University of South Carolina Libraries
TTT' HiBgu -L-i-^jrrc^nr^nfciM^-Mrm anifl K'VTCX^ V t%# i-w. A ~*r ^ tv>r , TIOJ d .OJ k> rtAViTcJ " IIOUnfKt'S OLio. ' = < " OO'!1 ?'"> .' '.' A Startling- OoafeMion. Mordecia Paine, a saddler doing business in North Ninth street, was Sled home front his work shop on urday morning, by a messenger who brought the melancholy intelligence that liis wife, Barbara, had taken arsenic tor the purpose of Committing suicide, and was then at the point of death lie hastened to her bedside, and found her in inoro agony of tnind than body. She declared that there was something i.? ?:_1 ...! i i , ^ uii war miuu wiuvjii mio wisueti to confess to liini before her departure, xviili the hope of obtaining his forgiveness. Mr. Paine, Willi great emotion, desired her logo on with the discourse, adding that she might be sure of his forgiveness before she had made known her offense. " Ah, Mordccai," said she, "you remember our large white pitcher was broken some time ago; I pretended to yon that the cat broke it, but it was false, for I myself did it." " Oh, my dear," 6aid Mr. Paine, " don't concern yourself about such a trifle. I had forgotten the pitcher, and it matters not how it was broken." "There is another matter," said Mrs. P., after some hesitation. " The six silver spoons which I made you believe were stolen by the Yankee clock mender, I pawned them to raise money to pay the milliner tor doing up my pink satin bonnet." " Never mind it, my love," said Mr. Paine, encouragingly. "I hopeheav en will forgive you as freely as I do." After a short pause Mrs. P. began again: " Your best razor which you missed Inst. RiimniHi' nn.'l sn vtm'plt tr? about, I swapped it awav to a pedlar for a tortoise shell comb.' "The deuce !?well, well," said Mr. P., recollecting himself, " that is all done now, and can't be mended.? Think no more of it." 44 I could not leave the world with such a thing on ni v conscience," re plied the fair penitent. 44 Go on, goon," cried Mr. Paine: 44 I told you that I could forgive everything at such a time as this." Mrs. i\ resumed: 4i You remember our boarder, Simeon Drake, who ran up a bill for six weeks, and then went off in a hurry without paying a cent. lie and I hat! agreed toelope together, but hechanged his mind at the last moment and ran ! away without me." 44 Fire ami fury ! do you dare to tell' this K" cried Mordecai, in great excite j incut. "But, as you are dying, I won't j reproach you. PI. leave you now to settle the affair with your own con-1 M * science 44 Stay and hear one thing in re,'1, cried the ropentunt Barbara. 44 The j d?>se I took this morning was intended ! for j'ou. I put it into your coffee, but, I in my hurry to get the thing done, 1 gave you the wrong cup and took the right one myself." 44 The devil flv away with von, you jadeP roared Mordecai, as he flung himself out of the room. In thuentrvi he met the apothecary who had s?>l<l Mrs. P. the fatal powder. This medical matt had heard of the commotion at Paine1* house, and suspecting the cause of it he came to administer uope and comfort to the afflicted. " Don't ho alarmed, Mr. Paine," | said he, " the drug I sold your wife was nothing but magnesia. I judged that 6he wished to destroy herself, and ( J tricked her in this way to save her life." "You swindling rascal," shouted i Paine, " how dare you cheat a custom I er in that shameful manner, and obtain her money on false pretences ? lie- I gone!" And with this exclamation he vio-t lently ejected the astonished apothecary j from his frontdoor. The man of the physic, suspecting, of course, that poor j Mordecai was deranged, sent two of- j ficera to provide for his safe keeping.} llis relation of the preceding dialogue, however, soon obtained bis discharge.! [.Philadelphia\ Prow. Funeral Eulogy. As delivered in the Florida House of Representatives, 1848. Verbatim. Mr. Speaker : Sir, onr tellow citizen Mister ?ii:w lliirgms, who was lately a, member of tltia legislature, is dead, ami lie (lied yesterday in the forenoon?! lie had the browncreaturs, and was an uncommon individual. His character was good up to the time of his death, and he never lost his voice. lie whs tifry-six years old, and was taken sick before ho died at his boarding house, where board can be had ar seventy Ave els. a week, washing and lights included. lie was an ingenious creature, and in the earlyi part of his life had a father and mother. lie was ?tn officer in our Militia e'.nce the last war, and was brave and , polite, and bis uncle Timothy Higgius, belonged to the revolutionary war, and i was commissioned leflenant by Qeue . rol Washington, first President and commander in chiel\>fthe uriny and navy of the United StWea, who died at, H'uint Vernon deeply lamented by a' latge circle of friends, on the 14th of Decethber 17097 or \hefc'aboiitt^nd was buried aftfrr bi*4eaih*ith ry honors, and severalguns were outst in tiring salutes. .{) ' Sir, Mr. Speakor, sir, General Wash* ington presided over the continental sandheorim and political meeting that framed our Constitution ; and he was indeed a great man. He was fust iu war, fust iu peace, and fust in the hearts of his country, and tho* he was I in favor of the United States Bank, he j was a friend to -edncatim, and from what he said in his farewell address I ! have no donbt he would have voted for tljju tariff of 18Jfo, if ho had been aliv$ and hadn't died some time beforehand'. His death was considered at the time as rather premature oil account of its being brought on bv au ordinary cold. Now, sit, Mr Speaker, such being the character of General Washington. - . ? D ' ' ' I motion that we wear crape around the leit arm of this legislature, and adjourn till to-morrow as an emblem of our resnccts for the memory ofS. Higgins wlio is dead, and died of the ro\vncrcatur8 yesterday in the forenoon. ''Cut Loose Again. Mister 1" A friend of ours, w'.o is a most accomplished salesman, and who is kept very busy in one of the uj?-town dry goods houses, was complimented, not long since, in manner and form as follows. to-wit: lie had a countryman in the store and was allowing him a very handsome piece of ladies' dress goods, net with any hope of selling it ; still there was some slight chance, and, besides, it is necessary, as our friend avers, to keep constantly in practice. So lie dashed ahead in tine style, praised the richness of the pattern, extolled the texture of the fabric, held it up to a favorable light, vouched for its ultra fashionableness. and, in short let loose a torrent of eloquence, in which it was difficult to distinguish which was the mo>t flattered, the taste of the admiring rustic or the quality of the magnificent moussline. Bumpkin's eye flashed with gratified pride at the complimentary allusion to himself, and unconcealed astonishment at the development of beauty in the goods and fluency in the salesman. Catching our triend by the arm, he exclaimed, " Stop right here one I . . . . --a. 1 J t * rt -t * mi it uce ; Aiiu uasueu out oi me ctoor with two or three rapid bounds. Grosjdcnap stood stili, a iittle bothered, li-?1?1 inof the 1) ?lt of goods across both hands just as though he had frozen in the attitude in which he had ao thoroughly impressed the rural gentleman. Meanwhile this last mentioned individual whisked two bouncing girls out of a carryall which stood in front of the store, and half pushing, half pulling them, brought them up in front of him of the fluent tongue : 4> Gals 1 stand there?right there, Sallv!-and now Mister, cut loose again: Ijust want the gats to hear you" It is almost needless to sav, in view of '.lie peculiarity of the circumstances, that our friend was utterly overwhelmed with his emotions, and for once in his lite failed in his utterance?to the great disappointiueut of both father and dun editors. O 11 Auk" Lincoln, an ex-member of Congress from Illinois, and the Republican of that State, who is anxious tor, the shoes of the Little Giant, tells a story, as we learn from the Illinois pai \/"vii j t 11 n t *11 iintiiAtArt < ?-* 4 1? ?-* L ? 4- ? ? I I'OIC, Him Iiiimtiaics ill I lie UCM illlt'Cdotal style, his appreciation of the late light in Congress. It reminds "Abe" of testimony given concerning a tight, one of the belligerents being the client: Among the witnesses for the plaintiff was a remarkably talkative old fellow who was disposed to magnify tho importance of the affair to mv client's disadvantage. It came my turn to question him. 44 Witness," sAid 1, "you say you saw this tight." " Yes, stranger, I reckon I did." " Was it much of a fight?" said I. " I'll be darned if it wasn't, stranger, a right smart tight." " How much ground did the combatants cover?" u About an acre, stranger/' ' A1 >out an acre," I repeated, mijsingly. 44 Well now, witness, just tell me?wasn't that just about the smallest crop of a fight off an acre ot ground that ever yon heard of?" "That's so, stranger; I'll be g??l d?d if it wasn't." An eccentric individual, standing np<>n a bridge, and gazing upon a youth angling in tho stream below, gives vent to Lis tho following inquiry : " Adolescence^ what art thou doing? Art thou endeavoring to entice tho finny, tribe to ingulf into tlieir denticulated ir.outlts a barlnsd hook, upon wltose point thou hast Used a dainty* allurement?" '/ No, sir," aaid the boy, " I'm fishiii." "Siion," said a Dutchman, "you may say vat you please 'bout, bad neighbors, hrte bad to vorsh neighbors as never vas. Mine pigs and mine hens and mine cocks (roosters yon calls em) or ones home every night mit ci 'ie ears split and todder day two of dent comes home missing." I i, iV" " "if BATES OF ADVEBTIBIHO OT TBI GREENVILLEPRESS, Ttllt undersigned proprietor* of Tita 84iNw**n EstKuraiSK and Thb Patriot amd Hooin'.iiinu. respectfully state that they hare adopt"*! the following aiaudard RATES OF ADVERTISING, which will in every instance be adhered to: PEH SQDABE OF 13 LINES, OB LESS, 1 inar'u, $ 70 18 inar'na, $600 SO inar'na, $7.96 ( 2 inar'na, 1,26 19 inar'na, 6.20 3d inar'u* $.!/> 8 inar'na, 1.50 20 inar'na, 5.40 27 inar'na, 8.26 4 inar'na, 1.70 21 inar'na, 5.60 38 inar'na, 8.4<> 5 intr'ns, 2.0? 92 inar'na. 6.80 89 inar'na, 8.6$ 6 inar'na, 2.25 28 inar'na, 6:00 40 inar'na, 8.70 7 inar'na, 2.00 24 inar'na, 6.20 41 inar'na, 8 86 8 inar'na, 2.76 20 inar'na, 6.40: 12 inar'na, 9.00 9 inar'na, 3.00 26 inar'na, 6.60 43 inar'na, 9.10 10 inar'na, 3.2C 27 inar'na, 6.70 44 inar'na, 9 20 II inar'na, 8.00 28 inar'na, -6.90 40 mar'ua, 9.30 12 inar'na,. S.7b 29 insr'na. 7.05 46 inar'na, 9.40 18 Inar'na, 4.0u 80 tmr'na, 7.20 47 inar'na, 9.60 14 inar'na, 4.20 81 inar'na, 7.86 48 inar'na. 9160 16 inar'na, 4.40 32 inar'na, 7.60 49 inar'na, 9.t0 16 inar'na, 4.60 83 inar'na, 7.66 00 inar'na, 9.30 17 inar'na, 4.80 34 inar'na, 7.80 01 inar'na, 9.t*> 02 insertions, $10. ' ' ' Obituary Notices over 12 linea in length, and Tributes of Respect, will be charged fo at odvertinng rates. Adrertiaeinenta not limited will be inserted till ordered out, and charged for every insertion, ty Advertising bills amounting to twentyfive dollar* for tbe year, will be allowed a dia ?r ? . .. w.?. vi iik |ht cent; inoso amounting to fifty I dollars, ton per cent; serenty-tlve dollars, fifteen per cent; one hundred dollars, and over, twenty per cent UP" JOB WORK payable on delivery. PRICE ?t MeJUXKnr. For 17ie Southern Knterptiae. V iO. K. ELFOKI\ For The Patriot and Mountaineer. January l-v'th. 1858. T. W. DAVIH, Watchmaker & Jeweler, TAKES the liberty to announce lr/^& to the citizens of Greenville, and [v .Jy3?1 he surrounding country, that ho -afr.v*- yafcrj < prepared to do ull inniiuer of work in his line of business, sueli as Watch, Clock and Jewelry Bepairing, nil of which shall be doue in the neatest manner. Wateh Wheels, Pivots, Pinions, .Towels, Screws, Hands, Glasses, all done at the shortest, notice, ' and in a workmanlike manner. Please give him a trial, and you will be jdeased. He also makes JEWELRY to order, such as Gold Guard, Fob A. Vent CliaiiiN, All kinds of UOLP BUTTON'S, such as Bosom Sleeve and Collar Buttons. All kinds of Hair Work Trimmed In the neatest style ! His work cannot be surpassed' in (bis part of the country. I llis shop may be fouud at the Goodlett House, in the rooiu formerly occupied by Messrs. Bailev A Owen. * 1 Grtenville. July 3n. 1?t*r >? ' II O W A lib ,t a o - . ? * i PHILADELPHIA. A D~:iCVc!C'.li If I'MMWiiW Am at** rial #nI / i? ' M * ' ,'r ' I n-'r iiifffcy./r inf rruej oj uu tick mid diMrcwd, n Hii-tfJ teitU Wralent mid lipiileiuic Ji.vuji<x. r|X) nil pennm AlDittlxl with Scximl 1 >!?*????? , 1 nitili itn 'ptiriiiAtvrHtni, HciRiiinl H'bikef!*. Impotence, (iouorrhuta, (Jleet. Syphilis, thpA'ice of Onanism, or Self Almw, Ac , Ac. The HO WARDASSOCIATWX. in view of ths awful deal ruction of human lite, caused by I Sexual Diseases and I lie deceptions practised ?j>! on the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks have directed their Lbiisulting Surgeon, as a chiritablt act .worthy of their name to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all pel's HIS thus afliicted, who apply b\r letter, with a description, of their condition, fnge occupation, hat/its of life, die.,) and in cases of extreme poverty and snf faring, to fitrnhh medicine*frte of charcje. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. ' 1 Tlu Director* on a review of the past, feel assured tinit their labors i?r this fidiere of l?. pevo lent etTort, have been of great ben fit to the)ifllieted, especially to the young, and they Intve resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important but much dusplsed ( cause. I Just Published, by the Association, a Report , on Spermat.orr.hma, or Seminal Weakness, the ' vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self Abuse! and j other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by tin- Con , suiting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail, (in a scaled letter envelope). Free of Charge, on the | receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. t By order of the Director*. Address, for Report or Treatment, DR. GEO. R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South NINTH Street, I'liila ueipnin, !'a. EZRA D. HEART WELL, President. Gko. Faiuciiilk, Secretary. Feb 4 X9 ly ! CABINET illAHLK, GREENV1UE, 8. C. tarty ttppotite the J'o?t OJJtee, Avenue Street, CI5S536 inform* 8ffiTTr.*.L"?5ffi be citizens of <?reeii*ille and the adjoining L)i*uic'y, that he ha* returned l from the Siate Pair ut Columbia, (where he received the tir*t jiieniiniti for his ele};aiill\ finished Bureau. which wa* admired b\ eve rv one.) and k nor* prepared to execute ALL OUDEIls IN Ills LINE, lie has. nl*o, on hand A LARhK STOCK OK : KUHNITCKK. which will be mild at prices ' to suit the timea. He leturti- his thank* for pm| favor*,and he hope*, hy giving constant aUetition to hi* business, to receive a lilieral share of the public patronage. No*- lf>-2R If CHARLES HI C KEY, (6'ucossor to Emanuel Currant,) MAVITFAfrriTRRR <>f LOOKING GLASS,"PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DKALKR IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, JJ/iA CKKTS, WISb()W UOItSICKH, iioom Mour^nrMas. &c. 154 KINO MTifKisrr, Charleston, S. C. [J" Old l'ruipe* lie gilt equal to new. _&] April 80 61 __j ly < OBR & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GRANVILLE, S. C. JAMBS L. OR*, ^ WM P. PRIOR ! April 251 SO JOB WOHBL NEATLY DONE AT THIS OFFICE. i I Plows, Stoves, ^P^K ljr on hand*a largo * B?3? eort-ment of Una and oapBKwMMS* 1 ?Tf59lTwo-Hor*e Turning, Subsoil and iiihuide which wo challenge tho world to equal in good work, ease of draft and durability. We hare also a largo nnd beautiful assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room and Church '' < .Q i> < 3TOVE8, t? which we particularly call the attention ol tbsfec" trhe w4?h to Diirchaeo. j Also, on hand, Vfash nnd Stock itOl'Lr.TL?, j Corn Shelters, Straw Cutter a, Ac. Copper, Sheet Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Well Pumps furnished and put up. We also are making and receiving from new 1 York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, among which the Ladies may find a great variety of Cake Cutters and Bake Pans. FOOT and BATHING TUBS, or any other Article in our line, made to order, and Painted in Ihe best manner. We arc also prepared to do Roofiug nud Guttering in the latest and best manner on short notice Country Merchants invited to examine our stock of Wo say it is superior, and we do not wish to j have our word tnken for it. Come and see. Cash |>aid for Old Copper, Bees Wax and Old ) Pewter. f y Rags taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mh 12 44 tf AT THE CTRE1:NVILLE COACH FACTORY, Main Street, Hext the Bridge, ( 1"MtK largest and Best Stock of CAHRIAOK GOODS ANI) MATERIAL ever offered for ale in the State, selected carefully and especially for Carriage Manufacturers. A large stock and heat variety of Axles for Buggies, Carriages and Wagons; common and best tempered Steal Springs ; Black and Colored Enamel and Patent l)a?h Leather; Black and uoioreo r.uamei i.iouis, wrius ana Duck*; Oil " and Brussels Carpet; Buckram* mini Bussix Sheetings; Lute, Manilla and Chenilta Mats; Braes and Silver Point and Sand Bands ; Brass. Silver, Bone and .Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted ] broad and narrow Laces; Silk, Worsted and Cot- , Ion Fringes; Bent Hickory Shaft*; Buggy seat ( Sticks; and a complefe ussortHient of Mailable , Cart iocs. , Carriage Makers are particularly requested to " oall aad examine our stock. For sale cheap bv GOWKli. COX, MA UK LEY Jk CO. HVUS AND SPOKES. j WE arc now prepared to supply ManufnMu , rera with the host Morticed Hubs and t Turned Snokcs. of our own manufacture, an.I r warranted. For sale by UOWElt. COX. M ARKLEY ?fc CO. CL 0 THS AND DA MA SKS. I A LARGB lot of Blue, Drab and Green ( XJL Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and All- 1 Wool Damasks. For sale bv CONY EH, C? LX. M .NUKLEY ?fc CO. [ CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAli ' PENTERS' TOOLS. 4 LARGE stork and variety of the beet Tools 1V made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood 1 and Boxwood Planes. For sale by GOW Eli, COX. M A UKLEV & CO. J IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! NOW on hand, the largest stork of Iron ever c offered in this market; Spartanburg Iron ( ind Castings; King's a Mountain Iron; English t defined Tires: Ovals:' Round: Kn??? . >h?e; Half Rounds; Half Ovab ; Band lion and i Hoop Iron; Hoping !*>tcel ; Steel Tire. Sweedes snd Hammered, for wagon*, tire* and plantation work. On hand, .cheap Tor ensh, 6,000 lbs. Runted Plow Moulds, beat North Carolina Iron. For * lule by COWER, COX. MARKLEY ds CO. STEEL / STEEUT STEEL ! ! ! T^AYLORH. 8AUNDKUSON A JTSWOrs beat It ('ast-Hteel?square, octagon, round and flat ?for line edge tools, axles ana drills. German and Blister dteel, for plantation work. For sale by COWER. COX. MARKLEY ?fe CO. 3,000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. ASSORTKI? sizes, suitable for Farmers and Mechanics. For snle cheap h9 , COWER. COX. MARKLEY At CO. OX HAND AAA LBS. bi'H Black Florida Moss and /v/\* Curled Jlair, picked, iu bags. For sale !>v COWER, CAX MARKLEY dt CO. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. I ARGK assortment of the Oiamnml PlintSand J Paper, best article made, for sale by COWER, COX. MARKLEY Jt CO. paints oils, rrrxi) o ir glass AND PUTTY. } /\ V HI. k Ins*.ess saaekM -.t J-- I I H" ? mine, "III", rec. V/ i* .! ??, Rxtrii mid fco. I H'lntf [.ends; Rnvr nd oi-al Lindooed Oil*; Winter, Sperm. .Solar, , Lamp, .Neat* Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oila: tJoacli Hi?ly and Copal Varni.-h ; Japan, Aspaltiirn and Leather Varnish; Spirit* Turpentine; ' Greene; Yellows; Bines; 1 .a Ices; Sink*; I>ro|?- 1 black; Lampblack ; Red ; Spanish limwo; Um- ' ber; Snawa; French Ochre, Ac. American and 1 ! Frenah IWndow Glass, Putty and Whitening. ! For sale bv go web, cox. MARKLEY & CO. J UK A VY it sir&LKltARD WARE. J Am LARGK and v?JI seleoted stock Far salt aheap hy . 00Web. COX. MARKLEY * CO. j SCRM Wd! SCRR tyS ! / /*/\rk GROSS of the Improved Gimblet Point / OUU Screws, for safe by WiKi OOWKR, COX. MARKLBY & 00. SA WS! SAWS! t HOF. ACa'i Celebrated Cart -toe! Mil) Spars; Rowland's Mill, Oo$s Cut and Tennon Saws; Hand. PanneJ and Ripping Saws; Brass and Blrte liaek Saws; 4 enmplete assortment of ( Webl> Saw*, with and without framed ForhDe by GO WEB, COX, MARKLEY * 00. * \ Jnn 7 t tf WOVLV no W JJWJTM']* ffipwr AS80&TSD STO OF rri/S SEASON"* , ,.. . I 3ALES OF PLANTATION BLANKETS h Wee' Plalna " Schyle's Georgia Kerseys and I'Iiim * low-price Georgia Kerseys and Plains ' Red, Bine and Orey Flannels ** White Twill Flannels " 0-4. 8-4, 10-4 11-4 Brown Sheetings / f ' Schyle's Stripe Geor?ia/Osns>\lrgs " heavy Cotton Ositahnrg* * u htytT* 4-4 llrowrv Shi/Hags; r " Sea Is!?nd Brown Shirtings " heavy 8-4 Brown Shirtings, at cts. " heavy Brown Cottog Drilling " Superfine Brown Cotton Drilling RICH FALL AND WI liPiilt 4-4 FIIENOH ANI> ISKQMsH CHINTZ u 4-4 Cashmere Pattern Ohintri " 4 4 Scotch and English Ginghams Choice Printed and Plain Challys . Choice Striiie and Plaid Poulins for Fall Wear lupar Friuted Frsnch belaina and Cashmeres | ?hnipftPr?it#H French IK*IjIiw fbr ChiWrw I 1*1?in French Deljiitu and Cashmeres, all shndes | Oct. 28-24-tf READ! READ!! READ!!! IT WILL TASK VOL' BUT A FKVV UIM'TKS, AND MAY HAVK YOU MAKT TCARS Or STTFFERIITa ! Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE 8KEAT PUHlFIEK OF TW 8lU0ft!~ rhe Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered! Physician* prttn-ribr it, and every on* that use* U is a Hoiking a>lverlisnnent. iVri Medicine ever get offered to the ytw?rican public ha* gained each popularity in *o tibort a time a* DARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! It trill Cure any cane of Scrofula. It trill Cure any cast of Rheumatism. It will Cure'any case of Syphilis. It trill Cure any case of Soli Rheum. It toill Cure any case of Neuralgia. Il will Cure any case qf Fever and Ague, ">r ant Diseases arising from an impuresiai* ol he Blood. SCROFC LOUS READER! I*, cured tho neice of the lion. lohu Minor Rotta, a member of Congress from Virginia, of lerofnln, after the skill of the best Physicians. >oth of New York and Philadelphia, had been Tied in vain ; and it will cure you, reader, if >'ou are so affected. RHEUMATIC RKADER! It cured D. Burritt, Esq., of Cincinnati, of Rheumatism of 4 years standing, after all other eiiierisc* had failed. Wc hsvs hundreds of such ertiliciites. Call on (lis Agent and get a Lii>ok ind Circular. and read for yoursslf t|i<- many ronarkable and astonishing euros it ha* msda SYPHILITIC READER! The celebrated Dr. Butcher writes tie Uint he tad two of the most severe tind long standing uses of Syuhili* that would yield to none of the istial.reineoies, but h? cured one case .with si*, tnd the "titer with tiitfe bottles of tlAMJ EJCS iPAXlSU MIXTURE. Wo have known it ised in over a T <*?am? castA ami hnre /ct to tear Of a failure ifi iny case.' YE SHAKING THOUSANDS IiEAlU Aera asi> Ftvr.p.?Do not take Quinine, Mtr rutf, or any such noxious Drugs, but trv at once his great Alterative and Purifier of the Blood ; wJt 1/ vf?? es will 1 n m vuit nnj nnu everv mse ot Ague and Fever. We have never yet mown it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impure itnte of the Hlood, no medicine ha*ever yet lieen bund to have so good an effect. If you are sick, rv it at once; do not delay; time is precious, ind health the greatest of all blessings, without vliich all else is valueless. DR. \VM. S. BEERS & CO., l'noi'R i KToim, Richmond, Fin. And for salr by E KRUTCH, Druggist, Agent. jr?*tivllle C H.. 8. (J 8-ly May 28 4nd Phoenix Bittern IMIK best Family Medicine now before th- I X piiblia, for the cure of Scrofula, Ulcer*. Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia, Dropsy, and iu fact nioel all liseaaes mmiii yield to their curative properties It haa been computed that, during the last wsnty five years, upwards of four millions of Msrsona have been benefitted by Uie uaa of these nediciues ; a fact which speaks volumes in furor of their curative properties?a single trial will place them Iteyond the reauh of eoiM|?cti.ion in the estimate of every patient, liv their ise the blood ui restored to a healthy state, ami 'reed from all impurities. Tlie system is not rebmeo during their ulceration, but iuvigorateit, lad they require no restralut froiu business or ileasure. The a fliiltd have, id them medeiines, a remedy hat wild do for them all that medicine can possibly effect. Prepared by \V. R Moffat M. D.( Proprietor. *ew York. And for sale by W. II. HoVl.Y, Vreenville, S. c. T?p II 10 tf F XII. RAWH, 1MIANKFUL FOR PAST PAVORH, BF/JS to taj, thnt all kind* of HAIR WORK >f evtrj variety of Mrl? of braiding. will It* OrlaiDrntrd or Mount?d with Gold, in the n*-aU-?t naaner. and r?Wr??l to tboee at a distance per nail or olherwiae. a* directed. (Ilair ran lie sent urn in letter per mail.) How lirrnet Piaa, Neekaeaa. Bracelet*, Side, Veet aaj Guard Chain*. >o**e*. Pioger Hinge, Ear Hingr, he., of rarioo* >attcroi?, |i?t up neatly, and any article admit 4UK the uaioe of tho owner tnmv?d thereon, hall, for tho engraving, l>? free of ritraehim. Ue alto make* and repairs al^kinde of Jewelry ; iiounta with gold or eilver the Heads of Walkng an re ; match** SpoeUole Ola****; aod, la?t y Engraste on all manner at Plate. ()fllee W yards fast of Chart Honm, and a J 'en paeti| tram the Enterprise Office (iuVI|V jli?', a, CM Julie '&7. 7-fif W. P. PBICE, NOTAHY PUBIelO. . ANU CLE A* OF TuWN COUNQii, )??ICI IV TEX 0L* COURT SOUS*, inium, 0. Ju Vill promptly attend to the collection of Xotee and Aooounts, settling Claim* he. 0 . ] "oH^O HtS ilSeX AND iULLY CK +F FRESH I WIS TER mmmWr S IMPORTATION. Cam* of Bin*. Grsy and Sted-Mlxed SATINETS " low-price Satinets ' low priec Ef -Tew? " cheap Long Cloths 44 Servants' heavy Bleached Shirting* " Cambric Lonft Cloths sSTl oT 1 \ 4 anTra 4 Broh;d*SSeetiDgr JW&SJQQ ^ B?p*v KngHah Brews Print* U - >v--' " cheap Gingham* .*1 UJeaohed Twill Jeans ' *' low-pricp Muslin D*I?m NTBR DRESS GOODS, > I>1 *111 Union IfeBagr, 124 ?**. * Plain All Wool niBagr, all sha<kp 1 i\; ) Rich Side Stripe Printed French Cashmeres Rich Cnkhttiertf fttrtlfig ift?d tV alking Robes Rich Chnllv Walking Rolwa MissesClmlijr BMM RobHi V . " J Ca?hmere, DeLaTu, and Ctially Byadere Patterns;. A. F. BROW>n? ; j Holmbola's Genuine Preparation OF . HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUiD EXTRACT BUChU, For J>L*ea*r* tfthe Bladder. Kidney*. Gravel, Drop ?y, Weakneee, Obstruction, Secret Diteaeea, Female omplaiute, and nil Diecaeee of the Sexual Orffana, Arising from Exe?**scs and lmpru<1encl<-s in life, i?n?T removing nil Improper fli?c)mrgea from the Uliwbiar,. Ixiduuys, or Sexual OrgittM, wliether cxietlrg in " m&Uun ?a ffassL&iws, Pjorti whatever (Adw they tnsv hsve originated, AND WO MATTER OF WOW LONG STANDING Giving Health and Vigor to the Frante, and Bloom to the Pmltid Oheek. \ Jof to llic Afflicted!! It cure* Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes ull the Symptoms, among which will he found Indisposition to Exertidh, I/hn of Power, ' Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Oeneral Hcnkness, Horror of Disenee, IFesk Nerve*. Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite. with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hnnds, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, and Eruptions on the Face, Pain in the Buck, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Frequently Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion nrtil T ..* ?f ' Sik'ht, Want of AtteutioU, Great Mobility. JUstIvMtiiw, with Horror of Society. i? more desirable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they more dread for fear of themselves ; no repose of manner, no earnest nuM, no K|itenUtiuu, but tv hurried Transition front iftie; question, to another. These symptoms if allowed to go on?which this medicine invariably removes?soon follows Ta>?? of Cotrer, fatuity and h'pileptir ftt??in of winch the patient may expire. Who can my that these excesses are not frctiut-atly fallowed hv those dlnfnl diseases?INS A N/T I' AND COXHI MPTWN/ The records of Intone Anyhunt, and the melancholy deaths of Consumption, War ninplo witness to the truth of those assertions. In Lunatic Asvlnmsthe most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute?neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it, Should a sound of the tolca occur, It is rarely articulate. * With woful measures #an despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility i# moat terrible! and has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the ambition of many aabls youths. It can be cured by the use at this INFALLIBLE REMSDV. If you are suffering with any of tlie above die trewung ailments, the FLU ID EXTRACT BU CHU will cure you. Try it, and be convinced of its efficacv. lintarc / Quack jV'otirum* and Quack Doctdrt, who falsely boast of abilities and referenced. Citizens know and avoid them and aave LongStif* fcring. Money and Exposure, by sending or tailing for a bottle of this Popular and pacific Remedy. It allays all pain and inflammation, is perfectly pleasant in its taste and odor, but immediate in .its action. Helmbold's Extract Buchu Is prepared diiectlv according to the Rules cif PHaRMAOY AMD (THEMIS . ST, with' the greatest aoeUracy and Chemfea! knowledge and cafe demoted in its combination. 8ee Professor I >k wait's Valuable Works on the Practice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. ir* o 0#-? One hnndred dollars will tw paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Patient; and the testimony of thousands nan l.e produced to prove that it does grest good. Cases of from one week tothirteen years'standing bavc been effected. The mass of V'OLUKTA It Y TESTIMONY in possession of the Proprietor. vouching its virtue* snd ewrstire row r, iiiiikmiiic. emorm-nig mine* w II known to M'IRXf'K ANI? kame. 100,000 Bollle? Have Been 1*14, Ami lint a tingle instance vf ft failure haft OerC, rt>|xirW<l. Personally appftftr?<1 before W, *n Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, 11, T. MKLMBOI.D, t 'liemiot, who. being duly iworn, doa* mt, that this preparation contain# no Kareotia, Mercury or injurious Ikrvc, but are purely Vegetable. II. T. IIKI.MUOLI), Hole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before uie this 2Sd day <.f N? vein her, 1854. i. or' i'l ?uT Yr3 WM. P. 11IBBABI). Alderman. Price $1 per Bottle, or Six far $A, Delivers Accompanied by and ^espdhsftffe Certl ficates from Professors of MedtyjjM Collegsi, OHr-. gyrnen aud other*. Prepared and kohl by U <V UDIUUol U n * n r/i/iriFifDi/t "Mf 9 | tj f Prturticml A*piy*4*t No. At South Tcirrti 8?, p*bow (JuMTtur?, AMCMBbT Bt'IUDtftoi. pUJLA. . jr:,i s B. r?, and of all f>n>ggH? ftftdbealshft through out the United fctdfc*, Pnoedtft and British Pfo*>Mftft, ; l_ . 11 . ?'| tf f BflWAitiAf A*k for HELMBOLD'S -Taka no Otlfor, CURBS GUARANTEED, July 1 9 ij