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**** Wt? ?. A Song. >1 W. B. OATEN PORT ADAM. Dr aper mod deeper the twilight Fold* over the brooks end the lees, And there ruetlee no longer e music 'Mid the murmurous boughs of the trees, A star has peeped out o' the a sure, And night broadens slowly above ; But, ah! there's uo tap at the window, i No whisper?" Art oomimr. mv love? Art coming ? art coining ?" No whisper?" Art cotuing, my love?" My mother has paused frtun her spinning. My father I* homo froiu his kino; And yet there's no top at the window, No hand clasping closely in mine t Hush, hush ! there s a step in the garden, And a shadow is gathering near ; Ah, now there's a tup ut the window. And a whisper?"Thy lover i? here! Art coining? art coming?" A whisper?"Thy lover is here!" Uuinnrisfff dMin. A Yankee in the Smith Family Well. I |?ut up with a lir-t rate, good Matured fellow that I met at a billiard table. I went in and was introduced to his wife, a fine fat woman?looking as though she lived on laffin, ber face was so full of fun. Alter a while?after we'w talked about my girl, and about the garden, and about the v" at bcr, in come three or four children, laffin' and skipping as merry as crieketR. There was no candle lit, but I could aee they weie fine looking fellows, and I started for my saddle bags, in which I put a lot of sugar enndv for the children as I went along. "Oonie Itete," said I, 44 you little rogue ; come he*e and tell me what your name is." The oldest came to ine and says ; " M v name. 1- IV ci Snii'h." 44 Aud what's your name sir ?" " Hob Smith." The next aaid his name was Hill Smith, and the fourth said his name was Tommy Smith. I I gave 'em sugar CHiidy. and old Mix. Smith wa* so tinkled that fdie laughed all the time. Mr. Smith looked on, but didn't sav much. 44 Why," rays I, 44 Mir. Smith, I would not take a good deal for them four boye, if I had 'em?ihev are so beautiful and sprightly." 44 No," Raid she laffin', 44 I set n good deal ^ on 'em, but we spoil 'em too much." 44 No no," says I, 44 they're well behaved children; and by gracious," says I, pretending to lie startled by a Rtriking resemblance between ? the boys and the father, and I looked at Mr. 1 l" Smith, 44 I never did see anything equal it." i shvh I. 44 your own eves, mouth, forehead, * and ;w?'feei picture of hail, sir," tapping the olilest on the pate. I thought Mrs. Smith 0 would have died Initio at that, her arms fell h rlo'vrv^by hf/i "irli. ;md ?dto shook the whole C ltou?e feflnU.4! y#, you ijpink ?o, Col Join s," J - M r.iSnil M. sjid I - ' .TIT, ~ ^i^-Tdo leallv." 4 llaw. haw haw J" sny?" ' Mir. Smith, kiln! '?> half lalfiu',44 foil are loo hard on me now with tour jokes." 44 1 ain't 11 jokin at all." nam I. 44 'hey are handsome j* children, and d<? |<M>k woiub'ifnllt like you." Just then a gal brought a light ill, and I'll be darn'd if the little brat* didn't turn out ^ uiie ?>f em : nun their 8 heads was curly all over! Mr. and Mr*. Smith never had any chi'.dten, and tliey soil o' petted them niggers as playthings. I never frit ao streaked as I did when I found ' out how things stood. If I hadn't kissed I' the nastr things I could a got over it ; but '' ki&?ing 'em showed I was in nirnest. ftl Punch having heatd of a Marriage in l< High Life, performed with a "choral ser vice," didn't know what tlie latter is, but suggests the follow ing for " musical wed dings Programme.?Owning chorus, " Ilark. I . hear the Bound of Conches." Solo by the J11 beadle. Chorus by the applewnman, small sf boys, acrobats, musicians, c' iinnev sweeps, 01 police and street idlers in general, being that part of the populace w hich you find at every wedding, assembled as outsiders to witness the proceeding*. Vj Chorale of footmen, attired in Berlin glovea and gigantic wedding favors, " Sich a Gettio' down Steps !" Air. w ith variations, " Cont'e Gentle !" sung bv all the female bystanders in admi- n< ration of the bridegiooni. j Comic songs by butcher boy*. " l>e I>an ^ dy Broadway Swell," and "Oh, hon't he Just Look Nice !" Bridesmaids' chorus, " Is Nobody Coming ' " ' to Marry us?" sung in the minor and with SH piteous whine. Solo by rejected suitors, " Hope Told n ' Flattering Talc." j ft ; A Fcarfil AppARirioy.?The editor of ?? the Tiflin Advertiser says that Mr?. J 1?* the wido^v of h late Hubsnitwr to the ArHer ',a tiser in an adjoining township, recently awakened from a sound sleep at midnight, when she distinctly heard an apparition ad to vnncing towards her, until it finally reached 141 her bed. A sense of suffocation deprived th her of all her power to scream aloud 8he ?* describes her blood a* retreating with icy 441 chilliness to her heart from the body, when she recognised in the intruding spirit her deceased husband. The countenance of her I beloved in life wore not its once benevolent ** < aspect; the eyes which once beamed with sli afhotion upon her, were now fixed in stern regard upon th* trembling woman. Aroused to desperation she abjured him? ;u " Charles, why do you haunt me ? Why jn do you come again I" be " Jessie," said he, slowly waiving in his hand a small roll of paper, ** Jessie, pay the cconnt I owed to the Adverti-er, and let me t.jt test in pence." jj Mrs J. ha fulfilled his desire, and is now tj)( riot .fcai tul of auy futuie ihdtsfrom the shado?#\ land. kn A i>". oil \\ r*t brags that none of her u ' reiauons weie ant to the S ate piison or? ;? I't.wers Eternal t >-ucb names w? lOingled 1 * , ba< mm** A Strict TrmpkraHcr We wero necosted the oilier evening, says ilftj editor of a Boston paper, by * ffeuflfcmanlv looking mail, evidently balancing a clever sized brick in bis castor. , M I say, mis-mister, will you be kind enough to tell mo the way to Broadway" * No lb adway here, air ; ibis is not Now Yok." M Oh ! h.i ! ab ! yee,; that's a fact. Well, I lioor Vftnr nefiBk" ? 1 B ;?jviii |Hi<uvnr"|'i?l>oii ; show tne to Fourth street?Mll-lfilWa UoLO?." 44 Now you're in Philadelphia, old boy. Wrong again." 1 44 I1h! Iih! well, I'm darn'd confused. that's 1 i fact. All right. Please to tell me whe- , whether it's left or right I take to Holiday meet !" "That's a street that ain't got this wav 1 ret. Perhaps you are thinking of the city ' jf Baltimore I" " Well, where the deuce am I, stranger, invhow I" We told him in Boston, lie jammed his lists into his pockets, after lilting his hat a smash, and stepped out, ob- ' ierving: 44 Well, I'm dnrn'd if I follow this temper nice caravan any longer.'' Caubaok and Ditto.? We have just now | leard a cabbage story, which we will cook l jp for our laughter h ving readers. 44 Oh ! I loves von like anything." said a , roung man to his sweetheart, warmly press- ' ng her hand. { 44 Ditto," said she, gently returning the I iressure. ( The ardent 44 lovyer." not happening to be ( >ver LAKKKD, was sorely pUKtled to undei ( land the meaning of ditto, but was ashamed < o ixpose his ignorance l?v asking the girl, lie went borne; and the next day being at vork tn the cabbage-yard w ith his father, he poke ont: 1 44 Daddy, what's the meaning of ditto ?" 44 Why," said the old man, 44 this here is >ne eabbiiDTH Iwu-t !i t*1 44 Yes, daddy." 44 Well, that are's ditto." 44 Rot (hat aie ftood ilir Dolliin gal!" ejac- 1 dated the iiidiguant son, 44 she called nie 1 abbage-hend, and I'll be darned to damn 1 ion if L ever go to see licr again." 1 Tint Investigator tells a good storv of the 1 rreat 4 revival " in Wisconsin. Among the ' diverts was one whose ptcvious profession 4 i ad been 44 three card rnonte." li in oh being mew-hat hard, he found little profit in his 4 igitiinate *4 | raetice." and became 4* convert- 4 d," H-s the elders say. One night, at the | tigge-tioti of an older, he arose to edify the 4 ngtegalion with his experieneo, and thus 4 delivered'' himself t 44 Ladies and gentle- 4 rfn?I mean brothers and sisters ; the Lord 5 K-> We?-?t me i?o nwnti % 1 fvlt " appv before in all my life?(embarrassed) " -I say I never felt so happy before in all ty life?(very much embarrassed)?if any ne think" I ever did, they cuu get a lively r el out of me I" ? A Snow.?44 Well, Jeenics, a show is 0 wine to cum lieie." 44 How do you know dat I" 44 Case a feller came along sticking np pictres and said so. There's gwine to he a 0| igner, a animal with a slump tail, a Ele- ? hunt, who has got two horns coming out of e< is mouth, a man who will turn inside out, nd a heap o' things." < ?l! I?- **"? --- ' ....... .T.IKIII, Uin, we IIUT g\\ mo ll ) have anv gingerbread ntul lases !" . #i "Yes." ' " Well, Sal and I'll cuin, certing." A ClUSKBK Jest.? A woman surprised by ni te unexpected arrival of her husband, had ist lime to hide her gallant in a saek, and it hitn up against the wall. The husband, i coming into the room, asked : <>i ' What is there in that sack ?" 8,1 Tito woman was confounded, and hesitated 0< T an answer. The gallant, afraid she ould blunder, called out front the inside of 16 sack? " Nothing but rice !" A fellow who was douhting whether or vt >1 he sjiotild volunteer to fight the Mexi- Y ns, one of the flags waving before his eyes. taring the inscription '* Victory or I)eath," __ tne ?hat troubled and discouraged hitn.? Victory in a very good thing." he said, but why put victory or death? Jus? put," id he, " victory or cripple, and I'll go that." I Thk Chattanooga Advertiser says there is grocer in that city who is said to he so ngy that he was seen to catch a 11 v ofl' his Xl tinier, hold hitn up by his hind legs, ami jk in the crack of his feet to see if he tdu'l been stealing some of bis eugar. "Vks do you link tbo world will come an end ?" asked a German of a Milleriut. Oh probably iti about three month*," wan e answer. " Ho. veil ; I no emo* Am #!??? ** claimed llans w ith a smile of satisfaction ; ? I po going to I'tiffalo dis spring." " I would linve you know, my friend, that njieak from a knowledge of the truth."? I), yea. fully a, thousand miles from the ^ ghteat knowledge of it." y " TTovr did you learn that grateful atli de?" snid a gentleman to a fellow leaning a tipsy fashion against a post. " I have eu ptaclUiug at a glass." Thcks is a town in Michigan where the th utcii bell is rung every day at twelve, for A a people to take their quinine, as they have a ague all round. * Com* here, Master Tommy. Do you Is ow your A, I), C's f1 * Yis, tur, I know * We km, and makes houey too." th " It is a poor rule that won't w6rk both us," exclaimed ilte boy, throwing the rule yj, L'k at the schoolmaster# " ^ * 4 . i. * - hi iittmn i * " *\ ? - - = ? jjt $ntifyrrn (gnterprisr. I.. -H I . '.I BATES OF APYBBTtSlHO. THE following Kates of Advertising hovo boon od?pt?<l by the eonductora of the Oreenvillo Ppeae, apd will be otriotly adhered to: rm sonata or It linw, (If inch,) o* lh*, let insertion, 76 cents; 2d, 60 cents; Ad to 18th, mm WW encit; lilll (9 20th, 2y oevts each ; 27th to 42d, 15 cent* each ; 48d to 62d. 10 oenls Mch. The following diaeounts will he allowed: AavertiaemcitU amounting to (25 and under (AO, A per cent.; *60 and under (75, 10 per cent.; (75 and under (100, 15 per cent.; $100 and over, 20 per oent dr Obituarv Notices over 12 lines, and Tributes of Respect, will be charged fo. at the same rates a<* advertising matter. vr All Advertisements not having the number of insertions marked on them, will be continued till ordered out, and charged for accordingly. SyJOU WORK payable on delivery. PRICK A MCJU AKin, ooi?'?>.rn 2nti?j,Tlz?. O. E. ELFORO, Patriot and Afouutaineer. January 12th, 1558. - " " AGENTS FOR T1IK ENTERPRISE. Prraa Str, Esq., Flat Rock, N. C. A. M. Peden, Fairview P. O., Greenville Diet William C. Bailey, Pleasant Grove, Greenville. G. W. Kino. Traveling Agent SIM & CO UlTTIRnS THUSFIIBT! The following Scheme will be drawn by fj. Iwaii A Co.. Manager* of the Sparta Academy lottery, in each of theirSingle Number Lotteries Tor November, 1858, at Al'UUSTA, Geo., in publie, under the superintendence of Commissioners: Class 40 draws Saturday, Nov. 6. 1858. jih-s 41 draws Siou'day, Nov. 13. 1858. Mass 42 draws Satuidav, Nov. 20. 1858. Jlass 43 draws Saturday, Nov. 27, 1858. On the Plan of Single Numbers. 50,000 Tickets! Fivo Thousand Four Hundred 8c Eighty-Five Prizes. Near y Oh* Prize te Every Nine 'Picket*. MAQMOFlO.iNir SOXHEMSl j TO UK DKAWN EACH SATURDAY IN NOV. I Prize of" $70,000 4 Piiies <>f $900 I Prize of 30 000 4 Prize* of 800 1 Piize of 10.000 4 Prizes of 700 I P.ize of 5.000 4 Prize* of 600. 1 Prize of 4.000 60 Prizes of 600 I Prize of 3,000 50 Prizes of 300 Prize of 1.500 100 Prizes of 125 I Prizes of 1.000)230 Piizes >>f 100 Apitrosliniilion Prize. Prizes of $ 4i>0 A | (>*>?. to $70,iMKi priz. nre ?1,800 Prices of 800 " " 30,ooo priz ure 1,2th) Prizes of 200 " " 10,000 priz. are 800 Prjzcaof 125 " " fi.OOO priz are 6<M) Prizes of 100 " " 4,000 priz. nro 400! Prizes of 75 " " 8,000 pri*. are 80O! Prizes of 8tr ' " 1,300 priz. tire 2t?0 .0**0" of 20 -re 100,000! ftfirrirm mtiiinrrti ift nr ~ \ holeTieliot.s$10; Halve* $5; Qitnrlers$2.J. tW A Circular, thawing th* pfan of the Tx>tte- J ice, will be */ hI to v*y our detiroiu of rreeiriny it. Certificates of Packages sill bo sold *t the illowini; rotes, which is the risk: crtificate o' Package of 10 Whole Tickets, ?R0 ertificatc of Package of lo Half Tickets, 40 crtificate of Package of 10Quarter Tickets, o(> crtificate of Package ef lo biehih Tickets, 10 IN OKOKK1NU TICKKT8 OK CKUTIVICATK3, Knelosc the money to our sihlressfor the Tick Is ordered, on receipt of which they will he forarded by first mail. Purchasers enn have tickle ending in nny figure tlicy may designate. Tlic list of Drnwn N'umbors and Prizes will be lit to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will please write their sign* ires plain, aud give their Post O.fieo, county nd State s ? n 1.1. - 1 * ? iiuincniih'rinni ATi'ry l'ri/.c ii dravi) aili J ?) nMe in full without deduction. *.* &1I prLioi vf tnd undo-, paiil ini-J eiliatoly niter the drawing?other prizes at the inn) time of thirty <lay a. All eommiiuioations strictly confidential. Address orders for Ticket* or Certificate* to 8. SWAN A CO., Augusta, Qa, IW Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., I Atlanta. On., ean have their orders filled, and ve time, by addressing S. Swan A Co , at cither J ' those cities. V9~ A list of the numbers that arc drawn i out the wheel, ivith the amount of the prize that ich one is entitled to, will be published alter rery drawing, in the following papers: Angus i (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Delta, oliile Kegisttr, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Inlligenccr, New York Weekly Day Rook, Sa- 1 innah Daily News, Richmond Dispatch, New ork Dispntcli, Paulding (Miss.) Clarion, and f ittle Rock (Ark.) True Democrat. Oct -28 26 tf tv. H. HOVE3Y, I'ltoi'uii.roit ok LIDIM' STORBJ i?i \l.::i: IN .m\ FANCY MIS Ml BAY GOODS. tlCHDKESSGOODSJ BO N HE If y RIBBONS, j HOITSKKKKI'ING GOODS, rr a r\kj *m a ? ? T -nriMUC. ULU THINQ 1 AND UHmfii 2BOTXSX ?DDDI i GREENVILLE, S. C. . j N. B.?Order* nceorofian'.ed by the cash for Me- j ml, Law or Library iiook*. Musical Instruments 4 dflUlTlMj promjitly tilled in New York, and ] llvoeed at his counter on ehortewt notice. April 1 4ft 1 y g . Notice to All. )\V!X(5 to the death of one of the partners \\ of the Firm of Ken, lin y no ?fc 0?., the bus- , or* of miiil Firm will lytvn to he wound up.?, j 11 pcitona indebted by NOTE OR ACCOu$tt| e teqneeted to come forward and settle t he same"1 an early day. REA, BAYS E A CO. Goodi for Cash. J? TIIE ronrehandixing Laaineaa ie carried on aty e same Stand ; and they now OFFER GOODSB r VERY LOW PRICK* FOR CASH. Juno 1? ? -tf K.. B. A CO. J NOTICE | S hereby given that application will I* trade JL to the aext Leyielatnre for an i ot making.#* a road leaving the Old Pefidleton Road?near I** e reeidenee ot CoL J. A. Jtaoley's. Sr., nroeeingjC luda at Fox's new Bridge. and intereeoiia^K e Pendleton Road again near tfao residence orp r. Black?a pullie mad. Aug i* <14 lm ' I -*m . 4* I i ' I 'S I T I.# P OKNiatlXTll. npin" Bubadfibfr continue# to Ornament with J. n?? Cold, SveUY VARTKTY OF HAIR *'?JUfc to ordMV >;rh u Hair Broacbea. Ua WWnf Kin^ da. Vast, Fob and Guard Chatna, doi i grekUrea. Bracelets, and, in fact, orary artialo in tb? H-ir K~. m.w * *? - ??urv. wrtwxrm, %?| 1111V gold, F-agsgeinentRings (withInscription thrown in.) solid Uoltl Sleeve, Colter, Bosom aud CMmise Button*; engraves Medals, Seals, itc., Plate of every kiui, aud makes all articles in bras*, silver or gold; repairs neatly alt .Teweh-y brought in; take* all old (lold or Silver, at fair valuatioa. |jP~ Office sixty yards esst of the Old Court Hove, Greenville, S. C., and near the Kutsrprise Office. J. 11. RANDOLPH. Jnly i I ly cega "'4* SURGEON DENTIST, GREENVILLE, 8. O. < >** ? Xorthr Weil corner Main and A venue Street?, II AS just returned from PliilndelfljwKSwL phis, and will, he picased to attend djpbtxtjl-t to any who are in wnnt of hi* services. t ARTIFICIAL TEETH Inserted from one to full Upper and Lower Suits, in the most approved nn<l durable manner. Tlx posed Nerve* destroyed and treated, free of pain. " Jan 7 85?tf 1 AGENCYFOR MTB EM3L1MJSIMSCE C9MPMY. TUE ASI1EVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, HAVING complied with the legal requisition of this State, in relation to Agencies, nnd having appoints.! the undersigned na their t gent far this place, ho is now prepared to TAKK RISKS on LII B or PROPERTY. JOHN W. ORAHY. Greenville, 8. C., Feb. I?\ 1858. 40-tf Saddle:unl llarncaa AjjA MANUFACTORY. rl'MlK Subscriber would respectfully inform the 1. public generally that lie continues the above Business, 'Jo nooa abovk rim ubkxnvillb Hotkl, nnd is prepared to furnish customers with any discriplion of lIonie-Mnnufm-tured SAllIlhl'lS, Carriage, Bng^y and Wagon Harii.-ss made to order, atid in the l,r?t itii/fe. BriI dh? Whips, ?(re., on Imnd anil for sale CHEAP. (Saddles and Harness repaired nt short I notice. A. M. Gil.It HATH. l.v.i. < irv T tf'.l 1 V the"wiTlett"iiousk, GSEKNVILLE. S C . A THE Sul.?orihor taken pleasure in informing; bin friends, and the (3 | **traveling community generally, yVj^-C.T^S^CT' tliat he Ijr>* recently uimle nn extensive uUdilion to his establishment, which now contain* fifty commodious, airy nud well-furiit-lied lioomi. Ilis Tnl !e will ulwitys In* found <?n of tliu Hotel is central and Jun* 10 6-tf It. 1?. OOODLETT. liou?c nnd Lot tor Male. . # ^ 1 LIE Subt-cril-er offers for sal.*, A on ihe most reasonable terms, hi* $ j HOUSE ANT) I.f>T, in the village i,f CrecnviHe. The location i*. in #11 respects, ? most desirable one, iminedla'cly An the Pendleton road, nuJ near the depot. The Lot contains over nn to re of land, nud is w ell Improved. The buildings are all new. The Dwelling has seven comfortable room*. There is a good Kitchen And Negro i louse, nud nil neojL>?,'?rv outbuildings. Also, a line well of water. Household and Kitchen Furniture sold with the i?;einu?er if desirable. Apply to Col. 11 IV Jo.nbs. R. ?*. GODDAHD. Dec Si 24 tf yALtriBijE'HOTJSii ATO"?5T i On Rnarnmhs *a tFOH 8ALE." THE Proprietor of the premises on Bun H combo Street, opposite the Baptist KVtnnle jje, having removed from Greenville, is anxious to dispose of the mine. The IIOUSK is Vwy conveniently end comfortably Arranged? gpntuiuing 7 Room?, aH of which nre in neat re pair. Tlie Lot is sufficiently large for ill purposes?lies well, ami is at present under gat den cultivation. The whole is offered upon reason Able terms. An opportunity Tike this one, fot ga-uring property In that portion of town, moy I not soon occur again. Any one wishing to putohase, can learn the forms by calling upon the undersigned, who Wu been appointed Agent for the sale of tlu> rue. W. P. 1 KICK. April 23 50 tf tFor 8ai?. IIP Subscriber otfers for salo his HOIJKF. andj UVf whereon he now lives. It is situated about m yawls from the PUBLIC 8QlrAllR, Lwrll improved, having a large House containKOfi Looms, with Fire places in each, one extra |^Bteo-n, Pantry, Ac., good aafrsmgmy KitclifSf^lQSdce-houM, Grain-house, Crib, and an exwiewt new Stable, ow-tiovise and Corgi ageEroso, and an minimally productive fJardeff and Puti-li, with a good variety of Fruit Trees, Drapes, Ac. . j Terms accommodating. Possession would bo riven immediately, if desired. T. C. GOWEfl Jan 7 SB tf [jjiilATT, OAftLfiV St CO^jLute T Fa rmer. Ilraco a Co.,) l*r*lt*nrk*, Book fcru.?it>?a?n? Stationers,No21 MurrayStreet, New fc'ork.?P., O. A Co., offer at low prises for eash. knd liberal terms for approved credit, a large Bock of Hank and Office Stationer,- Itlai.L- ?...> Account B<>okr, Receipt end MemonmdumBooke, j P?per of nil Lin?l? Cerde Oireutnre, Bill tfe'ad*. ) |c., Priming end I.itli^?,|>?iing cXorSA ! erler. ItiMcn, Mienclieneou* mid School Hook*. P., O. A (jo. publish Bullion's series of drummers; QxnMock'a series oa UiaSoicnces; Hook ilr's Physiologies; BrockTeshy's Astronomies; tSiMjns G?ogn?i>liv, newly revised; Bout kern hjWrt Renders ; rllnitt** Hook Keeping; uu<] the rClienp.sf ?u<l best " Spoiling Hook ever used. Aug 12 14 6m WM.THOMP SON, PRACTICAL ARCHITECT, Offloe on Main Street, Vfxt Door to Mansion IToust. at Ihompnon t&Stall's ^ ' Clothing fttors. tlYTf.L farnUh DESIGNS for New Bni Mings end for Re-modeling Old Houses, in fewn or Country, end will superintend the oxoMtioo of the Mine et oioderate prices. : /nee 6 4 9m Blanks, A LARGE lot oS SUM. PROS., needy printed i cV end for set* et thie office. PiPM^MM^PPMpMaHBp|KSPP?MHHI 15 8 S'- E a $usiyg;? fttoetoNj. ELFORD& DONALDSON, ATTGMIEYS AT LAW, GKEENVILLK, 8. C. c. t. jueorp T. y. UONADROX. M?y 13 , l tf RE E D&.C300DLETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW? AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. {ST Cyf? n*-*/ <f?or to F. F. Btattie Jb Co. jjf] GUEENVILLE, S. C. J. r. KEEP 3. P. OOOPLKTT. Juno 4 4 tf H. JULIUS SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GllEKN VILLK, S. G. Jane 18 6 tf ORR &. prICE7" ATTORNEYS AT LAW? GHGENVILLE, S. C. JAMics u "M * . r. rmoK. May 13 1 tf W. P. PRICE, NOTARY P U B11Q , AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL. Office in the Old Court House?old Sherffis (Wire. GREENVILLE, 8. C. i tw Will promptly Attend to the collection of j Notes and Account*, settling Claim* Ac. May 13 l tf ; ROBIi'iTT. TH JI'SroM M. I>. <>FTKH-t HIS PI(()PK?S!0NALSKRVI l Tw CPS to this community. Hi* Offioa, for th I LA present, is in the Old Court House Ituildino Jan 14 30 tf 0.S.I50WEli, Mannfnoturer of and Dealer i: FL'RXtTUIlF. <-f every description. CHAIRS of every style, FISK'S CELEBRATED ME TALIC BURIAL CASES Opposite the Coni/aree House, Fch 4 COLUMBIA. 8. C. 8d-ly BOOT^SHOE ANQ LEATHER STORE, TI1K Sl'HSUKlRER has on hnn ' . _ - >> . . .. .II, HtBtirl lllfllb <M t5!r \S1) SH0I1S, of hi# own mntitifiu" tit re. Also, jiMt received, h lino assortment o' Ladies' Shoes* Slippers, Gaiters, &c., MISSES AND CIIILDKKN'S SllOKS, all sixer. (ioullcmoH's Slipiin*. Also, a largo. .-'took ?-f IlllOf! ANS, Shoemakers' Tools, Lent he r l-'iiidin^s, Thrcml, Lace, Ac. lie h:is also oil hand it hiftfo stock of 3L. 3E3 -A. "3? IE3E H3 3FL , which lie will noil itl. \\ holcsalo or Uetail Having in his employ excellent workmen, h< in prepared to make the finest article of IlOO'lh anil SI lots at. the short .-st not ire. 1 in \\W M inii'iii^iri'iiH1^!!! gi'iuw#wii^ reasonable price# for Cash. f. buhty. In Mr*. LuVvlaiul'* Crick Building April 15 >19 tf DRYGOODS AHD TIN WARE. IilAVE purvhs??d the DltY (5(V>IHST<)I(I ami TIN SHOP of J, B. MILE and am now prepared to curry on the riitue hi mines# at tin ol.l Stain! of It. l)unham. Having as good workmen nr can he found it. the State, 1 guarantee to make and put np noorixo, ?iJTr?UMu, and all kind# of TIN \Y A HE, a# well tut any oili cr similar estohlUliment. tf" Knga, Hoc wax, I'cwter, Copper, Tallow, wanted jp umnirv i-j<*mc?' taken in exchange Tdi Goods or Tin \Ynrc nt til* highest prices. I rwpeilfully solicit n share of public patronage. B. GREENFIELD. .Tuna S 4 tf "%* Wi tc'imaSfcr and Jeweler, t^-jL ^ TAKKS tlie liberty to annonnoe A," /^VS l<> tha citizens of Greenville, and 't Jfcffithe surrounding country, that In*-^1 r tfS'i i prepared to <lo nil tniuuicr of work in his line of business, such as Watch, Clock and Jewelry Bepairing, all of which shall l>c done in the neatest manner. Watch Wheels, Pivot*, Pinions, Jewels, Screws, ! Hands, Glasses, sll done at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner. Please give him n trial, and you will he pleased. MLlle also mikos JEWELRY to order, such ns Gold Gnard, Fob A Vest PhaiiiN, All kinds of BUTTON^, such n* Bosom. Sleeve and Collar Buttons. All kinds of tl?ir Work Trirrtnied jntjjc potest stvlc His wurk AntSTfTbc surnassm/ in this part of the cpuntry. lli* shop may be found at the Goodlett House, in the room formerly occupied by Messrs. Huihy ?fc Owen. Greenville, July 80. 18.77. 12 tf CHOICE OF GiFTSr HKK every purchaser neforo purchasing his hooks has his own CU? HCK OF fi 1 l-TH AT RAN' N IT'S CHOICEOP GIFTS AT BANNI V'a Cllolt EOF 011-TH AT RAN.NE\> fllOlOKOF GIFTS AT RANNl Y's ? 11 < )l< T. QF01FTB AT RANNKY's CHOICE OF GIFTS AT RANNKY'S; CHOICE OF GIFTS AT ItANMlY'S I CUOICEOF GIFTS AT KANNEY'S Gbkat Amkuican CUT P-ros IIOISK, No. 2#3 Broadway, New York. Where the Gifts; consisting of Jswklrv, Ac., and varying in value fiom 76 cent# to two hundred ( dollars, aro always on exhibition, in ample show r rases. One New 1 inscriptive Catalogue, eon-! tniriing a laiyc variety of Hooks in overy de-1 |>fW'inicut o! JVienoe And Literature, (nil of I which nif wild at regular publisher'* prici-e,) mid o.Y|>1nMiill|f 01)* MKW AND ORiOINML tVSTKM of Allowing c*? ry iiuroliAser hit coon choice of gift*, and Netting forth unequahd inducement* to agon's, win lie aent, rost pftid, to any individual, on applicatibn. Addreaa, A. RANNKV, Agent, No. V('.?3 Broadway. July 8 8 Am Hair Dressing aau Shaving. B(i HK11814 K continue# tba Tatianrial l>iu incM at hi* Old Stand in Ilealtie'a Brick building, where lie ie reaoy daring the d?v and evening to ehave the beard and cut heir, and diiwnpno the head. He reap?atfii)lv arks a codtin?attnn of patroli?ge. (let. 1-1I-U i; A" '<*4; 1 Jk CHERRY Uw PECTORAL, jtt FOR TUB BAriD CURB OF TfT Cwlri*, Codgha, and Hoarseness. . t>?W~rv. w Brimtssui, M?i, VMb Dee^ MM. DS.J.C. Arm: I do not hesitate to say ih* text ?--.*lj I have ever Ibiiod ft* UT Coughs, Kntmm, In8n?a*a. mod tit# eoacna?ia?t ymptoauofsOohLbyour . ^pi C'ivht pmmul itteomtammll bvb my practice and my family Rw tm (aa? ten yeum baa ahown it to puna supe- H* rior virtue# fbv tha treatment of tlieao TjlVsS oomplaluto. KBKN UKWUT, M. D. A. a MORTLKY, K?q.,of UtiOA, N. Y? wrltea : "I haws used your /><*"ral myself and in my Amur aeer since you luvantcd It, and believe it the best medicine for ltd purpose arer put out. With a bad cold 1 should Boonef pay twenty tiro dollars tor a bottle than do without it, or take any other remedy." Croup, Whooping Cough. Xnflnensa. PPK.Mornu.o, Mis*.. Feb. T, 1866. It roth br At br: I will clieerfully certify yonr lyctorai fa the beet remedy wa boeaaaa for the euro of wliooptnrf cough. croup, and tha cheat diaeaaes of children. Wa of your fraternity in tha Booth appreciate your akill, andt Commend your uiedlctue to our people. UIUAM OONRT.TW, M. D. AM08 LKK. Esa, MottTtRtv. I*., wrltea,3d Jan? 18665 " I had R tedious Influensa. which routine. I tne In doorr ill weeks; took many medicines without relief; 6nally tried rour /M?ntl by the advlcvyif our clergyman.. Tha II rat <ioee relieved ilie eorenom In my throat and hinga I li-ai than one balf the bottle made ine completely wall. Your medicines are the oheniRwt aa well aa the best wa' can buy, and wo esteem you, Doctor, aud your remedies, M the poor man'a Mend. Asthma or Phthisic, and Rronchttis. Wist Maicchutss. Pa., Feb. 4,1866. 8ta: Yonr Cherry Ihclnral la performing marvel tone ouivb !a this aectiou. It has relieved several from alarming symptoms of consumption, and U now curing a man who has labored under an u(Taction of the Inngs for tba lost forty years. IIKNIIY L. PARKS, MerchantA. A. RAM3KY, M. D., Albios, Momrob Co., Iowa, write*. Sept. 6,1855: "During my practice of many yeare I have found nothing equal to your Cherry Ihvlmvl for giving ease and relief to consumptive patients, or curing such aa are curable.'' We might add volumes of evidence, but the tnoet convincing proof of the virtue* of this remedy b found in It* effects upon trial. Consumption. Probably no one remedy bas ever been known wlileh cured *o many and such dangerous rases aa till*. Some uo human aid can roach; but evan to those the (Hurry Holoral affords relief and comfort. Airoa lloi es, Naw Yoag Citt, March 8, 1866. Doctor Atkr. lowcil: i feel It a duty and a pleasure lo Inform you what yonr Cherry Hctoral hue done for my wife. She had been five month* tailoring under the dangerous evinptom* of Consumption, from which no aid w# could pn euie gave her much relief. She was steadily failing. uutU Dr. Ftmng. of this dtv. where we have come for sdvice, re. onimond'-d s trial nf your medicine. We blaes Ida kindness, na we do your skill; for .lie Ims recovered from that day. She 1* not yet aa strong a* site nsed to be, but Is free frOI-i tier rough, nnd call. In isolf well. Yours with gratitude ami regard, OKI. AN DO ?111.1.11 Y, or Punt) tv ills. CVnmmftfiret. do not despair till you liaro tried Arcs'f ci.tntti i1 rc tonal. It la nmdo by one of the liest medical chemist* in the world, and it* cure* all around na bespeak the high merits of its virtues. ? l'hiluJtlj>h<a Ledger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. flMIR sciences ?f Chemistry and MMIrliw hare l>e?n JL taxed their ulinoet to produce tbi* beat, moat perfect puigntlre which is known to man. Innumerable proofs ate ?how n that these Pills have virtue* which surpass in esrcllrtire tbo ordinary medicine*, anil that they win unprecvdunteiUy u|>on the esteem of all men. They are aula and pleasant to take, hut powerful to euro. Their prtirI rating properties atlmulnta the vitalactivities of tboboily, remove tlio olwtt urlioim of iU urg'tni. pmify tlio blood, mill o*p?l disease. They purgcout the (bid humors which lu re.I ami grow distemper, tiniulale sluggish or ill*<w* d wr.l orgens into tlirlr natural action, anil impart liualthy toiio with strength to the wlinlo ayelrtn. Not only do they cute ilie everyday complaint* of every IkkIv, hut al?o formidable and dangerous diseases that have hnflleit tlio beat of hg^uau skill. * lillo they yrodncc poweijil 1 "IHSWiWlAlil.?(. U L,.t ""*** lleing tugar-cantevi. they ars pleasant to tnke; and Kin a purely vegetable, aro frrw frotu utiy risk of luiroi. Cures liivva hoyii made w hich aitrpans belief wttro they not stile stantintrd by men of such exalted |?oil!ou and rlmractir nv to fbrlild tho suspicion of untruth, ^lany eminent clergymen and physician*hare h lit their names to certify to tho public the rvllability of my reme.ll vvhllo others have sent mo th# assurance of their conrirlh.n that my l'repaistions eoutribule immensely to the relief of my gfllleted. suffering fellow-men. Tlio A pent below named it pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing directions for their use and certificates of tlieir euros, of tho fellow in* complaints : ? Costivencs*. r.illous Complaints, lUirnuiatism, Dropsy, Heartburn. Ileadacliu arising from a foul stomach. Nausea, Indirection, Morbid Inaction of the Rowels and Pain arising therefrom. Flatulency, l.os* of Appetite. all Ulcvt* Otis and Cutaneous Diseases which rKjule* ah ov.vmu.t medh liie, Scrofula or Kino-'s Hvll. 'I hey nu?, by putify. itig the blood and stimulating the system, cure utacy complaints which it would no! be supposed they could reach, such as TVafticss, Partial Mind nose, Neuralgia anil Nervous Irritability, Drrangeiiients of tbo Liver and KM| neys. (lout, and oilier kindred complaints ariaing from a low state of the body or obstruction of Its fuucUons. Do not he put off by unprincipled dealer* with soma other pill they make more profit on. Ask for Aran's Pills, and take nothing else. No oilier they ran glre you compares with this in Its Intrinsic value or curative power*. The sick Mailt the beet aid there is Ibr them, and they should have It. Prop are d by Dr. J. C. AYEB, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mesa. Pmicn tilt O. ... i" - ? ? * ? SOLD iiY Pr. M. H. KAP.LEai.i! 1 ?r. II. TU'AN, r.reen. vil e, S. C., and by nl' 1 'rn^i -is ilir-u _li >ut the country. fl-tyoo-.v June 10 HOWAKi) ASSOi J ATIO.X, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution, established by special endotouim t f&r the relief of the tick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Apidemie disease*. rf',0 nil person* ntllicted with Sexual l>isesse*, 1 Stroll n? Sju-nnatorilnen, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Ooiiorrho-a, Oleet. Syphilis, the Vice <>f Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac , Ac. The HOWAJtB ASBttClATloy, In viow of the awful des'ruction of liiiiiinn lile, caused hy Box al Diseases, and the deception* practised ujc on the unfortunate viatinu of sulIi !in- use* by Quack*, have titreetod ilil-fr CftiTsuTIIhif J*hre. on, as u charitable act worth v of trn-ir name to give M Ki ll! U AI'V! I I.ISATIS, tO 'ill p-'CS HIS tllUS lllllict. cd, w ho'ui>|<lv liy letter, willi a description of their eodtilitlon. '(age ocellpiltioti, habit* of life, Ac.,) alid in case* of extreme poverty and *nf feeing, to furnish iwdlcitfi* free of char ye. It in needle-u* to told that the AriHiciutiud eomiiiaudo the highest Medical skill of the age, mid will fur' iiieli the most approved modern treatment. Tlit Inrcyptr.-, oil n review of tlie past, feel nasi l not 111<it their labors in thi* sphere of benevolent effort, have boon of (Treat t?en tit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed! zeal, to this very importaut hut much despised cause. Just Published, hy the Association, a Report on Hpormatonha-n, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onsr.lsm, Masturbation or Self Abuse, and other Disease* of the Sexual Organs, by theCon* sultim; Surgeon, which will l?c sent by mail, (in n sealed letter envelope), Free of (.'hnrge, ou the receipt of TWO !*T A MPS for postage. Uy order of the Directors. / Address, for Kcport or Treatment^ DR. GEO. U. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Ilowart^ Association, No, 2 South NIN'114 Street, l'hila-. dolphin, Pa. EZRA D. HEART W KJ.L, President, Hfto. Faiwciuu>, Secretary. ??' * ?' 4 W&!jL ll , SIIAVINO. Hair Trimmiug, Dressing and Dying^ if AMD RAZOR S?iflSO AND SHAMPOOING, at TV a OOOPLETT H OUS K? l?Y * WILSON COOK. May ? *