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A "John Donkey " Why*fcr half past ten on Sunday 5 morning liko beef to a starving dog? Because it is meat in time (mcetin' time.) Why do ladies at tho opera outrage modesty ? Because they go there bare necked. * Why is a borse of g<x>d bottom like honesty I Because it is the best in the loiuj run. Why is a farmer sometimes a worker of miracles ? Because he turns bis horse to grass. | Wbv is a burning house not on the ground ? Because it is on fire. Why is a shad like a mackerel? Because it ha9 a tail. Why is a duel the most speedy of all combats ? Becanso it only requires two seconds for its performance. When is an orator most likely to get stuck ? As he comes to the point. Wlw is a skillful physician like a good divine ? Because ho givis us good (lootrin. Why is a distant friend sending for money like a hypochondriac? Because he is unable to com-fort (comfort) himself. Why is a fruit tree like a pair of bellows ? Because it is useless if it will not blow. Why is the tail of dirt cart like a liberal man? Because it comes down with the dust. Why was Shacpere's Falstaff the proper person to saw a leg oil"? Because he was a great Sir John (surgeon.) The Dutchman and Dandy. An old plain-looking and plain-spok cu Dutch tanner, from tlie vicinity ol the Ilelderburg, in pursuit of a dinner the other day, dropped in at a restaurant. Taking a seat alongside of a dandylissiino sort of a fellew?all perfume, moustaches and shirt collar? our honest Mynheer ordered up his dinner. " What will it he, sir?" asked white apron. "Yon got corned beef, hey?" says Dutchy. " Yes." "You got sourkronf, too, hey." " Oh, yes." " Veil, gif me some both." Off started white apron on a keen jump, and presently returned with the desired fodder. The sourkrout was smoking hot, and sent forth its peculiar flavor, evidently satisfactory to Mynheer's nasal organ, and vice versa to that of our dandy friend, who, after the dish had been deposited on tlie table, and Mynheer was about com menc-1 ing an attack upon it, exclaimed : " I?a?say, my friend, a?are 3-011 : going to eat that stuff ?" \ Mynheer turned slowly around, and , looking at his interrogator with astonishment sa3's he, " Lat it I vy, ot course l eats it I" "Well," said the dandy, "I?a? would as lief devour a plate of guano!" " Ah, veil," replied Mynheer, pitchin*; in the sourkrout with an evident , relish, " dat depends altogether on how von vas prought up." Dandy looked kinder caved in, and; wo left with the opinion that 1 Hitchv was one ahead. A Practical ?1okb.? In a neighboring county one of the political parties < had for one twenty years, been in the habit of holding their nominating conventions at the house of Mr. Cr. lie happened on a recent occasion, for the first time, to be in when they had finished their business, and heard a little delegate from R. move that this convention do now adjourn sine die. "Sine dicp' said Air. G.,toa person standing near, " where's that ?" "Why, that's way in the northern part of the country," said the neigh-1 Dor. "Hold on, if you please, Mr. Cheerman," with great emphasis and earn j earstness, " hold on, sir. I'd like to be j beard on that question. I have kept a public house now for more'n twenty | T % 1 . * years, l m a poor man. i vc aiwavsi belonged to the party, and never split j my ticket in in}' lite. This is the most j central location in the country, and it's, where we've allet's met. I've never' had nor asked an office, and have] worked night and day 4*.?r the party J and now I think, sir, it is contemptible to go to adjourning this convention way vj> to Sinn l)ieP [Georgia Herald. A duelist, who fancied himself in- 1 suited by one who had won the nlTections ot his lady love, left the room 11 with the ominous words, u you will! hear from ino, sir!" "Well, as doP'i' replied the other, "glad ou't; write { once in a while; we shall be glad to!< hear how you are getting along." | ' Do that which is right and speak! the truth. J, m ^ l-.. "in Thk latest edl of the day origiiUtcd 1 in the fertile brain of a Baltimore olothes dealer. He placed in the>pock- et of a ready made coat an old port*- t monie, quietly awaits the advent of a litting customer. Presently enters an individual desiring to be summer-coated. After essaying several ^ coats, the dealer says: I u Hero is a coat mndc for a gentle ? man ; he wore it cue day and sent it back ; it was too small for him ; try it 1 on. Ah 1 it fits first-rate, like as if it ( was made for you. It is well made; buttons sowed "on strong ; with strong pocicets." h Tlie customer puts his haml into tho i lpockets to try them, when his fingers come in contact with the pocket book. His imagination is kindled with th? idea of appropriating the supposed j treasure. " How much did you say that coat : was," he eagerly asks ? The dealer names a good round sum. w It suits me. I'll take it," is the qtfck reply. The money is paid, and the selfduped customer walks off hurriedly with his supposed prize?not stopping to hear the suppressed chuckle of tho dealer as ho looks utter him out of the corner of his eye. " Paddy," said a joker, "why don't you get your ears cropped ? they are too long for a man." "And yours," replied Pat, "ought to ho lengthened?they are too short for an ass!" Wit is a bubble, cast up from the j weak rece-scss of the mind. "Samijo, war you get dat watch you 1 wear to ineetin' last Sunday ?" "How do you know I had a watch ?" i " Case I seed thechainout in front." < "Go way ! Suppose you sec a halter round my neck, you tink dar's horse inside of me?" j t "I say, Jimmy, did von ever see oiivu cv ouuiiuvi (?3 nnr> v " Faith ami I have." ! i "When?" i' " Last winter, by jabers." Pete was satisfied. J. I. IIOVKY. W. II. IIOVKY I f W. H. HOVEY & CO., j' rnopitiKTOita ok THE LADIES' STORE,| DKAI.rilS IX FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, I' SMZ'Sl &2V3?? 3, il BONNETS, HI BOONS, ? Housokooping Goods, il SALT MAM IftDOTSTS! AND i?i INDIA RUBBEIl GOODS, J' ?* E? EB:Ai VIELE, 9. . i C ??? j it R.?Onlcrs Accompanied l>v llio en.?li fori 1 Medical, Law or Lilwary Hooks Al usual liis-lrn- , i' iiontA ami Suinliies prouiplly' tilled in New fork, ami (Iwlivurcil nt our coui.-tor on shortest ; lotico. I . Jaii 23 37 ly READ! READ!! l!EAD!!!j IT WILL TAKK YOU Ill'T A FEW MINUTES, and may save you i i I " M ftfiTV -V r a -OC r\T*> errpnnnTMo . v/x wx tunirtu . J 0 Carter's Spanish Mixture! i THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! o rhe Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered ! ' Physiciunx prescribe it, ami every one that ' j use* it is a walking advertisement. No Medicine ever yet offered to the Ante- j riean puhlie ho* pained such popularity in *o short n time a* BARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! j* It mitt ('are any case of Scrofula. It will Cure any case of Rheumatism. ' ^ It will Cure any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. j It will Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case of Fever ami Ague, | ' Or nnv Disease* nrisiug from nn impure state of j | t lie Blond. SC ROFU LOUS READER! / I' enreil tlic neice of the Hon. John Minor j Rotts, a member of Congress from Virginia, of ! Scrofula, after the skill of the host Physicians, j l>ofh of New York and Philadelphia, had heeu J tried in vain ; and it will cure yen, reader, if you are so affected. j RHEUMATIC READER! It. cured I>. Burritt, Esq., of Cincinnati, of! Rheuniatisin of 4 year* standinc, after nil oilier F" reniodii'9 bad fni 1 ?* !. We have hundreds of such ! * corti Cull 011 the Agent and get n Hook j nn<l Circular, and rend for yourself the many rc- 1 nmrknlilu and astonishing euros it lias made. I SYPHILITIC HEADER! TI10 celoliratcd Dr. liutcher writes us Mint lie I ^ liad two of tlie most severe and long standing j . cases of Syphilis that. would yield to none of the ' usual remedies, luit lie cured one ease with six, and the other with nine bottles of CARTER'S aCASlSii AUXTLRK W? iiave known it used in over a Tiiors.sxn casks, and have yet to hear of a failure in any ease. YE SHARING THOUSANDS READ! Aoue ani> Fjcvkr.?Ro not. take Quinine, Mercury, or any such noxious Rrngs, but try at once his great Alterative and Purifier of the Hlood ; Carter'* Spaninh Mixture will cure any and every asc of Agile and Fever. We have never yet j ^ tiioivn it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impure 1 it.fito of the Hlood, no medicine has everyet been I 'mind to have so good an cifoct* If you nre sick, ( try it. at once; do not delay; time is preaions, j ?nd health the greatest. of all blessings, without | which nil else is valueless. DR. Will 9. BEERS <Ss CO., RRoriuierons, Hithmond, Va. \ And for sale by R KRUTCH, Druggist, Aff. nt,| A Jr-Mi'/ille f\ II., M, C. S 1 y Mny 2v i-1 lolmbold's Genuine Preparation V. HIGHLY CONCENTRATED CtfMPOONb FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, W Dtvaee* of the Bladder, Kidney, GraveKDrop ?y, H'eakne**, Obetrnction, Secret JH*ea?*, Female Complaint*, and all JJiecatc* of the Sexual Organ*, trifling from Excesses and Imprudences in life, ind removing nil Improper Discharges from the Jlnddcr, Kidneys, or Sexual Orgaua, whether ixistiug in SHAILIS ?ia ri'saaAikis* ''roni whatever cause they may have originated, 1 AND NO MATTE a OF HOW LONO STAN PINO ' living Health and Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom to the Pallid Cheek. Joy to the Afflicted!! c It cures Nervous and Debilitated 8utferers. and removes all the Symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, \ Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Hrcatliing, General Weakness, Ilorror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Dreadful Ilorror of Denfh. Night Sweat#, Cokl Feet, Wakefulness. I)im- c ness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite. with DysncpticSymptoms, Hot Ilnnds, Flushing ol the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, and Eruptions on the Face, I'nia in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Fre? qucntly Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, n with Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight, Want of Attention, Great Mobility. Restlessness, wltfi Horror of Society. tj Nothing is more desirable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they more dread for fear of themselves ; no repose of manner, no earnestness, no speculation, but a hurried Transition n from one question to another. Those symptoms if allowed to go on?which this medicine iovnrinhly removes?soon follows Lom of Poicrr, Futility owl Epileptic Fit3?in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say Jj that these excesses are not frequently followed by those direful diseases?INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION I The records of Intone Asy hunt, and the melancholy deaths of Consumption, hear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy xhibition appears. The countenance is uctunfv sodden and quite destitute?neither Mirth or s. irief ever visits it. Should a sound of the voice >ccur, it is rarely articulate. J " With woful mensures wan despnir Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible! and has brought housands upon thousands to untimely graves, bus blasting the ambition of many noble youths. It can lie cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with any of the above dis ressing ailments, the FLUID EXl'liA C'l' III' IIIC will cure you. Try it, mi l be convinced if its crticaey. i Harare of (Jwtek Nostrums awl (Juuck Doctors, . vim falsely boast of abilities and references. Ci- 11 ir.ens know and avoid Ihein and save l.ongSuf- p eriug. Money and Exposure, by sending or nailing li or a bottle of Ibis Popular and ~*pecific Rcmeily. P It allays all pain and i nil am mat ion, is perfect I v ib-arnnt in its taste and odor, but immediate in ts action. n Holmbold's Extract Buchu Is prepared diiectly according to the Rules of PIIARMAfiV AMI1 rar.MtTCTBV villi I In* greatest accuracy and fhemionl know- i edge ami o.*ire* devoted in its combination. See 1 Vn feasor Dkwkk's Valuable Works on the I'rne!< ? of Physic, ami most of tile late Standard Vorks of Me-lieiuc. a> ^ One hundred dollars <vill he paid to any Pliyieian who can prove that the Medicine ever inired a Patient; and the testimony of thousands an he produced to provethat it doeagroat good. ,'asea of from one week to thirteen years'stand- / ig have hoeu effected. The mass of YOl.UN- \ 'AUY TKS I IMUNY in possession of the 1'ro- ' (] rii tor. vouching its virtues and curative povv- w rs, is immense, embracing names well known to ' SCIENCE AN"1> FAME. 00,000 Uoll'cs Hnvti I'.eon Soltl. j nd not a single instance of a failure has heen ! uported. Personally appeared before me, tin Alderman i f the city of I'hilndelphia. 11. T. 11KL.MM >1.1)1, who, heing duly sworn, does say, tlia _ is preparation contains no Narcotic, Mor ury I r injurious 1 >reg, hut are purely Vegetable. | 11. T. 11 I'll.M lit >1.1), Sole Maimfacti :rer. Sworn and subscribed before inc this g:td day I" November. IS.VI. . \YM. J'. IIIBBAliD. Alderman. v '/ire s l j)tr Hut lie, or Sis for ?o, Deliver- \ ed to in/// . It/(front. in eeonipanied by reliable ami responsible Certi f<> eates from Professors of Medical College#, Clervuien and others. Prepared and sold by lc II. T. IIELMHOLD. J'raotica! and Analytical Cfmnitt, I " io. 52 Soi-Tii Tbntu St., iiklow Chi stnut, j AtSSKMIll.Y liClLI?IN(>8. 1'lllLA. ^ t*r to ho lutd of l?rs. J. II. I?e.\n, Mims it j M 15. Kaiu.k and Kmii. K hitch, iJruggists, I Iroeuville, S. mill <?f nil Uruggista and l)enl- a rs throughout (lie United States, Cnnadas and ritUh Provinces. of Counterfeits. M Lsk for HELM BOLD'S?Take no Other. ? CVll US G V .1H A A* TEED. July 2 9 lv el w. ii.iiovev oo., : PROPRIETORS OF \l The Ladies' Store, VltK NOW. nnd will be constantly receiving! I. Fresh Importations, purchased by one of lie partners, who lias some twenty five years'I xpe.riencc iu buying and selling Go.ids. They j I Mitild invite special attention to their large j took of ]2 Vliito and Embroidered Goods, Iiicli Silk Tissues, Dclieges, Challys, Crape I)o 1 'alis, llereye*. Muslins. IJriHiant*. r Silks, A1 paeons, Bombazines, Canton Crape, Cinghnnis, French, English ami y American Fruit#, . n &c? .fee, ALSO, JUST IN, | A .NICK LOT OK iew Bonnet*, Ribbon*. Ruches, Wreath*,' Flowers. Blond*, Valencia, Thread and Brns?e|s Edging*, White nn<l Black , ^ Crape Collar* and Sleeves, Embroidered, Linen and Muslin Collnrs, Long Lawns, Plain and y Einb'd L. C. Handkerchiefs, -?i nd many oilier NICK AND FANCY GOODS ei II of which it will he tlu'lr endeavor to sell as C i.-np as po'dl.Ie, 4'3-tf Mh 2fi II IN CHABLE (Late of the Firm of j SUCCESSOR TO KE1 943 King; Street, Op] [NVOTES ATTENTION to hi* ENTIRELY NEW L OERiTAX AND AMERICAN GOODS, of SURIMIESr In choicest Plaid, Stripes and Chencs, of light xpressly for city retail trade. BOIUD BL Great attention lias been paid to obtain tbe bes inierienn market. FLOUMCEI In Silk, Bares?", Grenadine, Tissues, Organdies i onstuntly receiving. FRENCH AND E The Stock of these Goods will invite a clusc att 3VEOXm.3NTI3>3-< Bombazines, Alpacas, Challys, Crane Marat, Cli nl Crapes, English Paramattas, Black Organdies, tourning Robes, Mourning Mantillas, Mantles, B1 nd Mareelhuc of very choicest makes, alwaj-s 01 Best makes of Sheeting, Shirting and Pillow-C rcssiug. Striped Shirting Linens, Liuon Osnabu S PR ING CA SSI ME A large and varied Stock of Goods in this Depn nd Summer wear, such as Tweeds, Light Cossimer PAR A. SOUS k Nl E Tn lllack and Colored, Lined and Unlincd, est Scotch. Gingham and Silk Umbrellas. PLANTATH Planters and their friends will always find with nd all Goods will be sold at the lowest market p The Subscriber is now able to give bis personal urpnssod advantages in obtaining all the NE\ PRICES, together with his buyer constantly wnt loods at less than the market value, be feels prei lied. ZW The Une Price System riyid/y adhered 2 43 King Street, Opposi May 1st. 18.-,7. * \YM. II. ALLEN, SIT HO 1 :o X DEXTIST, jaiw'jgL 1IAS returned from Philndclpliiii, prepared, in every way, to '^-JTTTf perforin all operations in Ins profusion in the most, skilh.l and approved manner, laving procured every improvement of the day, crsons can safely rely on bin ing avcry operaun performed in the same manner as done in hiladelphia or New York. Ether and Chloroform given when desired. Persons desiring attention must make nppointlents previously. Iff Rooms in McBcc's Building. March 10 45 tf AGENCY FOR ilFE AND FIDE INSURANCE! TME AQHEVaLLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Stores and other Prop, rtjr AO A INST KIRK: And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves, between the age* of 10 and 00 years, )N such terms as to render it a most safe and ' desirable investment. Full details, with io Constitution and By-Laws of the Company, ill be furnished on application to any of the Offers of the Com pan v. JOSEPH R. OSBORNK, Pr<-*t. \VM. W. M.'l)()Wi:i,L Vice-Pre*. J.vs. B. Rankin, Secretary dc Treasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan 8 8.5-1 y GREENVILLE, S. C. BO () K ST O R E, MAIN STREET, NEXT TO M. BEE'S IIALL, ! .i~ WlIF.REeonstniitly may he found j ; rt large and well selected Stock i MISCELLANEOUS. SCHOOL and CLASSICL BOOKS, Writing Paper, Blank Books, Mem- , nndnnis, Ac.; Writing Desks and Cases, Port >lios, Gold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Sealing I 'ax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Books, Inkstands, Ku- ' rs, Ac., Ac. J. C. P. JETER, Jan 15 Sfi-ly Sign of the Big Book. e k k li re 11'S D 11 f? OTHDC A Kin A DflTLirO A fl\/ ouon iiuu diuuc niMu nru i ncunni orSwl",j UNDER MoBEBTS IIALL, ?3^3a^s^raa?5?i3, s. i\7 HKKE will he constantly kept on hniid tlie H fullest, stock of dregs, medicines, ciioiicalr.patf.nt ledioine*, Surgical Instrument*, Paints, Dyeaiffa, Varnishes, Putty, Tobneco, Scgars, Spirit us. Oil*, Candle*, Soaps, Spices, brushes. Toilet rticlus, Co mho, Perfumery ; and all other arti les generally kept hv Druggists. 11}- Fresh and pure Drugs are warranted and >ld at low prices. Compound medicines are prepared in the most Archil wav. Receipts and prescriptions of any ind put-to win. accuracy, neatness and diaateh. 85-10m Jan 8 /. 8. LAWTON, ) ( C. M. DUEAKER, Formerly of v -J of awtonvillc, S. C. ) ( Charleston, S. C. LAWTON &, CO., Factor*, l'oruiirdiiiK an?i Com* mission .tic re. limit*, So. 30 East Iidi/ and Eoi/ce iC Cos Wharf.\ Wil t, SKI,L lOTTON. RIGE. FLOU11, W HEAT, CO UN, NAVAL STORES, <fcc. 11}" Having an experience of twenty-five para in business, wo gunranteo satisfaction to II who patronize us JOHN KRAUSE, FURNITURB AND CABINET MAKER. j,.. y WOULD respectfully inform ^j,'.'j '^iim '' : ' Greeoviile ml vi UB' inily tlint lie has on hand u lot r FURXITUUK, which he will dispose of upon tnsonable terms. 1I? has Chairs, Tables, 8ofn.i. /sshstands, Ac. Fine and I'lain Furniture mde to ordci*. His #h?|> may be found on Avlue Street, between BeatUc's Store and the onfeotionory, and nearly opposite, the Court uos<? Green vilb , S. t\, Ang. 11-1I-ly Urottninp <k Ltman.) , 'CHUM & TAYLOR, positc Hascll Street, nnd CHOICE STOCK of FRENCH, ENGLISH, . the NEWEST8PICINO STYLES. 1 I SIZ^BLS, 0 toxture and beautiful finish, carefully selected , j ICR 8ILR8. t Goods in Black Silks (Vat arc brought into the' ^ J icotsus, and Jaconets, in large variety, very choice and NGLISH PRINTS. cntion, hcing very full and nt very low prices. r oice Black Bareges and Poplins, Poplinetta, DuPrench and English Crapes in various widths, ' nek Fnmise and Canton Cloths, Mouslin DeLaine 1 hand. ] ase LINENS, of various widths and free from ( rgs, Dowlas, Diapers, Toweling, Huckaback, etc. t RES, DRILLS, <kC. ! rtment, suitable for Gentlemen and Boys' Spring t es, Drap D'Ete, Fanner's Satin, Grey Flannels, etc. , )j UMB R. E l L A S, in all the new designs, constantly received; J )N GOODS. mc n full department suitable to their wanst, rices for Cash or City Acceptances, attention to all Country Orders, and having unWEST GOODS at the I.O WEST POSSIBLE idling the New York Auctions for all desirable >nred to say that all orders will be satisfactorily to, ami all G<x*lx Warranted. A. F. BROWNING, it? llasell Street, Sios of tiik "Tukk." 52 tt NEW MILLINERY AND 1 Dross-Making Establishment. MRS. WAITS AND MISS i W^tiORDOX would respectfully call the attention of tlic Ladies of Greenville and vi- > cinity to the fact that they will open, on Sat- ' nrday, the 4th inst., one of the fiuestnnd largest stocks of French and American MILLINLltY ever brought to this Town, which, for richness . and elegance, cannot he surpassed, embracing nil the latest and most approved styles. Being confident that none can go away dissatisfied, they earnestly solicit an early cull and in- ' sped ion of the same. Our terms are low. Ladies' Old Hats cleaned and made equal to ' new. Misses' Gipsies cleaned and made over in ' the most approved and latest Gipsy style. LEGHORN IIA'I'S in largo ouantities. t Country Milliners supplied on reasonable terms. < P-if House on Avenue Street opposite the Post 4 Otfico. 47? tf Anril '1 ' GREENFIELD'S 1 FAMILY GROCERY STORE.; UNDER M'BEE'S HALl--BURSEY'S OLD STAND. ! JUST RKCEIVED, at the above Store, a Gen- | ernl Assortment of , FAMILY GROCERIES, ! selected by the proprietor, consisting of choice I articles of SUGARS, Coffee. Mola?sos, Rice, Rice Flour, Fish, etc., etc. To all of which he invites < the attention of housekeepere and others. 1 April 23 50 tf ? Applo Vinegar. \ VFINE article to ho had at the Family Grocery Store of A. GREENFIELD. < WATCHES uwum abb mmrnr. E. I. PINSOV (AGENT,) nEGS leave to announce to the citizens of Greenville, and surrounding country, that he has opened n Stock of the above-named Articles on Avenue street, in the Ihiilding formerly ' known as " Avenue Street Confectionery," which he will sell LOW for CASH. i 1 I IK WILL ALSO _ . liepair and Fit Up 1 WATCIIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, \ In the best of style. Thankful to his former patrons and friends, , for their liberality and patronage, he respectfully solicits n continuance of the same. vr (five iiim a call, and lie will endeavor to please. 87-tf Jan 22 ' W. P. PRICE, NOTARY PtJBLIC, ANO CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, . (BiafflSMS \V7M LILTS* t%, Q0a Will promptly attend to the collection of Notes J and Accounts, settling Claims, Ac. Q. S. BOWER, Itlniiiitnolnvoo *?-?- s\ ?? ? * A/niicr in ? FURNITURE of every description, ' "IZgW ClIAIRS of every style. * FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES. [ Opposite (he Con (jaree House, 1 Doc. 11. COLUMBIA, 8. c. ij 1 F. BURTY, Doaler in Boots, Shoes, Leather, < OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. GltEKNVJLLE, 8. C*, ?& I? Prepnroil to furnish custom - i \ ert with the above article*, CHEAP FOR CASH tinvinK competent workmen engaged. no esn nature hi*pntron* thai ell work wwTbo Nkatvt I Done M4 WARRANTED. Feb# 8? t' m KB? ETITIIO bao had 10 yeara experienoo M a Bankt T er and Publisher, ana Author of I Strict of J^cturet at the Broadway Tabernacle , . when, for 10 aueceaaivo nights, over EW 600,000 People _^jr ! reeled hint with round* of ai* *8h, .while Br, J xhibited the manner in whh Counterfoit*^^.., xeeute their Fraud* and the te. roat and st Means of Detecting them I '> Vhe Bank Note Engraven all tay he it the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF TIIE PRESENT CENTURY FOR IETECTINQ COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES ,J Describing Kverjr Genuine Bill In K*irte*?* JK and Exhibiting at a Glance, erery Counterfeit in Circulation! t JgS35 trrnnged to admirably, tlmt REFERENCE Easy and DETECTION Instantaneous. tWKo Ixdex to examine 1 No pages to hnt^Hmgj it? I But so simplified and arranged, that th^Hga| >lorch aut, Banker and Busincaa Man can tee afBRBg it a glance ! --z ' ENGLISH FRENCH ANT) GERMAN. ~ i mis caca may rcaa me name id iiiiowb Naliva Tongne. Host Ferfeot Bank Vote List Published. AI so, a List of j/t ALL THE PRIVAIE BANKERS IN AMERICA! A complete Summary of the Finance of Eu ope and America will be published in eneh edi- ^1 .ion, together with all the Important News of die Day. Also, a SERIES OF TALES, from an >ld Manuscript found in the East. It furnishes h- most Complete History of Oriental Life, describing the most perplexing positions in which .he ladies and gentlemen of that country havo >een so often found. Tliese Stories will continue :hroughout the whole year, and will prove th? nost entertaining ever offered to the public. Furnished Weekly, to subscribers only, at M a year. All lcttors must lie addressed to john s. dye, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. April 23 60 ly ? STOKES, 13 O O K-B I N D E R, AND Illniik-Rook fflantifhclurtr. (In rear of Carolina Times Office.) s? BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern a ' nufnetured of the best materials and in the most durable manner. PERIODICALS, MUSI" BOORS, AT., bmnd every variety of style, at short notice XW Country orders promptly attended to ..> Doe 4 30 1 v HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHIL A DELPHI A. Important Announcfaiii'iiL TO all persons affiicted with Sexual Ilistases. such asSperinntorrlinoa, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet Syphilis, the Vice >f Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., in The HOWARD ASSOCIATION in view of he awful destruction of human lite, caused by loxiial Diseases, and the deceptions practised up >n the unfortunate victims of such diseases b\ Juaoks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, is a charitable act worthy of their name to giv. .isiucai. advice on.vris, to all pcrs ins thus nil! el. >d, who apply by letter, with a description their condition, (age occupation, habits ot ' tfcc.,) and in cases of extreme poverty and > . Turing, to furnith ineilicine* free of charge. Tlie Howard Associatijii is a benevolent ' 'titution, estab)islied by special endowment, b the relief of the siok And distressed, nffi:ci. with " Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It lui*> sow a surplus of means, which the Direct?o liuvc voted to expend in advertising the ?i> notice. It is needless to add that the As*<h;<> tion commands the highest Medical skill ot th ige, and will furnish the most approved niodm-n treatment, Just Published, by the Association, a Hep .: >u Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, t: > lice of Onanism, Masturbation of Self Abuse, ui >ther Diseases of the Sexual Organs, bv the C? . HiIt.iiKf SiirffOGKi wKiflK will !??. 1... - ' B ? . ..... ..v ?? mini, ill\ scaled envelope), Free of Charge, on the receipt if TWO STAMPS for posture. Address, I)R. GEO. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South SI NTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directo:-#. EZRA P. HART WELL, President. Oro. Faircuild, Secretary. Feb fi 89 tf OTIS' IMPROVED PATENT Lightning Conductors. TI1E subscriber has purchased the Right of putting up the above description of Light ling Rods in Greenville Pistrict, and is prepared to execute orders for the same to any extent and with promptness and despatch. These Rods are conducted upon Scientific principles, and afford the only method yet discovered of absolute pro tection against lightning. Any one-acquainted with the laws of eleotricity, will be immediately convinced of their utility, upon examining them. Their value has been tested by experieucc and (cicpcu, and ha# been vouched by hundr-d. ?>l sertifieates from n'l parts of the Union. From v imongst these the following only are suhinitU-d. "1 have carefully examined Otis' insulated Lightning Conductor, and have it attached t<> the building iu which 1 reside. It is hotter conitructed, and more securely insulated, than any form of Lightning Rods I have seen. It is nest ind cheap, and it properly attached to the Imtld ng, cannot failVj afford security sgai at the oaa of life and property by electricity 1 there. rore recommend it as worthv of tK? / * '" vvBUiirwt >f the community, R. F. R.mmhv. Prof, of dioroietry, Ac., in 8. C. Colhve." Mr. P. O. Wcstficld has recently subpttmi rrn louse wilh Otie' improved C'oikUkuo Uamined them witli grout care, ami uin .Mmi I :ed that they are the best Lightning Rods . r :onstrncted. The methods of attraction A?d in tulation are now, and seem to Ma to he . colder. ! can confidently recommend them toai) ( pi * visiting to secure their booses against UgUUWK(J. J. Ei4 Any further information may be obtained, en ipidieation to D. (*. W t.s'l FIT1 0, May 8-52-tf. Oreenvi.'l. . ft .< . -I PIANO TUNING. ? mm THE subscriber Would ?>f fer his services to the citizens nw JxrS^M ?f 0r??nT?N? ?"'? ??*? sur atisfactioo, of no charge will he made. * M. MURPllhT. Jnne 9. "*4 tf