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A voojig and romantic attorney vis. ited the country jail a day or two ago, and while there saw in the female department a very fair and innocent looking girt' His better feelings were enlisted, and by pity and vague serine of admiration and affection lie was drawn to her immediately. He felt there must be some great error in lier confinement among the most depraved beings ; some chain of circumstance which she conld not break had bound lier to alluring vice. She mnst be guiltless?she must have an unspoko.i secret that would make her history all dour And mviflpaa T.ilrr> a lilv in ?i dark morass sho seemed, and the white petals could not have drooped upon the mire of sin. So thinking, all the tenderness, gallantry, romance and poetry of his nature was aroused, and waiting until she stood alone peering through the bars with her soft violet eyes, he approached, and spoke of her cruel fate, her innocence, her beautv, his sympathy, his faith, and high regard. She listened, and her blue eyes opened wider and wider with mute as tonishment, and the roses of her month unclosed to the sun of his sympathy, hut no bright bird of speech flew forth from their common sweetness. The youth continued in his Sidneyan train ; ho saw she was moved ; ho'belield her little emotions in her heaving breast and in her moistened gaze. What can I do? I pity and would aid you. It is in ray power to benefit you, my poor girl. Do not look so amazed and startled 1 Do not hesitate, but tell me?I an: a friend upon whom yon may rely !" The blue eyes gleamed, and from the Cupid moulded mouth came forth these words: "Well, stop tlmt ere talkin^ then, and give us a chaw of tobakker 1" The disciple of Bluckstone did not believe his senses at first, and stood confounded ; but slowly reflection rose and shone full upon his mental 6ky, and the beautiful twilight and sentiment fell suddenly away. lie turned and left that noisome place, and his amagination will not soon impose upon him a dissolute, but fine eomplexionod nymph for a suffering and sorrowing saint. [Cincinnati Gazette. How Sammy Did'nt Girr His Shilling.?A down east paper tells an anecdote of the noted Dr. Boylcs. As was the custom of the times almost every dwelling had attached to it a garden abounding in adit trees and the father of Sammy besides being blessed in this manner, had a tree which had acquired the habit of producing Dears of a taste and flavor nar. ticularly agreeable to every one, and to none less so than the reverend neighbor of the family. It was the practice of the owner of the tree to annually present a basket of fruit to the Doctor and Sanuny was the messenger. The fruit was received and the good pastor inquired, in the sweotest tone, if Sammy had a pocket book. The answer was: "No sir." " I am sorry," was the reply, " that yon hav'nt one, as I was about to give you a shilling to put in to it." The next year, as the renewal of neighborly kindness was in contemplation, Sammy asked to have a pocket book to carry with him. The present was received by the Doctor with his renewed. "Sammy have yon a pocket book ?" The boy's eyes brightened up at the prospects of the receipt of the long expected shilling, and lie quickly answered : " Yes, sir, I have." " Well, I am glad to hear it," was the answer, " for If von had'nt, I was about to give you a shilling to buy one Willi.'* iggr Judge Clairoounk, of Louisiana, well known in those parts as Judge Dick CI air borne, was a parish magistrate, who swayed a scepter like a despot, usually dispensing jiurliVtf, but putting his own interpretation on the tow. Among other duties devolving on him was that of auetionecr. lie sold all the property in the parish that came under tlic hammer. It happened on one occassion, whilo selling out the property of a deceased grocer, that an unruly parishioner disturbed the Older of business by his noise and nonsense The auctioneer, in the person of the judge, lined him fifty dollars, and sent him to jail for contempt of court?? An application was mado by an attorney to remit the lino and release the prisoner on the ground that it was no contempt of court, as tho Judge when fulfilling tho duties of auctioneer, was not a court, and thoreforo not liable to contempt. The Judgo immediately drew himself up with all his dignity, and replied to the lawyer? 'Sir, I'll let yon know that I am judge of this parish; jnd^e all the time; judge from the rising ot the sun to tho going down thereof and rising again ; and rite m. vr ,-Taaffargrgr A woodman frwi the interior of Arkansas, ..^ho l?ad never l>eon on board of a steamboat, bad occasion to go to St Ixjuis a short time since. ? From the l>ank of the river he hailed the 44 Harry of the West" with 44 Captain, what's the faro to St. Lonis. 44 What part of the boat do you wish to go on?" asked the captain, 44 cabin or in deck ?" 44 Darn your cabin," said the hoosier; 441 live in a cabin at homo givomj the best yon'vc got." A young fellow was talking politics with a young lady he adored, ller name was Mary, and she sympathized with the Know Nothings. 44 Oh," said she, in a deprecating tono, 441 sec you arc not a Know Nothing !" 44 Oh, no, of coarso not," said lie ; 44 how could I be when I worship the I Virgin Mar}' ?" Quekk things happen sometimes, even in lunatic asylums. A rough tellow passing Worcester establishment, noticed at the window an old acquaintance, and bawled out to him, "Hello, old fellow, what aro you in for?" " Voting for Fillmore !" was the, {>roinpt rejdy. The enquirer sloped? I le had probably done it himself. Tiik force of emphasis, in giving meaning to * sentence, is well illustrated by the brief colloquy which we overheard, the other day, between two persons: "Do you imagine mo a scoundrel, sir ?" demanded one, indignantly. 1 " No, I do not, imagine you to be one." Neveu did an Irishman utter a better bull than did honest John, who, being asked by a friend : 4 Has your sister got a son or a daughter!' replied, 4 Upon my soul, I don^t know whether I'm an uncle or an aunt? Dk. Cousin having heard the famous T. Fuller repeat verses on nj scolding wife, was so delighted with them as to request a copy ; but Fuller | told him a copy was needles*, as he had the original." such, I am always and everywhere, an : | object ot contempt.' 'I agree with your honor, and withdraw the application,' said the attor| ney; and the man had to make an apology to get out. Twr7~ , A poor Irishwoman who was afraid j 1 of her intemperate husband, declared | that she feared ho would commit suiI eide on her. GREENFIELD'S I FAMILY GROCERY STORE, j UNDER M'BEE'S HALL--BURSEY't> OLD STAND. JUST RKCFIVF.I>, nt llio above Store, a General Assortment of | FAMILY GROCERIES, selected by the proprietor, consisting of choice j articles of SUGARS, Coffee. Moln?ses, Rice, Rice i Flour, Fish, etc., etc. To nil of which he invites j the attention of housekeepers and others. April 2.1 50 tf i W. S. LAWTON, ) ( C. M. BREAKER,! j Formerly of V < of | I.awtonvillc, S. C. ) ( Charleston, S. C. I LAWTON 8c CO., I Factor**, Forwarding and Coiniiii**ion Jl?*reliant*, j i\r<>. 30 Hast Hay and fioycc ib Co's Wharf, ?iSiijiiiSSSMi, e, o,, will sell COTTON, 11 ICE, FLOU K.W 11 EAT, CORN, NAVAL STORKS, Sic. trn? ving nn experience of twenty-five | yenra in biuincM, wo guarantee satisfaction to | nil who patronize us. ' THE' aRSSN VILL3 BOOKSTORE, ' MAIN STREET, NEXT TO MoIJKE'S IIALI,, ) rmj-f+j VV HERE enu-tantly niny ho found 1 ,, ** 1 nl)(l well selected Stock I MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL and CT.ASSIC| AL BOOKS, Writing Paper, Blank Books, Memj ornndums, ?kc.: Writing l)esk* and Cases, port I folios, Oold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Books, Inkstands, Rulcrs, Ac., ?tc. J. C. P. JETER, Jan 15 3ft-ly Sign of tho Big Book. F. BURTY, Doalor in Boots, Shoes, Leather, OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. 1 GREENVILLE, S. C., ! IS Prepared to furnish eustnmi| i \S v era with tho above articles, CHEAP ^ " 4^1'Olt CASH. , I laving competent workmen engaged, he can assure his pat rons that all w< rk will bo Nkatly and WARRANTED. i Feb 5 -tu " W. P. PRICE, N O T A K Y JP U H I, IC, AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, 1 OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, vn*&, Q3, j Will promptly ntteml to the collection of Notes and Account*, settling Claims, Ac, BACON. X TULA LIW. on hand and for sole by .),UUU A. OBfiftNFL LD. Jy 2 8 tf Applo Vlnogar. A FINE article to bo had at Llie Family f?roeery 8toro Of A. O&EENPlftLD. ItEADl KEAD!! READlf! IT WILITAKB YOU ?VT A ||V MINUTM, AKU MAY BAY* You MANY Y8ABS OF BUWBHJKQ J Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BL000I The Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered! J'hytieiant prescribe it, ami every one that uses it it a tea I kitty advert i semen t. No Jledicin* ever yet offered to the American public hat gained ttich popularity in to thort a time at CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! It will Cure any case of Scrofula. It will Cure any case of Rheumatism, It will Cure any ease of Syphilis. It toill Cure any case of Salt Rheum. It will Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case of Fever and Ague, | Or nnv Piscnsos Arising from nil impure stnto of | flic Blood. SCROFULOUS READER! IS cured the ncice of Ihe Hon. John Minor ttotts, a mciuuer oi congress irom Virginia, 01 Scrofula, after the skill of the best Physicians, both of New York and Philadelphia, had been tried in vniti; and it will cure yen, render, if you arc so affected. RHEUMATIC READER t It cured D. Burritt, Esq., of (Tincinnnti, of Rheumatism of 4years standing, after all other remedies hnd failed. We lmvc hundreds of such certificates. Call on the Agent and get ? Book and Circular, and rend for yourself the many remarkable and astonishing cures it has made. SYPHILITIC READER! The celebrated Dr. Butcher writes us that he had two of the most severe and long standing cases of Syphilis that would yield to none of the usual remedies, but he cured one ease with six, and the other with nine bottles of CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. We have known it used in over a Thousand casks, ami have yet to hear of a failure in any case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS HEAD! Aoi*e ash Fkvki?.?Do not take Quinine, Mercury, or nuy such noxious Drugs, but try at. once this great Alterative and Purifier of the Blood ; Carter i Spanish Mixture will cure any and every enso of Ague and Fever. We have never yet known it to fail. And for nil Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, no medicine has ever yet been found to have so good an effect. If you are sick, try it at once; do not delay; timo is precious, and health the greatest of all blessings, without which all else is valueless. DU. \\M. S. REEKS Jts CO., IVopuiktors, Richmond, V?. And for salr by F. KRUTOII, Druggist, Agent villa* I). 14.. S. (3. .1-1 v Mitv NEW M1I.LINEUY AND Dress-Making Establishment. MRS. WATTS AND MISS (lOltl)ON' would respectfully call the allcntion of the I.ixlics of Greenville and vicinity to tin- fact lliat they will open, on Saturday, the -ttli inst., one of the finest nnd largest stocks of French and American M1I.L1NKUY ever brought. to this Town, which, for richness and elegance, cannot he surpassed, embracing all the latest and most- approve* I styles. I icing confident that none can go away dissatisfied. they earnestly solicit an early call and inspection of the same. Our terms nre low. Ladies'I thl Hats cleaned and made equal to new. Misses' Gipsies cleaned and made over in the most approved and latest Gipsy style. LKGllOUX HATS in large nunntitics. Country Milliners supplied on reasonable terms. House on A venue Street opposite the Post Office. -17-tf April "2 WATCHES, UWUKZ IWQ Jffg/BXf&Y. 12. S. rB^SO.\ (AGENT.) T.Jr.OS leave to announce to the citizens o( 1 ) Greenville, and surrounding country, that he has opened a Stock of the above-named Articles on Avenue street, in the linildiiig formerly known as" Avenue Street Confectionery," which he will sell LOW for CASH. IIB WILI. A I.SO Repair and Fit Up ; WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, In the In nl of style. Thankful to his former patrons and friend?, f??r their liberality and patronage, ho respect ! fully solicits n enntinunuoc of the same. I t??"' I'ive iiiin a cull, and lie will endeavor t< please. 37-lf Jnn 22 AGENCY FOR [LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! YJ-tIE AiSiwOLLIE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANV Insures Houses, Stores and other Prop, rljr AOAIXST FIRE: And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves, between the ayes of 10 and GO years, ON sueli tonus ns to render it n most ?nfe niK desirable investment. Full details, will i the Constitution mid Hy-Lawa of the Company 1 will he furnished on application to any of the Of ! ticcrs of the Company. JOSEPH U. OSnOUXF, Preit. IV M. W. McDOWKI.T* Vice-Pres. Jam. tv Rankin, Secretary <k Treasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan 8 35-ly GREENVILLE, ?. C. K. KRUTCIPS DRUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SH.P UNDER Me BEE'S IIALU, | \\r HERE will he constantly kept on hand tin I ? v fullest I took of | DRUGS, MEDICINES,CfiKMICAI^.PATEM j Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Paints, Dye l stuffs, Varnishes, Put I v. Tobacco. Setrars. Stnril (5nn, OH a. Candles, 8<>nps, Spieor, liriiili^Toilcl Article*, Cnmhs, Perfumery ; and nil other nrti vies generally kept l?y Druggists. ?if~ Fresh un<l pure Drugs ore warranted am! sold ul low price* Compound medicine# are prepared in themosl careful wnv. Receipt/*. and prescriptions of *") kind put-c n uut. accuracy, neatness and dis piitoh. i5-lOm Jan R Q. 8. BOWER, IKnniifnftiircr niicl Dealer In /^gQ FURNITURE of every description, L 4 and CIIAIUfl of ?v?ry ityla. FISK'3 CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, Oppotitt the Congaree House, i>??. 11. COLUMBIA, S. C ly m i ,i ' i ?i W. P. PRICE, CLER] MX ACCOUKT WITH TUB TO? For the Tear ending 1850. DR. 8. Amount ou band former Return, 8 88.02 Oct. 10. Rec'd from Patrol Exemption-, 882.00 " 10. Tax on Vekiolee, dec., 371.41 " 15. " " Negro^ 78.70 " 10. " * Rodl l*>tnte, 830.80 " 15. Real Fatate Double Tnxe?. 47 50 nov. 3. from J. W. tirndy, hireot liamls, 2.26 I Deo 29. J. W. Gorman, tnx on Jewelry, 16.00 I " 29. J. Segnr, tax on China Wuro, 1.60 1857. Jnn'y 1. From Fines to <1 Ate, 128 39 Feb'y 1. Reo'd from Street Exemptions, 768.00 " 1. Street Defaulters, (double taxed) 16.00 " 1. Tnx on Sales of Goods, 245.86 Mnr 14. Hall's Varieties License, 10.00 " 20, Julien Minstrels License, 15.00 May 8. From R. McKay, for Casks, 1.95 " 12. L. II. Dickson's Exhibition, 2.60 J'nc 16. Eldred's Circus License, 60.00 " 27. .1 P. Pool's Billiard License, 100.00 July 7. Mr. Snlsbury. tax on Clothing, 46 " 21. J. W. Gorman, tax on Jewelry, 0.30 Aug 13. P. Cnable, for one Cask, 65 " 13. John F. Carpenter, for one Cask, 65 Sept. 1. Beef Tax, and License to date, 105.33 " 1. From Fines since January first, 27.50 " 1. Hire of Town Wngon, to date, 4.00 " 1. Sales of Hogs to date, 113.47 Totnl amount received, $2,848.74 Totnl amount paid out, 2.801.20 Amount on hand, $47.04 Examined ami fount! correct. Sc|i(cmltcr 14, 18.V7. 19 jSP R T N G 1) in charl: \u um iJ -4u a VST1 (Late of the Firm Oj SUCCESSOR TO KE 213 Kiii? Street, 0| I NVITIX ATTENTION* to hisKNTIREI.Y NTK . U Eli MA N A ND A ME RICA N (lOOJ)S, sxjmme: In choicest Plaid, Stripes and Uhones, of ligli | expressly for city retail trade. BOILED B1 I 'I Groat attention has been pnid to obtain tho L . American market. FLOUNCE In Silk, Barege, Grenadine, Tissues, Organdie constantly receiving. FRENCH AND I The Stock of these Goods will invite a i J aioxjirrjirv Bombazine*, Alpacas, Chnllys, Crape Marat, < , eal Crapes, English Paramattas, Black Organdi Mnliei.ii... and Marcclline of very choicest makes, alwnvs Host makes of Sheeting. Shirting and Pillow I dressing. Striped Shirting Linens, Linen Osna SPUING CASSIM A large and varied Stock of Goods in this De r and Summer wear, such us Tweeds, Light Cnssiui PARASOLS AN In 111 nek and Colored, Lined and Uiiiinc best Scotch. Gingham and Silk Umbiellas. ! PLANT ATI i ' i Planters and their friends will always find w ' I and all Goods will ho sold at the lowest market The Subscriber is now able to give his persor surpassed advantages in obtaining all llie X I'KICKS, together with his buyer constantly v I Goods nt less than the market value, lie feels pi i filled. The One Price System riyidhj adJin 243 King Street, Opp< May 1st. 1857. 1 j. j. novr.r. w. ii. iioyk.' W TT TTflVRV Sr.f!f! f | l'KOPKIETOUS Of THE LADIES'STORE, t DKALKRS IN 1! FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS i ?sfcas? &?33?z, 1 BONNETS, RIBBONS, Housekeeping Goods, : aSlIBY MAM (DiOOTrafi AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, OREF^VILLG, 8. C. N. B.?Order* accompanied l>v the e*?h foi Medical, Uw or Library Book*, Musical luatrii menta and Sundiies, promptly filled in New York, and delivered at our oootter on eliortoai uctioe. Jan 22 37 ly ? AND TREASURER, , Ytf COUNCIL of obeeivtille, I September 14,1857. I860. CR. Oct 3. A. E. Burgess, for Brick Culvert,# 10.00 I Nor. 3. Stationery for Coonoil, SO " 7. A. E. Burgees, work on Market, 220.00 " 8. Mr*. Coleman, biro cf Boy, 10.00 " 8. Patriot Oftieo, for ad. to Aug. 28, 22.86 " 12. A Norton, hire "f Boy, 91.00 " 15, W. F. Hood, service as Marshal, 20.81 i " 24. Paid for Hake, 1.00 i Dee. 2. John T. McDanicI, Jail Fees, 14.40 " 8. W. Bnync, work on Streets, 21.00 " 0. President Duncan, hire of Boy, 1.86 , "12. Dr. J. II. Dean's Account, 60 " 25. L. B. Cline. work on Market 250.00 1857. i Jnn'y 1. J. P. Pool, rent of Stables, ?fcc., 83.66 i 44 1. Fines paid to Marshals, 84.17 " 1. J. J. Benedict, hire of Boy, 8.00 " 2. N. Clarke, hire of Boy, 72.00 i " 9. flower. Cox A XI., for Fluid, 35.26 i " 13. John MeBeth, for Culvert, 70 " 20. So. Enterprise, Ac't to Jan. 1st, 49.25 i Feb. 2. A. K. Burgess, on Market, 83.28 " 5. E. Krutch, for Fluid, 2.60 " 6. G. Ileldman, for Lumber, 2.80 " 26. I). O. Westfield's Ac't to Jan. 1st, 22.93 i M'eh 2. N. F. Burgess, Tin-roof on Xl'rk't, 166.80 i " 3. Ren, Scruggs ?t Co's Account, 7.81 i " 4. John Mcbcth. for Culvert, 1.00 " 4. F. Gossott, hauling Rock, 1.65 I " 4. W. A. MeDauiel, Clerk's Feet, 6.00 : i " 5. Joel Hughes, Work and Rock, 4.60! " 13. J. T. MeUanicl, Jail Fees, 2.00 1 " 13. J. B. Hill, hire of Boy, 2.25, " 13. Mrs. XI. Williams, for Rock, 1.12 1 " 13. N. Clarke, hire of Boy, 38 j " 13. Z. Martin, clenn'g Guard Room, 40! " 17. 1*. B. Cline, balance on Market, 100.00 | 44 27. N. Clarke, hire of Boy, 25.80 i " 30. Refund'd 8. L. Davis, for Hogs, 6.00 | " 31. XIauldin ?fc Long, for lloes, 1.76 J A;>'1 7. H Gridley, for Rock, 1.62 44 23. A. E. Burgess, on Market, 97.96 May 14. Refunded XI. Bridwell, for Hogs, 1.10 " 14. Gower, Cox ?fc XI., for Fluid, 34.90 " 14. N. Clnrke, boy for Whitewosh'g, 75 " 16. A. E. Burgess, on Market, 40 00j " 23. A. E. Burgess, bnl'cc on Xlarket, 70.25 ) June 2. W. A. McDaniel, Clerk's Fees, 4.00 44 2. J. T. XIcDaniel, Jail Fees, 4.60 4' 23. Drs. Xliins ?t Long, for Fluid, 36.22 44 30. Paid for Tar, 38 July 1. Thomas Powell, Paint'g Xlarket, 7.00 Sept. 1. Paid for Provender to date. 85.40 44 1. Marshal Martin, Salary to date, 334.78 44 1 . 44 Cranberry, 44 44 44 318.47 44 7. D. Hoke, Sheriff's Fees, 62.61 44 7. R. XlcKav, hire of Boy, 10.00 44 7. R.B. Duncan, 44 44 5. 25 44 9. D. Goodlett, for Corn, 2.50 44 9. Gower, Cox <fc Hartley's Aec't, 8.80 44 12. Clerk's Salary to dnte, 25.00 44 12. Mrs. M E. Thompson, hire of Boy to September 1st, 117.00 82,664.20 Commission on $2,816.72, (2f,) 70.40 | 2,626.18, (if) 66.60 $2,801.20 \V. I?. PRICE, CPk and Trens. ROBERT McKAY, II. C. MARK LEY, 2 Committee. RI GOODS; ESTON, S. C. | 'J2J U &i id oiii UJ M f Browning <? Lcman.) TCHUM & TAYLOR, ppositc llascll street, W and CHOICE STOCK of FREXCII, ENGLISH, of the NEWEST SPUING STYLES. Ft SXLKLS, it toxturo and beautiful finish, carefully selected ! 1 M /Tk IVW n !W cw-n rv dhlv SibkS. leitGboila in Black Silks tVnt arc brought into the J ID ROBES ;s ami Jaconets, in large variety, very choice and ENGLISH PRINTS. Attention, being very full and at very low prices. Choice Black Bareges ami l'oplins, Poplinelta, Dues. French and English Cranes in various widths, Black Fninise and Canton Cloths, Mouslio DcLnine on hand. -Case LINENS, of vnrioiis widths nnd free from burgs, Dowlas, Dinpers, Toweling, Huckaback, etc. KliJCS, DRILLS, AC. purtinent, suitable for Qentleinen and Boys' Spring ercs, Drop D'Kte, Farmer'sSatin, Grey Flannels, etc. D U M B B E L IA $ , d, in all tins new designs, conslnntly received; [ON GOODS. ith mc a full department suitable to their wanst, t prices for Cash or City Acceptances, nil attention to all Country Orders, and havingunEWEST GOODS at the LOWEST POSSIBLE matching the New York Auctions for all desirable repared to say that all orders will be satisfactorily cd to, and nil Good? Warranted. %. r. isi;oh \l\(;, unite Ilasell Street, Sign ok tiie "Thee." 62 tt | ST A TE OF SO UTIICA ROLINA fiREKN VJLLE IUSTRICT. in tub Common klkas. Vnnlry McUee \ Attachment. vs. > II. Leb Tiiri'ston, ( Jos i ll Hoe. ) Pl'ffV Au'y. ,1\7IIKHKAS, tile I'lainiitl" did, on the T 14lh da\ of October, file his declaration against the Defendant, who (as it i> said) if. absent from and without the limits of this State, ami haa neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom l a copy ofthesaid declaration might beset veil. r It is, therefore, ordored, that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said do elaration on or before the 14th day of October, which w il! bo in the year of our Lotd ono thousand eight hundred and fifty seven, otherwise final and absolute judgment will - then be given and awarded ngainst him. W. A. McDANIEL o. o. r. Clerk's Office, Greenville District. Oct. 30, 23 td OHE DOLLAR A YEAR. CIRCULATION, OVER 100,000 COPIES WEEUt. 25 WITNESSES; OR, OTffi 1W>1R??!& mtoyw&WlW. iohn S. Siic is the Btithor. WHO hashed 10 years experience as a Banker and Publisher, ana Author of A Series of Lecture! at the Broadway Tabernacle when, for 10 successive nights, over tar 500,000 People J?Jf , *j| Greeted him with rounds of applause, while he exhibited the manner in whicn Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and the 8urefl and Shortest Means of Detecting them I The Bank Note Engravers all say he is the ' \T_Jj greatest Judge of Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OK TIIE PRESENT CENTURY FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BAfJk NOTES % Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and Exhibiting at a Glance, every Counterfeit in Circulation !! JjjB Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE if "wM ^ Easy and DETECTION Instantaneous. ''fA, wr no Isdex to examine I No pages to liui ' . up! But so simplified and arranged, tkst the Merchant, Baukcr and Business Man enn see alt A at a (fiance ! ENGLISH FRENCH AND GERMAN. Thus each may read the nnnte in his own Nativ. Tongue. Most Perfect Bank Note List Published. Also, a List of ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA! A complete Summary of the Finance of En- ?? rope and America will be published in each edition, together with all the Important News of the Day. Aleo, a SERIES OF TALES, from an old Manuscript found in the East. It furnishes the most Complete History of Oriental Life, describing the moBt perplexing positions in which the ladies and gentlemen of that country have been so often found. These Stories will continue throughout the whole year, and will prove tho most entertaining ever offered to the public. ?35?" Furnished Weekly, to subscribers only, at $1 a year. All letters must be addressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. April 23 50 ly E.R.STCD KE S, BOOK-BINDER, and IHank-Rook ITIaniifhcliircr, (In roar of Carolina Times Offlco ) 00&SJs. 0 BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and n nufactured of the best materials and in the most durable manner. PERIODICALS, MUSIC BOOKS, Ac.. bound i,. every variety of style, at short notice. Country orders promptly attended t-j Dec 4 30 1 v HO WARD ASSOCIATION PHILA DELPHI A. Important Announcement. r|"^0 all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases. JL such nsSpcrmntorrhncn, Scminnl Weakness, Impotence, GonoriTirra, Gleet, Syphilis, the Vice of Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., Ac. mo JJ'/ JvasuviAJiUjy, ill view of the awful dest ruction of human lilo, caused I: Sexual Disease?, ami the deceptions practised on tlie unfortunate victims of Mich disease. Quacks, have directed their Consulting r?nr>r? o. as a charitable act worthy of their name to gi\ medical advice gratis, to nil pcl'S .08 tllUH ><{, .<1 ed, who apply hy letter, with a deserij their condition, (age occupation, habit* , kc.,) and in cases of extreme povett j. it fering, to furnish medicines free of chc, The Howard Association is a hen< v,..iu etitution, established by special .-into . <>.. i the relief of the sick and distressed, at t with "Virulent and Epidemic Disci. a he now a surplus of means, which the l i,cctoi> have voted to expend in advertising the a' notice. It is needless to add that >lic A-oein lion commands the highest Medical skill of tl age, and will furnish the most approved mode . treatment. Just Published, by the Association, a Itcpnon Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakiic.-s, th> vice of Onanism, Masturbation of Self Abuse, am other Diseases of the Sexunl Orgnns, bv tin ' 'ei. suiting Surgeon, which will he sent by mail, fi> a sealed envelope), Free of Charge, on the roe. , of TWO STAMl'S for postage. Address, DR. GEO. CALHOUN, Consult. Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HAHTWEI.L, PrcMti* i j Geo. FAiacuiLD, Secretary. Feh R 39 | W. II. IIOVEV & (0. PROPRIETORS OF The Ladies' Stcre, ARK NOW. rind will he constantly receiving Fresh Importations, purchased hy or.- ot I the partners, who haa some twenty five years* ! experience in buying and selling Go.k1?. They i would invito special attention to tbeir large Stock of White and Embroidered Goods, Rich Silk Tissue*, DeBeges, Challys, Crape Py Paris, Bereges, Muslins. Brilliants, Silks, Alpaccas, Bombazines, Canton Crape, Ginghams. French, English and American Prints, &c., Ac. also, just in, A NICE LOT OF New Bonnets, Ribbons, Ruches, Wreath Flowers, Blonds, Valenciu, Tin end and Brussels Edgings, White and Black Ciape Collars and Sleeves, Embroidered. Linen and Muslin Collars, Long Lawns, Plain and Einb'd L. C. Handkerchief*. And uianv other Nlf'P. a VTi IM . , All of which it will 1?? theii ? ?<?> nvor (o ' cheap an potaiMe. 46-tf Mli ? WM. II. M SURGEON DENTIST, ilT* HAS returned from rkiisdelphin, prepared, in vwry way, to nrTTTT perform .ill operation* in hi* "profession in the most skilful and approved mnrner. Having procured every improvement of the day, persona cAn safely rely on having every operation performed in the same manner as done in I'hiladelphia or New York. Kther arid Chloroform given when desired. Persons desiring attention must make appointmenta previously. rar* Kooms ih ilcBca'a building. March 10 45 tf