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CoHdhM for on officf.^rooj 0MU| nSSS??? Rowland, who 1* roronthorued Attorney to colI m-ri .rTn: I ?^TBUrtv,-? I Dealer in Boots, Shoes, leather, I OPPOSITE j. C. P. JETER'S I00K6T0RE. I GHEENVILLE, 8. C? I U Pr?p?ro<l to furnieh cuetoL X tnoUkUuek**- --1 J " " ? *ru?ICI>, VyllbAt m?-?4^roR cabh. Having eompataet workmen engaged, he can enure hie patron* that all work will M Neatly Doiraand WARRANTED. , Teh 1? - 41 tf w eoweeee* i* ^r?M.^w^**iaowMu? 1. ? AGENCY FOR NORTH CAROLINA v . THE A8HEVHXE * MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, T? A VING complied with tha legal requiaiII lion of this Stair, In relation to Agenda#, and having nprtointed the undersigned at their Agent for tin* place, die U now pre pared to TAKE RISKS on LIFE or PROt PERTY. rt JOHN W. GRADY. Greenville, 8. C, Feb. 10, 1858. Omct or m CowrraotLKa Gnmi, ) tJoujwwA, 8. G, Feb. 4. 1868. J I1 CERTIFY thai JOHN W. GRADY. Agent of the Mutual Insurance Com pa ny, of Aahavilla, N. C, ha* complied with the eofditiona and reqnLiiion* of (lie Act of; Oeneral Aeaembly, entitled ** An Act to reg ulale the Agenda* of Insurance Compiniee not incorporated in the State of South Caro lina," paaxd on the tOth day of Deeetntier, In the year of oftr Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty nix; and hereby licence theanid John W.Grady. Agent aa aforesaid, to take rUka ami transact ?ho bu?i??e?* of ineurance in behalf of tlie tttmnww ?fc?? >a J. I>. ASH K.MOKE, Comptroller General. Ffl? 11 *0 tf ATft;i^floN^ ST BUTLER QUARD8I JL/ YOU ?r? lierthy commanded |H^ to nppenr *i your Company Vreo- W*T deevou*. at 9 o'clock, on the morn- Till inc of fie UD FEBRUARY, Arm- 1/1 en And equipped for Inspection ffiU4 And Drill. In# inspection will be strictly conducted, And members, whose (June aee ont of order, will be dealt with according , to the Constitution. At the close of th? Drill, the Company will bo conducted to the front of the Court llouse, to receive th? Colors, which the Ladle* purpose presenting them. Should the weather prove unfavorable, the Acceptance will take place in the New Court House. The public are respectfully invited to attend. A. ISAACS, 0. 8. Feb 4 SO 8 tfoddlonud Hnrncw iftjA MANUFACTORY. rpilK Subscriber would respectfully inform the X puhlie generally that ho eontinuee the above Business, 2d noon isnvt tub Uagr.n villa Mom, and is prepared to furnish customers with anV discretion of Home-Manufactured HAIMH.hJi Carriage, Bogny And Wagon liarneas made to orJcr, aad in the beet *tyU. Bridles. H'hi pa. Ac., en baud and for eale CIIIvAP. Hy Saddles and Harness repaired at short notice. A. M. OILREAT1I. Feb 4 ? 89 ? ? _ If Take Notice. FTM1B Subscriber would iiifnrm lli?" iii'irinni X to him by NOTK OH ACCOUNT, that the ante mint be paid before Return Di?y. Reason Why- * The money, in moet inalaneen, ha* long been due, and tUoee whom I em owing, de*iro their money. end mint be paid. Many of the Arti Ice for which von are aow doe me, were ea*h Article*, and afiould bar# been paid for iunnedlatelv. Caab will inrariably be required for Groeeriee A. G KEEN FIELD. Feb 4 SO It School Nolice. WW. YOUNG propose* to open a AfPX FKMALK SCHJOL, at the Stone eHBFS Home, five milee above Greenville. She will teaeh the KnglUb Language, Oriental Painting, Waxwork, I.eatherwork, Ac. Term begin* on Uie lat day of Pebruary, 1868. Rate# oi Tuition, Boarding, Ac., will be moderate. Feb 4 a*?9 irriowiiif VAXTTFACITHER OP AND DKALKB IN FURRITURl r*ma CHAIRS r "Tt ? Every deeoription, K29BI Every alyle, AUU Fit*>8 CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, L-, Oppoeite the Cxmgaree House, -Feb 4 COLUMBIA, 8. C. W-ljr HOTJM3 AMD Slow FAXKTDie, pMpor tteMfiei mm* UImxIm*. npHB nnder*igned Wga leave to inform the X el tlx* n* oT Greenville M?1 ??rronnding agunirv, that ha baa permanently located at Greenville, for the purpoae of carrying on tim above Budsem, and hopea, bj atrial attention in irmm?, ?v mum ? WMrv Oi pQOIII MITUDM6. BU tkwfti will Im roodemto. tar or Bunoombe atrMt, Mir ?!? InvtW 0* the Rnnooiabe and K'ttherford rood*. J>" !> **"** JAMS* fVrVK. CHEAP CASH- STORE. ' MIK ttofcoertbere prupeM to mH <)*odo In fit JL tnro (or CA?ll, and it tueh redoood prima w# hop* will guoroutee o eontinoMM our form or mOtodi. Country produce Ulcen in exrhonwe for flood* it riiot.MjiiiaL >M Ifcdfcoyunt for dobto now duo. Wo ofnoerpljr dootre t^uo* indebted to no, to eoll Rnd oettio br tuwh or noto. REA, BAYNE A CO. January ttb ISftS, U U 1 far IW TIR Mmfa iT*B. XtVtrU, Mtq., jtoopmUMi* ? Candid*# At l?a 2SSroi&i:*fe feoirr ok the eweulag Median. lfUBfclC * HMVAT? SALES. I STATE OF SOUTH CAROUNA. i?M.'i^HKRNVILUt DISTRICT. I A fiMLMZZatelL&v 13 me dirked, IvUImII beforo tho Court Hoot* door, Nt tif ?ui) Sonrt of eale, oa tk? I ftr.t Monday in MARCH next, r ,1 House, and abosrt 80 ??? of Land, in the corporate lit?Ua of th^irlllAjto of . Greenville, lying ? of * mO^^-WOpart Houae, on tho wort aid* of thePendielon rood; m the property OfT. Edwin Ware, nt tho ?uit of John if Morrioon and other*. 100 Acres of Land, more or lew, 9 mile* lwjlow Greenville C. H.. on Uio Lauren* road, adjoining lnndaof Auatin, Baldwin, et a).; at tha property of W. P. Wlean, at th? ?uit of Yanooy Cookar re. Tyrie Oloon and W. P. Ulenn. 60 or TO Volumes of Law Books, as I tho property of Thouioa P. Butler, at ihe auit of I I Lain hi M?It am MF ipliiidtih 250 Acres ot Land, moro or less, adjoining lands of Philemon Huff, John Admns, Dr. W?*t and other*; no the property of Thomas Meyfleld, nt the suit of William Hawkins, et ah ' I 800 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining hinds of Center, Reese, Garrison, rt ah ; as the property of Perrr O. Ware, at the suit of James McCullongh and J. IL McCullongh. One Kecro Woman, and hor four Childrea, (all yellow,) as the property of John Manning Mahaffee, at the snit of B. F. Perry, at ah On Tuesday after sale-day next, at the residence of P. Huff, 1800 lbs. Reed Cotton and 14 bbla. Corn; as the property of A. J. Joyce, at the suit of Joeeph Crews. 100 Acres of Land, moro or less, adjoining lands of Edward Stokes. Jenkins, rt al; as the property ef Jamee L. Jenkins, at the suit of W. A. Kernel I. * TERMS CASH. Perehascr to par for titles. 1 D. HOKE, 8. G. 1). , Sheriff's CHBee, February 4, 188S C?-td For Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale his 1IOURE AND 1AJT whereon be now lirea. It is sitnsted about yards from the Publie Square, is well improved, having a large House oonlaining 6 Room*, with Fire places in each, one extra Bed-room, pantry, etc.. good and roomy Kitchens, Smoke-house, (?rain-house. Crib, and an ex- ( eellent new Stable, Cow-house and Carriagehonao, and an unusually productive Garden and Patch, with a good variety of Fruit Trees, Grapes, Ac, Terma accommodating. Possession would be given bv the Hist of March, if desired. Jan 7 35-tf T. C. GOVVER. House and Lot lor Sale. mTHE.SUBSCRIBER o^r* *"?* sale. on the most reasonable term*, jQjg, < his HOUSE AND LOT, in the village of 1 Greenville. The locntion i*, in nil respects, a most de>irahle one, immediately on the Pendleton road, nnd near the depot. The | Lot contain* over an acre of land, and is well improved. The Building* are all new. The Dwelling has *even comfortable rooms. ' There is a good Kitchen and Negro House, and all necessary outbuilding*. Also, a fine well of water. Household and Kitchen Furniture sold witli the premises if desirable, j Applv to Col. E. I'. Jones. Dec 31?84?if K. W. OODDARD. Far Sale or Rent, THE HOUSE AND LOT opposite the forks of Aiulerson HyuQ^yflgrand Pendleton roads. The House contains six upright rooms. On the Lot are all necessary outbuilding*. For terms, Ac., apply to H. LEE TURUSTON. Dee 24 83 tf "* Alijf i 8URGE0N DEHTI8T. GREENVILLE, 8. O. Office North- Hlut corner Main and Acnne Streete, i HAS jnatretnrned from PhiladelNtUnkflk phia, ?nd will be pieaeed to attend ^lujJ to any who ere in went of hie aervieaa. , A&TOHCHA& HSRi Tnaerted from one to ftall Upper end Lower Sett,, in the moet approved anu durable manner. Rxpneed K?rvti Octroyed and treated, free \ of pain. Jan 7 35-tf | HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent fnttUution, ettabliehed by epecial endowment far the relief of the tick and diet retted, afflicted tcitk Virulent and KpidemU di tea tee. npo all pereona afflicted with Sexual Dieeaeee, JL auch aaSpermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakneae, Impotence, Gonorrhma, Gleet, Srpkilu, the Vice of Onanism. or Self Abuae, Ac., we. i The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, ia view of the awful deetruetion of human life, oavaed by Sexual Dieeaeen, and the deception* practiced upon the nntortnnate victim, of aneh diaeaeea by Quack,, have directed their Cbnenlting Surgeon, aa a charitable act worthy of their name to give ( meoioal advice oBatm, to all per, in, thua afflict- . cd, who apply by letter, with a deecription of their condition, (age occupation, habit, of life, ' Ac.,) and in caeca of extreme poverty and auf faring, to furnith medicine*free of charge. It ie I needle to add that the Aaeoeiation command, the hiaheet Medical skill of the age, and will for- , nieh the moat approved modern treatment. The Director*, on a review of the peak, feel aa aured that their labore in tliia inhere of beM*n lent tlfvrt, have been of great f??n fit to th? of- 1 dieted, eepeeially to the young, Mid they have I reeolved to devote tbemeelvee, with ran#wed , aeol. to tbU vorjr important but much deepiaed ( JuU PiiUUhil bj the iiwolatioi!, ? Report on Hperrnotorrhea*. or Seminal Weakneee, tha viae of Onaniaiu, Masturbation orSelf-Abuee. and other Diaooaoa of the Sexual Organt by the Con kilting Surgeon, which will be aent by moil, (in o aealed letter envelope^ Free uf Charge, oa the reeeipt of TWO STAMPS for poetage. By order of the Direetora. AtMreee, for lie port or Treatment, DR. OBO. It. CAIdiOL'N, Cuneulting Surgeon, Howard Aaencietion, So. t South NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. RZRA D. IIEARTWXLL, Preeidoot. 0*0. Faiocuiid, Secretary. Peb 4 *9 ly ? ( . Elford ft Donaldson, M vh,m, (namaawaiuu^ a.?. C. J. ElfORO. T. Q. OONALOSON [ J?9. 1ft 14 ftta ^ OKSENV. IU? DISTRICT, t 1 la Court of Ordinary. Wmm>m TiMM#r? AdmiuiUrator of the H*- J late of Jaae Raj, deceased, Applicant, egtffeM ji(nn Raj, <* ?U Defendant*.? Petition/or final Settlement and Decree. TT appealing to tuy MtWnction, that Jacob 1 Uhv and Ilannniah Ray, two of ( frndanta, reside beyond the limit* of thin . State: It (a on lor ad* and decreed, that they > do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to tfehol den at Greenville Court Hon**, for Grecti- , villo District, on Friday, ike 7 tk day of May , next, at 10 o'olock. A. M., to ahew cause, if , naj w??y iinvf, why a f inal Settlement of the j Personal Estate of Jane Rav, deceased, ( should not bo had, a l>ecree given there- , on, or their consents, on failing so to do, will | lie entered of record. Given under mv hand and seal, at Green- . ville Court House, the 10 th day of Feb- , ruary, A. D. IMS. , R< 'BERT McKAY, O. G. D. [l. s.] , Feb 11 40 8m , SWfETFSODfHiTAROLINA. I OKIIX VILLM TUITBIOT. < IN COURT OF ORDINARY. , Robert Wynne, Administrator of the Relate of William Wraaa, deceased, Applicant, against the lcgnl heirs and representatives of said deceased, Defendant*.?I'eiiiton for Final Settlement and Deerte, 1 IT appearing to my satisfaction that the in tee- I tate left a widow and a daughter, Martha | Wynne, whose place of reeidence is not known : h is, thrrrfor*', Ordered, That the above parties, and all the legal heirs and representatives of said William Wnn ceased, do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on Wedneoday. the J8/A day of April next, to shew cause, if ! any they have, why a Final Settlement of the ' said Fa tats should not be had, and a Decree giv- 1 en thereon. Given under my hand and seal, at Greenvills ' C'onrt House, the seoond day of February, J A. D. 1858. BODY McKAY, 0. O. D. [l. a.] ' Feb 4 89 3m J ITATfi OF MIITH CAHUblilA. 1 GREENYILLE DISTRICT. In Court of Ordinary. R. K. P?M, Administrator, apnlionnt, against ( Lueinda MeCrary, Andrew MeCrsrv N.??. McCVnry, SarnhT'.lixn McCrary, Mary Klizn- , Mh McCrorv, Francis MeCrarv, Jiunn M. McCrarr. William Franklin McCrary, Defend- ( snt*.?Petition for Final Settlement and Dorr**. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that all of tlie f above Defendant* reside bevond the limits of this State: It is ordsted and decreed, that ( thev do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to he x hidden at Greenviile Court House, for Oreenrilh-Di*triet, on Monday, the 191 k day of April next, at 10 o'cloek, A. M., to shew cause, if any they have, why a final settlement of the Personal Estate of Jntnes McCrary, deceased, should not t?e had, and a Decree given thereon. Given under my hand and seal of Office, at Greenville Court House, the 22d day of Jan- ' uary, A. D. 1838. t ROBERT SfcKAY, O. O. D. [u a.] Jan 28 88 8m ? STATE OF MOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DI8TRICT. < C??rUf Ordinary. John M. Carman and O. W. Bruce, Executors of Hardin Bruoe, deceased, applicants, against * Lucy Bruoe, Mary Ann Pennington, and William J. Pennington, her hnsbnnd, F.liza Hosteller end Philip M. Hosteller her husband, George W. Bruce, Willie W. Bruce, Adaline Carman and J. M. Carman, her husband. Frances M. Jackson and J. IF. Jackson her husband, Easily Crain and William Crain her ' husband, G. W. Bruoe, Jr., minor heir of A. J. Bruce, deceased. Defendants.?Petition for t Final Settlement and Decree. t TT appearing to niv satisfaction, that G. W. ? JL Bruoe, Jr, minor heir of A. J. Bruce, de- t ceased, resides beytnd the limits of this rttatc: It is ordered and decre?<l. that he do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to In hotden at Greenville Court House,for Greenville District, on Friday, the 23d dav of Aoril next to shew miiu it ? can, why a final settlement of the Estate of ' llarvlin Uruce, deetutd, should not be had, and a Dtcree given thereon. ( 01 von under my hand and seel of Oflloe, at Green villa Court House, this 23d day of January, I A. IX 166ft. i ROBERT MoKAY, O. O. D. fu a] r Jan 28 88 3m Final Notice. A LI, those indebted to the Estate of Dr. WU P. TURP1N, deceased, are hereby notified that no longer indulgence can he given than till Return Day next. S. D. GOODLETT, Feb 4 89?8 Rec-ivcr. Administrator*' Notice. ( ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of TIIOMAb W. KIN MAN, deceased, are re 1 auested to make payment to the undersigned. ? Those having domaude against said Estate will preoent them, duly attested, for payment BAKKSDALK CHARLES, \ JOHN CHARLES Administrator*, with th* Will amnrred. ' November 26 19 tf J Administrator*' Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of MARTHA K1NMAN, deceased, are re Krated to make payment to the undersigned, oee having demands against said Estate will present them, duly attested, for payment. BAKKSDALK CHARLES, JOHN CHARLES, , Administrators. November 16 19 tf Eiccaier'v Notice* 1 ALL PERSONS imWbtal to the Evtnte of ! JOHN T. LIGON, deceived. ere here l?y notified to tnnke payment to the underMgned. All tboee having elnimi? ftgainxt wid dtCMMid will preaent them f?.?r payment within the lime prescribed be lew, or thev rill be tarred. W. A. TOWNES, Nov 5 26-tf Executor. EvTfLAW*" i AKD | SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL PR ACTIOS IN THE COURTS uF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in tk* Orecnvillt Books tor*. , GREENVILLE, S. 0. June 4 4 ly < ROBERT T. TBRU8T0N, M. 1), j _/> OPFERfl 1118 PUOFKHMONALHERVI- , *FCto tothb coium iniiT. ML Oflet, fee the , fi* prweel, Wa the Old <\met SUeee BulMing. , J as 14 36 it mum Tffisi v r5 Subscriber would rr*p?cJfully inform UU luriMr patron*. p'w generally, that he Kaa JtJST RECEIVED, ?nd U ROW OPE*!NO. bi* 8TORR. nniW McBce'n Hull, one of lb* moat COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS of yjJULY GR0CEKTE8 ever offered iii Greenville, mid which he in offering al price* in accordance with the lime*, consisting, in part, of the following An idea : Rio and Java COFFEES ; Crwnhed. Clarified and Brown 8tIGAItS: N. O. 8yrup, mi peri or, cheap ; Tobacco and Begnra; Miperior Green and Black Teaa; Candle*; Starch ; *nda: Hardware and Cutlery ;Crockery end [ilnjwwnrr ; Woodware ; 8n?p* of nil dt^cripliona ; Spice*; Mnccaroni; Mackerel; Bacon; | ueninge; Hroom* and Biushon; Anchovy, Reading, John Hull and other Sauce*; Churnpagne. Madeira. Claret, Poll, Teneriffe and >ther Wine*; Brnndica, nnd other Liquor* >f the finest quality, for Medicid u?e ; BranI? Peachea; Pickle* of nil descriptions ; Prelerve* and Jellies; Sardine*; Lobster*; Itni ins, Citron*and Fig*; Purler and Ale; Nail*; tnd a variety of Toilet Comb*. Brushon, and Mher Fancy Article* too numerous to menlion. All of which 1 offer at reduced prices for sash or approved paper. N. B.?Those indebted for the yearn of l855-'60 ami *57, are respectfully requested o call and arrange their account* bv note or Mtvment. A. 0 KEEN FIELD. Jan 28 38 tf ~ATTENTION, VoTERS !~ 'J^liE Rnbseriber vishee to inform hi* friend* JL and the public generally, that he ha* com* >ut as a candidate,' not for Congress, nor for the legislators. but a candidate for puhlio patrontge in the TAILORING BU8IN1M& He will warrant hi* wark to be made strong and good, lie will warrant to make good Fit*. Cleaning ?nd repairing done on short notice. Those wishng work done will call at hi* Shop, in tho (lid Jourt House, ia the old Ordinary'* Office. I am ihankful for Am liberal share of patronage bestowed upon mo heretofore, and hope for a continuation of the Mine. A. BKECO. I no ?? waii to iiO If KriSw FinM. ""I^llE Undersigned hwve entered into Copnrt1 ncrship in the Merenawilo Business under Ihe name end style of LONO A OOODI.ETT, end would invite'the Attention of the citizens of Greenville and surrounding Districts, to nn eximinntion of our STOCK, as we hope to shnre ? portion of puhlie patronage, end feel eontiIcnt that we enn offer Goods et as low prices or cash as can be purchased elsewhere. tGive is a call. R. LONG. B. A. uoofiLETT. Greenville, JAnunry 20th, 1808 88-tf ftloncy Wanted. ITAVING reecntly made a change in my 1ms11 in ess, I must say to all those indchtod to ne. either by NOTE OR BOOK ACCOUNT, up o 1st of January, 1888, that they must make mmkdiatk ratmrnt, as longer indulgence will not >e given. Jan 28 88-lf R. LONG. Dissolution. rllF. Firm W. H. HOVEY A CO. is this day dissolved oy mutual consent. The bust ices of the Firm will be closed by W. H. Horey. W. II. UOVEY, J. J. UOVEY. January 1st, 1858. NOTICE. T^HE Subscrilier having purchased the entire 1 Stock of W. H. HOVEY A. CO., will coninue business nt the same place. Thankful to he public for their former liberal patronage, he rill in future endeavor to merit a continuance of he same. W. II. HOVEY. January 18(li, 1858, 37-Um. .Dissolution of Copartnership. [ IAtJK Copartnereihp heretofore exiatii.g between. thaSultecriberf, under the Firm of lOWER, COX * MA UK LEY. lie* thiadavbeen IImoIvwI by mutual eonnent. Tliot# indebted < iiy note or oook Kconnt ore requeated to make ramediate payment, II longer indulgence cantot be given. T. C. GOWER, ? T. M. COX, II. C. MAKKLEY. J January Ht, 1858. Greenville Coach Factory. 30WER, COX, MARKLEY & CO. ' '. yigw WE have thie day associated with in buaincaa, Mr. LEWIS WOU IHIMiTON, well known to the community for everal year* ae the obliging and aceommodat- < ng foreman of the Greenville Coach Paetory. i iV> are now le'tcr prepared to aupply the want* i >f the eomuuinity than at any pre'vioue time, ind ahal) uae our beet rflorte toauatain the wide- | pread reputation eo long enjoyed by tbia ee- , abliehuaeut. , T. C. GOWER, T. M. COX, 11. O. MARKLEY. ( L. WOUTHINGTOX. | January ltt, 1858. , Dissolution. THE Firm of GRADY <fc GtXIDLETT ia thia day dissolved by limitation The booka ( ind no tea can be found at their fortmr plaee of luaineea. The receipt of either par v will be piod it. aettieinent; the name of the Finn will j? uaed in liquidation. jmtN w nn at?v R. P. 0 OO D L L"1T. January 1st, 1868. Special Notice. WE have ibia day told our actlra Stock of Good. to Mr. JUi!N W. GP.ADY, tnd liwolved onr Oopartnenihlp. It ia, therefore, iNtmrjr tliat tha umettlrd bniinm ihrnM be iluwtt, aa earl/ a* poeeible To that and, all l>artiee indebted to ua, in an/ way, ara hereby notified to' make payment at otiee, and aava both Mrtirt trouble and coat. OIUDY A GOODLETT. January l?t, 1868. A Curd. THE SrtiariWr, having ptirehaeed tha entire Stock of Good# of Grady A Goodlett, will tontinue haeittcee at their old atand. Thankful for jMthrwt ha aoliaita a continuation. Bclicvlag n tha old adage "that a nimble sixpence ia battar than a alaw hilling." 1 hall adopt tha out iy*tem. My motto ia "abort profit a. and quick tales." Caab purchasers would do wall to give Kta a call. JollN W. GRADY. Jrntiary let, 111). 86 tra I ,1 swam * oo. i ummuB. AUTHOAIUO ir THE STATE Of tCMtU. The following Schema *flj be Jmwh t* R #* ? A Co.. Mtntftr* of tk? 8porta tatd*my lMUq, in each of tboir LoUrrio for Fobrowjr, 1858. *t Al'OUSTA. Georgia, in poblie, under the superintendence of Comrniolotm: CLASS 1. To htan In Km etty of logon* On, i? ynMie, on SATURDAY, JBBRUARY SO, UN. CLASS 2. To ho diowu In tho city of AifW*. Oo, In poM c, on SATURDAY, PKBRU AR Y13th, 185A CLASS 3, To ho drown la tho oily of Augusta, On, in pohllc, on SATURDAY. FEBRUARY SOtk. ISM. CLASS 4, To ho drown In tho oily of Anguota, Oo., in pobllo. oo SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1S58. OX TilK PLAT or RINOLK NUMRRRH. Tiro Thoosaad Fonr Koadrod It K'ghty-PlTo Prlsos. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS. MAGMOFQOIWT ??WgME i TO BR DRAW? EACH SATUROAY IN FEBRUARY! 1 Prize of $70,000 4 Prize* of $900 1 Prize of 30.000 4 Prizn of 800 1 Prixo of 10,000 4 Prixro of 700 1 Prize of 5,000 4 Prize* of 000 1 Prize of 4.000 50 Prize* of 500 1 Prize of 3,000 50 Prize* of 300 1 Prize of 1,500 100 Prize* of 125 4 Prize* of 1,000 230 Prize* of 100 APPROXIMATION PIUZES. 4 Prizes of 8400 App'g. to $70,000 priz are $1,600 4 Prizes of 100 " " 80,000 priz are 1,200 Prizes of 100 " '* 10,000 priz ore 800 4 Prizes of 185 ? 6,000 pris are 500 4 Prize* of 100 " " 4,000 priz ore 400 4 Prises of 75 " " 8,000 priz are 800 4 Prizes of 50 " " 1,600 priz are 200 6,000" of 80 are 100,000 6,450 Priaee amounting to $880,000 Whole Tickets$10; Halves$5; Quarter*$2 J. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. 'ITio Number* from 1 to 60,000, corresponding with those Numl>?r* on the Ticket* printed on separate slips of paner, are encircled with email tin tube* and placed in one wheel. The first 467 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, are placed in another wheel. The wheel* arc then revolved, and a number i* drawn from the wheel of Number*, and, at' the same time, a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Priae drawn ont are opened and exhibited to tho audience, and registered by the Commissioner*; the Price being placed against the Number drawn, litis operation is repeated until all the prise* are drawn out. Arraoxmsno* Panes.?The two preceding ind the two succeeding Number* to those drawing the first 7 Pricey will be entitled to the 28 Approximation Prices. For exanple: if Ticket No 11260 draws the $70,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248, 11249, 11251, 11262. will each be entitled to $400. If Ticket No. 660 draw* the $86,000 Price, those Tickets numbered 648. 649, 661, 562, will each be entitled to $200, and to on according to the ahove scheme. The 6,000 Prizes of $20 will be determined by the la*t figure of the Number that draw* th? $70,000 Price. For example: if the Number irawing the $70,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then ill the Tickets, where the number ends in 1, will !?e entitled to $20. If the Number end* with No. 2, then all the Tickets, where the Number tnda in 2, will be entitled to $20, and *o on toO. Certificates of Packagea will be sold at the following rates, which is the risk: Jertificatc o' Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 Certificate of Package of 10 Half Tickets, 40 Certificate of Package of H)Quarter Tickets, 20 Certificate of Package cf 10 Eighth Tickets, 10 IK OHDRKINO TICKETS OR CKKTIF1CATE8, Enclose Uie money to our address for the Tickete ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by fir*tmail. Purchaser* can have tickete ending in any figure thoy may designate. The list of l)r?wn Numbers and Prizes will be lent to purchaser* immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will nleaae write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, county uid State. _ H ?m<*mKai? S~ J ~ ' m ?..?. .....v ?.oij i nu arawn ana payable in full without deduction. All pri'.ea of f l,0o0 and under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prisee at the usual time of thirty day*. All communication* strictly confidential. Addrc** order* for Ticket* or Certiticnte* to S. SWAN, dt CO., Augusta, (ia. or Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., I ?r Atlanta. Ga., can have their order* filled, and rave time, by addre**ing 3. Swan A Co , at either i?f those cities. or a list of the number* that are drawn Irotn the wheel, with the amount of the price that i-aeh one i* entitled to, will l>e published alter very drawing, in the following paper*: Augu* la (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Delta, Moldle Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligeneer, New York Weekly Day I took, Savannah Morning New*. Rirh inond Dispatch, New York Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. J Hit 28 . 38 It TUE NEW BOOlWllE, MARJEYTA, OA. THOS. COX MARKLEY, PROPRIETOR. Uookx, Magazines, I'nprr, WORK-BOX:}, watches, JEWELRY, #.G. LOW FOR CASH. Jan 7 86 tf Money Wanted. 1^11 E Kubaoriher wonld r??pent.f?i]ly rrqucat thoa? indabt?d to him by not? or aoeount, to pay up, m h? ia waxtixo monkt. J. H. I>EAX, M. D. Deo 10th, 1867 31 tf , Jt _ ^ Hair Dressing and Shaving. BVBBIIM2E enntinuea th? TomorUI buaineaa it hia Old Stand in B?atti*'a Br irk building, where h? fa ready during tho day and evening to ahave the hear?1 and cut hair, and i hampoo th? head. II? re?pe?t(nlty aaka a eon tinuation of patronage. Oct. 1-tl-^T ' NEW 60NFE0TIBNERY. J.KEAUS k . ZELLWEGER. ?BBCHV1L1,E, S. C,. Opposite the' Mansion ZTovee, m. RWFRCTOJtl.T ? ^Hl(wm <HfIr fr end*, iiiAMSSp jSEW^* public generally, that they ham (lunltaM IIm "Oreearlll# C?nr*ettna*rr,* reeentlr ocenpied by Mr. P. R harm. where they will rontinnv tha IIwIimn u heretofore, in the beat sad axwt aeoommorfatUir manner, hoping to raeetve a liberal share of nahlio patronage. Everyday, *t 11 v'cloel, they trill have on haad, ErKSH CAKES, PIES, BREAD, Ml They are also prepared, at any hour during tiie day, to ftambh their customers with x^TJisroaEac. and will pay particular attention to alsraya baring ou hand, and ready to servo onf, a lot of Fresh Oysters, From the best selling in the Charleston market. Also- oonalantlv ?? W--J -? 1UI'"' >??> - J Iixuu, Mb or RETAIL* from their own Manufactory, a largo assortment of FANCY A STICK CANDY. Alan, FRUITS of rarlnna kinds, aueh at Lemona, Orange*. Apples, Nuta, vte., ote. l'nya, 8cgar*, Sardine*, Pickle*, <to. t XWf Wedding, ami other Parti e?. will ho furnished, on ahort notice, with Refreshment* nn?l the flncat dre**od Cakes. Every attention will be glean our enrlomcr*, and wo aak a lilieral share of iatrflii?i'<<. |W .No misunderstanding?TKIIMS CASIf. lJec 17 32 If AT~THE GREENWlZii " COACH FACTORY. lllniu Street* Next the Bridge, T11K Largeat and Best Stock of CARRIAOE GOODS AND MATERIAL ever offered for aale in the State, selected carefully and especially for Carriage Manufacturer*. A large atock and heel variety of Axlee for _ Buggies, Carriage* and Wagon*; common and beat tempered Steel 8pring? ; Black and Colored Enamel and Patent Dash leather; Black ami Colored Enamel Clotha, Drill* and Ducks; Oil and Bruaael* Carpet; Buckram* and Russia Sheeting*; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mat*; Bra** and Silver Point and Sand Band*; Bra**, Silver, Bone and Japan Nail*; Silk and Worsted broad and narrow Lace*; Silk, Worsted and Cotton Fringea; Bent Hickory Shaft*; Buggy aeat Stick*; and a complete assortment of Mailable Casting*. Carriage Makers are particularly requested to call and examine onr stock. For aale cheap by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. HUBS AND SPOKES. WE are now prepared to supply Manufacturer* with the best Morticed Hub* and Turned Spokes, of our own manufacture, and warranted. For **le by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Bine, Drab and Green Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and All Wool Damasks. For rule by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CARPENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and variety of the beat Tool* made, and a few sett* fancy Rosewood and Boxwood Planes. Fop sale by COWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! NOWatn band, the largest stock of Tron ever otutred in tbi* market: Spartanburg Iron and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English Refined Tires; Ovals; Bound; Square; Horse Sboe; Half Rounds; Half Ovals ; Bund Iron and IIoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steei Tire, Sweedea and Hammered, for wagons, tires and plantation work. On band, ebeap for casb, 6,000 11 >e. Rusted Plow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron. For * COWER, COX. MARKLEY A CO. STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! NAYLOIIS. SAUNDF.UttON k JESSUFS liest Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and flat ?for fine edge tools, axles and drills. German aud Blister Steel, for plantation work. For sale by GOWER, COX. MARKLEY A CO. 3.000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. ASSORTED sixes, suitable for Farmers and Mechanics. For sale cbeap by GOWER. COX, MARKLEY A CO. ON HAND S\ AAA LBS. best Black Florida Moss and Curled Hair, picked, in bags. For sale by GOWER, COX. MARKLEY A CO. mrutt*. viiv u vAjUJX, LA HOE assortment of the Diamond Flint Sand Paper, best article made, for sale by GOWEll, COX, MARKLEY A CO. PAINTS OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. ON I??11. * large assortment Paints, Oils, ke. Pure, Extra an?l No. 1 llliite Lends; Raw and >1 ??. I Lindseed Oila; Winter, Sperm, Solar, Lamp, Xoat# Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oila; Oach Body and Oonal Yarnlah ; .lapan, A analtorn and leather Varnish ; Spirit* Turpentine: Greens; Yellow*; Blue*; Lake*; Pinks; Droju black ; Lampblack ; Red ; Spanish Brown; Umber; Suawa; French f)chre, Ac. American and French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. For sale by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. /IN A VY <f SHELF HARD WARE. A LARGE and well selected stock For sale cheap by GOWEU. COX. MARKLEY A CO. SCRJS W.9 / SCRR WS! ! GROSS of ilio Improved Gimblet Point v)\ 'U Sorew*. For *?le by GOWEll, COX, MAKKLEY A CO, sawar saws// HOK ACft't Colcbrnted Ca?t Steel Mill Saw* t Rowland'* Mill, CroM C?it and Tennon Saw*; Hand, Pannal and Ripping Saw*; lira** and Bine Back Saw*; a coinpleta ananrtmcnt of WabbSawt, wl!l? and willmul frame* For rale by GOWEH, COX, MARKLEY A CO. Jan 7 8 If