University of South Carolina Libraries
I i |Tl ' ZJI humojust's ouo.' :?r ; ?*? ... ./ t.i.^y -^r- - - > TT,, T5T-^-' - -i- -?i < TRAVEusraoQ the wire from O ? \ ' to, M* V POt l?ng since, in the ' night; * re happened to havo tlio good | 1 fortune to got into the saiuo box with ] a-regular blue devil exterminator, by 1 inborn, lot it be summed, our drowsy < prniQp, were kept expanded. '''his in- I dividual answered to the name of 1 "and his description of " Norf ' Kcrliner," her manners and customs, gave the listener anything but a favorable impression of the tar and turpent tfae State, thus: 4ht-? " Why, gentlomen, a dog with a loflgtail in North Carolina, would bo as great a show as a nigger with three heads." u Why so?" asked several. * "T^hey cut 'em off to prevent them from knocking off tho huckleberries when they're chasing foxes nnd rabbits through the woods I" " Phew I" came from a listener. Fact, certain as rain ; and yon never sec a uiau or hoy there with buttons on his pants." " What, then!" asked some one. "Pegs!" answered tho imperturbable Bat; "Wear the buttons all oil* climbing after persimmons!" "Go it, Bat!" choerod an acquaintance. "And I'll tell you another thing," j lie continued, " they have to bell their J niggers thore just as we do our calves." i "' What for " So their owners can tell which gopher hole they'ro in I" A general scream followed this; tho cars screamed, nnd we all jumped ( off at M . Hope we'll see him again. I Jcdo 12Beuk 13. oi South Carolina, rode on horseback from circuit to circuit, accompanied by a servant, who was directed to keep close behind him, while he meditated as pleased himself by the way. Jogging along in this way, on one occasion, the servant pressed up too near to the horse which he rode, and which happened to be an ill-natured brute, and the consequence was that the horse kicked the negro on the log, who. observing that it had not interrupted his masters stitdv, he sprang oil' his horse, and picking up a stone, threw it at the beast, which it unluckily missed, and took effect between the Judge's shoulders. The instant the negro saw what had been done, he roll in the road with his hand clasped around his leg, and crying out in apparent agony. As soon as the Judge could straighten himself, lie turned around, and said i<? 1 the prostrate negro, "Stephen, child, what ails you f " Lor, massa," was the reply, " your horse just now kick ed me on the leg, and almost broke it." "Well, child," said the Judge, "lie i just now kicked me between the shoulders, and almost broke my back, too." ,?_ ? i " Got Dat Niuoer."?" Mister Ilig ginbottum, I'm gwine to pop a ques'- ^ ion to you, an' I wants you to aus'cr it widout any circumference, ct you kin git it out o' your wool." " Wall, vister Dimity, just out wid it, fur I'm neodin' salt to 'lighten some . nigger's underpinin." "Now dis is de grate oiies'ion :? What makes you so much like de grate Wizzard o' do Norf?" " Golly," parin' mc to do big white I fo'lks? I'll dissolve dat composition i rights away; 'cause, 'cause?1 gibs it .... ? nglll. Stl UlU ll|7. "You run ag'iu a sprout when you | come nt dis chile wid ueui dar coin- i | blundrums. Now, jist you tell me what makes you an' do Wizzard so much alike." 41 Oh, dunno, conclude." "'Cause you boat'like to play slight o' han' artcr da?k ! lie alt 1 ya ! va ! i ? Unjintcd do nigger's big to' dar time. Tiir IIaxg of It.?Old Judge S., a considerable farmer of F county, Vermont, bought a new scythe for his son Jim, and set him to work in the meadow with the rest of the haymakers. 44 It don't work right," said Jim to the honored 44 parent" alter cutting a clip or two. " What is the matter j with it?" inquired the Judge. 44 It j1 don't hang right on the snaith," said Jim, stopping to adjust the scythe; anew. Scythes often plague the mow- j | ere in this way, at first; and Jim's < scythe was particularly obstinate. So the old gentleman tinkered over and ; over again. " It don't hang any hotter," said Jim, plaintively. "Then hang it to suit yourself," said the Judge. 41 So I will," said Jim?and, hanging the nog the, on a treet lie lazily retired from the field. " Your Knglish ladies are very handsome," said a polite young American to Mr. Punch. <4 Your American J girls are exquisitely lovely," returned Mr. Punch, scorning to be outdone in courtesy. 44 Aye, girls, that is true, but they fall oil' as they count years. So yon sco your women carry off the palm, and what's more, it's a palm thai f will bear ft 44 Bless 'em all,"*j said Mr. Punch, piously. 44 Let utgfl liquor." 4 . . *- - **- -mi m 12 liSfk 1'! , ? '' " ! A ^af? Han to Insure.?By a >team boat explosion on the Western ri%*er, a passenger was thrown nnhurt uto the water, and at onco struck out ustily far thoshdyo; blowing like a porpoise all the while, llo reached ;he hank almost exhausted, and was caught by a by-slander, and drawn out panting. " Well, old'fellow," said his friend, " you had a hard time, eh ?"? 1 Yo-yes, pre-pretty hard, considerin'. Wasn't doin' it for myself, though ; was a workin' for one o' them insurance offices in New York. Got a policy on my life, and I wanted to save them. 1 didn't care !" A few nights since, a young 'ady and gentleman were discussing at a ball about some of the persons present. " What pretty girls," said the gentleman, as two pretty girls (sisters) passed them. " Yes," said the lady ; " pity they are such horrid tempers; they light like cat and dog at home, and vet when they go out, dress alike, and look as it butter would not melt in their mouths." " Charme, my boy, why do you j stand there?" said an over-anxious mother to her son, at a fashionable \ party; "go in and enjoy yourself.? \ You look like a statute. There's Miss j J.?^lie's a splendid creature?plump us a patridge : shall I introduce you ?" ? " No, I thank ye. I saw the lady in bathing at Nahant last summer. Excuse me." Nei> Siiuteu thus explains his reasons for preferring to wear stockings with holes to having them darned :? ' A hole," said he, " mav be the accident of a day, and will pass upon the best gentleman, but a darn is premeditated poverty." " Do yon understand me, now V thundered a country pedagogue to an urchin at whoso head lie threw an ink- j stand. ' I've got an /n/rling of what you ( mean," replied the bov. - I NEW SPRING GQQBS. GRADY & GOODLITT, ' One Door South of the Old Court House, i GIIKEN VILLI-;, s. c. VFTF.ll returning out- grateful thanks to our friends nnil customers, for their p.tst very liberal patronage to our business, wo desire to cull l.hoir attention, as well us tlint of the public j generally, to our very large ami tinely assorted | stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which we nre now receiving, and which has been purchased I?y one of thu tirin with care, and on very advantageous terms as to prices, and which we nre determined on selling as low as they enn he bought, nt ret ait, anywhere. Our stock, in the way of l)KV (!()Ol>S, embraces almost every article called for, either by Ladies or Ucntlcmen, in Fancy or Staple l>ry loads. tJouiiets, Ribbons, Flowers, Rnchcs, Talmas, Shawls, Mantles, &c. Sloot* ;tti<l Shoei, TriuihK, <Vc. V very extensive a.:d fashionnhle assortment. HATS AND CAPS. 1*1 iq latest styles, for Men and lJoys, in great variety. Keady-Iftade Clothing. A very heavy and varied assortment, for .Men I ami Hoys. Perfumeries. Fancy Articles, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Mirrors, Hardware and Cutlery, Guns, Carpenter's Tools, Blacksmiths' Tools, Crockery ami CSIasswarc, [Mi CCS, MEDICINES ?fe DYE-STUFFS, Hooks mid Still lottery, CAllh! LM?V i'UL?TI\r/!U I V I l IDAXT \ i ' i /MM t l . v??\o i ;\ 4,^ i / I itw^ <H 82 o v B: IS IBS. A very heavy stock of rZz-* l'io and .lava COFFERS Brown ami Crushed SCOA1W leas li.lasses Spices, Cigars, Powder, Shot, head and Indigo. SACK AM) TABLE SALT. Vinegar*, Burning Fluid, Cotton Yarn. Nails, Class, Ac., ?Vc. Fit ESI I GAltDEN SEEPS. GllADY ?fc GOODLETT. April 9 48 tf \l II. IIOVEY I S rnorniKTOiis of The Ladies' Store, t BE NOW. and will ho constantly receiving : 1 V Fresh Importations, purchased l>y or.e of i lie partners, who has some twenty five vcars' . . . :.... i _ .11:.... /?'_ i. "rri I a | ? i Jciicv: in imyiii'j; ii ii * i nriini^ t iitvy would invito special attention to tlieir largo of Wlrii'innd Embroidered Goods, Rich Silk Tissues, lleBegos, Challvs, Crape iJe Paris, Ueregea, Muslins. Brilliants, Silks, Alpaccas, Bombazines, Canton Crape, Ginghams, French, English and American Prints, <fcc. ATjSO, just in, a nice layr of Cow Bonnets, Ribbons, Ruches, Wreaths, Flowers, Blonds, Valencia, Thread and Brussels Edgings, White and Black Crape Collars and Sleeves, Embroidered, Linen and Muslin Collars, Long Jgr Lawns, Plain and ? jU Emb'd U C. Handkerchiefs, N<? "ll'er floe AND FANCY" GOQBS. ,.1-vf ssfiien it will be llicir endeavor to sell as possible. 46-tf Alh 29 |< Plows, Stoves, ^ ^J? ^ 9 , WR keep oonstaiit-?>^3^ ft&K ly on hand h large us Kf -??aI sort-meat of Ono and u^a^jaw*' *^yiTe?nonn Turning, Kulmoil and Hillside *?mw{v9 winch wc challenge the world to equal in good work, ease of draft mid durability. VVe havo also n large nud beautiful assortrueot of Cooking, Parlor, bining Koom, Bed Boom nud Church STOVES, to which we unru$ul?rly enll tho attention of those who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash and Stock BOILlvRS, Corn it hell era. Straw Cutters, ?tc\ Copper, Sheet Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Well 1'uinps furnished ar>d put up. Wc nlso are making and receiving froiu New York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanoso Waro, among which the Ladies may find a great vnrio ty ot t'ake cutters ami iiuae i uus. FOOT And BATHING TUBS, or any other Article in our line, made to order, mid Painted in the best manner. We are nlso prepared to do ICuofiHK ami duttorliitf in the lntcst and best manner on short notice. Country Merchants invited to examine our stock of rjn/,ja. mr We say it is superior, and wc do not wish to have our word taken for it. Come and see. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees Wax und Old Pewter. lj$" Rags taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN 1UIOTHE11S. M!i I'd H if CHARLES HI CKEY, (Successor to Emunucl Currant,) MANUFACTURER OK LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DKALKR IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, JlfiACh'KTS, U'JX/)f) IF COIiNICKS, LOOM jNEOUIjDINOS, &C. 154 KINO 8TRKET, C1IARLKSTON, S. C. t?T Old Frames Ue gilt, equal to new. April tfO SI \y Third Door above the J\fon.sion /house, \VrOP 1.1) respectfully call the attention of ? t his Irieiids, ami the pnhlie generally, to his recent enlarged Stock of IMil'OSJ, MFDI( 1N IvS, &( . Physicians, Merchants, Farmers lie.ids of I-amilit'd, ami nil persons in want of Articles in Ins line, will do well to call ami examine his nssortment. Articles for family use, Spiees flavoring Kxtracts, etc., constantly ou hand. Also Pure Medical Wines and Brai.dv. Apiil 4 7 if J. j. no v kv w. it. IIOVKV w T-T "^invrv & fin i j.m.% v ju j. w UV/'i) I'liOl'KIICTOIJS OK TH E LADIES' STORE, DKAI.KltS IN FANCY Cc STAPLE DRY GOODS, DON N UTS, R I li HON S, Housokconiiv- Goods, SMBTjaifiii OhOTMJMS AND INDIA IirmiKU GOODS, ( Kin:*s. N. 15.?Ordrrs ncct?iii|>unieil l>v tl?<? onsli for Mrilifiil, l.:nv or I.Uimry Itool:*, Musical lustruinonts ntiil SmuliioK, |irorn|,tly filled in New Vork, mul delivered at our counter on shortest notice. Jnu 22 "7 lv HEAD! HEAD!! HEAD!!! IT WILL TAKB YOU IH T A 1'liW MINL'TKS, AND M AY S A VK YOU MANY YEARS OF SUFrERWO ! Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE (iHEAT PUhlFlEK OF THE BLUOD ! j The Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered! i'hyxieianx preseri/.e if, ami every one use* it ix .I wa'lriny advert is<ment. .\'o Afedieinr ever yet of. re.I In the . 1 :ncrican puldie ha* trained xneh popularity in xoxhort a time ax CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! It will Cure any ease of Scrofula. Jt will ('ure any cone of flhrumutism. It will Cure any cast of Syjthilix. Jt will Cure u)n/ of Salt Rheum. It t\.ee ...... 'r A' ' ??^--.v.. . .?wy i> curui'/ru. It will Cure any cane <j' Fever ami Ague, Or any Diseases arising from an impure state of I llC Hlood. SCROFULOUS RE A1 )ER! ! . cnreil the neico of the lion, lohn Minor Hot is, u inoinber of Congress from Virginia, of Scrofula, after the skill of the best Physicians, lioth of New York ami Philadelphia, hail heen tried in vain: ami it will cure yen, reader, if you arc so nlfeeted. V,1 IEUMATIC R! :A1 )KR! It cured P. Hurritt, F?q., of Cincinnati, of Rheumatism of -l years standing, after all other remedies had failed. We have hundreds of sueh cert .ideate*. Call on the A/cut and got a Hook and Circular, and read for yourself the many remarkahlo and astonishing cures it has made. SYPHILITIC READER! The celebrated Dr. Hotelier writes us that lie had two of tho most severe and long standing cases of Syphilis lh fit woul 1 yield to none of the usual remedies, hut. lie cured one case with six, nm! the other with nine bottles of CARTERS SRAKISH MIXTURE. Wo have known it used in over a T .oukahu casks, and have yet to hear of a fat lure in any case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS HEAD! Aoi e ani> Fevks.?Do not take Quinine, Mercury, or any such noxious Drugs, but try at once this great Alterative and Purifier of tho Dlood ; Carter'? Spaniek Mixture will cure any and every case of Agm* and Fever. Wc have nevct yet known it to fail. And for nil Diseases arising from an impure Mate of the Hlood, no medicine has ever yet been found to have so good an effect. If yon are sick, try it ni onoe; do not delni ; time i-. pr.-i-i .us, mid health the greatest of all blessings, without which all else is valileloss. DR. WM. ft. BEERS k CO., PltOPBIKTON*. Richmond, Va. And foes le y fE KRUTC , Druggist, Agent, . iMnvllle ('. t<., S. C. #-ly Mayas >s . ? *** * r .*< ? * % , j4>v" X> SPRING 1)1 IN CHARM ^fc-a [Late of the Firm of SUCCESSOR TO EE' 343 Kins Street, 0|i I1 NVITEB ATTENTION to hi* ENTIRELY NI?V (J EH MAN AND AM&IilCAF GOODS, . SSTJUVETk/EXSa In choioett Plaid, Stripes nnd Ohenea, of light ' expressly for city retail tra<!o. BOILED BI I Great attention lias been paid to obtain the b< ! Auieriean market, FLOUNCE In Silk, Barcgo, Grenadine, Tissues, Organdie, 1 constantly receiving. FRENCH AND E The Stock of tlieso Goods will invite a cl?se a nVtOXJDEUONri3N3 Bombasines, Alpacas, Gliallys, Crape Marat, C i eal Crapes, English Paramattas, Black Organdi< I Mourning Robes. .Mourning Mantillas, Mantles, I I and MurccHiuo of very choicest makes, always fl ! Al.^ iM LLaJU\JL^iU\J Host makes of Shooting, Shirting and PillowCrossing. Sti ipe?l shirting Linens, Linen Usual SI'lUXG CA SSI Mi A largo and varied Stock of Goods in this Doj ! and Summer wear, sneh as Tweeds, Light Civssini* P A, R A Sj 0 L, & A. N In 111ack and Colored, Lined and Unlinci best Scotch. Gingham and Sill; Unibiellas. ~ PLANTA1I Planters and their friends will always fiml wil and all Goods will be sold at the lowest market The Subscriber is now able to give his iiersom surpassed advantages in obtaining all the A'Z PMC Mi. together with his buyer constantly w Goods at less than the market value, he tools pr* filled. The One J'rice iyystrin rigidly nJJter> 213 King Street, Oppo May 1st. 1 S")7. WIl. 11 ALLEN, siT K< 11:< >x i > i:xt ist, | . HAS toiurned from I'hihide!I*'1'", J repnred. in every way, to ' IXlTJlt pei'furi : all op* rations in his profession is* the most skill*.1 and approved manner. I Having procured every improvement of the day, persons can saf* ly rely on having uvery opera* , Lion performed in th<> same manner us done in | I'lfcilndelphin or Now York. l-'.thcr and Chloroform given when desired. Persons desiring attention must make appointments previously. Z ~sf" Looms in Mcllcc's Duihling. March l!> 1 "> tf AGENCY FOR LIFE AM) Fill 12 INSURANCE! Wrj-Ei ^3]"JiLv\7ilLLji MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Stores and other Prop rtjr A(iAINST F1IIK: And the Lives of Whito Persons and Slaves, b. tween. the aye* of 10 ami do years, ON such terms its to fender it n most safe and desirable investment. Full details, with tin-('institution and Ry-Lft\v? of the Company, will he furnished on application to any of the Officers of the t'ompnnv. .10SK1M1 IX. OSROltXK, Prrs'i. SV.M. W. MoliO, Vice-Prs*. J as. U. Uavkix, Secretary A' Treasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agcut, Jan 8 35-1 y <1UKKN V11 .LK, S. C. f??vvi r* " '-a u? a til -mJ W ? m+i ?N V UimaJsJ IH) (> K STO It I", M AIX NTKKKT, N RXT TO McRKK\s i 1 ALL. JT", V W1IK15K constantly may he found jr a lni'!/0 and well selected Stock w!LJUV of .MI-OXLAXKOL'S, SCHOOL and CLASSICAL UOOK8, Writintf Paper, Blank Rooks, Mcinorandtnns, Ac.; Writiair Desks nnd fuses, Port folios, t?o!d and Steel l'ens, Pencils, Ink, Sonlthir Wax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Rooks, Inkstands, Rulers, do., Ac. J. C 1'- .ll-.Tl'lt, I Jan 15 3(\-ly Si>?n of the Rit( Rook. K. K iv 11TCI I S DRUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SH_P, ITXhKIt Mel IKE'S IIA Lis, \Y* lll'RK will he constantly kept on hand the t * fullest stock of I>RU<tS, Ml.I HUNKS, CI HMD'ATS, RATI'NT Medicines, Snrnieal Instruments, I'aints, Rvcstntl-1, \ arnishes, 1'iitty, Tohticco, Scaurs, Spit it 'las. Oils, Cnndles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes, Toilet | Articles, Cotnbs, Perfumery; and nil other articles generally kept hy 1 ?t u^i-fj. C ?r* l'r. sli and pure Drugs arc warranted and sold at low price* Compound medicines are prepared in the most careful wav. Receipts and prescriptions of nn\ kind put-i:i> v?jtL accuracy, neatness and die; patch. 2&-10m Jan B } \V\ S. LAWTON, ) ( 0. M. HHEAKKK, Formerly of j- J of Lnwtouvillc, S. ('. ) ( Charleston, S. C. LAWTON & CO., Fitclorx, I'oi'tvunllitK himI t cuimitiiioii .ri<:r<-liui>t?, Xfo. HO Tt'osf Buy and Boyce db CV# Wharf, &. Go, wiu. HRMCOTTON. RICK, FLOUn.WIlRAT, CORN, NAVAL STORKS, Ac. or flaring an experience of twenty-five years in business, ws guarantee satisfaction to nil who patronise us. JOHN K R A USE, F U 11 N 1 T U a B AND CABINET MAKER, ? ,i ,,,?. WOULD respectfully inform fflV "f Cireenvi.fe lid vithat, he has on )i?ml a lot. of FUUNlTURIi, which he will dispose of upon reasonable terms., lie has Chairs, Tables, Sofas, WaslisUuds. ?ke. Fine and Plain Furniture made !b order. Tils *h<ff? may be found on Avenne Street, between U ralli??> StorS and tito Confectionery, and nearly opposite the Court I Iluoee Greeflville, C\, Ang. 14-14-1/ ' t V CO ~ ! Browning cfc Let/tan} rCHUM & TAYLOR, iposite Hasill Strict, V nnd CH0IC15 STOGlCof FRENCH, ENGLISH, >f tLo J* EWiiiT SPUING STYLuS. El JSII^SLB, . texture and beautiful finish, carefully solcctod iAGK SILKS. jst Goods in illack bilks t'. at arc brought into the , ? KOiSUS, 4 and Jaconets, in large variety, very choice and ENGLISH PRINTS. ttention, being very full and at very low prices. G GOODel. Ihoice Black Bareges and l'oplins, Poplinetts, T)u 8. French mid Kuglislt Crapes in various widths, Hack l-'nuiise and Canton Ciolhs, Mousliu CcLniuc ?. i i (???!)? Case LINENS, of various widths nnd free from mrgs, Dowlas, Diapers, Toweling, Huckaback, etc. 'lrls, drills, cO a lurtment, suitable for Gentlemen and T>oyH' Spring res, Drop D'Lte, L'ariiier'sSatiii, Grey Flannels, etc. Dj U M B R E, L, L A. S;, 1, in :i!l the new designs, constantly received; OF GOODS. Ih me a full department suitable to their wanst, prices for Cash or City Acceptances, d nttentio.i to all Country Orders, and having un IWlitiT WOODS at the JLOWK8T POSNIULE etching the New York Auctions for all desirable [ pared to say that all orders will be satisfactorily 11 lu, inn! all Gwxl* Warranted. a. k\ bktm wiag, sito 11 useII Street, biox ok iiik "Turk." 5-2 tt XHW MI lalsINKJtY AN1) Dross-Milking Establishmont. 1 i>~, MRS. WALTS AN1) MISS I GORDON would respectfully call the attention of the Ladies of (Srcenviue and vi: oiiiitv to the fnet that they will open, on Snt unlay, the -1th iiat, one of Hie liiicstnnd largest stock" of French aiul American MII.l.INKRV j ever l?r Might to litis Town, which, for richness ] and eh-iraiicc, cannot tie surpassed, embracing j nil the late.-t ami most approved styles. Jieing confident that bone can go away dissat* } i.fied, they earnestly solicit an early call ami in* ; >p- etion of the same. Our terms lire low. Ladies' i ild ll.ats cleaned nnd made equal to a.-w. Misses' (iipsii-s cleaned ami imido ovor in ; ihe ino"t approved and latest ?iipsv style. | I.LGIIOK.N li A'IIS in large quantities. I Country Milliners supplied on reasonable terms. , ; House on Avenue Street opposite the Post OiVtee. 47?if April 'J GREENFIELD'S FAMILV MM STORE, ; UNDER M'BEE'S HALL--E'JRSEY!S OLD STAND. II'ST l!l'CK!V!'.l>, at the ubovc Store, a General Assortment of ! FAMILY GU0CKU1ES, selected t?v the proprietor, consisting of choice artich s ?>t Sl 'G A US, Coffee, Mohi-sc.-, Kicc, Hice Flour, 1 oh. etc., etc. To uil of which It, invites the attention of housekeeper.-, anil others. A pi il 28 00 tf Applo Vinegar. VFTNK nrlido to he had at the Family flrocert Store of A WATCHES, iodium abed E. I. l'I.\S?V (AGENT,) I>K0S leave to announee to the citizens of ) f.reeiirillc, and surrounding country, that lie has opened a Stock of the ahove-iiiiined Articles on Avenue street. In tin? Building formerly known as " Avenue Street Confectionery," >vliicL I lie will sell LOW for CASH. IIK WILL ALSO Repair and Fit Up WATCHES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, In tlie licet of style. Thankful to his former patrons and friends, for tliv*r liberality and patronage, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. * H" Give him a call, and he will endeavor to ph'USO. 87-tf -Inn ? W. P. PRICE, N O T A H V P IJ 1} L.1 C, AINU CLERK OF TuWN COUMlL, OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, a:- s?. <&a Will proinjitty attend to the collection of Note* iintl Account*, settling Clninie, Ac. G. 9. BOWER, ntHiiifnctiiror and Dealer in '"***"TV 1'UUNiTUKE of every deseription, CHAINS of every Myle. FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES,* the Conr/aree Jfonse, 1W. 11. COLUMBIA, S. C. ly F. BURTY, B Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Loather, *>%* OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BU0KST0?E. Gli RENVILLE, 8, O., Irt Prepared to furhhfc ctiafornAp n. ere with tbe above o rti&eft, <?H KAP CASJI. Having competent- workmen erijrtg'd. lie can a<*are ni* fMYorts that all work will be Neatly Lkmieand WARRANTED. I Feb 4 * tf 1 f*l4N ; 1RCUIA.'tJSf0VfcK tfjfcOMtS?ES WEEKLY. 25 Wn?E9Sis; Or, TOT ??S?!EU ?'DnvaCTi?. icliit 8. Jjtie is ihe Bulbar. WHO ht\? had luyears experience aa a Banker ami Publisher, ami Author of . .. A Her it* of Lecture? at the Broadway Tabernaclt when, for 10 anecefeaiva-niglita, over, J JtST 500.000 TVi>p1c J?jrwrt Greeted him wittf rounds of applause, while he exhibited the manner in whieti Counterfeiters execute their Frauds. and the Surest and Slfortest. Means of Detecting tiicmi I rlf ( The Batik Jfole Ming ravers all say he is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY EOIi ^ DETECTINfCOUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES /M Deecrihln* Ky.ry (Jenuine Bill in Kxistortee, nnd Exhibiting at a Glnnee, every j in Circulation 11 T^jSl Arranged so admirably, that KEFKJtKNCE is I Easy nnd DETECTION Instantan.-ous. wr No Is ilex to examine! No pages to Kriflt itnl But so simplified and arranged/that the M..ri?lmn? Hentrec nnd Business .Man onn see nil at a qlattee ! _ ENGLISH FRENCH ANJ) GERMAN.^. Time each may read the name iu hie own Native Tonguo. Most Perfect Bank Note List Published. Also, a Li*t of ALL THE PRIVA1E BANKERS IN AMERICA I A complete Summary of the Finance of Enrope and America will no published In each edition, together with all the Important News of the Day. Also, a SERIES OF TALES, from an old Manuscript found in the East. It furnishes th most Complete History of Oriental Life, describing the most perplexing positions in which the ladies and gentlemen of that country have been so often found. Those Stories will continne throughout the whole year, and will prove the most, entertaining ever offered to the public. rsri'" rrtished Weekly, to subscribers only, at *1 a year. All letters must be addressed to I john 8. dye. drokkti, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 WhII Street, New York. April 2.1 50 ly E.~ R. STOKE8, 1JOO K-IS I N I> E II, AND 131ank-2took Manufacturer, (In rear of Ctrsliti# Times Office.) ju 0 0 & as ?0 BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and mnnufaotured of the best materials and in tin: most durable manner. PERIODICA US, MUSI'' BOOKS, Ac., bound in every variety of style, at short notice. Country orders promptly attended to fll I>CC 4 HO ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION I riin.ADKJj'iiiA. 1 Important Announcement. rpO all pn-soas afflicted with Sexual Dim-uses. L. shell usSpermntorrluen, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet Syphilis, the Vice of Onanism, ?>r Self Abuse, ic , Jbo. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful'lesM'ticlion of hunrnn lite, caused hv noxuni i'lsojisc*, and the deceptions practised tip. on the unfortunate victim* otsueh diseases by Ipiuoks, have directed their Consulting Snrg?on, us a charitabt* art worthy of their nntne to givo MKiitc.w. advicb otATi.t, to nil ins thus nfllicted, who nnply by letter, with n description of their condition, (ugt; occupation, habits of life, itc.,) mi<l in cases of extreme (tovef ty nild ?uf fcring, to furnish mnlirinrs fr>e <f charyc. The Howard A^oemthni in a beiuvolent Inrt.itution, established by special endowment, for tiie relit; I of the sick mid distressed, ?filleted with " Virulent nnd Epidemic Disease*.w It hint now a surplus of lifeline, which the TDiroetor* have voted to expend in advert bring the above notice, it is needle** to add that the Aneocia lion command* the highest Medical skill oi the ng.-, and will furbish the most approved modern treat uiciit. .lust Published, by tl.e Association, a Report on sperinatorrJnkn, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onatiistn, Masturbation of Self Abuse, ,.nd other Iliseuses of tin- Sexunl Organs, bv the Con :a suiting Surgeon, which will bo cent by mail, (in -J a sealed envelope), Free of 6"liarge, on the receipt I of TWO ST A MI'S for pontage. Address, I>R. GEO. CALllOtJN, Constiltine Surgeon, Howard Association, No. X s?uth NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. iiy order of the Hlrector*. EZRA D. llAKT WELL, President. Or.o. Faircu)li>, Secretary. Feb r> SO tf OTIS' IMPROVED PATENT Lightning Conductors. r|"MJli subscriber bns purchased the Kight of 1 putting up tlio above description of Light ning Hods in Greenville l'istrict, and is prepared to execute orders for the same toe any extent and with promptness and despatch. Tliese Hods are conducted upon Scientific principles, and afford tlic only method yet discovered of absolute pro-- fl teetion again?'. lightning. Any one acquainted with the laws of electricity, will be immediately convinced of their ntility, upon examining them. ' Their value has been tested by experience and 9ft science, and bus been vouched bv hundreds of certificates from nil parts" of the liiian. From amongst these the following only are submitted. "I have carefully cxninhied Otis' insnlstcd' .v>xi Lightning C'oudiicUir, and liave it attached to the jA building iu whieh 1 reside. It is better ,ow w9 struct id, hikI more svourcly insulated, tbnn any wB3 form of I ighming Hods I bnve seen. It is neat and cheap, and if properly attached to Uie builds ing, cannot fail to aiford security ngai' it the loss of life and nropert \ by ideetricity I thero., fore recommend it as worthy of the oonftden?fb ^BtfF ,.t ?i.~ - ?* Troi. oi Chemistry, 4e., iu S. <7. College," Mr. P. 0. Wi'ttficld hat recently bonus with Otiw* itnnrovod Conductor, 1 b#*e?>>.W8, examined them with great care, and am ?ar,?ly>&j Ced that they ar<- the Wt Lightning Koilt e*?i*i constructed. The met Lode ot attraction aed ulatiou are new, and ?e?tn t?> mo to be perfect, I Con confidently reootinnoud tfiein to all persons h wishing to eccare theft- houses againet lightning o. j. elkohd." Any farther information may be obtained ott apphvut ion to -. IX <? W4SJTlKU\ -jifflBH May 8 5SM Preoi??iilc, a 0. PIANO^TUNINGS. satisfaction, or no charge will T1