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ft p Not long since a worthy pastor oi one of our citj' churches, who combines divinity and humor in a woot of wit as bright and rani as a " cloth of gold," was called upo.i one evening by ? ^nameless gentleman and informed that nis services would be required at an # early hour in the morning for a in>cnliar and delightful duty, aud tooJk his leave. Bright and early the reverend gentleman was read v and waiting, when a carriage was driven m> by a w sorrel" boy with " freckled " horses, who rang the bell, which was answered by the dominie in propria personae. Tho following dialogue ensued : Boy?Is a ousson 'ere as goes to the cars?" " No, sir; I am going to a wedding!" The boy's face fell as ho said, " get in, sir." 44 But," remarked the clergyman. u do you kn >w where to go." 44 No, sir I" u N<?r do I. Who sent you ?" 44 Mr. , sir." 44 Well, go and find Mr. , and inquire where I am required." Off went the 1h?v with his carriage, and in a short time returned and (ho conversation was renewed. 44Have you found out the place?" asked the Minister. 44 No, sir; but I've found out what stroet he went on; you'd bitter get in, I guess I km find it." And in he got. After driving some distance, the carriage was stopped, the driver got down, opened the door, and with the most sober countenance, said : 44 There's a feller a conrtin' a gal here, you might try the place." Apd the dominie did try it, and found the precise place where his services were needed by two anxious and palpitating hearts, which he quickly bound together in the indissoluble bonds of matrimony. Alter the services were concluded, the story was told, and happier, iollior laugh was seldom heard. " There's a feller a courtin' a gal here, you might try it 1" Speculatoks and Capitalists.?This hit will tit other latitudes than that of Paris?a i% good thing " of a Parisian gamin, (urchin, loafer hoy.) Two gentlemen were chatting on the Boulevard. One was a great speculator, developing the plan of some magnificent project; the other a dazzled capitalist, ready to snap at tho bait.? lie hesitated a little ; but was not yielding, merely making a few objections for conscience sake. Near these two passed a couple oti youngsters of ten or twelve years.? They were looking into a tobacco shop closo by, and one cries out to the other : 4' Buy the pipe, I'd like to smoke a sou's worth." " Ah, as luck will have it, I havn't the sou." 44 Hold on, I've got two sous." 44 That's the ticket, just' the thing ? one for the pipe, and ono for tho tobacco." 14 Oh, ves, hut what am I to do ?" 44 You ! Oil, you shall he a stockholder; you can spit." It was a flash of light. The capitalist thrust his hands into his pockets and tied. The speculator cast a furin 1. W.U ikf fliik firf.v II lOtliina oiwl fill*!! VUO tit LUC UYV 111 V/Ullic^ UIIVI bUl IIed down the street. Does Your Mother Know You're Out??A young lady once had a beau. One evening said beau was anxious to enjoy some private conversation with the charmer, but there being two children in ihc room, rather marred his wishes. The gentleman looked to see them sent to bed, hut he was dls | appointed. The youngest child, a lit-! tie boy about three years old, sleptj with the young lady, and ban no idea of retiring without his bed fellow. Stretching his chubby length it[?on the carpet, he watched the twain with resolutely wide-awake eyes until the I bell rung for nine, when, patience becoming exhausted, he raised his little head and said to the visitor, " ixiue o'clock is bedtime. Don't j you think your mother wants you now ?" I This was one of the tallest hints the; young gentleman ever received in a civil kind of a way, a d the mingling of embarrassment, vexation and mirth < produced by it?which was, indeed, as [ \ a kick?was Tunny in trio extreme. i, " Sonny " was senL to bed, every , night after that 6olns, and much to the ! relief of the visitor. In a certain part of the country may I be seen on the outside of an humble cot- 1 tago, the following inscription in large i gilt letters?" A seminary tor young ladies." This was perhaps too alistruse tor the villagers, as immediately nn- ' derneath there is added, in rude char- j< acters, " Notey beney?also, a gall's ( skool." 1' A bach blob editor says the reason' f that women do not cut themselves in ( two by tight lacing is, because they < lacc around the heart, and it is so hard tiut they cannot aifcct it. Ain't that ortul t Vde old fogy ! < ^ " ia ilflMn "tiA n m ill oain ---'1m mm* .... . Norr so Bad.?A young man, clad in homespun, was standing in Court street 2 day before yesterday* devouring a doughnut, when he was accosted by 1 one of a half-dozen genteelly dressed J city idlers, with 44 Jest come deown?" ? 44 Yes, gees I have?great place this, a ain't it, yeeu I" said the countryman. ? l 1'ia so, bub; how's your marm I" ^ asked the city buck, bent on sport with !j greeny. 44 Wall, she's pretty well; she sent me deown here on business. 44 She did ? What kiud of business h are you on ?" ^ 44 Why, she wanted me to come deown to Boston, and look all roound, and find half a dozen of the biggest p t'ulcs in Boston, and bring 'em up fi country to edicate 'em; and I rather guess I've got my eye on 'em neow," said the stranger, taking in the whole J| crowd at a glanco. The next moment j lie had the edgestone to himself, where ? he quiotly finished his doughnut. 1 44 I saw," said Smith, " one of the greatest living curiosities in the world." j " Eh I what was that?" cried his c friends, eagerly crowding around him. * 441 saw a man," said Smith, 44 one side ^ of whose face was as black as my hat, t and ho was born so." His astonished w listeners fell back with many ej acuta f tions of surprise. At longth an old ? gentleman, with a merry twinkle in his A eye, ventured to inquire what the or 1 der of the other side was ? 44 O that was black, too I" responded Smith. Horriblb.?Our exchanges are tell- <i ing a story of a wretch oi a husband who, coining home at One in the morning, found his angel wife sitting up 1 reading an old novel. With a coarse- * ness almost amounting to cruelty, he t took the book from her hand and t placed before her a pair of her child's 1 sock8, which happened to have holes in them, disgustingly observing,44 if yon vcill fatigue yourself, my love, with { any work at such an hour, I would < suggest it is never too late to mend.'''' j Bad Company.?A skunk once challenged a lion to single combat. The j lion promptly declined the honor of , such a meeting. ?i 44 llow," said the skunk, 44 are you * afraid ?" 1 " V tnnoli oa " a 1 ! Aii r * v. I J 1IIUI/IJ OV, ^UV'tll IIIU ill/11, I |" for you would only gain fume by having the honor to light a lion, while J every one who met mo for a month to | come, would know I had been in com[ puny with a skunk." / Discouraged.?A man was once re- v lating a story of being on a locomotive that struck a cow standing on the track, and threw her several rods into the lield, where she lit squarely upon her feet, with her head towards the train, i and strange to tell she wasn't hurt a * mite. 44 iiut didn't she look scared ?" j inquired a listener. 44 Well, I don't know whether she was scared or not, but ft/ie looked a good deal discouraged" * > A Goon Joke.?We had a painful trial of our patienco to-day. An indi- [' vidual asked us what difference there was between the new cent and the old r fashioned quarter. After giving the c 11 K' n 111 f >> Ikl /\ onf i/\n a \1 i a<1 oiiwjci/tauiuiuio I cuc^viuii) nrciCJ/iHJU 1 u Don't know 1" ' " Why, there's twentv-four cents difference, isn't there ?" said he. It seemed evident that ho was right. f [Boston Gazette. A port lawyer in the south lately insulted the Judge, who fined him fit- 4 ty dollars. lie repeated the insult, i and the Judge doubled the fine; he ti tried it again and the fine was repeat- * ed. Finally, he asked permission to go home. "What fori" asked the Judge. "Why to buy your honor's paper at ten per cent, to pay the fine!" J udge ?" Humph ! I remit the fine." Queer Hole.?Out West there has long been known on a certain hill-side, F a large hole, which is not an uncoin- I mou thing in that section of the country. The banks is said to have recent- U! ly caved off and left the hole sticking out ahout ten feet. _ a t - .1; .1 i? i /x jumii*. in xnuiami uireaieneu to tino a lawyer for contempt of Court.? Sf I have expressed no contempt for ? ' the Court," said the lawyer; " on the tt contrary, I have carefully concealed iny feelings." " J ? , IM1 w " ITkrk's Webster on a bridge," said L( Mrs. Partington, as she handed Ike the dictionary. 44 Stndy it contentive- r y, and you will gain a great deal of nflamation." jf Spkakino of a beautiful brnnettc >ellc of an Illinois city, a friend of )urs accounts for the brownnesa of her complexion by the fact that she has oeeu so often toasted. y? A tocno lady in Newport, Ky., has idvertised the names of gentlemen, any one of whom she is willing to marry? T 14 first come, first served." * bt He is rich who is content with his condition. ' ' % ait iv ^r iniihiiiinr l iiMiiii To Haiee Supplies /or the Tear -ending October lrt, 1858. SB IT ORDAINED, by the Intendant and Warden* of the Town of Qraanvtttle, in ouncil assembled, and by the authority of the ] une, that a Tax to cover the period frotu the rst day of October one thousand eight hundred nd fifty-seven, to the first day of October one taasand eight hundred and fifty-eight, for the inns, and in the manner hereinafter mentioned, < nail be raised and paid into the public treosry, for the use and servies thereof < TAX ON RIAL EST ATI. Sro. 1st. That is to say, ten oents on every undred dollars of the assessed value of the real state lying in said Town, to be paid by the first ' ay of January, ItibS. ON NEGROES. Sec. 2d. That fifty couts per head shall be aid on all slaves between the ages of sixteen and ifty years by the first day of Deoerubcr, 1867. ON OOODS, WARES AND MERCHANDISE. Skc. 8d. That ten cents on every hundred dol?ra of ssles of goods, wares and merchandise in he Town of Greenville, from the first day of anuary 1887 to the first day of January 1868, hall be paid by every merchant or shopkeeper n said town by the first day of January next. ON CAKRIAGE8, OMNIBU88E8, AO. < Sko. 4th. That three dollars shall he paid on ' ach and every four-wheeled pleasure-carriage Irawn by two or more horses ; two dollars on ach one-horse carriage, barouche, gig, sulky or >uggy, kept for pleasure and not for hire ; ten lollars on eacti four-horse omnibus or hack; ivo dollars on each hack or carriage drawn by wo horses, and run for conveyance of passengers or hire; three dollars on each buggy run or hire ; five dollars on eaoh four horse wagon ; ive dollars on each two-horse wagon or dray, md three dollars on each one-horso wagon or Irny run for hire, payable by the first day of Jccembor next ROAD AND STREET TAX. Sro. 6th. That tho annual tax for road and fnoof Avontnfiono (AH tKa AituMia?>i ? ??? ?1- ?11 l.? I he sum of two dollars, to be paid by the first lay of February next, 1858. patrol exemptions. Sko. 6m. That the sura of two dollars and fif.y-conts be and is hereby ordered to be paid by acli nnd every person fiable to perform patrol iuty, for exemption from said patrol duty, for ho year ending the first day or October, 1858, >ayablo to the Town Clerk, on or before the first i Iny of December, 1857. penalties. Slc. 7m. And g* it further ordained, That if my person or persons shall fail, neglect or rouse to make true return on oath to the Clerk of Council of all his, her or their inxable property, nnd to pay tho tax thereon levied, the Clerk is lereby authorized and required to issue cxecu.ion therefor immediately on such default. Sec. 8tii. Azd be it further ordained, That if iny person or persons shall run for hire any vehicle herein mentioned, without first paying tho ax therefor, every such person shall pay for each lay he shall so offend, the annual tax for which i nch vehicle is subject by this ordinance. Done and ratified under the corporate seal of tho ( said Town of Greenville, on the 3d day of l. s.j November, in the year ol our Ixjrd ono ' thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. II. LEE TillUJS'l'ON, lutendunt. W. P. Prick, Town Clerk. Nov 5 20 4 WATCHES cJiocxs im mmmY. E. I. l*I!VSO.\ (AGENT,) HEGS leave to announeo to the citizens of Greenville, and surrounding country, that ic has opened a Stock of tho above-named Aricles on Avenue street, in the Iluihling former)y %..? ? mo n ? vi.uo ?ju i*ci. iiiuccifuiierv, wuicn ie will sell LOW for CASH. UK W1LI, A I.SO , Repai and Fit Up ?VATCIIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, In the beet of stylo. Thankful to hie former patrons and friends, or their libernliiy and patronage, he respectullv solicits a contiuunnce of the same. ar Oive him a cull, and ho will endeavor to t dense. 37-tf Jan 2"2 _____________________________ i AGENCY FOR LIFE AND FlllE INSURANCE! T>31 ASMEVJLLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Stores and other Fropertp AGAINST FIRE: And the Lives of White Fersons and Slaves, bet men the ayes of 10 and 00 yearn, ( ^VN such terms ns to render it n most safe and desirable investment. Full details, with te Constitution and By-Laws of the Company, ill hefurn'shed on application to any of the Of- ' cera of the Ctftnpany. JOSEPH R. OSBORNTR, Prei't. WM. W. McOOWKLL, Yice-Prt*. Jar. B. Raxkih, Secretary it 1'rraturer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan 8 3*-ly GREENVILLE. & 0. ] GREENFIELD'S 1 i ?vvv ?r />i?\ /\ I'Mlllit liKIPM Sim. NDER M'BEF.'S HALL-BURSEY'S OLD STAND. > r FUST RECEIVED, At the above Store, a Gen- ^ eral Assortment of c FAMILY GROCERIES, . lected by the proprietor, consisting of choice ticles of SUGARS, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Rice lour, Fish, etc., etc. To all of which he invites ^ le Attention of housekeepers and others. April 23 50 if \ S. LAWTON,) I C. M. BREAKER, Formerly of V J of J iwtonville, 8. C. ) ( Charleston, S. C. * LAWTON & CO., actors, Forwarding and Corn * mission Hlorcliautt, , "o. 30 East Bay and Boyce <b Co%? Wharf, a ?35^&$iS339aj, S. O., WILL H K 1,1, DTTON, RICE, FLOU R,W nEAT, CORN, * NAVAL STOKEH, Ac. * UT Having an experience of twenty-flve y are in business, we guarantee satisfaction to 1 who patronize ua. Hair Dressing and Shaving. >< YURRIIKiE continnee the Tonsorial has- ^ ) ineM at hia 01?1 Stand in Reattie's Briok lilding, where he is ready during the dav and ening to shave the heard and eut hair, and ampoo the head. lie respectfully asks aeon snetien of patronage. Oct. 1 -21?T ^ 1' ^ I Wo. 943 Kll WOULD NO W INVITE ATTENTIC ASSORTED STOi FALL AND ?1T ? OF THIS SEASONS 3ALES OF PLANTATION BLANKETS ( " All Wool Plaint " behyie's Georgia Kerseys aai 44 low-price Georgia Kerseys and Plains 44 Red, Blue and Grey Flannels White Twill Flannel# 44 6-4, 8-4, 10-4 11-4 Brown Sheetings 44 Schyle's Stripe Georgia Otnaburgs 44 heavy Cotton Osnabnrgt 44 heavy 4-4 Brown Shirtings 44 Sea Island Brown Shirtings 44 heavy 8-4 Brown Shirting*, at 6 J otn 44 heavy Brown Cotton Drilling 44 Superfine Brown Cotton Drilling STf!H T7AT.T. Aim WT1 SUPER 4 4 FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINTZ I ' 4-4 Cashmere Pattern Chintx " 4 4 Scotch and English Ginghams ! Choice Printed and Plain Challys L'hoico Stripe and Plaid Poplins for Fall Wear 1 Super Printed Frenoh Delains and Cashmeres 1 Choice Printed French DeLains for Children 1 [ Jain Frenoh DeLains and Cashmeres, all shades Oct 29-24-tf READ! READ!! READ!!! IT WILL TAKE YOU BUT A FEW MINUTES, AND MAY SAVE YOU MANY YEARS OF ?OTTERINO ! Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! The Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered! , Physician* prescribe it, and every one that uses it is a walking advertisement. No Medicine ever yet offered to the Ame- ' rican public has gained such popularity in so short a time a* i CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! j It will Cure any case of Scrofula. It will Cure any case of Rheumatism. | It will Curd any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. j It, will Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case of Fever and Ague, Or any Diseases arising from an impure state of . the Blood. SCROFULOUS READER! I' cured the neico of the Hon. John Minor | Botts, a member of Congress from Virginia, of Scrofula, after the skill of the bost Physicians, . both of New York and Philadelphia, had been 1 tried in vain ; and it will cure you, reader, if i yon are so affected. I RHEUMATIC READER! It cured D. Burritt, Esq., of Cincinnati, of 1 Rheumatism of 4 years standintr, after all other 1 remedies had failed. We have hundreds of such certificates. Call on the Agent and get a Book and Circular, and read for yourself the many remarkable and astonishing cures it lias made. SYPTTTT.TTTn T?TT ATVRT? 1 Tho celebrated Dr. Butcher writes us that he had two of the moat aevcre and long standing , cases of Syphilis that would yield touone of the usual remedies, hut he cured one case with six, ' ami the other with nine bottles of CAIITEH'S SPA yiSIf MIXTURE. We havo known it used in over a Tuoi-sand casks, nnd have yet to i hear of a failure in any cose. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS READ ! i Anna and Fever.?Do not take Quinine, Mercury, or any such noxious Drugs, bnttry at once < this great Alterative and Purifier of the Blood ; Carter'? Spa>ii*h Mixture will cure auy and every ease of Ague and Feyer. We have nover yet known it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, no medicine has ever yet been found to have so good an effect. If yon are siek, try it at once; do not delay; time is precious, and health the greatest of all blessings, without which all else is valueless. DR. WM. 8. BEERS <fc CO., Proprietoh8, Richmond, Va. And for sale by R KRUTOH, Druggist, Agent, Gr?"?uville C. H., 8. C. 8-ly May 28 I. J. IIOVKT. W. H. nOVKY W H. HOVEY & C0.7 ; PROPRIETORS OF THE LADIES' STORE, PEALKRS IN f FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, &2i?!? ?&3SS Sp BONNETS, RIBBONS, Housekeeping Goods, urn MABS laofMie AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, GREGIVTILLE, 0. C. N. TJ.?Orders accompanied by the cash for Jedical, Low or Library Books, Musical Instruments and Hundiies, promptly filled in Now fork, and delivered at our counter on shortest lotice. Jan 22 87 ly T. W. DAVIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, TAKES the liberty to announce ftTylwto the citixens of Greenville, and (y. jfeteth> surrounding country, that he is prepared to do all manner of rork in his line of business, such as , - - 0; Watoh, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, II of which shall b? done in the neatest manner. & Voteh Wheels, Pivots, Pinions, Jewels, Screws, H lands, Olnsses, alt done at the shortest notice, nd in a workmanlike manner. Pleasogire him trial, and you will be pleased, lie also makes JKWKLRY to order, such at old Uuard, Fob A Vest Chains, lH kinds of GOLD BUTTONS, such as Bosom, lenvo and Collar Buttons. AH kinds of liair >] Ifork Trimmed in the neatest style. His work cannot be surpassed in this part of Ite eouotry. His shop may he found at the Goodlett House, t the room formerly occupied by Messrs. Bailey i Owen. t Greenville, Jnly 80, 18*7. 12 tf _ ISSff,NTTT^H18 OFFICE Tt ^Hr % roisr, gL. o. ro J5T/S LARGE AND FULLY UK OF FRESH WINTER ? Q JJ 8? ? IMPORTATION\ _ ? ? v. ?. Juei of Bine, Grey and Steel-Mixed SATINETS 44 low-price Satinets 44 low-price Kentucky Jeaoa " cheap Long Cloths " Servants' heavy Bleached Sbirtinga 41 Cambric LongCloths 44 Superfine If-8 Bleached Shirtings 44 8-4, KM, 11-4 and 13 4 Bl'oh'd Sheetings 44 '^English l'rinta, at ftj ots. 44 good F?r Calico, at 4+ eta. 44 Super English Dress Prints 44 cheap Ginghams 44 lileachcd Twill Jeans 44 low-price Muslin Delaine SfTER DRESS GOODS. 'lain Union DeBege, al 12+ cte. 'lain All Wool DeBagc, al) ehadsa tich Sido Stripe Printed French Cashmeres EUch Cashmere Biding and Walking Robes Etich Chally Walking Robes dieses Chally By adore Robes Uaslunere, DeLain, and Chally Byadcre Patterns. A. F. BROWi\inrft. Inhalation in Consumption, BRONCHITIS, LARYNGITIS, And other Diseases of the Chest and Throat, successfully treated by the Inhalation of Medicated Vapors and Powders, by Absorption and Constitutional Treatment, as practiced at the Stayvksant Mf.dicai. Institute, New York City, N. Y. rllK unprecedented success which has attended tins method of treating diseases of the Lungs and Throat, has induced the Physicians to depart from their usual courso, snd avail themselves of the columns of the Press to make it known 10 such as may be laboring under, or predisposed to, such affections. The dawn of a brighter day has at length arrived for the Consumptive?the doctrine of the incurability of Consumption has now passed away. Wo have indubitable proofs in our possession, that Consumption, in all its stages, can be cured : in the first, by tubercular absorption ; in the second, by the transformation of tuberculc into "halkrj and calcareous concretions ; in the third, by cicatrices or scars. Those wedded to the opinion of the past may assert that it is even now incurable. Such are behind the ?ge. To nil this great truth must be apparent, viz : that medicines inhaled directly into the lungs, whether in the form of Vapor or Powder, must be more effectual than that taken into the stomach. In short, the only ark of tefugo for the Consumptive is in Inhalation, and such additional means, of which the judicious Physician will avail himself. Such of the Profession that have adopted intimation, nave loiniu u sooinmg ana ejfi carious in the highest degree ; arresting the progress of the disease, and working wonders in many desperate cases ; in verity, a triumph of our Art over tho fell destroyer of our species. None.?Physicians wishing to maltc themselves acquainted with this practice, are informed thnt our time being valuable, we can only reply, as to ingredient* used, to such letters that contain a fee. Tho fee, in all cases of Consumption, will be $ 10, on receipt of which tho necessary medicines and instrument will bo forwarded. Applicants will pleaso state age, sex, occupation, married or single, how long affected, if any hereditary disease exists in the family, and symptoms generally. Let the name, town and State be plainly written?postage for return answers must bo enclosed. Letters, if Registered by the Post Master, are at our risk. Address WALLACE MERTOUN, M. IX, 8. M. Institute, N. Y. City. July 10 10 6ra HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. JX) all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, buc.u ns^permaiorrnma, rseininai Weakness, lonotenoo, Gonorrluea, Gleet, Syphilis, the Vice >f Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., Ac. The HOWAItl) ASSOCIATION, in view of lie awful destruction of human life, caused by loxtial Diseases, an<l the deceptions practised tip>n the nntortunata victims of such diseases by luacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, !* a charitable act worthy of their name to give ikdiCal APvick on.\Tis, to all pers ?ns thus afllictd. who apply by letter, with a description of heir condition, ("ge occupation, habits of life, to.,) and in cases of extreme poverty and ?nf ering, to furnith medicine*free of charge. Tliu Howard Association is a benevolent Intituticn, established by special endowment, for he relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted rith " Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It. has ow a surplus of means, which the Directors ave voted to expend in advertising the above otice. It is needless to add that the Assoc in ion commands the highest Medical skill of the ge, and will furnish the most approved modern reatmeut. Just Published, by the Association, a Report n Spermatorrhea, or Semiual Weakness, the iee of Onanism, Masturbation of Self-Abuse, and thcr Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the CV>i? ilting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail, {ia sealed envelope), Free of Charge, on the reoeipl f TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, DR. GEO. CALHOUN, Consulting urgeon, Howard Association, No. 3 South INTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Director*. EZRA n iiartwpt.t a ?... >>> ? ?? * ICTIUUIIV. Gao. Fairciiii.i>, Secretary. Feb S 8tf tf . AAA LliS. on hand and for eala by >.Wl/ A. GREENFIELD Jy 2 9 tf Apple Vinegar. VFINE article to be had at the Family Grocery Store of A GREENFIELD. UT THE FRIENDS OF W. 9. Tamer inounne him ae a Candidate for Tax Collector i the next Electio*. a HlflHtY CQMfOUNO FLU*? For Ditaeetof the Blodder^JCfineLa, Gravel, Droptp, W<aknr*?, OtifrWhlt MW Dieeaeee, Female Coenplainte, and edl JHteaoee of the Sexual Or pane, Arising from Excesses and Imprudeaoie* la life, and removing all Improper Discharge* from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing lb f. w&SaSM owe iram&iw*, Prom whatever cause they may have originated, AND JTO MATTflB Or SOW LOSTO STAJff>*WO Giving Health and Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom to the Pallid Cheek. Joy to tile AHMcted!! Tt cures Nervous and Debilitated 8ufferera, and removes all the Symptoms, aotuug which. ? be found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Oeneral Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Peet, Wakefulness, Dimnesa of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude Or the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hauas^ Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the < Skin, Pallid Countenance, and Eruption# on the Pace, Pain in tho Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Frequently Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suttusion ami Lota of Sight, Wont of Attention, Great Mobility, Restlessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing ia more desirable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they more dread for fear of themselves; no repose of manner, no earnest ness, no speculation, but a hurried Transition from one question to another. Those symptoms if allowed to go on?whiehi this medicine invariably removes?soon follow* Lou of Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Fit*?in oneof which the patient may expire. Who can *ar that those excesses arc not frequently followed by those direful diseases?INSANITY AN1> CONSUMPTIONt The records of Intane Asylum*, and the melancholy deaths of Conuemptiony bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asvlumsthe most melancholy exhibition appears. The Countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute?neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. " With woful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible! and has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the ambition of many noble youths. !t can bo enred hv the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If vou arc suffering with anv of the above di? trending nilments, the FLUli) EXTRACTBU C1IU will eure you. Try it, and be convinced of its eflioacy. , Beware of Quack Nostrum* and Quack Doctors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid them, and save Long Suffering, Money and Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and ^jpeeifie Remedy. It allays all pain ana hit! animation, is perfectly i drain it t in its taste and odor, hut immediate in I its action. Helmbold's Extract Buchu Is prepared diiecth according to the Rules of PHARMACY AND OHBM1STBY, with the greatest accuracy and fhemical knowledge and enre devoted in it. i...mlii...tU? Professor Dswar.'s Valuable Works on the l'rartico of Physic, and most of the laic Standard Work* of Medicine. 1ST*. ? One hnndred dollars will be paid to any Pliyaiciau who can prove that, the Medicine ever injured n Patieut; and the tcetiinony of thousands can be produced to prove that it doca great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen years' standing have been effectod. The moss of VOLUNTARY TESTIMONY in possession of the Proprietor, vouching its virtue* and curative powers. U immense, embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. 100,000 Bottle* Nave Been 6oMl* And not a single instance of a failure hat been reported. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the eity of Philadelphia, H. T. 1IELMBOLD, Chemist, who, being duly sworn, does say, that this preparation contains no Narootio, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable. II. T. II ELM BOLD, Hole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this fttd day of November, 1854. VVM. P. HIBBARD, Alderman. Price $1 per Bottle, or Six for $5, Delivered to any Add rets. Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen and others. Prepared and sold by H. T. II ELM BOLD, Praotical aud Analytical Chemist, No. 62 Sooth Tsntii St., helow Chksthut, Ahhkmui.v Boildinos, PillLA. OF" To be had of Drs. J. II. Dkan, Mix* A Lojio and M. B. Eabi.k, Druggists, Greenville, 8. C.. and of *11 * -rir* A/vmvra vnrougDout the United States, Canadis and British Provinces. Beware of Counterfeit*. Ask for HELMBOLD'S?Tfcko no Other. CURES GUARANTEED. July 2 9 ly "TOCTMiPIS 7WSA And Phoenix Bitters* r?^HE best Family Medicine now before the _L pnblie, foT tne eure of Scrofula, Ulcer*? Scurvy, or Eruption* of the Skin, Enter and Ayu*. Dytpepria, Droptv, and in faet meet alii diseases soon yield to their curative properties*. It has been computed that, during the last twenty-five years, upwards of foar millions of* person!* have been benefitted by the nse of thesemedicines; a fact which speahs volumes in favor of their curative properties-?a single trial will plaoe them beyond tne reach of competition in the estimate of every patient. By their use the blood it rctlored to a healthy $tat?, and | freed from all impuriti**. The system ia sot reduced durinir their oiu>r*i!nn Ki?? I-?i??1 w _f MIU^urHMW, and they require no reetralnt from buemoee or pleasure. The afflicted have, in theee medciinet, a remedy thai will Jo for them ail that medicine can paeetbljt eject. Prepared by W. B. Moffat, M. D., Proprietor, New vork. And for sale by W. II. UOVKV, Greenville, 8. C. Sep 17 IB it I ? ??j** 1 * " 1 " Q. 8. BOWER, VlniMifncliirer awd Dealer la, . FURNITURE o^erery deaerlpttoa,. CITATR^ of ovary atylo. rISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES,. Opposite the Conparee House, Dm 11. 001VHKA, 8. 0- 'r