University of South Carolina Libraries
saflSW. ** <be Slcanwhlp CEN TR V I, A M i: 111 C A. FIVE lIuitDRED LIVES LOST. ?o? Augusta, September 18. TIii steamer Cenrlal America was lost during the storm on Saturday flast. Five hundred passengers, with the ttensure, went down with the stenmer. Ouo hundred pa*^ sen gem wore saved, five of whom hnve reach d Savannah. Pnrfher Particulars.?Tlie names of the five nersons a( ^avnnnnh are : II. 11. Child*, of New York, (fcorgo \V. Look and It. 11. Kidgoloy,. Maine, Jnbcz Howes and Adolph Fredrick, S;ur Franvisco. They state that fifty passengers were picked up l?y the l?rig yVR vine, of Boston ; as well as those saved at Norfolk. All the rest are supposed to be lost. Noavnuc. September 18.? Fifty of the Central America'* passengers have arrived at this port, in the barque Elois. Additional of the Central America. Savannah, August 18. Ilenry II. Child*, ono ?>f the passengers above named, make* a Mat emeu t as follows : Tlio Central America left Havana on Tuesday, the 8ih, with delightful weather, which had been the ease from Aspiuwall.? During tho afternoon a fresh breeze sprang up, and on the next morning amounted to a gale, which continued to increase throughout Wednesday, and for pat t of the time ac compatiied with heavy rain. On Thursday tho gale changed to a hurt ip> tie, and the sea was rolling very high. This continued and on Fiidav, about 11 A. M.. it was well known to the passengers that tho vessel had sustnind a leak, which threatened to fill rapidly. All hands were put to the pump*, in relief parties, and for a while gained so far as to allow re kindling of fire in the ? n gino room, which had been quenched by the water This gain was (toon lost, and t'.e fires again extinguished. Tho work of hailing went on over the ship throughout Friday evening and night, the passengers and crew keeping good hearts, and hoping that with daylight they would speak Bome vessel. About 2 1*. M., ott Saturday, the storm abated and a cahn ensued, and this cnutiu ed the hopes of all, and nerved them for the work of bailing. At -1 1 *. M .1 c.oll iv n a nnnrtitn/>fl.l n?\/l the steam ship fired signals ami di-plaved Colors at half tlitst. This proved to be thebrig Marine, of Boston, which came up ami poke so as to receive our report, ami then 'aid off a mile, 'lhe steam Jftlnp had but Uireo boats left, into which an the women and children were put, and transferred to the biig. Later in the evening another sail was seen fast approaching. Captain Ilerndon repotted his condition, and asked him to lay alongside, A favorable answer was rotated, but instead of ap proacbing the vessel passed out of sight. At V I*. M., it was found tho steamer could not hold out intieh longer, a- a heavy sea then swop over the Hot lime. Life preservers were di.-tributed. rockets fired, am! soon after the vessel went down, leaving at the mercy of the waves, from 400 to 450 persons. The sea was then calm, and we nil kept together, and chevied each other as J well as the stoutest coul-;. We thus kept to j gether, I think, foi two or three hours, near ly all being preserved so long, except those who could not swim at .-ill. Exhaustion then began to overcome one niter another, and I saw thcin going down around me.? At 1, A. M., Sunday morning, I was nearJv alone?could hear shouts of a few stirvivois. hut could see none. About 2 o'clock. A. M., as I reckoned, saw a vessel tvl a di-tan I of a mile or less ?took fresh courage and | swain toward* it ? reached it in la*t efforts' of exhaustion, and was ilrnwn up hv ropes. I It was a Norwegian barque fioin Bali/.c f?n ] Falmouth. 1 found on hoaul three of inv comrades,survivors, nndlxfme 9 o'elo?k we had 4C of them in all?which aio all I know to h.:vo boon rescued. We kept near the place. and in anxious watching until we believed all living had been picked up, and then made sail, iLe barque being short of provisions, and tincrew living on gruel. We found a little tea and coffee also. At noon on Sunday, we spoke the Amer ican barque?which supplied provision.*. and took on board the five sinvivois Bought to this city, whose names are: B. 11. Kidler. Maine: Joshua Howe. San Fr>inei?co; Sam W. Looke, Maine, Ailolphus Frediick-. San Francisco, and II. M. Child*, New V.nk.? The Norwegian barque set sail for Charles ton, or tirsl port, with the rest of the survi vora. The names of these I can now recall are Copt. Badger, of Baltimore; Fiazier second officer of the steamer Central Am- rica; Iv. F. Brown, Sacramento; B'dlv Birch, of San Francisco Minstrels; A. J. Ea>!nii, San Francisco ; ?Mcteher, of Angaria, Me.; ten deck hands and ten gilley hands are also1 included, and some chihhen (?) whose mothers were in the lir?t boat* despatched.? Three men ? I'riost, Long Bland ; Thos. Payne, Stanford, Conn., and ? Jones, also got on the boats which look off the women r.nd children. Municipal Ki.kction.?The election f??i Intendant and Wardens for the town of Antlornon. which oamo oti' on Monday last,; resulted ;;h follows ; fnteiidant.?John V. Moore. Wardent.? L. A. Osborne, W. M. Os I borne, K. II. Ilubhar.l, T. J. Webb. h *??.?- ?? SpJUffAN nt'KO Ki.KCTION.? lion. Jeft". Choice has been re fleeted Intendant and J J?. Cleveland, A. ii. Kiiby.T. O. P. Veinon, . -jd Jan. \V. Maxwell, wcie reelected War den", of tho tov. n d Hpartnnburg for one jeer. Poison in Whipki.v.?The Rogerst'illc (Tfcfrn.) limes say* that ten or twelve cattle t.iouu m* down seriously si< k. occasioned by drinking icetifUd with Ley, which tlie\ had r1t'.'in*it i:. the country near that place B????mm SoHi!)fvit (?nlfiprisr W. P. PRICK, Editor. OUR MOTTO?"EQUAL RIGHTS TO ALL" GREENVILLE. S. oT Thursday HIorui'K, Sept. 94, 1857. To AI'VUtmkiw.?IVrti n? pending in ml ver) tiscmcnt* will please nmik the nuinher of in??rI tions. Unless this it done, wc |>ul>lish until no( tiee given to discontinue, and cuargo accordingIv. Fire in Charleston. Our Charleston exchanges contain ncounts of an extensive fire which occurred in thnt city on Saturday night last. Our Charleston correspon I (lent (rive* nil inwi.nnl ef it W.. I...?- ' H.. >?. II Vllilie IIVl MHMIl I for n more extended notice. The South Carolina College The Board of Trusteesof this Institution met in Columhin last week. The proceedings nre contained in the letter of our correspondent "Bayard." It will l?eseen tkntthe old Faculty, with the exception of President McOay, have been re-elected. The election of President has been postponed until December. The Exercises will be resumed in October. The Presbytery oi South Carolina Met in thu Ptcsbytoiiati Church, in thiplace on Tuesday. 15th inst., antl #?h open e?l by nil able ami lent tied di-oourse f ??n? llev. J. It. A do lilt, I). 1). Ilia text whs in Hebrews x. chapter, 12th, 13th and 14tli verses, and the sublime simplicity of the divine plan by which one otteiing forever peifecb-d tho-6 who were sauctilh-d theiohv, was dwelt on, and unfolded with <*ioat beattiv i . * perspicuity and foice. In doling, the di linguistic! divine made thtilliiig and alhilittg appeals to his audience. About CO members were in nttendiince. [ ! and more than 20 of them miui-teis, 'I wo whole ?htys were employed in deliheiaimii. and much hitsincs- despatched. The subject of D'>mestic Mi-si.-u- was fully disctt-s 1 i?il * 1111 1 ttwol^ltl <>- 4 -- 4..11 - 1 . , ....M MMi^ncr* HIM II ??M it IIMMC lllll ?| II* I complete discharge of that ?uik, llatiiio ! nv mid love pie* ailed throughout. Every night there was p-eaching ami solemn and attentive audiences. There Were sevi r d added to tins Church on the Suhhaili. 'I lie body adjourned, to meet at Clinton, Laurens District, next spring. To Our Subscribers. Now is tlie time for those of our country fiieiuls wlio have agreed to pay their subsciiptioiis in produce, to do so. We will take corn, fodder, oats, or any oilier grain, wood, eliiekens, butter, eggs; in fact, any j maiketable article. Some of you. we have j j been waiting upon for the la>t three years, i j and wf now de-iie you to come up to tout I i promises. We have n<>t failed to publish j I our paper regulrtii'y in every instance, s?i?<I | you have hoe.: leading it lOiistmnly. 'Ihose i of you at a distance, may send its the moii- j ey. it will answer our purposes fully as well. ' We dislike to remind men of what llict ji should do, but our necessities, like otliei ' ; men's, compel u? to do so. -sok , Literary Notices. , The Lost I >acgii i Kit ; and otiikh Sto- 1 hies ok iitk IIkaut.? Hy Miis.Cauounk Le . Hentz.?T. l?. Petkuson, No.300 t.'hestnnt I Stieet, Philadelphia, announces, ii? in press. | a:.(I to b.' ready for sale on Saturday Sep \ tcrnb.r '2iith. another vvoik hy theahove | >| | alar authoress, now deceased. "The Lot j Daughter,'" we feel a-sured will add inie li to ! i lie ie|iiiiati<>ii of this gifted w liter. Mr.l IIknTZ wih unquestionahh I!>? most >neee->-J : fill female wiiier our country has ever pro- j jducod. The nhove woilc is ]'uhlislnd tini[ lot inly wiili Mr. Pi:ti;uson's duodecimo edi i tioii of Mis IIkX IZ's other lloVeU. Complete j ! in one huge volume, iicatli Imun 1 in cloth I for one dollar ?ml twenty live cents; or in | two volumes, paper cover, for ona dolltr.? Sent flee of Postage to any |>:nt of thcUnilerl ' States, on receipt of the money. Mas. II auk's Ukckii-is fob tub Mii.uon. I I * I Containing; four thousand the hundred and j I foity five K? ceipts, Farts. Pi eel ions. Knowledge. etc.. in the U-cful. Oinameiital, and Domestic arts, and in the (Joinmet of Lif?. heing a complete Fumiiv Director and Home hold Guide for the Million, is in press. 1 j and will h' ready for sale on Saturday Oe' 1 j tuber tid. 1 he hook will contain near 8UU 1 ' pages, neatly hound in cloth, and to he had i | for one Dollar, f ee of Postage, hy < nolo>ini; J i that amount to T. It. Petkuson. No. liOG i | 011 At 11 ti t Sl'cit, Philadelphia. Thi* is a thorough ami |tracticnl Encyclopaedia for the wli?country. Fiotn ii? pag?*. ihunt* who have n<>t leisure fioin l>u* ine*?, n??r altitude for mental toil, may ol? j tain infinmalion which is the fruit of yearn of hard Miwly, ami an v-qnniutance with thou* and* of volume*. The whole in arranged with an Alphabetical Index to rxtry receipt in the whole work, whereby any one can turn to anything wanted to be known on any subject in a moment. Souther* men should send Southern hoys to Southern College* and the father* of the South are awakening to the importance of ?uch n course. I . ?I r? - Now ia the Time ( Fur ineivliHuias and Ihi-hkw men goner wily. to liegiu to advertise their good*. J tue ih ittdi?e, Ac. The fall trade i? opening. farmers will want tu Ji>|M?se of their croje. and purchase their winter supplied: g.?-<N have been bought and dealers de*iru pur ^ chasers, and there is no l?etter way of mak' ing your wishes known than by gbiitg them publicity in the new>pni?ors. The Enter 1 prise oiler? excellent inducements to elver- " '.isers. Having a large circulation iji town!1 and country, your cauls will he extensively j circulated ami read. Try the experiment, j'' Especial Notice. J' There nie itevrra! hundred dollars due ?W|?I for advertising Mini j 'h-ttHik for tin* years v 18oo?*0. \N ill Hot tlioj-e persons soiudcht J ?1 see tlit* propiietv of seti ling ti11 ? The ? sum*. generally. Hie small, and iiihv he set- ti r . . tied with little itieoiivenieiiee. The nggre- I gate i> huge, Htui to us h nialter of eototd I erahV inij ortance. We want money. Not il to jinj?'o hilt to pav tlio?e whose patience, e like mil own. is worn out in waiting for t the " jjimhI time coining," w hen tliev will he e paid their ju.-t dues. ti Communicated. ! Its too hard?wo can stand it! The. chastisement we got oil the 14th iiet., fmiii ' the citizens inside the incor|Miration, was al most k'lling; so had that one of its was put ^ uinlet the doctor, atio'lier couldn't endure to t eoine up Mailt street.and a third had to leave t town during the night, for lent lie cotiid ii"l survive the ng'M/.ing torture of seeing lii^ ' 11 time expne. Then. I.c-ide all thi-, to receive such a galling fnun an outsider.? * Hut 1 am afraid the gentleman. m? seiisi.he , ahiiiit hi-ing i11 -i>t poiated. and ah tit luafeis,; i a- kick- d Inf. .re lie was spin nil. In ilai| ti hi place, theie never wai< ati\ umtioii to petition the Lcgi-la u e to extend the incur- ! i -t-. i ? - 1 : - - " , ............ .. im^/u mi llll.- ? lUMl C'ltiiiiil,' .in I ll tlii'iv li i>l liorii, it would , ' ll.-|Ve ln?! || Itllllnsl. ll' lull llll:llli>K'ii|r.|v. lleo. I ' illi\i d. 'I In* p'liih in-iti \\ i111 hh * iii:i11\ ^ worthy ritir.. li- " need not llutci tlnm-cUe- I o iiiiirli, we ]<'h'l w:iii: tln-iii ami if lit* wilt 1 pre*fiii hi- i-uiiiiii-i it mi i<i i lu-mM C"iiii-1'' ril, I will ensure Iiiii) three III.lis, if lid all 1 of their li^iiiilme.'i. j '' \Y e \\t_-ie in tin? Council when tin- ?>I< 1 i I mar wiii taki'ii up. mi.I ?\c did pa? tin* i y-1 ' ianient liojr law. Tliis \\i- ari- priaid <>f. and , 11 arc sor"y to >ee a prospect of a ictrojrinde. 'I llul litis is tin- j?ual i.|ipil>i'o, and it amuseiiio very much t?> see the e\ei tions that have! ' hccli made to iiuik'- the Council of the past t year, iiupopiihii. Low luxe.- and no taxes,! ' ficc hcef ami cheap heef and no market, j 11 have been talked to the people, ami I have! " been credibly inhumed pe'.-or.s eeinir.cj" to lliP polls were told, (a- would suit iheb ; politics.) that a certain ticket wa* lio<r m | o .. t . i I no boo. and it ihey voted for the oile r it i " would he "root liojr or die."' I'uit wiiat i vv all)uses me more than uut thin" eUe, was to ~ 1 i. me, a few da\s moo. accidentally on a j *' oentlenia.'t .vhlres-iiio a -mall as-euihlv in 1,1 -in h :r nt mncr a lo in cftur me to think hi- H bieet wa- to make the la-t Council as ?><Ii ... :ii. i i: i : .1 " mi.-* ??> |m?^>h?u", 111* ^ imu iii?ir* Let. It iiMaittlv mviirri il t<> tin* llml *!'' in tii<? Coim. il when tlte I tii! linif of 11i?? j 1 * maik.-t wa? tir.-t |?r? jriM.'il. I asked him j who htlilt the luatket. In- s:.i I he always op I1 |ii)-ci| it. Since, I li im' i i |*lit*c*? 1 ?>t several'; < persons, o iiiueetej .villi Conn-il, wlietli* ^ 'I ?-r or not this g nil 11;i11 \\ as o|t|i ?st iI l?? htiiiding the muiket. They have each t<?|.| |' me tln-v did not leinmnher any opposition to (In- mittket at all. an I if lie Ii>I oppose i;, n liia Xeit ion s ttt'ic mi fe !.!:' n-> to maku no ?i impression on their miii.l-. One thing. | though, ?li<I make uti ini| i nt. that wa?j the Itt^l? pi ice this genth-tii in was paid for w doing the wood woi k of this g-eat visible ^ 111 >i111111?tit of tyranny. Ihr a. I said he-' (| hue, these ti in.fs aoni-es me, I am cer- '| tain these and all other attempts to in ike I the last Council despicable. i? uiitlerof perfect iiidilt'eieiice to them, lull there is one . thing, the in j i y of if want expressly tin- ^ deist ood?we did uol orii/iioih the p< ti lion liopedf,11 v. ike, i r I: D LONG. ! ? SOS* Ki.V. .J I*. lltiTOK.? I'he t liri?tl ill [iid> X learns that this e.-iitleniaii ha-, ileelined lite ^ I I'resideiift of I'nit ei-ii \. to which / lie was ? liM-rn at lln* last e? ninieneeineiil ? < ' in?l lec.iuse li?* does not appiveialu tin* lion ir, inn Iivc:iii?i- |:t? |ia<? not a liijjli lejfanl for J' i i i-? I>> ft In n in (li'i ioj .; |,ut U-C him* tin* in- ! y eeptance appear* t<> liini. at pit-sent, to mili . a tale ajjaiust eliefi-lnd plans, loiio since foitn ' 11 1 ? laltoifd for <liiiiii<r inaiiv xt-iis?and Japparently imw within his remit i Washington, 1?. C., Sept. 18. In c-nsi quetiee of inforiiia'ton a* to i-x petitions l-finjr titt<-<I tail ajjain t Nivaia^m j, and Tainaiilipas. si net in-irin tioiis U?ve i l?een issued to all i ffle?-rs to employ all le^'al tl resources to piett I.I tlie tli pailure i f siieii ei expeditions. The iejM?n* it-eeiv.d |?\ the ti t}o\einincnt state tiiiee exjatljiion* me in t| prepHiation aoaiiis'. Nicaragua, under <Ieti. el W. Walker, and onu against Iamualijai-. ti under Sain. !loti?ion. The |Miinis of d< ei parture are believed to lie N-w Vork, Mo 11 I'ile and New Orleans. U I of 1U stfetprw. Fhe lute Afcetiii'i of the Truftees?Th? Q4 Itgc now ? City lUm*?Ple'isant Wriii(h tr?Trials for Larceny ? Miscellaneous. Columbia, S. C., Sept. 22<l, 1857. Dear Price?The Agony is over. The ViMlm iiMve met hihI adjourned, and the 'olloge Session will regulaily commence on lie fiist Monday in October. Tiio Hoard iter full consultation, and long deliberation esolved to re elect the inenil?ers of the old 'acuity, but to assign them severally a difcrent Piofcssorsliip from that recently ociijiied, with one exception, that of Dr. .aBohok, who was retained in his foitner lepurtment. Rev. R. \V. Harkwkli. Jr., ra> elected Chaplain, Professor of Belles .eltics. Elocution, and Evidences of Christinity. Rev. Dr. Rkynolub was chosen to j ill (lie chair of Roman Literature. Mr. C. P.I 'ki.iiam was as>iglied the Department of ILtory and Political Economy. Ex-Presi-I lent McCav. I should have said was no! amlidate ; his department was assigned to I... I >. I ? 'ei. ? i oil HU t M'lr^nn unvui> I K? I lit* rai'UIIV Will I leot ii Cliiiiiinan who will he President un- j il ilie meeting of the lioaul in December. | It would see111 iVoni the pn>ceeding* ??fJ lie ISoard, that ;i spit it prevailed a ill -tig its' Members different fmiii that of last June.? ! t appears that ait atmni mutts eiiciilar ivn* | ent to eileli Tiil-teo, stating that the Stu-j louts would not return unless the old Faettl | v wa> re-elected, though we hanl!y think hat ttie Tiastees would l>e forced into com ' I iliuneo hy thieals. l?r. Tiioun\vi:i.l whs rinleied the I'residency, hill po?itivelv de | lined, lie was a'so elected a uieniher of the I h*iloI of Trustees vice I 'r. K. W. Ciurks. | iho ie-igued in Julie, mi that his position I s a Trustee might not iiiictlero with his uties as an editor. Tin-exercises of the College will commence a the fi st M inlay in October, and we ex >ect the ret mil of all 'In* Student-*, with the \ecpii -ii of those who have gone off to plliei I' !! ges. As f.n cit\ tew s, we have hit: !i?l!e to ilium mieale. Si'ii d ?v list was "return lav " for Iticliland. We leain that o-nr >:iiati\oK few weie Mud. In I w it list ami tig lie t iguiin?s of tl e limes. We had last wnk ii gular Summer weath r. with plenty ? fdiist. OnSiiudav however lained. and yestcnlay and today are] lllte IiIi*:i>:ii,I I A frvo * ??1<?;???1 lmy named William Wains . ami father in law Jesse Uahh were lit-il la-t wti k lie fore a Magistrate's couit. In- fin mum for hoceny, tin* latter fur terciv ng and passing stolen money. The laice J v roioMrd in stealing at night a paekage f' money sent fimn tin- Planter*' Hank of nhtiehl to Tunnel Hill, in CJeorgia. The i*itn-v wa* in the mail Agent's cate, am! o* pi holier. n liK'iikinan oil tilt* loud. stole i: Idle the Agent was aslcip. it is supposed s I lie eviiletn e was, on tliat point, purely cir Jesse Kalil> passed tlie iinmev, rat least a portion of it, in Columbia.? j iotli weie found guilty; the former was mleneed to four months imprisonment, and receive one hundred and twenty lashes, ie latter to he imprisoned six months, and !csive the same iniinhcr of lashes. A camp meeting is now going on at Mount j leasant in the upper part of the I ?i-ti i* t i i good many of our cili/elts at tended on Sun ay, especially tin; young folks, who, we I aspect, went chieflv f?r the licit, 1 Coin ! any. ' ! Court for Iiiehhind IHstrict, eomineitees ext Mmi lay week. Judge WiirrxKit pre i liag. No cases of uiiu-ttal inteie-t lire | on ?l< ekel." Tin* Southern Liyht'w wo ?!?very oil. ^ toir rentier* who tle.-iro a ehenp el interest int* ami iiiteiiniiiino. paper f 0111 lit* Capitol, <.ii*_'lit to >iili-ciilie to it, the "i i weekly lu ino on!v (700 per atinutn. We coii<riululate yon on your leliun. ami i ?*ii? 1 \<?u a :.lial ami hearty greeting.?! Io vever, the eilitor pro loin. a?i i <1 we iii-i say, liv tfw diril (printer's tlovil of n >o.) ami oeoa^ioiially h\ us, utaile a fir t ale paper. So <h?ut think ihe Entcrpriae (a* m-gh oli <1 liming voiir nKsenee. Voins 11illv, B.\Y.\UI>. A foiRTA. S. p. 10. ? I'oitoninfj nf Thir y Sc? ik JJir>ons.?Siimkiv last, in 1 'ike) tun\. Alahaina. ihi*'ty -toon poisons have eeli |s isoiie.l. six of whom art* iloml. A {T o cook uiix-tl ir.sfiiic wnh the foot! of lie fiinilv. iiisii"r 11t*t| hy Colliisk'l, a linn aiiaii. Tli-ana* Kia/.- I. hi* oveisepr's w ife ml lwo ehihlieii. M s. t'ioii l ami Fut/vll s 'rami >| nig dor a t*<h*il. The ot|n*r* ar-* l inj? in a e ilio il oomIIIhill. The li <* ? h is oil I'll ill. 1'iio -ante file H'vails (Joiiii k n M inhiy iioxi. IhU .lav. H KALI It OF ClMI(l,K?TOV. ? The I'iil of ioit>i!it> for week ?-n?lii?tf the 121li in?l . rt-|mi? ?i h\ .1. i.. Duwmms, m l>? (ji'v ilejf (-ay* lISihikUpI.) pIiow|i* total tnimhcr of death* t<> lie twenty rev It, <?f which ?ix >nIv were white*, mi l Iweii ' lie Mack* jiiiiI colored. Of ilie whileUri-e we e adult*. ami of the Mack- ten we e liihlren. lliia report, a* well na tin we p il> *he#| f<?r *nitie uei k? past, hIiuw thai u? ty ha* enjoyed, and i? ettj*?\lug, the he?t eiltli of any city of thu population in the tiion. 21 -t. 1857. The effect* of (ha bit* teniiic gaie seem fearful mid thrilling in jbe extreme, ??en when related to those on form firmn. How much more-then rtH<t ihey^utve appeared to the poor being*. tmcafd nt the m?wcy of the howling waves. No less then five of our steamers were out nt the lime, end their heing ovet due, by several day*. caused ihe hearts of those who had fiiend* on board to quake with fear for their fate. However'. . t'livy all finally uttul** their appearance, to ,J brighten llio spiiits of many nn anxious ami exjiectnnt watcher for the nriival of those who we>e near an-! denr to them, hy the 1 glad titling" that out ?>f litem all not a pa< j senger was lost. The Columbia was the j first to conic in after a long ami perilous ? passage. Sho ln*t both wheel-houses, but 1 was not otherwise sciioiislv damaged, al- ^ though sho was in the heaviest part of the ; gale off Cape Ilatteras, f?>r 42 hours. The | Southerner left New York on the same af- ] ternoon, but. was out eight days without lading heard from, on a trip that is usually ' made in 50 to 55 hours. Set ions fears were entertained for her safety, and. in fact. | all hope of her ever be?ng heard fioin wa? i neatly abandoned, and, in the minds of many, she was already eon-igiu-d to the but* 1 toin of the biinv deep. She proved her*elf loo noble a boat, though, fir such a fate. b\ making her appearance coining up the barbo? in tow of the Na?iuillc. though in a newt pitiable condition. In the early part of the g ile she.*ptniig a leak, and all hands. , passengers and all. Were compelled to pump . for their lives. At different times her engine was broken, and the fires out. consentient'v, * she was drifting at sea, completely at tin ' mercv of the wind and wave. She leaked ' so inpidlv, ami the danger was considered ' so imminent, a" the sea was iucfa-ing in violence, that the f.eight was compelled to In* thrown overboard. She lost both wheelI.......... i i i i i- i .. i> . . ?iii* 'iv?" son ix hum mrk noiist-. Dili iIi?* of :ilI is. the wioiis |i ot??r|it against Iter captain I v tin* passen I gets, nim-ng whom, us Will as tin1 emittnunilv in geneial. 11!?*? ? i< great itulipr 1 n.iti- ti felt, *\liit-li i- no other tlinri dint of J drunkenness. They ?<>pri licit he was in- i tn\icated during the whole <if tlio Motm, ' 7 1 ami ovi'ii after it. Imagine the sensations < of those passengers. whose very lives weie 1 dependent on tlie judgment ami orders of l a man rendered incapable of gi\ing either 1 by ton feipmnt access to the I tot lie. It is | certainly worse than riding behind a cinzv engineer on a train of cars at lightning . speed. He bins, in 'he morning pa| ers. a , suspension of public opini tn, until he I as an opportunity of vindicating his cliar ' aeter. The Southerner was bound to Savan I nab for this one trip, but was unable to j reaeli there. Iler passengers all came tip to this eitv. The Na?."ivillo was also in a | portion of the stoim. and lost a m m from ; her rigging, hut was not othciwise injared The steamship Central America, bouin' ? ( from Aspmwall to New Yoik, via llavatina. witii $2 000 000 in >|tecie and live Imndred passengers, was hist, a few days out from | the latter place. She sprung a leak, which i soon put the fires out, and the passengers 1 kept her alloat for a long while bv bailing. ' but it gained too fast on litem, and she ^ went down very suddenly. All were furti ished with life pro-civer*, and some contin t lied to final for more than a day. The ' scene is described by a Mtivivor as really 1 awful, in which fO'?re than five hundred persons were launched niloli the ocean. nml I - I ~ 1 1 thinting about in crowd)!. J hose who c??nl*l ? swim were the only one-, saved, a* tlit? others I went down after a while, even wi.h tile! preserver around tlietn. Sixty were saved .( l?y a Norwegian harqne, and cariied into .1 N a folk. These are ail. ?>nt of five hillidru I souls, kn >wii to he saved. A new iron steamer, the Cecile, to run 0 from lie e to Savannah, hv Mlufioii ami c Merit foil, has arrived. She \v i> in the jfile ' a'-o, hill lode the wave- like a tliinjj of life. S ie i-1 omin Hide I hv Capt. 1' ai d s to take the place of ilie \\ m. Sea I woo k. 1 Several iiiceiioiarie- have heeii airrftted on ! ^ Sdlivan'* i-laml. and eoininilied t<> jail Am 11 ' the hiuldiii"* thev are acvu-ed of r huniino i- i'ie U. S. II >?pilal aitaehed to the Fort. Tin* ill ite and ittCffiinl of till *lii|? liit-It a><! Cohdeii hate l?ce:i atre*lc<i fur tlie' ' ler of a ?cain.ill short I v after ic.nih' Liter* . ? li |u?o|. t KkantA Iih- been <limi-u>e.l from cu?to " , . 11 it. in eon*cq>n,iico f .in? iin-th nify of i|h< |?i?m?f to win mm hi* tin liter detention. J1 Madame I.i.Vi kih' in w nmk. K'titeuiis < of rim el. i* out and t'wiiiiijf < >i lite a m-it-a* ion among the admire.* of iIinI *t\|oof lit lainre, ttl?o hate lii'rii l"t>g ;i <] Mitxiou-lv looking for tlii-i treat. 'I Mr*. Anna Con a 1?itciiiic, formerly Mr*. r Mow ATr, it i* ?hM. will appear oil I lie elnge 0 ill New Yoik thin coming winter, in cmiae pteine of financial ?l ffieuhie* It which her lilt-hand Iih* l econij involved. If ahe goo* ^ -tarring it, ?l>? will, of rour?e, visit (hit. t\ place, and a Charleston audience will, once 1 m wore, hav*^^|d|j?ui?^ot g'eetitig her 01, A si ?>|>, called Hie C. Hee. w"nA mic ;essfully launched the other tiny from Mr. Io.hb's VHid ; the i? int?iid?Ml fur'the *?a?ltttig trade. The steamer Catawl^WA* despatched hy ter owner* in que?t of wiecfciTutid v??sel* in li?tre*s, but ha-* lettuuitl without tailing in with imy. rt. *?T A fight of rt serious nature occurred in Ilnynv cireri, on Friday night, between ~ tlr. Asiiuurt, proprietor of a drug *lore. .tudg., i drummer for a ?iinilar establishment. BpS vlrch the fitrioer ?ra? daugerdfljpy The cause of the fig t tva- a contention over^^Bljs heir ie<|?ectivo rights to a customer. On Saturday night the citinena ?f the S"e?-lc Were amused i?y the alarm of fire, ? i\ Inch j.roved to be the largest we have hnd or several years. It cilginated on St. Pliili|m' street, near Marv street, in the atn>les of Mr. Kiivii? !??...?? ii...? : ?* * 1 " - ?>.. A nriu IIIVIO. I< pniWVU * *d toward* King Mreet, Octroying nearly J lie hole of iliu square. ami tlint oM relrt^K> f the past and landmark. Johnson's H<tr|..S H It then crowed King stieet, Irtfrftifig thaB||5i| ^renter prut of another square, ft fining th^Bfi?g&j| |> incipnl building* destroyed on which I Had a' extensive sale uml livery stahles.^^KI I'lie amount of damage i* climated at about f 50.0 JO, I lie greater part of which was in tired. g The crew of the clipper ship Floating Z? ihvr, which was lost in Ilie late gale, ar i i\I lieie enl'elv on Sntulay. News still continue to tench us of the al liost dnlless disasters occasioned bv this ale. S. HYMENEAL. M aimiikd. in Colnti.hus Mi-s.. on Wedmv lav the lO'li nil., bv the Rev K C. II ndy, Jol. II. XKLSON W11 EATON. of (I e-n r.lle, Ala., 10 Mi?* ('E''IitilA M. l>0>iCS, f Cairollton, Alabama. Markii D, ill Lanien*. Ponlh Caiolitta, on riinr><la\ evening the 1711? Kept<ii h?i,?.hv In Kev.'Mr. (iiegg. Cul. J011N \Y. IT A K'HIXOTON. of Chertiw. to Mis- L11>1K, hitighter of the 11<>n. James II. iihv. OBITUARY. lnm, in Greenville, s, c, on the 4th instant. jd IK9SIK I'L'.Ni'A.N. infant iln" ; lit.-r of .1. V.-i^au llmmoiie, I'!m., nn?l Mrs. JiMq liit'o Tininwn. >f Tiililiionsv.lte, n/ed ] t in mllis on the d-iv of or death In the removal of this h?vol\ Infant 'io'ii earth, innoy hearts h ive Inx-a pierced with O' row. Not only tie* cl'i-f stricken pinents. vho lament tin' l?'in of their first unrii will! feel a s such n* oldv those w )?.> liu\ f It the it kn?? . ?'.t a large ci> vfe of rcl?liw> iiitii Iriends fell line i its death, n ben tifnl ilo ver hu? heoii pinek o' rum the earth. Hat thev iireenirw i!.! with tin. ii . .l .. I. ? ' riii-<-ii?n mill n niso'iiy ne*ll transplanted Irian turtli to heaven. For mtitit aiiximis ilr.v* nml lights vii> tin*little mtferer rtrvtehvd upon a ln*t? .( | hi in ; iiikI il wns almost a relict t>. its CrieieV* 0 nee it. csi^ii its imniit spirit into the amis >(' 1 im who lias mi til. "Suffer lit I !? vliiMixn to < < me into no', ini'i forbid them not Cot- of such is tl.n xiiigdom of Heaven.* MaUY ANN, eldest d iiffhtei of Samuel iinl Mmy M' Keletie, ilieil ?ti the 141li inst., f" ctoiip. nifed 0 tears and 1 ?lny. The nfl.i t d |i:i i lils feel deej>i\ llieii Ins.; oil ihe ies o' rtli In. k"ti ?ir fo iiud f leaven, for Jcnua said, ''Suffer liulu ! 1? l?eit to ?o lie lllito IIIe, and to. I?i?I tlieiu i>', or of such is ilie kingdom of I rid." 1)11 D Ol the 14lll AugMM las, Wll,. 1,1AM 11KNUY. sou of W F. M ii v A. St'iitli aged 20 in. ti I. . FEVKU ami ACUE enred t\i limit u ii.g 1 liiiine, Aisetiio, Meieury, Opium, or any f the poisonous ?|ii|ir.s. oi daugeiou. e' lils ? um?l*. generally ie ortetl to l?v sufferer* Voin this long ?|iawn. most aflliiing. hiii! ninoying of all diseases, l?v reselling lo Carer's Spanish Mixture, which contains none f lh?* ahoie ileletei ions substance*. hut c*rc* ffecmallv ami fully by acting specifically ou lie Liver ami Skin. I'nrifying the BI'mk). ttel expelling the icniaiii of old medicine* villi tt liicli the system lia* been ch gjjnl, ipening the pores of the hmlv. and allotting lature to assist itself in hieaking up the ciis ase. ami rectiiieratiiig its energies. See the cure of Mr. John Lotigdon. of Vn., I I i! ? ? ii<iii un'u ail.i clironm Aguu ait<l FVut ; 'hill* twice a day for three tear* Nothing Ortilutieiitlv cured him until lie I tied Cm er* Spanish Mixture; H hottie* of which |?*r etiv restored him to health ; norha>he had i chill since, lit* is only one out of a ili.'in iud who lias cx|h*i ieneed the life t viewing fi'egt* of this valuable purifier of th;> !>!o w! ixiiA LA TFOX 7^7'61fsTwrlwx?^> \ Ivcrtiicin u?t ?a ler thi* lievl m ?? >?. lolumn. wf.m l?w????b?w?mmhwwmi n >. Gotts and Sw'no VT A MKKTI O of tlieTosin ''otineP, li on the I8th not., the fojlowiti^ he>0 o ion w an parwd, n-ol nrA r?' ?? !> p ' i ho !: Ji'X'i v'U, ih t th ' Oiitiii no |etf- d ?ii il.e rtith day of ' ictoli. r, i ' Oo.icvr mi^ outs nn I Swine,'* he nod th same is hereto epcnled. The h me to lukn effect from ttire into. II. I.KK TIIUUSTON. Int. W. f. I'ntcr, Town t hrk. He| t. 4. 20 3 KTOTIOE1. IlJIRHrm of .1 ,V J. II. Mo' ullou*h in tiii* lay (liwiilvttl I?v tnw'nnl coiiroiit 'ilio ni?iii(M of iliti firm will l?o MtlJ.i'il by J. II. Mv hill.oigli lit H>rliii|{ fJi-ove. Tim** luiviri'T ilr i git utt tlii' firm, will pr.-?imt tlicm to i n Tliow iiolrl'tC'l for the y.-nr 111.17 ore >r to v'.lt. * f.l.t III II|. ii:i.r.trt?i* by' '(&?' ? ml lor tlio your lrtftti, t.v o,t-lr. We.*e,i fxiuntl0 linvt* riioio'v to iftllv tlv* ilyl'l* of thv lirut A wort! to t||.' wis* i-t tii'lu-itiot." J \MK* M;>i ri.l."Urt(K JOSKl'll II Mr C'Ul.l.OtT.:!, If. R?The l?i?!ii.o? will lm eonti'iqi-Q >i lie so-no I'lifi' '.y ' II- ' "l " I!r' i 11 C '< , here the onl'Tio em cut hnj>' to vt 1 K TROT or. T TtClMe, At tlie ttoek Wi.l bt> ' omiilote- wo*.. J. II. MufUU.OU^rll tk 0?# . Jtmi? MdOnllwiirh, thankful fritjjo lientowfil mi the firrttt-' '. .t ! flirColm ;h. bet* leave 1?? recommend 'hte fro'o-U ( he ne.v firm of J, II. Mo itll?m.,li d , o Sep 17 10