University of South Carolina Libraries
O" Kfr h*Ti b/ 4?*<riblog and paying for *A^gt 19' ?f ZATTKNTION, <& BUTLER GUARDS ! A,YOU are harebr summoned to jj^K attend the Monthly Meeting of VfiT your company, on TUESDAY Till EVENING, tho 1st September. I|/| L. WILLIAMS, See A Tress. mil ^ Pi Aug. 97 16 1 Strayed or Stolen, FROM the Subscribers. /c;\ on Sttunlav morning, 12d in m?rhL alight colored SORREL MARK, near six teen hands high. 8 or 9 years old. A suitable re ward will be paid to any person for discovering and returning the Mare, or for such information as may lead to her recovery. JOHN A. TOWNES, W. A. TOWNES. flfc n - - r?ug <6/ 16 tf Architectural and Mechanical Works. ffUIE American people are becoming every J. day more alive to the cheapnea# and utility of having certain rules laid down in building?rule* which give not only tiu amount of material necessary, but also the cost of that material. Thin can only be done through Book*. The Mechanic, aware ol this, instead of, as formerly, squandering hif earnings on trifles, endeavors to procure the latest and best wo>k* on the subject. These considerations have led to the multiplication of works on Architecture and Mechanics, But these works cannot all be depended upon, Among so many, there are obliged to be some which are worthless. The below mentioned works, however, can be recommended without fear, being all by authors who have a high reputation. Village aud Farm Cottages. The requirements of American Village Homes considered and suggested, with designs for such Houses, of moderate cost : by Henry W. Cleveland, William Backus and Sam uel D. Backus. Cottage Residences. Or a Series of Designs for Rural Cottages and Cottage Villas, and their Gardens and Grounds: by A.J. Downing. Villas and Cottages. Rene* 01 uesigns prepared lor execution in the United States: bv Calbert Vaux. Illustrated by 800 engraving*. The Carpenter's Neio Guide. A complete Book of Linea for Carpenterv ami Joinery, treating fnllv on Practical Geometry, Soffits, Groins, Niches, Roofs and Domes, and containing a great variety ol Original Designs; also a full exemplification of the theory and practice of Stair-Building, Cornices, Mouldings, and Dressings of every description ; including, also, some Observa lions and Calculations on the Strength ol Tiinl?er: bv Peter Nicholson ; the whole he ing thoroughly and carefully revised by N, K. Davis, nnd containing numerous new, im proved and original Designs for lioofs. Domes, etc.. by Samuel Slan, author of the Model Architect. The Young Mill- Wright, And Miller's Guide; illustrated by 28 de" vcriptive plates: by Oliver Evans; with additions and corrections by Thos. P. Jones with a description of an improved Merchant Flour Mill, with engravings. AppletorCs Dictionary Of Machines. Mechanics, Engine work and Engineering; illustrated with 4.000 engraving* on wood. 2 vols: Piice|sl2. The above Works trtav be had at the GREENVILLE BOOKSTORE. Aug 27 16 Town Election. AN ELECTION for IntendAnt and Four Wardens for the Town of Greenville, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the Old Court House, on Monday, the 14M day of Sep teinher next. Polls to be opened at 9 o'clock, A. M., and close at 8 o'clock, P. M. Maxaokrh?William Baync, W. A. McDanicl and S. I). GoodletL II. LEE T1IRUSTON, Intcndnnt. W. P. Price Clerk of Counoil. Aug 20 15 td T. W. DAVIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, TAKES the liberty to announce "T */*SIa Greenville, and If jBthe surrounding country, that Ih prepared to do all manner o! work iu his line of business, such as Watoh, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, all of which shall be done in the neatest manner, Watch Wheels, Pivota, Pinions, Jewels, Screws, Hands, Glosses, all done at the shortest notice, and iu a workmanlike manner. Please give him a trial, and you will he pleased. He also makes JKWKLUi to order, such at OoM Onard, Fol> dc Vent Chaliaa, AH kinds of GOLD BUTTONS, such as Bosom. Sleeve and Collar Buttoos. All kinds of Hair Work Trimmed in the neatest style. His work cannot be surpassed in this part ol " the country. His shop utay be found on the North cast corn?e of the Court House Square, in front of the Mansion House, where he will be pleased to serve all those who may favor him with a call. Greenville, July 80, 1867. 12 tf MRS. M. OLSON, AT GREENVILLE C. II., S. C., NRATLT EXECUTES lit every variety of style, vis ; Bracelets, Necklace*, Vest and Guard Chains. Breast l'ins, Ear Rings of all pattern*, Hearts, Crosses, Anchors, Finder Kings, ffce. ftW Near the old Baptist Church. |jr Hair snqt by mail promptly attended to. JtX July 10 10 7 li'fc i' Collector. The Friends of Jaetei B. Pen. on, announce him aa a Candidate fee Tax Cot ledtor at the ensuing Klcctjou. ~ l5rFKIENDSoTw. ?. Tnraei announce him as a Candidate for Tax Collector 1 the next Election; 9 ,fsr' I BALE OF VALUABLE LANDS \ ON.REED Y RIVER, Fire Kilt* South of GroenviUo, S. 0. STATE OF ^BOUTII CAROLINA. okbknvillb district. iw equity. O. J. Etford And J B. Blirrnun, Executors of B. Dunham, deceased, vs. The Grecnviils Manufacturing Company, Jacob Shaver, et al.?Bill for Sale and Partition of Corporated Property, Ac. IN pursuance of the Decree made in this case by Chancellor Dargan, at Greenville July Term, 1867. I will proceed to sell, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, at Ortenville Court, on Sales-day in October next, the following VALUABLE LANDS of the Greenville Manufacturing Company, vis: {TRACT NO. 1, containing Anres, on ' I which the Paper Mills, A* , nre situated, will be ' ' sold on Sale-day in November.) II TRACT NO. 9, being the Dwelling House Tract, containing 824 Acres, more or less, having vu ii, ? mrge nna comiort able Dwelling and Ou*Buildinys, And some Bottom Land on Reedy ltiver. This Tract is sold subject to the use of . wash water for the Taper Mill, to be continued as at present used. TRACT NO. 3, containing 240 Acres, more or less, lying between the Fork Shoal Road and ' Reedy River. I TRACT NO. 4, containing 191 Acres, lying , between the Fork Shoal Road and Reedy River, ^ and upon Marrowbone Creek, having on it a large portion of Bottom Land, of the very best ' quality. This is one of the most desirable plac! es in the District, P TRACT NO. {}, containing 108 Acres, lying , on Reedy River, below the Taper Mill. TRACT NO. ?, containing 30 Acres, lying ! between the Fork Shoal and Augusta Roads. 1 near the forks of said Roads. I Flats of the premises can be seen at my office. Terms.?One third of the purchase money in cash, the remainder on a credit of one and "two years, in equal and successive annual instalments, 1 with interest from date, on bonds with nt least two good sureties. S. A. TOWNE5*, C. E. O. D. i Commissioner's Office, Aug. 19, 1857. 15-td SALK OF VERY VALUABLE LANOS, MILLS, &C., Ia Anderson District, 8. C. WILL BE SOLD, at Oreenvillo Court House. South Carolina, to the highest bidder, on Sale-day in October next, the two following Tracts of Land, lying on Brushy Creek, in Anderson District, about ten miles from Oreeaville C. II., belonging to the Estate of Col. Benajnh Dunham, deceased, viz.: Tract No. 1. Containing Four Hundred and Sixteen and One-half Acres, more or less. On this Tract is a Fine Merchant Mill, with two setts of Flouring, and one of Corn Stones, Bolter, Smutter, and everything complete. Also, a Saw Mill, Still House, with three Stills, com fortable Dwelling House and Out-buildings. Millers' House, Distillers' House, Good Fruit, Fine Springs Twenty Acres first rate Bottom. The Biiuiii mm wuivr power is one OI 1110 UcSl in Hie State. Tract No. 2. Containing Two Hundred and Thirty One and it Half Acres, mure or less, having on it a Good Dwelling, and about. 25 Acres Bottom, lying immediately adjoining and above Tract No. These placea have recently been surveyed, and plats may he seen, or further information obtained, by calling on the subscribers ntGrcem ville, H. C. F Tkkms.?One third cash, the remainder in twe equal annual instalments, witli interest from date, or notes wilh two good sureties and uiort gages of the prcmisis. C.J. ELFORD, J. B. SHERMAN, Ex'ra of B. Dunham, dee'd. Aug 13 14 3t STATE 6 FS 0 U T IIITAITOL IN A GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. , C.J. Elford and James B, Sherman, Execu tors of Denajah Dunham, deceased, vs. The Greenville Manufacturing Company, Jacob It. Shaver, Robert U. Greenfield, et nl.? Bill for Sale and Partition of Corporate Projicrty. Settlement, dec. IN pursuance <>f the decretal order made bv Chancellor Dft'jjan, nt July Term 1837. of the Court of Equity for said Dis< . trict, in the above staled case, notice is here bv given to all and singular the creditors o . The Greenville Manufacturing Company tc ! HUDear before the Commissioner of this (huu I Ht hist office at Greenville Court lloutte, with in three months from the date of the publi I cation of this notice, and establish their do Wands by proper and sufficient proof. S. A. TOWNES, C. E. G. D. Commissioner's OfHee, July 9lh, 1857. Jy 16 10 3 m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. ? Thomas J. Tui pin, et al., vs. Thomas C. > Marklev.etux.. et al.? Dill for Relief drc, IN pursuauce of the decretal order made [ 1 by Chancellor Dargan, at July Tenn, 1857, of the Court of E<piity for said District, in the above stated case, notice is herebv given to all and singular the creditors ol , Doctor William P.Turpin, late of Greenville, S. C? deceased, to appear before the Coinmia1 sioner of this Court, at his office at Green, ville Court House, within three months from the date of the publication of this notice, and establish their demands bv propei and sufficient proof. S. A. TOWNES, C. E. G. D. ' Commissioner's Office, July Oth, 1857. Jy 10 10 3 in ! STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA pDPPVirvi f c* itiL'TiHi VP VfUDbil Y IbLD l/lol ft W I I . SH ERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fiori Facias U me directed, I will aell before the Couri House door, at the usual hours of sale, on tlx first Monday in SEPTEMBER next. One hundred Aoroaof Land, moro 01 ' less, adjoining lands of Mrs, Mcllugh, J. L Westmoreland, et al.; as the property of Hever I ly lb Garrett, at the suit of Samuel Oris wold et al. , 350 Acres of Land, more or less adjoining lands of F. II. Fuller, McKinny, etal. I as the property of Wm. Fuller, at the suit ol James Breckenridge, hearer. Terms CASH; purchasers to pay tor titlea D. HOKE, S. G. D. Sheriff'a Office, Anguat 11. 1867. 13-td F, 0. DUKES, ~ PLAIN&OHNAMENTAL PLAHTKRHK. GREENVILLE, S. C. Residence at Mr. Jauden'iy opposite the , 'Female Collage. tf ll-Julyas tr.JAS. B. HILL'S CHEAP STORE, At B. Daubaui,s Old Stand. NOTICE THIS. HI, [ [it HAVING MADE I^KOE ,*Kti jitH additions to my usunl Stock, dMLiXjClaml having completed my arrangements for a more extensive business, I would respectfully invite the attention of my former customers, and the publio generally, to my present stock of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, TIN WA.R.B, CLOTHING, HATS. &HOKS, JEWELRY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, ! I Factory Y~arn, Tobacco, Scynrs, dc., d'C. ' All of which I nm offering at grent bargains for I cash, country produoe, rags, beeswax or old copper. Dry Goods Department. A great variety of Summer Material, for Gents, and Bovs* Wear, at. all pricea IRISH LINENS, superior quality, from 50 cents upwards j Linen Drilling, for Pants ( Gents' Half Hose, white and colored Ladies' Hosiery and Gloves, of all descriptions and pricea Brown and Blenched Sheetings, Shirtings and ; Drillings Shawls, suitable for the season?verv cheap | <? ..?iSc HMuruia-nioi CALICOES, nil prices and styles Swiss, .Taconctt, Book nn<l Dotted Muslins Linen Handkerchiefs, for Lndie* and Gents, from 12J to 60 cents?some very fine A lame assortment, of Dress Muslins?some heautiful patterns?from 6 to 20 cents per yard A choice selection of Bareges and DcLmnes? very cheap Merinos and Alpncens, from 25 to 50 cts. per yard Also. Fishing Tackle of every description flair. Nail and Tooth Brushes Comhs of every description Playing Cnrds; Vienna Matches Fnns in great, varie'y ; Cornelian Rings Hooks and Rves ; Marbles | Colored Spectacles, double glasses; Key Rings Wrapping, Letter, Bill and Foolscap Paper JEWELRY, in setts warranted genuine, at unfrccedented prices Necklaces; Needles; Pins; Tapes Buttons of every description A good assortment of Satin, Lutestring, Cause, and other finalities of Ribbons Toilet Soaps; Shaving Cream ; Cologne Jet Bracelets ; Sewing Silk White and colored Spool Cottons Bareges for Veils, all colors With many other Articles too numerous to mention, all of which I am offering at prices to | suit the times. | Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TIN WARE | nnd TIN PLATE. Having superior Workmen | I am at all times prepared to do Roofing and Guttering, or any work in this line, with nent| ness ai.d dispatch, nnd on the most accommodating terms. 11 A cnli is respectfully solicited. I am always 1 happy to show Goods. Ji IB. 1I1IjIJ<, 1 One door below the Ooodlett House, Maine Street, opposite Roberts <fc Duncan's. June 25 7 tf i Inhalation in Consumption, BltOHPHfTIS. 1. A ? VM/nnn.^ And oihrr Diseases of the Chest and Thrrxit. successfully treated by the Inhalation of Medicated Vajxtrs and Powders, by Absorption and Constitutional Treatment, as practiced at the Xiwyvesant Medical ' Institute, New York City. N. Y. fTIlE unprecedented sueeess which has ntX tended tliis method of treating diseases of the Lungs and Throat, Itas indiioed tlie ' Physicians to depart from u>ual course. ' and avail themselves of the columns of the " Press to make it known to such as may he laboring under, or predisposed to, such atiec tions. The dawn of a blighter day has at ! length arrived for the Consumptive?the doctrine of the incurability of Consumption ' has now passed awav. We have iadubita' b'e proofs in our possession. that Consump-] | lion, in all its stages, can be cured: in the ) first, by tubercular absorption ; in the second, ^ by the transformation of tubercale into chalky and calcareous concretions; in the third, by cicatrices or scars. Those wedded to the opinion of tlie past may assert that it is even now incurable. Such are behind the age. To all this great truth must bo anna rent, viz: that medicine* inhaled directly into the lungs, whether in the form of Vapor or Powder, must be more effectual than that ' taken into the stomach. In short, the only aik of refuge for the Consumptive is in Inhalation, and such additional means, of which the judicious Physician will avail himself. Such of the Profession that have adopted Inhalation, have found it soothing and ejffi cacious in the highest degree ; arresting the . progress of the disease, anil working wonders in many desperate cases ; in verity, a tri1 uinph of our Art over the fell destroyor of our specips. Note.?Physicians wishing to make themselves acquainted with this practice, are in\ formed that our lime being valuable, we can only reply, as to ingredients used, to such letters that contain a fee. The fee, in ail cases of Consumption, will be $10, on receipt of which the necessary medicines and instrument will he forwarded. Aotilicants will nlease .state aore. s?* nomim. i i i 1 i" ?" ~ w*~"r" tion, married or single, how long affected. if any hereditary disease exists in the family, } and symptoms generally. Let the name, t town and State bo plainly written?postage 5 for return answers must be enclosed. Letters, if Kegihtered by the Post Master, are at our ri"k. Address WALLACK MERTOUN, M. I>? 8. M. Institute, N. Y. City. July 10 10 0m SPANISH CIGARS. ALAIUJK lot of choice Brands just received and for sale at. the Prutf More of April 2 47-tf J II. DEAN. BA OiVr 5A/\A LBS. on hand and for m1? by ,UUU A. GREENFIELD, ' Jy 2 8 if CANDY. 4 FBESff e>ipply ?> exoelfent CANDY now cY. on hand and for aale at the Drng Store of April 2-47 tf J. H. DEAN. AT THE GHIJtyiyiLLE COACH FACTORY, Muin Street* Next the Bridge, rpiIE Largest and Best Stock of CARRIAGE L GOODS AND MATERIAL ever offered for sale in the State, selected carefully nnd especially for Carriage Manufacturers. A large stock nnd best variety of Axle* for Buggies, Carriages and Wagons; common nnd tempered Steel Springs; Black and Colored Knaniel and Patent Dash Leather; Black and Colored Enamel Cloths, Drills ami Ducks; Oil and Brussels Carpet; Buckrams and Russia Sheetings; Lute, Manilla ami Chenille Mats; Brass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass, Silver, Bone and Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted broad and narrow 1>aees; Silk, Worsted and Cotton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggy seat Sticks; and u complete assortment of Mailable Costings. i.;arriagc linkers are particularly requested to call aiul examine our stock. For sale cheap by COWER. COX ?t MARK LEY. HUBS AND SPOKES. "VE7E are now prepared to supply Manufnctnit rers with the best Morticed Hubs and Turned Snokes, of our own iiiniiufacture, and warranted. For sale by COWER, COX it MARKLEY. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, I)r?b on<l Green Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton ami AllWool Damasks. For sale by COWER, COX <t MARKLEY. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR. RENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and variety of 'lie best Tools made, ami a few setts fancy Rosewood and Boxwood Planes. For sale bv COWER, COX it MARKLEY. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! NOW on hnnd, the largest stock of Iron ever offered in this market; Sparta "tburg Iron ami Castings; King's Mountain iron; English Refined Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; llorse Shoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovals; Band Iron and Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedes and Hnmmered, for wagons, tires ami plantation work. On hand, cheap for cash, 6.000 lbs. Rusted Plow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron For sale by COWER, COX it MARKLEY. STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! "VTAYLORS. SAUNDKRSON A JF.SSUP'S best i_ v Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and flat ?.for fine edge tools, axles ami drills. German ami Blister Steel, for plantation work. For sale by COWER. C<>X it MARKLEY. 3.000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. I A 8SORTKD sizes, suitable for Farmers and A. V. Mechanics. For ??le cheap hv GOWER. COX 6c MA UK LEV. ON HAND sA I-IIS. host Rlaek Florida Moss find ? s' 'V/\f Curled llnir, picked, in hag*. For viiIh 1?v COWER. COX ?fc MARK LEY. SAND PATER AND GLUE. I" ARC.F. Assortment of the l>inmond FlintSand | J I'nner, best article made, for sale bv GO WEIL COX 6c MAKKLEY. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. ON band, a lnr^?c assortment Faints, Oils, ?to. I'nre, F.xtra and No. 1 White Lends; Raw and Roiled Lindseed Oils ; Winter, Sperm. Solar, Lamp. Ncnts Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; Ooaeh Rody and Copal Varnish ; Japan, Aspaltnrn and Leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine: Greens; Yellows; Rlues; Lakes; Finks; l)rophiaek ; Lamphhiek ; Red ; Spanish Brown; Umber; Siiawn ; French Ochre, Ac. American and French Window Glass, Futty and Whitening. For sale bv GOWER. COX 6c MARKLEY. If tS ,1 V r J. V u 1ST is it in /i i ir t r? p A LARGE and well selected stock For sale cheap by GOWEU, COX At MARKLEY. SCRE\VS / S ORE WS ! ! GROSS of the Improved GitnLlet I'oint O v/V_f Screws. For sale by GOWEU, COX At MARKLEY. 5.-1 IVSf SAWS!/ HOE A Col's Celebrated Onst steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut and Tennou Saws; Hand, Funnel and Ripping Saws; Brass and 1 tine Back Saws; a complete assortment of Webb Saws, with and without frames. For sale bv GOWEU, COX At MARKLEY. " May 28 3 if J. II. RANDOLPH, rpiIANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, REGS 1 to say, that all kinds of HAIR WORK of every variety of style of braiding, will be Ornamented or Moiinten with Gobi, in the neatest manner, and returned to those at a distance per mail or otherwise, as directed. (Ilairean hesent li i. :i v i> ii . v. .i. hi ? an irner |?er mini.; ?uw iirt'iim, i iiih, ?moK' Inoos, Bracelet*, Side, Vest and Guard Chain*, Crosses, Finder Kings, Far Rings, Ac., of various patterns, put up neatly, and any article admitting the name of the owner engraved thereon, shall, for the engraving, he free of extra charge. lie also makes and repairs all kinds of Jewelry; mounts with gold or silver the Heads of Walking Canes; matches .Spectacle Glasses; and, lastly Engraves on all manner of Plate. Office 60 yard* East of old Court House, and a few pacet from the Enterprise Office. Greenville, 8. C., June 25. '57. 7?tf NOTICES. rpiIF, Books of Account and Notes of JOHN 1. BUKSKY, have heen placed in our hands for collection. If not paid hy Return l>ay, they will he sfted on indiscriminately. EASLEY A THHUSTON, Je 25 7?if Attorney* at Law. NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to Hh5 late Firm of Dm. tusfin a Jon km, ami whose Notes and Aooouats ksvs besiv placed in my hand* for collection, are notified that unless payments are made before Return Day seat, they win he sued. W. P. PKICE, Attorney. Jantl 7 til TUP HAVANA SEGAKS, IMPORTED DJRRCT. BT H. FUBSTENHEIM. 4 /Vo? Mateo, Oaem <& Co.f Havana. ? THE genuine limitation La Eldorado j. The finest Ope*a La Vicloria The real Concha El Ranio !La Australia 1 La Atlila La Rosalia Regalia La Girid La Nigotiaon ; Opera Confieniin. El Cinfo do Orion. All of the finest Brands and Varieties, at II. FURSTENBRIM'S * Jy 23 11 Good loll House. n GRKEKYILLG ? CON P BCTJONE R Y. r|"MIE subscriber has returned to Greenville. X and commenced business Op|?ONi (<* I he VlmiNioii Hoime, where mav be found on r band, CONFECTIONERIES, JELLIES, BRAN- ' DIED FRUITS, A-e. { Having procured a No- 1 Pa*tnj Cook, FRESH CAKES, Of many kind*, can be had every day. A. SALOON, For the aceonunodation of Ladies and Gentlemen, has been neatly arranged, where, at all n hours of the dnv and evening, an EXCELLENT ARTICLE of ICE CIIKAM may be had, together with fooling Drinks of several kinds. Feeling mvseif much indebted to my friends for the eery "liberal patronage bestowed upon ine when in Business on A venueStreet, I hope, by n til rich more ntrict attention to busiiittn, to merit a renewal of their favors. q P. S. SMITH, Agent. a IM"Otypes AND NliLAIXOTYPES. 1 9 .11 ore Rcaiitif'ul Than Ever. ? ft THE INIMITABLE 'RAISED' AMBROTYPES. J A PERFECT representation of Nature, and the 0 hiqhctt style of the Art; UNFADING and 1 DURABLE. also. ?' THE MELAINOTYPE, ! Another and a later triumph in the art o' Pho- ^ tography, admirably adapted to Medallions, 1 lifont-lies', Lockets, Kings, Ac. The subscriber lakes pleasure in announcing ' to his friends, the Ladies and Gentlemen of ' Greenville and surrounding country, tlint he is 0 nt iiomk aoaiv, and ready to execute anything in the line of his profession that necessity cr fancy may suggest. He will also take this occasion to say?once 1 for nil?that the kcpkriority of his Pictures over ' nil foreign "cateh-penng" nfVnirs, is too well I known nud acknowledged to require any resoit to the very common piactioo uf ''puffing," in or dnr to bring them into notioo. .hint come ^ <1 mi see for gonrnelotn, atul be *ali?Jic<l. ( Prices modkratk?fro 11 # 1 to $5 nud ?8, according to tize and itgle. Gallery on 2n klooji or McRbk's IIall. Complete instructions given in the Art. , C. II. LAXNEAU. t PlIOTOG RA PJIS beautifully colored in oil, f by the subscriber. 7-tf June 25 f T AND BEAUTirUL ! STOCK OF . ' .AND LADIES' GOODS. MltsTWALTON 1 ampMOST respectfully informs t /vfe* ?-JjtKT] d her former patrons and friends, (y T; HWffljnnd the Ladies geuprnlly, that 1/i At- ^ she has just returned from New ir York with a New and I'enuti| <"?> Stock "f MIL1.INKRY, of her own selection, consisting of -J i stp aw ft* wnunt ttav dawwturo !: --?** ii ?. ?ua< vmiaw uvnii?I19I Aiul 11 now and beautiful variety of Eugenie Shapes. < She aluo wishes to call the attention of the Ladies t? her assortment of FLOWEKS, which is tlie finest ami most beautiful ever brought to ( reenville, nn?l to Iter stock ol DUOS CAFSand HKAI> 1 MtlCSSFS, and CRAl'Kand MOURNING IJONNKTSw VH~ i Crosses made in the very latest style and I' best manner. ' . Orders front the Country promptly attend- i ed to. 4R-tf April 9 < JOB WORBL NEATLY DONE AT THIS OFFICE. ? REED & GOO DIXIT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, ! <?reenville, S. C. L3jT" OFFICE ncstdoor to F. F. Reattie <fc Co. flFl J. I'. REED.] [8. D. GOOD LETT. June 4 4 tf ORR & PRICE, i ATTORNEYS AT LAW, j GREENVILLE, S. C. JAMES I* ORR. vm P. PRICE. J Aprj^ 2-1 .10 Elford & Donaldson, W!? anas xmxww C.LC.1 a9 sB ?<. C. L ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jni>. 10. 8S 3m T.O.P.TETBR, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND I SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. 1 Office in the Greenville Bookstore, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 4 4 ly ^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 18 0 tf Now is the Time* PERSONS indebted to W. H. HOVKT. or Yf. H. HOVEY A CO.. |>rerioiM iff thn flrrtiNt lanusry. I?a7, will plena* toko notrfk* that fh* nooey is needed by them, and if not f??rth*?nw? ng tli*y will b? obliged to fordo tKr collection ?f the mm* W. H. I10VEY A CO. July 10 10 2m Selmbold's Genuine Preparation HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND fWl? EXTRACT BUCHU, 7or Ditener* of the Bladder, Kidney*. Grand, Drop?y, WraAne.xs, Ohtirnction, Secret JHtratrt, Female Complainta, and all Diteate* of the titxual Organ*, irining from Ex?tw>M nnd Impnulenclifd In life, nd removing nil Impro|>er Dischargee from the lladtler, Kidueyg, or Sexual Organs, whether xisthig in ffir&iftig mn -* Vorr? wlmt..v?t onuAe tl??v mnv Iiove originated, and no MA-rrua or now long standing living Health and Vigor to the Frame, and Bioom to the Pallid Cheek. Joy to the Afflicted!! t cure# Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, nnd emoves all the Symptoms, among which-will c found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trcmblinsr. Dreadful llm-mre r Night Sweat*, Cold F?-ets Wakefulness, Dimes* of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Musculnr System, Often Enormous Appetite. with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot. Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pal'id Countenance, and Eruptions on the Fnce, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelid*, Freuentlv Blaok Spots Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Lots of " Sight, Want of Attention, Oreat Mobility, Rest- " lessness, witfi Horror of Society. Jotliing is more desirable to such patients than olitude, and nothing they more dread for fear if themselves ; no repose of manner, no earnesticss, no speculation, but a hurried Transition roin one question to nnother. These symptoms if allowed to go on?which his medicine invariably removes?soon follows 'x>a* of Power, Fatuity ami Epileptic Fit*?in ono f w hich the patient may cxj?ire. Who can say hat these excesses are not frequently followed iy those direful diseases?INSANfTY AND JONS UMPTION f The records of Intone Atyiim*, and the melancholy deaths of Cemmmptior, tear ample witness to tin? truth of these assetions. In Lunatic Asylnmstbe most melancholy ixhibition appears. The eountenaaee is nctuafy sodden ami quite destitute?neither Mirth or Jrief ever visits it. Should a sound of the voice icctir, it is rarely articulate. " With woful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible! and has brought housnnds upon thousands to untimely graves, lius blasting the ambition of many noble youths, t can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If ybu are suffering with any of the above di*> ressing ailments, the FfiUif) EXTRACT ltd VHII will ourc you. Try it, and be oonvinaed ii ivs emunoy, Deicarc of Quack Nostrum* and Quack Doctor*, svho fnlsely bowst of abilities and references. Ch ;ixens know nn<l avoid tliein, and save LongSufering, Money and Exposure, l>y sending or calling 'or a bottle of tbis Popular and Specif* /temcdii. It allaj-aall pain and inflammation, is perfectly dent-ant in rta taste ami odor, bat immediate >n Is action. Holmbold's Extract Buchu Is prepared directly according to the Rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, with the grentest accuracy and Chemical knowtedge and care devoted in its combination. See Professor Deivee's Valuable'Works on the Practioe of Physio, and uiost of the late Standard Works of Medicine. t2T*L ? ? One hundred dollars will be paid to any Pfiylicinn who can prove that the Medicine ever inured a Patient; and the testimony of thousands an be produced to prove that it does great good, "uses of from one week to thirteen years' standng have been effected. The mass of VOLUNTARY TESTIMONY in possession of the Proiriet.or, vouching its virtue* and ouratrve powers, is immense, embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. 100,000 Bottles Have Been Sold, And not a single instance of a failure has been reported. Personally appeared before We, an Alderman >f the oity of Philadelphia, H. T. HKLMBOLD Jhemist, wlnr, being duly sworn, does sny, thn lis preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury ... 1..i..n...... i...? -- 1- **?* ....MIIVU0 i/i vu, n?c jmiitiv v cgemo/er II. T. II ELM BOLD, Sole Mannfaeturer. Sworn nnd subscribed before me this 22d day >f November, 1854. WM. P. HIRBARD, A Woman. Price $1 per Bottle, or Six for $5, Delivered to any Address. Accompanied by reliable nnd responsible Certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen and others. Prepared nnd sold bv II. T. II ELM BOLD. Praotical and Analytical Chemist,. So. 52 South Tenth St., bei.ow Chestnut,. Assembly Buildings, Phila. t"W~ To be had of Drs. J. H. Dean, Mima <fc Long, M. B. Earlk and Emil Krutcii, Druggists, Greenville, S. C., and of all Druggists and Dealers throughout tlie United Studies,. Cauadis and Iritish Provinces. Beware ?f Coimferfcff*. Bk for HELMBOLD'9?Tako no Other. CURES GUARANTEED. July 2 9 fv DR. J. II. DEAN, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pcrfti mc*ry, Eqinte, Oils, Iftfnbhes, ffy, nvr vast w ua a n*> m OViirWf FINE IIA1R AND TOOTH BRUSHES, PURE WINES AND LIQDO&S, For Medicinal Uses, R'JSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, fcC., &C, Third. Door uhove the Mansion Jfouser GrceKVille, 8. C. IW Medicines warranted genuine and of the jest quality. Plant era and Physicians from the emiatry wtll find his stock of Medicine* complete. Feb 12 40 1y . Fruit Cnndirt. " AFRESH LOT just received at the GREKN VI LI.F. CONFEOTlONKR Y. Jy 23 11 if