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^"^SjMORIST'S OLIO. I *f't I .... The Whole Truth. A man named Cassady was on trial in one of the western courts for maliciously stabbing another named Cole, when one Buck Bryant was called as the principal witness in support of the indictment. Being duly sworn, he proceeded to give the following testimony : M Well, gentlemen, it was election day?'twas a dark, cloudy, wet sort of drizzly day, aDd says I to my old wo man, *1 bleve I'll go down to Kinggold and 'posit my vote.' And says my old woman to me, kWell, Buck, as it | is a sort of dark, cloudy, wot sort of a drizzly day,' says she, 'hadn't you bet ter take your umbrill.' Says I to the I old woman, 'I spect I had better take the nrabrill.' So I took tiie umbrill, and advanced down towards '4 Ringgold ; and when I got down thar, M -s. Mr. Cole corned, and says he, 'Uncle Buck, have you seed anything of old neighbor Harris V Says I to Mr. Cole, 'For why ?' Says he, 'He's got my urabrill.' (The witness was here interrupted by the court and told to confine himself to the actual fray between the prisoner and Cole, the prosecutor. In answer to which the witness remarked, in a tone of indignant remonstrance ? 'Well, now, Mr. Judge, you hold on, for I am sworn to tell tho truth, and 1 am a gwine to tell it my own way?so 'taint for you to say nothing more about it;' whereupon the court and commonwealth's attorney, being anxious to get rid of the witness on any terms, told him to go on and tell the tale in his own way.) 'Well, as I was a going on to say, 'twas on 'lection day. Buchanan and Filmo was a running for the Legislatur, and says I to ray old woman, 'Old woman,' says I, *1 b'leve I'll go down to Ringgold and 'posit my vote.' Says my old woman to me, says she, 'Buck, as it is a sort of a dark, cloudy, rainy, damp, drizzly sort of day, hadn't you better take your umbrill V Says I to tho old woman, says I, 'I spect I had better take my umbrill;' so I tuck the umbrill and advanced on towards Ringgold, till I j arriv tbar. Well, the first thing I did ] when I got thar was to take a drink of ( Buchanan whiskey, which was monstrous good, and says I to myself, says I, 'Old boss, you feel better now, don't yon?' And while I was advancing around, Mr. Cole he come to me; says he, 'Uncle Buck, says he, 'have you seed anything of old neighbor Harris V Says I, 'For why?' Says he, 'The old cock's got my nmbrill.' Arter a while I 'posited my vote, and then Mr. Cole and me advanced back towards home, and Mr. Cole was tighter than I ever seed him. And so we advanced along till wo got to whar the road and path forked, and Mr. Cole and me tuck the path, as any other gentlemen would ; and arter advancing a while, we arriv to old neighbor Harris a settin on a log with the umbri'l on his arm ; and al>out that time Eliiah Cassndv ft he prisoner) corned up and we advanced on till we arriv at Elijah's house. Elijah is my neffew and likewise my sonin-law?be married my darter Jane, which is next to my darter Sally. Arter we had advanced to Elijah's house, we stood up the yard awhile a jawing, and presently two somebodys rid up on a boss, which was Johnston before, and Whitfield Cassady l>chind?Whitfield and Kiah Cassady being the same. Elijah and Kiah is brothers, both born in the nat'ral way, like anybody else's brothers, no gals between 'em, and both of 'em is about the same age, especially Kiah, which ar the youngest. Kiah war drunk, and ho and Mr. Cole got to cussing one another about politix ; aud I advanced in the house with Elijah's wife, which is my darter Jane, which is next to my .darter Sally.? Well, arter jawing a while with 'em, my little neffew says he to me, says he, 'Uncle Buck, let's go home.' Says I, 'Good jM>p 1' so we pegged on together t and I heard somelwaly a calling me, bnt never tentioned 'em nor advanced back. Well, I got home, and was a eating my supper, and Elijah, which is my son-in-law, and married my darter Jane, which is next to my darter Sallv, % arriv'd, and says he to ine, 'Uncle Buck,' says ho, 'I've killed a man.'? Bays I, 'The hell yon have !' And this is all I know about the stabbing, because I want thar." Caution to Country Dogs.?An oc. currence which took place '? this citv last week, should be a caution to all country dogs. A wagoner from Talladega had his dog down with him, and in the course of business it tiecame necessary for that dog to bite Ben Dexter. However, since that dog had last visited the city, the Western manufacturcrs had adopted the use of strychnine in making tlieir liquor?of which fact Bowser was unaware. Suffice it to say, he bit Ben and died! [Montgomery Mail. Wb have heard it remarked that when David burled the stone at Goliah the latter must have been very much surprised, as such a thing never eaterad uLs head beforo. A obmtleWlbt was once dining with a friend, when a mo6t dreadfhl storm arose. In hopes of its abatement, the entertainment was prolonged to the latest possible hoar; bat at length it was over, and the storm showed no signs of ceasing, bat, on the contrary, grew worse and worse. The host insisted npon his guests acceptance of a lodging for the night, in view of the impossibility of reaching his home. The guest complied, bat in a few minutes was missed from the parlor. In half an hoar he re appeared, urenched with rain. " Where, in Heaven's name, have you been ?" asked the host, viewing the singular object, which looked like a dog about the paws, and a weeping willow about the head. " 11" said he, quietly shaking off the water?" I have been at home to tell my wife that, as it was such a bad night, I should not return." Skrmons.?" It amazes me ministers don't write better sermons?I am sink of the dull, prosy affairs," said a lady in the presence of a parson. " But it is no easy matter, my good woman, to write good sermons, suggested the ministor." " Yes," replied the lady, "but you are so long about it; I could write one in half the time if I only had the text." " Oh, it a text is all that you want," said the parson, " I will furnish that. Tako this one from Solomon; 'It is better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, than in a wide house with a brawling woman.'" " Do you mean me, sir ?" inquired tho lady quickly. "Oh, my good woman," was the \ grave responso, " you will never make ' a aeroionizer ; you are too soon in your application." A Dead Suke Titing.?The Cincin- ] nati Commercial tells a yarn about two ladies traveling from St. Louis to Cincinnati, one of whom was asked by a | fellow traveler with whom a conversa- 1 tion had been openod, it sho was married. " I was married," sighed the bloom- J ing dame, " but alas, I know not if my j husband be dead or alive. I heard * that he was accidentally kilted in Pitta- 1 burg, a few weeks ago, and I am now going there to ascertain whether the c report lie true or falso." .1 " Well, I've got a dead sure thing e on I1W linaltmid " I-Amm-Irnil tli.% oKah J ? ......... ??"" d lady, 44 for I saw him buriocl six weeks fi ago." 1 Hard Times.?A couple of gentle- fi men of our city were standing on the H Bay yesterday,-conversing about the j hardness ot the times and the necessity tor economy. One ot' them remarked : 44 Well, I had corn and beet and * cabbage, for dinner to-dayHis com- 1 pan ion stumped him with the ques- ( tion, 44 Why, what did you do with that pair of ducks I saw you pay a | dollar and a quarter for ?" 44 Oh /" re- < plied our economist, 441 had them bo- 4 sides."?Savannah Republican. Didn't Want to Make Trouble.?A quakeress, jealous of her husband, watched his movements,and one morn- j ing actually discovered the truant kiss- , ing and hugging the servant girl.? i Broadbrim was not long in discovering ' the face of his wife as she peeped through the half open door, and rising , with all the coolness of a general, thus 1 addressed hor: 44 Betsy, thee had bet- J tor quit peeping, or thee will cause a disturbance in the family." The following is a literal copy of the list of questions proposed for discussion in a debating club out West: Subjecks of Diskusion. Is Dansin morraily rong? Is the reeding of fictishun wurks commendable ? Is it necessary that femails should reseeve a thurray literary educashun ? Ort femails to taik parts in pollytix? | Queer Epitaph.?A correspondent of the Boston Journal sends to that pa- ' per the following epitaph which ho says ho fonnd on a tombstone in Ox- i ford, N. II.: j "T.? hII my friends I bid adieu, i A more sudden death you never knew ; As I was leading the c!I m.irs to drink, She kicked and killed me quick'n a wink." Floatino Population.?"Yon have considerable floating population in this ] village, haven't you ?" asked a stranger of one of the citizens of a village on the Mississippi. " Well, yes, rather," was the reply, " about naif the 1 year the water is up to tho second Btory windows." j Fbw men have a more ready excuse , for their liomagetlian the Qrecian who ' being asked why philosophers Always ran after rich men while rich men never courted philosophers, roplied, u because the latter know they want mon- . ey, while the former haven't sense 1 enough to know they want wisdom." J A oentlkman is a human being combining a woman's tenderness with a man's courage. I V. V Ul No. MS Kit *~iT=r ATIT .-Pig' WOULD NOW INVITE ATTENTIi ASSORTED STO FALL AND ? M T @ OF THIS SEASON" BALES OP PLANTATION BLANKETS < All Wool Plains " Schyle's Georgia Kerseys and Plains ? low-price Georgia Kerseys and Plains " Red, Blue and Grey Flannels " White Twill Flannels " 8-4, 8-4, 10-4 11-4 Brown Sheetings " Schyle's Stripe Georgia Osnaburgs " heavy Cotton Osnaburgs " heavy 4-4 Brown Shirtings < a r.i.?i TI akiui.^ ovn ldiauu uivnu ?'uuuu^o heavy 8-4 Brown Shirtings, at 6J eta. *' heavy Brown Cotton Drilling " Superfine Brown Cotton Drilling RICH FALL AND WD SUPER 4-4 FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINTZ " 4-4 Cashmere Pattern Chintz " 4 4 Scotch and English Ginghams Choice Printed and Plain Challys Choice Stripe and Plaid Poplins for Fnll Wear Super Printed French Delains and Cashmeres Choice Printed French DeLains for Children Plain French DeLains and Cashmeres, all shades Oct. 29-24-tf Tax Ordinance ] To Raise Supplies for the Year ending October 1st, 1858. BE IT ORDAINED, by tho Intendnnt and f Wardens of the Town of Greenville, in Council assembled, and by tho authority of the same, that a Tax to cover the period from the first day of Ootober one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, to the first day of October one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, for the Bums, and in the manner hereinafter mentioned, shall bo raised and paid into tho public treasury, for the use and service thereof TAX ON REAL ESTATU. Sko. 1st. That is to say, ten cents on every hundred dollars of the assessed value of the real estate lying in said Town, to be paid by the first lay of January, 188S. ON NKOROF.8. r Src. 2d. That fifty cents per head shall be paid on all slaves between the ages of sixteen and fifty years by the first day of December, 1867. ON OOOD8, WARES AND MERCHANDISE. Hue. 8i>. That ten cent* on every hundred dol- t are of Rales of goods, wares and merchandise in ? ho Town of Greenville, from the first day of t fanuary 1857 to tho fint dav of January 1858, hall ho paid by every merchant or shopkeeper c n said town by tho first day of January next. \ ON CAKRIAOK8, OMNIBL'SHES, AC. Seo. 4tii. That, three dollars shall bo paid on s acli and every four-wheeled pleasure-carriage 0 rawn by two or more horses; two dollars on 0 ach one-horse carriage, barouche, gig, sulky or ^ niggy, kept for pleasure aud not for hire; ten V lobars on each four-horse omnibus or hack ; 1 ve dollars on each hack or carriage drawn by wo horses, and run for conveyance of passeners or hire ; three dollars on each buggy run jr hire ; five dollars on each four horse wagon ; ,ve dollars on each two-horse wagon or ctray, f nd three dollars on each one horse wagon or 1 ray run for hire, payable by the first uay of leceinber next. ROAD AND STREET TAX. Set. 5th. That the annual tax for road and fj treet exemptions, for tho current year, shall he J lie sum of two dollars, to he paid by the first lay of February next, 1858. PATROL EXEMPTIONS. I Sec. 6th. That the sum of two dollars and fifty cents be and is hereby ordered to be paid by sach and every person liable to perform patrol luty, for exemption from said patrol duty, for tho year eudiug the first day ot October, 1858, payable to the Town Clerk, on or before the first Jj lay of December, 1857. PENALTIES. Sbo. 7tii. And be it further ordained, That ij my person or persons shall fail, neglect or refuse to make true return on oath to the Clerk of Council of all his, her or their taxable property, and to pay the tax thereon levied, the Clerk "is j hereby authorized and required to issue execu- J tion therefor imtnediately on such default. i Sea 8th. And be it further ordained, That if , any person or persons shall run for hire any vehicle herein mentioned, without first paying the tax therefor, every such person shall pay for Bach day he shall so offend, the annual tax for which such vehicle is subject by this ordinance. Done and ratified under the corporate seal ol the said Town of Greenville, on the 3d day [l.s.] of November, in the year of our Lord ose thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. II. LEE THRUSTON, Intendant. ; W. P. Pkick, Town Clerk. Nov 5 20 4 . _, i GREENFIELDS FAMILY GROCERY STORE. * JNDER M'BEE'S HALL--BUR3EY'S OLD 8TAND. ! JUST RECEIVED, at the above Store, a General Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES,, i elected by the proprietor, consisting of ohoiee irticles of SUGARS, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Rice ' flour. Fish. etc.. etc. To all of which l>? invitee ,he attention of housekeepers and others. April 23 60 tf E. R. STOKES, BOOK-BINDER* AND | Blank-Book Iflanufocturer, (In rear of Carolina Times Office ) &. (3. BLANK BOOKS rnled to any pattern, and ma- , nufactured of the best materials and in the most durable manner. I PERIODICALS, MUSIC BOOKS. Ac., bound in J every variety of style, at short notice. tar Country order* promptly attended to Dec 4-30 ly Hair Dressing and Shaving. BURR. I DOE continues the Tonsorial business at his Old Stand in Reattie's Brick building, where he ia ready during the dav and svening to shave the beard and cut hair, and ihampoo the head. He respectfully asks a eon- linuatien of patronage. Oct. 1-21-V JOB WORK. 4 NEATLY OONE AT THI8 OFFICE* i nff Street, TON, a o. ON TO HIS LARGS AND FULLY UK OF FRESH WINTER ? IMPORTATION. 3ases of Bine, Grey and Steel-Mixed SATINETS " low-price Satinets " low-price Kentnoky Jeans " cheap Long Cloths " Servants' heavy Bleached Shirtings X/S?aas*/a*V AiVUK V1UVUO " Superfine 7-8 Bleached Shirtings " 8 4,10-4,11-4 and 18 4 Bl'oh'd Sheetings " English Prints, at 6$ cts. " good Fur Calica, at 6$ eta. " Super English Dress Prints " cheap Ginghams " Bleached Twill Jeans " low-price Muslin Delains ffTER DRESS GOODS. Plain Union DeBage, at 12$ cts. Plain All Wool DeHiigo, all shades Llich 8ide Stripe Printed French Cashmeres Rich Cashmere Riding and Walking Robes Rich Chally Walking Robes Hisses Chally Byadero Robes Cashmere, DeLain, and Chally Byadere Patterns A. F. BROW^IiyQ. BOWAED ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. 'I^O all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, _L such as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, inpotence. Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the Vice >f Onanism, or Self-Abuse, Ac., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of he awful destruction of human life, caused by lexual Diseases, and the deceptions practised up>n the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, is a charitable act worthy of their name to give (kdicai, advick oratis, to all pers >nc- thus afflict>d, who apply by letter, with a description of heir condition, (age occupation, habits of life, be.,) and in cases of extreme poverty and suf oring, to furnish medicines free of charge. The Howard Association is a benevolent Intitution, established by special endowment, for he relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted vith " Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It has iow a surplus of means, which the Directors inve voted to expend in advertising the above lotice. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the tge, and will furnish the most approved modern .reatment. .tilat pll 111 tali nil o las/iaiaiinn m T) ar\At<t in Spermatorrluxa, or Seminal Weakness, the ice of Onanism, Mastnrbation of Self-Abuse, and ther Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Con lilting Surgeon, which will bo sent by mail, (in scaled envelope), Free of Charge, on the receipt f TWO STAM1*S for postage. Address, I)R. OHO. CALHOUN, Consulting urgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South riNTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HARTWELL, Treaident Geo. Faircuilo, Secretary. Feb 6 30 tf j. iiovet. w. h. iiovky W. H. HOVEY & C0., l'KOPRIETOKS OF CHE LADIES' STORE, DEALERS IN ^ANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, BONNETS, RllIBONS, Housekeeping Goods, iSAfY ssAis ran AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, GREENVILLE, 8. C. N. B.?Orders accompanied by the cash for Aedicnl, Law or Library Books, Musical Instrument* and Sundiiee, promptly filled in New fork and iblivi>r?i1 nn? ?AnniA> .I. ?.?a , w??.. VTJ* VU DIIUI t?9l lotico. Jan 22 37 ly T. W. DAVIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, TAKES the liberty to announoe citizen# of Greenville, and jt Jnlthe surrounding country, that he ^^vyflppia prepared to do all manner of work in his line of business, such as Watoh, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, fill of which shall be done in the neatest manner. Watch Wheels, PivoU, Pinions, Jewels, Screws, Hands, Glasses, all done at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner. Please give him a trial, and you will bepleased. He also makes JEWELRY to order, such as Bold Board, Fob ft Vest Chains, All kinds of GOLD BUTTONS, such as Bosom, Uleeve and Collar Buttons. All kinds of Hair Work Trimmed in the neatest style. His work canuot be surpassed in this part of Ihe country. His shop may be found at the Goodlett House, In the room formerly ocoupied by Messrs. Bailey ib Owen. Greenville, July 80, 1857. 12 tf AGENCY FOR LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! VMS AiHEVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insure* Houses, Stores and other Property AO AI NOT FIRK : And the Ures of White Persons end Slaves, between the agetof 10 and 60 yeart, ON such terms m to render it a most safe and desirable investment. Pull details, with .he Constitution and Bj-Laws of the Company, rill befurnishod on application to any of the Ofleers of the Company. joseph R. OSBORNE, jwt WM. W. MoDOWELL, Viee-Prts. j as. B. Rankin, Secretary A Treaeurir. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan 8 35-1 j GREENVILLE, 8. C. Apple Vinegar. A FINE artiele to be had at the Family GrorV eery Store of A. GREENFIELD. %ST the friends of w. S. Tamer muounce him aa a Candidate for Tax Collector A the next Election. MftUtto in Coxuramntion, BBOIVCllim, UJKTHWITII, And other Diseases qf the Chut and Throat, successfully treated by the Inhalation of Medicated Vapor* and Powder#, by Absorption and Constitutional Treatment, as practiced at the Statymaht Mxdical Institut*, New York City, N. Y. THE unprecedented success which has attended this method of treating diseases nt ilia T.imcr* and Throat, has induced the Physicians to depart from their usual course, and avail themselves of the columns of the Press to make it known to such as may be laboringunder, or predisposed to, such affections. The dawn of a brighter day has at length arrived for the Consumptive-?the doctrine of the incurability of Consumption has now passed away. We have indubitable proofs in our possession, that Consumption, in all its stages, can be cured : in the first, by tubercular absorption ; in the second, by the transformation of tubercule intc ckalkg and calcareous concretions; in the third, by cicatrices or scars. Those wedded to the opinion of the past may assert that it is even now incurable. Such are behind the age. To all this great truth must be appa rent, viz : that medicines inhaled directly into the lungs, whether in the form of Vapoi or Powder, must be more effectual than tna taken into the stomach. In short, the onlj ark of refuge for the Consumptive is in In balatiofi, and such additional means, o whioh the judicious Physician will avai himself. Such of the Profession that have adopted Inhalation, have found it soothing and ejffi cacious in the highest degree; arresting l)u progress of the disease, and working wonder, in many desperate cases ; in verity, a tri umph of our Art over the fell destroyer o our species. Note.?Physicians wishing to make them selves acquainted with this practice, are in formed that our time being valuable, we car only reply, as to ingredients used, to sucl letters that contain a fee. The fee, in all cases of Consumption, wil be ftlO. on receiDt of which the neceesan medicines and instrument will be forwarded Applicants will please state age, sex, oocupa tion, married or single, how long affected, i any hereditary disease exists in the family and symptoms generally. Let the name town and State be plainly written?postng< for return answers must be enclosed. Let ters, if Registered by the Post Master, ar? at our risk. Address WALLACE MERTOUN, M. D, S. M. Institute, ?. Y. City. July 16 10 6m READ! READ!! READ!!! IT WILL TAKE YOU BUT A FKW MINUTES, AND MAY SAVE YOU MANY YEARS OF 8UTFERIWO ! Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE 8REAT PURIFIER OF THE BL000! The Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered Physician* prescribe it, and every one that use* it is a vol king advertisement. No Medicine ever yet offered to the American public ha* gained such popularity in so short a time as CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE It will Cure any case of Scrofula. it will Cure any case of Rheumatism. It wilt Cure any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. It will Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case of Fever and Ague Or any Diseases arising from an impure state o the Blood. SCROFULOUS READER! It cured the neice of the Hon. John Minoi Botts, n member of Congress from Virginia, o Scrofula, after the skill of the best Physicians both of New York and Philadelphia, had beer tried in vain; and it will cure you, reader, il you are so affected. RHEUMATIC READER! It cured D. Burritt, Esq., of Cincinnati, ol Rheumatism of 4 years standing, after all othei remedies had failed. We have hundreds of sucii certificates. Call on the Agent and get a Book and Circular, and read for yourself the many re markable and astonishing cures it has made. SYPHILITIC READER! The celebrated Dr. Butcher writes us that h< had two of the most severe ami long standing cases of Syphilis that would yield to none of the usual remedies, but he cured one case with six, and the other with nine bottles of CARTER'<5 SPANISH MIXTURE. We have known ll used in over a Thousand esses, and have yet t< hear of a failure in any case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS READ! Aon* and Fkvek.?Do not take Quinine, Mer cury, or any such noxious Drugs, but try at onc< this great Alterative and Purifier of the Blood Carter's Spanish Mixture will cure any and ever] case of Ague and Fever. Wo have never ye known it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impur state of the Blood, no medicine has ever yet t>eei found to have so good an eifeet If you are siek try it at once; do not delay ; time is precioui and health the greatest of all blessings, withou which all else is valueless. DR. WM. 8. BEERS A CO., j-ropri?tor8, Ktcnmond, Va. And for sale by E- KRUTCH, Druggist, Agent Gr?*nville C. H., 8. 0. 8-ly May 88 watchesT aomMBWHT E. X. PINSON (AGENT,) BEGH Isave to announce to the eitizens < Greenville, and surrounding country, tha he has opened a Stock of the above-named Ai tides on Avenue street, in the Building former! known as " Avenue Street onfeotionery," whiel he will sell LOW for CASH. HB WILL AIMO Repai and Fit Up WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY In the beet of style. Thankful to his former patrons and friends for their liberality and patronage, he reaped fully eolieite a continuance of the same. |W* Give him a oall, and he will endeavor to please. 87-tf Jan 88 BACON. ? 5 AAA LBS. on hand and for sale by aVVU A. GREENFIELD. Jyi ? if f: - 1 M mmmsssssessmmmm Helmbold's Genuine Preparation NI8HLY C?N EXTRAC^IUCHU ? Far Dietaeetof the Bladder, EUnegt, Gravel, Dropty, Weakneu, Obstruction, Secret Bieeatee, Female Complaint?, and all JHteaoee of the Sternal Orgam, Arising from Excesses and Itnpradenefce In life, lad removing nil Improper Discharges from Ike Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in | bslsum ?a jyaHSLSuta, Prom whatever cause they may have originated, ajtd mo hon or mow loko wtMtroata Giving Health and Vigor to the Fame, and Bloom to the Pallid Cheek. Joy to the Afflicted S f It eurea Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes all the Symptoms, among which wiW y be found Ii I Indisposition to Exertion, Low of Power, Low of Utmorv, DifBeultv of Breathing, General Weakness, > Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves; , Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Deat I Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Din' new of Viaion, Languor, Universal Lassitude of 1 the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appa> tite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hacdsy Flushing of the Body, Dryness of th* f Skin, Pallid Countenance, and r Eruptions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heaviness 1 of the Eyelids, Fre quently Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Sunusion and Low of f Sight, Want of Attention, Great Mobility, Restlessness, with Horror of Society. I Nothing is more desirable to such patients than . solitude, and nothing they more dread for fear , of viiauweivos; co rcpcce of so inner, no earnest ness, no speculation, but a hurried Transition ' from one question to another. " These symptoms if allowed to go on?which ' this medicine invariably removes?soon follows Lou of Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Fit*?in one . of which the patient may expire. Who can say that these excesses are not frequently followed by those direful diseases?INSANITY AND 1 CONSUMPTIONt The records of Ineane Atyl /urns, and the melancholy deaths of Conemnption, bear ample witness to the truth of these aseer] tiona. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy r exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sodden ana quite destitute?neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it Should a sound of the voice - occur, it is rarely articulate. f " With woful measurea wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." ' Debility is most terrible f and has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, 3 thus blasting the ambition of manv noble Youths. It can be cured by the nee of this > INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with any of the above die treseing ailments, the FLUID EXTRACTBU OIIU will cure jou. Trj it, and be oonvineed of its efficacy. Bncare of Quack Nottrum* and Quack Doctor*, | who falsely boast of abilities and references. Ci[ tizens know and avoid them, and save Long Suffering, Money and Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and Specific Remedy. It allays all pain ana inflammation, is perfectly | pleasant in its taste aud odor, but immediate in i its action. Helmbold's Extract Buchu Is prepared dii ectly according to the Rules of i PHARMACY AND 0HEMI8THY, with the greatest accuracy aud (Themical knowledge ana care devoted in its combination. See Professor Drwsx'a Valuable Works on the Practice of Phvsic, aud most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. J GTJLOO.^] One hundred doltars will be paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Patient; and the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it does great good. Cfcaes of from one week to thirteen years' standing have been effected. The mass of VOLUNTARY TESTIMONY in possession of the Pro, prietor, vouching its virtues and curative powf era, is immense, embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. 100,000 Bottle* Have Been Sold, ' And not a single instance of a fail or s baa been ~ reported. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman ' of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. HELMBOLD 1 n l ?l - l.: / ? vuDiiiifb, wou, oeiug auiy sworn, dosi My, tbt his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable. r H. T. UKLMBOLD, dole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this ISd day of November, 1864. ! WM. P. HIBBARD, Alderman. Price $1 per Bottle, or Six for $5, Delivered to any Address, Accompanied by reliable aud responsible Certi? ficates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Cler: gyraen and others. Prepared and sold by ' H. T. HELMBOLD, 'j Practical and Analytical Chemist, t No. 62 Sooth Tenth St., bblow Chestnut, > Assembly Buildings, Phila. VW To be bad of Drs. J. h. Dean, Musi A Long and M. B. Eanlx, Druggist*, Greenville, . S. CI, and of all Druggists anaDealers throughj out the United States, Canada* and Briti?h m* . vinces. r Beware ?< Coaatcrfelts. 1 Aak for HSLKBOLD'S?Tako no Other. CURES GUARANTEED. : j?'y 2 ? Iy__ t mora ipimxs And Ptonix Bitters* THE best Family Medicine now before the publio, for the cure of Scrofula, Ulcere, , Scarry, or BneptUme of the Skin, Fewer and * Ague, Dytpepeia, Dropsy, and in feet meet all diseaaea soon yield to their curative properties. Ilt has uwwu oviu|hiMu iui. uuriug Lue Mae twenty-five years, upwards of four millions of persons have bean benefitted by the nee of these B medicine*; * fact which apeak* volume* In favor of their curative propertioe?a tingle trial' will place them beyond toe reach of competition in the eetimate of every patient. By their dn the blood ie restored to a kooltky sUUt, and1 >f fr?*d from oil impurities. The eyetem i* not ret duced during their operation, bat invigorated, and they require no reetraint from bueineee or y pleaeure. TV afflUtsd hoot, in th*w medeimn, m rawedh that will do for them all that medicine eon jweeibly effect. Prepared by W. B. Moffat, M. IX, Proprietor, New York. And for aale by W. H. IIOVEY, . Greenville, 8. C. ? Sep 17 10 If \ Q. 8. BOWER, MnwifnoMirer and Dealer In ' FURNITURE of every description, '..I',"" ??d 8MBI CHAIRS of every etyle. FISK'8 CELEBRATED METALW BURIAL CA8ES, OppotiU Iks Conga*** Mou**, Dee. 11, C0LUHKA.8. 0 U