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sklicoted'poktky ' ' r- r-^-- ? -i?r~ The Mtutor's Bong. BY OEOIOE r. MOURla. Member* of an order Ancient as thf eartli j Ail within our border Kealizc its worth. Genial is the greeting Thai nrr'ata u* there, On the level meeting, Parting on the square. Like Ibo workmen oiiien. Who our craft design'd, We the preeept golden Ever bear iu mind. Masons never falter, Wo each other know, As around the altar Hand in hand wo go; Loud hoaannas singing To our Source Above, And heart offering* bringing To the God of Love. Like tho workmen olden. Who our craft design'd, Wo tho precept golden Ever bear in mind. There's a mystic beauty In onr working plan, Teaching man his duty To his fellow-man ; As a band of brothers. Ever just and true, I>o we unto others As we'd have them do. Liko tho workmen olden. Who our craft desigu'd, Wo tho precept golden Ever bear iu mind. Ill MOIUST'S OLIO. A License to Marry Is often wanted when it can't bo had, but a poor one is better than none, when a man is in a hurry?viz: to wit, the following: " In tho early days rf Texan indo pendenco and youth, an eccentric genius, still lining and reigning, was clerk of one of the Western counties. ? The village was quite secluded in the prairies, and the squire pastured his cows on tho broad acres around, bringing tliem home at night, ami letting tllnn. ?t._ ! luvm gv iv< ass in me morning. lie kept ft bell on one of them to help him fco tiinl them ont; but ono morning, as lie was letting them loose, he perceived that the clapper of the bell was lost out, and, being unable to find it, he made a substitute by making last Ids own office key. Not till he had reached the office did it occur to him that ho should want the key ; but now finding himself locked out, he betook himself to other matters, proposing to recover the key at night. About noon, a rough and ready young Texan, in buckskin dress, came riding into town, inquired for the clerk, scared him up, an<l asked for a marriage license. " Sorry I can't accommodate yon today, but it's no go." " Why not ? I'm going to he spliced to-night, and I must have it whether or no." "But the fact is," said the clerk, " my office is locked up, and my cow in gone away with the key /" " Cow?what does the cow want with the key ?" ..i/i r .n..... *1.1 *i 1 i * p^v ?iiv ??*vi ?v;nu\> IVMW liio WIIUIC Sll) f ry, and tho two net off for the prairie to find the cattle and get the key. Bui the more they looked the less they found, and finally had to give it up.? A bright thought struck the clerk ofi the county. "I'll fix you out!" said he, and Young Texas jumped a rod, so tickled j was ho to know that he was to be fixed out of the fix lie was in. They pro- j cceded to a store close by tho office, and there the county.scribe indited the following autograph : " Republic of Texas : To all who shall sec this present, greeting: Whereas I, the undersigned, clerk of this county, having this morningunthonghtcdly tied inv office key as a clapper into my cow's hell; and whereas the said cow has gone astray to parts unknown, bearing with her the said key. and therefore tho said key is non Inventus cat?that is, can't ho had : And whereas one Adner 1 James has made application to me for a marriage license, and the said Adner persists that lie cannot wait until the cow comes Kant- ?*!?!. <1.~ 1 I--* " 1 uuviv it mi uiv; iwv, will, h C<>llipCSlC(l l>7 tlio violence of his feelings and the arrangements already niado to get married : Therefore presort* are to eoiiiinaml any person legally authorized to celebrato the rites of matrimony to join the Hiiid Adner Barnes to Rebecca l>owns; and tor doing no this shall ho your sufficient authority. Given under tuy hand and private seal, on the door-step of iny oilice?the seal of the otfico being locked up, and my cow having gone away with the key?this fourth nay of October, A. I ). 1338. HENRY OSBOllX, Clerk." ?A true picture of despair, is a pig reaching through a hole in the fence to get a cabbage that is only a few inches beyond his reach. ?Why is a lady pulling on her cor-j sets like a man who drinks to drown his grief if Because in so-facing horse1 f, sir; jj?0?U''lg light. J A Vkiutabuk Court Sck.n'k.?Lawyer?,? iOr. X, how mauy rioters shottld yon say there wore ?" Witness?" Abeout unff tu make a small trnininV* Lawyer?" Do you recognize auiong the defendants any one engaged in tbo riot?"' Witness?wYas, that are feller with a red shirt on." Lawyer?"What did you sec him do?" Witness?u Well, rao faytlier and ine I W 5IS SIUIIUII1 oooiy i'lttii n^n.rt, Mild he throwcd a brickbat that went betwixt me faythcr and mo, abcout as near to ono as it did to t'tother, only a little nearer to me fayther, ami if it had hit me tayther on his head, 'twould have killed iuo both." Kldeu Jones was not romarkable for his eloquence, nor was he a remarkaj ble good reader, especially among tlio j hard names. Hut he said "all Scrip: tare is profitable," and therefore he i never selected any portion, but read the first chapter lie opened at, after lie took the stand to preach. One day he 6tumbled in this way upon a chapter in Chronicles, and read, "Elenzer begat Phincas, and Phinuas begat Abishua, ami Abishna begat Bnkkio. and Iluk: kie begat Uzzio," and stumbling worse I and worse its he proceeded, he stopped, J and running his eye ahead, and seeing1 I nothing better in prospect, he cut the matter short by saying, 4 And so they | went on and begat ono another to the j end of tho chapter.' " A worthy old citizen of Newport, I i who had the reputation of being the ! laziest man alive uuong them " hil: locks"?so lazv, indeed, that he used [ to weed his garden in a rocking chair, by rocking forward to take hold of the weed, and backward to uproot it?had a way peculiarly his own ; he used to drive his old white faced mare to the spot whero the tantog (blackfish) might he depended on for any weight from two to twelve pounds?hack his ^ig I ciown 10 me water side?put out ins line, and, when the tnutog was safely hooked, start the old nun c and pull him out. A PAJftiF.n popped in here on Wednesday last, to pay his vent, putting on a long face to correspond with the times. On entering the house, he said J the times 1> ing so hard he could'nt , raise the money at all, and dashing a bundle of notes on the table, "There,"! j said he, "that's all I can pay." The' j mono/ was taken up and counted by I the landlord, who said, " Why this is , j twice as much as you owe!" "Dang'oe,1 igive it to mo again," said the fanner. I ! " I'm dashed if I didn't take it out ol j I the wrong pocket." Poutky and Blank Verse.?" I .say, ! Pomp, what the 'stinction 'tween poetry and what dey call blank warses V "Why, I tell you Xcbuckcnezer! when I say? Tumble ohor mill Tun, Come down shun, dats poetry ; but when I say, Tumi.I.- ol?er mill Jhhi, Come down kerdindt, data blank werae."?JAyht. The above?like Jones's okl mill stroma?is not worth u ilani. Wjnciifxl, the clown, accidentally jostled an Irishman one day in a public room, when Paddy remarked: ' Von are no gentleman !" 44 I know that," said Winchell, 44 but I don't see how such a fool ns you came to know it i" " Put," says Paddy, " every one says bo." I 44 Of course you heard some one say j; so, or you would not have known it." | Paddy sloped. 1 ^ | ?A gentleman presented a lace coli lar to the subject of his adoration, and, in a jocular way, said, 44 Do not let any one else rumple it." 44 No, dear," j said the lady, 44 I will take it off." ?One pedant, speaking of another, i says, 44 lie can't boar a natural fool whereupon the other replies, 44 Unfor innately your mother could." I ?The man who 44 took the floor") has been arrested for stealing lumber!) ? A horse denier, in describing n used 11 j> lunso said ho looked ns it' he had been editing a nowspnper! ? ii 11 ' ~ nm*ri bwrn-mn j . w. jpumii g'u.nwi mj.uu? i jora CABINET IYIAKEK, GREENVILLE, 3, C. | Near!j/ r>jtf >osile the l'ont Office, A venue Street, KKSnSCJTPOLLY informs the cidzona of Greenville and die adjoining I>i?tiie\s, dint he ban retHrncil fioin die SiHte Fair nt Columbia, (where lie , received die first premium for hie elegantly ' finished Ihnenn, which wiw admired by eve i rv one.) and is now prepared to execute ALL OltDKKS IN life LINK. He low. J also, on hand A LARGE STOCK OF ! FURNITURE, which will be sold at prices | to .suit the times. He returns his tliAiika for past favors, and lie hopes, by giving constant attention In his business, Jo receive a liberal share of the I tmb'ic pntronnga, Nov. 10-28 ly. I AT "THE GREENVILTJS "T COACH FACTORY, ITIiilii Street, Next the Bridge* rpiIE Largest and Bout Stock of CARRIAOE' JL GOODS AND MATERIAL ever offered for sale in the State, aelcoteti careiuiiy ami especially for Carriage Manufacturers. A largo stock and best variety of Axles for Doggie*, Carringes ami Wagons; common ami best tempered Steel Springs; Black andfNrtokedl Enamel and I'atent Dash leather; Black ami I Colored Enamel Cloths, Jfrlfls and Dncks; Oil | nnrt Brussels Carpet; Buckrams and Russia Sheetings; Lute, Manilla ami Chetiillo Mate; Brass and Silver Point and Sand Band*; Brass. Silver, Bone and Japan Nails; Silk and Worated broad and narrow Lneos; Silk, Worsted and Cotton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shaft*; Buggy sent Sticks; and n complete assortment of Mailable Casting?. Carriage Makers arc particularly requested to call and examine our stock. For sale cheap by CUNY Ell, COX, MARKLEY & CO. ' HUIiS AND SPOKES. WK are now prepared to supply Manufacturers with the beat Morticed Jtub'. and Turned Spokes, of our own manufacture, and warranted. For sale by GO\YEll, COX, MARKLEY ds CO. CLOmS AND DAN ASKS. VLAHOE lot of Blue, Drab and Green Clollis; German, Fnney, Cotton and AllWool Damasks. For sale bv GUNN ER, COX, MARKLEY tt CO. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR \ J'KXTRRS' TOOLS. \ LARGE stock and variety of 'lie bq?t Tools made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood and Boxwood Planes. For sale by GUNN ER, COX, MARKLEY it CO. IRON! J RON!! IRON!!! N'OW on band, the largest stock of Iron ever offered in this market: Spartanburg Iron and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; l-Jnglish Refined Tires; Ovnls; Round; Squnre; Ilorse Shoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovals; Band Iron and Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweeties and Hammered, for wagons, tires and plantation wot k. On hand, cheap for cash, 15,000 lbs. Rusted Plow Moulds, best Ncrtli Carolina Iron. For Sll!.? ]iv GOWKit, COX, M A It lv KEY A CO. STEEL! STEEL!f STEEL! ! ! VAYI-Ons. S AUN DKIISON ?( JFSSIP'S best I _L\ ('wt-Stcel?rqtinro, octnson. ronn<l nn<l tint ' ?for fine edge tool?, UNles nnd drill?, Cermnn mid Mister Steel, for plant ntion work. For tale t?y | UOWKU, C? >X, MAUKLEY & CO. 0.000 LI) S. Gil LVD S TO XE. VSSOI1TKT) si/.os, suitftltle for Farmers nnd] Meehntues. For sole cheap by GO W El'. COX, MA UK LEY ?k CO. j O.Y HAND / W W \ LD>. bfft iJlnrk Florida Mo?* nnd mm ^v'v/v" Curled Iluir, picked, in bng*. For snle by GOWEU, COX. MAUKLEY & CO. SAXD PAPER AX J) GLUE. i I A ROE Assortment of the Pinmond FlintSnml j Pnpor, best article made, for sale by C O w E11, COX, M A15 K 1.1: Y & CO. . PAINTS OILS, wTx DOW GLASS j AND PUTTY. OX 111 t large assortment Paints, Oil*, Are. t* .re, K\trn nnd No. 1 ll'hite Lends; Raw ' mid ??i I Lindsced Oils ; ll'inter, Sperm. Solar, 1 Lamp, Nents Foot, Olive nnd Tanners' Oil*;! Punch ISody nnd Copnl Varnish; Japan, Aspnl- | mm mm i.eiiiiier \ nrnisli; {Spirits Turpentine: j lltviMis; Yellows; Hluw; Luke*; Fink*; Drop-' Mark ; lampblack ; lied; Spanish Brown; I'm-1 I km* ; Snuwn ; French Ochre, Ac. American and IVtucli Window kilns*, l'ulty and. Whitening. For mdc bv COWEli, COX, MAKKLKY is CO. 1IE A VY <( SHELF HARD WARE. VLARGK and well selected stock For sale cheap by COW Kit, COX, MAR K LEY k CO. SCRE WSf EC RE H'.ST/ ! /'A/v fillOSS of the Improved Gimblet Point UV/v' Screws. For sale l>v GOWEIJ, COX, MAIt'KLKY k CO. SAWS! SAWS !! HOK A Co.'* Celebrated Cast tteol MillSaws; Rowland'* ilill, Cross Cut nnd Tennon 1 Saws; Hand, Funnel and Hipping Saws; Brass and Blue Back Saws; a complete assortment of Webb Saws, wi'.h and without fi nines. For sale by COWER, COX, MARKLEY k CO. Jan 7*3 if CHARLESHICKEY~ (SucctSBpr la Emanuel Currant,) MAM'FAOTUKKK OF LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT I And Picture Frames, j AND D1C A LEU IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES,' It HACK VTA, WIX 1)0 IF COJtX/CES, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. 154 KINO HTKKKT, CHARLESTON, S. C. Of Old Frames lie gilt equal to new. JBtA I April r.O 61 ly REED & 6001)1 ET'f, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND solicitors in equity, In rem vilie, S. v. IW OFFICE no\t door to F. K. Bkattie<t Co. 0,1 J. P. KRKD.j [s. D. OOOD1.KTT. Jnn<>4 4 If orb & price, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, greenville, s. c. FAMC3 L. ORB. WM P. PHIOE April 23 60 ii. julius smith, ATTORNEY AT LAW, green vrrrn,,% a June 18 0 (C I ft ' J ' ;'V5V'*> " >Vi-' -> *p-T? EXfENSlVe^sStRTMEN't <& WATCHES. French, Sngliih and American Jewelry, and FANCY ARTICI.ES. CHARLES 8MITH, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, OUKKXVnXE, 8. C., 1 r-.*.. C<?j -I- /-? ?J- ii. ?r - - *r .uuui Ajrrni, nearly vj/fwntP i/ir Jiianston /iou*ft Respectfully inform, tho inhabitant* oi Greenville and vicinity, that he lias jnsl received nml added to hi* nlready extensive stock, a large assortment of the above named Article?, consisting ot Fine Srtli of FroncU Comeo*, well known for their sn|>criority; also a choice variety, beautifully ornamented with ar.d Tlrncelets to match, (being: the latest fashion,1 till mounted in heavy gold. Also new patterns o! Fancy Brooches for Ambrolypes. A nnnntity of fashionable ltrnoelets; heavy solid Gold Kings, Mosaic Kiir-lliiigs, T.ockets, btudds, etc., etc., oesides an innumerable nssorlmcnt ol the most, beautiful Jewelry ever before offered in Greenville. Ilia Stock also comprises a splendid variety ol heavy Fine F.n?lii?l? Plated Wore, amongst which may be found Knives, Forks Spoons, Cups, etc., etc., of tirtc uietnl, plated no' upou German Silver, but upon tho genuine A LB AT A. It is used >n the highest circles, nud is much pre forrcd for its great durability. Aleo, now fashioned SPECS, with handles nut without temples. Very useful and convenient. The establishment also contains WATCHES of the hest. make, viz: Chronometers, Duplex Kuglbli nnd French Levers, Cylindersund Plain all in heavy Gold or Silver Cases. Having made arrangements in New York will Wholesale Houses importing direct from Franci nnd England, I am enabled to sell nil my Art! olos at. prices loirrr than they can be bought ii Charleston. All Articles sold in the establisinent warrant ed as represented. 2-1 3m Oct 22 Flows, Stoves, r* WE keep oonstnnt-?>3^ ly on hand a large as- '**1 fc- *?u t uieiit of Ono ami eraolabsantt* H^S-^BTwodlorsoTurning,Subsoil and ilill?id< which wo fit:?1 ioittfo the world to equal in goo< work, case of draft and durability. We have also n large and bountiful assort men of Cooking, Parlor, Lining Room, D??l Rooii and Church 8TOVE9, to wlileli \w particularly call t lie attention o those who wish to purchase. Also on hand, W.vh and Stock BO I LRU? Corn Shell era. Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper, Slice Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistcru o Well Pumps furnished and put up. We also are making and receiving from Nov York, a superior assortment of Tin and Jnpanoso Ware, among which the Ladies mny find a great vnrie ty of Cake Cutters and Bake Pans. FOOT and RATIIIXO TUBS, or any other Ar liele in our line, made to order, and Painted ii the Lest manner. Wc arc also prepared to di llooflisg mid Uuttering ill the latest and best manner on short notice Country Merchants invited to examine oui stock of rm~vw:xkr rmw-fm ra* HO* We sny it is superior, and we do not wish t< linvo our word taken for it. Corns and ice. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees Wax and Ol< Pewter. Uf-K ngs taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN IMOTHKKS. Mb 12 4 1 tf T. W. DAVIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler <-?? TAKI'S i ho liherly to nnnouiic ih.. n;?;,s.n. in- ---- j(", surrounding country, that lu ?-*iu ?& ?* is prepared to do nil uinuticr o work in liis line of business, such nil Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, nil of which shall lie done in the neatest manner Watch Wheel*, l'ivots, l'iuions, Jewel*, Screw? Ilaud.-i, Glasses, nil done at the shortest notice nnd in n workmanlike manner. l'lcasogire liin u trial, nnd you will he planned. lie also makes JKIVhLRV to order, such ni <*o!?l Ciiiiavtf, Fob A Veil Chain*. All kinds of (K)I,I) BUTTON'S, such a* Bosonv Sleeve and Collar Buttons. All kinds of linii Work Trimmed in the nentest stylo. I lis work cannot bo snrpnssed in this part 01 the country. I lis shop may he found at the Ooodlett House, in the room formerly occupied by Messrs. Ilnilet fi Owen. Greenville, July 80. 1857. 12 tf ii o h a It i> a s S OCiTtIOH , PIIII^ApEIspI-IIA. .-1 lienccolcnt Institution, r*t>ibli*hcd bi/ Special en dtnnnent for the relief of the nick <tiul dixfrets, ,1 afflicted irilh Viru'ent nnd Epidemic dinranCB. f|"H) all persons ntllieted with Sexual l)isense? L such asSpennnlorrhecn, Seininnl Weakness Impotence, Goiiorrho n, Gleet, Syphilis, tbeVici of Onnnism, or Self Abuse, Ac., we. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view o tho awful destruction of hoinan lile, on used bj Sexual Disease*, nnd the deceptions practised up on the untortunnto victims of such diseases l?j Quacks, have directed thrir Consulting Surgeon as a charitable act worthy of their name to ^Ivi jiKvii-tii auii r. u?.vrii*l I<; iwi jicrs >ii? uihh RiniCT ed, who apply by letter, with a description o their condition. (age occupation, Imhiu of life die.,) and in cases of extreme poverty ami snf hiring, to furnish iHcdicinr*free of thargr. It i nMillcw to add tlint tlio A?nocl<)tion command the highest Medical skill of the '.?*, ttftd will fur nieii the most approved modern treatment 'Hi-. Director*, on a review of the punt, feul oh kiu-imI ti?at llioir labors in this sphere of brncvo lent otfort, liave been of grant ben fit to the nf flicted, especially to the young, and they liavi resolved to devote themselves, with rcnewef zeal, to this very important but much despieec causo. Just Published, by the Association, a Repoton Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, tlivi'ieof Oiiuiiisin, Must ni-bat ion or Self Abuse, nn< other Diseases of the Sexunl Organs, by the A>n suiting Surgeon, which will he sent by mail, (ii n sealed letter envalopo), Free of tiharge, on Uu receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. liy order of the Directors. Address, for Report or Treatment, DR. C4EO, R. CALHOUN, 'VmstiUing Surgeon, HowariJ Association, No. 2 South NINTH Street, Phila delphiA, Pa. EZRA D. IIEARTWELL, President. Oko. Fwucuilo, Sec rata iv. Fab 4 *6 1r JOB WORK. NEATLY DUN* A f THIS OFFICE. UfflK: OECAHt .Flfl WOULD NOW INVITE ATTENT1 ASSORTED STC F AL L A1VI ? mir ? OF THIS SEASON' ! BALES OF PLANTATION BLANKETS " A!! W"V>1 Plain* M 8chyle's Georgia K?r*?ji and Plains " low-price Georgia Ktntyi aiul Plain* " Rod, Blue nnd Grey Flnunel* " White Twill Flannel* " 6-4, 8-4, 10-4 11-4 Brown Sheeting* I " Schyle'* Stripe Georgia Oennburg* j " heavy Cotton 0*nnburg* " henry 4-4 Brown Shirting* " Sen Island Ikown Shirting* 1 benvy 8-4 Brown Shirting*. nt CJ eta. , " lienvy Brown Cotton Dulling r " Superfine Brown Cotton Drilling PTHTT T?ATT. ATTH WT r SUPER*it*KU?K*U^NPKISGLlSlfcHINTZ 4-4 Cashmere Pattern Chintz " 4 4 Scotch and English Ginghams Choice Printed and Plain Clmtlyi Choice Stripe and Plnid Poplins for Fall "Wear 1 Super Printed French bchnns and Cashmeres .Choice Printed French l>cLnins for Children Plain French Delaine nud Cashmeres, all shades Oct. 29-24-lf ' READ!" READ!! READ!!.! * IT WILL TAKE VOP TICT A FEW MINl'TKS, AND MAV 8 A V B TOU MANY YEARS Or SUFFERING! ! ' Carter's Spanish Mixture! | THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLUOD! 1 The Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered! Physicians prescribe it, and every one that uses it is a walking advertisement. Xo Medicine ever yet offered to the .1 uteri can public has gained such ytopularity in so short a time at CARTERS SPANISH MIXTURE: It will Cure any case rf Scrofula. f It will Cure any case of Rheumatism. It wilt Cure any case of Syphilis. L JI will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. j It tcill Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case of Fever ami Ague. t Or any Discuses arising from an impure state oI i the lllood. 8CROFULOUS READER 1 I*, cured the nrtw of the lion, fohn Minor I Bott*, n member pi Congress froin Virginia, of Scrofula, after the skill of the best Physicians, v both of Xew York and Philadelphia, had been 1 tried iu vain ; and it will euro yen, reader, if you ure so allectcd. IU1EUM ATIC III'ADKR! It enrcd I). Burnt I, Ksq, of Cincinnati, of llhenmntism of 4 yenra standing, after all other remedies had failed. Wo linve hundreds of such i certificates. t'nll on Ilia Agent and get n Book . ami Circular, nn<l read for yourself the ninny roi, mnrkuMa ami nstonirhing cures it hits made*. BYPIIILniO READER! j The ci'lriirntcil Pr. Butcher write# uk that lie | hail two of I lie moot severe ami long standing r en#es of Syphilis I lint, wool,I viclil to none of the usual remedies, but ho cored one en#o with six, and tlio other xvith nine bottles of CARTLll'S , SPANISH MIXTURE. We liavn it nseil in over n TitoWANli cask#, nnil linve yet to 1 hear of n fuilurr in any case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS HEAD! Anna am? Fkvkp.?T>o not tnke Quinine, Met oury, or nny sneh noxious Drug#, but t ry nt once this great Alterative nml Purifier of the lllood ; Cartrr'* .1 fixture trill cure any and every en## of Agile nud Fever. We hav- never yet known it to fail. t And for nil Diseases arising from an impure l> state of the Blood, no medicine hn# ever yet hern I found to linve so good nn clfeet. If you arc sick, n try it at onee; do not delay ; time is precious, f and health the greatest of nil blessing#, without which all else is valueless. DR. WM. S. BKER8 ?fe CO., ProrKiKTons, Richmond^ I "a. > And for sale by 1? KRUTCIi, Druggist, Agent, Gr-anvillo C. 11., S. 0. S-ly May 28 i _ . __ , MQTVAWS ILIIIFIB IPli&S i And Phoenix Bitters. r|MlE best Fninily Medicine now before the JL public, for the cure of Scrofula, Ulcer*. Scurvy, or Kr option* of the Skin, Fever and ' Ayiic, J);/*prp\!a, Drop*!/, and in fact most nil disease* soon yield to their curative properties > It line hcen computed that, during the lntt ' twenty five year*, upwards of four million* of perxoue have been benefitted hy the nee of these medicine* ; n fact which epenk* volume* in fa' vor of their curative properties?a single trinl ' will plncc them beyond the reneh of competition hi the estimate of every patient. Fly their - use the blood i* rrntored to n hm!thy etute, and freed from all impuritie* The system is not reduced during their operation, Hut invigorated, mid tlicy require no restraint from business or [ pleasure! The afflicted have, in thetc medciinet, a remedy tout iei/1 do for them all thai medicine can pot*< f bly effect. t Prepared by W. It. Moffat M. It., Proprietor. - New York. And for snlo by W. II. llOVKY, f Greenville, S. 0. Sep 17 10 tf '" J. ft RANDOLPH, , rpiIA"NKFL'I, FOR PAST FAVORS, RKGs , 1 to say. that all kind* of IIAll' WttRK . of ovary variety of st-vlc of braiding, will l>? f)r (lamented or Mounted with Goi?l, in the neatest j . manner, and returned to those at a distance per m.i) or otherwise, as directed / tin!,.??.? . him in letter per mail.) Bow Breast Pins, Nock, I nee*, Bracelets, Side, Vest nod Guard Chains, I Crosses, Finger King*. K?r Kings, Ac., of various | pattern*, put iij> neatly, and any nrtielc admit ting the nstiw of the owner ougraved thereon, [ shall, for the engraving, he free of extra charge. lie also mnkesniiil kind*..I Jewelry; I mounts with gold or silver the Head* of Walk* ing (Junes; matches Spectacle Glasses; and, lust, ly Knyraoe* on all manner of Plate. , Office CO yard* P<'*t of old Court llouoe, ami a fen pace* from the Unit rpriee Office (?recnvj||ef 8. C., Juiio 26, '67. 7?if ~ W. P. PRICE, ~ N O T A ft Y PTIHLIC, AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, \ OFFICE 19 THE OLD COUAT ROUSE, ^n ts3jjia &* IV U) promptly attend to flio collection of Notes And Accounts, settling Claims; Ac, TON, on tp ms large and fully )ck 9F Fresh > WINTER Case* of Blue, ?JreJ- snd Steel^lixed 8AtlKET9> " low-price Satinet* " low |ilim MntUcV^ J?E! " cheap Long Cloths " Servants' heavy Blenched Shirting* " Cambric Long Cloths " Supcrflno ^-8 Blcaeho/T Shirting* " 8-4,10-4.11 4 and 12 4 Bi'eK'd Sheeting* " 1 English Prints, at 8J efn. [g T " good Fur Calico, nt 0J ct*. " Super Knglisb Dress Prints " elienp Gingliunis , .? " Blenched Twill Jenmf " low-price Muslin DeltinS NTER DRESS GOODS, Plnin Cnion PoBngo, n< l2i ct*. Plain All Wool Dcllnge, nil shades Rich Side Stripe Printed French Cashmeres Rich Cashmere Hiding and Walking Robes Rich Chnllv Walking Rolics Misses Chnlly Byndore Robts Caihiucrc, De-Lain, nud Chnlly Byndcre Patterns. A, F. IIROWMNGHelmbold's Genuino Preparation OF HIGHLY COrvCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, For Di*ra*ctofl1i? Bladder, Kidtirya, Gravel, Drop *>/, U'eitkttrt*, Obstruction, Secret Dimotet, Female Cot"[da!hit, and all Dittaee* of (he Sexual Organ*, Ai-ining from "Excesses and Imprudoncies in life, ! and removing nil Improper Discharges from (he j Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in i From whatever cause lliev may have originated, I AND NO MATTHit OF HOW LONO STANDING Giving lb alth and Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom to the j'a 11 id Cheek. Joy to the Afflictcsi I! i It cures Nervous nnd Dchilitatcd Sufferers, nnd I removes all the Symptoms, among jwhieh will be fouud Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, I.ossof .Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General BVnkuces, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves. Trembling, Dreadful Horror of I>enth, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, IIWakefulness, Dimj ne?s of Vision, Languor, I'nivorsul lassitude of the Muscular Svslcm (jflfii Kiioi'tiiniu Am,*,. tite. with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of (ho Body, DryiitM of tJio Skin, Pnllul Countenance, and Eruptions on the Face, 1'ttin in the llnek, Ilenvinors of the Eyelids, I'requentlv Black F.poU Flying before the, Eyes, , w ith Temporary Suffusion nn<l la.88 of Sight, II ant of Attention, tJrcnt Mobility, licstIcssncss, wit ft Horror of Society, Nothing is more desirable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they moro dread for fenr of themselves ; no repose of mnnner, no earnest 11 ess, no speculation, but n hurried Transition I from one question to another. These symptoms if allowed to go on?which | this medicine invariably removes?soon follow* ; /xww of I'oiivr, fatuity and KpilrptU Fitt?in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that these excesses are not frequently followed try- those, direful diseases?/^Vei?LAV7'ir AXJ> : COXSUM I'TIOX t The records of Tnttnte Atj Inuui, and the melancholy death*of Coinnnnptioa, bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In I.uuntic Asvluimthe most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sodden ami quite destitute?neither Mirth at Oricf evar visits it, should a sound of the voics occur, it is rarcdy articulate. " IFilh wofnl measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." | Debility is most terrible! ond has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely gravest thus blotting the ambition ofhbtny noble youths. It enn bo cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with any of the aboyedis freeing ailments, the FLDID JCXTItAOTBU cnu will euro y ou. Try it, and be oonyiaaad of its eflienoy. Jincare of Quack JToitfrum* aufi Quack Doctor*, who fal??ly b?>niit of abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid them. and save Long Huf. i faring, Money and Exposure, by sending or calling for a liotlle of thin Popular and Specific Ronnie. It allay* ull pain ana iutianimntion, i? perfectly pleasant in its taste and odor, but immediate in iU action. Helmbold's Extract Buchu I* prepared dii eeUy according to the Rule* of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in it* combination. See Professor DkwkkV Valuable Work* on the Practice of Physic, and most of tho late Standard Work* of Medicine. tW da o OojKI One hundred dollars will he paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medieiae ever injured a Patient; and tho testimony of thousand* can bo produced to prove that it doe* great good. Casea of from one week to thirtoen year*' stands iog have been effected. The ma** of VOI.UNTAUY TESTIMONY in possession of the Proprietor. vouching it* virtues and curative pow ers, is immense, embracing names well knows to HOIKNCE A NO FAME. 100,000 lloUlc* Have Ileau Holtf, And not a single instance of a failure ha* t>U9hrt!|w?rtvd. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the clt v of Philadelphia. H. T IIKI Mttrw r? , - , Chemist, who, being duly sworn, does any, that iliia nri'|inrnlioii contain* no Narcotic, fcfcr<inry or injurious Prop, but Are pnrfly Vegetable, ii. T. HKI.MlK>Id>, Solo Manufacturer. Sworn nnd subscribed before me this 23d dsy of November, 1KM. * WM. P. HWI3ARP, Alderman. Price $1 per Bottle, or Six for #6, Deliver*' td to anp ftddreee. Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certifies tea from IVrweMorti of Medical Colleges, Clef*pytnen and others. Treparad and eold by Wf H. T. HELM BOLD, fcj Praotieal and Analytical Ckcmiet, ? nu. 62 hou r ii tkmth st., dblow cusstkut, AfiMKMllljr Blifl.OlNO*, PtlllaA. tar To bo had of Drs. J. H. !>***. Mr** A Loan and M. Ii. Basic, PruWaU, OreenyJll^ 8. C., and of all Proggieta and Dealers throughout tbe I billed Htut. a, Oaoadsa and British ftoU" "ncwiiro o< fcnnnlcrfelti, L Ask for HELMBOIM-Taka ao iuufcj HUES GUARANTEED. July 2 ?