University of South Carolina Libraries
It is peculiarly suited, It will, in i short time, tjrtwg opthe mbptjsl/.jjwlu'l with regularity. I ' JfM; ZTietr PiU* should not bo taken by female* that Are pregnant, during Me niurr thikv vonrm, a* they are mere (bVHnffon itieenrriog*; bat at everf other time, ami in every other e**e, they are peri feetljf ?/?. In snwRei Kerrous and Spinal Affection*, Pain in theJ jek and t.Mih*, Heaviness, Fatigue J V-. on slight - f^mions, Palpitation of the Heart, 1 I ,,fSa?A. . .. ?r_i* . ? - ? - ?Mrgrei'P". W"njwnoi, SlftK Iloartnche, White!, and nil the painful dUoaae* occasioned bjr'a dleWflered svetem. These Pills will effect a ettro when nil other meAne have failed. Pull direction* in the pamphlet around eaoh package, which should be carefully preserved. TT A bottle containing fifty pills, and encircled With the Government Stamp of. Great Britain, ckn be acnt poat free tor f l and a postage stamp*. Sold l.y R Krutch, Greenville, Haviland <fc Chiefjf^fwhelcsalc f>rr:?g::tr, Charleston. March 4 43 ly I For Tax Collector. ??.? 1 i THS frienda of JAMF8 K. DICKSOJf anI pounce him at a Candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing Election. * I 'itS^Th? friends of A. B. McDavid, E*q., respectfully announce Iiira at a Candidate for Tax i . I . tor at the ensuing election. I JSS&rhe Frienda of Jninc* B, Pear on, announce him ae a Candidate for Tax Cob ireter at the entuing Election. I ? A. F. M. flccoberti ?o&ae, ^o. 31. ; A^H^^^EuiGULAK COMMUNICATION- of this Lodge will be held on MONDA YNIGHT , next April 5th. W. It. JOXES, 8ec'y. April I 41 1 I THE ASSEMBLY HOUSE, ONE SQUARE WEST OF THE POST OFFICE, TEATN STREET, .-^CXOLMM-#flA, ?. 0. <Em THE U N DKRSIONED would moet res- J HillLpootrully inform the public that this wellknown Establishment, recently kept bv Doe tor jloach, hue been thoroughly refitted FOR TI1E ACCOMMODATION OP TRANSIENT BOARD1?US, and that no pains shall bo spared to meet ti?c want# and com forte of visitors. Rates mode7 erate. G. T. MASON, Proprietor. April I 47 8ra ANOTHER 1 i-OOXiX> MZ1V?3 DISCOVERED. THE SUBSCRIBER has lately bought the en- ] tire Stock of Goods belonging to J. EL- ' DR1IX1K, at 1'oWer*' old Stand. "A word to tlw wise is sufficient." Tlio Stock' of Dry Goods will be sold at Now York Cost. As I intend to keep nothing but FAMILY GROCERIES, partlc* filar attention is requested to them, as my fueilitics for buying are unsurpassed. COFFEE, SUGAR, MOUSSES AND FLOUR, oh hand fit all times, CHEAP FOR CASH. GEORGE R. IIAYNES. April 1 47 3m rROPRtETOR OF mnn * i TiTWRi flt?orcw mo Muuee s i uiiJBt l DEALER IN ! IIICT AID ST&FLK BEY GOODS. | RICH DRESS GOODS, ] BONMifj mmm, \ HOUSKKhiKI'ING GOODS, i READY-MADE CLOTHING ] HHDHA lETJrara ?ODm 1 GREENVILLE, S. O. B.?OrdeM Accompanied by the wish for Me- ' dical, Law or Library Boolca, Musical Instruments .aad Sundries, promptly filled in New York, and delivered at hit counter on shortc*t notice. April 1 47 ly MRS. WATTSGORDON" (OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE,) M^|a WOULD respectfully inform 1 ITm,AjBmS t^>e*r numcr'ou* friends and pa* tfmrMEB] trono that they ha ve just roturned from New York with a large "Z fZM*ml well-selected STOCK OF GOODS, and will open on ModS day, April 6 th, with their PAT/7Tn tern bonnets, riding HATH AND STRAW BONNETS vf every dinA Ian nna asiiimti nan i HEAD-DHESSE8. J Having oelceted our Stock from oome of the tiurgeet and- inoet reliable bounce in New York, , eontkleutly ae*ure our euetomera that < hey are tlie i.atkht a an uoat ahmioved htyi.ka, i whleh will he sold very CHEAP FOR CASH. IST Dreeaea out and baited at the ahortaat notice; aim, old HaU cleaned and mode equal to iii * April j 47 ? ,'j ar. re. mayo, TAILOR AND RENOVATOR, 1 WOULD take this method of informing hi* old euetomrre. and the publie generalle, 1 that ha hee feiuoved hit "Burnt Era" from the 1 ^5 tioodlatt Tx> to Main Street, between Mcaara y Kyawe 6 Zellt&at'a Con/nationer# and fka Old M Oauet Hmm, wheta ha 7# prepared to d* Oil ' manner of work in hie lino. ? tf P.'ioitivaljr ao aradiC ' March IS 45 ? ] flEEjjtotfce to Young Icr. S i A -AbL L. ORAVICS hoe located in O&ovilk , wi gEyend *ii| h? ready at any time, wgfye TBPlVWSIOSIS on THE VIOLIN, nod tench . IthaArt of RKAItlSO MUSia . 1 v? pwiietfift, onauir# ti tk# Gn^oyUU .. CoMh FtAtory. where bo runy qeoatly be fewd. ***** - Wd4 tiwrv ?f O V I?*riE!?X i^?.>*>-" .MMvocnnnni' nTTiKI TT D&IV. 1 LL4JSTR ATE1) EVERY WEEK. l&i^ v TRATKO KVJtttY - tntta*. j^^ ll^^RATKD EVERY W^EI^ . SPECIMEN COP!ES SIWT FREE I ;v ' SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED! ILLUSTRATED! The New York W^7kly GOLDEN PRIZE ie ; one of Use largest and b**f w^fkly papers of the ] rley. An Im|>erinl Quarto, containing eight pa- ' gei, or forty cofutna*. of entertainingorigiun! mat* ter: and elegantly illuetrated every week. , A Gift, vporth ftom 60 rente to 9600 00 in gold, . eti/l be presented to earh *nbecrib*r immediately on receipt of the eubeeription money. ' ?<>? ' ? I One copy for one year #8.00, and 1 gift. ' One copy for two years 3.60, and 2 gifts. ? One copy for three yonr- 8.00, and 8 gifts. One copy for five years.8.00, and 5 gifts. AND TO CLUBS Three copies one year 86.00, and 8 gifts, , Five copies one year 8.00, and 6 gifts. ' Ten copies one year. * 16.00, and 10gifts. Twenty-one copies one veer.. .JtO.OO, and tlgifts. The articles to be distributed arc comprised in the following list: 2 Packages of Gold, containing. .$500 each. 5 do do do .. 200 each. 10 do do do .. 100 each. 1q Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches. .. 100 each. 20 Gold Watches 75 each. 60 do do ....... 60 each. 1 100 do do . . k... '.... 60 each. i 800 LadiesGold Watches. 86 each. ( 200 Silver Cased Hunting Watehes.. 30 each. 600 Silver Watches ...flOto 25 each. ' 1,000 GolJ Guard, Ve* and Fob Chains 10 to SO each. I Gold Ix>ckets, Bracelets, Brooches, Kar Drops, ( Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, i -hirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and ftilverThim- ' bles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 8 fifty cents to $16 each. Immediately on receipt of the snl>soription | money, the subscriber's name will be entered up- ( jn onr subscription book, opposite a number, ind the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded, within one week, to the subKiriber, by mail ot eetpreee, poet paid. fry Alt communications should be addressed to BECKET A, CO., 18 and 42 Moffat Building,885 Broadway, N. Y. J ?*8|>ecimen copies sent free. Airont* April I 47 ? lemly IWWsTffiWTOOll1 FOR SPRING TRADE, AT i J. KETCiiiin^ ; CASH HOUSE.? ELEGANT BAYADERE At OLACA DRESS [ SILKS, at the low price of $1.23 and $1.87. ? Mack Gro de lthyno Drees Silks, at $1 and $1.25. ( deautiful Flounced Burrege Robin " Printed Persians and ChaHics, at 25c " Plaid Ducala " Organdi Kobca a' quill# " Ginglmm do do " Striped Barregc Poplins " Printed Bnrregea 4 " White and col'd Gr'd Pr'n'd Brilliants " Organdi Muslins M 4-4 Printed Lawns " 4-4 Mourning Lawns [ " Plain Bl'k Tamartine, for mourning " 4 4 Printed French Cambrics " 4-4 real Scotch Ginghams " 7-8 Striped Ginghams, at 12$c " American and English Calicos, at 8, 1, 12fc 15 and 20c. i LADIES' SKIRTS. J Heel Spring SKELETON SKIRTS, c Steel Spring Chrsta) Skirts 1 ? *?! Mnr<n. IJ.?il. I ? S'ew Expansion Skirt, patented April, 1867 i Utten Skirii suitable for traveling i Embroidered Cambria Collar*, from SSeenta to $3 1 Embroidered Cambric Settmat only $1.001ho sett 1 .adies* Black Lace Mitta, from 10 to 60 cent* 1 Lidice*Colored Lisle Glove*, at 20 and 25 ccnU ( dieses' Lisle Glove*, at 10 cent* iVith a large assort men! of Indies' Hosiery. White, Ulaek and Slate Color, from 12J to 60 cent* the pair '.adios' Fine Biaek English Silk Hose radios' Fine Black lUw Silk Hose, Ac.. Ac. f AT MR. W H. WATSON'S NEW STORE. March 11 44-tf Maim Smart. FOR GENTLE.tlEFS WEAK. CTTirTTB SUPER BLACK DRAP D'ETE JPWTtSwt 8l?<ek and Colored Silk Vesting# *WiV\tV1 White Maiaeille* do White and colored Linen Drills Black and Colored Silk Reek Ties and H'd'k'ffs 5 old en Hill Ready made Shirts. The Bodies, Yokes, Sleeves and Bosoms are formed to fit the person with ea?e and comfort [.men Shirt Collars, at 12+ cents each?all styles , White Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, at 26,'81. 87 and 60 oenta, Colored Silk Pocket Ilandkerehiefe Linen Shirt Bosoms, at 76 cents Sot ton uWwMrt* at 60 oenta J 3a?te Merino Undershirts^ at 76c and $1.86 } Gossamer " " " $1*6 Holored Liile Gloves, at 10 eeuta, with a fine at- ' ortraeut of other styles of hotter quality Super 4-4 Irish Linens?warranted all Flax Super Black Broadcloths and Cassimeres 1 Brown and Mixed Cotton Half-Hose, at 124, 1H and 26 cents ; Ac., Ac. For sale at J. KETCIIUM'S, March 11. 44-tf Main Street. RAMSAY'S mSTOftY OF SOUTH CAROIilNA. rpilE Subscriber has in press of Walker, Brans X A Oft, Charleston, K A MS AY'S HISTORY < OF SOUTH CAUOLINA, with Maps of Charles- 1 ton and the State, which will be ready far sub- J MrlberS by April lith. The Book is ? Carolina ' work to every respect, paper, print and binding. hi this History we hare n fall record of the hardships and difficulties of our father* la the desert with the savage Indian, and the Britim in the war cf "16. The Work is being print- ? sd on fine white paper, large clear type, bound in on* volume complete,-Octavo, ?00 pftg*a, cloth, ' irms of State on ??*ek, Palmetto Tree on aide, price $8.40. Half calf marble edge* $4.80 ? 2 t-end on your nam* early?only a small edition printed. Published and for safefew ' w. j. dupfie; ; ^tf a . k M I ^^^KlRlTlL JVv I Iv i / C A R TM A N S, Trustees and Receiver*, who Garolinn, n^lSed <o do^on^or before the FIRST OF MAY neat, or. fjftUtog to do so, they will ho dealt with according to law.? The Connaieaiener begs that thoM having Returns to m*ke. will not desire so during Court week, as ho will have other and more pressing officio! duties to attend to. K> * 1VMWMPCI ri c\ . 4 gf-Wl - f *> f v, '< VI V> Commissioner's Office, March 17 tb, '68 45-tf STATE'OF WumTAMLlSA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALE8. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facia* to me directed, I will *?11 before the Cburt House door, at the usual hours of sale, ou the Irst Monday in ARPrL next, 60 or TO VoVtimea of Lnw Books, as ;he property of Thomas P. Butler, at the suit of ?? Lainblack, as per schedule rendered. 250 Acres of Land, moro or loss, idjoitiing lands of Philemon Huff, John Adams, Dr. West and others; as the property of Thornis May field, at the suit of William Hawkins, et al. TERMS CASH. Pcrchaser to pay for titles D. flOKE, S. O. D. Sheriff's Office, March 4. 1868 48-td ^ STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Court of Ordinary. William Tikslet, Administrator of the Estate of Jane Ray, deceased. Applicant, against James Ray, et al., Defendants.? Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. IT appeming to my satisfaction, that Jacob Ray and llannninli Ray, two of the defendants, re-iile beyond the limits of this State: It is ordered and decreed, that thev io appear at,a Court of Ordinary, to be hoiJen at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on Friday, the 1th day of May lext, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if iny they have, why n Final Settlement of the Personal Estate of Jane Rav, deceased, ihould not bo bad, and a Decree given therein, or their consents, on failing so to do, will >e entered of record. 3iven under my hand and seal, at Greenville Court llouse, the lOtli day of February, A. D. 1858. HUBERT McKAY, O. O. D. [u s.] Feb 11 40 8m 3TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. OK RENV1LI.E DISTRICT. IN COURT OF ORDINARY, tobert Wynne, Administrator of the Estate of William Wtxkk, deceased, Applicant, against the legal heirs and representatives of said deceased, Defendants.?Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. [T appearing to my satisfaction that the intestate left a widow and a daughter, Martha Wynne, whose place of residence Is not known : rt ?*, therefore, Ordered, Hint the above parties, ind all the legal heirs and representatives of aid William Whkl d- censed, do appenr at a Tourt of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville ?ourt House, for Oreenvillo District, on Wedneefay, the 29th day of April next, to shew cause, if my they have, why a Final Settlement of the aid Estate should nut be had, and a Decree givm thereon. Given under my hand and aenl, at Greonyille Court House, the second day of February, A. D. 1858. ROBT McKAY, O. O. D. [u *.] Feb 4 30 3m (TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Court of Ordinary. I. K. Pace, Administrator, applicant, against Luoinda McCrary, Andrew McCrary, Nancy McCrary, Sarah Eliza McCrary, Mnry Elizabeth McCrary, Francis McCrary, James hL MoCrnrv, William Franklin McCrary, Defendant*.?Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. LT appearing to my satisfaction, that all of tlie above Defendant* reside beyond the limits d this State: It is ordeied ami decreed, that hev do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be lolden at Greenville Court House, for OreenrilleDistrict, on Jionda>j, the With day of April next, it 10 o'clock, A. If., to shew cause, if any they tave, why a final settlement of the Personal Estate of James McCrary, deceased, should not >e had, and a Decree given thereon, liven under my haud and seal of Offioc, at Greenville Court House, the 2id day of Januarv, A. D. 1858. ROBERT McKAY, 0. G. D. [u a.] Jan 28 38 3m IT AT 1-1 OF SOUTH AROIJrS| GREENVILLE DISTRICT.'^ Iu Conrt of Ordinary. ohn M. Carman and G. W. Bruce, Executors of Hardin Bruoa, deceased, applicants, against Lucy Bruce, Mary Ann Pennington, and William J. Pennington, her liusband, Eliza Mostelicr and Philip II. Mosteller her husband, George W. Bruce, Willis W. Bruce, Adaline Carman and J. M. Carman, her husband, France* M. Jaokson and J. If. Jackson her husband, Emily Grain and lPilliam Crain her husband, G. W. Bruce, Jr., minor heir of A. .1 S. 'J n./?-* ?. n *r~r - ? *-" -vm v.wbpvu, jLfvicminius,?rninon jor Final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that G. W. liruce, Jr, minor licir of A, J. Bruce, debased, resides bcvor.d the limit* of this 8tate: t is ordered and decreed, that lie do appear at \ Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville 'ourt House, for Greenville District, on Friday, he 28d day of April next, to (hew catiee, if any lie an, why a final settlement of tho Estate of iardln Bruce, deccaeed, should not be had, and i Decree given thereon. liven under mv hand and seal of Office, at Greenville Court House, this 23d day of January, A. D. 1868. ROBERT McKAY. 0. 0. D. [l. a.] 1 Jan 28 88 8in ISowpttT A LL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of R. t\. LOVELAND, deceased, by Note or Ao taunt, are requested to eall on W. H. Campbell, Esq., in whose bands I have plaoed those olaims or collection. Those availing themselves of this mtice will save toil n MARTHA LOV ELAND, AdrnV*. Feb 18 41 tm EiecHtMf'i Sale. [WILL sail, to the bigheet bidder, before the Court House door, on Sale-day in April text, a negro boy named SQUIRE^ aged about van years, the property of the Estate of Jno, r, l.igon, deceased. TERMS OF SALE?Three month* credit, rkh interest from day of sale , mud purchase noney to be secured by bend snd approved *emritf W. A. T0WNE8, Kaecntor. March 18 4b id II I" "" ' 4 lir be u ??d in BoUleinenU I' C. I.eeter ha* all the Book*, Not*., Ac , Hud will kettle all the bMi,,eMfor'ud^^rLStER, F^,9.,8,e.Forr'1;8Fw'w4<J^' - r'/ '^r ^ -' ' . *> '7; ,' 5y, < School Notice. WIS. YOUNG proposes to open n lli'M> i iTMl 1 T T- 8C1130U at the Stone liouse, nve nuies Above Greenville. ^Hw She will tench the KuglUlt Language, ' Oriental Painting, Waxwork, Leatlierwork, Ac. Term begins on the 1st day of February, 1 S.')8. Rate* ot Tuition, Boarding, Ac., willbe moderate. Feb 4 : ' 89?0 rn MICIi THIS! <? THE Subscriber would re?pcctfully inform hi* former patrons, nnd the public gen erallv, tliAl he hna JUST RECEIVED, nnd U NOW OPENING, at liia STORE, undor Mclloe'* Hull, one of the most COMPLEFE A OCADHhiTSMrnr* A noj'.'i\ im&niQ ot FAMILY 6RR0CERIES ever offered in Greenville, and which ho is offering at prices in accordance with the times, consisting, in part, of the following Articles : Rio and Jttva COFFEES ; Crushed, Clarifled and Brown SUGARS; N. O. Syrup, superior, cheap ; Tobacco and Segara; superior Green anil Black Tens; Candles;Starch ; Soda; Hardware and Cutlery ; Crockery and Glassware; Woodware ; Soops of all descriptions ; Spices; Maccaroni; Mackerel; Bncon; Herrings; Brooms and Diushes; Anchovy, Reading, John Bull and other Sauces; Champagne. Madeira, Claret, Poit, Teneriffe and other Wines; Brandies, and other Liquors of the finest quality, for Medical use ; Brandy Peaches; Pickles of all descriptions ; Preserves and Jellies; Sardines; Lobsters; Rai sins, Citrons and Figs; Porter and Ale; Nails; and a variety of Toilet Combs, Brushes, and other Fancy Articles too numerous to mention. All of which 1 offer at reduced prices for cash or approved paper. N. B.?Those indebted for tho years of 1855-'66 and '67, arc respectfully requested to call and arrange their accounts hv note 01 payment. A. GREENFIELD. Jan 28 88 tf Dissolution. ''piIE Firm of W. II. HOVEY A CO. U tins day 1. dissolved by mutual consent. The liusi n?sa of tho Firm will be closed by SV. If. llover. W. II. HOVEY," J. J. HOVEY. January 1st, 1856. NOTICES. | ' |M1E Subscriber bavin* purchased tho entire 1 Stock of W. II. 1IOVEY A CO.. will con1 tinue business nt. the same nlnee Thankful the public for their former liberal patronage, he will in fuluro endeavor to merit* continuance of the tame. \V. II. IIOVEY. January IBtli, 1858, 37?3in. Dissolution of Copartnership. ''IMIE C'opnrtncrsihp heretofore existing bcX 'tween the Subscriber*, under tlie Firm of GOWKR. COX Jk MARK LEY, has this day Ix-en dissolved l>y mutunl content. Those indebted by note or oook account are requested to make immediate payment, at longer indulgence cnunot be given. T. C. COWER, T. M. COX, II. C. MARKLEY. January 1st, 1858. Greenvillo Coach Factory. GOAVER, COX, MARKLEY & CO. WE hnve thi* day associated with, ill business, Mr. LEWIS WOItTllINGTOJl, well known to lite community fur several years nt the obliging and aeeommodating foreman of the Greenville Coach Factory. We are now better prepared to supply the want* of the oommunity than at any previous timo, and shall use our best efforts to sustain the a idespread reputation so long enjoyed by this establishment, T. C. COWER, T M niv if. cl M a rk ley, 1 L. WOUTHINGTON. B January 1st, 1858. ~ CHEAP CASH STORE. r|"MIE Subscriber# propose to sell Goods in fu1 turo for CASH, and at such reduced prices as we hope will guarantee a continuance of our former patrons. Country produce tuken in exchange for Good# at CAsn raicis, and in discount for debts now due. We sincerely desire those indebted to us, to call and settle by cosh or note. REA, BAYNE A CO. January 7th 1858, 85 y) For Sale or Rent, TIIE MOUSE AND LOT opposite the forks of Anderson and Pendleton roads. The Mouse contains six upright rooms. On the Lot are all necessary outbuilding#. For terms, Ac., apply to H. LEE TUKUSTON. Dec 24 39 tf Honey Wanteds ^T^lIF, Rul>serlher would FHiuntrnllu ? <? JL those indebted to him by note or account, to pay un, as he ia wanting money. J. II. DEAN, M. D. Dec 10th, 1857 81 tf Hair Dressing' and Shaving. BURMDQE oontinueathe Tonsorial bus ineaa at his Old Stand in Beattic's Brick building, where he is ready during the day and evening to shave the heard and eut hair, and shampoo the head. He respectfully asks a con tinaatiea of patronage. Oct. 1-11-S Execmtor's Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted te the Estate of JOUIt T. LlGON, deceased, are hereby notified tdnake payment to the undersigned. Ail those having claim* against said deeeaecd will present them for payment within the time prescribe I by law, or thev will be barred. W. A.TOWNES, Nor 5 26-tf Executor. Ik. * * > I % TUK Subscriber h prepared t a execute PICTURES iu ilie above line, in'nH kind* of Finish and of nil Style*, in the best possible maimer. Cull and nee bin* nt i, Jwm'a llalf, room formerly occupied by Mr. C. II.Lunnetui rb a Dnguerrenn Gall' ry. J. 13. WALTON. \ March 4 43 5 ;\i AGKNCYTOK BOS12 CABOLINA THE ASHEVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, I HAVING complied witU the legal requisition of this Stale, in relation to Agencies, and having appointed the undersigned OS their Agein for mi* place, iie iiuw |>rw-Kred to TAKE RISKS on LIKE or PRO JRTY. JOHN W. (iRADY. Giecnville, S. C., Feb. 10, 1858. . Offick or tiik C??mituoi.T.r.n Oknfimi, ) j Co untnn. 8. O., Fob. t, 185?. S I CERTIFY that JOHN VV. GR.\1>Y, Agent of the Mntnnl Insurance Cotjapnny, of Aahcvillo, N. C, has complied Iritli the conditions and requisitions of the Act of General Assembly, entitled " An Act to regulate the Agencies of Insurance Companies \not incorporated in the State of South Carolina," passed on the 20th day of December, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and fifty-six ; and hereby license the said John W. Grady. Agent as aforesaid, to take risks and transact the business of insurance in behalf of the Company aforesaid. J. I). ASllEMORE, > Comptroller General. Feb 11 40 tf For Sale. . , TIIF. subscriber offers for sale his HOUSE AND LOT whereon JJ he now lives. It is situated about IP-' i 125 yards from the nifillc Square, is well improved, having a large House oontninI ing 0 Rooms, with Fire places in each, ono extra Bcd-roo*n, 1'nntry, <?o., good und roomy Kiteh. ens. Smoke-house, Grnin-house, Crib, anil an excellent new Stable, Cow-bouse and Carringe| house, and an unusually productive Garden and . Pntoh, with n good variety of Fruit Trees, Grapes, At. Terms accommodating. Possession would he given hy the first of March, if desired. Jan 7 35-tf T. C. COWER. Saddle and Har??< ** iG^ MANUFACTORY. I'M IE Sutacrlber would respectfully iufonn the public generally that ho continues the above Business, 2d noon adovi: tiir Urkentiixk IIotkl, and is prepnred to furnish customers with nny discription of IIon>e-Manufactured SADDLES, Carriage, Tin guy nnd Wngtm Hnrneea made to order, and in the brut xli/le. Bridles Whip#, Ac., on hand nnd for side CHEAP, Saddles nnd Harness repaired at short notice. A. M. (21 BREATH. Feb 4 .10 tf SURGEON DENTIST, GREENVILLE. S. O. Office Xorth- West corner Main and Arenue Streets, HAS just returned from Pliilndclphin, nnd will In* p.eased to attend -*Jli V"y to nny who are in \riint of his scrvices. ATimunh mm Inserted from one to full Upper und Jx>\ver Setts, in the most approved nnd durable manner. Exposed Nerves destroyed and treated, free of pnin. Jnn 7 35-tf ROBERf"trfHR?sWNrMh', -o OFFERS HIS PROFESSION A L SKRVI XTgf CES to this community. His Office, for the fm present, is in the Old Court Houbc Building. t..? u aft .r r. BURT Y, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Leather, OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. OHEENVILLK, S. C? IS I'repnrcJ to furnish cusfot:. erswith the above nrtieles, CJIEA1' V--^|^F()R CASH. Ilnving competent workmen en<?ftfjeJ, he can assure his patrons that nil work will he Neatlv Donk nn.l WARRANTED. Kch 18 41 tf BOIVEII, MANlTFACTt'RKU OF AND DKAI.KR IN FURNITURE ?^27 CHAIRS Every description, ESss'fefl Every style, AND ? FISK'S CELEBRATED METALiC BUR|gH||?S, Opjyositc the Congaree AH Feb 4 COLUMBIA, S. cJEPly J.6. r>. raT^HjEL ATTORNEY AT JWtk and SOLICITOR IN Mh. \ai ill i?n A i'i ip v IN THE COURTS OF THE WEST?R?PWlT. Office in the Greenville BooPuorc, GREENVILLE, S. (J. June 4 4 ly REED &" GOODi/liTX; A1TONLYS AT LAW SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Greenville, 9. C. tW OFFICE next door to P. F. HkathkACo. ffl J. P. UKKI>.] [s. D. OOODLKTT. June 4 4 tf iLJuTiiisHmTHr r ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 18 6 tf Elford & Donaldson, (saisissrwro uu, s. (&. C. ). ELF OHO' T. -Q. WNA10S0N / Bin SWAir & VQ]'B lOTMTOES AUTHMltfO iy THE 8TATE ?F MMM, ^# 70,000-?r r Tha fultowtog Scheme will W drawn t>Y ft A Co.. llApajrer. of tha Spiwta Academy l.oUofv, in each of %he?r Single tiumbtr Lotteries for April, 18&Sint AtVQBB^rA.Oedrx<n,tti public, under the snpmtitcnqtffet^f OctninU?ioner? j CLASS9, i o be drawn t? *MW <tl ^ugumia, MtMM*bU?, om I SATURDAY apwtt. . , ? ?? CLASS 10, To b# draw* In tlx# city of Angus'*, Os, in pnM o, on SATURDAY, APRIL 10th. 1858. cla?s ii, To bs 4nrwn in the oily of Atognsts, On, in pobtls, on SATURDAY. APRIL 17th, 1858. CLASS" 12, To b* drawn In tbo city of Angnsta, O*., In public, on SATURDAY, MARCH 24th, 1808. ON THE PLAN OF 8IKOLE MJ4BERB. Fir* Thousand Four Hnndrsd A Eighty.Flra Frlao. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NI NE TICKETS. dOMEMEf TO BE DKAWN EACH SATURDAY IN ARRll! 1 Prlro of $70,000 4 Prizes of $000 1 Prize of 30.000 4 Prizes of 800 1 Prize of 10,000 4 Prizes of 700 1 Prize of 5,000 4 Prizes of 000 1 Prize of 4,000 80 Priaee of 600 1 Prize of 3,000 80 Prizes of 800 1 Prize of 1,500 100 Prizes of 126 4 Prizes of 1,000 230 Prizes of 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of 1400 App'g. to $70,000 priz. tire ?1,-600 4 Prizes of 300 " " 30,000 prlz are l,'i00 4 Prizes of 200 " " 10,000 priz. afe 600 4 Prizes of 125 " " 5.000 priz. are 600 4 Prizes of 100 " " 4,000 priz. *re 400 4 Prizes of 75 " " 3,000 Jtfiz. uta 800 4 Prizes of 50 " " 1,600 priz are 200 6,000" of 20 are 100,000 6,485 Prizes amounting to $320,000 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quart*rs$2l. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from 1 to 60,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes nnd placed in one wheel. The first 457 Prizes, similarly printed and oncircled, are placed in another wheel. The wheels nre then revolved, and a number ie drawn from the wheel of Numbers, und, at the same time. ? Prize is drown f-~- ?t-~ -??- ? ? .. V?m v??v umiT wheel, The Number and Prize drawn out are opened nnd exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Commissioners; the Price being placed against the Number drawn. This operation in repented until all the prizes are draw n out Am?soxiM.\PiON Prizes.?Tlie two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing tlic first 7 Prizes will be entitled to the 28 Approximation Prizes. For cxauplej if Ticket No 11250 draws the $70,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248, 11249, 11251, 11252, will each be entitled to $400. If Ticket No. 550 draws the $30,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 648. 649, 551, 652, will each be entitled to $800, ana so on according to the nbovo scheme. The 6,000 Prizes of $20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws tha $70,000 Prize. For examples if the Number drawing the $70,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the number ends in 1, will be entitled to $20. If the Number ends with No. 2, then all the Tickets, where the Number ends in 2, will be entitled to $20, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will l*? sold at the following rates, which is the risk: Certificate of Paekage of JO Whole Tickets, $80 j Certificate of Package of 10 Half Tickets, 40 I Certificate of Paekage of 10Quarter Tickets, 20 Certificate of Package cf 10 Eighth Tickets, 10 IN* ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, F.nelose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will bo forwarded by first mail. Purchasers Can hare tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. % Purchasers will please write their signaj tures plain, and give their Post Office county ! nnd Stnto. * Remember that evcrr Prize Is drawn and i,n??KTs. >r. f,,Il .1. j tun IT MllVUb UCUUCIIUII. All prizes of $1,000 OUfd Auder, paid immediately after the drawing?other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates tor S. SWAN, & CO., Augusta, Ga. tJT" Pots cms residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta, Gn., oan have their order? filled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan A Co , at either of those cities. ?T A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will he published alter every drawing, in the following papers: Augusta (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly I>ny Book, Savannah Morning News, Richmond Dispatch. New York Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. Marh 25 40 if KTEW FIRM. rpilE Undersigned have entered into CopartI ncrship in the Mereantile Business under the name and style of LONG A GGOT)LETT, and would invite the attention of the citizens of Greenville nod surrounding Districts, to im examination of our STOCK, as we hope to share a portion of public patronage, and feel confident that we can offer Goods at as low prices for cash as con be purchased elsewhere. Give us a call. lb LONG, R A. GOODLETT. ur^envilie, Jununry 26tli, 1858 38-tl Hoimc and l<oi Tor Sale. m THE SUBSCRIBER offers for** sale. on the most reasonable terms,Jck. his HOUSE AND LOT, in the village of Greenville. The location Is, in all respects, a most desirable one, immediately on the Pendleton road, and near the depot. The Lot contains over an acre of land, and is woll improved. The Buildings are all new. The Dwelling has eeven comfortable rooms. There is a good Kitchen and Negro House, and all necessary outbuildings. Also, a fine well of water. Household and Kitchen Furoitnre sold with the premises if desirable. Applv to Col. E. P. Jones. Dec 31 34 If R. W. GODDARD.