University of South Carolina Libraries
' * ' M v^: '*? f!Y . .. ''"-i T '" i ' 4% &">vV Y&IKEE 1HK9R &MPBITHEATHE! wrm BURTS GREAT CIRrUS! GOIfSOLIDATED for a Southern Campaign, \will perform it t Greenville, Saturday, Nov. 27th. The Rntertninmcnt* differ materially from old fogy Circuae*. Having SCENERY and FIXTURES ample to present the Qrcut Moral Drama or tiif. DA.Y? OF1 '70; ! OR Tilt ? "TIMES THAT TRIED MEN'S SOULS," On which Yankee Robinson will "Stand downth' IfallThis great Drama isfounded on incidents that occurred daring the settlement of the Scioto Valley. It stools any thing ever introduced in 1 public amusements. rST- R.ttlArttll. lIlO Iwn Pnmn.n!.. ' . j? ? ? i ? v i"" .v. ;? | in the same Tent? Hurt'* Circu* Company in the /tiny, Yankee Robin non * on a regular Elevated Stage, with splendid Scenery. I < "mm Doom open at 1 and 6 o'clock, P. M. Admission, Box, 50 ocnt*. Children and Servants half price. 27-3 Nov 11 CHARLESTON | THE REV. C. WALLACE fit MRS. M. 0. LAWION, ' ritixoirAi.8. yea THE nlmvo well known Inatitntion will he re openf<>r En ii l'n ' ii ii 11 * on Monday, November 8th. dSar The Day School it already <3br i i operatii u. T? JS bursas- ! Tlie Ucv. C. Wallace, Principal, and Lecturer 1 on Natural Science. ? Mrs. M. 1). Ijawtox, Matron. 1 Mis* Ama Vas No*. Vice Principal. ] MiMi'uut V. ItoAOii A??i?iant. ,. Miss Saraii Scuoehoe, Primary 'Department. Mrs. .It!1.1 a bornjernead, Puiniuig and LMawing. k Mrs. 1>ow? lu French. Professor iioaiMM)v, Vocal Music, Professor Woonniur, Phonograph*. (the new ' i W A few lad* under nine years old received ? in the Primary Department of the D.iv School. ? Apply at 1 tart Kast Dsy, Northeast O'orucr of 1 Lauren* H.reet. I >ov 11 27 8 t BAL.EI OK t Household & Kitchen Furniture, t Horoct, Cnrrtns?, jjtc, J THE Snbrcrihor will sell, at hii^s-ddeneo near j tin! DojTTjt, on Saturday, lrw/h Aotwi&er, his ^ HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, C?N8!bTIKO OK n A very superior'PI a!|0. i III I ill frr "! TETE-A TETBA, M.thognuy , Cane ^*1 Cl l AIRS, Mat - ,j ? iZMFj'1'" T^> Poir TABLE and 8 What not CciilreakA other Tables, Wardrobes, u"-, , . IMIM and Bedsteads, (one extrar large,) Spring Seat 1-OUStiICS,*^?l " 1 Wash 9ta?ide, Ac.. Ac. Otic large COUIDSO STOVE, and ir.atty other aiticle* too numerous to mention. ALSO, A Fine pair of MATCH HORSES, a goo.] Family Carriage anJ Harness, Two < h?\v* and Calve*. TERMS-?For Furniture, on?h?to b<- removed on Monday. ' For Carriage, Horses and Cuttle, a oreditof twelve month*, with interest. ? J. N. Fu-ASTEB. t Nov 11 27 _ I FOB. B AT ,T1, WILL bs said, !wfore the Court House door, -on Sale day in lie cent her next, 3 Valuable and Likely Negroes, of the following ages: f, A Man, 88 years; a Woninn, 28 years; 1 Boy, I 31 years; I do., ? years; 1 do,, ft years; and 8 g (s-tflr, aged 7, 3 and 1 year*. The Terms mnde known on day of rale MARTHA II AM MUTT. Nov )1 27 4 1%'oliee. IX PERSONS indchted to the Estate of m. Vlinitbl>? accessed, H|V ro- ( quested to ntako immediate payment; and those .to whort) the Estate is indebted, wilt hmid in Ahetr ?liuu?e Proper!y attested. WILLIS BENSON, Executor. ri Not It 27 8 Cl - V ABOUT three weeks since, a Fine GOLT) . BREASTPIN, shape of a leaf, set with |r email Coral Beads. The finder will l>? rewarded 4?v handing it to J. N. PEASTER. Hot 11 ?7 1 Home for Male. A GENTLE family horse can he had on rsaCM. sonalde term* by early application. Apply at the Enterprises office. Nov. 11-tf l ?TA TE OF SOUTH CAROLFIUI GREENVILLE DISTRICT. ? im*. SHERIFF'S SALES. "l J T virtue of sundry Writs of fieri Pacias to JO id? <Ur?U>t?d, 1 will sell before the Court 1 ilouse aoor, at the usual hours of sale, on the J first Monday in DECEMBER next, it 180 Acre* of LAND, more or leaa, lying iu G Greenville Distriot, adjoining Inods of Cureton at and others ; as the property of J. M Jacobs, at tho suit of Edward Jacob-* an ) others, by rirtoo of an attachment. m 1 HOUSE and LOT, lying In Greenville village, di whereon the D feudniA now fives, being on tna Buncombe road. Also, 1 vacant Lt/T, on the ti Rutherford road, adjoining lots of McKay and M others; as tha property of A. R Burgess, at the 0i pajt of Alexander McBee and others. ^ TKRMS CASH. Purchaser to pay for titlae m D. HOKE, 8. G. D. ?itnyiff'a Office, Nov. J?, 198?. 17-fd V <f . . itf?Jy. v '^.y" > ; />' ' t. M, > | / ^ M I HI" J?U ". ?-U1MS TM8 8 I ft- . & ~ HlicHn Me. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. DISTRICT. IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY. BY virtue of i Decretal Order from the Court of Ordinary of Greenville District, I will expose for enle, at publio outcrv, to the highest bidder, before the court house door of sold District, on the FirU Monday in December next, ALL that piece, puree! and tract of Land, situated in Greenville District, on waters of Rocky Creek, bounded by lands of Thomas Oar rett, w. T. Daeus and others, and containing Two hundred and Thirty acres, more or less.? Sold as tho property of Thomas A. Howard, deceased, for partition amongst the hoirs of said deceased. Tattus?A credit of 12 months, with interest from day of saIc, for ail, except so much as will pay the costs, which will be required iu cash at tho sale. Purchaser to give i>oud with good se I curity, and a mortgage of the premhea, to secure the payment of the purchuse money, if doemc.l necessary, to the Ordinary. Purchaser to pay for Titles. D. nOKE, 8. O. D. Sheriff's Office, 5th Nov. 1868. 27-td TAX ORDINANCE TO RAISE 8UPPLIE8 FOR THE YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 1st, 1869. BE IT OttDAINEI), by the Intendant and Wardens of the Town of Greenville, in Counoil assembled, and by the authority of the same, That a TAX, to cover the period from the day of October, one thousand eight hundred I find fifty eight, to the first day of October, one I thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, for the mms, and in (lie man tier hereinafter mentioned, ' dinll be raised and paid into the public treasury, for the use and service thereof. tax ox vat at* See. let. That is to *ny, ten cents on every hundred dollars of the assessed value of the Ronl Estate lying 1" said Town, to be paid by the first Jny of January, 1859. on negroes. Sec. 2d. That fifty cents per head shall be paid an nil Slaves between the ages of sixteen and fifty years by the first day of December. 1868. ON GOODS, WAKES AND MERCHANDIZE. Sec. 8d. That ten cents on every hundred dollars of sales of Goods. Wares and Merchandize in the Town of Greenville, from the first day of January, 1868, to the first day of January, 1859, shall be paid by every Merchant or Shop-keeper in wid Town) by the first day of February next. ON CARHIAGE8, OMNIBUSES, AC, See. 4th. That three dollars shall be paid on sacli and every four-wheeled Pleasure Carriage iruwn by two or more horses; two dollars on each Oue-liorse nrringe, llaronche. Gig, Sulky ur Buggy, kept for Pleasure and not for Hire; ten dollars on each Four-horse Omnibus or Hack; live dollars on each Hack or Carriage drawn by lwo horses, and ruu for Conveyance of Passengers or Hire ; three dollars on each Buggy run for Hire; five dollars on each Four-horse Wagon; live dollnr* on each Twn-hor*e Wagon or Dray, ind three dullurs on each One-horse ^Vagou or Dray run lor Hire, payable by th? first day of December next. RO AD AND STREET TAX See. Uh. That the annual tax for Road and llrtft Exemptions, for the curreut. year, shall be the tuui of two dollars, to be paid by the first lay of February next, 1850. PATROL EXEMPTIONS. ? ar* TRisS ektm n II ? rn ??il ?na? >4 RRyt tenta be, and Is hereby, ordered to b? paid by r*eh and every person liable to perform Patrol luty, for Exemption from suid Patrol duty for he year ending the first day of October, 1850. nynble to the Town Clerk on or before the first lay of December, 1858. PENALTIES. See. 1'Ih. And be it further ordained, That If my person or persons shall fall, neglect or refuse o make true return, on onth, to the Clerk ofCounsil, of nil his, her or their taxable property, and o pay the tax thereon levied, the Clerk Is here>V authorized and rcnuired to iasiia i.*,w?tini. hcrcfor immediately on such default Sec. 8th. And be it further ordained. That if my person or persons shall rim for hire any Velicle herein mentioned, without first paying the ax therefor, every such person shall pay for each lay he shall so offend, the annual tax for which ueh Vehicle is subject by this Ordinance. Done and ratified under the corporate seal of the said Town of Greenville, on the 2d day u s.j of November, in tha year of i>ur Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight ADX McBEE, Iuteiuliint W. P. Pbick, Town Clerk. Nov 4 26 2 1ST I 'atriot and Mountaineer copy twice. Administrator's Sale, BY virtue of an Order from the Court of Ordinary, will be sold, at the late resilience d LKWIS TllOMASON. deceased, on Monday, he \bth day of November next, all the Personal 'roperty belonging to said deceased, consisting of A LIKELY NEGRO BOY, 1 MULE and 1 COLT Corn, Fodder. otton Books, Clothing, 4c., Ac. TERMS?A credit of 12 months, with interest rom day of sale, for nil sums of anil over Five toilers?under Five Dollars, cash. Notes with ood security. ROBERT THOMASON, , Administrator, Oct 28 25 8* Taluablb lands FOR SALE, )n Terms Accotumod aling to Purchasers. A TRACT, containing 630 Acres, 400 of which !jL are in Wood, heavily timbered, and first ute George's ' reek Upland. The Tract is )o itfi in Pickens District, on the road from Greenilie to Pendleton, 8 miles from the former plact. ALSO, A TRACT in the same neighborhood, eontnintg 870 Acres. 200 Acres are heavily timbered. n the Tract there arc 60 Acre* beat Bottom. For particulars apply to W. K. EASLEY, Oct SB 25-tf Greenville 8. C. COMMISSIONER'S ?ALE7~ rhc State of South Carolina. 1 GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Ira a WauuB, ) uj? /or ^ of trufct in T. Gowks, et al. { bUv^ Ac >Y Order and Decree of the^oartof Equity. ) there will he eold, for I'artition amongst ie children of Wert A. Williams, deceased, at ' reenville Court House, to the higlieat bidder, t public auction, on Halee-day in December next, I Tbe following Slitveaj Rachel. a woman ; Bowman, a l?oy; Dick, a an; Harriet, a young wountu with three Cbilren ; and Henry, a man. The said Slaves will be sold on a eredit of velve months, exceptao muds as may be neeesli v to pay the eoata, whieh will be required in tali ; the purchase* to give his bend, with two >od sureties, for the payment of the pureturns , ouey, with interest from the day of sale. , a A. TOWNE8, G E. O. D. , Cdtntuhtniffoer'a Office, July Id, 1 l-td - I llfTMItl PUBLIC S^LES. r Exe(ot?ri? Sale. nam gntot Timi urn UUUtliMl, UtlilWBtl, UUilllH, ll|Hll, ttOOS, * ' PLANTATION TOOLS, Aw; WE WILL SELL, on Wtdnmdm,. thf I4M and IfilA datf* of Jhotmhrr <wt(, at the I Ate residenoe of II. F. (MM >1>LKTR-deceased, on South Tvgvr River, 14 miles north of Greenville Court llous^ all his Personal PNjwr I I j, consisting of Tltlrty-Ouc Likely NrgroMl Amongst them are 3 CARPENTr'RH, wbi*oan also Lay Brick ou<l Plaster, ami Z BLAjpKSMITllii. ' " ] FIVE INCLE*, ^ . A pair of MATCH HORSES, and young MARE. isl m> " A large Stock of CATTLE, SHEFP and STOCK \ HOGS, and 40 head of I LIKELY KILLING HOG3, And 1 Yoke of OXEN 1 Two-horse Cnrrlnge and Ilarnesa 1 Boggy nn<l Harness; I Road Wagon 3 Two horse Wsqku and Harness ' One half interestTn a TRAVELING TOOTH- 1 ISO MACHINE Carpenter's, RlacksmlfliV, Plantation TOOLS, auI a eesaSHCBMM*' large qunntitv of cjbn, wheat, uats, shucks, &c., ! | And also a anperior lot of M1XF.D LUMP; 1R. The Negroes will be sold on Wednca^ iv. TERMS?All sums of and under Five Doll rs. Cash ; all over Five Dollars, a credit of tw? ve months, with interest from day of sale, note end at least two good securities, before the right of properly ie changed. W. H. OOODLPIT, ) ? ? S. D. GOOD LETT, f Executors. Nov 4 20 8 Executor'* Sale. SALE OimiGROBS, HORSES, COWS. HOGS, HI, . KY virtue of a Dccrco from the Court of fj(linnrv foi'(tPppnvhlM I a?ill lu> anLl , on Wednesday, 17/A November inat., at the Itjte | residence of WEST A. WILLIAMS, deceased. ill | the Personal Ks ate of Mrs. FRANCIS L. Wit--' I-IAMS, deceased, ? i: Three Likely Nrgroci, CHANEV, a Negro Woman, about 45 vast* old ; MATILDA, a valuable House Girl, 17 years old. and Child, 8 mouths old. *sm?ws 4 Head of H<>RHF?\ CATTLE *yBPSi STOCK, and PAT HuOA. I WUJfc *00 BARRELS CORN, FODDER, OATS, WHEAT, RYE, SHUCKS,: SEED COTTON. A first rate new Two-, -rfl?t'l Morse Wagon and ILir-:( r.ese. Ruggy and Harness. E>* Household and Kitchen Furniture, | and muny other things too numerous to mention^ TEKM^>?All sums of and under Five DuUmj^K. K I *'*" *?'- w"?*a>Hrst<Wg i 1months, on note with two apfwuved aoauvitHam ' with interest front day of sale. ? THUS. C. GOWER, Executor. , Notice. ALL persons indebtod to the above Kit ate arc requested to make payment, and those having demands ngniiut the same to present then), . duly attested, to T. C. GOWER, Executor. < Nov 4 20 2 SALHl or T HORSES, MULES, CATTLE,. inaBiuiffao Smut. rW^lIE Subscriber will sell, ut his Farm, on I 1. L> 1 III ? :? - - -? ^ > KuiivuiMini nunu, if 1IIIMH miovr ville Court (louse, on Tactday, lfifA Xovttiibef^L lit* CHOP of CVRN, WHEAT, FODDER, HAY & SHUCKS, 80 or 40 hen 1 of STOCK HOGS 25 or 80 FATTENING HOGS t , p 12 or 15 vonnir MILCH COWS 10 or 12 rat BEEVES t 1 Yoke large OXEN 1 Ox-Wagon and I Cart * 1 Four horse Wagon and Gear , i One-horse Wagon and Harness Several young Work MULES 1 Imported Jennet and Colt (very large) J * 1 nnir MATCU-MARES, thorough broks . 1 New Family Carriage and Harms* ^ ,J 1 Set Blacksmith Tools (new) Farming Utensils, Ac. All my Household ami Kitchen Furniture. ? ? Bald to commence at 9 o'clock. 1 TERMS OF SALE?-A credit of 12 tunntHa Bums trader $3, Caab X Ik ROW LAN 1>. , a Nov 4 2A 2 ? 'j| ro ExccntAiV Hole* HOBSES, CATTLE, HOGS, &c. J 117 ILL ItK SOLO, by virtue of a I>rcree from t T the Court of Ordinary, on 77/urndayand Friday, th* 18<A and ly/A day* of.Novrmbrr n'xt, n at the residence of the late JAMES WOODMDE, uecca <c<i, in mi log oelow Ureon ville, on tit** An-fc guMa ltoad. nil the I'eraoiial I"r.>j . rty belonging . i to the hetnte of the mid dveeaaeu, viz: 82 LIKELY NEGROES, 7 head of HOUSES and MULES; j SSXggxo I4ad of OATfLE; Ho Fat HOGS; . ilT. It?I0 Stock HOGS; ?ooMd?. CORIf; ? a large lot .of Fodder, shucka and 0*U. 76 UMah?ln Wheat. ?' ataa, * 1 Bnggy and Hnrncaa . 1 Two-norw t'arriuge and Uerneee ' . A lot of Bluckeniith a Toole A lot of Farming Toole And many other Artieloa tooonmeroue to recto- V don. TERMS?A credit of twelve month*, on nj> P proved note, with Internet from day of eale, far ? til euins of and over Fire Dollar*?under Fire Hollar*, caah. ? THOMAS I* WOODSIDE, 1 QunBAcd JOUJf L WOODSlDJfi. I Eveoutera rj NoUcc. V A hL peceena Indebted to the above Ft*Ate ate b; l\ hereby notiAed to make payment te eltb* t?i >f the altove-named Execntore; and thee* te 1h whom the Eatate ia indebted, will bead in tbetr w iceounta to them properly vouched. (Vt?9 25 4 4 t 9' . K? m. <" H ' V * \ ' ?1? ? M???????mmmmm 1 BTIB f BDOT lilM! S^V THK nnWrllx M reapoctfully call /W the attentiua of the public geucraly ^ i to uio Largp and Weil 8eleoted Stock or ? 4# AS D BHOOANS, which thev have just opened at their establish meat on the West aide of the River, betwui'i Messrs. Williams' and David's Stores, near the Depot, Their Stock having boon laid In for Cash, at the best Shoe Market*, by a competent judge, tlic-y nrc enabled to sell cheap, as a comparison of their Stock will plainly show. Ladies' Department. The attention of the Ladies is rcs|>ectfblly call ed to the assortment to l>? found In the department of LAIMBS' AND MISSES' GAITERS, SHOES, *?. Children's Shoes of every variety always on hand. Tlie Stock now on hand embrace# an as- ] tortiuent of HOOTS, BROGAN< and SHOES, of; ill descriptions, which arc offered ut unusually ( low prices. BOOT & Sno?ilANUFACTORY. We are now making preparations to commence the MANUFACTURE of Hoots niul Shoes, and will receive and faithfully fulfil all orders in that line, GROCERIES. A general assortment of OKOt'EUII*X will also be found at this establishment, and will he disposed of on neeoniinodntiug terms, BROOKS, SCRUGGS & GIBSON. Kboe-!TIakci*s Wanted. A few competent Ilunds can find employment on early application to us. B., S. 6i O. v-tct zi 24 tf tsr Patriot and Mountaineer copy. iirsiii: o? LONG & GOODLETT kUBTlD AUK now receiving a beautiful ;^V\ "VA ' ?f 1 i'11 itu?l Wiiiii i I IT lC?oods, among which may be fouud A ORSKKAI, ASSORTMENT OF Fancy t'atnbric Kobe a'Lea; Funey, VelvetTrimmed, Satin-Striped, Mohair llobo Aoirille*; Mohair Fla Ida; Fa tic v and Solid' All- Wool French Di'Uiiut; Fancy,>11* and Morocco Helta; French, Steel Spring ami Metalic Extension Skirts ; Brown Mixed All-Wool Tweeds; Black French Clotha; Fancy Caaaimcrea; Brown and Bleached Allen-1 dale Sheetings; Black and Brown Shirtings; ^tfiyilit'ft TT* Ladies* Congress, Morocco and Kid Gaiters, Missus' and Children's Shoes, in great Variety and rtyle, and NLUIIO UKOOANS, A good lot o< SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, &c. All of which we offer LOW for CASH. LONG <fc GOODLETT. P. S.?Country Produce taken in exchange for 3ood*. " 2-1-6 Oct 21 YB0MPI0NJ&_8TAUJ, XUAiil 0 JLHIS4 Jli'l't IVcxt (o I lie Mansion Uoum>, A KE prepared t<> furnish Gcntleineu with cvc% l\. ry Article of FASHIONABLE CLOTHING nitable to the aenson, and necessary to the com* ort n id decent appearance of the outer man. ALSO, An excellent Assortment of BOOTS, SHOES & HATS, WITH A 7ARIKTY OF MOSSY A&HMSiZS, AJID A CHOICE LOT OF SEGARS AND TOBACCO. ir We have a few Setta of Fl'HS, to which ' ire would call the attention of the Ladies. Oct 2) -a tr JUST RECEIVED AT T1IE SEW BOOT & SHOE STORE, A LARGE LOT OF HOOTS AND ^PB-UOES. Also, SULK AND LITER .EATMEK Manufacturing and Job Work done At shortest i (Ham, The Ladies are inrited to cnll and examine Sr beautiful lot of DRE^S AND WALKING lOES. li'AKJtlSON <t LONG. ~t>?t 7 82 tt TOBACCO. A SUPI'LV of Extra Fine Chewing ToBAC' V CO may be had at HARRISON A LONG'S Boot and Suok Store. A Its * Sirr L' n '#'/? I? * ' *\ - ? . ? VI V//?/|r I KJ O X\ LK/(f l/oni 'stake the place. 24-tf October 21 Aclitiinitilrator's Kalc^j,, [WILL sKI.U lit the "Sajnda Plantation " of the Into Col JOHN A. EASL..Y, Junior, to be highest bidder, on Thursday, the 11th day f No vein her next, as the property of tho said ohn A. Easley, Junior, doceased. Three Negroes, TOVE, a firvt rate lHaekamith, young and kely ; ANI>Y, a firetrate Fellow ; and CLARY, t good Cook. i Also. Ona fii>? SPANISH JACK and a num- ' y? txi>,<*r JENNETS, thirteen Mules, six HiTttStt*, < owe, Uoge, Corn, Wheat, Plantation o la. Harness, &> . Ac. Tehms? A credit of nine month* for all aumn , rer ?fi, purchaser* giving note and security oaring interest froin day of rale; and mum of ft and tinder to bo paid In cash before delivery f property. W. K. EASLEY, Adm'r. " Oct < 2& ft folioc lo Deblon And Cradllort, VLE peraoa* indebted to the Estate of SAM , U'.L K OAKUtiON, deeeaeed, ore here- | j notified to make immediate payment to the i uderaigned; and aeraona having demands rut the earae, wiU present them duly attest- i NANCY OARKIHON. A<Wrx. < BAKE JJALK CH lRLJiS, Adm'r. Sfpt ?t? SO tf R I S E a : 8ig tj B. P. GOODLETT (k SON. W* ARE NOW RECEIVINr.|^^ oppnioK, our N?w STORE ^r5?iiorse. (un k door south of tuk "l?7?r;i Ooo'ptktt Ho|?k.\ n NEW. FRESH AM) GENE- j kal? assukiuknt or uoodn adapted to tnc Fall uu(l Winter Trade, which have been pnrcliMo<1 hy us, in person, in New York, end ut such LOW PRICES Mint we feel confident that we eh nil he able to compete with any of our neighbors in Low Prices for Cash> We particularly invite the attention of tba Ladies to an inspection of ov.r DRESS GOODS, , ' * wiiiuii commtern a bkawtifi'l assortment or Woolen ] > 'Laincs, Merinoes, Cashmeres Poplins, Silks, Alpacens, Ginghams, Cambrics American, ?ngli4i and French PHIKTS White Muslins. Robee, Embroideries Collars, Sleeves, Bunds. Ribbons, Gloves Hoop Skirts. Handkerchief*. Hosiery Dress Trimmings, Fancy Aliiujcs, Ac. Ac. We are also prepared to SUPPLY THE GENTLEMEN with everything almost that adds to the comfort of the outward man," in the way of OVERCOATS, Dress Coats, Panta, Vests Drawers, Undershirts, Cravats, Neck Ties Stocks, Shirts, Linen Collars Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs Bosoms, Suspenders, Hosiery Gloves, Ac., Ac, OUR STOCK OP iimV (E?(D!D? embraces almost every Article usually called for in similar establishments. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. A larifo And varied aidortment, for Ladies, Pniifa ifLun. n....A 1 /??.:? 1 r OA SO iwioocr, iivvp ii11ii i iiiiviu'ii, irum ) io io inches in length, so thiit any body can be fitted in SIZE nnd STY IE. HATS AND CAPS. A general Assortment for Men and Boys. Hardware and Cutlery, Qgy CROCKERY | AMD GLASSWARE VST Yankee Notions, Trtioks, Perfumeries. A Oenernl Assortment of FltESll a<?u. Ae. Ao. We shall be pleased to show our Goods to our friends, and the public generally, and as times are hard and moncv scarce, we expect to offer (treat inducements for the CASH. So give us a call, ond we will let von know that wc mean what w? say K. I*. GOODLET T A BON. Sept Srt 31 tf GREENVILLE MARBLE YARD.. -im V >nv -i-:1 ^--r -r r- * ?W.. vo,.ri *4 ?*r. JtA birnr.wtrttt^r ww-WIJr1 continue the MAltBLE JJUHIA'/ .'*>& as hereto fore, at the Old >tand in the rear of Mr. Ketchurn's Store. lie feels thuiikful lor ihe pHliorwpe which hits been extended to the Finn <>f (,'iialmkks A Allen, and liopea, bv attention to l uainess, and promptness, to merit a eoiitiiinance of the same. J A3. M. ALLEN, Oct 7 22 tf S T A T E M E N T of the affairs of tlle AS1EVILLE MflTMLBlCi CuMF'Y, JULY, 1858. Amount of Property covered by Insurance, $200,369.92. ASSETS. Amount of Premium Note# in t)ie liau<^? of the'Secretary, guarantied liy personal securities,. ., $?t!.(tft&.(16 Amount of CabIi, Pratt*, Ac., 3,M$,75 Total Assets $35,422.11 Amount. ?f Liabilities due niul unpaid do not exceed f 10U STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Buncombe Coitmy. J ON this, 6th of October, 858, conic b eCoye inc. James B. Rankin, Secretary of tbe Aidieville M. I. Company, and uiaketb oatb tbnt tlie foregoing is a correct statement of the affairs 1 of said Company, or nearly so as be /Win make tliem, to tbe tiestt of his ki.-ewledgc and belief. Sworn to before me, ) i B. Sawyeb, J. P. t J AS. B. RANKIN, Secretary. Oct 14 22 * tf lli'ou;;ti4 to Jail, ON the 11th August, a MULATTO MAN. about 68 years old ; says lie belongs to .IAMES RAIBTON, of Mneon, tJeorgm. The owner is reflected to come forward prove property. pay charges and take him aw Ay, or he wiR l>e -dealt with According to law. J. T. McDANIKL, Jailor. Oct n 22 tf NEW ARRIVAL. JUST received and opened, at the Green-tyM-i:, opposite the Mansion House, the following Articles: Fro Be h LEMONS. Dried Figs, ?te. CANDIES of nil kinds and Cocoa Nuts , Wine, Porter, Soda and Water "CRACKERS j ALE and PORTER A choice lot of SI-GARS and Sardines. , All these Articles are F1UZ&JJ. Call early. , Aug 26 16- tf J. KRAUS Stolen rj^ROM the wtbaeriher hy Thomnt Hird, a colored boy lately roloneed from the jail of [ireenvillc, the following, among other article*: I pairs of Pants, I Coat, n lot of Sngnr, Coffee, r<?l>ncco, Segars, Shirting. Leather, ^Ime*. Tloes, [.loves, and several other thing*; also, a sum of nonev. He niav now be in the vicinity of Carer's Store. Caigle's Bridge or Jones' Gate. 1 wjl) give a reward of TEN BOLLARB for he recovery of the things and delivery of the ] Hoy into a jail, at* Fivs Dollar* for the reoovery , ?f the things atone. , M. 8. TUOMAB. Cedar MountainOct 7 22 tf Notice. i ITflF.?indersigned, ELIZA Rf TH McCOLLlK i 4 T*R, wife of JO' IN UoC< 'lild^TER, ? finrstlieg the business of a partner, hei'ebv give I notice liiat, at the ? x|.ir??|i<?n of one monfh fr -nt ' the jiuhlication ot th|* notice, 1 will carry on < he of a weaver and general dealer a t feme ?ol? trader ELIZABETH JlcOOLLISTER. i 0# S* CI 8 v. *$ 4 fc* 1 111; M1B &?IS MIDI WITT.nPPV 1 MPlVutVUip /JKMflH of MILUNKRY on " Wednesday, Oct. 6, wImM from the be*t French Koum in Now York by an *^|Uj periencod purchaser. '/JH Their Stuck Tflil consist of ] PATTERN BONNETS ' FRENCH FLOWERS FEATHERS, RIBBONS RUCUE& CQL'D STRAW i Old Ladies' CAPS FLATo, A is. Ac., Ac. The above will be ???d ?i K?duo?d Prieca for Cash, or to prompt customers. N. B.?rClooks and Dresses OUT nod BASTED on shortest notice. Sept 30 12 tf VALUApLE LANDS In the Vicinity of Greenville, FOH SALE. IWILLSRLL at private sale, my land* neap Greeenville Court ifouae, selected with caro for niy children [ and n* thuy prefer Cotton Farms, my time of Ufa woulj preclude tlioae ac live duties which uift always nece?M*y to render farming both pleasant and protitaide. Gentlerneu of wealth wishing beauty of location, and who will exercise and piratically operate as farmers, w ill find that no lands in tbc State of. fer greater inducements. J, W. BROOKS. Sept 10 19 tf AH AID IASH9GTBI STA0353 XjIKTES, Prom Abbeville to Washington. r J^UK Proprietor of this well established Line JL lakes this method of informing the public that he has changed his Sthcdulo, for the conyp. nience of Passengers. The Stage will be detained at Abbeville Court House until half nast ft oVlnnt on \l.tvn*V WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Mornings, afford ing an opportunity for pnsseuger* on tlu morn ing train from Greenville to go directly throngh to Washington, (5a., the same doy, connecting with the train at. Washington for Augusta, Mont, gnnmry, Ala. The passengers are detained ft few hours at Washington, Ga. The Stage will leave Washington, Ga.. on TUESDAY, THURSDAY AXD SATURDAY Mornings. The LINE lias hucn refitted-witli a splendid FOUR-HORSE COACH, GOOD TEAMS, end an experienced DRIVER, wr Passengers from nil (mots ahove New. berry, going West, will find that thev can reach any point west of Atluntn in exactly the same time, and with $? less expense than by way of Branch villa. For further information, apply to JOHN MoBRYDF* Agent, At the Tost Office, Abbeville C. H, S. C. June 10 ft ly liraim C. H LANHEAU rI^AKES pleasure in announcing to his friends, JL the community and surrounding country, that he ha? returned to Greenville, for the Summer uml Fall, and is now prepared to execute, in every variety, nil the Infest improvements in the above branches of t|io 'FIX lv 4 JiTi," PHOTOGRAPHS on paper, a set of 10 for, ,$10, PHOTOGRAPHS iu Oil Colors, (Cabinet Sir.c.) richly Painted and Prnincd, (each,).$25, PHOTOGRAPHS on Canvas. (Life Sixe.) Painted iu Oil Colors, (each.)........... $60, The above PICTURES being transferred m the Canvas fro:p life, by the Camera, luu&t aecossnrily be true, Persons possessing Daguerreotypes of their deceased relative? or friends can have them en? larged to the sir.e of life on Canvas, and painted in Oil, thus preserving, inn p?iin<ji>ei)t farm, the features of those who were much beloved, but taken away by death. The Subscriber respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends, and the community in general, fy ROOMS at McltEFTS HALL, Scooud Story, July 12 Jl if Pay Up. VLI. persons owing the subscriber for WORK done whilst h? wits currying on the Tit) Business, nre earnestly requested to eoiue forward ntid pay the sawe. A longer indulgence cannot, he given. JAfi. II. IIILL. July 29 12 ?f Dissolution of Copartnership. r|"VlE Cnpariocndbp heretofore existing be^ 1 tween the Subscribers, under the Finn of GOWKi COX ?fc MARKLEY, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Those indebted by note or nook account ar-a requested to make immediate payment, ae league indulgence cam not be givce. T. C GOWF.R. T. M. COX. Ji C. MARKLEY. January 1st, 1839. Greenville Coach Factory. GOWER, COX. MARKLEY & CO. .- gf >. WE have this day associated w ith in business, Mr. LEWIS WORrillNti'foN. well known to the community for years a# the obliging and accotnniodalng foreman of the Greenville Coach Factorv, We are now be-ter prepared to supply the >f the community than at nny previous time, iiid shall use our best efforts to sustain the wide, iprcnd reputation so long enjoyed by this car nhlishnient, T a OOWER. T. m, cox. II. C. MARKLEY, L. WOttTBIXGTOX. Jnnnar\ 1 1RSA. SA if Haiine* and Lota Tor Sale. 'dm THE HOUSE AND LOT Into Tilt' lv oocnt.ied bpr C. B. Xqmm^ I'nif K. B. lUco*, is -offered for rale. On the L<>t is a comfort?bto f)\VKI.LIN<?, KITOULN, it rope/tor well at Water, large Lat aad Garden, ninl some very daairulde Fruit Tr.eer. A LAO, The MOUSE AND LOT on West Street, wjie? Mr. W. A. McIUnikl resides |;liis year. Tho House bar tour comfortable Rooms?i}re placer ii each-~n good Kitchen and Sjaualui house, and ntherOut-hnildlnga, and a superior Well of wfctor. The Lot lias a large Garden. The Build tigs are all new and g?weL This Lot is a short lirlanao from and apposite the Female College. Any one venting to buy either place is re. -posted to eaamine them, and anplv. for fur'her information, to T. B. ROBERTS. d*t 21 U |