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mtni and Deere*. ^ I "TT appearing to my satisfaction that. the lntee? ^ I JL Ute left e widow end a daughter, Martha I Wynne, whete plans of residence it not known : I M egI Msdsforv-fesidBed, That the above parties 9 and all toe legal *e?r? and representatives of O add Wii li**r Wynne. deceased, do appear at a 9 I Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville I Oo&rt House, for Greenville District, on HWsfiday. the 28M day 4if April next, to ehew cans*, if ri I any they have, why a Pinal Settlement of the hi aid Estate should not be had, and a Decree gi v- rj ?a thereon. c Given under my liend end eenl, at Groenville ^ Court House, the second day of February, A. D. iK ili - wi?? annAY, U. O. D. [t. e.1 | I 'I Feb i 30 ? 8TATE^ 80UTU1;AR0L1NA. S GREENVILLE DISTRICT. " SHERIFF'S SALES. "TVY"Tirtoe of sundry WriU of Fieri Facias lo * J3 mo directed, I will sell before the Court * House door, at the oeua] hours of aide, on the a first Monday in MARCH ?ext? 0 ~S50 Acres ot Land, more or lees, t adjoining land* of Philemon Huff, John Adams, I Dr. Weat and otliora; aa the property of Thorn- c ' aa Mayficld, at the auit of William Hawkins, et ah ! 300 Acres of Land, more or less, \ adjoining lands of Center, Reese, Harrison, et ,, ah ; a? the property of I'errr O. Ware, at the nit of James MoCulloiigh and J. II. MeCullough. F One Negro Woman, and her four . Children, (alt yellow.) aa the property of John Manning MahatYee, at the suitor 11. K. Perry, et al. f On Tuesday after sale-day next, at the residence of P. Huff, 1500 lbs. Seed Cotton o and 14 bbls. Corn; a* Ibe property of A. J. I Joyce, at the suit of Joeeph Cie vs. n 100 Acres of Land, more or less, * adjoining lands of Edward Stokes. Jenkins, et al; aa th? property of James L. Jenkins, at the suit " of W. A. KernelL 'r ~ P. HOKE, 8. G. I). \ I 3?ttKW*s Office, F?-lirnary 4, ISftR Jt0-t<l t H OWAk DA 81 ?cTA T 1 OS J, 4 PHIt.AT^EI.PFIIA. A Inetihition, ettmblithed by rpecial ? I - * * Jmomont for (As relief of Ike tick tind distressed, afliHtd with Virulent end Epidemic diseases. ("IX) all persons afflicted with Sexual Disease*, L such aeSpermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet Syphilis. the Vice - or Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., <fcc. Th? HOWARJ> ABSOCTATIOy, in view of * the awfnl destruction of human life, canse<l by Sexual Diseases, and the deceptions practised up- . 'on the unfortunate dainu of such diseases by Ouacks, have direotefftheir Consulting Surgeon, " as a rharitmblt act worthy of their name to give MxotcAL At>v?t>* ouatts, to all pers ?ns thus nfnicted, who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, {ago occupation, habits of life, Ac..) and in cases of extreme poverty and suf ~] faring, to fvmixh tuedicinttfret of charge. It is J heedless to add that the Association commands n the highest Medical skill of the age, and will fur- b nieh the most approved modern treatment n The Directors, on a review of the past, feel as- h sured that their labors in this sphere of b>-nevo leut effort, have boen of great ben fit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved' to devote themselves, with renewed r wat, to Olis very important but much despised cause. ' Just Published, l?y the Association, a Report on' ftpennatorrlioja, or Seminal Weakness, the vii-C of Onanism, Masturbation or Self- Abuse, and <vilter Disoascsof the Sexual Organs, l>y the Con suiting Surgeon, which will be sent by-mail, (in a sealed letter envelope). Free of CTiorge, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. r Hy order of the Directors r Address, for Report or Treatment, DR. GEO. R. CALIlOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard ^ Association, No. 2 South NINTH Street, Phils- l' dolphia. Pa. * EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Pre.ident, tl e Om. Faikciuloi, Secretary. Feb_4 _ *9 ljr_ MUSIC. ,-r-^ MRS, J. w. B ARTON will R'tSjNf give Leeeowa either on the PIANO, MELODF.ON Olt J V lliintl in ,1,c Misses Red- C1 L I*"" LiFrems' Academy. * TERMS?f)10 each, par quarter. .b N. B.?Mrs B. will also attend Scholars at 11 their private residences. Jan 28 8i-2 11 Administrator'* Snip. -T) Y virtue of nit order from the Ordinary _I) of Greenville District. I will expose for snle. nt public outcry, at the late residence of BENJAMIN II. ARNOLD, deceased, 20 milea below Greenville C. II., on Thursday, the 11th day of February next, and davs L following, if deemed necessary, all the PERSONAL PROPERTY belonging to said Es- < tate, consisting of ^ 10 or 11 Likely NEGROES-Men, a Women and Childron \ 4 or A IIcad of HORSES o A Lot of CATTLE, IIOGS, dec., Arc. * HOUSEHOLD AMD KITCHEN FURNITURE I - And Blacksmith Plantation Tools Cabinet Makers' Tools Taming Implements, Ac., Ac. . A grant many Articles not enumerated. TERMS OF SALE?A credit until the 25th December next. Interest from day of f sale for all sums of and over five dollars? under five dollars, cash. Notes with good , security. A. R. McDAVID, h Administrator. s Greenville, 8. C., 25th Jan., 1858 88-2 ? HOUSE AND SIGN FAINTING. Paper Haaiius and 6lasia|. rpHB nnd^reigned bega leave to inform the X citizen* of Greenville and surrounding _ country, that he has permanently located at Greenville, for the purpose of earryieg on the , above Baaineea, and hone*, be strict attention to _ huainoee, to merit a share of public patronage. " Ilia charge# will be moderate. 9 UP* Residence on Buneombe street near the P junction di the Bunooiube and Rutherford roads. Jan IS SO-Sm JAMES FLECK. V ..... ? - ... For Tax Collector. ?TTha friend# of A. R. McDavid. Esq., reepectfnliy aooounoe him aa a Candidate for Tax t ft3Wi?ctor at the ens'jiiig election. i#a# an^no him ae^aOandkUte fee Tax Ool- L annonnee kim aa a Candidate for Tax CoMcctor * ?t the next Flection. 0 ?ri /|1|ltw J PHR 3uheortbcr would re*pectAill? inform L Jris former patron*, and the public genrally, that he ha* JUST RBCElVfcD, ami ? NOW OPENING, at hi* STORE: under IcBee's Hall, one of the moat COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS of FAMILY GROCERIES J eer offered in G*?enville,: ahd which he i* ffering at pricealn accordance with th^tin^ee, onaiating, in pert, of the'following Article* : Rio and Java COFFEES ; Crushed. Claified and Brown SUGARS; N. O. Syrup, uperior, cheap ; Tobacco and Segara; supeior Green ana Black Teaa; Candlea; Starch ; oda; Hardware and Cutlery ; Crockery and ileaaware ; Wood ware; Soaps of all descripiona; Spices; Maccaroni; Mackerel; Bacon; Terrings; Brooms and Blushes; Anchovy, leading, John Bull nod other Sauces; Chant ague, Madeira, Claret, Pott, Teneriffe and titer Wines; Brandies, and other Liquors f the finest quality, for Medical use ; Branly Peachea; Pickles of all descriptions ; Preerves and Jellies; Sardines; Lobster*; Rai in*, Citrons and Figs; Porter ant) Ale; Nail*; nd a variety of Toilet Combe, Brushes, and liter Fancy Articles .too tiumeroue to menion. All of which 1 offer at reduced prices for ash or approved paper. N. B.?Those indebted for the years of 835-'56 and '57, are respectfully requested o call and arrange their uccounts bv note or nymcnt. A. GREENFIELD. Jan 28 88 tf ATTENTION, VOTER* ! rllK Subscriber wishcs to inform his friend* and the public generally, that he has com* ut a* a candidute, not for CoogrtM. nor for the -egislature. but a candidate for ptiblio patrongo in the TAILORING BUSINESS. Ho will rarrant hi* work to be made strong and good, lo will warrant to make good Fits, Cleaning nd repairing done on short notice. Those witling work done will call at hie Shop, in the Old lourt. House, in the old Ordinary's Office. I am hankful for the liberal share of patronage bee owed upon mo heretofore, and hone for a coninuation of the same. A. BEGCO. Jan 28 38 tf NErw 1"M1K Undersigned have entered into Oopurt nership in the Mercantile Businees undei he name and style of LONG A OOODLETT ind would invite the attention of the citizens o Irecnville and surrounding District*, to an ex mination of our STOCK, as we hope to slian i portion of public patronage, and feel confilent that we can offer Goods at as low pricei or cash as can be purchased elsewhere. Giv? is a call. R. LONG. B. A. UOODLETT. Greenville, January 26th, 1868 38-tf Hloney Wanted. r |" AVING recently made a change in my hue mew, i must say to all those indebted to sou cither by NOTE OR BOOK ACCOUNT, up b 1st of January, 1858, that they must mak? kmkdiatk rstmkxt, as longer indulgence will nol ? given. Jan 28 88-tf R. I.ONO. DiMolulion. j^HE Firm W. U. HOVEY ?k CO. ia this day dissolved ny mutual consent. The bust ess of the Firm will be closed by VV. H. llovey. W. H. HOVEY, J. J. HOVEY. January 1st, 1858. NOTICE. rllE Subscriber having purchased the entire Stock of W. II. IIOVKY A. CO.. will coninue business at the same place. Thankful to he public for their former liberal patronage, he rill ia future endeavor to merit a continuance ol lie same. W. U. IIOVEY. January 18th, 1858, 37-3m. Dissolution of Copartnership. rllE Copartners!hp heretofore existing between the Suliscribers, under the Firm of IOWER, COX A MA UK LEY, has this day been lissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted >j note or nook account are re<pi4atcd to make n mediate payment, as longer indulgence can ot be given. T. C. GOWER, T. M. COX, II. C. MARKLEY. January 1st, 1858. Greenville Coach Factory. JOWER, COX, MARKLEY & CO. vjrns- WE have this day associated "with in business, Mr. LEWIS WOK'HINGTOX, well known to the community for everai years as the obliging and aceommodatng foreman of the Greenville Coach Factory. Ve are now belter prepared to eupply the wanta >f the community thnn at any previous time, ad shall use our best efforts tosustain the widepread reputation so long enjoyed by this es ablishmcnt, T. C. GOWER, T. M. COX, H. C MARKLEY. L. WOUTIIINGTON. January 1st, 1868. l>i?*oliition. rllE Firm of GRA1>Y A GOODLETT is this day dissolved by limitation The booki nd sola csn be founa at tlieir forrmr place ol lusineas. The receipt of either party will b? pod ia settlement; the name of the Firm will ? used ia liquidation. JOHN W. OttAT>Y. > R. r. G(X)1>LETT. January 1st, 1868. Special Notice. IX/E hay* this day sold our entire 8took ol T Goods to Mr. JOHN W. GRADY, and lissolved onr Copartnership. It Is. therefore, eeeesary thai Ui? unsettled badness sltoidd be losed, m early as possible To that end, all arties indebted to us, in any way, are hereby otifiod to make payment at once, aud save both srthes trouble and tost UKADY A OOODLETT. January l?t, 18611. A Card. rHE Subaeriber, baring purehaaed tb? entire Stoob 0* Good? of Grady A Qoodlett, will ontinne haeineaa at their olditand. Thankful for netfarora, ho eolieita n continuation. Bettering ? the old adage M that a nimbi# tiinene* ia haver than a alow hilling,'* 1 aball adopt tba caaa fatam. My motto ia "abort profit and quick ilea" Caah ptiroheaera would do well to give M a call JOHN W. ORADY. January let, 1IM. ft? tan I RMS ** MK1T* CASOtllll. GREENVILLE DISTRICT, ^fija 1b Ootutt of OrdiMryb. k. pm*. Administrator, applicant, against Luciada McOrary, Andrew MeCrary, Nancy McCrArv, Sarah Elite MeCrary, Mary Elisabeth MeCrarv, Francis MoOrary, Jamee M. McOriry, William Franklin M<(7rery, Defendante.?Petition for /W BrUlomenl mid Docrot. r appearing to my Mtiafactlon, that all of the I above Defendant# realde bevond the limit* of this State: It ie ordei ed anu decreed, that they do appear at a 6burt of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville CVmrt House, for Greenvilla District, on Jlorulay, th* 19/A day of April Hart, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if any they have, why a Anal settlement of the Personal Estate of James MoCrary, deceased, should not be had, and a Decree given thereon. Given under my hand and aeal of Office, at I Greenville CVurt House, the 22d day of January, A. D. 1858. 110BEKT XitKAT, O. G. D. [ u ?.} I . T? ?? van xo ."IB 3ni STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Tu Conrtof O (Hilary. John M. Carman nad 0. W. Bruce, Executors of llardin Bruce, deceased, applicants, against Luey Bruce, Mary Ann Pennington, and William J. Pennington, her husband, Klira Mostellcr and Philip II. Mostellcr her husbnnd, George W. Bruce, Willis W. Bruce, Adaline Carman and J. M. Carman, her husband, , Frances M. Jackson and J. IP. Jackson her husband, Emily Grain and William Crain her husband, O. Wl Ilrucc, Jr., minor heir of A. J. Bruce, deceased. Defendants.?Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. XT appearing to my satisfaction, that G. W. Bruce, Jr, minor heir of A. J. Bruce, deceased, resides beyond the limits of this State: It is ordered and decreed, that he do appear at 1 a Court of Ordinary, to be holdcn at Greenville 1 Court House, for Greenville District, on Friday, 1 the 23d day of April next, to shear cause if any he can, why a final settlement of tho Estate of Hardin Bruce, deceased, should not bo had, and a Decree given thereon. Given under mv haud and seal of Office, at Greenville Court Douse, this 23d day of January, A. D. 1853. 1 ROBERT McKAY, 0. O. D. [u a] Jan 28 38 Sin Administrator's Notice. ALL persons having demands against tho Estate of BENJAMIN II. ARNOLD, . deceased, are required to present them, prop' erly attested ; and nil those indebted to the Estate, will make payment to the Snbscrib[ at. A. R. McDAVID, . Jan 25 38-3 Administrator. Administrator*' Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of THOMAS W. K1NMAN, deceased, are requested to make payment to tho undersigned. Those having demands Against said Estate will j present them, duly attested, for payment BARKSDALK CHARLES, i( iii \ r?u iui im > Administrator*, with the Wilt annexed > November 26 20 tf - Administrators' Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to tlte Rotate of MAKTUA KINMAN, deceased, are re quested to make payment to tho undersigned. Those having demands against said Estate will present thorn, duly attested, for payment. BARKSDALK CHARLES, J0I1N CHARLES, Administrators. November 20 29 tf Executor's Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to tho Estate of JOHN T. LIGON, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the under signed. All those having claims against said deceased will present them for payment within the time prescribed bv law, or they will be barred. W. A TOWNES, Nov 5 26?tf Executor. 1 1 11 1 I" >ii ' mmm.m j C&2P -f | SURGEON DENTIST, GREENVILLE, 8. O* Office North- West corner Main and Avenue Strode, IIA9 just returned from Philadelphi*, and will be picascd to attend to any who are in want of his services. MTOMCm* MIT? Inserted from one to full Upper and Lower > Setts, in the most approved ana durable manner. Exposed Nerves destroyed and treated, free of pain. " Jan 7 85-tf ROBERT TrTHRUSTON, M7D^ ^ OPFERS HIS PROFESSIONALSF.RVI Tmr CKS to this community. His Office, for the present, is in the Old Court House Building. Jan 14 90 tf CHEAP CA8H STORE TIIK Subscribers propose to sell Goods In future for CASH, and at such reduced prices as we hope will guarantee a continuance of our former patrons. Country produce taken in exchange for Goods at caaa rsices, and in diacount for debts now due. i We sincerely desire thoee indebted to us, to call i and settle by cash or note. f REA, DAYNE & CO. ; January 7th 1858, Sfi tf For Sole. TIIK subscriber offers for sale hia HOUSE AND LOT whereon OHMPt he now lives. It is aitnated about I9HUML- in. J-a - iv.i u.o l co JHruniruni 1119 ruuiro ncjimrc, is well improved, having a Urge House containing tl Hooms, with Fire places in each, one extra 1 Bed-room, Pantry, <fce., g??od and roomy Kitchens, Smoke-house, Grain-house, Crib, and aa ex eeHcst a?r Stab!*, Cow->wu*m ami Carriagehouse, and an unu^rtlugrnduative Garden and Patch, with a of Fruit Trees, Terma accommodating.* P.>?*easidn would be For Sole or Rent, THE IIOUftE AND LOT opposite the fork* of Auderson Pendleton roads. The House contains six upright rooms. On the Lot are all nedessary outbuildings. For terms, Ac., apply to ' H* LEE THBU8TON. Dm 34 55 tf li AUTHORIZED BY THE STATE OF ICOMIA. *** *** The following Bthfo* will be Jrtwo by a Swan A Co., Manager* of the Sparta Academy lAW?rv, in each of their Lotteries for February, 1?08, at At'QUHTA. Georgia, in public, under the superiutendeooe of Commiaeionere: CLASS 1, To be drawn In the eitf mf Aoiwu, On, In ynbUa, en SATOBDAT, PEBBUABY *th, 1MB. CLASS 2, Te be drawn In the elty of A?|Mie, 9m, la rnbl a, en BATTTBDAY, FEBBDAS YABth. 1KB. CLASS 8, ?i be draws <s tfc- -? a??m. On. in imbllo. on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1858. CLASS 4. To W drawn in th? city of A?|wta, Q+-, in public, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 97th, 1858. ON TIIE PLAN OF 8INOI.K NUMUKH8. riri Thousand Tour Hundred 4c E'fhty-FlTS Prizss. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS. HAQNIFIQtNT 2 TO DK DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN FEBRUARY! 1 Prize of $70,000 4 Prizes of $900 1 Prize of 80.000 4 Prizes of 800 1 Prize of 10,000 4 Prizes of 700 1 Prize of 5.000 4 Prizes of 600 1 Prize of 4.000 50 Prizes of 500 1 Prize of 3,000) 60 Prizes of 300 I 1 Prize of 1,500.100 Prizes of 126 4 Piizes of 1,0001230 Prizes of 100 1 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. | 4 Prizes of 8400 App'g. to 870,000 priz. are 81,600 4 Prizes of 800 " " 80.000 priz nre 1,200 4 Prizes of 200 " " 10,000 priz. are 800 4 Prizes of 126 " " 5,000 priz. nre 600 4 Prizes of 100 " " 4.OO0 priz. nre 400 4 Prizes of 76 " " 8,000 priz. nre 800 4 Prizes of 50 " " 1,500 priz. nre 200 6.000" of 20 are lOOtOOO 5,480 Prizes amounting to 8320,000 W hole Tickets $10; Halves $6; Quarter* $2? PZ^liV OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from 1 to 60,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one wheel. The first 467 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, nre placed ill another wncel. in* wnceis are men revolved, and n number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, Hnd, at tiie same time, a l'rise is drawn from the other wheel. The Number nnd Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and reg istered by the Commissioner*; the Prize being placed against the Number drawiK This operation is repeated until all the prizes are drawn out AppRoxmArmx Prize*.?The two preceding nnd the I wo succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 7 Prizes will be entitled to the 28 Approximation Prizes. For exnnple: if Tieket No 11250 drnws the $70,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248, 11240, 11251, 11202, will each be entitled to $400. If Ticket No. 650 draws J the $00,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 648, I 649, 661, 662, will each be entitled to $800, and so on according to the above scheme. The 6.000 Prizes of $20 will be determined by j the Inst figure of the Number that draws the ! $70,000 Prize. For exampleif the Number drawing the $70,000 Prize ends with .No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the (lumber ends in 1, will lie entitled to $20. If the Number ends with No. 2, then all the Tickets, where the Number ends in 2, will be entitled to 20, and so on toO. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the wowing i-nie*. which is tnn risk : Certificate o' Package of 10 Whole Ticket*, J80 Certificate of Package of 10 Half Tick eta, 40 Certificate of Package of 10Quarter Ticket*. 20 Certificate of Package of 10 Eighth Tickets, 10 IN OIIDKIU NO TICKKT8 OK CEUTIFICATK8. Enclose tbc money to our address for the Ticketa ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give tneir Post Office, county and State.' ?* Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. %* All prizes of $l,0o^ Uhl under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prize* at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN, ?k CO., Augusta, Ga. J3T* Persons residing nesr Montgomery. Ala., or Atlanta, Ga.. can ?*? theirarders filled, and save time, by ml dressings. Swan A Co , at either of those cities. -iwT - * 19- A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will be published alter every drawing, in the following papers: Angus ta (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning News, Rich mond Dispatch, New York Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. Jin 28 38 tf I THE NEW BOOK STOSte, # MAR3ETYA, <QA. THOS. COX MARKLEY, PRnPPTliTDP Booka, Magazinei, Paper, WORK-BOXES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. LOW FOR CASH. Jan 7 95 tf money Wanted. THK Subscriber would respectfully request those indebted to him by not* or account, to pay hp. as he is wa.vtimq moxkT. J. H. DKAX, M. D. Deo 10th, 1857 81 tf Hair Dressing and Sharing. BURHLIDCUS continues the Tonsorial husinesa at his Old Stand in Deattie's Uriok building, where he is ready during the day and evening to shave the beard and cut hair, and rbampoo the head. He respectfully asks aeon tin* at tot of patronage. Ovk 1-?1 -* MEW CONFECTIONERY. J.KRAUS ft C. ZELLWEGER, 0BEE!?TILLE, . C., * Opposite the Maneion Ifouee, RESPECTFULLY ^MBTforra their frenda, and^^^CS^^ public generally, that they hp re purchased the "Oi-eeu villa Uonfcctionery,'* recently occupied by Mr. P. 8. Semi, where they will continue the Bueineae ae heretofore, in the beat and in oat accommodating manner, hoping to receive a liberal ahare of imblie patronage. Every day. at 11 o'clock, they will have on hand, FMMH CAKES, PIES, BREAD, if. They are alao prepared, at any hour during the day, to furnish their customer* with and will pay particular attenthl^t^a?wave havinw nn hamf. and ready to serve out. a lot of Fresh Oysters,. From the beat selling in the Chnrlcaton market. Alao, eonatnntly on hand, at WHOLESALE or RETAIL, from their own Manufactory, a large aaaortancnt of FANCY & STICK CANDY. Alao, FRUITS of various kinds, nph aa Lemons, Oranges, Ajydea, Nuts, etc., etc. Toy*, Se fjf" Wtdding, and other Parties, will be furnished, on short notice, with Refreshments and the finest dressed Cakes. Every attention will be given onr customers, and wc ask n liberal share of patronage. HT No misunderstanding?TERMS CASH. Dec 17 32 tf atthegTIEEWITLE" COACH FACTORY, IWnin Street, Next the Rridge, r|",IlE largest and Itest Stock of CARRIAGE 1 GOODS AND MATERIAL ever off-red foi snle in the State, selected carefully and especial ly for Carriage Manufacturers. A large stock and best variety of Axle* foi Buggies, Carriages and Wagons; common am best tempered Steel Springs; Black and Coloi o. Enamel and Patent Dash Leather; Black an< Colored Enamel Cloths, Drills and Ducks; Oi and Brussels Carpet; Buckrams and Itussii Sheetings; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mats Brass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass Silver, Bone and Japan Nails ; Silk and Worsted hroatl and narrow Laces; Silk, Worsted and Cot ton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggy seal Sticks; and a complete assortment of Mallabh Castings. Carriage Makers are particularly requested t< call and examine our stock. For sale cheap b< GOWEll, COX, MAUKLEY <k CO. " HUBS AND STOKES. WE are now prepare*! to supply Manufactu rers with the best Mortice*] Hubs an* Turned Spokes, of our own manufacture, nn* warranted. For sale by COWER, COX, MARKLEV ?fe CO. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Dlue, Drub and Greet Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and All Wool Damasks. For sale by OOWER, COX, MARK LEY <fc CO. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR RENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and variety of the best Tool made, and a few setts fancy Rose woo* and Boxwood I'lanes. For sale by COWER, COX, MARKLEY <fc CO. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! TVfDW on hand, the largest stock of Iron evei 1Y offered in this market! Spartanburg Iroi and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; Knglisl Refined Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; llorsi Shoo; Half Rounds; lialf Ovals; Band Iron an* Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweede and Hammered, for wagon*, tires uud plantutioi work. On hand, cheap for cash, 6,000 lbs. Ruate I'low Moulds, best North Carolina Iron Fo sale by /jau'r-r> aav uiru/vw ? - wv ?i ?>iv, m n uni^Ci I (X UU. STEEL! STEEL// STEEL!!! NAYLOR8. 8AUNDERSON A JES8UP"S hi>. Cast-Steel?(quart, octagon, round and flu ?for fine edge tool#, axles end drills. German am Blister Steel. for plantation work. For sale by GOWER, COX. MAKKLEY 61 GO. 3,000 LJJS. GRINDSTONE. ASSORTED sizes, suitable for Farmers am Mechanics. For sale cheap by GOWER. COX, MARKLEY <k CO. ON HAND 6) LBS. best Black Florida Moss am Curled ilnir, picked, in bags. For sale by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY <fc CO. SAND PAPER AND QLUE. LARGE assortment of the Diamond Flint San Paper, best article made, for sale by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY & CO. PA IN TS OILS, WIND O W OLA Si AND PUTTY. ON i'i . large assortment l'aints, Oils, A.t i* Extra and No. 1 IHiite Leads; Rav and A n o t Lindseed Oils; Winter, Sperm. Bolai Lan11), Ncats Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils Cornell Body ami Copal Varnish ; Japan, Aspal turn and Leather Varnish; Spirits 1 urpentine Greens; Yellows; Blues; Lakes; Finks; Drop black ; Lampblack ; Red ; Spanish Brown ; Urn bcr;8uawa; Freuch Ochre, Ac. American an< French lFindow Glass, Futty and Whitening For s.-.le by GOWKK. COX, MARKLEY <fc CO. HE A VV ^ SHELF HA RD WA RE. A LARGE and well selected stock For sab cheap bv GOWKK, COX, MARKLEY & CO. SCREWSJ SCREIVS!I f* f\f\ GROSS of the Improved Oimblet Toliil OUv/ Screws. For sale by GOW'EK, COX. MARKLEY A CO. S A WSJ SAWS ! I HOE A Ox's Celebrated Cast steel Mill Hawk; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut nnd Trillion Saws: Hand, I'annel and Ripping Saws; liraiu and Blue Back Saws; a complete asaorttneut ol Webb Saws, with and without framee. For sale by GOWKK, COX, MARKLBY A CO. ' Jan 7 ? if French, KnglUh and American Jewelry, ;'\ avu FANCY AUTICLES. CHARLES SMITH, -it WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, > ORtUJtVIIXK, S. O., M*itt Street, nearly Opposite the Mmnmon Horn**, RESPECTFULLY Inform# the inhabitant# of Greenville ami vicinity, that he haa juet received and add#il to hie already extenaiv# clock, a large aesortnient of the abovo named Article,, consisting of Fiaic Mlt of Frenfh Caweet, wall known for their anteriority ; alao a choice variety, beautifully ornamented with and Uracelet, to match, (being the lateet fashion,) all mounted in heavy gold. Alao new pattema of x twuuy aiuuuuii iwi aiawwiypM. A auantity of fashionable Hraocleta; heavy aolid ( old Ringa, Mosaic Ear-Rings, Lockets, St'idds, ef?.. etc., besides art innumerable assortment of the mnet beautiful Jewelry ever before offered in Greenville. llie Stock alao cotnpriecs a splendid variety of heaw Fine Kiiglislt Plated Ware, amongst wliich may be found Knives, Fork*. Spoon*. Cups, ote.. etc., of ?i<?0 metal, plated' not upon German Silver, but upon the genuine ALII AT A. It i* wh?h! in the highest circle, aud mirikJi preferred for it* groat durability. Ali?o, new fashioned SPECS, with handle* and without temple*. Very useful and convenient. The establishment nl*o contain* WATCHES of the best make, viz: Chronometer*, Duplex, English and French hover*, Cylinders and Plain, all in heavy Gold or Silver Case*. Having made arrangement* in New York with Wholesale House* importing dirout from France and England, 1 am enabled to well all my Article* at prices /ou>rr than they can be bought in > Charleston. All Article* sold iu the estnblisment warranted as represented. 24-8m Oct 22 Hosiery and Gloves. IX)Z. l-ndies', Gent's, Misses' and ChilZ \/V" Dren's lioeiery ; Kid,Silk and Wor*t-' ed Gloves for ladies, Gent* and Children, ju*t '. open and will be sold cheap, at the Ladies, Store. W. H. 1IOVEY <t CO. r Merinoes and DeLaines. I Xi \ PIECES, now open and for sale cheap. I t)U W. II. I10VEY A- CO. 1 Ready Made Clothing-. ! 4 LARGE, Fine and TFell Assorted STOCK, ' c\. j'Mt open. Also, a large lot af Oiled j Wiudow Shades, lFull Paper, Borders, Ac., at [ W. II. HOVEY A CO. t Velvets* Ribbons, &c. NOW OPEN. 800 niece* Velvet llibhons, which will be sold very low. Fine Ctie^ nill Head Dresses, Ermine, and a great variety of Fancy Articles, at the Ladies' Store. W. II. HOVEY A CO. Ootober 1. 21 tf ] House and Lot for Sale. 1 fffo TIIE SUBSCRIBER offer* for** rait ??le- on tlie most reasonable terms, m Ins MOUSE AND LOT, in the village of Greenville. Tlie location is, in all respects, a most desirable one, immediately on the ] Pendleton road, and near tlie depot. The Lot contains over an acre of land, and is well improved. The liuilding* are all new. The Dwelling has reven comfortable room*, - There is a good Kitchen and Negro House, and all necessary outbuildings. Also, a fine s well of water. HouiehocS and Kitchen 1 Furniture sold with the premises if desirable. Applv to Col. E. I'. Jones. Dec 31-34-if K. W. GODDARD. IriMH K&AirSi I CABINET JHAKEK, GREENVILLE, S. C. j Nearly oppotite (he Po*t Office, Arerme Street, * S2S223& RESPECTFULLY >form. a I TQf-the citizens of Greenville and ,t the adjoining DistricM*, that he has returned >p from tlie State Fair at Cofombia, (where he received the first premium fur his elegantly finished lhireau, which was admired bv every one.) and is now prepared to execute ALL ORDERS IN HIS LINE. He has, t also, on hand A LARGE STOCK OF 1 FURNITURE, which will be sold at prices to suit the times. He returns his (batiks for past favors, and lie hopes, by giving constant attention to his business, to receive a liberal sbare of the public patronage. Nov. 19-28 ly. , *ATTOBK E YAT LAW"' SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL ntACTlCR IN THE COURTS UF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Bookstore, 3 GREENVILLE, S. C. June 44 ly ? OR RT & ~p R IC E 7 . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. O. ' JAMES L. ORR. WM P. PRICE April 23 60 ; it. jiitiiJs sMffiiT - ATTORNEY AT LAW GREENVILLE, S. C." j Ink* 18 6 tf :I;KKD&(:U()I)LKtt; I X- ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, 1 4i?rccuvillc, S. C. tw OFFICE noxt door to F. F. Dkattik A Co. m% J. P. RKF.P.l [?. D. OOODLKTT. J imp 4 4 tf Elford & Donaldson, nrtfwi c w&ai, s. eg. C. J, ELFORD. T, Q, DONALDSON Jan. 10. S5 Sir '' ^ ?T*