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along the line of the Erie Canal, on gaged a good-looking and brink young 1 lady as a supernumerary. It happened that the young lady in question bad I formerly ofhointod in (tome capacity as a u hand " ?>n lioard a canal boat, a fact tfhich she was extrumely anxious to conceal. She evinced much auxiety to master the details of her newly choBen profession and soon exhibited a ?h*? .v-o:..n.... I 11list o umu viuimii j uc^ivv vi u'.muiv; talent. She was duly promoted and in time became a genera! favorito with both manager and publiCi^n*^ Orio night that she wo9 announced to appear in a favorite part, a couple of boatmen found their way into the pit, near the foot-lights, particularly anxious to see the new famous comedienne. The house was crowded, and after the subsidence ol' the general applause which greoted her appearance, one of the boatmen slapped his companion on the shoulder, and, with an emphatic expletive, exclaimed loud enough to be heard over half the house: M Bfll, I know that gal!" " Pshaw!" said Bill; " drv up." " But I'm d d if I don't now, Bill. It'sSal Flukins, as sore as you're born. She's old Flukins' daughter, that used to run the Injurod Polly, ami she used to sail with him." "Tom," said Bill, "you are a fool, and if yon don't stop rotir infernal clack, you'll get put out. Sal Flukins! Von know a sight if yon t'.ink thaCe hor." Tom was silenced, but not convinced. He watched the actress in all her mo tiuua wuu imuiiau unci cat, iuiu utciunjj, broke out again : " I tell ye, Bill, that*# her?I know 'tis. You can't tool mo?I know her too well I" Bill, who was a good doul interested in the play, wiw out of all patience at tins jversistent. interruption on the part of Tom. lie gave him a tremendous nudge in the ribs wt?h his elbow, as an emphatic hint for him to "keep quiet." Tom, without minding tho admonition said, " You just wait?I'll fix her, keep your eye ou mo." Sure enough ho did fix her. Watching his opportunity when the actress was deeply absorbed in her part, lie sung out in n voice which rung through the galleries: " Low bridge 1" From force of habit the actress instantly and i[.voluntarily ducked her head to avoid the anticipated collision. Down Qamo tho house with a perfect thunder of applause at this " palpable nil, nigu auove wuieu xoiu 8 voice could l>e heard, au he returned llill'a punch in the ribs with interest: " Didn't I toll yo, old hoy. I know'd j 'twas her. Yon couldn't fool me." Lyman Beecher's Courtship. Au eminent divine, who is as well known as he is universally respected, many years since was led to the conclusion that u it is not well for.raan to be alone." Alter considerable pondering, he resolved to offer himself in marriage to a certain member of his llock. No sooner was the resolution formed tlum it was put in practice, and getting out his cane, he speedily reached the dwelling of his mistress. It I chanced to be on Monday morning, a day which many New England read- i era need not be told is better known in the house as washing day. Unconscious of the honor that was intended her, the lady was standing behind the tub in the back kitchen, with her anus immersed in the suds, busily engaged in an occupation, which, to say the least of it, is more useful man romantic. There was a loud knock at the door.? " Juno, go to the door, and if it is any body to seo me, toll them that I am en 1 ~ J >t 1) T?l uuu wyo vunii:. xnu message was faithfully rehearsed.? "Tell your mistress,''said Parson B., j " that it is very important that I should < see her." "'loll him to call this after- i noon," said the lady, "and I will see , him." But it was unavailing. " I must see her now," said the minister. "Tell me where she is." So saying, he followed the servant into the kitcu- j en, to the groat surprise of her mistress. , " M'ias , I have come to the eon- ? elusion to marry, will yon have me ?" , was the minister's opening speech.? "Have you?" replied the astonished lady. " This is a singular time to of fer yourself. Such an important step should be made a matter ot prayer mid deliberation." 44 Let us pray I" was Mr. B.'s oniy response, as ho knelt down beside the tub and prayed that a union might lie formed which would 1 enhance the happiness of both parties. 1 His prayer was answered, and from ' this union, thus singularly formed, has 1 sprung a family rcmarknide for talent, including Rev. Henry Ward Beechor, of Brooklyn, New York, and Mrs. It 1 B. Stowe, author of "Uncle Tom's Cab- ! *n." IT _ ( "I? dirt was trnmns, what a hand Jrop would hold," said l amb, to a fit-; jr partner et whist. [ J * Jo not remember to have seen in prlbt: " A certain man/whom we will call M ... , was mooted for possessing {rent courage aud presence of mi mi, and the croesest wito in tho neighborhood. More than one attempt had been made to frighten M , witliout success ; but one dark, stormy evening, one of bis brother chips, resolving to see if there was any scare in him, fix-J ?<i up in tlie most ghostly stylo possible, und stationed himself in a lonely piece ot woods through which M had to pass on his way home. The pretended ghost had scarcely settled himself in his position, when M hove in sight, and came whistling along unconcerned as usual. Suddenly the ghostly figure confronted him, in a sepulchral voice, commanding him to stop. M did so, nnd after regarding his companion for a moment, said, with tho utmost coolness: 'I can't stop friend; if you are a man, I must request you to get out of tho way and let mo pass; if you are the devil, come along and take supi>er with mo, 1 married yemr sister / " A Common Fault Rebuked.?How annoying it is, when seated alone in your office, to have soine one open the door, 1- ok all round tho room to be satisfied that you are its only occupant, and then ask, " Mr. , (yonr partner, perhaps,) is not in, is he V The custom i * as common as it is ridiculous and annoying. Tho Buffalo Exprose iiinwiiicuM ii case in turn cuy, wncrc one of these askers of needless questions was effectually taken down. A member of a law Arm iu that city is sitting at his desk, busily engaged in important business, when the door opens, Air. Auger walks in, takes his seat, and says in a drawling tone, " Mr. ? isn't in, is he ?" The question was useless, of course, as there was no one else in the room but tho two ; but the counsellor arose, and with great urbanity replied, "I will see, sir." He looked under bis chair, behind the stove, into the "pigeon holes," of his desk, and saying, " I don't see him," sat down and went to writing. " Hold on, sqnirc," said the visitor, "you have taught me a lesson, sir, and I will send you a peck of apples," and departed. Tub Bostonian and tuk Arkansas Giki..?A g?x?d story is told of a lk>stonian's first appearance in polite society in Arkansas. Tho core pany were engaged in dancing, hut the loveliest feinulo present occupied a chair at the window, without n partner. Stepping up to the lady, with a palpitating heart, his mind greatly excited for fear of refusal, lie exclaimed, " Will you do me tho honor to grace mo with your company for the next set if" Iler lustrums eyes shone with unwonted brilliancy, her white jierlev teeth glistening in the Hir>L'i>1'ill<r /Kltwlln I VM.IU.U 1 Ip>' I 11 1IW UUilVJ' snowy bosom nwo a. id toll with joy till rapture, as she replied?" Yes-sir-reo! for I have got, and got, and got, till I have about tuk root l" "Shall I ece you homo miss?" tim idly stammered a youth one dark night, to a young lady of his acquuintuucc, who wibi preparing to leave the old school-house. "No, you shan't," answered the youthful shrew, " I can see as far towards home as you can, I rather guess!" She was not the same one, who, on n similar occasion, asked a verdant swain to accompany her home?Poor fellow! If all gentlemen would show equal firmness in resisting the entreaties of fair maidens, leap-year would bo a complete failure. His very gallant reply was.? " O, I can't, I've got a sore heel /" A I'icACTioAL joke was once attempted to bo played on Mr. Erskine, as he wont ono day to Westminster Hall, with his ample hag crammed full of briefs. Some waggislr barrister hired Et Jew's hoy to go and ask lain if he had " any old elo's to sell ?" " No, you little imp," exclaimed the indignant counsellor, " they are all new guite" A clkuoyman, who was consoling a young widow on the death of her husband, spoke in a very serious tone, re . il -i i . - ' < - hum King mux ue was "one oi mo lew. ^::ch p. jevro! of a Christian, yon cannot find hid equal, vou well know."?j i'o which the subbing fair ono replied, with an almost brokeu heart; 44 I'll bet I will 1" 14 IIekf/s your money, dolt. rS"ow tell me why your master wrote eighteen letters about that paltry snmt" mid an exasperated debtor. 44 I'm wire, air, I can't tell, sir; but if you'll **cudo me, sir, I think it was because seventeen lottery did not letch it." - ? ww. ^ "Tom, didn't yon sign the pledge I" Mkod a friend who was taking a smash U the Corporal's. 44 Yes," said Tom. ' but you know all signs fail in a dry time." iNDKMNrnr for the past?pay ap.? Security for tl?o future- pay down. i I1 I III ,L ,m,,i. ^I II ji'jpi 1,1 JMJj A Lady, who wu T?ry modest ?nd submissive before her marriage, was observed by her friend to use her tongue pretty freely after. " There was a time when 1 almost imagined sho had none." "YeS," said her hnsband, with a sigh, " but ifs very long ninoe." A numbku of women in "Erie count/, New York, havo called a convention, the object of which is stated to be " to gain a new knowledge of the nntnre and attributes of uian." An exchange very patiently asks 'u why don\ they get married ?" "Bdy Bulwer's last work," said a sharp newsboy, the other day, to a gentleman on the ferry-boat. "No," said the man ; '* I'm Bulwer himself." "Well, bny the 1 Women of England,* sir; yonVe not Eire. Ellis, are you!" An aristocratic Irishman, speaking of his native country, said it was an execrable place ; in fact, the only thing worth owning in it was the whiskey.? 44 You mean to say, then," said a waggish friend, " that with nil her laults you love her etUl /" 'I say, Sainbo, can you answer dis conunderfnm : Supposin' I gib yon a bottle of whiskey corked shut wid a cork ; how would you get the whiskey out widout pullin* do cork or breakin' de bottle V1 44 I givo dnt up." 44 Why, push de cork in. Ya, yahl" 44 Manv a lady who objects to being kissed under tho mistletoe, has no objection to being kissed under the rose." A journal in copying the above inade.J a queer blunder by making it to read i ?44 has no objection to be kissod under the nose." A uiceuuit going through tho exercise of sword cut, asked how ho should parry. 4k Never mind that," said the i old hiiRsar, who was fencing-master to | the regiment; 44 you only cut?let the j enemy parry." 44 You are very handsome" said a gentleman to a ladv. 44 Pooh," said the lady, 44 so you would any, if you did not tliink so." 44 And so yon would think, answered he, though I should not say so." 44 Mr. Jonics. von snid von mn. i, ' ^ """"" "" J *"** " v "" nocted with the lino arts. Do you , moan by that you arc a sculptor!"? " No Sir, I don't sculp myself, but I furnish tiie stone to the man what does/' At a colored ball, the tollowing notice was posted 011 the door post:? "Tickets fifty cents. No genitnan ud; mitted unless lie comes himself." 1 HVMHBnaaavvfBBVMnMiHrHnBiHi !RATES OF ADVEHTISING OK TIIK GREENVILLE? DIIKSS. THE undersigned proprietors of The Somcnx EsTCIU'RISK nild TlIK PaTMOT AMD MoL'NTAIMCKB. ivxjHiotfully sluto tlint tliey bsv? adopted the folto\viaK standard HATES Ol> AIA'EttTISlNC. which will In 6vfry instance be inlhrml to: PEH SQUARE Or 13 LINES, OR LESS, 1 insr'll, 9 73j 18 insr'ns, $5.(Xt 36 insr'ns, $7.96 2 insr'ns, 1.23 10 insr'ns, 6.20 80 insr'ns, 6.10 8 insr'ns, 1.60 20 insr'ns, 6.40 37 insr'ns, 8.26 4 insr'ns, 1.75 21 insr'ns, 6.60 38 insr'ns, 8.40 6 insr'ns, 2.00 22 insr'ns, 6.80 39 insr'ns, 8.66 0 insr'ns, 2-25 23 insr'ns, 6.00 40 insr'ns, 8.70 7 insr'ns, 2.60 24 insr'ns, 6.20 41 insr'ns, 6 83 8 insr'ns, 2.76 26 insr'ns, 6.40 >2 insr'ns, 0.00 0 insr'ns, 3.00 26 insr'ns, 6.60 48 insr'ns, o. 10 10 insr'ns, 8 2f 27 insr'ns, 6.76 44 insr'ns, o 20 11 insr'ns, 3.50 28 insr'ns, 6.90 43 insr'ns, D.80 12 insr'ns, 8.73 20 insr'ns, 7.06 46 insr'ns, 0.40 13 insr'ns, 4.0<> 30 insr'ns, 7.20 47 insr'ns, 0.60 14 insr'ns, 4.20 81 insr'ns, 7.86 48 insr'ns, 0.60 16 insr'ns, 4.40 32 insr'ns, 7.30 49 insr'ns, 0.70 16 insr'ns, 4.60 38 insr'ns, 7.63 60 insr'ns, 9.80 17 insr'ns, 4.80 84 insr'ns, 7.80 61 insr'ns, 0.00 62 inserti??ns, $10. Obituary Notices over 12 lines in length, ami Tributes oi Respect, will be chat-gad for st ml TcniMiig rau*. Advertisements not limited will l>o isserted till ordered out, and charged for every insertion. |2gT Advertising bills amounting to twentyfive dollars for tbo year, will be allowed a discount of five per cent; those nmounlin:; to fifty dollars, ten per cent; sevonty-fivedollars, fifteen per cent; one hundred dollars, and over, twenty par eon I, , UTJOB WORK pnynb'm on delivery. FUICK A MuJjpKKlN. For The Southern Fulerprite. O P. Tf.PORD. | For Hi? 1 'atriot aiui ifoHnlainerr, January 12lh, 1888. 'a?ln?'~iO'Aws, CABINET iWARCif, GREENVILLE. 8. C. Fairly opposite the Port Office, Aeennr Sfect, gMMk RESPECTFULLY infcrau |^BB91ptK? citlsen* of Greemillt- and the adjoining Districts, thnl he has returned from the State Fair M Columbia, (where he received the Ural premium for Ma elegantly finished Bureau, which was admired by eve ry one.) and in now prepared to execute ALLORDFJiS IN HIS LIN?;. Re >*. also, f?n hand A LAROF 8TO0K OF FURNITURE, which will be sold *t price* to ?uit the times. Be returns Ida thanks for past favors,and he hopee, by giving constant attention to his business, to a liberal share of the public pntronnjje. Nov. 10- C9 Iy. I French, EnglUh and American Jewelry, AMD FAN CYARTIOLE8. CHARLES 8MITH, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, OKRKXVnXK, 8. C., Afain Street, marly Opposite the Ifan*ioH Houae, 1) ESPECTFU LLY informa tho inhabitant* of JlV Greenville and vicinity, that lie kna juat received and added to Ida already extensive - ?i _ . ??? ? ? vi vu? avuve nnmcei Articles, consisting of Fiuo K?lli off French Cmucoi, well known for their superiority ; also a choice variety, beautifully ornumeuted with and Bracelets to match, (being the latest fashion,) all mounted in heavy gold. Also new patterns of Fancy Brooches for Ambrotypes. A qnantity of fashionable Bracelets; heavy solid Gold Kings, Mosaic Enr-Rings, Lockets, otudds, etc., etc., besides an Innumerable assortment of the most, beautiful Jewelry ever before offered in Greenville. Ilis Block also comprises a splendid variety of heavy Fine Engliih Plated Ware, amongst which may be found Knives, Forks, Spoon a Cups, etc., etc., of new metal, plated not upou German Silver, but u|>oii the genuine AL1JATA. It is used ia the highest circles, nnd is much preferred for its great durability. Also, new fashioned SPECS. with handles and w ithout temples. Very useful and convenient The establishment also contains WATCHES of the best make, vis: Chronometers, Duplex, English and French Levers, Cylinders and Plain, all in heavy Gold or Silver Case*. Having made arrangements in New York with Wholesale Houses im|?orting direct from Fneior nnd England, I am cuabled to sell all my Articles at prices lovxr than they cnu be bought in Charleston. All Articles sold in the estnblisment warranted as represented. 24-3iii Oct 82 Flows, Stoves, WE keep constant-?>??v ^ 0,1 ',ont' 11 'A,ile n*H&gaB sort-mcnt of One and n irnMT' aMirr Two-llorse Turning, Subsoil and Hillside winch wo cbalienge the world to equal in good work, ease of draft and durability. we nave also n large Mini beautiful assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Room, l)?d Koorr and Church STOVES, to which wo particularly call the uttcution ol those who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash and Stock BOILERS Corn Sludlers, Straw flutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet Iron or Zino Work done to order. Cistern 01 Well Pumps furnished uud put up. Wo also are making and receiving from New York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Waro, mnong which the Ladies may tiiid a great varie ty of Cake Cutters and l$ake Pans. FOOT and BATHING TUBS, or any other Ar tide in our line, made to order, nnd Painted ir the hest manner. We are also prepared to df Roofing and Giillcrliig in the latest nnd best manner on short notice Country Merchants invited to examine oui stock of IWALWIli:* Wc say it is superior, and we do not wish tt hare our word taken for it. Come nnd see. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees VV ax and Old Pewter. Rags taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mb 12 44 if ~T. W. DAVIS^ Watchmaker & Jeweler, TAKR3 the liberty to announe* (r "/-Kb 1o Greenville, nnd iv *urro,,m''ng country, that Ik prepared to do nil manner ol work hi his line of business, such as Watoh, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, all of which shall ho done in tho r.eutest manner. Watch Wheels, Pivots, Pinions, Jewels, Screws, Mauds, Classes, all done at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike mnnncr. Please give him a trial, and von will he nl???e.t I lie ftlbo make* JEWl&RY to order, such ne Gold Guard, Fob Be Veil lliiiiu*, | All kind* of GOLD BUTTONS, ?noh n? Ilosom. Sleeve and Collar Buttons. All kind* of Hair | Work Trimmed in the neatest style. Hit* work cauuot be surpassed iu this purt of the country. ? Ilia shop may be found nt the Goodlett House, in the room formerly oeenpied by Messrs. Bailey <k Owen. Greenville, July 80. 18A7. 12 tf CHARLES HICKEY," {HUtcctstur to Emanuel Currant,) MAXCKACTUKKK OK LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DEAT.BK TS LOOKINOQLA8S PLATE8, BRACKETS, WINDOW CORNICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. 154 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. rar Old Frame* Bo gilt ecjunl to new. April 80 51_ ly REED Si (i001)LETT. aXTO&WEYS AT iAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Urccnvlllc, H. C. iir oft'lCK next door to f. f. Bk atti k a "co. gl J. r. UtKD.] [?. D. GOODLKTT. June 4 4 tf 0 R R & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, 8. O. W JAMBS L OBH. WM P. FRIOE April 33 50 n7jtLHi SS? IT ??, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREEN VILI.E, Jnne 18 6 if JOB WORK NEATLY DONE AT THIS OFFICE. No. 948 Ki OHAB.X?SlB WOULD NOW INVITE ATTENTI ASSORTED STC V ALL A N 13 ? mir o 6>i^ TOTS SEASON\ BALES OF PLANTATION BLANKETS All Wool Plains " Scheie's Georgia Kerseys nn'? "Plains *' low-price Georgia Kerseys and Plains " Red, Blue and Grey Flannels " Whits Twill Flannels <, 6-4, 8-4, 10 4 11-4 Brown Sheeting* " Scliyle's Strips Georgia Osnnburgs " heavy Cotton Qsnnburgs heavy 4-4 Brown Shirtings " 8m ulnni) Brown Hhirtingt " heavy 8-4 Brown Shirtings, nt 6^ eta. " lieavy Brown Cotton Drilling " Superfine Brown Cotton Drilling RICH RAIL AND WI SUPER 4-4 FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINTZ ' 4-4 Caahincre Pattern Chintz " 4 4 Scotch and English Gingham" Choice Printed and Plain Challya Choice StrijHi and Plaid Ponlin* for Fall Wear Super Printed French Dchitna and Caalunerea Choice Printed French DeLaina for Children Plain French DeLuiua and Cashmeres, all shades Oct. 20-24-tf READ! READ!! READ!!! IT WILL TAKK YOU BUT A FltW MINUTK8, ASI) MAT 8AVK YOU MANY YEARS OP SUFFERING Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! The Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered! Physicians pre*,-rib* it, and wry one that mm it is a walking advertisement. No Medicine ever yet offered to the American public ha*gained sue/ipopularity in to short a time as CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! j It will Cure any case of Scrofula. It will Cure any case of Rheumatism. It will Cure any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. j It will Cure any case of Neuralgia. 1 It will Cure any ease of Fever and Ague. , Or nnr Diseases arising froin an impure state oi ( the Blood. SCROFU LOUS RE A DER! It cured the neice of the lion, fohn Minor | Butts, h mem her of Congress from Virginia, of I Scrofula, after the skill of the best Physicians. both of New York and Philadelphia, lin.1 been [. tried in vnin ; and it will cure you, reader, if r you arc so affected. RHEUMATIC READER! It cured D. Bnrritt, Esq., of Cincinnati, of Rheumatism of 4 yours standing, after all other j remedies had failed. Wc have hundreds of such j certificates. Call on the Agent and get a Hook and Circular, and read for yourself the many re-, tuarkablu and astonishing cures it has inado. 1 SYPHILITIC READER! The celebrated I)r. Buteher writes ut> that he had two of the most severe anil long standing r cases of Syphilis that would yield to none of the usual remedies, hut he cured one ease with six, and the other with nine bottles of f.'ARTIilt'S SPA XlSIf MIXTURE. We have known it ' used in over a Thousand oases, and have yet to I hear of a failwe in uny case. YE SIIA KING TIIOUS AN DS HE AI >! Ague and Fevek.?Do not take Quinine, Mer enry, or any such noxious Drugs, hut try at once this great Alterative and Purifier of the Blood ; Carter'a Spamth Mixture will cure any and every case of Ague and Fever, We have never yet known it to fail. I And for nil Diseases arising from an impure j , state of the Blood, no medicine has ever yet been I found to have so good an effect. If you are sick, , try it at once; do not delay ; time is precious, r and health the greatest of all blessings, without which nil else is valueless. DU. \VM. S, DEE Its Jb CO? PnoPKfKToiis, Richmond, Va, And for salr by K KRUTCM, Druggist, Agent, Drooovilln (' M rt O <1-1 e uu , OTIS 1PI0L2LS And. PhCBiiix Bitters. r?MllC bebt Family Medicine now before the L public, for t.lit* cure of Scrofula, Ulcers. Scurvy, or Eruption.* of the Skin, Freer and [ Aymc, D/$/?p*>'i, Dropsy. and in fact iiiimI all diseaaea soon yield to their curative properties. , It baa been computed that, during tile Inst twenty five yearn, upwards of four millions of persons bavo been benefitted by the use of these medicines; a fact wbicli speaks volumes in favor of their curative properties?a single trial will place them beyond the reaoli of competition in the estimate of every patient, By their ti?e the blood is restored to a healthy state, and freed from all impurities. The system is not reduced during their operation, but invigorated, and they require no restraint from busiuees or pleasure. The afflicted hare, in these medeiines, a remedy that iciU do for them all that medicine can possibly effect. Prepared by TV. lb Moffat M. !>., Proprietor, New York. And for sale by W. II. HOVEY, Greenville, 8. C. Sep 17 10 If J, H. RANDOLPH, rl MIANKFIJL FOR PAST FAVORS, BEOS JL to say. that nil kinds of rlAiti 'wGftX of every variety of style of braiding, will be Or natnotiieti or aiotinrau wltli Uolit, in the neatest manner. and returned to those at n distance per mail or otherwise, ft* directed (Hair can he sent liiin ia letter per mniL) Bow Breast Fine, Xeck laces, Bracelets, Hide, Vest and Guard Chains, Crosses, Finder Kings, Kar Kings, d?, of various patterns, put. up neatly, and any article admitting tl?e name of the owner engraved thereon, shall, for the engraving, be free of extra charge. lie also makes and repairs sll kinds of Jewelry ; mounts with gold or silver the Heads of Walking l anes; matches Spectacle Glasses; and, lastly Engraves on all manner of Plait. Office 00 yard* AVist of old Court /louse, and a fete paess from the Enterprise Office. iirevuvillo, 8. U? June fUti '67. 7-tf W P. PRICE, NOTARY PUBLIC. AND CUM Of TOWN COUNCIL, OFFICE IN THE OLE O60ET HOUSE, ONUHMNWMWBn 0. tTlll promptly attsnd to the collection of Notes and Aeeennts, sottllng Claim*, Ae. 1 ~ ' >"'i irn\ip ( 11 nik m "w w ifll W >n?r jl .& TOWTf ?.0. ** ON TO NTS LARGE AND FULLY >CK #*' FRESH \ WINTER o o ? s-. S mpQHTATZOfo Cooes of Bine, Grey nnd Steel-Mixed SATINETS " low-price Satinets " low price Kentucky Jeans \fJ&\Jt i ? cheap LonK Cloths " Servants' heavy Bleached Shirtings " Cnmhric Long Cloths " Superfine 7-8 Bleached Shirtings " 8-4. 10-4,11 4 and la-4 Bl'ch'd Sheetings Eugiisii Prints, at 0* cts. " good Fur Calico, at cts. " Super English Dress Print* " cheap Ginghams " Bleached Twill Jeans " low-price Muslin Delaine NTER DRESS GOODS. Flain Union D?D*ae, al li^ eta. Plain All Wool DcBage, all shades Uieli Side Stripe Printed French Cashmeres Rich Cnshinere Riding snd WalkiDg Robes Rich Chnllv Walking Robes Misses Cbally Byadore Robes Cashnu-re, DcLniu, and Cholly By ad ere Patterns. A. F. BHOW^INC. Helmbold's Gennino Preparation OF HIGHLY CONCENTRATED C0MP0UN0 FLUID EXTRACT BUCMU, For Di*ea*e* of the Bladder, Kidney*, Gravel, Drop ay, WraAttj**, Obetrnetion, Secret l>i*etnet, Female Complaint*, ami all Diteaec* of the Sexual Organ*. Arising from Excesses and Imprudeneiea lit life, and removing all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in <wa From whatever cause they may have originated, AND NO MATTE 3 OF HOW LONG STANDING Giving Health and Mffor to the Frame, and Bloom to the Pallid Cheek. , Joy to the. Afflicted!! It curee Nervous and Debilitated SuJFerer*, and removes all the Symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, boss of Mumorv. Difficulty of Breathing, General HVnKnevs, Horror of Disease, ll'cak Nerves. Trembling, Dreadflil Hm+or of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, H'nkefulness, 1 limners of Vision, languor. Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite. with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing ot the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, and Krup'ioiis on the Face. Pain in the Hack, Heaviness of tha Eyelids, Fre1 quenjllv lllsek Spots Flying before the Ejres, w ith Temporary Suffusion and l^.rs of Sight, H'nnt of Attention, MM.iin.. r> .. Icssiiess, with Horror of Society. Nothing i# more desirable to such patient* tlina solitude, ami nothing they more dread for four of thomstdre# ; no repose of manner, no earnest lies#, no speculation, but a hurried Transition from one question to another. These symptoms if allowed to go on?which this medicine Invariably remove#?soon follows Aojm of Power, Fatuity nrul J-.'pilejitic /'its?in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that these excesses arc not frequently followed I by those direful diseases?INSANITY AN1) CONSUMPTIONI Tho records of Intone Atjt| hunt, and the melancholy deaths of Contuwption, bear nmplo witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sodden nun quite destitute?neither Mirth or Orief ever visits it. Should a sound of the voico occur, it i# rarely artiuulate. " With woful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." I Debility is most terrible! and has brought i thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, | thus blasting the ambition of many noble youths. | It can be cured by tho use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. I If you are suffering with anv of tho aIuw. .1." treating ailments, tho VLVlf) EXTRACTIiU C11U will cure you. Try it, and bo convinced of its cflicftov. Beware of Quack Nottrumt and Quack Doctor*, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid them, and save LongSuffering, Money nnd Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and N'jtec\fie Remedy. It allays all pain nn<l inflammation, is jH-rfcctly plearant in its tnste and odor, but immediate in its action. Holmbold's Extract Buchu Is prepared diiectly according to tho Rules of PHARMACY AMD CHEMIST BY, with tho greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combination. See Professor Drro'i Valuable Works on the Practice of Physic, and tuost of the late Standard Works of Medicine. rr* ? -#! One hundred dollars will be paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Patient; and the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove thatit does great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen years'standing have been effected. The mass of VOLUNTARY TESTIMONY in possession of thn PronPlbtni* i/niinlun.? I*- ??* ~ ? ? , ....W Tia?uoB UI1U inrill l ve powers, is immense, embracing names well known to .SCIENCE AND FAME. 100,000 Bottlon Have Beeia 8ol<r, And not a single instance of a failure has been reported, T Personally appeared before me,. an. Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. HKLMBOLD, Chemist, who, being swors, coe: ssy, ikr.t this preparation contains no Nareotio, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable.. II. T. HKLMBOLD, Solo .Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before mc this 2?d day of November, 1854. WM. P. HI DBA RD, Alderman. Price |1 per Bottle, or Six for $5, Delivered to any Addrett. Accompanied by reliable sod responsible Centi,Heats* from lVofresors of Medical Colleges, Chnsgymsn and others. Prsparod and sold by-#. H. T. HKLMBOLD. Praotical snJ AtuUylicmJ CSemiM, Na. 82 South Trnth St., bklow Chmtnut, AaKKMni.Y Biildinos, Pat la. jjf" To be had of Ors. J. It. Dean, Mi us A L"Jo? and M ft raai.k, Druggists, Orcsnyills, > < , hii I of a'l Druggists and Dcnless througli out Iks United Mates. Caaodss and British FreviuOss. Bewnre ot Counterfeits. Ask fw HELM BOLD'B?Taks no Other. CURBS OtfARANTJSteb. July 1 9 ^ IT