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WAy Can't You Ularry? YOU MAY tell us you are not sufficiently good looting; U?at the family of the young lady wont oonseat, that your father or your mother or grandmother, or eome other relative object*. Il'e all fudge! ae weft a# we do. The truth ie you hav'nt the ca*h. You want the meane to begin life with?and it by a lucky hit* you oould get it* you would Jump at the chance. The chance ie within your reach by eending ten, fire, or two and half dollars to A SWANdt CO., Augusta, Georgia* for a whole, half, or quarter of a ticket, and gain a prize in one of their lotteries, which are drawn every Saturday through the year. Do this and get married ae toon ee you choose.?Neu> York Sunday Courier. Deo 3-1 A W -?*> - RECOVERY LODGE, Wo. 31 A REGULAR COMMUNICATION of this Lodge will be held on MONDA Y NIGHT next, Deetmber 7tK A punctual attendance i? desired, as the election of officers for the ensuing year will take place. By order of the W.\ M.\ W. R. JONES, Secretary. December 8 80 1 | SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES. NEW AND BRILLIANT SCHEME ! CAPITAL tar jb The following Scheme will be drawn by S. Swan A Co., Managers of the Fort Gaines Academy Lottery, in each of their Ix>tterics for December, 1887, at AUGUSTA, Georgia, to which city they have removed their principal office: CLASS 65, To b? drawn In the city of Augusts, Os., In public, on SATURDAY, DEOEXBER 5th. 1897. CLASS- 66, To bo drawn In the city of Augusta, Oa , In publ'o, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1897. CLA?S 67, To bo drawn In the city of Augusta, Ga, In public, on SATURDAY. DECEMBER 19th, 1657. n T SOD ULA0S U 8 , To bo drown In tbo city of Augusts, 9t, In public, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1867. | OX TUB PLAN OF 8INQLK NCMHEUS. Pive Thousand Four Hundred Prizes ! j NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO ! EVER Y NINE TICKETS. \ MAQJMtFOOIMT SOMl?IMl(E B TO DK DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN DECEMBER ! 1 Prize of $60,000 1 Prize of $2,OOo 1 Prize of 30,000 1 Prize of 1,600 1 Prize of 10,000 60 Prizes of 1,000 1 Prize of 6,000 100 Prizes of 160 1 Prize of 8,000 100 Prizes of 125 1 Prize of 3,500 100 Prizes of 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $800 App'g. to $60,000 priz. ore $1,200 4 IVizes of 260 " " 30,000 priz. are 1,000 of 200 " " 10,000 priz. are 800 4lVizesof 160 " " 6,000 priz. aro 600 4 Prizes of 125 " " 6,000 priz. are 600 4 Prizes of 100 " " 3,000 priz. are 400 4 Prizes of "75 " " 2,000 priz. are 80<1 4 Prizes of 80 " " 1,500 priz. are 200 6,000" of 20 are 10(\000 6,400 Prizes amounting to $320,000 Whole Tickets $10; IUJves $6; Quarters $2^. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from 1 to 50,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of pancr, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one wheel. The first 368 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, are placed in another wnoel. The wheels arc then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and, at the same time, a Prize is drswn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn oat nre opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Commissioners: the Prise K.?i..<? placed against the Number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the prizes aao drawn out Approximation Phizes.?The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 8 Prizes will he entitled to the 32 Approximation Prizes. For example: if Ticket No 11200 draws the $60,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248, 11249, 11251, 11202, will each be entitled to $800 If Ticket No. 650 draws the $80,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 6?8, 049, 561, 652, will each be eniitled to $260, and so on according to the above scheme. The 6,000 Prizes of $20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the I $60,000 Prize. For example: if the Number drawing the $60,000 Pcize ends with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the number ends in 1, will be entitled to $20- If the Number ande with No. 2. then nil the Tickets, where the Number eads in 2, will be entitled to $20, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will bo sold at the following rates, which is the risk: Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 Certifloate of Package of 10 Half Tickets, 40 Certificate of Package of 10 Quarter Ticketa, 20 Certificate of Package of 10 Eighth Ticketa, 10 IN ORDERING! TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, Enclose the money to onr address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be aenj, W pvreboaera ifpiasuiat^ly after the drr-wtngPurchasers will please write their signatures plain and giye their Post Office, county and Stste.' *v* Remember thet every Prise is drewn sad payable in full without deduction. % All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid iro-| mediately after the drawing?other prizes at the luuat time of thirty daya i All communication* strictly confidential. Address or (lore for Ticket* or Certificates to S. 8WAN, ?k CO., Augusta, Ga. or Person* raeiding near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta. Ga. can bate their orders filled, end eeye time, by addressing H. ttwan A Co , at either 0 of those eitica &r A list of the number* that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of tite prize thet each one ia entitled to, will be published etter STsry drawing, in the'following papers: Angus ta (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New Orleana Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston 3tanderd, Nashville Oasetta, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Havannah Morning New*, Rich tnoud Dispatch, New York Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. Dec 3 80 tf 1 r% . t ATTENTION, % BUTLER GUARDS! A/ AN Extra Meeting of your |H Corn# will bo held on SATU&DAY EVENING, 6th iuat Tliooo T)1 * in arrears ore ogoin requested to U,j| come prepared to settle them.?dajl* Other ousineas of importanee will"^4 also bo brought up for consideration. L. WILLIAMS, Sec. & Treaa. Dec 3 SO 1 NOTIOEl. TTTlf 1J * '' ' " mmy w wvuiu uuuriD UUT p&irOQB illOL W10T0 lft Y many acoounts contracted in 185ft that remain unpaid, and as January is clots at hand, we would have them bear in mind that we expect them to meet all these duos promptly mt that time. We are compelled to meet all our debt# promptly, and must, therefore, am tm* bamk faVOR 0F OUR CWBTOMRRB. REA, BAYNE & CO. Deeerabor 8 80 tf i notiohT ALL PERSONS are hereby notified that the BRIDGE at the UTTER FORD, in the village of Greenville, is considered UNSAFE, and that passengers are forbidden to cross it until repaired. By order of Council. 11. LEE THRU8T0N, Intendant. \V. P. Ptticu, Town Clerk. Deo 3 30 2 ilroiight to Jail, ON MONDAY, November 16th, A NEGRO MAN, who sajw his name is JACOB, and that he belongs to Daniel linger, of Hendersonville, N. C. The owner is noreby notified to come forward, prove the property, pay charges and tako him away. J. T. MoDANIEL, Jailor. December 8, 1867, 80-tf. ~ CHARL EShTcKEyT^ (Successor to timunuel Currant,) MANUFACTURER OF LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DEALER IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, 11 RACKETS. WINDOW CORNICES, ROOM MOTJI/DINGS, &C. 154 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. tar Old Frames Re-gilt equal to new. April 80 61 ly W. 8. LAWTON, 1 t C. M. BREAKER, Formerly of V ? of T - a n V ' ? ? unirvvuriiiv, o. v. j ( L'linrlcstou, 3. C. LAWTON 8L CO., Factor*, Forwurdinx and Com mission .Were hunts, No. 30 East Bay and Boyce <? Co's Wharf, s. <3?b WILL HELL COTTON, RICE, FLOU K, WHEAT, CORN, NAVAL STORES, Ac. jST"RavinK an experience of twenty-five years in business, we guarantee satisfaction to all who patronize us. ' ESTATE SALE. BY virtue of an ordor from the Court ol Ordinary, for Greenville District, we will expose for sale, at public outcry, at the Plantation of WEST A. WILLIAMS, deceased, in Greenville, SC., 19 miles from Greenville C. H., and 4 miles from Williamston,on TUESDAY, 11 th of December next, the following property, viz: 17 Likely Negroes. ALSO, A Lot of Corn, Wheat, Oats, SHUCKS, FODDER, PLANTATION TOOLS, SETT BLACKSMITH TOOLS, A 1'IXB LOT OF FAT 1IOGS AND CATTLE, HOUSES AND MULES. /t**Y ALSO, All the Household aad Kitchen Furniture. TERMS?A credit of 8 months, with interest from day of sale, with notes and two approved securities on nil ?um? ?f upwards; under #5, cash will bo required. T. C. GOWER, Greenville C. II. W. B. MILNVEE, Willinrnston, 8. C. Administrators. Nov 20 20 3 Administrator**' Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the l>tnte of THOMAS W. KIN.MAN', deceased, are re quested to make payment to the undersigned. Those having demands against said Katate will present them, duly attested, for payment ? BARIvSDALK CHARLES, JOHN CHARLES, Administrator*, with the Will annexed November 26 29 tf Administrators' Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of MARTHA KINMAN, deceased, are requested to make payment to the undersigned. Those having demands against said Estate will present them, duly attested, for payment. BARKSDALK CHARLES, JOHN CUARLEH, Administrators. November 26 29 tf LOST ON MONDAY, the 10th ine't., a HAIR BRACELET, with a Cold CI Ha | > and Locket, with a Likeness in it. A liberal reward will bo paid to any one find| ing and returning it to me. JANE CASEY. No? 5 26 tf 'mattresses,"" DUUAHI.Ennd CHEAP, on band and made to order. Alno, HUOmsnt Executed in A LL its branches, by Nov 12-27-4 A. HANSMAN. Elford & Donaldson, ?i&isiaffifwn)c,;c.;a, a. o. C. J. ELFOftO. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jan. 10. 86 8m ' L t y rr i'i i" *- " V ' ""' ' tor Tax Collector. HT The friend* of A. B. IfcDavid, Esq., respectfully announce him as a ?didate for Tax Cbllector at the ebsuing.election. JP PUBLIC SALES. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. John Charles and Barksdale Charles, Administrators, &o., vs. James B. Kimnau, et al. ?Dill for Relief, dr. IN obedience to the order of the Court of Equity in this cane, I will sell at publio outcry, before the Court House door, on Saleday in December next, to the highest bidder, the following NEGItOES, to-wit: Tena, Ben, Linze, Caroline and child, Harriet, John and Louisa. Terms or Sale.?Credit of twelve months, except so much as may bo necessary to pay the costs of this suit, (which will be required to be paid in cash,) and the purchaser giving bond, with two good securities, payable as above, with interest from dntc. 8. A. TOWNKS, o. k. o. n. Commissioner's Oftice, Nov. 12, 1867. Nov 12 27 td STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SH ERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry WriU of Fieri Facias to inc directed, I will sell before the Court House door, at tho usual hours of sale, ou the first Monday in DECEMBER next, 10 barrels of corn, on Tuesday after sale day in December, at tho residence of Matlicaa Pierce, as the property of Erwiu Sanders at tho suit of tho S. C. Man. Company. 5 barrels corn, 4 head of hogs and 1 cow, on Tuesday after sale day iu December next, at tho defendant's residence. As the property of Jnnies IKurd at the suit of C. A. Southcrlin. 4 Head ot Horses, 1 Mule, 1 Spring Buggy, 1 Buggy, 2 Lumber Wagons; and at the Steam Distillery, on Tuesday after Bale-day, 1 Yoke of Oxen, about 60 Killing Ilogs, about 20 head of Stock Hogs ; as the property of Powers A EK1 ridge, at the suit of Henry, Smith ?fc Town send. 100 Acres of Land, more or less; and on Tuesday after Sale-day at defendant's residence, 1 Negro Woman, 40 Ilbls. Corn, 3,500 Bundles Fodder, 1 House Shucks, 2 Cows and Calves, 1 Cow and 2 Heifers, 0 Head of Hogs, 1 Clock, 3 Pens Straw ; as the property of J. Manning Mahaffy, at tho suit of B. F. Perry, et al. D. IIOKE, S. O. D. 1 Sheriff's Office, November 12,1857. 27-td Executor'* Sale. WILL 11K SOLD, to tho highest bidder, nt Grecnvillo C. II., on Sale-day in January next, ONE TRACT OF LAND, of the Erstato of Col. John Tb Ligon, situated in Pickens District, on Saluda river, five miles from Greenville village, containing ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN ACRES. I more or less, including tlio Bridge known as Ligon's Bri.lgo, with the light of landing on the Greenville side ; also, one Likely Negro Boy, five or six years old, and a lot of Carpenter's Tools, p The above will bo disposed of at private sale, if suitable opportunity oilers. TERMS?A credit of six months, with interest from day of sale, purchasers to give note and approved security before the right of property is changed. W. A. TONVNES, Nov 12-27 tf Executor. Executor'* Male. WILL BE SOI.l), on Sale-dov in December next, EIGHTY ACHES OF LAND, more or lew, adjoining lands of Thomas Taylor, O. Green and others, lying on Enorec river, and within one half mile of Cluck's Springs, and eight miles of Greenville C. H., being the Land on which Amanda Hardin now lives. About Thirty Acres of this Land is Bottom, and nsgood as any on Enorce river. There is a settlement on the place. Four hundred and fifty dollars of the'Viurchaac money will be required in cash, the balance on a credit of one and two years, with interest from date; note and approved securities. II. LEE TIIRUSTON, Executor of L. S. Thruslon. Nov o 27 td Cxecuior'v Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to lite Estate of JOHN T. LIGON, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned. All those having claims against said deceased will present them for payment within the time prescribed by law, or they will be barred. VV. A.TOWNES, Nov 5 26-tf Executor. iJi) 1H KRAUTS, CABINET NAKEK, GREENVILLE, S. C. If early opposite the Post Office, Avenue Street, RESPECTFULLY informs fcfcffSff^S^gtho citizens of Greenville and the adjoining Districts, that he has returned from the State Fair at Columbia, (where he received the first premium for his elegautly finished Bureau, which was admired by every one,) and is now prepared to execute ALL ORDERS IN HIS LINE. He has, also, on hand A LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE, which will be sold at prices to suit the tiroes. He returns his thanks for past favors, and he hopes, by giving constant attention to his business, to receive a liberal share of the public pa^onago, Nov. llt-28 ly. DESIRABLE FALL AND, WtMTER GQDPJS, TO TTR DPWMPh Saturday, October 10th. MRS. WATTS AND MISS /JfewJ^^BjGOKDON -will open on the nL ^^rffil>ovo day a Magnificent assort mont of all kinds of FVeneh ilX.flaAC j^r ft,,d American Milleue, ry and Straw Goods, Silk and TflBA Fancy onnels. Dress Cansand ! ' / W\ Ilead Dresses, Ribbons, French , Flowers, Feathera, Ac. A complete assortment I of all the above Goods constantly on hand, aud 1 will be sold CURAP FOR (JASII. Hats cleaned and trimmed, and Dresses cut and basted at the shortest notice. 9WT House on Avenue Street opposite the Post Office. October 8 22-tf The Friend* of Janes R. I?enrIOU| announoe itim as a Candidate for Tax Cob I lector at the ensuing Klcction. ' EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF * WATCHES, French, English and American Jewelry, AND FANCY ARTICLES. CHARLES SMITH, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, QBEEXYIRLK, S. C., Main ftlreet, nearly OpjtostU the Man*ion House, -rjEKPRCTFULLY informs the inhabitants of JCV Greenville and vicinity, that he has just , received and added to his already extensive stock, a large assortment of the above named Articles, consisting of Fine Sett* of Frrnrh Cameo*, well known for their superiority ; also a choice variety, beautifully ornamented with and Bracelets to match, (bciug the latest fashion.! all mounted in heavy gold. Also new patterns of S Fancy Brooches for Ambrotypes. ' A quantity of fashionable llraoolcts; lu-avy solid ^ Gold Kings, Mosaic Ear-Rings, Ix>okefs, Studds, . etc., etc., I>esid?s nn innumerable assortment of s the most beautiful Jewelry over before offered in J Greenville. Ilis Stock also comprises a splendid variety of heavy ( Fine Fnglisli Plated Ware, amongst which may bo found Knives, Forks, Spoons. Cups, etc., etc,, of new metal, plated not upon German Silver, but upou the genuine ALBATA. It is used in the highest circles, and is much pre- 1 ferred for its great durability. Also, new fashioned SPECS. with handles and without temples. Very useful nud convenient The establishment also contains WATCHES of the best make, viz: Chronometers, Duplex, English an<l French Levers, Cylinders and I'lain, all in heavy Gold or Silver Cases. Having made arrangements in New York with Wholesale Houses importing direct from France and England, I am enabled to sell all my Articles at prices lower than they cnu he bought in Charleston. All Articles sold in the ostablismcnt warranted as represented. 24-8tn Oct 22 Hosiery and Gloves. DOZ. Ladies', Gent's. Missos' and ChiljmjV JKJ Drcn's Hosiery ; Kid, Silk and Worst-' ed Gloves for Ladies, Gents and Children, i?ist open and will be sold cheap, at the Ladies, Store. W. EL 110Y EY it CO. Merinoes and DeLainos. PIECES, now open and for sale cheap. OU W. II. IIOVKY it CO. Ready Made Clothing. ?*y icooin.-. in jucuec a Buiunng. March jy 45 if THIS O-P.SSXTVILLS 13O OK STORE, MAIN STREET, NEXT TO MoBEEB HALL, T?j W HERE constantly may bo found /a large and well selectod Stock MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL and CLASSICAL BOOKS, Writing Taper, Blank Books, Mem- , oranduina, Ac.; VVriling Desks and Cases, Tort folios, Gold and Steel Tens, Pencils, Ink, Healing , Wax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Books, Inkstands, llu- , lor*, Ac., Ao. J. C. T. JETER, Jan 15 86-ly Sign of the Big Book. W. P. PRICE, N O T A R V PUBLIC, AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, OFFICE IN TfiE OLD COUET HOUSE, vyKKolLl^iv &a (0. Will prompttj attend t<> the collection of Notes and Accounts, settling Claims, Ac. r I 4 LARGE, Fine and Well Assorted STOCK', / V jnst open. Also, a large lot of Oiled Window Shades, Wall Paper, Horde is, Ac., at. W. II. UOVKY ?fc (JO. Velvets, Ribbons, &c. I^TOW OPEN. 300 pieces Velvet Ribbons, 1>( whieh will be sold very low. Fine Chenill Head Dresses, Ermine, and a grout variety of Fancy Articles, at the Ladies' Store. W. 11. 1IOV EY & CO. Ootober 1. 21 tf NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOOK OF MILLIISTESRY AND LADIES' HOODS. MRS. WALTON MOST respectfully informs her for4*^11 mor patrons and friends and the Ladies generally, tnat she has just received and will open on Moudny next, the 12th inst, one of the mo?t extensive and best assorted STOCKS OF MILLINER Y ever offered to the ladies of Greenville, consisting of a variety of Silk, Satin, and Velvet llonneta, Uice, Dunstable, Silver Glace, Neapolitan and Drab Straws. Flowers, Plumes and Head Dresses, Dress Cloaks and Mantillas, made in the latest and most approved styles. CaT Orders from the country promptly attended to. Oct 8 22 Slit Placs an Enduring Tablet owf t/u- Spot where liepose the Remains of those vou Love, ltfflW in I! HIT V A I) 11 ii Li ii ifiiimujj i/uu/, OMENVOiLLIg, a ?. rI^HK Subscribers respectfully inform the citixen? of thin anal adjoining Districts, that they have opened a MAItliLE YAUI) in the village of Greenville, on the lot opposite the Mansion liouse and adjoining I)r. Hell's Hotel, where they will' promptly and faithfully attend to all orders for Tomb-Stonos, Monuments, And any other style of Work in their line. Having had an experience of over fifteen years in this business, they have no doubt of their ahility to give ample satisfaction to all who may entrust them with their orders. CII ALMKliS di ALLEN. Oct '22 24 8in WM. 17 ALLEN, SURGEON DENTIST, jft-.. i HAS returned from Pltiladelphia, prepared, in every way, to perform all operations in his profession in the most skilful and approved manner. Having procured every improvement of the day, persons can safely rely on having overy operation performed in the name manner as done in Philadelphia or Now York. Ether and Chloroform given when desired. Persons desiring attention must make appointments previously. AT THE GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY, 1*1 a In direct, Next the Bridge, rllE Largest and Boat Stock of CARRIAGE GpOIIS AND MATERIAL ever offered for iale in the State, selected carefully and especial y for Carriage Manufacturers. A largo stock and best variety of Axles for 3uggios, Carriages and Wagons; common and j >est tempered Steel Springs ; Black and Colored , Enamel and Patent Dosli leather; Black and! Colored Enamel C loths, Drills and Dueks; Oil | tnd Brussels Carpet; Buckrams and Russia Iheotings; Lute, \lniiil1a and Chenille Mats; 3rass and Silver Point and Sand Bands ; Brass, Silver, Bone and Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted jroad and narrow Laces; Silk, Worsted andCoton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggy sent tticks; and a complete assortment of Mailable Hastings. Carriage Makers are particularly requested to sail and examine otir stock. For sale cheap by GOWER, COX & MARKLKY. ' HUBS AND SPOKES. WE are now prepared to supply Manufaclurers with the best Morticed liubs and Trirned Spokes, of our own manufacture, and warrantee. For sale by GOWEK, COX ik MARKLEY. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, Drab nn<l Green Cloths; German, Fnney, Cotton and AllWool Damasks. For sale l>y GOWER, COX "<fe MARKLEY. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR PENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and variety of the best Tools made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood and Boxwood Planes. For sale bv GOWER, COX 6t MARKLEY. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! "VyOW 011 bund, the largest stock of Iron ever Xx offered in this market: Spurtajiburg Iron and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English Refined Tires; Ovals; Hound; Square; Ilorsc Shoe; Half Hounds; Half Ovals; Band Iron and IIoop Iron; Soring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedes and Hammered, for wagons, tires nud plantation work. On band, cheap for cash, 6,000 lbs. Rusted Plow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron. For sale by GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! "VTAYLORS. SAUNDEltSON A JESSUPS bent 1\ Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and flat ?for fine edge tools, axles and drills. German and Blister Steel, for plantation work. For sale l>y GOWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. 3,000 IRS. GRINDSTONE. ASSORTED sizes, suitable for Farmers and Mechanics. For sale cheap by GOWER. COX & MARKLEY. ON HAND /A/ 1A LBS. best Black Florida Moss and Curled llair, picked, in bags. For sate by GOWER, COX St MARKLEY. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. 1" ARCiE assortment of the Diamond FlintSund JLj Paper, l>e*t article made, for sale by GO W Eli, OOX & MARK LEY. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. OX hand, 11 large assortment Paints, Oils, Ac, Pure, Extra an?l Xo, 1 White Lends; Raw nnd Roiled Lindseed Oils ; Winter, Sperm, Solar, Lamp, Keats Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; Ooacn llody nnd Copal Varnish ; Japan, Aspalturn and Leather Varnish ; Spirits Turpentine : Oreens; Yellows; Blues; Lakes; Pinks; Dropblack ; Lainpblaek ; lied ; Spanish Brown; Umber ; Sunwn ; French Ochre, <tc. American and French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening For sale by GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. HE A VY A SHELF HARD WARE. A LA ROE nnd well selected stock For salt cheap by GOWER, COX it MARKLEY. SUREWS! SUREWf?// GROSS of the Improved Gimblet Foint OUv Screws. For sale by GOWER, COX it" MARKLEY. SA WS! SAWS / / HOE ?fc Cu's (Celebrated C'ist. Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut and Tennon Saws; lland, Pnnncl and Kipping Saws; Brass nnd Blue Back Saws; a complete assortment of WebbSaws, with and without frames. For sale by GOWER, COX it MARKLEY. May 28 3 tf THE NEW BOOKSTORE, Under Dunn's Hotel, Cor.oJ Public Square, MARIETTA, OA. *r'j ftjtfn THIS Establishment, just opened, it is hoped will meet the wants of CdEeJCeS' the community. The supply of Is large and varied, and orders arc received unity tor ^\ii fjocxis in ine line. QOO PI ECES NEW MUSIC, About 60 kinds of Instruction Rooks. MELODEONS, VIOLINS, FLUTES AND GUITARS. A select stock of Fine WATCHBrt, Tens, Silver FciK<U3, and huiidscne Jewelry. Aii goods sold E-NTiKsr v rou c>sh; 6 per cent, discount off bills of over $20. Oct 16-28-7 THOS C. MARKLEY. JilUDON'9 FAMILY GROCERY STORE, In the 1'owerd Building, on Main Street. :o: CONSISTING of .Sugar*, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Tees, Crackers, Clieeae, Oysters, lobsters, .Sardines, Yeast, A'odn, White tVi ne Vineptnr, Fine Cigars and Tobacco, Candies, Nuta, Citrou, .Soaps, l'ickles. Catsups, Ac., ie. Also a lot of Oranges just, received. Oct 8 22 tf REE 1> <i(Mll>LETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Urcenville, S. C. Iff* OFFICE next door to F. F. BRathe <fe Co. J. P. REED.] [8. D. (J 001)LETT. June 4 4 tf -H g- J 1 " - gg, N ? W speingjjoods. GRADY & GOODLETT, j One Door South of the Old Court House GREENVILLE, S. C. AFTEIl returning our grntcful thanks to our friends And customers, for their p*?t very liberal patronage to our business, we desire to call their attention, as well as that of the public generally, to our very lurge and finely assorted stock of" Spring- and Summor Goods, which we are now receiving, and which has been purchased by one of the firm with can*, and on very advantageous terms as to prices, and which we are determined on scllini? as low us tliev onn ho bought, a) r ft ail, any where. Our stock, in the way of DRY GOODS, o?n- >*? hruees almost every article culled for, either by Ladies or Gentlemen, iu Fancy or Staple Dry Goods. Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Ruches, Talmas, Shawls, Mantles, &o. Boots mid Shoes, Trunks, &c. A very extensive and fashionable assortment. HATS AND CAPS. ? The latest styles, for Men aud Boys, in great * ' variety. ( Ready-Made Clothing. * A very heavy and varied assortment, for Men and Boys. ^' Perfumeries, Fancy Articles, .Jewelry, Plated Ware, Mirrors, Hardware and Cutlery, Guns, Carpenter's Tools, Black- a smiths' Tools, Crockery and Glassware, DRUGS, MEDICINES & DYE-STUFFS, # Books aud Stationery. SADDLERY, CASTINGS AND IRON. CJKOCERIES. A very heavy stock of Rio and Java COFFERS *** Brown and Crushed SUGARS Teas, Molasses, Spices, Cigars, Powder, Shot, Lend and Indigo. SACK AND TABLE SALT. Vinegars, Burning Fluid, Cotton Yarn. Nails, Glass, Ac.. Ac. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. GRADY A GOODLETT. April 0 48 tf Plows, Stoves, jj? WE keep coiistnnt-*>a^ ly on hand a large as- "" "1 i.* sort-inert of Ono ami ?."S? ^fJfc^Two-IIorno Turning, Subsoil and Hillside JB>" ._-?!?mm'S"?<9 which wc challenge the world to e<pial in good work, ease of draft and durability. i W? have also a large and beautiful assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Loom, lied llooip and Church STOVES, to which we particularly call the attention of I those who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash and Stock BOILERS, Corn Shellcrs, Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Well Puinps furnished and put up. We also are making and receiving from New | York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, among which the Ladies may find a great variety of Cake Cutters and Luke Pans. FOOT and BATIII NO TUBS, or nny other Article iu our line, made to order, and Painted in I the best manner. We are also prepared to do Hoofing; and (jiiitlt'iing in the latest, and best manner on short notice. , Country Merchants invited to examine our ' stock of r*',*w ~mw .-m ??. B We say it is superior, and we do not wish to have our word taken for it. C01116 and see. | Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees Wax and Old Pewter. Z3S" Rags taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mb 12 44 if 1 11 lHMimmi i ?l* lit UlHMflJ IJ, ^TMIANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, BEGS A to sav, lliut. all kinds of HAIR WORK , of every variety of style of braiding, will be Ornamented or Mounted with Gold, in the neatest mnitner. and returned to those at a distance per mail or otherwise, as directed. (Hair onn be sent him in letter per mail.) Bow Breast Pius, Necklaces, Bracelets, Side, Vest and Guard Chains, Crosses, Finger Rings. Ear Rings, Ac., of various patterns, put up neatly, and any article admitting Uie name of the owner engraved Uioreon, shall, for the engraving, l>e free of extra charge. lie also makes and repair* all kinds of Jewelry ; mounts with gold or silver the Heads of Walking Canes; matches Spectacle Glasses; and, lastly Engraves on all manner of J'late. Office CO yard* East of old Court Jiouse, and a few paces from the Enterjirise Office. Greenville, S. C., June 25, '57. 7?tf F. BURTY, DeetoB in Boots, Shoes, Loathor, OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. GREENVILLE, S. C., IS Prepared to furnish customers with the above articles, CHEAP SSfr1 **^&?*FOR CASH. Having competent workmen engaged, lie can m assure bis patrons that all work will be Nkatly IX>nk and WARRANTED. Feb 6 8J tf T.C.P.TE7rBR, ATi'JluNLV AT LAW SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, Wll.L PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the (Irccnvilla Hook-store, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 4 4 \y ORR & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. JAMES L. ORR. WM T. PRICE April 23 * 60 H.jiji;iiTs smith, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. a 1 Juae 16 G tf