University of South Carolina Libraries
I :,>rhich wUt in every^*n?^et^^<:5d to; tlSS^S fTSS^i aSjjH- !??i* aJJ irwr'w, 8.00 i% itwHnt. 6.80 89 t|i?W 8.66 ' intr'nt, 2.26 88 intr'nt, 6.00)40 inw'na, 8.70 7 itur'ns, 8.60 '44 insrn*, 6.20|41 insr'na, 8 86 mk 178 86 Itwr'o^ 8.40 43 inar'na, 8.00 8 3,00 80 inar'n*, 6.60 4X inar'na, 8.i0 10 Wok, tun Wrn^ 8.76144 inar'na, 8 20 USSa asses* sate*** ? ?r i?v9 to marnf^ ?.tu ' 1* insr'ns, 4.00 BO InsFiw, 7 .SO 47 insr'ns, 9.60 14 in#r'n#, - 4.90 81 insr'ns, 7.35 18 insr'ns, 9.80 is insr'ns, 4.*o 82 insr'na, 7.SO 49 insr'ns, 9.70 It insr'ns, 4.60 88 in#/n?, 7.66 60 iner'n#, 9.80 17 lOer'o#, 4.80 84 insr'ns, 7.^0 5l insr'u#, 9.90 52 insertions, filO. y?>l?*? C'TC? 1* <mA Tribute# ol Respect, will be charged fo: at adVtrUMg rata. ^ >y- jute*-*.' " Advertisement# not limited will be inserted till ordered out, and charged for every ineertlon. far Advertising bill# amounting to twenty flv* dollar# for tbe year, will be allowed a discount of five per cent; tbo#e amounting to fifty dollar#, ten per cent; #cventy-five dollars, fifteen per eent; one hundred dollars, and over, twenty percent. . .' ' flr JOB WORK paynble on delivery. TRICE & MoJUNKIX, I /V The Southern JKnterpriee. I a K. F.LFORD, I for The Patriot and Mountaineer. January TlUt, 1858. LJ L'JlLLll!?L _ ... ..J. ?* Lftnd for Stile. . I ? TBE SUBSCRIBER offer# at private ale, on advantageous terms to purchaser*, ell-known FARM, 9milc#nbove Greenville village, situated on water# of Enorc# river and Buckliorn creek. It contains FIVE HUNDRED B ACRES ; there ? about Forty or Fifty Acre# of Sod River and Creek Bottom. On the place sre ia in cultivation about Fifteen Acre# of Bottom. There is on the place about Two Hundred Acres of Woodland, well timbered. Also two ftltoals on the River and one on the Creek. This Land will be aold to suit purchaser# ; it will be divided in lot# of one hundred or more acre# If necessary. A long credit will be given, by aecitring the purchase money. I For further particulars, inquire of me at my residence. 4 mile# south nf n??..iiu r> . ? ?- V - VI. ? mo wurv House, or to Lemuel .ImoI)*, on the premises. WILLIAM JACOIIS. J?n 2: 37 2* Cadet* or Temperance. OU Arc requested to Attend the meeting of your Seeion, on SATURDAY EVENING Mat. at 7 o'clook. Let every on? go, a* busitteee of intereet to the Section will bo transacted. HOUSE A]^ SIGN PAIOTING, Paper Haii|in| and Qiaxlnf. THE onderaigned l?ega leave to inform the citizens of Greenville and surrounding cmntrv. that he has permanently located at Greenville, for the pnrj?ose of carrying on the above IWineea, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of publio patronage. Ilia charges will h? moderate. t%f Resilience onlluncomh? street, near the junction of the Buneouibe and Rutherford roads. Jai. If f6-2m TAMHX FLECK. I- klt C003 -f SURGEON DENTIST. I QRKllfVILLI, 8. O. Offitt Xorth- Wttt corner Jfain and A vnnt Street*, II AS just returned from Philadcl phla, And will bo pieAAod to Atl?nd to any who are in want of hi* norrioea immmAb mum Inserted from one to full Unper and Lower Setts, in the moot approved ana durable manner. Exposed Nerve* destroyed and treated, free of pain. Jan 7 i5-tf THENEW BOOKSTORE, 8$ AW 3 ETTA, GA. TH08. COX MARKLEY, PROPRIETOR. * Books, Idayazines, Paper, WORK-BOXES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, fcC. LOW FOR CASH. .&*r" 35 tf ruiMui wmriMMT. rpHJe SIXTH SESSION of this University will JL commence on WumnPAT, ran So o*r or FxaavAxr a ax v. Student* entering after the be glttftlbg 61 Uia tem mort bo prepared on nil the et-idie* gone over by the cleee, or they will be ISnble to be pet berk i whole term. For far* ther Information apply to the eubecriber for caU logne of 1847. C. II. JUJXSON. Ser* Sftrtary of the Faculty. Greenville, S. 0., let January, 1868, 86-6 CHEAPCA^STORE r g "?wk MbMrlbm propose to sell Good* it> fail. tor* for GA?M. *>a at ium mUie! pvieea M we hope will gnareata* eonfclnuooeo of oar former petrena. Country prod nee token la exchange for Good* *4c*mi a?d la dUeount for debts row duo ^.1 ems w ta&i * m - _?, ^ " "^v. / * . ? - ?? - ^6^ Stock of Fodder, T7av mid Shucks 60 Btitkel* Cow Pew ^ ; 100 Bushel* Seed Onts 60 Bunbclx Wheat 60 Bushels Yam Potatoes i* 100 Head of Stock Ilogt, '* 40 Head of fine Cattle 2 I okes of Oxen; 20 Ilcad of Sheep 4 Young Work.M 1 Pair ftATCH IIOKSES 1 Blooded Mure an J Fine Colt 1 Family Carriage and Harness Ss2 Excellent Four horse Wagons and Gear [J? PLANTATION TOOLS 0 or 7,000 Pounds BACON 400 Pounds prime LAUD HOUSEHOLD ANO KITCHEN FURNITURE. TERMS.?All sums of and under cash; orer that amount, a credit until the Ut day of January. 1859, with interest on note, and two approved securities. The subscriber also offers, at priente sale, his PLANTATION, in a high state of cultivation, two miles above the town of Qreonrille, on the Buncombe road, containing Six Hundred and Pi/ty Acre*, it being one of the best Stook and Ornis Plantations in the upper part of the State, containing a large portion of Bottom and Meadow Laod. On the premises are an excellent t> WELLIN0 with I Booms, and ell necessary OutBuildings, in good repair. There are'tWoof the best MINERA L SPRINGS in the upper part of the State, within half-a-roile of the Dwelling, and adjoining the Plantation. Terms accommodating to an approved purchaser. Persons wishing to examine the place will please call on Co). T. R. Uowlakd adjoining, who will take pleasure in showing the premises. N. L. LIPSCOMBE. Jan 14 36 3 fcTAXg OF WqTB AROLJM. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias to me direetod, I will sell before the C\>urt House door, at the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in FEBRUARY next, ftl?A A - - ' * * zvu ivcrcs oi i^nntl, more or less, adjoining lands of Philemon Huff, Jolin Adams, Dr. West and others; as the property of Thomas May field, at the suit of William Hawkins, et ml. 300 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lands of Center, Reese, Garrison, ei al.; as the property of I'errv G. Ware, nt the suit of 'onru-s MoCullough and J. II. McCnllough. One Negro Woman, and her four Children, (all yellow.) as the property of John Manning Mahnffee, at the suitor B. F. Ferry, et al. On Tuesday after sale-day next, at the residence of F. Huff, 1500 lbs. Seed Cotton and 14 bids. Corn; as the property of A. J. Joyce, at the suit of Joseph Crews. D. HOKE, S. O. D. Sheriffs Office, January ?, 1858 35-td ROBERT T. THRUSTON, M. 1), n OFFERS 1IIS PROFESSIONAL SKRVI W CFS to this community. Ilis Office, for the ZM> present, is in the Old Court House Building. Jnn 14 30 if Dissolution of Copartnership. , ri^HE Copartnership heretofore existing beX tween the Subscribers, under the Firm of OOWKR, COX A MAKKLEY. hss this <W dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted by note or oook Account Arc reeducated to make immediate payment, as longer indulgence canuot be given. T. C. GOWER, T. II. COX. IJ. C. MAliKLEY. January ltd., 1858. Greenvillo Coach factory. GOWER, COX, MARKLEY & CO. WE have t!iia day associated with .ifflfeSEos, in business, Mr. LEWIS WORTH IN GTON, well known to the community for several years ae the obliging and accommodating foreman of the Greenville Coach Factory. We are now better prepared to supply the want* of the community than at any previous time, and shall use our beat effort* to sustain the widespread reputation so long enjoyed by this establishment, T. M. COX, T. C. GOWER, IL C. MARK LEY, L. WORTH 1NGTON. January 1st, 185ft. Dissolution. rpHF. Firm of GRADY <fc GOODLETT is this JL day dissolved by limitation. The books and notes can be found at their fonmr place of business. The receipt of either party will he good in settlement; the name of the Firm will be used in liquidation. JOHN W. GRADY. R. F. GOODLETT. January 1st, 1858. Special Notice. WE have this day sotd oar entire Stock of Qoodato Mr. JOHN W. GRADY, and diaeolved our Copartnership. It ia, therefore, necessary that the unsettled business should be closed, as early as possible. To that end, all parties indebted to us, in any way, are hereby notified to make payment atonoe, and ran both nA;+?M t, J tble snd eopf. GRADY A GOODLETT. r January 1st, 1858. 1 Card* T^HE Subscriber, having pureliaaed the entire X Stock Bfipods of Grady A Ooodlott, will continue hnsSBtt their old stand, Thankful for paat favors, h-^Bcits a continuation, Believing in the old Ad^H"'*4 * sispenee is better Willing," I shall adopt the cash > systeflj^MHrooUo is "short profit*. and quick snleBBBulpiirchsscrs wonhl do well to give me a (uLflAhs:' - ? JOHN W. GRADY . Jsnun^f?t,U858. M 2m g i Hair RrSssinfr and Sharing. | >li continues the Tonsorial bus XJ ineee at his (>!d Stand in B?attie'? Brick building, where be U during the dav and evening l?> shave the heard and out hair, and shampoo the head. He reepceliujiv eske aeon fatronags. Oct. '''".ill j 'Miss->.i riibscribor offVr* for ^aia |nf'9 Roorn^ with Fire places in each, one extra B?^*r<Hft). Pantry, (ts., jrood and roomy Kitcbk^Mti Srtwta-hoiwe, (Jrain-honse, Crib. and a* ?* eallant new Stable, Cow-home and CCttirig* home, and an naosually productive Onrdep and yjlth V gocd !e PrUmf 7Vjt?( I terms accommodating. Phsseseion would be given by Uie first of March, If desired. | Jan 7 35-11* T. C. GOWfcR. FRUlT THEEsi I WILL OFFER, in the Town of Greenville, on Monday, the first day of February next, a large lot of choice varieties of native CAROLINA APPLE TREES* at 12+ cents per Tree. B. HAMILTON Jan 7 35 tf House and Lot for Sale. ?THE SUBSCRIBER offers for^j sale. on th? most reasonable terms,JgjllL IOUSE AND LOT, in the village of Greenville. The location is, in all respects, a most desirable one, immediately on the Pendleton road, and near the depot. The Lot contains over an acre of land, and is well improved. The Buildings are all new. T1 e Dwelling has seven comfortable room-. There is a good Kitchen and Negro House, I and all necessary outbuildings. Also, a fine I well of water. Household and Kitchen Furniture sold with the premises if desirable. Apply to Col. E. P. Jones. Dec 31?34?tf K. W. GODDAKD. For Sole or Rent, j ... fill? 1IOITOP ? ^-"1^ ' uu uvuoci ah1j 1a' 1 H>WBk opposite the forks of Andorson mS*iPBS,tfTr-and Pendleton roads. The House contains six upright rooms. On the Lot are all necessary outbuildings. For terms, Ac., npplv to li. Lee turuston. Dec 24 33 if Legal Notices. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Common Pleas. Richard II. Jacobs, vs. James M. Jacob*.? Declaration in Foreign Attachment Sullivan A Stokes, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 117IIEREAS, the Plaintiff did on the 10th TT day of October, 1857, file his decla ration against the Defendant, who (a* it is said) is absent from and without the limits of tliis State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said declaration might be served : II is therefore ordered, that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before the 20th day of October, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. W. A. McDxNIEL, C. C. P. Clerk's Office, Greenville District. a..s aa ai " ~ va;i ** i* ie.'tmly STATEIjF SOUTH CAROLINA. greenville district. In the Common Pleas. Edward O. Jacob*, vs. James M. Jacobs.? Declaration in Foreign Attachment. Sullivan ?fc Stokks, Plaintiff's Attorneys. WHEREAS, the Plaintiff did on the 19th day of October, 1857, file his declaration against the Defendant, who (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attor nev known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said declaration might be served : It is therefore ordered, that the said Defend ant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before the 20th day of October, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded agHinxt him. W. A. MoDANJEL, 0. C. P. Clerk's Office, Greenville District. Oct 22 24 leflmlv Administratrix's Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to ROGER LOVELA NP, deceased, arc required to pay the amount by the 1st of January next Persons having demands will please hand them in by that time, properly attested. MARTHA LOVELAND. Administratrix of R. Loveland, deceased. December 17 SI if Administrators' Notice. ALL PER80NS indebted to the Estate of THOMAS W. KtNMAN, deceased, are re Seated to make payment to the undersigned, oee having demands against ssid Estate will n. J-l?J ' - I'tvovuv mioui, uuit ntirflim, ior payment BARKSDALK CHARLES, JOHN CHARLES, Administrators, mth the Will annexed. November *0 29 tf Administrators' Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of MARTHA K1NMAN, deceased, are rennestod to make payment to the undersigned. Thoee having demand* against said Estate will present them, dnly attested, for payment BARKSDALK CHARLES, JOHN CHARLES, Administrators. November 18 19 tf Eiecutor'* Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of JOHN T. LIGON, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned. All thoee having claims against said deceased will precent tliem for payment within the time prescribed by law, or tbev will be barred. W. A TOWNES, Nov 5 26-tf Executor. ^ Broafht to J Jill, MONDAY, November lAth, A NWRO \.J MAN, who mvs his nnmo is JACOB, and that he belongs to Daniel linger, ef Henderson ville. N. OL The owner is hereby nodded to 4M*e forward, prove the proj>Mt/. pay barges ami take him away. . ^ J. T, McDANlEL Jailor Decern be r t, tilf, tiVtf. NEW CONFECTIONERY J. KRAUS & C. ZELLWEGER. ?KEMIVILtB, 9. C., Opposite the Jttdn$ion A RFS^RCTFltLtT jflET form their ft end*, otid^^XTSP JSBSS/m^o poblle gonrrnllr, thnt they he's, ptnwbuwed the " G/eeriville Confectionery/ re cef|t>y occupied bt UK P. 8L Hmitii. where the* will continue the llurineiw we heretofore, in th< flbVtrfi m?u( t% mtn?# < rweiw ? liberal ehere of public pntmim^e. I Every dev. nt 11 o'clock, they will have ot hand, FRESH (UPS pif.s mm xr A ILiHI il'vi They are also prepared, at any hour during th? day, to furnish their customers with LXJNOHC. and will par particular attention to always bar ing on hand, and ready to serve out, n lot of Frenh Oyttlers, From the lie?t selling in the Charleston market Also, constantly on hand, at WHOLESALE 01 RETAIL from tlieir own Manufactory, a largi assortment of FANCY & STICK CANDY, Also, FRUITS of various kinds, suoh as Lem ons, Oranges. Apples, Nuts, etc., etc. Toy*, 8e gars, Sardine*, l'icklea, Ac. 3T Wedding, and other Parties, will he fur nished, on short notice, wil)i Refrcsluueuts ant the finest dressed Cakes. Every attention will be given onr customers and we ask a literal share of patronage. Uf" No misunderstanding?TERMS CASII. Dec 17 82 tf ATT1IE GREEN'VIILE" COACH FACTORY, main Street, Next the Bridge, THE largest nnd Rent Stock of CARRIAGI GOODS AND MATERIAL ever offered foi ale in the State, selected carefully nnd especial ly for Carriage Manufacturers. A large stock and best variety of Axle* fo Buggies, Carriages and Wagons; common am best tempered Steel Soring* ; Black and Co1o?e< Enamel and Patent Dash Leather; Black am Colored Enamel Cloths, Drills nnd Ducks; Oi and Brussels Carpet; Buck rains and Kussii Sheetings; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mats Brass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass Silver, Bone and Japan Nail*; Silk and Woi>tc? broad and narrow Laces; Silk, Worsted and Cot ton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Bugey sea Sticks; and a complete assortment of Mallabh Castings. Carriage Makers are particularly requested U call and examine our stock. For sale cheap bi GO W Ell, COX, M AUK LEY A CO. HUBS AND SPOKES. WE aro now prepared to supply Mnnufnctu rers with the best Morticed Hubs an< Turned Spokes, of our own manufacture, au< warrantee. For sale by UOWEIt, COX, MARKLEY A CO. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. ALAHOE lot of Blue, Drab and Orcei Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton nnd All Wool Damasks. For sale hy GOSVER, COX, MARKLEY A COr CARRIA&K MAKERS' AND CAR RENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and variety of ?he hostTooli inR'!< , nnd a few setts fancy Itosewoot and Boxwood Plane*. For iwlo l?v OOWER, COX, M AUKLlEY k CO. IRON! IRON!! IRON!/! NOW on linnd, the largest stock of Iron evei offered in this mnrket: Spartaiburg Iroi i??d Castings; King's Mountain Iron; Knglisl Refined Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; llorsi Shoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovnls; Hand Iron am Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Swecde and Hatunierea, for wngous, tires and plantatioi work. On hand, cheap for cash, fl.OOO lb*. Rustc Plow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron Fo sale by OOWER, COX. MARKLEY <fc CO. STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! NAYLORS, SAUNDERSON A JKSSUI-S lies Cast-Steel?equare, octagon, round and fin ?for fine edge tools, axles and drills. German am Blister Steel, for plantation work. For sale by OOWER, COX, MARKLEY <k CO. 3.000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. ASSORTED sizes, suitable for Farmers am Mechanics. For sale cheap liy OOWER. COX, MARKLEY <k CO. ON HAND I.BS. best Black Florida Moss am qVfV/V/ Curled Hair, picked, in hags. ' For Mle by OOWER, COX. MAUKLEY A CO. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. LAROR assortment of the Diamond Flint Sam Paper, beat article made, for sale by OOWER, COX, MA1JKLEY A CO. PAINTS OruTwTNDOW GLASt AND PUTTY. ON . large assortment Paints, Oils, At t'-re. Extra and No. I White Lends; Knv and An. j I Lindaeed OiU ; Winter, Sperm. Solai Lamp, Ncnta Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oil* Coach Rody and Copal Varnish ; Japan, Aspal turn and Leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine Greens; Yellowa; Blues; Lakes; Pinks; Dro| black ; lampblack ; Red ; Spanish Brown; Un bar; Sur.w* ; French f>chre, do. American an French Window Uiass, rutty anu Winienim For sale by OOWER, COX, MAUKLEY A CO. J TIE A VY <k SHELF HARD WARE A LA ROE and wall selected stock Fear sal cheap liy GOWEU, COX, MAUKLEY * CO. SCRE WS f SCJIE WS ! / (*nf \ OROBS of the Improvod Oimblct Poin I Dv/v< Screws. For sale by GOWEU, COX. MAUKLEY A CO. SAWS J SAW* It HOY. A Co' Celebrated Oust Steel Mill Saws Rowland's Mill, Grose Cut and Ten no Saws; Hand, Panne) and Ripping Saws; Rra? and Blue Bssk Saws; a complete assortment ? Webb Saws, with sad without frwww*. For sale b GOWKU, COX, MAUKLEY A CO. Jan V 9 tt' FAXC VARTIC?I.KS " ? CHABLEVSMITH, . WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, J (, b. ? [ Main Street, Hearty Opposite the Mansion ffintte, c' * -pEf-^CrrJLLY fn'-r?a gft| U&J&gg^ ? 1V Orocnvillc and Vicititty, (tint h? ha* jaet f ? received and added to hi* extensive Mock, a large assortment of the above named Article*, consisting of Flno 8?>tls of Frcnrh nnt?o?, well known for their ttperiority ; also a choice ?p. variety, beautifully ornamented with OORA1U8, I and Bracelets to match, (lodng the latest fashion,) * | all mounted in henvy gold. Also new i?ntt?rn? nt! - s- "V ij?, Fancy Brooches for Ambrotypes. A quantity of Miionnlilc Bracelets; heavy solid . Gold Rin^, Mosaic Esr-Rin^ Lockets, Studds, r etc., etc., Ircsldcs on innumerable nMortnient of ? the most beautiful Jowelrv eVer before offered in Greenville. Ilia Stock also comprises a splendid variety of | heavy Fine Fnglimh Plated Ware, amongst which may be found Knives, Forks, T " Spoons, Cups, cte., etc., of tiew metal, plated not ' upon German Silver, but upon the genuine ALU AT A. It is used in the highest circles, and is much pre ] fcrred for its great durability. Also, new fashioned SPECS, with handles and - without tcrnnles. Very useful and convenient. The establishment nlso contains WATCHES r of the best, make, vis.} Chronometers, lluplcx, U English and French LeVors, Cylinders and Plain, all in heavy Gobi or Silver Cases. Having made arrangements in New York with i holesale Houses importing direct from France ] and England, I am onnhlcd to sell all my Arti- j , cles at. prices totcer than they can be bought in . f Charleston. ' All Articles sold in the establismenl warrant- 1 ed as represented. 24 Sin Oct 22 1 Hosiery and Gloves. ft AO 1 >OZ. I,r.dies'. Gent's. Misses'and Chilli /\J Drcn's Hosiery Kid,Silk and Worst-' 4 ,< ed Gloves f?ir Ladies, Gents and Children, just 4 "r open and will be sold ohcap, st the Ladic*, 4 .|ow?rr. VV. M. HOVEY A CO. * * r Merinoes and DeLaines. \ . l"C i ) P1ECBS, now open and for mI? cheap. 4 ] 0\J W. H. HOVEY A CO. 5 I ? Ready Made Clothing. K ; A LARGE, Fine an.l Well Assorted STOCK. V j? t JL just open. Also, a large lot of Oiled ' Window Similes, Wall I'aper, Borders, Ac., at W. II. HOVEY A CO. w Velvets, Ribbons, &c. * ? VTOW OPRN. SOO pieces Velvet Ribbons, f J. v which will l>e sold very low. Fine Che- c nill Head Dresses, Ermine, and a great variety of Fancy Articles, at the Ladles' Store. i, W. H. HOVEY A CO. u Ootobcr 1. 21 tf ? I' ?iii E?Atrs7 r. CABINET MAKEK, E GREENVILLE, S. C. >' Nearly oppoeite the Poet Office, Arenw Street, X #?* ?:??>? RESPECTFULLY informs - ?^^3HS5?llie citizens of Greenville nnd A the adjoining Districts, that he has returned from the State Fair nt Columbia, (where he received the first premium for his elegantly tl finished Bureau, which was admired by eve- & rv one.) and is now prepnred to execute 8< [ ALL ORDERS IN His LINE. lie has. t, also, on hand A LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE, which will be sold at prices di to suit the times. *1 lie returns his thanks for past favors, and r lie hopes, by giving constant attention to g, 1 hia business, to receive a liberal share of the ' public patronage. Nov. 19-28 1y. fc ' Place oh Kndnrincf Tablet over the Sjtot where Re- ^ pou the Remaiue of thou vow Love. ^ : NEW HARtlB VARD,1 CMtEENVlLLB, So ?. ; r?"MIE Sul>seril>er? respectfully inform the citi- ei 1. sens of this and adjoining Districts, thnt I they hare rrpened a MARBLE VAHI) in the vil- M f Inge of Greenville, on the lot opposite the MnnI sion House and adjoining Dr. Hell's Hotel, where tr they will promptly and faithfully attend to all ai orders for Tomb-Stonoft, Monuments, p And any other style of Work in their line. 1 Having had an experience of over fifteen years n in this business, they hrtvc no doubt of their u ability to give ample satisfaction to aP. who may entrust thorn with their orders. CHALMERS &. ALLEN. , Oct 22 24 8m J. II, RANDOLPH, 5 r|"MI ANKKUL FOR PAST FAVORS, BEGS . L to sny. that all kinds of HAIR. WORK . ..f -? /I ?ill- - -? " < 1 ui c*tri y viii it-i y ni Fiyie in iinunm^, will ne \jrnumntctl or 2tiountei^ with Gold, in the neatest e manner, and returned to those at a distance per ' mail or otherwise, a* directed. (I lair ran he sent. " J him in letter per mail.) Haw Breast l'ina, Neck- ! luces, Bracelets, Side, Vest, and Gourd Chains, Crosses, Finder Rings, Knr Rings, ?fce., of various !' '* patterns, put up neatly, and any article admit- 1 J ting the name of the owner engraved thereon. ? shall, for the engraving, he free of extra charge. ' lie also repairs* I! kinds of Jewelry ; | mounts with gohl or silver tire Heads of Walk: ing Canes ; matches Spectacle OlasseR; and, last*" ly Knffmvm on nil manner of J'laie. !i int^ce B ?ard9 Vovri 11 ohm, anU a feustftaeeM front the Knhvprite Ofiee. ^ Greenville, S. O., June zo, ui. 7- if Money Unnieil. J^PIIK Hnliserihcr would reapeetfully request c JL those indebted to him by note or aocount, to pay up, as he is waxtixo MMtxt. J. H. DKAN, M. D. Dec lOtli. 1957 31 If < J.CCf?. J JbtTMH., . : ATTORNEY AT LAW J AND ; SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, n WII.I, PRAOTICK * IN THE COURTS OF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. y Office in lit Qretnville Jlnokotore, i GRKHNVILU; 8. C, June 4 4 ly i Tti?* followtn* f^i +rn* will drawn Ijt S. wan d Manager* of ffcafnH Onlnra Atadoif llottrry, to eneh of tfadr lAUeriot Yov Jiint* ary, l?M. at Al'ttfSTA, Omrein, to w\?kh * I ty tlitv liavo ramovH pnl^pnl T ? be drawn In the cltr of Augova, Gl*, in puhi o, on SATURDAY, JAB"UART 9th. 1858. i clats" 71, > bo drawn In the eltf of Anencla, Chi, In pobl'c, on SATURDAY. JBttinmY ifttH 1?. , _ ? ?~ CLASS* 72, > be drawn In the city of Angusta, C*~, Id ptbfce, M SATURDAY, JANUARY 23d, 1858. CLASff 73, eb* drawn tn the oily of Atignsta, On-, tit pnMto. M SATURDAY JANUBRY 30th, 185*. ON TlfeJPI.AX or SfNOLE Kt'VBKRS. five Thouuchd Roar Hundred Prices ) NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS. tf^ANBFIOtj?ir ??HUMES TO DK DflATTN EACH SATURDAY IN JANUARY! Triee of (60.000 1 Prize of $2,0C0 Price of 25 000 1 Prize of 1,600 Price of 10.000 00 Ptizes of 1,000 1'iiceof 0.000 100 Prize* of 200 Prize of 5.000 100 Prizes of 125 Prize of 3.000 100 Prizes of 100 approximation prizes. IVizcs of 3300 App'g. to (60,060 priz. arc (I.20O *. .1 Prizes of 230 " " 23.000 prif. nfe l.OOU Prizes.of 2(>0 " " Jt?,000 priz. are 80<J Prizeaof 150 " " 6,000 priz. are 600 Prizes of 123 M 6,000 priz. are 600 Prizeaof loO " " 3,000 priz. are 400 Prizeaof 78 " " 2,000priz, are 800 Prizeaof 50 " ' 1,600 priz. are 200 .000" of 20 are 10(1000 .400 Prizes amounting to (320,000 Vhole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2^. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from 1 to 60,000. corresponding ith those Numbers on the Tickets printed on parnte slips of paper, nre encircled with small in tnbes and placed in one wheel, The first 462 Prizes, slfnilnrlj printed and eft. ireled, are placed in another tthec). The wheel* arc then revolved, end a number i drawn from the wheel of Number*, end, nt he same time, n Price is drawn from the other rheel. The Number and l*rice drawn oot are pencd nnd exhibited to the audience, nnd restored by the Commissioners; tlie lYice being laced against the Number drnwn. This opefaon is rc|>eated until all the prices ace drawn ut. ArpRoxtMAiMoji PiuMs.-^-The two preceding ad the two succeeding Numbers to those draWig the first 7 Prices will be entitled to the 88 pproximntfou Prices. For example J if Ticket o 11260 draWs the $60,000 Price, those Tickets umbered 11248, 11240, 11251, 11252, will eaeh e entitled to $400. If Ticket No. 650 draws ?e $25,000 Price, those Tickets numbered 648, 49, 661, 662, will eaoh be eniitled to $300, and > on according to tlie above scheme. The 6,000 Prices of 420 wlfl he detcrfnincd by te last figure of the Number that draws tba 60,000 Price. For exnmplo: if the Nutnbaf rawing the $60,000 Price ends with No. 1, theft II the Tickets, where the number ends in 1, will e entitled to $20. If the Number ends With o. 2, then all the Tickets, where the Number ids in 2, will be entitled to $20, and so on to0? Certificates of Packages will be sold at tlio illowing rates, which is the risk; ertifieatc o' Pneknge of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 ertifieatc of Paeknge of 10 ltalf Tickets, 40 lertificate of Package of 10Quarter Tickets, 20 Jeftificntc of Package cf 10 Eighth Tickets, 10 IN OKDEIIIN'O Tlf'KRTH on ri'i^Trnf'?"? Knclotc I lie uioney to our address for the TiokU ordered, on receipt of wliicli they will he for * arded liy first mail. Purchasers can have tickIs ending in nny figure they may designate. The list of Drawn Numbers and PrltM will be iiitto purchasers immedhitely after the drawings *mm Purchasers will please write their *igtia-> ires plain, and give tlieir Post Offiee, count/ nd State. Remember tliat every PrJze h drawn an?l ayable in full without deduction. All prizes of (1,000 and nnurfr* paid iin* lediately after the drawing?other prizes at the sual time of thirty day a. All eonmuiiications strictly confidential; Address orders for Tickets or Certificates t<# S. SWAN, ?fc CO., Augusts, Ga. MT Persons residing near Mttnfgotrtery. Ala.< r Atlanta, Ga., can have their orders filled, and aye time, by addressing S. Swan A Co , at cither' >f those cities. tW A list, of t1ic numbers that are drawn roin the wheel, with the amouutof the prize that aeh one is entitled to, will he published alter very drawing, in the following papers: Augne a (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Delta* tol.ile Register, Charleston Standard, NnshVilltf iazette, Atlanta Intelligence?* N*W York Weeky Day Rook, Savannah Morning News. Rich amid'Dispatch, Seto York Dispnteh and Pauhlnir IMiu I T>ec' 31 34 if WB A PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, 8. C. AMES L. ORB. WM T. f April 23 60 h. .Hi,n_s Knifii," ATTORNEY AT LAW, GHEES VI LLfi, s. a June 18 0 tf REED "& (tOODLETfj ATTORNEYS AT LAW Af?I? SOLICITORS IN EMUTY, UrMRvlllc,J^B LW" OFFICE w?\t door to F. j. p. rf.eo.| |? tf^l^TT.rrlr: .!?!?? i ? tf