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*ir> n.j,| , T?it it if awe W * ?fWk W? find tba fofiowing in * letter from Hsaover, o* Dw. 191 ? ? -v ? The hearts of the Kinff.*?d Boy*) FbmHjr of this country have boon ntneh rejoioed by intelligence which he# juet reached them, through the Hanoverian Minister at the Court of St. James, thai the long dispute between the King of Hanover, end the Queen of England, respecting the right of certain jewels of enormous value in the possession of the Sovereign of England, and forming no inconsiderable portion of what, have been decided in favor of 'Hanover. Many of your readers are no doubt aware that when the kingdom of Hanover was severed from the united kingdom by the accession of Queen , Victoria to the throne, a claim was made by I the late King of Hanover, fortnly the Dake I of Curabtrlaadi to nearly the whole of the jewel* usually worn ou State occasions by the English Sovereign, on the ground that part of them, which had been taken over to England by George I., belonged inalienably, to the crown of Hanover, and that the remainder had been purchased by George III, out of his private purse, and had been left by him, and his Queen Charlotte, to the ltoyal Family of Hanover. u As the jewels thus claimed are supposed to be worth considerably more than ?l,000,000, a single stone having cost neatly ?20,000, they were not to be relinquished without a struggle; and I am assured that every possible expedient was resorted to in England to baffle the claimant. Ultimately, in (lie lifetime of the late King, the importunity of the Hanoverian Ministry of the day to consent that the rights of the two Sovereigns should be suhYnitted to a Commission composed of three English Judges ; but the proceeding* of the Commission were so ingeniously protracted that All the Commis sioners died without arriving at any decision ; and unlit Lord Clarendon received the seals of the Briti*': Foreign Office, all the efforts of the Court of Hanover to obtain a fresh Commission were in vain. Lord Clarendon, however, seems to have perceived that such attempts to slide inquiry were unworthy of his country, for he consented that a fresh Commission should be issued to three English Judges of the highest eminence, who, after investigation, found ihe Hanoverian claims to l?e indisputably just, and reported in its favor. The Court bore consequently is in high glee this Christinas, at the prospect of removing the crown ami regalia, so jealously guarded in the Tower of London, almost bodily to Hanover.'" Speaker Orr.?The Washington corres pondent of tho Evening Post commends Speaker Orr for his efforts to maintain the dignity and decorum of the House. * lie says: " Mr Speaker Orr is enforcing the rules of the House, excluding outsiders and keeping the insiders on their good behavior. If the members get a little noisy, the sharp sounding raps of the hammer, and the " too much .i-~ i -1? > * - ? vuiiimanuuu mi tne unu, uru rejieMieu unui they are still. lie is also introducing reforms in the regulations of the building. | All the officers of the House are strictly forbidden to keep those stimulants of patriot ism and eloquence, which I am told could 1 hitherto be found in many rooms near tho 1 Hall. Mr. Orr says that he will immediate- I ly discharge any officer who is too spirited in his attentions to members." Duki. Between Gigoy and Hole in-tiif. 1).\t.?A correspondent several days since 1 notified us of a duel which was to take place i at the Chippewa agency on the 12th instant, ( between a Mr. Giggy, a citizen of CrowWing, and Ilole-in-the I>ay, the well known Chippewa chief. The duel, we understand, took place per agreement, and three shots wore fired by each party. At the first fire both were wounded. Mr. Giggy receiving a ' ball in tbo right side. At the second hrc 1 Giggy was wounded in the leftside. It was with difficulty that he could stand up for the ! third fire, but the Indian chief would not I agree to settle the diinOJhv. and the third , fire was exchanged, and Hole in the-D*)' was j shot through the heart. These are the particulars, as communicatad to some of our citizens in letters from Crow-Wing. [?S7. Paul Pioneer, Jan. 19. At a meeting of the 11. W. Grand Encampment of Odd Fellows, for the State of South Carolina helil on tli? IO1I1 nf Ianna>? 1858, the following Grand Officers were installed for the next year : P. C. P. Richard Caldwell, of Charleston, M. W. Ginnd Patriarch: P. H. P. S. S. McCully, of Columbia, M. E. Gnw>d High Priest. P. C. 11. James Jones, Columbia, R. W. Grand Senior Warden. P. G. P. Edward Mitchell, Charleston, R. W. Grand Scribe. P. II. P. M. Rissell, Charleston, K. W. Grand Treasurer. P. C. P. John Cordero, Columbia, R. W. Grand Junior Warden. P. O. P. Edward Mitchell, Charleston, R. W. Grand Represenlavive. Tiie good people of Putnam county, Tennessee. Are contemplating practical union of Church and 8tate, as announced in the following item in the Cooksvillo Times : M We are pleased to learn arrangement is msdo to complete (lie New Methodist church here, to far as to be ahle to hold the en?n ing session of the Circuit Court in it. Thi? is very important for the interest of our country." The Nashville Banner savs that a friend who practioes somewhat in that region, pronounces this a deep laid scheme to get the lawyers of that circuit iuside of a church, all other means having failed, lie anticipates A very indignant set of gentlemen when the scheme is discovered. Tit a Napoleon dynasty is about to "receive another guarantee of permanenco. Informs tion has been given to the newspaper eones pondenta that the Empress of Pranoe has, by ih? adviue of her medical attendants, left off rhllng. w.Y Htiox, OVU MOTTO?' BQUAX fc?*T? TO ALU" QREENVlLIiE, s'. C. Tfcwr?4?y Mwi'g, Wry 4? IBM. Accident to Ber. V. A. Mood. We regret that this esteemed gentleman root with a serious accident and narrow es wnjj* w rrHMf evening last. 116 DtQ attended a meeting in the country on that day, and was returning home, when, on alighting from the buggy to arrange tome portion of the harneee, the horse became frightened and kicked him severely on the hack part of the head, knocking him senseleas to the grouod. He revived, after a time, and found his way to the residence of Col. E. S. Khviuk, by whom he was kindly sent to town. Ilia pulpit was supplied, on Sabbath last, by Prof. J. P. Boroc. We hope that he will soon recover, and resume his duties amongst us. Our CollegesYesterday the exercises of the FurmAn University and Baptist Female College commerfced. The streets of our town are again enlivened by children going and returning from the different schools, and the bells, which hourly peal forth, give renewed animation and life to the place. It is a pleasure to us to welcome back the numerous gentlemanly students who have heretofore been residing among us. The number of strange faces, that are likewise welcome, assure us that our schools are enjoying that widespread reputation abroad which their man ageinent so richly deserve. We predict for our colleges an increased number of students and pupils for the present year. Taxes and the Suspended Banks. The Legislature of South Carolina has been guilty of a palpable nnd, we think, absurd inconsistency. in its recent action in relation to the suspended Hanks of the Stale, and the instructions to the Tax Collectors, requiring them to take the bills of speciepaying Banks only in payment of taxes due the Stale, with the single exception of the bills of the Bank of the State of South Ca rolinn. The Legislature has, by its own act, legalized the suspension of ilie Banks, and turned right round and discredited the paper of all the Banks that had thus suspende"', virtually repudiating the State's own " promises to pay," by refusing to take the bills of banks that had followed her example. We now have two kinds of currency, viz: one for the people, the other for the Slato If the bills of the suspended Banks were net sufficiently good to bo received in payment of Taxes, the Legislature should have refused to legalize the act of suspension. The DCODle WAItL to know luiur tlii? motlur '."I i-arried through ihe Legislature, and if their interests have been compromised and sacrificed to those of the Banks. Consistency is a jewel which we fear is sadly missing in ihe crowns of our law-makers. 1 ijii i ??Books at Auction. We invite attention to the advertisement >f Mr. A. P. Buiit, in to day's paper. lie offers an elegant assortment of bocks to the trade. His auclien sales commence to morrow evening. Treasury Notes. Secretary Conn has been quite successful in liia mode of raising the mouey needed. The Ticasnry notes are being rapidly taken by individuals whose money was lying idle in bank, and outside the Treasury some have been sold at a premium of $c. The Secrctaiy has reason to congratulate himself oi: the fitness of the scheme. Three per cent, is quite enough to pay for interest on such security as the Government furnishes in these times of plenty. Burglar Arrested Wo learn, from the Augusta Dispatch, that officer Christian succeeded, rfu Thursday last, in arresting, in that city, John Spauldiko, who was concerned intherobbo ry of Vkal's jewelry store, in Columbia, of which wc gate an account in our Inst. Court Calendar.?Western Circuit. kktl'rn days. Abbeville, Saturday, Feb'ry 13. Anderson, Saturday, Feb'ry20. Pickens, Saturday, Feb'ry 27. Greenville Saturday, March 0. Spartanburg,. . ..Saturday, March 13. Laureus, Saturday, Maioh 20. coort bittfnor. Abbeville Monday, March 1. Anderson, Monday, March 8. Piclcen*, Monday, March 15. Greenville Monday, March 22. Spartanburg, .... Monday, March 29. Laurens, *. Monday, April 5. An Election Incident.?It is stated that at the recent election in Worcester, Mhh., a candidate for alderman went up to vote vary near the clone of the poll*, ami taking a ticket scratched his name off. Ilia rival for the office asked him why he did thia, saying he himself put his own name in the ballot-box. Ho he scratched his name on again. Soon after he was found to be elected bv one vole, and that his own rote, cast et the solicitation of Ilia rival. Ca*nt*nlf; IM>. 1st, lt?8. h '* From present appearances, ?eir? to have I an unusually gay and lively time duriagithe ' present week. It being woe W%w*and one * ot more than ordinary internet, there it a large assemblage of sportsmen of the turf. When there U a concouise of this kind as- 1 sembled in battle array, with the many ap* 1 purtenancee that follow in tbeir track, new 1 life Is invariably infused into the channels of 1 pleasure in tbe community in which it may ' bo. u Race week " is always a famous one ' in Charleston?one that acts as the magnet * which attracts the beauty, wealth and fash ' i ion from every section of the State. Tbe * number of stables is very large?numbering ' some nine er ten?and filled with the most ' celebrated stock in the Union. The famous ' Nicholas I, and Linie Macdonald, (fonnerly 4 Sue Washington,) are the most conspicuous among them, and are expected to aohiere wonders. It is rumored that they are to run for a large wager during ih6 present meeting, and that Gilpatrick, the jockey who rode some of the American horses in England, is engaged to ride Nicholas. There are many warm and confident backers to each, though Lizzie is rather (he favorite. But, to difler from the knowing friends, and judging from their movements seen in their running while training, your correspondent would rather sprinkle his dust orer the back of Nisk. These are not the only crack nags. On the contrary, the greater portion of thera may he classed as such. Mr. Ten Broeck is here, and though having no horses on the field, his presence among the turfmen cannot hut help add interest to the meeting. During these hard times that try men's pockets and honor, singular and novel re sorts are had recurrence to, iu order to raise the wind. A few days since, when the atoamer Goidon was ahout to depart for Savannah, a gentleman was fairly taken in hy a hrace of sharpers. One of them managed to engage him in conversation, when, by a pre-concertcd arrangement. his aecomnlie* ? . __ , , purporting to be an entire stranger, advanced, and, addressing him, presented a bill, for 1 which he represented his fellow-sharper as * being indebted to the dry goods house of 0 Bancroft, Leman Co. He acknowledged the bill, but saving he could not make the " change, appealed to Mr. Vogt, from Florida, V to whom he was talking, lie succeeded in e borrowing 100, which he pioinised to re- * turn in a few moments. lie then proceeded 1 to the clerk's oflice, seemingly for obtaining change; but forgetting its locality, be niado ' his wav to the wharf. Neither ho nor the 0 44 collector have been heard of since, who doubtless divided the spoils, and are now v enjoying the good things of life, and gloating over the verdancy of thof*itiiniliated. This is but one of the many cases that will occur from the motley crew now assembled. * The devouring elements will now and then C; warm tip the inhabitants of various parts oC ti the citv. A fire occurred on Wednesday > ?1 nignt, at tne corner ot Itroad and Fricnili K Streets, which entirely consumed a Livcrv Stable. Two horses and several carriages j, were burnt, llio real of the horses being ex- v tricated before the fire reached them. The n new and elegant Cathedral stood on lite op- fl positc corner, and several fine building*, were * adjacent, but were saved, without damage, , by the fire companies. j A couple of accidcnta have occurred on the race course lately, though without sen- j ons results. Two gentlemen were driving ( around on the inside of the track, when their ] horses become frightened at the racers train ing oti the course. After running soraedis- 1 tanc?i, they overturned the l>cggy,nnd, break- j ing from it, fled to the city, spreading terror , and consternation on their way through the < streets. Though, fortunately, not hurt, the < gentlemen were left to mourn over the splin- ' lercd wreck of an equipage and a plank road | IMVUISAIlAfla f if t A All If Jil VIUUIIHUW VV? IIIV VIM | The young filly, Pus* Minor, who w?* re- I ported to have broken Iter leg by a fall, while running, laat Monday, has been fouud to be | less seiiotudy injured than she wat at first , supposed to be. Her leg was not broken, j though badly hurt, from which she is rapid* ' ly recovering. The new Fish Market, near tin Custom , House, which has been in a course of con* t struction for several years, is just completed. < It was dedicated to Neptune and his finny ' subjects last week by a conclave of city fa- ( there, with music, dec. It is a fine and handsome building, but has been the bugbear of tax payers lor a number of years, j and it, with the administration that eonoeiv- J ed its erection, ha* been the object of many | pointed sarcasm*. Signor Blitx, tlie wonderful magician, ha* j been enticed to vieit us again, by the eery flattering reception he met with on hi* Ibr- | mer one. His peiformance, when here be- | fore, gave unlimited delight and satisfaction, and to those who will to laugh dull care away, and grow fat in the interim whhowt tho assistance of lager beer, be now extend* j another golden opportunity, ale commen-' , ccs to-night in Institute Hall, and will per- i . - J 13 oeate. The New Orleans Opera Troupe have .-V? 1-J I ?-- .1 /wu U?3H^UMUg vruwuw UUU?? iur Ultt pnot wo weeks. Besides tb* inducements to >atronise them, offered by there bring floe lerformet* emoog both him, the women ire supremely beautiful, end, for something >f a rarity?an exquisite voice and pretty face?are possessed of voioee of no medio:re qualities. On the two oocariuoa of the benefit of the two principal female performera, Miss llodaon and Miss Durand, the theatre was literally jammed. Friday night, the play of Cioderilla waa presented for the benefit of the latter, in which she met with :omplete success. She sang Jsnny Lind's far farmed echo song, which she did with remarkable distinctness. After ita completion, ahe waa rewarded with a shower of bojuela and the moat rapturous applause.? Although their engagement was announced to terminate on Saturday night, from the jreat success they have met, they will perform one more week. The medical students have awarded to [)r. F. T. Mi lea, one of the medical Faculty, i pair of silver goblets, as a mark of the ?teem in which lie is held by tbem. Me is juxj vi iuo reigning invuruen iinung iu? itudents, and by bis kind and gentlemanly leportment towards them, manages to se:ure the warm friendship of every class be'ore which he has lectured. The Waverly House, in the bend of King Street, has been opened by Mrs. Botnar, formerly of the Commercial House. The last lost ess who presided over its hospitalities vas Mrs. Glenson, by whom it was closed several years ago, and has remained so taken by its present landlady. Thalberg gives his farewell concerts this ?nd to-morrow evenings, in Hibernian Hall. It is anticipated they will be rendered with much better effect, in consequence of the mperiority of the acoustic qualities of this [Iall over that in the Institute. It was his ntention to have visited Havana, but he has >ecn deterred on account of the prevalence >f yellow fever at that place. Gov. Allston gives a ball this evening, nd being one of the first of the season, as veil as given by a very popular man, the lite of the wealth and fashion of the city rill fill his halls, enjoy his hospitalities, and ip the light fantastic toe. io ouy wo are blessed w?tU a regular winry drizsle, and, from the thick louring loud*, by which the weather-wise predict a rainy spell," it is more than probable we dll have bad weather for the races. RED WING. SrATUK or Washington.?T1?e invohintry exclamation of admiration with which large concourse of people saluted the slate of Washington on yesterday, when tho anvus was removed, and it was for the first me seen in uninterrupted relief, implied iie higheat tribute to its excellence. A arcfnl criticism may develope trivial blemdies of detail, but tho genet al effect surpasas public expectation. All are agreed that L is a noble creation of genius, equally rortliy of the Patriot and the Artist, whose ismes it is destined to blend in inseparable asocial ion, and to transmit to the temoteM .osteiity. The statue will be again covered, and vill so lemain until its inauguration on the !2d of February.? Richmond South. A Good Rule.? In the list of Governor Brown's instructions to the Superintendent >f the Georgia Stale Road, we find the fob I owing: " As ninny innocent person* might lose heir live*, and much valuable properly be lestroyed by neglect growing out of the dietipated habits of tho?e in charge of (lie .rains, you are orderedpromptly to discharge jvery Conductor, Engineer, or other persons implored in runing the trains, who shall be Itnown to use as a beverage, intoxicating li juors of any kind, or wbo shall visit gambling houses of any character, or engage in gaming, or be guilty of any other dissipation or immortality. Rachel* last hours?Parting with iikrJswkls.?In the early stages of ita :hel's final illness, her fond now for gold and jewelry did not desert, her. She frequently had her jewels and rich garments brought to her bed, and beguiled the weary hours in looking them over, and on one occasion, after taking one long lingering look at them, die exclaimed, with a sigh of heartfelt distress, 44 Jl faut done quitter toutF "(Must I, then, absndon all !") Her death struggle was long and severe, and her last hours are described as agonizing. Wild Pisiosi in Virginia.?A correa pondsnt of the Lyochb-srg Virginias, writing from Hat Creek, Campbell coonty, nay* ibo pigeon rooat i? tbe^gfcnt subject of interest in that part of tb? couctry. It is supposed that nearly 100,000 of the birds ha?e been killed in the war waged sgsljst them by the people in tbat section. The thrifty housewives have manufactured hundreds of beds from the feathers, and lbs people have feasted on their delicate meat. Washi botox, February 1. Conyrtttumal.?The lipase id1 Representatives have just passed Mr. Boyoe's resolution for a select committee to inquire into the expediency of gradually abolishing all duties on imports.? Carolinian, <g, JLis . ^??? Go* I ?William Ritchie, the husband of Anna Cora Mowatt, ia likely, it is slated, to get the mission to Naples. ^ J ?The receipt of hog* at Cincinnati, for the season this year, baa been 880,000 against 844,000 for the corresponding period of last year. ?A gentleman has discovered a way to disperse a crowd of idle boys, lie offers to * - a .% / * .1! 1 ?| k ? icacn mem me v/aiecuwui, wu iue; mammly run away. ?A white woman named Peters. and her brother, have been fined $1,000, and ?en tenced <?> jail for one year, in St. Louis, for oruelly whipping a slave girl. ?Tho Stato of New Jersey has seven ports of entry, and thirty officers of the cuatouts, whose aggregate annual pay amounts to $8,287. ?llenry 0'IMIIy has made a proposition to the Government to erect a line of telegraph to the scene of the expected wsr in ?It is said that an English wit, meeting Mr. Brunnel, the engineer, out at diuner, asked him, in the words of Job, " Canst thou draw out Leviathan with a hook?" ?A kind-hearted editor out West says: " If we have otleuded any mnn in the short but brilliant course of our caieer, let him send us a new hat aud say nothing about it.' ?The Deaf and Dumb Asylum of Penn-1 sylvania ha? 174 pupils at the present time, j ui wiiora i zo are irorn mai O'.nte. There are 07 boys and 77 girls. ?-The expression w nightmare," is. Sir Wm. Temple says, from Mars, in old Runic, who was a goblin, said to sleep npou sleep* ing men, and take from thein sense and mo tion. ?A Yankee doctor has contrived to extract from sausages a powerful tonic, which, he says, contains the whole strength of the original bark, lie calls it the " Sulphate of Canine." ?There is now on exhibition at the Merchants' Exchange, in New York, a red wood plank from the Mendocina saw mills, California. It measures 12 feet long, 6 feet 6 inches wide, and 2 inches thick. ?The cause of lite extraordinary warmtiesa of the season is said to be that the Golf Stream has approached nearer to our coast hy forty to sixty miles than was ever known before. ?A young fiiend said lately : M Suppose it should happen that Mr. Green should be carried away in his balloon, so far from hence as to descend on some uninhabited island?how it would surprise the natives.' Tt - :? > w * - - - ? i no i roviuence rom nonce* llie tact that not a single murder ha* been commit ted in Rhode Inland during the past year, notwithstanding capital punishment i* abolivlied. ?Two pedestrians are now walking a plank at Ronton, on a wager, the condition* of which Are, that he is the loeer who first deep*, lie* down, or fall* off the plank fiom sheer exhaustion. ?It is stated that the Hon. Thonia* Slidell, ex Judge of the Supreme Court of Lou iainun, upon heating of the late financial crisis, and fearing the effect it would have upon certain stocks in which he had a large interest, became completely insane. ?The new Mit*imup|d code has the Adlowing in relation to the violation of the Sabbath : " If any peraon shall be found bunting with a gun on the Sabbath, be shall, on conviction thereof, be fined no lea* than five nor more than twenty itiJInr*" ?The Louisville Democrat give* an account of a fast woman who live* ill Chii? tianburg, Ky. She was married, lost I e father, mother, sister and husband, gave birth to a child, and married again, within n period of two motitha ! ?The Louisville Journal says : " We be lieve that the compromise bill introduced by Mr. I'ugh. of Ohio, into the U. S. Senr.te is universally considered as senseless a bill m ever was introduced by a woodpecker into a hollow tree. ?li. Frank Dnlton, whose suit for divorce engaged llie eloquence of Clioate, the power of Dana, and the ndroilnese of Durant, all to no purpose, and then was quietly settled by that arch little fellow, Cupid, is now doing business in Lawrence, Kansas?wife and all. ?In Constantinople the people have a new calamity to endure. There is not only a money crisis, but a wood crisis and a coal crisis at present in the city, and these indispensable household articles have become so scarce that many people cannot procure anything to cook their dinners with. ?Mr. Greeley attended the St. Paul's Church on Sundav evening Onn akn ??? near him says : * He came in rather late? took a scat?juit on his glasses?looked at the minister in the pulpit?looked up at the ceiling?then took a glance at the audience on either side of him?leaned hack in his seat, and?went to sleep !"?CkUago Jour. ?Mr. Parton, the biographer of Aaron Butt >* understood to be engaged in prentti'nf a 1A fa nf Hon A n.l>??? *-? which he obtained inueh n? materiel while writing the life of the great "conspirator." Mr Partou entertains the theory that Jnckson owed bis elevation to the Presidency to the secret suggestions and aid of iiurr. ?The London Times (says the N. O. Crescent,) seems to have noietiy abandoned the nse of tbe word " telegram.n which ft tried tor a time to bring into general nse. lite last numbers of it motived in tbi*country do not contain the word, while there are several oases in wbieh it usee tbe words *teiegraphie message," and " telegraphic dispatches." What will its American imitators that adopted M telegram " do now t oiiTkUf quotation* of H ^ M?l* ? Chaklistos, February 1. Sales of cotton to-dy^ 1.400 bale*. at firm ajjjl Masrtuo, M the 26th ult, br the R?r. R. T. Bniat; IX Oftlr. J AMIS 0. SSlITH to Mies MART1 K SATIS, oil of this District. Printer's fee received. Marhikd, on th? 21st ult, by Her. J. D. Don hem. Mr. JAMES O. CBAULE& .i?d 1'jsa MARS'^5, utter- <"c"*-""" Mamiko, OB Uta 1Mb ult, bjr A. McBeo. Em., Mr. W. F. 8. RICHARDSON eml Mies SAllAH C. 11AMMETT. *11 of this District .uj i i mi-j.!aei.'?iiu>L' Viimumwxx-? , tint Final Notice. . ALL thoM indebted to the Astate of Dr. WM. P. TURPIN, deceased, ere hereby notified that no longer indulgence can be giren than till Return Dajr next. 8. D. GOODLETT, \ Feb 4 86-8 Receiver. School Notice. yUK V RS. YOUNG prOpbeea to opeA n FEMALE BOHGOL, at. tbe Stone XffflKPw House, five milea above Greenville. She will teach the English Longimg.-, <Ow Oriental Painting, Wnxwork, Lee'herwork, Ac. Term begin* on tbe lat day of FVl ? ruary, 1858. Hates ul Tuition, Boarding, Ac., will be moderate. Feb 4 86-?9 ?. U ROWRR. MAN 17KACTCKKK OF AM) DKAI.KH IX FURNITURE rjgm CHAIRS o* ok Every description, DMHI Every style, ^ AND j FiSK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, ? Opposite the Congaret House, Feb 4 COLUMRIA, S. C. 89-ly in M ? i i i m ... ? i ? Iw > j i (faddleaud Hnrnom MANUFACTORY. THE Subscriber would respectfully inform the public generally that he continues the above Business, 2n soon above tub Gikbkvillb Hotel, and ia prepared to furnish customer* with any diacription of Home-Manufactured SADDLES. Carriage, Boggy and Wagon Hnrneea made to order, etnd in the best stfie. Bridles. Whip*, Ac., on hand and for sale CHEAP. g$P~* Saddles and Harness repaired at abort A. II. GILBEATH. Feb 4 89 If Take Notice. THE Subscriber would inform those indebted to him by NOTE OB ACCOUNT, that the aaine muat be paid before Return I)ny. Reason WhyThe money, in moat instances, haa long hern drte, ami those whom 1 am owing, desire their money, and muat he paid. Many of the Articles for which you arc now doe me. we?e each Articles, and auould have been paid for ioMncdiately. Cash will invariably be required for Groceries. A. GREENFIELD. F?h A no ' ?W , WW II ^ ATTENTION^ ~ BUTLER GUARDS ! JL' YOU arc hereby commanded Mk to appear at your tympany's rcndesvous, at 9 o'clock, on the morn- Til ing of the 22D FEBRUARY, nrin- | /I * ed and equipped for Inspection fgjj* and I>rill. The inspection will l>c strictly conducted, and member*, w hose Cons nre out of order, will he dealt with according to the Constitution. At the close of the Drill, the Company will bo oonducted to the /Vont of the Court House, to receive the Color*, which the Ladies purpose presenting thom. Should the weather prove unfavorable, the Hcceptaner will take place in the New Court House. The public arc respectfully invited to attend. A. ISAACS, O.S. Feb 4 80 9 v Great Sale of Books ,'JW* AT AUCTION. WFfMf WILL HE SOLD, in Oreenville, jfiSJJSJkflrnt Ruction, on Friday evening, 8th ^JltaJUr Febrnary, at 1 o'clock, and following evenings until disposed of, the entire Stock of a Bookseller declining business, consisting of many valuable standard Works in every depart?f .. . T U..1!_i_ >i* - - TPS. UIP, MdUIOIIW, inWIO' gy, Mechanics, History, liisgruphy, Travels,, Poetry, Novels, Tales, Ac.; including select assortments of Children*' Books, Colored Toy Books, Taper Dolls, Paper Furniture, Ac. Also. Family and Pocket Bibles, and Prayer Books, in elegant (endings, Pine Letter Pnper, (gilt edges,) Envelopes, Rosewood Writing Desks, Uackgammon Boards, Pan Holders, As. fg* For the accommodation of ladies and others, that eaanot attend the Anetion, I will sell at exceeding cheap prions during tbs day. A. P. BURT, M mm ?*11 V* . .. Books ot Auction. A MONO the Books to be sold on Friday settling, at eac^on, will be found Pine Library Editions of ROLLIJCS ANCIENT HISTORY, Plutarch's Lives, D ek's Works, dark* Com- J* raentary, Tbs Spectator, Froieaiart's Chrsaide* of ths Middle Ages, The Prose and Poetry of Europe and America, by Morris A Willis, Shakepcare'o Works, Byron's Works, Mooro's Works, Bums' Works, firmans' Works, BulWer't Novels, Marrystt's Novels, The Pietorial Family Cyclopedia, The Cyclopedia of UeefulKnowlsdge, Ac. A. P. BURT. Feb 4 8? . 1 STATF^ GREENVILLE DISTRICT. rjl . In the Common Fleas, ?*2lr TlirtMlnn Ar lAiuUiilli U fl U.?Lxl I >?eUr?tion in Foreign Attachment. Es*let ft Tnncrro*. Plaintiff's Attorney*. W II RUE AS, the Plaintiff did on the Sftth ? ? d*tr nf Jan.??r? f|? fcl* r at ion again* the Defendant, who (at k i* it absent from and witbool the limit* of this Htste, nod ha* neither wife nor attorney known within the tame, upon whom a copy of the taid declaration might be served: It k therefore ordered, that the aid Defendant do appear aad plead to the aid declaration, on or before the 31st day of January, which will be in the rear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine, otherwise dual and uMotate $?%- i meat will then be gkefc and awarded against hi in. W. A. MoDANIEL, C. C. P. Clerk's Office, Greenville District. Feb 4 U3mlj a