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STATEbFSO UTIICA110LIN A.. ^sr: Sale ?T Paper Mllbt Ac* - ? ii "> r-x. i 1 ^ C. J. Eltoud and J. B. Subrmax, Executors of B. Durham, deceased, vs. The Greenvillr Manueacturino Company, et al. ?Bill for Sale of Corporate Property. IHURSUAHT to the decretal order in this Jl caseflRRmle by Chancellor Dargan. at r*-:Tuly Term, 1857,1 will sell, at public auc . lion, at Greenville Court House, on Sale &/ day in November next. All that valuable nroDertv lenown ?Tni? " PAPER MILLS AND PREMISES of The Greenville Manufacturing Company, containing Fifty Acres, Bituated, lying and befe|^ ing on Reedy River, five miles south of L Greenville Court House. The Mills contain FIRST RATE CYLINDER PAPER SfACniNKS, and all necessary works perJjMaining thereto. On the premises, also, are ?|ji B good Two-Story Superintendant's Dwell,JJIng House, and Five Dwellings for opera^^tive*. Theso Works have been put up at great expense, and with much care. The waterpower is the most desirable in the Slate. There U seldom a better opportunity for an ^ investment, in manufacturing, than this preHk scnts. pF Terms?One third in cash, the remainder ^ on a credit of one and two years, in equnl and successive annual instalments, with interest from date, on bond, with at least two good sureties. S. A. TOWNES, C. E. G. D. Commissioner's Officd, Aug. 31, 1857. Sept 3 17 td STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Thomas J. Tut pin, et al., vs. Thomas C. Mark1ey, al.? Bill for Relief, ??*?. IN pursuance of tiie decretal order made by Chancellor D?rg*u, st July Term, 1857, of the Court of Equity for said District, in the above stated case, notice is hereby given to all and singular the creditors of lloctor William P.Turpin, late of Greenville, H. r. il<w?oa*cul In intuur l>?f.,ra llm Pnmml. sioner of this Court, nt his office ?t Greenville Court IIousc, within three months from the dnte of the pnblictttion of this nolice, and establish their demands by proper aud sufficient proof. S. A. TOWNES, C. E. G. D. Commissioner's Office, July Oth, 1857. Jy 16 10 Sin STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S 8ALE8. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias to me directed, I will sell before the Court House door, at the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in OCTOBEH next. One hundred Acres of Lnnd, inoro or less, adjoining lands of Mrs. Mcflugli. J. L. Westmoreland, et al.; as the property of Bever ly B. Garrett, at the suit of Samuel Grin wold, et al. 259 Acrea of Lnnd, more or less, lying on the waters of Gilders creek, adjoiuing lauds of Vaughn, Hay and llamhy, as the property of Benjamin llamhy, at the suit of Ed inond Miller. 130 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lauds of II. M. Ceely, Wesson and Stokes, et al., as the property of James Jenkins, at the suit of George M. Gunnells. Terms CASH; purchasers to pay lor title. D. HOKE, 8. G. D. "Sheriff'a Office, September 11, 1867. 18-td ifliv nun ffmnnt iSUVV v 111311 UlUlUli *JQ?e undersigned is now receiving A FRESH SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, consisting ov SUGAii5\?Coiree, Teas, Molasses, Rice, Butler Cr*ck?ra, Sod*, Wine and Boston do,, Cigara, Tobacco, Almonds and other 'Nut*, Candies, Spiced Oysters, Lobsters, jPickles, die,, &c. also, DRY fiOSOSL, SHIES, CUTLERY & TOYS. Come one! Come .all! No charge for .allowing Goods. W. J. JAUDON. Fonr Door* Abovs Or*. Mima Ik Long'*. Sept 10 18 tf T. W. DAVIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, TAKES the liberty to announce the citizens ot Greenville, and JHthe surrounding country, that he prepared to do all manner of work in Lis liae of business, such as Watch, Cloak and Jewelry Repairing, all of which shall be done in the neatest manner. Watch WhselJ, Pivots, Pinions, Jewels, Screws, llanda, Glasses, all done at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner. Please give him a trial, and you will be pleased. He also aaakes JEWELUY to ordar, such as G?M Gurd, Feh dfc Test Chain*, All kinds of GOLD 'BUTTONS, such as Bosom, ftlacve and Collar Buttons. All kinds of Hair Work Trimmod in the neatest stylo. His work cannot be surpassed in this part of <V. Mini., HU shop ttlty t>e found at tie Ooodlctt House, la the room formerly occupied by Messrs, Bailey Greenville, July SO, 1857. IS tf or RITPRTCE 7 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, 8. C. IAMBS U OSS. WK T. FRIOE. April 23 60 rr- , Ijl "* I'n ' .'7 ^ if- Tor Tax Collector. Tfce Ttlemd* of Irmm b. Pr?r*o?l^ art wvunc.) Mm as a Candidate for Tax Col IsoUjr at flie ensuing Hec tiers. ? - - - - ?r tub rftrENtft or w. * Tmcr announce him aa a Candidate for Tar* Collector at tho next El'ctlotj. '*< W. P. PRICE, CLERK n ACCOUNT WITH THU TOW For the Year endivg 1850. DU. Sept. 8. Amount on hand former Return, $ 86.08 Oct. 5. Uec'd from Patrol Exemption*. 888.80 " IB. Tax on Vehicle*, Ae., 871.41 ? ? Kc^roe*. 78.76 " 15. ?' " Ileal Estate, 880.80 " 16. Ileal Estate Double Taxes, 87 60 Nor. 8. From J. \V. Grady, hire of hand*, 2.26 Dec 29. J. W. Gorman, tax oo Jewelry, 16.00 " 29. J. Scgar, tax on China Wure, 1.60 1857. Jan'y 1. From Fines to date, 128 85 Feb'y 1. Rec'd from Street Exemptions, 768.00 " 1. Street Defaulters, (double taxed) 16.00 *' 1. Tax on Sales of Goods, 245.86 Mar 14. Hall's Varieties License, 10.00 " 20. Julien Minstrels License, 15.00 May 8. From R. McKay, for Ca*ks, 1.95 " 12. I. II. Dicksou'a Exhibition, 2.60 J'nel6. Eldred's Circus License, 00.00 " 27. J P. Poid's Billiard License, 100.00 July 7. Mr. Salsbury, tax on Clothing, 45 " 21. J. W. Gorinan, tax on Jewclrv. t .in Aug 13. P. C?ublc\ for ono Cask, " 85 " 13. John F. Carpenter, for one Cnsk, 65 Sept. I. Beef Tax, and License to date, 105.83 " 1. From Fines since January first, 27.50 " I. Hire of Town Wagon, to date, 4.00 " 1. Sales of Hogs to date, 118.47 Total amount received, $2,848.74 Total aiuouut paid out, 2.801.20 Amount on hand, $47.54 Examined and found correct. September 14, 1857. 19 IIAVAHA o I jiBiK T ^111 it IMPORTED DIRECT, BY H. FURSTENHEIM, From Mateo, Oacnz <& Co., Havana. fFIJE genuine Plantation Ln Eldorado I. The finest Opera La Victoria The real Concha El Ranio SLa Australia I La Attila La Rosalia Regalia La Girid La Nigotiana ; Opera Confienzia. El Cinto rle Orion. All of the finest Brands and Varieties, at H. FURSTEN HElM'8. At P. S. Smith's, opposite Mansion House. | Jy 23 11 OREEtHTILLE CONFECTIONERY. TIIE subscriber has returned to Greenville. 1 and commenced business Opposite I he Tlnilhioit House, where may he found on ! hand, CONFECTION ERIE*. JELLIFS, lilt ANDIED FRUITS, Ac. Having procured a Xo. I Pastry Cook, FRESH CAKES, Of many kinds, can he had every dav. For the accommodation of Ladies and Gentle- , I men, has been neatly arranged, where, nt all hours of the dav and evening, an EXCELLENT 1 ARTICLE of ICE CREAM muy he had, together 1 with Cooling Drinks of several kinds. Feeling inyse'.f much indebted to my friends j for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon ine when in Business on Avenue Street, I hope, by a ' much more ?triet attention to butinct*, to merit a ] renewal of their favors. i P. S. SMITH, Agent. , AMBKOTYPES ! AMD nELAlNOTVPEH. I < Iflorc Beautii'uI Than liver. I THE INIMITABLE I 4 RAISED1 AMBROTYPES. ' A PERFECT representation of Nature, and the , ' higheit style of the Art; UNFADING and DURABLE. also. ? THE MELAINOTYPE, J Another and a later triumph in tho art o' I'ho- | tography, admirably adapted to Medallions, Broaches, Lockets, Rings, Ac. The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing 1 to his friends, the Ladies and Gentlemen of Greenville and surrounding country, that he is at nogs aoaiv, and ready to execute anything in the line of his professiou that necessity cr fancy may suggest lie will also take this occasion to say?once for all?that the Hurcatoarrv of his Pictures over all foreion " etitdk-nermttu" .. . , ?-?, j ? wo wen known nod acknowledged to require any resort to the very cOTnWlon practice of "puffing," in or der to "bring flierti into notice. Qgf Jutt come < and tee for yourtetvii, and bit taliefied. JQ J'rices mookratb^?froai $1 to $5 and $8, according to lire $nd ttyle. or Gallery on, 2i> floor of McRec's Hall. . Complete instruction* given in tire Art. - , C. II. lanneau. PHOTOGRAPHS beautifully colored in oil, ' by tbe subscriber. 7-tf June 2a FriSl Cilldiei; u Jli FRESH I.6T just received at the 1 A GRF.ENVILLK CONFECTIONER Y. i Jyf* 11 tf ; AND TREASURER, I) COUNCIL OF CBECIITIME, September 14, 1857. 1850. CR. Oot. 8. A. E. Burgess, forBiiek Culvert, 10.0Nov. 8. Stationery for Council, R? *f 1. A. E. Burgeis, work on Market, 220.IN " 8. Mrs. Coleman, liiro ?.f Boy, 10.IH " 8. Patriot Office, for nil. to Aug. 28, 22.98 " 12. A Norton, hire of Bov, 91.00 ' 15. W. F. llood, service a.. ' .arslial, 20.81 " 24. Paid for Kake, 1.00 Dec. 2. John T. McDnniel, Jail Fees, 14.4U " 8. W. Bay no, work on Streets, 21.00 " 9. President Duncan, hire of Boy, 1.86 " 12. Dr. J. H. Dean's Account, 60 " 25. L. B. Cline, work on Market, 250.00 1857. Jan'y 1. J. P. Pool, rent of Stable*, Ac., 83.08 " 1. Fines pnia to Marshals, 04.17 " 1. J. J. Benedict, hire of Boy, 8.00 " 2. N. Clarke, hire of Boy, 72.00 i " 9. Gowcr. Cox A M., for Fluid, 3d. 26 i " 13. John McBetll, for Culvert, 70 " 20. So. Enteruriso. Ah'i i Feb. 2. A. K. Burgess, on Market, 83.28 " 5. E. Kruteli, for Fluid, 2.60 " 6. O. llcldman, for Lumber, 2.80 " 28. D. G. We*tfield's Ae't to.lnn. 1st, 22.93 M'ch 2. N. F. Burgess, Tin-roofon M'rk't, 156.80 " 8. Ken, Scruggs A Co's Account, 7.81 " 4. John Mcbetli. for Culvert, 1.00 " 4. F. Go.wett, hauling Rock, 1.65 " 4. W. A. McDaniel, Clerk'* Foe*, 6.00 " 5. Joel Hughes, Work and Hock. 4.50 " 13. J. T. McDaniel, Jail Fees, 2.00 " 13. J. 11. Hill, hire of Hoy, 2.25 " 13. Mrs. M. Williams, for Hock, 1.12 " 13. N. Clarke, hire of Hoy, 38 " 13. Z. Martin, clean'g Guard Hoom, 40 " 17. L. B. Clinc, bnlance on Market, 100.00 " 27. N. Clarke, hire of Hoy, 25.80 " 30. Refund <1 8. L Davis, for Hogs, 6.00 " 31. Mauldin <k Long, for lloes, 1.75 Ap'l 7. E. Gridley, for Hock, 1.62 " 23. A. K. Burgess, on Market, 97.96 May 14. Refunded M. livid well, for I logs, 1.10 " 14. Gower, Cox <fe M., for Fluid, 34.90 ' 14. N. Clarke, boy for Wliitewash'g, 75 " 16. A. K. Burgess, on Market, 40 00 " 23. A. H Burgess, bal'ce on Market, 70.25 , June 2. W. A. McDaniel, Clerk's Fees, 4 00 " 2. J. T. McDaniel, Jail Fees, 4.60 " 23. Drs Minis A Long, for Fluid, 30.22 " 30. Paid for Tar, 38 July 1. Thomas Powell, Paint'g Market, 7.00 Sept. 1. Paid for Provender to date. 85.40 " 1. Marshal Martin, Salary to date, 334.78 " 1. " Cranberry, " " " 318.47 1 7. D. Hoke, Sheriff's Fees, 52.61 " 7. R. McKnv, hire of Hoy, 10.00 " 7. ILB. Duncan, " " 6.25 " 9. D. Goodlett, for Corn, 2.50 v. oower, uox & Murk ley's Ace't, 8.80 " 12. Clerk's Salary to date, 25.00 " 12. Mrs. 1*1 E. Thompson, hire of IIOy to September 1st, 117.00 *2,804.20 Commission on $2,816.72, (2j.) 70.40 " 2,026.18,(2*,) 60.00 *2,801.20 W. r. PRICE, Cl'k and Treaa. ROBERT McKAY, II. C. MAHKLKY, 2 Committee. Inhalation in Consumption, BRONCHITIS, LARYIVITI8, Aiul other Diseases of the Chest and Throat, successfully treated by the. Inhalation of Medicated Vapors and Powders, by Ab sorption and Constitutional Treatment, as practiced at the Stavvksant Mkdical Inrtjtutk, New York City, N. P*. THE unprecedented success which has al ' tended this method of treating diseases of the Lungs and Throat, has induced the Physicians to depart from their usual course, and avail themselves of the columns of the Press to make it known ?o such as may Ik.* laboring under, or predisposed to, such affec- ' tions. The dawn of a brighter day has at length arrived for the Consumptive?the doctrine of the incurability of Consumption lias now passed awav. \Ve bave indubitable proofs in our possession, that Consump- ? lion, in all its stages, can be cured : in tbe ' first, by tubercular absorption ; in tbe second, < by the transformation of tubercule into ? L ? If- ? ? - * uritiiKtj ana calcareous concretions ; in the I third, by cicatrices or scars. Those wedded to the opinion of the past may assert that it is even now incurable. Such are behind the age. To nil this great truth must be apparent, viz: that medicines inhaled directly into the lungs, whether in the form of Vapor < or Powder, must be more effectual than that ' taken into the stomach. In short, the only ink of refuge for the Consumptive is in In- ' lialalion, and such additional means, of which the judicious Physician will avail ( Himself. Such of the Profession that have adopted I Inhalation, have found it soothing and efli :acious in the highest d>grcc ; arresting the progress of the disease, and working wonders n many desperate cases ; in verity, a tri- ( tinpli of our Art over the fell destroyer of 1 )ur species. ' Note.?Physicians wishing to make them'elves acquainted with this practice, are inbrmed that our time being valuable, we can inly reply, as to ingredients used, to such * elters that contain a fee. t The fee, in ail cases of Consumption, will ->e $ 10, on receipt of which the necessary nediciues and instrument will be forwarded. j ( Applicants will please stale age, sex, occupa- J liQn, married or single, how long affected, if I iny hereditary disease exists in the family, | tnd symptom* generally. Let the name, town and State lie plainly written?postage or return answers must lie enclosed. Let- 1 ters, if Registered by tho Post Master, are J it our risk. Address 1 WALLACE MEUTOUN, M. IL, t 8. M. Institute, N. Y. City. 1 July 10 10 Oin '1 J. C. JETER, ATTORNEY AT LAW | AND , SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL I'RAOTICK IN THE COURTS uF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Bookstore, GREENVILLE, S. C. ] June 44 ly H. JULIUS SMITH,ATTORNEY AT JLAWy . akEEN rir.LF, A c. 1 June IS 6 *tf ?m i legal ?dt>elrtifremcf>i3. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. ST A TEOFSO UTH CAROLINA. OKEKNVILLK DISTRICT. IH EQUITY. AaRAH Pf>*l>U?, V*. DaxIKL STAXreRD Rnd RflRNKTRAMMRLL.?Bill for Partition and Relief PURSUANTto the dt-cretal order of Chancellor Dargan, made in this case, at Greenville July Term, 1867. 1 will sell to the highest Kidder, at puKlic miction, nt Greenville Court House, on Salt-day i* October next. All that Tract Of Land of which F.lir.aboth Stanford, deceased, died, seized and possessed, containing Two Hundred Acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on both sides of the Buncombe road, sixteen miles from Greenville Court House, about One Hundred and Sixty | Acres of the same being Woodland, and a portion being fine Bottom. There arc two small Dwellings on the premises. TERMS.?One nnd two vears' credit, in equal annual instalments, with interest from date on bond, with at least two good sureties, except enough to nay the costs of this cose, which will be required in cash. S. A. TOWNES, C. E. G. D. Commissioner's Office, August 25, 1857. osq'k .? 1/ t?I si LEOFmilA bOTl ANliS "X REED r , Pive Miles South of Qreenville, S. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN A. OlttilCN VILLK DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. C. J. Elford nnd J. B. Sherman, Executors of B. Dunham, deceased, vs. The Greenville Manufacturing Corn piny, Jacob Shaver, et. nl.?Bill for Snle and Partition of Corporated Property, Ac. IN pursuance of the Decree made in this case by Chancellor Dargati, at Greenville July Term, 1867. I will proceed to sell, at public anc tion, to the highest bidder, at Grtenville Court House, on Sales day in October next, the following VALUABLE LAND8 of the Greenville Manufacturing Company, viz : (TRACT XO. I, containing 60 Acres, on which the Paper Mills, Ac., are situated, will be sold on Sale-day in November.) TRACT XO. Q, being the Dwelling House Tract, containing 224 Acres, more or less, having on it a large and comfortable Dwelling nnd OutBuildines, nnd some Bottom Land on Itoedy Hi- , ver. This Tract is sold subject to the use of wash water for the Paper Mill, to be continued as at. present used. TRACT XO. 3, containing 240 Acres, more or less, lying between the Fork Shoal lload and Reedy Hi ver. Tft ACT XO. 4, contai ning 191 Acres, lying I ' Ictween the Fork Shoal Road and Reedy River, nnd upon Marrowbone Creek, having on it n large portion of Bottom Land, of the very best quality. This is one of the most desirable pinees in the District. TRACT XO. 5, containing 108 Acres, lying on Kcvdy River, below the Paper Mill. TRACT XO. O, containing 80 Acres, lying between the Fork Shoal and Augusta Roads, near the forks of said Roads. Plats of the premises can be seen at my office. Tkrms.?One third of the purchase money in cash, the remainder on a credit of one and two years, in equal nnd successive annual instalments, "will. ? ' ? i- - - ....... uuu-, uii i/uimib wiiii av ioa.ii two good StirvtiM. 8. A. TOWNES, C. K. G. D. Commissioner's Office, Aug. 19, 1(157. 15-td ST A TEOFSO UTJICA UOLINA. grf.k.nvili.e district. in Equity. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. A. J. Gkkkn, Administrator, ot al., va. James W. Gkksn, et al.?Bill for Partition, Relief, <fcc. IN pursuance of the decretal order made L in this case. l?y Chancellor Dargan. at Inly Term. 18.">7. I will sell to the highest ladder, at Greenville Court House, on Salelay in Octoh r nrrt, the two following TRACTS OF LAND, belonging to the Ks tato of Zion .1. Green, deceased, to wit: TRACT NO. 1, containing One Hundred and Sixty-four Acres, more or ffcss, situate and being in Greenville Distilct, about seven miles northwest froiu Greenville toilrt House, being on the west side of the Bunlombe road, and adjoining lands of Marchhank*, Duncan, Ilillhouse, Cleveland, et id. TRACT NO. *2, containing Two Hundred ind Thirtv-six Acre*, more or less, adjoining Tract No. 1, and on the west side of Dunsan's road, and adjoining lands of Montgomery, Ilillhouse, Batson, Roe, et al. This dace is very well improved, and has upon t some good Bottom Land. The plats may be seen at my office. TERMS.?A sufficient sum to pay the :osts of this case in cash; the remainder ! ipon a credit of six months, on bond, with ' it least two goo I seemities. S. A. TOWNES, C. E. G. T>. Commissioner's Office, August 31, 1857. Sept 3 17 td .iininn on OAirmu o ? ?' 31AiTj ur auuiM LAUULUN A. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. 1. J. Elford ninl James B. Sherman, Executors of Benajali Dunham, deceased, vs. The Greenville Manufacturing Company, Jacob B. Shaver, Robert B. Greenfield, et al.?Bill for Sale and Partition of Cor poralt Property, Settlement, &c. [N pursuance of the decretal order made by Chancellor Uargan, at July Term, 1857, of the Court of Equity for said Disrict, in the above stated case, notice Is hereby given to all and singular the creditors of Die Greenville Manufacturing Company to ippear before the Commissioner of this Court it his office at Greenville Court llouse, with n three months from the date of (he publi , ration of this notice, and establish their de- j nands by proper and sufficient proof. < S. A. TOWNKS, C. K. O. P. Commissioner'# Office, July Olli, 1857. Jv 16 10 8m \ KEED & GOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, <3^eeAv|1fe. H. C. y OFFICE noxt door to Y. Y. UkattikACq. gft J. V. REED.] [p. D. GOOD LETT, Jua? 4 4 tf * ?+* c At '^HE GREENVILlJi? IVnln StMol, Neil (Ho Brfdgo, T1IF Largest and Best Stock of CARRIAGE OOOOS AND MATERIAL ever offered for sale in the State, selected carefully and especial ly for Carriage Manufacturers. A large stock uud beat variety of Axle; for Buggies, Carriages and Wagons; common and best tempered Steel Sorings ; Black and Colored Knamel and Patent Dash leather; Black and 1 Colored Enamel Cloths, Drills and Ducks; Oil > and Brussels Cm net; Buckrams and Russia |" Sheetings; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mats;j Brass and Silver Point uud Sand Bands: Brass. 11 Bilver, 0<>ne and Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted j broad nnd narrow I.aces; Silk, Worsted and Cotton Fringes; Bent llickory Shaft*; Buggy seat Sticks; and n complete assortment of Mailable Castings. Carriage Makers ore particularly requested to call and examine our stock. For sale, cheap bv GO WISH, COX & MA UK LEY. " IIURS AND SPOKES. WE are now prepnrcd to supply Manufaetu- | rers with the best Morticed Hulm nnd ( Turned Spokes, of our own manufacture, and j warranted. For sale by GOWEK, COX ?fc MARKLEY. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. J A LARGE lot of Blue, Drab nnd Oroen , Cloths; Gerinnn, Fancy, Cotton and All- , Wool Damasks. For sale br , GOWEK, COX it MARKLEY. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR- 1 PENTERS' TOOLS. [ k LARGE stock nnd variety of the best Tools 1 made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood and Boxwood I'lanes. For sale by GOWEK, COX <fc MARKLEY. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! VTOW on hand, the largest stock of Iron ever i. v offered in this market: Spartanburg Iron and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English Refined Tires; Ovals; Hound; Square; Horse Shoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovals; Band Iron and Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Swecdes and Hammered, for wagons, tires nnd plantation 1 work. On hand, cheap for cash, ft,000 lbs. Rusted Plow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron For sale bv GOWER, COX ?fc MARKLEY. STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! ' "VTAYLORS. SAUNDKRSON ?l JKSSUP'S best Jl\ Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and flat for fine edge tools, axles and drills. German and Blister Steel, for plantation work. For sale by GOWEK, COX Ac MARKLEY. 3.000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. SSORTKD sizes, suitable for Farmers nnd jl. .uccuuiiic*. ror sate etieap i?y COWER. COX <fc MARK LEY. OX HAND AAA I.BS. best Hluck Florida Mo?* and j '\/W Curled Hair, picked, in bug*. For *nle by . cower, cox ?t Mark ley. i 8AND PA PER AXD GLUE. r AItOE assortment of the Diamond FlintSand J Paper, best, article nVade, for sale, by COWER, COX <Sz MARK LEY. ' PAIXTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS AXD PUTTY. OX hand, n large assortment Paints, Oils, Ac. Pure, Extra and No. 1 White Leads; Raw < and Boiled Lindseed Oils ; Winter,Spcrm.-Solar, l( Lump, Neats Foot, OlTve and Tanners' Oils;'| Coach Body and Copal Varnish ; Japan, Aspal- J turn and Leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine : [J Greens; Yellows; Blue*; Lakes; Pinks; Drop-I black ; Lampblack ; Red ; Spanish Brown ; Um-1 her; Sun'wrt , French Och're, Ac. American and |' French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. ! For sale bv COWER, COX ds MARKLEY. j HE A VY rf- SlIELF HARD WA RE. j \ LARGE and well selected stock For sale ' cheap by ' COWER, COX <fe MARKLEY. ( SURE If .S" / SCRE WS / ! GROSS of the Improved Gimblet Point ! j DUU Screws. For sale by COWER, COX ds MARKLEY. ? SAWS! SA nrS ! ! , If OF. A Ca's Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Saws; | 1 Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut and Tennon saws; llnnd. Pannel and Kipping Saws; Brass | fmd Blue Buck Saws; a complete assortment of Webb Saws, with and without frames Km* sain bv COW ER, COX <k MA UK LEV."' May 28 3 tf NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OK 1VXXT ?T .I1VE3R.Y ladies; goods. |< m n s7~w aTTt o n ir nn~~i MOST respectfully informs | rfnL'- V'^?5E?',er former patrons and friends, ^ UjV?vB?yjand the Ladies (Generally, that | . Iit^ has just returned from Now 11 York with a N?w and Leant i- i fuI S,ock ?r MIM.iyF.RY, of Jfen her own Heleotlon, consisting of t STRAW & NEAPOLITAN BONNETS, 1 And a new and beautiful variety of j Enffcnic Shapes. She also wishes to call the attention of the Ladies |o her assortment of FLOW KR$, which is the finest and most, beautiful ever brought to Breenville, and to her stock of PRK^S CAl'S and | HEAP lHiEaSEa, uud CltArttaiid MOLUMNG 1 BONNETS. Dresses made in tTio very latest style nnd 1 bes t manner. Orders from tte Country promptly attend- : ed Co. 48-tf April b Elford & Donaldson, %% mi,: o. cg9 C. J. ELFORO, T, Q. OOr'ALOSON. j Jan. 1C?. 8" 8m I mt l f ll imcAk J , -DKALEHjtiy -T Drugs, Medicines, CfoSjnieatt, Ptjrfl/oifry % tOltflfc Oil3, Wrtfrtef, QiU'Sititfi; TO$aq?6, oohAtasj' FINJE TO|l.<rr?pAWi, FINK 11 Alls. AND TOOT(I JlttUSIIEF, PUEE WINES AND LXQUOEB, For Medicinnf JlVe*,' f T TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRA'tlS,' *C.t AC; Third Door above the Mansion, Jlou&ef CJrccnville, S. C. [y Medicine* warrNled genuine anil t?f tlx >e*t qtinlilv. *,* Mantel's and Physicians from the country rill find his stock of Medicines complete. Feb 12 40 I ? -o _____ v.r jit. SPUING GOODS. ' .* . " Gli Aiyy & GOOD LETT, One Door South of the Ohl Court House GREENVILLE, 8. 6. VFYFIl returning our grateful tItnuka to our frlends anil customers, for their p<V*t very libcriil patronage to our business, wo desire to tail Iheir attention, as well a* that of the public* jenernlly, to our very large nnd fiuely assorted dock of" Spring and Summer Goods,. ivhieh we are now receiving, and which has icon purchased hv one of the firm with care, md on very advantageous terms un to prices, md which we arc determined on selling us low is they cull he bought, at retail, uny where. Our stock, in the way of DKY GtjiODft, embraces almost every article called for,.cither tr? Ladies or Gentlemen, in Fancy or Staple Dry Quods. Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Rnches, Talmas, Shawls, Mantles, &?c. Boot* uimI Sliors Triiukn, Ac. \ very extensive anil fashionable assortment. MATS ANI> CAPS, L"ho latest styles, for Men and Boys, in great' variety. Ready-Made Clothing. V very heavy and varied assortment, for Men and Hoys. Peifutneric*. Fancy Articles, Jewelry, Plated' Ware, Mirrors, Hardware and Cutlery," Guns, Carpenter's Tools, Blacksmiths' Tool?, Crockery and Glassware, DRUGS, MKDIC1NKS & 1>VIC-STUFFS, lloolis mid Mntionery,' SADDLERY, CASTINGS AN1) IRON." GROCERIES. A very heavy stock of Rio nnd Java COFFFFS Brown and Crushed SUGARS Teas, Molasses, Spices, Cigars," Powder,' Shot," Lead and ImPgn. r>.Ai^iv A.M> 1 Alll.K JS.\L.'r. , Vinrgiiris Burning Fluid, Cotton Yarn.' Nails, Glass Ac., Ac. KltESll OAKDBN SKMDS, tiKADY <fc GOODLETT. April U 46 tf Plows, Stoves; WE keep T w o-1I of ac Tn rpfrtg," Su bsoi 1 and Hillside which we challenge the world to equal in good work, ease of draft and durability. t t , We have ?]s6 a large and beautiful assortment' if Cooking, Parlor, Dining Boom, Bed Koooi ind Church STOVES, o which we particularly call the attention of hose who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash and Stock JX)lf,F,rtS',! do'rn Shcllers, Straw Cutters, 4*. Copper, Sheet. Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Well Pumps furnished ar.d put up.' We also lire making and receiving from New York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, *mong which the Indies may find a great vnrio ty of Cuke Cutters mid Bake Pans,. . FOOT and BATHING Tt'JtS,,or f,i,y otlierArielc in our line, made to order, mpl Painted in* he best manner. We are also prepared to do Itoofiiift and Guiteriiig n the latest and best nbintu.-r 0|i.short notice. Country Merchants invited to examine our tock of jl .m.v mk.-wv ..-m. HS .lOa >Vc say it is superior, and wc <lo not wish to i'avc our word taken for it. Come find ce<*. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees \\ ax aiul Old !\swter. ag*taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mli 12 4 4 tf J. II. KMIII'll. piIANKFFL TOU PAST FAVORS BEGS JL to any. that nil kinds of llAIlt WOftlv >f every variety of stvle of braiding, will he Oruitnonled or Mounted with flold, in the neatest, nanner. ami returned to tjioso at a distance per nail or otherwise, as directed, (llairevn ho sent ilm in letter per rnail.) How Breast 1'iii*, Ncckaoes. Bracelets, Side, Vest and Guard Chains, Crosses, Finger Kings, Far Rings, ?tc , of various >atterns, put up neatly, and any article admiting the name of the owner engraved thereon, hall, for the engraving, he free of extra charge. . lie also makes and repairs all kinds of Jewelry nounta with gold or silver the Heads of Walkng Canes ; matches Spectacle Glasses ; and, lasty Enyraecs on alt maimer of J'/ate. Ojfirc tiu yard* AW of off Court House, and a rcie /liters from the Knti r/irisr Office. (/rectiville, S. June 25, '57. T?tf . CHARLES HI C KEY, (SllCCtSSOr to Kninniirl ' N V - - U"'lJ M ANL'FACTl*KKK OF , LOOKING GLASS; PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DKAI.KK IN . . . Looking glass plates, , BRACKETS, WLYRO \V CORXICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C, 154 KING S111F.LT, CHARLESTON, S. O. Old Frani'i It* [Hit . r rel ty utv. . Mr* ApiU 20 .'1