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# jcf !_a \ * The hewu of thaKingnad Royil FW?ilr of this country have boon Kod roioioed by intelligence which ba? jo* reached thorn, Uirough tbo Haaooertaa Minister at the Court of St. James, that lb? long dispute between the King of ftanover, and tho Queen ' of England, respecting tbo right of certain jewels of enormous value in tbo poaeeaeion of tho Sovereign of England, and forming HO inconsiderable portion of what, bavo boon decided in favor of 'Hanover. Many of ( your readers are no doubt aware that when tho kingdom of Ilanover was severed froin tho united kingdom by tbo accession of Queeu Victoria to the throne, a claim was made by tho late King of ilanover, formly tho Duke^ of Cumberland, to nearly the whole of the' jewels usually worn uu Siiiv Ovuwkhm by j the English Sovereign, on the ground that rwkrt nf ihnm nhirh hart Kiun litan nvar In 1 fen gland by George I., belonged inalienably, to tbe crown of Hanover, and that the re roainder had been pnrohaaed by George III. ' oat of his private purse, and bad been left by him, and his Queen Charlotte, to the lioyal Family of Danover. w As the jewels thus claimed are supposed to be worth considerably more than ?1,* 000,000, a single stone having cost neatly ?20,000, they were not to be relinquished without a struggle; and I am assured (hat every nnseihl* expedient was resorted to in England to baffle the claimant. Ultimately, in the lifetime of the late King, the importunity of the Hanoverian Ministry of the day to consent that the rights of the two Sovereigns should be submitted to a Commission composed of three English Judges ; but the proceedings of the Commission were so ingeniously protracted that all the Commissioners died without arriving at any decision ; and until Lord Clarendon reoeived the seals of the Hritish Foreign Office, all tbe efforts of the Court of Hanover to obtain a fresh Commission were in vain. Lord Clarendon, however, seetns to have perceived that such attempts to stifle inquiry were unworthy of his country, for he consented that a fresh Commission should be issued to three English Judges of the highest eminence, who, after investigation, found the Hanoverian claims to l?e indisputably just, and rcDortcd in its fjtvnr. The CV?nrt lm? consequently is in high glee this Christinas, at lire prospect of removing the crown and regalia, so jealously guarded in the Tower of London, almost bodily to Ilancver.' w Spbakrr Orr.?The Washington corres pondent of the Evening Post commends Speaker Orr for his efforts to maintain the dignity and decorum of the House. * He says: 44 Mr Speaker Orr is enforcing the rule* of the House, excluding outsiders and keeping the insiders on their good behavior. If the members get a little noisy, the sharp sounding raps of the hammer, and the " too much 1 conversation in the Hall,'' are repeated until ' they are still. He is also introducing re- i forms in the regulations of the building. | All the officers of the House are strictly for- ( hidden to keep those stimulants of patriot ism and eloquence, which I am told could ' hitherto be found in many rooms near the ' Ilall. Mr. Orr says thnt he will immediate- I ly oieciiarge any oincer wlio is too spirited . in bis attentions to members." [ t t | ? Duei, Between Giggv and IIolk ix-tiif. 1 Dat.?A correspondent several days since * notified us of a duel which was to take place > nt the Chippewa agency on the 12th instant, ( l?etween a Mr. Giggy. a citizen of CrowWing, and Hole in-the Day, the well known Chippewa chief. The duel, we understand, took place per agreement, and threo shots wore fired by each party. At the first fire both were wounded, Mr. Giggy receiving a 4 ball in the right side. At the second fire t Giggy was wounded in the leftside. It was i with difficulty that lie could stand up for the lliird fire, hut the Indian chief would not agree to settle the diiUcjhy. a?d the third fire was exchanged, and Hole in theDiiy was j shot through the heart. These are the par ticulars, as communicatad to some of our j citizens in letters from Crow Wing. [<S7. Paul Pioneer, Jan. 10. ' At a meeting of the 11. W. Grand En- ( campment of Odd Fellows, for the State of South Carolina, held on the 19th of January, 1858, the following Grand Officers were installed for the next year : i P. C. P. Richard Caldwell, of Charleston, M. W. Giand Patriarch; P. II. P. S. S. McCully, of Columbia, M. E. Gmnd High Priest. P. C. B. James Jones, Columbia, It. W. i Orand Senior Warden. P. O. P. Edward Mitchell, Charleston, R. , W. Grand Scribe. P. II. P. M. Bissell, Charleston, R. W. r\. ! i f> _ irrianu treasurer. P. C. P. John Ordero, Columbia, R. W. Grand Junior Warden. P. O. P. Edward Mitchell, Charleston, R. W. Grand Representative. Tub good people of Putnam county, Ten# nessee. are contemplating practical union of Church and 8tnU\ as announced in the following item in the Oooksvillo Times : " We are pieuseu to iearn arrnngement is mado to complete tlio Notv Methodist church hero, so far as to be ahle to hold the ensn ing session of the Circuit Court in it. Thi< is very important for the interest of our country." The Nashville Banner says that friend who practices somewhat in that region, pronounce* this a deep laid scheme to get the lawyers of that circuit inside of a church, all other means having failed, lie anticipates a very indignant set of gentlemen when the teheine is discovered. Tub Napoleon dynasty is about to'receive another guarantee of permanence. Infortna tien has been given to the newspaper eorree jvindents that the Empress of France has, bv the ndvioe of her medical attendants, left off rid I my. GREENVILLE. S. O. ftwntof W?r?*?, f?yry 4? 1??. Accident to B?r. V. A. Mood. We regret that this esteemed gentleman root with a serious accident and aarrow escape on Friday evening last, lie had attended a' meeting in the country on that day, ami was returning home, when, on alighting from the buggy to arrange some .? .1.- i .i-- i i |Aniivu ui ilia imruuaa, lUO iiunjtl U^C&niU frightened and kicked him severely on the hack part of the head, knocking him sense* less to the ground. He revived, after a time, and found his way to the residence of Col. E. S. Ekvinf, by whom he was kindly sent to town, llis pulpit was supplied, on Sabbath last, by Prof. J. P. Boyob. We hope that he will soon recover, and resume his duties amongst us. Our College*. Yesterday the exercises of the Furraan University and Baptist Female College comipotfocu. 1 be streets of our tor.r. are again enlivened by children going and returning from the different schools, and the bells, which hourly peal forth, give renewed animation and life to the place. It is a pleasure to us to welcome back the numerous gentlemanly students who have heretofore been residing among us. The number of strange faces, that are likewise welcome, assure us that our schools are enjoying that widespread reputation abroad which their management so richly deserve. We predict for our colleges an increased number of students and pupils for the present year. Taxes and the Suspended Banks. The Legislature of South Carolina has been guilty of a palpable and, we think, absurd inconsistency, in its recent action in relation to the suspended Banks of the State, and the instructions to the Tax Collectors, requiring them to take the bills of specie* paying Banks only in payment of taxes due the State, with the single exception of the bills of the Bank of the State of South Ca rolina. The Legislature has, by its own act, legalized the suspension of the Banks, and turned right round and discredited the paper of All the Banks that had thus suspended, virtually repudiating the State's own " promises to pay," by refusing to take the bills of banks that had followed her example. We low have two kinds of currency, viz: one For the people, the other for the State If ho bills of the suspended Banks were ntt iutticieuily good to bo received in payment >f Taxes, the Legislature should have refused to legalize the act of suspension. The people want to know how this matter was anied through the Legislature, and if their interests have been compromised and sacri- 1 iced to those of the Banks. Consistency is t jewel which we fear is sadly missing in he crowns of our law-makers. Books at Auction. We invite attention to the advertisement >f Mr. A. P. Uuiit, in to day'* paper. lie iffers an elegant assortment of books to the rade. Ilia auction sales commence to morrow evening. Treasury Notes. Secretary Conn has been quite successful in his mode of raising the money needed, lhe Treasury notes are being rapidly taken by individuals whose money was lying idle in bank, and outside the Treasury some have been sold at a premium of $c. The Secretary has reason to congratulate himself oi: the fitness of the scheme. Three per cent, is quite enough to pay for interest on such security as the Government furnishes in these times of plenty. Burglar Arrested Wo learn, from the Augusta Dispatch, that officer Christian succeeded, tfu Thursday last, in arresting, in that city, John Spauldino, who was concerned in the robbory of Vkal's jewelry store, in Columbia, of 4 : i_-4 nuivu ^i??c nu auuvuiii in uiir liisi. Court Calendar.?Western Circuit. rktl'rrt da vs. Abbeville, Saturday, Feb'ry 13. Anderson, Saturday, Feb'ry 20. Pickens Saturday, Feb'ry 27. Greenville Saturday, March 0. Spartanburg,. . . .Saturday, March 13. Laurena, ....... Saturday, Mai eh 20. court 8ittikos. Abbeville Monday, March 1. Anderson, Monday, March 8. Piclcen* Monday, March 15. Greenville Monday, March 22. Spartanburg, .... Monday, March 29. Laurenn, Monday, April 5. an ei.kction jnciornt.?It it stated that at the recent election in Worcester, Mass., a candidate for alderman went up to vote very near the close of tire polls, and taking a ticket scratched hia name off. His rival for the office aaked him why he did this, saying be himself put his own name in the ballot-box. So lie scratched hia name on again. Soon after be waa found to be elected br one vole, and that his own vole, cast at the solicitation of hm rival. " n From present appearances, we are to bare ^ an unusually gay and lirely time during the present week. It being rnee week* and one J of mora than ordinary interest, there la a large assemblage of sportsmen of tfee turf. When there is a conoouiee of tWe kind as- ' sembled in battle array, with the many ap- I purtenances that follow in tbeir track, new 1 life is invariably infused into the channels of 1 pleasure in the community in which it may t bo. M Race weok " is always a famous one I i"?i ? - - .t -? h iu vimnwwu?UUB Ulttl WW as met magnoi which attracts the beauty, wealth and fashion from every section of the State. The number of stables is very large?numbering some nine or ten?and filled with the most celebrated stock in the Union. The famous Nicholas I, and Lizzie Macdonald, (formerly Sue Washington,) are the most conspicuous among them, and are expected to achieve wonders. It is rumored that they are to run for a large wager during the present meeting, and that Gilpatrick, the jockey who rode some of the American horses in England, is engaged to ride Nicholas. There are many warm and confident backers to each, though Lizzie is rather the favorite. But, to difier from the knowing friends, and judging from their movements seen in their running while training, your uvrre*j?ouueiil would rather sprinkle his dust over the back of Nisk. These are not the only crack nags. On the contrary, the greater portion of them may be classed as such. Mr. Ten Broeck is here, and tbough having no horses on the field, his presence among the turfmen cannot but help add interest to the meeting. During these hard times that try men's pockets and honor, singular and novel re sorts are had recurrence to, in order to raise the wind. A few days since, when the steamer Goidon was about to depart for Savannah, a gentleman was fairly taken in by a brace of sharpers. One of them managed to engage him in conversation, when, by a pre-concerted arrangement, his accomplice, purporting to bean entire stranger, advanced. and, addressing him, presented n bill, for 1 which ho represented his fellow-sharper as * being indebted to the dry good* house of 0 Bancroft, Leman Co. He acknowledged the bill, but saving he could not make tho * change, appealed to Mr. Vogt, from Florida, V to whom he was talking. He succeeded in e borrowing $100, which be piomiaed to re- W turn in a few moments. Ho then proceeded ' to the clerk's office, seemingly for obtaining change; but forgetting its locnli'.y, bo made '' hi* wav to the wharf. Neither ho nor tho 1 * 44 collector have been beard of since, who doubtlesa divided the spoils, ami are now w enjoying tho good thing* of life, and gloating over the verdancy of iho-^tininitiated. This is but one of the many cases that will ,l occur from the motley crew now assembled. * The devouring elements will now and then c, warm up the inhabitants of various parts of ti ihe citv. A fire occurred on Wednesday tl night, at the corner of Broad and Friend* Streets, which entirely consumed a Livery ^ Stable. Two horses and several carriages were burnt, the rest of the horses being ex-1 ? .K?r .1._ a i... i .i *'?-- I - n uciuio tut} aug Itmiltjii infill. 111(3 new anil elegant Cathedral Mood on the opposite corner, and several fine buildings were adjacent, but were saved, without damage, by the fire companies. A couple of accidents have occurred on the race course lately, though without serious results. Two gentlemen were driving around on the inside of the track, when their horses become frightened at the racers train ing on the course. After running some distance, they overturned the buggy,and, breaking from it, fled to the city, spreading terror and consternation on their way through the streets. Though, fortunatoly, not hurt, the gentlemen wero left to mourn over the splintered wreck of an equipage aud a plank road promenade to the city. The young filly, Pus* Minor, who wa* reported to have broken her leg by a fall, while running, last Monday, has been fouud to be less seriously injured than she was at first supposed to be. Iler leg was not broken, though badly hurt, from which she is rapidly recovering. The new Fish Markot, near tin Custom House, which has been in a course of construction for several years, is just completed. It was dedicated to Neptune and his finny lubjeeti last week by a conclave of city fa- ( there, with iiiumc, dec. It is a fine and handsome building, but has been the bugbear of tax payers for a number of years, j and it, witb the administration that eonoeie- ( ed its erection, has been the object of many | pointed sarcasms. i Signor Bliu, the wonderful magician, has 1 been enticed to visit us again, by the very ! flattering reception he met with on his for- | mer one. His peiformance, when here he- ( fore, gave unlimited delight and satisfaction, and to those who will to laugh dull eare away, and grow fat in the interim without the assistance of lager beer, be now exteode ( another golden opportunity. He commen-' | ccs to-night in Institute Ilail, nod will per* < .m . vWsetV ? ' yf t, ,, ^ The New Orleans Opera Troupe hare 1 eon delighting crowded houses for the past ( wo weeks. Besides the inducements to , >atronise them, offered by thete being fine >>-dormers among both sexes, the women i ire supremely beaiitiftil, and, for something < >f a rarity?an exquisite roioe and pretty ' ace?are possessed 6f voices of no medio;re qualities. On the two occasions of the benefit of the two principal female performtra. Miss Hod son and Miss Durand, the theitre was literally jammed. Friday night, lie play of Cinderilla was presented for the >eneftt of th? latter, in which she met with ?mplete success. She sang Jenny Lind's ar farmed echo song, which she did with cinarkable distinctness. After its cotnpleion, she was rewarded with a shower of bojuets and the most rapturous applause.? i Although their engagement was announced I 0 terminate on Saturday night, from the jreat success they hare met, they will peroral one more week. The medical students hare awarded to < Dr. F. T. Mites, one of the medical Faculty, 1 pair of sileer goblets, as a mark of the 1 tateem in which be is held by them. He is >ue of the reigning favorites among the itudents, and bj bis kind and gentlemanly leportment towards them, manages to sesure the warm friendship of erery olass beore which he has lectured. Tha Warerly House, in the bend of King it reel, has been opened by Mrs. Boinar, fornerly of the Commercial House. The last tosteea who presided over its hospitalities vas Mrs. Gloason, by whoin it was closed , everal years ago, and has remained so unit taken by its present landlady. 1 Thalberg gives his farewell concerts this ind to-morrow evenings, in Hibernian Ball, [t is anticipated tbey will be rendered with nucb better effect, in consequence of the , uperiority of the acoustic qualities of this j Iall over that in the Institute. "It wan bis ntcnlion to hare vUited Havana, hut he has i ecu deterred on account of the prevalence ' f vi'llnw fever at that nlaM Gov. Allston gives a ball this evening, nil being one of the first of the season, as rcll as given by a very popular man, the lite of the wethh and fashion of the city rill fill his halls, enjoy his hospitalities, and ip the light fantastic toe. To day we are blessed with a regular winry drizzle, and, from the thick louring louds, by which the weather-wise predict n rainy spell," it is more than probable we ill have bad weather for the races. RED WING. Statue or Washington.?The involnntry exclamation of admiration with which large concourse of people saluted the slate of Washington on yesterday, when the tnvaa was removed, and it was for the first me seen in uninterrupted relief, implied le highest tribute to its excellence. A nrcful criticism may develope trivial bletnlies of detail, but the general cfifect surpases public expectation. All are agreed tliat , is a noble creation of genius, equally rortliy of tho Patriot and the Artist, whose antes it is destined to blend in inseparable asociation, and to transmit to the leinotest ' ;o*tenty. The statue will be again covered, and 1 vill so lemain until ita inauguration on the 1 !2d of February.? liichmowl South. A Good Rulb.?In the lint of Governor i Jrown's instructions to the Superintendent >f the Georgia Slate Road, we find the fol- i owing: " Aa many innocent persons might lose heir lives, and much valuable properly be lestroyed by neglect growing out of the dislipaled habits of those in charge of the rains, you nre orderedpromptly to discharge svery Conductor, Engineer, or other persons implored in runing tho trains, who shall be imown to use as a beverage, intoxicating liquors of any kind, or who shall visit gambling houses of any character, or engage in faming, or be guilty of any other dissipaion or immortality. Rachel's last hocks?Parting with iieii Jewkl8.?In the early stages of Ua ;hel'a final illness, her fondness for gold and lewelry did not desert, her. 8he frequenty had her jewels and rich garments brought to her bod, and beguiled the weary hours in ookincr them over, and nn nna ' I or taking one long lingering look at them, die exclaimed, with a aigh of heartfelt disre*a,4411 faut done quitter tout V M(Muat I, then, abandon all f1) Iler death struggle tvaa long and severe, and her !aat hours are lewcribed as agonizing. Wild Pigeons in Viroinia.?A correspondent of the Lynchbnrg Virginian, writing from Hat Greek, Campbell county, says the pigeon roost is the^peat subject of interest in that part of the country. It is supposed that nearly 100,000 of the birds nave been killed in the wm Waaadpgainst them by the people in that section. The thrifty housewives have manufactured hundreds of beds from ifes feathers, and the people have feasted on their delicate meat. Washinoton, February 1. Conpreteional.?The House of Representatives have just passed Mr. Boyce's resolution for a select eonuiiitee to inquire into the expedieney of gradually abolishing ail duties on imports.? Carolinian, ~' * '' ^ ?WUIi?m liitchie, the husband of Anne k "orn Mow att, is likely, it is stated, to get the mission to Naples. fi ?The receipt Of hog* at Cincinnati, for " the season this year, has been 888,600 aelnst 844,000 for tbe corresponding peri- ~ of last year. B ?A gentleman ha* disoovered a way to 8 disperse a crowd of idle boys. lie offers to teach thero tbe Catechism, and they instantly run away. j ?A white woman named Peters, and her a brother, have been fined $1,000, and sen tcnced to jail for one year, in St. Louis, for * cruelly whipping a slave girl. ?The Slato of New Jersey has seven port* of entry, and thirty officers of tlie customs, whose Aggregate annual pay amount# u to $8,287. t ?Henry O'Reilly has made a proposition 1 to the Oorernment to erect a line of tele- . graph to the scene of the expected war in ?It is said that an English wit, meeting , Mr. brunnel, the engineer, out at dinner, asked hiin, in the words of Joh, " Canst thou draw out Leviathan with a hook !" < ?A kind-hearted editor out West says: ' " If we have offended any man in the short . but brilliant course of our caieer, let liiui send us a new iiat ana say nothing about it.* ?The Deaf and Dumb Asylum of Pennsylvania has 174 pupils at the present time, of whom 126 are from that State. There are 97 boys and 77 girl*. ^ ?The expression " nightmare," is. Sir Wm. Temple says, from Mars, in old Hunic, who was a goblin, said to sleep upon sleeping men, and take from them sense aud mo tion. I ?A Yankee doctor has contrived to ex- t tract from sausages a powerful tonic, which, he savs, contains the whole strength of the 1 original bark. He calls it the " Sulphate of 1 Canine" ^ ?There is now on exhibition at the Mer- r chants' Exchange, in New York, a red wood ^ plank from the Mendocins saw mills, Cali- t] fornia. h measures 12 feet long, 6 feet 6 inches wide, and 2 inches thick. ?The cause of the extraordinary warmfiess of the season is said to be that the Gulf Stream has approached nearer to onr coast % liv forlv to sixtv milt-* limn wm? ?k>f ItBnwn J V ' J ? l>efore. ?A young fiicnd said lately : M Suppose 4 It should happen that Mr. Green should be " carried nway in his balloon, so far from t hence as to descend on some uninhabited \ island?how it would surprise the natives.* ? The Providence Post notices the fact that not a single murder has been commit led in Rhode bland during the past year, notwithstanding capital punishment is abolisbed. ?Two pedestrians are now walking a 1 plank at Boston, on a wager, the conditions of which are, thai he is the loser who first deeps, lies down, or falls ofl* the plank fiom ( dieer exhaustion. ( ?It is stated that the lion. Thomas Sib n Jell, ex Judge of the Supreme Court of Lou t siatia, upiii heating of the late financial 1 rrisis, and fearing the effect it would have J ipon coflain stocks in which he had a large t merest, became completely insane. v ?The new Mississippi codo has the fob f owing in relation to the violation of the Nibhath : " If any person ahall lie found bunting with a gun on tbeSabbath, he shall. >n conviction thereof, be fined no less than live nor more than twenty dollars.** ?The !a>oit>vilie Democrat give* an ae> count of a fast woman who lives in Club { uanourg, i\y. She was married, lost ! e 1 father, mother, winter and husband, gHve c birth to n child, and married again, within T a period of two momlia I ? ?The Louifiville Journal says : " We be- * lieve that the compromise bill introduce*! by j Mr. I'ugh. of Ohi<?, into the U. 8. Senate I* j universally considered m senseless n bill m c ever ?m introduced by a woodpecker into a ' hollow tree. " ?11. Frank Dnlton, whose suit for divorce < engaged Ute eloquence of Choate, the power of Dana, and the ndroitnese of Durant, all to no purpose, and then waa quietly nettled by that arch little fellow, Cupid, la now do i?g business in Lawrence, Kansas?wife and all. ?In Constantinople the people have a 1 new calamity to endure. There ie not only 1 a money crisis, but a wood ci isis and a coal j crisis at present in tbe city, and these indis- . pensable household articles have become so I scarce that mnnv people cannot procure any* < thing to cook their dinners with. ( ?Mr. Greeley attended the St. Paul's Church on Sunday evening. One who eat (titer Kim ** Ha ? * ? *! ? ,-4 - -J". ? wh? ih minor isue? J look a seat?put oo lii* glasses?looked at the minister in the pulpit?looked up at the ceiling?then took a glnnce at the audience , on either side of him?leaned back in Ids seat, and - want to sleep I"?Chicago JoUC. ?Mr. Parton, the biographer of Aaron 3 Byy^ is understood to be engaged in pre* paring a Life of Gen. Andrew Jackson, for , which he obtained mueli new material white , writing the life of tbe great "conspirator." ( Mr Parton entertains tbe theory that Jack- ( son owed bis elevation to lite Presidency to ( the secret suggestions and aid of Burr. ( ?The London Times (says the N. O. 1 Crescent,) seems to hare ouietlj abandoned 1 the ase of tbe word " telegram," which it 1 tried for a time to bring into genem) use. < The fast numbers of it reeeired in tbiseoun- I try do not contain the word, while there are 1 sereral oaaea in wbidi it usee the words Mtel- 1 egraphic message," and " telegraphic dispatches." What will its American imitators that adopted " telegram " de now I Chaklwtom. February 1. Salee of Cotton to-day t ,400 1>?J?r, at firm and U1 rata?middling fair, I Of to lOf ; . . HYftUsiiAAL. -v Pr?nt?r*? fee reoetyed. Married, on the Slat ?lt. by Her. L P. Dow ?m. Mr. JAMES O. CliAUI.ES and I'M MAR Hit h SaSff-01 ******* Married, on Uw ?8th nit, by A. MoBee, Em, Ir. W. F. S. RICHARDSON ami MkOBArtAH I 1IAMMETT. all of tbia Dietrict W4l!;!tinal Notice: A LL thoM indebted to the EiUte of Dr. WM. f\ P TI'OPIV ... a v ?:<uj hat no longer indulgence can be given than till latum Day next. S. D. GOODLETT, Fob * 89-8 Receiver. School Notice. ' ym^ MRS. YOUNG propose* to ope* a ftmk FEMALE RTH.KU. at. the Stone House, five miles above Greenville. She will teach the English Language, ?CSJF Oriental Painting, Waxwork, Leathrwork, Ac. Term begin* on the let day of FVl uary, 1858. Rates ot Tuition, Boarding, At, rill be moderate. Feb 4 8?? Obower, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IX FURNITURE /V CHAIRS or A OF Every description, ESSDI Every atyle, AND j rISK'8 CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CA3E8, ?a# Opposite the Congaree House, Feb 4 COLUMBIA, S. C. 39-1y Baddleaud Hnrnea* M ANUFACTO RY.PM*? rUE Subscriber would respectfully inform the public generally that lie continue* , to* ibovo Baaineae, 2d door abovk ma Gvrxkvilli Iotkl, and ia prepared to furairh eustomera rith any diacription of Home-Manufactured lADDL^. Carriage, Baggy and Wagon Harieaa made to order, and in ike beet etylr. Brillea. Whip*, Ac., on hand and for sale CHEAP. |3jf~ Saddles and Liarncm repaired at abort otSe-. A. M. GI Lit RATH. Feb 4 89 If Take No! ice. rUE Subscriber wo?l?l Inform those indebted to him by NOTE OR ACCOUNT, that th? me must be paid before Return l>av. Reason Why. The money, in most instance*. has long lieen lite, and those whom I am owing, desire their noney. and must lie paid. Many of the Artilea for which rou are aov due ine, wete cash Uticles, and should bare been paid for iceme* liatelr. Caen will ineariably be required for Groceries. A. GHEENFIBLl). Feb 4 39 if tggpA TTKNTION, BUTLER GUARDS ! $L< YOU are hereby commanded Mh to appear at your Company's rcn- w\J| desvoua, at 9 o'uloek. on the morn- T|) ing of the 22D FEBRUARY, ar.n- L ./[ * ed and equipped for Inspection MJ !* and Drill, lite inspection will >e strictly conducted. and member., whose (inns re out of order, will be dealt with according o the Constitution. At the olosc of the Drill, he Company will be eondueted to the .front of he Court House, to receive the Color*, which he Ladies purpose presenting th-in. Should he wonther prove unfavorable, the acceptance rill take place in the New Court House. The "tiblic arc respectfully invited to attend. A. ISAACS, 0. S. Feb 4 80 8 \ :??1?% ureal oaie oi JfOOKS A.T AUCTION. Stirs til Witt BE HOLD, in OreenviUe. /Za?/|fflr?t auction, on Friday evening, 8th ISldfiF February, at 1 o'clock, and followng evening* until dispoeed of, the entire Stock >f a Bookseller declining business, consisting of nany valuable standard Works in every (Jepartnent of literature, vis: Law, fttedioinr, Thcoio ;y, Mechanics, History, Biography, Travels, 'o.-t ry. Novels, Talcs, Ac.; including select aaortments of Childrons' Booka iL'olored Toy looks, Papor Dolls, Paper Furniture, Ac. Also, , "nmily and Pocket Bibles, and Prayer Booka, in ilegant landings, Fine Letter )*ap?r, (giltedges,) Envelopes, Rosewood Writing Desks, Backgamuon Boards, Pan Holders, do. fg- For the accommodation of ladies and oth re, that eaanot attend the Auction, I will soil it exceeding ebeap priors during the duy. Book* at Ancttoni ?a'>> A MONO the Books to be sold on Friday evenLM. ing, at auction, will bo found Fine Libra-: j Editions of ROLLIN'3 ANCIENT HISTORY, Mutarch's Uvea's Works, Clark's Comnentary, The Spectator, Froissiart's Chronicles >f the Middle Agoa The Proao and Poetry of Europe and America, by Morris A Willia Shsks>care's Worka Byron's Worka Moore's Worka Burns' Worka llemans' Worka Bui wet's Nov- ' sla Marryatt's Novola The PietoriSl Fassiiy Cyclopedia, The Cyclopedia of UsefulKsowladgc, be. A. P. BURT. Feb .4 o - ? t STATE OF SOUTH CA&GUftL GREENVILLE pWTRlC'F. ~ -J . I In the Common Plana, riiruatoa <fe Suddnth, rs. M. 8. iUnekel.-? Declaration in Foreign Attachment Bat* let * Thbcstow, Plaintiff's Attorneys. WI1EUEA8, tbe Plaintiff did on the Milt day of January, 1656, file his dsela* >Hlwi egriaal Urn Defendant, abo (aa M| I taid) is absent fro?a and without the limits >f tliis State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom i copy of the said declaration ought be icrveHI t It is therefore ordered, that tha mid Defendant do appear and plead to the laid declaration, on or before the 6Xst day if January, which will be in the year ef our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine, otherwise ftnal sad elaalBIs jedg? meat will then be gireu and awarded** gainst him. ' ' W. A. McDANIBL, CCP., Clerk*. Office, Greenville District. |J1 Feb 4 'J9 ledmSy a