University of South Carolina Libraries
J ^ Dissolution of CopirtnuiMy T t*?n tho Sultacribera,' of iOWER, COX A MARK LEY, baa this day b<*0 dissolved by mutual consent, Those indebted by note or oook account ff'e WtoUeeted to make immediate payment, as fdiigSr^|iW?lgenee oattnot be given.' T C. OOWER I . U.C*. MARKIJEY. I January 1st, 1858. Greenville Conch Factory. I OOWER, COX, &ARKLEY & CO. I ,:fyw. WE liavo tliis day aaeociated with I .?&gsEoe, in business, Mr. LEWIS WORI THINUTON, well known to the community for several year* at the obliging and aceommodab *i<K i?rem?n oi in* ^treeuvllle Conch Factory. | We aro ikow; be'tor prepared to supply the wants of the eommunity tlian at any previous time, and shall use our best efforts to sustain the wide pread' reputation so long enjoyed by this establishment, - - / w T. M. COX T. G GOWER, H. G MARKLKY. L. WORTIIINGTON. Jannary 1st, 1868. I DisnoluJion. npiIRFirm of GRADY'? GOODLETT is this J. day dissolved bv limitation The books and notes enn be found nt their fornur place of business. The receipt of either pari v will be good la settlement; the name of the Firm will be uaed in liquidation. I Jorrr ?t, QMWm I R.P.OOOIM January lst^SWff!*" | Special Notice. WE have thia day sold onr entire Stock of Goods to Mr. JOHN W. GRADY, and disaolvcd our Copartnership. It is, therefore, necessary that the unsettled business should be closed, as early as possible To that end, all parties indebted to us, in nr.y way, are hereby notified to make payment at oucc, aud save botu parties trouble and cosh GRADY A GOODLETT. January 1st, 1858. I , A Card. THF. Subscriber, having purchaser!ho entire Stoek of Qj>j>4s of Grady A Goodlett, will continue business al their old stand. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuation. Believing in the old adage "that a nimble sixpence is better than a slew shilling," I shall adopt tha cash system. My tnolto is "short profit* sod quick ogles." Cash purchasers would* do well to give me ? CI. JVIIN W. URARY. January ' *6 ? "? ''fjMy'V For Sale, A GOOD COOK, WASHER AND IHONER. about 25 yearn old. Also, a RESIDENCE on lluneomhe Street. Enquire at. thin Office, or of Robert McKay. Esq. Afi-tf Jan 7 , ODP~FELLOW8t MILITARY AND GYMNASTIC SCHOOL. WlLTJANf pierce, Principal and Superintendent KNOLI81I I.ITKK ATL'llK. \V. W. McIVKK, M. D., * DEPAKTMENT AN'CIKNT LANGUAGES. W. COOK, Curator of the Gymnasium and Dircclotf rilTSICAL RXERCISR8. rpilE exercises of this School will be resumed L on the eleventh of January intl Hie peri<nl of engagement for the year will comprise eleven months, beginning on the 11th of January. nnd ending on the second Thursday in December next The period of engagement measures 240 school days, divided into two sessions, each of 120 school days. There are no quarters. Parents are requested to send early, that classes may be formed in English Literature and Ancient Languages, in the commencement of the R,.hnnl w%? H4L 1 uvuv^r^ Jan 7 35-5 Principal. Miss redfern HAVING associated with herher sifters, from Charleston, '^ipn^the exercises of their SCHOOL ^Ur will be resumed the Jir$t Monday in February, at their residence, the hoube lately erected by Mr. David, in the rear of his Warehouse. TERMS: Primary Class, per quarter, $3.00 Orthography, Reading Writing and Arilnraetic, 4.00 . The above, with Primary Geography and Philosophy, 5.00 Grammar, Geography, History and Composition, 6.00 Astronomy, Botany, Philosophy and Rhetoric, 7.00 Plain and Ornamental Needlework, per quarter, 3.00 A limited number of boys, under tho age of twelve, will be admitted. Miss Redfern has been kindly permitted to refer to the following gentlemen, whose ohildren she has bad under her tuition for two or three years : Mr. D. G, Wimhiu), Mr. O. B. Dtkr, Mr. L.J3. Clink, Mai. J. M. A. Tubpiv, Mr. G. Ikoram, Col. D. Hoes. Dee 31 84 3 Ho" ic and Lot for Sale. AM* THE SUBSCRIBER otters tbrjj|| UtilLsale. on the moat reasonable terms,JyjiL t>i. nnnnp ?vn t/y*? ?_ .u- ?*n? -*i mwvvu juvi, in wie y^iii?ge ui Ore?nvil!e. The location is, in nil respecta, a roost desirable one, immediately on the Pendleton road, and near the depot. The ' Lot contain? over an acre-of land, and ia well improved. The Buildingernre all new. The Dwelling haa eoven comfortable rooms. There is a good Kitchen. And Negro Ilooae, and all neoessary outbuilding*. Also, a fine well of water. Househpld and Kitchen Furniture sold with the premises if desirable. Apple to Col. E. P. /ones. Dee tl-34-tf R. W. GODDARD. j Hair Drawing and Sharing. T>U*RII>GE oootinnestfesTentorial bat- ' at hit Old Stand ia BeeUU't Brisk buildin* where he it ready during the day aad evening in shave the beard and cut half, and shampoo the head. He reepcetfuily atkt a eon ttnuation of patronage. Oct 1-*1~T a? ?--?-? ? i . - - -? - ; The VHewdU of fwn H. Fear- , I <nient USMHW* him ?tl o?ndfut? for Tax Col- i lector at the ensuing Eleefcoa. 1 I * f "m I " V v ' m Pmj? m 'HEMEenvuM i V^/Vy^ ^ < l^r y / W , naiu Street, Bfexl the Btldgc, ; rpXlK Largest Mid Beet Stock of CARRIAGE X GQOlW AND MATERIAL ever offered for t sale in the State, .elected carefully and e?peci*l- . 1y for Carriage Manufacture!*. I A largo stock and beat variety of Axle, for \ Buggie*, Carriages and Wagon.; common and best tempered Steel Spring*; Black And Colored 1 Enamel and Patent Dash Leather; Black and c Colored Enamel loth*, Drills and Ducks; Oil and Brussels arnet; Buckrams and Russia Sheetings; Lute, Manilla nnd Chenille Mats; Brass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass, Silver, Bone and Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted broad and narrow Luces; Silk, Worsted and Cot- I ton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Boggy scat Sticks; and a complete assortment of Mailable ] Castings. f Carriage Mnkej-a aro particularly requested to call,amLexamine ottr stock. For sale cheap by J CWPRK, COX, MARKLEY ?fe CO. , HUBS AND SPOKES. f \\7~E are now prepared to supply Manufactu- i re?daith^le .best Morticed Hubs and I Turned own manufacture, *Ar<WBB^X^IARKLEY fc CO. " CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, Drab and Green Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and AllWool Damask*. For sale by COWER, COX^MAUK LBTO CO. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR- , PENTERS' TOOLS. i A LARGE stock and variety of the best Tools ( made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood ] and Boxwood Planes. For sale by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY 6c CO. s?em IRON! IRON!! IROg.'J! J NOW on hand, tha largest,stock of Iron ever offered in this market; Spartanburg Iron and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English Refined Tiree; Ovals; Round; Square; Horse. J Shoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovals; Bund Iron nnd L Iioop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tiro,.'Qweedes * and Ifsmmercd, for wagons, tires aud plantation j work. On hanff, cheap for cash, 6,000 lbs. Rusted ( Plow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron. For sale by ClOWER, COX, MARKLEY 6c CO. 1 STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! \ NAYLOKS, SAUNDERSON A JESSUP*S beet ? Cant-Steel?square, octagon, round and flat J ?for fine edge tool*, axlea ana drill*. German and i llluter Steel, for plantation work. For tale by ' GOWER, COX, MARKLEY k CO. ? 3,000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. ? ASSORTED siies, unliable for Farmer* and . Mechanics. For sale cheap by GOWER. COX, MARKLEY k CO. ON HAND 2AAA LDS. beat Black Florida Mosa and Curled llair, picked, in bags. For sale by GOWER, COX. MARtfLEY k CO. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. LARGE assortment of tbelDiamond FlintSand Paper, best article made, for sale by 1 COWER, COX, MARKLEY k CO. 1 PAINTS OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. I Olfil 11V. i large assortment Paints, Oils, Ac. t'-re, Extra and No. 1 White Leads; Haw andR n.e-l Linlsced Oils; Winter.Sperm.Solar, Lamn, Nqnts Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; Coach Body and Copal Varnish ; Japan, Aspalturn and Leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine : Greens; Yellows; Bines; Lakes; l'lnks; Dropblack; Lampblack; lted ; Spanish Brown; Umber; Suawa ; French Ochre, Ac. American and French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. For sale by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY k CO. , HE A VY A SHELF HARD WA RE. \ A LARGE and well selected stock For sale cheap by , GOWER, COX, MARKLEY k CO. SCREWS ! SCREWS!! . CtC\C\ GROSS of the Improved Gimblet Point Dvv Screws. For sale bv GOWER, COX. MARfcLEY <fe CO. SA WS! SAWS ! ! HOE A Cot's Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut and Tennon , Saws; Hand, Pannsl and Ripping Saws; Brass j and Blue Back Saws; a complete assortment of t Webb Saws, with and without frames. For sale by GOWER, COX, MARKLEY de CO. Jan 7 3 tf New Books. A LARGE SUPPLY of New Books, just received, among which may be found the . following, vis: c The Saint and His Saviour:. or, Tha Progress 'J of the Soul in the Knowledge of Jesus; by the j Rev. C. H. Snurgeon. Spurgeon is so justly celebrated that nothing neeo be said of a work of his to render it popular ; it is sufficient to say that it is written in his best style. * Mose Side ; by Marion Harland. Mrs. Le Vert's SouVenirs of Travel. ALSO. A large supply of GIFT BOOKS; bound in aii q styles, and at all prices. 1 Particular preparations have been made for . the Lrrn.* Folks, and a well selected assortment of Jnvepiles, of various a^ses and on various subjects, can be had. Paper Dells and Paper Furniture, and how to make (.hem 'rot toe Little Girls. Together with A NEW 8T0CK OF STATIONERY. For sals at tK. greenvillfe bookstore. j For Sale or Rent, j rfar?i the house and lot j opposite the forks of Anderson ? RBQBQrnnd Pendleton roads. Tho w House contains six upright rooms. On the Lot#r? nil necessary outbuildings. For terms, Ac., apply to U. LEE THRU8TON. g Dec 24, 88 11 \ For Tax Collector. v IST The-frieede tt~JL &. XoDayid. Esq., I "eapoeUully announce him as a Candidate for Tax Poileetor at the ensuing election. ' HEW CONFECTIONERY. J. KRAUS & C. ZELLWEGER. OBEEHVILLU, S. C., 9pjpotite the Mansion IToustt r RESPECTFULLY ^WTfonn their frieuds, and^^5?3^ jSBnfc^he public generally, that they have iurchaiied the "Greenville Confectionery," re* sently occupied by Mr. P. S. Smith, where they! [ will continue the Business as heretofore, in the >ast and mu^S^cotnznqi^tirs manned hoping eceive r liberal sliare of nublio patronage. Everv dev. at 11 o'clock, they will have on | ,??.l lforuu daks pies; bread, I' ["hey are also prcparod, at. any hour during the lay, to furnish their customers with LXJPiirOHC, ind will pay particular attention to always havng on liana, and ready to serve out, a lot of Fresh Oysters, rrom the best selling in the Charleston market. Also, constantly on hand, at WHOLESALE or DETAIL, from their own Manufactory, a large issortment of FANCY & STICK CANDY. Also, FRUITS of various kinds, such as Lemma, Oranges, Amilea, Nuts, etc., etc. Toys, Sejars, Sardines, Pickles, Ac. tW" Wodding, and other Parties will bo furlished, on short notice, with Refreshments and ;he finest dressed Cakes. Every attention will be given our customers, ind we ask a liberal share of patronage, rr No misunderstanding?TERMS CASH. Dec 17 32 tf fcjASinet received a LARGE ASSORTMENT t Now and Seasonable Goods, srhich are offered at reduced prices, consisting, n pa t, of ^ Groceries. good brown suDRT GOODS, GAR. lOlbs.pertl. CROCKERY, COFFEE. HARDWARE, RAISINS, BOOTS A SHOES, CURRANTS, 3LOTIIING, Ac., Ac CITRON, CUEESE, SALT AND MOLASSES. He also would invite attention to a new article of wirroan - ? - ? ' ? ? ?? m m. a SEiAKl) Manufactured at the Seamless Garment Manufacturing Company, Matteawan, N. Y. Articles of tbia manufacaure were exhibited it the late Fair of the South Carolina Institute, it Charleston, coucerning which a Charleston japcrsays: " Among the orticles mnnufneted, are orerloate, business coats, vesta, leggius and mittens. Hie cloth was subjected to severe testa of its itrength, and found to be surprisingly tenacious, [t differs from felt cloth, in bein^ equally strong n whatever way it is tried. It is altogether of ivool, as cotton cannot be used in the felting prosess. Its advantages over common cloth are :? jreater cheapness, warmth and durability ; it alio sheds rain much better." The public are solicited to call and examine for hamselves the superiority of this clothing. Corner Main and irashington-Sts., opposite Greenville Hotel. Dec 10 31 tf MRS. JAUDON proposes to open a a aKV SCHOOL for small children, at her residence on Buncombe street, opposite the Femole College, on the first <Sb)w Monday in Junuar^, 1868. Rates of Tuition, Ac., can be ascertained b.y calling on ler at her residence. 82-tf Dec 17 I) ESI It A I3 LK FALL km WINTER QUdBS, TO BE OPENED Saturday, October loth. MllS. WATTS AND MISS GORDON will open on the njJI, JktwMiWl hove liny a Magnificent assort jiyM? tnent of all kinds of French ""d American Millene Jjy ry and Straw Goods, Silk ana TjM I-anoy onnets. Dross Cape and // fl Head Dresses, Ribbons, French Flowers, Feathers, Ac. A complete assortment >f all the above Goods constantly on hand, and, rill be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. Hats cleaned and trimmed, and Dresses cut knd basted at tho shortest notice. K9~ House opposite the Mansion House. October 8 22 tf LEGAL NOTICES. Administratrix's Notice. A LL PERSONS indebted to ROGER LOVEl\. LANI), deceased, are required to pay the kmount by the 1st of January next Persons iavinp demands will please hand thetu In by hat time, properly attested. MARTHA LOVELAND, Administratrix of It. Loveland, deceased. December 11 81 tf Administrators' Notice. A LL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of ?L THOMAS W. K1NMAN, deceased, are reKested to make payment to the undersigned, ose having demands against said Estate will >resent them, duly attested, for payment BARKSDALK CHARLES, JOHN CHARLFS, Administrator*, with /As Will annexed. November 26 29 tf Administrator*)' Notice. A LL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of t\. MARTHA KINMAN, deceased, are re iucbwcu mi mnne p?y invaw ,a> ?&'v* un gr??>a. ! hoae having demand* against said Katotc will resent thcu, duly attested, for payment " BARKSDALE CHARLES, JOHN CHARLES, Administrators. November 2? 29 tf v. Executor's Notice. A LL PERSON9 indebted to tbe Estate of fl JOHN T. LIOON, deceased.*** here y notified to roake payment to the underlined. Alt thoee having claima \gainst aid deeeaaed will preaent them for paydfcent rithin the time prescribed by law, or thVf 'ill be barred. W. A.TOYVNES, ^ Nov 5 20?tf Executor. Brought to Jail, JN MONDAY, Nov amber l?lh, A NEGRO MAN, who says hit nuns it JACOB, and let ha bthnn to Daniel Hn??r, of Hendersonilia, N. G The owner ia hereby notified to *nt forward, prove the property, pay eharges ad take him away. J. T. McDANIELv Jailor. 1 December A, 1M7, SO tf. < SEND IN YOUR SI BSI . ^ fN A i io ? IN order to place our Paper within trtily, we have concluded to send it ii ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM, to b sorihers can also receive it upon the sai The ENTERPRISE will continue uu first founder, mmi who will spare no pain9 to make ii AGE, for year 1858, as the pas agonient will enable hiin. Thankful heretofore received from the people of improve ifcj columns, and by publishing a continued support. It will be our aiti rent would object to place in the hands As heretofore, we shall lay l>efore on telligence, State Items, and Foreign a will also be engaged to furnish Origina nmns. Whatever will benefit the Mec fact, every clas9 of Working-Men, will TI1E LADIES, too, at whose hands we whose noble efforts the ENTERPRISE flnence and position, shall have a place ledge, to encourage Industry, particular to cultivate the Good and Beautiful, as be our aim; and we desire the co-operal taining NEW SUBSCRIBERS for the The low rate at which we now offer Family to take a copy. We think tha scribers can be secured during the ye Subscribers will forward us a List of N stance accompany the order. We offei LIBERAL INDUCEME One copy, one year, (always in advai Ten copies, one year, (and a copy to To any one sending us 12 Subscriber Engraving, entitled 44 Saturday Night,4 or a copy of 4k Godey's Lady's Book," < I J ?33 IP* 1KJEA'J35 CABINET MAKEK, GREENVILLE, S. C. * Nearly oppoeite the Po*t Office, Avenue Street, Sag2gg3fr RESPECTFULLY informs fi^EESG*^ the citizens of Greenville nnd the adjoining District, that he has returned from tlie State Fair at Columbia, (where lie received the first premium for his elegantly finished Bureau, w hich was admired by every one.) ami is now prepared to execute ALL ORDERS IN HIS LINE. He has. also, on hand A LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE, which will be sold at prices to suit the limes. He returns his thanks for p ist favors, and he hopes, by giving constant attention to his business, to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. " Nov. 19-28 ly. Hosiery and Gloves. 0/Y/\ DOZ. Ladies', Gent's. Misses' nnd ChilDren's Hosiery ; Kid, Silk and Worst-' ed Gloves for I.ndies, Gents and Children, inst open and will be sob! cheap, at the Ladies, Store. W. H. 1I0YEY ?k CO. Merinoes and DoLaines. S?f~Y PIECES, now open and for sale chenp. t)U VV. H. HOVEY 6: CO. Ready Mado Clothing. ^ I.AItO 1\ Fine nnd Well Assorted STO''K, L jl Just open. Also, n large lot of Oiled Window Shade*, Wall Paper, Horde rs, Ac., at W. XI. HOVKY A CO. Velvets, Ribbons, &c. NOW OPEN. 800 pieces "Velvet Ribbons, which will be sold very low. Fine Chenill Head Dresses, Ermine, and a great variety of Fancy Articles, at the Ladies' Store. W. II. llOVEY A CO. I Ootober 1. 21 tf NEWANDBEAtrriFUL STOCK or MILLINERY AND LADIES' GOODS. MRS. WALTON MOST respectfully informs her forQ*p ~ m?r patrons and friends and the Ladies generally, that she hns just received and will open on Monday next, the 12th inst, one of the most extensive and best, assorted STOCKS OF MILLINERY ever offered to the Indies of Greenville, consisting of a variety of Silk, Satin, and Velvet Donnefe? Rice, Dunstable, Silver Glace, Neopolitan and Drab Straws. Flowcra, Plumea ana Head Dresses, Dress Cloaks and Mantillas, made in the latest and most approved style*. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Oct 8 22 8m Place an Enduring Tablet oner the Spot where Repoee the Remain* of those you Lore. NEW MFRITE YARD, BQSiEENmiLE. ?. TIIK Sub*cril>ere respectfully inform the eRizens of this and adjoining Districts, that they have opened a MARBLE YARD in the Tillage of Greenville, on the lot opposite the Mansion Honse and adjoining Dr. Bell's Hotel, where they will promptly and faithfully attend to all orders fer Tomb-Stones, Monuments, )tnd any other style of Work in their line. ' Having had an experience of over fifteen years jp this business, they have no douht of their ability to give ample satisfaction to all who may edtrnst them with their orders. CHALMERS A ALLEN. 1 Oct VI U im * (TTHI FRIKND8 0F W. irTiirih?r ( innoouce him as a Candidate for Tax Collector it th? next Election. I ^ it TOWNS AT race. LR. A YEAR, Aniens. 1858. ?*? the reach of every Individual and Fa ereatter, to all New Subscribers, tor e paid strictly in advance. Old Subno terms, bv paying up arrears, der the management and control of its t as worthy of PUBLIC FATRONt four year a' experience in its manfor the very LIBERAL patronage ' the District, we will endeavor to so ; the latest Ncw9, as to win from them u to publish such a paper as no paof his children, or have at his fireside, ir readers the latest Commercial In-j ii(l Domestic News. Correspondents I and Entertaining Reading for its eolhanic, the Farmer, the Artisan, in he eagerly sought for and published, have received so many favors, and to is indebted for much of its present inin its columns. To disseminate Knowly Home Manufacture and Mechanics, well as to make Home Ilappy, shall tion of all our present Friends in obycar 1858. the ENTERPRISE, will enable every t FIVE HUNDRED additional Subar, and we hope that all our present Tames. The money must in every inr the following NTS TO SUBSCRIBE : nee,) ::::::: $ 1.00. the getter up^of the Cluh,) 10.00. s and $12, we will send an elegant ?3 ' making a beautiful parlor ornament, >r Peterson's Magazine." Address, 'RICE & McJUNKIN, Publishers and Proprietors, CrreeiiviUe, S. C. EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, French, English and American Jewelry, anb FANCY ARTICLES. CHARLES SMITH, WATCHM/KER & JEWELER, GKKENVILLE, S. C., Main Street, nearly Opposite the Mansion House, RESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants of Greenville and vicinity, that he has just received and added to his already extensive stock, a large assortment of the above named Articles, consisting of Flue Setts of Froncli Cameos, well known for their superiority ; also a choice variety, beautifully ornamented with I?K /\ T* and Bracelets to match, (being the latest fashion,) all mounted in heavy gold. Also new patterns of Fancy Brooches for AmbrOtypes. A quantity of fashionable Bracelets; heavy solid Gold Kings, Mosaic Ear-Rings, Lockets, Studds, etc., etc., besides an innumerable assortment of the most beautiful Jewelry ever before offered in Greenville. llis Stock also comprises a splendid variety of heavy Fine English l*Iafetl Ware, amongst which may be found Knives, Forks. Spoons. Cups, etc, etc., of tieto metal, plated not upon German Silver, but upon the genuine A LB AT A. It is used in tile highest circles, and is much preferred for its great durability. Also, new fashioned SPECS, with handles |nd Wlt Hmit. torn nloe J ...... i cr? uKiui una convenient. The establishment also contains WATCHES of the best make, viz: Chronometers, Duplex, English and French Levers, Cylinders and Plain, nil in heavy Oold or Silver Cases. Having made arrangements in New York with tN holcsnle Houses importing direct from France and England, I am enabled to sell all my Articles at prices lotoer than they can be bought in Charleston. All Articles sold iu the establisment warranted as represented. 24-3m Oct 22 Money Wanted. rplI5 Subscriber would respectfully request JL those indebted to him by note or account, to pay up, as he is wantjxo money. J. H. DEAN, M. D. Dec 10th, 1857 31 tf J. C. P. TESTIESIF*., ATTORNEY AT LAW A KD SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Bookstore, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 4*4 ly ORR A PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ' GREENVILLE, S. C. JAMBS L. ORR. WM P. PRIOE April 23 ' 60 V IVTV **rci - < ? r" - ? MM* *9 U UlUSS SUTllM'tl* ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 18 6 tf REED & <;001)LI:TT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Wrecnvillr, S. C. OFFICE next door to F. F. Bkatttk A Co.^^1 J. V. RCEI).] [*. n. OOODLETT. ' June 4 4 tf i !=g=ggg? SWAN A CO.'S LOTTERIES. magnificent scheme. ^deo,ooo -&t FOU TEN IX)LEAKS. The following Scheme will \>? drnwn bv ft. Swan A Co.', Managers of the Fori Gainec Academy lottery, in each of their I-ottcrica for January. 1858, nt AUGUSTA, Georgia, to which city they hare removed their principal office: CLASS 69, To be drawn in ths city of Aoguala, Ot, in pnbtie, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 2d, 1858. CLA~SS~ 70, io do arawn in me city or Angns'a, Ot, In pnbl c, on | SATURDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1658. CLASS" 71, To b? drawn In the oily of Augusta, Ga, In public, on SATURDAY, JBNU3RY 16th, 1858. CLASS* 72, To bo drawn in the city of Augusta, Oa, in public, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 23d, 1858. i CLATs" 73, To bo drawn tn the ctly of Augusta, Ga , In public. o? SATURDAY J NUBR Y 30th, 185*. os the plan of 8tnglb jfrmnmh. . Fivo Thousand Foul Hutfdreti Prises! NEARLY ONE.PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS. MAOMliFBOE'mr SOHIEMIEI to he dttavtn EAXH SATURDAY IN "JANUARY! 1 Prir.e of $60,000j 1 Prize of $2,O0<> 1 Prize of 26,000 1 Prize of 1.500 * 1 Prize of in,000 00 Prize* of J.OOO 1 Prize of 6,000 100 Prizes of 2??0 1 Prize of 6,000 100 Prizes of 125 1 Prize of 8,600 100 Prizes of 100 ? APPROXIMATION PRIZES, 4 Prizes of $800 App'g. to Or>n,000 priz. nre $1,200 4 Prizes of 250 " " 26,000 priz. ore 1,000 4 Prizes of 200 " " 10,000 priz. nre 80O 4 Prizes of 160 " " 6,000 priz. arc ROO 4 Prizci of 125 " " 6,000 priz. nre 50O 4 Prizes of ItM) " " 8,000 priz, nre 400 4 l'rizes or 75 " " 2,000 "priz. nre SOO 4 Prises of 60 " ** J,500 priz. nre 200 5,000" of 20 nre , 100,000 6,400 Prizes amounting to $320,000 Whole Tickets $10; I Ialves #5; Quarters $2$. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. Tire NuniWrs from 1 to 50,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed oti separate slips of, arc encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one wheel. The first. 402 Prizes, similarly printed i\jhJ encircled, nre placed in another wheel. The wheels nre then revolved, and n number is drawn from tho wheel of Numbers, and, at the same time, n Prize is drown from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out arc opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Commissioners; the Prize being placed against the Number drawn. This opera tion is repented until all (lie prizes nae drawn out. Approximapios Pkizka.?The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 7 Prizes will be entitled to the 552 Approximation Prizes. For example: if Ticket No 11250 draws the $60,000 Prize, those Ticket# numbered 11246, 11240, 11251, 11252, will each be entitled to $400. If Ticket No. 650 draws the $25,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 646, 540, 551, 552, will each he euiitled to $300, and so on according to the above scheme. Tho 6,000 Prizes of $20 will be determined hy the last, figure of the Number that draws tlw $60,000 Prize. For example: if the Number' drawing the $60,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the number etuis in 1, will he entitled to $20. If tho Number ends with No. 2, then all the Tickets, where the Number ends in 2, will be entitled to $20, and so on too. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates, which is the risk: Certificate o' Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80* Certificate of Package of 10 llnlf Ticket*, 40 ("'oi'tifiontit nf l <v r\.??nt!_? 1 - ... . vl nn<inirirr iickom, "tf Certificate of Package of 10 Eighth Tickets, 10 in ordering tickets oh certificates, Enclose t.lic money to our nth)reus for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will l>? forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tick-eta ending in any figure they may designate. The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sentto purchasers immediately ufter the drawing. *, Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, county and State. "% Remember that, every Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. ,* All prizes of $1,0(J0 and under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates f<? S. SWAN7*<fc CO., Augusta, Oh. or Persons residing near Montgomery. Ala..or Atlanta, Go., can have their orders filled, and save time, bj addressing S. Swan <fc Co , ut either of those cities. IW A list, of the numbers that arc drawn! from the wheel, with the n mount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will he published alter every drawing, in the follpyripg papers: Angnrta (Geo.) ConstitutionnlisC&aw Orloaus I)elta; Mobile Register, OhnrlestoX Standsrd, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligenoer, New York Week' ly Day llook. Savannah Morning News, Richmond Dispatch, New York Dispatch and Faulding (Miss.) Clarion, _L)ec 31 34 i. n. RUMIIA HTMIANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, BEGS X to say, tl?at all kinds of HAIR WORK of every variety of style of braiding, will be Ornamented or Mounted witli Gold, in the neatest manner, and returned to those at n disUnM mail or otherwise, a* directed. (llnirean he sent hiru in letter per instil.) Bow Breast Bins, Necklaces, Bracelets, Pide, Vyst. tint) Guard Chainr, Crowes, Finger Kings, Bar Kings, < ?., of various patterns, put up neatly, ami any articlty admit ling the name of the owner engraved Uioreon, shall, for the engraving, he free of extra charge. lie also makes and repairs* II kinds of Jewelry ; mounts with gold or silver the Meads of Walk' ing Canes ; matches Spectacle Classes; and, last' ly Kngranra on all manner of Plate. Office. 60 yard* h'aat of old Court Ifoutc, and a few pa era from the F.nti rpiite Office. Greenville, S. (J., Juna 45, '67. 7?tf Elford & Donaldson, dMEiaaoaryiDWLLai^ si. o. C. J. ELFORD. T. Q, OONALltfON Jan. 10. iau