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fc" i Vtftliay SiT. ?? irto*t)Titiov. The day ?? cold, and dark,-and dreary ; It.HUM, end the wind is never weary; The viae still cliagn to the mouldering wall, But at every guat tin dead leavee fall, And the day ia dark and dreary. My life is cold, and dark, and dreary ; It raina, and the wind it never weary ; . My thoughts Mill cling to the mouldering But thiThopes of youth fall thick in the blast, And the days ore dark and dreary. B? still, sad heart! and-ceaae repining; Behind (be cloud* is the sun still shining; Thy (ate is the oomroon fate of all? lnlo each lift some rnin must fell? Some days must be dark and dreary. HUM^KI81,;S7>L10. Beauty Adorned and Unadorned. The Florentine correspondent of tlie New Orleans Delta gives the following: "The city still continues to be crowded with strangers, principally English and Americaus, passing through en t\>ute tor Rome. They generally remain for about a week, 4 do ' the galleries and churches, and then, alter writing up their diaries, start for the Eternal City. This morning, while in the Utizai, I sauntered into the Tribune, which contained a in?ml>er of persons armed with ' Mur ray's Guide Book,'from which circnm stances I judged them to be either English ot American. Among others so provided, I noticed a girl of about seventeen years of age, who was, without exaggeration, fully as beautiful as any Ve us the room eontuius, and that is 6aying a great deal, for there ure two from tho brush of Titian, as well as tho Venus de Medici. The young lady appeared to he enraptured with the various works of art there collected, and went from one to the other, expressing her admiration to an old gentleman who accompanied her, and whom I took for granted was her father. At length, while the old gentleman was attentively reirardinrr the beautiful painting by llaphacl, of1 Johu Preaching in the Wilderness,' the young lady wandered from his 6ide, and stopping tor about tlio twentieth time in front of tho Venus de Medici, she called a little boy of ulxmt six years ol ago, whom I had not noticed before, to her side, and said : "'Neadr, this is the Venus do Medici.' 44 4 Is it?' said Neddy, and he fixed a scrutinizing look upon the famous piece of statuarv. 44 4 Yes, said the young lady, 'and it is one of the most beautiful things in the world.' "' Beautiful,' replied the young hopeful, in an indignant tone ; 4 why, sister Mary, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, to call that beautiful. I'd like to know how you'd like standing up there naked ? You wouldn't like it, now I tell you.' "There was a general titter round the room, and if you could have seen tho blushes of the beautiful girl, you would have done as I did?left the gallery, and all the wonders of art it contains, to muse upon the sweet face of the living beauty." John Bolivar's Visit to a Phrenological Museum. The Saturday Evening Gazette has a Isew York correspondent who bcattDoes ticks in humor, and the knack of playing upon words. The following is extracted from his lust letter : 41 It's a free institution?filled with * dead heads.' Professor wished to feci of my head. Told ine to uncover.? Told him to feel of it with my hat on. The hat was felt. I then b>ok it off.? He examined my wig. Said he knew t.ierc was something in my head?1 was full of life. He dwelt a long time on a bump caused by the sidewalk tall ing against it while I was taking ni\ room-mate home from a primary elec lion. (Ii<K>ui-mate was very drunk on that occasion. He thought he was tnk ing me home. I had an awful head ache next morning. I lelt dragged ont.) Professor said large bnmps de noted great inqnisiriveriess. Said 1 had a searching mind. Told ine t< search if I had a quarter in my p?>cke'. Called that exjuM-imental phrenology, JProfessor?after I imd mentioned my name?conducted me aronnd the tr uaenin. Showed me all the heads.? Some were plaster casts. Said they cast lots. Told him I was opposed to gambling. (lie looked bewildered? Show me the skull of Mulligan. Mill ligan was an accrobat. Made hiu last appearance on a tight rope at the City Prison for the tienetit of the public.? Broke his neck in the performance.? Next, showed me the skulls of men killed in wars. Professor observed as a curious fact that those slain were generally aged?having balled heads. In the next row was the skull of a boat nnm; it was not for sale ; it looked or dinarv. Poor fellow! he has run his race. We next paid our attention to the females. They were seemingly oh I maids?being laid on the shelf in tiers. the malee. Profcefcw said tbey bad a i 1it&? mora jrfw: He did not ftjfcek 6t , their sigita. Ab I was about departing , J noticed n curious shaped skull. 1 , took it up exclaiming?'now woijder- , felly and fearfully are wo made P 'Put that down,' said the Protester, it belongs to me. It was marked 4 nib-' oou.*n Aunt little's Courtship. Why, von see, when my man came aoourtin' me, I hud'nt the least thought of what he was after?not 1. Jobie came to onr house one night, after dark, and rapped at the door. 1 opened it, and sure enough there was Jobie.? u Come in," see I; " take a cheer." " No, no Lizzie,'n see he, " I have come on an arrant, and I? always do ray arrante lust-" " But yon had better come in an' take a cheer, Mr. W ." "No, I can't. The fact is, Lizzie, I've come dn this 'ere conrtin' busii nees. My wife's been dead these three weeks, and everything's been going to rack and rnin right along. Now, Liz zie, et you're a raiud to nave me, and ; take keer of iny house, and my children, ami my things, tell me, and Til , cuui in and take a cheer; if not, I'll i get Boine one else tu." Why, I was ekeered, and sed: "If . you come on this courtin' business, I come in ; I must think on it a leetle." "No, I can't till 1 know. That's my . arrant, and I can't sit down till my arrant is doue." " I should like to think on it a day i or two." " Now, yon need'nt, Lizzie." " Well, Jobie, if I must, I must?so , here's tu ye, then." So Mr.??came in. Then he wont i alter the sqniro, an' he married us right off, an' I went home with Jobie ; that very night. I tell you what it is ?these long courting don't amount to l.: .4 ..iI T i. ii J _ _ fio-miiig ai an. oust as wen au it in a hurry. A Fancy Dinner.?A tall, long-leg ged llooeier, from Jasper county, Indiana, distinguished by a little head perched on a crane's neck?accoutred ; with a swallow-tailed coat, and pnnta-: loons that refused to be coaxed down ' to tho ankles?boots shining with tuli low, and hat that scorned over half an i inch of brim?stalked into tho Itichr mond House, to get w hat he called a i 44 fancy dinner." Being shown to the ordinary, he was asked by a servant what he would have. 44 Wal, do?j on it, I don't know," said lie, casting his eye down the long and seemingly e.ulless array of trican deaux, contellet'es, ragouts, and other 44 kickshaws," on the bUl of fare, which confounded liiua with their variety, while he despaired of grappling with them all?44 what would yon take, Square, ef you were in my place ? I couldn't eat all them are fixens, you know?I couldn't, by thunder, ef I nevat* ven j .!*?!?? - - - vi ii uo iv nut c iiiiviiiui UIUU1 VI > IlllUb 111 a coon's age." "Wouldn't yon like sotne soup?" inquired t'.o waiter. " Wal, Square, you're 'l>out right, I reckon. Bring on your soup, ami then I'll pitch into your biled vittles. Yon tax all the same, they say, and it is hard chooein'?so I'll jest "try one plate through the lot?I will, cf I bust'.' Ilow THEY GET INTO THE MlNSTKEES. The Springfield (Mass.) papers tell how a party heard the minstrels, performing in that place, cheap. Said one of them to the door-keeper, "Just count the number of these fellows as they go in." In they went?the door-keeper counted a round dozen. " Have you got the number?" " Yes, sir, you'll make thirteen." " Oh, certainly?nothing more correct." said the other. Then pulling out a well-worn pocket-book, and fumbling among some papers a w hile, remarked, "There, I perceive I haven't quite enough?I'll just step across the way, and be with you in a jiffy." And so he did, but the night was somewhat foggy, and the fellow didn't find his way back. The lucky dozen, however, heard the minstrels. A Pkomisino Boy.?Recently, in one of the San Francisco courts, a young lady, his school teacher, was pr'aecuted by the mother for severely welting the young rascal's ba^k. The case went up to the court, and the verdict of the jury was, in effect, "served him right." tvegive a portion of the b"v> testimony, the wit of which atones lor its rudeness. " I asked her to do a sum for mo and she refused." "What was the sum ?" asked the counsel for the defendant. "To subtract nine from twenty-eight." " Couldn't you do that without assistance ?" " I suppose J could ; but the arithmetic said I could n't substract nine from eight without borrowing ten, and I didn't know where in the wide world to borrow it." A rifriknd, pheeling pbunnily phigurative, phurrushes the phollowing " 4ty 4tnnate testers, 4tuitously4ti tying 4 41om 4trr>ases, 4cibly 4bode 4ly laudable 4eigners 4ming 4aging 4ces." i * y" ng anecdote of a college chum: E?, *?$&? r di^li IS sly waggery than tor bit address in evading the writing of themes, and in palming off the brain coined currency of others as his legitimate 44 tender. One Monday morning he read a theme of unusual merit j butProf. A.'?titaelt a rat," and he H??: finished and sat down in the pride of -conscious innocence, asked?" Is that original, H?-?r* Yes, sir.'*. 41 Are you sure of itf qnerried the poofweor, doubtingly. 44 Why, yes, sir," replied, ft??, with the imperturbable took he always wore,.44 it had original over j i* in the paper I took It from!" Armt.?The discipline of the American army. is peculiar. Daring the Mexican war a great jealousy existed between the 44 Kegnlars " and 44 Militia," the rank of whose respective officers occasionally clashed. General 44 Downy," of the militia, in passing a volunteer sentry, who was lounging on the trail of a gun, called out 44 Stand up, sir, and salute, or 1*11 take you off your post;" whereupon the sontry applving his thumb to his nose said, 41 That won't do, gen'ril, I tell ye; I was posted here by a regular lootennnt."?jPassages in the Life qf a Soldier. Hkrk is a litany, which, although not exactly orthodox, will pass among sinners : From Tailor's bills, Doctor's* pills, "Western chills, and other ills?deliver us. From want of gold, wives that scold, maiden's old, and by 6lrarpers 44 sold " ?deliver ns. From screaking doors, and" a wife that snores, confounded bores, and dry goods stores?protect us. To modest girls, with waving curls, and teeth of pearls?commend us. A gentleman who had been out dining at a friond's with his lady, in driving homo mistook tho way and made such numerous blunders, that she began to fear that her excellent spouse lind taken more wine than wa3 wiiii find cho vontiirn I t > liint ?li/> om/. Never you tear, my (1 d-dear, said be ; I'll get home all tate if the h-b-horse only holds together! IIo wasn't the worse for liquor ! Not at all! " Letting iuk Cat Out."?A young beauty beheld one evening two horses running off at a locomotive speed with a light carriage; as they approached, she was horrified at recognizing in the occupants of the vehicle two young gentlemen of her acquaintance. 14 Boys 1 boys!" she screamed in terror, "jump put?quick, quick out ?especially (iforge." Jusisthe Ivimd ok Augument.?The New Haven Kfegister has it that Mrs. Jenkins says the Kansas people are acting just as her son Bill does when lie wishes to <( set up " in the evening : 44 C? me, Billy, it is time to goto lied." " I hain't had my supper yet. 44 Weil, why don't you eat your supper V 14 Cos I don't want to go to bed 1 A lady, who must be a relative o( Mrs. Partington, we think, by marri age, hi least, was entertaining some friends with ft lino leg of mutton the other day, when one of tbo guests remarked ,that the mutton was exceedingly tine in quality. Oh, yes, said she, my husband always buys the best, lie is a great epictc. "Col. W. is a fine looking man, isn't he i" said a friend of ours the other day. "Yes," c?plted jmotlier, "I was taken tor him oue tlmo." " Yon 1 why you arc as ngly as sin." " No odds about that, I endorsed his note, and I was taken for him by the sheriff." A yocno man by the name of Johnson has been arrested in Albany for perpetrating anew "dodge." He fastened bristles on the tail of a rat and then sold it for a squirrel. The purchaser was sold as well as the rat. ? A Fhek Sight.?Speaking of lions, paid a hardshell preacher, discoursing | of Daniel in *he den of lions, 44 There he sot all night, looking at the show for | nothing; it uiaifi cost him ? cent." The phrase 41 fighting on his own hook " is now more elegantly tendered, 44 waging war upon the prudent individuality of his pergonal carve." In what does the American Indian differ from modern ladies ? The one war-whoops in time of battle?the others wear noops in time of peace. " When an Irish girl was asked, a few days ago, where her mistress was, who hail gene to a water cure establishment, she replied that her ladyship had44gone to soak." A Yotraro gentleman has recently enlisted in the army, giving as a cause, 44 a step-raother and furee Efcrvnnts. e THV inilmlpMil Hi^ntOm^.TiuBoCTBK.N ffiiwrwrti and Tmm P?*iev m Movstaikr*, Wttpfcct folly state that tk?* hnr# ?4ept?d the following standard RATES Of ADVERTISING, Whkh will in every iiwUnce be adhered to: ma BQUA?B or U urn* OR Utt*, I iS& *m!! fcftlGB ISMS 0 Ifter ite, 2.00 8t ibertus A80 90 iner'ne, 8.00 iner'ne, *80 20 iner'ne, 6.00 40 iner'ne, 0,70 .7 iner'ne, 2.00 24 iner'ne, 0.2O 41 iWaei 90 8 intr'ne; 2.7* 20 inert*, 0.40 42 iner'ne, 9.00 9 iner'ne, 8.00 26 iner'ne, 6.60 48 iner'ne, 9.10 10 iner'ne, 8.9C 47 iner'ne, 0.76M4 iner'ne, 990 II iner'ne, 8.00 28 iner'ne, 6.90 46 iner'ne, 9.80 12 iner'ne, S.70 29 iner'ne, 7.06 40 iner'ne, 9.40 18 iner'ne, 4.00 80 iner'ne, 7.20 47 iner'ne, 9.00 14 iber'ne, 4.90 81 iner'ne, 7.85 48 iner'ne, 9.60 10 iner'ne, 4.40 82 iner'ne, 7.00 49 inert*, 0.70 10 iner'ne, 4.00 88 iner'ne, 7.05 00 iner'ne, 9.80 17 iner'ne, 4.80 34 iper'ne, 7.80(61 it*r*na, 9.90 62 insertions; $10. Obituary Notices over 12 lines in length, end Tributce ol Reepect, will be charged for at advantiainie ttalaa I Advertisements not limited will be inserted till ordered out, and charged for every insertion. &T Advertising bills amounting to twenty* five dollars for the year, will be allowed a die* count of five per oent; those amounting to fifty dollars, ten per cent; seventy-fire dollars, fifteen per cent; one hundred dollars, and over, twenty per oent. or JOB WORK payable on delivery. PRICE A McJUNKIR, For The Southern Enterprise. G. E. KLFORD, For The Patriot and Mountaineer. January 12lb, 1858. Plows, Stoves, iSt, , WK kaap ynatant-ng^ fcyv ly on linnd a large asBfW^sort-ment of One and MBiHaMS' *TP^5lTwo-Horse Turning, Subsoil and Hillside winch we challenge the world to equal in good work, ease of draft and durability. We have also a large and beautifnl assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Room, Bed ltoom and Church STOVES, to which we particularly call the attention of those who wish to purchase. Also on hand. Wash and Stoek BOILKRH, Cohi Shollers, Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Well l*mnps furnished and put up. We also are making aud receiving from New York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, among which the Ladies may fiud a great variety of Cake Cutters and llako Pans. KOOT am! BATHING TUBS, or any other Article in our line, ina?le to order, and I'ainted in the beat manner. We are alao prepared to do 11 oof lug nud ()Nllerin( in the latest aud beat manner on short notice Country Merchants invited to examine our stock of htmm We say it is ?u|>erior, and we do not wish to have our word taken for it* Come and see. Cash paid for Old Copper, licet W ax and Old I'ewtcr. yay~ Hags taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mh 12 44 tf T. W. DAVIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, ^ TAKES the liberty to announce AcyTfcg to the citizens <>f Greenville, and It TBRtiic surrounding country, that he prepared to do all manner of work in his line of business, such as Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, all of which shall he done in the contest manner. Watch Wheels, l'ivots, l'inions. Jewels, Screws, Hands, (iliujus. all dnn? < IK. *n<l in n workmanlike manner. l'leasegive bim a trial, and you will be planned. lie also makes JEYVb.LRY to order, such as Gold Guard* Fob Se Test Ctaaiaa, All kinds of GOLD BUTTONS, such ns Bosom. Sleeve and Collar Buttons. All kinds of Hair | Work Trimmed in the neatest style. I llis work cannot be surpassed in this part of I the country. I His shop may be found at the Goodlett House, in the room formerly occupied by Messrs. Bailey A Owen. Greenville, July 30. 1857. IS tf 1h A R t E 8 HI C KEY, (SucctHtor to A'munutl Currant,) MANUFACTURE* OF LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DEALER IN LOOKING QLA88 PLATES, BRACKBlU, WINDOW CORNICBB, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. 154 KINO STREET. CHARLESTON, 8.' O. HT Old Frames Re gilt equal to new. _ffl April 80 M Iy \V. 8. LAWTON,) ( C. M. BREAKER, Formerly of V 4 of Lawtonville, H.C.) ( Charleston, S. C. LAWTON A CO-, Factors, Forwardlai and Coat* rnlwisn JMorcaaatn, No. 30 Katl Bay and Boyea it Co'r Wharf, s. WILL " ;LL COTTON, RICE, ELOU R, WHEAT, CORN, NAVAL STORES, Ac. %gT Having an experienae of tweoty-five years in bos in ess, wa guarantee satisfaotion to all who patronise Dealer in Bc4K^ferBlP Hi vwitnmmm OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. ORKKNVIbLB, 8. G.t \^Fs. 10 Prepared to fornish ouston. Hw \. era with the above articles, CHEAP mi r~r caah. Having competent workmen engaged, he eao aaaura his patrons that all work wltfbe Nkatly Doxxaud WARRANTED. Fab 5 *1 it | NEATLY DONE A T .1 % I m ptf. M0;|Kli F ALTAVD Dlt OF Tms SEASONS 4 .4. '. ... , BALKS Of PLAUtAttON BLAKKKfS ( " All Wool Plata " Schyle's Georgia Kersey* and llalns M low-price Georgia Kersey* aed Plain* " Red, Blue and Grey Flannel* " Wbito Twill Flannel* fi-4. &-4. 1-4 11-4 Brown Sheetings " S<4tyle's Strip* Georgia Oenaburg* -I M heavy Cotton Osnii burgs M heavy 4-4 Brown Shirting* " Sea Island Brown Shii-linge * heavy 8-4 Brown Shirtlne*. at 6J eta. " heavy Brown Cotton Drilling " Superfine Brown Cotton Drilling RICH FALL AND WIJ SITTER 4-4 FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINTZ ' 4-4 Cashmere Pattern Ohints " 4 4 Seotch and English Ginghams Choice Printed and Plnin Challya Choioe Stripe and Plaid Poplin* for Fall VTear Snpor Printed French Dclaint and Cashmorcs Choice Printed French DeLains for Cliildren Plain French DeLains and Cashmeres, all shades Oct ?9-24-tf READ! READ!! READlli' IT WILL TAKR YOU BUT A KKW 1I1MUTK8, AND MAT IAV1 TOU MAirr ybaks or avmnnra Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BtOOD! The Beat Alterative Brer Tet Discovered! < FhyeUUtn* preecribe it, and every one that uvea it is a walking advertferment. ,Vo 1 Medicine reer yet offered to the American public ha* gained mck po- ] polarity in voebort a time an CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! It will Cure any case of Scrqfula. It will Cure any cave qf Rheumatism. It will Cure any case of Syphilis. -i it will L-ure any case of Salt Rheum. It will Curt any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case of Fever and Ague, Or any Diseases arising from an impure state of the Ulood. SCROFULOUS READER! It cured the neiee of the Hon. lohn Minor Rotts, a member of Congress from Virginia, of Scrofula, after the skill of the best Physicians, both of New York and Philadelphia, had been tried in vain ; ami it will cure you, reader, if you are so affected. RHEUMATIC RKADER! It cured 0. Burritt, Esq., of Cincinnati, of < Rheumatism of 4 years standing, after all Other remedies had failed. We have hundreds of euch certificates Call on the Agent and get a Book and Circular, and read for yourself the many remarkable and astonishing cores it has made'. SYPHILITIC READER! The celebrated Dr. Butcher writes us that he * had two of the mo*t severe and long standing ' coses of Syphilis thst would yield to none of the 1 usual remedies, hut he cured one ease with six, and the other with nine bottles o' CARTERS 1 SPANISH MIXTURE. We have known it used in over a Thousand casks, and liava yet to < hear of a failure in any ease. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS READ I Aoi:k am> Fbvk*.?Do not take Quinine, Mi r- ' eury, or any sueli noxious Drugs, but try at once this great Alterative and Purifier of the Blood ; 1 (jtirter'm St**tuMU .I/it/um u-ill ahm ?nv ?/* < case of Vguc and Fever. We hav* never yet I known it to fail. 1 And for nil Diseases driving from An impure state of thu lllood, no medicine lie* ever yet (wen found to hove so good en flfeet If you ere rick, try it el once; do not delay; time is precious, end health the greatest of eTl blessings, without which ell else is valueless. DU. WM. 8. BKERS A CO, ProrntitTOMi, Richmond, Va. And for sale by K KRUTCH. Druggist, Agent, Greenville C. II, & G S-ly Mey lg ' And Phoenix Bitters. THE best Family Medicine now before the | public, for the cure of Scrofula, Ulcer*, | Scurvy, or /Eruption* of the Skin, Jnrver end Ague, Ryepepeia, Drojxu, end in feet meet ell i diseases soon yield to their euretive properties, J It has been computed that, during tlie lest twenty five years, upwards of four miliioM of persons have been benefitted by the use of these medicines ; e fact which speaks volume* in favor of their euretive properties a single trial < will place them beyond the reach of oompeti- ] tion tu the estimate of every patient. By their use the blood I* reetored to a healthy *tnt*, end i freed from all imporitiea The system is not reduced during their operation, but invigorated, and they require no restraint from huutaese or pleasure. , The afflicted hare, in theee medriinee, a remedy ; that trill do for them all that medicine can rrrri bly effect. Prepared by W. B. Moffat. M. D,, Proprietor, New York. And for sale by W. H. HfoVKY, Greenville, 8. G. Sep 17 10 11 I ii n?iTiuunn~ <i. h. Ritivuuiirn, Thankful foji past favorh, beob to MT. that *11 kinds of HA1K WORK of every variety of ttyld of braiding. will bo Ornamented or Mounted with Gold, in the neatest manner, and returned U> iixan ? * die* per moil or othdawise, oe directed. (Ifoir con In aent him in loiter per moil.) Bow Breoot Pino, Necklace*, Urocele to, Aide, Vcat and Guard Chain*, Crooceo, Finger King*, bar King*, no., oi van era* CUtfM, put up neatly, and any articU admitin the name of the owner engravod thereon, hall, for the engraving, be free of extra obarge. He alao make# and repair* oil kind* of Jewelry; mount* with gold or allvor the Head* of Walking Cane*; matehee Hpectoole Glaeae*; and, laot- I ly. Jbriffrare* on all manner vf Plate. Office 6 yard* Kaet of old Court J/ouoe, and 4 fern pact* from the KnUrprim Office. Greenville, ft C., June 46, *67, 7-lf ' | - - - - ii e> i W. P. PRICE, NOTARY PTJBJL.ICK ANO CLEW OF TOWN COUNCIL, OFFICE W TttOLD C0UR1 HOUSE, m* Will promptly attend to the collection of Note* t - ano Aidant*, ttttliwf COulWr, Wd. * t WINTER illlf 1 IMPORTATION. )mm of BIm, Groy onJ tort-WooSAtiNETO low-priee Satinet* '* low price Kentucky Jeane " cheap Long Clothe ? RenranW beery Bleached Bbirtlaf* " Cambric Long Clothe " Superfine 7-8 Bleached Shirting* M ' W-4,1-4,11 -4 and ISA Brchd Sheetfaga " English Print*, at 8* cte. '? good Fur Calico, at 6+ct*. " Super KngUeh J>r*<* PHute " chUp Uinghame M <Bleaclted Twill Jean* . low-priee Muelia J>al*|nt _ ^ . I mter dress goods. Plait. Union DeBage, at 1*4 ota Plain All Wool DeUage. nil shades Iticli Si Jo Strip* Printed French Cashmere* ftich Cashmere Hiding and Waiting Kobe* Hi eh Challv Walking Robe* ' Vlisees Chally Byndere Robes Cashmere, PeLa.n, and Chally By adore Patterns. A. y. BBow^mw. Holmbold's Gonaine Preparation or HI6MLY CCNCENTRATEO COMPOUND PLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, For Ditrwnf thr Bladder, Kid'tiff*, Gravel, Dr*p *y, Ohetmetion, tierret JXifiCt, Frmal* Complaint*, end all Disease* of the Sexual Organ*, - ' Arising from Excesses and Jmprudanoies in life, ind removing nil Improper Discharges from tho Bladder, Kidneys, or 9eaual Organs, whether existing in From whatever cause they may have originated, AJfD MO MATTE 8 OT HOW LOMO STAMDOTO (Jiving Health and Vtgor to the Frmtne, and Bloom to the Pallid Cheek. Joy to the Afflicted!! It cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes all the Symptosna, among whiah will be found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, iAuguoi^'nivcrsal Lassitude of the Muscular System, {men Enormous Appetite. with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, and Eruptions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Fvididt. Vro quentlr Block Spot* Firing before th# F.yea, with Temporary Suffusion and Luh of Sight, Want of Attention, Ureal Mobility, K<atIcmiicm, with Horror of Society. . i Nothing i* more desirable to ouch patients than solitude, and nothing they more dread for f*sr ?f themselves ; no rcpoee of manner, no *art?-et iteaa, no speculation, but a hurried Traoailion front one question to another. These symptoms if allowed to go (>u?which thia mcdioine invariably removes?aoou follow* /yOM of Patetr, Fatuity and Kpileptie Fit*?iu otir L?f which the patient may expire. Who ran aay Lbat theae txuc-eaea are riot frequently followed by tlune direful discuss*?/A^N/TY AND CONSUMPTlONi The record* of /man* A*ylam*, and the welaucholy death* of C<m*nmf4ion, bear ample witoeaa to tlie truth of theae aaecrliona in Lunatie Asylum* the moat melancholy exhibition Appear*. The countenance ia actually aodden ami quite de*titut*?neither Mirth or i .rief ever visit* it. Should aaound of the voire occur, it ia rarely articulate. " With woful meaaorea wan despair Low eullep aounde hie grief beguiled." Debility ia mod terrible I and ha* brought thousand* upon thousands to untimely groves, thue blasting the ambitioa of many noble yout|to. It can be cured by the uae of thia INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with any of tho above dietrowing ailment*, the FLVJD SXTItACTBU CHU will eore you. Try it, and be ooaviaeed of it* efficacy. B*mtr* of buack Nostrum* and Quatl Decfera. who falsely boast of abilitiee and references. ' ditixena know and avoid them, and aave Long Buffering, Money and Exposure, by sending or rolling Tor a bottle of this PoDttlar-nad <atnih It alley* ail pain and inflammation, u jierfectf\ pleasant in iu tart? and odor, bat immediate h* ita action. Helmbold's Extract Bachu " la prepared diiectly according to the KoIm af rituuoT AVD ohsmisi bt, with the greatest accuracy and Cbemieal knowledge and care devoted in iu sombhwtiee. See Protestor Divn't Valnable Wort a on Ike Practice of Phyaie, and moot of Mm late (MaalaM Worka of Medicine. One Imn-fr^d dollars ?)U be pafPtoaay Phylieian who can prove that the Med lame owe* injured e Patient; and the teatimowy of tkouaaada can be produced to prove that k deee greet goed. 6toe of from one week to thirteen yaaro' standing have been effretcd. The maee of YOLVNTARY TESTIMONY in poeeoaaion of the Proprietor, voocbing iU virtuee and ewrativw peerore, ia immenee. embracing senate weff Urea to 8C1RNCK AND FAME. 1M,M? Bottlea Hare Been Bold, And not a eingle iaataaaaa of a failure haa been reported. I reraonally appeared hefcee me, a* Afriiaaana of the city of Philadelphia, H. 7. ffKLMBOM>, Chemtat, who, being dnly sworn, deeeeav, that thin preparation contoina no Nnreotio, JUfpnry or falMNa Drag. bat are nnrefv TattaUa H. T. HELM BO LP, Sole MaanfeafcM Sworn and eubaerihed before a?? title MiBg of November, IBM, ' ' ' ' w?. I*. ??** '** P..A, t! - - ??*- - . ?? v> pwr oviM, or 019/Vf W, ZHWWT?f to any Ad&**s*. Accompanied by reHtble Bod reepoaeibto f >?ti cetee from r?ufe??? of ModtaU Q?Wim,Ch? gymen mmd other*. Praoticml mttd Amtfilmt Cktmitl, No. 62 Sotrrii Tew St., beww Ctuamrtr, oh* the United auie^CaAatw emi Srtt* II& iaeee. c{/j?M dVMUfimffifir , July 2 7 I %