University of South Carolina Libraries
J#4 ' ^ W THS HJBLIC ARE^ RESPECTFDlAl II? ^,.,>..fc;.v . a&bm fMMH WtOIIS (IF Hi fjONSTSi Bfy Goods, Clothing, Hatt - - CHINA, GL.A8S AND WlTli A LARGE ASSOR Which will fee sold at 11 _ ALL KINDS ' Bought either for Cash < ; fBr All I ink la to eall and Examine my Bto. sltTO the HlMTHE FEOP1 March 81 47-tf ^ Wis mb ura liT?. JeWelry 6 Stiver Ware/ Una SAMUEL W. BENEDICTS, - Hew Torh. EVERYTHING OF 1HE It ST QUALITY, PURE AMD WABBAlfTKD. Oid?n for nrtUatlatkl* line will to mjr carofellr attended to, MnJdclirortd n fiwdipi/torMtlea Bdai aaaoolntad wilk my father enable* me ty proe are (to Itoti ort otoe^n Maw Tort City of th? boot otytoa, and ot Ww guinea. " Del,. BR^TEDVi-T, tt . * - AT Lt"\ YH NLW bTORE. March 84 * 4rt ly The State of South Carolina. . . . . ORKKNVI1XK DISTRICT. . Is Chsseery. Nancy R^ina*. Til Jamca Ward, > BUI lor tale of Landa, do. 8u?an Ward, ft al> ) . rVB& Cpniplfdnnot (taring tfilo day filed her | JC WlirkttMrfelNfb stated esn*e, and ft HIV |>nring to i?r satisfaction th?t WiltUw W. Twm-1 ?r, oM-4#thft IMiHtdiinhi, is from and without the limit* of this State, so that, the pro?t?M raiipcrm cannot keitrvtd tinoq. him; Upon motion of K 1*. Jones, Complainant's Solicitor, it in, therefore, ordered that the aeid William W. Turner do appear and plead, answer or demur to the Complainant's Uill, within three months from date, or a decri-o will be taltetf, jMVsm/mm, apoa said bill, as against the said William W. Turner. A. TOWNER C. K. G. D. Commissioner's Office, March 15, 185*. tti-Sm LOOHL OUT FORTHE INCENDIARIES! MOO BEWARD1 "VB7 HKRKAS, in view of the roceut Fires which T t have occurred in the town of Greenville, and the isoife recent daring attempt to destroy the Carriage Manufactory of Messrs. Oower, Cox, Markley A Co., together with tha assault with fire-arms upon the Watchman employed hy that Firm, the Town Council of Greenville have deemed.ii necessary and proper to make some effort to detect the persons who thus endanger the lifts and property of our chitons, and, therefore, have adapted the following Resolution : Asso/vei, That the Intendant of the Town CoomehU of Greenville be aullioriscd to issue a proclamation, offering a Reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAItH for the apprehension and preef aufficient to convict the person or persons whs - attempted to set on Are the Carriage Man a factory of Messrs. Gower, Cox, Markley A Co., of*tha-marning of the 11th March instant. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the authority Vested in vne by the above Revolution, and as IntendAnt of the town-of Greenville, 1 Issue this Proclamation, offering a REW ARD of DOLLASR For tne apprehension and information sufficient to eonvict the person or persons who attempted mm mrm ?li? urwgt nMnuitctorv of Nwn. I OomvCm, Markley and Co., on ti?e morning of j > thalilft Ma roll inat. \* offering the abore R?nH, and in orJtr to Nturttkc vlHata* who leonardiae the live# and property of onr cltisene in Uiair reeklcn denigni, 1 cm upcn av/gy mttxen, and. upon all good per ona, and d<t moat earnestly request their co-operation in bringing the guilty offenders to inimsdUte punlahmcut, ? A.' MoBKR, Intcndont. W. P. Pa ice. Town Clerk. March 17 43 3 BJUNDU AH) HAMJSi MANUFACTORY. THE Hubaoriber would rcspoetfuily in form the public generally that he. con tinuca the at.ove Itweiueaa, TWO OiJOtS AUOVK TMftOKKKNVUXE llOTJCL. and U prepared W furaiab. custoiuera with any description of HOME-MANUFACTURED 8AD0LES, CarViage, Bnggy nnd Wagon HAItJffiHS made to order, saw in tiik ?s*t btti-r. IIH1DLEH, WHIfS. AC., dn hand, and (or sale oukaf. ? U.4.11^ 1 If !- ! ? . VW owuuiov n(iu Iiurmw rq?mrrn 11 Plion notice. A. M. G1LREAT1I. Kweh S 4H tf Tkuadcr and Lightning! THE Sabecriber would aay that he b tlia au-, thoriaed luteal end 1 reveling Agent, for tb Hut*?f South Carolina, for the ule of Whitney'* late Improved Patent Premium Lightning Conductor*, and will, at *11 time*,hold hiin*elf in readlne** to attend all sail* in the haw# btMineM, N. B.?I *m alao, at all time*, prepared to Repair. Keincolate and furnUh new I'oinU for old Mod* at reasonable priees and ohort notice. W. IL l'OWKRR March 10 44 lm naa.i i? smntsj ; 5 lAliL ^ . & ? Family ? and * Fancy S BUI 2 Store. dan 17 no ly THE E I'sitonlr, ,S " ' . v f? . . OLD STAND. *?jsj?jpfis yaw?* ?pfs'p SIv'Ry DESCRIPTION, i, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, CROCKERY WARE, TMFJT OF GROCERIES, ic lowest possible prices ! OF PRODUCE vi oAvunugou lor uooai, ek before purchasing elsewhere. PleaiC tilE'S STORE," ,, , , A. L.JLEYY. , WOOD, EDDY & CO.'8 SliftU-IIMI UTTI1IIS. CHARTS BED bYtMJM STATU Of OEOBOIA. CAPITAL PRIZE <50,000! TIOKETS^ONLY ?10. None* to to* Public.?As the members of our firm, by tho way of purchase, become the owner of the grant* chnrtered liy the States of Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, and part of those is Georgia, nnder the management of Messrs, Gregory nnd Maury, of Wilmington, Delaw are, we have deemed it expedient to chango the name of our firm, on aao after Jamiary 1st,' 1869, to that of WOOD. EDDY A CO* who will her oaf tor have the management of the Sparta Academy Lottery, and the others, as above named. I In all transactions wc have endeavored to eonduet our buainem with integrity and promptness, and we ean assure the public that the patronage heretofore bestowed on as is well deserving of being transferred to our successors. , Very respectfully, . k 8WAN A CO. Augwsta, Oa.* Dee. 15, 1868. WOOD, EDDY ATCO., MANAGERS, Bt-ocBaaoas to 8. 8W AN A CO. ?The following S?heme will bedrawn by Wood. Eddy A Co., .Managers of the Sparta Academy l/?ttery, in each of their Single Number Lotteries for January, 1869, at AUGUSTA. Geo,, in publie, under the superintendence of Commissioners: Clans 14 dra*s Saturday, April 2. 1869. Class 1$ draws Saturday, April 9, 1869. Class 18 draws Saturday, April T6, 1869. Class 17 draws Saturday, April 23, 1889. Class 18 draws Saturday, April 30, 1860. On the Plan of Single Humbert. 80,000 Tickets ! Five Thousand Four Hundred sad Eighty-Fire Prises Near'y One Prize to Kerry Aine Ticket*. MASS WIlOEKir SOHEBDJE 1 EACH sATuifoWrar APEit 1 Prize of $50,000 1 Prizoa of $1,500 1 Prize of 20.000 50 Prizes of 500 1 Prize of 10,000 100 Prizes of 400 1 Prize of 5,000 100 Prizes of 800 I Prize of 4.000 100 Prizes of 150 1 Prize of 3,000 100 Prizes of 100 Appr4?xlmall?n Prises. 4 Prizes of $400 App'g. to $60,000 priz. are $1,600 4 l*rixesof 800 " " So,000 priz are 1,200 4 Prizes of 860 " " ]O,000 priz urn 1,000 4 Prizes of 225 H " 6,00<> priz are floo 4 Prizes of 200 " " 4.000 priz. are 800 4 Prizes of 160 "" " a,000 priz. nro 60O 4 Prizes of 100 " * 1,600 priz. are 400 6.000" of 20 are lOQOOo 5,485 Prizes amounting to $820,000 Whole Tickets$10; Halves$5; Quarters$2}. Oircnlar, ehotoiyg the plan of 4he Lotteries eSilt'be 'mnl to any Uteiron* of Teetering it. Certillaatee of,Package* will be sold at the following rates, which is the ru>k : Certificate ot Package of 10 W Hole Tickets, $80 Certificate of Packngo of 10 llalf Tickets, 40 Certificate of Package of lQQitarter Tickets, 20 Certificate of Package cf 10 Eighth Tickets, 10 IN ORDKRIKO TICKETS OR CRKTITICATRS, EnplMA LKa mnnav *A Aim a-l.lei?. tk-Tl-L eta ordered, on reoeipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchaser* can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list of Drawn Numbers and Prises will be sent to ?>urchascr* immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will nlensc write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, county and Stat*. Remember that every Prise is drawn and payable in full without deduction. % All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. Votice to Correspondents. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, conns* THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, whereby money for Tickets, 1n sums of Ten Do! lars, and upwards, ran be sent us at ocr ri-v. ard rxrr.xsr, from any city or town where they j hare an office. The money and order must be i enolost (1 in o " Government Font Office at am perl j envelope,"or the Express Company cannot re-1 eeire therm ' * ' I All <?iimmnni<?ntiim? atfiotlw Address order* for Ticket* or certificate* to WOOD. EDDY A CO., Augusta, Oa. or, WOOD, KDDY A CO.. Atlanta, Oa." ? or. W(X>1>, F.DDY A CO., Wilmington. Del. rir a li*t of tli* nnniliera that are drawn Iroin th* wheyl. witli the amount of tbe prise that each one ia entitled to, will be published alter every drawing. in the following papers: Angus ta (Oft.) Constitutionalist, Moldle Register, Nashvil\e^ Oasette, ^tew York Weekly Day Book, Richmond Dispatch, and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. March 111 47 tf The Bint* or South ( nrolinn. QRRKNVILLB DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of smndry Writ* of Elan Facias to me directed, I will sell, before the Court House door, at the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in APRIL next, A small stock of Dry Goods, cons'sting of Mnsltn*, Calicos, Swiss Embroidery, Collars and Ladies' Oloaka; levied on a* the property of J. P. Germain, at the suit of James J. Maher, et. al. 1 Bay Mare, as the property of A. J. Snyder, at 'he suit of Grady A Good lett. TRRMS CASH. Purchaser to pay for titles. D. HOKE, S. G. D. Sheriff's Office, March Id, 1800. 44-td fllr h ''""'Ji ' v ' ' Ircm nm'tH GEORGIA RTATE lOTTEBfH 0? TUB l'LAW Or TUB IOTAL MATAWA LOTTKRT. For the Ixu&t of the ' n?nllcello ValMi Acadej>yt ' McKINXEY A CO, MABAOJUW, TV) ba drat urn j? pnblie, under the aworn f?p?rI iaWa4?nf< of two Commissioner*, II Bynone and J. II. PrentisA, la ilia city bf Ifctan-' a ah, Georgia. ' CAPITAL PRIZE $503000. TICKETS ONLY t?9..T SCalraa, Quarters and Eighths in apportion. Claaa 7 hat only 80,000 Ifoml>er*^nnd j,??0 Ptises, amounting to $2->0,640 an?l 0i? Capital Prise la $80,000, and lowest I Vise $BO. CSatf 8 has 40,000 Numbers, and 20,100 PHbns, am?antin to $272,000. More than one IViae to etery two Ticket*. The lowest prise is $10. Capita) Prise 8*8.000. Claae 8 has 80.000 Numbers. and ! '26,627 Prizes, amounting to $?47,74h. lf< f Prizes thim Blank* Capital FHae/ $80,000; lowest Prise, $10. r ? On the Man of Single Numbers.?Fifty Thonrand Tickets!?26,627 Prises.?More than one Prise to every two Tickets.?Magnificent Scheme. TO BE mavh IACH SATURDAY IN APRIL, ^59. ; Close 13 draws Saturday, April 2d, 1850. Class 14 draws Saturday, April J>, 18off. Class 15 draws Saturday, April 10, 1859. Close 16 draws Saturday, April 28, 1859.^ Class. 17, draws. Saturday, April 30, 1859. 1 Prise, 86,000 Is 60,000 5 Prites 1,000 ore 6.QO0 1 " 20,000 is 20.000 10 " 600 ore 8,000 1 "4 16,000 is 18,000 2 " 400 are 600 1 " 4,000 is 4,000 2 " 800 are 600 1 " 8,000 is 8,000 8 " 200 ?re 400 1 " 2,000 is 2,000 60 " 160 are 7,6001 " 1,600 is 1,800 100 " lOOarc 10,000" 1 " 1,100 b l.lnO 100 " 05 are H.600" 1 " 1.600 b 1,100 KX) 86 are 8,600 APPU0X1M5T10K PUIZES. 4 pris. $200 App. to $55,000 priz. are 800 4 prix. 150 app. to 20.000 priz. are 600 4 prix. 100 npp. to I5,000fpriz. are 400 4 prix. 80 app. to 4,000 prix. are 820 8 priz. 60 app. to 3.000 priz. are 480 8 priz. 50 upp. lo 2,000 priz. are 400 8 priz. 40 app. to 1,500 priz. arc 320" 8 priz. 30 app. to 1,100 priz. are 240 400" 20 app. to 100 priz. are 8.000' 25,000 prizes of 8 are 200,000 ! : AJ > \ ' I H 26,827 l*rizes, amounting to $335,760Whole Tickets$10; Halves $3; Quarters $2^/ Plax ov the Tjorncav.?The numbers from 1 to AR lXHl rnppMnnMlin<v ??;#!? ??.1 ? -a , ?^ 1?-?"5 n * ?? Iiumurrs uu IQe ticket#, printed on wpnrnte slips of paper, are' encircled with small tin tnliea and placed in one wheel. The first 879 Prixee, similarly printed and encircled, arc placed in another wheel. lite, wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Kumbers, and at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel". The number and prize drawn out are o|>ened and exhibited, to the audience, and registered by the Commissioner*, the Price beltyg| placed ogainat the Number drawn, litis is re posted until the prizes are drnwn out Approximation Prizk* ?The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drnw-: ing the first 9 Prizes will be entitled to the 448 Approximation Prizes. For example: if Ticket No. 11,250 draws the f56,000 Price, those Tick'CIS numbrrett 11.948, H.tlt, 11.MI, 11,Z?2, Vfll each be entitled lo 200. If Ticket No 060 draws the f20,000 Prize, those tickets nuitiberM ! 648, 649, 651. 602, will each be entitled to flfO* and so on, according to tho above scheme. j Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates, whieh is the risk: Certificates of Packages 10 Whole Tickets, $8p, Certificates of Packages lO Half Tickets, 40 Certificates of Packages 10 Quarter Ticket*, 90' Certificates of Packages 10 Fighih Tickets, . In ordering Tickets or Certificates, enclose th< j money to our address for the tickets ordered, oo 1 receipt of wliieh they will be forwarded by first] mail. Purchasers can have tickets eadlug in ] any figure tliey may designate. -1 pg" The Ust of Drawn Numbers and Prime i will be sent to the purchasers imuicdii.tely after,J the drawing Purchasers will please write their signa j tares plain and give their Post Office, County*^ KIIU rnnuj. rar Remember that ???rj prise Is drawn, and payable in*full Without deduction. *' AH prize* of (1,000,. and under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prize* at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to McKlNNKY A CO., Savannah, Gs. . Office Masonic Hall Block, Bull SJk, Savannah, Ga. A list of the numbers that are drawn front the wheel, with the amount ol the prise that each one is entitled to, will be published, after eTery drawing, in the Savannah Daily News. March 31 47 tf For Male or Rent, MA HOUSE ANI) LOT, on Bancombe Street, in front of the Female College. The House contains eight comfortable Rooms, with seven Fire-plaeee, with ?ouiforta> hie Out buildups, and a Well of excellent water, all new aud complete. Terms accommodating. W. R. JONES, M. D. Marsh 3 43 tf Hoop Skirt*. ^ ,t. "1TTRT received a large and fine lot STEEL WATCH SPRING SKIRTS, vvlpch are row ready for sale, at fur lower prices than ever before. Also a few pieces nice DcBKGE, Now is the time to buy cheap?as I sn> determined to reduce my Stock, to make room for Spring Goods. W. H. HOVKY. Feb 17 41 tf TOWM DlWWKUtPV NEAR THE FEMALE COLLEGE, TUB Undersigned, having determined to remox e to I/iiiIkIkiu, offor* his HOUSE and LOT foreale. MltCaJTJw The premises aredesirably l?eetvd on Bourotnlte street, near the Female Coljege, end will be sold upon reasonable terms. The IIOUSB is comparatively new. . \* *1^ Possession given first of March, if desired. For further particulars, apply to Mr. T. B. ROBERT*. D. P. aPARKSL Jan. 18 86 tf School Notice. aflttiM ON the first Monday in January] /ZZlSMnexU MtsaET BURNllAM ariljeom I ZMLMJw menea a Private School hv| the building on the Episcopal Church lot; re ecntly occupied as the Helton Sehaol. The rates of Tuition will be as follows: rKa ouaaraa. Spelling and Reading,. ,.fS 60 Tne above, with Arithmetic and Writing,,. 8 00 " m ? Grammar, History and Geography 4 00 Deo 18 82 tf, % : * ^. .. gir?gry fiO TO ? I "* ALL "WHO "WANT GOOD6 fjLL Zf THE LATEST FASHION u. If- ym want Dkt Gooue, Ctoraj v ?*c- indeed, is the very time t'.- - Yo ma^e the Dollar ma save tb I >. ?< :? . v > -y.i IF YOTJ WAKT COFFFE, F : ,". WHITE AND BROWN StIG .SALT, by the SACK OR BUSI TLB! GO TO. :o W% * , . *WC . ' ' ? . Bring in your Cokn\ your Floc The want of w hich, liousekeepoi Come to the Store where tliotica AT' IF YOU HAVE TURKEY'S. : 1 AND WISH YOUR FORTU1 n^x0 LIVE IN 1I0FE AND D TRADE AT R No matter what you have to Bu You cifh at nary place do as pou I i > Exception all your wishes tell p :c" \ *-*' ' he keeps all kinds of * no matter what your . ' you'll find them, che. t;.* , AT ~ [ T?d / . Hi . S v Those who wish to lie neatly drc Wlvo Wlsh Coata, Boots, Parts Will .find the place their mouey t..n, - AT . . . . ' better invest your m( than take of circus s ,rr dont mind the weatii liX It '' BUT CALL AT fjgpecpvj|i?, Myrch 2* 4f MSW SlfaititH STAPLE MB FA1CY BY MS 011 1^*10 WlllOt lK? ?U?ntinn ..f ! 'Jj/ wUhNEW AND CilOICE GOODS,' VT? ll? low price#. ' Our Unrivalled Stock I# now ready for inspection, to which the nttent 1 I/O USE WIFE LINENS A A iW the present and uppiyitcliingleunnii, in h kiculnr attention is called to qur present slock ol 1 the finer makes, lill cheap and excellent Goods, ! " 'Foil Stock of French and -English LClNG CI !it,i Kent makes Bleached and Unhleached COTI ... Heavy Brown SHIRTINGS, at 6J, & and 10 Superfine Brown SKA ISLAND SHIRT1NG8 Extra 8 ox. Cotton OSNABURGS, 8 ox, STRI v Bh?e Derfims, Hickory Stripes, Apron Check, CLOTHS, CASSIMER, for SRIffG AND SUMMER, in new steles, f. Superior French and English Dran D'lite, in "Extra Heavy English do., in Black, Green, D j . ?. : wn i ' A fnll aaaortment of LINEN AND COTTON i{ JUnen Coatings, Flannels for Gents' Sacks, V< I Materials of various kinds for Children's wea NEW SERIN New Spring FRENCH CAMBRICS 1 SfMi/uufrenoli Brilliants "-?# pwJvwni?io$<5alicos, Furniture ChiaU .Super. U|tdri*sed Furniture Chintz t EMBROIDERIES, LAO El Ih hew styles and large variety, at low prices, price* Hemstitched and Embroidered L. C. Han SPRING DR " In new style SILKS, Plain and Printed CJIAl 7. . ? KfClf SILK ROBES A J d In new styles for tlie season. New w u-, WHITE AN1) COLORI ** At all prices. Superior Wli FULL STOCK OF SP * * v o i t . T? arrive l>y i 'a-, si r f SKIRTS! SKI J ' ForCbiWrfti Misses and Indies. We arc how Extension skirts ever made. Also a Inrgeassortm .-* * HOSIERY, SPRING 1 For Gents, Lmlies and Chile GOODS HY EV y? % xTs'm '^1 hi7-It-if 913 King, Opposite rtlNE JEW i:LRY - FOR SALK, AMONG Which may l?? found, GOLD AND /.SILVER WATCHER, Chains, Keys, Hooka, Swivels, Lockets or Medullions, for double likenesses; n general assortment of Goi.i> Faxct AkticLin, assorted sites of Silver Thimbles, Spectacles, and ?hftr.y otl?er articdcs in tl?e sumo line.' need leo?'to nuine, na thoae dirpoAed to buy will call O&m* fer tliMBvdv e?. ? ? -,u ... J. 1L RANDOLPH. 10 41 8,0 IHS^olmion. Tniifi oopaictnkrsiiip of y. r. beattie 1 A CO., baa expired by limitation. All per one indebted to the firm by Npte or Hook Account* are requited to oall ai?d imy the name at oa arflV day. F. V. BEATTIK. H. C. 1'ULLIAM. ^ February .14, 1869, ^ ' <' /ri|E rabeetibera hare formed a COPAUTNEU1 BMlP, aWd will continue,the liuoiitrMat tlie Old Stand under the Firm of HKAlTiK A PUl.l.l AM. They expect tann to receive a fine 5U>fk pf Sraixn and Scmmkr Goona, and will be pteaecd ior see their old friend* and customer*. F. F. BKATTIK. U. C. PULL! AM. ^ld> IT' ? s 41 6m _i??_ 11 S S ?. iprs. AT THE I-0;W?8T PRICE, 4m* cah??S. * ** ' *!? tKo, Boot? and Suow, good and prime, "t. '." . e Dime/ v CASE'S. 'RIME RIO. ARS. VERY LOW. I EL, QUITE CHEAP, THEN GO> CAKK'S. r nnd Meal, ' 8 feel? n?ls deal, CARE'S. CHICKENS AND GEESE, SE TO INCREASE, 'IE IN PEACE, ARB'S. fV j *. * * , . . v or Sell, d or well, CARE'S. GOODS ON HAND: WANTS DEMAND, . | AP fur CASH, at the OLD STAND, CARR'S. ?8ed, or Vkst, tu invest, \ CABR'S. )NEV THERE, TOCK A S11 ARE; ER, JFOUL OR FAIR. CAKK'S. mmz mm s, ip , iv iriviin ininmnn cm mnn nninr.r u &1111& mriiu iu m uusii. rite?l Our Departments are ?H now supplied will be sold for Cash or City Acceptance, at very ; or Plantation Good** ,ion of our country fiicnds and Factors ia invited. TD FAMILY DRY GOODS, ?lVe virrietioa, of rhom.Wsppnti'at rualrea. Parr I>ONU CLOTHS, at ?>?, #, 10 and 1*4 eta, and ,OTII* 'ON allEETIXGS?all width#?always ou hand cents i. at 6$. P, 10 nn<1 124 cents I'E C. OSNABUJtGS Marlboro' Stripes, Ac., Ac. ES\ TWEEDS, dkc., dc. jr Gent* and Boys, now receiving, heavy mokes, for Panta rown and Blue, for Boys' and Servants' wear. PR PA XT STUFFS estiags for the season, Ac., Ae. r, Servants' Coalings, Vestings and Pant Stuffs. G CALICOS. Furniture Dimity, Furniture Fringe > Bullion Friuge Summer M'irscilles Quilts Allendale and .Manchester Quilts, Ac., Ac. >T AND W1I1TE GOODS. Bordered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, all dkerchiefs, for Ladies and Children. ESS GOODS, T tPVl QHMW.aa Df iBf tV'fl J- - t?4 J-l i/uimuici ft v* iann, ax., )M*i nrnving VrZ> CHALLIE ROBES, lyle SlLK and MUSLIN ROBES. :D STELLA Sir A WLS, ite Sti-Un Mantilla Shawl*. RING MANTILLAS, next Stemucr. ITS! SKIRTS/ prepared to chow the mybwrt artiele of Lndic*' en I of medium tnd low price Skirt*. Our dock ot UNDERSHIRTS\ cfee., Ireti, in now well acsorted. ERY S T E A M E R, AT Hant'll Street, ClinrloatoH, 8. C E KRUTCH'S DMG STARE AID AP&TBECARY SIP. Under McBee's Hall, GREENVI1.LE, S. C, COtdk* WHERE will be kepi the fulled y stock of imuos. medicine.-. )ffi?fa chemicals, patent medicine-, Surgical lu*ti ami-lit*, Paint*, Oil*, Toilet Article*, bikI *11 <ftli?-r article* pen.rslly kept by Pruggint*. Freeh and pnre Dritjpi arc w arranted, t'imipound Medicine* prepared in the moat careful w?v fl,,..... ?.s?u ?? racy and dispuch. J?n \i SO 1j CHANGE OF BUSINESS. 'IM1K undersigned. intending t.> cWct a chntigi 1 in his LitolucM, would Inform nil those m dohted to him, cither bv N<ite or Book Account, I hat tiie Mine must lie Bottled at an Mirly day, a? Arrihei iuttulirenoe cannot Iw given, iio w il hereafter be MRid si tiio Tin.wmp It. Hit I ham's old stand. A. GIU'.ENFlfcJA*. f dan *7 *8 lt_ GROCERIES, AND many olhcr niectira, may be had at low price* for CASH, at SMITH'S FAMILY GROCERY 8t FAhiCY ST3RE, Main SI root, in Mrs. Utuasp's liruk iinild ing. March 17 45 tf i - - - - .. mat p. and female shminary. VAfew THE flml xtuion of thiaHchod, for /ttJfk 1869, will o;w on tha FIRST DAY BWBK <>K FKllKlURY. under ifie Air ration I five montb?v are m follow*: tT* I I'rtmnrjr Brni:ilie?. ,,;..,?t<> .# A M Hiplt? r English BrnnrSea, 7 AO Iiitfhcr Mftlhrmntirn) liranchea . 10 00 Latin and < Jr. ek. It AO Thit School jx?a?e#?e? ndvnrUijrt'i in it location rqnal, if not superior, to onr In the 8tal?, It it aituated at OowrnaVllle, (JremrilU l>iatrict, in the midat nf an excellent neighlwhood. wh'ft the >o?:ng arc not expoaed to tho*? temp tations common to village*.' Beside* being at a l'oat >Hiee, it i* within * few hundred ysrds of BOWDEN* SULPHUR SPRIIIO. aa fine tninernl witter as any in the upiwr district*. Mr. Eari.k, the Principal. is nn experienced teacher nod good disciplinarian, and the trustee* flatter themselves that they may expect foe the school a liberal patronage. OtHU) BOAKD may he had in the families of the neighborhood at 6 and 1 dollars per month. For further particulars apply to the Principal, or to I)r. Wtu. Mootiov. or to K. BtiWDEN. Chnirtnsn B. T. N. B. Arrangements hnre licen made to secure the services of a young Isdy well qualified to Jive inslructiorsiti Music, Needle-work, Leatherwork. Drawing, tirecinn Painting, At., Ao.. at prices in prn|>ortioii to the above rates of tuition. W ? wCutd Invite the special attention of Parcfit* and (luardhtn* to tms addition to the interest ol our School. We shall be able to kIt* instruction in any of the higher branches of Female Education at pticos within the reach of all. f-owciisvillc, S. C. Nov. 2f>, 1858. Jan 20 87 tf CHARLOTTE 7~" MITHLflBE IlSIlllICE OFFICE. 1<T JANUARY. 1869. Amount of Property insured,..... .? 109.078.81. Bills II. pri'fu. Notes, (well scoured,).. 79.882.00. * " and interest thereon 1,971.88. Amount in hands of Agents, 860.08. " ' Bank of Charlotte, 84.68. Assets. 882,398.49. Losses slid unadjusted losses unpaid, none. M. B. TAYLOR, President. E. K?k IIcTcmssoM, Secretary. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, > Mkckc .nhoiiu Count*. j 13ERSONALLY appeared before me C. Over A. man, on actimr Jnatica of lb* Peace. in and lor Mid County, M. II. Taylor. Proridrnt, niid K. Nye llutchiuMin, Hecictary, ol lb? Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance 1 ompany, anil made ?nth. in due foira of low, that the above Report of the condition of said Company i? true, to the [ beat of their knowledge and belief. C. OVERMAN, J. P. Jan 27 88 tf JOHN W. fiMDY, DKALER IN' FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, READV-IIADi: PLOTIIING, Boots and shoes. BOOKS d- STA TIONER Y, 0?UGS AND DYES1UFFS, HARD WAIVE A.ND CUTX.ER.Y. IVOODKtf XVA UK, (JROCKrtfKS, OR AIW, COUNTRY PRODUCE. AC.. AC., OPPOSITE THE NEW COURT HOUSE, ON MAIN STREET. GliEENVlhLE, S. C. Jan ^ . 38 tf <?opartner?liip Notice. rrMIE undersigned would respectfully inform L the public that thov have associated with them, in the Mercantile biainriw, Mr. JOHN H. GOODI.ETT, and will hereafter conduct business under the name and style of LONG. GOQDLkTT A CO. Wo bespeak for the new firm a continuation of the very liberol patronage which waa extended to us heretofore. R. LONG. . . lh A. GOODLETT. . ' -I ! " *? ? ? A Card rTMIE undersigned having formed * CopartnsrJL ship under the name of LONG, OOOFVLKTT A- CO., intend carrying on the Mercantile Business at t he ?nnie tend, and will keep constantly on hand a well selected Stocfc of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, and invite the attention of purchasers to the same. They assure the public that they will sell goods upon the moat reasonable te mis for CASH. K. LONG. B A. OOODLETT. JOHN IL GOODLETT. Jan 27 o# tf black^TTHI KG. ?*'>, 1HK concern of TOW'KES it ll.VWIilXS having been dissolved flflEz^Slby mutual consent,the Business will l>e carried oh'at the same Shop hv the undersigned. G. W. BROOKS. i. L. HAWKINS. January, I860. Notice* rr,HE undersigned having transferred his inte1 r?-st in the Blacksmith Shop near Williams* Store t? Messrs. Brook* <t H twain*, takes pleasvirc in recommending tliem to a chare o( puidio patronage. They will be prepared to attend promptly and sutisfnetoiUy to nil ealla in their line. Tney have exp?-rien*d and skillful Smiths in nors>-sho*dng, Repairing and Ironing Wagon-. Plough Work, nod all other ordinary work of a Blacksmith Shop G. F. TOW NEB. Jnnnnry, 1889. 87 tf ORNAMENTAL. 'PIIF, SuImHIi p ftietinun to Ornament with I fine Gold, KVKUY V A III fcT Y OF HAIR WOltlC to order, such ns llair Broaches, Ho. Finger llini?*, do Vert, Fob and Guard Chain*, do Necklaces, Bracelets, and, in fact, every article in tin- Braided llnir line. Make*, of fine gold, F.nirageineitt King* (with inscription thrown n,) solid G"!?l 8leAve, Odlar, Bosom and Cliimii? Buttons; engraves Medals, Seals, Ac., I'iat* of every kind, niul makes all an idea in hra*s, silver or gold ; reimira neatly all Jewelry Wrought in ; takes all old Gold or Silver, at fair valuation. 'dice stxty yards east of the Old Court House, Greenville, S?. C., and near the Kntsr* prise OfHme. J. II. BAKOOirfl I July 1 -8 ly Kolit'f. DURING my neocssnry or accidental absence, my friend, Co). BAY lit llOKK wli? a my ltwful deputy, will nttend tonll persons Waving any luisiness transactions wlih the office of the Commissioner. 8. A. TOWNF8, W?r?h3 AS-tf C. I . G, D. tJ7" Patriot <fc M"tMUiu*er c? p;\ 4p&