University of South Carolina Libraries
I #4? Nif^rorppp SPRING- TRADE, J. KETCHUM'S A tli#finrWiM ft/ At 25 and f 1.1)7. ''llaek Qro de Khyno DreM^iiks, at $1 end $1.23. Beautiful Flounce! Barrels Ro?>e# I ^|F Printed Persiao# and Chillies, ftt 23e I " Plfiii) Hiinslt " Organdi Robe# a* qutHo " Gingham do no . "** Striped Barrage Poplins " Printed Bsrr#t!N I " 'White and oo'.'d Or'd Tru'd Brilliant# " Organdi Muslins 4-4 Printed Lawns * 4*4 Mournintr Uwn? *' riain Bl'k Tninartino, far mourning ** 4 4 Printed French Cambrics ' '** " 4-4 real Scotch Gingharua m " 7 8 Striped Ginghams. nt V2Je " American aud English Culieos, at 8, 10, 111, 1? Mhd coe. LADIES' SKIRTS. Steel Spring SKELETON SKIRTS, Steel Spring Chystal Skirts Stool Spring with adjustable Busllo Naor Expansion Skirt, patented April, 1867 Linen Skirt*, suitably fur traveling Embroidered Cambric Collar*, from 23eent* t<> ?;'> Embroidered Cambric Sett^at only ft.On the sett Indies' Black Lace Mitts, from 10 to 50 cents Ladles' Colorsd Lisle Gloves, at 10 aud 86 cents MWeV Lisle Glove*, nt 10 cents With a large assortment of Ladies' Ilcsiery, White, , Black and Slate Cdtor, from lij to 50 cents the pair Todies' Fine Black English Silk lloso Lailtoe' Fine Black Raw Silk Hose, Ac.. Ac. at MR. w. ii. Watson's new store, March It 44 tf Main Stuekt. FOR GENT EE.R EM'S WEAR. 8UPER BLACK I)R Al* IVFTK Black and Colored Silk Vesting* ?Vk$j ViJEj White " " Marseilles do WhRe and colored Llnon Drills Black and Colored Silk Neck Ties and Il'tTk'ffs tMldea Hill Ro.uly made Shirt*. The Bodies, Yokes, Sleeves aud Bosoms are formed to fit the person rvitli esse and comfort (is?an ShirUCollars, at i'H ??te eteh?all etvle.* White Linen rocket Handkerchiefs, at 25, Si, 87 and TiO cents. a:n. IW1?. n " ? * i vckci mtiHiKcrcniuii linen Shirt Rwoms at 7 & eents Cotton Umler?hirt\ nt 50 eents tlanxe Merino Undershirts, nt 75c niul $1.25 Cowamer ' " ? Jtl.25 Colored Liilc Gloves, at 10 cents, with n fine si- ( Jftrocnt of other attics of n hotter quality Roper 4-4 Irish Linens?wnrrnntad nil Flax Super .Black Broadcloths end Cnssiincres Brown and Mixed Cotton llalf-llose, nt 12|, IS-} and 25 cents ; dc., do. For sale at J. KETCIHJM'3, Mgrfh 11 44?tf Mi?i? Street. j s'iElLljiWtt'OFF'T" ! 4 BARGAINS! |?' 6 BARGAINS! BARGAINS!? ? si O ? 2 1 2 ' I^IIE Fub*cril>or, in antioipution of inn- 10 11 ? i_ king n change io his business, offer* ?J his entire stock of O 7* DRY GOODS g at much BELOW COST for the next OO (/) li. All in want of liargains will do well ^ ii to call and examine and judge for them ! ? 1 q selves, as the entire stock will hnvo to be ' 1 closed ont by the above time. 1 0 Housekeepers in want of Ttfwclinga, 2 ' 7 Sheeting*, Counterpanes, Blankets, Ac., m Table Cloths and Damasks, will meet with ** J a rare opportunity. q -I tw Don't mitt ike the Chsap Cash Store, t yi I (jJ Lot eland's Building. -|-j ? 1 J. P GERMAINE. - s J 1'arch 11 44 , > ?t I SEiAAKU OFfT School Tor Vocal music. tBY the solicitations of numerous friends, Mr. OR AVE8 Is induced to give notice that he will form a CLASS about the first of For the purposo of giving a Course of Letsons Hi VOCAL MUSIC. Two Lessons per week will be gitron for ten weeks. Tuition, $9. March 11 44 S Notice to YonnsffltH. L. GRAVES lias located in Greenville, and will be ready at any time, to give LES8IONS ON THE VIOLIN, and teach tbc Art of READING A1LTSF0., QTFor particulars, enquire at the Greenville Ccach Factory, where he may usually be (bund. March 11 44 tf KMT NOTICE is hereby given, lhat after the expiration of three months, application will he nnjsdc fbr the renewal of Scrip for KOUK SHAKES IN THE SOUTII WESTERN RAILROAD BANK AND SOUTII CAROLINA RAILROAD. owned by David Williams, late of Laurens District, deceased. Xhp tape being loet. 'jffip-'- H. R. & L. WILLIAMS, Executors. 1, PPLICATION will also be made, at ?h* ' L same lime, for the renewal of EIGHT HARES In the said Company, issued to onry R. Williams, which bare been loet or mislaid, so that the same cannot bo found. IlENRY & WILLIAMS. Aisrsii i i Iijuuii. BAMS AY'S HISTORY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 'iV&B Aahecriher has in press of Walker, Evans JL A Co.. Charleston, BAtftAY* HISTORY OF SOUTH OAUOLIXA, with Maps of Charles ton and the Stats, whiob will bo ready for aubaeribers by April 16th. The Book is a Carolina work la every respect, paper, print and bind' t Iu "l?tory we have a full record of tba hardships and dlfficnht.-s of oar Withers in the deeert with the savage Indian, ajd the Brit ? on ia the war of T?. The Work is being print ed ?n fine white palter, large dear type, bound ift one volume eon.pJste, oetavo, ?00 pag*a, cloth, arms <^Stat? on baek,^P^nseUo^Tfee on side, Bookseller, Newbcrrv, 8? C. ?*MlJ1 44 tf mBIPe ... Whilst !he whole S< 3EC-.aL.Tsr with considerable inturest and -a-DMi*: notwithstanding the Hard Times a OA2 bas selected one of the most excellent an MADE CLOTHING, tor Spring and Sn for this market. lie is prepared to TO 003V< iu, and, for beauty and durability, arc i the attention of the public to the same. ??mi ic THE VARIED Aft dry goods for ladi OROOES1 Of nil kinds. Also, nn extensive atsorlment of < His Stock of Goods having boon purchased nt c just n "leeetlo cheaper" than can bo had at any oi BE IT KEM1 THAT EVERYTHING W1L doJtTorge Whore good* are given awav for a very little (ttT" Highest Ca?h Price* paid for Country Jon't caYe n fig which. Enquire for March 5 43 2 ' . v 1 ^ 'u' SURGEON DENTIST, GREENVILLE, S. C. L Office North- 1Vc*t corner Main aiul A vntnc Streets, HAS just returned from Plilladel- J phin, and will 1k> penned to nttond c ^btlJLL? lo any who are in want of his ser- a ticca p Amncu& >nmm > Inserted froin ono to full Unper nnd l?\vcr sens, iii the raost approved nnd durable manner. Exposed Nerves destroyed and trcntcd, free ?f pain. Jan 7 85?tf Street Exemptions. j 4 LL Defaulters are hereby notified thai 1 iV unless lliev come forward nnd pay up immediately, THEY WII.L BE DOUBLE J TAXED, and executions issued immediately j for the same. W. 1\ PRICE, ' 1 Town Cleik. j. March 4ih. 1858. 43 if . DI^SOL IJTI ?\. 11 rpilE Copartnership of P. T. FOWLER A CO., j 1 1 in a Paper Mill, is this day dissolved by its j t nwn limitation. The name of the Firm will on- is ly he used in settlements. P. C. Lester has all j line Hook*. Notes, Ac, and will settle all the \ business for nud against said rwneern. P. C. LESTER, For P. T. Fowler <k Co. Feh 18. 1858. 43 if ALiiitirotvpett, TOciainolvprs, AIED g^EESOTiPSk TlIE Snbsri liter is prepared lo cxecuto , PICTURES in the above line, in all i kinds of Finish and of all Styles, in the heal possible manner. Call and see hint at MclWrt Hull, room formerly occupied by Mr. C. 11. Laoneau as a Daguerrean Unitary. J. D. WALTON. M?rcb 4 43 5 Saddle and Harness ^ MANUFACTORY. ] I^lIK Subscriber would respectfully inform the ' * .' public generally that Ite continues the < above Business, 2i> imhib above tiir Orelnvillr 1 Hotel, and is prepared to furnish customers 1 with any description of Home-Manufactured < SADDLra. Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Harness made to order, atul in the beet sti/le. llri- ( dies. Whips, <tc., on hnnd and for sale CHEAP. jir Saddles and Harness repaired nt short notice. A. M. GILREAT1I. Feb 4 30 tf HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, , Paper Hangiiig and Oinzlug. , rl"MIE undersigned begs leave to inform the , A citirena of Greciivilie and surrounding | countrv, that lie has jiermsnsntly located at Greenville, for the purpoeo of carrying on tho ' above Business, and hopes, by strict' attention to < business, to merit a share of public patronage. ' His charges will be moderate. . I|P Residence on Buncombe street, near the junction of the Buneombe and Rutherford roads. ' Jan IS ?0-2m JAM MS FLECK. < CHEAP CASH STORED THE Subscribers propose to sell Goods in future for CASH, and at such reduced prices as we hope will guarantee a continuance i of our former patrons. Country produce taken in exchange for Good* at cash mirn, and in discount for <Wl>U now due. We sincerely deeire those indebted to us, to cell j and settle by caeh or note. IiEA, BAYNE 6t CO. j Januery 7th 1868, if, tf ^ G.8BOWER, MANUFACTURER OP AND DKALKU IN FURNITURE ?5& CHAIRS or -H. or Every description, UQI Every style, AND FISK'8 CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, Opposite the Congarce House, Feb 4 OOLUMBiA, 8. O. 3?-ly Elford A Donaldson, V! \V1, waisisarvaieajL e. ?. c. i. etroao. r. q. donaioson XJJ-L I I >uth is looking to ./ SAS attention, it is on all hands PTUD, md the Scarcity of Money, that d fashionable assortments of READY miner Wear, that has ever boon 33ES3NT furnish SUITS that will do to ko ansss tnsnrpasscd. llo respectfully invites mm mm SORTMENT OF 8' AND GENTS' WEAR, FLIESB CIGARS AND TOBACCO. itremely low price", he offers to sell everything Ihcr Store in town. BMBEKED, LJtE SOLD VERY LOW IT* To" CALL money, and the wrapper thrown in. Produce, or taken in exchange for Good*, L, DARK, Agent. At Ilis Old Standy Main Street. AGENCY FOR NORTH CAROLINA THE ASHEVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, HAVING complied with the legal requisition of this Slate, in relation to Apoh ies, nnd having appointed tlio undersigned a their Agent for this plnce. lie is now pre?arod to TAKE RISKS on LIFE or THO'ERTY. JOHN W. GRADY. Giccnvillo, S. C., Feb. 10, 1858. OrriCK or TUK CoMi'TROLLCR Oknkral, ) Columbia, S. C., Feb. 1, 1838. j f CERTIFY that JOHN W. GRADY, L Agent of the Mutual Insurance Compa ly, of Asheville, N. C.has complied with ho eouditions nnd requisitions of the Act of leneral Assembly, entitled " An Act to regilate the Agencies of Insurance Companies lot incorporated in the State of South Caro ina," passed on the 20th day of December, n the year of our Lord one thousand eight inndred nnd fifty six ; and hereby license lie said John W. Grady. Agent as aforesaid, o take risks and transact the business of inurauce in behalf of the Company aforesaid. J. D. ASIIE.MORE, Comptroller General. Feb 11 40 tf School Notice. VBtew MRS. YOlTXO proposes to open a FEMALE 8011DOL, at the :Mone R?nR?t five miles above Greenville. She will tench the English Language, Oriental Painting, Waxwork, l.cathsrwork, Ac. Term begins on the 1st day of February, 1838. ltatea ot Tuition, Hoarding, Ac., will l>? moderate. Feb 4 39?9 For Salle. THE subscriber offers for sale JL'i^LP'?K his HOUSE AND IA>T whereon lie now lives. It is situated about y fKira^i ]'>5 yards from the Public Square, s well improved, having a large House conlsinng fl Rooms, with Fireplaces in each, one extra Bed-room, Pantrv, drc., good nnd roomy Kitchnis, Smoke-house, Grain-house, Crib, and bm exlellent new Stable, Cow-house nnd Carringciouso, nnd an unusually productive Gnrden and Patch, with a good variety of Fruit Trees, [Irnpes, do. Terms accommodating. Possession would be jiven by the first of March, if desired. Jan 7 35-tf T. C. GOWElt. House and Lot Tor Sale. Ifc THE SUBSCiUBEli offers for HL,sale. on the most reasonable terms. Mill' liis HOUSE AND LOTj in the village of Glrecnvillo. The location is, in all respects, ? most desirable one, immediately on the Pendleton road, nnd near the depot. The Lot contains over an acre of land, nnd is well improved. The Buildings are all new. l'ho Dwelling has reven comfortable rooms. There is a good Kitchen nnd Negro House, ind all necessary outbuildings. Also, n fine well of water. Household nnd Kitchen furniture sold with the premise* if desirable. .rtppiv 10 uot. K. V. Jones. Dec 31 ?34?if H. W. GODDARO. For Hale or Rent, THB ??USE AND LOT Rri^toSi^ opposite the fork* of Anderson nnd Pendleton roads. The House contains six upright rooms. On the Lot are ell necessary outbuilding*. For terms, Ac., apply to H. LEE Til HUSTON. Dec 2i J53 tf F. BURTY, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Leather, OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE* GREENVILLE, S. C., IS PropareJ to furnish cuntoi. I^ N. era with the above article*, CflEAl' ^ CASH. Having competent Workmen engaged, he can aeaure his patrons tliat all work will be Kjutlv Doxk and WARRANTED. Vet 18 II tf mli Hi i Mgr LiffiMg NVT*C fi A, ffATE OF 80U1U CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S 8ALE8. I BT virtue of sundry Writ* off ie^t fmcia* to me dirostad^ I will setl boforc the Court llonsc door, nt the usual hours of sale, ou the drat Monday fn ARl*fL next. 60 or 70 Volumes of Law Books, as the prooerty of Thomas P. Butler, nt tho suit of Lam black, as per schedule rendered. $50 "Acros of Land, more or less, adj; iulnelands of Philemon Ruff, John Adntys, I Ilr. West had others; m tho property of Thomas Msyfield, at the suit of William Hawkins, et al TERMS CASH. Perchnscr to nay for titles D. HOKE, S. G. P. 1 I StiPfilf'i Offio* Mutcli 4, 1808 48-td I I STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA.' I nnm.'xmTrTr ntnairurm- I u MUUO f 1 blil'j L'lSlUlVji. In Court of Ordinary. William TlxlCktt Administrator of die Estate of Jnno Ray, deceased, Applicant, against James Ray. et al.. Defendants.? Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. IT appealing to my satisfaction, that Jacob Ray and Uananiali Ray, two of the defendants, roddo beyond the limits of this State: It is ordeiod and decreed, dial diey do appear nt a Court of Ordinary, to be boi j den at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on Friday, the 7 th day of May next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if | ahy they have, why a Final Settlement of the Personal Estate of Jane Ilnv, deceased, should not be had, and a Decree given there on, or their consents, on failing so to do, will be entered of record. Given under my hand and seal, nt Greenvillo Court House, tiio l)th day of February, A. D. 1858. R' 'DERT McKAY, O. G. I), [l. s ] Feb 11 40 Sin STATU OF SOUTH (TilROLINA. OUKRN VI I, I, K DISTRICT. IN COURT OF ORDINARY. Robert Wynne", Administrator of tlio Kstito of I William Wt.vxe, deceased. Applicant. against the leRftl heirs and representatives of said decensed.iDefendant#.?Petition for Final Settlement and f)ccr$c. IT appearing to my sntisfaotion that the intestate left a whlo'w and a daughter, Murtha Wynne, whose place of residenee is not known : It in, therefore Ordered, That the above parties, and all the legal heirs and representatives of said Wftu/.M Wvxnf, d ceased, do appear nt n Court of Ordinary, to l>e hidden nt Greenville Coi.rt llonse, for Greenville I>isti-ie*. on ll'ednrn#A noil ,/ ... -e a? - , ?-T, .... ?U... ....y VJ siyru urjri, to SHOW 0.111S0. It any (hey hnro, why n Final Settlement of tho said Estate should uol be had, and a Decree giv en thereon. Given tinder my hand and seal, nl Greenville < onrt House, tho second day of February, A. D. 1863. ROUT MoKAY, 0. G. D. [u a ] Fcl> 4 30 .1m STATK OF (tOUTli iiltfoni.tA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Court of Ordinary R. K. Pace, Administrator, applicant, against Luoinda MoCrnry, Andrew McCrarv, Nancy MoCfary. Sarah l''.ii/.a McCrary, Mary Klizabeth MeCVnry, Francis MeCrnry, James M. McCrary, William Franklin McCrnry, Defendants.?Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. XT appearing to my satisfaction, that.'all of the X nnove Defendants reside beyond the limits of this State: It is ordeicd and decreed, that they do Appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be -hotden at Greenville Court House, for GrconvllleDistrict, onAfonday, the 19th <lat/ of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. SI., to shew cause, if any they have, why a final lettlement of the Personal Estate of James McCrnry, deceased, should not be had. and a Decree given thereon. Given under my hand and seal of Office, at Greenville Court House, tho 22d day of January, A T>. 1858. ROBERT Sti.KAY, O. G. D. [t. s ] Jan 28 ' 38 3nt ITATB OF SOPTH('AROI, \A! GREENVILLE DISTRICT. lit Court of Ordinary. Jijin M. Carman and (1. W. Bruce, Executors of .llnrdio Bruce, deceased, applicants, against Lucy Bruce, Mary Ann Pennington, and ll'illiam J. Pennington, her liusbnnd, Eliza Mostellcr and Philip II. Mosteller her husband, Gcorgo W. Bruce, Willis W. Bruce, Adnlino Carman and J. M. Carman, her husband, ; Frances M. Jackson and J. IV. Jackson her | Husband, Emily Grain and IFilliam Crain her husband, O. IF. Bruce, Jr., minor heir of A. J. Bruce, deceased. Defendants.?Petition for Final Seetlenunt and Decree. TT appearing to inv satisfaction, that O. IF. 1 Bruoe, Jr, minor heir of A. J. Bruce, deceased, resides bey end the limits of this State : j It is ordered and decreed, that he do appear at. a Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on Friday, thf '2nd day of April next, to shew cause, if any he can, why a final settlement of the Estate of llardin Bruce, deceased, should not be had, aud a Decree given thereon. Given under tny hand and seal of Office, at Greenville Court House, this 23d day of January, A. D. 1839. ROBERT McKAY, 0. O. D. [i. a.] Jan 28 38 3*n NOTICE. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of R. LOVELAND, deceased, by Note or Ac count, arc requested to call on W. 11. Campbell, Ekq., in whoao hands I have placed those claims for collection. Those availing themselves of this notice will save cost MARTHA LOVELAND, Adm'n'x. Fob 18 _41 2 m Eieciitor'ti Notice. A LL PERSONS indebted to the Estnte of /l. JOHN T. LKJON, deceased, arc hereby notified to tnnke payment to the umlersicrnod. All those hnvincr olnimit nnrninal ^ -- n "h said deceased will prcsont them for payment within the time prescribed by law, or they will be barred. W. A TOWNES, Nov 5 26?if Kxecutor. 7. 6. P.TBTEIR., ATTORNEY AT LAW .? I AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL PIlAOTtCR IN THE COURTS uF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Bookstore, GREENVILLE, 8. C. June 4 4 lv ROBERT T. THftUSTON, M. D, OFPKRS T1IH PROFESSIONAL SERVf OKS to U.U community.. His Office, for the Zjl present, Uin the Old Court House Building. Jan 14 31 tf A " gwaa i C&o vsxnsxxsi1 i ? ' -ft' ' AUTH3RIZE0 IY THE 8TATE tJF 8CBM&. ^g7oiootyjtr FOR TEN DOLLARS. The following Scheme will bo drawn by 8. Swan 6 Co., Managers of the Sparta Academy liOtUfy, in each of their Single N??iil>cr Lotteries for March, 1858, at ACOUS1 A. fJecsfhi, in public, under the superintendence of Corumieeionere: CLASS 5, To he drawn In ths city of Auguela, Oa., to public, on SATURDAY, MARCH 6th, 185S. CLASS 6, To he drawn in the city ef Augne'a, Oa, In poM ?. 0n , 8ATURDAY, HARCII 13th, 1838. CLASS 7, I Te be drawn In the city of A agnatic Oa, In pnbl'o, on SATURDAY, MARCH 20th, 1838. CLASS 8, To be drawn In the city of Anfnata, Oa, in public, on SATURDAY, MARCH 27th, 1858. ON l IIP. PLAN OF 81 NO LB NUMtimS. Five Thousand Four Hundred <t Eighty-Five Prises. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVER Y NINE TICKETS. | MAQNtFIOXNT II TO UK DIUWN 1 EACH SATURDAY IN MARCH! 1 Prize of 870.000 4 Prizos of $000 1 Prize of 30.000 4 Piizes of 800 1 Prize of 10,000 4 Piizes of 700 1 Prize of 5,000 4 Piizes of COO | 1 Prize of 4,000 50 Prizes of 500 1 Prize of 3.000 50 Prizes of 800 1 Piize of 1,500 100 Prizes of 125 4 Piizes of 1,000 230 Prizes of 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. I 1 Prizes of 1400 App'g. to $70,000 priz are $1,600 1 4 Prizes of 300 " " 30,000 priz arc 1,200 I 4 Prizes of 200 " " 10,000 priz. nro 800 4 Prizes of 125 " " 5,000 priz. are 600 I 4 Frizes of 100 " " 4,000 priz. aro 400 14 Prizes of 75 " " 8,000 priz. are 8O0 4 Prizes of 50 " " 1,600 priz. are 200 5.000" of 20 aro lUOiOOO 5,485 Prizes amounting to $320,000 Whole Ticket*$10; IIhIvc*$5; Qi:av!cr.??$2l PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. Tlie Numbers from 1 to 50,000, corresponding with Numbers on ilie Tickets printed on j separate slips of paper, are encircled with small I tin tubes and placed ill one w heel. The lirst- 457 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, ore ploeed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, und, at the same time, n Prize is drown from~the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and roj ist'-red by the Commissioners; the Prize being I placed against the Number drawn. This operation is repented until oil the prizes are drawn out. A " nn ' *' nrriiuji.M.M-iw.t ricizcs.? me two preceding ' and the (wo succeeding Number* to those drawing the first 7 Prizes will be entitled to the 28 Approximation Prises. For cxanple: if Ticket , No 11250 draws the ?70,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248, 11249, 11281, 11252, will each ! be entitled to ?400. If Ticket No. 650 draws the ?00,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 648, 649, 651, 652, will each be entitled to ?300, and so oa according to the above scheme. The 5.000 Prizes of *20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the ?70,000 Prize. For example: if the Number drawing the ?70,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then nil the Tickets, where the number ends in 1, will bo entitled to ?20. If the Number ends with [ No. 2, then till the Tickets, where the Number ends in 2, will be entitled to ?20, and so on toO. j Certificates of Packages will be sold nt the , following rate*, which t9 the risk: I Certificate o' Package of 10 Whole Tickets, ?80 Certificate of Package of 10 Half Tickets, 40 Certificate of Package of lOQuartcr Tickets, 20 Certificate of Package cf 10 Fighlh Tickets, 10 IN ORDF.IUSO TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, Fnclose the money to our add res* for the Tick ' ets ordered, on receipt of which they will l>e for warded by first mail. Purchasers can linvo tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchaser* immediately after the drawing, i *, Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Oftice, county and Stato % Remember that every Pt'ize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. All prizes of ?l,0u0 and unde", paid immediately after the drawing?other prizes at tho | usual time of thirty days. All .t.-i-tl.. .... .Vi.j , Address orders fur Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN, ?fe (X)., Augusta, (Ja. tw Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala , j or Atlanta, On., can have their orders tilled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan ?fc Co , at either of those cities. list of the numbers that are drawn troin the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will lie published alter every drawing, iu the following papers: Angus ta (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Delta, Moliile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning News, Rich rnond Dispatch, New York Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. Feb-25 42 "if THE NEWBOOK STORE, MARIETTA, OA. THOS. COX MARKLEY, proprietor. Book*, Magazine*, Paper, i WORK-BOXES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, fcC. LOW FOR CASH. Jan 7 35 tf ATTENTION, VOTERS! 'PUG Subscriber wishes to inform his friends X and the public generally, that he has come out as a candidate, not for Congress nor for the legislature, hut a candidate for public patron* age in tho TAILORING BUSINESS, lit will warrant his work to he made strong and good. Ho will warrant to inako good Frr*. Cleaning and on short notice. Those wish ing work done will call at liis Shop, in tha Old Court House, in the old Ordinary's Office. I am thankful for the liberal share of patronage bea ! towed upon me heretofore, and hope for a eon-1 Unuation of the sniuo. A. BKECO. Jan 28 38 tf -U-J 1 *!jj 1 ... ... i l KRAUS &Tf8Lt5S|, OBcmitLK, s. r.. Opposite the Mansion M<-uset *l. nRRrF.crmji.tA* fonn their IV ends, public generally, that thsy l**vo purchased the MGfeeiivillc Confectionery, * recently occupied by Mr. 1'. S, Sjittu. w her?, they will continue the iiumuims m heretofore," la jhs best nu<l most accommodating manner, hoping to receive a libernl share of pubjfc patronage. Evciy day. nt II oMoeV, they will have on hand, t-itEaii CAKES, PIES, BREAD, M. They nre also prepared, at any hour during the dnv, to furnii-b their customer* with LUNOHC. and will pay particular attention to always bar* ing on hand, and ready to serve ouf> a lot of Fi'cth 0)'ntcri, From Uie best selling in the Charleston trtnrkat. Also, constantly on h?o<l, nt WHOLESALE or RETAIL from their own Mnnnfuvtofy, a large a-sovliuont of IT A NOV & STICK CANDY. Also, FRUITS of various kinds, such as Lemons, Orange a. Apples, Nuts, etc., etc. Toys, 8egaro, Surdities, Tickles, Ac. Wedding, and other Parties, will be fur nished, on short notice, with Refreshments and the finest dressed Cokes. Every attention will bo giteri our customers, and we ask n liberal share of patronage. ty No misunderstanding?TERMS C-ASIf. Deo 17 32 tf m NOTICE THIS ! $ I^IIE Subscriber wbuld respectfully inform his former patrons, nn<) the public generally, that be has JUST RECEIVED, and is NOW OPENING, nt hi# STORE, under McBee's Hall, one of the most COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS of FAMILY GROCERIES ever offered in Oieeuvllle, and which ho is offeiing nt prices in accordance with tlietimet>r consisting, in part, of the following Articles t Rio ami Java COFFEES ; Crushed, GltO rifled and Brown SUGARS; N, O. BylDpn superior, cheap; Tobacco and Segars; sup?tior Green and Black Teas; Candles;Starch ; Rod*; Hardware and Cutlery ; Crockery and Glassware ; Wood ware ; Soaps of all descriptions ; Spices ; Maccaroni; Mackerel; Bacon; Herrings; Brooms and BiusbesJ Anchovy," ^ Reading. John Bull and other Sntfcet; Champagne, Mndeira, Claret, Port, Teneriffe and other Wines; Brandies, and other Liuuors of the finest quality, for Medical use; Brandy Peaches ; Pickles of all descriptions ; Preserves and Jellies; Sardines; Lobsters; Raisins, Citrons and Figs; Porter and Ale; Nails; and a variety of Toilet Combs, Brushes, and other Fancy Articles too numerous to mention. All of which 1 offer at reduced prices for cash or approved paper. N. B.?Those indebted for the years of * " .vi/?-uu hiiu o i, mo lespecmuiy requested lo call and arrange ibeir accounts l?v note or payment. A. GREENFIELD. Jan 28 88 tf KTEW FIRM* r I MIE Undersigned luivo entered into CopartJL u?i?liip in ttie Mercantile Business under the name and style of LONG <k GOODLETT, and would invite the uttcntion of the citizens of Greenville and surrounding Districts, to an exiiininntion of our STOOK, as we hope to share n portion of public patronage, and feci confident that we can offer Goods at as low prioea for cncli as can be purchased elsewhere. Give us a call. R. LONG, B. A. GOODLETT, Greenville, January 2Gth, 1858 38-tf l?is*olulion. rpilF. Firm W. II. HOVEY <t CO. is this day 1. dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the Firm will bo closed bv W. II. llovey.. \V. it. HQVEY, ?| J. J. HOVEY. January 1st, 1838. . r. ; ' ISTOTIOE3. rpilE Subscriber having purchased the entire JL Stock of W. 11. HOVEY A. CO., will continue business at the same place. Thankful to the public for their formor liberal patronage, he will in future endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. \V. n. IIOVEY. January 18tli, 1838, 87-3m. Dissolution of Copartnership. rJ"MlE Copartnership heretofore existing be m. lwtM-ii me niHMcriiiar*, under the Firm of GOWER, COXA MARK LEY. has this day been dissolved by mutunl consent. Those indebted by note or oook account arc requested to make immediate payment, as longer indulgence can* not bo given. T. C. COWER, T. M. COX, II. C. MARK LEY. January let, 1858. Greenvillo Coach Factory. GOWER, COX, MARKLEY & CO* WE liavo this day Associated with A^JLshEus, in business, Mr. LEWIS WORTH 1 MiTON, well known to the community for several years as the obliging and accommodating foreman of the Greenvillo Conch Factory. Wo arc now be'tcr prepared to supply the wants of the community than at any previous time, and shall Use our best efforts to curtain the Widespread reputation so long enjoyed by this establishment. T. C. GOWER, T. M. COX, II. O. MAKKLEV, L. WOltTHtabTON. January 1st, 1656. ITloncy Wmifcd. rTMtE Bnhseriber would respectfully request X those Indebted to him by noto or account, to pay up, as he is wsxtiso monkt. J. II. DEAN, M. P. Doc 10th. 1857 81 If Hair Dressing and Shaving. BU It RI !> >(? continues (he Tonsorial bnc. iness at his Old Stand in Beattie'e Brick building, where he is ready during the day ar.d < evening to shavo the bear-t and cut haiA sn4 shampoo the heal, lie respectfully ark* aecgtlnv.atlan of patronage. Oc|. .