University of South Carolina Libraries
Equivocal Compliment. The Troy Bulletin' reproduces the following from an old numlmr of the Cha^ln'bere Hrlbnhe: u Old Hodgee ww a member of the House of Representative of Georgia, from Bryan county, in the year 18-i?. He was a clever liberal minded "old cock, but aomewhat impulsive and very much addidted to profane language. Duripg Ae session, a preacher of the Universalist denomination came along and tried to get a pulpit to preach in, bat was refused by all the orthodox churches. Ilodgcs said he went in for the fair thing, and intro.1 AAil n l/VIt _ tr?l? I /tit ?tnaan<^ VtllWUU (I 1 COUI llbiuu >VlltV*l prtOOCVI giving the preacher the use of the Hall of the Llnuse, on ? particular eveupig. The appointed tipie came, and the man that advocated the idea that the Kingdom ot Fleaven was like a sweepstake race 4 free for all weighte and ages,', delivered a very g^nid nisffourse, sustaining the positions of his denomination. Wnen he had concluded, he remarked that the evening was not more than halt spent, and that he was perfectly willing that, any oho present disagree-* ing with his views, snOnld answer his arguments ; any gent Ionian might do so without reply.; There was a pause ?no one wished to speak?and the thing was getting rather awkward, when the member from Bryan rose, and addressing the preacher, said, 4 Sir, I presume no one hero wishes to reply. You have acquitted yourself damned handsomely, and I move that this meeting adjourn.* The meeting did adjourn, amid roars at the expense of Ilodges, who was unconscious of having made any peculiar remark." As a pendant to the foregoing, our narrator says, ho once told the anecdote to the Rev. Dr. ? , (orthodox.) of Franklin College, who remarked th.1t Ilodges1 speech, he presumed, was a 4i very good doxology to the ser inon they had heard 1" But he was not charitable. P/ok rp r>k Stohk."?A" friendly correspondent writing from Washington, Pa., says: "lake most other small towns, we have here a 4 colored church,* where man)' amusing things arc said, exhilerating to tlic spirits of the few who occasionally visit our 'Ilavti' meeting houses. ' llayti * is the name given to that part of our town where " pussons of color' reside. One winter eve-1 ning when the colored preacher was in ! the midst of his season, making a most violent if not a most eloquent appeal' to his hearers, one of the legs of the ! stove fell out, and as a natural consequence, the red hot stove tipped over at an a' gle. alarmingly suggestive of tire. The audience, pf course, commenced crowding out of the door like a fockof black sheep. But the preacher was equal to the occasion. Addressing one of his prouiinont members, ho cried out: 4 Pick up do stobe, bi nder Bolah I? pick up de stobe ! De Lor' won't let it burn you ! Only hab faith !' Poor brother Boler had, unfortunately, too much faith, and immediately. seized ir, an glowing as it was ; i>nr. 110 1 sooner had his fingers come in contact ! with the fervent iron, than he dropped , it again, and dancing around on one ; foot, blowing his skinless fingers, lie; exclaimed with all the energy that lie | could throw into liis voice: 'Deduce he won't I' De duce he ! won't!" A Sell. . The Fall River Monitor tella the fob lowing good story : 44 A countryman (farmer) went into a store in Boston the other day,^told the keeper a1 neighbor of his had entrusted him with | some money to expend to the best ad-' vantage, and lie meant to do it where lie would bo beat treated. lie had been used very well in Boston l,y the trailers, and he would not part wi^ tho neigbBor^ money until he found a man who wiaUd treat. him about right. With some suavity, the trader 6ays, 'I think I can treat you to your liking, j how do you want to be treated^'? 4 Well,' says tho farmer, with a leer in his eye, 4 In the first pla?e, I want a glass of toddy,' which was forthcoming. 4 Now I will have & nice cigr.;-,' says the countryman. It was promptly handed him, !e surely lighted, and tlien throwing himself hack, with his feet as 1 highnsliis head, he commenced pulaway, like a Dutchman. *NoW| what do you want to purchase V says the store keeper. ' My neighbor hand ed yp? two cent*, when I left home, to buy him a ping of tobacco; have you got the article ?' " The store keeper sloped instanfer, and the next thing" that we hear of hiin was, that hjs sides were shaking and his faco on fire with laughter, as he was relating the adl to his friends down town. Ma. John Smith, of London, has dis* continued eating crabs, as he had eaten them so long that every thing lie undertook went backwards. Why do men chew tobacco? Why, to get the strength out. nisi i ti i ntf mm && *fcM&' V? -: W-P*? :? <*%$*' W L gg A Tkkmbwjoot Fast Bobsk.'?Many years ago * solitary horseman might bavo boen seen swiftly riding towards Toledo, Ohio. The eun had just set in the western horizon:' Twas the dose, in short/of an election day, and that solitary horseman was courier from aa important township in Lucas county! The returns from every township in the county, but the one we speak o? had been heard from at Toledo, ana the vote of this very* township was needed to tell how the county had gone. At length the solitary horseman arrived iu Toledo, aud reined his "foaming steed up before the Indiana House. A big crowd?Democrats and Whigs ?ruslied for the news. "Better time," .said the solitary horseman, looking at his watch, " was never made by live hossl Fifteen miles in thirty-two minutes!! What d'yq think of that, gontlemen ?" asked the horseman. " Cuss the hosa," yelled the excited crowd," hyw has ?? township gone?" " Geu'lmen," replied the solitary hoi-Hem an, " I dis remember. It went either Whig or Democrat, but I've oeen so taken with the speed of tbis 'ere boss that I forgit which ; but, gen'lmen," roared the excited horseman, rising in his saddle and frantically waving his whip in the air, "you may just rest satisfied o.i one point: All can't beat this hosa 1" "That Last Remark."?A Texas correspondent of the Montgomery Mail, tells the following : Not far below this place, on one of the banks'of the beautiful Colorado, a party ot Paddies were ditching. There chanced along a lot of teamsters, and one, proverbial for his wit and blackguardism, thought he'cWiavc a bit of fun by bandying words, with tho ditchers. Soon, to his mortification, they had worked ki.ii up to boiling heat, and, to use his own language, he commenced spiling for a fight. After he had ranted around oonsidemhlo nro! pretty well exhausted lus spite, the old 4i bo99 " who had said nothing during the sharp shooting of words, stepped up, and patting him on the shoulder* said j " You musn't mind these boys, MY FItIKKI),TIIKY'ar ALWAYS making FUN of some fool oh other." The writer does'not tell us whether or not this cooled the man's heated an- j ger. At a literary dinner in London, whtere Thackeray and Angus It. Reach 1 were vis a vis at table, Mr. Thackeray, who had never before met the gen t.femnn, addressed him as Mr/Reach, pronouncing the name as its orthography would naturally indicate. " Re-ack,sir?Ite-ack, if you please," said Mr. Iteacii, who is ptinctillunis in having his name pronounced in two syllables, as if spftlled Ite-ack. Thackeray of course apoligiscd, and corrected his pronunciation ; but in the ! course of the dessert, ho took occasion to hand a plate of fine peaches across th? table, saying, in a tone which only, he possesses: u Mr. Re ack, will you take a peack ?" An old farmer, who was in the night- j ly habit of counting his live stock, to see if any had gone astray, said to his son one evening previous to retiring : " John, have von counted the lino*9" 7 J ? ?o~ u 1 cs. "And the Turkey 8 ?" " Yen." And the cows ?" " Yc8." " And the sheep ?" " Y e?," "Well, John, now go and wake upj the old hen and count her, and then | we'll go to bed." * j A Costi/v Candlestick.?Onr friend R , a son of the Emerald Isle, had occasion to viciit the South some time since. Wheh he returned,.he remarked to ROine friend that the Southern people were very extravagant. Upon being asked why so, he said that where lie staid they had a cartdlestich worth eleven hundred dollars. " Why, how in the world could it have cost-that much?" gasped Dan's friend. " Oeh, ho jahers! it was nothing mor'n a big nigger frlldw holding a j torch in his hand for us to oat by I" A newspaper article recently informed the public that the hands at Mr. Jones* machine-shop bad struck. Mr. Jor.cs cAtne out the next day denying it, as they had not struck a stroke for a week. The editor of tbe Nashua Telegraph has a ITawkesprinting-press, and works on it himself, and he says the fly wheel casts, by gas light, a revolvingelmdow; which is palj/ab/y wearing out the Jh>or ! The lollowing is on a tombstone in Ireland: " Here lie* tbe body Of J<fl?n Mound, Lost at sea and never found." If a ri'lkr hearken to lies, all his1 servants arc wicked. i ^ onhnud'a largo Two-florae Turning, 0uW>il tlillgidc which Vovhallengo the world to eqtal !a good work, ease of draft and durability. . W? have also a large and boant ifnl assortment of Cookiftg," Farlor, Dining Room, Bed Room and Chotchy. .j. || STOVES, to which we particularly call the attention ol those who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash and Slock "BOILERS, Corn Shelters, Straw Gutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Citfcrrn or Woll Pumps furnished anil put up. Wo also ars making and receiving from New York, a suporior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, among which the Ladies may find a great variety of Cake Cotters and Bake Pans. FOOT and BATUI NO TUBS, or any other Article in our line, made to order, and Painted in the best manner. We are also prepared to do Roofing and Guttering in the latest and best manner on short notiee Country Merchants invited to examine our stock of miv -mwimlmaK:* We say it is superior, and we do not wish to havo our word taken for it. Come nnd see. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees W ax and Old Pewter. Rags taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mh 12 44 tf WATCHES, cwvm AM) jiiWBjfcanr. E. I. PINSON (AGENT,) BEGS leavo to announce to the citirens of Greenville, and surrounding country, that he has opened a Stock of the above-named Articles on Avenue street, in the Building formerly known as * Avenue Street onfectionery," which he will sell LOW for CASH. IIE WILL ALSO tj j n:. TT? ivvptiu nuu en up WATCnE9, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Iu the best of style. Thankful to liis former patrons and friends, for their liberality and patronage, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. * vsr Give him a call, and ho will endeavor to please. < 87-tf Jan 22 "agency for LIFE JiNd FIRE INSURANCE! YHE.MWEVD1ILK' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Stores and otheT Property AGAINST FIRE: And the Lives of White Persone and Staves, between the ayes of 10 and (10 years, OX such terms as to render it a most safe and desirable Investment. Full details, with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Company, will be furnished on application to any of tho Offtuers of tho Company. JOSEl'll 11. OSBORNE, Pr<*t. \VM. W. MCDOWELL, McePre*. J as. B. Raxkin, Secretary it Treasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Inn 8 2.7-1 r GREEN Vfl.LF, S. C. VyM. II. ALLEN, SURGEON DENTIST, . rHAS returned from l'hiladol/phia, prepared, in every way, to "" all i.. Kla ? I fission in the moat ekillnl and approved manner. Having proeared every improvement of the day, persona can anftly relv on having every opogntion performed in*the same manner as done in Philadelphia or New York. Kther and Chloroform given when desired. Parsons desiring attention must make appointments previously. tw Rooms in McBee's Building. * ?- I March lit 4 45 tf CHARLES HICKEY, (Succtstior to Emanuel Currant,) MANUFACTURER OF LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DEADER IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, BRACKETS, WINDOW CORNICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, & . 154 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. rif Old Fruinen He-gilt equal to new. i April 30 M 1 y GREENFIELDS FAMILY GROCERY STORE. UNDER M'BEE'S HALL-BURSEY'S OLD STAND. JUST RECEIVED, at the above Store, a General Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, elected by tl/fc proprietor, ennmating of choice aatiolaa <?f QlTTl A D J fl-lf- - W_l ui oiMiniv7, wn?i\ tQuin?9P*, nice, nice Flour, Fish. etc., etc. To nil of whieh he invitee the attention of housekeeper* and other*. April 28 50 tf \T. 9. LA "'TON. ) ' O " RRKAKFP. Formerly of I ^ of Lawtonvilie, 8. C. J ( Charleston, S. C. LAWTON & CO.j factor*, Forwarding and Com* uitmloit fflercknnu, No. 38 Ea*t Bay and Boyct <k CWt Wharf \ a. ?., WILL NKI.I, COTTON, RICE, FLO! IR, W FIE AT, CORN, NAVAL STORES, *o. ptT Having an experience of twenty-five year* in business, we guarantee satisfaction to ail who patronize us. j fTburty, f Dealer In Boots, Shoes, Loathe 7l OPPOSITE ), C, P, JETER'S BQOKSTORf cftEKNVILLK, S. C., j* S^fs. IS Prepared ?o furnish, avaf slaving competent workmen engaged, C. assure his patron* that all work will to 7J1* e*n |>oNr and WARRANTED. jNasvLr 1 Fobo S9 \ k? * , tf i^iii <r* - 1 g v> " "White Twill Flannels " 5-4, 8-4, 10-4 11-4 Brown Sheeting* " ftehylo's Stripe Georgia Osnalmrgs " heavy Cotton Osnftbur^* " heavy 4-4 Brown Shirtings " Sea Island Brown Shirtings " heavy 8-4 Brown Shirtings, at 6J ota " heavy Brown votton Drilling 'r.A ! " Superfine Brown Cotton Drilling RICH FALL AND WI SUPER 4-4 FRENCH AND ENGLISH CIIINTZ ' 4-4 Cashmere Pattern ChinU " 4 4 Scotch and English Ginghams Choice Printed 4nd Plain Chollys Choice Stripe and Plaid Ponlins for Fs'l Wear Super Printed French Delams and Cashmeres Clioico Printed French DeLains for Children Plain French DeLaiu* and Cashmeres, all shades Oct 29-24-tf , j READ! READ!! READ!!! IT WILL TAKK YOU HUT A FEW MINUTES, j AND MAY SAVE YOU MAMY YEARS OF SUFFURIIfO ! Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER 9F THE BLOOD! The Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered! Phytician* prescribe it, and every one that Meet it it a walking advcrtitcmenL No Medicine ever yet offered to the American public hat gained n<chpopularity in to t/tort a time as .',-XV CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! It mil Cure any ease of Scrofula. It will Cure any case of Rhettma It mil Cure any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. It will Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case of Fever and Ague, Or ony Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood. SCROFULOUS READER! * It cured the neice of the Hon. John Minor liott*, a member of Congress from Virginia, of Scrofula, after the skill of the host Physicians, both of Xcw York and Philadelphia, had be?m tried in vain; and it will cure vcu, render, if von arc so affected. RI1EUMATIC READER! It cure?J D. Burritt, Esq.. of Cincinnati, of Rheumatism of 4 years standing, nfter nil other remedies had failed. We have hundreds of such certificates. Call on the Agcut and get a Book and Circular, and rend for yourself the many romarkuble and astouishing euros it has made. SYPHILITIC READER! The celebrated I)r. Butcher writes it* that ho had two of the most severe and long standing cases of Syphilis that would yield to none of the usual remedies, but he cured one case with six, and the other with nine bottles of CARTERS SPANISH MIXTURE. We hnvc known it used in over a TumtsAXu cases, and have yet to hear of a failure in any case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS 11EAI) 1 Aoi:k axi> peven.?Do not take Quinine, Mercury^ir any snali noxious ltrngs, but try at once this great Alterative and Ihiriiier of the Blood ; Carter's Spanith Mirturv will outre any and every ease of Ague ami Fever. We have never yet known it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, no medicine has ever yet Leuu found to have so good an effect. If you are sick, try it at once; do not delay; time Is 'precious, and health the greatest of all blessings, without which all elso is valueless. DR. WM.S. BEERS CO., PnoPKiicTOUB, Richmond, Pir?. And for sale by E KRUTCH, Druggist, Agent, wr-cnvme t. ti., a. U. 8-ly May 28 1. J. HOVKT. W. 11. noVKT W. H. HOVEY & CO., PROPRIETORS OF THE LA-DIES' STORE, DEALERS IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Housekeeping Goods, Mill SHAM CLOOTIE AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, OREENYVLIE, 8. C. N. B.?Order? accompanied br the caali for Medical, Law or Library Book A Musical Inotruinenta and Bnndiioa, promptly Ailed in New ,York, and delivered at our counter on ahorteat notice. Jan 22 87 ly |)Av?s. Watchmaker & Jeweler, JPSfcv O TAKHSUlA liberty to announce! //>/'?k? Hie eitiaon* of Omefttllle. and' isnnsine^p^^ to do " n.'^nor of AUof+ij^ - *nd J?wel?7 Uepalrlng, or,, i, jnch nit a 11 be done in the r.eateet in Miner. l|Md4*wh**l% Tirol*, Pinion*, Jewel*, (Screw*, j*? Glaaec*, nil 'lone At the *horteat notice, Jid in n workmanlike manner. Plenee give hint /7 trial, and yon will hq pleaaed. Ha alao make* JEwELRY to order, eneh m ttold G?ard, r?i? A Veil ChMina, All kind* of GOLD BUTTQJfS, anch a* Bo*om. Sleeve and Collar Button*. All klnda of Hair Work Trimmed in the lneateet atyle. Hi* work oannot be anrpflaeed in thia part of the country. Hi* ahop may be found at the Goodlett Hotiae, the room formerly occupied by Me ten Bailey A Owe11. ifiT* w? Green*life, July SO, 18.-57. 18 If iroB work. neatly oone at this office. Ca+v* of-Blue, Grey ami Steeb^lixed .^AtlNETS " low-price Satinets "" w'- "; ' ' " low- prioe JContucky Jeans " cheap Long Cloths " Servants' heavy Bleached Shirtings " Corubric Long Clothe M Superflne,7-9 Blenched Shirtings ' " 8-4,10-4,114 and 12 4 Bl'ch'd Sheetings English Prints, nt 6J eta. " good Fur.Cniioo, at ct*. " Bupor English Dress Prints " cheap Ginghmns si " Blenched Twill Jennn " lo#-pHce Mudin IVlnigs NTBR DEESS^0OQMudk Plain Union DeBoge, at 12$ eti/ Plain All Wool DuBiigc, all shades Rich Side Stripe Printed French Cashmeres Inhalation in Consumption, 11K ORCHITIS, LABYlVtilTIfl, /1nd <iiher litsenses of the Chest and Throat, y the Inhalation of Meifiwteiltfdporx- and Powders, by Abjm sorption and Constitutional Treatment, as pivctiecd at the Stayvesant Mbdical .Institute, New Vork City, N. T11E unprecedented success which Kd* attended. thin method of treating diseases of .theJ^jaiffs and Throat, has induced the ,i< id degartfrom their usual course, and' avaflTneft&eivos of the odlumns of the Press to make tyfKnown iO such as laboring under, or predisposed to, such iitfec^ions. The dawn of n brighter day has at length iflrrtvcid for the Consumptive?the doofifflE of thdirtdurabilitv of Consumption has now pjvuied.'awa\\' Wdhave indubitable proofs in our possession. thal^Consump- t tion, in all its( stages, can be cured : in the first, by tubercular absorption; in the second, by the transformation of luberctile Siito chalky and calcareous concretions /' in the third, by cicatrices or sears. Those wedded to the opinion of the past may'assert that it is even now incurable. Such are behind the age. To all this great troth mO*t be apparent, viz : that medicines inhaled directly into the lungs, whether in the form of Vapor or Powder, must be more effectual than that taken into the stomach. In short, tho only ark of refuge for tho Consumptive is in Inhalation. and such additional means, of which the judicious Physician will avail himself. Such of the Profession that have ndopted Inhalation, have (bund it sopth'ng and cjfi?\ cacious in the highest degree; arresting the progress of the disease, and working wonders in many desper&tC cascf ; in verity, a tViuinph of our Art over tho foil deitroyor of our species. \ ^ Note.?Physicians wishing trt make themselves acquainted with this practice, are informed that our timo being valuable, we can only reply, as to ingredients used, to such letters that contain a fee. The fee, in nil cases of Cbhautflplion, will bo $10, on receipt of which the necessary medicines and iofttrument wilTbe forwarded. Applicants will pleas* slate age, sex, occupation, married cr single, how long affected, if any hereditary disease exists in the family, and symptom* generally. Let the name, town nnu ouue ue plainly written?postage for return Answers must be enclosed. Letters, if Registered by the Post Msster, are at our ii.<k. Address # WALLACE MERTOUN, M. D., ? 8. M. Institute, N. Y. City# July 16 10 Cm HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. r IX) all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, X such as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the Vice of Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human lite, caused by Sexual Diseases, and tho deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their game to give MicnioAL advjob onATie, to all pers in* thus afflicted, who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cotes of extreme poverty and snf feriug, to fur*i*h vwdicinttfn* of charge. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with " Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It has now a surplus of means, which the "Directors have voted to expend in*adverti*ing the above notice. It is needless to add that the Associa tirfn commands tlie highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish tho most approved modern treatment, i?|? Jlllt Plllili.h nil ttr 41 a ... - -J*..>e\Mociaiion, a lie port, on rtporrnntorrliotA, orX-.nioal Weakness the vice of Onon?>m^^f,,fofgelf-Abnae, and liimi AlWfiMPyoftlie Sexual Organs, by the Con suiting Surgeon, which wilt f>4 aent by mail, (in a sealed envelope). Free of Charge, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS lor pottage. ? Addreaa, DR. O^p, CALHQDX. Cbnaultfng Surgeon. Howard Tv*?ooiation, No. 2 South NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By ordar of the Directors. .K,' E7.KA I>. BARTWELL, fcreaidant Oao. pjtiacn<L?, Secretary. Fab t *9 tf BGO KSTOitE, MAIN STRKKf. NKXTTO MoBKR-R S^U*7 0<6T9tm WHKRRaonsUnUy Way be to??d ?i 'I fly' ?n<* wel1 aoliotftF Stock u??jg of MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL and CLASSIC-' AL BOOK* Jfritlhg Fftpar.^liinlfDook*; Melnoraadumft,**; Writing Desks and OWat Pert i folios, Gold and steel lpen*PhnoBh, Ink. baling I War, Wafer*, Slataa, Copy Books. Inkatanda, Rnlera, Ac., Ao. J. (f. P. JOTER, 1 Jan 15 8f,-ty Sign of the Big Book.1* I . ' TIM iiMiii^^i fl It cures Nervous and Debilitated Buffered. and removes all tho Symptoms, among whieb will $?F u Breathing, General -"WeaknosMC; M& mgnt.ciuoiu reei, waiceiuinews wmnew of Viaioh, Languor, Universal Latitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appeti^witW)yspepbo Symptoms, Ilot Hands, Flushing ofthe Body, Dryness of the Skin, P*lH<k.Countcnnnee, and j, Eruptions coi'the Face, Pain !. > '.A. in the Back, Heaviness ???* $ A of the Eyelid*, Frequently Bleok.Spote Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Loje of Itti hMisM AUrr> Nothing Is more desirable trtWWi patient* than sdjitude, and nothing they mora dread for'fear' of themselves; 110 repose of manner, no earnest ness, no speeulation, but a hurried Transition from one question to another. ,v: ^ JJLkl Theao symptoms if allowed to go on?which this medicine invariably recVotoi?soon /?** of Paver, Patntty and Epileptic Fit*?in one of which the patient may expire. Who cauaay that theSo etfedises are not frequently followed by those direful diseases?IESAKfTY AED iVMPllONr The records of In/Ufa* Asylum*, and the melancholy deaths of Consumption, be.ftramplc-witness to tho truth of these assertions. TiLLnuatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition apbeart." The ecttntenanoc is actually so.hlen ami quite destitute Mirth or Orief ever visits it. Shoulira sound ofthe voice occur, it. is rarely articulate. ".With woful measures wan despair how sullen sounds his grief baguiled." Debility is njost terrible! and has brought thou bauds upon thousauds to untimely graves, 'llTiWfffftflV'''' Ambition otmanv noble youths, l^nn bc Wed by tho Hie of this ^INFALLIBLE REMEDY, fc ^ If you she suffering with snv of the ahnVe dis trensing ailments, tlio FLUID KXTRAUTBU GH(f will onre you. iTryit, nut) be convinced of its efficacy. Ktvxir* of Quack L'otirum* and Quack Doctor*, who falsely boast of *MUti*sj*$d references. Citieens knoW and avoid them. And (K>vo bung Sut I feting, Money and Exposure, bv sending or calling for a bottle of this Popiilnr and specific lirmrdi. It allnya nil pain ami inflammation, is perfectly pleasant in its taste and odor, but immediate in its action. ^ Helmbold's Extract Bucka Is prepared diiectlv according to.the Rule* of PHARMACY AND OKBM1S1 RY. with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge nod care devoted in its combination. See Professor l)Ew ab's Valuable Werkaon the Practice of Plrrsie, and most of the late standard Works of Medicine. BT =M- ?? O.JE1 One hundred dollars will be paid to any Phy slcian who can prove that the Medicine eve* injured a Patient; and theteAtimony of thousand* can bo produced to prove that it doe* great good. C'aqeH of froin one week to thirteen years' standing hav^ boon cffrctod. The ntaea of VOLUNTARY TESTIMONY in possession of tlie IV.. priotor, vouching its virtues and ourativc powers, is immense, embracing names well known toI^CIENOE AM) FAME. 100,000* Bottles Have B??H Sold, And not a single instance of a failure has been reported. 1* "fb -t v Pcraoaally nppoared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. HELMHOLD, Chemist, who, being duly sworn, does say, that this preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or iniurions Drmr Kilt are nnr*l? __ *11 T. HEL^iBOLD, &>?e &a'nXcturer. Sworn and subscribed before me tbie 23d day of November, 1864. WM. P. HIBBARD, Alderman. I j Price $1 jxt Bottle, or Six for $5, Deliverm ed to any Address. i Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Professors of Medieal Colleges* Clergymen and others. Prepared and sold by. !I. T. IIELMBOLD. Practical and Analytical Ckcmist, No. 52 South Tenth St., below Chestnut, J Assembly Buildings, 1'uila. t ty To he bad of Dra. j. ii. Dean, Mimr k \ Lonu and M. 1). Eablk, Druggists, Greenville, S. C., and of all Druggists and Dealers throughout tlte United State*, Canada* and British Provinccs. Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for HELM BOLD'8?Take no Other W<***CURKS GUARANTEED, ff July 2 o Ijr I~totoavs'MB'B'miS And Phateix Bitters. ^IMIE best Family Medicine now before the ; A . public, for the cure of Scrofula, Ulcers, Scurry, or Eruptions of the Siirx, Fever and | Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, and in faet most all | diseases soon yield to their ouratire properties. .i?iw Uta.wsipiiia uisL Affi' twentplive years, upwards of four millions yf persons hare been benefitted by the us* *rf medicines; a tarn which speak* volume* in htYor of their surative properti**? apeBJpe ttial will tdaec tliem berond the roaeh of osmmu. lion fn the estimate 01 *1%?J patient. By their rie* the blood U mlorod to a htolikf ttale, Mid frord from oil The *y?Um l? not reduced daring (Mr operation, bat iimg?r*?ed, 'iMtri?- i indtwili lii >.? ? . AI FINE arlieu Wbe M at the Fatally Croeery Mtere el A. OREENFlEIXt