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~~~ [From tkM? Spirit of the A#?.} Delivered before the Bifalutinian Society on the 35 th ofSluvernJber. , DkLICTABLR AND ICPBknMMWiATE Hkabsbs?" Lend mo your ears," for the short space of no time st all most hardly, and I'll expatiate, substantiate, equivocate, prevaricate and expluvicate my idee right down on your caputs as M thick as brickbats on a raeetiif house," in proee and rymcs about matters, iniug? and curious time*: I appear before you the very quintessence of good humor and hapniness. I'm as mikl as a domesticated giraffe, and " harmless as n thunder-storm before bray deak." Idi the individual thai snperobstrncted the extremity of the Nortn Pole with my old hat* to pre A, ; i_ i* i vein uie wiiiub irom escaping ana congealing your liberality. My great, great Grandmother says that Tin degenerated from old Vulcan, who con fabricates tire and lovoander way down in tho lowest pits of ?? Mount Vesuvions, and blows it out to warm the folks of Constantinople, the capital ol the Lilliputians. I've got my brought en up in various places, but tho most painful place I ever was brought up to was the whippin' post. I aint got over it yet. My edification and larnin, like myself, has been most wohilly neglected?therefore 1 didn't rise before this conflugious conflagration, to exploficuato in the hyporastical language of a Milton,or in thesouLshivoring, gizzardtickling strains of a Washington, but in the melliflous excoriations of Demosthenes when exploding simultaneously on the William Mot Proviso Bill. I'de like very much to address you extemporaneously, but as I'm just geN ting about Irom a hard shake of the delirium tremendously. I'll spoke rather outrageously. Lxcnse this little piwMiinlnpnrv t JmQunnlAirv oAnnot*nl?/? V.>V~?<IVV?< J |y... KOVVIV'CIJ WllbVIIIIU^ myself, and 1*11 proceed to cues and discuss my subject somewhat pliilosofically. categorically, gramattically, poetically, logically, inetaphvsicaiiy, nypotbetically, hyperbollically, hyperti!ftbustically, and to the best of my hypcrabilitv. What I'm agoing to speak about I'll allude to 'fore I get through. 01 that my pen were dipped in the dyes of the rainbow?plucked from the wings of somo turkuv buzzard soaring alott in some atmospherical atmosphere, that I might explanify all snperflisti cuities, from Mathematics and Ueometricks up to these big polly ticks ; then down to the reason why a tad pole's tail drops off when he turns to a hoppin' minimal vulgarly called a b?cattle frog. O, how my cogebontive cogebontation is cogebontified when I think of Old Buck's big kingdom. This is a monstrous country, sartin ; and wc can lick the man that says it ain't?kase nobody's g-.vine to say so. Haven't we the lar-gest mountains, the tallest rivers, the fattest horses and the fastest women of any people- this side of sundown ?? Wc are the very bifuslicated old Ilarry to light, too. Wc wliiin>od?>ld Encr land and Great Britain too, time of the Revolutionary war ;?then the skinflint Mexicans insulted Uncle Sam's digniflcation?he became binetoneflcd ?sent Old Rough and Ready on n telegraphical telegraph 'lectritied with lectritying lectricity?lie swam the Rio Grandaddy and marched around the syllabubs of Buenner Vistcr and lio over on the Mexicans 'like a thousand of bricks. What you reckon he done when lie got.tliar ( Why lie jist simply, accidentally somehow or other on fmrpose whacked off Sainty Anny's eg, " and as he plucked the cursed steel away " San Jehoakim! how the Mexicans did run?and if General Scott hadn't been eating his soup wouldn' have left a piece of 'em big as the white a nigger's eye. If Old Nebicanezzer and Bigbelzebub was dead, wo could whip all creation afore break fast and the rest of mankind reinedintely afterwards. If that ain't so, yon can take my moustache for a chintz pasture. You may ask why we are such tarnation tVdlm-a tjt fi<rlil T nuau-ni. ! > ?- "ft"" ' ' I H'*. language of Kyron : " Bck:we wc stick to each other through thick * and thin. Like a lean tick to a nigger'* shin." We have had some circninfcrostical times, aartain. You all do recogunciate tl'9 hypoorastical time when the wheelbarrow of this inagneticaf Republican got scared at " Uncle Tom's Cal>in "?run off?broke the axle tree against secession, and somethin' were gwvnc to bust, if Daniel Webster hadn't grubbed tho wheel, and cried ont in conflugiastic tones of thunder, Wo! you tar mil long eared critter you, Wo! Onions now, and forever, one and insufferable. Wasn't he a liypcrdondronical fellow. Some folks say the Britishers can whip us on the waters. If I was a President, I'll toll you what I would do?I'de stop up the Muddiasyppy River, and cut a cnnal right through the Atlantic sen, and rain it all into daddy's mill dani, and I'll pond if we wouldn't hnvo Vrn then aiaJF ... "SSKfSSSKESSSS on?law M?.y I WouWo't we ootoK , lota of fisb 9 Than where the ocean \ nee to waa^plant ? JrJah tatert and ptmkins. That^ what I call u Internal Imprudence." I don't believe In these Internal Imprudences, and particularly these Eternal ones, aich as sons of temptation. They takes away a man's abilities?they say we should not drinkJpood liquor?-its our worst enemy. Thunder ahd coticobe! Why we is commanded to love our enemies, and I go hr &r jost ponring It down. There's another tribe of imprudence I don't like, and that are these Infernal ones?sich as steam gines run by railroad gines?I rid on one once, and the way it did blow 1 I felt as my curioe[ ity would excite my auimositv?it got to tnrnin and fast till it came ! to a tnrn in the road it almost made 4 1 I _ nre p?? go inrougn a vigorous pro' cess of tiphcavel. But in spite of all > these injuries our country is just succeeding. Soon our American Eagle " that has so often " glanced in the ris I ing and setting sun " will unfold his pluniigorous pinions and evolvorate ! through the trackless regions of cthorialized spacitude, and insert its extri' eating bill into the extremity of the ; North Pole, and spread his epidemic ' wings over all this sublunary terrence, like an antiquated specimen ot female 1 shanghighcty docs her infantile poultry. The next upon the programme is " mattero-mouev. Everylx>dy is trying ' to get married that can, and them that ' can't is trying too. My catalogue says ' that Mr. Adam was the first man that was put in the garden ot Edom. Ada.u thought there was something lacking? he }>erambulatcd its umbrageous walks " from early moon till dewy eve." " He shed whole pints of bitter tears And wiped 'em on his sleeve." Miss Eve stepped in one evening, i and then Adam was in Paradise.? Adam asked her would she have him, i and she didn't say like the women do i no.w-a-days?"go ask pa;"?but she said, yes sir'ce ! Then Adam led her to ] the conjugal altar of hyineniality and i there they became otic and the same I animal, except Eve, like most of women got a little longer tongue than Adam, and as they very uphoniouslv express it " woman's privilege," and if you don't believe they take a " privl- , lege" with it?just make one mad if .. .. .1 .1 I Ml you uare, ana sncii use you up ft nitie of the quickest; but fur all that women is one of the greatest things that ever wore sh slippers. O! woman! woman !! woman f!! how I do love you. O!?I?pslmw 1 I can't ex prossify myself?1 love you better than a dog does his dinner. Why my great Grandmother was a woman. And the gals too are galvanizing all the boys? is such things to be improfastinatcd ? My dear friend, were you ever in love? Jerusalem! but yon were in a predicarism. i fell in love once. I felt as if I was at the end of a rope kicking the air, with cat in my hat and a peek ot yaller jackets under my wuisteoat 1" Double disMlled cssenco of sour cronght 1 but the gal was magnetizing?she was mild as a domesticated hyeuer?she walked like an unchanted goal in?the amaranthine splendors of her radiant physiognomy impeted lactiferous cogitations and artrious soiiei , tudity to tugitate like apple dumplins 1: at a log rolfm?picked punkins ! how sue eoiiiu sing?ner voice was sweeter than the " music of the spheres," or i the mewing of forty torn cuts all in full fur for a row. ?>an Jeli>akim ! how she could play the fiddle?her music was sweet enough to make l'eggy Ninny break her fiddle and Apollo to hide behind the moon?Oh 1 it was the juI lep of n?y dreams and the noodle soup 1 of my making?that gal! that gal!! those gal!!!?if I had as many lives as Plutaich, Fde spend 'em all for her? yes, I'de commit susancidcs. The next thing is?something elso. : Fashions, did you say! It ainberlates from the highest ranks of men to the blackest nigger with his ^sundv-go toineetin shirt on. Why, just look at the young men now adays, they dress tine enough to magnetize a mice, and they'll go into "five cornered phits or hexagonal hysterics" if they ain't dressed as fine as a red fiddle with a blue riblxui in it. 'J hey used to have these amphibious, sndiferous, great big, four horse standing collars, high as the hind end of a Virginia tobacco wagon, but now the) hav? on institution called ! 15iron#, wide enough to reach from Phil's kitchen to Hannah's cot*onpatch. Cigtr* they'll smoke and glasses dash, Empty poekcts and got no cashFine kids that save their hands from dirt, And stately Minis stabled 011 their shirts With their light legged pants and their shanghai coals. And hair on their faces like a parcel of goals. But the women?they "disengage the dilapidaded linen from the in fan- ( tile tree," they're gettin bigger and , bigger with this monstrous running institution called?hoop*. 1 u Hoops when their sturdy cla?p? confine, 1 In brown old ca-ks, the richest wines, < Are objects of admiration : But boom as a part of a woman's baggage, I Are like the whoops of a painted -avago, ' A vile abomination." | orbicular about their pedal cfctromt- 1 tfoa! * "Why if a fellow wants to walk with 'em, or court 'em, he ain't got a half a hack, . " For instead of timidly drawing near And pouring into tbe thriUing ear The flood of kit soul's devotion. He must stand and bellow in Ibnnder tones, j Across a half acre of skirts and bones As if bailing a ship on tbe ocean. And if by chance tbe maid of bis choice, < Should faintly bear ber lover's voice And stoile Iter condescension, Why he captures a mass of hoops auu ' rings Skeleton s bones and other tilings 4 Too tedious to mention.'" < Well, women and cats aro qnarc -j i_ - ? ? (juBuriipvus, uihc is ii cms is quadrupeds: and if they ain't, women is, i which is catamount to the same thing. 1 I'm opposed to fashions, and especially , these darned socks, "but them, that want's darnin, is the darndest things I that ever was left undarned," if they ain't I'll bo bamboozlified all over.? , We oughu't to be spending our money 1 for such things, our life is short and we ought to be savin' of it. As " Scicero the orotor " who flourished in the ( time of Catelicotlie Conspigirator, very sententiously observes? u Cekstoa qui J, horrific acaroum. Terrors convulsit instnnter tnreum." And what docsShakspearesay about ' the same thing? " We all soring up liko asparrow grasses, hop aoout like , hop|>er grasses, and lie down and die 1 like jonny horses." In conclusion?I suppose you are all , waiting with great expectation for the termination ot my historical narrntiou, for sitting in ono situation without changing your station, you must be tired as the nation. Wo arc now about to make a scatteration nil over this 1 wide ci-eation, some will sink to a high ] station, others riso to a degradation, now if von want anv mnro iitinnu at") ? _ ---.J 1 rations, just walk around and we'll 1 liave some nico coalitions and tall flirtations, for as my friend Horace joyous- , Iv remarks, ** Nunc c.hI liilxMiilum, nunc j??de llbero t 1'uUunda plaul-u*. " * w ... ^ " Tom, why is this copper like a I Btrong Smell of onions?" " In faith, Dick, I can't say." " Why is it like up hill ?" " Up hill ? why, really now, I don't think I know." i " Well, why is it like a bundle you've just received f' " Bundle!?just rcceivod !?I can't sec Dick, \vhv it is." . " D'ye give it up?" "Yes." ? " Yes, you say ; well, why is it like 'yes?'" " Oh dear! I can't tell, Dick ;?why is it T* " Because, yon numscul), it's a cent !*' ?(a scent?ascent?as sent?assent.) KATES or ADVERTISING or TIIK GREENVILLE PRESS. TIIK undersigned proprietor* of Tur. Southern entk*r*ikk nnd True Patriot a*i> Mountain kf.r. rrrprrlfully elntc that tliey have n>l?pteii Ike following atnndnrd K ATKS OF ADVERTISING, wliirh will in every inatnnoe lie adhered to: rca square or 12 lines, or less, 1 inar'n, $ 75 18 inar'n*, f.YOO S3 inar'n*, $7.93 2 inar'na, 1.25 ID inar'na, 5.20 HA inar'na. 8.10 ( 3 inar'n*, 1.50 20 in*r'nn, 6.40 37 inar'n*, 8.25 ( 4 iusr'na, 1.76 21 inar'n*, 6.AO 38 inar'n*, 8.40 5 inar'n*, 2-00 22 inar'na, 6.80 3D inar'n*, 8.56 6 inar'n*, 2.25 23 iusr'na, fi.OO 44) inar'n*, 8.70 ' 7 inar'n*, 2.50 24 inar'na, 6.20 41 inar'na, 8 85 8 inar'na, 2.76 25 inar'n*, 6.40 42 inar'na, 9.00 I 9 inar'n*, 3.00 26 inar'n*, 6.60 4H inar'na, 9.10 10 inar'na, 3.2? 27 inar'n*, 6.76 44 inar'na, 9 20 11 inar'n*, 3.50 28 inar'n*, 6.90 45 inar'n*, 9.SO < 12 inar'na, 3.76 29 inar'na, 7.06 46 inar'na, 9.40 13 inar'na, 4.00 30 inar'na, 7.20 47 inar'na, 9.50 i 14 inar'na, 4.20 31 inar'na, 7.35 48 inar'na, 9.60 < 15 inar'na, 4.40 32 inar'na, 7.60 49 inar'na, 0.70 16 inar'na, 4.60 33 inar'na, 7.65 60 inar'na, 9.80 ' 17 inar'na, 4.80 34 inar'na, 7.80 61 inar'na, 9.90 62 inaertiona, 810. Obituary Xotieea over 12 linea in length, and Tribute* of Iteapect, will be charged for at advert iaing rate*. Advertisement* not limited will l?e Inaerted till ordered out, and charged for every inaertion. |y Advertising bill# amounting to twentyfive dollar# for the year, will be allowed a diecount of five per cent; those amounting to fifty dollars, ten per cent; aeventy-fivedollars, fifteen per cent; one hundred dollars, and over, twenty per cent, Jgf* JOB WORK payable on delivery. PRICE <fr MoJUNKI.V, For Thr- Southern Kntrrpriw. O. EL F.LFORP, For Tht Patriot and Mountaineer. January 12th, 1868. CABINET MAHEK, 1 GREENVILLE, S. C. Fear Iy oppotit* the Port (tffire, Arenas Street, RESPECTFULLY inform# ^JS&SQgthe citizens of Greenville nnd the adjoining Districts, that he has returned from the State Fair at Columbia, (where he : received the first premium for his elegantly finished Bureau, which wm admired bv eve ry one,) and in now prepared to execute ALL ORDERS IN IIIS LINE. lie baa. also, on hand A LABGE 8TOCK OF FURNITURE, which will be sold at price# ' to auit the time*. lie return* hie thank* for pa?t favora, and lie hope*, by giving constant attention to ' tin business, to reoe.vea liberal share of the >ul4ic patronage. Not. 10 ly. f sctekmwa^rtment of'i freaoh, XogUtfe Mtd fci?rlw Jewelry, * >t0 CHARLE8 8MITH, | WATCHMAKER 4 JEWELER, U?*7 ^; T-U. ^ T I ' 1 QKKKNVILLX} 8. C., Umin Street, nearly Oppotile He Maneion Uoaee, Respectfully inform* ?h? inhabitant* of Greenville and vicinity, that he hae jn*t received and added to hi* already extensive itock, a large assortment of the aoove named Article*, eoneisting of Flu? Sell* e( Frcneh CaMeat, rell for their nunerinritv ; al*o a choice rariety, beautifully ornamented with and Bracelet* to match, (t>elng the latest^ashlon,) all mounted in heavy gold. Also new pattern* of Fancy Brooches for Ambrotypee. A quantity of fashionable Bracelets; heavy solid Gold Kings, Mosaic Ear-Hi rig", Lockets, btudds, etc., etc., besides an innumerable assortment of the roost beautiful Jewelry ever before offered in Greenville. llis Stock also comprises a splendid variety of heavy Fine English Plnfed Ware, amongst which mny be found Knives, Forks, Spoons. Cups, etc., etc., of new ?nrfa/, plated not npoo German Silver, but upon the genuine AL.BATA. Ft is used in the highest circles, and is much preferred for its great durability. Also, new fashioned SPECS, with handles and aithout temples. Very useful and convenient. The establishment also contains WATCHES of the best make, viz: Chronometers, Duplex, English and. French I-evers, Cylinders and Plain, all in heavy Gold or Silver Cases. Having made arrangements in New York with Wholesale Houses im|>orting direct from Fi?ca and England, I am enabled to s*U all my Artilies at prices lower than they can be bought in Charleston. All Artieles sold in the eatahlisment warranted as represented. 24-3tu Oct 22 Plows, Stoves, ?r?. WE keep constantH^k ly on hand a large as- H BT' i'bT of One anil idoi... ? TJH5lTw?-Horae Turning, HnbsoiI ami iiillnide which wo challenge tlio world to cqunl in good work, ease of draft nnd durability. We have alto a largo nnd beautiful assortment >f Cooking, Parlor, l>iuing Kuum, lJ?d Jtoom in J Church STOVES, a which we particularly call the attention ol hoae who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash and Stock BOILERS, >>m Shcllera, Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet ron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or IVell Pumps furnished and put up. We also are making nnd reoeiving from New Vork, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, imong which the Ladie? nmy And a great variety of Cake Cutter* nnd Bake Pan*. FOOT ami BATHING TUBS, or any other Arliele in our line, tna<lo to order, and Painted in I ho best manner. We are also prepared to do Koofiiig nud tintlerliig in the latest nnd best manner on short notice Country Merchant* invited to examine our itock of We say it is superior, and we do not wish to have our word taken for it. Comt and see. Cash paid (or Old Copper, Bees Wax and 01*1 Pewter. ?r Rags taken In exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mil 12 44 tf T. W. DAVIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, TAKES the liberty to announce IP I IB ,,,c citizens ul oreenvtlle, nntl it nrrot,n,''n8 country, that lie prepared to do nil manner of work In lii* line of business, such a* Watch, Clo?k and Jewelry Repairing, all of whicli shall be done in the r.entest manner. Wntch Wheels, Pivots, Pinions, Jewel*, Screws, Hand*, Glasses, nil done at the shortcut notice, and in a workmanlike manner. Please givk him a trial, mid you will be pleased. lie also makes JKWfcXUY to order, such as Gold Guard, Fob ft Vest Chains, All kinds of flOt.D ItlJTTOXS, sneli as Itosom. Sleeve and Collar Ituttoi.s. All kinds of iiair Work Trimmed in tlie neatest style. His work cannot be surpassed in this part of the country. ? His shop may be fonnd at the fJoodlett House, in the room formerly occupied by Messrs. llailey t Owen. Greenville, July SO. 1857. 13 tf "CHARLES"HTCKEYT (Succttutor to Emanuel Currant,) M A NITFACTUKEK OK LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture PrumiMi AMD DEALER IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, BRACKETS, WINDO W CORNICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, <fcC. 15-4 KINO 8TKHJCT, CHARLESTON, 8. C. wr Old Ki uiim-k lie gilt equal to hew. M3 April HO ftl Ijr reeltt goodlett, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, wrcenvikic, s. . OFFICE next door to F. F. ILtmr.ACo MA J. P. REKO.] [s. D. OOODLKTT. June 4 4 tf T~ ORE ft' PR ICE, attorneys at iaw, GREENVILLE, S. C. TAJCM L. OWL WW r. MlOB April 23 * .40 H.JLLilI8SMITII, ATTORNEY AT LAW, cnmsnti.E, s. a June 10 0 tf "job worjbsT NEATLY DONE AT THIS OFFICE. ? llfci FALL A HH iff ? OF TffIS SEASON' DALES OF PLANTATION* BLANKETS All Wool Plnln* Acliyle'n Georgia Kersey* ?H'? Plain* " low-price Georgia Ker*ey*ar.d Plain* " Red. Bine and Grey Flannel* M White Twill riannel* M 5-4. 8*4, 10 4 11-4 Brown Sheeting* " Sehvle'* Stripe Georgia Osnaburg* " heavy Cotton 0*nal?urjje " luavv 4-4 Urown Shirtintr* V 8en fornix Brown Shirtings " heavy 8-4 Brown Shirtings, At 4Jcts. " heavy Brown Cotton Drilling " Superfine Brown Cotton Drilling RICH FALL AND Wl SUPKR 4*4 FRENCH AND ENGLISH CIIINTZ * 4*4 Cashmere Pattern Chintx " 4 4 Scotch and English Ginghams Choice Printed and Plain Challys Hioice Stripe and PI Aid Poplins for Fall Wear Snper Printed French Pelains and Cashmeres Choice Printed French DeLainS for Children Plain Trench DcLaina aad Cashmeres, all shades OoL 20-24-tf READ! READ!! READ!!! IT WILL TAKK TOO nUT A TSW MINUTES, AND MAY SAVE YOU e MANY TEARS OF 8TJFFEW0 ! Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE flOOOf The Best Alterative E vc r Yet Discovered! Rhysieians prescribe it, and erer,y one that MM it is a teaIking advertisement. As Medicine ever yet offered tot he Anterims public has gained such popularity m so short a time at CARTER'S SPANISn MIXTURE! It will Cure any cast of Scrofula. It will Cure any case of Rheumatism. It will Cure any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. It will Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case of Never and Ague. Or any Diseases arising from an impure state oI the lllood. SCROFULOUS READER! It cured the ncice of the lion, John Minor Botta, a member of Congress from Virginia, of Scrofula, after the skill of the hest Physicians, both of New York and Philadelphia, had Wen tried in vaiii^; and it will cure yen, reader, if you arc so stfwM. RHEUMATIC READER! It ourrtl I>. Burritt, Esq., of Cistinnttl, of Rheumatism of 4 years standing, after all other remedies had failed. We have hundreds of snoh certificates. Call on the Agent and get a Rook and Circular, and read for yourself the many remarkable and astonishing cures it has mode. SYPHILITIC READER! The celebrated Dr. Rntcher writes us that he had two of the most severe and long standing cases of Syphilis that would yield to none of the usual remedies, but he cured one case with six, and the other with nine bottles of CARTER'S SPAXIS/I MIXTURE. We have known it used in over a Tuoiwaxii casks, and have yet to hear of a ftiilvrr in any case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS READ ! Aoi;e axo Envies.?Do not take Quinine, Mercury, or any such noxious Drugs, but try at once this great Alterative and Purifier of the Wood ; Cartrr'a Sponiah Mixture will cure any and every ease of Ague and Fever. Wc have never yet known it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impure etnte of the Wood, no medicine has ever yet been found-to have so good an effect. If you are sick, try it at once; do not delay; time is precious, and health the greatest of all blessings, without whiclrwll else is valueless. DR. WM.8. BEERS & CO., PnoPRiicToiiH, Richmond, Va. And for sale by K K HUTCH, Druggist, Agent, Or?enville C. U., K CL ??1 jr May 28 oyi&f ikulils And Phoenix Bitters* r|MIE liest Family Medieine now before the JL. public, for the cure of Scrofula, Ulcers. Scurry, or Eruption* of the Skin, fever and Ague, Dytpeptia, Drojutu, and in fact meat all diaiMrt noon yield to ineir curative propertied. It haa been computed that, during the last twenty five year*, upwards of four millions of persons have been benefitted by the use of these medieines ; a fact which speaks volumes in favor of their curative properties?a single trial will place them beyond the reach of competition in the estimate of every patient. By their use the Wood it rettored to a healthy *tate, and freed from all impwritic*. The system is not reduced during their operation, but invigorated, and they require no restraint from business or pleasure. The afflicted hare, in the** medciinc*, a remedy that tet/T do for them all that medicine can ixtuiWy effect Prepared by W. B. Moffat. M. T)., Proprietor, New York. And for sale by W. H. llOVKY, Oreonville, 8. C. Sep 17 10 it f J. 1 RANDOLPH, THAKKPUL FOR PAST FAVORS, BEOS to say, that all kinds of HAIR WORK of every variety of atvle of braiding, will b? Ornamented or Mounted with Gold, ht the neatest manner, and returned to those at a distance per! msij o; otherwise,mi directed. (I'air car. be sen* him in letter per mail.) How Breast Pins, Necklaces, Bracelets, Side, Vest and Guard Chains, Creases, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, As., of various patterns, pot up neatly, and any article admitting the name of the owner engraved thereon, ehal), for the engraving, be free of extra charge. He alsomnkseand repairs all kinds of Jewelry; mounts with gold or silver the Hands of Walking Canes; matches Speetaeie Glassee ; and, laatly Ktujraett on all manner of Plate. Ogiea 60 yard* Root of old Court Honae, and a fern paeei from the Enterprise Ofire. Orewiviile, 8. O., Juno 26, '67. 7-tf W. P. PRICE, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, OXFICX It THX OLD COtfX* HOUSE, ?miMswtfit'Ufc;*, 0. 09. Win promptly attend to Ui? eoltofitnn of Notes and Accounts, settling Claim*, dr. * OK O i 1 |, S IMPO/lTATfOJf, it - r Cases of RWe, Ony and Steel Ml*ed BATISTEIS " low-price Satinets " low prlee Kentucky Jeans " cheap Long Clotha ' Serrnnts' heary Bleached Shirting* & " > Oambrie Long Cloths " Superfine 7*8 Blenched ahiriinn ST " 8-4, 10-4, 11 -4 and 18 4 Bl'ch'd Sheetings " English Prints, nt 8j els. M gnoil Fjr Calico, si 8j ew. aa b J'.L t\ l>J..a. oiipcr r.ngiiMi i'rr? i nuw cheap Gingham* " Bleached Twill Jean* " Jow-pnt* MuaSin Delaina r JJTER DRESS GOODS. Plain Union DeBage, at li| et*. Plain All Wool DeBage, All *h?dea Rich Side Stripe Printed French Caahncrea Rich Cnahmere Riding and Walking Robe* Rich Chally Walking Robca MUact Chally By ad ere Robca Cashmere, DeLain, and Chally By ad ere Pattern*. A. F. BROWXINO. - - - * - ' r - 1 Helmbold's Genuine Preparation or HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SUCNU, For Di*r?*r* <?f the JfLuMer, Kidneya, Gravel, Drop ay, UVoCne**, Ohatrnetion, Sarrrt IMaenae*, Female Complaint*, ami all Dieeaae* of the Srmal Organ*, Arising from Excesses nnd Imprudeneiea in life, and removing all Improper Discharge* from the Bladder. Kidney*, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in I?3 4UTiSS CDIA tfJKKLSUJaa, :, From whatever cniue they may have originated, AND NO MATTER OT HOW LONG STANDING Giving Health and l'irfor to the Frame, ami Bloom to the Pallul Cheek. Joy to the Afflicted ?! It enrea Nervous and Debilitated Sufferer*, and removes nil the Symptom*, among which will bo found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memorv, Diffieultr of Brcnthing, General lfeaUnevs, Horror of Disease, Henk Nerve*. Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Denth, Night Sweat*, Cold F*ct, Ifakeftalnes*, Dimnee* of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite. with Dyspeptic Symptom#, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of th? Skin, Pallid Conntoniince. and Erupt Ion* on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heavinesa of the Eyelids, Frequently ftlnek Spot* Flvlng before Hie Free, with Temporary Suffusion and Loss of " Sight, , II ant of Attention, Great Mobility. Restlessness, with llor. ror of Soeiet r. Nothing is more desirrdde to *mh patients than solitude, and nothing they more dread fof lear of themselves ; no repose of manner, n?? fitrnot n<-*s, no sprenhilion, but n hnrriel Transition from one qnration to on other. These iv.mptoim if *llowcd to go on?whf< h this mnliein* invariably removes?toon follows Ann #/ Potrrr, Fatuity ami Kpilaptir Fit*?in one of wlueh the patient may expire. Who ean say that these exeesaes are not frequently followed by tlvoee direful diseases?1X8ANrTY AND CONS UMPTlONr The record* of In*an* A*y Itm*, and the melaucholy deaths of Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of these assertion*. In Lunatic Asylum*the must melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sodden and quit# destitute?neither Mirth or Grief ever eisits it. Should a saund of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. " With woful measures wan de?pnir Low sullen sound* hi* grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible F ami has brought thousand* upon thousands to untimely graves, lhn? lilmtinn lh* amkltinn ?f *, ?? ?dL It cau be cured by tbe iih of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If jou are suffering with Any of the above dja treating ailments, the FLUID EXTRACTBU CHU will cure j on. Try it, and be eonviactd of ite efficacy. Dneari of Quack AWrwiis and Quark Doctor*, who falsely boast of nliilitiea and references. Citizens know and avoid them, and save Long Buffering, Money and Exposure, by sending or ehlllag for alioUlt of this Popnlar and Specif* Remedy. It allays all pain ana inflammation, is perfectly plea rant in it* taste and odor, bat immodiat* in its action. Helmbold's Extract Buohu Is prepared diieetly according to tha Rules of PHARMACY AMD CHEMISTRY, * with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge ana care devoted in its comblnathm. gee Professor Dswaa's Valuable Work* on the Practice of rhysic, and most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. BfA O OnJEJ One hnndred dollars will be paid to any Physician who ean prove that the Medicine over injured a Patieat; and tbo testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it does grsakghsd. ases of from one week to thirteen years' steading have been effcetcd. Hie mass ?4 VOLUNTARY TESTIMONY in possession of the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and curative poorera, is immense, embracing aeroeawell knows to SCIENCE AND FAME. 100,000 Bottles Have ftee* And not a single instanea of a failure has been reported. Personally Appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. HEUIROLD, Chemist, who, being duly sworn, doee oar, that this preparation contain* no Narcotic, Mercury or injiiriona Drug, but are purely Vegetable. H. T. HEI.MHOLD, 8oie Manufacturer. S vTC-rr ?s? rehaeribed hr'ore "M this Wd daw of November, 1854. .. iJri WM. r. H IBB A UP, Aldarttan. Ptiet $1 per Bottle, or 9im for It, Delivered to any Addrttt. Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificate* from Professors of Medioal Oollego% Clergymen and others. Prepared and toMny H. T. IlELMttOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemiat, No. 52 South Tcnth St., bklow Chbbtxbt, Amkmbly Buildinoo, PHIW. tW To be had of Dra. J. H. to***, Mma A Loan and M. 14 Kabl?, Propriata, Greenville, 8. C., and of all Dnmgiata andDealere throughout the United fttatesy Caaadaa nad British Province*, Beware of C*?Btcrf?lt>. " "cfimxtsr&P" JalyC Mr f\