University of South Carolina Libraries
COBPUMBNTAUT. THE BUTLEU OUATtDS WILL give s PARTY ty UU BxcoIUnoy Got. ALSttON, on Wedn**day> tk* td / 8*pt<i*ber, at the Mansion Uoose. | anion. junior. G?n W. TnoursoN, Capt IL L. tiirubton. 1 " a. iiumo, Lieut. a. d. hoick. < Col. E. P. J"nr> - T. G Coxa. " k. 8. irvine, leonard williams. 1 " T. r. rowland 0. T. hammond. " w. a. Town as, stephen f. long. ' msj. b. f. perry, | a. sloan duncan. 44 w. k. easlky. williams thompson. Greenville, August 20th, 1867. 16-2 J timiiii i ' - ?- i ' uvl l|iun t a t\m? AV AH.fl JUAl/XXi^. EMBROIDERIRS. < TIJ3T now received, n lot of the very finest tl EMBROIDERIES, such ts Cullnrs Undersleeves, Ac., which I offer to sell ottho very lowMt prices, for a few dare only. H. FURSTkNHKIIVt (ionDLrrr How*, In the jewelry Store oeoupied by Messrs. BaiOwens. 15-1 Au 20 J . Town Election. AN ELECTION for Intcndant nnd Four War- ! dens for the Town of Greenville, to serve ' for the ensuing year, will be held at the Old Court House, o? Monday, the 14th day of Sep- f tember next. f Foils to be opened at 9 o'clock, A. M., and . close nt 3 o'clock, I*. M. 1 Man Aniens?William Bayne, W. A. McDaniel C and S. I). Ooodlctt. i H. LF.F.T1IRUSTON, Intendant. W. P. Pmce Clerk of Council. Aug 20 15 td SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS ; ON REEDY RIVER, Five MIIm South of Greenville, S. C. STATE OF SOUTH~CAfi OLI XA. GRKKNVJLLK DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. C. J. Elford and J B. Sherman, Executors of B. j Dunham, deceased, va. The Oreeuviilo Manufacturing Company, Jacob Shaver, et nl.?Bill ' for Sale and Partition of Corporatcd Proper- 1 Its. Ae. | N pursuance of the Decree made in this case < by Chancellor Dargan, at Greenville July Term, 1857. I will proceed to sell, at public auo * tlon, to the highest bidder, at Greenville Court * House, on Sales day in October next, the follow- I tr a r tt a r? r ?y * ' ???v" ? >K r a uu j\nL,r, hANum or uie lirecnvillo I ( Manufacturing Company, viz: (TRACT NO.^R, containing 50 Acres, on which the Paper Mills, Ae., are situated, will be oold on Sale-day in November.) TRACT NO. 9, being the Dwelling House Tract, containing 224 Acres. more or less, hnving on it a large and comfortable Dwelling and OutBulldinns, and some Hot torn Hand on Reedy River. This Tract is sold subject to the nee of wash water for the Paper Mil), to be continued AS at present used. f TRACT NO. 3, containing 2t0 Acres, more or less, lving between the Fork Shoal lload and tteedy River. TRACT NO. 4, containing 191 Acres, tying ( between the Fork Shoal Road and Reedy River, and upon Marrowbone Creek, having on it a large portion of Bottom Land, of tho very best i quality. This is one of the most desirable plac- j ?a in the Dietrich TRACT NO. ft, containing 108 Acres, lying on Reedy River, below the Paper Mill. TRACT NO. 6, containing 80 Acr s, lying between the Fork Shoal and Augusta Roads, near the forks of said Roads. Plats of the premises can be seen at my office. I Tcrms.?One third of the purchase money in eash, the remainder on a credit of one and two years, in equal and auceessiva annual instalment--, with interest from dale, on bonds with at least two good sureties. 8. A. TOWNES, C. E. O. D. t Commissioner's Office, Aug. 19, 1857. 15-td SALE OF ] VE Y VALUABLE LANDS, MILLS, &.C., , la Andertoa District, S. C. ] WILL BE SOLD, at Greenville Court lTouse> 1 South Carolina, to the highest bidden ( on Sale-day in October next, the two following . Tracts of i-and, lying on Brnshy Qreek, in Anderson District, about ten miles from Greenville ( rS H l.n.Un?in.r trt th? nf iVI !?.?..I ? ?< "??fl "" vv. ""ii?jn? I Dunham, deceased, viz: | Tract No. 1. Containing Four Hundred and ( Sixteen and One-half Acres, more or leas. On this Tract ia a Fine Merchant Mill, with two ' etta of Flouring, and one of Corn Stoues, Bolt- I ?r, Stnutter, and everything complete. Also, a < Saw Mill, Still House, with three Stills, coin ^ fortalde Dwelling House and Ont-buildiugs, Millera' House, Distillers' House, Oood Fruit, Fine . Spring*. Twenty Acres first rate Bottom. The 1 shoal and water power is ouc of the best in the i\ State. r Traet No. 2. Containing Two Hundred and (Tliirty One and a Half Acres, more or less, having oh it a Oood Dwelling, and ubout 25 Acres c Bottom, lying immediately adjoining and above t Traet No, K These places have recently been surveyed, | and plats may be seen, or further information ohtaiued, by calling on the subscribers at Green * nrille^ 8. Tanua?One third cash, the remainder in two eqBal annual instalments, with interest from f date, or notes with two good sureties and rnort- ( gages of the preinisia C.J. ELFOUD, I J. li. SHERMAN, ? ^ ( ijfT w r'DAviST ; Watchmaker & Jeweler, < I??'' * p, TAKKJ the liberty to announce I to the eitixcns of Greenville, and > rwr~* JWthe surrounding country, that he [ JjyyqjJBPii* prenared to <lo nil manner of urerk in his line of business, such as , Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, ( r *11 of which shall he done in tlie r.eatent manner. Watch Wheels, Pivot*, Pinion*, Jewel*, Here we, 8 Hand*, Glass**, ell done at the ehortest notice, I And in ? workmanlike manner. Please give him t a trial, and you will be pleased. t tie also make* JKWhLUY to order, *nch as Ciold (iuard, Fob A Vetl C'balata, 6kv . All kind* of GOLD BUTTONS. snch as Bosom. fttaeve and Collar Button*. All kinde of tlair .,V .Rfork Trimmed in the neatest style Bin work cannot bo surpassstf in this part of lli* h))oj? may ho found on the North east cor- i ncrof tli-.! Court House Square, in front of the Mansion Kou,e. where ho will he pleased to h'-ts all Uioee who iua^ favor him with a call, SrTHK KliiKNbs OK I^, I. Tnr??r 4 anaounce him as a Candlduf c for Ta * Collector j lirikmi iii STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias to me directed, J will sell before the Court House door, at the usual hour* of ealc, ou the Urst Alonduy in KEPT1SMDER next. One hundred Acres of Land, moro or lew, adjoining lands of Mrs. Meiiugli, J. L. Westmoreland, et nl. ; as the property of Bever y B. Garrett, at tho suit of Snuiucl Griewold, it a). 350 Acres of Lund, moro or less. idjoinintr lands of F. II. Fuller, MoKinny, etal.; is the property of Wm. Fuller, at the suit of lame* Breckonridge, bearer. Terms CAStl* purchasers to pay tor titles. 1). HOKE, S. G. IX Sheriff's Office. August 12. la.Vf. 13-td STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. 3. J. Elford and James B. Sherman, Executors of Benajali Dunham, deceased, vs. The Greenville Manufacturing Company, Jacoh B. Shaver, Robert B. Greenfield, et ?l R:h a- O_? 1 r> ~ ?? .?-urn j<ir outr vim j-aritnon oj Corporate Property. Settlement, &c. [N pursuance of the decretal order made l>y Chancellor Oargan, at July Term, 1857, of the Court of Equity for said Disrict, in the above stated case, notice is heie>v given to all and singular the creditors of Hie Greenville Manufacturing Company to ippear before the Commissioner of this Court it his office at Greenville Court llonse, with n three months from the date of the publi ration of this notice, and establish their de nunds by proper and sufficient proof. S. A. TOWNKS, C. E. O. D. Commissioner's Office, July 9th, 1857. Jy 16 10 " 3m STATI^OFMlTilTA?()LlTNT. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. I'honias J. Tut pin, et al? vs. Thomas C. Markley.ct ux.. et al.? Hill for Jtclirf, d-c. TN pursuance of tho decretal order made L by Chancellor Dargan, at July Teim, 1857, of the Court of Equity for said District, in the above stated case, notice is herojy given to all and singular tne creditors of l)octor William P. Turpin, late of Greenville, 5. C., deceased, to appear before the Commis tinner of this Court, at his office at Green . ille Court House, within three months! 'rom the date of the publication of this no- ! ice, and establish their demands bv proper md sufficient proof. S. A. TOWNES. C. E. G. D. Commissioner's Office, July 9th, 1857. Jy 16 10 3 m MRS. M. OLSON, AT GREENVILLE (V II s n nkati.y EXECUTES in every variety of style, vil: Bracelet*, Necklaces, Vest and fltiard Chains, Breast Pins, Ear Rings of all |>;?terns, Hearts, Crosses, Anchors, Finder Kings, kc. ifJiT Near the old Baptist Church. [~%f Ilsir sent by mail promptly attended to. $?& July 10 _ 10 " 7 Inhalation in Consumption, DKONi'lllTIS, LAItlftUITlS, . !nd other Dimtscs of the Chest and Throat, success/ally treated by the. Inhalation of Medicated Vapors and Powders, by Ah sorption and Constitutional Treatment, as practiced at the Si avvesant Medical Institute, Mew York City, M. Y. I^llE unprecedented success which has at tended this method of treating diseases >f the Lungs and Throat, has induced the Physicians to depart from their usual course, md avail themselves of the columns of the Press to make it known iO such as may he aooring under, or predisposed to, such affecions. Tlie dawn of a brighter day has at engtli arrived for the Consumptive?the footrine of the incurability of Consumption ias now passed away. Wo have indubitable proofs in our possession, that Consutnpion, in all its stages, can be cured : in the irst, by tubercular absorption ; in the second, >y the transformation of tuber exile into holkg and calcareous concretions ; in the bird, by cicatrices or scurs. Those wedded o the opinion of the past may assert that it o even now incurable. Such are behind the ige. To all this great truth must be nppaent, viz: that medicines inhaled directly nto the lungs, whether in the form of Vapor >r Powder, must be more effectual than that aken into the stomach. In short, the only irk of refuge for the Consumptive is in [?Dilation, and such additional means, of vliicli the judicious Physician will avail liinself. Such of the Profession that have adopted nhalation, have found it soothing and tjffi acious in the highest degree ; arresting the )royr< us <f the disease, and working wonders n many desperate cases ; in verity, a triunpli of our Art over the fell destroyer of! iur species. Note.?Physicians wishing to make thenielvcs acquainted with this practice, are inormed that our time being valuable, we can mly reply, as to ingredient* used, to such elters that contain a fee. The fee, in all case* of Consumption, will' >e $10, on receipt of which the necessary nedicines and instrument will Ik* forwarded, applicants will please slate age, sex, occupa ion, married or single, how long affected, if iny hereditary disease exists in the family, ind symptoms generally. Let the name, own and Stale be plainly written?postage or return answers must be enclosed. Lcters, if Registered by the Post Master, are i our ri?k. Address WALLACK MERTOUN, M. P., 8. M. Institute, N. Y. City. July 10 10 6in Tceomlk, d , ft a dThoke, *. d. PRAOTTTIONJCKS OT MEDICINE & SURGERY, Grednvllle a. C. ^ OFFICE Ksst Corner of Molice and Wash Hfington Strwsts. occupied by l)r. Crook for tfllfte lAtf tw?atytwo tsars. M y *1 i ifm JAS. B. HILL'S CHEAP STORE, At B. Dunhan'i Old Stand. NOTICE THIS. WTSfTT) "AVISO MADE LAROE^*^ jS&YnjTfl additions to my usual Stock, I IT IJnnJ having completed arrangements for a more extensive business, i would respectfully invite tlie nttention of my former customers, nnd the public generally, to ruy present stock of FANCY & STAPLE 1)RYGOODS, TIN WARE, ' CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, !, JEWELRY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, I; Factory Yam, Tobacco, Scyars, etc., <tc. ft All of which 1 am offering at great bargains for ^ cash, country produce, rags, beeswax or old copper. ^ Dry Goods Department. A great variety of Summer Material, for Gents, V and Bova' Wear, at. all prices IllISU LINENS, superior quality, from 50 conts upwards Linen Drilling, for Pants Gents' Half Hose, white nnd colored Ladies' Hosiery and Gloves, of all descriptions and prices Brown nnd Blenched Sheetings, Shirtings and Drillings 1 a nnawis, suitable for the Reason?verv cheap | ^ A large assortment of CALICOES, nil prices and styles Swiss, .Tnconett, Hook and Potted Muslins Linen Handkerchiefs, for Ladies and Cents, from 12| to 00 cents?some very tine" A lnrire assortment. <>f Dress Muslins?some beau- -t tifnl patterns?from 0 to 20 cents per yard ^ A choice selection of Bareges and DeLiunes? very cheap Merinos and AI paeons, from 2.5 t<} 50 ets. per yard ( Also. Fishing Tackle of every description Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes Coinhs of every description Playing Cards; Vienna Matches ^ Fans in great varie y ; Cornelian Rings a Hooks and Eves ; Marhles Colored Spectacles, double glasses; Key Rings Wrapping, Letter, Bill and Foolscap Paper JEWLRLY, in setts warranted genuine, at un precedented prices Coral Necklaces; Needles; Pins; Tapes Buttons of every description A good assortment of Satin, Lutestring, Cause, ^ ami other qualities of Ribbons Toilet Soaps; Shaving Cream ; Cologne Jet Bracel.-ts ; Sewing Silk White and colored Spool Cottons Bareges for Veils, all colors . With mnny other Article* too numerous to mention, all of which I am offering at prices to suit the times. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TIN WARE and TIN PLATE. Having superior Workmen. 1 inn at all times prepared to do Rooting and Guttering, or any work in this line, with neat- J ness and dispatch, and on the most accomnio- _ dating terms. j A call is respectfully solicited. I am always happy to show Goods. J. II. HILL, One door below the Goodlett House, Maine Street, opposite Roberts A Duncan's. J une 25 7 tf AMBROTYPES A*I> MLLAnOTl PKS. \ Jlorc Beautiful Thau liver. THE INIMITABLE 'RAISED1 AMBROTYPES. '] ^ PERFECT representation of Nature, and the i ? Hiyncn itiNH' OI UIO Afl; ll.M'AUl.Mi llllil DURABLE. also. j TILE ME LAIN OT YPE, Another and a later triumph in the art o' l'ho- j i tography, admirably adapted to Medallions, I Rmachcs Lockets, Rings, ic. ' The siiliuribcr takes pleasure in announcing 1 to his friends, the Ladies and Gentlemen of j t Greenville and surrounding country, that he is at iiomk aoaim, and ready to execute anything in | < the line of his profession that neocssity er faney may suggest. lie will also take this occasion to say?once 1 for all?that the scpRRurtirrv of his Pictures over all foreign "catch-penny" affairs, is too well known and acknowledged to require any resort to the very common practice of "pn/Jhifj," in or der to bring them into notice. frSf" Just come and tee for yntirtelvtt, and be tatitfird. Prices MoKKRATK?fro n $1 to ?5 and $8, ac- " cording to site and style. Gallkrv on 'in kloor ok McBct's IIall. mm* Complete instructions given in the Art. U. H. LANNKAU. . PlIOTOORA PUS beautifully colored in oil, ( by the subscriber. 7-tf June 25 NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCfK or mrXT iT .UVERY |j AND LADIES' GOOES. \ M R S. WALT O N jKTflW MOST respectfully informs . nfe-^-i'uSr^|'l?,r patrons and friends Uji. L Maud the lAulies generally, that j?\ / \a hSUi/H',w ',ns j,"t I'eturned from New '2^York with a New ami lleauti- r ful S,ock of MIL1'1NKliY. of ^er ow,i selection, consisting of n STP AW Xr XT T A UriT TT A -rr onnroma ?? .? ^ **aju4 vmiiiH JL>V/iUV?iiOf 1 " And n now and beautiful variety of Eugenie Shaped. '< She also wishes to coll the attention of the I 1 Ladies to her assortment of FLOWKItS, which [' is the finest and most beautiful ever brought to j J Greenville, ami to her stock of DRGFS CAPS and j " HEAD DRESSES, and CRAl'K and MOURNING ! BONNETS. P CST Dresses made in tbe very latest style and 1 !' best manner. Orders from the Country promptly attend- /ed to. 4H-tf " April ? ' Notice. AI.L PERSONS indebted to the Firm of F. r F Beattie <fc Co. up to the first of January laat are requested to cull and pay the same, and those persons having Notes due the subacid- ' her of several years standing would do well v to pay attentiou to this Notice. F. F. BEATTIE. July 2, 1857. ? 8 F. 0. DUKES, " i PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL J PLASTERER. Jj GREENVILLE, S. C. b HT Residence at Mr. Jaudon'?> opposite the i Female College. 11-tf July 23 AT THE GKEENVILLE COACH FACTORY, Main Street* Next the DrMyc, rHE Largest and Beat Stock of CARRIAGE GOODS AND MATERIAL ever offered for ale in the State, selected carefully and especialy for Carriage Manufacturer*. A large stock and heat variety of Axles for luggies, Carriages and Wagons; common and est tempered Steel Springs ; Black and Colored Enamel and Patent Dash Leather; Black and Eolorcd Enamel Cloth*. Drills and Duck*; Oil ud Brussels Carpet; Buckrams and Russia heetings; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mats; Erass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass, ilver. Bone and Japan Nails ; Silk and Worsted road and narrow Laces; Silk, Worsted and Cotjn Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Duggv seat, ticks; and u complete assortment of Mailable Eastings. Carriage Makers nro particularly requested to all aud examine our stock. For sale cheap by GOYYER. COX & MAUKtEY. HUBS AND SPOKES. Wr. arc now prepared to supply Manufactufi'i'9 with the bo'.t Morticed Hubs mid 'nrned Spokes, of our own manufacture, and warranted. For sale t.y GO W Eli. COX ?.fc MARKLEY. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, Drab and (irewt ljl Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton und Allfool Damasks. For sale l?v (JO WEll, cox'it M A11KLEY. 7ARRIAG E MAKERS' AND CARRENTERS' TO 0 LS. VLAROE stock and variety of 'ho best Tools to ado, and u few setts fancy Rosewood ltd Boxwood Planes. For sale l>\* GOW Ell, COX <k MA11K LEY. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!/ N'OW on hand, the largest stock of Iron ever offered in this market; Spnrtnaburg Iron nd Castings; Kind's Mountain Iron; English (eftned Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; Horse hoc; Half Rounds; Half Ovals ; Baud Iron and loop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedes aid Hammered, for wagons, tires and plantation fork. On hand, cheap for cash, 6,000 lbs. Rusted Mow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron For ale by COWER, COX <fc MARK LEY. STEEL! STEEL! ! STEEL!! ! N'AYI.ORS. SAUN DKRSON a J ESS CP's bevt Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and tint ?for File edge tools, axles and drills, German and Ulster Steel, for plantation work. For sale bv COWEll. COX ct MAllKLKY. 3.000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. VSSORTED sixes, suitable for Farmers and Mechanics. For sale cheap by COWEll. COX A: MARKLEY. ON 1IAND f \ f \ I.BS. best lthiek Florida M.>?* nn.t ?,IAJU Curled llnir, picked, in bags. For sale bv GOWER, COX MA UK LEV. SAX/) PA I'Kit AX J) GLUE. IAROK assortment of the Diamond FlintSand _J Paper, beet article made, for Halo bv GO WEIL COX Ac MA UK LEV. PAIXTS, OILS, WTXDOW GLASS A XI) PUTTY. ON hand, n largo assortment Paints, Oil*. Ac. Pure, Extra hml No. 1 White Lends; Raw iinl Boiled I.iudseed Oils > Winter, laperm.Solar, Lamp, Kent* Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; 'oacli Body nml Co|'ftl Varnish ; Japan, Aspalurn and Leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine: recns; Yellows; Illues; Lakes; Links; Dropduck; Lnmpldnck ; lte<l; Spanish Brown; I'm >er; Suawa; French Ochre, ?tu. American nml French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. For salo l>v GO WEIL COX Az MAllK LEV. IIEA VY i0 SIIELF HARD WARE. V LARGE and well selected stock For sale cheap hy GOWER. COX Ac MARK I.ICV. SURE \VS ! SURE IILS' / / r\C | GROSS of the Improved (Jiinblet I'oint JvU Screws. For sale hy GOWER, COX Az' MA UK LEV. SAWS! SAWS// nOF. A Go's Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut and Tvnnon iftws; Hand, Panne! and Ripping Saws; Bras* ,nd Blue Bftck Saws; a complete assortment of VebhSaws, with and without frames For sale by GOWER, COX Az MAUKLEV. May 28 3 tf i ii nunniDJi la 11. UlLUIUlil \U I THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, BROS to say, that nil kinds of HAIR WORK f every variety of st vie of l>rui<f iiilT. will l?e (>r amenttid or Mounted with Gold, in the neatest tanner. an?l returned to those at n distance per tail or otherwise, as directed, (linirenn he sent iut in letter per mail.) Row Breast Pins, Nocksees. Bracelets, Side, Vest and Guard Chains, Irosses, Finder Rings, Far Rings, Ac., of various attcrns, put up neatly, nnd any article admiting the name of the owner engraved thereon, hall, for the engraving, he free of extra charge. lie also makes and repairs all kinds of Jewelry ; taunts with gold or silver the Heads of Walkng Canes; mutches Spectacle Glasses; and, lastY Engrave* on all manner of Plate. (tffiee 60 yard* East of old. Court House, and a vie pace* from the Enterprise Office. Greenville, S. 0., -June 25. '57. 7-tf NOTICE. rllK Books of Account and Notes of JOHN BURttEY, have been placed in our hands >r collection. If not paid hy Return Day, thev rill be sued on indiscriminately. KASLEY A THHUSTON, Je 25 7-tf* Attorney* ??t I,nw. NOTICE. pF.USONS indebted to the late Firm of Bra L Turpin A Jonks, and whose Notes and Acaunts have been placed in my hands for colls?, ron, are notified that unless payments are made efore Rctnrn Day next, they will bo sued. W. P. PRICE, Attorney. June 9K 7 td GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT. COKKKCTKD WKKKLY t'OK TIIB KNTBBPB1SB By Orady & Ooodlett, Merchants. Okkknvilme, AUGUST 10, 1857. BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, u 25 Dundee, a 20 BACON .,. .Ilnm*, per lb., new, 18 Sboulders, " 14 Sides, " 1 a ling round, 18 BUTTER .. .Goshen, per lb. noue. Country, per lb. 20 COFFEE.. .Rio, per lb. 15$ Java, per lb. a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 0$ a 11 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Osnabuigs, per yd. 12$ a 14 j FLOUR .... Country, pei bbl. 80 a 80 Country, sack, 8:1 GRAIN Corn, pe' bushel. 80 Wheat, per budiel. 81.00 OaU, j.ei bushel, none. IRON Swedes, per lb. G$ a 7 English, per lb. ti 6$ LARD per lh. u 10 MOLASSES. W. 1. per gal. 80 N O., j)er. gal. new orop, 81.25 SYRUP...." " per gal. " OILS Lump, per gal. 81$ a 8'2$ Train, per gal. 87$ a 81$ Linseed, 81$ lice rmp n. ? BI HOPE per lb. 15 a 20 SUGARS...N. Orleans,per lb. a 15 Porto Rico, por lb. a 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crushed, per lb, 20 Refined, per lb. a 10$ I SALT per bushel, &1 Salt, per sack, $2 00 i SOAP Colgate,pale, 12$ ? 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 jSlIOT ]x.-r lb. 12$ SLot, per bag, a $2 J i iiavamTeoaksT IMPORTED DIRECT, BY II. FURSTENHEIM, From Mateo, Gacnz ct* Co., Havana. rPllE genuine T'lantation [.a Ehlo.ado X The finest Opo-a La Victoria ! 1'be real Concha El Ranio 1 La Australia Loud res -j La Attila ( La Rosalia Regalia La Girid La Xigotiana ; Opera Confienzia. El Cinto de Orion. Ail of the finest Brands anil Varieties, at II. FURSTEN HELM'S. Jy 25 It Goodlett Hnnso. GUIIILWILLE CONFECTIONERY. 'I'MIE subscriber lias returned to Greenville. 1 and commenced business Opposite the I 'latisioii House, where mnv be found on I hand, CONFECTIONERIES, JELLIES, BRANPIED FRUITS, Ac. Having procured n Aro. I Pastry Cook, FRESII CAKES, Of ninny kinds, can be had every day. A SALOON, For the accommodation of Ladies and Gentlemen, has been neatly arranged, where, at all hours of the dav end evening, an EXCELLENT ARTICLE of ICE CREAM may be had, together j with Cooling l>vink? of several kinds. Feeling myself much indebted to my friends I for the very lihrral patronage bestowed upon me | when in Business on Avenue Street, I hope, by a utiicn tnor* Unit attention to Ousirns*, to merit a ! renewal of their favor*. 1\ S. SMITH, Agent. Jo 4 -l tf REED & (i0GDI ETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW | SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Greenville, S, '. 1 i fT OFFICE next door to F. F. liEATriE^Co..?J J. I?. KKKD.J [fi. D, GOOD I.KIT. JllUC 4 4 tf ORR & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. ! JAMES L. ORR. WM. P. PBIOE. ! j April 23 50 j Elford & Donaldson, vVS ^lanaajssr^aiWXia,, s. C. J. ELFORO. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jan. 10 35 3m ?T- C. JETHJFL, ATTORNEY AT LAW A N U SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL PRACTICE IN tup miiotc .ic rue wcctcon wooiiit i | ... M.N VtfVIII V *1 MIL MLUIUIIH UiniUlll Office in the Greenville Bookstore, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 4*4 ly I I. .1U LI US SM IT H, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENVILLE.\ S. C. June 18 C if SPANISH CIGARS. ALAllQE lot of choice lir?iid. just received end fur snlu at the Druj? More of April 2 47-tf J il. DEAN. bacon. fv AflA LUS. uu hand and for sale hy .J.UUU A. GKEliNFlLXTV 7 J J 2 8 If ^andy: ~ ,4 FRESH ?upply ot excellent CA^fAY now rV on l.and and for ?a)? at the Drop More of April ? 47 if J. H. DEAN. 'v nt zn f -Jg-.?' J L'JMllCJ LJ-Jl Wow is tht! Time# PERSONS indebted u. MT. H. HOVKY. or W. II. HOVRY it CO.. |irerioo* to the first of ^ January, 18?7. will please t*Ve notice thnt th# FJ mo.icy Is novded bv tli-ni, and if not fortlicoM-' f 1 in* th?T will bo obliged to force the vol lectio* of the tonm W. II. IIOVKY A CO. July 10 10 2m Helmbold's Genuine Prenaratiotf OK 'j HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FIUW? EXTRACT BUCHU, Fcr Dls'at*t of the Bladder, A'idneyi, Graeel r. fifty, II Vat lost, OlrtrmrtioN. Be- >t jPyietutt, Female Complaint*, and nil /Jitrasci of the Sexual Orgia Arising from Exocescs mid Imi>ruden*ci?e it. life, and removing nil ItuT.?u.";bJfTSjJJf?lUjt bladder. Kidneys, or Sexual Organs whether existing in len&j&ai From whatever cause tliey may have originated. AND NO MATTE A OF HOV* DONG STANDING Oivittg Health and Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom to the j'a'liJ Cheek. . Joy to the Afflicted! ? It cures Nervous nnd Debilitated Sufferers, and removes nil the Symptoms, utuoug v>bieh will be found Indisposition to K.vertion. Loss of Powefc I.oss of Memory, Difficulty of Brcnthincr (ienenil W.<ainM? Horror of Weak Km'rt, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death. Night Sweats, Cold F?*et. Wakefulness. Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of' the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite. with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Ilauds, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, and Eruptions on the Face, Puis iu the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Frequently Black Spots "Flying before the Kj**/ with Temporary Suffusion and of Sight, Want of Attention,Great Mobilit\*. Restlessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to stub patient* than solitude, and nothing they nn>re dread for fear of themselves ; no repose of manner, no earnest ness, 110 speculation, hut a hurried Transition from one question to another. These symptoms if allowed to go on?which his medicine invariably removes?soon follow* Lot* of Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Fitt?\n ono of wliieh the patient may expire. Who can *Ay that those excesses are not frequently followed by those direful disc-uses?INSANJ TY AN J! CONSUMPTION? The record*of Insane A*yhunt, and the melancholy deaths of Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appear*, the countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute?neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it. bhould a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely arlieulutu. " With woful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible I and has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the ambition of many noble voutlis. It can be uurcd by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDYIf you are suffering with nnv of the above distressing ailment*, the FLUID EXTRACT BU v CHU will cure you. Try it, aud be convinced of its efficacy. Beware of Quack Nostrums and Quack Doctor*, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid tliein, and save Long Suffering, Money and Exposure, by sending or calling | for a bottle of this Popular and Specijic Kennedy. It allays all pain and iiitinmmatioii, is perfectly pleasant in its taste and odor, but immediate iu its action. HolmboltTs Extract Buchu Is prepared diicetly according to the Utiles of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, with the greatest accuracy arfcl Chemical know* ; ledge and care devoted in its combination. Sco 1 Professor Dewek's Valuable Works on the l'rueI ti/?? ,?f o...l -f ?l-~ l-? <a?? l-i . ...?IV? uivov vt iuv uivu oiniuiuru I Works of Medicine. tfS-m ?B? <? ??.: One hundred dollars will l>e paid to any I'hy! sicinn who can prove that the Medicine ever injjured a Patient; and tlic testimony of thousands lean he produced to prove that it docs great good. ! {.'uses of from one week to thirteen years' standj ing have heen effected. The mass of VOLUN jTAIlY TESTIMONY in possession of the Proprietor. vouching its virtues and curative pow| ers, is immense, embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. 100,000 Bottle* Have Keen Sold, I And not a single instance of a failure has been J reported. Personally appeared before me, an Ahlermnn j of the eity of Philadelphia, 11. T. llKLMBOLlV 1 t'heinist, who, being duly sworn, does say, tha his preparation contains no Nurcotic, Mercury I or injurious Drug, but arc purely Vegetable. II. T. HELMBOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before aic this *23d day of November, 1S54. \VM. P. limn.\RD, Alderman. Price $1 ]>cr Pottle, or Sir for fco, Delivered to rtvy Address. | Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificate* from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clcr-' gymen and others. Prepared and sold b\* II. T. 11 ELM BOLD, Praotical aud Analytical Chemist, No. 52 South Tenth St., below Chestnut, Assembly Buildings, Phi la. To he had of Drs. ,T. 11. ]>can, Mivis ?t I?ng, M 11. Eaule aud Emil Kartell, l)ruggi*t?, Greenville, S. C., and of all Druggist* and Dealers throughout tlie L'nited States, Canadas andBritish Provinces. Beware of Coiuiterfeitji. Ask for HELMBOLD'S?Tafcft no Other. C UR AIS G U A RAN TEED. " July 2 9 ly DR. J. ]l77)EAN, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals* PerAmicry, rqii)i3, Oil?, Wq'r?)IslK?,SUc-Sluffi?, ros&oo?, OBQAR9,| FINE TOILET KOAPM, PINE IIA lit AND TOOTlt nitlJSIiES, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Me? 1 it-innl I'sm, TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, &C., fcC, Third Door above the. Munition Jfousc, f*rrcnvillc, H. (I, esr Medicine* warranted getniiue and of the hast quality. Planter* and Physicians from the country will find hi* stock of Stedieinen complete. | Feb 12 4? W , Fruit Cniitlies. Afresh lot just received at th? GREKFVrtT F. OOSF*?TlO*TT:T. l|f> ii tr