University of South Carolina Libraries
mWM THIS! V THE Subscriber would re*pectfollr Inform hit former patron*, and the public generally, that he ha* JUST RECEIVED, and U NOW OPENING, at hi* STORE under McBee's Ball, one of the moat COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS of FAMILY GROCERIES ever offered, in Greenville, and which he is offering at price* in accordance with the timer, consisting, in peit, of the following Articles : >. Rio and Java COFFEE8 ; Crushed, Clarified and Brown SUGARS; N. O. Syrup, superior, cheap; Tobacco and Segars; superior Green and Black Teas; Candles; Starch; Soda; Hardware and Cutlery ; Crockery and Glassware ; Wood ware ; Soaps of all descriptions ; Spices; Maccaroci; Mackerel; Bacon; Herrings ; Brooms and Brushes ; Anchovy. neaomtf, John bull and other Sauces; Uharopagne, Madeira, Claret, Poit, Teneriffe and other Winea; Brandies, and other Liquors of the finest quality, for Medical use; Brandy Peaches; l'ickles of all descriptions; Preserves and Jellies; Sardines; Lobsters; Raisins, Citrons and Figs; Porter and Ale; Nails; and a variety of Toilet Combe, Brushes, and other Faficy Articles too numerous to mention. All of w^iich 1 offer at reduced prices for cash or approved paper. N. B.?Those indebted for the years of 1855-'5fl and *67, arc respectfully requested to call and arrange their accounts by note or payment. A. GREENFIELD. Jan 28 88 tf School Notice. MISS E. POWELL WILL re-commeoce lier SCHOOL Monday. 24th Janaubt. at her VWj90Sschool Room, on Buncoral>e Street. Kp Boys under twelve years of age re?isF ceived. Jan 21 37 2 Dissolution. <~piIE Firm W. H. HOVEY A CO. is this day JL dissolved by mutual consent. The bum mess of the Firm will be eloeed by W. H. Hovey. w. ii. hovey, J. J. HOVEY. January 1st, 1838. 3VOTIOB. *~J^HE Subscriber having purchased the Miii? JL Stock of W. H. HOW.Y A. CO.. wiUcontinue business at the same place. Thankful to the public for their formor liberal patronage, he "will in future endeavor to merit a continuance of the Mine. W. n. UOVEY. January 18th, 1858, 37?3in. BOBERT T. Til HUSTON, M.'i), OPFKRS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVI CIS* to this community. Ilia Office, for the im present, is in the Old Court House Building. Jan 14 34 tf CHEAP CASH"STORE." r|',HE Subscriber* propose to sell Goods in fu.1. tnre for CASH, and at such reduced prices *? -wedrops will guarantee a continuance of our former patrons. Country produce taken in exchange for Goods at CAM! pricks, and in discount for debts now due. We sincerely desire those indebted to ua, to call and settle by cash or note. REA, BAYNE & CO. January 7th 1858, 86 tf Dissolution of Copartnership. fl^UE Copartnersihp heretofore existing beL tween the Suliscribera, under the Firm of GOWKR, COX A MARK LEY. has this dav been dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted by note or nook acoount are requested to make immediate payment, as longer indulgence cannot be given. T. C. COWER, T. M. COX, II. C. MARKLEY. January 1st, 1858. - ????? Greenville Coach Factorv. - ?f " t GOWER, COX, MARKLEY & CO. Clff w WE have this day associated with .UHsSclue, in- business, Mr. LEWIS WORP THINGTON, well known to the community for several years as the obliging and accommodating foreman of the Greenville Coach Factory. ,ff * are now better prepared to supply the wants of the community than at any previous time, and shall use our best efforts to sustain the widespread reputation so long enjoyed by this establishment, T. C. OOWT.R, T..M. COX, 1L G. MARK LEY, 1* WORTHINGTON. January 1st, 1868. Dissolution. THE Firm of ORADY * GOODLETT is this day dissolved by limitation. The books and notes can be fonna at their former place of busiaaaa. Tha receipt of either party will be good in settlement; the name of the Firm will bo used in liquidation. JOHN W. GRADY. R. F. GOODLETT. January 1st, 1858. Special Notice. WE have this day sold our entire Stock of Goods to Mr. JOT1X W. GRADY, end dissolved our Copartnership. It is, therefore, necessary that the unsettled business should be Diuiwi, mm cnny u poseioie 10 in at end, all indebted to us, in any way, are hereby notified to make payment at once, and save both parties trouble and coat. OBADY A OOODLETT. January Jet, 1858. A Card. nPHB Subscriber, having purchased the entire JL fttock of Goods of Grady A Gnodlett, will contaatta business at their old stand. Than kfnl for naatfavors, he solieita a continuation. Believing in the old adage "that a nimble sixpence is better than a Maw shilling." I shall adopt the oasa ay stem, My motto i? "short profits, and quick sales." Cash purehaaara would do well to give me a call. JOHN W. GRADY. ' January 1st, 1858. 85 8m For To* Oolloetor. * ?T Tha friondn of A. E. XoBmvid, Esq., rcapsetfbily announce him as a Candidate far Tax Collector at the ensuing election. The Frlaadi of Jmim B, Pear* sav, announee him as a Candidate for Tax Col /aeter m the aneaing Bastion. e BATES OF ADVERTISING OF THK GREENVILLE PRESS* * 'THR undemgfled proprietor* of Tim Sovran) Exmn** and The Patuot and IfoowrAntan respeotfully state that they hare adopted th< following standard RATES OF ADVERT08INQ which will in every instance be adhered to: n* SQTJARR or 11 USTMM, OR mi, 1 inst-'n, $ 7? IS iosr'oe, $6.00 86 iasrns.$7.?: 2 insr'ns, 1.26 19 iosr'ns, A20 86 Wna. 8.1( 8 insr ns, 1.60 20 insr'ns, 6.40 37 insr'ns, 8.21 4 insr'ns, 1.76 21 insr'ns, 6.80 38 insr'ns, 8.4C 6 insr'ns, 2.00 22 insr'ns, 6.80 89 insr'ns, 8.6{ 8 insr'ns, 2.26 28 insr'ns, 8.00 40 insr'ns, 8.7( 7 insr'ns, 2.60 24 insr'ns, 8.20 41 insr'ns, 8 8C 8 insr'ns, 2.76 26 insr'ns, 6.40 42 insr'ns, 9.0C 9 insr'ns, 8.00 28 insr'ns, 6.80 48 insr'ns, 9.1G 10 insr'ns, 8.26 27 insr'ns, 6.76 44 insr'ns,, 9 20 11 insr'ns, 8.60 28 insr'ns, 6.90 46 insr'ns, 9.80 12 insr'ns, 8.78 29 insr'nN 7.06 46 insr'ns, 9.40 18 insr'ns, 4.00 80 insr'ns, 7.20 47 insr'ns, 9.60 lAinarVa 4.00 81 insr'ns, 7.36 48 insr'ns, 9.60 16 insr'ns, 4.40 82 insr'ns, 7.60 49 insr'ns, ?.V0 16 insr'ns, 4.60 88 insr'ns, 7.66 60 insr'ns, 9.80 17 insr'ns, 4.80 84 insr'ns, 7.80 61 insr'ns, 9.90 62 insertions, $10. Obituary Notices over 12 lines in length, nnd Tribntss of Respect, will be charged for at ad vertising rates. Advertisements not limited will be inserted till ordered out* and charged forevery insertion. 1ST Advertising bills amonntiog to twentyfive dollars for the year, will be allowed a discount of five per oent; those amounting to fifty dollars, ten per cent; seventy-five dollars, fifteen per cent; one hundred dollars, and over, twenty per cent gy JOB WORK payable on delivery. " 1'RICE <t MoJUNKIN, For The Southern JSnterpriee. O. E. ELFORD, For The Patriot and Mountaineer. January 12lh, 1808. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Paper Hanging and Glazing. rI"MIE undersigned begs leave to inform th< X citizens of Greenville and surrounding country, that he has permanently located at Greenville, for the purj>o<?e of carrying 011 the above Business, and hopes, bv strict attention tc business, to merit a share of public patronage. His charges will be moderate. rr Residence on Buncombe street, near the junction of the Buncombe and Rutherford roads. Jan 12 8ft-2m JAMES FLECK. 7 Ati? SURGEON DENTIST, GREENVILLE, S. C. Office North- West comer Main and Avenue Streett, HAS just returned from Philndel MdSBSuu phia, and will be pieaeed to attend to any who are iu want of liis ser vices ASMHCTMt B1H Inserted from on-) to full Upper and Lowei Setts, in the most approved ana durable manner Exposed Nerves destroyed and treated, fret of pain. Jan 7 86-tf wjomam othtimwt. THE SIXTH SESSION of this University will commence on Weunksday, the 8d day or Febrcaiit next. Students entering after the beginning ot the tertn must be prepared on all the studies gone over by the class, or they will bt liable to be put back a whole term. For further information apply to the subscriber for cata logue of 1867. C. 11. JUDSON. Secretary of the Faculty. Greenville, S. C., 1st January, 1868, 86-4 Legal Notices. NOTIOB. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of WARREN RKID, deceased, arereouested to come forward and pay up; and those having demands against said Estate, to present them, properly attested, for payment. JEFFERSON BARTON, Administrator. Jan 21 27 2 Administratrix's Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to ROGER LOV& LAND, deceased, are required to pay the amount by the 1st of January next Persona having demands will please hand them in by that time, properly attested. MARTHA LOVELANP, Administratrix of R. Loveland, deceased. December 17 81 tf Administrators' Notice. I A LL PERSONS ? J\. THOM AS W. K1NMAN, deceived, are re" quested to make payment to the undersigned. Those having demands against said Estate will present them, duly attested, fur payment BARKSDALE CHARLES, JOHN CHARLES, Administrator*, with th? Will annexed. November 26 tf AdminIstrators' Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of MARTHA KINMAN, deceased, are requested to make payment to the undersigned. Those having demands against said Estate will present them, duly attested, for payment BARKSDALE CHARLES, JOHN CHARLES, Administrators. November 26 29 tf Executor'* Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of J0I1N T. LIGON, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned. AH thoae having claims against aaid deceased will present tliem fur payment within the tijne pre*crilx?d by law, or they will be barred. W. A. TOWNE8, Nov 5 2fl-tf Executor. Brought (o Jail, Olf MONDAY, November leth, A NEGRO MAN. who my* hit nam* it JACOB, tod that he belong* to Daniel Hnger, of Henderson ille, N. C. The owner it hereby notified to oome forward, pror# the proj>erty, pay ehargea a%d take him away. J. T. McDANIEL, Jailor. Deeember 8. 1851, 10-tf. Elford & Donaldson, mtitjiw %% mi, ?SfcI?aSSnrH} 0. ?. C. J, ELFORD. T. Q. D0NALD80N Jea. 10. tl Im I > Public Sales. ~ EXTBN9IVE SAMS OF ' , REAL ESTATE, Horsea, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Grain* # Homohoid Fnriilnrt, ftei <5A THE subscriber having re- /^Hn JKCF* moved his slaves South, /iSi H. offer for sale, (without reserve, HBHfel i st public outcry, on WKDNDSDA Y, M Ftbrv > ary next, commencing at tea o'clock, sthis Plan-, j tation, three miles above Greenville C. H., > 1,500 to 2,000 Bushels CORN * Stock of Fodder, Hay and Shucks ( 80 Bushels Cow Peas > 100 Bushels Seed Oats > 50 Bushels Wheat ' 50 Bushels Yarn Potatoes 1 ion lloo/i ~r c.?u t*? I -vv 11*.RM V? OUH.K HOg* I I 40 Head of fir.e Cattle I 2 Yokes of Oxen ; 20 Head of Sheep 4 Young Work muiea 1 Pair MATCH HORSES 1 Blooded Mare and Fine Colt 1 Family Carriage and Harness 2 Excellent Four horao Wagons and Gear PLANTATION TOOLS 0 or 7,000 Pounds BACON 400 Pounds prime LARD HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. TERMS.?All inmi of and under $6, cash; , over that amount, a credit nntil the let day of January. 1869, with interest on note, and two ' approved securities. The subscriber also offers, at private sale, his PL ANT A TION, in a high state of cultivation, two miles above the town of Greenville, on the Buncombe rond, containing Six Hundred and Fifty Acre*, it being one of the best Stook and Grain Plantations in the upper part of the State, containing a large portion of Bottom and Meadow Land. On the premises are an excellent D WELLING with 6 Rooms, and all necessary Out' Buildings, in good repair There are two of the ( best MINERAL SPRINGS in the upper part ' of the State, within half-a mile of the Dwelling, and adjoining the Plantation. , Terms accommodating to an approved pur, chaser. Persons wishing to examine the place . will please call on Col. i. R. Row lav o adjoining, , who will take pleasure in showing the premises. N. L. LIPSCOMBE. Jnn 14 86 3 ! STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias to me directed, I will sell before the Cburt House door, at the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in FEBRUARY next. 250 Acres ot Land, more or less, adjoining lands of Philemon Huff, John Adams, Dr. West and others ; as the property of Thomas Mayfield, at the suit of William Hawkins, et nl. 300 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lands of Center, Reese, Garrison, et ' al.; as the property of Perry G. Ware, at the suit of James McCullough and J. H. McCullough. One Negro Woman, nnd her four Children, (allyellow,) as the property of John Manning Mahaffee, at the suit of B. F. Perry, et al. > On Tuesday after sale-day next, at the residence of P. Huff, 1600 lbe. Seed Cotton and 14 bbls. Corn; as the property of A. J. Joyce, at the suit of Joseph Crews. P. HOKE, a G. P. Sheriff's Office, January 7, 1858 35-td Private Sales. Land Tor Sale. MTI1E SUBSCRIBER offers at private sale, on advantageous terms to purchasers, his well-known FARM, 9 miles above Greenville village, situated on waters of Knoree river and 1 Buck horn creek. It contains FIVE HU NPREP A' RES; there is about Forty or Fifty Acres of good River and Creek Bottom. On the place : there is in cultivation about Fifteen Acres of Bottom. There is on the place about Two Ilun. dred Acres of Woodland, well timbered. Also , two Shoals on the River and one on the Creek. This Land will be sold to suit Diirchasers it ' will be divided in lots of one hundred or more acres if necessary. A long credit will bjj given, by securing the pnrchase money. For further particulars, inquire of me at my residence, 4 miles south of Greenville Court House, or to Lemuel Jacobs, on the premises. WILLIAM JACOBS. Jan 2: 37 2* For Sale. . THE subscriber offers for sole L/MfL-'X his HOUSE AND LOT whereon now It '* situated about Trt * ^sy3i~1"" yards from the Ihiblic Square, is well improved, having a large House contain* ing 6 Rooms, with Fire places in each, one extra , Bed-room, Pantry, <fcc., good and roomy Kitchens, Smoke-house, Grain-house, Crib, and an excellent new Stable, Cow-house and Carriagehouse, and an unusually productive Garden and Patch, with a good variety of Fruit Trees, Grapes, Ac. _ Terms accommodating. Possession would be given by the first of March, if desired. Jan 7 86?tf T. C. GOWER. FRUIT TREES. I WILL OFFER, in the Town of Greenville, on Monday, the first day of February next, a large lot of choice varieties of native CAROLINA APPLE TREES, at lit* oenta per Tree. B. HAMILTON Jan 7 86 tf Home and Lot Tor Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER offera for*!* mm sale on the nimt reaeonaMe term*. ML Ins HOUSE AND LOT, in the village of Greenvilia. The location in, in all respect*, a most desirable one, immediately on the Pendleton road, and near the depot. The Lot contains over an acre of land, and is well improved. The Building* are all new. The Dwelling ha* reven comfortable rooms There i* a good Kitchen and Negro House, and all necessary outbuildings. Also, a fine well of water. HoaseheM and Kitchen Furniture sold with the premises if desirable. Apply to Col. E. P. Jonea. Dec Sl-34?tf R. W. GODDARO. For Sale or Rent, kjm-'Y THE HOUSE AND LOT opposite ,orks of Anderson Pendleton roads. The House contains six upright rooms. On the Lot are all necessary outbuildings. For terms, 4c., apply to II. LEE THRUSTON. The U 33 tf i SWAN & CO.'8 LOTTERIES. j AUTHORIZED ?1 THE STATE Of GEORGIA. g70,000 FOtt TEN DOLLARS. ( "ftfe following Scheme will be dmwn br 8. 8w*n A Co., Manager* of the Sport* Acad* my lottery, io each of. their LoUerie* for Feb* * rtldry, 18b|, at Al'CUSTA. Georgia, in pnblte, ? | tt&der the superintendence of Commissioner*: v CLASS 1, To be drawn In the city of Aagnsla, Oi, In poblie, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1858. h CLASS 2, ( To be drawn in the olty of Angos'a, Ga, In pnbl o, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1858. j CLASS 3, To bo drawn in the city of Augusta, On, in public, on ii DAXUKDAY. FEBRUARY isum, 1855. CLASS 4, I To bo drawn In tbo city of Augusta, Qa., in pnbllo, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1858. j ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. ? % U Five Thousand Four Hnndrad & E jhty-FIre Prize*, g NEARtY ONE PRIZE TO ->E VER Y NINE TICKETS. i NfaGNIFIOSNY ?O!>0[ES^]lE S . TO DE DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN FEBRUARY! ! Prize of *70,000 4 Prizes of $900 1 Prize of 30.000 4 Prizes of 800 1 Prize of 10,000 4 Prizes of 700 1 Prize of 6,000 4 Prizes of 600 1 Prize of 4,000 60 Prizes of 600 1 Prize of 3,000 60 Prize* of 800 1 Prize of 1,600 100 Prizes of 125 4 Prizes of 1,000 230 Prizes of 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $400 App'g. to $70,000 priz. nre $1,600 4 Prizes of X00 " " 80,000 priz are 1,200 4*Prizesof 200 " " 10,000 priz. are 800 41'rizesof 125 " * 6,000 priz. are 600 4 Prize* of 100 " " 4,000 priz. are 400 ' 4 Prizes of 75 " " 8,(XX) priz. are 80O 4 Prizes of 50 " " 1,600 priz. are 200 ( B.OuO " of 20 are 10Q 000 l 6,480 Prizes amounting to $820,000 1 Whole Tickets$10; Halves$5; Quarters $2^ 1 PLAN OF THE L O TTKTi V The Numbers from 1 to 60,000, corresponding \ with those Number* on ihe Tickets printed on "j separate slips of paper, are encircled with small I tin tubes and placed in one wheel. The first 467 Prizes, similarly printed And encircled, are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, und, at the same time, a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are * opened and exhibited to the audience, and reg istcred by the Commissioners; the Prize being placed against the Number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the prizes are drawn out, ArrROXiMAPiox Pkizks.?The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those draw- 1 ing the first 7 rrites will be entitled to the 28 Approximation Prizes. For example: if Ticket Ko 11260 draws the $70,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248, 11249, 11261, 11252, will each be entitled to $400. If Ticket No. 660 draws the $3?,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 548, ^ 649, 651, 662, will each he entitled to $800, and so on according to the above scheme. Tbo 6,000 Prizes of *20 will be determined by the Inst figure of the Number that draws the 1 $70,000 Prize. For example: if the Number drawing the $70,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the number ends in 1, will be entitled to $20. If the Number ends with ? No. 2, then all the Tickets, where the Number ends in 2, will be entitled to $20, and so on toO. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates, which is the risk: Certificate or Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 Certificate of Package of 10 Half Tickets, 40 Certificate of Package of 10Quarter Tickets, 20 'J Certificate of Package of 10 Eighth Tickets, 10 ^ IJf ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, | ttKncltae the tlion ey to our address for the Tick- i eU ordered, on receipt of wliieh they will he for- 1 warded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. I The list of Drawn Number* and Prises will be t sent to purchasers immediately after I he drawing. mmm Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, county and State Remember that every Prise is druwu and payable in full without deduction. J All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid im- | mediately after the drowing?other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to S. 8WAN, <fc CO., Augusta, (Ja. ssr Persons residing near Montgomery. Ala., | or Atlanta, Ga., can have their orders filled, and save time, by addressing 5. Swan A Co , at either of those cities. tsr A list of the numbers that are drawn t (rein the wheel, with the amount of the prise that each one is entitled to, will be published alter every drawing, in the following papers: Augus ta (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Week- 1 ly Day Book, Savannah Morning News, Rich J niond Diapateh, New York Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) f?larion. Jin 28 38 tf 1 Tiir \rrw uaait ctadp , liiu II Li TT DW1Y OlUIYIj, \ qa. i THOS. COX MARKLEY, * PROPRIETOR. h Books, lagnzinc*, Paper, 1 WOKK-BOXES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C, LOW FOR CASH. Jan 7 33 tf k Money Wanted. TIIE Subscriber would respectfully request thoM indebted to him by note or account. / to pay up, a* he is waktino monky. J. H. DEAN, M. D. I Dec 100), 1857 81 if Hair Dressing and Shaving. Bvrbidoe continues the Toneorial bin-'s ioeea at hia Old Stand in Beatrice Brick building, where he ie ready during the day and y evening to shave the beard and cut hair, and sham poo the head. He reepeetfully aake a con tinuatkm of patronage. Oct MEW CONFECTIONERY. J. OA US & C. ZELLWEGER, ORCEIfTILLE, t. C., Opposite the Mansion ITouse, m. RESPECTFULLY form their fr ends, and^^HPSS^ jSIEh^* public generally, that they have >orche?e<l the Greenville (jonfectionery," reently occupied by Mr. P. R SiirrH. where they rill continue the Business aa heretofore, in the est and most accommodating manner, hoping to eceire s liberal share of public patronage. Ever? day, at 11 o'cloca, they will have on nnd, FKESH JAKES, PIGS, BREAD, &C. bey are also prepared, at any hour during tlio ay, to furnish their customers with T .TTTVT/-SXX nd will pay particular attention to aTways havlg ou hnnd, and ready to serve ou', a lot of I I'l'SIl Oj StCi'ij, 'rom the heat selling in the Charleston market. Also, constantly on hand, nt WHOLESALE or '.ICTA1L, from their own .VI ami factory, h Inrg-ssortment of rANCY & STICK CANDY. Also, FRUITS of various kin-Is, such as Lcm ns, Oranges, Apples, Nuts, etc., etc. Toys, Sears, Sardines, Pickles, Ac. ?|P Wedding, and other Parties, will he forished, on short notice, with Refreshments and he finest dressed Cukes. Every attention will be given our customers, nd we ask a liberal share of patronage, nr No misunderstanding?TERMS CASH. Dec 17 32 tf AT THE GKEENVnXK COACH FACTORY, j Ha in Street, Next the 15 ridge, rI"MlE Largest and Rest Stock of CARRIAGE JL GOODS AND MATERIAL ever offered for lale in the State, selected carefully and especial y for Carriage Manufacturers. A large stock and best variety of Axles for Buggies, Carriages and Wagons; common and best tempered Stee) Springs ; Black and Colored | Enamel and Patent Dash Leather; Black and Colored Enamel Cloths, Drills and Ducks; Oil *nu orusseis carpet; tfuekrams nnd Russia Sheeting*; Lote, Manilla and Chenille Mats; Brass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass, Silver, Bone and Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted 5road and narrow Laces; Silk, Worsted nnd Cot:nn Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggy seat Hicks; and n complete assortment of Mailable Hastings. Carriage Makers are pnrticulnrly requested to sail nnd examine our stock. For sale cheap by GOVVEH, COX. MARKLEY dt CO. HUBS AND SPOKES. V\7"E are now prepared to supply Mnnufaetnv v rers with the best Morticed flubs and Tiirned Spokes, of our own manufacture, and warranted. For sale by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY dc CO. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, Drab and Green /V. Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and AllkVool Damasks. For sale bv GOWER, COX, MARKLEY dt CO. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR RENTERS' TOOLS. \ LARGE stock and variety of 'he best Tools j- ? i ' - i nnuM\ niiu h lew 8?'iin laney Kosowooii md Boxwood Piano*. For sal.' by COWER, COX, MARK LEY k CO. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! |^T"OW on hand, the largest stock of Iron ever LN offered in this market: Spartanburg Iron ind Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English tefined Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; Ilorse ?hoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovnls ; Band Iron and loop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedea ind Hammered, for wagons, tires and plantation work. On hand, cheap for cash, ft.OOO lbs. Rusted I'low Moulds, best North Carolina Iron For "lw OOWER, COX, MARK LEY <fc CO. S TEEL ! S TEEL! ! S TEEL ! ! ! N'AYI.ORS, KAUNDKRSOX A JFSSUPVl best Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round nnd flat ?for tine edge tools, axles and drills. Ocrnian and ilister Steel, for plantation work. For sale by j COWER. CoX. MARKLEY Co. I 3.000 IRS. GRINDSTONE. VSSORTI'.I), suitable for Farmers and Mechanics. For sale cheap by COWER. COX, MARKLEY <fc CO. ON~ II AND t\ /A/A/A BUck f>'or'<'n Moss and mi Curled Hair, picked, iu bags. For sale by OOWER, COX. MARKLEY & CO. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. LAROE Assortment of the Diamond FlintSand Paper, best article made, for salo by GOWER, COX. MARK LEV <fe CO. *AINTS OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. < large assortment Painta, Oils, Ac. i*-i*e, Extra and No. 1 White Leads; Raw nd J ti.ii'i Lindseed Oils; Winter, Sperm. Solar, .amp, Noats Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; loacn Body and Copal Varnish ; Japan, Aspalnrn and Leather Varnish ; Spirits Turpentine: Ireens; Yellows; Blues; Lakes; Pinks; Drop-! lack ; Lampblack ; Red ; Spanish Brown ; Urn er; Suawa ; French Ochre, Ac. American and 'reneh Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. For sale by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY & CO. HEAVY <t SHELF HARD WARE. A LARGE and well selected stock For sale l\. cheap by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY <fe CO. S CRE WS! SCRE WS ! ! GROSS of the Improved Gimblet Point )Uv Screws. For sale by GOWER, COX. MARKLEY & CO. 8A WS! SA WS ! ! HOE A fkx's Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Croaa Cut and Tennon aws; Hand, Pannet and Ripping Saws; Brass nd Blue Back Saws; a complete assortment of febbS.xws, with and w ithout tramcs. For sale by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY & CO. Jan 7 3 if -i EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF ; WATOHBB, * *1 Frmch, English and American Jewelry, j ?. AND FANCY ARTICLES, CHARLES SMfTH, WATCHMAKER &. JEWELER, GBKKNYILT.V, s. O., Main Slrtef, naer/v Opponlt th* Mention How*. RESPPCTFUIJLV Inform* the inhabitant* ?( Greenville and vicinity, tlint he hn* just received end sddcd to hh? already entenwivc stock, a large assortment of the above Knmel Articles, consisting of Flue Setln of Frenet! Cwmeos, well known for their superiority ; nlso-a choico variety, beautifnllv ornamented with CORALS, and Bracelets to match, (being the latest Tachion.) all mounted in heavy gold. Also new patterns of o ** i ? - xnuuy uroocnes ior AUiDrotypes. A quantity of rasuiunnbir ?v?!et.s; licavv s6l:d (J??!d Rings, Mosaic Ear-Ring*, Lockets, t^tuddf, etc., etc., besides an innumerable assortment of flip most beautiful Jewelry or or beforo in Greenville. His Stock also comprises a splendid variety of heavy Fine Fngjiflli Plntnl Ware, amongst which may bo found Knives, Forks, Spoon*. Cup*, etc, etc., of tme tnrtal, platoil not upon German Silver, but upon the gc-uutue ALU AT A. It is used in the highest circles, and is much preferred for its great durability. Also, now fashioned SPECS, with handles an J without temples. Very useful and convenient. The establishment also contains WATCHES of the best, make, viz: Chronometers, Duplex, English and French I.overs. Cylindersuud Plain, all in heavy Gold or Silver Cases. Having made arrangements in New York with Wholesale Houses importing direct from France and England, I am enabled to sell all my Articles at prices /wcr tban they can be bought in Charleston. All Articles sold in the establisment warranted as represented. 24 -3iii Oct 22 Hosiery and Gloves. I)OZ. Lsdlu' Genty Mi**e*' and ChiT'\J Dren's Hosiery ; Kid,Silk and Worst-' ed Gloves for Ladies, Gents nnd Children, just open and will be sold cheap, at the Ladies, Store. W. 11. HOVEY <L CO. Morinoes and DoLaincs. pf PIECES, now open and for sale cheap. 0\' W. II. HOVEY ?L CO. Roady Mado Clothing-. 4 LARGE, Fine and Well Assorted STOCK, l\. just open. Also, a larire lot of OileA Window Shades, Wall Paper, lWd?w, Ac., at W. II. HOVEY & CO. VoWets, Ribbons, &c. NOW OPEN. .100 pifcen Velvet Ribbons, wliieh will be sold very low. Fine Chenill Head Dresses, Ermine, anil n great variety of Fancy Articlea, al the 1 .allies' Store. W. 11. 110V EY A CO. October 1. 21 tf CABINET MAKE!?, GREENVILLE, S. C. Nearly opposite the Post Office, si venue Street, gv .yxMgfc* RESPECTFULLY inform* the citizens of Greenville nn?I the adjoining Distiiets, that lie lias returned from the Slate Fair at Columbia, (where he received the first premium for his elegantly finished Bureau, which was admired by every one.) and is now prepared to execute ALL ORDERS IN IIIS LINE. He has, also, on hand A LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE, which will he sold at price* to suit the times. He returns his thanks for past favors, and he hopes, hy giving constant attention te his business, to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Nov. 19-28 . ly. I u RiWiPn i vi iei liii.tI/\JUI ia^ THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, RFG* JL to say, that nil kinds of I1A1K WORK of every variety of style of braiding, will l>o Ornamcnleil or Mounted with Gold, in the neatest manner, nnd returned to those at n distance per mail or otherwise, as directed. (Ilaircau he sent him in letter per mail.) Row Recast Pins, Necklaces, Rracclcts, Side, Vest and Guard Chains. Crosses, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Ac., of various j patterns, put up neatly, nnd any article admiti ling the name of the owner engraved thereon, shall, for the engraving, he free of extra charge. He also makesand repairs all kinds of Jewelry ; mounts with gold or silver the Heads of Walking Canes; matches Spectacle Glasses; and, lastly Enyrava on all manner of J11 at*. Office 0 yard* East of old Court House, and a few paces from the Enterprise Office. Greenville, 8. (J., Juno 25, '57. 7-tf J.C. P. JETER, ATTORNEY AT TAW AN A SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, Wll.L PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Bookstore, GREENVILLE, S. C. _T Ills A A 1 * *t ly ORB. & PRIC E, " ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. 0. JAMES U OHR. WM P. PRICB April 23 50 if. jiLiissmni, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREEK VJLLE\ S. C. Juno 18 0 if ________ ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, tircrnville, H. C. OFFICE next door to F. F. Be attic <t Co. j. p. rkkl>.] [?. d. ooodlktt. June 4 4 tf "JOB work. NEATLY 0 ONE AT THIS OFFICE