University of South Carolina Libraries
""il inrt?ii*i. ii i.ijjn SrAMFdfSO tTTR CAHOLfKA OltBBNVILLK DISTRICT^^nrBatjiTY. ?nle of Payer Wtili, Ac. ?^C. J. Elfoud and J. B. 8h**ma*, Executors of B. Dunham, deceased, # . Tn? Grkrnvih.r Manufactuiuno Compant, et al. ?Bill for 8a!e of Corporate Property. * _ "pURSUANT to the decretal order in thin K 1 oa-:e. made by Chancellor Durban, at n? July Term. 1837, 1 will sell, at public auclion; at Greenville Court House, on Saleday in November next, 55 All ?h'U valuable property known asTFIE PAPER MILES AND PREMISES of The /I Ml- * *?rwnrm? ainnuiaciuring UOmpany, containing Fifty Acres, sit tinted, lying and being on Reedv River, five miles south of Oreenvil|.? Court IIou?e. Tlie Mills contain ?YWO FIRST RATE CYLINDER PAPER MACHINES, and all necessary wotks per tataing thereto. On the premises, also, are a good Two-Storv Superintendant's Dwelling Hottso, and Five Dwellings for operative*. Theso Works have been put up nt great expense, nnd with much care. The waterpower in the most desirable in the State. There is seldom a better opportunity for an investment, in manufacturing, than ihis presents. Thumb?One third in cash, the remainder <oti a credit of onfe and two years, in equal and successive annual instalments, with interest from date, on bond, with at least two good sureties. S. A. TOWNES, C. E. ?. D. Commissioner's OHico, Aug. 31, 1857. Sept 3 17 td rPHR undersigned would inform the citizens of I. Greenville. *nd the surrounding country, that h* has removed from hie former Stand, opposite the Mansion House, to the Goodlett House, in the room heretofore occupied by Messrs. 13nilev A. Owens, where he will be pleased to serve his former patrons, and as rnanv new ones as see lit to give him ti call. T. \V. DAVIS. Sept 3 17 2 Strayed or Stolen, *qV?? FROM the Subscribers, / <r^\ on Saturday morning, 22d in-/0\ staiil, n light colored SORREL MARK, near six teen hands high, 8 or 9 years old. She had on, nt the time, a good Bridlo and Saddle. A snita bio reward will he paid to any person for discovering nnd returning the Marc, or for such infor mnMfin as may ioiui 10 ner recovery. Information received at the Enterprise office, or by us, 8 miles west of Greenville. JOHN A. TOWNES, W. A. TOWNES. Aug 21 10 tf Architectural and Mechanical Works. THE American people are becoming every day more alive to tiie cheapness and utility of having certain rules laid down in building?rules which give not only the amount of material necessary, hut also the coat of that material. This can only be done through Hook*. The Mechanic, aware of this, instead of, as formeily, squandering his earnings on trifles, endeavors to procure the latest and best works on the subject. These considerations have led to the tmtliiplication of works on Architecture and Mechanics. H it these works cannot all be depended upon. Among so many, there are obliged to be some which are worthless. The below mentioned works, however, can be recommended without fear; being all by authors who have a high reputation. Village aud Farm Cottages. The requirements of American Village Homes considered and suggested, with designs for such IIotiNes, of moderate cost: by Ileury W. Cleveland, William Backus and Samuel I). Backus. Cottage Residences. Or a Series of Designs for Rural Cottages and Cottage Villus, and their Gardens and Grounds : l?y A.J. Downing. Villa* and Cottage*. A series of Designs prepared for execution in the United States t by CalberL Vaux. IN lust rated by 300 engravings. The CarpenterNexo Ouide. A complete llook of Line.* for Carpentery and Joinery, treating fullv on Practical GoMtoetry, Soffits, Grouts, Niches, R<>ofs and Domes, and containing a great variety of Original Designs; al-o a full exemplification of tlie theory and practice of Stnir-lluilding, i Cornices. Mouldings, and Dressings of every description ; including, also, acme Observations and Calculations on the Strength of Timber ; by Peter Nicbolaon ; the whole be i ing thoroughly and carefully revised by N. K. Davis, and containing numerous new, improved anil original Designs for Roofs, Domes, etc.. by SajBUci Shin, author of tho Model Architect. The Young Mill- Wright, And Miller's Guide; illustrated by 28 de-1 *?c> ipli v? plate* : by Oliver Evans ; with addition* mud correelictBt by Tltoe, P. Jones, with n description jA ?n improved Merclmnt Flour Mill, with en^ravin^*. Apjfet&n b Dictionary Of Maclrine*. Mechanic*, Engine work and Engineering: illustrated with 4.000 engraving* on wood. 2 vol*: Price $12. The above Work* may be bad at the GREENVILLE BOOKSTORE. Aug 27 1? Town Election* AN SLBOFION br htieiut and Four War- ' deal Car (lie Tevi ?f Greenville, to Mrve for the entering year, will he held at the Old Court Uouee, en Monday, ike 14/A day of fiienUtnhrr next. . Foils to He opened at 4 o'clock, A. M., and close at 3 o'clock, P. M. . 4, JdANAOitaa?William Beyne, W. A. MeDaniol and ?L I>. Good let*. . . II. LEV THRUSTON, Inteadant, i^,r-'a"k""Trl SF" viodcoeiM.?~ }y ( 11 <f SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS ON HEED V HIVED, Five Miles South of Greonvillo, S. 0. STATE OF "SOUTH CAROLINA. OUJEXVILL.K DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. C. J. Elford and J. II. Sherman, Executor* of B. Dunham, deceased, v*. The Greenvlilo Manu faotnring Company, Jacob Shaver, et al.?Bill for Salo and Partition of Corporatcd Property. <fco. IX pursuance of tho Decree made in this ease by Chancellor Dnrgan, at Greenville July Term, 1857, 1 will proceed to sell, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, at Greenville Court, on Sales day in Octol>er next, the following VALUABLE LANDS of the Greenville Manufacturing Company, viz : (TRACT NO. 1, containing 60 Acres, on which the Paper Mills, <??., arc situated, will be sold on Sale-day in November.) TRACT NO. 9, being the Dwelling House Tract, containing 224 Acres, more or less, having on it a large and comfortable Dwelling and Ont~-.i ...... ? T?i .. i,-- i ... 1/uimnii'^ nnu OViuC uuwmil lilllU UII HCVUJ HI' I ver. This Tract is sold subject to the use of! wash water for the Paper Mill, to be continued as at present used. TRACT NO. tl, containing 240 Acres, more | or loss, lying between the Fork Shoal ltoad and | Reedy Hi ver. TRACT NO. 4, containing 191 Acres, lying j between the Fork shoal Road and Reedy Riter,! and upon Marrowbone Creek, having on it a large portion of llottom Land, of the very best quality. This is one of the most desirable places in the District. TRACT NO. 5, containing 108 Acres, lying on lteedy River, below the Paper Mill. TRACT NO. O, containing 30 Aeres, lying between the Fork Shoal and Augusta Roads, near the forks of said Roads. Plata of the premises can he seen at my offico. Tkrms.?One third of the purchase money in cash, the remainder on a credit of one and two years, in equal and successive annual instalments, with interest from date, on bonds with at least two good sureties. S. A. TOWNE8, C. E. Ci. D. Commissioner's Office, Aug. 19, 1857. 15-td STATETF SOUTH CAROLINA, G It EEN V ILLS D18TIMCT. IN EQUITY. C. J. Eiford and James B. Sherman, Executors of Benajali Dunham, deceased, vs. The Greenville Manufacturing Company, Jncoh B. Shaver, Robert B. Greenfield, et nl.?Bill for Sule and Partition of Corporate Property, Settlement, fee. FN pursuance of the decretal order made X by Chancellor Dargan, at July Term, 1857. of the Court of Equity for said Disi trict, in the above stated case, notice is hereby given to all and singular the creditors of The Greenville Manufacturing Company to appear before the Commissioner of this Court at his office at Greenville Court Mouse, with in three months from the date of the publi cation of this notice, and establish their de j tuunds by proper and sufficient proof. S. A. TOWNES, C. E. G. D. Commissioner's Office, July Dili, 1857. Jy 10 10 3tn nm a mrA /\ n /\ * vm w t , ? s rv ^ ' STATU UL< MJU iil LAKULliNA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Thomas J. Tut pin, el nl., vs. Thomas C. Markley, et ux.. el al.? Hill for Relief, dc. [N puisunnco of tlic decretal order made by Chancellor Dargan, at July Term, 1857, of the Court of Equity for said District, in the above staled case, notice is hereby given to all and singular the creditors of Doctor William 1\ Turpin, late of Greenville. S. C.,deceased, to appear before the ConunisI sioner of this Court, at his office at GrcenI ville Court House, within three months from the date of the publication of this notice. and establish their demands bv propci and sufficient proof. S. A. TOWNES, a E. G. D. Commissioner's Office, July 9th, 1857. Jy 16 10 3 in STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA I GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SH ERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Fncins to me directed, 1 will sell before the Court House door, nt the usual hours of sale, oil the tiret Monday in SKPTliMGElt next, One hundred Acres of Land, more or loss, adjoining lands of Mrs. Mel I ugh. J. L. Westmoreland, ct nl.; n9 the property of Bevcr ly 15. Garrett, at the suit of Samuel Griswold, el ill. 350 Acres of Land, more or less. adjoin imr lands of F. II. Fuller, MeKinny, etal.; as the property of Wm. Fuller, ot tlin suit of James Breckenridge, bearer. Terms CASH; purchasers to pay tor titles. I J). IIOKE, S. G. IX Sheriff's Office, August. 18, 1SS7. l:t-t<I T. Wa DAVlsT Watchmaker & Jeweler, TAKFS the liberty to announce j /yTAWto tho citizens of Greenville, and j ((". jjfflthe surrounding country, that he j ifo prepared to do all manner of work in his liue of business, such as Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, all of which shall be done in tho neatest manner. Watch Wheels, Pivots, Pinions, Jewels, Screws. Hands, Glasses, all done at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner. Please give him a trial, and you will be pleased. He also makes JEWELRY to order, such ns Gold Guard, Fob A. Vest Chains, All kinds of GOLD BUTTON'S, such as Bosom. 1 Sleeve and Collar Buttons. All kinds of liair j Work Trimmed in tho nentest style His work cannot bo surpassed in this part of! the country. Hi* shop may be found at the Goodlett House, ! in the room formerly occupied by Messrs. Bailey : A Owen. Greenville, Jnly 80, 1857. 12 tf F. O. DUKES, PLAIN & O UNA MENTAL PLifSTIvRER. GREENVILLE, S. G. IW Keeidence at Mr. Jauden'a, oppoeit* the j Female Collage. tf 11 -July 23 For Tax Collector. Tbe FrtoiMfa of Jnmei R. I'cni OMl, announce him a> a Candidate fur Tax CoW lector at tbe emaoing Election. or THE FKlKNDti OK WJI. Tamer j nannnnee l?in? aa a Candidate for Tax Oofieetnr < at tbe ant Bk ctioa A JAS. B. HILL'S CHEAP STORE* At B. DnnlaauaVi Old Stand. NOTICE THIS. cgjsyn HAVING MADE LaRQE^^s Hall 1 JlW additions to my usual Ptook.T^^v. dL.l.l.X.I lanJ baring completed arrangements for a more extensive business, 1 would riMpeetflilljr invito tho attention of my former customers, and the public generally, to my present stock of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, TIN WiLFIB, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOKS, JEWELRY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, Factory Yarn, Tobacco, Scyars, Ac., Ac. All of which I am offering nt great bargains for ensh, country produce, rags, beeswax or old copper. Dry Goods Department. A great variety of Sumner Material, for Gent*, and llovt' Wear, at all price* IRTStl LINENS, superior quality, from 50 cent* upwards Linen Drilling, for Pants Gont*' Half Hose, white and colored Ladies' Hosiery and Glove*, of nil description* and price* Brown and Bleached Sheetings, Shirtings and Drillings Shawls, suitable for the season?very cheap A large assortment of CALICOES, nil prices and styles Swiss, Jnconctt, Booh and Dotted Muslins Linen Handkerchiefs, for Ladies and Gents, from 12$ to 50 cents?some very fine A large assortment of I)res9 Muslin*?some beautiful patterns?froin 5 to 20 cents per yard A choice selection of Bareges and DuLnines? very cheap Merinos and Alpnccns, from 25 to 50 ct*. per yard Also. Fishing Tackle of every description 'lair, Nail and Tooth Brushes Combs of every description Playing Card*; Vienna Matches Fnns in groat variety ; Cornelian ltings Hooks and Eyes ; Marbles Colored Spectacles, double glasses; Key Rings Wrapping. Letter, Bill and Foolscap Paper JEWELRY, in setts warranted genuine, at unIireccdented prices N-ckluces; Needles; Pins; Tapes Buttons of every description A good assortment of Sntin, Lutestring, Gause, and other qualities of Ribbons Toib-t Soaps; Shaving Cream ; Cologne Jet. Bracelet*; Sewing Silk White and colored S^ool Cottons Bareges for Veils, nil colors With many other Articles too numertus t?, mention, nil of which I am offering nt prices t< suit the times. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TIN WARF n..,l TIY PI ATP II....: :? If- . ...... .... > nu? ?"P aiijMTiiM M orKTllCIl I nm nt nil tiinea prepared to <lo Roofing nml Gnttorinsr. or any work in this lino, with neat ii''M nr.'l dispatch, and on tlio most aceomino dating terms. a Cftl'i is respectfully solicited. I nm alwnyt linppy to show Goods. J. It. I1ILL, One door below the Good let t Mouse, Maim Street, opposite Roberts A Duncan's, J line '25 7 if Inhalation in Consumption, BRONCHITIS, CAKYNOITIS, And other Diseases of (he Chest and Throat successfully treated by (he Inhalation oj Medicated Vapors and Powders, by Ah sorption and Constitutional Treatment as practiced at the Stayvksant Mkdicai Institute, Mcio York City, N. Y. ITU1E unprecedented success which has at A tended tliis method of treating disease.* of the Lungs and Throat, has induced the Physicians to depart from their usual course, and avail themselves of the columns of tin Press to make it known ?o such as may bt laboring under, or predisposed to, such alb*c lions. The dawn of a blighter day has al length arrived for the Consumptive?tlx doctrine of the incurability of Coiisumptioi lots now passed away. We have indubita blc proofs in our possession, tliat Consutnp lion, in all its stages, can be cured : in tin first, bv tubercular absorption ; in tlie second bv the transformation of tubercule Intt chalky and calcareous concretions ; in tin third, by cicatrices or scars. Those wedder to the opinion of the past niav assert that ii is even now incurable. Such are behind tlx age. To all this great truth must be appn rent, viz; that medicines inhaled directly into the lungs, whether in the form of Vapoi or Powder, must he more effectual than ilia taken into the stomach. In short, the onlj ark of refuge for the Consumptive is in In halation, and such additional ineitns, o which the judicious Physician will avai himself. Such of the Profession that have adoptei Inhalation, have found it soothing and ejfi CO dulls in the highest degree ; arresting th prognss of the disease, and working wonderi in mang desperate cases ; in verity, a tri utnph of our Art over the fell destroyer 01 our species. No i k.?Physicians wishing to make them selves acquainted with this practice, are in formed that our time being valuable, we car only reply, as to ingredients used, to sucli letters that contain a fee. The fee, in ail cases of Consumption, wil be % 10, on receipt of which the necessary medicines and instrument will be forwarded Applicants will please stale age, sex, occupa lion, married or single, how long affected, il any hereditary exists in tlie family, and symptoms generally. Let the name town and State he plainly written?poslag* for return answers must Iks enclosed. Let ters, if Registered bv the Post Master, art at our risk. Address WALLACE MERTOUN, M. !>., S. M. Institute, N. Y. City. July 16 1<> 6m SPANISH CIGARST" ALAKOK lot of choice brands just received nod for sale at the Drug Store of April 2 47-tf J II. DEAN. BACO^ ^ AAA LBS. on hand and for snlsjw tJ.UUU A. GRRLNPltJLD. Jy 2 8 tf CANDY. 4 FHKSU s?ij>ply ot cxeellaat CANDY new t\. on haitd and (or sale at the Drug Store ol April 2 O tf J. U. DEAN. at the'greenvilh: Main Street, Next the Bridge, TJIK 1 .argent and Best Stock of CARRIAGE GOODS AND M ATKRIAL ever offered for sale in tlie State, selected carefully and especial ly for Carriage Manufacturers. A large stock and best variety of Axles for Buggies, Carriages and Wagons; common and best tempered Steel Springs ; Black and C-oloied Enamel and Patent Dash I^eather: Black nnd I Colored Ktininel Cloths, Drills and Pucks; Oil j and Brussels Carpet; Buckrams and Ruositt J Sheetings; I.nte, Manilla and Chenille Mnts ; j Brass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass, j Silver, Bone nnd Japan Nails ; Silk and Worsted broad and narrow Laces; Silk, Worsted ami Cot- j ton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggy sent; Sticks; and n complete assortment of Mailable Castings. Carriage Makers are particularly requested to call and examine our stock. For sale cheap by GOWEU. COX tfc MARK LEY. , HUBS AND SPOKES. V\rE are now prepared to supply Munufaetu* ? rcrs with the best Morticed Hubs nnd j Turned Spokes, of our own manufacture, and | | warrantee. For sale by GOWEU. COX <fc MARK LEY. CL 0 TIIS A ND D A MA SKS. \ LARGE lot of Blue, Drab and Green Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and AllWool Damasks. For sale hv GOWER, COX <fe MARKLEY. j CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CARPENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and variety of 'lie best. Tools j made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood nnd Boxwood Planes. For sale hv GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! VTOW on hand, the largest stork of Iron ever I _Li offered in this market : Spartanburg Iron! land Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English j Refined Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; Horse 1 J Shoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovals; Baud Iron and ' I lloop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedes I i and Hammered, for wagon*, tiros and nlaniiiiion I work. On hand, cheap for cash, 5.0i>n 1 hs?. Rusted j l'low Moulds, best North Carolina Iron For j sale by C;0\VER, COX ?fc MA UK LEY. ') STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! I I "Vf AYLORS. SAUNDKRSON <fc JFSSIP'S bout j .Lu Cast-Stool?square, octagon. round n nil tint | ?for line edge tools, axles and drills. German and Itlistei' Steel, for plantation work. For sale bv ? GO WEIL COX <fc M A UK LEY. 3.000 LBS. GRIXDSTOXE. [? I VSSOKTKD sizes, suitable for Farmers and Mechanics. For sale ehenp bv GOWEK. COX ?fc MAKKLEY. OX IIAXD '''n?k Florida Moss and ? ?? ' /'/'/ Curled llair, picked, in bags. f For sale bv GOWEIi, COX ?fc MAKKLKY. SAXJJ PAPER AXD GLUE. 1AROE assortment of the Diamond Flint Sand ^j 1'aper, best article made, for sale bv GOWEK. COX it MARK LEY. ! PAIXTS, OILS, WIXDOW GLASS AXD PUTTY. ON hand, a In rue assortment l'aints. Oil*. ,ke. I'ure, Extra and No. 1 White Lends; Raw and Roiled Lindsccd Oil*; Winter,Sperm. Solar, I I Lamp, Ncats Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; Ooacli Body and Copal Yarni.-h ; Japan, Aspal,jturn and Leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine : Greens; Yellows; Blues; Lukes; Links; Dropblack; Lampblack; Red ; Spanish Brown; Um* her; Suawa ; French Ochre, &e. American nud i? French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. For sale bv , GOWEK, COX & MAKKLKY. | IIE A VY <t- SHELF HARD WARE. V LARGE and wall selected stock For stile cheap l>v GOWER. COX it MA UK LEV. SCREWS! SCREWS! ! ; Z*/A/A OUOSS of the Improved Giiublet Foint Uv/U Screws. For sale l>v COWElt, COX it' MARKLEV. I fj SAWS! SAWS!! nOE ?l Co.'s Celebrated Oast. Steel Mill Sows; Rowland's Mill, Cross (.hit iiinl Tenuoti I Sows; Hand, Fannel and Hipping Saws; Brass [ and Bltte Back Sows; a complete assortment of Webh Saws, with and without frames For sale by COWER, COX it MARK LEV. 'j May 28 3 tf ' J. ii. Ruimii'ii. i I rpilANKFL'L FOR FAST FAVORS. BEGS i ! 1 to say, that all kinds of HAIR WORK ( 11 of every variety of stvle of braiding, will be Or- j 11 namented or Mounted with Gold, in the neatest | , manner, and returned to those At. a distance per | I mail or otherwise, a* directed. (I lair can heaent him in letter per mail.) Bow Breast Fins, Necki laecs, Bracelets, Side, Vest and Guard Chains, | Crosses, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Ac., of various | patterns, put up neatly, and any article ndmitfI ting the name of the owner engraved thereon, shall, for the engraving, be free of extra charge. ' lb- also makes and repairs all kinds of Jewelry ; > mounts with gold or silver the Heads of Walk' inir Cnnes : matches Snectaele Oliisse.s: and last- i ly Engraves on all manner of Plate. , Office CO yards Past of o'd Court House, and a j few pores from the Enterprise Office. <rrtviivilU*, 8. C., June 25. '57. 7-11 | notice ' r|^lIK of Account and Note* of JOHN ] | L 1UJItSKY, havu been placed in our hande j ' for collection. If not paid by Return Dny, they j ' j will bo *ued on indiscriminately. EASLEY A TIIKUSTOX, Je 25 7?if Attorneys ni Law. Notice. PERSONS indobted to the )Ate Firm of Pr*. Tuariw A Jones, and *vlio?o Note* and Account* have laecn placed in my baud* for collection, are notified tliat mile** payment* are made r before Return Par next, they will bo *ued. r W. J\ l'KKJE, Attorney. June Sb f fd ^Hjr 'WMNMMMftMnMWMnnMMBaMMSflHaMfcsrgnayajfu HAVANA SEOAK8, IMPORTED DIRECT, ?T | H. FUHSTIiN 11EIM, ii From Mateo, Guenz A CoHavana. in THE gontiine Plantation La EMomdo Tlie finest Ope~? La Victoiia I'bo real Conelm El Hanio !La Australia La AttiU La Rosalia Regalia La Giiiil j La Xigotiaiiu ; 0|>cra Cotificnzia, ii El Cinro <l? Orion. All of the finest Rranda nnd Varieties, nt II. FUItSTENIIEIM'S. At P. R. Smith's, opposite Mansion House. L J y 23 11 fHlEEWflLE 1 COSiPECTJONBBY. rIMlF. subscriber lias ri'turnod to Greenville. 1 ~ 1 ni><I commenced business Opposite I lie [ fFausi?ii House, where may bo fotind on i ? lut ml, CO N F KCTI ON EKIESt JELLIES, fJRAN-IC 1)1 KI) FRUITS, Ac. Having procured n Xo- 1 Pantry Cook, FRESH CAKES, Of ninny kinds, enn be hnd every ?lny. ^ -A. OON, For the neconimodution of I.ndics and Gentlemen, lifts been neatly arranged, where, nt all j hours of the dnv and evening, nil EXCELLENT in ARTICLE of ICE CIIF.AM may be bad, together C1| with Cooling Drinks of several kinds. ,,, Feeling myself much indebted to my friends ^ for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon me when in business on Avenue Street, 1 hope, by n ;/iuch tnorr etrivt attention to lusinetx, to merit a w ren wal of their favors. b 1\ S. SMITH, Agent. ui .To 4 4 tf AM I> R OTYPKS " A.1D MELAnOTlPES. ' (i Jlore Ilenutif'iil Tlian Ever. I THE INIMITAULB 4 RAISED 1 AMBROTYPES. 1/ 4 PERFECT representation of Nature, nnd tlie :\ h'.nUrtt ?ivi.. ..r 11... irvi? a nt?n ??.i 1 DURABLE J " auk" THE MEIA1NOTYPE, Another atnl a Inter triumph in the nrt o' I'lio- A togrnphy, admirably adapted to Medallions, Broaches, Lockets, Kings, Ac. The subscriber lakes pleasure in announcing to his friends, the Ladies and Gentlemen ol Greenville and surrounding country, that he is at iiomk again, and ready to execute anything in the line of his profession that necessity cr fancy i may suggest. | lie will also take this occasion to say?once I i for all?that the superiority of his Pictures over I all foreign "catch-penny" affairs, is too well j known and acknowledged to require any resoit I to the very common practice of "puffing," in or | dor to bring them into notice. Juxt come ; on-/ ?ee for yourselvs*, ami be natiajted. .^1 / I'rices moderate?fro n $1 to J5 anil $>,, ae- J cording to site and tight. Gai.i.kiiy ox 2i> ki.ooh or McBee's Hall. i j Complete instructions given in the Art. C. II. LANNEAU. PlIOTOdRAPllS beautifully colored in oil, by the subscriber. 7-tf June 26 NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK or MILLI3NTER.Y AND I .A L> IES' GOO I)S. AT 11 s7~W A L T ON i MOST respectfully informs * /"vejj.l""l'mor patrons am) friends. , K'Kfir^giRSliand the Ladies general^*, that | she has just returned from Ncav " i IfefW York with a New and Beautij ful Stock of MILLINF.RY, of!" j John her own selection, consisting of ' e/p\ a variety of I STRAW & NEAPOLITAN BONNETS, And a new and beautiful variety of Ei (iconic Shape*. She also wishes to call the attention of the i Ladies to her assortment of FLOW BBS, which j is the tinest and most beautiful ever brought to J vireenviiio, ami lo nor stock o! DHH-'.s CAI'Snnd J i HEAD DRESSES, ond CltAl'Eand MOlIltNIXO ; v I noNNKTS. L j Dresses mmlo in the very latent style and j best manner. 0 Orders from the Country promptly attend- ., I ed to. -18-tf April !) 1 JOE WORK. ! jNEATLV DUNE AT THIS OFFICE.! IIKKI) & (!001>1.KIT.;! ATTORNEYS AT LAW ;, AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, tnircciivillc, 1 (>FFICE next door to K F. lJc.vml ?fc Co. JJ" j J. I?. RF.KI).] [s. D. GOOD LETT. ,! June 4 -t if 0 R R & P R I C E , i, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENY I LIT, 8. C. JAMBS L. OR It. WM. P. PRIOE (j April 23 />0 ni t* "l n tv I 1 iiiiora <K uonaiason, 0bja;?ia^rwit;<bie>!35w s. ?, C. J. ELFORO. T, Q. DONALDSON, Jnu. 10. 85 3m ATToTnjTY AT LAW i j AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL PHACTICB in the c jurtsuf the western circuit. j Office in the Greenville Bookstore, GREENVILLE, S. C. jJnn* 4 4 ly 1 ii. j ulilus smitli, ATTORNEY AT LAW,!' GJi EESVILLR,O. TllUtr IS 8 if ' Now Is tl*c Time. 1 *KHflONS u> W. H. HOVKY. or w. * ?,, it HOVKY ?t Co, tntriow f? tV* first <rf mttnrt; IB 57. w)1t rlcw? t*fc? notl?* that tho r???ojr U ttonxlod lw thnu, and if not forthaoaiS th*y will ba nL)ige?l to tortus Ui> collection til* w. 11. UOVfcY A CO. 1 J iily 10 _ 10 2tn C HA R L ETHTOKRYT (Sitcc stor to Emanuel Currant,) MANDFAOTVKRft OF 3 OOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames,:: AND DKAI.Klt IX OOKING QLA9S PLATES, BRACKETS, WINDOW CORNICES, LOOM MOULDINGS, &C. J ] oi KINO .S'I KKKT, OHAItLKSTON, S. C. Old Frames lie pit equal to new. Jgj April Jin ?i ly iPRINGGOODS. GRADY & GOODLETT, at Door South of the Old Coutt IIouts G KlbEN VILLE, S. C. VFTER returning our grateful thank* to our frletul* mid customer*, for tlieir ps>t very tvernl patronage to our business, wo desire to ill their attention, ns well a* that of the public morally, to our very large and tthcly averted ook of Spring and Summer Goods, hlch we arc now receiving, ami which has ecu. purchased by one of the tirm with care, ml on very advantageous terms as to price*, nd which wo are determined oil selling as low s they can bo bought, at retail, anywhere. Our stock, in the way of LKY ftOOPS, cmraces almost every article called for, either by ,?dic* or Gcntleihin, in Fancy or Staple Dry loods. lonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Ruches, Talmas, Shawjs, Mantles, &c. Boot* and Shoe*, Trunk*, dec. l verv extensive and fashionable assortment. IIATS A>^0 CAPS. 'lie latest stiles, for Men niul Doys, in great variety. Heady-Made Clothing. l very heavy mid varied assortment, fur Mea and Hoy*. 'orfmncrio*. Fancy Articles, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Mirrors, Hardware and Cutlery, Guns, Carpenter's Tools, Black smiths' Tools, Crockery find <*lnss*vnr<', )RUGS, MEDICINES <fc DYE-STUFFS, iouiis ?v it.1 sliiiioiiery, SADDLERY. CASTINGS AND IRON. GROCERIES. A very heavy stock of W lA Itio and Java COFFERS Urovvn nnd Crushed SUGARS teas, .Viol asses, Spices, Cigars, Powder^ Shot. j3?il ami Indigo. SACK ANI) TABLE SALT. Vinegars, Hufninjf Fluid) Cotton Yarn. Nails, Glass, Ac., Ac. FRErll GARDEN SEEDS*. GRADY & GOODLETT. April 0 48 tf ^^5 O^B ^B Third Door above the Mansion House, WOULD respectfully call the attention of his friends, un<t the public generally, to lis recent enlarged Stock of DRUGS, MEDIJINKS, &e. 1'JiyslciAns, Merchants, Farmers leads of Families, ami all persons in want of irtielcs in his line, will do well to call and exmine his assortment. Articles for fntnilv viae, ipiees. Flavoring Extract?, etc., constantly on and. Also l'vire Medical Wines and Brandy. A pi il 2 4 7 tf Plows, Stoves, IV* tlV**,. ?r? . WE keep constant-"SPSv lv on hand n large as- ^ a?i|v sort iio-nl of One and ?^7?T\vo-Horse Turning, Subsoil and Jlillaide n ? is ehich wo challenge I ho world to equal in good vork, euso of draft and durability. Wo lrivo also a largo and bonutiful assortment if Cooking, Parlor, Pining Kouni, lied ltoom nd Church STOVES, n which we particularly call the attention of hose who wish to purchase. Also on hand, \Vn>;h rtud Stock BOILERS, 'orn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet run or Zine Work done to order. Cistern or Veil I'unips furnished nr.d put up. We also are making and receiving from New fork, a Superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, m nig which the Ladies may find n great raricy of Cake Cutters and Bake Pans. F< >OT and BATH 1N G TC BS, or any other Aricle in our line, made to order, and Painted in lie best, manner. We are nlso prepared to do Roofing and OiiHering i the latest ard best manner on short notice. Country Merchants invited to examine onr lock of W W cUk. C *32o Ve miv it is superior, and we do not wish to avc our word taken for it. Come and see. Cash paid tor Old Copper, Bees Wux and Old 'owter. 158^ Rngatakcn in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mil in 4 f d DR. J. II. DEAN, DEALER IS rra "VT1/tirton 1/1 UgO) !IXVU4V>lAlUiJj VUUU&lUaiDf Porrtmicvy; Oil?, Wafni?i)e?, Sjjc-Sfuff?, TOiBAQO?, CU&A3&, FJ1E TOILET HOAPK, INK HAIR AND TOOTH WtUSIIES, PURE WINES AND LlOUORS, lfor Medicinal Uw, ftJSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, &C?, &C. Third Door above the. Mansion limine, Circcnvillc, W. C. Medicines warranted genuine an<)?f th? mt-l quality. % Planter* unti Physician* from the country rill find his jtc-^k of Medicine* complete. 1VU 12 I* Tv