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TB^^^BT r {.' ijjfl J'?0^ about^to relate will se|m Hke fiction ; and above it for^nearly a imjo there tlouse was the terror of tLe young, for it was wh iaoered about among tbem that it \tras daunted. In it dwelt Hans " : rfch g9od uatured Dutchman. irW| kept soma kind qf store or.rtopptnMpTace, where the few straggling wayfarers who had occasion to visit ytlio oitv, to.dispose of their vegetables,] lor make purcl vases?-for there were, *even jtheu, some cultivated spots between that point and what was called! the French lanyards?(situated near] Forty -second street.) Before the door of that old Rod House stood a wooden trough ; here str aggjers would stop to let their lliorses drink ; here, too, at all times of the day, might Hans be ocen sitting on a bench within the (Kirch, smoking his p. 1 Ipipe, looking happy, and, I dare uay, *' . , | feeling so. lie had lost his frav, but Providence, as if to console him for a eoriow he perhaps did not feel, had loll him a daughter, his Peisy ! BotIjsy was the idol of bis heart. She was a good Matured healthy looking girl, about four feet iu, heigh % and nearly flfl oa e 11/? w?'na Ia'mm T ?*v yt v/nv* WO Uiiv Ttiw JUWRIII^ Rfc Hans you might suppose hi? had 110 aim?lifo beyond watching tho wreaths of smoke as thoy ascended from his iy pipeffllJnt he had an aim. That aim was to see his Petsy comfortably settled in life. Hans had long fixed his eye , noon a young countryman of his own. who lived near Spuyten Duyvel Creek ?Slton by name?and M* Hans had fixed upon for the husband of his Petsey. Shon, however, though he came regularly onoe a week to give his horse a urink at the old trough and take a mug of cider with llans, made littlo progress in the way of courtship. Tim, though it was not exactly agreeable to Hans, he could not well sec how to remedy. Crown desperate by the delay, he was determined to make one grand effort. Accordingly, on a memorable Friday (that being ijCans1 lucky J day) he filled his pipe and sat down in the porch, to wait the arrival of Slum. There was nothing perceptible in the appearance of the man to indicate I that a matter of great moment was on hand, nothing could be observed save perhaps that the curling smoke was a little more dense, as ho puffed it vigorously from his mouth. At length the expected Shon came in sight, and Betsey was ordered to bring out a dish o! her best doughnuts, and a mug of sparkling cider. " I think," soliloquised Hans, " I shall know what ish what, before I see the bottom of that mug of cider." Shon then drove up as usual, unhitched the bridle of his horse in the same old way, gave and 1 jreceived the same old greeting, and ' filially took the same old seat. First 1 disappeared the oakes and cider. At 1 length after a long pulf, Hans said, 1 41 Te cakes po goot, Shon." 4i Ya," Shon replied. 44 Petsey makes them," rejoined 1 Hans. ' 44 Ya," again replied Shon. 14 Shon," said Ilans, now losing some 1 of his Dutch apathy, 14 mine Petsey is 1 one nice girl." * -.44 Ya," again said Shon. 44 Now, I tells you what Shon. the man what gets mine Petsey, will get 1 something; he will get one cow, one 1 feather bed, one good frau, and when 1 I dies everything I has?yon knows mino Petsey. To he sure she is not so tall?but then sho is the wider out I likes you, Shon ; will you have the cow, the leather bed, and mine Petsey for yonr frau ?" >i Yu. vaf roariAHrli./l SI i/%ti n*? I , J"' V?U"| DM UC seized the mug and offered it to Hans. The bargaiu was closed, and I do not believe Shon has ever had cause to regrcefc his bargain. The property rrf TTnns heeame' valuable. Shon got not only a good fran, a cow and leather bpd, but on tho death of Hans, tvhlch happened some fifteen years after, sufficient to buy an estate near Touters, where he now lives with his good frou, who is the shortest and vtidftt woman in the place. Shon takes particular prido in five or six 1 little white-headed children, the joint f property of fctsy and himself, lucre Shon dwells, under tho shadow of his own vine, where he still offers a inng , I of cider and a pipe to hi* friends. /. [jYeio York I'icayutit. "1 ' ***< Aa"-* 1 ? A n story is told of a Michigan jHrrnpr wno recently went down into < Tiittrana to'hny'a^U-uvoof lioftee. Ilo i WfW-Jcoucer ?Uwoni|littM bjGM to j U, Aiul he foiled to meet ft biwfne* I eiic^gcmoy^ On l>u>?ij< nither ro i I ' agygi^^ ^J " Hallo P \vns the answer. j|| I " Got any Atchafalaya money ?" jS'lcnty " Well, pay it ortt, the bank's busted, or ? gvvine to." u Ay, ay," said Capt. Shallcrosa.? rt Cferk have you got much of that luionevP. v. ^ About ft thousand dollars, I reckon sir,'V said tho clerk of the Pevtona. " Well, stop at the first wood boat." And tiie Peytona puffed on nnttl a wood boat was seen moored to the shore, with piles of cord wood around, and a small ma.i, with his trowsers rolled up, and his hands in his pockets, shivering on the bank beside his l>oat, in the chill December weather. " Wood boat, nlioy 1" sang ont Capt. Shall. Small man in the distance, "Hallo!" " Want to sell tliftt wood ?" Small man in the distance, " Yas."5-! " Take Atchafalaya money ?" Small man in the distance, "Ya9." " lhtund to, pilot," said Capt. Shall. The boat bonna down stream always have to come around, with tho bows pointed up stream, to resist the current of the Mississippi; sometimes they encounter a big eady, and hftve to tnko ft sweep of 6oine" miles before they reach tho landing place. So it was in | this instance. " So you'll tako Atchai falayu money for wood, will you ?" said | the captain, as the boat approached the shore. " Yes," said the small man. " How will you take it?" said Capt. Shall, (meaning at what rate.) "Take it even," said small man. " What do you mean by even ?" " Cord for cord, captain." n l? A t ? il - miner rouna again, pilot," said Oapt. Shall, " and wood up at the next wharf boat; I reckon this follow has been potted by somebody on Atchafalaya.?Exchange. Yankee Notions.?A Hoosier correspondent of the "Western (Ind.) Herald tells, in the following, a good one, how a t toddler was taken in by the Spencervillians, of Spencerville, that State: "Notions drove into town and commenced, trade, when a [meridian stopped up and selected goods to the amount of one dollar, and carried them into his store, and returned with a coon skin, and says: 4 Sir, here is your pay fur the goods.' 4 But, bold on,' says Notions, 41 don't take coon skins for my goods.' 4 Can't help it now ' says the merchant, 4 the trade is made, and a coon skin is a dollar here?legal tender.' 4 Well,' says Notions, 4 if them are your laws here, I guess I can stand it,' and at once concocts a plan to got his coon skin into something available. Clotting the coon skin into as small a compass ns possible, he makes for a saloon and there concludes to s|>end a quarter. Holding one hand tinder his coat, with the other he beckons up throe or four suckers, and after drinking all ronnd throws down the coon skin and demands seventy-five cents in change. 4 Yes,'says Boniface, 4 that is a good dollar,1 and handed him out three mu.skrat skins, and nays : 4Here, sir, is ydurchange.' Notions took his change and etarted." Taie Buffalo Republic is guilty of the following. It says the letter, evidently intended for the 44 Retired Physician," was found in their box. The owner can have it by proving property and payiftSfcharges: Ivoneyfrocx, Orgus 28, 1857. Doctor ii. .Iambs : Iseo by yure advertisement in the nusopa]>erB that your sands nv life have necrly run owt. 1 had no idee sand wus so skecrce in ynrc naiburhud. wo have got a big iland hero about tu mile long where eny kwantity nv sand ken be Dug up & cwsed very extensive fur biluing purposes. Kt yu ar most owt i wnde like iu gil n brvw to M*ii> ju ?riui more veri cbeepe?the sand is not so Fine n.-abeo as eutrj yuve cecn. But rvf ...? I-.- I? AI * n j ii w 11 uiu en me wiBepHjierB iY git the edurtnrs to say it was glide it wade ilt? First rate. How mutch wude yti yews in a yero & how much wude yn L'ivc a Hogs hed Inr it and pay the Prate? youres respectfully, *, 11. B.Mnmflj P. h. Whi dont yu savo the SnuflB won it runs owt it yews itftgftrtefJB Ef yu wiul micfes sum m ullages with the sand it woodcut linn owt so fust. II. 13. B. I " - ' Thk Soi.k BuKvn'oit.1?In a strolling joinpuny they found it impossible to nugteryimre than ouo soldier for I'i/r ^^ ^ ''''' ' It/ kij&i - ''Iv'ijnK s. l-v, ' i^^ng lodJ'V endniance ^iiie to 41ie main question which had brought her thither: " Ivve been asked a good many tithes Whether yon are not engaged to Dr. C. .Now, if folks inquiro again whether von are or not, what shall I tell 'em T think?" " Tell them," answered the young lady, fixing her calm blue eves iri ttnbl'nBhing steadiness; npou the inquisitive features ot her interrogator, tell them that you think VOI1 don't know, and vrvi arn sure it is none of your business." A Long Swjmbkr.?Lord North , was accustomed to sleep during the Parliamentary harangues of his adjversarics, leaving Sir Grey Cooper to note down anything remarkable. During a debate on ship building, some tediOus speaker entered on a historical detail, in which, commencing with Noah's ark, ho traced tho progress of the art regularly downwards. When he came to bulla the Spanish Armada, Sir Grey inadvertently awoke the slumber premier, who inquired at what era the honorable gentleman had arrived. Boing answered, M we are now in the reign of Queen Elizabeth," " Dear Sir Grey," said he, " why did yon not let me sleep a century or two more!" A coal dealer and an insurance officer were conversing, when tho latter suggestod cigars, and jocularly offered to pay it the coal dealer, Mr. P., would get them. 44 Agreed," was the word, and Mr. P., received ten cents, went off und bought a couple of cigars. Mr. F., the insurance man, sat still in his chair, received his cigar, and after puffing and squeezing and punching, remarked that. Mr. P., had better luck with the .cigar he was puffing freely away upon, than had fallen to his own lot. 441 shouldn't Wonder," replied P., " lor 1 gnve eight cent* for mine, and only two for yours." Mk. Ciioatk was arguing a case bofore a full bench of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, when lie, wishing to j compliment Judge Shaw, exclaimed : 44 Wlien 1 look upon the venerable Chief Justice, I am like the Jlindoo before his Idol?I know that ho is ugly, but I feel that he is very great. 44 Bon, who was the first mat* ?" asked one juveuile of another the other day. 44 Why Adam, to bo sure," was the answer. 44 Well, who was the first woman then ?" 44 Why, Adam's mother fo course." A fkixow who married a termagant who drove him to desperation and finally to death just before dying requested a friend to have the following brief yet pungent inscription upon his tomb: 44 Slain by.a jaw-bone." A sunscuiuKU writes to the editor of a western paper?" l ami t want your little paper any longer." To which the editor replies, " I wouldn't make It any longer if 3*ou did." 41 You'vk misrepresented me," said a member oi Parliament to a reporter. 44 You misrepresented your constituents still more, was tho repl}\ An Irishman caught a hornet in his hand, but dropped it and exclaimed, 44 Be jabers, what kind of teeth do your birds have in Aineriky ?" CHABLES HICKEYT (Successor to Emanuel Currant,) MANrFACTtltKtt OF LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DKALKB IN LOOKING GLASS PLATE8, BRACK Km WINDOW CORNICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. J 164 KINO 8TKEET, CIIAPvLESTON, 8. C. HP" Old Frames He-gilt equal to new. Apni so ssg&gjr r GREENFIELD'S n 111111/ rtnnrnnn cimnnn 1'MIILI URUIFjIU 51 VMS. UNDER M'DEE'S HALL--8URSEY'8 OLD 3TAN0, f AT RECEIVED, Ht the above Store, ? General Assort niviit of AMiLY GROCERIES, tod by the proprietor, coneUtiiur of clmioe les of HIJOARM, Coffee., Rice, Rice Flour, Kteh, etc., To Ail of which lie invite* the AttonttofltttffMouftokeoper# ?n?l other*. '2,1 50 if Din BootP Shwi T^etho lE^ BALES OF PLANTATION BLANKETS C " All Wool Piain# " Sehyle'# Georgia Kerwya anu Plains ? low-price Georgia Kersey# and Plain# ?' Kod, Blue ounGrey Flannel# White Twill Flannel# .? *.i a i i^ iij n.n?i< akx.iti... " f 4 ~W ?!"* *' V ?? ?? " Schyle*s Stripe Georgia Osnoburgs " heavy Cotton Osunburgs u heavy 4-4 Brown Shirtings " Sea Island Brown Shillings " heavy 8-4 Brown Shirtings, at 6?cts. " heavy Brown Orttton Drilling " Superfine Brown Cotton Drilling RICH FAIL AND WD SUPER 4-4 FUENCII AND ENGLISH CHINTZ " 4-4 Cashmere Pattern Chintz " 4 4 Scotch and English Ginghams Choice Printed and Plain Chnllys Choico Stripe and Plaid Poplins for Fall Wear Super Printed French Deisms and Cashmeres Choice Printed French DeLains for Children Plain French DeLains and Cashmeres, all shades Oct 20-24-tf Flows, Stoves, 1 WE keep constant ?sK ly on hand a largo n?- 1 'J Sij*?Asort-inent of One and ohHmHcotm** ( ?Ttl5l'Pwo-lIorse Turning, Subsoil and Hillside which we challenge the world to equal in good ' work, ease of draft and durability. We have also a largo nnd beautiful assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Boom, Bed ltoom and Charcli STOVES, to which we particularly call the attention ol ( those ivho wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash nnd Stock BOILERS, Corn Shollers, Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet Iron or Zine Work done to order. Cistern or Well Pump^furnishcd and put up. We also uro making and receiving from NewYork, a superior assortment of m;_ a v itr uu aim uaptumsu ware, ( among which the I?adios iimv find a great varic- | ty of Cnko Cutters and Bake Pans. FOOT and BATHING TUBS, or any other Ar tide in our line, inado to order, nnd Fainted in tho best manner. We are ai?o prepared to do ] Roofing and GutU'rltil in the latest and best manner on short notice ( Country Merchant* invited to examine onr stock of ^ rJTMIir WAl?.K3a We say it is superior, nnd we do not wish to hnve our word taken for it Come and see. r Cash paid for Old Copper, Bcbs Wax and Old Pewter. 4 39" Bags taken in exchange for Tin Wars. SHERMAN BROTHERS, n Mil 12 44 tf J. t. UOVKT. W. II. IIOVKY W. H. HOVEY & C0., ? PKOPKIKTOIM OF ? THE LADIES' STORE, f DKALKRS IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, js&3m a&sse c BONNETS, RIBBONS, l( Housekeeping: Goods. e izjay' aaiM wkmwMS" AND ' INDIA RUBBER GOODS, { QRE?!fVILLK, S. C. a ______ v N. B.?Orders accompanied by the oosh for Medical, Law or Library Books, Musical Instruments and Sundiics, promptly filled in New York, and delivered at our oounter on shortest C notice. Jan '22 87 _ ly j T. W. DAVBS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, r p. TAKFS the liberty to announce ICJ 10 t,'MJ ?' Groenville, and ( jbgjtho snrrounding country, that he o ' iipnti'1 prepared to do nil manner of work in his line of business, such as U Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, 3 all of which shall be dono in the r.entost manner. ? Watch Wheels, Pivots, Pinions, Jewels, Screws, ^ Hands, Glasses, all done .at the shortest notice, " and in a workmnnliko manner. Please give him M a trial, and you will l>e pleased. e. He also makes J1SWKLBY to order, sueh as l' Oold Guard, Fab 4 Vest Clmlnn, All kinds of GOLl> BUTTONS, such as Bosom. Sleeve and Collar Buttons. All kinds of Hair rl Work Trimmed in the ?t?l? - - - ? ? -V ,v* ! His work cannot bo surpassed in this part of ? tho country. & His shop may bo found at tlia Goodlett House, )t in the room formerly occupied by Messrs. Bailey n A Owen ?; Greenville, July 3 , !867. ' . I* tf a. ~ ^j^xCHES 11 c^exs &m MW&my. J E. i. PI\soi\ ?! (AGENT,) TJEGS leave to announce to tho citizens of o\ .!> Greenville, audsurrounding country, that ho has opeaed a Stock of tho Above-nfttued Ar- S tfeles on Avenue street, In the Building formerly N known as" AvenuoStreet ohfeotionery," which ha wHl aall tOW for CASH. Repair and Sit Up P WATCHES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, r Tn the best of stylo. *' Thankful to bis former patrons nnd friends, for their liberality and patronnge, ho respect' r hilly Soli,-its a eoittinuancc of the same.. Give bin) a eall, snd ho will endeavor to ! !,-uh.-. ^ ^ 37-if ^ ^ ' . - ' ' ' -?:?iLmLii I KV TO HIS LARGE AND FULLY IK OF FRESH *WsF"-' 1 ^INTKK J* r IMPORTATION. \ !nees of Bine, Orey nml Stcel-Mlxed SATIXETS1 " lovr-priue SutlneU " luw iaioe Kentucky Joan* ?? V i n "*! j-, 1 jw " Servants' heavy Bleached Sbirtinge r? " Cambric Long Cloths lb " Superfine 18Bleached Shirtings " 8-4.1 -4, 11 4 and IS 4 Bt'oVd 8h eeting.* I " EnglUh Prints, at 5$ cts. ";i 2 " good Fur Calico, at ftj eta. M super English Dross Prints " cheap GingliRms " Bleached Twill Jeans " low-price Muslin Delaine n STTBR DRESS GOODS. Main Union DeUagc, a? 12$ cts. Main AH Wool DeUnge, nil shades Uch Side Stripe Printed French Cashmeres Uoh Cashmere Hiding nnd Walking llobcs tich Chally Walking Hobes dieses Chnlly Bynderc ltdbee ij Jaslunere, DoI?uin, and Chally Byndore Patterns. A. F. BROWNINGREADITEAD!! READ!!! J IT WILL TAKK YOU BUT A VKW MINUTES, ? AND MAY SAVE YOU " MANY YEARS Or SUFFERING ! Darter's Spanish Mixture! < THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! ^ The Best Iterative Ever Yet Discovered I t Phytician? pretcribe if, mid every On* that '' use* it it a teaikiny advert itement. No Medicine ever yet offered to the -dine- ' rican public hat pained euch jiopulurity in to thort a time at 1 DARTER'S SPANISH* MIXTURE! 1 Jt will Cure any catc of Scrofula. JX will Cure any case of Rheumatism. It will Cure any cage of Syphilid. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. It tcill Cure any cate of Neuralgia. It will Cure any cage of Fererarul Ague, j !)r an^r Diseases arising from an impure state of SCROFULOUS READER I , I*. cured tbn neice of the Hon. John Minor < iotts. it member of ('ongn-ee from Virginia, of ? tcrofuln, nfl.'r the skill of the best Physicians, >oth of New York and Philadelphia, had been ried in vain ; nnd it will euro yen, render, if rou aro so affected. f RHEUMATIC READER! i It enrad P. Burritf, Esq., of Cincinnati, of r, Hienmntistn of 4 yenrs standing, after all other |i ctnedies lint) failed. We hove hundreds of such ertificntcs. Call on 'lie Agent nnd get a Book nd Circular, and rend far yourself ibe many renarknble nnd nstonishing crtres it has made. SYPHILITIC READER! I The celebrated Dr. Butcher writes us that he I nd two of the most severe and long standing t nses of Synhili* that, would yield to none of .'he V sunl remedies, but ho cured one ease with sis, | nd the other with nine bottles of CARTERS SPANISH MIXTURE. We liavo known It sed in over a Tuoisanii cask*, and liuve yet to ?' car of a failure in any ease. j? YE SHAKING THOUSANDS HEAD ! I AflllK Avn Ekvco ?.Dft nnl CiiUUa II" ? II urv, or any such noxious Drugs, but try at once 1 bis great Alterative and Purifier of tlio Tllood ; |> ,'arte/e ftpanieh Mixture will euro nay and every ? ase of Ague and Fever. Wo hove never yet mown it to fail. I And for nil Diseases arising from an impure } tnte of tbo lllood, no modioine has over yot been ' jund to have so good an effect. If you nr? sick, r ry it at onco; do not delay ; time is precious, nd health the greatest of all blessings, without " vhich all else is valueless. . DR. WM. S. BEERS ?fe CO., o PnoPRiRTOH8, Richmond, Ya. And for sale by R KllUTGH, Druggist, Agent, ?r-snvillo C. 11., S. C. S-ly May S8 o SOWAED ASSOCIATION k | PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. j| rail |?er*ons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, ' sneh as Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, ^ innotenoe, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the Vice f Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., Ac. lite f/O WARD ASSOCIATION in view of J he awful destruction of human life, caused by exual Diseases, and the deceptions practised upn the unfortunate victims of such diseases hy (nock*, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, L s a charitable act worthy of their name to give S cdkul advick oratis, to ail pers >ns thus afflict- ? d, who nnply by letter, with a description of * tieir condition, (age occupation,* of life, CIS \ All/1 m aaaos awt-A... ? 3 * .,v ... VI OAtlClim |M?YtTVJ flllU BUI J ring, to furnish medicines free charge. The Howard AmocUU-mi i? a benevolent InLitution, established by endowment, for t?e relief of the aiek And distressed, Afflicted -it Ik " Virulent And Epidemic Diseases." It bAA ow a eurplui of metai, whiah the Directors Ave voted to expend in Advertising the Above J otioe. It is needluAe to Add thAt the Assoeia r *liehi?he!>l !fed?*et sVSli of the ge. And will furnish the most Approved modern ^ reattnenb ^ ? Just Published, by t).o Association, a lleport ,'j n Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakoosn, the iee of Onanism, MaatnrbAtion of Self- Abuse, and t, ther Disenses of the Sexual Organs, by the (Am ,v tiling Surgeon, which will he sent by moil, Jin sealed envelope), Free of Chargo, on the receipt v, fTW'O STAMPS for postage. ... Address, DIt OKO. CALHOUN, Consulting t| nrgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South INTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa- y, By order of tho Director*, j. Z?.l\A D. HAttTWELL, President. n, Owv. FstecuiLb, Secretary. ?] Feb 9 *i J* if V >. S. LAWToX, i ( C-.WRKAKKR, fj Formerly of C \ jHF of N swtoitvilju, S. C. J ( CmBfestoDjtf^J. G. ^ LAWTON & CO StL a nt'lor*, Forwarding nnd^Mh* iniw?Ion Mcrchnnts^ To. 30 J>Jas( Hat/ami Doycr it^s Wharf, B - teixabold's Genuine Preparation id removing till Improper Discharges from tlio *U,l"sSlSwM3 (DI& BP3BjSZL&&ISv rom whatever cause they may have Originated, LVD NO WLATTS8 or BOW lOHO STANDING 'wing Health and Viqor to the fYame, anJSmeom to the Pallid Cheek. Joy to the Afflicted!! : cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, end ;niove* all the Symptoms, among whlcli,will e found ft.fy" Indisposition to Ex- I ertion, Loot of Power, '<v9k Loss of Memory, Difficulty or I Breathing, General Weakness, Ilorror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Deatb, Night Sweats, Cold Fact, Wakefulness, JDimese of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of I the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of tho Skin. Pallid Countenance, and Eruptions on tbs Face, Pain -I hi the Back, Heaviness ' . of tho Eyelids, Freuently Black Spots Flving before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Loss of KV Bight, Want of Attention, Great Mobility, Restlessness, witu Horror of Society, lathing is mors desirable to such patients than oliludo, nnd nothing they more dread for fear f themselves; no repose of manner, no earnest ess, no spsQtilation, hut a hurried Transition roin oue question to another. These symptoms if allow oil to go on?which his medicine invariably removes?soon follows Oom of Pomr, Fatuity and Epileptic Fitw?in one' f which the patient may expire. Who can say * lint these excesses are not frequently followed .y those direful diseases? INSANITY AND 70N8UJIPTJONf The rceortlsof lunatic Anymnn, and the melancholy deaths of Conrutnptiott, tear ample witness to tno truth of these nsseriotis. In Lunatio Asylums the most melancholy xhibition appears. Die countenance is actualEL sodden ami quite destitute?neither Mirth or rief ever visits it. Should a sound of the voice iccur, it is rarely articulate. " With woful measures wnn despair Low sullen sounds bis grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible I and has brought housands upon thousands to untimely graves, hits blasting the ambition of many noble you tits, t can bo cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If vnn avo giiff?nnfr wltK *t?v nf ? _ ? ~..J - ""V > I ?.? rowing ailments, tho FLUID FX Tit A VT liU Jfflf will cure you. Try it, nnd be convinced ?f its efficacy. Br rare of Quack Xoxtrutns ami Quark Doctor*. vho falsely Ixisst of abilities anil relwvntrs. Ciuens know and avoid them, and save Long Siifering, Money and Exposure, by sending or railing nr a iiotile of this Popular mid fpcrijit A'rwtrdy. It allays all pain nnd iiiHaimnntion, is perfectly .lea i a tit in its taste and odor, but immediate in IS net ion. Helmbold's Extract Bucliu Is prepared diicctly according to the Rales of PHARMACY AND OHEM IS 1 BY, lith the if rent est necuraoy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in it* enmbinatioii. See 'rofeseor DsvuV Valuable Works on the I'rseice of Physic, nnd most of the late Standard Vorks of Medicine. tr* <? JK One Jiundfed dollars will he paid to any 1'hyician who can prove that file Medicine ever inired a Patient; and the testimony of thousands an be produced to prove that it docs grcnt good, 'ases of from one week to thirteen years'standlg liavc been effected. The mass-of VOLITN'AltV TESTIMONY in jmssession of tho IVorietor, vouching its virtue., and curative pnurrs. >< immense, embracing cauies well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. 100,000 Bottle* Have Deon Sol?Vf irid not n single instance of n failure lias been e ported. Personally appeared beforo me, an Alderman f the city of Philadelphia, 11. T. 11KLM1K)1J>, hemist, who, being duly sworn, docs say, that liis preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury r injurious Drug, but arc purely Vegetable. |L T. 11KLMBOL1). Hole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before nie this 23d day f November, 1864. WM. P. II IBB A UD, Alderman. ''t ice |il jxr Bottle, or Six for |5, Delivered to any Addrets. iccompanied by reliable and responsible Ccrtlcates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clerynien aud others. Prepared and sold bv H. T. I1ELMBOLD. Practical aud Analytical Che mitt. To. 62 South Tenth St., below Chestnut, Assembly Buildings, Thila. TS t- ' PTTo be had of Drs, J. II. Dean, Mivs <b. oso and M. II. Earl*, Druggists, Greenville, . 0., and of all Druggists ana Dealers through* lit the Uuitcd States. Canada* and 1>? ineee. - .-> -i Beware of Counterfeit*, lak for HELMBOLD'8?-Take no Other CURES GUARANTEED. July 2 0 ly [KrauMPs ind Phoenix Bittern. f"MIE best Family Medicine now before tk? I ML JfUOlIC, lor %U9 UUIO VI OCryNMk VHfTfl, eurvy, ?>r Kruptiont of the Skin, Flcvtr and I \tjue, Dytpeptia, Dropty, nnd in fact most all I israaea soon yiold to their curative properties, it has been computed that, during tho last venty five year*, upwards of four millions of eraons have beer, benefitted by tlsb use of then* I icdieines ; a fact which speaks volumes in Us- .? or of tbeir curative properties?a single trial a ill plneo them beyond the reach of competi* 011 in the estimate of every patient By their the Wood is restored to a htalthy statt, and ^ eorf from all impyritio*. The system is nioi reucod during their operation, but iu vigor a tod, id they require no restraint froth LdMOese or ft I ensure. ? ' . I Tht nffirteH Acre, in tkin tnnU iinet, a rmi+cfy at ttUl do for th*n all tht* mrdieino ran pout y rjjfrtt I Prepared by W. B. Moffat, M. D., Proprietor, ew York And for sale by W. II. HOVJ?Y: eeoii vide. S. ( HK I Sep 17 ^ ^ I ^ I