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> \mmmmin i?n^i nm. .. ^ (. iivMoijisti OLIO. * 1 *' ".'"k j " *"=?-^ ' ' ; ' -^=^=r ^[FYoan tho OuaobiU (Ark.) H?rmd.j Arktww Wonder*, u ^.rkansaw beats the wdt-ld fbr Mack boars, patty wimmin and big tiinl>er. Stranger, I've seen trees so high that the fnst iimbs were outer sight, and so big that it would take a wo?k to walk round them. A feller started once to walk round one that waa hollow. He didn't take any vittles with him, and starved on his way. *41 was going up the Hississip' once in one them little up country boats, when wo mot a big Arkausaw cvpiess fioatin down. I tell you, stranger, it was a whopper. The capen run his boat 'long siae, and fastened the ropes . to it. Off sho started snortin and puffin', but it didn't budge a peg. The capen riped aroun' and hollowed out % fire up below there, yon lubberly ras eals.' xne wneeis ciactereu away and the blaze rolled from the chimbly, but the log was actually carryin* us clown stream. " D'reekly up comes a teller in a red shirt, and* says he, 4 Capon, yon are strainin' the ingino mightily.* 4 Cut loose, and let her go, then, says the iff1'*# capcn. Whon tlioy cut the ropes, dod burn me, stranger, if .the boat didn't junSp clean outer the water. We run v a little ways, but tho inginc was nearV; . . Jy sb exhausted, that wo just had to I stop. Next day there como long a line big steamer; wo hailed her, got aboard, and there was that same Jog hitched a longside. We wooded off o' that cypress all the way to Memphis. 44 Black bars aro bigger, plentier, ^ and more cunnin, in ArkariBaw, than anywhere else. The old he's have a way o' standin' on their hind legs and makin a mark with their paws on the bark of some certain tree, generally a sasafr&s. It's a kinder reekered they keep, and I s'pose it a great satisfaction to an old he bar to have highest mark on the tree. I was lyin'liidone day closte to a tree whar the bar were in the habit of makiu their mark, waiten' for one of 'em to come along, for I tell you, I was mitv hungry for bear meat. Drecklv I hears a nois closte to me, and lookinnrouu' dod burn me, stranger, if there wasn't a 6mall bar walkiu' strait on bis hind legs, with a big chunk in his arms. 1 coulil a shot him easy, but 1 was mity Curious to too what lie was jgoin to do with the chunk, lie carried it rite to the tree whar the marks wen*, stood ikon eend against it and then gittin1 on top of it, readied away up the tree, und made a big mark about a foot abovo the highest. lie then got down moved the chunk 'way off from the tree and you never seen such caperin' as he cut, up. lie would look up at his mark, and then he would lay down and roll over in the leaves, langhin outright just like a person ; no doubt tickled at the way somebody would be fooled. There was snmcthin' so human about, it that I actily hadn't the heart to shoot him. u Just to show you how cuunin bars are, L'li tell j'ou a sarcumstance that happened to mo up in Arkansaw.? You see one fall, before I gathered my "*? - A. *1- A* 1 j corn, i Kept missin 11 outer me ncm, at.(I I knew the bars was takin it, for I couhl see their tracks. But what seemed mity curious I never find whar they eat it?nary cob no whar about. One mornin' 'arlv, I happened around the field, and there I saw an old she and two cubs just comiu out the patch, walkin' oft' with thar arms lull 'o corn. I was now determined to find out what they did with so much corn. I followed along after 'em without inakin any nois. Well, after goin nearly a mile, 1 saw 'em stop, and?stranger, what do you think?thar was a pen full o' hogs, and tho bars war feeding 'em.? Yon see, that fall the hogs were 60 ]>oor, on account of not havin any mask' that tho bar's lias actually built a rail-pen, put hogs in it, and were fatten in' 'em on my corn. Dod burn me if it ain't a fact.' The principal avenue of our city, writes a learned friend in Detroit, has a toll-gate just by tho Elm wood Cemetery road. As the cemetery had been laid out some time previous to the construction of tho plank road, it was mfub* one of t he conditions of the com-1 pany's charter that all funeral processions should go back and forth free.? One day, as J)r. Price, a celebrated physician, stopped to pay his toll,'remarked to the irate keeper: "Considering the benevolent character of our profession, I think you ought to let us pass free of charge. "No, no, Doctor," the keej>er readily replied, "wo couldn't, afford that. 1 ou send too nmny dead heads through here, as it is." ? The Doctor paid his toll, and never asked any favors after that. A Good Definition.?A moderator of a southern presbytery asked a colored candidate for licensure, " What is grace If" " Grace," lie repl ied?" grace; that is what I call something for not/tr ?ny." -JfrA Rkaduti, did enjoy the ecstatic bliss of If you havn't get a little gal-an-tt)v 4r r 1 . 1. L, ' ' ' 1. r Colonel A jjbov Finch was a dwtmgrating to Arkansas, ana meeting a. i gentleman from that part of the conn- t try, asked him what Were the indnce- > ments to remove to that State. Particularly be inquired about the soil.? The gentleman informed him that the ] laud was good, but in some parts very sandy. Col. Finch then asKed about 1 the politics of Arkansas, and the pros- i pect of a stra.iger getting ahead. 1 " Yery good, was the reply. " The Democratic party is strongly in the majority, but to succeed, a man must i load himself down with revolvers i and Bowie' knives, and fight his way 1 through." 4 " On, well," said the Colonel, 44 on the whole, from what you say, I think Arkansas wouldn't suit me. I rather < think the soil is a little too sandy 1" i Grammar.?14 Jim, did you ever | study grammar?" 441 did!" 44 "What case is Squire X??" 44 He's an objective case." 44 How so ?" 1 44 Because he objected to paying sub- E scription he has been owing for five j years or more." 4 44 What is a noun ?" 441 don't know, but I know what renoun is." 6 44 Well, what is it ?" 1 44 Running off without paying the 8 printer, and getting on the black list j as a delinquent." j 44 Good 1 What is a conjunction ?" 44 A method of collecting outstand . ing subscription, in conjunction with q. constable; never employed by printers until the last extremity." A Hard Hit.?Mr. Finnefrock, an Ohio political stumper, of the Buchan- ( an and Walker shaue of politics, while | making a high flown speech recently, , paused in the midst of it and exclaim- \ ed : 44 Now, gentlemen, what do you think?" Instantly a man roso in the 4 assembly, and with one eye partly i closed, modestly with Scotch brogue c said : Mr. Finnefrock, I think that if a you and I would stump the State together, we could tell more lies than I :mv ftt.hur turn 111011 in tlin cnnntir cit " v - v ' and I'd not say a word myself, all the ^ time sir I" t Soilb few years ago Mr. Kid well was preaching to a large audience in a wild part of Illinois, and announced 1 for his text " In my Father's house are f inan v mansions." lie had hardly read ' the words when an old coon stood up and said : u 1 tell you, folks, that's a lie! I * know his father well, lie lives about < fifteen miles from Lexington, in Ken- 8 tucky, in an old cabin, and there ain't but one room in the house." The meeting adjourned. Visiting Pattents.?It was told, as v a good-natured joke, of an old doctor, ' that being on a visit to a village where lie had spent the earlier part of his ,/ life in practice, he one morning before breakfast went into a churchyard near the Douse where he was stopping.? Breakfast being placed upon the table, "l the doctor was inquired for. " I be- -J lieve," said the servant, who had seen lt' where he went, u that he has gone to i pay a visit to 6ome of his old patients." t A youxo gentlentan at the Isle of Wight was addressing a young lady in the following grandiloquent style: ^ |"The most dignified, glorious, and ilovely work of nature, is woman; the;f, next, man ; and the third, our Iiamp- fi | shire hogs,'' when she suddenly interrupted him with, " I have seen speci- 5 mens of the two latter blended in one." Ax Irishman, lately sent to the ^ House of Correction in South I>o6ton, for a 3'car, was set to work in the . blacksmith's shop. Finding the labor rather hard, he asked Captain Bobbins to change his employment. " Faith, Captain," said he, " if I should have I to work this wav for a vear. I shonld t / ~ 8 / " ' "" """"" I die in less than a fortnight!" ^ ti There is a lawyer in Derferborn h county, Ind., known no less for his eccentricity than his legal lore. Many are the anecdotes told of him. A man once went to him, to be qualified for ^oine petty office. Said he, " hold up , your right hand ; I'll swear you, but all creation couldn't qualify you." i Don't Hurt.?" Mother," said a little boy, the other day, " I've got such ^ a bad head ache and sore throat, too." "Have you, my dear?" asked the mother; " well, you shall have some * medicine." " It's no matter," retorted the shrewd nrchin, "Iv'e got 'em, but 8 they don't hurt me 1" % An Alabama editor, in a very swell- 11 ing article, bTiya there is but one being . he tears. We supposo that is the " fool killer." An English paper, speaking of a very tall actor, says : " By jove. he * is tall enough to act iu two pieces." ti i| i.'i.m _? , j.u.1 , ,i, p -AvrwraaN editor kayatbifc be 44 goes or hkeotmtry, tooth and toe nail.? Jndoubtedly bis teeth end toe nails ire a moat formidable acoe&rion to the errible collection of the implements of var in onr oountry*a arsenal. 1 Mkdioal.?-The Memphis Eagle & Enquirer says: . * ? .. u Memphis is the best poi*jt in the H Dniou for medical students to learn q inatomy. Fresh killed subjects to be lad every morning at the dead house." An Irishman, near Boston, becomng greatly alarmed recently at the severity of tho thunder and lightning, ell upon his knees, and exclaimed : ' Oh Lord, forgive us, and stop this." An ill-natured editor, a neighbor of ohftrcefl us with 44 diffnnincr i? iorance." He condenses it. He usuilly condenses as much ignorance in a given space as if he worked with a inudrea-ass-power. g " You are in bad health ; your face 8 spare," said a friend of ours on meet- c ng an acquaintance. " Very well," ? laid the other, w if I am thin-faced you c ire double faced, so that both of us p lave spare faces." Tiie lady who did not think it re- 1 spectable to bring her children up to -vork, has lately heard from her two ions. One of them is a barkeeper on i ilat boat, and the other is a steward n a brick yard. I The preacher that warms up his i nearers with " words that burn," has been consulted with by the deacons npon the propriety of having no fire n the church the coming winter. A bankrupt friend of ours was con- ( loled with the other day for his embarrassment. " Oh, I am not embar assed at all," said he, "It is my crcdtors that arc embarrassed." We were once asked the question, ' What is always ready and never C vanted." If we wero compelled by a 1 ;ourt of law to answer the question, ve should say, " old maids." ^ It is a fact, though perhaps not a ?> cry remarkable one, that some voices 11 generally very disagreeable, sounds an kYmiluitf* inilQU> wliun tlmiv coir il omv.wI ... J " "V,.. iuvj anj gwu >ye." ^ A CONTKMI'OKARY ot OU18 protests ^ nost earnestly that he is always as n ;ood as his word. No doubt he is, " jut his word is good for nothing. A bachelor left a boarding-house in h vhicli were a number of old maids, c ?n account of the " miserable fair " R et before him at the table. a 11 A Printer's Toast.?Woman, the 11 airest work of creation. The edition >eing extensive, let no one man be rithout a copy. ^ WATCHES,~ I 3MDCXS AM dfSWIMlY. a1 E. I. PINSON J (AGENT,) r)EG8 leave to announce to the citizens of ? 13 Greenville, and surrounding country, tlint ie hna opened a Stock of the above-named Ariclea on Avenue street, in the ltiiildin^ formerly mown as " Avenue Street onfectionery," which ie will sell LOW for CASH. ? IIK WILL ALSO *" Eepai and Fit Up VATCIIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, In the best of Btyle. Thankful to liis former patrons and friends, ^ >r their liberality and patronage, he respect- J illy solicits a continuance of the same. tw Give him a call, aud he will endeavor to ._ ilease. 87-tf Jan 22 'J AGENCY FOR JFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! Y>T? ASH'SmiLl I AUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Stores and other Property AGAINST FIRE: And the Litres of White Persons and Stares, between the ayes of 10 and 60 years, HVN such terroe as to render it a most safe and L/ desirable investment. Full details, with lie Constitution and By-Laws of the Company, " rill be furnished on application to any of the Of- ^ cers of the Company. " JOSEPH R. OH BORNE, Petit. WM. W. MoDOWELR Vice-Prte. Jam. B. Rankin, Secretary A Treasurer. TATT1T TVf i a j un.ii w. uaaui, Agent, i J.?n 8 85-ly OREKNV1LLB, 8. a GEEENFIELD8 m\M GROCERY STORE, i INDER M'BEE'S HALL--BURSEY'S OLD STAND. JUST RECEIVED, at the above Store, * Gen- 1 eral Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, 4 elected by the proprietor, consisting of choice rtioles of SUGARS, Coffee, Molanses Rice, Riee ' lour, Fish, etc., eta To nil of which he invitee ^ lie attention of housekeepers and others. ^ April 28 50 tf ^ Hair Dressing and Shaving, i, BtJRRIDttE eontinues the Tonsorial bun- 4 iness at his Old Stand in Beattie's Brick uilding, where he is readv during the day and . vening to shave the Iteara end cut hair, and hampoo the head. He respectfully a*kt aeon inuation of patronage. Oct. 1-21-* ^ \k.-V No. 943 Kit OEtAB T .TUB' VOtJLD NOW INCITE ASSORTED STOi F AL LAND ? OF THIS SEASONS 1ALES OP PLANTATION BLANKETS < " All Wool Plains 41 Sebyle's Georgia Kersey# and Plains 44 low-prioe Georgia Kerseys and Plains 44 Red, Blue and Grey Flannels " White Twill Flannels 44 6-4, 8-4, 10-4 11-4 Brown Sheetings 44 Schyle's 8tripe Georgia Osnaburgs 44 hcary Cotton Osnaburgs n heavy 4-4 Brown Shirtings " Sea Island Brown Shirtings * heavy 8-4 Brown Shirtings, at 6i eta " heovy Brown Cotton Drilling " Superfine Brown Cotton Drilling RICH FALL AND WD UPER 4-4 FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINTZ 1 ' 4-4 Cashmere Pattern Chintz " 4 4 Scotch and English Ginghams hoice Printed and Plain Challys 1 choice Stripe and Plaid Poplius for Fall Wear 1 uper Printed French Delnins and Cashmeres hoice Printed French DeLains for Children < 'lain French DeLains and Cashmeres, all shades Oct 29-24-t? LEAD! READ!! READ!!.'" IT WILL TAKE TOO DUT A FEW MINUTES, AND MAT SAVE TOU MANY TEARS OF SUFFERING ! barter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! !he Best Alterative Ever Yet Disoovered I , Physicians prescribe it, and every one that uses it is a walking advertisement. No Medicine ever yet offered to the Ame- ' rican public has gained such popularity in so short a time as , BARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! : It will Cure any case of Scrofula. It will Cure any case of Rheumatism. . It will Cure any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. ! It will Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case of Fever and Ague, ( >r any Diseases arising from an impure state of , lie Blood. SCROFULOUS READER! It cured the nelec of the Hon. John Minor j lotts, a member of Congress from Virginia, of orofula, after the skill of the host Physicians, |, oth of New York and Philadelphia, had been j ' ^icd in vain ; and it will euro you, 11 . i ou arc so affected I RHEUMATIC READER t It cured D. Burritt., Esq., of Cincinnati, of Llieumatisni of 4 years standing, after all other 1 emedics had failed. We have hundreds of such I ertifieates. Call on the Agent and get a Book | nd Circular, and read for yourself the many re- , iiarkable and astonisliing cures it has made. SYPHILITIC READER! The celebrated Dr. Butcher writes us that lie ad two of the most severe and long standing , ases of Syphilis that would yield to none of the sual remedies, hut he cured one case with six, ' nd the other with nine bottles of CARTER'S ' IPANISII MIXTURE. We have known it 1 sed in over a Thousand casks, and have yet to i ear of a failure in nny case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS READ! i Ague and Fevkb.?Do not take Quinine, Mer- I ury, or any such noxious Drugs, but. try at once i liis great Alterative nnd Purifier of the Blood ; j barter's Span *h Mixture will cure any nnd every ase of Ague and Fever. Wo have never yet , nown it to fail. And for. nil Diseases arising from nn impure 1 iatc of the Blood, no medicine has ever yet ncen nind to have so good nn effect. If you are sick, ry it at once ; do not delay ; time is precious, nd health the greatest of all blessings, without rhich all else is valueless. DR. WM ft. BEERS ?fc UO? Pr.OPHiKTOHS, Jiichmotul, Fir*. And for sale liy K KRUTCH, Druggist, Agent, rr<??uvillo C. H., S. C. 8-ly May 28 1 J. 1IOVKT. W. U. IIOVKV W. H. HOVEY & C0., . PROPRIETORS OF HIE LADIES' STORE, DEALERS IN ' FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, , ^3^3?5S < BONNETS, RIBBONS, , Housokooping Goods, uasy mm isms: AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, OREEIfVILLE, S. C. N. B.?Orders accompanied by the casli for ledical, I*aw or Library i>ooks, Musical Instru- 1 nents and flundiiee, promptly tilled in New Torlc, and delivered at our counter on shortest mtice. Jau 22 87 ly 1 I T. W. DAVIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, p. TAK F8 the liberty to ennotuico ! the citizens of Greenville, and ( It Jpflkthe surrounding country, that he , I ij" * ry-i' prepared to do all manner of ( rork in his line of business, such as ( Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, II of which shall be done in ther.eateet maimer, ! Vateh Wheels, Pivots, Pinions, Jewels, Screws, lands, Glasses, all done at the shortest notice, nd in a workmanlike manner. Pleasegive him b trial, and yoo will t>e pleased. lie also makes JEWELRY to order, such as Sold Qnard, Fob & Teat Chains, ill kinds of GOLD BUTTONS, such as Bosom, ileevo and Collar Buttons. All kinds of Ilsir Vork Trimmed in the neatest style. His work cannot l>o surpassed in this part of he country. His shop may be found at the Goodlett House, a the room formerly occupied by Messrs. Bailey i Owen. Greenville, July 80, 1867. 12 tf WORBL ? IEATLY DONE AT THIS OFFICE. ? >#%%%?, aff 8irei( . roisr, & o. * }N TO HIS LAK&XAXD FULLY ' UK OF FRESH WIN TER S >' IMPORTATION. a. a 3aeea of Rlue, Grey and Steel-Mixed SATINETS M ' low-price Satinets u low-price Kentucky Jean* . " ehcap Long Clothe " Servants' heavy Bleached Shirtings " Cambric Long Cloths M Superfine 7-8 Bleached Shirtings " 8-4,10-4,114 and 12-4 BV'ch'd Sheetings " English Prints, at 6| eta. " good Fur Calico, at 6$ cte. " Super English Drees Prints " cheap Oinghan-.s , " Bleached Twill Jeans " low-price Muslin Delaine CfTER DRESS GOODS. Plain Union DoBnge, at 12| cte. Plain All Wool DeBnge, all shades Rich Side Stripe Printed French Cashmeres Rich Cashmere Riding and Walking llobcs Rich Chally Walking Robes Misses Chally Byadere Robes 1 L'ashmere, DeLain, end Chally Byadere Patterns. A. F. BROWX1XO. Inhalation in Consumption, * BRONCHITIS, LARYNGITIS, of And other Diseases of the Chest and Throat, successfully treated by the Inhalntum of 1 Medicated Vapors and Powders, by Ab- () sorption and Constitutional Treatment, as practiced at the Stavvkoant Medical of Institute, Mew York City, N. Y. th rllE unprecedented success which has at ^ tended this method of treating diseases jf the Lungs and Throat, has induced the p, Physicians to depart from their usual course, ti< md avail themselves of the columns of the L'rees to make it known 10 such as may be J* aboring under, or predisposed to, such nfiec- 0*c ions. The dawn of a brighter day has at ength arrived for the Consumptive?the ioctrino of the incurability of Consumption has now passed away. We have indubitable proofs in our possession, that Consuinp- u lion, in all its stages, can be cured : in the 1 rat, by tubercular absorption ; in the second, jy the transformation of tubercule into tr "ha I kg and calcareous concretions; in the C third, by cicatrices or scars. Those wedded to the opinion of the past may assert that it j s even now incurable. Such are behind the w ige. To all this gre.1t truth must be apparent, viz: that medicines inhaler! 'Jtrfctly ^ Into the lungs, whether in the form of Vapor Dr Powder, must be more effectual than that pi taken into the stomach. In short, the only d ark of refuge for the Consumptive is in Inhalation, and such additional moans, of 1 which the judicious Physician will avail himself. * Such of the Profession that have adopted p Inhalation, lmve found it soothing and cjfi tj :acious in the highest degree ; arresting the V progress of the disease, and working wonders in man1/ desperate cases ; in verity, a triumph of our Art over the fell destroyer of ? our species. J1 Notk.?Fhysicians wishing to make themfives acquainted with this prnctice, are in- ir formed that our time being valuable, wc can T only reply, as to ingredieuls used, to such P letters that contain a fee. 81 The fee, in all cases of Consumption, will be $10, 011 receipt of which the necessary j medicines and instrument will be forwarded. Applicants will please state age, sex, occupa- J., lion, married or single, how long affected, if any hereditary disease exists in the family, 0 and aymploins generally. Let the name, 'jj town and State be plainly written?postage t) for return answers must bo enclosed. Lettors, if Registered by the Tost Master, are at our risk. Address 0 WALLACK MBRTOUN, M. D., S. M. Institute, N. Y. City. j July 10 10 6m HOWARD ASSOCIATION i PHILADELPHIA. & Important Announcement. r|X) n)l persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, ? X such at Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, * Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the Vice of Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ao., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of j the awful destruction of human lite, caused by jh Scxnal Diseases, and the deceptions practised up- ? on the unfortunate victims of such diseases by v Quacks, have directed their Consulting Strrgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name to give medical advice okatis, to all pera ins thus afflict- * ed, who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty and suf faring, to furnieh uiedicinc* free of charge. The Howard Assooiatiju is a benevolent Institution, established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick, and distressed, afflicted Jwith " Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It has r now n surplus of means, which the Direetors have voted to expend in advertising the strove <6 notice. It it needless to add that the Aatoeia J. tion commands the highest Medical skill of the d age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment t Just Published, by the Association, a Report p u < i - u ii/..i ... n.. _ vis uinlUi !<??, ??l nniiiuni " ? *?H iiCBt, Hlfl 11 vic? Vl* Ouaniim, Umv?. iwiiou ufbelf-Auui^ kwi t other Diieuei of the Sexual Organ*, by the (Ton v lulling Surgeon, which will he eent by mail, (in ti a sealed envelope). Free of 61iarge, on the reee'pl u of TWO STAMPS for postage. / Address, DR. OEO. CALHOUN, Consulting <1 Surgeon, Howard Association, Now 2 South a NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. p liy order of the Directors. EZRA D. HART WELL, President 0 Quo. Faibcuild, Secretary. Feb 6 29 tf BACON. g K A/)A LBS. on hand and for sale by J.VUU A. GREENFIELD. Jy 2 8 tf Apple Vinegar. A FINK article t* be had at the Family Gro- L eery Store of A. GREENFIELD. % "air THE FRIENDS OP W. ?. Tamer F innonnce him as a Candidate for Tax Collector tt the next Election. D P ??i n I ? ,l . > ?i n m 11. ******* HMHiV COWEWTHATCO COMPOUNI FLU? r ffNtit, Avp< Ftmalt OomjMiJiJand all Dim*m of ikt Sexual Organ t, 'ising from Excesses and Imprudenoies in life, d removing all Improper Dischargee from the adder, Kicfoeys, or Sexual Organs, whether isting in . . j.C" ' ^ * - ' ' < IMUUWS (DIE irgpMt/sut*?^ om whatever cause they may have or igl hated, ND WO MATTBK Or XOW LOVO BTAWDIWO mng Health and Vigor to the From* and Bloom to the Pallid Cheek. fojr to the A mi clean ouree Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and no vi's^ h! 1 the Symptoms, among which will Indisposition to Ex- I ertion, Lose of Power, Loss of Mernorv, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease^ Weak Nerve* Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Sight Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimes of Visiou, Languor, Universal Lassitude at ? :he Muscular System, Often Enormous Appc lite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, * Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the tiLU n.lUJ n..' a ? .- in, i iuiiu vvvsKDRiiet, ana . Eruptions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Freicntly Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Boss of Sight, Want or Attention, Great. Mobility, Restlessness, with Horror of Society, nthing is more desirable to snch patients than litude, and nothing they more dread for fear ' themselves; no repose of manner, no earnest sa, no speculation, but a hurried Transition nin one question to another. These symptoms if allowed to go on?which iia medicme invariably removes?soon follow* net of Howtr, Fatuity and Epileptic Flit*?in one which the patient may exrtire. Who can say * at these excesses are not frcqnently followed , those direful diseases? IXBANITY AND ONSUMPTIONt The records of ftttane Atyiiin, and the ruelanaholy deaths of Omiruinptiotk, ar ample witness to the truth of these assermn. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy hihition appears. The countenance is actualsodden and quite destitute?neither Mirth or rief ever visits it Should a sound of the voice >cur, it is rarely articulate. With wofnl measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible 1 and has brought lousnnds upon thousands to untimely graves, ins blasting the ambition of ninny noble youths, can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If yon are suffering with any of the above dia ceiling ailments, tho FLUID EXTRACT BU FW will cure you. Try it> and be convinced f its efficacy. Beware of Quack Host ruin? and Quark Doctor*, ho falsely boast of abilities and references. Circus know and avoid them, and save LongSnfring, Money and Exposure, by sending or calling if a botilc of this Popular and Fjwciflc Rented i/^ It. allays all pain ana in (lamination, is perfectly* ien^nt iu its taste and odor, but immediate iu s action. Helmbold's Extract Buchtf [s prepared diiectly according to the Rules of PHAHMAOT AMD CHEMISTRY, itli the greatest nccuraoy and Chemtoal knowdgo and car? devoted in its combination. Sea r?Wor Dkwkk's Valuable Works on the IVaoec of Physic, and most of the late Standard fdrks of Mcdieine. ir * One hundred dollars will be paid to any Phycinn who can prove that the Medicine ever inired a Patient; and the testimony of thousand* in bo produced to prove that it does great good. Wi of from one week to thirteen years' standig have been effected. Tho mass of YOLUNARY TESTIMONY in possession of the Prorietor, vouching its virtues and curative powrs, is immense, embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. 00,000 Bottle* Have Been Said, nd nut a single instance of a failure has been snorted. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman f the city of Philadelphia, U. T. 1IELMBOLD homist, who, being dfuly sworn, does say, tha lis preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury r injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable. II. T. HKLMROLDj dole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before tue this 23d day f Noveinlier, 18M. WM. P. 1IIBBARD, Alderman. 0rice $1 per Bottle, or Six for $5, Delivered to any Address. Lceompanied by reliable-and responsible Certleates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clerymen and others. Prepared and sold by II. T. HELM BOLD, Praotieal and Analytical Chemist, In K9 South T?utu C- f* - . .. ui., u?w n VHHTAUTr Asskmhlv Buildings, Piiila. ty To be had of Prs. J. II. Dkan, Mim A ?ono and M. B. Kaih.k, Druggists, Greenville, I, C., and of all Prnggiate and Dealers throughnt the United States, Canadss and British Pro-1 inces. Beware o? Counterfeits. Uk for HELMBOLD'S?Take no Other, CURES GUARANTEED. July 2 0 ly Ind Phoenix Bitters. IAHK best. Family Medicine now before the public, for the cure of Beroftdo, Uletr*. leu ray, or Eruption* of the Skin, Fever and 1 </ <*. Dytpepoia, Drop**, and in fact meet alt) ij/.aoad aaam -.I-U A - *L . f _ ?' ' ~ "uum jtiqiu w mrir curative [ir?paruw>. It kAx been computed that during the last wenty fivo yearn, upward* of four millions at arsons have been benefitted by the use of these ledicinee ; a fact which speaks volumes in fa-, or ui w?!r viirauni tiu? single tfuu, rill place them beyond the reach of competi-. ion in the estimate of every patient By their*> the blood ii rftlorfd to a healthy Hate, and reed from all impuriliee. The system la not renced during their operation, but invigorated,, nd they require no restraint from business orleaeure. v ?The a fflicted have, in theee medeiinee, ? remedy Wit will da for them all that medicine tan paeeU ly eject Prepared by W. B. Moffat, M. D? Proprietory Tew York. And for aale by W. H. UOVKY,, reenville, Si C. Sep 17 ID' tf Q. 8. BOWER, nnMfacturer and Denier In SPURNITURE of every deaoripUon, CHAIRS oTevery etyTe. ISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CA8E8, Opposite the Congaret Jloase, 1 ye w. it. COLUMBIA, 8. 0 1/ * j , ^