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Pr Mtogjgs , s - A OLIO. ^A FigiitUwr *wk. > ? Pierce Fangent," in the New York "<] News, teHsth? following good story: r 4 M During the operation of the allies v in the Crimea it was resolved to carry ^ the water in from a beautiful spring of v the fi iest Croton to the camp. Loath- r er pipes, or hose, were employed, N which were laid on the ground. One morning while the water was being ( supplied, the minaret sounded to pray- f er, and one of the Turkish soldiers ini- ^ mediately went flop on his knees to praiso Allah? Unfortunately he went down right upon the liosc, and his ' weight consequently stopped tho current of that '.first of elements,' as | Pindar calls water in his first Olympid. w Get up," cried the English soldier. " Vonley vous avoz, la bonto moncher Monsiour, le Turque," cried a j Frenchman with his native politeness. w to pet up" u That ain't the why to make a Tnrk move," cried another, "this is tho dodge." So saying he knocked his turban off. Still tho pious Musclman went < n with his devotions 1 u I d make him stir his stumps," said a? o her Englishman, giving h:m a rem r cable smart kick, Tothewoner or all, still the untnrbaned, wellkicked follower of tho Prophet went praying on as though he was a forty- 1 norso parson. "Hoot awa, mon?I'll 1 shew ye how we servo obstinate folks at auid Reekie," quietly observed a ' Scotchman?ho was, however, pre- ' vented, for the Turk having finished his " Allah vis en allah," rose and began to take off his coat?then to roll 1 up his sleeves, and to bedew his palms J with saliva, and then to put himself in- i to the most approved boxing attitude, 1 a la Yankee Sullivan. ] lie then advanced in true Tom liver style to the Englishman, who had kicked him on the lumber region.? , 44 K ring ! a ringl" shouted the soldiers ( an d sailors, perfectly astonished to see a Turk such an adept in tho fistic art. \ Tho Englishman nothing lothe to , ha ve a bit of fun with a Turk, of such a rtily John Bull stntc of mind, set to w rk, buthe had met his master?in , 11 e minutes he had veceived his quan- , turn snuff'. As the Turk coolv replac- ' cd his coat and turban?lie turned oiifl c >1IJ f a tliA ar1mSi?in/v I j uuuu uiivi ctuM vv 111v> auiiiii iiii; uj oiilJI* J , dors, in the pure brogue?"lYad luck i to ye, ye spalpeens ; when yere aft her I kicking a Turk, I'd advis ye the next J ( time to jist be sure he' not an Irish-I man !" 11 The mystery was solved?our Turk !j was a Tip pern ry man ! Encouraging Uskfclness.?J ohn Phoenix, " the phunnv," contributes to k the Knickerbocker Magazine the following, which he says, besides its rare ^ merit as an actual occurrence, conveys a u useful lesson to mothers : " Small Joe L? was playing one ! morning in a yard at the rear of liisj h residence, when essaying to cast a stone ii high in the air, he found he had in is- n calculated his strength, or the weight jtl of the stone, as that missile slipped i c from his finders, and, taking an entire- * ly different direction from that intend-1 1 ed, went whack through a pane of glass | in the neighbor's window. Mrs. Con- j nolly, who was engaged in washing in i the kitchen, hearing the smash of glass ( in her spar room, rushed in hastily to the scene of action, and through the i broken pane beheld Joe in active retreat. Irate and indignant, the injured matron sought the presence of Mrs. | L?. and straight poured forth the sto ry of her wrong3. Mrs. L? assumed ' ^ a dignified air; the culprit was called j to their 4 presence,' and the inquest on ! the departed pane commenced. 44 Joseph," said Mrs. L?, with awful! solemnity, " did you break tho glass in I Mrs. Connolly's window ?" 44 Ycs'm," replied Joe, with pronip- ( titudc. 11 44 Joseph," said Mrs. L?, 44 if yon "broke that pane of glass, I shall eer-j tainly correct you. Did you break it, j i sir?" _ |; Joe hesitated ; but conscience was , powerful, and he replied that he did. h Mrs. L? took a stick from the man- 1 tlepiece. 44 Joseph," said 6hc, 44 if you i broko that glass I shall correct 3-011 1 most severety. I ask again did 3-011 1 break it?" I| Joe looked at his mother ; he looked ; > at the stick; and, hanging his head, he ! murmured, 44 No ma'am." "There!" said Mrs. L?, triumph- 1 antlv, "that boy never told me a lie in jf his life. I knowed he never broke no |' winnow. T&pect your little Liuster ,? broke it; 9lie hove a 6tone clear over our fence yesterday." 1 That's a good style of encouraging truthfulness in a child, 44 tve don't think." 0 ? - f A remarkable ugly man, as con- c cei ed as silly, said to a late Philadel- u , ph a wag, who had wit enough lor evervt ling but making money : 44 Why, r, Sm'th, how thin you are 1 You'll nev- t ?r pay the del>t of nature, I'm afraid. n b t will dry nn and blow away.*'? 4 Well." replied Smith,44yon wiil pay that debt at all events, for you owe nature so little." Ic - m , . JftrxjQUKNCK at a DiecouNT.?44 May E t please the court." said a Yankee lawer, before a Dutch Justice, the other lav,%i this is a case of the greatest im F >ortanco; while tho American eagle vhose sleepless eye watches over the velfare of this mighty Repub'ic, and vhose wings extend from tne Allegha- * lies to the Rocky chain on the West, b vas rejoicing in his pride of place?" ei 44 Sthop, dar 1 Sthop, I say ; vat has lis suit to do mit eagles! Dis suit has J lotin to do mit the wild bird. It is G ron sheep," exclaimed tho Justice. "True, your Honor, but my client lias rights." Ii "Yerglient has no right to the ea- 'b gle." 41 Of course not?but the laws of language?" 44 What cares I for de laws of language, eh ! I understand de laws of dc State, and dat ish enough for me.? n Confine your talk to de case." u iir.ii 4.1 i* - ' ? * ' 1 lYuii-, men, my cuenr, ino cieienuant in tliis case is charged ot stealing a sheep, and?" 41 Dat will do ; your glient is charged mit stealing a sheep, eh list nine shillin. 1 De court will adjourn." In the streets of Leicester, one da)*, Dean Swift was accosted by a drnn- ^ en weaver, who said, staggering ?< against his reverence, 41 I have been ? spinning it out." j? 14 Yes," said tho dean, "I see you have, and now you are reeling it ti home." I ? A printer out west, whoso office is h lalf a mile from any other building, ? ind who'hangs his sign on the limb of i? \ tree, advertises for an apprentice.? ti tie says : 44 A boy from the country preferred." J A tippler, who squinted awfully, used sometimes to mourn that his eyes lid not. agree. "It's very lucky for J J' you," replied his friend; 44 for if your It' ayes had been matches your nose ivould have set them on fire long ago." A Toast?The proprietor of a forge, c. lot remarkable for correctness of lan- " ?uage, who, by honest industry, had realized a comfortable independence, ,.r.ll.wl til IIIUUlMlfi 101 j fo ev toast, gave, kk success to forgery." f? A culprit being asked what he had It o say why sentence of death should i<?t bo recorded against linn, replied : i k lie had nothing to say, as too much lad Deen said about it already." ,w Many women are beloved without ^y nowing it, but more women think lie)' are beloved, when they are not. 'hev generally discover their mistake ,jc Iter marriage. jui on i ... m ' . Cm Guard, if it be possible, 3*0111* friends in;. 0111 injuring you, lest they, 1>\* m> dolg, l.ecoine your bitterest enemies, IJ.' ever forgiving the wrongs they have icmselves inflicted. EmTHI 1)!! READ!!!I"i IT WILI. TAKK VOL' BUY A FKW MINUTES, of AND MAY SAVE YOU ' "J1 MANY YEARS OF SUITERINO barter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLUOD! I of' 'he Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered! j J'hysician* prescribe it, and every one that turn it is a walking advertisement. No j ri Medicine ever yet offered to the American public ha* gained such po- \f pularity in *o*Kort a time a* flc BARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! ?>' It trill Cure any case of Scrofula. It will Cure any case of Rheumatism. It will Cure any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. It will Cure any case of if ruralyi a. j, It will Cure, any case of Fever and Ague, a ")r nnv Diseases arising from an impure state of or .he Blood. Bi SCROFULOUS READER! I', cured the neieo of the Hon. lolin Minor Butts, n member of Congress from Virginia, of Scrofula, after the skill of the best Physicians, l>oth of New York and Philadelphia, had been _ tried in vain ; and it will cure you, reader, if } foil are so affected. -1 RIIEUMATIC READER! It. cured D. Burritt, Esq., of Cincinnati, of | Ithenmntbm of 4 years standing, after nil other rw emedies had failed. We have hundred# of such I lertilicnte#. Call on the Agent and get a Book i ind Circular, and rend for yourself the ninny re- j narkable nnd astotiinhing cures it hns made. j j SYPHILITIC HEADER! Tlie celebrated Dr. Butcher write* ub that lie j 1 ind two of the moat severe and Jong standing! ascK of Syphilis that would yield to none of the ' irual remedies, hut he cured one case with six, ffl ind the other with nine bottles of CARTERS ? iPARISH MIXTURE. We have known it tsed in over a Thousand casus, and have yet to tear of a failure in any case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS READ ! and Fevf.b.?Do not take Quinine, Merury, or any sneli noxious Drugs, but try at once )?, his ttreat Alterative and Purifier of the Blood ; m, 7artern Spanie/i Mixture will cure any and every y, nse of Ague and Fever. Wo have never yet ?n nown it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impure ? tstc of the Blood, no medicine has ever yet been tuind to have so good an etfect. If you are sick, ry it at once; do not delay; time is precious, T nd health the g'ssWst of all blswings, without X vhich all else is valueless. co DR. WM.8. BEERS <fe CO.. ? I' opRirftMt*. i ichmond Va. 8 And for sal r I y E KRUTC . Druggis'. Agent ^ iiville C. H., 8. 0. *~ty May 28 tSSmBmgssss^msg^m^s-Bm Celmbold's Genuine Preparation HIGHLY CONCENTRATE!) COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT HUCiU, or Dieeaee* oft fie Bladder, Kidney*, OraneL, Drop *y, tFeaJthe**, Obstruction, Stcrif Iftteaees, Female Coin plaint*, and all iJieeau* of the Sexual Or gam, riling from Excesses and Imprudenoles in life, id removing all Improper Discharges from the ladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether listing in ? SSIATtjSB ?St rom whatever cause they may have originated, HID NO MATTE a OF HOW LONO STANDING living Health aud Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom to the Pallid Cheek. Joy to the Afflicted!! t cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and cmuves an tae c>yniptoms, among which will e found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Tower, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves. Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness. Dimess of Vision, Languor, Universal latssitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite. with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, and Eruptions on the Face, 1'aia in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Presently Black Spots Flying before the Eves, with Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight, Want of Attention, Great Mobility, Restlessness, with Horror of Society, iothing is more desirable to such pntients than i alitude, and nothing they more dread for fear f themselves ; no repose of manner, no earnestess, no speculation, hut a hurried Transition ; oni one question to another. These symptoms if allowed to go on?which ' <is medicine invariably removes?soon follows *>.13 of Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Fit*?in one I f which the patient may expire. Who can say i int these excesses are not frequently followed v those direful diseases?IXNAX/TY AXI) 'OXHUMPTIOX} The records of Inxane A*>jtins, and the nielaucholy deaths of Consumption, ear ample witness to the truth of these asser- ( ons. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy ihihition appears. The countenance is actual- j , 1 sodden ana quite destitute?neither Mirth or | rief ever visits it. (Should a sound of the voice \ ;cur, it is rarely articulate. " With woful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is nio-t terrible I and has brought ousands upon thousands to untimely graves, us blasting the ambition of ninny noble youths, can he cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with any of the above dressing ailments, the FLVII) EXTRA tJT liU HU will cure you. Try it, mid l)e convinced it? efficacy. ineari of Quack Xoxtrumx and Quack Doctor*, bo falsely boast of abilities and references. CiEOiis know and nvoid tbom.nnd save l.ongRufring, Money and Exposure, by sending or calling r n bottle of tliis Popular nml " 'pccific Itemed)/. It allays all pain ami intlanimation, is perfectly eafnnt in its taste nml odor, but imnicdintc in s action. 1 Hclmbold's Extract Buchu a prcpnred diieetlv according to the Rules of PHARMACY AND CHEM1SIRY, itli tbe grenlcsi accuracy ami C'heinienl knowilgc and care devoted in its combination. See ofessor I >r.\\ ek's Valuable Works on tbe Prnc;e of Physic, and most of tbe late Standard orbs of Medicine. fir-m <? One hundred dollars .vill lie paid to any J'livinn who can prove that, the Medicine ever in ed n Patient; nml the testimony of thousands ii be produced to prnvethnt it docs great good, ses of from one week to thirteen years'stand- i j have been effected. The mass of VOI.ITN- * kitY TKS t IM< ?NV in possession of the Proctor. vouching its virtues and curative poiv- ' i, is immense, embracing names well known to ^ SCIENCE AND FAME. \ >0,000 KkOtllea Have Rem Kohl. I' id not a single instance of a failure has been torted. Personally nppenred before nte, an Alderman til* city of Philadelphia, II. T. IIELMD I.I) [ lemiat, who, Iwinj duly hworn, docs say, thn i preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury injurious Drug, hut nre purely Vegetable. 11. T. 11ELMBOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before tnc this i?3d day November, 1854. \VM. r. 1111 > 15 A111 >, Alderman. 1 rice jut Bottle. or Sir for $3, Deliver- < vd to a)ty Address, ' icontpanied by reliable and responsible Certi- ' utes from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clertnen and others. Prepared and sold by II. T. II ELM BOLD. , Practical ami Analytical Chemist, | o. 52 South Tenth St., below Chestnut, ] Assembly Buildings, Phi la. iy To be had of I)rs. .1. II. Dean, Mims A >xo, M. 1?. Eaui.e and Kmil K hutch, Druggists, reenville, S. C., and of all Druggists and Deal- ' s throughout the United States, Canada* and ritisli Provinces. Ilcwarc o* Counterfeit*, sk for HELMBOLD'S?Take no Other. C U11 US U U A It A X TEED. July 2 0 ly i J. IIOVKY. w. n. ItOVKT W. H. HOVEY & CO., rnopKTtrroita of ; 1U1 T A mi7C' CTA1>17 11U 1JIYI/l UJUlll^l DKALERA IN ANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, iSViCDSS &<3M3S8 ?33&S, SONNETS, RIBBONS, I Housckeonintr Goods, aunr MIM uwwm AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, OKEKNVILLK, 8. C. 1 N. B.?Orders accompanied by the cn*h for edienl, Law or Library Book", Musical lnstrupnte and Sundiies, promptly filled in New f?rk, and delivered at our counter on shortest iticc. Jan 22 87 ly NOTICE. 1 >KRSOXS indebted to the late Firm of Dra Tearl* A Joan, and whore Note* and Afrunt* hare been nlased in my hand* for collec>n, are notified tha* unless payments are made fore Return Day neat, thev will be sued. W. P. PRICE, Attorney. Jtne 25 f td SPRING DI IN CHAjRLI {Late of the Firm of . SUCCESSOR TO EE1 913 King: Street, Op INVITES ATTENTION to hi* ENTIRELY NEW GERMAN AND AMERICAN GOODS, o STJMMBI In choicest Plaid, Stripes and Chenes, of light expressly for city retail trndo. DATfBR ?T IJUXJWJUf 1/ JDJH, Great attention baa been paid to obtain the be: American market. FLOUNCE1 In Silk, Barege, Grenadine, Tissues, Organdies constantly receiving. FRENCH AND E The Stock of these Goods will invito a oluse atl IMOTJiFUNril*" Bombazines, Alpacns. Challys, Crape Marat, Ch cal Crapes Englian Paramnttaa, Black Organdies Mourning Holies. Mourning Mantillas, Mantles, Bl and Marcelline of very choicest makes, always o MWMM ( Best makes of Sheeting, Shirting and I'illow-C dressing. Striped Shirting Linens, Linen Osnnbu SPRING CASSIME A large and varied Stock of Goods in this Dcp? and Summer wear, such us Tweeds, Light Cnssimcr PARASOLS: A HI In Black and Colored, Lined and Unlincd, best Scotch. Gingham and Silk Umbrellas. PL A NT AT I< Planters and their friends will always find witl and nil Goods will be sold at the lowest market [ The Subscriber is now able to give bis personal "iirpassed advantages in obtaining all the NK PltlCTS. together with his buyer constantly wn Goods at leso than the market value, lie feels prei filled. The One Trice System riyidly adhered 243 King Street, Oppos May 1st. 1857. AGENCY FOR LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! TMS ASHEmLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANV Insure* Houses, Store* and othsrProp.rtf AGAINST FIRE: And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves, 0:1 ween the ages of 10 and GO years, ON such terms as to rentier it a most safe nn<! desirable investment. Full details, witli lite Constitution and Rv-lawii of the Company, will be furnished on application to any of the Officers of the Company. JOSEPl'l It. OSBORXF, Pret't. W.M. \V. McDOWEI.L, Vice-Pres. Las. 11. Rankin, Secretary ?f* Treasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan 8 35-1 y GREENVILLE, S. C. THS GF.331TVILL3 BOO K STORE, MAIN STREET, NEXT TO McBEF/S 1IALL, ^'HEREconstantly may be found a large and well selected Stock MISCELLANEOUS. SCHOOL nnd CLASSICAL BOOKS, Writing Paper, Blank Books, Momirundnm.*, tfce.; Writing Desks and Cases, l'ort olios, Gold and Steel IVns, Pencils, Ink, Sealing Vax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Books, Inkstands, Ru. rs, Ac., Ac. J. C. P. JETER, Jan 15 Srt-ly Sign of the Big Book. ii~KliTPrc iT'Ts ~ )RUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SHCP, UNDER M('BEE'S HALL, \\ II Kit K will he constantly kept on hand the T V fullest stock of DRU(?S, MEDICINES. CHEMIOADS, PATENT dedicines, Surgionl Instruments, Paints, Dyeitnffs, Varnishes, Putty, Tohnceo, Segars, Spirit as. Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes, Toilet Vrticles, Comhs, Perfumery ; and all other articles generally kept l>y Druggists. tW Fresh and pure Drugs are warranted and lold at low prices. Compound medicines are prepared in the most careful wav. Receipts and prescript-ions of any kind put-to will, accuracy, neatness and dispatch. 85-10m Jan 8 W. S. LAWTON, ) ( C. M. BREAKER, Formerly of > -J of L&wtonvillc, 9. C. J ( Charleston, S. C. LAWTON & CO., Factors, I'orwarding and Coinin ImhIoh Merchant#, No. 3G East Bay and Boyce d~ Co's Wharf. WILL HKLL COTTON. RICE. K LOU R, WIIEAT, CORN, NAVAL STORES, <fec. jy Having an experience of twenty-five I years in business, we guarantee satisfaction to all who patronize us. JOHN KRAUSE, FURNITURE AND CABINET MAKER, n njLi iqrew WOULD respectfully inform j ii the pit i/.ens of Green vide r nd vithat, he has on hand a lot of FURNITURE, which ho will dispose of upon reasonable terms, lie has Chairs. Tables, Sofas, Washstands, die. Fine and Plain Furniture node to order. His shop may be found on Avenue Street, between lU-atlio's Stoic and the Confectionery, and nearly opposite the Court lloosc Greenville, S. C\, Aug. 14-14-1 y PIANO TUNING. THE subscriber would ofETriEsfczSHPH* fer his services to the oitizen* a# Biff ?' Or?e?ville and the surK TjflrffjfTIjvouudlno country in the a1?bove business. lie will give satisfaction, or nochargo will be made, 8. M. MUKPIIEY. June 6. 4 tf BACON. 5A A A LB*. on band and for srla by .UUU A. GREENFIELD. Jy 2 8 s tf Browning A Ltman.) rCHTJM & TAYLOR, 14~ *?? ?*???* |IUSIIV uil?v>a r and CHOICE STOCK of FRENCH, ENGLISH, f ilie NEWEST SPUING STYLES. texture and beautiful finish, carefully selected ACK SILKS. it Goods in Black Silks tVnt are brought into the [> ROBES and Jaconets, in lnrge variety, very choice and NGLISH PRINTS. tcntion, being very full and at very low prices. nice Black Bareges and l'oplins, Poplinetts, Pu-' . French and English Crapes in various widths, nek Kaniiso and Canton Cioths, Mouslin DeLaine n hand. SDp)?. ase LINENS, of various widths and free from irgs, Dowlas, Diapers, Toweling, Huckaback, cte. RES, DRILLS, &C. irtment, suitable for Gentlemen and Boys' Spring cs, Drop D'Ete, Fnriner'sSnliu, Grey Flannels, etc. 3i UMBRELLAS. , in all tlio new designs, conslanlly received; GOODS. i me a full department suitable to their wanst, rices for Cnsli or City Acceptances, attention to all Country Orders, and bavins un WEST GOODS nt the' LOWEST POSSIBLE telling the New York Auctions for nil desirable nred to say thnt nil orders will he satisfactorily f to, and all Oood* Warranted. A. F. BROWXINft, ite Lliiscll Street, Stos of tiik "Tree." 52 tt NEW MILLINERY AND Dress-Making Establishment. MRS. WMI'S AND MISS - GORDON would respectfully cnll the attention of the Lndies ?>f Greenville and vicinity to the fact thnt they will open, on Saturday, the 4th inst., one of the tincstand largest stocks of French and American MILLINERY ever br lught to this Town, which, for richness and elegance, cannot he surpassed, emhrncing all the latest and most approved styles. living confident thnt none can go away dissatisfied, they earnestly solicit an enrly call and inspection of the s.'.inc. Our terms arc low. l.ndics'Old lints cleaned and made equal to new. Misses' Gipsies cleaned and made over in the most approved and latest Gipsy style. LEGHORN HATS in 1 aige nuantities. Country Milliners supplica on reasonable terms. House on Avenue Street opposite the Tost Office. 47-tf April 3 GREENFIELD'S FM1ILV MM STORE. UNOER M'BEE'S HAtl--BURSEY'S 0L0 STAND. XUST RECEIVED, at the above Store, a Genf} ernl Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, selected liy the proprietor, consisting of choice articles of SUGARS, Coffee. Moln?sca, Rice, Rice Flour, Fish, etc., etc. To all of which he invites the attention of housekeepers and others. April 23 50 if Applo Vinegar. A FINE article to be had ut the Family Grocery Store of A G KEEN FIELD. WATCHES G&OIKS Am aiWTEt&Y. G. I. ri\>o.\ (AGENT.) BEGS leave to announce to tho citizen* of Greenville, and (surrounding country, that he has opened a Stock of the above-named Articles en Avenue atreet, in the Building formerly known as" Avenue Street Confectionery," which he will sell LOW for CASlI. IIP. WILL A LAO Repair and Fit Up WATCHES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, In the beet of style. Thankful to hi* former patrons and friends, for their liberality and patronage, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. ?ST* Give him a call, and ho will endeavor to please. 87-tf Jan 22 W. P. PRICE, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND CLERK OF TUWN COUNCIL, OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT wnnftv (fliaisisisr \yhili &s, s- ?? Will promptty attend to the collection of Note* and Account*, settling Claims, Ac. G. S. BOWER, Dlniinfnctnrer mid Dealer In FURNITURE of every description, uu^btel CHAIRS of every style. FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CA8ES, Opposite the Cony arte House, Dec. 11. COLUMBIA, 8. C )y F. BURTY, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Leather, OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. GKEENVILLE, 8. C., ^uer, IS Propared to famish customiTf \ ?rs with the above article*, CHEAP W-^^FOR CASH. Having competent workmen engaged, he can assure his patron# that all work will be Nsatlt Dowe and WARRANTED. Feb ft W * 1 Ioi>n $ SMe13 BtilhoK WHO bas had 10 yraw txparfeneo a* a Bank. J ?r and Publinher, ana Author of A Serie* of Lecture* at the Broadway Tabernacle ft wboh, for JO successive nigliU, over m j?? eAA AAA I?.. ^.-1 jar-a? JI9 uwv.vvv I V'J'HGreeted him with rounds of mmlftuy. w lii'c he exhibited th? manner in whicn ^Mpt? rf? it-d* ' execute their Frauds, mid the Sores; nod i- h< r t v. eat Menus of Detecting tlieni I The Hank Note Engraver* all nay },r ,'.v //,, grealcet Judge of Paper Monet, living. H G REATEST DISCOVERY OK T11K PRESENT CENTURY FOR $g DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES Describing Every Genuine Bill In Existence, nod Exhibiting nt n Glnuce, evry Counterfeit in Circulation (f ^ Arranged so admirnldv, that UEPKHENC/2 Easy and DCTECtlOK Instantaneous. ISnjiBa J3T No Irdex to examine I No pages to htiu^B^^ up' But bo siinpliAed and arranged, that il<l I Merchant, Banker and Business Mp,n can see afHHfw at a glance ! ^KE| ENGLISH FRENCH JTNI> GERM A N. Thus cacli may read the name in hisowu Nnti\e Tongue. Host Perfect Bank Note List Published. A Do, h List of ALL THE PRIVA1E BANKERS IN AMERICA! A complete Summary of the Finance of l.tirope and America will lie published in each cdi tinn. together with all the Important News of the Day. Also, a SERIES OF TALES, from an old Manuscript found in the East. It furnhhe* th most Complete History of Oriental Life, describing the most perplexing positions in which the ladies and gentlemen of that country hn\? been so often found. will continue throughout the whole year, nnd will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. _ ir Furnished Weekly, tosnhscril?ersonly. nt $1 a year. All letters must he addressed to JOHN 8. DYE, Hkokrk, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. April 23 60 lv _____ BOOK-BINDER, AND Blank-Rook Iflaniifhcturcr, (In rear of Carolina Times Office ) <s ? ? sa & a &,e. ?. |j BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and manufactured of the best materials and in the most durable manner. PERIODICALS, MUSI ' BO<?KS. Ac., hound in every variety of style, nt short notice. ZW Country orders promptly attended ?. a-"5 IVc 4 30 ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION l'HII.A DELI'III A. Important Announcement. r|"H) nil persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, A such as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Syphilis, the Vice of Onanism, or Self Abuse, ?frc., Ac. 1\\c HOWARD ASSOCIATION in view of the awful destruction of human lite, cnnncd by Sexual Diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the (tufortunnte victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name to give medical advice oratis, to all pers ins thus afflicted, who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (nge occupation, hnbits of life, Ac..) and in cases of extreme poverty and suffering, to furnish medicines free of charge. The Howard Association is a bemvolcnt Tnstitution, established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to expend in advertising the above notice. It is ncedlcso to add that the Associa tion commands the highest Medical skill of the nge, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. Just Published, by tl.c Association, a Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation of Self Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Con suiting Surgeon, which will he sent by mail, (In a sealed envelope), Free of Charge, on the receipt of TWO ST A MI'S for postage. Address, DIL GEO. CA1.IIOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA 1>. IIAHTWELL, President. Geo. Faikciuld, Secretary. Feb ft *9 tf_ W. H. HOVEY & CO, PROPRIETORS OF The Ladies' Store, ARE NOW. and will be constant)? receiving Freab Importations, purchased by oce of the partners, who lias some twenty five years' experience in buying and selling Go.xls. They would invite special attention to their large Stock of White nnd Embroidered Goods, RVh f?ilk Tissues, DeBegea, Challya, Crape Be Paris, Beregea, Muslins. Brilliant*, Silks, Alpaccaa, Bombasines, Canton Crape, Ginghams. French, English and Americnn Prints, drc.. Ac. ALSO, JUST IN. A KICK LOT OF New Bonnet*, Ribbon*. Ruche*, Wreath*, Flower*. Blond*, Valencia, Thread ami Bru**el* Edging*, White ami Black Crape Collars and Sleeves, Embroidered. Linen and Mutdin Collar*, Long Lawn*. Plain and Etnb'd L. C. Handkerchief*. And many other NICK AND FANCY GOODS. All of which it will b? their endsavor to rell m cheep m possible. 46-tf Nh 2ft ~WM. fi. ALLEN, ; SURGEON DENTIST, mw HAS returned from llrtladefprepared, In every way. to 1UHTEr perform all operaUon* in hi* profeesion in the moat skilful and approved manner. Having procured every Improvement of the day, person* can safely rely on having every operation performed in the same manner ae done in Philadelphia or New York. 1 Kther and Chloroform rivon when desired, k Persons desiring attention must make appoint roents previously. flp Rooms in MeBSe's BftiMing. . . -4&?L March 10 49 tf