU/?n? of A 'ff&rTS 0 it-en riW, itnd th<? pfitiHc'fcen*-' M'riir'^l that he h |>rt i>:ireil t?> take oontrnet* for any kind of CAR- , I'kN'l'p^KI,M? on 1 WOOD-WORK. Uli.i.l?,S??K , and l'annel Door*, tnndetn order ntthort notice I and in tfood atyto. lie respectfully flak* n ahar# | wf His I' PAiifllo-Cfftirg*, W?*l aide of iitinouiube Street. ( -1 ' c 80 84 :?m 1 NOTICR. A 1Ai per*on* indebted to the Estate of the , /X. late Capt KO&KR LOV ELAND, are liercl<y notitii-11 to tall sad make payment to nie bofore the 8prittjf1tfm of Court, of they will no*itively he ?ued, m I am how eoaipclled to olv*c the YM>tte. MARTHA LOVELAND, (Mf " IW? Administrate! *. *j*otic?7 ' "! | OERHONS Indebted to the late firm of W. H. 1 tIDVKY A CO., can settle the Mine *t my offiee very anon, or tliev wiH find their Note* ^ and' Aooonnte in the hands of n\| Altoruoy for 1 eolleotion. Longer indulgence cannot he given. The business of toe Ann uiust ho settled. W. II. H0VF.Y- < Feb 17 41 tf mi. * * i -- T 2X" T'"' iT "kr "~~;3^ r I ?Sed.;4 gQoblett, ' UTORMEU AT LAW* SOLICITORS IN EftOITY. 1ST Office next tloor to f. F. Heattie dr CV>. .jflFl -"I GK'KENVILtE, tf. C. . P. RKKD .R. I). ?H>om.KTT. j Jwt*?A .ri.-T iix* . . ... tL. I ATTORNEYS Al ClW, M. V 13 ft a v r -J o o tf 3 ElOMRl 3\ THRUOT0K? E D, ^2 OT???t& ims rngFicssioNAL SEUU j WcESYtftfilscreurrfnnhy. llii Ofltc*,iV>r 1hc t? present, U in the Old Court Hoaa* itui)ding. Jan 14 3C tf ITannfaCtnror of and Dealer in FURNITURE of every description. " B CHAIRS of avery atyV, r9w^h A x ri ISK'S CELEBRATED METAIIC BURIAL CASES, X' Opposite the, Congarer Hoi*.'} VV FoV* , ppLUMBU. U d , 39-lj MRS PMIS & SIS MM JNTjmpc>!\ IIAVlNO rymgved to the JflAflHHj STOWU roc.ntly ocoupitd by tf liBml 'nt* Chnrlca Smith, next door to W. J1. llovey, * ill ^TlX MILX/LNEKY //y\ AND DRESS MAKING. BUSINESS r* heretofore. Thankful to the public for pn*t favor*, uro rcapootfully solicit a continuance of the winfic 81-tMl l>ee 9 . ^ AGENCY FOR ~ IIRTi CiRBLfflillSHAICE C0MPAIY. TTIE ASHEVILLE MUTIIA! INSURANCE PflMPANV HAVING complied villi the legal reijnUilli n of thia State, in relation to Ageneiee, and liaving appointed the nndersigncd as their Agent [or this plnce. )ie i? wow prepared to TAlv 1". IUSKS on LIFE or IHOFKUTY. JJTRffj #ji n t?~vr- C ruwr? Greenville, 8. C., Feb. 10, 1858. 4fl-tf Mu* ^ C V/SUBGEON DENTIST, GREENVILLE, S. C. Office North- Wcit comer J/uu and A rmm Street* IIAS jntt returned f^'oni l'hiladelphia, and will he pi raxed to attend to any who are in wont of hie aerliecs. AUTIFICIAI> TEETH Inserted from one to full' Upper nnd Lower ?ctts, In the most approved anil durable manner. Exposed Neryea destroyed and treated, free >f pain. Jan I 35?tf pi^f^rp jC^TFT ^nPT5 AND: (LEATHER STORE., " THE SUBSCRIBER haa pa,haml an excellent assortment of ITOoTS AND SHOES, of his own mnnufaiiure. Also, just received, n line assortment of Ladies' Shoes, 81ipperst Gaiters, &c, MISSIES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. all aixeR, ' Gentlemen's Slippers. Also, a laage stock yf BROGAN^ Shoemakers' Tools, Leather Findings, Thread, Lace, de. llo has also on hand a Urge stock of LBATH BR., which he will Bell at Wholesale or Retail, Having in Kit employ excellent, workmen, he ? prepared to make the finest nrtiele of BOOTS ?ud SHOES at the'shortest notice. of g,e above Goi>ds, together with articles >i iiih own mnnwneTnre, will bo sold at the mont easounble "prices for Cnsli. f. burty, Iu Mrs." Lo vela nd's Brick Building. .April 1.7 4'J tf THE GOOllLETT HOUSE, GREENVILLE, 8 C , THE Subscriber takes pi lfc informing his friends, and the yjffljgl traveling community generally, that lie has recently mane an . n tensive addition to his establishment, which now contains fifty commodious, airy and well-furnished Rooms. His Table will always be found well supplied, and every care and attention will fie paid to the comfort of his guests. The location at the Hotel is cciltral and pleasant. June. 10 fl-tf R. I\ OOOPLETT.. GRltKNVll.I.K ' MiKBLB ? Alt I). 1"M1E subscriber having purchased thy interest L of Mr. JAMES T). CHALMERS, he will JOUlinue the MA HBI.K RUSWEtiS as hereto roro, at tlus Old Stand in the rear of Mr. Kctcliim's Store. Hp feels thankful for tho patronage which has been extended to the Firm of (Aim 4?;Ks J: Ajli.rx, sod hopes, by attention to liuilesa, and promptness, to merit a continuance of the same. JAS. Al. ALLEN, Oat 7 2!? tf xxintiiriMm FOR lALIh On Terms Accommodating to Purchaser*. *A TRACT, containing 800 Acres, 100 of w Mck /V a 10 in Wood, hanvily timbered, ami first ato gorges Crook Upland. The Tract is lo ato j in Pickens District, on tl?e road from GreendUe to Pendleton, 8 miles from tlie former plact. MM-), A TRACT in th$ same neighborhood, oontniniiff fifJo Acres. * 20fr Aerwi are hoard/timbered. >n the Tract there are 60 Acres beat .bottom. For pgrttuuUu apply to \V. K. EAST,BY, Oet 28' 28-tf Oreenvllle, R. <5. King's Monutain Iron. 0T1IE undersigned- h.\g established an Agency nt the GitaaNViLi* C?wn Facrolr, for the sale of the HJug't Klowluiu Irou? Here a full and compute assortment win be lept. Price, cento Cash. M. Jl. MONTGOMERY, Agent, ,. King's Mt. Iron Company, lewor, Co*, Mark ley A Co., Agents. IVc I?-3* rtm.; P. C. % <vl I I -SeL? re5,fh" . ^ -HI .. -^r-rvr-ar- . .. .t ? II ^ I "* *4fe i- oM?) ^OHifh*. and I f Homseutxui. MM . I*"-. *.0. A y**: I do not In-eltMio toxay ?S?M88l# miv pra-lim .md my family finr tfio lust _ "W #? l^?H<It b?'|ioateae wipe- (> rior rtrtnva fhr the treatment of these Mm* U?e<l your in reel r and lu iu} Atmll* STer idnon ^ Croup, Wkoolrtng Mali, InflmMm. U*,VA?a aratmt . I* h*f4 V **?** ** ft* ttan rtir# of ftrluvipiua % coitg; 1?? <ftMfi>, mi?l n? % cfawt dli*AAc* of cliiMrm. Wa of your fraternity In tit# South *opr#cJ?U yowr ?ktll, aim* 0~*Ti*? T*H"1 a AMOS MM, K*?., Mortimer. la* writes,3d Jan., IMC " I Inul a ItilloM liuhrmn. which conduct in* Jn doom.: * nix weeks; took many mwllcino* without relief; dually , i irie-t tone lYcl rH \)j the w trice of our clergyman. Tbw drat ?Me relit! T<Hf I lie soreness In my throat and I mice > Ion than tare half the hottfo nindo me coidph-teSf tail. Vour medicines are tile ebeawMt nm ttoll a* tire boat war an hur. ayd we esteem von, Doctor, and yottr remedies, ax tie. poor mmrt'S frkm?/> 1 ', Asthma or Pfctfcfcfea, rwd ItrwneMtisv U?Mt Mocuaria W.foii. 4, lui. a.%2^SS ?,'??* 1 Ptiron nt ihw etiotf. i * nM rwh'TWl MVloi froftt itihnftIng eynipPmie of consnmpttOH. and la now curing a man who lie* labored ou-ler mt atlrctioaof Die lunge foe the last forty years. JL UKMHY U PA UK3. Merchant. A. A. HAMfRY, M. D? Anuott, JOoxaoe Co., Iowa, writes, Hept.?. IMS: " During my pi if tier of ninny years f have Poind nothing e^ual In Jtar CAcrrjr f>cf-? of for (firing ???c mh| i alliif |* consumptive pnthuts, or curing audi a* nro curable.* We might ad<l Voftumcw of evidence, hut the most cotYvlnclng proof of the virtues of thla remedy < found In lie | alfcrl* upon trtM. ' " '* Connfmptlnn. ? i-> rmWUf noon* remedy hni erer l?tt known wVMk ? cured ?o many and *ucli Image roue tnx ae tlili. IVime I oo human nla rnn roach; but even to thoaa the Cftarry /Mortl affords relief and comfort. A fro* Itovsa, ffm Yos? Citt, March 6, ltM. 1 Docraa Area. Lowell: 1 f<w?l It a tluty and a pleaanre t<> inform you what yn?r Chtrru Hcinral baa done for my wiCr. She bad been flre msntti. tata>rl?f uudet the <la?' lt*mua symptoms of Consumption, from which no aid we i could procure gitac herMUh relief She waa steadily fallI lug until Dr. Strong. of thl* city, whom w? haTeromo for | novice, recommended I trial nf yotir medicine. Wo blaoa i hi* klniliirw, a* wo do your skill; for alio had recovered , 1 from Hi .i day. fir t* not yrt ne xtmnjj a* ?he tuied to" 1 bay hut la ftee foam liar rough, and calls bora*If well. Your* with gratitude and regard,. , * OULAMDO JtHKLUV, or Skuttiu*. ' OwaiayNwi. do not Arwpalr U11 yon bar a Irlnl inil I Cliauar I't tokal it b uinile l<y one of tlie boat medical rhrniNu* In the worm, and fta<-nrr* all around ua hcapeall Hit logh merit* of I to Til I on*. ? 1'HUadtlphia Lntgrr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. , ritllK a^iencca of CliomUtry and Mcdiriss ham boon ' X tiixrd their utmoat to produce this teat, moat pntfrcf I purgative whleli la known to man. Innumerable proofb | are vhown that theao Puu ham rlrtnea which rarpaaa In i excellence th? ordinary mi'ilMnaa, and that they wia unpieredentrdly upon the aateem of all man. They arc aula I and pleasant to take, but powerful to mm. Their pene| t rating properties idimulntn the tilul actlTitleaof the body, | reiuoro the nlntrnrttmn of it* organ*, purify tba blood, ( and e*l?l di*ea?e. Tliev purgeont the foul Immor* which breed anil grow distemper^ stimulate alllggleli or dlaor- " I dcre?l'AjpMiajii|p tliuir fet urat aotM*, *mi tei|*?rt hegHhy I tone witn strength ^fo the Wln-Tr *yatcm. "wot onty'dw I they cure the e\eryoUy eomplakit* of?o?cry body, hut j .! ?. formidable and ilnpgeryu* dtacaace that 1i*tc baffled | Ilia t.e?l of kumnh "Hill. Iff In t'W prorhice powerful { elfrctv.-iUuy Are at tho'aamo titnr.ln iltuiiuiahcd iWw-% t|.., j safest and best physic (hut cwu be employed for children. Beiutf sugnt-coulei), tu*y ara plcnsUit to take; and hotdg puiely r*gr(Ai>le, Are bee fi'idA any risk of liarth. Cure# ! hare 1-eeii nuwla which inijau lelliif ware thay not aul>| Manllntcd hy men of inrli exalted I .elf ton anal rhar-ueter I na to Put>11 Ilia suspicion of hiilruth. Many eminent I clergy utcn add physician* have but their name* to certify j to. tba pot-Ik the rrllaUIHy nf aiy remeiltaa, wldla otftore j have sent nfe the aiuiiiranca of lltclr rouvi.-tU.n that my' j Preparation* euntiibnte itnnicnacly to Ilia relief of my I' afltieted. suffering lei low turn. The Agent la-low named i< pleased to fnrnkdi pratl* my American Alumnae, coutniuiug direction* for Ihelr use and carlifltnlea of tli. ir ruraa. of the following complaint*: ? 1 faadlveiicaa. llilioil* Pnlillilidnlt Iflietiioll,", n... ? Ilanrthnru. lti-iulailn- nil*lti? from a font etomerh, fJnn m 1p.!lai ?*h>n. MnrtiM limrliiwi of the llowel* ami I'aln ittiahta 1 Iwi-frnw. I lxi mUih vi of Apja-tha, all tilcornito niul (olmia'l* lliararre which if)uiI'd ID emrtianf imiSiriiio. <>r Klii|f'? Vvll. Tliey aten, by purifying tl.a Muni oiul t-llmnUling llie ijileih, Cure inauy onii-lainU ?kkh It WtmM not I* oup|>of<l they could IMrli. onrh no IVtfllNa, Partial Ifllnittira*. Xenralgl* end ItrmiM 1 ri r. TVrangemritte of the Urrraml KMItrfo. UimiI. mill olli.-r Win.lrnI eomplalnta arising him * low aliMr ul tile laxly nr ob?ti uctiun of it* function*. Do uot I* jiiil oft by unpiInclplcil doelcr* with noma oilier pill they malic wore profit on. Aok for At**'* riLi.v and kilo nothing tire, Ko oth*r they can (jlro yon compare*"* 1th thl* In It* Intrinsic mine or corntlr* lowrn. Tim nick want the boot aid there ie for Uiemy ami they otvmlif hare M. ' " - * prepai*?<!^by dp. j. c. ater, Praotiqel and Analytical Chemist,Lotrall, Vaa*. l'KOr JS3 O*. m* Hot. Fit* Bo*w roe $1. Otj> MY Dr. M. D. EA1U.E nn?l Dr. J. If. DFAN, Gfern v.nVc, 5*. C., a ft J by all Drn?gftjle tlirotiph ?nt the country. 0-lyrW Juno 1-0 STAGE T.TIVE. From Abboville to Washington. rlTIE Proprietor of tbi.? well cstnbfiihed Lino JL tehe? tjifl method of informing the |>ul>li? I hut he ho* changed hie Schedule, for the cos-ve| nienee ef I'aseenuore. ? %>;*.? n* The Stage will W detained rit'Ybbevllle Court I Ilrmee until ftnlf pn.?t 9 o'cWli, on M JNDAY, j NVKl>Nf>TVAT and Fill OAT Morning, affortfl ing an opportunity for pn*?engev* on the mornI ing tmin imrn Greenville to go directly through to Washington, Oa., the Mific <T*V, connecting. ; with the train At Washington fo* Augusta, Mont| goiuory, Ale. The pu^eonoera are detained a few hpure nt Washington, Oa. The Stage will leave Washington, fin., on* TUdiSOAV. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY Morning* l'bc LINK lias beorv refitted w Hli a apltaadiit FOUR-HORSE COACH. GOOD Til A SIS, and aa ekflerlemMtf DIIMR. : ir I'tuisengcrs front all points above Key. berry, going Weat, will find that they oan reaftlk | nny^xHin w?V?l AtJttnU ill i-xnetly lit* uiiHt tiiue, and with |? lea* ex|>en?o th*ii by w?j of : llmncbvillo. I For further iyfnriHAtion, ?pi>1y to JOHN MuMtYDK AgeoU . At the Font Oflico, Abbeville 0. ?L, 55? Cv June 10- j ft \jm Hair Dressing and Shaving. Br UK 11M* K 4iftntin?c? the Towtori*! biuiuws At Ills Old Stand in Benttie's Brisk 1 building, whore he it ready dining tge dtnv and tinUrttioi*of pati-onA^t|y^? Q<-t S I I A V f N O, " Hair Triinming, Dressing' and Dyfig ASf> razor si-rrmq ak^sflampoorao, ao^j&rlr.TT kmii* WILSON COOK. " I Ma v 20 1 ?f