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T to gtatfti, and the pinion of Utotfnl Jnoivledse amot^ ^l tesffl ^ | ^ y?t ---pr*-1'**? **y - ?r- -- ... --Li. ? ? .. ... - ? ? ; ^ ? <- '- - - . - l'i _I imOME v" "* ~ 717 ' -JBks GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1859. NUMBER 4^: 'l_V ... ' " ' _..] Villi'' ift'fln .?.. .... ? THE SOUTHERN ENTEItfRlM la Iaanod Evert TJroradaf Morning. t>7 HlICK & M'JUNKIN, >.v 1 PKOPKIEXOK& . Wm. P. PrloO O. M. MoJunkin . ?... . * . I -e? ' H a Year, in adv&nee; $150, if dektyeii Irlfrffi).... |Mrtj, i..liay?nmiTi.T_Mtl<m?oyJ Thrilling Vertea The olrcutnatn ticca which uiilncol tlic writing of the following toticliiryr nix! Ibrininjr l?Uf? nr< ?.? follnari: . A'younfr hwlv nrX<w. VoUt^ns it the hnhit of writing for the Pliilmlclphitc LrHg er on tlw* ^o'.jvet of, IJcr r ri wiw eo full of nort cvincod eoch dcvixino tion of eotil. tlint ft fni-iirl ?.f lrerthi-?iio.l ! - living a mania* ori ithiviilbje<$ of Trhirfcrattbrfc whoftupon Mm wroto th/c following thirst, ' ?WWcT trnlt 1 have felt, f i . Go l>cnr what 1 hn vd-l>?rnc?? >2 Siok 'ncath the blo*|* a fntW. dcolt, rr er Ami the coM World's pnotid ufcj>W*<J. i .H , Then suffer on from your to year? Thy nolo rslief the oforehing tear. Go kneel us 1 have knelt, ' ) ff." Implore, beseech and pray? , * * Strive the Wsotted heart to molt,? ' ' ,J& The downward course to rtnV: i\ .'r 11c dashed with hitter e?Hwe aside. Your imiycia bufleagued, your Uare defied. -* tio Weep a* 1 linvo wept, ' / OVrn loved ftithor's 6?H? See ,cycry p. juntoed.Ukwsii)g;> 1 Toulh'i MtmnfM lufnea to gun? fife's fading flower* strewed iHt the" war,' That Vhiii;NVtM^f|) to wdmftVs duv. Go *ee what I have seen, '-Behold the strong man bowed? Willi gnashing teeth : lips hnthod in lilood, ' And cold and livid bmW; 1 Go cateh Ids withered glance, and see, Thoro mirrored Uis soul's misery. Go to thy wether's ulde. *Vi" *<} And her crushed bosom cheer; Thine own deep anguish hide ; Vine frujn lmr choyk the liittrf tear; Marie her worn frame and withered Wow ; The gray that etreuks her dark htilrtiowj With fading frame and trembling limbs; And trace the ruin hack to him Whose plighted faith, in eojly y:^ntU, I'roniisod eternal lomnhd truth. Hut who forvsworu. Hath riehlod up, - ' Ttimt promise to tlie cursed cup;And *e? tt#hV! And nil tliir made her prosjv'ote Lnghf, And chained her here, mid want and rtrife, That lowly thing, a drutiknrd'n yejf?? And rta> np'd on ehihthnodVHrt'W *<> mihl. *That with'rlng hlighf, tlint dvtniknrd'ii child. Qo henr. nnd feel, and nee (imi know, All thnt niv soul hntli felt nnd known, Th en lenV upon the wine enp'? glow, TVe If ltj? beauty pnn ntone? 1 * Think* If Itt flavor yon will try. When nil proclaim, " 'tin drink nnd die!" Tell ipc 1 l?nUi the howl! llatn i? n feeble word ;. ? I loathe?abhor?my very soul, .Willi atrong disgust is atirr'd .. When I eee, or lu*nr, or tell, ms. Of jthe dark beverage of hell ! _ .. jllisrrllatiruua lUnWng. y "She Won't Hear He." y i' r,?iA liikc i joh >v ? I tUat.voTi^'t^^itnlktotw^itujh te.r? ?ir. AV?u Wow all tho circumttaitcei of llAr MtAiA m iwl liArkniife^an 111.N*. naenqa fojk good over- her. She won't li>t?ri to iMyfmng that, / can sity. I feci (hat In; i* on the higk'roVI to ruin, and in; hearUd* almost breaking at her conduct aiu her danger, but'ti* useless fur me to rcasot with Irer. :She woh't hc^r m.tP . What worda were these to ho wrnng, by i daughter's obstinate nriseouJuct, from tin lips of an affectionate mother. M She won't hear wtt.v Ala* ! who tlwji wilt she hear ! Who, if Iter mother cannot will be able to turn, even for a moment, he car away from listening to tliQ charming o the serpent that is drawing lior nearer *nc nearer to his deadly embrace. ' * *' She will not listen to her whose eyes wer< tho first that watched over her infancy, am which have grown dim with mni,y tears she< for her sake?she will not listen to her who>< heart lias never heat one rhroh that was no true to hor and her real intcrrtts?to tin mother whose bosom was her cradle and he hotae in her helpless you is, and whicl yearns over her now, with unutterable love l)itv. and nnciiisti wlM not linien inti?r ?*lw labors for bur by day, and dreamt of |ierhj ^tgbi? who prays for her,with one unccaeinj prayer, wearying the very heavens for blest ,nP*-MX?n chiW, wh:? would wear ho tntn life'<?ot without a inurmpr Ar regret t< save her, or to do f>fcr good. Thit it if> friend to whom the inbituAted girl will no listen. And why wot 1 -1 What being ha the found that is to be regarded in prefer ence to hor rrtother \ tor wha*? sake her mc thrr it to be grieved and dUobe^etl?^to b sutiered to go all day long in heaviness, am all the night in eorroy and difquirt f To b made to woep and sigh,'and to be in hiiloi nest over the ingratitude and the inaan folly of the one* awoet solace and ploatur of her heart**h?*" denWarkl Anly daughtei MNid is be 1 What marvel of desirablenci nnrtl lie bel ' J <5h I neb"'a perfect gentleman"? ahijj lidded and honorable man, who sneak's i > [tnt one tIbor^o^WWflKJRier*a house, *n< sneak's out at another: who waifs for her a t all the corners, and dodge* W and otit o Iduk alky* {o unseen for her co'tninj IIj? iuIohumeinVrloap nlanhcr of vhgradin;, > ] and disagreeable mnneeuvor* iuorder tooMeei ^ : or to coin monk-ate with him ; -whoc temp'1 , lier to deceive mid eqnivoehte, if not m outright, ap^ to.brtytjcthc Sabbath, by usiu" its sacred liouis, for making arrangement# in regard to their secret intercourse?*who W*< : H_princtyle which canaed him to "imbibe' 11tWIIWl1 III' la an d;'ami to imbibe until ho hneb very considerable degree of difficulty in discovering and enter ' ing his ownqnarte'n at midnight or morning; i who, otf the whole, is known nbdliftowti, an , "bite of 'cm," a person of vrjiom all young j invii .warn their jNPlera and their cousins, f. ami one whose attention* ere sure to cause > nNy-gW to be' regarded with suspicion and ' disrespect. This U the Creature for whose Hike' the iflisgujiled girt is breaking tier rnptbc'i-s honit. - * Well ? let her go her own way, if ahs will go it. If, for her motherj? sake, she will not try to turn from her folly and bewilderment; if, when sho knows that the truest and most tender heart thai ever heal oh earth for her ? is suffering more than words can express, suffering what cntisssthnt dear face to change : faster than the years, or the grny hafts and imiloVs of time <?rcr made il change, site will not be likely 4o heed what others may "'?# j aud ?bw will marry the creature that seems to her libated and dasxled imagination so perfect, (thongh td ethers 1id may lopk like a hairy spider on grasshopper^ I legs.) that is, she will marry him if its so | please*, which he probably will mot please, unless it be-ottt of spite to those who bnco opposed his attentions to her. | l'hen when her mother's sorp and disap( pointed heart shall be at rest, when those I loving eyes shall have forever done with weeping, and can look kindly on hci no i more ? iheit her d^ai niothnV shall have . gone udiorer tbd- tmmkMl daughter can I never eitlrer rejoice or grieve her iiutro?j when she lies dead and in her <pdet grave, j that daughter w ill repent of her sin.*; When the mau who. playe.I (he mean ] sneak, the spiteful nrtnoycr, w hile he was a | l??mr, ha* proved,m^l)U, W'ite''< r,08t that ho 1 the Jinrsh and vi dent) husband with eqttnl j eahe, and snn i* broken hearted, then, oh ! : then she w'ill Undly and remorsefully recall Iter youthful days, and think of the wrongs she lu ajiedsm her poormother. Ah ! it will then he the turn of the ungrateful child to mourn and he in bitterness. Why, oh ! toiy ; will" she so recklessly and blindly lay the i sure foundation for a weight of woe, which shall crush her when it settles back upon her bcarlf if?' " Pkmsox Ata."? Nothing is more cutioliftly indicative of the diameter of American hi' sttiuliona than those colh-etionsof paragraph* 1 headed "Personal" which appear frcqueitll) in the principal daily papers. One sentence informs us thai a aetieraWo woluiiouary soldurr hat gone to his grave ; another rjiroit iuloa thf> ?riyl nf sainth tdy who isnotel in hid dHtricina a ptfeober, tbacher or farm er. A third tells of some one who fell ink a pit, and the fourth of the Hon. Mr. Par. combe rpu^tns lasi great speech. An Eng tlisli X?ord on hitlrnvle* alternates with Col, Pickle, of Mississippi, w ho had jitsl i lipped up ait ancient enemy With a bowk knife \vhilo after them comes soma high!) f dignijei), who lircdi in tin 1 nrnmi ul Lil?? i.nml * ...I.. ? "VV.VM, ?I?U WHV 1 knew Wellington. *5 In tliis miscellaneous oinniom gatherum i i? this picking up of nil sort* of./poolrneti' 9 of the grodt, fiee and enlightened, wo find ? marvellous contrast lo .iho jierapnul iiouu t whi&r arideemed wortliy of thro(ii<|o hi.tin , Loiuiun tfotuing Post and (Jourl Juiirual. Ii r uiol old world lliy only persons wlioiu "every f body 11 knows are tlio great, the purple horn 1 the be-whorshipod and be flunkied. Ilen eerrytaxty krfow* everybody cHe, and tfu 9 editor who .puja "ft personal" in the paper 1 does so, not in thp,ho|>c, but with U>e mora 1 certainty that it will l>e seen bv a score win ; B ?why yon all seem to know one another,' r was tffofrJMDiafk U if bndloidda^lleftin, U i wmi travelers It is a fact; wc do knrtwto , knew of one another to a moat extrnoydinh > ry degree? Wy nro *0 much on tfie tX*wc f we Im#e! ead'tallt And look rtxirtd with ?< r little ceremony, and dovoto to other peoi>l< > Mich nn amount -of lima which European i do**** ^jweinent vr -eaoici < ormudy i that the result i* thatn man at all.-': pu?>ud ' t i? tolerably eertiiin to have a range of tnite< t acquaintance which the fotka Abroad wotih s regard as miracnfotia indeed. There nr< 0 Kome euriou?je|b^i(^i,a l*Ucn^ in vJj? philoa 1 U Bullttif, e Six CnANOMOTiiBKfl.^-Aino# McN? Ijr. c Klin y?)v?, MweiMtppt, mile* that he hn e a gi audaon four^yeara old. who bu siM th e inff grandmothers, nil of whom, arq Oh r. School r/cstyloriana. lie proposes, if aa ,8 one hat a more remarkable boy, am to hi family eofinection*, than thin, that he wi h acrtd him a copy of the Loeifcrillo Preabyu n rian Horald, froe cf eh Urge. # ! - '' . 9k" > . 1 hFwcsNCH #VqxKv.-^Oa%- njffijgMyi/* 1 liwlv few Uvuilii'ul WOfUOD 1R I'a'i*. I f know of no large eity put of BgyjU >vhicb r h+s so little to boast of in iliU yUpe. One C may walk; for boars on the Boulevards ui t the pee dc Jiivoli,'ntrd not meet a do?eu h really lovely faros. Amopg the poor.chp*e* ' the women aro generally hopelessly .plain 01 : positively ugly. In the higher ranks, ihc-it 1 are, of course, many fine looking lauieit, bul ; few positively beautiful. ; They have neitUei the rich blooming complexion of iheBug1 Italian ^^fif^Tftfhl prevaleuco of snub no?ea and pig ayes, t?nd r villainous low. foreheads. Every other wo > man you see is chubby Or thick-wasted, or rouud shouldered, or l>ig-aiiklec|. If she amnions to ! ? t?1l ton <<tnhiU. ?.*...... -V... , | .v VUW OUC If i squint eyed and has a horrid sloop. And then nothing is more common thin to meet women with boards?huge, black and bristling! Nothing has tnore forcibly struck mo than this latter peculiarity. It is ii6t scores, l?bt hundreds of. wornOlt you meet daily, with upper lips black asAlio ace ofrpstdes, There Is this to'bb said on the other hand?the French women of the better orders dre^s with exquisite taste. Fy this means, defects of form ate greatly overcome* and even defects of face arc softened down into something half char?n|t?g.? Add to this perfection of toilet, a certain pertocss and sapcuiess of carriage, a vivacity the most sparkting, yet the most delicate, and thai, indefinably tutittfe wbich U ihc' crowding graco of woman ? and yon hate, 1 suspect, tho grand secret of the popularity i of the I'Veneh talon. ??.* . . >. ) ri ! , [Gat. Utica Daily Herald. 1 f.d a A t-w ! * i Cimiuo Hams.-?a correspondent, Mr. I Wm. H. HoUnett, of Warwick, K. hf sends I us- the following description of a method ( practiced with great success by him for scvI eral years 4n coring haois,^ > * * lie first takes tlie cask in which the hams are to be salted, and smokes it for liulf an | hour over a slow firo made witlt w alnut chips. .He then makes a pickle for two Itun died pounds of ham by dissolving fourteen pounds of Turk's Island salt, half a f>ound of saltpetre and two quarts of molasses in aatif1n<??>iaalV,aiiii^1dian jd w.yl in uic nanri. 1 ills picKie nuimmeo vrruie the Kali is lieiug dissolved at a scalding heat. \Vht*n cooled down this brine-is poured upon the hams in the band, and ihcv are allowed to lay in it until tlw^y arc sailed.? They are then lifted out, hung up to dry, and are afterwards rubbed over with acornI position of fine salt, black and red pepper, and some ground clore.?. When this operation is performed, they/trft sewed in bags, and hfang np with shank* downwards. 'A dry, attic chamber is the l>6st place'to keep them. Hams tints preserved It a vo a vfcry excellent flavor, and do ribt require to go through the smoking process. k The simple smoking of the cask will have the effect of communicating a mild, smoky ' savor tb the meat. 1 Of this we are confident, becau?e,wo have seen it done,-and can .en i dorse Mr. Bennett's 'experience iu regard tc 1 this feature* of tlic prqcy$?- Wo believe li/s process' is a good one. American. ? EcSsosiidAL TIints.?1. Have a work r boncb and a few tools iu your wood ?hed, , or. in n liulo room nt one $qd of yowrr bam. . 'there are many email jobs iu the course ol , a year, which any man of oommou ingenu } ity can do as well as a professed carpenter And there are rnany rainy days and V odd i-pells " when these jobs can be done. Anil 'l how much running to the village, and how k much wailing and patience this would save j . 2.. Have a place for everything and every ; thing in its place. Those tools?why shook , tliey bo lying around, the auger here, ih< . jack plane there, and a saw yonder, and tin ad* and sprew driver now hero! Don't nu j nw uy a.shovel, hoe, spade, Of, Qther lm , plenient without cleaning it. Tlifs m.i] seeua npedl^aa care, but in tbe longer run i | is a saving, of time and money. Kust cor , rodes mid weakens tbe best made tools lUtti'O are men .who leave their plough , standing in.ibe furrow, or lying by tbe aid* > of tlio fetico front on? year to anoihor^-r , 4nd Urn V In an new " scythe is ofum W r dangling from the cio'.ch o( an epplo tree L inonih afret month.' lTdiir what a scnsihti fanner suh: " llrir* in until umnJnn I, TT-V -J - - ' * ...... , lo.Iwmg your yoke* upon, .nail strips o . board bom joUt to joist, ty hang chains up B on, make n rack ovcihead for pitchfoik-t rakes, turning; stick, <kc." To all of wboij i> we respond. So lei it M, , k [Amcricjn AyriculturW. * .. Importa*q* or Fkmai.k Epilation.? 'Sheridan eaid, beautifully : " Women gov em u?; let u? render then perfect; the inor tlmy are enlightened, to much th<J mor hbith we be. On thecnltivalion of the mind if of women depends the wisdom of men. ] * is by w iiweu that Nature writes oo the heart ? of roeu* y Ait editor " out west" came near dyinj * by putting on a pair of clean stockings an II drinking a glass of cold water?which wa >- an experiment be had wot tried for man j years before, iDomcltic Recipes. The following nfe thc'foinnlirdet'bf the Ttecfpe* ) ^ commenced list J . '' * ' " * ! OtllCKKN The fowl> for fills pur- I p(.K0 *IU>u!J U young n.iul fin.', Von n>av ' ' either L^jl'or ma>t them. 'I Key must I " r quite .cold, Ilnviug rei/iovct all the, shin ' uiulfat, Mini .!i:the f'wla, cut the " 1 jwent*fro^ff Oiil fcone^ into very miuiII jileqes " exce*<th.g nn inch, hnd split (\vo Jntgo I Jands of cclerY, and cut the white part into ' Ta*o into a msqr df-H. efl^jWIrnnu act it * juwny. fTnve rendv the yelks <t>f e??rht * !^#ft>oihl IiikJ. put them KWo a flat dish- * and inMh them to ? paste J >tr!<l to the eggs j ' a small teacupful of ftne snlt/ The sa?ne-| f quantity?lot eayenne J^ppey; "naif n giii of made mustard ; half wine-gin** of vinegar ; two Tvine>gii'*?eM of sweet oil. Mix all to? ' get her thoroughly, slinittg tl?e?n a long time v until quite smooth, ,( w , V ' ,.f , M p Doiiad Ickino.?To ono U>. sugAr, add '1 half teacup ot water, and boil until it thick " en* a little, have tl?req.-fgg* Indf beaten ; ' pour the boiling syrup into the egg a and * atir all tbe time, and beat until cold ; add a n ( email quantity of lepron Acid. E j TKANorAitsKA.G-y?'^-^ "-K teneen of J . butter ; two cup* qf sugar ; four egg* ; half 1 nutmeg ; one tablespoonful of vinegar ; half teacup of cream. l'ut the sugar in the yel "fob-, llierClhe JauUor, lheu..lbq.vinetftM?, then ' the white. s Ct8T.Ani>.?It i.* tnnvle like swoct pot aloe custard, udng corn nival luush in stead of the potatoc. Cook the muMi thoroughly ; flavor with leniou aud a little acid, vinegar, for instance, ti - - " m as.,?<r?ni ce eggs ^ one cup ?>r btiiter milk ; half cup of Initio ; half cup of mi ' gar; tenspoonful of soda; flour enoiigli to' v make i'. the consistency of pouiulcatco bailer. 1 r~ -r ? i How Somr Tiiinos auif Mauk.?A phy- '! hiciHn of Cincinnati lias made the following j, statement: " During the summer or lSftfl, I analysed , J. ? ii|uiu tin siiiiiwBw^ritiiftwwrfy lleinen of our own city, who Would notj>cr- j mil me to taVc sample# to iny 6tHco,but fp , fisted on my bnnfrmff mt* chemicals and up , parnius to tlicir fetaife, and nhahzciT samples c of sixteen diffeicut lots. Among ihem were v Port wine, Sherry- wine, nnd'Madei in wine. v Tlie distilled Hipions were some pufn, some , vile nnd pernterotis imitations ; but the" wines , had not one drop of the juice of tlie grape ! | Tho basis of tlie Port wine was diluted sid-t 'j ' ph uric acid, colored tilllt elderberry juice,1 c with alum, sn'gni1, and neutral apitiia. The t basis of the Sherry was a- sort of a pale ' mnlr, sttlpliric a?id, from the; bitter nlmond oil, with a per ecntage of alcoholic rpirits t 1 from brandy. The basis of the Mndcria c w as r dococtiort of hop?, wi:!f sulphuric j \ boi^r. >piiip? fforti .Jamaica rmu, etc jc ffheHrtme weeV after anahitmjr tiro nbove. s ' and exhibiting the quality iind character of | the liqr,6r# to the proprietors, a sexton of a ; I chinch inlmnud me that Me had purchaxt d i > a trillion of the above Port wine to be itiswl' t in his church on lite uctl Sabbath for hAc< I > . raiuental purports, aitsl thai for Uii* mixture < of aulpluuie acid, alum andeldurberry juice, i L he hud paid $2.7o pei gallon. I A Nobmk Womav.??Ii is seldom, indeed, ? - that we ^oe a woman win bu mixed mv much < [ with (he w-oild, and is &o well known iii fiudi < iomible life as is the case with Madame l.e i Vert, who hoa so good and noble m ItMrLr^, ' Of her efforts towards ike purchase of Mount | > j Vernon, a correspondent say*i M Of the untiring energy of Madame Le V#H, too much cannot he Mid ; tier md knows no ' ^ diminution, her activity no wjwlto: Her ' persttHsivo voice readies all -classes nml all ( Tlie Military hear it; nnd jh?* their \ j tribute to the hero w ho led their f.ttlieis to ' rictory. iLIer spirit enters whom woman's presence is den.ed ; and in the snnotsiiB of the Lodge, tho Mu*ou* p?ur out tlieir gold en otfuiiugA to their venerated BiiOthku; , * Firemen bong u> her tiemmy icstimunjnb ( oflovo And gratitude; School ~C!tildecu catclj bar onriiuaiaero, and rend their hearty com ; uibuti'/ns to Mount Vcroon, while Ji'lunLvs ' from the in tori or lurn Ji? Ueaf.finr to l?ci jip f jienhh > ( ?ot?l lielonging to Mndmnft L? V<-rl, Um* , beautiful co-operation in Iter patriotic labor* must yield n henrt tell gratification that Do oniony coulii enhance; wick i??eturyu wiU .not fail to record thai her tinto and talent* net? nobly consecrated Umt glorious cause. - r t A wouAx-ia Brooklyn/Y., slolo^our a door mats b?c*une? as *he stated, !'?Vf s about lo becoiuQ t\ mother, and having n<> t S^pu, or Atoney to obtitln one, had taken i tltia means to compel the county to provide bcr with die necessary accommodations," jj John II. Davih, a heavy packer of (Jin d oinnati, died anddenly', recently. A Itvcnl 3 paper ?avs: a He was highly esteemed a* a y man of tanevrilenc? and enterprise, end was * good judge of port.'* * Tor following ftfJveHiaemont, (?ay* il?ej 'raffle fill.] licncrtYi.) \v its'wot its ? few days {' <V, m.uVL.r^^l la |> nibhdi four months for lite Rntn of til fee w lollurs, aboiil^ltHlf price, lo* bo pn'M up4'" ^ roeipt of,*be Unit uutnbor. ^fjlte pafkr eofi- ?r ainiug the tulveMieeinent. . W-e iipcit tbeH ft idxerliscment, omitting the name of the (] CQiimUyl lima engaged-in awiudling with >v toisou, ty un'ru the public of .lite Uangef. yf- f( ndulging in nnv of the infernal bevprHgCR nveulcd l?v the devil.-or some of hie iiuns. ") -'!'* Trtfl AVil ' j; .*!$? ! ~ftSA- n frVT the% tjbfir liven, niid atjn-t their aonl-l Is trlioions (ui.n ami brirodieH tirade cC I' trvohninc whbdrcv ami other poisons !?? K few, if people will go it blind, let ihem j" lntt tlmir ej*el when they guzzle it down, to Jt'.^aSS' advertisement: it W Important to LIOI'OH-MRIM.WHS.? At/cuts <> Wauled,?I have Inst nublisb???l il ? hum i w hfonbte Vhvllecflon t>f 1 eeeipta Over tifforiAl fa (V the public, which will Ikv sent bv mail. repaid, on ihe receipt of one rl??llnr.? Ltnong (lie <b?U?crioto are receipt* for ilio innufaetnrei of ihtrk, 'Palo, am) Cliony Si brandies; Gkampngnet Port niul Cherry J'i Vine*, ftdtn n common Article of Wl?hk?-y.<i 'n t-n"i oo?t'of-ovcr halfc lew* thata Now _Vp>k fa rices. Also ~ hints on making Cordial*, leading Liquor tliftt ha* water .iu>H. and n? inny others of value to the retail Liquor 1] killer, |<J A dVdttclihn nf725 pcfr cent. allowed to,'" fie trade. Addicts ?-?*-'v ? '" * f h *.. - I I ill 'Inn Mmo.-^'t U Unmiui niiml cannot ex j i)i it long without love ami admiration: lhevjtli r? its .daily food, haul that iw scattered . \v bout for -ik everywhere. It is true, thativi then the mental appetite become* vjtiaud.j mi ml it. cannot relish what it finds strewed I II bout its feel, it may starve : but on Uiejoi ithor band it may be d.iiven to se?k its total j i a distance. (laired of itstlf and of liu . nnnity may force it to ?et-k ufugv )u other o vorlds : iu lliq uy;{d of U tuks-^Jtht. V'01'ltyl lr if thought?thy world (>f Iihi jre. And let ft t but On?e gain a trim iioigiit of flu m>, and' p ill its liner faculties nuuf expand. Its tancv I j, uul imagination, wbicliaio always prog res- j ^ ihre anil yvt always young, will then travel ,, hrOugli all. the region* of possible or im I c unwijrl^ csjatencegj nrd_ ij^to ^rt-i.,.ii wiit? i| ring back with then*, store* fuan whichrjj, hey nmy, for even wficr, create world* otfifl Iteir own. Tlrts directions, too, will limit ic ognize their kindred with Irvonniiitv ; they h vitl leiiin the true object* on which lhay verc n:ado to rest; pud. williij?d, that,. it hoy con tor .a while cxpu'iale in eternal na iu? as in tiioir c^utdrv.iiiyy pan, after aU.iJii i,I..O :? !- 1 - I? I f? 4IIV-. I1UIII III III.-.II I. j III rfo> itmpi's vitiated iipp.ctjte will torreytcd i 'ts lasl? &'f tf*9 HMipW UOyl illv w r?o will,ryvhc jyid will Jbc. light again. , C: 4 - ' oiNoiM.iiu'.?A inct-ti.-uity- iv-itt*ng in |n lie city of lVlc*,^ya., TfnVtiig had "bis | aiion to suspect hi* bailor lialf, nnd not l( visiting to gn er?zv on llio Kr.b/oet before ^ om inuiltg huitseif ul ihn-truth of.lib j.r ion, settled llio qiuMiimi qniiu singularly^: ji( >orh:?p?, vtiyil4 funnily-." iJlv tirst bate J hi* a must, ]?aiiHe?l a de-|MNalo looking wound _ villi some of his lady's eai mine, between the btirth-And fifth tih, nml spunkting Wieeluut ; villi w thick solution of the tuaWiiitl,.livid wer on hi* bed mil jiicd oil' a pi?lul. llii ^ vi o immediately rushed into ibn cliuuilKir, " ?nd fiiuling hiuv in ^ueli atciiiblo Coiicli^on ^ *ivv* way to .hci; giiof ami real loe<v auJ Minced such unmisiakah'o affection pn the, (j >ccn?iou .^at tlje ingenious ineJiahic gnyc up his delusion, tumbled kmgh^gl) into hei ^ iryw, ftU.d likQ ?? luaieet iiiao luhj Jiervihe!^ ? hole luith. \Vc yiijle;>|aud lliaj, lliis in 1 ()( >Vmc? i} no I williyni precedent in our city,! w tint - far us we know, the ruie ii oiigyial with a celebrated Klftnifh Jiniutbr who fool I Ills cyipiicious 11 lib" into a pcifeet eostu l. ?y of iinhiidled affection and lived long to !' L-nj >v the glorious effects of it. Some ex :1 :cption may ho taUeii to the method, htft i' ^ is cdniUefnlity boitef Ihan* olovrtng otto's;\ ItvutMO nut A?* na ivh ?* ?/% fjinwnf " tviili prusvtc ftcM. ? ' " K *'*? - ii _ . - > ;'r, RcaVk^.w OotrTKnurojta. -?'l'i)o FicWsr- 4 iclcitliui >5 liowwdw.lnw an nttitle f>? ihu ni- l' IrnordHtary-eoHrervinns w hicli iituniMi Mfri' ,( wont tb before the day of oXi-ciuion; irrftM, ?n<t which art: <1 ills' p;irn?lr.'d 1<X das pyes# bef.??t the paliliii i' Miiw., sv? ?J<< i.o^'r< iliMibl/' ?ay* the RvcorJer, '* the pos*?i of ft God to ouiiv^rjL nj.^t hardened wretch h kJuU or; pjjjd -m? P?q;iliy jlje r?W i lVixnif to!:. liHCiUpe. Nor do s\y ini'iin to puiiitati' c that it h ipa llio duty ?<f iv Clirf? iui'.ii> r tcr Id^o UtluigA uf safyntioij cren to n to tho filyo'dy l< '' ' f ' f ' iK ^'rf aic fii'c to conIVa* we have tx?? tini. tC't confliToncA In ilie cnnr<?r*fnri of <Vn? ? in n tliousnftfj of tho*el srW?;'Wrfikf< th?" C?' 1 lotrn, tlfnt thoy art* rtsAtjwilfj*1 mortal u Ity mr n gloftmi*'irtimortniily bey ( ml i4?f j *-j graWf Aye,'thfcre'fft 11 fiwufut re*ft<Mt*i1?IHty I ? ' (lUv fnft^tif fitnt' Vl.V fn-er*' f.?i j n giting ptil'HHfy to ftm-h *c Wliat i>, the of it I Why,' tho tpnonmt-we j thowhy enefltireginl to tlfcv uitHMijiii of! y the mmt fttitteiouH crttt?e?. beoftthKt, iir f<-uml i out, ?Uey ft re tudtioed to tioiieve (tutt but" r ? the day of nociMion, with the nit) of n min iMer. thev e?n be prepared tor en i>nt;mux*, into Hebftfl.'' . / ,1 *!? ?*> *.4 ?;i? ?4; ,?t^ T .*4 ^ M m?mm Porvrowr contain- seventv-five per Cent >/ weight) nod turnips no Im than ninetyi er cent pf water. A beefsteak, though press-' I l?'iween blotting paper, yields nearly tur fil'ihsof its weight of water. Of the hu?tan finnio. bones included. only about OBOninli is solid matter, (chiefly carbon and ittogVn;) tlio rest in water. If a man eigliin# one hundred and forty pounds was " |K*nK'd> list under,* hydraulic press, onp rmdicd ami Hve pound* of water would run at, and only thirty fire pounds qLjLcJLre*ipg ?i*ltl1til " A itfltirts, tti. r. fo'-f chemical' speaking, forty live Ita. of c*r?&t? tinf <ij% r ogen diffused through six buckets of waii* Hni y^lStia in.lonrJ '? -1 , ..M.wm, iii IW.WHJIIIK IBCS iltfy remarks that tlio u living organism is 1 be ^gard.-d a* a mass <lifl*u??ec! in water ??i DiUton, l?y a.scries of experiments tried t ilia own person, found tlmt of the food itb wh'n h tyn daily repair this water-built brie, fivo sixths are tiNo water. 4 . [Scientific American. pLAtxt.r nor Tuvmirou-r Spokbn.?lh? disbuiv Watchman embodies in nnut^boll ie certain consequence* to young men who dulge in th? use of strong drink*, in tba (lowing brief paragraph ! * As ian ft* One crop of xwiUert die off, loll Or cr..p takes their vacant place*.? here ate a number of young men in our i\vn now fii-queiiling the liquor shops who ok dbwn With contviifpt on a Tew debased reck* of humanity they meet there; but 'imc is uOt fir off When thero will be toso who will l??ok down on them. Jiy is time ibo present crop of " hnrd cares " ill have pot.n to graves, these nice long trtrn will have become confirmed sots, itl will imperceptibly fill the blank around icdoois of the doggeries. And so it goes n, from generation to generation." \Var.m TVvtmino.?The warm bath Is a mini remedy, and will cure tbe mo,t viruill of div'ftsfts. A iMjrmn who may ire in wr of hating received inf.ction of any hffl, a?, for In-tance, having vhitcd ft fever U'.ieut, ?diouUl ^pe.dily plunge into ft Warm alh, suffer perspiration to ensue, and then ub dry, drew* securely to guard against old. rtnd flnbltjiff Wjtll a cup of *tro?m tee tf tiffin^ Ifn fr rtUft I' ' Ti I itftAlfti'v' iflHf V Hieciaais maTTcr, II a ill ccrfrTTiify Tic removii by this ]>mwm, if 41 be resorted to before icr inftvtion has lifne to spread over lb* mi." .And even h~sbrft? tune hits elapsed, n ui wiiii win ue pretty sure to remove it. [Medical Journal. koi.iv or Atiiki?m??1 had rattier t?o* fve all the fal?!e< in lliq Legend, the Talnid, nnd the Koran, than (lint tliia tmiveril frame is without a mind. God never roliglit miracles to couvinee Atheists, be* iu?c llis oidinarv works nre suflieient to ittvinco tliem. It i> tme. that a little phi* sophy inelinorfi iricn a minds to Alliet-m ; it!) in philosophy hiihgelTi tliem back i religion ; for while llu? mind of mau ?ike?h upbn second causo*?mutercd. it tunyilnedhies'n**t ori tlirin, and go no further; nt when it behohlcjb the chain of them >nfj\loi.;^lo nrnl linked together, it must nul* fly to l'rgoideuce and Deity. [Lord Bacon. " She Ai.wats M.u>fc IIowk H.tnir.''? ticji \uMs.Uie btief but impicsivo soutenca hicli a fiiend wUlied us to add to an obit* l?>C notice of one " who Inia "one before." What better tribute' could T<> offered to I'c'hiemorv of the loved and lost t Elonence? with her tpfUcst eulogy?poesy, itll her ino>t tin tiling dirge. Could afford oihing so sweet, >o touching, ro suggestive f the virtues of the dead, as those simple oids, " She yltcays mdtTc A'>mc kuppy.'y A Vat-uani.r i'iblr.?At n lalo unction i Rnhdbh, was sold a copy of the first Lati bible, ihtiirho^t'il to have been jointed by ihii fjAH<?n\Kitrnf at \f dv AnoA Iwd u-r>An flu* aiir* 1450 ?unl 1455. Tl?U \vas7~ftt tlic me, < h marvellou* production, Mruck ott' oin fVj** em by the hand. '1'lti* volume >rmcrtyi[>i-)oiin<*.Pto'tfie DnUbf and 1 ii'u *alo .produced JCl'Jo. (or f940.) On ie present occasion, 'lie "ale realized ?o9f>, 'i 92,004.) more ilmn tbice linNi ?s tnaek. Roi??ur IIA ill. ?<i?l nut lr>*6 tluo power of itort etfen in mndnes*. A coihlolor with M mMirOirn-s one? wldied lilm in tlio iuhUrtVr^rmd *??d, iit n whining li>nn " What Tringlif A*e?rr re, Mr. Hull f Uill Mgnifi >mire rouoiieti ?iw nmw *v??i> m* linger, and ptied. "iVVIikiM never liriiHg jou, sir?loa nick brain." *-? . \? 0\ ... < '? ? >?? . . > U ?Mj * ? good night'* repose, lnko * o!u lovvl hath before letiiing A bowl or lib <>f cold uttier. ttmi h. lutid crash towel ??d vigeiifiHkiy-ovhr U?o wltiiio body are ail lint Ht?- uevej?H*rji, in Jid.inii.ri to h clear oiiMiuium. ii? ordt*i to tfeuiQ i* good night'* nt. A Tmik Saving,-- lie who encourage* 'nnittr iner. in ihe purMiit* of Agrict^ilitic. i doing ii good wo?k?f?>t the morula of SO* cwjr u l.tii dicd year* heme. i How rhonld a litirluiii'l ?p<ali to hi" se >\| ng \?iftti "wMv di?iv, i loiy. )ou if '*'' .rwit^sv' i . j,J,_ ,(t| J" *