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0ulr Jijlle tfetoff ?$sk?f. ?It is said that the banks of the city of New Orleans now hold, in round figures, ten millions of specie. What a " pile. ?The Boston churches contributed #20,067 to the American Board of Missions, during the year 1857. ?A late religious writer stigmatizes the authors cf yellow covered novels as ** literary scorpions, who sting virtue to death." ?Summer costumes are simple io Egypt. They consist of a straw hat, a small shirt collar and a tooth-pick. ?In some sections of Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania, farmers are engaged in nlrt twiner fnr tlieir tnrinn nrnn. r e ? - !" & "'"r* ?The last Georgia Legislature made eight new counties, making the whole number of counties now in the State 120. ?In the Court of Common Plea*, Cincin' nati, on the 8th, there were on the docket no fewer than 157 applications for divorce. ?The Galveston News mentions the receipt of a sweet potato weighing 10 lbs., and about the siee and shape ??f a pumpkin, mea uring 30 inches in circumference each way. ?A. M. Richardson, of Memphis, Tenn., got into a fight with two men. named Wea- ] ver and Spears, near New Madrid, a few days since, and killed them both. Cause unknown. ?Jefferson swore *' eternal enmity to everything that fetters the mind of m*n." Did he live now, what a host of enemies he would have to fight against I ?The population of the new State of Minnesota is estimated at two hundred and forty thousand. If this estimate be correet, she is now entitled to three Representatives. ?The friends of the bill which has been introduced in Congress, for appropriating public lands, in limited quantities, to actual settlers,say it will undoubtedly become a law. ?The Havre correspondent of the New Yoik Commercial says that large numbers of drafts which arrived out by the last steamer have been returner! protested. ?If poison should be swallowed accidental ry, laue iwo taute-spoonsful of ground mustard mixed in warm water. It will operate aa an instantaneous emetic. ?The Demociatic State Convention of North Carolina, will meet at Charlotte on the 14lh of April, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Governor. ?It is stated that Mr. Russell, of Mo., agent of Majors, Russel <fc Co., has closed a contract with the War Department for the transportation of supplies to Utah for $1, 000,000. ?Later information from Utah discredits the report that the Mormons are emigrating. It says that the Indians, with Mormon leadera, are preparing to cut oil the spring supply-trains. ?The jury in the ease of Smith, for the murder of Carter, in Philadelphia, came into court, on the 19'h iust., with a verdict of noi guilty. The prisoner was accordingly discharged. ?Chauncey Johnson, the noted burglar, who stole $30,000 from the Hank of the State of New York, a few years since, was caught recently in the act of robbing a store iu Dunne street, in that city. ?It is said that the girls are complaining that the times are so hard the young men can't pay their addresses. Too had, really. te .i J?.i.- - - ii mey Hie ??? me young I at lies, tliev should be paid at once. They need them. ? A letter from Washington says that at * recent public caucus it was resolved, upon the advice of Gov. Seward, not to agitate the slavery question, hut attend to legislation. Wonder if they'll do it. ?The Empress Eugenie, of Fiance, recently appeared at a ball wearing jewels whose value was estimated at 1800,000, and having flounces of lace on her robe that cost *120,000. ?A nephew of Hon. Preston S. Brooks, died recently in Georgia, who bore the same name, was born on the same day of the month, and in the same month, and died in the same month, with his honored and much lamented uncle. ?Charles Bishon, 18 years old, has stolen *3 ,000 in gold from his mother in PhiladelShia, and run away, leaving her penniless. Ie had a short time before squandered in New York $1,500 which she sent him to de posit in a bank, and she had forgiven him. ?Rev. Mr. Spurgeon has a rival in Lon don in Rov. J. M. Bellero, who is attracting Crowds Sunday after Sunday. A fine figure, large black whiskers, ' beautiful' hand, good voice, and smart style, havo made him ex trcmely popular with the ladies. ?A Kansas dispatch gives the following Free Soil outrage: " Col. Henderson, of Leavenworth, was forcibly taken from the stage, a few miles from that city, by a parly of Free State men, on the 11th, and has not Kton luiov/1 c.f ^ WVU MV(tiu VI niucc. ?In Gov. Wise's Kansas letter occur* the following sentence: M The President is h bachelor, and he must, therefore, be excused for not comprehending a 4 domestic institution ' as well as we who have houses full of children." ?Col. Cross, an American, lias recently arrived from India, where he amassed upwards of $7,500,000, and is in treaty for the fiurchase of largo estates in Yorkshire, Brigand. The Colonel left England in 1808, almost penniless. ?Tennyson has recently been paying a visit to the Duke and Dutchess of Argyleat their castle, and was in his usual health. Ho was aocompanied by Mrs. Tennyson and his two sons. The rumor that the poet had become a confirmed opium-eater is emphatically contradicted. ?It is slatpd that a remarkable event recently transpired in the vicinity of Little Georgetown, Berkeley county, Va. A Mrs. Lefever, it seems, gave birth to two twins. The same week two married sisters of this lady's husband, also each gave birth to two l.vins. Quite 44 prolific," that. T . fSSSSSSSSSSSSOSSSSSSSSSSSL Southern (Sulcrprist W. P. PRICE, Editor. OUH MOTTO?" BQUAI. RIGHTS TO AU." i GREENVILLE. S. O. Thursday IKora'i, Jan'y M, llftl. Mail Agent, J There are now three very excellent Mail Agent* on the Greenville and Columbia Rail road. Mr. W. D. M. Harm an. of Lexing ton, has recently been appointed by the Poet Office Department. Later from Europe. The steamship Europe hasarrived in Now York with Liverpool dates of January 9th. Thedeaths of many distinguished persona are announced. Gen. Havklock, the hero of the Indian War; Marshal Kadrtzkt, the old Austrian General; Madame Rachkl. the great tragedienne, and Rkdsciiild Pasha, the Turkish Diplomatist, are all dead. Young Americanism. A 6cat in the Congress of the United States is not apt to go a-begging. A probable vacancy in this District, has caused a correspondent of the Anderson True Caro liuian to nominate Col. Warrkn D. Wilkes as a suitable person to succeed Col. Ore. We do not speak advisedly, but we have no idea that Col. Orr will decline a re election. Death of a Printer. The Columbia papers announce the death of Mr. William Taylor Smith, a most excellent printer and highly esteemed citizen. We knew him well, and we feel a deep sorrow at his death. But a few short weeks ago he lost the companion of his bosom? 'the mother of his children "?and now he has followed her to that better land. May He who watches even the sparrow's fall, protect his children in their helpless orphanage. New Advertisements. Greenfield's Family Grocery Store.? 1 We invite attention to the advertisement of Mr. A. Greenfield, in today's paper. lie is in receipt of an excellent assortment of 1 goods suitable to tho trado, which he is of- ' fering 44 at prices* to suit the times." 11 in hill ' of fare presents a list of articles attractive to ' tho eye. and pleasing to the taste. Give 1 him a call. Messrs. Loxo Jc Goodlett.?Mr. B. A. ' Goodlktt, favorably known to our community as a clever and industrious gentleman, has become associated with Mr. II. Lono in the ineicanlile business, at the old stand of I the latter. Wo bespeak for the new firm, 1 an extension of patronage. Music Teacher.?We call the attention ' of parents to the advertisement of Mrs. J. W. Harton, who proposes to teach music at the school of the Misses Ukdfekk. She comes among us highly lecommended as an accomplished lady and teacher of Music. The Newberry Press. We have unintentionally neglected to notice 1 the changes which have recently taken place ' in the papers of Newberry. Our friend T. P. ] Slider, Esq., of the Sun, has associated Mr. 11 T I.- /" .... - i. r. ukkmkkr wun iiiinsolt in the publi>h- 1 ing department of that excellent paper. We ' hope the Sun may receive from the public 1 a patronage commensurate with ita merit*. ' Mav it .shine for aye. ( The Mirror has been discontinued in con- ' se?pienco of the tardiness of its patrons in paying dues. A sad commentary indeed, to those who publish newspapers on credit. ] The Conscrvatist.?Mr. W. F. Nanck is < to be the Editor of a new paper bearing the ( above uame, and to be published at New , berry C. 17, by Messrs. Johns & Blatz.? , We wish the Editor, and the Publishers, | every success. Terms, $2 per annum.? | Adopt the cash system, Gentlemen. I Anniversary. We see, from the Spartanburg papers, that the "Morgan Rifles" celebrated their ' first anniversary, and the 77lh of the Battle * of Cowpens, at that pUce, on the 16th inst. Quite a number of regular and volunteer toasts were read, and among the rest we were pleased to see the following, which was responded to by Mr. W. G. Long, of this place: ' The Butler Guards, of Greenville?Like ' their noble prototype, the brave and lament 1 ed P. M. Butler, may their name be imper- i i-KuKlo Knotty. A question has been raised in one of our courts, whether a blind man can be made liable for a bill payable at fight. The lawyers are puzzled. The paying of a bill, provided { it was any larger than two dollars and fifty , cents, would make a blind roan open hiteyet , these hard times. , Is Fridat am Uoluckt Dat I?If so, the year 1858 will certainly prove a disastrous one, for it both begins and ends on Fridajr. January, April, July, October and De cetnber have each five Fridays ; April and December end on Friday, and January and October begin on Friday. There are fifty- 1 three FVidays in the year. We hope it will i not be worse than 1857. i Burglar* and Detection. The Jswelry Store of Mr. John V*al, in Colombia, woe broken open on Friday night, 15th, iaet and goods to the amount of $4.000 stolen. The goods were found, on I Wednesday, 20th irist. in a tin-box, tinder t an out house in the outskirts of the city, by a little negro boy. The discovery of the bur- | glar and bis arrest, shows a great ~d<pd of < watchfulness and sag^ity on the pavt'of the 1 police of Colurahja^fr pocket handkerchief < had been dropi^ESr Mr. Vsal's Store, by one of the burglars, which was recognized by Mr. Schwartz as being the same he bad told to a young german named Hillkr, and upon having it presented to bim by a servant of the house where he boarded, at once claimed it as his, whereupon he was immediately arrested. When the goods were accidentally found, a day two afterwards, ho made a confession of the robbery. He implicated a man by the name of Cbarlbs Spaldinu, who induced bim to join in the undertaking. It wn arranged that Spald-j ino should proceed toN. Y. via. Charleston, and that IIillcr should remain in Columbia until the excitement was over, and then to forward the articles to Spaum*o.? Spaldino was pursued, but could not be found. Hillkr is an adept in hit profession, aa a complete set of burglar's tools was found in his carpet bag. A reward of $500 was offered by the City Council for the arrest, and conviction, of the robber. There is some little dispute as to who shall get the reward?Mr. Burdkll, chief of the polico, and Mr. Schwartz, both claiming it. Steam Plowing. A correspondent of the Life Illustrated writes that Dr. Ramsay, of, N. Y. has invented a Steam Spade that will spade any desired depth three acres per hour, or one acre for every mile ; the machine travelsata cost of about twenty-five cents per acre. It is simply, a steam wagon with four wide driving wheels, (twenty inches by five feet diameter;) the wagon is made in two halves lengthwise, and each half has an independent cylinder, and the wagon is steered by diiving one side, or cylinder, faster than the other. Beliind tho wagon is a seiies of spades which :lig very rapidly?dog fashion?throwing the soil back loose, fine, and thoroughly mixed, and at the same time nronellinrr the I I O - j wagon ahead with such force as to prevent | lite wheels front slipping when going up hill. Want of traction, (to prevent slipping.) < and a perfect control in steering, have been the only difficulties which, in Dr. Ramsay's plan, have been completely overcome. The steam plow is admirably adapted to all i farm purpose.*, and is said will cost about j $'2,000. They are not in market yet. ' A Hove in the Eight Direction. A calico dress soiree is to come olF at the | Academy of Music, in New York, on the 4th of February, for chaiitahle purposes. The calico dresses worn by the ladies at the | loireo are to be left at the close of the evenng, or afterwards sent in, and distributed trnong various societies for the relief of poor . vomen, and the money received for tickets ( s to bo appropriated to the distribution of { oaves of bread among the poor, through the ( ?gency of the Ilur.ter Wood it Benevolent Society. In tlie?c piping times of scarcity, , it would l>e well if ladies would wear calico on all occasions. Economy, as well as no:essity, requires it. Largest Church in the U. 8. The African church, in Richmond, Va., lias long been the largest church in this ountry, though it is now second, in point of numbers, to the church in Beaufort, 8. C.,of which Rev. J. M. C. Breaker is pastor. This clergyman wiites to the Examiner : " I have baptised 505 persons into the fellowship of the Baptist Church at this place (Beaufort, 9. C.) within the present year, (1857,) all of whom are colored but eight; and this makes the present number of its membership 3,511, probably the largest church in the world. Of these 180 are whites, all the rest colored.'' Somebody Cheated. The city of New York alone sells three imes as inany 41 pure, imported brandies," tnd four times as man'/ " pure, imported wines," annually, as all the tvine and brandy producing countries export. Somebody, it 8 clear, drinks a spurious article. New York is not the only place where oheAtery (s practiced. High wince are as dangerous as those of a lowar quality. Too Particular, by Half. Tho Jeffereon Herald carries its antipathy to banks farther than any other antibankrag-a muffin we wot of. The editor will lake " hides, poultry, eggs, snake skins, hog not Iiva Kill I frArp. nn..nm "5't wvgo, VWII ikins, old boot legs, jack kmves.lallow, beetwax, copper, lead, gold and silver, in fact, anything except paper money,n for duea to Lhe office. Wet and Dry. Chester village has elected a dry Council; Edgefield has determined to let its country friends have u some white sugar with a little whiskey in it," when they come to town. 6oMre3pondence# 1/ Charlzstok, Jan. 25lb, 1858. On last Friday evening, Thnlberg gave [ii? first concert is Charleston, to an immense ind brilliant audience in Institute Hall.? lit* world-wida renown cf tbu unrivalled < pianist, had preceded his coming, and conlequently the house was tiled with an anxiously anticipative assembly. Music, with the people of this city is indisputably a hobby, or, more charitably speaking, a passion, and one that is indulged almost to the exclusion of enthusiastic feeling for amuse ments of a more solid character. So, of course, to each and every one, who caters for their taste in this respect, ia extended the warmest and most Battering reception. If the impression be true, that a great partiality for soul-stirring strains, ^indicative of a refined taste, the good people of Charleston must certainly be most ethereally refined.? Upon making hia conge, Thai berg was warmly received, and seating himself at the piano, soon proceeded to gratify the prurient exciteinsnt of his audience. Although there are many who do not admire the present style of music, yet here all were spell bound, entranced, electrified. Music gushed from the ivory keys, as ifspedon the wings of electricity ; sounds sweet, though indiscribable, and heretofore undreamed of as issuing from the piano, burst forth in torrents that sank ilpAn intA tVin ontila r\f lit* 12- I M?V|X SM?V ?HV HVWIU VI UI(* oy lil^mucliu 119* tenors. Vieuxtemps, the celebrated violinist, en" tirely carried away and bewitched the imagination of his hearers, by tho soul enchanting notes of bis violin. That the race of animals belonging to the feline tribe familiarly termed cats, is anything but musical, none :an doubt, or, if they do, they need only listen to a vocal serenade from a regiment of Tabbies on some still summer night, to be convinced of tho fact. But singularly enough, after death, a portion of their body is made to possess a musical power beyond conception. That such is the case, all who had the good fortune to hnve the delicious strains poured forth from the violin of Henry Vieuxtemps, must admit. This is an instance in which nature, left unadorned, pro sent* many harsh and uneven points, but when combined with the art of man, less repulsively meets the eye, and falls more softly 011 the ear. In speaking of Miss Kemp's singing, it is difficult to find language sufficiently ex pressivq to describe its thrilling effect on her hearers. For sweetness of expression, and the melting tones of her bird-like voice, she is almost without au equal. It is almost, impossible that her rendering of the song. " when the Swallows homeward fly,"' will ever find a parallel. Mrs. Johai.nsen has also r very fine voice. It is deeper and fuller then that of Miss Kemps, which makes the constrast only the more pleasing. One of the liveliest scenes which our city lias witnessed this season, was on the occasion of the German Masquerade Ball, given st Institute Ilall on last Wednesday evening. Werners' Brass Band were engaged for the night, and with the many attractions Tor such an assemblage, it is needless to say the attendance was large. A burglary was committed on the premises of Mr. Schroder, on Meeting Street, one night last week. The oflender was a negro, who was discovered in the act by a servant girl, whoce cries brought Mrs. Schroder and Mr. Schroder to the scene of action. They were all three attacked by the desperado, and one of them severely cut. Ho then made his escape, and fled down street, but was overtaken and lodged in the guard house. As he has previously borne a very bad character, justice will be administered to him with no sparing hand. Our fair city must certainly be improving in morals, for immediately following numerous others, with the above mentioned burglary a fight occurred, on Beresford 8lreet, between Henrv Taylor and a inan named Knight, in which the latter was desperately wounded, having received three stab*, from which he is not expocted to recover. Tayiav kea kaaa 4 ? 4 * .vr, uw utou VUIIIUIIUCU W JJ*U, lO BWail the result. The two juvenile fire engines, Young America and Eagle Junior, paraded on last Friday afternoon, and presented quite a pretty turnout. They were preceded by a band of juvenile darkies, who were not the least conspicuous, and certainly not the least elated members of the procession.? Their engine penbrroed remarkably well for such miniature affairs, throwing a stream of water 121 feet. It is very possible the next move by Young Amerioa, will be the getting up a military company, followed by a petition to the legislature to supply them with fire arms, for tbe defence of their country. This is cortainly a feat age. RED WING. W???ev??mmmmm??^ COMMERCIAL. Columbia, January 26th. 1858. Cotton.?The nsws from Europs, by the Europa, which came to band this morning, had no material effect on prices ia our market, and the little thst was sold brought former quotation*, vis: 9 to 10 ocats.?Carolina Timor. W?lk.r th. KUlburter. The Richmond South strongly sympathizes with the Filibuster cause, arid, attacks the Administration with .great vehemence. It regards the powers assumed bv the President, fcy^the purpose of enforcing die neu Crality laws, as dangerous to the safety of; the country, aift is particularly severe upon the Clay ton-Bui wer and Yerrisarri Treaties, as calculated to involve our country in those "entangling alliances," so much dreaded, and so carefully guarded against by the fathers of the Republic. In reference to these treaties, it says: .^ We hare no hesitation to say that unless the Federal Government shall withdraw itself from all such combinations, the United States is at any time liable to be involved in foreign war without the formal approval i of the war-making power. For what is a guaranty of neutrality ! And n?*y not this obligation require the employment of force f Let us suppose a case of such obvious probability as to justify us in making provision for its occurrence. Supposo Brazil, or Chili, or France or England declare war against a nation of Central America, within whose jurisdiction the United States has guaranteed a local and general neutrality. The enemy nation invaoes the guaranteed jurisdiction?perhaps it seizes a transit route? the obligation of our Government arises at once, and hostile operatipns, cither to repel or dislodge the invader, become inevitable. Has not this already occurred f Had General Walker been the herald of some first class war-power, instead of a refugee returning to assert rights of which he had been deprived by an improper intervention of foreign powers, it would have been tho same thing in principle; but it would have been attended with a denouvcemcnt of foreign war?a withdrawal of diplomatic representation?with more or less of blood shed, and commercial interruption. I.- l .1.; uuvu results urn invviinuie U|HU| U11S jires ent policy of tlie Government. That policy ought to be changed. The Clayton Rulwer Treaty, the teterrima causa, ought to he abrogated ; the Jo. White protectorate, or Yrissari Treaty should never have been submitted to the Senate, and should he instantly rejocted. Our Government should announce and maintain the Monroe doctrine, and, borrowing a phrase from our Know Nothing con einporaries, the American continent ought to be governed by an American policy. Then would our institution* have a peace fill progress upon the continent, and then would the immortal admonition of Washington receive a practical enforcement at the hands of the American people. "Tm? Last of tub Ranoolphh."?The recent decease of St. George Randolph, in Virginia, has gi\en occasion to an article with tho above caption, which is going the round* of the papers, and which undesignedly, of course, is calculated to convey a a false impression. St. George Randolph, the unfortunate and trebly afflicted gentleman who iias just died, was indeed, the last of his particlar branch of the race whose great name he bore. Rut the Randolphs are not extinct in him, nor, perhaps, are they extinguisliable. Mr. Jefferson's mother was the sister of seven brothers of that name, which, at tho time of her marriage, in 17.39, had, with various collateral branches, been settled in Virginia for an hundred years.? There is. perhaps, not a Slate in the South in which some of the descendants of this family, beaiing his name, are not to be found. The above paragraph has lately been going the rounds of the papers. The name, although not prominent, of late years, in public affairs, has beeu worthily sustained in privste life by several highly respectable citizens of Virginia and the LHstrict of Co hunbia. Hut among the younger members of the family, there is more than one who is yet destined to make his mark upon the times.? Carolina Timet. hymenealT Markikd, on the 7th inst, by Rev. J. M. ltunion. Mr. J. M. MAUAFFEE, of Greenville District, and Miss MARY A. COOK, of Laurens District, S. C. LETTER KKOil HON. JOHN MINOR BOTTH, OF virginia. Richmond, July 9th, 1855. Meter*. Wm. S. Beers dc Co.?Gentle men : Considerations of duty to the afflicted alone, prompt me to send you this voluntary testimonial to the great value of CARTERS SPANISH MIXTURE for that almost incurable disease, Scrofula. Without being disposed, or deeming it necessary, to go into the particulars of the case, I can say that the astonishing results that have been produced by that medicine, on a member of my own family, and under my own observation and superintendence, after the skill of the l>et>t physicians had been exhausted, and all the usual remedies had failed, fullv justify me in reoommending its use to all who may be suffering from that dreadful mnlady. I do not mean to say that it is adapted to all constitutions, or that it will afford the name renei in an cases ; lor, ot course 1 can know nothing about that?but from what I have seen of the effects. 1 would not h^Uate to use it in any and every case of Scrofula, with persons for whom I felt an interest, or over wbora I could exercise influence or control. Respectfully yours. J NO. M. BOTT8. To Hire Tor (Itin Year, A NO. ONE COACH BLACKSMITH. iV who understands his Business well.?* Address (be Subscriber, at L<>ng Run Post Office, Fairfield District, South Carolina. E. K. ANDERSON. Jan 28 88 1 Last Notice to Tax Payer*. NOTIOK is given that si! Taxes now dne the Town Connsil will have to be paid in hv TUESDAY MORNING next MerebanU snd others will please make their returns before that Urns. W. P. PRICE, Jan 28 18?1 Town Clark. 1 II =gg=^BgggMBBan mm ^ RECOVERY I.ODttE,I?. ?L I AHEGU1.AU COMMUNICATION of tMe Lodge will be held on jMadty Night next, February 1st W. R. JUNES, Secretary. Dec 28 38 1 ATTENTION, BUTLER QUARD8 ! i/ TOU are notified to attend the MUL Regular Monthly Meeting of yonr WAJT Company, on Tuesday Evening Tfa nett, id February. Business oi _|[J| importance, will be transacted,{HI* among which will be the prepa rations for the oelebration of yonr Anniversary, the 22d of February. A f?ll attendance ia desired. L. WILLIAMS, Seo. A Tress. Jan 28 38 1 MD?lO. a_ MK8. J. W. BARTON will give Lessons cither on the DTI VA UfT AWinraar A?1 B B, m ?oi'y, uA/i>nun OK V lisPMwF^GUITAR, in thettlsaea Bed. ferns' Academy. TERMS?S10 each, per quarter. V. B.?Mr* B. will also attend Scholar* at their private residence*. jan 88 88-4 ATTiaSTlbw, VOTERS r ' THE Subscriber wishes to inform hie friend* and the nublio g?<ierally, that he has come out ae a candidate, not for Congress, nor for the Legislature, but a candidate for public patronage in the TAILORING BUSINESS. He will warrant his work to be made strong and good. He will warrant to make good Errs. 'Cleaning and repairing done on short notice. Those wishing work done will call at his Shop, in the Old Court House, in the old Ordinary's Offioe. I am thnnkfnl for the liberal share of patronage bestowed upon me heretofore, and hope for a continuation of the same. A. BKECO. Jan 28 38 tf KTE8W FIRMT r J"MIE Undersigned have entered into OopartX. nership in the Mercantile Business under the name and style of LONG A GOODLETT, and would invite the attention of the eitisena of Greenville and surrounding Districts, to an examination of our STOOK, as we hope to share a portion of public patronage, and feel confident that we can ofTer Goods at as low prices for cash as can be purchased elsewhere. Give ns a call. R. LONG, B. A. GOODLETT. Greenville, January 26th, ISM 88-tf money Wanted. HAVING recently made a change in my business, I must sov to all those indebted to me, cither by NOTE OR BOOK ACCOUNT to 1st of January, 185R, that they roust male* immkdiatk payment, ns longer indulgence will not be given. Jan 23 38-tf R. LONG. 4dmini?trator'a Sale. BY virtue of nn order from the Ordinary of Gieenville District. I will expose for sale, si public outcry, at the late residence of BENJAMIN II. A UN OLD. deceased, 20 miles below Greenville C. H., on Thursday, the 11 tit day of February next, and day* following, if deemed necessary, all the PEkSONAL PROPERTY belonging to said Estate, consisting of 10 or U Likely NEGROES - Men, Women and Children 4 or 5 Head of HORSES A Lot of CATTLE, HOGS, Ac., Ac. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE And Blacksmith Plantation Tool* Cabinet Makers' Tools Turning Implements, Ac., Ac. A great manv Articles not enumerated. TERMS OF SALE?A credit until the 25lh December next. Interest from day of sale for all sums of and over five dollar*? under five dollars, cash. Notes with good security. A. R. McDAVII), Administrator. Greenville, S. C., 26th Jan., 1858 38-2 Administrator's Notice. ^ LL persons having demands against the jr%. Kstate or BKNJAMIN H. ARNOLD, deceased, are required lo present them, properly attested ; and all thoee indebted to the Estate, will make payment to the Subecriber. A. Ii. McDAVID, Jan 25 38-3 Administrator. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Court of Ordinary. R. K. Pace, Administrator, applicant, against Lucinda McCrary, Andrew MoCrary, Nancy McCrary, Sarah Eliaa McCrary, Mary Elisabeth McCrary, Francis McCrary, James M. McCrary, William Franklin McCrary, Defendant*.?Petition far Final Settlement and Derree. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that all of tho above Defendant* reside beyond the limits of this State: It is ordsied ana decreed, that they do appear at a Conrt of Ordinary, to bo holden at Greenville Court House, for GreenvilleDistrict, on Monday, tkeWtkday of April next, in ,.M?l. ? u L .?.?? , 4i. mi anew caitie, if any they have, why a final settlement of the Personal Ketate of James MeCrary, deceased, should not be had, and a Decree given thereon. Oiven under my band and seal of Office, at Greenville Court Houee, the t2d day of January, A. D. 1868. ROBERT McKAY, 0. O. D. [u a.] Jttn 28 88 3m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE PATRIOT. 1 In ConrtnfRrdlnary. John M- Carman and G. W. Bruce, Executors of llardln Bruce, deceaaed, applicants, against Luev Bruce, Mary Ann Bennington, and William J. Pennington, her husband, Elba MoeUller and Philip II. Mosuller her husband. George W. Broce, Willis W. Bruce, Adaline Carman and J. M. Carman, her husband, Frances M. Jackson and J. W. Jackson her husband, Kiniiy Crain and William Crain her hnsband, G. W. Bruoe, Jr., minor heir of A, J, Bruee, deceased, Defendants.?Petition fox Final Settlement and Deem. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that G. F. Bruce, Jr, minor heir of A. J. Bruoe, deceased, resides beyond the limite of this Btate; it is ordered end decreed, that he do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court Houee, for Greenville Diatriet, on Pridtfa tho 23d day of April asst. to shew cause, if any he can, why a Anal settlement of the Hrtate of Hardin Brucet deceased, should not be had, and a Dsaree given thereon. Given under my hand and seal of Office, et Greenville <7ourt IJouse, this 2Sd day of January. A. D. 186*. *i ? ROBERT McKAY, 0. 0. D. [U k\ , Jan 28 Si ?