University of South Carolina Libraries
... GHARUS MSRRIGK. LARQg AaBOKTHICKT . New and iwi>wiilito Goods, ?MA ?f?off?M4 at ndnMd prioee, ooneutlng, In pait, of GROCERIES, Good BROWN BUDRY GOODS, GAR, 10 Iba. peril, CROCKERY, COFFEE. HARDWARE, RAI8INS, BOOTS A SHOE*. CURRANTS. CLOTHING, Ac., Ac. OITRON, CHEESE, SALT AND MOLASSES. He iIn would invito Attention to new article of CLOTHING WITHOUT SEAM, Manufactured at the Seamless Garment Menufecturing Company, Matteawan, N. Y. Article* of thU manuiacaure were exhibited r , at the late Fair of the South Carolina Institute, at Charleston, concerning which a Cr.arleaton 1 l??P?r eoya: !" Among (he article* mannfacted, are overcoat* boaineaa coats, vest#, legging and mittens. The cloth was suldected to severe tests of its strength, and f' to be. surprisingly tenacious. It diners from felt, cloth, in being equally strong in whatever way it is tried. Itls altogether of woo); as cotton cannot be used in the felting process. Its advantages over common oloth are : greater cheapness, warmth and durability ; it also sheds rain much better." The nubile are solicited to call and examine for themselves the superiority of this clothing. Corner Main and, Washington Sts., ojjposiie Greenville Hotel. Da# 10 3i tf ATTKNTION, BUTLER GUARDS! Jj/ YOU are requested to attend an EXTRA MEETING of yourV^T Corps, at yonr Hall, Fkioat Evrx- Til ixo uext, the -11th, at half-paat 7 l[J| o'clock, P. M., to make arrange- MiJ* ments for the celebration of your m Anniversary, and the transaction of other business. 1L LEE THHU8TON, Captain. | Dec 10 81 1 Money Wanted. THE Subscriber would respectfully request those indebted to him by note or account, to pay up, as he is wanting monkt. J. H. DEAN, M. D. Dec 10th, 1857 31 tf Administrator's Safe. WILL BE SOLD, on the 23d inst., at the late rcaidence of Warren Reid, deceased, the following property, vis: One Negro Boy. ISAAC. 20 ve* old Two Head of Horses Stock Hogs, and 6 or 6 Fat Hogs Cattle ana Sheep One Two-Horse Wagon and Harness One ItiHe Gun Corn, Fodder and Oats Household and Kitchen Furniture And many other things loo tedious to mention. I On s credit of twelvemonths, with iuterest from | date, with note and two approved securities. JEFFERSON BARTON, Dee 10 81-3 Administrator. STATE OF SO XJTIl CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALE, IN obediouce to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Greenville District, I will proceed to offer, at public outcry, before tha Court House door of said District, on the firti Monday ?n January next, TWO TRACTS OF LAND, belonging to the Estate of 11ANCE BLACK, deceased: Tract No 1, containing 128 Acres; Tract No. 2, containing 162 Acrea, more or less. The said Land is situated in Greenville District, on Reedy Fork, waters of Reedy River, adjoining lands of James Lenderman, Abraham Cox, William Cox, deceased, John Ashmore and others. Sold for Partition among the legal heirs and representatives of Hance Black, deceased. TERMS OF SALE?A credit of 12 months, with inter* at from day of sale for all except so ? much as will pay the costs, which will lie re* quired in caali on day of sale. Purchasers to give bonds with good security, and a mortgage of the premises, if deemed necessary, to the Ordinary, to secure the payment of the purchase txumoy. Purchasers to j>sy for titlca D. HOKE, 8. Q. D. Sheriff's Office, Oth December, 1857. 31-td | SATE^SOOTH^CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue efsundry Writ? of Fieri Facias to me directed, 1 will tell before the Court House door, at the tmia) hours of sale, on the first Monday ia JANUARY next, 5 barrels corn, 4feead of hogs and 1 cow, on Tuesday after sale day in December next, at the defendant's residence. As the property of James Ward at the suit of C. A. Southerlin. 4 Head of Horses, 1 Mule, 1 Spring Buggy, 1 Buggy, 2 Lumber Wagons; and at the Steam Distillery, on Tuesday after Bale-day, 1 Yoke of Oxen, about t>? Kdlkng Hogs, about 20 head ?f Stock Hogs ; as the property of Powers A ?Uiil|<; at the suit of Henry, Smith A Town send. 250 Aeres <?6 Land, mere or less, adjoining lands af Philemon Huff, John Adams, Dr. West and others; as the property of Thornas Msyfield, at the suit of WilliamHawkins, ot al. 300 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lands of Center, lteese, Daemon, ct n).; as the property of Perry G. Ware, at the ait of James MeCullough and J. H. MeCullough. 1 Negro Woman, aged about 29 wear*: as the property of lb njamia Gaines, at ..,u ?r a... win;. ? 1 JXeTO Woman, 1 Horse : and at T>sfen<!ent*S r?sidsne?, on Tuesdny after Saleday, 4 Head Ro*% 1 Bureau, 1 Slab Half down Chairs, I Cow, 1 Tao>, 1 Looking flam, ] Lot Saad Cotton; a? the ^.-operty of Benjamin Oaine* at the suit of T. Henr," Stokea. D. HOk3> S. G. D. Sheriff's Office, December >8, ?8ft7. 8?-td I WT% would inform oar patron* that there is J V many aeoounts eontraefed1 tp 1854 that remain unpaid, and as January is rinse at hand, wo' would have them bear in mind that we expeat them to mat mil Uaa duet promptly mt that time. We are oempelled to meet all our debts promptly, ?ad nnu^ therefore, ak tub saute pavom or oca porrpuan. REA, BAYNE A CO. i December 4 *" tK, tf For Tm Collector. IWThe friends ef JL R. McDarid, Esq., respectfully snnounoe Mm ss s Candidate for Tax Collector at \he ensuing election, NEATLY DONE AT THIS OFFICE PUBLIC 8AZ.S8. ESTATE SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Ooort of Ordinary, for Greenville DUtriet, we will expoee for tale, at public outcry, at the Plantation of WEST A. WILLIAMS, deoeased, in Greenville, SC., 10 milee from Greeovilhi C. II., and 4 miles from Williamston, ou TUJSSDA Ts 16th of December neat, tho following property, viz: 17 likely NefrsH. ALSO, A Lot of Corn, Wheat, Oats, SHUCKS, FODDER, PLANTATION TOOLS, SETT BLACKSMITH TOOLS, A FIKB LOT Of FAT hogs and cattle, <TV-stn houses AND mules. ZOl. ALSO, All the Household aad Kitchen Furniture. TERMS?A credit of 8 months, with interest from day of sale, with notes ?n*t Approved securities on all sums of |t5 And upwards ; under $5, cash will be required. T. C. GOWER, Greenville C. II. W. B. M1LWEE. Williamston, 8. C. Administra tars. Nov 20 20 3 Executor's Sale. WILL BE SOLD, to the highest bidder, at Greenville C. If., on Sale-day in "j January next, ONE TRACT OF LAND, of the Estate of Col. John B. Ligon, situated in Pickens District, on Saluda river, five miles from Greenville village, containing ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN ACRES, more or less, including the Bridge known as Ligon's Bri I go, with the right of landing on the Greenville side ; also, one Likely Negro Boy, five or Bix years old, and a lot of Carpenter's Tools. The above will be disposed of at private sale, if suitable opportunity offers. TERMS?A credit of six months, with interest from day of sale, purchasers to give note and approved secuiity before tha right of property is changed. W. A. TOWNES, Nov 12-27 tf Executor. LEGAL NOTICES. Administrator*' Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of THOMAS W. KINMAN, deceased, are re quested to make payment to the undersigned. Those having demands against said Estate will present tliem, dulv attested, for payment UARKSDALB CllARLES, JULIA UL1A11L.I2*, Adininittratort, with the Will annexed. November 26 29 tf Admiolstrators' Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of MARTHA K1NMAN, deceased, are requested to make payment to the undersigned. Those having demands against said Estate will present them, duly attested, for payment. fiARKSDALE CHARLES, JOHN CHARLES, Administrators. November 26 29 tf Executor's Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of JOHN T. LIGON, deceased, are hereby notified to inake payment to the undermined. All those having claims against said deceased will present them for payment within the time prescribed by law, or they will be barred. W. A. TOVVNES, Nov 5 26-tf Executor. Brought to Jail, ON MONDAY, November 16th, A NEGRO MAN, who says his name is JACOB, and that he belongs to Daniel linger, of Hendersonville, N. C. The owner is hereby notified to oome forward, prove the property, pay charges aud take him away. J. T. McDANIEL, Jailor. December 8, 1867, 80-tf. tfiDJEIH MAlDrS, CABINET MAKER, greenville, s. c. I Nearly opposite the Post Office, A venue Street, j RESPECTFULLY informs ^POM^the citizens of Greenvillo and the adjoining Districts, that he has returned from the State Fair at Columbia, (where he received the first premium for his elegantly finished bureau, which was admired by eve ry one,) and it now prepared to execute ALL ORDERS IN I1IS LINE. lie has, also, on hand A LARGE STOCK OF j FURNITURE, which will be cold at prices to suit the times. He returns his thanks for past favors, and he hopes, by giving constant attention to his business, to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Nov. 19-28 ly. Fesirable pail km winter mum, TO BE OPENED Saturday, October lOth. MRS. WATTS AND MISS /flfcwd^MBjOORT><)N will open on the ahove dor a Magnificent assort ment of all kinds of French Kngliah and Ameriean Millene, 779 BPkJT Rn'l Straw Goods, SUV and yJBB rtuc* ?iuSi?U, Drers Cap?*nd ' Trl Heaa Dresses, Ribbons, French Flowers, Feathers, Ac. A complete assortment of ail the above Goods constantly oa hand, and w(,7 be sold OHSAP FOR CASH. Hats cleaned and trimmed, and Dresses cut and basted at the shortest notice. ttT House on A venne Street opposite the Post Office. October 8 4J-tf NOTICE]. ALL PERSONS are hereby notified that the BRIDGE at the UPPER FORD, in the village of Greenville, is considered UNSAFE, and tost passengers are forbidden to cross it untill repaired. By order of Council. H. LEE THRU8TON, Intendant, W, P. Prick, Town Clerk. Deo 3 30 2 The Friends ef Janet B. Pear* on, aoaoaass him as a Candidate for Tax Col- I lector at the ensuing Election. # SWAN A CO.'S LOTTERIES. ] NEW AND DlttlllANT SCHEME ! * CAPITA I. PRUI Th? following Scheme will be drawn by 3. Swan A Co., Managers of the Fort (lainee Academy, lott ery, in aach of their Lotteries tor December, 1867, si A l1 OUST A, Oeotvis, to which city they have removed their prinoipal office: CLASS 60, To Sedrawo !n the city of >?, in pnbUt, en I SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1857. ' CLAW 66, * ?? be drawn In tke city of Angwn, S?, la pat! s, en H A TTTW T? A V T\ farm w ?* *? ? ." > ?'- I* -M1/flViJMllUiA UIO, 1007. v CLASST 67, J A To bo drown In lb* city of lOfMta, On, in poblie, on SATURDAY. DECEMBER 19th, 1867. CIA~SS~ 68, c To bo drown In tko city of Augusts, Oo., In pnbllc, on ? SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28th, 1867. c OK THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. >1 Fire Thousand Four Hundred Prises I NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO ? EVERY NINE TICKETS. ? HMNinOlHt I! \ TO BE DRAWN* I EACH SATURDAY IN DECEMBER! f 1 Prize of $60,000 1 Prize of $2,00o \ 1 Prize of 80,000 1 Prize of 1,600 1 Prize of 10,000 60 Prizes of 1,000 0 1 Prize of 6,000 100 Prizes of 150 i 1 Prize of 6,000 100 Prizes of 126 ? 1 Prize of 8,500 100 Prizes of 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. \ 4 Prize# of $300 App'g. to $60,000 priz. ere $1,^00 c 4 Prizes of 280 " " 80,000 priz ere 1,000 C 4 Prizes of 200 " " 10,000 priz. sre 800 4 Prizes of 160 " " 6,000 priz. ore 000 e 4 Prizes of 125 " " 6,000 priz. aro 600 . 4 Prizes of 100 " " 3,000 priz. are 400 4 Prizes of 75 " " 2,000 priz. are 800 , 4 Prizes of 60 " " 1,500 priz. are 200 . 6,000" of 20 are 10Q000 c 1 o 6,400 Prizes amounting to $320,000 ? Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2^. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. ine numbers irom l to 60,000, corresponding ' with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of paner, are enoircled with small tin tubes and placed in one wheel. The first 868 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number ^ is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and, at the same time, a Prize is drawn from tho other wheel. Tho Number and Prise drawn out are opened nnd exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Commissioners; tho Prize being " placed against the Number drawn. .This opera- | tion is repeated until all the prizes auo drawn ti | out c | Approximation Pkizks.?The two preceding I and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 8 Prizes will lie entitled to the 82 . Approximation Prizes. For example: if Ticket No 11260 draws the #60,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248, 11249, 11261, 11252, will each be entitled to #300. If Ticket No. 650 draws the #80,000 Prize, those Tickets nmnbered 648, 649, 661, 652, will each be euiitJed to #260, and so on according to the above scheme. The 6,000 Prizes of #20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the #60,000 Prize. For example: if the Number drawing the #60,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the number ends in 1, will be entitled to #20. If the Number ends with j No. 2, then all the Tickets, where the Number ^ ends in 2, will be entitled to #20, and so on toO. c Certificates of Packages will be sold at the " following rato?L whinli ! ?!>? V Certificate of Package of JO Whole Ticket*, $80 * Certificate of Package of 10 Half Tickets, 40 * Certificate of Package of lOQoarter Tickets, 20 Certificate of Package cf 10 Eighth Tickets, 10 J IN ORDKRIKO TICKKTS OR CRKTIFICATK8, b Enclose the money to our ail drew for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be for- t warded by first mail. Purchasers can hare tick- ets ending in any figure they may designate. J The list of Drawn Numbers anil Prizes will lie sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. % Purchasers will please write their signn- 1 tures plain and give their Post Office, county ; and State. ' ' Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. % All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediately after the drawing?other prizes at the usual time of thirty daya j All communications strictly confidential. Addresa orders for Tickets or Certificates to . . S. SWAN, <lc CO., Augusta, (?a. u tr Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., er Atlanta, Ga.p can have their orders filled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan A Co , at cither ' of those cities. A list of the numbers that are drawn i ^ from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that e each one is entitled to, will be published after overy drawing. in the followiug papers: Augus ta (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning News, Rich tnond Dispatch, New York Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. Dec 3 30 tf CHARLES HI C KEY, f, (Succfaxor to Jt'munuel Currant,) MANUFAOTUKKROF ? LUUK.INW UI/A88, PORTRAIT r And Picture Frames, AND DEALER IN " LOOKING QLA38 PLATES, BRACKETS, WINDOW CORNICES, ROOM MOtTTJ)INGS, &C. 154 KINO STREET, 1 CHARLESTON, 8. C. J Qf Old Frames Ile-gilt equal to new. Nl April 80 81 ly E. R. STOKE8, * BOOK-BINDER, A AND oi Blank-Book "Tf a mi lecturer, '< (In rear of Carolina Times Office ) e.?. ' BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and ma- / nufaetnred of the best materials and in ( the most durable manner. PERIODICALS. MUSIC BOOKS, As., hound in * srery variety of style, at short notice. j0 If" Oonniry orders promptly attended to A1 D?c 4 30 ly DdENSIYEASSORTMENT OF WATCffiODS, ronel^ English toA Amerio&n Jewelry, j. A9D " Fancy articles. CHARLES SMITH. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, GREKNVILLR, 0. C., fain &tr*rt, nearly OppotiU tk4 Mention Houm, Respectfully inform. the inhabitant. of Greenville nod vicinity, tluit he hue just eceived end added to hi* already extensive tock, a large assortment of the above named Lrtiele*, consisting of Flue Set(9 of Freevh Cameo*, rail known for their Superiority; also a choice ariety, beautifully ornamented with CORAT.8, nd Bracelet* to match, (being the latest faahion.) 11 mounted in heavy gold. Also new patterns of Fancy Brooches for Ambrotypes. i quantity of fashionable Bracelets; heavy solid told Kings, hlosaic Ear-Kings, Lockets, Studds, ic., ?ia, oesuies an innumerable assortment of be moet beautiful Jewelry ever before offered in Iresnville. His Stock also comprises a splendid variety of vary Fine English Plated Ware, mongst which may be found Knives, Forks, >poon*. Cups, etc., etc., of new metal, plated not pon German Silver, but upon the genuine ALBATA. t is used in the highest circles, nnd is mnpli preerred for its great durability. Also, new fashioned SPEW, with handles and rithout temples. Very useful and convenient. The establishment also contains WATCHES f the best make, viz: Chronometers, Duplex, English and French Levers, Cylinders and Plain, llln heavy Gold or Silver Cases. Having made arrangements in New York with Vholesale Houses importiug direct from France nd England, I am enabled to sell all iny Artiles at prices lower than they can be bought in Charleston. All Articles sold in the cstablisment warrantd as represented. 24-3m Oct 22 Hosiery and Gloves. DO/i Ladies', Gent's. Misses' and CliilaUu Dren's Hosiery ; Kid, Silk nnd Worst-' d Gloves for Ladies, Gents and Children, iust ipen and will be sold cheap, at the Ladies, i to re. W. H. 110YEY ?t CO. Merinoes and DeLaines. ^PIECES, now open and for sale cheap. J\J W. IL IIOVEY & CO. Beady Made Clothing. A LARGE, Fine and Well Assorted STOCK, just open. Also, a large lot of Oiled Window Shuues, Wall Paper, Borders, Ac., at W. H. HOVKY A CO. Velvets, Ribbons, &c. NOW OPEN, 300 pieces Velvet Rihhons, which will he sold very low. Fine Che mi Menu ureases, Krniine, and a great variety >f Fancy Articles, at the Ladies' Store. W. 11. 110VEY <t CO. Ootober I. 21 tf ~NEW AND BEATJTIFUL STOCK or AND LADIES' GOODS. MRS. WALTON MOST respectfully informs her forwtpZ iner patrons and friends and the Ladies [euerally, that she has just received and will ipen on Monday next, the 12th inst., one of the nott extensive and best assorted STOCKS OK MILLINER Y ever offered to the Ladies of Ireenville, consisting of a variety of Silk, Satin, nd Velvet lionnets, Rice, Dunstable. Silver lace, Neopolitau and Drab Straws. Flowers, Mumes and Head Dresses, Dress Cloaks and lantillas, made in the latest and most approved tylss. Orders from the country promptly ate.tded to. Oct 8 22 3m "lace ax Enduring Tablet over the Spot where Repose the Remains of those you Love. NEW MARBLE YARD. i3SSEEMVlll.iLIE, ?. ?. rllE Subscribers respectfully inform the citizens of this mid adjoining Districts, that hey have opened a MARBLE YARD in the vilage of Greenville, on the lot opposite the Manion House and adjoining I)r. Bell's Hotel, where hey will promptly and faithfully attend to all mlers for Tomb-Stones, Monuments, ind any other style of Work in their line. Having had an experience of over fifteen years n this business, they have no doubt of their bility to give ample satisfaction to all who may ntrust them with their orders. CHALMERS A ALLEN. Oct 22 24 8m "IIH. allen; SURGEON DENTIST, 1IAS returned froiu Philadclphi a. prepared, in every way, to ^LujLJ_Lr perform all operations in his pro?s*ion in the most skilful and approved manner, laving procured every improvement of the day, ersons can safely rely on having overy operaion performed in the same manner as done in hiladelphia or New York. Ether and Chloroform given when desired. Persons desiring attention must make appointlents previously. or Rooms in McBee's Building. March 19 45 tf TSS ORaairvxLLa ra / "v m -v a f n rn w* -? B V J U iV SlUii Jb, MAIN STKBOT. NEXT TO MoBKlTM 1IALI, Mfmfmkm WIIERH constantly may he found large and well mdeoted Stock MISCELLANEOUS, BGIOOL and CLASSICL BOOKS, Writing Fap >r, Blank Book*, Mem andams, Ac.; Writing Decks end Cnnen, Port ilios, Cold end Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Seeling fax, Wafers, Slatoa, Copy Books, Inkstands, lturs, Ac., Ac. J C. P. JETER, Jen IS 9S-ly Sign of the Big Book. ~L08T, "VN MONDAY, the 10th inst., eHAIR BRACTE' LET, with a Gold Clasp end Locket, with Likeneas in it A liberal reward will he paid to any one And g and returning it to ue. JANE CASEY. Nor A 2A tf _^T^EeREENvTu,E!r" COACH FACTOBY, Main Street, Next the! BrMge, T*HE Largest And Bast Stock of CARRIAGE A GOODS AND MATERIAL aver offered for ale Id the State, selected carefully and especially for Carriage Manufacturer*. A large stock and best variety of Axles for Buggtca, Carriages and Wagons; common and best tempered Steel Springs ; Black and Colored I Enamel and Patent Dasli Leather; Black and 'Colored .Enamel Cloths, Drills and Ducks; Oil | and Brussels Carpet; Buckrams and Uussiu Sheetings; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mut?; Brass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass. Silver, Bone and Jnpnn Nails; Silk and Worsted broad and nurrow Laces; Silk, Worsted and Cotton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shnfta; Buggy scat Sticks; and a complete assortment of Mullable Coatings. Carriage Makers are particularly requested to can ana examine our stock. For sale cheap by GOWEIi, COX <fc MARKLEY. HUBS AND SPOKES. WE arc now prepared to supply Manufacturers with the beat Morticed Hubs and Turned Spoke*, of our own manufacture, and wurranteu. Kor oule by ! GOWER, COX MARKLEY. CLOTHS AND DA AT ASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, Drab and Green Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and AllNYool Damasks. For sale by GOWER, COX "?fe MARKLEY. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR RENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and vnriety of the best. Tools made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood and boxwood Planes. For sale by GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! 1VJ"OW on hand, the largest stock of Iron ever ll ofTercd in this market: Spartanburg Iron and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English Refined Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; Horse Shoe ; Half Rounds ; Half Ovnls ; Band Iron and Hoop Iron; Spring Steel ; Steel Tire, Swcedes and Hammereu, for wagons, tires and plantation work. On hand, cheap for cash, 6,000 lbs. Rusted Plow Mould*, best North Carolina Irou Foi sale by GOWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! *VTAYLORS, SAUNDKRSON <t JESSUPS best 1_ x Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and flat ?for tiue edge tool#, axles and drills. German and Blister Steel, for plantation work. For sole by GOWER. COX <fc MARKLEY. 3.000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. ASSORTED sizes, suitable for Farmers and ?i?i e ? j*. inrcunuicB. rur sale CflCfip t>y COWER, COX <fe MAHKLEY. ON HAND LBS. best Black Florida Moss and Curled Hair, picked, in bags. For sale by GOWER, COX Si MARKLEY. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. LARGE assortment of the Diamond Flint Sand Paper, best article made, for sole by COWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. ON hand, ? large assortment Paints, Oils, Ac. Pure, Extra and No. 1 White Leads; ltaw and Boiled Lindseed Oils ; Winter, Sperm. Solar, Lamp, Neat it Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; Coach Body and Copal Varnish ; Japan, Aspalturn and Leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine: Greens; Yellows; Blues; Lakes; Pinks; Dropblack ; Lampblack ; Red ; Spanish Brown ; Umber; Suawa; French Ochre, Ac. American and French Window Glass, Putty and Whiteniug. For sale by COWER, COX Si MARKLEY. HEAVY A- SHELF HARD WARE. A LARGE and well selected stock For sale cheap bv OOVVER, COX Si MARKLEY. SCREWSf SCREWS// /^rvrv gross of the Improved Gimblct Point OUU Screws. For sale by GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. SA WS! SAWS ! ! UOE <t Cot's Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut and Tcnnon Saws; Hand, l'annel and Ripping Saws; Brass and Blue Hack Saws; a complete assortment of WebbSaws, with and without frames. For sale by GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. Mav 28 3 tf THE NEW BOOKSTORE^ Under Dunn'* Hotel, Cor.oJ Public Square, MARIETTA, OA. jrfgrgtai THIS Establishment, just opened, is hoped will meet the wants of oRieJBy the community. The supply of [i?0>K? A3m OTATTOOMEKV Is large and varied, and orders are received daily for "All goods in the line." 200 PIECES NEW MUSIC, About 50 kinds of Instruction Books. MELODEONS, VIOLINS, FLUTES AND GUITARS. A seleet stock of Fine WATCHES, Pens, Silver Pencils, and handsome Jewelry. All goods sold kmtiwklt for casu ; 6 per oent discount off bills of over #20. Oct 16?23?'7 TH0S- C. MARKLEY. afi^.xj XDoisT's FAMILY GROCERY STORE, in the l'o%ter 9 ifutUitng, on Main street. :o: CONSISTING of Nngars, Coffee, Molasses, Rice. Tees, Crackers, Cheese, Oysters, Lol>stera, Sardines, Yeast, Soda, White Wine Vinegar. Fine Cigars and Tooacco, Candies, Nuts, Citron, Sonne, Tickles, Catsups, Ac.., Ac. Also a lot of Oranges just received. Oct 8 22 tf REED & UlMiDEETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Greenville. C. X3T OFFICE nest door to F. K. IIkattik <t ('a. ffn J. P. HUU.J [ *0. UOODLKTT. June 4 4 tf ? lj? f* K E W SPBINGj&OODS. GRADY & GOODLEI^ One Door South of th? Old Court Houst GREEN VTLLE, a O. % AFTER returning our grateful thank* to our friend* and customer*, for thair paat vary a - v liharal patronage to onr burin***, w* desire ta o*U th*ir attention, a* well as that of the pnblia generally, to our very large and finely assorted took of ^ Spring and Summer Goods, which we are now receiving, and which hna been purchased by one of the firm with care, and on very advantageous term* a* to price*, and which we are determined on selling u Tow I as t.liey can be bought, at retail, anywhere. t | Our stock, iti the way of 1)HY GOODN, embraces almost every article called for, either bv Ladies or Gentloinou. in P""" "? *v? Goods. ' ' " ~~r'" Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Ruches, Talmas, 8hawls, Mantles, &o. ^ Boots und Shoes, Trnuks, A:c. A very extensive and fashionable assortment. HATS ANI) CAPS. The latest styles, for Men and Boys, in great variety. , Ready-Hade Clothing. i A very heavy and varied assortment, for Men and Boys. * Perfumeries, Fancy Articles, Jewelry, Plated ^ ? Ware, Mirrora, Hardware and Cutlery, Guns, Carpcnter'n Tools, Black- - + smiths' Tools, Crockery and Glassware, . DRUGS, MEDICINES <fe DYE-STUFFS, Books and stationery, SADDLERY, CASTINGS AND IRON. GROCERIES. A very heavy stock of RVjl Rio and Java COFFEES yjBqHBL Browu and Crushed SUGARS leas, Molasses, Spices, Cigars, Powder, Shot, Lead and Indigo. SACK A XL) TABLE SALT. Vinegars, Burning Fluid, Cotton Yarn. Nails, Glass, Ac., Ac. , FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. GRADY & GOODLETT. April 0 48 tf Plows, Stoves, , *$^11 fctis . WE keep constnnt-->^w ly on hand a large as- ^ snrt-ment of One nnd ^i^QhaW' Two-Horse Turning, Subsoil and Hillside which we challenge the world to equal In good work, ease of draft nnd durability. We have also a large nnd beautiful assortment of Cooking, Purlor, Dining Room, Bed Room and Church STOVES, to whieli we particularly call the attention of I those who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash and Stock BOILERS, Corn Shelter*, Straw- Cutter*, Ac. Copper, Sheet Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Well Pumps furnished and put up. We also arc making and receiving from New York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, among which the Ladies may find a great variety of Cake Cutter* nnd Bake Pans. FOOT and BATHING TUBS, or any other Artide in our line, made to order, and Painted in the best manner. Wc are also prepared to do Koofiug and Muttering in the latest and best manner on short notice. Country Merchants invited to examine our stock of We say it is superior, and we do not wish to have our word taken for it Come nnd see. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees Wax nnd Old Pewter. Rags taken in exchange for Tin Wars. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mil 12 44 tf rniiLPHT rpHANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, BEGS A. to say, that all kinds of HAIR WORK of every variety of style of braiding, will be Or! namcnted or Mounted with Gold, in the neatest manner, and returned to those at a distance per mail or otherwise, as directed. (Ilair can be sent him in letter per mail.) Bow Breast Pins, Necklaces, Bracelets, Side, Vest and Guard Chains, Crosses, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Ac., of various patterns, put up neatly, and any article admitting the name of the owner engraved thereon, shall, for the engraving, he free of extra charge. He also innkes and repairs all kinds of Jewelry ; mounts with gold or silver the Heads of Walking Canes; matches Spectacle Glasses; and, lastI ly Engrave? on all manner of Plate. Office 60 yard* Ea*t of old Court lloune, and a few pact* frotu the Enterprise Office, Greenville, 8. C., June Uo, '57. 7-tf F. BURTY, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Leather, m* OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE, GREENVILLE, S. C., IS Prepared to fnrnisli custom\ em with the above articles, CHEAP y ?|fci run cash. tiaving competent workmen engaged, lie can assure liis patrons that all work will be Neatly Donk nud WARRANTED. Feb 6 89 tf ?T. O. P. JBTBR, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL l"KACT1CK IN THE COURTS OF THE WF8TEPN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Bookstore, OliEE^VILLE, 8. C. June 4 -I * ly ORR & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. JAMES U ORR. WM P. PRICE April 23 50 II. JUIjIUS SMITH, ATTORNEril LAW, GIiE?N\mgfEi8- C. June 18 6 if