University of South Carolina Libraries
???ar "x>r ST. KETCHUM 1 WPHCTFtJI.I.Y infm-ns the inhnbitartU ol XV Ore*nvilU> nn<l lite eon-minding country thai he has opened the NI'.W STUKKowmd bjf Mr. W. H. \\ ateon, on Main Street, with a SELECT STOCK Of1 FANCY AM swni HDS.Y GOODS, CHINA, QgR AND P Crockery, Glassware, Shoes And House-Keeping Articles, ifor the phrpoea of currying or. bueinee* on hit own account, and invitee attention to hie ?e< totttnem A Black and QoVd. Silks, Shawls, Clonks r and Mantillas, the newest and most unproved Styles in Dress Ootids, Cord Cashmeres and D'Luinoe, Black Bombazines and Alpnccns, Em V broideries in Rich Muslin and St Ctunhric Setts, Laces, French. English and American Prints, f>V Iiite and lied Welch and American Ballard Vale Flannel*, Bl'k. and cul'd. Broadcloth* and Cassimeres, atid a general uwoitnient of ZCUXILIZO aOODO, Long Ciotln*, Pillow Cjiso Cotton*, 8, 9, 10 and 11-4 Bleached Cotton ? Sheetings, ?>f the best brands, <fcc , &c. I, The whole having been nurchnsed on reasonable terms anil selected WITH CARE. TTnYinehnt OJsF. PlttCK. nn<l *"llincr nt n fnir renin nornti up rtofU for ' ns-h. !??? trust. I y, Attention end keeping liin Mock frequently .*1, to meet u .hare of your pat-onage. (ireoiiville, Sept. 17, 1S'>7. 1 f??tf FXSXSL'jS Uletnlic Burial Cases. r|"MlE ttiloeriher coii.tnntly ko.p* on hmul n JL eoniplote of ihe.r highly esteemed mid extonrively u*ed CASTS, emlirm-hitr.itostroni 2S to Rti incho. in longtli, mot two foot in width, Tlie*?* on*"* nre of Ronowon 1 and Itronze tioii-li, of different stylo*, ninl tiro calculated to suit. the tastes of pni-oli.i*or->. I!? j i* nl*o prepared to fnrnoh WOOb COFFIXS in any stylo of finii-h nl the shortest notice. II" nlno keeps iv Hearse in readiness to attend liurSnts. k It. CLINK, tirooiivillo, Sept. 17. 19 4 Tt*c ENlatc be CloMcd. VLL |i?nu)it( 4wini; ilic estate of U<b-rt 1$. U nod, diMSt^Ki'l, and are desirous ot settling the same with me, can hire mi ?t|>|> >t*11111 itv vf doing *y Iwtweeii mow and n?*\t ItKTURN JJ v V. And if not, tlet*v can Imvc the plen.wire of *"tthug with W. I*. Price. I\sq . (Jreenville, S. f, W. C. ll.\ll.EY. A<JittiiiiMia(<>r. ?!!** 17 19 if A Fin 3 Lot of Toy3. RECEIVED fr?.m xvw Yoik ?t Low i*?icch KOK CASII. A I.RO, A FKESII LOT of CANDIES siipciioi qualities. ot CUEENVILEE CONFECTIONRR V, Opposite) Miiti-iiiii Utilise. Sept. 17 19 tf And Pliwnix Bitters. rlMlK hest Family Medicine now tieforc tli? *. public, for tl?e cure of Scrofula, Ulcers. Scurry, or Eruptions of I lie Skin, river mid Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, mid in fact most nil diemwil miih yield to their curative properties. It lias been computed tlint. during tlic last twenty five year*, upwards of four millions of person* have hern benefitted hy the use of these medicines; a fact which speaks volumes in faTor of their curative properties?a single trial will plnee them lievond the reach of competition in the estimate of every patient. By their use the blood is restored to a healthy state, and freed from all impurities. The system is not reduced during their operation, hut invigorated, and they require no restraint from busimss or pleasure. Tlx* aflicted htvr. in these meJciine*. a ran edit that teitl do for them all that medicine can poxxibly effect. Prepare! by \V. II. Moffat, M. P., Propri tor. New York. And for sale by \V. 11. lluVfcY. Greenville, 8. 0. Sep 17 10 tf NOTICE r|"MIE IJimliit of Account himI .\oti'!? of JOHN 1. BHIWKY, have been placed in our band* for collection, tf not paid bv lb-turn Day, tliey will be turd on indi?criininnte1v. EASLEY & 1 11 HUSTON, .le 25 7-1 f Alt nillrvn ill Liiw. Slnynl or Stolen, HU t.M tlm SiiK-ciber-.'^V-? /QV on atnrdin niornino, 22d in etaitL, alight colored SORIl^l, M A 111-', near nix teen hand* liijtb, 8 or 9 years old. She bad on, at. the time, no old lb-idle and Saddle. A unit 1ble reward will be pai I to any person for di-eo* wring and rctnruioir the Mure, or for ?nch infer?iiatioii na may b-ad to In r recovery. Information received at. the llnterprise office, or by ur, 3 miles west of Greenville. Ji>lIN A. TOWNES, \Y. A. IOWNES. Ann 27 l(i tf Notico This. AI.I. pcrnon* in-lt*l?tvi1 to l|i? fatal e of Or, \V. I'. TDRI'IX. 8 awnnMl, nre In-re'iy iwitilinl tlmt nil miiiiN of nmt over 4'20 will t?< micii upon If i.ot pai<l ixifor.! liattirii l>av next, tlie loili o OfltoUr. 6 i>. Ol>OI )L.LTI', I'ecuivcr. S.pllO 18 fl i.C. IP. OTElTliJja, ATTOKNliY AT LAW AM) SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WII.L KllAC:TICK IN Trti C U JS F THE WtSTEP.N CI CJIT. Office in tk" Or'in vi He litxikstore, (HtEENVlLLE, S. U. J mi** 4 4 lv H..tlLU!S SMITJ, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ctm oueee vn.LE, a. o. h\ ne 10 9 *,tf i ' Oibcrjigemt'ois. r STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA OKKKNVItLK DWrUIOT. IN EQUITY. ' Sale ol* Paper &e. G. J. Ei.FORD ?l?<! J. B. SflKltUAV. Executors , of I j. He mi am. Tecewl. vs. Tun OhkhnVILLR MaMTACTUHINO company, et nl. ? Hill for Sil!e of Coi porate Property. PURSUANT to tli* fleet el al onlor in llii* CH?e, mml* by Chancellor Dnrspm. nl \ Inly Term, 1857. I will sell, nt public auc lion, nt Greenville Court House, on Sale day in November next, i All that valuable property known a?TIIK PAVE 11 MILLS AND PREMISES of The Greenvillo Maimfacturhig Cotnpanv, containing Fifty Acres, situated. Line and being on Reedy River, live mile* south of' Greenville Court House. The Mills contain TWO FIRST RATE CYLINDER PAPER MACHINES, and all necessary woik* per1 twining thereto. On the premises, also, are a good Two Storv Suporiuiondaut's Dwelling House, and Five Dwellings fl(r opera lives. These Works have been put up at great expense, and wbli much cute. The water power is the most de.*iiahle in tiie State. Tlieie is seldom a better opportunity for an investment, in manufactinitio, than this pie'set its. Tkiims?One third in cash. lh? remainder on a credit of one and two years, in equal and sueecssive annual inslahm-nls. with in ieie>( from date, on bond, with at least t>ui good sUieiies. S A. TOWNES. C E G D. Commissioner"* Otliee. Aug. HI. 1857. Sept fl 17 td STATE OF iSOUTH fAKOLINA. GREENVILLE IMRTRlcT. IX EQUITY. fliomas J. Tiiip i. ei al.. Thomas C. M ux.. et al.? Hill for lirlirf <? <? IN ptitstiaitee < f the decretal otder made L hv Chancellor Dnrgaii, at July l et in. I 857. <?f tin* Coui l of Equity |br said District, in the above stated ea-e, notice is lieiebv given lo all and singular tne eieditofs of Doctor William P.Tutpili. lale of Greenville. i "v U.. i<? appeal Iwf.-iv ilie Uonintis of this Court, at his olllce at Cteeii > illy Court 11 "iisc. within three months lietit the date of the publication of litis noice. ami esinldidt their dciliaud* lv ptopct and Millictciit proof. 8. A. TOWXES. C E. <;. D. Caiittinissiotiei's Office, Julv Oth, 1S.">7. Jy 10 10 :ini STATE OF SOUTH CAKOLIXA flit KEN V 11.1.E IHSTKKT. SHERIFF'S SALES. f >Y virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Fn iu- to 1 ) misdirected, I wiil sell before tlie unit I loll*)' door, ut tlie usual hours of sale, on the tirrt Mo uliiv in UC fOilKIl nc\t. One hundred Aeresnl Land, more or less, adjoining lands of Mrs. Mellaril, .1. 1. Westmoreland, et nl. ; ns the property of Iievor i ly H. Garrett, at the suit of Samuel (Jriswold, I et nl. 250 Acre* of Land, more or less, lviii|X ?" the waters ot Oihlers ereek, ndjoi'.iiiig lends of Vaughn, '?ny and llsmhy, as the proI arty of lleiijaaiia llamhy, at the suit ol lid inoitd Miller. 130 Acres of Land* more ??r le<*. adjoining lands of II. M. ?> K*. Wasson and Stoker, et al.. as the property of .lames Jenkins, nt. the suit of George M. tiuiiaelle. Tonus C.\SI1; nurelinsers to pay tor titles. I>. llOlv 1-1 S. G. I>. nncriii a umcc, tscptenibcr 11, 1S.'<7. 18-td j TmlASIl STORE! : The undersigned i? now receiving A FRESH SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, CONSISTING OK ! QUO A R*\ C? diet?, IVnu. MIIIh.W?, Hm I O lor Cuickem, Kudu. W ine nud iiosinn do., Cijjnrs, Toluieeo, Almond* nud oilier Nut*, Cnndie*, Spiced Oplew, Lobsters.! l'ickle*, <fcc\, etc. A (.so, iDRY GOOD", SHOES, CUTLERY &. TOY", j Gome i >111*! Come nil! No clung.* t<>i ! I showing (*ood?. H -I ! M'|l' 'N. Main alrec, F?ur Djotj Above Drs Mirnr 4c Lo .j's I S|.t 10 IB It' T. XV. I> A VIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, V TAKI s the liberty to announce /r"/ ,'1'" c,''*?*ns Greenville, mid (r?' .jk&'h.- surrounding country, I lint In-' 'i* prepared to do all in.inner of work in his line of hindues*. such ? < W tcli, Clock ant Jewelry Repiiring', nil of which kliall he done in tile i:enti-i>t miitiiier VVatell Wheel*, I'ivotn, I'iiiiou*., -crews. Hand*. (iln-9e-?, all done at the shorter.! notic , and ill n workmanlike manner. I'loan-givr him a trial, and mil will h pUil?.ad. lie n'*o make* JKWKI.HY to order, such a* Gold Guard. I'oh & Vt'?t <'lis?i;*s. All kiml* of lU'TI'ilX"1, [ "oil m kmom Sleeve mid Collar It'itto.,*. All kind* o' tlairi Work Trimfned in the ne:ite?t gtvl? Hi* wirk cannot he giirpagged in this |>nrt uf the i-oii'iti y. 11 it* shop mny he found at the Ooodlett House, in 111.- room formerly occupied l>y Messrs'. Ihtilcy j A < )\veii. Oreeuvillc, .Inly SO, 1857. 12 tf ORE u, PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, <1 UEl'N VI LI,E, 8. C. JAME > L onit. WM. P. PRIDE. A|> it 2d AO For Tax Collector. The i'linul* uf J?iia<>* It. IN-ntannounce him i? it Can lidete fnr'la.v t'?d lector at the e'.sd'ig ! i.i tion. liT i ' i-.:i:- net - \% . *. furiii*r 'iiiMoSneo htm u a undidalc lor Tux Collector at the next Cleetion. II.... 1 . . . I "I " . . Inhalation m Consumptioti* PKONCIIITlti, MftWCIITH, And oiher Ditcoxcs of the Cheat and Throat, successfully treotetl by th> Inhalation of Uledicated Vapors and Powders. by Absorption and Constitutional Treat m nt. as practiced at tkHi avvkkant Mkdicai. IksrnuTK, Ncu> York City. N. Y. THE unprecedented success wliicli ha* attended Ilii-* method of treating di-easeof llie Lungs and Throat, has induced l1??* Physicians to depart from tJu-ir usual course, ami avail themselves of the columns of the Press to make i( known ?o mh Ii as may he lalwoinff under, ?ir predisposed to, audi aft'ee lions. The dawn of a brighter day lias lit length arrived for the Consumptive?the doctrine of the incurability of Consumption I has now passed awav. We have iiidiibita' l?le proof- in our possession, that Cotisuinp lion, in nil its stages, call ctiied : in the hv tubercular absorption ; in the second, 1 h\ the transformation of tub rcillc into chalky ami calcareous concn lions / in the third, l?v cicatrices or scarf. Those wedded to the opinion of the pi>i may as-eil that it ; is Pi i'ii iinii' t??/ ?1111?!? Sin.-1. I...I ??..i ?I... njff. 'I'm nil litis pwit trutli inn-i !>? iippa I rt-iit, viz: iIt:*i ntttlifiiK** miIhiImI dincity into the lunys, uIi?<tItni in tin* I n in ? !' V??|? ?? lor I'kvviUt. IIUM l>?* mimic t ll>i*li.:tl tliau llint tnki'ii i nt ? tli" >> In - It . tin* ?>nl> il k ?>t' ifl'iijjf t'-ii tlie 1' ?ii->t11i|? ii< i? in (ii, llJllnti' >11. :tlli| silfli ;t 1 ill n il illi .ill , i f I w 11it'll tin* j-ii|icinti 1'ny-ii iaii \\ LI avail liiiilM- ( Siii li nf i||.* Prtifus^inti iliat li ivi? iii|. ji'i'il Inlial i'inii, have I'miai ii noothiny and rffi cncion.1 in the hiyh at d yru ; ore sliny th pro'/r- *s of th <li.: use. uu I tern hi?y /'loud rs in many desp rote cose.s in \i;*. a t;i iiiiijiIi i I' mil Ari ?i\i'i i'ii- ? :! ili--'ii>\?i nf ; <*iir Noi K. ? lMiv-Oi imis ?i-hiim it m-iUt* iIn-in M'lii'i ai'iiniiiiii.i \\nli 11 li ~ |... a ? . an* in l*i >1II t? | l i i. i: ..i|i linn i>. i;. i u:;-. Wi.-ciii| iiiily reply, n? t" in^;11? n:- n-. l. t > ?m ii letter*. I liit ? >i I >in a |Vi . Tlit* in ail ra-i" nf I hIMiiih. mil wj|. In* ?10, 'in ifeeipi nt w liii'ii Hit- ii. ?a -s-|i \ ; iiitfilit'iiii's ami iti-i i iiiii-'iii wii I!" ii iviii | j Applicant* will i.i'f ni:c,-ex. in'vii|in ; linn, man it'll hi ??ii??j!i'. Imw lnti;? nili-r.. ,| if! any liftI'llitaiv ili^iase ?-xi>t> in ti imiiilv.l | ami syiii|tliiit|4 generally, I.el iln* iiaiim. 1 | lnwii ami Slalw In.' plainly wiilien?po-tag.-j fnr h i in it aii^wi'ir. iiiii-I In- I'lii'liM'il. Li'i I i let*. if !% j;i>teri'il l?v tlu> I'.is; Master. nr.1 ;il our i i-k. A*hi res* NVALLAC MEItrOUX. M. 0.. S. M. Infinite, N. V. Cilv. | July 10 10 Gn? j ! AM B HOT V P KS: A \ I) tl E* 2 \ I \ Or*T l l*I*S llorc Krautifiil Th:tti Ever. THE NIMITAHLE ! 'RAISED' AM3ROTYPES. 1 I'KltPl.tJT re|ireseiitntiiin ..f Nature. ami Ili<- I I /l flintiest ?t vie of tin- Art; UN l*A 1>I N(.? ami I | HCItAHl.K. " al~.. T HE MEI.AI N OT V PH, Aliotlii-r iiiiiI ii later ti"itint|>) in tin* art n I hotmiapliv, ailmirnhly n<hijitvil to M taUiom*, Lirmii'lii'i', Pockets, Kino*, Ac. The stihscriher takes pleasure in niuioiiiici:i. to hi:* frietnl*. tli-' L? lira > n<I (Jeiitlemeti ol tiri'onvillc ntiil * ii-r??>iii<linir conntri. that li< is at h"mk a<;.*i\, a11-1 ro iili to i'Xi'clita anx iliing i' the line of lijs profession tlint necce-ily r faa-y may suggest. ll?' will also take this Oceanian to say?once for all?that the sitkrioritv of Pictures over all foreign "catchprnui/" ntlairs, is too well known ami ark nowleil^cil to require any result to the very common |irneticc of "puiinrr," in or tier to tiring them into notice. comr an I tee for your*e!vss, nml be tntitfle,l ' Prii'LS uiitiriori'.? Cm >i lo *'? mi..I i " I cording t?? *iz* it ml 5* t'Aij.KRy <>x 2i> Fioon OK IIAI.L. *.* Complete iiislrin tioiiK given in tin- Art. 0. II. LANNKAi;. PHOTOGRAPHS beautifully colored in oil, by the Mihscrtbcr. 7-tf .lime '15 cos P bTtj oTe 1v. j ' I 'M1F. milwcribcr hn? nturned to flreenvill . i 1 nnd com-noneed busiucps Opposite * lit* j illusion lli>u>r. tvh-i-e mnv In* found on hand, ft>NFl'.t"Tit>Nid!IK*\ ll ld.ll->, MILAN-! I>!? '!> Fliuns, Ac. Having procured it A'o 1 Pantry C?ok\ FRESH CAKKS, Of many kind-*, can be had every day. Jd. SA-LOOKT, For th neeominodiitioii of l.ndieii and lioiitbin n, b-ts been ne-itlv arranged, where, at all hour* of the dnv and evening, an F.Xi'l l.l. .VI A UTIt 'I.K of It'll Fit I- \ M in > v he Ii-i 1, togvl her with ooling ! ? I: ! k ni nevernl bind.-*. Feel ng lili-e f ni'n-il iud . 1 t-> IIIV frieiidr lor the r-r-/ til-rra' patronage bestowed upon me when in Unit nut- o.i \ venue **11 eet, I hope, In a much hi >r xtr ' a'.' > tion to bn<i>i<*x, lo ao.-ri a rvll Will ol lli.-ir fa t or* LA S. SMI i li \ r. Jo 4 4 tl HAVANA KFAZ ASiS, ' i I MI* :&t ici > i>r:i-.i:r. HY II. FtJUsTlCNHKI.M. Frttm Afutco, Gnus (/?, Jlav-ino. 'Pill*' o it iiM* 1'! u?iilli-?i f.H KM.. u<J<> 1 llli till*?I 0|H*'|| I,:l Vlvtullll l lic r? ill Coiiolm El U.mi ? I L.i Aii*iriiliii LoiiiIioh -l L:i Alli!>* f l/l Uo>nlin l{?*l?:lli?l (.? <ill ill Lu N'ioo'i iin ; Confioiizin. El Cinio ?l?* Orioir. All of tli?* lifiii*! B !ii>iK< im<l VwiHiioii, ?i II KU US I FA" 11 (OfMX Ai IV S SMIIII'S ! NLiiihiiii IIoh-k. J . Q:\ II F 0 DUKES, HJ.A1N d-oiiN \MKNTAL t' i,.1 i i >? u* (J 11 Li\., 1 * /. /. . ?N C. iJf" U ? 0 - *lt? <41 C HmUWU Op ' ' I' t J tout*!* Colitgo. il-JuiySt X c cj q I $ 5 b o r 11 # c to e n i s. COM MISSIONini^SAL^ OF XjAN3D. ?7vt 77? OF SO UTIl CA R OL IN A. gkkknvim.k district. in eguity. Saraii Poxum, y?. JIamikl Sr.\nr^rn nnd Clai boknkTrammkli.?Bill for Pnrtilion nn?l Relief PURSUANT to the decretal order of Chancellor Itnrcwn, made i? t|>U onse. nt flrcni vi'lo July Term, 1807, 1 will sell to the highest bidder, nt |iuldio miotion, nt Greenville Court I House, on 8a!r-<lay in Orti>l>rr next. All that TVuct of l<:tntl of which FJizn| both Stanford, decenseil. died, seized nnd jios| icMt'il, eoiitiiiiiino Two llundred Aeres, more or less, situate, K in" nnd briny on both side? of the R..i,? J-iT.1 - ..... v-.....r mini, sixteen miiCHiinin nreenvilli('mirt House, about One linmircil nod Sixty Acres of lli?* same i.eiiif^ Woodland, nwl n purtion I'oinn fine bottom. There me two Binnl! Dwellino* mi the premise*. TKItMS?One mid two ventV ere.lit, in equal I itnmtnl instalment*. witli interest from date on ' lioml. wiili at li'iiet two tfnod sureties, except enoiivtli to pay the coat* of this ease, which w ill be require.) in cash s. . row nix c. k. (;. i>. Cnmin's,ionerV < Mice, August 5J5, 18o7. VVpt :) 17 ti| sTil7tiFmiTABLK"'L7\NDS OX REEDYRIVER, Five Miles South of Greenville, S. C. [STATE OF S7)ETU CAItOLIXA. oukknvii.r.v mstkict. in equity. ? 0. T'.lfor 1 and ' K. -h. ruuiu. l!\eentors of 15. Itnuhi'ii. deceased, v?. Th? 'treeuviile Mam: f let.iirino I'mopine. Jacob Shaver, et nl. ? 15i!? for Sale nu I I'arlitioa of Corporate 1 I'ropertv. ?<c I N porioianee of the !lecrm* made in '-'license by I'liiinc. 11 or I ?.i roan, at t i.e.; ivi.le July Tel m, 1 S'?7. I \\ I!i J.roeee.l to sell, at p'lb'ie flllO tion. to the Idyll M bidder. lit. t?r? enville Court, oil ll'..- .lev i I I ti'to'.er lleXt, the following V A LV A HLK LA A"/AS' ol the '.reeiivil'e .Miin'ifaet nring < ..m>nn\, i i *. : t TKA < "J' A'O. 1, containing 50 Aono, on which the Paper A ills, , nre situate.), will be siili) Oil vile- Iny ill .November. ) 'l'liA'T X<y ij. being I lie I 1 Wel I! lie House Trnet. coniniuii g Til Acre*. more or |es?. Inving on it a lurje ami eoinforta' le Dwelling nndontI5uihliii.'!>, ami some I Colt .in l.nml oil Iteedy lliver. This Tract is sold subject to tit - u?o of whmi umcr iiir mi> impel* .Mill, to r>C continue"! as tit present nwil, TRACT A*f>. It, rontniuiiv; '2tn Acre, more or Iciw, 1 viii^C between the Fork bhonl Kua>l ami I itl'lih' "ivef. TRACT NO. J, routainititj 1 V> 1 Acrcj, I vin<_f b-tween the Fork .-lioil Untnl ati<l ICecily Kiver. it in I iijioii Marrow hone <'reek, hiving on it n lur^e portion of Itottom f.nml. of the very he*t quality. This is one of ill.* most ilesirahle places in the I listriet. TRACTXO Si, eontainiiii 1"$ Aeres, lyinu on Reeily hirer, below the Paper Mill. TRAC'JW'O. G, eo:itailiiiio :tu Aw r. lyitor between the Fork Hmtil ainl Augusta Uuiuls. near the forks of *ah1 Komls. Pints of the premises can lie seen tit rav office. Twins.?(toe tliinl of the purchase money in I cash, toe reinniniler on n credit of one ami two years, in equal ami stn-ce.-siv.- annual instalments, with interest I mm ilnte. on humls with at least t wo gooil bitt'i t ies. S. A. Tfi\v\n< <" E. <1. 1>. CotntnissioncrV(iflice, Attif. 1'.', IS.'i. 1.1-til STA TFoFSo I T/I ('A R01JNA. DISTKbT. IN EQUITY. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. A. .1. 'iiti:k>. A'liniiiisti.ioii. et al.. v<. .Iamks \V <?iii:kn. el al. ? Kill for Partition, Keliel. ike. IN ptllsll.ittee nf tin' ili'i'letal nlilei* ItlJlilc in this ease. I?v ('liaiieellnf Ihtirjatt. at Inlv Term. 1857. I will sell t?? tin; highest bi<Mer, at (iit'ein ille Coin t lintisc, on Sole flm/ in Octob. r nrrt. the two follow in.. PUACPS (ll' L\Nl?. I*i'|ull<rilljr (|> til,. Es late of Zi"ti .). (iivfii, to wit : I 11 ACT No. 1, c<?UI:iiiiintx Out* Hundred ami Sixtv tour Ai'ic*, nion* or ic**, situate and lu'iiijr in (Iiecuvillf l)i*1iict, about sev mi mill's northwest fnun Gret-ui illc Court llollst', Ix'illO oil the west side of 111< Bull combe load, and ii.ljoinii.o lands of Marchhanks. I human. Iliillmii-e. Cleveland. i-t al. Ill \CJ I' NO. *2. coiitai'iino Two 11 iind'cd ami I liii t v-.-ix Ai'irs more or |i?s<. adjoining I rai't No. I, atld on tlm wi'si side of |)nn o n's ioiuI. and a-lj >iuin<> lauds i f Montg an it. IlillioiiM', Has.>n. It*? *, ?'t al. This | l ia- is \iny mil iui|'H>\-d, ami lias upon ii s,an*- c> ' d Bottom Land. I In- plats limy I'" -m il at mv nflice. TKlLMS. ? A siitliii?iii sum to pav the -. -is of iliis rase in cash; the icinaindci upon a credit of six inontlis, on bond, wiili al mast two goo! semi!i,ji's. S A. TOWNKS. C. E. (I. P. Commissioner's (August y|, 1807. S. pt It 17 id STATIC OF SOUTH ('AKOLINA. GliKKN Vil.LK IHSI KICT. IX EQUITY. C. I E foul and .hunt's It. rvicimun. Execii ( is of ] !fU j dl I MillliUUI dcec.'l-ed, is. ill.- (J reem illo Matnifart mini; Company. I .i':>1 * It. SliaitM', li'ibt'it It. (Jiffliti'-ld, et .... - Hill fix Sol and Partition <>/ Cor j,irate Prop.rly. SettL incut. Ate. IN utii siiaiit'f . I iln* dfct'tal ordi-l' inad*' I'V Chancellor I tartan, at .lulv Perm 1857. of tin" Coiut of Etpiiiy for said Dis liu't, in tin* ahott' slait-ti case. notice is hercIn ait l it l?? all ami singular tin- creditors ol 'Pin- tIift iivillf Manufacturing Company to n|>|?-ui IH'f'Mf t Ii?* I. otlltlll~sl( >llt l < >f (Ills Court ai liis m (J.i'inville Otnirl House. nidi in ilm-e in..nilis limn I lie ilnte of (lie pul>!i ml ion of iliis uotiiT, iin<l ?s|ivl>!is|i (lu-ir d?* im.iikI.. l>v |>i<(j? r Mini mifliciefii prnof ' S. A. TOWNKS, C. K. O. P. C.'iiiii'irsioiipiV Ollive, July, 1857. .Ii 10 10 ' Sua UKm & GOOD! ?TT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ANI> SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Greenville, s. 45y"OFPli.l>; nextdoui'io P. r. HtATiiEit j. t*. uueji.J [a. i>. uooULKTr. Juno 4 1 tf - . . - - Jk_- . ? S^.. "/ i i I AT TI'IK GKEKNVH.I.K I | COj^^ F^C^ry, IVuiii Stroct, Nfit t!?c Rrid^, 'piIF! Largest and Rent Stock or 0 \IIR1ARK I ROODS AND MATEUIAL ever offered for sale in flic State, #clocI<*'l curcfullv and especially for Carriage Manufacturer*. A large stork ami ln-st variety of Axles for Rnggies, Carriages nn<l Wagons; common and host tempered Steel Springs ; lilac!: and Colotrd F.nnnnd and Patent Da-di Lent In-r; Rlnek and Colored l-'.unmel Cloths, Drills and l)nek?; (>il and lirusscD Carpet ; iinckrnnis and itussln I sjioctings; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mats; Itrnss and silver Point and Sand Hand*; lira**. I, silver, Rone and Japan XaiU ; Silk and Worsted ; j hrond and narrow l.accs; Silk. Wor.-ted end CotI ton Fringes; Rent Hickory Shafts; liturgy sent sticks; unu a complete assortment o'f .Mailable Castings. ? :nrrin_'p .mukvvs arc particularly requested to i call and examine our at ?? !;. For sale cli<<a|> bv GOWEll, COX rl MA lUv LEY. ' JIUDS A XI) SPOKES. j \\rr. now prepared to supply Mnnnfnotn- -| [ ? t rer? witli '.lie host. Morticed Hubs and j, j Tiii'nod Spoke", of ottr own manufacture, and , warranted. For nale by , GOWKU. COX <1 XI ARK LEV. ! CL 0 TITS A XJ) DA MA SA'S. j J VT.AKOK lot of Itlue, Drab and Cfroen L Cloths; Herman. Fancy, Cotton and All- !? Wool Damasks For sale bv GoWEK. COX '& M ARK LEY. I CARRIAGE MAKERS' AXD CAR 1 DEXTER A' TOOLS. !( Vl.AU'iK stock and vnrietV of 'he best Tool" \ ^ made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood j ' ami IJoxwood Planes. For sale bv GOWER, COX A- MARK LEV. , TROX! IRON!! IROXU! _ 1 I T()\V on hand, the laro- sl sto.k of Iron ever' ' olb-r d in this market : Spartaahnrs; Iron nod Cn-lim_rs; Kind's Mountain Iron; Fn^tish J Refined Tires; OvnW; Round; Sqtuirc; Horse! , ' Sl.oc; Half Rounds; Half Ovals; Hand Iron and |4 I loop Iron; Spring steel; steel Tire, Swoodes j , and Hammered, for wagon*, tires ar.d plantation |I j work. (>n hand, cheap for cash, 6.0i>') lbs. Rusted j j Flow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron For j COWER, COX ?l MARKLEV. i ST EE L! STEEL!! STEEL!!! ' N.\ t [.< Mis, >.\i. .mm;kson a .ikssfp's i>o?t | ('a-t ?square, octagon, round niitl lint j I ?for tiiw odtre tools, avles and drills. (>ermati tuid I lili.ter Steel, for phi illation work. For sale l?v GOWKU. COX ?fc MARKLEY. t 3.000 /,/JS. GUIXDSTOXE. si/.os, sni'nlilo for Farmers ami j Meehnnies. For sale rliiMiji I?v GUU KK. COX A: .MAKKI.EY. OX IIAX!) j / iA A I.lis. host Rlnek Florida Moss and | ?m/U t.'urlcd Hair, picked, in hags. For sale l?v COW ER, COX fc MARKLEY. SAX I) PA PEIi AND CLUE. IAUOF. assortment of the Oiamoml Flint Sand J 1'npo r, best, article made, for sale hv COW ER. COX A: MARKLEY. \ ! PAIXTS. OILS, WIXDOW GLASS A XI) PUTTY. V ON hand, n large assortment Paints, Oils, do. J Pure, Kvtra and No. I White heads; Paw!,, ' and Roiled I.indsced Oils ; Winter, Sperm. Solar, i a I .amp. N eat s Font, Olive and Tanners' Oils; j t'oaen Rody ami Copal Varnish; Japan, Aspnl turn and heather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine;! Greens; Yellows; lllnes; hakes; Pinks; Drop-i Idaek ; hamphhiek ; Ued ; Spanish P.rown ; Urn-1 , her; Snnwa ; Freaeh Oelire, ?te. Amoriean ami ! *Freneh Window Glass, Putty ami Whitening, j ' For sale hv COWER, COX X- MARKLEY. L 111! 1 VY <C- SIIELFIIAIiI) If 'A RE. j VhAUOK ami well selectud stock For tale J " cheap hv COW ER. COX A: MARKLEY. |, .S'CUE \YS ! S <'R E 11 r.s* / / ' /'ATi (ilM/SS of f lio 1mi>iovotl Gi tablet l'oint ' . OUl) Soivwe. I'or sali* l?v " GOWlill. COX it MARK LEY. L ) 191 5/111*6'/ 5-1 llr6 / / |v n'OF. A CixV Oob-brntcil Oust :* W-.-l Mill Saws;! I'owlnnri'a Mill, i'iosi Cut ami 'lVnnoit | | Saws; llnml, 1'nnnel ami 1'5;?J i11l? Saws; l'.rnss I j ao.l Ulue l>nrk Sana; a ci)iit|iK-ti* assortment of j Webb Saw ?. m i li nivl wil tioiit Irami'd For sale l?v COWER, COX it M.N KKLKY. ' I May 128 8 if NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SIOCK OK j i miT ,-T AM) " I-A 1)1 MS' GOODS. j M \i S . W A ITT O N ;; <y>. '"A MOST ivi|.<'ctfullv informs b n ' ',or I-illroii* ami friend?, c li'jSS, yj ami lit.- I.mii.-s grin-rally, that p vW \fctn has j-i-t r. t urne.l from New n Ar Ynik Willi a Nrw ami Mranti- ?| i f,:l S|,,ok of Ml 1.1 IN FRY, ol JKti.S Iter own se loot ion, eunriitin ' of n //Y"| a varirty of ii STRAW & NEAPOLITAN BONNETS, ' Ami a now ami beautiful varii-ty of i f, E II g C 11 i C ^ E) a JM' S . >!!? rtlso WI?l)rS l? Cr.W tll?> MU.'liUon Cm III' j Uilici to Iter ntwlmont of FLOW K US. wliieli | ii> Ili?* finest an?l most beautiful cvfv brought t<> j (tre.-nville, and to her rtock of r>HKt?ft CAI'S ami ' 11i:AI > IMlliMEs, and CIlAPEand MuUKXl.N'b > IK >N-N F.TS. DroMea rondo in tlie very latest style and ; boat inniinrr. *.* Orders from tl?a Country promptly attend- , ud to. 48-tf April 9 j Elford & Donaldson, ?<. tg? C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON. .Ian. lft. SI Ism 1 ? * '*V v V 'V DR. J H? J)EAN, L A I. Kii /X Drugs, LTetliciucy, Chemicals, *V?*S?imery, fYufls, fr\\$, 2j(u-8iuffa ^ TO?3 A'OO ^ C QG&irl FINIS TOIl/eT SOAP** / TNE I) A Mi AND TOOTH IillUSnES, ' ' PUKE WINES AND LIBORS, Fur Ust*?, TR'JSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, &C.j *C. Third Door above (be Munsitm JJoUst; <?miivillr, S. C. Medicine* >\m rnnt?>cl pric ing ?n<l of tli? bent cnnliVt. "?4 Planter* nnd PhviiulaiM from tlic country will find liis stock of ilclicincs complete. Eel, 12 40 Jy SPBING GOODS. GRADY &G00DLETT, One Door South of the 01.1 Court House fiPPPWrrtu c M l-Vlii.-l 1 C. VFl'KR returning our grateful thanks to our friend* and customers, for their p.\t>t. vorv ihernl pntronnga to otTr hn.'inMN wo desire to til) their attention, as well a* that of th? public (oncrally, to our very largo and tincly assorted itock of Spring and Sumnior Goods, vhtch we are now receiving, and which has >oen purchased by one of the firm with euro, in.I on very advantageous terms n* to prices, nd which we arc determined on selling ns low s they can be bought, at retail, nny where. Our stock, in the way of DUY GOODS, cmtraces almost every article culled for, either by <:idies or Gentlemen, in Fancy or fcjtaplo Dry oods. Jaanets. P.ibaons, Flowers, Ruches, Talmas, Shawls, Mantles, &c. ISoot* atid Shoes Triiuhw, Ar. \ Very extensive and fashionable assortment. 'mats and caps. he latest styles, for Men had Hoy?, in great variety. Eeacly-Made Clothing. i very heavy and varied assortment, for Men and Hoys. 'erfnmoiio*. Faacv Articles, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Mirrors, Hard ware nnd Cutlery, Guns, Carpenter's 'Fools, lllaclrsniiihs' Tools, Ci'ooliorv mid Glassware, )RUGS, MEDICINES <fc DYE STUFFS, KlnoliN and Stationery, SADDLERY, CASTINGS AND IRON. G 12 ? C E HI IBS. A very heavy stock of Kin and Jiivn COFFEES Grown nnd Crushed SUGARS lens, \, Spices, Cigars, Powder, Shot, .end nnd Indigo. SACK AND TART.T: SALT. Vinegars, Burning Fluid, Cotton Yarn. i\nils, (tins", <V<\, Ac. FRESII GARDEN SEEDS. GKADY A GOOD LETT. April 0 4 3 tf Mows, Stoves, ^VVL 'RVlS.l, ?ii WE keep constant fc^rv ly on hand a largo nstFrmOsort-nient <>f One an l ccs^SlSMiaM^ Two-Horse Turning, Subsoil and Hillside n ? s^a b uw?9 rliicli wo challenge the world to equal in good rnrk, oaso of < ami durability. We liave also n large ami bountiful assortment f Cooking, l'arlor, Dining Room, Bed Room ml Church GTOVE3, > wi.icli wo particularly oa.ll tlic attention of lioso who wish to purchase. Also on hand. Wash ami Slock BOILERS, lorn Shelters, St raw Cutters, Ae. Copper, Sheet ron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Veil Rumps furnished nr.d put up. We ;.ls<? are making ami receiving from New fork, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, irwng which the Ladies may find a great variey of Cake Cutters and Bake Runs. Ft >OT and BATHING TUBS, or any other Aricle in our line, made to ord.-r, ami Raintcd in ho best. manner. We are also prepared to do noofiitg ttnd Giitlering i the latest nrd bi-t manner on short notice. Country .Merchants invited to examine our took of r sa rca .xsir ' xx c ?. Ve snv if is snpeiior, an<l we do not wish to avc our word taken for it. Come nnd see. Cash i,aid lor Old r..r.i,M U,...- W..? -..1 OU I I - ?- * 'mvt fr. l!ntr*tak< ti in e\elinn<re for Tin Warn. SHERMAN RROTIILUS. Mil 12 14 tf J, !!, RAMPil, |M1ANKM I. Volt I'AST FAVORS, RKCS 1 to Buy. iliril n'l kinds of 11AI It WORK f every variety of >'vle of I-i ai?linj*. will be OrannMilcil or Mounted witb Gold, in tbe nenteat mnner. ami returned to therm at n distance per mil or otlierwi e\ as dirret .!. (I'nirtwn lament iin in letter per mail.) Row lirea.'t Pins, Neckices, Rriiee'cte. Side, Vest and Guard Chain*, 'rosses. Finger Rings. Far Kings, etc., of various attorn*, p'lt u|i livatly, en-i any article admiting the nam* of tbo owntr engraved thereon, mil, for the engraving; be free of extra charge.IK nl-o makes ami repairs all kind* of Jewelry Diliiit-t with gold or fiiver the Heads of Walkig fanes; matche* Spectacle Gltuwca; and, ltuitf JJu$r<tvi * nn all maiint r ?y* J '/ate. Oj)ie-t CO 1,-trJs L'rxt o/ u'd Court House, and a tor pares from t/tr / ulryprire Ojjlct. Urerlniile, ft. <J., Jnuo 'Jo, 'S7. *7?tf CHARLKS III C KEY, (Successor to Emunud Currant,) MANUFACTURER OF iOOKlNG GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DUALEi: IN -OOKING GLASS PLATES, fin. i c k firs, wis do w cons ices, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. 154 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Old Frames Re gilt equal to new.. JET April 51 \y