University of South Carolina Libraries and Decree. TT npp?*ring to my tatlsfcctkm that th( Intw 1 tate left a widow and a daughter, Martha Wynne, who** plana Of reeidenee ? not knowu : Thnt tho above portim. < I Court of Ordinary, to ba hoiden at Greenville I Court House, for Greenville District, on HWmt dSay. the 88tA doy of April next, to ahew cause, if i I any they hare, why a Final Settlement of the i aid Katate should not be had, and a Decree gir- , en thereon. ? Given under my hand and teal, at Groenville ' Court House, Uvo aeoond day of February, ' A. D. 1?68. 1 ItOliT MvKAY, O. G. D. [u k] ) Feb 4 30 8m 1 ST A T R OP Snnrl^ri? nr 1 mT i V* wvw 4.U VXlUV/lilJA' < GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. ' TVFrirtooofsnndry Writs of fieri Fhc!m io -IJ mo directed, I will wll before the Ctourt 1 Home door, at the usual hoars of side, on the I first Monday in MAtlCU neat, 850 Acres ot Laud, more or lees, i adjoining lands of rhilemon fluff, John Adatna, Dr. West and other*; as the property of Thorn- , aa May Hold, at the suit of William Hawkins, et al 800 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lands of Center, Reese, Harrison, et , al.; as the property of Terry G. Ware, at the suit of James MoCiilloitgli and J. II. AteCuIlough. 1 One Negro Woman, And her four Children. { >! YeH?"?.> aa the property of John Manning Mahatfee, at the auitof B. K. Terry, et al. ( On Tuesday after sale-day next, at the residence of P. fluff, 1500 lbs. Reed Cotton < and 14 bbls. Corn; as the property of A. J. Joyce, at the suit of Joseph <Nn rs. ( 100 Acres of Land, more or less, adioininn lands of ?-* as the property of Jarats L. Jenkins, at the suit ! of W. A- t'ernelL ' jr T>. YIOR15, a G. D. ^ tfiflMflfs Office, Felimorr 4, 18ft8 89-td in o w aiuTa sio cTa t ioni, i PHIXjAI^ELPHTA. A. Benevolent Institution, eetabliehed by epocial endeeen%ent far On relief of the tick and dietreeaed, afflicted teith Virulent and Epidemic diteatct. f|X) all persons.afflicted with Sexual Disease*, L such asSpermatorrhoea, Seminal Weaknees, Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Syphilis, the Vice ( of Ousnism, or Self Abuse, Ac., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awfnl destruction of human lile, caused by 1 Sexual Disease*, end the deceptions practised up- ' on the untortunate netims of well diseases by ( tjuacks, have directdRheir Consulting Surgeon, ' as a charitable aet worthy of their name to give hmxcal aovick obatm, to all pers ms thus aflTtcted, who appiy hv letter, with a description of their condition, (ago occupation, habits of life, Ac..) and in case* of extreme poverty and suf feting, to furnieh medicine* frte of charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands i the highest Medical skill of the age, and will fur- t nish the most approved modern treatment. i The Directors, on a review of the past, feel as- I an red that their labors in this sphere of brnevo h-ut effort, have boon of great ben fit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed , ?o an* ?? ' -* *- * ? ?, ? ?- -?- / ?M.p/iv?uii mwi. ration ueppisou MOM. Ju?t Published, by the Association, n Report 1 on Bperin*torrba>a, or Seminal Wenkneni, the vice of OaanUm, Masturbation or Hell-Abuse, nnd rther Diseases of the Sexual Organs,, by the Con uliing Surgeon, Which will b? sent by -mftfl, (in a sealed letter envelope), Free of Charge, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. By order of the Directors. ' Address, for Report or Treatment, DR. QEO. R. CALIIOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South NINT11 Street, Phila- ' 'dslpliia, Pa. i KZRA D. 1IEARTWELL, President 1 Oko. Faikciiilo, Secretary. Ksb 4 tl ly musTC^ " jm Mas. J. w. BARTON will F,v< Lessons either on the PIANO. MKl.OOKON OR K h&rS *f f-CUITAR, in the Mimes Red- < Ur ferns' Academy. \ TKRMS?110 earh, per quarter. N. a?Mrs B. will itlso attend Scholars at 1 their private residences. jan 28 88-2 1 " e ' so " Admin fotrator's Sale. BY vlrtne of nn order from the Ordinnry k of Greenville District. I will expose for H nlo. ?t public outcry, at the late residence of BENJAMIN II. ARNOLD, deceaaed, 20 miles below Greenville C. II., on Thursday, tbe 11th day of February next, and davs < following, if deemed necessary, all the PKltSONAL PROPERTY belonging to said Ea- 1 tate, consisting of i 10 or 11 Likely NEGROES-Men, j Women and Children 4 or 6 Head of HORSES A Lot of CATTLE, HOGS, Ac., Ac. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE ! And Blacksmith Plantation Tools Cabinet Makers' Tools Turning Implements, Ac., Ac. A great many Articles not enumerated. TERMS OK SALE?A credit until the 26th December next. Interest from day of / sale for all sums of and over five dollar*? under five dollars, cash. Notes with good , aeeunty. A. It. MoDAVID, I Administrator. i Omnvilio, 8. C., 25th Jan., 1858 38-2 1 HOUSE AtfDSION PAINTING, PaiKir HangiMf and Glasinf. -I 'pHK undersigned bags )mv? to inform the . jk.. citizens a? Qroenville and surrounding . country, that h? baa permanently located at Greenville, for tha purpose of carrying on the above Ducincm, and hopes, by strict attention to ' badufae, to merit a share oi public patronage. 1 His charges will ba moderate. M.BT Residence oa Buneorabe street. Bear tha 1 junction of the Buncombe and Rutherford roads. 1 tlsa It tt-tm JAMES FLECK. 1 GMUotor. * WTTha frieuda ofJL*. KcDavid, Esq., respectfully aaaounoe him as a Candidate for Tax ' ?bUeetg?~At the ensuing election. Manila ? him ?> e Candidate for Tax Ool- ! lector at thr enewing Bee boo. 4 or TU<t mam or W. ?. T?r?.r ' announce hies as a Candidate for Tas CoHector , I at the next fa fiction, ( 0 j VflJfll VI la NOW OPENING, at t.U W>RETDMoSk McFWs Hull, one of the mott COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS tjf < ' * FAMILY GROCERIES *ver otiered in Greenville* Mid which lie is >8ering at prions in accordance with th*lin|?a, wnsisting, in port, of lh? following Articles: K'io nod Java COFFEES ; Crushed, Cla ified and Brown SUGARS V N. O. Syrup, mperior, cheap ; Tobacco aud Sc?ars; supe ior Green ana Black Teas; Candles; Starch; tojn : Hard warn and f!ntlor? 31 ess ware ; Wood ware ; Sotps of *11 deacrip.ion*; Spioee; Maccaroni; Mackerel; Bacon; Herrings; Broom* and Biu*be*; Anchovy, Heading, John Bull and other Sauces; Champagne, Madeira, Claret, Poit, Teneriffe and Hher Wine*; Brandies, and other Liquor* ?f the finest quality, for Medical use; llranJv Peaches; Pickles of all description* ; PrekSrve* and Jellies; Sardines ; Lobsters; Raiuna, Citronsand Figs; Porter and Ale; Nails; ?nd a variety of Toilet Combs, Brushes, and other Fancy Articles too numerous to menlion. All of which 1 offer at reduced prices for jash or approved pnper. N. B.?Those indebted for the years of 1855-'66 and '57, are respectfully requested lo call and arrange their ucoounts by note or payment. A. GREENFIELD. Jan 28 88 tf ATTjE-!*T19!V. VOTERS ! r|"MIK Subscriber wishes to inform his friends JL and the public generally, that he has come >ut as s candidate, not for Congress. nor for the legislature, but s candidate for public patronage in the TAILORING! BUSINESS. He will warrant his work to be made strong and good. Lie will warrant to make good Fits. Cleaning nod repairing done on short notice. Those wishing work done will call at his Shop, in the Old Gourt House, in the old Ordinary's Office. I ana thankful for the liberal share of patronage bestowed upon me heretofore, and hope for a continuation of the same. A. BEECO. Jan 28 38 tf Tsrjtii w ri'Miv iu,i?: j? - - - L..? uiiocKiynni hi*ve enwreu into VJopartnership in the Mercantile Business under the name and style of LONG & GOODLETT, and would invite the attention of the citixena of Greenville and surrounding Districts, to an ex* animation of our STOCK, as we hope to share * portion of publie patronage, and feel confl* dent that we can offer Goods at as low prices for cash as can l>e purchased elsewhere. Give us a call. It. LONG, B. A. GOODLETT, Greenville, January 26th, 1868 38-tf Money Wanted. HAVING recently made a change in my hue* I ineas, I must say to all those indebted to ue. either by NOTE OB BOOK ACCOUNT, up to "let of January, 1868, that they must make mmxdiatb paymkxt, as longer indulgence will not be given. Jan 28 88-tf R. LONG. Dissolution. rpHE Firm \V. H. HOVEY <t CO. is this day 1 dissolved ny mutual consent. The busi less of the Firm will be ulosed by \V. H. Hovey. W. II. IJOVEY, J. J. HOVEY. January 1st, 1858. KTOTIOB. THE Subscriber hnving purchased the entire Stock or W. II. UOVKY A. CO.. will con* inue business at the same place. Thankful to lie public for their former liberal patronage, he vtll in future cudeavor to merit a continuance of .he same. \V. U. IIOVEY. January Ittlb, 1858, 37-8?tt. Dissolution of Copartnership. 1M1E Cupartnersihp heretofore existing between the Sulkscribera, under the Firm of 30WKK, COX <fe MARKLEY, ho? this day been lieeolved Ity mutual consent. Those indebted t>y note or ooolc account ere requested to make turned iate payment, m longer indulgence canlot l>? given. T. C. GOWER, T. M. COX, n. C. MAUKLEY. January 1st, 1858. Greenville Coach Factory. SOWER, COX, MARKLEY & CO. . rJcajL WK hnve this day aaaociated 'with aSHEns, in bnaineae, Mr. LEWIS WORrHlNOTON, well known to the community for teveral year* as the obliging and aceoinmodatng foreman of the Greenville Coach Factory. We are now belter prepared to aupply the wanta if the community than at any provloua time, sod shall nae our beat efforts toaustain the wideipread reputation ao long enjoyed by this establishment. T. C. GOWER, T. M. COX, H. C. MARKLEY. L. WORTH 1NGT0X. January 1st, 1858. ^ Dissolution. HPIIE Firm of GRADY A GOODLETT ia this JL d?j dissolved by limitation The book* ?nd MtM can b? found at their forimr place of ausinee* The receipt of either pert r will be rood ia settlement; the nemo of the ririn will M ueed in liquidation. JOHN W. GRADY. . R. P. GOODLETT. January let, 1868. Special Notice. WE have this day aold our entire stock of Goods to Mr. JOHN W. GRADY, and Resolved our Copartnership. It la. therefore, teoasseey that the unsettled business should be dosed, as early as possible To that and, all MM-tiee indebted to us, in any way, are hereby lotified to make payment atoooe, and save both parties trouble sad aoet GRADY A GOODLETT. January 1st, 1888. A Card. rHE Subscriber, having purchased the satire Stock of Goods W Grady A Goodlett, will xmtlnue business at their old stand. Thankful for uMtfavora, b# solicits a continuation. Believing a the old adage " that a nimble si*peace la !>ev *r than a alow shilling," 1 shall adopt the oassr gretem. My motto k "short profits, and quick mica" Cash purchasers would do well to rival no a call. JOHN W. GRADY. Jaanarr 1st, 1888. -< < 88 1m 9TATS SOUTH CAKOUNA. GKlfcENVIIXE DISTRICT. Is Court of OrdinaryI. K. PMo, Administrator, applicant, again at U?i?d? MoOrnrr, Andrew McOrnry, Naney McCrarv, Harsh Elixa McCrnry, Mary Elisabeth MefTrarv, Francis MeCrnry, Jtnn M. McCrary, WifHnir. Franklin McC'rnry. Defendant*.?PttUion for Settlement and Decree. TT appearing to my satisfaction, that all of the X auove Defendant* reside beyond the limit# of this State: It ie ordei ed ana decreed, that they do appear at a Cburt of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court House, for GreenvilleDistriet, on Monday, the 1 DM day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to sheer cause, if any they have, vrhy a final settlement of the Pervoual Estate of James MeC'rary, deceased, should not be had, and a Decree given thereon. Given under my hand and seat of Office, at Greenville Court tlousc, the 22d day of January, A. IX 1 Hflft. llOBEKT AlcKAY, O. G. D. ft. a] Jan 28 88 3m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Tn Court of O dlnary. John M. Cnrmnn and G. W. Brnw, Executors of Hardin Bruce, deceased, applicants, against I.uey Bruce, Mi?ry Ann l'ennington, and ICiUiim J. Pennington, her husband, Klira Mostellcr and Philip II. Mnstcller her husband, George W. Bruce, Willi* W. Bruce, Adaline Carman and J. M. Carman, her husband, Frances M. Jackson and J. IK. Jackson her husband, Emily Crain and William Craiu her husband, O. W". Bruce, Jr., minor heir of A. J. Bruce, deceased. Defendants.?Petition for Pinal Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to mr satisfaction, that G. Ur. Brnee, Jr, minor heir of A. J. Bruce, deceased, resides beyend the limits of this State: It is ordered and decreed, thnt. he do appear nt a Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on Friday, the 23d day of April next, to shew ennse if any he can, why a final settlement of tho Estate of Hardin Bruce, deceased, should not be had, and a Decree given thereon. Given under mv haud and seal of Office, at Greenville Court (louse, this 23d day of January, A. D. 1858. ROBERT McKAY, 0. O. D. [u a] Jan 26 36 3m Administrator's Notice. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of BENJAMIN II. ARNOLD, deceased, are required to present them, properly attested ; and nil those indebted to tike Estate, will make payment to the Subscriber. A. R. McDAVID, Jan 25 38-3 Administrator. Administrator*' Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of THOMAS \V. KINMAN, deceased, are rc11J nested to make payment to tho undersigned. uum iit>Tiu|; iit'iiinmiB ngmnsi HBl'l rjllMte will present tliem, duly attested, for payment BAKKSDALE CHARLES, JOHN CHARLES. Administrator*, xcith the Will annexed. NoTember 28 29 tf Administrators' Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of MARTHA KINMAN, deceased, are re7ne?ted to make payment to the undersigned, hose Iiaving demands against said Estate will present them, duly attested, for payment. BARKSDALE CltARLES, JOHN CHARLES, Administrators. November 28 29 tf Executor'* Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of JOHN T. LIOON, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned. All those Iiaving claims against said deceased will present them for payment within the tiino prescribed by law, or thev will be barred. W. A TOWNES, * Nov 5 26-tf Executor. AlZ? SURGEON DENTIST, GREENVILLE, S. O. Office North- Wttt corner Main and Avmtte Street*, HAS just returned from PhiladelMMHHk phis, end will be picascd to attend to any who are in want of hie services. i&mmM* ratm Inserted from one to full Upper and Lower Setts, in the most approved ana durable manner. Exposed Nerves destroyed and treated, free of pain. Jan 7 35-tf ROBERT TTTHRUSTON, M. I), ^2 OPFKRS HIS PROFESSIONAL SF.RVI YMr CKS to this community. His Office, for the rm present, is in the Old Conrt House Building. Jan 14 30 if CHEAP CASH STOKE THE Subscribers propose to sell Goods In future for CASH, and at snch reduced prices as we hope will guarantee a continuance of our former patrons. Country produce taken in exchange for Goods at cash rtuccs, and in discount for debts now due. We sincerely desire those indebted to us, to call and settle by cash or note. REA, BAYNE & CO. January 7th 1868, 86 tf For Sole. . THE subscriber offers for sale his H0U8K AND LOT whereon fliwKut now lives. It is situated about W^jgBmgi 1*26 yards from the Public Square, is well urn pro red, having a lsrge House contain ing 0 Kooms, with Fire pinurs ?. each, one estra Bed-roo*n, Pantry, <tc., good and roomy Kitchens, Smoke-house, Grain-home, Crib, and aa excellent new Stable, Cow-house and Carriagehouse, and an uuuartghu>r?ductive Garden and Patch, ^ with a |pid?^^|^y^of^Kruit Trees, T'. cTciOWEU. For Sale or Beat, lasi^ THE HOUSE AND LOT opposite the forks of Anderson and Pendleton roads. The House contains six upright rooms. On the Lot are all nedeaeary outbuilding*. For Urine, Ac., apply to H. LEE I URU8TON. Dee 34 33 tf k ' 1 ?WAW * WT: XXTTTEBIES. | AUTHORIZESIV THE STATS OF IE 0 AG I A. tri70^000-?f FOR TBN DOLLARS. The following Snhotwo will he drawn by S. 9w*n A Co., Monagora of the Sport* Academy Ut?*rr, in #*el? of their LottoriM for Fab .r?, 1108, at A I'OUST A. Georgia, in pah lie, J utniar the aupariatandaooo of Conuniaaiouara: ' CLASS 1, V* b# drawn i? tfca ally t Aogoata, Oau, I* yabUa, Mi ' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1868. i CLASS 2, | To Oa drawn in tfca city of Angnata, Oa, la yobl a, an , BATUSDAT. FEBAOATT Uth IMS CLA8S 3, To bo drown In tbo #ltjr ofAnfiM, On, In pwblio, on i SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 th, 1868. CLASS 4, ' To bo drown In tbo city of Augusta, Oo., In pnbllo, on 8ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 97th, 1808. ! OX Til r, PLAN or si NCf l.K NUMBKK8. FIto Thousand Four Hundred tc E'ghtr-FIrs Frlxee. ( NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVER Y NINE TICKETS. ; ' MA@KI01F0?^!NIT tpiHCftfllE 2 TO BR DRAWN 1 EACH SATURDAY IN FEBRUARY! 1 Prize of $70,000 4 Prize* of $900 1 Prize of 30.000 4 Prizes of 800 i 1 Prize of 10,000 4 Prizes of 700 I 1 Prize of 5,000 4 Prizes of 600 1 Prize of 4,000 50 Prizes of 500 1 Prize of 3,000| 50 Prizes of 300 1 Prize of 1,500j 100 Prizes of 125 4 Prizes of 1,000|230 Prizes of 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Frizes of $400 App'g. to 870,000 priz. nre 81,600 4 Prizes of 300 " " 80,000 priz nre 1,200 4 Prizes of 200 " " 10,000 priz. nre 800 4 Prizes of 126 " " 5,000 priz. nre 600 4 Prizes of 100 " 11 4.OO0 priz. sre 400 4 Prizes of 76 " " 8,000 priz. nre 800 4 Prizes of 50 " " 1,50U priz. are 200 6,006M of 20 aro lOOtOOO | 6,480 Prizes nmonntinjr to 8320OOO Whole Tickets #10; Halves #5; Quarters #2? PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from 1 to 50,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of pnper, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one wheel. The first 457 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and, at the same time, a Prize is drown from the other wheel. The Number and l'rirc drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Commissioners; the Prize being placed agninstthe Number drawfe This operation is repeated until all the prizes ure drawn out ArpKoxiMArtojr Prize*.?The two preceding and the two suocecditig Numbers to those drawing the first 7 Prizes will be entitled to the 28 Approximation Prizes. For exanple: if Ticket No 11250 draws the $70,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248, 11249, 11251, 11252, will each be entitled to $400. Jf Ticket No. 650 draws the #30,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 648, 549, 651, 562, will each lie entitled to $300, and so on according to the above scheme. The 6.000 Prizes of f 20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the $70,000 Prize. For example ; if the Number drawing the #70,000 Prize onds with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the t|umber?ndain 1, will lie entitled to #20. If tli* Number ends with No. 2, then all the Tickets, where the Number ends in 2, will be entitled to #20, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the flowing rates, which is the risk: Certificate o' Package of 10 Whole Ticket#, $80 Certificate of Package of 10 Half Ticket?, 40 Certificate of Package of 10 Quarter Ticket#, 20 Certificate of Package of 10 Eighth Ticket?, lo IS ORDERING TICKET8 OR CERT1FICATK8, Enclose the money to our addre?? for the Ticket? ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by firat mail. Purchaser* can have ticket? ending in any figure they may designate. The list of Drawn Number? and Prise? will be sent to purchaser* immediately after the drawing. % Purchaser? will please write their signature? plain, and give their Post Office, county and State.' *,* Remember that every Prise i* drawn and payable in full without deduction. % All prisca of $i,0UA aad under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prize? at the j usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Ticket* or Certificate? to S. SWAN, dc VJO., Augusta, Ga. 53P Person? residing near Montgomery. Ala., or Atlanta. Ga., can lH?v? their order? filled, and save time, by addressing-Id. Swan A Co , at either of those cities. ,, or a list of the number! that are drawn j from the wheel, with the amount of tho prise that each one is entitled to, will he published alter every drawing, in the following papers: Auffii* ta (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Delta, Mot tile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning News, Rich inond Dispatch, New York Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. J-tn 28 38 tf THE NEW BOOK STORE, # MAfifJETTA, TH08. COX MARKLEY, PROPRIETOR. BookSj ?a?er, WORK-BOXES, WATCHES, JEWELRT, &C. LOW FOR GASH. Jan 7 S5 tf Money Wanted. TIIR Subscriber would rrspeot fully request those indebted to liirn by not* or aooount, to pay tip, as he is wantino moxky. I J. II. DEAX, M. D. Deo 10th, 1857 81 tf Hair Dressing and Sharing. BURKIlhOE continues the Tonsoriol bus- : in ot his Old Stand in Beattie'e Brick ' building, where ho is ready during the day and ^ evening to shave the beard and cut hair, and shampoo the head. He respectfully asks aeon ? tinnstio* of patronage. Och !-?!-* HEN CtNFICTHIMEH. J. KRAUS k 0. ZELLWEGER, SBSE.1TILLC, S. Opposite the Maneion Ilcuee, RESPFXTTTULLY IN ^tfETform th?ir fr-cuds, and^d^SS^ JkSEflfeitL* puhlie generally, that, thejr hpye |?urch??sl the "Greenville l^ntNtionrj," rejently occupied by Mr. P. 8. Kami, ?hw? they will continue the Uneineee m heretofore, in the Wet end moet accommodating manner, hoping to 'eoeive * liberal there of public patronage. Every day, at 11 o'clock, the* will hevc on lend, FRESH CAKES, PIES, BREAD, AC. Phey arc alto prepared, at toy hour during the ley, to furnish their ciMtomvrt with LtJNOK. *nd will pay particular attention to al ways having on hamf, and ready to terve on', a lot of Fresh Oysters, From the bent selling in the Charloaton market. Also, constantly on hntid, at WHOLESALE or RETAIL, from tliuir own Manufactory, a large isaortincnt of FANCY & STICK CANDY. Also, FRUITS of various kinds, si\eh as Lemma, Oranges. Atudee, Nute, etc., etc. Toys, Septra, Sardines Weklca, Ac. Wedding, and other Parties, will be furnished, on short notice, with Refreshments and the finest dressed Cakes. Every attention will be given our customers, ?nd we ask a liberal share of patronage. HT No misunderstanding?TERMS CASH. Dec 17 32 tf A TP TP 11 K* rtDPL'VlMI f L' n a. i mmij vnvuijil v ILIW'i COACH FACTORY, j ITYniia Street, Itcit the Bridge, rPI[F. Uiywt ?n<i Best Stncfc of CARRIAGE JL GOODS AND MATERIAL ever offered for sale in the State, selected carefully and especial ly for Carriage Manufacturers. A large stock and best variety of Axlee for Buggies, Carriages and Wagons; common and heat tempered Steel Springs ; Black and Coloied Knnmcl and Patent Dash Leather; Black and Colored Enamel Cloths, Drills and Ducks; Oil and Brussels Carpet; Buckrams and Ilussis Sheetings; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mats; Brass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass, Silver, Bone and Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted broad and narrow Laces; Silk, Worsted and Cotton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggv seat <s?s/>1-.. ?...t ? ? ' * ' >.-vivnn, nuu a vvi??j??cw: uwnmK'ill OI 4>IIUI(\()l0 Castings. Carriage Makers are particularly requested to call and examine our stock. For sale clieap by ! GO W Ell, COX, MARK LEY <k CO. HUBS AND SPOKES. WE are now prepared to supply Manufacturers with the best Morticed Hubs and Turned Strokes, of our own manufacture, and warranted. For solo by GOWER, COX, MARK LEY it CO. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, Drub and Green Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton aud AllWool Dumasks. For rale by GO W Ell, COX, MARKLEY it CO. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CARPENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and variety of the best Tool* made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood and Boxwood Planes. For sale bv GOVVER, COX, MARKLEY it CO. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! "VTOW on hand, the largest stock of Iron ever JLN offered in this market: Spartanburg Iron and Casting*; King's Mountain Iron; English Ketinrd Tires; Oval*; Round; Square; Horse Shoe; Half Rounds; Ilalf Ovals; Hand Iron and Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedes and Hammered, for wagons, tires aud plantation work. On hand, cheap for ensh, 6,000 lbs. Rusted Plow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron For sale by GOYVER, COX. MAliKLEY <fe CO. STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! NAYLORH. 8AUNDERSON A JI.SSLT'S best Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and tint ?for tine edge tools, axles and drills. Oermnn and Blister Steel, for plantation work. For sale by GOYVKR, COX. MAliKLEY CO. 3,000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. A 8SOUTED sizes, suitable for Farmers and jr\_ Mechanics. For sale cheap by GOYVER. COX, MAliKLEY dr CO. ON HAND i) LBS. best Black Florida Moss and a*^V/W\_/ Curled Hair, picked, in bags. For sale by GOWEli, COX. MARKLEY <k CO. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. LARGE assortment, of the Diamond Flint Sand Paper, best article made, for snle by GOYVER, COX. MAliKLEY & CO. PA IN TS O ILS'IVTND 0 W GLA SS AND PUTTY. ON <u?. large assortment Paints, Oils, Ac. i' Extra and No. 1 IMiite Lends: Raw it ml ! M.O'i Lindeeed Oils ; IFinter, Sperm. Solnr, I .a mi), Neats Foot, Olive nnd Tanners' Oils; Coitcn Body and Copal Varnish ; Japan, Aspalturn ami Leather Varnisli; Spirits Turpentine : Green*; Yellows; Blues; Lakes; Pinks; Dropblack ; Lampblack ; Re?l; Spanish Brown; Urn- ' her; Snawa; French Ochre, Ac. American and French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. ' For snle by GO W Kit, COX, MA UK LEY A CO. HEAVY & SHELF HARD WAKE, j ALAKGK and well selected stock For sale i cheap hv GO W Kit, COX, MARK LEY A a>. S CUE WS! SUiE WS ! I ORtjSS of the Improved Gimblet Point 0\Mcr Sorewa For sale l?y GOWEU, COX. MAKKLEY A CO. SA WS! SA >r5 / / HOE A Co. *s Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut and Teunon iaws: Hand, Pannel and Ripping Saw*; Brass ind Blue Back Saws; a complete assortment of V ebb Saws, with and without frames. Forests by GOWKlt, COX, MARKLKY A CO. J?o 7 9 if "EXTENSIVE ASSOtmiENT OF "WA.TOHEJS, Franch, XaffU?h on* American Jawelry, AXt) FANCY AnTICI.ES. CHARLES SMITH, <V7 WATCHMAKER & 1EWELER, oncn&rvii.i.K, *. o., Msin Strut, nearty Opposite the Mmnaion Howe, RESt*ECTPULLY fit forme the inhabitant, at Greenville and vicinity, that he hne juet received and added to hie already cxtcnaive etoek, a large a#?ortnieut of the a hove named Article*, conaiating of Fiae Rett* of French Caaww, well known for their auperinrity; nleo a choice variety, beautifully ornamented with and liroceleta to match, (being the IntentTnnhion,) nil mounted in heavy gold. Al?o new pnttefna of Fanoy Brooohee for Ambrotypes. A anantity of fashionable llrnoelete; heavy nolid (jofd Kin^e, Moaaic Kar-ltinge, Lockete, no., ere., omuw an lniimn?ribl? assortment of the mnut beautiful Jewelry ever before offered in Greenville. Ills Stock also comprises ? splendid variety of heavy Fine Eiifflfolt Plated Ware, amongst which may be found Knives, Porks, Spoon*. Cope, etc., etc., of ne* ?nttal. plat?><t not upon German Silver, but upon the genuine A LB AT A. It i* need in the highest circle*, and i<iau*Ji preferred for it* great durability. Abo, new fashioned SPECS*, with handle* and without temples. Very useful and convenient. Tho establishment nlso contains WATCHES of the best make, viz: Chronometer*. Duplex, English nnd French Lovers, Cylinders and Plain, all in heavy Gold or Silver Cases. Having made arrangements in New York with Wholesale Houses importing direct from Franca nnd England, 1 am enabled to sell all my Articles at prices /otrcr than they can be bought in Charleston. All Articles sold in the cstablisment warranted as represented. 24-ftm Oct 22 Hosiery and Gloves. Dv>Z. Ladies', Gent's, Misses' and ChiL tt'/V I Iron's Hosiery ; Kid,Silk and Worst-' ed Gloves for Ladies, Gents and Children, just open and will be sold cheap, at the Ladies, Store. W. H. IIOVEY 4 CO. Merinoes and DeLaines. r? 1 V PIECES, now open and for sale clienp. tJ\r W. ii. IIOVEY & CO. Ready Made Clothing:. t LAItOI1', Fine and IFell Assorted STOCK, CjL just open. Also, a large lot af tMled Wiudow Shades, IFull Paper, liorders, Ac., at W. H. HOVEY 4 CO. VeWots, Ribbons, &c. NOW OPEN. 300 nieces Velvet Ribbons, which will be sold very low. Fine Clienill Iload Dresses, Ermine, nnd a great variety of Fancy Articles, at the Ladies' Store. W. H. IIOVEY 4 CO. Ootobcr 1. 21 tf House and Lot Tor Sale. TIIK SUBSCRIBER offers for&& innit anip- on tlie most reasonable terms, Ml Ins HOUSE AND LOT, in the village of Greenville. The location is, in all respecta, a most desirable one, immediately on the Pendleton road, and near the depot. The Lot. contains over an acre of land, and is well improved. The Buildings are all new. The Dwelling has reven comfortable rooms. There is a good Kitchen nnd Negro House, and all necessary outbuilding*. Also, a flue well of water. IlouiehoS nnd Kitchen Furniture sold with the premises if desirable. Applv to Col. E. P. Jones. Dmc .il-34-tf R. W. GODDARD. CABINET HIAKEK, GREENVILLE, S. C. ANearly opposite the Pott Office, A verrme Street, gSgggfc* RESPECTFULLY Informs citizens of Greenville and I tho adjoining Districts, that he has returned from the State Fair at Colombia, (where he received the first premium for his elegantly finished Bureau, which was admired bv everv one.) and i* now prepared to execute ALL ORDERS IN HIS LINE. He has, also, on band A LARGE STOCK OF \ FURNITURE, which will be sold at prices I to suit the times. lie returns his thanks for past favors, and he hopes, l?y giving constant attention to his business, to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Nov. 19-28 ly. J. C. r?. JETFiH^ ATTORNEY AT LAW SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, will praot1cr | IN THE COURTS UF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Bookstore, GREENVILLE, S. <J. June 44 1y OR R & PRIC E, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, 8. C. JAMES L. ORH. WM P. PRICE April 24 50 II. .I I Lft"S JSm iTII, ATTORNEY AT LAW, a ItFKNVIT.LK, V. June 18 6 if KlilvU & UUUDLKIT, X ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Orecnvillf, M. C. IW OFFICE noxt door to F. F. Uiuttik A Co. tfl J. P. RKP.D.l [?. D. OOODLKTT. lun? 4 4 tf Elford & Donaldson, emmamrvrcuua, b. 'a. C. i. ELFORD. - T, Q, DONALDSON Jan. 10. 15 Sir ? * ' ' **"* * ' **