University of South Carolina Libraries
~ JOL^385* iur " j I A kkoular oojnwwoAtMm of thh s*w?* "^-sar r?b ?s * r\ ti -., 1 NEW^GOODS SPRING TRADE. _ I J, KETCHUM RSrtdlfiniY inform* his friend* emi ru?J-V tofner* tiiet ho ha*- taet r*c???<> fi ? w? Yortt f. ; Elegant Plaid Gingham* 4-1 new and rich Printed French Cambrics Beautiful Rngliah ahd American Calicos* Super Whttt Hotted and Figured 8w>m Muslin* Fine Bienehtfl Shirting; at 12|e French Worked /Collar*, at 87, 60 and 62c Mourning Collar*, at 20o Near styles Maura Pel,nine*, nt 25e Near atylea Plaid Challie, at 26c With variety of other new Article*, to which he,}nvit*? attention, at WM. H. WATSON'S NEW STORK, M*tn Srmtrr. N. B.?Will mII the balance of our CIAtTH and other CLOAKS at greatly reduced price* for Cash. 42-tf , Feb 26 BURTY, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Leather, opposite j. c. p. jeter's bookstore. GllKF.NVIU.K. S. C.. IS Prepared to furnUh cnatoi.. LW era with the above article*, CHEAP W-W^fc?POR CASH. Having competent workmen engaged, he can aaanre bis patrons that ail work will he Nsatlt Don and WARRANTED. Feb 18" 41 tf ^ agency FSiT NORTH CAROLINA t TIIE ASUEVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCF company TT AVINQ complied with the legal requisin 1ion fit this State, in relation to Agen* adea, and having appointed the undersigned m their Agent for thin place, he is now prepared 4a TAKE RISKS on LIFE or PROPERTY, JOIIN W. GRADY. .Greemjffln, fL C., Feb. 10, 1858. iOwck <*> -pwt Oavrnuxxn Grrkral, ) * <%uirwir. ?. CL. Feb. 4, 1858. f IdtRTlFY that JOHN W. GRADY. Agebt of the Mumnl Insurance Com patry, ef Adheuilte, V. C, Lx* complied with <l?e-ednitfin?(? and repositions of the Act of ( ewerAl "Assenrtdy, Entitled ** An Act to regulate the Agencies of Insurance Companies mt incofpornted in the State of South Caro1ina.n passed ?ro tlte 20th day of December, ?n 1fhe veer of OHV one thousand eight hundred and Jfty-arx; and hereby license (lie said John \V. Grady. Agent as aforesaid, to talflrtWtb-'srod transact the business of ?naiiraittte ui behalf of the Company aforesaid. * JVD. ASIIEMORE, Comptroller General. Feb It 40 tf iVA DaddleandHariWM MANUFACTORY. Subscriber would respectfully inform the rjf'dic generally that he continues tlie abort! Musi new, lt> Dons a Rove thr O hrrn villr and is prepared to furnish customers with; .any disoription of Home-Manufactured HADDIilH Carriage,. flaggy and Wagon Harneas wada to order, and is Acs' " - die*. Whip*, dre., on hand and for aale CHEAP. t3f* Saddles awl Harne?* repaired at ahort notice. A. M. GILUEATH. Fob 4' 30 tf - / Take Notice. rp8E Subscriber would inform tlioae indebted X to Wni by NOTE OU ACCOUNT, that the ante mini be paid before Return Day. Reason Why. The money. In most instance*. baa long been due, and thoae whom I atn owing, deeire their money, and rprwt be paid. Many of Uie Artielea for whieli you are aow due me. were eaah Articles, and abouid hare been paid for immediately ^ Cash wilUnyariabW be required for Groceries. A. OKEENFIELO. Feb 4 89 tf School Notice. /Hfc, . , NBA YOUNG propone* to open a SCHOOL, at the Stone Hoiiae, Are mllea above Greenville She will teneh the English Language, Oriental PaintSe*, Waxwork. l-eatlierwork.'Ae.. -Term begin* on the let day of Feb* ruaijf, J449, Hate* ot Tuition, Boarding, Ac., will be moderate. Feb 4 89?9 s~~'i -Z?> *.?>?. *S. B^WER, MAHCFACfCRKH OP AND DKALKR IN 7VRHITRRX f^S3 CHAIRS Every description, S2&B Every atyle, **n FI8K*8 CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CAStS, Opposite the Congaree House. Feb 4 fiOLlTMMA. fi. C. 30?lo HOUSE AUD SIGN PAHmJTG, ^?p?t Hanging and 41 lazing. fT?HE undersigned tags iMVe t<> inform the JL'- oititnu of Greenville and anrronnding cofentrr, - that he Km permanently located n't Car U?e parpoee of carrying on the above Buftineae, ana impn, i?? u-Jt: sU9hM->o to bmlaeea, to merit a there of public patronage, life-charges will be moderate. . &T Residence on Buncombe etreet, near the junction of the Buncombe and Rutherford road*. fra :? ^ JAMES FLECK. CHEAP CASH STORE. fTWRBubeerfbera propose to call Good, in faX, tare Cor CASH, and at cuch reduced !?*!". Country produce taken in evehaage for Goodi go*** rataaa, and in cUecovnt fordebu now due. PUBLIC'S: PRIVATB-BALBB. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S 8 ALES. BY vlrtne ofsundry Writ# of Fieri FmIw to me directed, I will sell before the Cburt Houm door, At the runiel hoars of nlf, on the first Monday in MARCH next, ' 1 IIouso, and aliout 80 Acres of Land, in th? corporate MmiU of tha village of Gcaonvlllet'lying t of a mile (Mm. the Coun Bouse, on the want sWIo of the Pendleton rand: as the property of T. Edvw Ware, at thesOitof John H. Harrison and others. 100 Acres of Land, more or less, 9 noiiee below Greenville C. H.. on the Lauren* road, adjoining land* of Austin, Baldwin, et al. ; aa the property af W. F. Glenu, at the suit of Yancey Cooker vs. Tyria Glenn and W. F. Glenu. 00 or 70 Volumes of Law Books, as the property of Thomea P. Butler, nt the auit of . Lamblack, os per schedule rendered. 250 Acres ot Land, more or less, adjoining land# of Philemon Huff, John Admits, Dr. Weet And others; ns the property of Thomas Mayfivld,atthe suit of William Hawkins, ct al. 800 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining landa of Center, Reese, Garrison, et si. ; as tho property of Terry O. Wore, at the lit of James McCullough and J. II. McCullough. One Negro Wotnan, and lier four Children, fall yellow,) as tho property of John Manning Mnhaffec, at the suit of B. F. Terry, et al. 100 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lnnds of Edward Stoker, Jenkin?, et al; as the property of James L. Jenkins, at the suit of W. A. Fernell. TERMS CASH. Perchasor to pay for titles. 1). HOKE, 8. G. It. Sheriff's Office, February 4, 18ft8 80-td Chair* Tor Sale. 4 DOZEN 8CLIT-HOTTOM CHAIRS, one Office Stove, and Stove-Pi|?e, nod Window Curtains for an office, may be had vkrt chiac, by calling at this Office, at an early day. Feb 18 41 2 For Sale. . THE subscriber offers for sale his HOUSE AND LOT whereon he now lives. It is sitnated about ^ iliTTiaCT* HI yards from the Public Square, is well improved, having a large House containing 6 Rooms, with hire places in each, one extra Ued-roo*n, Pantry, Arc., good and roomy Kitchens, Smoke-house, drain-house. Crib, and an excellent new Stable, Cow-bouse and Carriagehouse, and an unusually productive Garden and Patch, with a good variety of Fruit Trees, Grapes, Ac. Terms accommodating. Possession would be given bv the first of March, if desired. Jan ^ 35-lf T. C. OOWER. House and Lot Tor 8aIc. ?S THE SUBSCRIBER offer, forgfi* t*al?. on the inoat reasonable terms, pi'iiti his HOUSE AND LOT, in the village of : i _ ti- i ! ? u>mi>nir. j lie nrcauon is, in nil respects, n most desirable one, immediately on the Pendleton road, and near the depot. The Lot contain* over an acre of land, and is well improved. The Building* are all new. The Dwelling liaa seven comfortable rooms. There is a good Kitchen and Negro House, and all necessary outbuildings. Also, a flue well of water. Household and Kitchen Furniture sold with the premises if desirable. Applv to Col. E. I'. Jones. Hec 31?:>4?if K. W. OODDARD. For Sale or Rent, THE HOUSE AND LOT opposite the forks of Anderson and Pendleton roads. Hie House contains six upright rooms. On the Lot are all necessary outbuildings. For terms, &c., applv to II. LEKTURUSTON. Dec 24 S3 tf an n#iwiAw? dujurjsuA ilJUIVIBT, GREENVILLE, B. C. Ofica Xorth- West corner Afa\n and A veane Street*, II AS just returned from FhiladelMHbE and will be pleased to attend to any who are hi want of hia aervice*. MMimmMi ras*H Inserted from one to fnll Upper and Lower Setts, In the moat approved and durable manner. Exposed Nerves destroyed and treated, free of pain. Jan 7 Sft-tf PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent institution, established by sjtecial endowment for the relief of the siek and distressed, efftieied toith Virulent and Epidemic diseases. IV) all persona afflicted with Sexual Diseases, such as Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness. Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet Syphilis, the Vice of Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful deet ruction of hmnan lite, caused by Sexual Diseases, and f he deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worlhy of their name to give mkoioal tnticv ca ms, to* all per* >ns thus afflicted, who apply by letter, with a description ol their condition (age occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in enses of extreme poverty and suf faring, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add tiiat the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this snliere of benevo lent effort, hnve been of great ben-fit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed real, to this very important but much desniaed ? a ? Just Published, by It* Aseociation, n Report on Spermatorrhea, or Nominal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and other Diaeaaes of the Sexual Organs, by the Con suiting Surgeon, whieh will be sent by mail, (in a sealed letter envelope), Free of Charge, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. By order of the Directors. Address, for Report or Treatment, DR. GBO. R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon,' Howard Association, No. 1 South NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. KZRA D. HEART WELL* President. Ono. Faibcwuh, Secretary. Feb 4 *6 Jy Elford & Donaldson,. anueunrsriowM, a. <&. C. I. EIFOAB, T. Q. 0ONAL080N i i- . ?Li ' ' * hKGM. NOTICES. ^ STATKOrJOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICTS In Conrt of Ordinary. William Tixslkt, Administrator of the Eitote of Jane Kav, deceased, Applicant, x, *RMn?( J?nK<? Ray. at *)_ Defendants.? Petition for Pinal Settlement and ftrrree. TT appealing to my satisfaction, that Jr.csb A Kay and Ilannniah Ray, two of the defendants, reside beyond the limit* of llii* State: It la ordered and -decreed, that they I do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be hol| den at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on Friday, the \tk day of May neat. at 10 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if any they have, why a Final Settlement of the I'eraonAl Estate of Jane Rhv, decensed,I should not be had, ami a Decree given there-' on, or their consents, on fuilingso to do, will l?e entered of record. Given under mv hand and seal, at Greenville Court House, the 11th day of Febrnarv A H laso liV BERT McKAY, O. G. I>. [t? ?.] Feb 11 40 3m STATE OF SOOTH CAROLIN A. OllKKNVILLK DISTRICT IN COURT OF ORDINARY, Robert Wynne, Administrator of the Fatitc of . William Wtxxk. deceased, Applicant, ajninst th? lovrnl heirs And pftprMcntiitiveii of said deceased, Defendants.?Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. IT Appearing to my satisfaction that the Intestate left a widow and a daughter, Martha Wynne, whose place of residence is not known : It ft, therefore, Ordered, That the above parties, and all the legal heirs and representatives of said Wilua* Wtxke. d ceased, do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be hidden at 0reenville Court House, for Greenville District, t?n Wedneeday. the 2%th day of April next, to shew cause, if nnv they have, why a Final Settlement of the said Rotate should not be had, and a Decree given thereon. Given under my hand and seal, at Greenville < 'ourt House, the second dny of February, A. D. 1868. ROITT McKAY, O. G. D. [t- a.] Feb 4 -30 i 3nt 8 T ATEOFS^THCA KO L IflA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Court of Ordieary. R. K. Pace, Administrator, applicant, againet Lueinda MoCrary, Andrew McCrary, Nancy McCrary, Sarah Kliea McCrary, Mary Elisabeth MuCrorv, Francis McCrary, James It McCrarv, William Franklin McCrary, Ilefendants.?Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that all of the above Defendants reside beyond the limits of this State: It is ordeied and decreed, that they do appear at a ?Y?urt of Ordinary, to be hidden at Oreenviile Court House, for GrecnvilleDistrict, on Monday, the \ 9th day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. M? to shew cause, if any they have, why a final settlement of the Personal Estate of James McCrary, deceased, should not be had. and a Decree ?riv?n ?h?r?,.n (liven under my hand and seal of Office, at Greenville Court Houie, the 22d day of January, A. P. 1868. ROBERT McKAY, a G. D. [u a.] Jan 28 88 8m STATE OF SOUTH CAROIJNA. GllEENVILLE DISTRICT, la Court of Ordinary* John 11. Carman and O. W. .Bruce, Executors of llardin Bruce, deceased, applicant*, against Lucy Bruce, Mary Ann Pennington, and William J. Pennington, her hn*l>and, Elira Mostollcr and Philip II. Mosteller her husband, George W. Bruce, Willis VV. Bruce, Adnlinc Carman and J. M. Carman, her husband, Frances M. Jackson and J. IP. Jackson her husband, Kmilv Crain and IPilliam Crain her husband, G. IP. Bruce. Jr.. minor heir of A. J. Bruce, deceased. Defendants.?Petitions for Final Settlement and Decree* IT appearing to mv satisfaction, that G. IP Bruce, <Ir, minor heir of A. J. Bruce, deceased, resides beyond the limit* of this State : It is ordered artd "decreed, that he do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to lie holden at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on Friday, the iZdday of April next, to shew cause, if any he can, why a final settlement of the Estate of llardin Bruce, deceased, should not b? had, and a Decree giveu thereon. Given under my hand and seal of Office, at Green-< ville Court House, this 2Sd day of January. A. D. 1868. ROBERT MoKAT. 0. O. D. [u a.] Jan 28 88__ , , 3?n . ^^>TIOSL ALL PERSONS indebted to the. Estate of R. LOVELAND, deceased, bv Note or Ac count, are requested to call on W. H. Campbell; TT _ _l 1 W ? ? ? - DM],, in wnnec nnnus i unve placed 111 one claims for collection. Those availing themwlrn of this notice will save onat martiia lovfland, Adin'n'*. Feb 18 41 2m Administrators' Notice. A LL i'Kll-SON^ iml<lit?l to the Kafcate of l\ THOMAS W. KINMAN, deceased, are re quested to make payment to the undersigned. Those having demands against said Hstate will prcaeut them, duly attested, for payment BARK8DALK UHARLRS, JOHN CIIARLFS, Administrator*, with the Will annrrrd. , November 26 29 tf Administrators' {Notice. ALL PKIt**ONt? indebted to the Fatate pf MARTHA KINMAN. deceased,' are re quested to make payment to the undersigned. Those having demands against said Katnto will present them, duly attested, for payment, BAIIKSDALK CIIARLFS, JOHN CHARLFH. Administrator*. November 20 29 tf Executor'* Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the E-tate of J011N T, LIGON, deceased, nre hereby notified to make payment to the underpinned. All those having claim* agnin*t said deceased will present them for payment within the lime prescribed by law,, or, tbev will be barred. W. A. TOWNES, Nov 5 26?tf Executor. ^ ROBmTrTHRUSTON, M. D, n OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL 8ERVIWCIS to this community. Ilis Office, fir* the X& present, is in the OKI Conrt House building. Jan 14 30 tf P m IT* flnEnC353!]^^t? ATTORNEY AT LAW^ A WD SOLICITOR IN EQUITY* WILL PRACTICE IN THE C0URT8 OF THE WE8TCRN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Books tote, GREEN YILLE, 8. C. - "* ' mmmmmmmmmrnmmtmmmmmmmmmmmm ..SVAS A CO.'g LOTTEBIEg. -T- T-. J P.1,'1 " f**'*.. vy ?-?~w v. . A*TH3A|Z?fl ?V THE STATE OF 8EQRQIA. ^t^6oo -** FOR TEAT.DOLLARS. lit fo will ba (Irm bjr A Awrt A CO.. >pniim*p ofthw Hportn Ac*d?niT iMtfnr. 'n wcM thoir Nngle Number IMttrin Tor |t|*r?!ilSXJ3 at Al'OUSTA.Ow!'*, ??i pnblio, of <"omtoi(?loner? j CXASS 5, T?ii mwnjB the slty of Aagodi, Oa., In pabllc, on OgAtp&PAV, HARCH 6th, 1858. GLASS 6, To be drawn In 1m elty of AagtM'a, Oa, In pnbl'c, on . SATURDAY, MARCH 13th, 1838. CLASS 7, To be drawn In the city of Augusta, Ga, in pnblie, on SATURDAY. MARCH 20th, 1898. CLASS 8, To ba draw.i In tha otty of Augusta. Oa , in pnblie, on pATTJEDAY, MARCH 27th, 1858. I .? : OX THR PLAN OP HI NO LP. NI'MltKRH. Fleo Thonsand Font Hundred A Eighty-Fire Prises. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVETtY NTNE TICKETS. MJKQNIFDOENT ??MEME 8 * ' TO BR DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN MARCH! 1 Prize Of $70.000| 4 Prize* of 8900 1 Prize bf 30.000 4 Prize* of 800 .1 Prize of 10,000 4 Prizes of 700 1. fPiixe of 5.000 4 Prizes of 600 1 prize of 4.000 60 Prizes of 500 1 Prize of ' 3.000 50 Prizes of 800 1 Prize of ' 1.500 100 Prizes of 125 4 Prizes of : 1,000 230 Prizes of 100 ' APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizet of S400 App'g. to 170,000 priz. are 81,600 4 Prizes qC, 300 " " 80.000 priz nre 1,300 4 Prizes of 200 " " 10,000 priz. are 800 4 I'rises of ~ ITS " " 5,000 priz. sre 600 Pri<elef 100 " " 4,000 priz. sre 400 ,4 Prizes of ,75 " " 8,000 priz. nre 800 4PrldefPof * '50 , u " 1,500 priz. sre 200 0.000'" of 20 are 100,000 7 V, A 6,485 Prizes anioltntihg to 8820,000 NvKoUTictteltfiilO; llalve*$5; Quarters%2^ . j'JUAjy UJK TilK LOTTERY. Tli* !Whmf>ers frbrn 1 to 60,000, corresponding With UI?o Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of paner, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one wheel. Tlie first 467; similarly printed and encircled, are placed;ia another wheel. Til* wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and, at tbe same time, a Prir.e is drawn from tho other vcheel. The Number and Prize drawn out arc opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered bv tho Commissioners; the Prize being placed against tbe Number drawn, litis operation is repented until all tbe prizes are drawn hut. ArraoxtMsrto* Prizr*.?Tlie two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the firkt 7 Prizes will be entitled to tbe *28 Approximation Prizes. For example: if Ticket No lliSO draws the $70,000 Prize, those Tickets tmnt be red 11248, 11*249, 11*261, 11262, will each be entitled to ?400. If Ticket No. 660 draws the $80,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 648, 649, 661, 55*2. will each be entitled to $800, and so on according to.tli? above scheme. ,0<i0 Prizes of $20 will be determined by the last,figure of the Number that draws the $70,000 ' Prize. For example: if lite Number drawing t^he 870,000 Prize ends with No. 1. then all the Tickets, where tbe number ends in 1, will tw) entitled to 8*20. If tho Number ends with No. % then all the Tickets, where tho Numlier ' ads in % will be eutitled to $*20, and so on to0. ..;Certificates of Pncknges will be sold at the following rhte*. which is the risk: CertWcht'S''o' Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 Certificate of Package of ]<) Half Tickets, 40 | jCertincate' of I'ncjiitge of 10Quarter Ticket*. *2it j > vcnmoiic OI i noKilg" VI IW bluhllt Ticket*. 1(1 1W*ORO^CR1X<? TlCKr.T8 OK CKKTIPICATKf). r' Ivudy W *U? ryouev to nor address for IIik '.Tit-l; 4Ui(tr(l*r?<l, on'reCTipt of which they will he for- I wamN hjl'tirsfmail. Purchasers enn have tick' eU figure they may designate. , .The list of llrtwn Number* iikJ I'riir-a will be Mnt to pdhcKniiiit immediately after the drawing, i Puryhnsera will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, couutv and State Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable is*- full without deduction. *?* A" prizes of $l,0o0 and under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prizes at the usual time-of thirty days. All conimuuicAtious strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to 8. SWAN, & CO., Augusta, On. - tsr Persons residing near Montgomery. Ala., or Atlanta, bin.. can have their orders filled, and save time, hy addressing S. Swan ?fc Co , at either of those cities. VW A list, of the nnmbers that are drawn j from t))e wheel, with the amount of theprizo that each o'fie (s entitled to, will be published alter every drawing. In the following papers: Augus ta (Gao.1 tronstitutionalist, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Week Ily Day Hook, 8a van null Morning New*. Kieh tnond Diapatch, New York I>is|>Atel> aud I'aulding(.\liM.) Clarion. F?f. 25*" 42 if THE NEW BOOK STORE, RM&JEYTTA, ?&. TH08. COX MARKLEY, PROPRIETOR. Books, Magazines, Paper, WOP* MX**, WATCHES, JEWELRT, BtC. , ' LO W FOR CASH. Jan 7 " ^ -35 tf ? j iflsnpy Wanted. ^TMIE m\a?erther would reapoetfully reqneet JL. ( thoae indebted to him by note or aceonnt, bVnay'Up^M'fto ia waktimo *<>amr. to J. H. DEAN, M. D. i ,!)? iOtfy1857 31 tf Had* Dressing and Shaving. BC BBIDOF. oontinuea the Tonaorial bu?infta At hie Qid Stand in Beattie's Briek building, where ha < ready during the day and evening -to alt are the beard and out hair, and hamnoat the head- He reepeetiwlly aaks a eon tin ration of patronage. (H 1-!1-T -y, , ? NOTICE TBS! V TUB Subscriber would re*peclfn1lr Infbrw hi* former patron*, mhI the puKlic (j*n ernllv, that has JUST RECEIVED, and ?* NOW OPENING, at Iiim STORE, nndet MelW. Hall. one of the mwt COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS of FAMILY GROCERIES ever ottered in O-eenviiie, and which ho 5? olferinjj at price* in accordance with the lime*, consisting, in part, of the following Article* : Kio and Jnvn COFFEES; Crushed. Cla* rifled ami Brown SUGARS; N, O. Syrup, superior, cheap; Tobacco ami Segur*; ?upe tior Green and Black Tea*; Camlle*; Starch ; So'la ; Hardware and Cutlery ; Crockery ami Glassware ; Wood ware ; Soups of all descrip uon*; i-sptce* : Maccarotii: Mackerel; Bacon: Herring*; Hmmhiis and But*hes ; Anchovy, Reading, John Bull and other Sauces ; Cham pagtie, Mndeirn, Claret, Poll, Teneriffe and other Wine*; Brandies. and other Liquor* of tlie finest quality, for Medical use ; Brandy Peaches ; Pickle* of all description* ; Preserve* and .Jellies; Sardine* ; Lobsters; Raisins, Cilronsand Figs; Porterand Ale; Nails; and a variety of Toilet Coml>s, Brushes, and other Fancy Articles too numerous to mention. All of which 1 offer at reduced prices fot cash or approved paper. N. B.?Those indebted for the years ol 1855-'56 and '57, are respectfully requested to call and arrange their accounts bv note or payment. A. GREENFIELD. Jan 28 38 tf ATT E N TlO^ VOT IERS !~ rI",lIE Subscriber wishes to inform lii* friendi X and the public generally, tliat he has eom< out as s candidate, not for Congress, nor for tin legislature, but n nnndidiite for public pntron age in the TAILORING BUSINESS lie wil warrant his work to be made strong and good He will warrant to ninke good Fit*. Cleaning and repairing done on short notice. Those wish ing work dona will call at his Shop, in the Old Court House, in the old Ordinary's Office. I an thankful for tfse liberal share of patronage lies towed upon me heretofore, and hope for a con tinnation of the same. A. BEECO. Jan 28 38 if TSTEW FIRM. ri"M!E Undersigned basre entered into Cnpart X nership in the Mr-roasidle Business unde the name and style of LONG ?fc GOODLEH and would invite the attention of the citizens o Greenville and snrroundiug Districts, to nn ox Amiuation of onr STOCK, as we hope to shari a portion of public patronage, and feel confi dent that we can offer Goods at as low prieei or cnsu as can uc purchased elsewhere. Givi ns a call. U. LONG, B. A. G(K)DLETT. Greenville, January 2Ctli, 1858 38-tf IVIoncy Wanted. HAVING recently made a change in my bus iness, I must say %u all those indebted t< me, either by NOTE OR BOOK ACCOUNT, u| to 1st of January, 1858, that they must. mak< immediate payment, as longer indulgence will no be given. Jan 28 38-tf II. LONG. Dissolution. THE Firm \V. H. HOVEY A CO. is this daj dissolved by mutual consent. The husi ness of the Firm will be closed by W. H. lfovev W. II. HOVEY, J. J. HOVEY. January 1st, 1858. NOTICE. r?^HE Subscriber having purchased the entiri 1 Stock of IV. II. HOVEY A. CO., will con tiruo business at the saine place. Thankful t< the public fur their former libernl patronage, hi will in future endeavor to merit a continuance o the same. \V. II. HOVEY. January 18th. 1858, 37-3m. Dissolution of Copartnership. T pi Hi Copartnersihp heretofore existing he I tweeu the Subscriber*, umlor the Firm o GO W Ell. COX M M A UK LEY, hn* this dn v beet liitnolveil by mutual consent.. Those indehtei by note or oook account are requested to mnk immediate payment, as longer indulgence can not be gieen. T. O. GOWER, T. M. COX. II. C. MAHKLEY. January 1st. 1858. ??? ???? Greenville Coach Factory. GOWER, COX, MARKLEY & CO fffiy. WE have this day associated witl $&E5E3^.in business, Mr. LEWIS WOIt TIllMlTON', well known to the community fo several years as the obliging and accoinmodnt ing foreman of the Greenville Coach Factory We nre now be iter prepared to supply the want of the community than at any previous time and shall use our best efforts tosustnin the wide spread reputation so long enjoyed by this es tuhi tollment, T. C. GOWER, T. M. COX, II. C. MARKLEY. 1* WORTH 1NGTOX. January 1st, 1858. Dissolution. 'pilE Firm of GRADY <t OOODLETT is thi JL day dissolved by limitation The Imok mm enn oe loiinrl at their tornur place o business. The receipt of either par v will h< good ir> settlement; the name of the Firtn wil be used in liipiidation. JOHN W. GRADY. R. 1\ GOODLETT. January 1st, 1858. Special Notice. WE have this day sold our entire Stock o Ooodsto Mr. JOHN W. GRADY, am dissolved our Copartnership. It is, therefore necessary that the unsettled business should In closed, as early as possible To that end, al parties indebted to us, in any way, are herein notified to make payment at once, and save boll parties trouble nud cost. GRADY A GOODLETT. January 1st, 1868. A Card. rrMIE Subscriber, having purchased the entire X Stock of Goods of Grady A Goodletf. wil continue business at their old stand. Thankful foi past favors, he solicits a continuation. llelievin| in the old adage "that a nimble sixpence is bet ter than a slow shilling," 1 shall Adopt the Cjw ay?t<-tn. My motto is "short profits, and quid sales." Cash purchasers would do well to givi me a call. JOHN \V. GRADY. Jsnnary 1st, 1858. 86 2m m ?i. .jj.uam i NEW CONFECTIONERY. L?RAUS & C.ZfcbLWKGEfc. GBEKNTILLE, I. C.. , Opposite the JWaneion 11 ouse, ~ ^ RiiAPKCTFULl.Y ^ 7 form their fr end?, en<t^93?9HP jC3SlB,',r puhlie ^fnfrtlly, that they lar? l>urvh?ee<l the Cneenvillo Confectionery,-* recently occupied by Mr. P. 8. Sumi. where they iwill continue the "iiueineae m. Lwi4r?irr, !s ti." heat and i?'i#t ui?n??r. tMpingta receive a liberal rliaro of ptllilie patronage. i.iw? iiiit, ni ii wcKMKi thry will have on hand. Flttsll : CARES, PIES, MEAD, M. 1 They nen also prepared, at say hour during tlu > day, to furnish their ciMluricr* with LrrisrcH, i and will pnv particular attention to alwayshaving on hniut, and ready to serve out, a lot of * Fresli Oyster*, 1 From the best selling in the Charleston market. Also, constantly on hand, at WI(0L?SAM? or RETAIL, from their own Manufactory, a large assort i nent. of < . > ; FANCY & STICK CANDY. Also, FitUITS of various kinds, such na Lemons, Oranges, Apples, Nuts, etc., etc. Toys, 8egars, Sardines, l'tckles, Ae. t|f" Wedding, and other Pnrtie*. will 1>? fnr niahed, on short notice, with Refreshments and the finest d re seed Cakes, [ Every attention will he given mir customers, and we ask a liberal share of patronage, ClTNo misunderstanding?TERMS CASH. Dec 17 32 if AT TilE GREENVII I E COACH FACTORY, IVnln Street, Hett the Ilridge, T1IE Largest and Hest Stock of CARRIAGE GOODS AND MATERIAL ever offered for sale in the State, selected cnrefully and especially for Carriage Manufacturers. A large stock and best variety of Axles for r Buggies, Carriages and Wagons; common and . hest tempered Steel Springs; Black and Colored f Enamel and Patent. Hash Leather; Black and Colored Enamel Cloths, Drills nod Ducks; Oil . and Brussels Carpet; Buckrams and Russia i- ? "< . | uunungi, liin", ana v.nomlle Mats; ( Brass and Silver Point and Band Hand* ; liraw, 5 Silver, Hone nnd .Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted brond nnd narrow Laaea; Silk, Worsted and Cotton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggy seat Sticks; nnd n complete assortment of Mailable Castings. 1 Cnrringe.Mnkers ore pnrtienlnrly requested to call nnd examine our stock. For sale cheap by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. I> II (IRS AND SPOKES. J1 \\7~r. arc now prepared to supply MnnufactnT T rers with the best Morticed Jlubs and Turned Spokes, of our own manufacture, and warranted. For sale by COWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. 7 CL O TIfS AND DAM A SNS. ALAROG lot of Blue, Drah and Green Cloths ; German, Fancy, Cotton nnd AllWool l>ama*ka. For sale by COWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CARPENTERS' TOOLS. e 4 LARGE stock and variety of the best Tools Jt\. made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood 1 Mnd Boxwood Planes. For sale by f COWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. _____ " ' # V IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! ' NOW on hand, the largect stock of Iron ever offered in this market: Spartanburg Iron and Castinirs: lvinir's Mountain Ikih Refined Tires; Oval*; Hound; Square; Home ' Shoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovrls; Hand Iron and Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedes ' and Hnmmcrea, for wagon*, tires and plantation work. p On hand, cheap for cash, f?,000 lbs. Rusted '* I'low Moul.l*, best North Carolina Iron Fo sale by r (iOWER, COX, MARKLEY & CO. STEEL! STEEL ! ! STEEL!!! NAYLORS. BAUKDERSON A .IKSSU1'*S beet Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and flat ?for fine edge tools, axles and drills. German and Blister Steel, for plantation work. For sale by GONVER, COX, MARKLEY <fc CO. 3,000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. ASSORTED sizes, suitable for Farmer* and Mechanics. For sale cheap by COWER, COX, MARKLEY CO. ; ON HAND , AAA LBS. best Black Florida Moss and - Curled Hair, picked, in bogs. For sale by COWER, COX, MARKLEY & CO. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. rAUGE assortment of the Hinmond Flint Sand -J Paper, best article made, for sale by COWKR, COX, MA RKI.KY ii CO. PAINTS. OILS, WINDOW GLASS I AND PUTTY. v f /AN It ri I, ? large assortment Paints, Oils, Ac. e V./ F-re, Extra and No. 1 White l^iMls^-Raw | and A >t.e 1 Limb. ed Oils ; Winter, Sperm, Solar, Lamp, Ncnta Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; Coach Body and Copal Varnish ; .lapiin, Aspal turn una leather \ arnish ; Spirits 1 urpeuttne.: Greens; Yellows; Blues; Lakes; I'inks ; Dropblack ; Lampblack ; Red ; Spanish Brown ; Cm' ber; Suawa ; French Ochre, Ac. American ami French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. ' For sale by Y1 GOWER, COX, MARKLEY ?fc CO.. . _ ; HE A V V ,I- S J I ELF H ARD WA RE. r A LARGE and well selected stock For sale x V. cheap by GOW Eli, COX, MARK LEY <t CO. S CRE WS! SCJiE WS ! ! PAA GROSS of the Improved Gimblet Point OUU Screws. For sale b>* GOWEli, COX. MARK LEY it CO. 1 SA WS! SAWS / / r TTOE A Co' Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Saws; * XI Rowland's Mill, Croaa Cut and Tennoa Saws; Rand, Funnel and Ripping Sum; Bra-a ? i* and ltlne Back Saws; a com [dele ssiBment of Webb Saws, with and without frames, rtr sal* by B GOWER, COX, M A UK LEY & CO. Jnn 7 2 tf A iff