University of South Carolina Libraries
AT THE c^^orraEisrcaTIIE undersigned U now receiving n beautiful and aleimnt Mmrtmont nf Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, wWt?d by himself with great eare, such aa CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESfllfGS, LIHBHS, ft*. of all description*. Alao, a fine Stock of of the latest ctylea IIAlY-MJjrCHTOfi, Consisting of COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS. GLOVES, HOSIERY. Ac., to which he inrltee the attention of the public. Tailoring Department. Having considerably enlarged thi# department of bis bud none, and luereaned the number of his workmen, he is prepared to CUT and WORK UP Clothing at short notice *nd in the moat fashionable manner. or All Work warranted. ?. B. DYER. April 8 48 tf stato^FIOI^MOUNT. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writ* of Fieri Facia* to me directed, I will ?ell before the Court House door, at the uiual hours of tale, on the first Monday in MAY next, 60 Acres of Land, tnore or less, lying on the Laurer.t road, 9 miles from Greenville C. 11., adjoining lands of John Smith, W. Mc-Mahan, and others; levied on aa the property of David Bell, at the auit of John L. Shell and Jane Shell. 27 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lands of J. I'arrish, Stenhousc, et al; and at 1 defendant's residence, on Tuesdav after Hale-day, one Bay Horse, one Sorrel Mare, one Mule Colt, one Horse Colt, one Cow, one Yearling, one Sow and five Pigs, one Cnplronrd, one Slab, one Table, five Chair* one Oh?wt ? !><? property of Xewlou Uramlett, at the suit of William McNeely. One Nt*gr<? Woman and five Children, * the property of J. M. Mnllsffee, at the snit of B. P. Perry and oth? rr. TERMS CASH. Perchaaer to pav for titlei 1>. HOKE, S. O. IX Sheriff'? Office, April 8, 1868 48-td IH THE COURT OF General Sessions and Common Plea*. (JHEENVILLK DISTRICT. IT IS ORDEREP, that lor dcipatoh of the unfinithed business of this Term, an EXTRA COUJlT, for Greenville Diatrict, be held, to commence on Monday, the fourth day of August next, and continue until the buainees shall be disputed of. Suitors, and all oftior persona eon corned, are required to take notice of this Order ; and the Clerk is required to publish it. It is ordered, that forty-eight Petit Jurors be drawn to serve at the said extra Court, and that veasret be iasucd accordingly. I). L. WARDLAW. I CERTIFY that Uie above is a true copy of the Order passed at the last Term, as taken from the Minute*. Published in pursuance of the Order. W. A. McDAXIEL, C. C. P. April 8 48 td BATTALION ORDERS, NO. ?. TIIK SALUDA BATTALION will parade at BATE'S OLD FIELD, for Review, on Saturday, the lat day of May next; and the Tvgcr Battalion will parade at Boinar's Old Fiel<f, for Review, on Saturday, the 8th day of May next. Cominiaeioned ana non-commissioned officers will meet the dayi previous for Drill and Instruction. The Lieutenant-Colonel and Major are charged with the extension of this Order. By order of Q. I'. Tool, Colonel 1st Regiment, & 0. M. J. M. ROBERTS, April 8 48-4 Adjutant. Tor Legislature. - TIIK Mends of Dr. JAMES M. SULLIVAN respectfully announce his name as a Candidate for the Legislature, at the ensuing election. Tor Congress. THE Mends ot COL E. P. JONES, of Green ills, reepeetfulry present his name to the Congressional District, in place of Col. Orr, whodej dine* a re-election. THE name of OOL JOHN D. AS1IM0RE, of Anderson, is presented, by his friends, as a can iduatc ror Congress, at the ensmng election. For Tax Collector. THE Mend* of JAMFS K. DICKSON announce him a Candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing Election. * QTThe friendi of A. R. McDavid, Esq., rnepacifally announce him aa a Candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing election. The FrlqUb of James B. PearK04, announce kias aa a Candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing Election. Anhrotfpoe, leloinotypee, AHB oral? TCP3S. TIJh Kubaftiher is prepared to execute PICTURES in the above line, in all kinds of Finish and of all AtvW, in the beat pouaihU Manner. Call and so* him at McBee's Hall, room formerly occupied by Mr. <5, B. Uonnau as a Dajjnerrean flail*. jj. J. B. WALTON. PHOPBIKTOR 0? TB8 Umm 8T0RB, DEALER IN I FilfT Ul STATU BIT UK : RICH DRESS GOODS. < BONNETS. RIBBONS, HOUSKKEEI'ING GOODS, ] READY-MADE CLOTHING AND WIM& IROTMiE ???IDS, GREENVILLE, S. C. j N. B.?Order? accompanied by the cash for Medical, Law or Library Books, Musical Instruments and Sundries, promptly filled in Now York, and delivered at hU counter on shortest notice. April 1 47 ly ' MRS. WATTS & GORDON, (OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE,) WOULD respectfully inform , 'heir numerous friends and paulHDHtri)ii< that they have just returned from New York with a large and well-selected STOCK OK , GOODS, nud will open on MonT3hA day, April 6th, with their PATstv\ tern bonnets, riding 1 HATS, AND STRAW BONNETS of every die- ' cription. Also, FS1ICIFLOVEHS, l&ES BERTH&S, MB HEAD-DHESSES. I Having selected our Stock from some of the 1 largest and most reliable houses in New York, we can confidently assure our customers that they are the latest and most ArraovxD styles, which will l>e sold very CHEAP FOR CAsn. Dresses cut and basted at the *horte*t notice; also, old Hats cleaned and made equal to I new. April 1 47 6 "anotheiT" OOLD MINE DISCOVERED. rpHE SUBSCRIBER has lately bought the enX tire Stock of Goods belonging to J. ELDRIDGE, at Powers' Old Stand. " A word to the wise is sufficient," The Stock of Dry Goods will be sold at New York Cost, As I intend to keep nothing but FAMILY GROCERIES, particular attention is requested to them, as my facilities for buying are unsurpassed. COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES AND FLOUR, on hand at all times, CHEAP FOR CASH. GEORGE R. HAYNE8. April 1 47 3in THE ASSEMBLY HOUSE, ONE SQUARE WEST OF THE POST OFFICE, PLAIN STREET, ??!Ly(M!3l]A, 8. ?. ft THK UNDERSIGNED would most r<*fully inform the public that this well- | known Establishment* recently kept by Doctor Roaeh, hits been thoroughly refitted FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF TRANSIENT BOARD ERS, and that no naina shall be spared to meet the wants and comforts of visitors. Rates modeerate. G. T. MASON, Proprietor. April I 47 Sid \EVV GOODS! NEW GOODS! FOll SPRING TRADE, AT J. KETCHUM'S HASTT TTrYTTQT? XXV/ kJJLLi* IT* LEO ANT BAYADERE &, OLACA DRE-1S J SILKS, At the low price of $1 25 and $1.37. Bleck 6ro de Khvne Drew Si Ike, at f I and $1.25. Beautiful Flounced Barrege Robes " Frinted Persians and Challies, at 25c " Plaid Ducals " Organdi Robes a' quills " Gingham do do " Striped Barrege Poplins " Printed Bnrreges " White and co'.'d Gr'd Pr'n'd Brilliants " Organdi Muslins " 4-4 Printed Lawns " 4-4 Mourning Lawns " Plain Rl'k Tamartinc, for mourning " 4 4 Printed French Cambrics " 4-4 real Scotch Ginghams " 7-8 Striped Ginghams, at 12}c " American and English Calicos, at 8, 10, 12}, 16 and 20c. LADIES' SKIRTS. Steel Spring SKELETON SKIRTS, Steel Spring Chvstal Skirts Steel Spring with adjustable Bustle New Expansion Skirt, patented April, 1867 Linen Skirts, suitable for traveling Embroidered Cambric Collars, from S5cents to $3 Embroidered Camhrie Setts, at only $1.00 the sett Indies' Black I-aee Mitts, from 10 to 60 cents Ladies'Colored Lisle Gloves, at 20 and 26 cents Misses' Lisle Gloves, at 10 cents With a large assortment of Ladies' Hosiery, White, Blaek and Slate Color, from 1*2} to 60 cents the pair Ladies'Fine Iilack English Silk Hose Ladies' Fine Black Ruw Silk Hose, Ac.. Ac. AT MR. W II. WATSON'S NEW STORK. March 11 44-tf Maim STnr.rr ill' FOR GENTLEtlEFK 1VEAR. wWh-i PI SURER BLACK I)RAP D'ETE MitTTtl Black and Colored Silk Vestings "CTlTTT"'^! " " Marseilles do u'l.ita ....I T I rw:n. Black and Colored Silk Neck Ties and Il'd'k'ffs Golden Hill Ready made Shirts. The Bodies, Yokes, Sleeves and Bosoms are formed to fit the person with ease and comfort Linen Shirt Collars, at 12^ cents each?all styles \Thite Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, at 25," 31, S7 and 50 cento. Colored Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs Linen Shirt Bosoms, at 76 oents Cotton Undershirts, at 60 oents Gsute Merino Undershirts, at 75o and $1.20 Gossamer " " - $1.26 Colored Lisle Gloves, at 10 cents, with a fine assortment of other styles of a better quality Super 4 4 Irish Linens?warranted all Flax Super Blaek Broadcloths and Casimsres Brown sad Mixed Cotton Half-Hose, at 124, l&f and 20 cents ; Ae., A a. For sale at i. KETCIIUM'S, March 11 44-lf Main Street. THE Copartnership of P. T. FOWLER A CO., la a Paper Mill, is this day dissolved by ita own limitation. The name of the Firm will only be used in settlements. P. C. Lester has all the Books, Netsa, Ac., and will settle all the business for and against said concern. P. C. LESTER, For P. T. Fowler k Co. Fob 18,1358, 48 1/ ? LEGAL NOTICED Notice te Guardians, Trustees and Becafrwors. OUARPIAN^ Trustees and Reeeirers, who VjT have to make their Return, te the Commimioner in Equity of Green villa District, South Carolina, are hereby notified to do w on or be* Tore the FIRST OF MAT next, or. failing to do k>, they will be dealt with eooordlne to law.? n?e Conuniwioaer bag* that thorn having Re* turne to make, will not desire to do to during Court week, a, he will have otlier and more >rteeing official dutiea to attend to. 8. A. TOWNE8, C. E. 0. D. Commieeioeei'? Office, March 17th, *68 4S-tf STATEOr SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Court of Ordinary. William Tikslkt, Administrator of (he E* tate of Jane Ray, deceased, Applioant, > against James Ray, et si., Defendants.? I mention for final Settlement and Decree. IT appealing to my satisfaction, that Jaoob Ray and Hananiab Ray, two of the <lefendanta, reside beyond the limits of this ^tate: It is ordered and decreed, that they Jo appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be hoi rlen at Greenville Court n?u-<?. for Greenville District, on Friday, the Hh day of May next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if any they have, why a Final Settlement of the Personal Estate of jAne Rav, deceased, should not l>e had, and a Decree given there on, or their consents, on failing so to do, will be eutered of re -ord. Given under mv haud and seal, at Greenville Court House, the 10 th day of Februarv, A. D. 1858. R BERT McKAY, O. G. D. [t. a] Feb 11 40 8m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. QRKENVILLB DISTRICT. IN COURT OF OROINARY. llohert Wynne, Administrator of the Estate of William Wynne, deceased. Applicant, agninst the legal heirs and representatives of said deceased, Defendants.?Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction that the intestate left a widow and a daughter, Martha Wynne, whose place of residence is not known : It t's, therefore, Ordered That the above parties, and all tha legal heirs and representatives of said William Wynne, deceased, do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District., on Wednesday, the 28<A day of April next, to shew cause, if any they have, why a Final Settlement of the said Estate should not be bad, and a Decree given thereon. Given under my hand and seal, at Greenville Court House, the second day of February, A. D. 18-18. ROBT McKAY, O. G. D. [l. a] Feb 4 30 8m STATE or sniivii GREENVILLE DTSTRICT. In Gonrt of Ordinary R. K. Pace, Administrator, applicant, against Luoinda McCrary, Andrew McCrary, Nancy McCrary, Sarah F.liza McCrary, Mary Elizabeth McCrarv, Francis McCrary, James M. McCrary, William Franklin McCrary, Defendants.?Petition for Fi,tal Settlement and Decree. TT appearing to my satisfaction, that all of the JL above Defendants reside beyond the limits of this State: It is ordeied and decreed, that they do appear at n Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court House, for GreenvilleDistrict, on Monday, the \ 9thday of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if any they have, why a final settlement of the Personal Estate of James McCrary, deceased, should not be had, and a Decree given thereon. Given under my hand and seal of Office, at Greenville Court House, the 22d day of January, A. D. 1858. ROBERT McKAY, O. G. D. [l. a.] Jan 28 38 3m ITATTIE 0F 801JTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT, la Court of Ordinary* John M. Carmao asid O. W. Bruce, Executors of Hardin Bruce, deceased, applicants, against Lucv Bruce, Mary Ann Pennington, and William J. Pennington, her husband, Eliza Mosteller and Philip H. Mosteller her husband, George W. Bruce, Willis W. Bruce, Adaline Carman and J. M. Carman, her husband, Frances M. Jackson and J. W. Jackson her husband, Emily Crain and William Crain her husband, G. W. Bruce, Jr., minor heir of A. J. Bruee, deceased. Defendants.?Petition fe? Final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that O. W. Bruce, Jr, minor heir of A. J. Bruce, deceased, resides beyond the limits of this State : It is ordered and decreed, that he do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to he holden at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on Friday, the 23d day of April next, to shew cause, if any lie can, why a final settlement of the Kstate of Hardin Bruce, deceased, should not be had, and a Dteree given thereon. Given under my hand and seal of Office, at Greenville Cbnrt House, this '23d day of January, A. D. 1868. ROBERT McKAY, 0. G. D. [i. a] Jan 28 38 8m NOTIOH. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of R. LOVELANJ), deceased, hv Note or Ac count, are requested to call on W. H. Campbell, Esq ., in whose hands I have placed those claims for collection. Those availing themselves of this nota-e will save cost MARTHA LOVELAND, AdmV*. Feb 18 41 2m ; Rvoeiif ovtu ITasIA ALL PERSONS indebted to the Entate of JOHN T. L100N, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned. All those having claims against said deceased will present them for payment within the time prescribed by law, or tbev will be barred. W. A.TOWNES, Nov 5 26-tf Executor. JVotlce to Yonttf Iflcn. >*r? L. GRAVES has located in Oreenvilte, gflBwand will be ready at any time, to give T3PPlKSBION3 ON THE VIOLIN, and teach the Art of READING MUSIC. QF"FoT particulars, enquire at the Oreenville Coach Factory, where he may usually be found. March 11 44 tf Per Sale or Rent, I gU? THE HOUSE AND LOT opposite the forks of Anderson Pendleton roads. The House contains six upright room*. On the Lot are all necessary outbuilding*. For terms, 4c., apply to H. LEE THRU3TON. Deo 24 38 if LOSTSCKIP. NOTICE ie hereby given, tbat after tlie expiration of three month*, application will be made for the renewal of Scrip for POUR SHARES IN THE SOUTH WES TERN RAILROAD BANK AND SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, owned by David William*, late of Lauren* District, deceased. The same being lost. H. K. A L. WILLIAMS, Executors. APPLICATION will also be made, at 'he same lime, for the renewal of EIGHT SHARES in the said Company, issued to Henry R. Williams, which have been luet or :.i_! i -? uiisumq, ko mat the name cannot be found. HENRY R. WILLIAMS. March 11 44 lemSm RAMSAY^ SOUTH CAROLINA. THE Subscriber hu in pre** of Walker, Evana A Co.. Charleston, RAMSAY'S HISTORY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. with Maps of Charlestor. and tha 9tst?, trhioh will be ready for subscribers by April 16th. The Book ia a Carolina work iu every reapeot, paper, print and binding. Ik this History we have a full reoord of the hardship* and difficulties of our fathers In the desert with the savage Indian, and the Briton in the war of "76. The Work is being printed on fine white paper, large clear type, bound in one volume complete, octavo, 600 pag?s, cloth, arms of State on back. Palmetto Tree on side, price $3.60. Half calf marble edges. $4.60.? Send on your name early?only a email edition I printed. Published and for sale by W.J. DUFFIE, Bookseller, Cowberry, S. C. March 11 44 if HI NOTICE THIS! $ THE Subscriber would respectfully inform hia former patrons, and the public gen erallv, that he hat. JUST RECEIVED, and ia NOW OPENING, at hia STORE, under McBee's Hall, one of the moat COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS of FAMILY GROCERIES ever offered in Greenville, and which he is offering at priceain accordance with theiime?. consisting, in part, of the following Articles : Rio and Javn COFFEES ; Crushed, Cla rifled and Brown SUGARS; N. O. Syrup, superior, cheap ; Tobacco and Segars ; supe rior Green and BlnokTeas; Candles;Starch ; Soda; Hardware and Cutlery ; Crockery and Glassware ; Woodware ; Soaps of all deacrip lion*; Spices ; Mnccaroni; Mackerel; Bacon; Herrings ; Brooms and Brushes; Anchovy, Reading. John Bull and other Sauces; Champagne. Madeira, Claret, Poit, Teneriffe and other Wines ; Brandies, and other Liquors of the finest quality, for Medical use ; lirandv Peaches; Pickles of all descriptions ; Preserves and Jellies; Sardines ; Lobsters; Raisins, Citronsand Figs; Porter and Ale; Nails; and a variety of Toilet Combs, Brushes, and other Fancy Articles too uutneroua to men tion. All of which 1 offer at reduced prices for ca?h or approved paper. n. i).? i nose indebted for the years of 1855-'5G and '57, are respectfully requested to call and arrange their accounts hv note or payment. A. GREENFIELD. Jan 28 38 tf Dissolution. 1"MIE Firm of W. H. HOVEY A CO. Is day dissolved ny mutual consent. The bus! ncss of the Firm will be olosed bv W. II. llovey. W. II. HOVEY, J. J. LIOVEY. January 1st, 1858. NOTICE. r |^HE Subscriber having purchased the entire JL Stock of W. H. IlOvEY A CO., will continue business at the same place. Thankful to the public for their former liberal patronage, he will in future endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. W. U. HOVEY. January 18th, 1858, 37?3ni. Dissolution of Copartnership. THE Copartnersihp heretofore existing between the Subscribers, under the Firm of GOWF.R. COX A MARK LEY. hns this day been dissolved hy muti'"l consent. Those indebted by note or oook account arc requested to tnnke immediate payment, as longer indulgence cannot be given, T. C. OOWER, T. M. COX, II. C. MARKLEY. T 1 laiiuitry isi, lOOO. ?? ? Greenville Coach Factory. jGOWER, COX, MARKLEY'& CO. | w - WE have this flay associated with I .toCsSELua, in business, Mr. LEWIS WORTIIINGTON, well known to the community for several years as the obliging and accommodating foreman of the Greenville Coach Factory. We are now be'ter prepared to supply the wants of the community than at any previous time, and shall use our best efforts tosustainthe widespread reputation so long enjoyed by this establishment, T. C. OOWER, T. M. COX. H. C. MARK LEY, L. WORTHINOTON. January 1st, 1858. CHEAPC ASH STORE rlMlE Subscribers propose to sell Goods in fuJL turs for CASH, and at such reduced | prices as we hope will guarantee a continuance of our former patrons. | Country produce taken In exchange for Goods ?t cami, and in discoudt fop debts now due. We sincerely desire those indebted to us, to call and settle by cash or note. REA, BAYNE A CO, January 7th 1869, 88 tf Money Wanted. TUG Subscriber would respectfully request those indebted to him by note or account, to pay up, as he is warriHO momkt. 4. II. DEAN, M. D. Deo 10th. 1857 81 tf Hair Dressing and Shaving. BUKMIDGE continues the Tonsorial business at his Old Stand in Bsaltix's Brick building, where hs Is ready ddring ths day and yelling to shay# the beard and eat hair, and shampoo the head. Hs respectfully asks a eon tinnatien of patronage. Oct. 1-11-V 1 AGENCY FOR 1T0RTH CAROLINA THE AS SEVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, HAVING complied with the legal requiai tion of thin State, in relation to A^en ciea. nnd having appointed the onder?ign?*d as their Agent fo* thi? place. lie i* now pre pared to TAKE RISKS on LIKE or PRO PERTY. JOHN W. GRADY. Greenville, S. C.. Fvh. 10, 1858. Omct or tub OoMrraoixrs, ) Columbia. 8. C., Ktb. 4, 1858. j Ils'BKMFY tlint W UHADY, Agent of the Mutual Insurance Company, of Asheville, N. C. has complied with the conditions and requisition* of the Act of General A?*ctnblv. entitled "An Act to reg ulale the Agencies of In?orance Companies not incorporated In the State of^outh Carolina," paaeed on the 20th day of December, in the year of our Lord one thou and eight hundred and fifty fix ; and hereby license the aaid John W. Grady. Agent as aforesaid, to take risks and transact the bu?inea> of insurance ill behalf of the Company aforeeaid. J. D. ASIJEMOUE. Comptroller General. Feb 11 40 tf For Sale. . TI1K subscriber offer* for sale hi* HOUSE ANO LOT whereon now ',ve*- '* tituat'-d about 1-5 yards from th>- Public Square, is well unproved, having a large House containing 6 Room*, with Fire place* in each, one estrs Red-roo-n, Pantry, <te., good and roomy Kitchens, Smoke-house, Grain-house, Crib, and an ex cellent new Stable, Cow-house and Carriage house, and an unusually productive Garden an*1 Patch, with a good variety of Fruit Trees Grapes, Ac. Term* accommodating. Possession would b< given by the first of March, if desired. Jan 7 35?if T. C. GOWEK. Saddle and IIui'iacHM MANUFACTORY. rl^HE Subscriber would respectfully inform th< JL public generally that he continues the above Business. 2o ikx>r above tiir (.nmmu | Hotrl, and is prepared to furnish customer, | with any uiwripUsr. of Home-Manufactured SADDLES. Carriage, Boggy nnd Wanon liar nesa made to order, and ?? the bent ntyle. Bri dlea Whips, ?te., on hand and for aale CHEAP ZW Snddlos and ilarneaa repaired at ahori notioe, - A. M. G1LREATH. Feb 4 30 tf__ SURGEON DENTIST, GREENVILLE, 8. C. Office North- Went comer Alain and A v-iine St recti i*t" HAS just returned from Philadt-I MflHL phia, and will be p.cased to attenr to any who arc iu want of hia aer vice*. JkWUlIJUlMt. Vgm Inserted from one to full Upper and Lowei Setts, in the moat approved and durable manner Exposed Nerves uestroyed and treated, fre> of pain. Jan 7 35?tf ^ERTYTUmT^El). n OFFERS HIS PROFESSION A L SF.RV 1 CES to this community. Ilia (Mhce. for Or iw present, is in the Old Court House Kulldinc Jan 14 30 tf F. BURTY, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Leather OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE, GUEENV1LLE, S. C.. IS PreparcJ to furnish cnstoi x. era with the above articles, C1IEA i %??CASH. ilaving omnpetent workmen engaged, he ea assure his patrons that all work will he Nkatl Dose and WARRANTED. I Feb 18 41 tf G. 9. BOWER, MANUFacturkk of and t* FURNITURE CHAIRI or rL ? ? "Every description, CaflBH Every style, AND FISK'S CELEBRATED ME TALIC BURIAL CASES Opposite the Cong arte House, Feb 4 COLUMBIA, S. C. 39-ly J. C. P. a iiiTER., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY WILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS uF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Bookstore, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 4 4 It REED & GOODLETT ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, <*rcen?illc, 9. C. BT OFFICE next door to P. F. BkattieACo. Be j. P. REED.] [s. D. OOODI.ETT. June 4 4 tf H. JULIUS SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW GREENVILLE, S. C. June 18 6 tf Elford & Donaldson, %\\%%%%%% M IMi C. 1, tlfORD' T. Q. DONAl^OSOl OBS ft PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. JAXtt it, owl wm r. nuoi April 23 ' 30 SWAN A CO.'S LOTTERIES. AUTHORIZE!) IY THE STATE Of QEOROIA. ^ ^li?TE?'S]SS ^ * Tin following Sehetue will be drawn by A Hwan A Co., Manager, of the Sparta Academy Utter v. in eac!; of their Stogie Number Lottetire for April, l?M,at Al,GUSTA,Oeor*la,h.peWe, under the superintendence of CommWleeere $ CLASS 9, Te be drawn ia the olty ef Augusta, Oe, la paMte, om RATUEDAT, APRIL 3d, 1M*. cla"s? 10, Te be drawn In tbe city of Angus'*, Oa, ia pafcl e, ea SATURDAY, APRIL 10th, 18C6. CLASS 11, To be drawn In the city ef Augusta, Oa, la pubUe, ea 8ATUEDAT. APRIL 17th, 1858. AT ? an iA VliAO O 1'4> t To bo drown In tbo cltjr of An (Ml, Ga., la pabUa, SATURDAY, APRIL 34th, 1868. OS TilB PI.AN OF 8IN0LC NtMIIF.RB. Fir* Thousand Tour Htmdrsd Jk Eighty-Fir* Fiiui. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO m EVER Y NINE TICKETS. TO BR PRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN APRIL! I 1 Prize of $70,000 4 Prizes of $900 I Prize of 30.000 4 Prizes of 800 1 Prize of 10,000 4 Piizes of TOO , 1 Piize of 5.000 4 Prizes of 600 . 1 Prize of 4.000 50 Prizes of 500 1 Prize of 3.000 60 Prizes of 300 j 1 Prize of 1.500 100 Prizes of 125 4 Piizes of 1,000 230 Prizes of 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. ! 4 Prizes of $400 App'g. to $70,000 priz. Are $1,600 4 Prizes of 800 " " 30.000 priz are 1,200 4 Prizes of 200 " " 10,000 priz. are 800 4 Prizes of 125 " " 5,000 priz. are 6O0 4 Prizes of 100 " " 4,000 priz. are 400 4 Prizes of 75 " " 8,000 priz. are 300 4 Prizes of 60 " * 1,500 priz. are 20P ' 6.000" of 20 are 10^000 , 5.485 rrirea amounting to $220,000 I Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters$2$PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from 1 to 60,000, correspondiag ( with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one wheel. The first 457 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, are pieced in another wueel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and, at the same time, a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and I>ize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Commissioners; the Prize being placed against the Number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the prizes are drawn \ ?ut AprRoxtMArioN Phizes.?-The two pr. ceding 1 and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 7 Prizes will be entitled to the 28 Approximation Prizes For exa-nple: if Ticket No 11260 draws the $70,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11218, 11249, 11251, 11252, will each r be entitled to $400. If Ticket No. 560 draws the $30,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 648, 549, 661, 652, will each be entitled to $300, and so on according to the above scheme. The 6.00O Prizes of $20 will be determined by the last fil/lire of the Number that tl"> 1 *70,000 Prize. For example: if the Number drawing the *70,000 Prize ends with No. I, then r ail the 1'ickets, where the number ends in ir will f, he entitled to $20. If the Number euds with No. 2, then all the Tickets, where the Number ends in 2, will be entitled to *20, and soon taO. Certificates of Packages will be sold at tbe following rates, which is the risk; Certificate o' Package of 10 Whole Tiekets, $80 Certificate of Package of 10 Half Tickets, 40 Certificate of Package of 10Quarter Ticket*, 20 Certificate of l'aokng" of 10 1'ligblh Tickets, 10 IN ORDEHINO TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, F.nolose the money to our address for the Tiekets ordered, on receipt of which tbev will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they irray designate. A The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will bo sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. % Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, aud give their Post Office, county and State Remember that cverv Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. *. All prizes of #1,0 iO and under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prizes atth* usual time of thirty days. I All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tiekets or Certificates to S. SWAN, ?k CO., Augusta, Ca. or Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta, Ga., can have their ordets filled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan A Co , at cither of those cities. ZW A list of tfjo numbers that are drawn Iroin the wheel, with the amount of the prize that ach one is entitled to, will he published alter 1 every drawing, in the following papers: Augusta (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Delta. Mobile llegist.r, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book. Savannah Morning News. Richmond Dispatch. New York Dispatch and Pauhl_ ing (Miss.) Clarion. Mnrh 23 46 tf ' NEW FIRM. r|MIK Undersigned have entered into Copart. 1. nerohip in the Mercantile Unsiuess under the name and style of LONG & GOODLETT, snd would invito the attention of the citizens of . Greenville and surrounding Districts, to an ex4 amination of our STOCK, as we hope to share a portion of public patronage, and feel confident that we can offer Goods st as low prioca - for cash as can ba purchased elsewhere. Qlvo us a call. R. LONG, B. A. GOODLETT. Greenville. January 26th, 1858 88-tf ' Hou?e and Lot for Sale. mTHE SUBSCRIBER offer. forgtK .ale. on the most reasonable n?rm?. Mir hi* HOUSE AND LOT, in the village of Greenville. The location ?, in ell respect., a moat desirable one, immediately on the ? Pendleton road, and near the depot. The Lot contain, over an acre of land, and ia s well improved. The Building* are all new. ' The Dwelling haa ?eveo oom fort able rooms. There i* a good Kitchen and Negro House, and all necrreary outbuilding.. Also, a fine well of water. Household and Kitch<t> Furniture M>ld with the premise, if desirable, i Applv to Col. E. P. Deo 31 ru-t*:;: P '-V. OODDNRD, 4 T V*W to ,