University of South Carolina Libraries
J, 'Oppoeito the Mansion Mouse, ^ RESPECTFUL!/? form their friends, and^^3K51* jQpB?tj,e public generally. that they hare purchased the "Greenville Ouafeofcionery,'' r? cently occupied by Mr. P. 8. Roth, where they will oohtfnue the Buaiaesa aa heretofore, in the heat and moat aeooramodating manner, hoping to reoelve a liberal share of public patronage, Everr day; at 1"! o'clock, tlicy will have oft It and, l^RKSli CAKES, PIES, BREAD, AC. They am also preparod, at any hour during the day, to furnish their customers with i^TJisroKC. and will pay particular attention to always baring on kana, and ready to serve out, a lot of Fresh Oysters, Erotu the beet soiling in the Charleston market. A)*o? constantly on hand, at WHOLESALE or RKTAlI* from their own Manufactory, a large assortment of FANCY & STICK CANDY. Also, FRUITS of various kinds, such ns Lem"out, Oranges, Apples, Nuts, etc., etc. Toys, Segars, Sardines, Pickles, Ac. Wedding, and other Parties, will be furnished, on short notice, with Refreshments and the finest dressed Cakes. Every attention will be given on? customers, and we ask a liberal share of patronage. ty No misunderstanding?-TERMS CASH. Dee 17 32 tf liimPks MRS. JAUDON proposes to open a SCHOOL for small children, at her residence ou Buncombe street, opporite tho Female College, on the first <BS^ Monday In January, 1888. Rates of Tuition, 4e^ can be ascertained by calling on her at her roeiderioe. 82-tf Dec 17 Administratrix'^ Notice. ALL PERSONS indebtod to ROGER LOVELAND, deceased, are required to pay the amount by the 1st of January next. Persons having demands will please band (hem in by that time, properly attested. MARTHA LOVET,AND. Administratrix of R. Loreland, deceased. December 17 81 tf ;uw*m LHI\ "J.J AS ^just received a LARGE ASSORTMENT Now find Seasonable Goods, which Arc offered at reduced prices, consisting, in pa>^ of GROCERIES. Good BROWN 8UDHY GOODS, OAR. lOlhe.perfei. CROCKERY, COFFEE. hardware, raisins. BOOTS As SliOEH, CURRANTS, CLOTHING, Ac , Ac CITRON. CHEESE, SALT AND MOLASSES. lie also would invite nttcution to a new article of , CLOTHING WITHOUT ?EA!Q, Manufactured at the Seamless Garment Manufacturing Company, Mattenwan, N. Y. Articles of this hiniuifaoapre were exhibited at the late Fair of tho South Carolina Inst itute, at Charleston, concerning which a Charleston paper nays: " Among the arUclcs manufneted, are overcoats, buRinesn oonts, vests, leggins and mittens. The cloth urn* subjected to severe tests of its strength, and found to he surprisingly tenacious. It differs from felt clotli, in being equally strong in whatever way it is tried. Itls altogether of wool, as cotton cannot be used in the felling process. Its advantages over common cloth are : greater cheapness, warmth and durability ; it also sheds rain much better." The public are solicited to call and examine for th am selves the superiority of this clothing. Corner Main and Waah ington-Sts., topff Oeite Greenville Hotel. W 3* xl money Wanted. 8ub.*?*'ber waald respectfully request JL -those indebted to him by note or account, to nsv on. as ha it traxnau mojckt. to pay op. aa na j ,, DEAXf M D l)?c 10th, 1857 !L v? /r\ wtr ?.\v firm ft *+' SJ Jfil JW iU M .fti. V CABINET MAKER, GREENVILLE, S. C. Nearly oppoeite the Poet Offier, Avnu* Strert, f Ull'lti liitl liK8PRCTFULLY informs l^fSRSS^iho citizens of Greenvillo and the adjoining District, he has returned from the State Fair at Columbia, (where he ^received the first premium for his elegantly /finished Bureau, which was admired by eve,ry ono,) and is now prepared to execute ALL ORDERS IN HIS LINE. He has. ;a]so, on hand A LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE, which witt he sold ft! prices ,to suit the limes. lie returns hie thanks for past favors, ano 'lie hopee, by giving constant attention to Ilia Vusinesn, to a liberal share of the public patronage. Nov. 19-28 ly. / DESIRABLE f AIL km WINTER fiaaaSa TO BE OPENED Jtaturday, October lOth. aMT^fli MRS. WATTS AND MISS GORIK)X will open on the aihvafcaff)I o v a day a Magnificent assort riu-iit oi nil kinds of Preach English and American Mill one. ry and Straw floods, Silk and TBA raney onneU, T>reu Cansand ' //" F\ Head Dresses, Ribbon*, rraaeh Flowers,, ic. A SOflmlete WgwWMrt fit all the above Ooods constantly oa hand, and will be eold CHEAP FOR CARff. Hate cleaned and trimmed, and Dreues out and banted at the shortent notice, K4F Houae on Avenue Street opposite the Post Offlee. October 8 22-if w. NOTICm WE would inform our patrons that there is many aeoonnte contracted in 1866 that remain unpaid, and re January is close at hand, we would have Ihoiubear in mind that we expoet them to meet oil three duet promptly at that 'time. We are #0?p<S|e4 to meet all our debts promptly, aad must, therefore, ate run aamjc fa oa or ova cetTotunH. ' ..><';?* KKA, BAYNE k CO. fieeember 8 tt> tf For Tax Collector. * ttTTha friend* of A. R. MoDavid, Eaq., respectfully announce hifla aa a Candidate lor lax Collector at the cnaayy election, STATU Of SOUTH CAttoSNA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. T>Y virtue of sundry Writ* of Fieri Facias to U me directed, I will veil before the Cburt Home door, at the usual hoar* of sole, on the first Monday in JANUARY next* 5 barrels corn, 4 head of hogs and 1 cow, on Tuesday after sale day in December next, at the defendant's residence. As the'property of James Ward at tlie suit of C. A. Boutherlin. 4 Head of Horses, 1 Mule, 1 Spring Boggy, 1 Buggy, 2 Lumber Wagons; and at the Steam Distillery, on Tuesday after Uale-day, 1 Yoke of Oxen, nl>out bO Killing Hogs, about SO head of Stock Hogs ; as the property of l'owers A Kid ridge, at tho suit of llenry, Smith ATown send. 250 Acres of Land, more or less, acfjniniog lands of Philemon Huff, Jobn Adams, Dr. West and others; as the property of Thomas Mayticld, at the suit of William Hawkins, et al. 800 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lands of Center, Reese, Garrison, et aL; as the property of IVrrv G. Ware, at the suit of James McCulloUgb and J. IL McCullough. 1 Negro woman, aged about 29 years; as the property of Benjamin Gaines, at thesuit of Sanders Williamson. 1 Negro Woman, 1 Horeo: and at Defendant's residence, on Tuesdny after Saleday, 4 Head Hoga I Bureau, 1 Slab, Half dozen Chairs. 1 Cow. 1 Tnl?l?? i T nnt!n? ,.i.? ? t _? -) _ C lurrtj 4 LAJ ? Seed Cotton; as the property of Benjamin Maine*, at the auit of T. Jienry Stokea. D. IIOKK. S. G. D. Sheriff ' Office, December 12, 1867. 8l-td STATE OF SO UTIl CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALE, IN obedience to an order from the Conrt of Ordinary of Greenville District, t will proceed to offer, at public outcry, before tho Court House door of snid District, on the fret Afondai/ in January next, TWO TRACTS OF* LAND, belonging to the Estate of 11ANCE BLACK, deceased: Tract No 1, containing 125 Acres; Tract No. 2, containing 152 Acres, more or less. The snid Land is situated in Greenville District, on Reedy Fork, waters of Reedy River, adjoining lands of James Lendcrnian, Abraham Cox, William Cox, deceased, John Aalimore and others. Sold for Partition among the legal heirs and representatives of llance Black, deccnscd. TERMS OF SALE?A credit of 12 months, with interest from day of sale for nil except so much as will nay the costs, w hich will be re .quired in casn on day of sale. Purchasers to give bonds with pood security, and a mortgage of the premises, if deemed necossarv. to the Ordinary, to secure the pnyment of the purchase money. Purchasers to nay for titles. D. HOKE, S. O. D. SbcrilFs Office, 9th December, 1867. Sl-td Exrcutor'N Sale. WILL BE SOLD, to tho highest bidder, at Greenville C. II., on Snle-dny in January next, ONE TRACT OF LAND, of the Estate of Col. John B. Ligon, situated in Pickens District, on Saluda river, five miles from Greenville village. containing ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN ACRES, tnorc or less, including the Bridge known as iagon r nii'gp, wan me right uf landlngoh the Greenville side : also, one Likely Negro Boy, five or fix yeaiw old, and a lot of Car* (renter** Tools. The above will be iRnposod of at private sale, if suitable opportunity offers. TERMS?A credit of six mouths, with interest from day of sale, purchasers to give note and approved security before the right of property is changed. W. A. TOWN EH, Nov 12-27 tf Executor. Administrator'* Sale. WILL RE SOLD, on the 23d inst,, at the late residence of Warren Reid, deceased, the following properly, viz: One Negro Boy, ISAAC, 20 years old Two Ilead of Horses Stock Hogs, and 5 or C pat Hogs Cattle and Shoep One Two Horse Wagon and Harness Ono Rifle Gun Corn, Fodder and Oats Household and Kitchen Furnituro And mnnv other things too tedious to mention. On a credit of twelve month*, with interest from date, with note and two approved aeenritioa. JEFFERSON IIARTON, Dec 10 81-2 Administrator. legal notices. Administrators7 Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of THOMAS W. KIN'MAN, decked, ore re quested to moke payment to the undersigned. Those having demonda agonist ?aid Estate w^ll present tliein, duly Attested, for payment BARKSDALK CHARLES, JOHN CHARLES. Administrator*, with the Will annexed. November 26 29 tf Administrators' Notice. A LL PERSONS indebted to the Katato of J\ MARTHA KINMAN. deceaaed, ore reonested u.' make payment to the nndorsigned. Those having' demands against said Estate will present them, duly attested, for payment. BARKSDALE CHARLES, JOHN CHARLES, Administrators. November 26 29 ^ tf Ksecii tor's Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to tt?e Estate of JOHN T. LIGON, deceased, tire hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned. All those having claims against said deceased will present them for payment I within tliA limn nrMiiritiui ho lour nr thou wH! fee barfkr r W. A TOWNES, ' | Nov 5 26-tf Executor. Brought to Jail, ON MONDAY, November l?th, A NEGRO MAN, who aaye bin name ia JACOB, and that he belongs to Daniel Iluger, of Ilendentonville, N. C. iho owner ia hereby notified to coioe forward, prove the property, pay charge* and take hitn away. J. T. McDANIEI, Jailor. December ft, 18S7, 80-tf. ?? k in ii ? Elford & Donaldson, ttl \,%M* (oawrassrwmuwa, a. C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. D0NAL080N, Jan. 10. 8ft -8m The FrieMh of Jimm B. Penrao*a, announce him aa a Candidate far Tax Collector at the (mailing Electing, NEW AND BWU1ANT SCHEME ! OAI'lTAL IMUZB The following Scheme will be drawn by & Swan A Oa. Managers of tho Fort Oainee Aoademy Lattery, i* each of their. Lotteries for Poecniber, !?57, a* APQirffTA, Georgia, to whieh city they have removed their principal office: CLASS 65, To be drawn In the city of Anfttsla, Oa* la public, oa i SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1857. A T a ? m O ? ULA9S U Uj To bo drown in tha city of Aafttara, Qa, in pnbl o, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12th. 1857. CLASlf 67, To bo drawn in the city of Anfoita, &a, in public, on SATDED AT. DECEMBER 19th. 1887. CLAW 68, To be drawn in the city of Anyarla, Oa., in public, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1857. OK TdK TLAK OF 8IK0LR NCMI1EH8. Fire Thousand Four Hundred Prizes ! NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVER Y NINE TICKETS. 1SOMfEMg S | TO DK PHAWN EACH SATURDAY IN DECEMBER ! 11 Prize of $60,000 1 Prize of $2,00ft 11 Prize of RO.O00 1 Prize of 1.600 1 Prize of lO.tlOO 60 Prize# of 1,000 I 1 Prize of 6,000 100 Prize# of 150 1 Prize of , 6,0}X> 100 Prizes of 125 1 Prize of 8,800 100 Prize# of 100 | APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prize# of $800 App'g. to $60,000 priz. nre $1,200 4 Prizes of 260 " " 30,000 priz are 1,000 14 Prizes of 200 " " 10,000 priz. are 800 41'rizce of 180 " " 6,000 priz. nre 600 4 Prize# of 125 " " 5,000 priz. nro 500 4 Prize# of 100 " " 8,000 priz. nre 400 4 Prize# of 75 " " 2,000 priz. nro 300 4 Prize# of 60 " " 1,600 priz. nre 200 6,000" of 20 nro 10(\0<>0 8,400 Prize# amounting to $320,000 Whole TicVeU$10; Iiulves$5; Quartern$2$-. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. Tlie Number# from 1 to 50,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate sups 01 paner, aro cnoircled witli small : tin tubes and placed in one wheel. Hie first 868 Prizes, similarly printed and oncircled, are placed in another wncel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and, at the same time, a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Commissioners; the Prize being placed against the Number drawn. This operation is repented until all the prizes iuc drawn out ArraoxiMAPioN Piufciw.?The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to tboso drawing the first 8 Prizes will be entitled to the 32 Approximation Prizes. For example: if Ticket. No 11250 draws the $60,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248, 11240, 11251, 11252, will each he entitled to $800. If Ticket No. 550 draws the $80,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 648, 549, 651, 652, will each be eniitlcd to $200, and so on according to the above scheme. The 6,000 Prizes of $20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the $60,000 Prize. For example: if the Number drawing the $60,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the number ends in 1, will be entitled to $20. If the Number ends with No. 2, then all the Tickets, where the Number ends in 2, will be entitled to $20, and so on toO. Certificates of Packages will he sold at the following rates, which is the risk: Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 Certificate of Package of 10 Half Tickets, 40 Certificate of Package of 10 Quarter Tickets, 20 Certificate of Package cf 10 Eighth Tickets, 10 IN ORDERINQ TICKST8 OR CERTIFICATES, Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they inav designate. The list of Drawn Numbers anil Prizes will be scniio nuronasor* immediately alter the drawing. ] Purchaser* will please write tlieir signatures plain anil give their Post Office, county and State. Remember that every Prise la drawn and payable in full without deduction. % All prices of $1,004) and under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN, <fc CO., Augusta, Ga. ow Persona residing near Montgomery. Ala., er Atlanta, Ga., can have their orders filled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan <t Co , at either of those cities. A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of theorize that each one is entitled to, will be published alter every drawing, in the following papers: Augus ta (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning News, Rich utond Dispatch, New York Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. Doc 3 30 tf CHARLES HICKEY, (Successor to Emanuel Currant,) MANUFACTURER OF LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT A .1 J IS Ana nciure rrames, AND DEALER IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, DRACKRTH, WINDOW CO UN I CM, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. I 54 KiNii SIBtt&J', CHARLESTON, S. C. tW OM Frame* lie gilt equal to new. ffl April 80 61 ly E. R. STOKES, BOOK-BINDER, AND Blank-Book Manufacturer, (In rear of Carolina Time* Office ) QQ&izsbaaa&, a. ?. BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and manufactured of the beat material* and in the mo*t durable manner. PERIODICALS, MUSIC BOOKS, Ao., b<>nnd in every variety of atjle, at short aotiee. Xff Country order* promptly attended toJ?J Doc 4 30 \y fiXTRNSlYEASSORTMENT^ French, Englieh and American Jewelry, AKD . FANCY ARTICLES. CHARLES SMITH, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, ORKKXVILLIC, S. C., Main Street, nearly Opposite the Mansion House, Respectfully informs the inhabitants oi Greenville And vieinitj, that he has just received and added to hie already extensive stock, a large assortment of the above named Articles, consisting of rmc :*ciis of French Cameo*, well known for tlieir superiority; also a choice ?apie?y, beautifully ornamented with and Bracelets to match, (being the latest fashion,) all mounted in heavy gold. Also new patterns of Fancy Brooohes for Ambrotypei. A quantity of fashionable Bracelets; heavv solid Gold Kings, Mosaic Ear-King*, Lockets, Studds, etc., etc., besides an innumerable assortment of the most beautiful Jewelry ever before offered in Greenville, His Stock also comprises a splendid variety of heavy Fine English Plated Ware, amongst which may be found Knives, Forks, Spoons, Cups, etc., etc., of new wtUtl, plated not | upon German Silver, but upon the genuine ALBATA. ft is used in the highest circles, and ismnck pro forred for its groat durability. | Also, new fashioned SPECS, with handles and without temples. Very useful and convenient. The establishment also contains WATCHES of the best make, vis: Chronometers, Duplex, English and Frcnoh Levers, Cylinders and Plain, all in heavy Gold or Silver Cases. Having made arrangements In Kew York with Wholesale Houses importing direct from France |and England, I am enabled to sell all my Articles at prices lower than they can he bought in Charleston. All Articles sold iu the estnblistnent warranted as represented. 24-3tn Oct 22 Hosiery and Gloves. Cyf\(\ DOZ. Ladies', Gent's. Misses' and ChilDren's Hosiery ; Kid, Silk nnd Worst-' ed Gloves for Indies, Gents and Children, lust I open aud will be sold cheap, at the La.fies, Store. W. II. HOYEY A CO. Merinoos and DeLaines. PIECES, now open and for snle cheap. <)U W. II. HOVEY A CO. Ready Made Clothing. 4 LARGE, Fine and Well Assorted STOCK, /"V jnet open. Also, a large lot of Oiled Window Shades, Wall I'aper, Rorders, die,, at W. II. HOVEY A CO. Velvets, Ribbons, &c. ~VTOW orEN. 800 nieces Velvet Ribbons, .L v which will he sold very low. Fine Chenill Head Dresses, Ermine, and a great variety of Fancy Articles, at the Ladies' Store. W. II. llOVEY A CO. Ootober 1. . 21 tf NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK or M:iT ,T .INERY AND LADIES' GOODS. MRS. WALTON MOST respectfully informs her for *>^1 in or natrons and friends and the Ladies generally, that, she has just received and will open on Monday next, the 12th inst, one of the most extensive and Lest assorted STOCKS OF MILLINERYever offered to the Ladies of Greenville, consisting of a variety of Silk, Satin, and Velvet Bonnet*, Kice, Dunstable, Silver Glaco, Neonolitan an<l Drab Straws. Flowers, Plumes and Head Dresses, Dress Cloaks and Mantillas, made in the latest and most approved styles. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Oct 8 2'2 8m Place an Ktuluring Tablet ovnr the Spat where Repoee the Remain? of thone vote Love. new marble yard, | '"IMIE Subscribers respectfully inform the citi1 sous of this and adjoining Districts, that they have opened a MARliLE YARD in the village of Greenville, on the lot opposite the Man| sion House and ndjoining Dr. Bell's Hotel, where they will promptly and faithfully attend to all orders for Tomb-Stones, Monuments, And any other style of Work in their line. Having had an experience of over fifteen years in this business, they have no doubt of their ability to give ample satisfaction to all who may entrust tliein with their orders. CHALMERS <fc ALLEN. Oct 22 21 8m wotallent SURGEON DENTIST, C.' -',?h. HAS returned from PhiladelflUfefilBBL phia, prepared, in every way, to perform all operations in his profession in tho most skilful and approved manner. Having prooared everv improvement of the day, persons can safely rely on having avery operation in the same manner as done in Philadelphia or Wet? York. _ , . ,*r and Chloroform given wnen aesireiJ. | Persons desiring attention nmi D)tk? appoint-1 ments previously. wfT Rooms in MoBee's Building. March 10 45 tf THH OMaNVILLa" BOOKSTORE. MAIN STREET, NEXT TO McBEE'S HALL. ^ H ERE const ftutly may be found large and well selected stock MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL and CLASSICAL B<X)KS, Writing Paper, Blank Books, Memorandums, <to.; Writing Desks and Cases, Port folios, Oold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Books Inkstands, Rulers, Ac,. Ac. J.' C. P. JETER, Jan 15 8A-ly Sign of the Big Book. LOST, ON MONDAY, the 10th inst., a HATIt BRACELET, with a Oold Clasp and Locket, with a Likeness in it. A liberal reward will he paid to any one finding and returning it to me. JANE CASEY. Nof fi 20 tr AT THE GREENVJLLk * I main Street, Next the Bridge, < TIIK I.nrsrost and Beat Htock of CARRIAGE 8 GOODS AND MATERIAL ever offered for 8 mile in the Slate, solo-ted carefully urn] especial ly for Carriage Manufacturers. , A large stock and best variety of Axles for | Buggies, Carriages and Wagons; common and , |>Mt K*.m?1 Sunm/i Ulu/.l- ? ' ' j,-.? -t?? "i * ??m*i vuiuri u j j Enamel and Patent Ilash LMtlur; Black and J , Colored Enamel Cloth*, Drills and Duck*; Oil and Brussels Carpet.; Buckrams nud Russia | Sheetings; Lute, Manilla nud Chenille Mats; ] Brass and Silvtr Point and Sand Bands; Brass, < Silver, Bone and Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted broad and narrow Laevs; Silk, Worsted and Cot- ' ton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggy scat Sticks; and a complete assortment of Mailable Castings. Carriage Makers are particularly requested to ' call and examine our stock. For sale cheap by GOWEK, COX A MARKLEY. ' HUBS AND SPOKES. WE arc now propnred to supply Manufacturers with the best Morticed Hubs and ,' Turned Spokes, of our own manufacture, and warranted. For sale by GOWER, COX A MARKLEY. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, Drab and Green Cloths ; German, Fancy, Cotton and AUWool Damask*. For sale by GOWEK, COX A MARKLEY. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR RENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and variety of Hie best Tools made, and n few setts fancy Rosewood and Boxwood Planes. For sale by GOWEK. COX A MARKLEY. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! NOW on hand, the largest stock of Iron ever offered in this market; Spartanburg Iron and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English Refined Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; 1 Iorse Shoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovnl?; Hand Iron and Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Swcedes and Hammered, for wagon*, tires and plantation work. On lmnd, cheap for cash, 5,000 lbs. Rusted Plow Moulds, beat North Carolina Iron For sale by GOWER, COX ?fe MARKLEY. STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! "VTAYLORS, RATTNDERSON ?fc JERRU P*S best Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and flat ?for fine edge tools, axles and drills. German and Mister Steel, for plantation work. For sale by UOWEK, COX <te MARKLEY. 3,000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. ASSORTED nines, suitable for Farmers and Mechanics. For sale cheap by GOWER. COX <fc MARKLEY. ON HAND LHS. best Black Florida Moss and Curled Hair, picked, in bags. For sale bv GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. T AROE assortment of the Diamond FlintRand .Li Paper, best article made, for sale by GOWER, COX <fe MARKLEY. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. ON hand, a large assortment Paints, Oils, <te. Pure, Extra and No. 1 White Lends; Raw and Boiled Lindaeed Oils ; Winter, Sperm, Solar, Lamp, Noats Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; Coach Body and Copal Varnisli ; Japan, Aspalturn and Leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine: Greens; Yellows; Blues; Lakes; Pinks; Dropblack; Lampblack; Red ; Spanish Brown; Umber ; Suawa ; French Ochre, die. American and French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. Vai* auto 111/ GOWER, COX & MARK LEY. HE A VY it- SHELF JIARD WARE. A FAROE and well selected stock For sale cheap l?v g6\ver, cox <fc MARRLEY. S ORE WS / S CRE WS / / GROSS of the Improved (iiinblct Point OWU Screws. For sale by oowkr, cox <fe markley. SA WS! SAWS ! ! HOE ii Co/s Celebrated Oust Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut nml Tenuun Saws; Hand, I'niinel and Ripping Saws; Brass and Blue Back Saws; a complete assortment of \Vebb Saws, w ith and without frames. For sale by GOWER, COX it MARKLEY. Mhv 28 3 tf tin: n i:w iiooksrire Under Dunn'* Hotel, Cor. oj Public Square, MARIETTA, OA. TIN? BatuMishment, just opened, '* is hoped will meet the wants of the eomiHUnitv. The supply of books /am? byayoon-jsbv Is large and varied, and orders are received daily for "All goods in the line." 200 I>I ECES M F'.VV VI1TSIC Al'OUt fyO kinds of Instruction Hooks. mcLCOEONS. violins, flutes AND GUITARS. J A select s ix'k < f Kino W.\ iviJIVS Pen*. Silver ! Pencils, ami h ii.dsome Jewelry. All good* sold (NTtUKi.Y r??R ca ii; li per cent. j discount off bills of over o?-t ift-2::-7 1H0S C MARKLEY. ~TT ttoH, 'pHANKFUL FOB PAST FA VOIts, BEOS L to say, tliftt nil kind* of li A11C W'OUK of every variety of style of braiding, will be Ornamented or Mounted with Gold, in the neatest manner, and returned to those at A distance per mail or otherwise, as directed. (Hair can hssent hiin in letter per mail.) How Hi-east I'ins, Necklaces, Bracelets, Side, Vest nud Guard Chains, Crosses, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Ac., of various patterns, put up neatly, and any article admitting the name of the owner ongraved thereon, shall, for the engraving, he free of extra charge. lie also makes and repair**!) kindsof Jewelry; mounts with gold or silver the Heads of Walking Canes ; matches Hpeetnc.le Glasses; and, lastly Knprare* on all manner of Plate. Of/ice 60 yard* JSatf Of old Court lloutt, and a free pace* from the Enterprise Office. Greenville, June '57, 7-tf SP?ING^?ftDS. GRADY & GOODLETT, One Door South of the jQUL Court GREENVILLE; S. a >>m AFTER returning our grateful (hunts to onVBjk At friend* and customers, for their past very ^ ibera) patronage to our business, we desire to j|^ all their attention, ah well as Hint, of the pnblie generally, to our very large and finely assorted; took of* Spring and Summer Goods; rhieh we are now receiving, a ml which bnf * wen purchased bv one of tlio firm witli o?r<\ ^ mil on very advantageous terms as to prices, tnd which we nre determined rtn selling as low is they oan he bought, at retail, anywhere. Our stock, in the way of DRY OOOlXS, etn? traces almost every article called for, either bv ; Indies or GeiiUcntcn, in Fancy or Staple Dry [food*. Bonnets, Ribbons, Flo were, Rnohet, Tal-mas, Shawls, Mantles, &c. Rnnta n?a ? > rm% - ? A very extensive end fashionable assortment'.MATS AND CAPS. rhe latest styles, for Men and Boys, ih greaf variety. Ready-Made Clothing-. A very heavy and varied assortment, for Mexv and Boys. Perfumeries. Fttocy Articles, Jewelry, 1'latedi Ware, Mirrors, Hardware and Cutlery,. Guns, Carpenter's Tools, Blacksmiths' Tools, '% Crockery and Ci I ass ware, DRUGS. MEDICINES ?fc DYE STUFFS,. Hook* mid Stationery, RADDLEIiY, CASTINGS AND IRON. OKOC i: R I K 9 v A very heavy stock of fiY-Tn Bio and Java COFFEES it. Brown nnd Crushed SUGARS Teas Molasses. Spices, Cigars, Powder, Sliof. Lead nnd Indigo. SACK ANI? TABLE SALT. Vinegars, Burning Fluid, Cotton Yarn. Nails, (.lass, Ac., ?tc. F REs JI GARDEN SEEPS. GRADY & GOODLETT. April 0 48 tf Plows, Stoves, AVE k?*ep const an ly on hand n largo as- i mij* Kv-xA sort-nient of One and m ..jTWl'" i'iiht" Two-Horse Turning, Suhsoil and iiillside' 3R>*.BEL^?rB'm.W9ii9 which wo challenge the world to equal in good work, ense of draft niul durability. We have also a large and beautiful assortmentof Cooking, Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room and Church STOVES, to which we particularly call the attention of those who wish to purchase. Also on band. Wash and Stock BOILERS,- 4jr w Corn Shelters,Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet w Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Well Pumps furnished and put up. We also are making and receiving from Ncvr York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware. among which the Ladies may find a great variety of Cake Cutters nnd Bake Pans. FOOT and BATHING TUBS, or any other Article in our line, made to order, and Painted in the best manner. Wo are also prepared to do' Roofing nml (suffering in the lateet and best manner on short notice. Country Merchants invited to examine our' stoek of TCMMT We say it is superior, and we do not wish ta have our word taken for it. Come and see. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees Wax nnd Old Pewter. Rag*taken in exchange for Tin Wnro. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mh 12 14 tf F. BURTY, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Leather, OPPOSITE J, C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. GREENVILLE, S,C.. IS Prepared to furnish eustoi. ers with the above articles, CHEAP CASH. Having competent workmen engaged, he can assure his patrons that, all work will he Neatly Donk and WARRANTED. Feb 5 89 tf jr. c. r?. JETUii, ATTORNEY AT LAW AM) OULIUI I OK IN EQUITY, Win. PRACTICB IN THE COURTS OF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville J)or>kslore, GREENVILLE, S. C. Juno 4 4 lv" ke Ei) "&GO ol) LETT' ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Greenville, S. C. I < >FF! K ii \t door to F. F. llK.vrriK<t Co. ^ J. P. ItKKU.J [<*. D. OOODLKTT. ' Juno 4 4 tf W. P. PRICE, N O T A It Y P IJ II I, I C, AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, OFFICE TW THE OLD COURT HOU8F. i*!. i/2 (tT'I. i'lp S3i? Oc Will proniptty attend to the collection of Notea mid Account*, settling Claims, Ac. ORE & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. O. JAMES L. ORB. WM P. FRIOE April 23 60 II. .HLIIS SMITH, i ATTORNEY AT LAW,,r, a c, J nn? 18 6 !f